RRepertoireepertoire & STandardsSTandards BBoychoiroychoirs Craig Denison National R&S Chair <
[email protected]> The Inspiration of Music and Film— Boychoir Brings Singing to the Big Screen By Nancy Plum in the fi lm as the students and choristers boys attending the school, all of who of the fi ctional boychoir school is the have personalities those in the choral The impact of fi lm and television on American Boychoir, based in Princeton, fi eld have seen many times before. the interests and activities of youth is New Jersey. Boychoirs have been scored Stet, played by Garrett Wareing, has undeniable. The Harry Potter fi lms cre- into a number of fi lms in the past, in- the capability to succeed in the choir ated a sub-society of young magicians; cluding The Lord of the Rings, Empire of but cannot get past acting out, both in The Hunger Games revived interest in the Sun, and, dating from 1962, Almost rehearsal and in residential life. Another the ancient sport of archery; and the Angels with a storyline centered on the student, played by Joe West (a recent television program Glee, with its plot Vienna Choir Boys. However, not in re- star of NBC’s Sound of Music telecast), lines centered on show choirs, has done cent decades has a boychoir fi gured so had a brother who attended the school more for music in the schools in its fi ve signifi cantly in an American fi lm. and is under great pressure to live up seasons than decades of begging legis- Boychoir tells the story of Stet, a to his past reputation as a choir star.