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1,19(8 =::" GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! orf More drab and dreary days. Today partly cloudy. s OWQJ1 Tomorrow considerGble cloudiness. No. 278-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, August 14, 1946-Five Cents mts Were 11lce over ,..... , pev ..... 1a 1111 , Walter II at ... II"",Market ' I rfllOl1e4 I dIat.... allure to ..... /" . Itrol, n- . Ihe frotal ~ MolotOY I (Iaims Iialian Plea a 1", Iv .. ,., Bri!ish Soy U.S. Funds Finance Promi~es ~o~stitutional R~le Iversw.. nbnuter 'ried to Exploit Allied Split I alld. U Ua,1. I. An.- Soviet Delegates Lend Support to Romanian onl, • Illega/immigration to Ho/y L.and ForLa~~~~~s,~~~:~m~~~!~n; rtpOrW AHempts to Gain Modification of Peace Terml IUt. Agr... to Negotiate All Pending Problems LONDON (AP)-A colonial oC- Britain announced new phases allreed to negotiate with Britain lastine until this morning. In I; on the PARIS (AP)-Calling Italian Premier Alcide De Gasperi's fice spokesman charged yesterday "without restriction" on the Pal Tel Aviv, police said a man lele 'lYe IIId In the drive to half illegal Immi- NANKING, WEDNESDAY (AP)-Genel'alissimo Chiang suggestion for a year's delay in deciding the fate of Trieste an at that "American financial sources" estine problem, but specifi£d the phoned a hotel, warnin. that the by ClIO I gration to the Holy Land where Kai·Shek today promi'led sol mnly to euo Kuomintang (govern tempt to "exploit divergencies of views among the allie ," V. M. were responsible (or "encourag ad Jack Jews should not be represented building was to be blown up in ml'nt) one party rule and institute a constitutional gO\' rnment in. Molotov, Russian foreign minister, said yesterday at the European ing and directing" illegal irmni yesterday British troops fired on ,nue, col- rioting Jews. at the proposed forthCOming con- two minutes, but nothing happen China" without delay, despite all obstacles. " peace conference that the plea was based on a hope "to upset graUon ot Jews 10 Palestine. (erence. le to the Asked to elaborate on the gov The British declared they would ed.) 'llbe statement, lSSued on the first anniversary of the sur... Nas fined c-erlllin compromises of the foreigI' ministers council." ernment's statement Monday that confiscate all lllegal immigrant Taken to C),prus render of Japan, broke Chiang's silence at the height of China's I a stop That appeal, h said," can meet with no support from this eonfl'rence. " • "very large financial contribu ships caught in Palestine waters, Troops Battle Rioting The disorders started shortly new crisis brought on by months of stubborn civil strif . Ie to hIa but would not seize the vessels It came (our days after the American envoys, Ambassador Wh'en Molotov ended bis Itali.n reply, Romania, second tions" supported the mass exodus Jews; Three Killed after the sailing of two British 01 European Jews to Palestine, on th high seas. The colonial former enemy state to plead her cause before the conference, last troopships carrying 1,000 illegal John Leighton Stuart and General Georg Mar hall, announced the spokesman declined to specify omce and the admiralty, outlin HAIFA, Palestine (AP)-Brltish Immigrants to Cyprus and tem that 8 gen{,l'al peace (or China appears impossible. night suppol'ted Ru sian treaty proposals, but opposed most of individuals or organizations. Ing plans tor aealing with Uttle led tbe terms advanced by the western powers and demanded reo troops firing rifles and tommyguns porary detention there. G ncral Marshall, special pre. id ntial envoy, ha bl'en work· He recalled, however, "the many Immigrant ships In the Mediter ing since last December to bring the Commllnists and tll govern rt parations from Qermany and Hungary. ranean, said the navy would spot killed three persons and wounded The Immigrants were the first advertisements In United States to be diverted to Cyprus under ment together. Romanian Foreign Ministt'r Giorgiu Tatarescu praiseil Rus. and shadow the vessels into ter seven yesterday In battling crowds new British policy aimed at halt- newspapers appealing tor money In 8 lengthy statement issued at the ummel' capital of Kuling, Akron, 8ia for asking only $300,000,000 in reparations from Romania to aid European Jews to get to ritorial waters "where It is legal ot Jews rioting In protest against Ing unauthorized Immigration. ChiRn~ laid down a six point governmental progl'aJn for hinl!. It lice court which he Raid )Vas model'ate, and lauded the Russians for others Palestine by illegal means." l!e for British forces to board and th shipment ot 1,000 illegal JEW- Even as they sailed, another of theil' proposals. cited one advertisement, publiSh Qe arch any cra!l." ish immigrants to Cyprus. ship, the Fenice bearing 650 imml- inclu<1t'd a decision 10 use polHical mans to Ii ttIe political dj£ e 6, was But point by point, he rejected ed last April, which he said car CaJJs for A.Jd Nearly 2,000 Jews, obeying an grants arrived oft Haifa barbor f{'rences and negotiate all pending problems-"but only if the ,ar with- many of the proposals advanced by ried the phrase: "American dol In London, Abraham Abrahams, underground command to defy a and reports said the ship tried ;;ommunlsls give assurance and f the western Allies, such as the lars pitted against British arms." editor of the Jewish Standard strict curfew, raced down hlll- to land Its passengers on the evidence tba t they will carry out Ick EdIe demand for compensation for de Admits Payin, for A.d and a member of the New Zionist side streets and hurled stones and beach. A police gunboat Inter the truce agreement, restore com lined t2 struction or seizure of Allied prop LaFolieHe Has (In New York, Ben Hecht, play executive, declared in a formal bottles at troops and police guard- ceptEd the vessel , firing across H. G. Wells munica tlons, respect deciSions of r erties. wright, and chairman of the Na ' tatement: ing the docks area with barbed I her bow when she ignored an or executiv headquarters, and in es 01, .1 SupPort Romanl.'s Plea tional Committee Cor a Free Pal "We caU upon the United Stotes wire barricades, tanks and truckJ. der to stop. The Fenice was an tegrate their army into a national Rodge", Then In quick succession, Soviet estine, said his organization had 10 extend to our refugees their One of those killed was a 19- chored outside the harbor, with army." lader, N. Slighllead' . Delegate A. Y. Vi,hlnsky and paid for the advertisement men help and assistance and to advise year-old girl. A moving tank 11'1- her passengers probably dutlned Dies al #79 The extraordinary message did loch and Czechoslovak Delegate Jan Mas tioned by the colonial office their occupation forces In Europe jured one person. to be sent to Cyprus. not mention the Stuart-Marshall t be , statement on the impossibility of aryk, in w ha appeared to a spokesman and declared: \0 give tbem every comfort." Divert (mw,ranl. ItOO More virtual eastern linellP behind Ro ~x-Progressive Holding ("We w!l\ continue our efforts The statement urged the gov The riots broke out after the Fourteen hundred immigrants Noted Writer, Historian bringing the two tactions together maDia, lent their support to Ro Margin in WilConlin'l and try to Increase them one hun ernments ot France,. Belgium, sailing of two troopships carrying sUll were aboard two other ships in a generai armistice. mallia's plea. dred told. There hasn't been Holland, Switzerland, Czechoslo the first group ot immJgrants di- which arrived last week. They Had Been ;n Failing Lists Polic)' , Tatarescu said his nation was GOP Senatorial Race enough money raised yet. Ameri vakia, Romania and Greece " to verted to Cyprus In the new Brll- will be permitted to stay in Pales Health for Long Time Chiang said the government', determined to pay back the fault can support of Palestine Is in its Op En thel r boundaries in order Ish policy of blocking all Illegal tine after clearing throullh the policy will be: she committed and build a new Bf The A8S00IATED palss infancy." to allow escaping European Jewry immigration Into the Holy Land. Athiet Quarantine camp, officials "Firstly, end the present pollt1.. framework for the social and po- Sen.tor "Bob" LaFollette maln- LONDON (AP) - Herbert let th same time a leading Lon ttanslt through their territories." Jewish residents left their homes sald. George Wells, prolilic author and cal ,overnmenl without delay, de litical life of her country. talned a thin lead for WIII~lDlIln's don Ipokesman for the New Zion A British foreign oUice spokes after the secret radio of the Jew- The new British policy calls historian hailed as one of the great spite all obstacles. The nationaL The Soviet and Czechoslovak re- Republican senatorial nomination ist organization said the British man said that all the countries Ish underground Hagana called lor deporting all Immigrants who assembly definitely will be bela plies were In sharp contrasLto the last night while Governor Walter men ot modern English letters, poUCY in Palestine W9S "a black to which Britain had made "urg upon them "to storm the streets." arrive after August 11 . died at his London home yesterday on schedule, Nov. 12. Russian and eastern reception to S. Goodland pulled substantially mail of the United Stales" to force ent representations" lor help in Troops restored order, and the (In Cyprus, a communique told after a long illness. He was 79. "Secondly, abide by the a,ree tbe Italian plea for modification ahead In the GOP gubernatorial United Stales partlclpation in a stopping megal immigration at curfew was lifted at 2 p.