Island the Auto Racing World -1B I ^ Women '»
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^^^^^^^^M^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M • 1 • •. J • l MEET TWO FAST LADIES OF i - --' TWO ISLAND THE AUTO RACING WORLD -1B I ^ WOMEN '» I . • PLAY : SANTA-SAN I .' "\ • INTOKYO - -2A DECEMBER 17. 1987 VOLUME 16 island NUMBERS 2 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA 0 Q Goss goes for it! Sanibel <s first mayor Above, Merrymakers at the Islander Shopp- ing Center Friday evening, from left announces bid for Suzanne Knapp, Soma Smtth. Summer A/ur phy, Patricia Knapp, and Taylor Ann seaf in O.S. House Wacktrman Right Santa Clans is greeted 61/ friends at Periwinkle Place during the Holi- By Matt Perez day Open House his morning af 9. SaniN 1 s first major was dui* 10 k -iMl Cit; Hall ind ofRcialiv an Luminary trail sets Tnounrr bis ( ndicjatj fur tht Rppubliran Par ty notninaiifjn to the 13th District of the U.S. mood for Hoiiday Open House of H<bpri/Mvnta!ive<i .The lontf-aw'.iitud announcement, was delayed, House^ Gos.s said, ht-cause he wanted lo have his family together wilh him ai the formal declaration on the ByMary Coleman island where he starterf hi.1- political career. Goss 19, hi« str\td Southwest Honda govern Sanibel was n twinkling wonderland Friday menl as Sanibel's mayor and councilman for eight' evening from 3 to 9 p.m. us nbout 100 shops held a Holiday Open House. Ken Meeker,executive years- from I971-l!»82, and as County commis- director bfthe Sanibel-Cnptivn Chamber of sioner since January 19S3. Commerce which sponsored the eveirl, said the The 13th Dislrict is currently represented b> mcrchint were "nil unlhu ed nbout dm tig it again Cape Coral resident Connie Mack, who recently announced his decision, to seek Sen. Law ton CMItt Eighty-six shops participated in the luminary ^enale stat ' trail, paying $1 per bag. The proceeds from these Connies ciinMon lo run tor ihi Kinatt is ihnl! sales are expected to amount to over $1,000,.said inj; for>, s,nd Hoss but it haus Meeker, and will be donated to Friends in Service ;those r,f »s in Southwest Florida with a big hole in our lint up in WashmiUrn -••<-V-"- ? •_---'•;"". .• please see page 30A 'V\',e need someone with experience,1 know-Jiow and broad, demonstrated rommilment In I he pi« pit1 in our an a to fill I hat Kip he siid in a pews Citizens v. Sanibel: suit finss believes he can fill the gap both as 2 dismissed, complainants to refile didale representin^ Suuthurst Florida and on \.3y Malt Perez Hmvtiver, attorncy.s rt'|presfnlin^ Woodrini; issues affecting the natiVn. have until Dec. Ill to Mile the arlinn wilh "I'll he anultirr\slronir voice for_.cuUini: tht ~ ^ , y^ily attorney Rob Prill received a letter . iN'licit," he said. "We have simply got'to do • - 8 from Lee County Circuit Judin* William J. amended complaints. >•. Woodring filnl Iht- suit along with at li-ast ••oinilhin^ more than what we've been doinfc" with' \tayNtlson on Tuesday dismissing a suit our.economv challenging thi> City of Saniliel's occupational four other island rJ^iilt-iUs who siv thij art* speaking for hundreds of disnintent inlanders. DIM nhini; hinistlf ,is 1 fisi i' d»n«trvalue *>uii '-- license codes._ . porting a strnni; business economy, (ioss said :, The suit, tiled liy longtime Sanibel resident Oncuflhcilisriinlcntrilriltzchs Dive Woostcr, said the judge recommendi'd refiling despite planned federal budfffOuts, now is tin -! Italph WomiriiiK oil Mnrch'-'J. contained MS time for .someone tti hrhj-, .Southwtst Finrid.i ils -;paranr;iphs lisUnfi al!et:alions thai the city is> with iimcndod onniphiints "!l is my understanding that ;in iimcmlcd due . overstepping its boundaries and violating civil "-Tin1 irulli nf the n-.iiltrr is wv,haven't ^ot'enS^ rights in the [troavss of issutni; orrupational rtimpliiinl is in I he process of bcini; fih'ri," tit saiil.w'V .. C= our share, ht s,u«| I ni not oriv p*in^ lo ^licenses, .- ; W:ishinf!lon to be a reliable v,,le for the ronsti- * "The first aitienili'd loinplninl has iiecn Altorni-y Frank I'avcse wilhrinw from dismissed," said Prill. • please see page 21A. « • please see page 30A -© Playing Santa-San in Tokyo, highlight of whirlwind trip By Fran Nuelle "I was chosen lo - Playing Santa San visit the nursing ' , was everything. home and Janine the.: Sharon Vartdni and orphanage," said the Janinc Boardman of goodwill envoy. ,'iThe Around the World nursing home was ab- Travel expected it solutely, spotless and would be, according it appeared to be i : lo Vartdal, who with very welljun, too; I Boardman was imagine (hat most of -• chosen for a special . them are private .'.''•% Visitours trip to since there seems to Japan; : be little statc,care in "They were ab- such an affluent V Sending Santa early solutely gracious and country.". '" [• " • Santa's at it again, by 5 p.m. on Wednes- hospitable," said the In (heir capacityas willing to make home , day, Dec. 23. Santa travel agent who met ambassadors,,the ' deliveries of gifts will personally Japanese shoppers, travel agents were . while your friend.1;, deliver them that children in or- expected to lake ' children, parents, or evening beginning at phanages and old small gifts -_ :; others near ar.d dear 6 p.m. "---•.. people in nursing :;' souvenirs, really; ac- are still awake.: What could be homes on the agents' cording to Vartdal. Not content with more exciting than a four-day recent tour Donations,were made Sharon Vartdal hands a Bailey's insulator to a just one visit to the knock on your door to Tokyo. by Bailey's; Sundial, Japanese lady.. '-•_.• ,. ' ' '••'-• • - r~. Beach Stuff, Inc., [:. islands per year, San- from Saint Nick? He What the 100 ; loves Sanibel so -\ agents, among them Around lhe World "There is almost tias, Christmas trees . ta will go where you Travel and Paul : want him to go if you ~ much that he's been Vandal and Board- ; no adoption in Japan (and other trappings}. making this addi- man, were expected Cramer (cards with a -ti so these children just They just do not ' y-' > -just call DickMucnch picture of Sanibel ! at 472-2312, or the tional visit here for to do was dress as . r remain in the'or- ^celebrate the coming ; Santas for two ap- lighthouse).; « phanages until they ^ofthe Christ Child or . .! Kiwanis Club and 13 years. Last. ? , provide the name". Christmas he made pearances at Mit- . It was the ', • < are eighteen," said make the connection ••'''-'• and address of your . about seventy calls . sukosmp Department Japanese Social Scrv-" Vartdal. They were ,. between the real . lucky loved one here before Christmas. Store to collect ice that decided,; - very receptive to the - meaning of it and the on the islands. Just let him know money for Unicef. where the agenls '';• •_- "Santas".' ^- •-,. Santa Claus aspect." ; soon. He'll find out - They were also tj V would go. Boardman , - "But then all the- . Though it was only X - Then have your - visit nursing homes', gifts wrapped, put in -- who's naughty or was selected for the children understand a four day trip, Vart- ; orphanages, and- * brown paper bags, nice, and maybe in- group that visited: about Santa Claus as ... dal and Board man spire a bit more homes for the blind the'orphanage, accbr^ they do about all the 1 rode public transpor- and down at the and handicapped. u' ding to Vartdal. :; : ; - Sanibel fire station Christmas cheer.D t Christmas poinsel- tation frequently, . FOCUS ON: third generation " j Laddie „ Laddie, who went ioo." *~ "Adelaide", is also a \, But it isn't all per- member of the Q. along as counselor? Snyder . Laddie also was do^f formance that the Southwest Florida. -Snyders engage in. ath majors '- Symphony Chorus.. ing musical theater in those years, and Laddie and Jim are make good . »-.. For FISH'S^ true aficionados of: musicians, friends the other - on one occasion ;M 7 ! performed in an ,' - classical music and • : don't they? V: -' day, Laddie devised ' travel to Sarasota, . "I heard it the =i! her own costume amateur production 0 of "The Music Man." , St. Petersburg and other way," pipes up complementary to Miami to hear pro-;, '•- an amused Laddie : John Walsh's Santa : Claus. ; - Then four years •- . grams. r, x Snyder — wife of ago, the Snyders And among the Jim and mother of "Oh,: these?" she 1 decided to move to programs she Is " : : Howard, Kathy, . echoed. "The red? Sanibel where Jim o looking forward to is Barry, Warren, and suspenders are my a : and she have their one In which she V Diana —and lee-- husband's ski * : business, Snyder £ and Barry will par- ture/leader of song suspenders and the Associates, shippers ticipate withjhe ,: at St. Isabel's bow tie is my . agents. -' ' Southwest Sym- son's." Dark slacks,', Catholic Church. .' Since then, Lad- . phony Chorus — a .- . "For me, it Is true . a white shirt and Berlioz selection high heels gave Lad- die has not been - re-creatfon," added idle. She arranged with the orchestra '_ Laddie, emphasizing die her own distinc- B _ for the Yale Russian sometime during the the long £ In re-. tive Christmas ap- coming season. She pearance. ' Chorus to make Its' : And sure enough, appearance last; gives Maestro .' h:.. "she was enjoying , Laddie started - spring because son Joseph Egera -s •• her favorite recrea- singing on every oc- Howard, a Yale stu- schoolteacher's A ^tlon just this week ^ casion she could dent, was singing in plus for turning when she directed when the children the chorus touring the orchestra the singing of carols were young.