10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 [email protected] CELL phone 3054345276 Copyright 2019

Click Here for the PDF of Gregs BDay 72 Invention Tips at Starbucks BDay Party Many MD Wife's

Nobel Peace Prize Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

Nobel Peace Prize Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

"MD High School" Cadaver; Olivia Newton John 40,000 dead from breast cancer in 2019 enough cadavers for every MD HS in the USA.

Nobel Prize in Medicine Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

Nobel Prize in Medicine Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

10-13-2019 Get Real; Forest Fires and "The Haves and Have-Nots of (Electrical) www.electricwindmillcar.com 1/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Power in California" and Legal Polygamous Marriage to 4 MD's to put out the fires of cancers and diseases... Starbucks have-Not's of Mac and Mac Book Pro's at every table is To Have Have Not and mostly women don't have a Mac Book Pro at Starbucks today. No one has 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors! Have-Nots of (Electrical) Power in California" plug in your 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into your house, Edison II in Manhattan and in the middle of the forest fires in California.

Nobel Peace Prize Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

Nobel Peace Prize Was Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019

Collapse of a Futuristic "Hard Rock Hotel" Leaves Two Dead, and New Orleans Reeling. Video is dramatic and makes you think of how the engineers and Crew building it could make the wrong turn down a one way street, and crash!

NY Times sells pictures of Jackie Kennedy not a Cure for the cancer that killed her to save these 4 girls from Jackie's cancer death.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 2/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

4 Girls Chat with 4 MD Women about Breast Cancer in General... Photos of Jackie Kennedy in India and Pakistan Go on Sale. Making Policy at the Highest Levels at the NY Times sells pictures of Jackie not a Cure for the cancer that killed her to save these 4 girls from Jackie's cancer death.

When the Dept of Educations gets a F in Medicine for not opening any "MD High Schools" then go to this article... "When a Steady Paycheck Is Good Medicine" By PETER S. GOODMAN Yes your kids will get a really dead cadaver in High School!

MD High School Cadaver; Olivia Newton John 40,000 dead from breast cancer in 2019 enough cadavers for every MD HS in the USA. This will get a Rx Recipe cure for all cancers with 1 million dead in 2019.

"Pilot's" War Crimes in China building 1 million new gas stations in 2019 and 1,001 Dams for Electricity. "Our River Was Like a God’: How Dams and China’s Might Imperil the Mekong" By HANNAH BEECH Page A8 Page A9 WindmillCAR's!

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10-13-2019 Get Real; At 2:38 p.m., the "Pilot" reports that he can see the target and has the “correction,” code for locking the target on a screen in his cockpit. "Starbucks!"

10-13-2019 Get Real; Information revealed that Russian "Pilots" rather drive from NYC to LA drive in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's!

10-13-2019 Get Real; Orders from the Top Brass to go to War as Navy Fighter "Pilots" instead of driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR from NYC to LA is a war crime that does not have to go through the UN Red Tape... God will put on trial first... grin!

New Look inside Amazon lets you read 43 pages...

www.electricwindmillcar.com 4/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

Click Here ------New Amazon Paperback Book "Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's" ------Click Here

Paperback: 548 pages ISBN-10: 1793855374 ISBN-13: 978-1793855374 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 5/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat https://www.amazon.com/dp/1793855374

Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018

Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

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1,800 Page Web 3 megs Ran Out of Memory on my PC Click Here its HTML as I don't have enough memory to make it a PDF, Thanks Greg

10-13-2019 Get Real; Recklessly or intentionally bombing hospitals is a war crime, We then listened to and deciphered thousands of Russian Air Force radio transmissions, which recorded months’ worth of "Pilot" activities in the skies above northwestern Syria. 1,001 of these AF missile strikes are on YouTube just like I uploaded a Starbucks video 10-13-19 of Greg in the Sun typing this out today at Starbucks. Greg was bombed by the Manager! So much for the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ watching and recording thousands of pages written at Starbucks, Key West. documented at least 583 such attacks since 2011, 266 of them since Russia intervened in September 2015. At least 916 medical workers have been killed since 2011. 2011 Greg flew into Key West to build the Yale Key West Medical School and it was bombed by Navy "Pilots" who knew this was a war crime. So much for war crimes bombing hospitals. On May 5 and 6, Russia attacked four. All were on the list. The first was Nabad al Hayat Surgical Hospital, a major underground trauma center in southern Idlib Province serving about 200,000 people. The hospital performed on average around 500 operations and saw more than 5,000 patients a month, according to Syria Relief and Development, the United States- based charity that supported it. Reporting was contributed by Dmitriy Khavin, Whitney Hurst, Malachy Browne, Quoctrung Bui and John Ismay. NY Time Journalists who censored out pilots rather drive from NYC to LA drive in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's! 2 White Men at 1984 HQ are the War Criminals with $777 Trillion dollars in cash... $$$

www.electricwindmillcar.com 7/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-13-2019 Get Real; Florida Women Are No Qui-pro-quo "the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages" held by Wars on Earth. Legal Polygamous Marriage in Qatar and Saudi Arabia no No Qui-pro-quo MD Women 4 MD's Wife's! Hostage to being POW's MIA's in inventing live streaming of Aliens in the Universe, a Nobel in Physics and Peace at Star Wars!

10-13-2019 Get Real; Greg's Bday 72, 4 MD Wife's to work with inventing all day would be nice, grin. 2019 Ford WindmillCAR... too.

10-13-2019 Get Real; ‘This Did Not Go Well’: Inside PG&E’s Blackout Control Room" "As the utility turned off power to millions of Californians, its website went down and it struggled to communicate with local officials and inform residents.

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10-13-2019 Get Real; Electric Utility with the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's with trillions of volts and amps, a Nobel for a WindmillCAR as its GE Windmill Turbine is cold as -254 C almost absolute zero and we our Habitat for Humanity not Jimmy Carters Wood Homes will invent 1,001 accessories for a WindmillCAR that can generate trillions of volts and amps of electricity and the Electric Utility will try to destroy each and every newly invented accessory!

10-13-2019 Get Real; Florida Women Are No Qui-pro-quo "the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages" held by Wars on Earth. Legal Polygamous Marriage in Qatar and Saudi Arabia no No Qui-pro-quo MD Women 4 MD's Wife's! Hostage to being POW's MIA's in inventing live streaming of Aliens in the Universe, a Nobel in Physics and Peace at Star Wars!

10-13-2019 Get Real; Forest Fires and "The Haves and Have-Nots of (Electrical) Power in California" and Legal Polygamous Marriage to 4 MD's to put out the fires of cancers and diseases... Starbucks have-Not's of Mac and Mac Book Pro's at every table is To Have Have Not and mostly women don't have a Mac Book Pro at Starbucks today. No one has 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors! Have-Nots of (Electrical) Power in California" plug in your 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into your house, Edison II in Manhattan and in the middle of the forest fires in California. www.electricwindmillcar.com 9/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-13-2019 Get Real; Duke Divinity School; pray for the Yale Key West Medical School. where I had first learned the news that I had Stage 4 cancer. Tumors that bloomed in my colon from RED Meat served 7 days a week at Divinity School, F grade! By Kate Bowler Ms. Bowler is an associate professor at Duke Divinity School. Yale Divinity School in New haven has clones of Ms. Bower.

10-13-2019 Get Real; God's at the Pentagon; Knowing that I would never be cured, I stewed about what to do with what remained of my life. Was it worth spending hundreds of hours to transform this research into a book? Should I go see the pyramids? With so little I could control, I borrowed a page from the playbook of the women I had interviewed. I abandoned what was ideal and reached for what was possible instead. I put the final touches on the manuscript and submitted it the day before I was rolled into surgery with the pleasant exhaustion of deep work. After all, who doesn’t hope to spin the straw of their lives into gold? Or at least nicer straw.

Pyramids? InventBook MD; playbook of the women I will marry (4 MD's) interviewed for all their Lost Inventions brought to life like the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR. Orwells Animal Farm MD novel on Kindle with super computer simulations. Disney Star Wars Galaxy Edge Sugar Recipe.

10-13-2019 Get Real; Prayer Book - Invent Book of Miracles in Pink. I put the final touches on the manuscript at the Hemingway House Writing Class app with 100's on the same page with Mac and Mac Book Pro's. 1 Click Amazon links to a MD invention in every chapter. Salk II and Pasteur in our thoughts, thank God for Miracles.

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10-13-2019 Get Real; Duke "MD High School" built in this rich neighborhood will save Mom, and money from buying Red Meat 7 days a week.

10-13-2019 Get Real; Duke Divinity School, Instead, I studied these leading ladies in the infusion center at Duke Hospital, a short walk away from my quiet office, where I had first learned the news that I had Stage 4 cancer. Tumors that bloomed in my colon and liver, in a moment, erased every cheerful ambition and casual plan. And all I could see was my husband and my toddler, Zach, who loves me more than dinosaurs. In an effort to manage my fear, I distracted myself by inviting the famous women of televangelism to stop by the hospital for an interview. As I was struggling against my own limitations, I discovered that most of these people were quite willing to admit their own. Together, we spent hundreds of hours discussing the narrow and precarious paths of power that women tread. We were all hanging by a thread.

10-13-2019 Get Real; Mormon Divinity School is not one for a MD. Movies made by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are an important part of a film and TV ecosystem in northern Utah. And there’s not an MD-rating in sight. Red Meat and Cheese with estrogen is on the Menu! Colon cancer tracked for Mormons, Hell No!

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10-13-2019 Get Real; Michele Buck started her career selling Funyuns, Munchos and Cheetos. Then she invented a new holiday for Cool Whip. Today, she runs one of the world’s biggest candy companies, sugar! Hershey's Rx Recipe for Star Wars Sugar without the side effects. Disney Galaxy Edge Star Wars Hershey's Bars.

2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's!

2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's! www.electricwindmillcar.com 12/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

4 Girls Chat with 4 MD Women about Breast Cancer in General... Photos of Jackie Kennedy in India and Pakistan Go on Sale. Making Policy at the Highest Levels at the NY Times sells pictures of Jackie not a Cure for the cancer that killed her to save these 4 girls from Jackie's cancer death. 1 Click Amazon links about Jackie Kennedy's cancer, why it killed her and will kill these 4 girls looking into the Apple Store window.

10-12-2019 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to the Pentagon in 2019... wars of relatively low sophistication when the war on caners is over 1 million dead in 2019. Generals need to have a MD degree like the Roman Senate and Dr. Pope MD. Snub of Pope Francis for the Nobel Peace Prize was because of Prince Salman's Blood Money for the Catholic Church. Elaboration on the # of Bone Saw murders by Prince Salman is not in the Washington Post. Determined to return to war surgery of relatively low sophistication when the war on caners is over 1 million dead in 2019. Walter Reed MD's return to war surgery not war on Breast Cancer. Nobel Prize will be give for a Rx Recipe that cures all breast cancer in all stages in 8 days. No Brainard Nobel. Amazon 1 Click links to this Rx Pink Recipe with specs and genius tutors... is sophistication at it best for AI and invention projects. Starbucks Cafe Mac's and Mac Book Pro's are the weapons in this Pink War.

10-12-2019 Mr. Gates ordered more helicopters to Afghanistan to evacuate wounded troops, and directed that helicopters previously set aside for rescuing downed pilots be reassigned to medical evacuation. Mr. Gates also increased the number of field hospitals. A peer-reviewed medical study published in 2015 found that those initiatives saved an estimated 359 lives from June 2009 to March 2014. Applying the same standard to operations elsewhere has proved difficult, as was evident in the ambush in Niger. www.electricwindmillcar.com 13/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-12-2019 Gates at the Pentagon saved 359 lives from June 2009 to March 2014. Pink Dead deaths are Classified by Gates thoughts...

10-12-2019 Get Real; Turkish troops and their Syrian Arab allies have captured a cluster of villages when we should be capturing live streaming video from a cluster of Galaxies and their Jewish Aliens.

10-12-2019 Get Real; 359 Trillion Jewish Aliens are out there at Star Wars, Gates!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 14/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-12-2019 Guerrilla movement that has waged a decades-long struggle against the Turkish state well paid by Cancer Cure Money $$$ American Generals prioritizes War not War on Breast Cancer, intelligence needs to be put on Trial.

10-12-2019 Get Real; Turkish troops and their Syrian Arab allies have captured a cluster of villages when we should be capturing live streaming video from a cluster of Galaxies and their Jewish Aliens. This is Real when the war on Earth leads to the crackdown on criticism inside the cancer ward at Walter Reed and Yale Key West Medical School. Old soldiers’ motivation, include killing Olivia Newton John and her 40K girl friends in the same boat, death via breast cancer. A War Crime.

10-12-2019 War mislead our Pink women on the battlefields death statistics are 40,000 Pink in 2019 this is not a Pentagon War. The Pentagon should have mobilized for the Breast Cancer War Decades ago but know they can keep every years 40,000 secret from their wife's and daughters. 1st Daughter Ivanka!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 15/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-12-2019 NYC to LA drive in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's! Ocean's. Next is Star Wars Graivty Engine CAR's another rejuvenating mental elixir. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors and Starbucks along the way with Mac's + Mac Book Pro's at every table. Paris Starbucks too.

10-12-2019 NYC to LA drive in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's! Ocean's. Next is Star Wars Graivty Engine CAR's another rejuvenating mental elixir. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors and Starbucks along the way with Mac's + Mac Book Pro's at every table. Paris Starbucks too.

10-12-2019 Nobel in Medicine to Ethiopian PM for the Pink Rx Recipe Latte at Starbucks, oh Abiy never got into the Yale Key West Medical School, sorry Pink Lady's! 80K dead in Abiy's war in Ethiopia.

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10-12-2019 Jimmy Carter won his 2nd Nobel Peace Prize today!! Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed for ending 20-year Eritrea conflict. Nobel Institute gave the award to the Ethiopian leader for ending one of Africa's longest running conflicts.

10-12-2019 Germany experienced at least 1,800 anti-Jewish crimes in 2018, Iran is the Target for War not Germany, Why? Politics of the Elite Jewish Ruling Class! Oil + Germany will come to another War Crimes trial in Berlin too. Most Jews who are not Elite Ruling Class can see this as a sure bet at the Qatar Trump Casino in Berlin. German authorities have been slower to respond as they are at the Trump- Casino's. German leaders Pink ideologically are bone saw killers of Olivia Newton John keeping the diesel Mercedes in fuel for Mecca riches beyond belief of $777 Trillion in oil revenues.

10-12-2019 Gambling at the Qatar Trump Casino Bone Saw killings; Brooklyn Social Club Shooting Leaves 4 Dead and 3 Injured. The motive was not immediately clear, the police said, but illegal gambling was occurring at the club in Crown Heights. By EDGAR SANDOVAL

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10-12-2019 Witch Yale Key West Medical School to apply to; Witches Are Having Their Hour" Pam Grossman, author and host of the popular “The Witch Wave” podcast, said witches are having a resurgence among feminists who want authority over their lives." By LAURA M. HOLSON

10-12-2019 Witch Yale Key West Medical School to apply to; NASA is working on a view of the UNIVERSE with live streaming video of Aliens! "At the Empire State Building, a Lure Even for Jaded Natives" "Friday: A digitally driven exhibition at the entry is aimed to engage visitors on their way to a glass observatory deck on the 102nd floor that will offer 360-degree views of the city." By AARON RANDLE

10-12-2019 Witch Yale Key West Medical School to apply to; Steve Jobs hiking across India photos; Up for Auction: Snapshots of Jackie Kennedy in India. A Year in Paris That Transformed Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis As a college student, Jacqueline Bouvier spent her junior year in Paris, and the city became one of the greatest influences in her life. Yale Paris Medical School - To Have Have Not!!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 18/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-12-2019 Witch Yale Key West Medical School to apply to; Apply yourself to 1,001 IP invention projects soon as Greg and 4 MD wife's type out the list.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 19/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-12-2019 Witch Yale Key West Medical School to apply to; Apply yourself to 1,001 IP invention projects soon as Greg and 4 MD wife's type out the list.

In a Diesel Mercedes; On Wednesday evening, Chancellor Angela Merkel rushed to the New Synagogue in Berlin to grieve with the city’s Jewish community.

"Shop Faked Brake Repairs Before Limo Crash That Killed 20, D.A. Says" By JESSE MCKINLEY

Fiery Crash's that killed 20,000 a year from 1980 to 2019 was not faked by the ruling class and Caste! Limo careened down a hillside in Schoharie, just west of Albany, killing 17 passengers, the driver and two pedestrians it struck. It was the nation’s deadliest transportation accident out of 20,000. 20K false car repairs just in the USA - Ms. Mallery said that investigators had recently interviewed an employee of a brake shop in Saratoga Springs, Mavis Discount Tire, who said that he had falsified a Department of Motor Vehicles certification for the 2001 Ford Excursion limousine involved in the crash. “He did not perform the D.M.V. inspection of the limousine,” Ms. Mallery wrote. Rather, the employee, Virgil Parks, returned the brake part for the limousine to its seller, something he described as “a billing practice at Mavis in which certain services were substituted on invoices for ones actually performed in order for the store to meet sales www.electricwindmillcar.com 20/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat quotas.”

10-11-2019 20,000 a year from 1980 to 2019... fiery wrecks!

10-11-2019 Father sues Tesla after teen son killed in flaming crash. October 11, 2019 FORT LAUDERDALE (AP) — The father of an 18-year-old Florida teen killed when his speeding Tesla slammed into a wall and caught fire is suing the company, saying the crash should have been...

10-11-2019 Father sues Tesla not 2 White men at 1984 HQ who spent their $7 Trillion on MIT War Toys not F-35 Radar for all cars Tesla and roads...

10-11-2019 The police said they began receiving 911 calls around 7:45 p.m. on Wednesday about a car heading south on the northbound side of a major highway in Connecticut. Shortly after, the calls changed to reports of a head-on collision. In the end, a teenager driving the wrong way down Interstate 95 and two elderly people in the car she crashed into, were dead, the police said. The wrong-way driver, in a blue Mercedes-Benz, was identified as Abigayl J. Lanphear, of www.electricwindmillcar.com 21/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Westerly, R.I., the Connecticut State Police said. The passenger in her car, Jada Laboy, also of Westerly, R.I., suffered serious injuries. The two young women were both about to turn 18 this month, officials said. In the other vehicle, a black Honda Accord, the driver, Roger A. Noel, 85, and his front-seat passenger, Dorothy Noel, 83, both of West Warwick, R.I., were killed, officials said.

10-11-2019 20,000 a year from 1980 to 2019... fiery wrecks!

Car repair; fraudulent billing practice occurred repeatedly during the first half of 2018, and today 10-11-19

10-11-2019 Yom Kippur. “Historically it’s the day when the Jewish people have been most targeted,” At the hospital, they finished the service, even blowing the shofar, or ram’s horn, to mark the end of Yom Kippur at sundown, she added. Pink Jewish Women were at the Hospital being tortured by German's.

10-11-2019 Shooter; A military source said he had served for a period in the German army, though received no special training just 'Gun's" Grin!! Who wrote www.electricwindmillcar.com 22/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat this? The video he streamed on Twitch, an Amazon-owned website targeting the gaming community, and an 11-page manifesto he uploaded to a German message board frequented by the far right give a clear sense of the audience whose adulation he craved.

10-11-2019 Shooter; on Twitch, an Amazon-owned website. Greg's Secret Files on WindmillCAR's on a Amazon site in the USA keeps WindmillCAR's Secret!!

10-11-2019 Amazon; A classic type of psychopathic right-wing Oil $$$ terrorist, whose ideology is to Drive the Diesel Mercedes and kill Olivia Newton John along with Newton's Gravity Engine Car invention projects on 1 Click Amazon links with specs and genius tutors.

10-11-2019 California Eclectic Blackouts can be life or death for the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR you can plug into your house for all your electricity!! Solar Sales are in the same class as Diesel Mercedes Sales, criminals in times of Ford WindmillCAR's!

10-11-2019 Amazon; Choking black smoke drifted back into Turkey over the www.electricwindmillcar.com 23/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat village of Upper Arican. But many on both sides of the border, cramming into cars and pickup trucks and searching for clean air to breath. New news in the drive of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR that is parked at a Peanut Plantation in Georgia belonging to Jimmy Carter. Civil war that began as a wave of protests against President Bashar al-Assad of Syria not Jimmy Carter. 8 years of $4 gas on the 4th of July via Jimmy Carter. A War Crime! $$$ Giving all these $777 Trillion to Mecca is a Sin by Jimmy Carter. Integrity of Habitat for Humanity building wood houses termites eat. Star Wars not WAR has been lost Wood Ships the Navy should have built 100 USS Jimmy Carter Subs out of wood from Canada.

10-11-2019 Jimmy Carter owns UNICEF $1 Trillion... Henrietta Fore, the executive director of UNICEF, said Wednesday that the military escalation would have “dramatic consequences” on the ability to provide aid. 100 USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. This money should have gone to UNICEF. A War Crime. UNICEF with $13 Trillion in Oil Money, this is the Casino winnings if the Ford WindmillCAR is driven to the Peanut Plantation Casino.

10-11-2019 Crash of fiery Cop Cars today in the USA and London. Trump Makes Few Promises to U.K. Over Diplomat’s Wife Who Fled Crash" By ILIANA MAGRA Iliana Magra drives by fiery wrecks today and tomorrow keeping them off the White House Radar. Radar F-35 for all cars and roads cost $7 Trillion. And is better suited for the 2019 Ford windmillCAR;s with iPhone iDash Cam iTickets in your car. Many 14 year old kids will be hit by a car today! Is this a war crime as the ruling class kill F-35 Radar and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. Hell Yes!

10-11-2019 Olivia Newton John's Book! “Catch and Kill,” which is scheduled to be www.electricwindmillcar.com 24/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat released on Tuesday, describes instances when, Mr. Farrow says, top NBC News executives failed to grasp the larger significance of his reporting and instructed him to slow down or halt his pursuit of a story that Mr. Weinstein was trying to squelch. NBC News executives failed to grasp Pink Breast cancer dead, 40K a year just in the USA and still not Manhattan Project at Los Alamos because the 2 White men at 1984 are busy at the Trump Qatar Casino. President of NBC News, Noah Oppenheim. Is Not Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos!!

10-11-2019 STD's; Mr. Farrow’s articles on Mr. Weinstein appeared in The New Yorker starting in the fall of 2017, he reported for the magazine on the many accounts of sexual misconduct against the CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves and the New York State attorney general Eric Schneiderman. Both men lost their jobs.

10-11-2019 NYC to LA drive in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR a rejuvenating mental elixir to invent a Noble in Medicine to pay for the free Wind's! Ocean's. Next is Star Wars Graivty Engine CAR's another rejuvenating mental elixir. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors and Starbucks along the way with Mac's + Mac Book Pro's at every table. Paris Starbucks too.

10-11-2019 Jimmy Carter won his 2nd Nobel Peace Prize today!! Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed for ending 20-year Eritrea conflict. Nobel Institute gave the award to the Ethiopian leader for ending one of Africa's longest running conflicts. Within months of coming to office in 2018 ,the 43-year-old signed a "Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship" with Eritrean Prime Minister Isaias Afwerki. He was also praised for his domestic reforms, including releasing tens of thousands of political prisoners and allowed previously banned opposition groups. Ethnic rivalries have flared in www.electricwindmillcar.com 25/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat recent years and more than two million people have been internally displaced because of conflict. “No doubt some people will think this year’s prize is being awarded too early,” Berit Reiss-Andersen, the chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, acknowledged. “The Norwegian Nobel Committee believes it is now that Abiy Ahmed’s efforts deserve recognition and need encouragement.” Ethiopia’s ruling party had long kept the country in a tight grip, allowing for very small democratic freedoms while using a powerful army to enforce its dogged vision of progress, not Star Wars but MIT War Toys, grin!

The prize is £730,000 and will be formally awarded in in December.

Nobel needs to tell the NY Times what Casino he spends the money at... I Bet the Qatar Trump Casino! Not at the Apple Store for Mac Book Pro's for Starbucks... grin.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 26/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

4 Girls Chat with 4 MD Women about Breast Cancer in General... Photos of Jackie Kennedy in India and Pakistan Go on Sale. Making Policy at the Highest Levels at the NY Times sells pictures of Jackie not a Cure for the cancer that killed her to save these 4 girls from Jackie's cancer death.

10-10-2019 Sanders said. “No apologies!!” for killing Olivia Newton John via War's killing the War on Cancer's $$$

www.electricwindmillcar.com 27/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-10-2019 Oil Money Smoke paid for $$$ A gunman tried to enter a synagogue in Germany during Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, in what officials called an anti-Semitic attack. By MELISSA EDDY, RICK GLADSTONE and TIFFANY HSU These NY Times reporters censored out Oil Money Paid for the attack! $$$ $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues via Mecca and Allah.

10-10-2019 Attack on German Synagogue, Yom Kippur the Elite Jewish ruling class needs to declare war on Germany not Iran!

10-10-2019 Jews in control of Berlin and Germany! Netanyahu’s Day of Atonement Declare War on Germany not Iran!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 28/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-10-2019 Assailant Live-Streamed Attempted Attack on German Synagogue. A gunman tried to enter a synagogue in Germany during Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, in what officials called an anti-Semitic attack. By MELISSA EDDY, RICK GLADSTONE and TIFFANY HSU

10-10-2019 $$$ Pentagon knows who is making money to spend on WAR's... U.S. Disputes Finding That Airstrikes on Afghan Drug Labs Killed 30 Civilians. The American military said the facilities were funding the Taliban. But a report argued that those working in the labs were not “performing combat functions.” By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF.

$7 Trillion dollar Pink Manhattan Projects are 'Off Limits" for Wars Trump call Never Ending!

10-10-2019 2020 Nobel in Medicine for a NY Times article on "Bone Marrow" not this article... "What Was Kept in This Stone Age Meat Locker? Bone Marrow" By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR Nick is not a NY Times MD who will win a Noble in Medicine in 2020 for "Bone Marrow" article.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 29/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-10-2019 "Why Is Turkey Fighting the Kurds in Syria?" By MEGAN SPECIA Because no MD's are ordered to fight heart attacks, win a Nobel in Medicine in Turkey is like Trumps Noble Peace Prize he asked for yesterday. Lithium-Ion Batteries Work Earns for 3 Scientists. Fight to learn the Chemistry of breast cancer should be the Kurds! Why isn't it?

10-10-2019 Sanders said. “No apologies!!” Oil Money Smoke of War Paid for in Pink Breast Cancer dead on the battle field. Mr. Sanders’s wife, Jane, has recently been instrumental in shaping decisions about his health issues, his campaign and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's in the garage, hidden like the Heart Attack.

10-10-2019 The Most Detailed Map of Auto Emissions in America. See driving- related emissions in your metro area, road by road.

10-10-2019 The Most Detailed Money Map of MIT War Toys in America Wars on Baghdad's... when the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was kept secret...

www.electricwindmillcar.com 30/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Click Here for the PDF of Gregs BDay 72 Invention Tips at Starbucks BDay Party Many MD Wifes

10-10-2019 The Most Detailed Map of kept secret STD's with GPS tracking who will give a STD to someone else today! 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in 2018, a 30 percent increase from 2013. Rates were highest among men who have sex with men and people of color. STD rates were highest in southern states including Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi, and rural states like Alaska and South Dakota. 1980 Jimmy Carter had STD's and 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's on the Peanut Plantation.

10-10-2019 Sanders said. “No apologies!!” 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's doctor at an urgent care facility in Las Vegas, bet on a War Crimes Trial's... Doctors A memorial for victims of the Las Vegas shooting caused by Sanders killing the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. Sanders said. “No apologies!!” This Vegas mass shootings could never have taken place without the fuel of Casino's and Florida Lottery Plague infecting Sanders smelling Diesel Money. Selling out the USA to Mecca and Allah for $777 Trillion in Blood Money. Fuel is Oil. MGM International would be paying roughly $800 million to settle lawsuits filed by victims. $800 Trillion will be made from Oil Revenues by Christmas Day 2019. Bartenders who serve alcohol to obviously inebriated patrons can be sued if those patrons cause car accidents; Sanders can be put on trial for Gas Station war crime of Smog and kids birth defects. Incentive to be more careful in the future of the Gravity Engine Car invention. 1980 Ford WindmillCAR is still in Sanders Garage! “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Sanders unpitied “No apologies!!” to Olivia Newton John for going to war in Baghdad instead of spending the money on a Pink Rx Recipes at a Manhattan Project at Los Alamos the first time Olivia was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Senators need to be MD's and not Warriors!! Unpitied Warriors with $777 Trillion in gas station hole up loot from Miami, Cuba. No One Needs a Superyacht, but They Keep Selling Them, hospital ships are not on the Menu by anyone. Pope's serve the Last Supper today with Heart Attack www.electricwindmillcar.com 31/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Burgers!

10-10-2019 Sanders said. “No apologies!!” for $4 gas on the 4th of July. Spirt of America is now Oil Revenues given to Mecca and Allah. God is Great just ask Jimmy Carter. $$$

10-10-2019 In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Sanders said a doctor at an urgent care facility in Las Vegas, where he went last Tuesday night after experiencing chest pain, had informed him that he was having a heart attack, Sanders admits keeping this from NBC for 3 days, “No apologies!!”

10-10-2019 Nobel in Literatures; Ms. Tokarczuk is best known for her 2014 historical novel “Ksiegi Jakubowe” or “The Book of Jacob,” centered in the Hapsburg and Ottoman Empires and focused on the life of Jacob Frank, an 18th century Polish leader of a Jewish splinter group that converted to Islam and then Catholicism. “She has in this work showed the supreme capacity of the novel to represent a case almost beyond human understanding,” Nobel officials wrote in their citation. But her real breakthrough is considered to be her third novel, “Prawiek i inne czasy” or “Primeval and Other Times.” First published in 1996, it tells the story of three generations of a Polish family, from 1914 to the beginnings of Solidarity in 1980. In January, she wrote an opinion piece for The New York Times on the state of the country after the murder of a leading liberal mayor in the country. “I worry about our immediate future,” she said.

10-10-2019 Nobel in Literatures; Mr. Handke was born in 1942 in southern Austria to a German father and a Slovenian mother. He spent part of his childhood living in war-scarred Berlin and went on to study law at the University of Graz. But when his first book was published, he dropped out of school and embarked in www.electricwindmillcar.com 32/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat earnest on his literary career. More than 50 years later, his body of work includes novels, essays, screenplays and other dramatic works. He has been based in Chaville, France, since 1990. "A Sorrow Beyond Dreams,” based on his mother’s death, drew critical acclaim. Michael Wood, reviewing the book for The New York Times. Mr. Handke attended Mr. Milosevic’s war crimes trial at The Hague and delivered a eulogy at his funeral. In an interview in 2006, he said of Milosevic: “I think he was a rather tragic man. Not a hero, but a tragic human being. I am a writer and not a judge.”

10-10-2019 NY Times War Crimes Trial Novel will win another Nobel in Literature!

10-10-2019 Apple Removes App That Tracked Hong Kong Police

10-10-2019 Apple Removes App InventBook that Tracked 1,001 IP invention projects on 1 Click Amazon

10-10-2019 Militia Commander Says It Will Attack Turkish Forces if They Enter Syria: we have already killed Olivia Newton John and have $ Trillions in Arms. Breast are a different War!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 33/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-10-2019 No iWatch Heart Attack Work for Sanders Manhattan Project; Sanders Says He Will ‘Change the Nature’ of His Campaign After Heart Attack. Nature of his Campaign is not a Nobel in Medicine for a iWatch that beeps 30 minutes before a cardiac arrest.

10-10-2019 A heart attack, known medically as a myocardial infarction, means that there was at least some damage to the heart muscle.

‘You Are Leaving Us Alone’: Kurds Lash Out at U.S.

You Are Leaving Us Alone in the Universe; Jewish Aliens are at Sirius!! Syria or Sirius get Serious! Israelis Watch U.S. Abandon Kurds, and Worry: Who’s Next? Next are the Elite Israelis who took $1 Trillion in Bone Saw Blood money not to be used for the Jewish Exodus but to keep the oil flowing into Mecca not Israel. $$$ Jews fierce recrimination, finger-pointing and calls for Exodus and and End to Mecca, Allah and Riches beyond belief for Prince Salman the Man who bribed the Elite Jews and the Pope.

Militia Commander Says It Will Attack Turkish Forces if They Enter Syria: we have already killed Olivia Newton John and have $ Trillions in Arms. Breast are a different War!

No iWatch Heart Attack Work for Sanders Manhattan Project; Sanders Says He Will ‘Change the Nature’ of His Campaign After Heart Attack. Nature of his Campaign is not a Nobel in Medicine for a iWatch that beeps 30 minutes before a cardiac arrest.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 34/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Bernie Sanders' daughter-in-law dies of cancer at 46. The wife of Levi Sanders, son of the Vermont senator, died Saturday after not long after being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer.

Manhattan Projects are 'Off Limits" for Bernie Sanders... daughter-in-law dies of cancer at 46. The wife of Levi Sanders, son of the Vermont senator, died Saturday after not long after being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer.

Trump ordered the killing of Olivia Newton John too. Ivanka's reaction on NBC is strange.

10-9-2019 Awarded for Studies of Earth’s Place in the Universe; Bone Saw Murders and Bone Saw Brain Surgery. In the history of the Universe there has never been a Prince or King Brain Surgeon all in all Times have been Bone Saw Murderers, same cam be said of All Pope's in our place in the Universe.

10-9-2019 British Spy's with nerve agent and Fighter Pilots plotted to assassinate Mr. Hammarskjold, who was an avid promoter of African independence from colonial power Britain! Mr. Hammarskjold has been exalted as a model international statesman. He is the only person to have been posthumously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 35/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-9-2019 President Emmanuel Macron honored the victims in the courtyard of the massive Police Préfecture building that he had murdered for French Oil Money $$$ A War Crime by the Elite French Men. Mr. Macron said, associating them with “Islamist terrorism.” not $$$ $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. French Oil Men's Greed is a serious dysfunction!!! “On the whole, in his IT department, there was a feeling that no alert was necessary,” Same from Sanders on the iWatch Manhattan Project $7 Trillion heart attack alert. Elite at 1984 HQ are not alert to our Universe of life as they are not driving a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR or working at Los Alamos on a Gravity Engine Car but are going to the Qatar and Mecca Trump Casino's and driving the Roulette Wheel. When was the last time Trump and Sanders were at the Roulette Wheels. YouTube videos of the Qatar Mecca Roulette Wheels are like the Gravity Wheel at the Nobel Prize.

10-9-2019 Gravity Alarm Paris; Los Alamos!! Mickaël Harpon — a future killer himself — declared, “serves them right.” A shocked colleague in the city’s Police Department heard him, and a sharp argument ensued. But that was nearly as far as the complaint went. Colleagues of Mr. Harpon, who slashed four co-workers to death last Thursday. Macron's French Oil Men will be sued for wrongful deaths and war crimes.

10-9-2019 FBI driving by fiery wrecks without stopping to help put out Oil. "F.B.I. Practices for Intercepted Emails Violated 4th Amendment, Judge Ruled" By CHARLIE SAVAGE Ha, Charlie Savage at the NY Times. Savage times for news. Page A16 not the Front Page as fiery wrecks are censored from the front page of the Times.

10-9-2019 JFK Airport Homeland Security will be giving the shots; Pregnant Women Should Get Flu and Whooping Cough Shots, C.D.C. Says" By PAM BELLUCK Greg and 4 MD Wife's in Key West say everyone world wide should get the shots until we win a Nobel for Vaccines in the drinking water world wide. InventBook is www.electricwindmillcar.com 36/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Orwellian as "Facebook’s Hands-Off Approach to Political Speech Gets Impeachment Test" By CECILIA KANG Page B1 War Crimes Test in InventBook vs FaceBook. Alarms go off in her iWatch for breast cancer and whooping cough deaths that are Trumps endless wars he gave to Ivanka. If only Ivanka when to Medical School she would be fighting the Whooping Cough War or if one of her kids died from Whooping Cough. Not on CBS Good Morning America as this would not make for a Good Morning America on CBS. Ivanka would be impeached for not Vaccine in the drinking water. CBS Good Morning is FaceBook vs InventBook. As InventBook on CBS Good Morning will have more than just Whooping cough deaths. Expect Higher Prices on Lighter Wines but not Breast Cancer Alarm labels. Not on CBS as we know it today. As they go to the Wine commercials. $$$. Getting the Joker’s Laugh Just Right... this they can do on CBS Good Morning, Grin.

10-9-2019 More on InventBook, Oh this is front page NY Times Facebook article; TECH WE’RE USING. "When Social Media Becomes a Wartime Necessity. Vivian Yee and Hwaida Saad, who cover the Middle East, have found Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube vital to getting information out of Syria." By VIVIAN YEE and HWAIDA SAAD

Vivian Yee and Hwaida Saad, who cover the Middle East, have found InventBook to hard to use...

10-9-2019 -254 C Super Conductivity - lithium-ion batteries!!

10-9-2019 Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to three scientists for their work in developing lithium-ion batteries. John B Goodenough of the University of www.electricwindmillcar.com 37/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Texas at Austin, M Stanley Whittingham of Binghamton University and of Meijo University will receive equal shares of the 9m Swedish kronor (£74o,000) prize, which was announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm on Wednesday. At 97 years old, Goodenough is the oldest laureate to receive a Nobel prize in any discipline; Whittingham is the second British-born researcher to win a science Nobel this year. Ion age: why the future will be battery powered. Lithium-ion batteries have long been tipped for the award, not least since they have proved pivotal in the development of the high-tech world we inhabit. “Lithium-ion batteries have brought the greatest benefit to humankind,” the academy said. Far lighter and more compact that earlier types of rechargeable battery, they are found in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric cars. “The [electric car] batteries no longer weigh two tonnes, but 300kg,” said Prof Sara Snogerup Linse, a member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry.

10-9-2019 1 Click Amazon link to 1,001 IP invention projects for Star Wars Battery! Batteries work by turning chemical energy into electricity. A typical battery is made up of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, which are usually separated by a liquid that can carry charged particles. Both electrodes are connected to an electrical circuit. When the battery is powering an electrical device, electrons travel from the anode to the cathode through the electrical circuit, while positively charge ions move through the electrolyte. In a rechargeable battery, energy can be put into the device to reverse this process.

10-9-2019 Church remodeled into a Urgent Care Hospital; ON LOCATION NYC. It Was the Ideal Antique Building. Anyway? The 1823 church was untouched by time — maybe a little too untouched. Many of the pews as headboards and footboards for the beds. Urgent Care Pews!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 38/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-9-2019 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Studies of Earth’s Place in the Universe; Bone Saw Murders and Bone Saw Brain Surgery. In the history of the Universe there has never been a Prince or King Brain Surgeon all in all Times have been Bone Saw Murderers, same cam be said of All Pope's in our place in the Universe.

10-8-2019 2019 Winter 2019 in Russia in cold icy cars for the KGB, or 2910 Ford WindmillCAR's 78F 24/7!! Key West KGB and CIA got into Hot Cars all Summer...

10-8-2019 2019 2019 Ford WindmillCAR is climate controlled all Russians can set www.electricwindmillcar.com 39/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat it for 78 or 80 in their drive across Russia. 24/7 no getting into a cold icy car ever again...

10-8-2019 2019 Ford WindmillCAR in pursuit of ending America’s “endless wars,” not Trump in Syria and Turkey. To the Pentagon and the State Department, the 2019 Ford WindmillCar is to fuel Oil money for Saudi Arabia with riches beyond belief.

10-8-2019 Russia’s intention is to starve 4 Billion from Driving a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR an important chunk of inspirations better than driving a Mercedes.

10-8-2019 Russia is waging a kind of war; cold war as the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR is climate controlled all Russians can set it for 78 or 80 in their drive across Russia. 24/7 no getting into a cold icy car ever again in all or Russia. Can you believe the KGB lets Putin and his Generals put them in a ice cold car this winter 2019!!

"No One Needs a Superyacht, but They Keep Selling Them. Billionaires won’t stop buying superyachts. You can even thank Donald Trump."

One Billion need a Hospital Ship, Billionaires won't buy any... Octopus, the megayacht owned by Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, moored in Canary www.electricwindmillcar.com 40/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Wharf in London before the 2012 Olympic Games. This is almost a Hospital Ship. A 600-foot-long monster called REV that emerged from a Romanian shipyard in August took that trend even further: Its Norwegian owner had it designed to double as a marine research vessel capable of supporting 60 scientists. The world’s largest yacht, REV (short for Research Expedition Vessel) can sail around the world without refueling. Norway Hospital Ships!

10-8-2019 "A secret unit in Russia’s military intelligence agency has been linked to at least four operations to carry out assassinations or create political chaos." $$$ Paid for by Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. The purpose of Unit 29155, which has not been previously reported, underscores the degree to which the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, is actively fighting the West with his brand of so- called hybrid warfare — a blend of propaganda, hacking attacks and disinformation — as well as open military confrontation. $$$ the unit’s commander, Maj. Gen. Andrei V. Averyanov, at his daughter’s wedding in a gray suit and bow tie. He is posing with Col. Anatoly V. Chepiga, one of two officers indicted in Britain over the poisoning of a former spy, Sergei V. Skripal. Gen Andrei V. Averyanov will bury his daughter in a pink grave next to Olivia Newton John. This is military intelligence in Russia. 40,000 Pink Graves for the Generals Wife and daughters from breast cancer and cancer in General. Who brainwashed this generals?

10-8-2019 Trump; $$$ “if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey.” $$$

10-8-2019 Everyone else wants to obliterate the Riches Beyond Belief of Mecca $$$ God is Great for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from $4 Gas on the 4th of July USA.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 41/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2019 “heart attack” one is myocardial infarction, or the death of heart muscle cells, which is what Mr. Sanders had

10-8-2019 300,000 not just 3 - 2 White Men at 1984 HQ would never ever let the NY Times write about 300,000 hospital acquired infections. "3 Babies Die at Pennsylvania Hospital After Bacterial Infection" By MIHIR ZAVERI Page A16 "The premature babies were being treated in a neonatal intensive care unit when they were infected. Five other babies were also sickened." "Pseudomonas aeruginosa — is very common, likes moist environments and grows in water. Pseudomonas infections have been a particular problem for neonatal intensive care units because underdeveloped babies have compromised immune systems. “It’s often very harmless,” Dr. Frank A. Maffei, Geisinger’s chief of pediatrics, said at the news conference. “However, it can cause diseases, and it can cause diseases in very fragile patients. Certainly, premature and tiny babies are among our most fragile and vulnerable patients we care for here.”

10-8-2019 “Every medical student knows about Pseudomonas. However, having a cluster, a grouping of infections in a neonatal intensive care unit — that’s not common. The alarm bells go off.”

10-8-2019 Dr. Shelly said. “Even after having done all this investigation, we may not figure out exactly what went wrong,” he said.

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10-8-2019 Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD. No Dr. Shelly didn't call in her team of 100's of MD's... Why?

10-8-2019 Insane; $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenue in Mecca!! "Supreme Court Opens New Term With Argument on Insanity Defense" By ADAM LIPTAK

10-8-2019 Oil and Gas $$$ Pipelines From Russia Cross Political Lines and religious as Pope Francis is cashing in his chips too. The pipelines run from Russia directly under the Baltic Sea to Germany, bypassing Poland and Ukraine and denying those countries some transit fees. Gazprom, which is majority owned by the Russian government, owns 51 percent of Nord Stream 1 and all of Nord Stream 2 AG, which is developing and will operate the new pipelines.

10-8-2019 2019 Ford WindmillCAR is in another very different pipe line owned by the USA...

10-8-2019 Russia’s intention is to starve 4 Billion from Driving a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR an important chunk of inspirations better than driving a Mercedes.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 43/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-8-2019 Russia is waging a kind of war; cold war as the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR is climate controlled all Russians can set it for 78 or 80 in their drive across Russia. 24/7 no getting into a cold icy car ever again in all or Russia. Can you believe the KGB lets Putin and his Generals put them in a ice cold car this winter 2019!!

10-8-2019 "A secret unit in Russia’s military intelligence agency has been linked to at least four operations to carry out assassinations or create political chaos." $$$ Paid for by Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. The purpose of Unit 29155, which has not been previously reported, underscores the degree to which the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, is actively fighting the West with his brand of so- called hybrid warfare — a blend of propaganda, hacking attacks and disinformation — as well as open military confrontation. $$$ the unit’s commander, Maj. Gen. Andrei V. Averyanov, at his daughter’s wedding in a gray suit and bow tie. He is posing with Col. Anatoly V. Chepiga, one of two officers indicted in Britain over the poisoning of a former spy, Sergei V. Skripal. Gen Andrei V. Averyanov will bury his daughter in a pink grave next to Olivia Newton John. This is military intelligence in Russia. 40,000 Pink Graves for the Generals Wife and daughters from breast cancer and cancer in General. Who brainwashed this generals?

10-8-2019 Mr. Skripal, a former G.R.U. officer who had betrayed Russia by spying for the British. Mr. Skripal killed 100's of Olivia Newton John's in London and Paris!

10-8-2019 10 Essential Filipino Recipes and none picked by the NY Times editor in our Pink Times are for a Rx Recipe Breast Cancer cure when a million MD's are reading the NY Times for the Nobel in Medicine winners articles! A War Crime in the War on Cancer!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 44/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2019 Editors’ Picks Recipes by Angela Dimayuga’s 10 Essential Filipino Recipes The creative director for food and culture at the Standard hotels and former Mission Chinese Food chef chooses the dishes that define the cuisine for her. When The Times asked me for 10 recipes that speak to the heart of Filipino cuisine, I went back through my mom’s collection and consulted old cookbooks drawing from other regions of the Philippines. Like generations of Filipino cooks before me, I’ve adapted these recipes to my taste, knowing that not everyone may approve. My lola looked slightly askance at the chicken relleno I made for Mission Chinese Food — but she was tickled that I called it Josefina’s House Special Chicken and sold it for $75. By Angela DimayugaWith Ligaya Mishan

10-8-2019 "Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Study of Universe’s Structure and Discovery of Planet" James Peebles, a professor emeritus at Princeton University, shared half of the prize for theories that explained how the universe swirled into galaxies and everything we see in the night sky, and indeed much that we cannot see.

10-8-2019 The other half was shared by two Swiss astronomers, and , who were the first to discover an exoplanet, or a planet circling around a sun-like star. “They really, sort of tell us something very essential — existential — about our place in the universe,” Ulf Danielsson, a member of the Nobel committee.

10-8-2019 Our Place in the Universe today is Driven by Gas Engine Cars when Gravity Engine Car's would have won a Noble last year of the year before! A War Crime by a lot of Elite Mad Men.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 45/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2019 NEW YORK TODAY; How New York’s Taxi Titans Roiled Cities Hundreds of Miles Away. Monday: New Yorkers seized control of 2019 Ford WindmillTaxi's" Titans who killed Olivia Newton John in Cities Hundreds of Miles Away. By AZI PAYBARAH Pink Taxi in Key West and yes Olivia Newton John will be killed here next week and the week after that by NYC Titans who STOP-ed the 2011 Yale Key West Medical School from being built. They also but a STOP to the NTC 'Freedom Tower' Medical School. Nobel in Medicine yesterday for how cancer gets it oxygen when the Noble should have been for the Rx Recipe crunched from 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets gave us the Rx Recipe for the Pink Latte at Starbucks that cures breast cancer in all stages in 8 days. A War Crime!

10-8-2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to 3 for Work on Cells and Oxygen. The prize was awarded to William G. Kaelin Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza for their work in discovering how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability. 4 MD Wife's to work with inventing all day would be nice, grin. Gregg Greg in Key West... grin. Karolinska Institute in Stockholm needs to call Key West about Greg's Nobel work here, sanctions on it. ...how cancer cells manage to fuel their metabolisms by hijacking oxygen... Hijacking 1 Click Amazon 1,001 links for this work with specs on oxygen and genius tutors. Put Amazon to work on a Noble, “textbook discovery” and said it would be something students would start learning at the most basic levels of biology education.

10-8-2019 2020 Nobel will go to the Rx Recipe Latte at Starbucks for a Miracle Migraine Headache Cure $$$

1 Click Amazon has crashed... "Hot Tub Displays at State Fair Eyed as Link to Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak. More than 100 people in North Carolina were sickened with Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever last month. One person died." www.electricwindmillcar.com 46/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Trump Declares ‘Time for Us to Get Out’ of Syria as they killed Olivia Newton John...

10-7-2019 Dr. Olivia Newton John MD sent to North Korea with a Pink Rx Recipe for talks, brainstorming with Kim. North "Korea Rules Out Quick Resumption of ‘Sickening’ Talks with U.S." By CHOE SANG-HUN ‘Sickening’ State Dept will let Olivia die in North Korea! A war crime!!

10-7-2019 Medical schools, are harder than you think to get into and build one in Key West! 180 Yale Key West Medical Schools...

Ashford Trust Announces Agreement To Convert Crowne Plaza La Concha Key West To Marriott's Autograph Collection. The 160-room Hotel is ideally located on Duval Street in the heart of Old Town Key West. Marriott's Autograph Collection® Hotels feature a diverse portfolio of approximately 180 independent hotels around the world that reflect a unique vision, design, and environment.

Marriott's Autograph Collection® Hotels feature, should feature a iMac and Mac Book Pro @ $18,384 and $8,843.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 47/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

4 Girls Chat with 4 MD Women about Breast Cancer in General... Kim kept them out of a USA Medical School sick with the flu... of War Toys via MIT. $$$

4 Girls read Greg had his pneumonia vaccine at 60 and another at 65 would he have protection from Legionella?

Is there a vaccine for bacterium Legionella pneumophila they chat... 1 Click Amazon has crashed!

Legionnaires' disease is a severe, often lethal, form of pneumonia. It's caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in both potable and nonpotable water systems. Each year, an estimated 10,000 to 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States. It is not uncommon for patients with Legionnaires' disease to be admitted to the intensive care unit. Some will suffer www.electricwindmillcar.com 48/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat long-term impaired health-related quality of life. A study of outbreak survivors showed persistence of fatigue (75%), neurologic symptoms (66%) and neuromuscular symptoms (63%) in months after an outbreak.

10-7-2019 Killers in the Church are Priest and Bishops, call 911 for a MD. Catholic Church remodel it to a Urgent Care Center with MD's as Priest and Cardinals. Much better for the congregation than the Pope's last supper of heart attack burgers. Mac's and Mac Book Pro's are given out at this urgent care MD Church. "For Churches, a Temptation to Sell. Religious leaders ponder whether selling their buildings to developers is really the best way to protect their congregations." Killers in the Church are Priest and Bishops, call 911 for a MD.

10-7-2019 Killer in Their Midst is Valadimir Putin and Vladimir O. Potanin, a Russian billionaire who made his fortune in banking and natural Gas + Oil, has been a donor and board member of the Guggenheim Museum since 2002. More recently he gave $6.45 million to the Kennedy Center in Washington, which used some of the money to install the “Russian Lounge,” a meeting space, in the performing arts complex created, in part, by Congress. His name is now inscribed on a wall there.

10-7-2019 They Killed Olivia Newton John Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks + Isaac Newton's gravity engine car was killed too.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 49/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-7-2019 Killer in Our Midst “Russian Lounge,” at the Kennedy Center is not a MD lounge with $500 million dollar super computer for the MD free time on the computer to research a Nobel in Medicine. Killer in Our Midst in the Kennedy Center is nothing new with Robert Kennedy Jr. Hanging Mary in the Kennedy Barn. The MD's in the Doctors Lounge are using 1 Click Amazon links to invent a way to stop the Husband from driving his wife to the hanging, bone saw murder in Saudi Arabia for women there.

10-7-2019 Billionaire MD's in Russia.

10-7-2019 Vladimir Putin after touring the “Russia!” exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum - Heart Attack Museum!! Same class as the Heart Attack Burger Restaurant.

Apple is shipping the iPhone 11 Pro Max today, please send one to Greg Buell in Key West at PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 thanks $$$ 3054345276 cell 9-27- 2019 Friday is Greg's BDay 72.

10-7-2019 Vladimir Putin 19th-century lifestyle of the Russians who scratched out an existence by farming and fur-trading long before California became a state. Visitors tour the stockade, the Russian Orthodox chapel and a windmill like the one used by the settlers.

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10-7-2019 Vladimir Putin Russians who drive gas engine cars in 2019... bought by Putin's oil Men. Sanctions by Russia and the USA on 2019 Ford WindmillCARS... a war crime by all.

10-7-2019 Eggs!! In 2004, he spent about $100 million to secure the return of a collection of imperial Fabergé eggs and created a museum to showcase them. In 2004 Jimmy Carter Spent $100 Billion on a USS Jimmy Carter Sub.

10-7-2019 Dmitry Rybolovlev spent $2 billion in a few short years capturing works by the likes of Picasso and Leonardo. Not Salk II and Pasteur...

10-7-2019$4 Gas on the 4th of July runs counter to the spirit of United States, pray for Jimmy Carter to pay in hell for our $4 Gas on the 4th of July. Insidious Peanut Plantation owners next to Tobacco Plantation Owners. In the USA and Russia. Plantation owners USA + Russian in a Tolstoy Novel overly aggressive but for building the Moscow Yale Medical School with 25 Hospital Ships some bigger than carriers. No one plants these in the Peanut Plantations in the USA and Moscow.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 51/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-7-2019 Killer in Our Midst “Russian Lounge,” at Carnegie Hall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Brooklyn Academy of Music and Lincoln Center are among those who have received gifts from moneyed Russians or the companies they control over the past decade. While the oligarchs also promote their personal preferences and support a wide range of cultural activities, they often employ philanthropy to celebrate their homeland, depicting it as an enlightened wellspring of masterworks in dance, painting, opera and the like. NO MD's are in Russia, ha! Billionaire MD's in Russia.

10-7-2019 In Paris Knife Attack, Police Ask How They Missed a Killer in Their Midst. Olivia Newton John is asking the same. Grease and Oil Doctors of Hollywood Missed a Miracle on Park Avenue Cancer cure for 100's of Millions. 007 as a Medicine Man playing with Ants and Sugar lost in the Jungle of Disney not making Medicine Man 2. Texas Suspends Execution of Olivia Newton John after another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues $$$ Still looking for more oil wells to drill in the arctic. Police Ask How They Missed a Killer in Their Midst. Oil Men! Olivia Newton John is asking the same. Big Oil, Bigger Sin's.

10-7-2019 Dr. Olivia Newton John MD sent to North Korea with a Pink Rx Recipe for talks, brainstorming with Kim. North "Korea Rules Out Quick Resumption of ‘Sickening’ Talks with U.S." By CHOE SANG-HUN ‘Sickening’ State Dept will let Olivia die in North Korea! A war crime!!

Marriott's Autograph Collection MD Hotels feature, should feature a iMac and Mac Book Pro @ $18,384 and $8,843. www.electricwindmillcar.com 52/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2019 Mandy Miles; "I learned long ago not to burn any of the 42 bridges that connect us to Key West," Sirius 42 Nearest Stars - War's $ Cut these bridges. Stardom that connects owners of the local newspaper to the Owner of the Universe. You sold your soul to the New York Times when Time is the New CERN God Particle.

10-6-2019 NY Times article a month or two ago that said the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ know about F-35 Radar on all cars and roads in the USA and figured they don't want to spend the $7 Trillion out of their War Chest for USS Jimmy Carter Subs and F-35 Jets as the cost of $7 Trillion is the same cost for a Rx Recipe Pink at a Pink Los Alamos Manhattan Project to cure breast cancer in all stages in 8 days with a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Naive to think the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ with $777 Trillion in Cash will spend any money but for Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs and F-35 Jets!

Click Here for the PDF of Gregs BDay 72 Invention Tips at Starbucks BDay Party Many MD Wifes

www.electricwindmillcar.com 53/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2019 Cars are death machines. Pedestrian fatalities in the United States have increased 41 percent since 2008; more than 6,000 pedestrians were killed in 2018 alone. More than 4,000 American kids are killed in car crashes every year. More than you want to read Cop Cars rear ended bursting into flames since Jimmy Carter crashed into the first Cop Car in Georgia in 1980. Statistics are classified and secret.

4 Girls Chat with 4 MD Women about Breast Cancer in General...

10-6-2019 ‘A Caricature of the Yale Key West Medical School in Argentine. How Hard is it to get into the Yale Medical School in Argentine for Argentine Feminists Remaking the Tango... A group of activists is trying to make tango less dogmatic about traditional gender roles, and more assertive about rooting out sexual www.electricwindmillcar.com 54/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat harassment and assault." By ERNESTO LONDOÑO

10-6-2019 Medical schools, in Argentine which are already hard to get psyched up to going to classes 24/7 for years when others are doing the Tango 24/7 for years, getting harder each year to stop millions from a lifestyle of Tango instead of Medical School Study and Classes one right after another not the same as one Tango after another. U.S. News did its annual survey of the 118 ranked medical schools that reported their acceptance rates and found that the average was only 6.8% in 2018. However, the average acceptance rate of the most competitive medical schools was at just 2.4% this past application cycle. The average feminists accepting years of study at the Yale Medical school is .0004%

10-6-2019 How do we make Tango women more assertive about rooting out sexual harassment and assault... sex disease and lithium before the assault.

10-6-2019 Psychology of the Macho Tango all are jealous. Not the same type of Jealousness as Jews watching Trump spend Prince Salmans Blood Money. Some appeared lost in a loving embrace of Saudi Status Quo of Blood Money pay out to world leaders. Dance that is centuries old. Now fueled with $777 Trillion in gas station money $4 gas on the 4th of July winnings at the Qatar Trump Casino.

10-6-2019 They will Kill Olivia Newton John too. Isaac Newton's gravity engine car was killed too. Mind dissected by Dr. Kartina is not the same mind dissected by Trump/Salman. In Paris Knife Attack, Police Ask How They Missed a Killer in Their Midst. Olivia Newton John is asking the same. How did she miss a "killer" in her 1984 Society. Hollywood "Killers" of Breast Cancer women are all the famous www.electricwindmillcar.com 55/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat names that come to mind even Cher. Angelina... Judy Garland's movie. "Killers" Merel Steep.

10-6-2019 "Argentina tango has perpetuated gender inequality and enabled abusive men..." Not getting into the Yale Medical School has perpetuated gender inequality and enabled abusive men..." Not wanting to go to Medical School by Tango Dancers!

10-6-2019 Hypnotic states inequality, the Nobel in Medicine by the Medical Student watching her do the Tango on a short break and her life go on in her hypnotic state of the perpetual Tango not even thinking about going to Yale Medical School. Abusive!

10-6-2019 Hard Times Have Pakistani Hindus Looking to India, Where Some Find Only Disappointment in the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's in India. Jews are also disappointed with the Exodus Model of the Ford WindmillCAR.

10-6-2019 "A Mysterious Sleeping Disorder That Turns Life Into a Waking Dream" By LISA SANDERS, M.D. A Mysterious Universe that turns a drive to Sirius into a Jewish Exodus. Will the King of Sweden give the Jews a Noble if they doctor up this Exodus and arrive give birth to Aliens at Sirius? Urgent care MD or just a routine oil change! Oil Change for the Doctor's Car, patients car's. WhindmillCAR's that turn the Doctors Hospital into a Miracle Dream Job only the Admirals and Generals have today staying at the Baghdad Palace that once belonged to Saddam. It's a Urgent Care Office Waking from the nightmare of War's for Oil Money not paid to your Medical Bills. ‘Magical Chemistry’ Quick-Brewed in a Coffee Shop. Mac and Mac Book Pro on every Cafe table in Paris and at the Hospital Starbucks. www.electricwindmillcar.com 56/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nightmare of Win 10 code blue. Super Computer inside the iWatch beeps the Sanders Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest Alarm 30 minutes before sudden death. MD Sanders running for President of the Medical Universe.

10-6-2019 "A Mysterious Sleeping Disorder That Turns Churches that were almost sold into Urgent Care Business, a Temptation to Sell a Catholic Chruch is now to remodel it to a Urgent Care Center with MD's as Priest and Cardinals. Much better for the congregation than the Pope's. Mac's and Mac Book Pro's are given out at this urgent care Church. "For Churches, a Temptation to Sell. Religious leaders ponder whether selling their buildings to developers is really the best way to protect their congregations." By C. J. HUGHES Running away from newspaper reporters who are not Doctors of anything!!


10-5-2019 The internet-equipped “connected car,” for example, initially introduced by Cadillac in 1996 as a luxury safety feature known as OnStar.

I’m not so naïve to think we can get rid of cars altogether, but we have so many tools to eliminate traffic-related injuries and fatalities right now. Until then, the streets will belong to "Cars" death machines. by By Allison Arieff.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 57/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Naive Allison Arieff Traffic Girl at the NY Times Pictured. Now for a perfect memory test for Allison, did you read the NY Times article a month or two ago that said the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ know about F-35 Radar on all cars and roads in the USA and figured they don't want to spend the $7 Trillion out of their War Chest for USS Jimmy Carter Subs and F-35 Jets as the cost of $7 Trillion is the same cost for a Rx Recipe Pink at a Pink Los Alamos Manhattan Project to cure breast cancer in all stages in 8 days with a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Naive to think the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ with $777 Trillion in Cash will spend any money but for Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs and F-35 Jets!

Naive "5 Stops on Germany’s Whiskey Trail" and 5,000 deaths DUI's censored but in the same paper NY Times.

Whiskey Deaths article in the NY Times, will Allison Arieff write this for the Times? World Wide not just NYC. Medical and Car Wrecks too.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 58/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Mandy Miles and the Citizen Newspaper for 21 years censored statistics on car accidents...

iPhone Watch should have beeped Heart Attack for Bernie Sanders... 30 minutes before a cardiac arrest. Arresting those who built MIT War Toys instead is Mission Impossible the next Movie.

10-5-2019 “Medical Architectural Tech's" Bernie Sanders Had Heart Attack, His Doctors Say as He Leaves Hospital

10-5-2019 Oil on Fire!! Iran Won the War with Saudi Arabia Saudi's Surrender!! Saudi Arabia and Iran are seeking ways to ease tensions. A warming relationship could have far-reaching consequences.

10-5-2019 Oil on Fire!! Saudi Oil Refinery on Fire; Trump and His Henchmen in the Flames

www.electricwindmillcar.com 59/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-5-2019 Oil on Fire!! Next fire is the Blood Money and Bribe Trump and his Mad Men took to protect Prince Salman from Bone Saw Killings, more than one too. 1,001 Bone Saw murders by Prince Salman and 60 Minutes knew this last week in his interview.

10-5-2019 Cop Cars On Fire!! iTickets never having to pull over a traffic stop to get rear ended in a fiery wreck Top Brass Oil Men didn't surrender to the Cops yet, grin.

10-5-2019 “The police prefecture was struck at its heart, like never before in the past,” Didier Lallement, the Paris police chief.

10-5-2019 "Infidels!" Terrorism Motive Eyed in Paris Police Stabbing Attack

10-5-2019 Prince and Kings Salman had been sufficiently vetted, Trump and Ivanka are "Infidels!" God is Great for $777 Trillion dollars from $4 gas on the 4th of July. Grin.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 60/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2019 Police Headquarters, a 19th-century building in the center of Paris that sits across from Notre-Dame on the Île de la Cité, an island on the Seine

10-5-2019 NY Times a new Skyscraper in the island of Manhattan

10-5-2019 Cop Cars On Fire!! Bush put out the cops fire by keeping the fiery cop cars and burned cops off the front page of the NY Times and the Times went along with this for blood money getting a news NYC skyscraper for setting fire to cop cars writing a ticket - move over laws! Move over to iTickets never pull over a traffic stop.

10-5-2019 Traffic Stop! Deputy Sues ATF, Claims Assault After Traffic Stop!

10-5-2019 Traffic Stops - Move over law to iTickets! A Florida police officer has been suspended and charged with striking a handcuffed suspect. The Broward County State Attorney's Office filed a misdemeanor battery charge.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 61/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2019 43 Cop Cars in Fiery Wrecks in Ukraine!! CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call. CIA world wide knows better than the run of the mill person 1,001 cop cars are rear ended bursting into flames in a traffic stop writing a ticket on the side of the road in the Ukraine well as Moscow.

10-5-2019 Traffic Stop by Key West Cops for Mandy Miles; I learned long ago not to burn any of the 42 bridges that connect us all. 43 Cop Cars Burned in Mandy Miles headlines... 1984 edition!

Cars are death machines. Pedestrian fatalities in the United States have increased 41 percent since 2008; more than 6,000 pedestrians were killed in 2018 alone. More than 4,000 American kids are killed in car crashes every year.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 62/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

The internet-equipped “connected car,” for example, initially introduced by Cadillac in 1996 as a luxury safety feature known as OnStar.

I’m not so naïve to think we can get rid of cars altogether, but we have so many tools to eliminate traffic-related injuries and fatalities right now. Until then, the streets will belong to "Cars" death machines. by By Allison Arieff.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 63/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Naive Allison Arieff Traffic Girl at the NY Times Pictured. Now for a perfect memory test for Allison, did you read the NY Times article a month or two ago that said the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ know about F-35 Radar on all cars and roads in the USA and figured they don't want to spend the $7 Trillion out of their War Chest for USS Jimmy Carter Subs and F-35 Jets as the cost of $7 Trillion is the same cost for a Rx Recipe Pink at a Pink Los Alamos Manhattan Project to cure breast cancer in all stages in 8 days with a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Naive to think the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ with $777 Trillion in Cash will spend any money but for Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs and F-35 Jets!

Mandy Miles and the Citizen Newspaper for 21 years censored statistics on car accidents...

10-5-2019 By Mandy Miles Key West Citizen October 5, 2019 News travels fast in this town, and I have some to report. I mean, more so than the culinary story www.electricwindmillcar.com 64/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat over on today’s front page, or the usual assortment of City Commission news, development plans, business profiles and people features that I’ve been writing for this paper since I showed up for work here 21 years and three months ago. August 5, 1998 was my first day at The Citizen. Yesterday was my last. In case you haven’t heard, I’ve accepted a new job, still here in Key West, and turned in my Citizen laptop yesterday evening. I am, however, a little sorry there’s no juicy news story or perhaps even a police report to coincide with my departure. Certainly we’ve all fantasized about making a dramatic, drop-the-mic exit once a new job is in the offing, but to be sure, my dad drilled it into my brother and me when we got our first full-time summer jobs at age 14 — you don’t quit one job until you have another lined up. We’ve all considered the perfect parting shot and the barrage of truths designed to put an inept, ill-equipped, obtuse, short-sighted and close-minded boss in his place — right before he calls security on us. Granted, it would make for a more interesting story, and may even have made the front page, but it’s just not my style. Unlike one former boss whose departure was not of his choosing, I didn’t get a police escort out of the building yesterday. Obviously, there have been some turbulent times here over the years, but the good times undoubtedly have far outweighed the bad, and the past two years under new ownership and management have turned things around with more positive changes still to come. I wouldn’t trade the past 21-plus years for anything, well, unless Travel & Leisure was in the market for a staff writer. This job has provided me with amazing memories of Blue Angels flights, boat trips and board meetings. After so many years, there’s a good chance my car will still head toward this office come Monday morning. Most importantly, this place introduced me to the best friends I could ever hope to meet. And while photographer Rob O’Neal and I will no longer be covering news stories together, we’ll still have plenty of time to compare notes over a few vodka drinks at night. Some things never change — and shouldn’t. I’ll still be in town and I’ll still be writing news and a column every week. Most of all, I’ll be forever grateful to you, my readers, to my Citizen friends and colleagues, to my best friend, Rob O’Neal, for always making this job fun, and to Managing Editor Chris Seymour and Publisher Richard Tamborrino for righting this ship when it veered off course. Sure, it would have been juicy to have made a dramatic exit, but again, it’s not my style. Besides, having lived for two decades at the very end of a long chain of islands, I learned long ago not to burn any of the 42 bridges that connect us all.

10-5-2019 Traffic Stop by Key West Cops for Mandy Miles; I learned long ago not to burn any of the 42 bridges that connect us all. 43 Cop Cars Burned in Mandy Miles headlines... 1984 edition!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 65/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2019 Journalists missed 5 Cop Cars on Fire; But got this story. Five-Alarm Fire at Bronx Apartment Building Injures 10. Two people, including a firefighter, were seriously injured in the blaze on the Grand Concourse, which took more than three hours to bring under control. By NEIL VIGDOR Blaze of fiery wrecks every day and night not only in the USA but every UN Nation. Did the UN take this up last week in NYC, Hell No!

10-5-2019 Medical schools, which are already hard to get into, are getting harder each year. U.S. News did its annual survey of the 118 ranked medical schools that reported their acceptance rates and found that the average was only 6.8% in 2018. However, the average acceptance rate of the most competitive medical schools was at just 2.4% this past application cycle. Greg and his 4 MD Wife's at Yale, know we will win a Nobel in Medicine. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors, many from Yale Med.

10-5-2019 In fact, I recommend that students who have a lower than average MCAT score or GPA consider 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine IP invention projects links with specs and genius tutors and thanks to Starbucks WiFi Mac and Mac Book Pro's at every Cafe table in Paris, USA soon.

10-5-2019 MCAT score is most likely links to 'memory' so first IP invention project is the Rx Recipe for perfect Memory and Starbucks will make $ Billions if your Rx Recipe is bought for the Rx Memory Latte.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 66/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2019 MCAT Long Term Memory Tips? Everything I've had to do in school has been short-term. Learn about something in depth, forget the little details of it in week. Any tips on long term memory learning? I heard aanki is a good tool, but I don't see how that can help with long-term seeing that I already use flashcards right now? Rx Recipe for a better memory is the best tip now invent this!

10-5-2019 only 41% of all applicants were accepted into a medical school, with the MCAT score the main reason why people were rejected.

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10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' ”Architectural Feats in Inhospitable Spots - Key West 25 Trump Towers Are the Yale Key West Medical School Buildings Each Spelled out for a Unique Architectural Purpose + 25 Hospital Ships some bigger than Carriers!

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Mark Zuckerberg and Elizabeth Warren can and did influence the development of cancer cure Rx Recipe every day in 2019 leaving Olivia Newton John to die... this is 1984 Today!

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' 2 Years Ago; fungi proliferate 3,000-fold in the pancreas compared to healthy tissue — and one fungus in particular may make pancreatic tumors grow bigger. Researchers were surprised by the presence of fungi in the typical pancreas and immense increase in their numbers in disease. “The pancreas was considered a sterile organ until a couple years ago,” said Dr. George Miller, a surgical oncologist at the New York University School of Medicine who led the study, bacteria, could sneak past a muscle called the sphincter of Oddi, which separates the pancreas from the rest of the gut. Perhaps fungi could also colonize the pancreas the same way. 57,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the United States this year, but their prognosis will be poor. Three-fourths die within a year of diagnosis, and only about 1 in 10 live longer than five years. Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the only varieties of fungi that colonized pancreatic tissue. One particular fungus was the most abundant in the pancreas: a genus of Basidiomycota called Malassezia. MD's thinking this increased the growth of cancer by 100's of times but can't prove it today. Like, Casino's, Coor's, Florida Lottery Tickets stifle the time spent on 1,001 IP invention projects. Another type of social cancer that needs a cure!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 68/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks 24/7 can proliferate 3,000-fold, so can Salk and Pasteur at the Paris Starbucks.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' MD's proliferate 3,000-fold in Paris and London, Moscow. Masterminds of this will not be Oil-God's but 2 White Women MD's at 1984 HQ or the CIA.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Parliament,” showing Britain’s House of Commons populated by chimpanzees

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Parliament,” showing Britain’s House of Commons populated by MD's Kleine-Levin was a rare sleep disorder that primarily affected male teenagers, causing periods of hypersomnolence that can go on for weeks. The more she read about Kleine-Levin — named for two physicians who wrote about the disorder in the 1920s — the more certain she was that her son had it." by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD

www.electricwindmillcar.com 69/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2019 Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks today writing at the Hemingway House Writing Class the Nobel in Medicine Novel by Tolstoy @ Moscow. Putin will grade it A + and cure all the alcoholics... with the Rx Latte at Starbucks Moscow.

10-4-2019 Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks today. Live streaming YouTube video of Aliens at Sirius is “Architectural Tech's" Novel tech one by 100's of Tolstoy's writing on the same page at a Moscow Starbucks on Mac's and Mac Book Pro's with 1 click Amazon links to connecting with the correct passwords to Alien TV at Sirius. Listening in.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' High Medical Bills $$$ Set Up Major Legal Showdown in California and a Revolution World Wide. End to cancer and disease paid for in full by Saudi Arabia + Qatar's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues all from gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Legal Showdown is closing Yale and Harvard Law Schools, giving the campus to the Yale and Harvard Medical Schools. Leemore Dafny, a business professor at Harvard University. "Mammoth Hospital systems could be broken up, but she acknowledged “it would be a battle.” Battle is the end of cancers and disease as we know the statistics today in Paris and London. Salk and Pasteur have been murdered by a Bone Saw Prince giving money to Trump for protection from his bone saw murders. 100's of them in the news today. Battle is www.electricwindmillcar.com 70/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat for Mecca's Tourists from Trump Towers watching the beheading, hands cut off, whips. Everyday Trump let this slide for money. 2 White men at 1984 HQ allow Sutter Kaiser AARP to use its size and market dominance to the detriment of health care consumers,” Killers of Olivia Newton John are Sutter Kaiser AARP. Also Dr. Susan Love if she has been reading this Pink web for the last 8 years Greg has been living in Key West. She has one of my WindmillCAR Cards on her Desk from 10 years ago our meeting of the Minds at her Pink Lecture. 40,000 Pink dead every year for 10 years and the Lawyers at Yale and Harvard think they will win the case for the murderers of Olivia Newton John. Sounds like Trumps Lawyers. 1984 employing numerous tactics to protect its "Oil" $$$ could be liable for more than $777 Trillion under state law because the injured parties could collect treble damages. Sell a fleet of 100 USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs to Xi in China. More Junk in China, grin. In Houston, a Rash of Storms Tests the Limits of Coping With Climate Change. Cops in Texas lead the nation in fiery wrecks writing a ticket on the side of the road. Limits of 2 White men at 1984 HQ keeping these statistics off the front page of the NY Times with the fiery cop cars is limited today, yesterday if was infinity. iTickets without pulling anyone over in Texas and WindmillCopCars! Criminal Justice for millions of Texas Oil Men will be driven by Pink women in 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's as they were thrown under the Pink bus by these Texas Oil Men.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' While hospital care for a heart attack cost around $25,000 in San Francisco, it was closer to $15,000 in parts of Los Angeles. A doctor’s visit for a common cold cost $205 in San Francisco, compared to as low as $122 in Los Angeles.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' you’re starting to show signs of a bully, Xi in China building 1 million gas stations in 2019 in thick smog of diesel. Bully or just a mass murdered of Chinese

www.electricwindmillcar.com 71/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Alien; There isn’t any commentary from Sigourney Weaver, the most prominent of the living cast members not included. Alien: implies that, the craft of “Alien” was itself a tough act to follow. Contact with Aliens in our live time will cost $7 Trillion paid to Comcast in Advance, Verizon too. Live streaming YouTube video of Aliens at Sirius is “Architectural Tech's" job they could would start working on Today if paid.

10-4-2019 Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks today. Live streaming YouTube video of Aliens at Sirius is “Architectural Tech's" Novel tech one by 100's of Tolstoy's writing on the same page at a Moscow Starbucks on Mac's and Mac Book Pro's with 1 click Amazon links to connecting with the correct passwords to Alien TV at Sirius. Listening in.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Mohammed bin Salman is taking heat at home after the largest attack on Saudi oil infrastructure ever. Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been criticized by family members and business leaders in the wake of an attack on Saudi oil ... Clouds of smoke rising from largest Oil refinery in the World struck by the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR. Mohammed bin Salman and Trump have read the Secret File on the cover of Greg's Amazon book both now taking heat at home for the killings, Trump for the killing of Olivia Newton John. Gravity of Newton building the Gravity Engine Car's. Science fiction is no longer science fiction a but bone saw murder of Isaac Newton and 40,000 Pink Women so these 2 can Trump at the Qatar Trump Casino's Roulette Wheel instead of the Wheel of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 72/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Mohammed bin Salman is talking "Infidels!" in Paris Police HQ. Paris Oil Men Masterminded the attack on Paris Police HQ yesterday $$$ for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' The deranged employee who stabbed four people to death — including three cops — inside a Paris police headquarters had converted to Islam 18 months ago, according to a report. 4 cops fatally stabbed by Paris police employee. The 45-year-old deaf IT worker — identified in media reports as Michael Harpon attacked three members of the police force’s intelligence division Thursday inside two ground floor offices, then went into a stairwell and assaulted two women, French newspaper Le Parisien reported. One of the women survived and underwent emergency surgery after the attacks. She was listed in critical condition. The attacker was gunned down in a courtyard at the police facility by an officer described as a young “police trainee.” Harpon, a native of the island of Martinique, married in 2014, and he and his wife lived in a quite suburb north of Paris, according to Le Parisien. He converted to Islam 18 months ago but neighbors told local reporters that there were no signs he was radicalized — nor are police in Paris treating the incident as a terrorist attack.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Mohammed bin Salman is talking "Infidels!" in Paris Police HQ. Paris Oil Men Masterminded the attack on Paris Police HQ yesterday $$$ for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 73/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' InventBook by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. What they do will gravitate to the Police HQ in Paris. "Do We Need to Break Up Facebook? Elizabeth Warren has squared off with Mark Zuckerberg." Both are killers of Olivia Newton John! CBS Nightly News the one women who fought breast cancer and is cancer free today. Miracle Rx Recipe on Invention book worked for Olivia Newton John but for everyone on Facebook and no one on Inventbook. Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel with 100's writing the Miracle Cure Novel that would have given Olivia a few more years to live censored by these 2 at 1984 HQ. Olivia is only 4 of 40,000 killed by Mark and Warren. Proof they are killers is the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' InventBook and the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR triggers a cascade of signals known to cause 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in less than a year! So why is InventBook sanctioned by Trump and CBS?

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' London populated by MD's; LONDON — This time it was the bidding that made people gasp. Banksy, the world’s most famous street artist, joined the ranks of the world’s most expensive artists Thursday night when his 2009 satirical painting, “Devolved Parliament,” showing Britain’s House of Commons populated by chimpanzees, sold for 9.9 million pounds with fees, or about $12.1 million, at Sotheby’s, setting an auction high for his work.

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Tourists news in the NY Times are paid by Saudi Arabia but not for beheading tourists. Given the Saudi role in the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. “Have you checked how many beheading have happened in 2019 in Saudi?” one follower commented on a photo posted by the influencer Mick Salas. (In a single day in April, the kingdom executed 37 people in www.electricwindmillcar.com 74/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat public with Prince Salman cheering on the crowd... censored at 60 Minutes. The kingdom has invited popular internet personalities to visit, all expenses paid, in an effort to rehabilitate its global image. CBS and 60 Minutes have been given $1 Billion for its influence to be positive, Trump's Blood Money from Saudi Oil Revenue has to be $1 Trillion. Trump just wants to be the first USA Trillionaire no matter how it got it. Sort of like Rockefeller's. NYC!

10-4-2019 “Architectural Tech's' Dr. Lisa Sanders; The young man was in the hospital for a total of nine days and had dozens of tests on his blood, urine and spinal fluid. He had CT scans, ultrasounds and M.R.I.s. He was seen by specialists in infectious diseases, neurology, gastroenterology and psychiatry. Strangely, he slept through them all — sleeping up to 20 hours a day. And when he was awake, his mind and attention seemed elsewhere — though he couldn’t say where. Was his condition infectious? Genetic? Psychological? Nothing seemed to fit; every time they thought of a possible diagnosis, testing ruled it out. Kleine-Levin is thought to be a genetic, immune-triggered disease, like narcolepsy. But even now, after almost a century, little is known about why it starts or eventually stops. In general, those with Kleine-Levin will have episodes of hypersomnolence — lasting a median of 10 days — as often as once a month. These episodes can come and go for years but usually stop after 15 to 20 years. During an episode, waking hours are characterized by a sense of unreality. In between, the patient feels and acts completely normal. There is still much we don’t understand about this condition, but lithium has been shown to reduce the frequency and duration of the episodes. The young man was started on lithium this summer, and so far he has been fine. He is back in college, taking 16 hours of coursework. Though terrified by the likelihood of a relapse, he is fascinated by the science of it. He is studying neuroscience now and is considering devoting his career to investigating the brain and his disease. Mom, She added the fact that these episodes of sleep came and went for no reason. That combination finally led her to an article published in a medical journal nearly a decade earlier about a disorder called Kleine-Levin syndrome. The very first sentence delivered a jolt of recognition. Kleine-Levin was a rare sleep disorder that primarily affected male teenagers, causing periods of hypersomnolence that can go on for weeks. The more she read about Kleine-Levin — named for two physicians who wrote about the disorder in the 1920s — the more certain she was that her son had it.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 75/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2019 Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks today. Live streaming YouTube video of Aliens at Sirius is “Architectural Tech's" Novel tech one by 100's of Tolstoy's writing on the same page at a Moscow Starbucks on Mac's and Mac Book Pro's with 1 click Amazon links to connecting with the correct passwords to Alien TV at Sirius. Listening in.

10-3-2019 'Paris Hospitals' Last few weeks a War Zone. 10,000 Thousands of injuries to protesters, including some partial blindings from rubber bullets, have damaged the image of the police not the Elite Oil Men with $777 Trillion dollars in illegal gas station hold ups, a crime the Paris Police realize every time they pull into a gas station. Oil Men Criminals in Paris wanted more than just gas money they had to injure 10,000 people in Paris. This has to be a crime considering the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR.

10-3-2019 Starbucks Moscow 24/7 Coffee + Mac Mac Book Pro's 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors. Putin is a Oil Man who spent his money on MIT War Toys, a loser of 1,001 Nobel in Medicine by Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks, grin!

10-3-2019 Starbucks Paris 1,001 Nobels in Medicine 24/7 Spill proof keyboards www.electricwindmillcar.com 76/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat on the Mac Book Pro's invented too...

10-3-2019 Bernie, Blockage in a artery not named so we can't look it up!! NY Times reporter will be fired by a NY Times MD Editor.

10-3-2019 “Erode public trust,” $4 Gas on the 4th of July!

10-3-2019 Erode Homeland Security Tactics" Collect Cell Calls and Cell GPS on a Google Map of 'Everyone' in the USA then 'Everyone on Earth" Star Wars Tactics of Homeland Security!! U.S. Government Plans to Collect DNA From Detained Immigrants" The Department of Homeland Security said it would begin testing on hundreds of thousands of immigrants in federal detention facilities." By CAITLIN DICKERSON Upgrade 'NYC;' On her New York law enforcement beat, Ali Watkins mines CompStat for trends and crowdsourcing for breaking news... Ali Watkins knows the names of everyone on her Google Cell Map where they are were they were and ID back ground check if she click on them. Grin. Police Up Grade from DNA. Yes Ali can listen in on their cell calls and talk them if needed for an iTicket.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 77/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1,001 Nobels in Medicine 2020... Tips at Starbucks - 1,001 Invention Tips on the iMac's, Grin.

Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the under cooked Red Meat diseases.

Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the under cooked Red Meat diseases and food poisoning!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 78/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-3-2019 Starbucks Moscow 24/7 Coffee + Mac Mac Book Pro's 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors. Putin is a Oil Man who spent his money on MIT War Toys, a loser of 1,001 Nobel in Medicine by Tolstoy @ Moscow Starbucks, grin!

10-3-2019 "Ukraine’s Leader Has Jumped Into Trump’s Trap. And the winner is … Vladimir Putin." Putin's MD Women need to Trap Putin in "Oil" Gravity of Hell sinking into 'Oil' when a Russian is building the Gravity Engine Car on the other side of Moscow. Russian Women will drive this gravity engine car to the Yale Moscow Medical School with 25 Hospital Ships some bigger than Russian Carriers! Putin's Oil Money that Putin Jumped Into is a Trap like the Czar of Russian did 100 years ago. When there were no women MD's in all of Russia. Recipes and Rx Recipes for girls is the new Russian Revolution. It's Time to leave the Earth in the Jewish Exodus to Sirius.

10-3-2019 “erode public trust,” Gravity of Hell and inventing the Gravity Engine for a Model T Ford.

10-3-2019 "Eroded truthfulness in Medical Records quoted" Bernie Sanders 78 Is Hospitalized, Raising Questions About His Candidacy and not telling the truth about his heart on his medical records. The Vermont senator had two stents inserted in an artery after experiencing chest discomfort at an event." Blockage in a artery not named so we can't look it up!! NY Times reporter will be fired by a NY Times MD Editor.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 79/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-3-2019 On the other hand, should we really be so worried that people will find out about our history of arrhythmia or the results of a recent blood test? When its written up in the NY Times in Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD. Why it took months and 100's of test to get your diagnosis and cure correct in this article from reading your medical records. AI medical innovation... 1 Click by your Elite Yale MD gets the correct diagnosis and Rx Cure in seconds not months of test. "large-scale data set to improve the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses across all medical fields using machine learning algorithms. The more anonymous data we collect — demographic and medical — the better we can identify causes, diagnose early and develop better treatments. In the process, we can draw connections between previously disconnected data sets — diagnoses and geography, medication protocol and lifestyle, treatment success and medical history, and plenty more." 100 cases of Breast Cancer in Key West a cluster. You never hear clusters of Breast or Brain Cancers in the News anymore because the 2 White men at 1984 HQ who are not MD's decided to censor this from the NY Times!

10-3-2019 42,290 patient CT scans to predict one’s likelihood of lung cancer. Trump and Kim walked out on a Nobel in Medicine for Sanctions on Tobacco. End to Tobacco in the USA and Korea. $$$ kickback from Tobacco Plantation owners next to Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantations in George a crime the cops can make a arrest for lung cancer victims.

10-3-2019 Medical records made public by Senators, STD's!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 80/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-3-2019 "Eroded War Tactics" To Disrupt Oil Money from Qatar, confiscate it, hack it all $$$, Taliban Turn to an Old Tactic: Destroying Cell Towers. Zalmay Khalizad USA arrived for meetings with officials in Pakistan, where Taliban insurgents have sanctuaries. His visit overlapped with Taliban negotiators, based in Qatar, who also were visiting Pakistan. But it remained unclear whether Mr. Khalilzad would tell everyone all their Swiss Bank accounts have been hacked by the USA CIA. $$$. Tactics of war this is why the USA with Zalmay Khalizad lost the war for decades. War cost Money! God is Great for $4 gas on the 4th of July. War tactics; Taliban followed through on their threat. Several towers were destroyed, he said, along with two other main towers in Baghlan and Kunduz provinces. Some towers, Mr. Talash said, cost $200,000 a piece, while some other, larger sites can cost as much as $1 million. 6,000 cell towers spread across the country, according to Afghan government statistics. By Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Najim Rahim. Thomas at the Times didn't mention the military satellites for cell calls in this article. A War Crime for Journalist writing the facts.

10-3-2019 "Deterioration of Clean Air" Xi China’s Global Message: We Built One Million New Gas Stations in 2019!

10-3-2019 Deterioration; Smog Gamble on billions breathing in smog for another decade. Las Vegas, Call for Sweeping money controls on greed that is creating more and more smog and foggy bottoms in our Orwell society.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 81/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-3-2019 Windows 10 X Deterioration; Ctrl-Alt-Del

10-3-2019 'Deterioration of the last 20 WW II Bombers' The War is not over WW II $$$ Millions of 'Pink Dollars' are spent on B-17 Bombers and B-1 Bombers. B-17 Plane Crashes at Bradley Airport Outside Hartford, Killing at Least 7. 7 million more were on the ground all in Pink and went to their deaths tortured by the breast cancer chemo. Deterioration of right and wrong, war crimes in the War on Cancer. They will be brought to trial in a Disney Star Wars Movie about 2019 and the War on Cancer was lost for decades because MIT War Toys got all the money. Spock will say this was not only not logical but a war crime.

10-3-2019 “Architectural Tech's' ”Architectural Feats in Inhospitable Spots - Key West 25 Trump Towers Are the Yale Key West Medical School Buildings Each Spelled out for a Unique Architectural Purpose + 25 Hospital Ships some bigger than Carriers!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 82/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” $4 Gas on the 4th of July!

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” 10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year...

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Florida; "Florida Teachers Can Now Carry Guns at School to shoot anyone," driving a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR on the school grounds, through the thick Smog of Diesel school bus and trucks dropping off kids.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 83/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Florida; The "MD High School" was not built by City Hall...

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” 10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year... Food Poisoning in School Lunch statistics are censored by the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. This is why no kids have a book on Amazon titled "1984 II" Disney will not do a remake of "1984".

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Red Meat, bacon, sausage; His advice: “People should be aware of the uncertainty and make their decisions based on that awareness.” Gravity of Hell and inventing the Gravity Engine for a Model T Ford.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” USA; Breast Cancer Killer; Killer with rare condition facing 'one of most gruesome executions' in US history. A killer due to be executed in Missouri could get a last minute reprieve because of a rare Pink Rx Recipe - No this is not Olivia Newton John she is not going to get a last minute reprive from the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. They are busy in Korea and Iran and Iraq and Afghastan and China and Saudi Arabia. No one in the USA is working on getting a last minute reprieve for Olivia Newton John at the NY Times.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 84/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Fluent in English and Arabic when we need the NY Times fluent in Rx Recipes not just Peanut Recipes. Mom's best printed in the NY Times. Yes you have to pay the NY Times another $5 dollars to copy the recipe. What will they charge for a Rx Recipe?

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” USA; After the Murder of Olivia Newton John...

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” USA; Olivia Newton John last Dream is to drive a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR to Disneyland Galaxy Edge.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Earth plagued by too many kings, Oil-Gods as Jimmy Carter said they all will go to Hell rich as hell too!

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Saudi Arabia; After the Bone Saw not for bone cancers. After the Saudi columnist’s murder, intellectuals, writers and activists across the Middle East are increasingly censoring themselves out of fear of their governments. $777 Trillion in bribes, even the French President who just died took Oil Revenues from Allah, Mecca. Riches beyond belief reached Paris after 100's of www.electricwindmillcar.com 85/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat years of Paris history the president of France took a billion dollar bribe from Saddam.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Saudi intelligence and breast cancer world wide, will they give Allah a Pink King?

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” One Year On, Saudi Prince Struggles to Quell Damage of Khashoggi’s Killing.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” 40,000 One Year On, Pink killings by Trump all women in the USA from Breast Cancers...

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Joint Chiefs of Staff know better than to let 40,000 Pink Graves into Arlington!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 86/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” One Year On, Saudi agents killed and dismembered the dissident Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul one year ago on Wednesday — dealing a potentially crippling blow to Prince Mohammed’s international image, upending his charm offensive and prompting some international businesses to shun the kingdom.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” In Houston, a Rash of Storms Test the Limits of Coping With Diesel and Gas Exhaust Smog world wide, Time for a Climate change to the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's in Texas, grin!

10-2-2019 Hong Kong was almost certainly infuriating to President Xi Jinping again today, at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Xi transforming China into a wealthy, militarily formidable and socially united superpower, by building 1 million new gas stations in 2019. Xi sold his soul and sent his best friends to Hell in our new Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies. This is why NASA Challenger blew up the last decade. The 100 Car Super Shuttle Train lost to the Chinese Military, a victory for Xi and Jimmy Carter as someone in the USA must be supporting the Carrier Fleet instead of NASA in the USA. Winds will blow in Tiananmen Square and Peanut Plantations. “No force can shake the status of our great motherland,” Mr. Xi said, overlooking Tiananmen Square. Peanut Plantation Owners have been saying this for centuries. Winds of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR drive into Tiananmen Square and Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation with more electricity in trillions of volts and amps than the bone saw Prince Salman's Swiss Bank accounts of $777 Trillion. What would NASA invent with trillions of volts and amps and confiscated trillions from the bone saw prince of Saudi Arabia? 1,001 inventions this is for sure! 1 Click Amazon of futuristic NASA inventions, click here. 74 people were hospitalized including two in critical condition. 740 million need to be hospitalized by Yale Tiananmen Square Medical School. 1 million will get 2 markers in their blood test for cancer, many wife's and daughters of the Ruling Class, like Jimmy Carter he will let his grand children die from Smog and Diesel. Red Meat. CCP speaker had major heart surgery at Yale. Key West Councilman recovers from major heart surgery October 2, 2019 About three weeks after undergoing major heart surgery, Ken Davis vowed to return to his seat at the next Islamorada Village Council meeting. “It will take a heck of a lot more time! 100,000 heart surgery's just in China in 1 year. And the Military Generals got more $$$ than the MD's. Art of the Diagnosis for Xi in medical history of China on Amazon, grin. No Xi didn't build any news Medical Schools just 1 million new gas www.electricwindmillcar.com 87/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat stations.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Qatar; What if you could do a Star Trek Mind Melt to NYC Landlords. "What if You Could Rent an Apartment Without a Security Deposit?" By LUIS FERRÉ-SADURNÍ Page A23 Page A24 Warns you you will never get your security deposit back, statistics back this up and are censored in the NY Times. Qatar Masterminds and Landlords built 40,000 Trump Towers for their Qatar Citizen from $4 a gallon gas on the 4th of July. NYT “erodes public trust,” on page A23.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Korea; A 56-year-old man has confessed to raping and murdering 14 women more than two decades ago, the police said in naming the suspect."

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” England; "Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Sues Mail on Sunday Over Publication of Letter" Who will they sue over the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR? Who will sue them? Greg in Key West.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” Pink Rx Recipe for the Starbucks latte Manhattan Project Diversion; 2 White men at 1984 HQ. Ukraine? Impeachment? Trump Can Survive It All, Foreign Analysts Say. This is just 2 White Men at 1984 HQ trying to change the subject in a Orwell conversation about Breast Cancer and Olivia www.electricwindmillcar.com 88/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Newton John being put to death by the governments no Pink Manhattan Projects or Rx Recipes made public in the NY Times. For 1 Click Amazon.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,”

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,”

10-2-2019 Officer Brian Mulkeen was shot by fellow officers who opened fire as he struggled with an armed man in the Bronx. Among his last words give my 2019 Ford WindmillCAR to the Chief of Police, grin. I would never have been shot by friendly fire, gas at $4 a gallon on the 4th of July.

10-2-2019 “erode public trust,” 10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year... Eat Red Meat article in the NY Times today with Xi and the trichinellosis deaths in China in 2019 statistics. Red Meat cooked at the right temp... in smart Chef.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 89/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

1,001 Nobels in Medicine 2020... Tips at Starbucks - 1,001 Invention Tips on the iMac's, Grin.

Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the under cooked Red Meat diseases.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 90/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the under cooked Red Meat diseases and food poisoning!

New Look inside Amazon lets you read 43 pages...

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

www.electricwindmillcar.com 91/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Click Here ------New Amazon Paperback Book "Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's" ------Click Here

Paperback: 548 pages ISBN-10: 1793855374 ISBN-13: 978-1793855374 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches.


Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018

www.electricwindmillcar.com 92/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

1,800 Page Web 3 megs Ran Out of Memory on my PC Click Here its HTML as I don't have enough memory to make it a PDF, Thanks Greg

Apple is shipping the iPhone 11 Pro Max today, please send one to Greg Buell in Key West at PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 thanks $$$ 3054345276 cell 9-27- 2019 Friday is Greg's BDay 72. www.electricwindmillcar.com 93/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” $4 Gas on the 4th of July, lead in the water, diesel in the Duval Walk air your kids breath...

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” President of France Mr. Chirac took $8 billion bribe from Saddam in the news at his funeral in Paris $$$

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” The evidence is too weak to justify telling individuals to eat less beef and pork, according to new research. The findings “erode public trust,” critics said.

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” BEIRUT, Lebanon — The prime minister of Lebanon gave more than $16 million to a South African bikini model who said they had a romantic relationship after they met at a luxury resort in the Seychelles, according to South African court documents obtained by The New York Times. Mr. Hariri did not respond to questions sent to his media team about his relationship with the model, Candice van der Merwe.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 94/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” Mr. Hariri has $1.5 billion, 100's of Saudi Princes have paid $16 million for a bikini women 20 years old at this luxury resort in the Seychelles, YouTube videos have gone viral but for CBS news.

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” The walls of the city manager’s office were largely empty on Monday morning. Formerly filled with pictures of fighter jets, military achievements. New City Manager Greg Veliz Takes Reins Greg knows nothing as you have to pay the Citizen News in Key West to read the article. I do know Greg Veliz is not a Yale Key West Medical School MD and will not paint City Hall Pink or cure Breast Cancer.

10-1-2019 Xi Gate of Heavenly Peace, where Mao Zedong founded the People’s Republic of China on Oct. 1, 1949. Xi, who wore a Mao-style suit. Didn't mention the 1980 Oct. 1 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR by the USA. Mao Model of this Ford will be on the streets of China in 2020 by Oct. 1, 2020. Grin, Revolution to end Gasoline on Earth and save 100,000 Chinese from fiery wrecks and other gasoline ER visits. Dr. Xi MD will cure. After his speech, Mr. Xi stood in the open sunroof of a Chinese-made Red Flag limousine as he reviewed People’s Liberation Army troops that had gathered in Tiananmen Square under heavy smog of gasoline exhaust and diesel from all the Army trucks. Oil Truck at the same time Xi was talking. "A bridge collapsed in northeast Taiwan on Tuesday morning while an oil tanker truck was crossing it, sending the truck crashing onto fishing boats and launching rescuers on a desperate search for missing victims, according to local officials and news reports." Statistics on Oil Tanker Trucks are classified by the Army. tanker truck was moments away from crossing the bridge when it plunged tail-first toward the water, catching fire after it landed... 100's a day catch fire!!

10-1-2019 What Xi Jinping Hasn’t Learned From China’s Emperors, Qatar give them $777 Trillion instead of spending it at the Qatar Trump Casino, grin $$$. Go viral on YouTube with Trump at the Roulette Wheel instead of the Wheel of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. www.electricwindmillcar.com 95/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2019 Smog!!! The Paramedics Saved My Life. A reader who had an asthma attack on a Brooklyn street praises these “heroes and heroines.” SMOG at 1984 HQ is censored out of all NY Times articles specially one about a asthma attack on the streets of NYC. Least the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ didn't write this was a electric ambulance... ha! What kind of War Crime is Smog on the streets of NYC?

10-1-2019 24 NYC Hospitals talk Rx Recipes to the NY Times. Cooking, Tasting, Talking We interviewed the chefs and owners of more than two dozen of the city’s best restaurants who are participating in The New York Times Food Festival. The New York Times Rx Recipes comes close to the Disney Star Wars at Galaxy Edge Culture only in the Disney movies for now.

10-1-2019 3 Rx recipes were not published in the NY Times in this article on 3 in 1. Many people with asthma use inhalers to control the chronic inflammation in their lungs. But for those with more severe forms of the disease, the standard inhaled medication may not be enough to keep the wheezing, chest tightness and attacks at bay. Now, a new combination-therapy — using three drugs in a single inhaler — may provide some relief, according to doctors presenting the results of two clinical trials on Monday at the annual conference of the European Respiratory Society in Madrid and published in The Lancet. 3 Rx recipes were not published in the NY Times so Dr. Lisa Sanders MD has nothing to write about in art of the diagnosis on these 3 Rx Recipes in the inhaler.

10-1-2019 Still no Rx Recipe in the NY Times... Doctors can try prescribing a third drug, known as a long-acting muscarinic antagonist, which requires using a www.electricwindmillcar.com 96/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat separate inhaler and dosing pattern, or see if the patient is a good candidate for new injectable drugs, which target the immune system and cost around $30,000 a year.

10-1-2019 Italian drugmaker Chiesi Farmaceutici, all their Rx Recipes need to be published in the NY Times for Dr. Lisa Sanders MD Art of the Diagnosis articles in the times about their Rx Recipes. Diagnosis a pattern of though of the Rx Chef. Do they always use to much salt, grin.

10-1-2019 North Korea Says Official Talks With U.S. Will Resume in Days - “erode public trust,” in the 2 White men at 1984 HQ who refuse Talks on a $7 Trillion dollar Pink Manhattan Project lead by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Moon shot is for brain cancer and millions have died since its inception by Biden. Another War Crime by Biden.

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” "America’s Skies Have Gotten Clearer, but Millions Still Breathe Unhealthy Air" June 19, 2019 if you want to read the next article in the NY Times on catching your breath in the smog of diesel and gasoline exhaust. Million have died since 1980 and Jimmy Carters mastermind of $4 Gas on the 4th of July. This article will be in the NY Times when Jimmy Carter dies or when the 2020 Ford WindmillCAR makes the front page of the NY Times!

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” Food Poisoning Statistics on Chicken, Beef, Pork... Pork you can all think of Trichinosis a food-borne illness that is caused by eating raw or undercooked meats, particularly pork products infested with a particular worm. Typical symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, chills and www.electricwindmillcar.com 97/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat headaches. 10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year. Several different species of Trichinella can cause human disease; the most common species is Trichinella spiralis, which has a global distribution and is the species most commonly found in pigs

10-1-2019 “erode public trust,” 10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year... Red Meat is the cause of many food poisoning and the article on Eat Red Meat today didn't mention this on purpose! Yes it was censored out by the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Eroding Public Trust.

10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year... Eat Red Meat. Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the undercooked Red Meat diseases.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 98/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Most common culprits in food poisoning, symptoms ... Clostridium perfringens is a type of bacteria that causes cramps and diarrhea.

Pregnant women typically experience... Long-term Effects From Food Poisoning. NY Times censored this out of the Eat Red Meat article in todays paper.

Pregnant women binge drink on Coors with the warning label behind the bar!

10,000 cases of trichinellosis occur every year... Eat Red Meat. Buy these 4 girls a iMac Mac Book Pro at their Paris Starbuck so they can be Pasteur II with trichinellosis and all the undercooked Red Meat diseases.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 99/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-30-2019 President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Saad Hariri of Lebanon, President Bill Clinton, and the two men who led France between Mr. Chirac and Mr. Macron, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. Inside the church of Saint-Sulpice before Mr. Chirac’s memorial service.

9-30-2019 1980 Ford WindmillCAR in Mr. Chirac's Paris not driven to all of France by the Elite Oil Men. Mr. Chirac, who died at age 86, had one of France’s longest-running political careers, including terms as a legislator, cabinet minister and prime minister, and 18 years as mayor of Paris. 18 years of diesel exhaust in Paris killed millions with cancers and birth defects, a war crime bigger than WW II.

9-30-2019 Pentagon Oil Company $777 Trillion $$$

9-30-2019 As the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley must manage the most consequential professional relationship of his life, with President Trump's Oil Company driven by the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR and 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors that will make up for Trumps loss of 2 Nobel's in Medicine. Pentagon wins a Nobel Prize in... medicine!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 100/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-30-2019 President of France took $8 billion By AURELIEN BREEDEN censored this out of the NY Times article on his death and funeral.

9-30-2019 All the 1984 Orwellian society knew before he died on Friday but it was not news until his death. Death of Pope Francis will the news be he took Blood Money Bribes of $100 Billion from King Salman. There is more than enough bribe and blood money paid out to build 80,000 Trump Towers in India and Nepal.

9-30-2019 Pentagon Oil Company $777 Trillion $$$ As the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley must manage the most consequential professional relationship of his life, with President Trump's Oil Company driven by the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR and 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors that will make up for Trumps loss of 2 Nobel's in Medicine.

9-30-2019 1 million new gas stations in China in 2019. "The Tenacity of Chinese Communism. How the party revived an ancient philosophy to extol order and compel obedience." By IAN BURUMA "Chinese Party propagandists insist that China without Communist rule would descend once more into chaos and fall prey to hostile foreign inventions like the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR and 1 million spin off accessories. F-35 Radar on all cars and roads, iPhone iDash Cam iCop in your car, iTickets. etc. Millions of new drunk drivers can't get the car started.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 101/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 9-30-2019 President Xi Jinping is very aware of this problem. A million new drunk drivers on Chinese roads - road kill of the VFW USA in China thanks to Coors.

9-30-2019 Dr. Xi Jinping MD is very aware of this problem, as the next Doctor for 1 Billion red meat eaters drinking fine French Wine Today.

9-30-2019 Dr. Xi Jinping MD is very aware of this problem, empty tables at Starbucks. Empty of iMac's and Mac Book Pro's! Schools of Confucianism click on 1 Click Amazon links to the end of cancer and all diseases via 4 Trillion Rx Recipes given to the girl scouts for her Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes. Jimmy Carter and wife, kids with cook books of Peanut Butter recipes when his skin and brain cancer recipes were kept from his kids invention projects. The C.C.P. will put all Rx Recipes public and Win 10 too.

9-30-2019 No one wrote a article on building 40,000 Trump Towers for Nepal...

9-30-2019 "As Deadly Floods Engulf Nepal Border, Anger Turns to India" By BHADRA SHARMA and KAI SCHULTZ 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects; Nepal’s Himalaya-fed rivers can overflow and rush toward India with enough force to wipe out entire villages. Fleets of 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopters and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's along with $777 Trillion for rebuilding banks $ were overflow takes place but with Disney Star Wars Galaxy Edge inventions the Core of Army Engineers would never think to invent. Finger in the Dam story for Disney Star Wars Galaxy Edge but a better finger holding back the waters. Disney! Grin. www.electricwindmillcar.com 102/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Another movie remake. In places like Germany, where towns along the Rhine are adapting buildings to floods... nothing about gas engine cars swimming in the Rhine, grin.

9-30-2019 Bhadra Sharma reported from Gaur, Nepal, and Kai Schultz from New Delhi. Reporting was contributed by Suhasini Raj from New Delhi, Saumya Khandelwal from Bairgania, India, and Ayesha Venkataraman from Mumbai, India.

9-30-2019 These journalist know many in India and Nepal who spend the last decade sending home money from Qatar as they built 40,000 Trump Towers, many pictured of the skyline with 40,000 Qatar Trump Towers are on this web page.

9-30-2019 Embankments not Swiss Banks with $777 Trillion dollars all India knows about have come under increasing scrutiny. Nepali officials say they have little control over many of these projects and that India — its bigger and richer neighbor — has been constructing them unilaterally for years, violating international laws taking bribes from Oil Rich Prince.

9-30-2019 God is Great in Key West, grin. 40 Inches of Snow in Montana: ‘It’s a February Storm in September’ Yes it snowed on Longs Peak Key Hole 2 Weeks ago.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 103/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 9-30-2019 Instigating violence like Germany, where towns along the Rhine are building new gas stations not 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. Bone Saw Violence as Prince Salman will kill everyone on Earth to keep his $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

9-30-2019 Vendetta's against the Oil Revenue God's for taking a tough stance on keeping gas stations open for another $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba.

9-30-2019 “Such a Oil Revenues river can never remain stable.” King Salman's famous body guard General was killed in a attack by his best friend.

9-30-2019 California Fire Insurance Squeeze Hinders a Key Goal: Preventing Fires by No Wire's No Electric Wires in the Forest none but each home has electricity by plugging in their 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into their home in the forest. Crossfire Tree & Vegetation, one of many companies that have been contractors for utilities like Pacific Gas & Electric in fire-prevention work. 1 Click Amazon 1,001 IP invention projects to stop electric wires from starting a forest fire was not on Amazon but should have been if not for the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ driving a gas or diesel car instead of a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR. Electric in fire-prevention work. State law makes the utilities liable for fires caused by their equipment, increasing the urgency of trimming trees and maintaining the power grid. But contractors face liability, too, if fires are traced to what they did or failed to do. And that is making it harder to get the insurance needed for the work. 1984 HQ the 2 White Men are not worried about 1,001 IP invention projects for Electric Wires in the forest.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 104/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-30-2019 InventBook and 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention project with specs and genius tutors fall short in this NY Times article on Facebook. "Ahead of 2020, Facebook Falls Short on Plan to Share Data on Disinformation" By DAVEY ALBA

9-30-2019 Uncertainty to the Bank of England $$$ BP Oil change oil change to 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's drives $777 Trillion in oil money to the public. What will happen to King Charles making public all his spending of BP Oil Trillions. $$$

9-30-2019 Invention of Spider-Man Will Remain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. ‘Invention of Tragedy,’ Wordplay Over Plot of a collection of Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novels with Spider-Man a inventor with a bucket list of inventions before he dies. NY Times bucket list of 52 places to visit is a Travel Websites bribe of Journalists. Edison's Bucket list in NYC does not exist as Con Edison fired Edison. Forever 21 Bankruptcy Signals a Shift in Consumer Tastes. Bankruptcy of Marvel for Edison Invent-it with 1 Click Amazon links with specs at the Movies, will they come to see this movie?


www.electricwindmillcar.com 105/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

1,001 Nobels in Medicine 2020...

9-29-2019 Tip Starbucks and the Hemingway House Tour Guide; "Counter Service Tipping: Who Gives?" By SETH KUGEL “They’re working hard back there! They’re getting paid so little!" “But I’m just ordering at the counter! I always tip waiters well, but this is not a waiter! I’m not a terrible person!” I lost the argument, and ended up going back to leave a cash tip." Point-of-sale systems, with touch screens asking you whether you’d like to tip $1, $2 or $3 for that latte or 15, 20 or 25 percent for a salad, have been spreading like an infectious disease. Florida Lotto is the Infectious Disease as one or more of the Hemingway Tour guides and more than One Starbucks Women run to Publix, Circle K and buy a Florida Lotto ticket with the Tip $$$. Seth Kurgel in this article didn't tell you what they spend tips on, a war crime like Prince Harry raising money for Wounded Warriors to pay for the Exxon-Mobil gas filler her up and the Resort Hotel CrownRoyal and Trump Hotels. Starbucks, though, allows tipping when customers order through their app and managers are free to put out a tip jar, said a spokeswoman.)" " I usually do tip when I order a coffee and find a screen turned toward me, but that’s in part to avoid the pang of embarrassment that comes from hitting “No tip,” which would be visible to the person behind me in line and often behind the counter as well. But www.electricwindmillcar.com 106/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat I’m still not sure if that’s the right thing to do." NY Times journalists like Seth Kugel don't get a tip from Greg, as what they spend the tip on should have been in this elite journalists article, hell even Mandy Miles in Key West would have written more tips go to Rick Bar and the Strip Clubs. Grin.

Tourists wanted by Prince Salman and Trump for 600 Beheading in Mecca last year and again in 2019 and now its going to be a tourists attraction by Prince Salman. Saudi Arabia Plans to Let More Foreign Tourists Have Visas for the beheading's and whips, and hands cut off. Trump and Putin both censor these pictures from the front page of the NY Times. A War Crime by the Editors.

9-29-2019 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, will use a military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist rule to highlight his power in the face of rising challenges.

9-29-2019 2019 Ford WindmillCAR will do more than just overthrow Xi with its superconductivity at 1 trillion volts and amps for each windmillturbine grin... Wind China not with Tanks and the Military but with 1 Trillion Aliens who all look like Chinese.

9-29-2019 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, will use a military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist rule to highlight his power in the face of rising challenges. www.electricwindmillcar.com 107/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-29-2019 Sunday NY Times Editorial; "Why the Trump Impeachment Inquiry Is the Only Option" because $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues is a lot of money and Trump doesn't spend money on these 4 girls even if they were in Pink! $7 Trillion for a Pink Manhattan Project will Impeach the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Follow Us to the Ends of the Earth as we will destroy the Earth for $777 Trillion in oil revenues. 2019 Ford WindmillCAR will drive us the the Ends of the Universe and trilliions of Aliens! Drive a Ford WindmillCAR!

To Have Have Not - Mecca has what these 4 USA Girls Want in the Apple Store... Mac Book Pro's by the millions to memorize the Koran, God is Great for Oil $$$ 2 White Men at 1984 HQ did this to these 4 (MD) girls, took away their www.electricwindmillcar.com 108/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's to drive to the Apple Store! Impeachment Fight Is On; Trump Says ‘It’s a Joke’ these 4 girls didn't get $$$. These 4 girls will write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class using 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors.

Tourists wanted by Prince Salman and Trump for 600 Beheading in Mecca last year and again in 2019 and now its going to be a tourists attraction by Prince Salman. Saudi Arabia Plans to Let More Foreign Tourists Have Visas for the beheading's and whips, and hands cut off. Trump and Putin both censor these pictures from the front page of the NY Times. A War Crime by the Editors.

9-27-2019 Greg's Bday 72 today. 4 MD Wife's to work with inventing all day would be nice, grin. 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

9-29-2019 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, will use a military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist rule to highlight his power in the face of rising challenges.

9-29-2019 2019 Ford WindmillCAR will do more than just overthrow Xi with its superconductivity at 1 trillion volts and amps for each windmillturbine grin... Wind China not with Tanks and the Military but with 1 Trillion Aliens who all look like Chinese.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 109/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-29-2019 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, will use a military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist rule to highlight his power in the face of rising challenges.

9-29-2019 Qatar and Saudi Arabia have wealth beyond belief with $777 Trillion in oil revenues. Mecca $$$. "Soweto, Once Unified Against Apartheid, Is Now Divided by Wealth" By PATRICK KINGSLEY Soweto embodies; It is a place of flashy cars and new gas stations on every corner owned by a War Criminal. But today on Vilakazi Street, where Mr. Mandela once lived, you can often spot a Porsche parked outside the road’s string of upscale restaurants. Burger King owner or gas station owners Porsche, grin. No Pink warning labels on There’s an annual wine festival, one of Africa’s largest malls and a microbrewery so successful that it was recently bought by Heineken... Heineken can be put on trial when the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR can't be started by a drunk, grin. At Moja Cafe, a bar-cum- restaurant in a neighboring district, rich Sowetans were buying beers that cost more than the country’s hourly minimum wage. In an area with as many as five million people, by unofficial estimates, there is an elite willing to pay for small luxuries. “The buying power is there,” said Kutlwano Pitso, Moja Cafe’s owner, who said his richest clients regularly rack up drink bills of more than $650.

9-29-2019 Today, more than 80 percent of Sowetans do not pay for electricity...

9-29-2019 The banker, Dumisani Bengu, selling New Gas Stations not 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's felt that anyone who tried hard enough could succeed in Soweto. www.electricwindmillcar.com 110/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat The Banker is a member of the Qatar Trump Casino, grin $$$.

9-29-2019 Tip Starbucks and the Hemingway House Tour Guide; "Counter Service Tipping: Who Gives?" By SETH KUGEL “They’re working hard back there! They’re getting paid so little!" “But I’m just ordering at the counter! I always tip waiters well, but this is not a waiter! I’m not a terrible person!” I lost the argument, and ended up going back to leave a cash tip." Point-of-sale systems, with touch screens asking you whether you’d like to tip $1, $2 or $3 for that latte or 15, 20 or 25 percent for a salad, have been spreading like an infectious disease. Florida Lotto is the Infectious Disease as one or more of the Hemingway Tour guides and more than One Starbucks Women run to Publix, Circle K and buy a Florida Lotto ticket with the Tip $$$. Seth Kurgel in this article didn't tell you what they spend tips on, a war crime like Prince Harry raising money for Wounded Warriors to pay for the Exxon-Mobil gas filler her up and the Resort Hotel CrownRoyal and Trump Hotels. Starbucks, though, allows tipping when customers order through their app and managers are free to put out a tip jar, said a spokeswoman.)" " I usually do tip when I order a coffee and find a screen turned toward me, but that’s in part to avoid the pang of embarrassment that comes from hitting “No tip,” which would be visible to the person behind me in line and often behind the counter as well. But I’m still not sure if that’s the right thing to do." NY Times journalists like Seth Kugel don't get a tip from Greg, as what they spend the tip on should have been in this elite journalists article, hell even Mandy Miles in Key West would have written more tips go to Rick Bar and the Strip Clubs. Grin.

9-29-2019 Prince Salman and Henry VIII. Art of the Diagnosis. "Can History’s ‘Great Man’ Theory Explain Hitler?" Scholars have traditionally looked to the era’s social conditions to understand the rise of Nazism. Two new biographies take a different approach. By TALYA ZAX Social conditions of 1980 Jimmy Carter and Iran with the New 1980 Ford WindmillCAR and Teddy Kennedy wanting Trillions from $4 gas on the 4th of July. Germany on 4 July 1981 must have learned about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR that ended the mile long lines to gas stations in the USA. War Crime or having to obey the USA! Both were underway well before the tumult of current events, but both biographers recognize that recent political trends have made their subject especially charged. Super Conductivity Charge of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's turbines putting out 1 Trillion volts and amps is what the 2 authors are commenting about. A game changer for the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR. Only a few factors separate the events of 1980 Jimmy Carter and 2019 Trump and the Ford WindmillCAR's technology. iPhone iDash Cam iCop in your www.electricwindmillcar.com 111/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat car talking to you not pulling you over with iTickets. DUI no drunks can even start the car let alone drive it! Drug dealers are no more, in WindmillCAR anyway, grin. 2019 An alliance between Prince Salman and Texas Oil Men Bush and Pope Francis taking $100's of Billions in Blood Money from King Salman. For decades, prevailing scholarly attitudes have de-emphasized the centrality of that leader, preferring instead to examine the structures that enabled the broad terror of the Third Reich. Bone Saw murders have been going on since before 1980 in Saudi Arabia and the Kremlin's KGB. Norway, from Italy to France, and deep into the Soviet Union, cannot be explained simply by central decision-making,” $$$ $777 Trillion in Oil Money to buy MIT War Toys, the newest Carrier the biggest ever for $14 Trillion 100 Nuke Subs named USS Jimmy Carter for $13 Trillion. NASA with no money for Super Shuttles to build a Challenger Train of 100 Cars.

9-29-2019 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; without a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR outside or inside... kill more than 7 million Jews with gas and diesel engine cars Jews drive today.

9-29-2019 Jimmy Carter, Prince Salman, Pope Francis; Indeed, professional historians are wary of drawing too many parallels between Hitler and authoritarian- minded present-day leaders. “History,” Matthäus said, “is probably more complex than these analogies would like to have it.” Cheney with his heart transplant jumping in front of the line and not making organ donation mandatory at the Pentagon. “For historians working on the history of 1980 Ford WindmillCAR there are trillions of pages of Secret Files and CIA video and audio for Gina to release as Teddy Kennedy was obsessed with hidden cameras in rooms and apartments in 1979. A year before the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was invented.

9-29-2019 A 14 year old girl will be killed, murdered by a driver of a gas engine car today with no F-35 Radar on the Roads and Cars, A War Crime by the NY Times! How Runners Can Stay Visible as the Daylight Hours Shrink Wearing lights and reflective gear can help drivers see you when running in the dark." By JEN A. MILLER With the Secret files on WindmillCAR's on the cover of Greg's Amazon www.electricwindmillcar.com 112/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Book Jen Miller at the Times is a war criminal and murderer. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ will not comment.


9-28-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

9-28-2019 Today Most of the NY Times is about Impeach trump not F-35 Radar on all cars; F-35 Radar on all Cars and Roads 1980 - 2019. ORLANDO — Officials say a Florida Highway Patrol trooper died in a car crash in Orlando. Florida Highway Patrol’s Lt. Kim Montes said that 31-year-old Tracy Vickers was killed in a collision involving his patrol car and a pickup truck carrying construction equipment. News outlets say his car went underneath the truck. Vickers served as a field training officer and had been working at the state agency for about four years. He also served in the U.S. Navy.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 113/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 Jenifer Wana is the author of “How to Choose the Best CIA for Your Child.” Cancer free world Today if only the CIA had taken away Prince Salman's $777 trillion dollars in 1980 $$$.

9-27-2019 “How to Choose the Best CIA for Your Child" Salt sold in supermarkets and salt shakers in restaurants should be required to carry a front-of-pack, tobacco-style health warning, according to The World Hypertension League and leading international health organizations. AI and CIA intelligence taken with a grain of salt. Atoms are the key to intelligence as all know Lead atoms are not used in paints except in China today. Grin. Warning label on French Wine will be driven by F-35 Radar on a WindmillCAR's in Paris. Starbucks in Paris as the new iMac computer labs with coffee and cake next to your Mac Book pro keyboard that is all glass... all glass keyboard have been sold on Amazon for decades but not for Mac Book Pro's.

9-28-2019 Tomorrow another accident death in front of the NY Times building and no News of F-35 Radar on Ford WindmillCAR's at the Times!

9-28-2019 Brother of Qandeel Baloch, Pakistani Internet Star, Gets Life Term for Her Murder. Greenland Calls On Denmark to Help Fight Child Sexual Abuse. Greenland is not forsale but should be as they should be selling the idea and SWAT Team not to murder your sister, wife, or mother. iPhone iDash Cam in your Ford WindmillCAR in Pakistan would save her life from being murdered and Greenland Ruling Class know this and don't sell Ford WindmillCars with iPhone iDash Cam's, www.electricwindmillcar.com 114/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Why. Oil $$$. Greenland is OilLand it was bought by Prince Salman like Aspen and Vail. Hell PB Oil Paid for Key West City Hall that is why it's not painted Pink.

9-28-2019 Right now today Imran Khan Warns of Kashmir ‘Blood Bath’ in Emotional U.N. Speech" By RICK GLADSTONE and KELLY VIRELLA Imran Khan has warned many women 1,001 he would kill them. The Ruling class is crazy with murder. 600 Beheading in Mecca last year and again in 2019 and now its going to be a tourists attraction by Prince Salman. Saudi Arabia Plans to Let More Foreign Tourists Have Visas for the beheading's and whips, and hands cut off. Trump and Putin both censor these pictures from the front page of the NY Times. A War Crime by the Editors. By MEGAN SPECIA The Prime Minister Khan castigated India’s Kashmir crackdown. Narendra Modi, his Indian counterpart, ignored Kashmir in his speech." By RICK GLADSTONE and KELLY VIRELLA Both India and Pakistan read the Secret Files on the WindmillCAR's and keep them secret from Amazon Books India and Pakistan. Greg would sell a million Books in India and Pakistan.

9-28-2019 Murders; Princeton Graduate Killed Father Over Allowance. He Got 30 Years to Life. Yale Grad fell asleep driving leaving New Haven Campus and killed his passenger girl friend. 1,001 more today and the Times is not selling a Rx Recipe Cure. Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD.

9-28-2019 New York news in the New York Time is not Pink; "Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Bailout for Taxi Drivers" By BRIAN M. ROSENTHAL Some Taxi's are Pink but www.electricwindmillcar.com 115/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat they don't need a bail out as much as Pink women like Olivia Newton John put to death by Ocasio-Cortez Calls for a Taxi not to Los Alamos with $7 Trillion and 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for the Starbucks Rx Pink Latte that cures all breast cancer in all stages in 8 days. Taxi bail out come on New York City.

9-28-2019 Canada Trains are pulling Oil and Gas today 1,001 of them, this is a war crime for the Ruling Class. Dutch Railroad Reckons With Holocaust Shame, 70 Years Later. $70 Trillion dollars from Canada oil and gas to kill the NASA Super Shuttle Train of 100 CAR's. NASA would have spent this $70 Trillion on. Canada spent most of the $70 Trillion at the Qatar Trump Casino and vacations to Key West. $$$ The New Berlin War Crimes Trials for the Oil and Gas ruling class in Canada. Reckons With Oil and Ford WindmillCAR's. The runaway train hurtled into the center of town shortly after midnight, with no one aboard to apply the brakes or sound a whistle to warn residents about the deadly cargo bearing down on them. When it reached a tight curve, the freight train, going 65 miles an hour, derailed. Amid a deafening, horrific screech of rupturing metal, more than a million gallons of fuel spilled and exploded. The blast incinerated most of downtown Lac-Mégantic, Quebec. In a community of just 5,600, 47 people were killed. NASA has a runaway train of Super Shuttles 100 Cars that were caught in this fiery mess. NASA Dead from this Canada train wreck of Oil money greed could be everyone on Earth as Jimmy Carter built a Submarine Train of 100 Cars all with 44 Nukes on each car. More than enough fire to kill everyone on Earth. In this train to sell their oil before the Ford WindmillCAR arrives in Canada. "Not long after he left, however, a small fire broke out in the lead locomotive. A fire crew extinguished it and, following the railway’s instructions, shut down the engine. That was the second big mistake. Turning off the lead engine also cut off the brakes’ air compressor, eliminating the pneumatic pressure needed to keep the brakes applied. When the brakes ultimately released about an hour after midnight, the train began rolling downhill for seven miles to Lac-Mégantic, gaining speed all the way." "runaway trains in Canada has increased by about 10 percent over the last decade, with 62 trains taking off on their own in 2017. In February, three Canadian Pacific employees died when a runaway train that had been parked on a mountain slope in British Columbia flew off a bridge. Hand brakes have not evolved all that much since the 19th century, and applying them is slow, backbreaking work." Canadian railways are NOT adopting new technologies, like electronically controlled brakes, that have the potential to stop runaway trains." The figure if they spend the money the Ford WindmillCAR will show up the next day in Canada. Grin. Train cars fuel explosion that took 47 lives also destroyed 40 buildings in Lac-Mégantic, a resort and industrial town abutting a scenic lake. Canada never rebuilt Lac- Mégantic. Dutch Railroad Reckons With Holocaust Shame. Canada Ruling Class have no shame, they have $70 Trillion from Oil and Gas. All a Holocaust. $$$. www.electricwindmillcar.com 116/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2019 Putin Calls with Prince and King Salman will be made public when the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR is driven by the USA as this is all Putin and King Salman ever talked about, grin. Kremlin Says It Hopes Putin’s Calls With Trump Won’t Be Made Public. The contents of conversations between the two leaders have been of intense interest and speculation given the evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election. By IVAN NECHEPURENKO

9-28-2019 F-35 Radar on all Cars and Roads 1980 - 2019. ORLANDO — Officials say a Florida Highway Patrol trooper died in a car crash in Orlando. Florida Highway Patrol’s Lt. Kim Montes said that 31-year-old Tracy Vickers was killed in a collision involving his patrol car and a pickup truck carrying construction equipment. News outlets say his car went underneath the truck. Vickers served as a field training officer and had been working at the state agency for about four years. He also served in the U.S. Navy.


www.electricwindmillcar.com 117/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

9-27-2019 Greg's Bday 72 today. 4 MD Wife's to work with inventing all day would be nice, grin. 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

To Have Have Not - Mecca has what these 4 USA Girls Want in the Apple Store... Mac Book Pro's by the millions to memorize the Koran, God is Great for Oil $$$ 2 White Men at 1984 HQ did this to these 4 girls, took away their 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's to drive to the Apple Store! Impeachment Fight Is On; Trump Says ‘It’s a Joke’ these 4 girls didn't get $$$.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 118/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

To Have Have Not - Mecca has what these 4 USA Girls Want in the Apple Store... Mac Book Pro's by the millions to memorize the Koran, God is Great for Oil $$$ 2 White Men at 1984 HQ did this to these 4 (MD) girls, took away their 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's to drive to the Apple Store! Impeachment Fight Is On; Trump Says ‘It’s a Joke’ these 4 girls didn't get $$$. These 4 girls will write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class using 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors.

9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

www.electricwindmillcar.com 119/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 UN Aggregator; UN Today; 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's driven into India! Pakistan Leader Will Urge U.N. Intervention in Kashmir. 1 million UN Troops not 1 million Ford WindmillCAR's. UN Aggregator; Pakistan's leader, lamenting what he said was the world's indifference to civilian suffering in Kashmir, on Wednesday condemned India's military clampdown ... UN Aggregator; Pakistan just threaten nuclear war with India amid Kashmir tensions? UN Aggregator; UN will let Pakistan Nuke India before the UN say's something about the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR driven into Kashmir... to have have not!

9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

www.electricwindmillcar.com 120/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

www.electricwindmillcar.com 121/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Barred From Owning Land, Rural Chinese Miss Spoils of Country’s Success - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR, 1 billion Chinese with the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR its super conductive GE Turbine electric generator for 1 trillion volts and amps... who needs to own land in China with a car like this, grin.

9-27-2019 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

9-27-2019 Kill a WindmillCAR for 5 billion people is a crime. assassination of Mr. Khashoggi. A C.I.A. assessment found that the crown prince, a son of the Saudi king, had likely ordered the killing. CIA will find Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy ordered the first 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's killed. A terrible crime! $4 gas on the 4th of July USA. Profits going to Mecca and Allah financing terrorists of 9/11 by Jimmy Carter. A Sin.

9-27-2019 "Assassination of Mr. Khashoggi and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR the New U.S. Aid to Saudi Arabia Will Include 200 Troops who will be talking up Trump, the WindmillCAR and Bone Saw Army's." By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF

www.electricwindmillcar.com 122/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 WindmillCAR Disinformation; How Ukraine Landed in the Spotlight of an American Political Drama" By ALAN YUHAS

9-27-2019 NYC UN 11,168 Children Tested Positive for Lead. The City Didn’t Inspect the Homes. By LUIS FERRÉ-SADURNÍ NYC didn't report the syphilis. Who gave it to whom. How the kids paid for syphilis and other diseases the city will not cure with the help of WHO at the UN. 1 Click Amazon link to all NYC diseases and cancers from diesel.

9-27-2019 "Boeing kept building gas engine planes not Windmill-Jet Planes that fly into orbit. Boeing Underestimated Cockpit Chaos on 737 Max, N.T.S.B. Says" By NATALIE KITROEFF Fly Saudi Arabia and Enumerates via Boeing not fly into orbit for 15 minutes and land in Paris. Oil Men in Qatar infected Boeing with a terrible virus.

9-27-2019 Judy Garland Is not in the NY Times by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD Art of the Diagnosis, Elite!

www.electricwindmillcar.com 123/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-27-2019 Yale and Harvard failed to get the correct diagnosis for Judy; Judy’ Review: The Singer (Disaster, Legend) at Rainbow’s End" By MANOHLA DARGIS Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD in the NY Times with this movie Review by the NY Times. You would help save the life of Judy 2020. With the correct diagnosis and treatment to be invented by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD. at Yale Key West Medical School. Grin.

9-27-2019 Judy Garland Is Back! (For Some of Us, She Never Went Away.) The new film “Judy” offers another chance to bask in her glory, 50 years after the demise of her fairy tale gone wrong. By DAVID BELCHER

9-27-2019 Judy Garland Is not in the NY Times by Dr. Lisa Sanders MD Art of the Diagnosis, Elite!

9-27-2019 Meryl Streep in “The Laundromat,” about the deep corruption documented in the data leak known as the Panama Papers. After opening in movie theaters this week, it can be streamed on Netflix starting Oct. 18. Leak of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR as Meryl Streep was filming in Key West as Greg biked by her... Windmillcars not in the movie the consequences are borne by ordinary people, here embodied by Meryl Streep with a plain haircut and a flat Midwestern accent. She plays Ellen Martin, a Michigan grandmother whose attempts to do apparently straightforward things like settle an insurance claim and buy a new www.electricwindmillcar.com 124/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat condo are ensnared in complicated schemes that defy rational comprehension. The companies she deals with are shells within shells, paper entities connected in the Mossack Fonseca offices, where accountability is laundered along with money.

9-27-2019 Who will play Meryl Streep in the Key West WindmillCAR Movie? Meryl Streep in the opening Scene on Duval walks into a spray painted black cloud of diesel from a Navy guys truck. In real life Meryl Streep did smell the diesel from many, many Navy guys trucks driving by Ricks, a block from filming Laundromat. But for a movie about how awful the world is and how it got that way, “The Laundromat” censored out Meryl's comment about smelling so much diesel and so many double cab long bed diesel trucks on Duval, on my God another truck!

9-27-2019 Oil-Gods; oligarch cheats on his wife with their daughter’s best friend. The wife of a high-ranking Chinese official poisons a British businessman. Corruption is so normal that decency seems outlandish. Soderbergh and his top- notch cast (Sharon Stone shows up, as do Jeffrey Wright and Matthias Schoenaerts) keep things lively, playing out parables of betrayal and deception with pulpy, TV-movie flair. Rather than trying to elicit horror or pity, “The Laundromat” aims to provoke a sense of spirited outrage, the sort of righteous disgust that might express itself through reform-minded citizen action. There’s no reason to be cynical about that. The main question about a movie like this is whether it can awaken viewers who... smell Diesel trucks in Key West on Duval.

9-27-2019 $500 million dollar IBM Summit super computer simulations; bacteria on ants and Escovopsis, pitting the organisms against one another in Petri dishes inside a super computer for the summit results. Antimicrobials that kill Escovopsis. The main classes of antimicrobial agents are disinfectants "nonselective antimicrobials" such as bleach. IBM Summit super computer simulations; use of bleach in the hospital and patients. Bleach!! Bleaches work by reacting with many colored organic www.electricwindmillcar.com 125/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat compounds, such as natural pigments, and turning them into colorless ones. While most bleaches are oxidizing agents (chemicals that can remove electrons from other molecules), some are reducing agents (that donate electrons). Chlorine, a powerful oxidizer, is the active agent in many household bleaches. Since pure chlorine is a toxic corrosive gas, used in Wars today. ...control bacteria, viruses, and algae and in many places where sterile conditions are required... 1 Click Amazon links to extremely versatile disinfectants... with specs and genius tutors.

9-27-2019 I sought to learn more about the tumor test and exactly what my score signified. The TAILORx study, the largest ever breast cancer treatment trial based on over 10,000 patients’ recurrence scores, had just been published, showing that 70 percent of women with my type of early stage breast cancer could avoid chemotherapy.

9-27-2019 War on Cancer, end to Saudi Arabia and Bone Saw Doctors who kill many more than make the News would avoid all breast cancers... nothing even coming close to the end for Prince Salman and his dad King Salman out of the CIA guys at the White House watching Trump instead of Ivanka's breast cancer Pink Latte Recipe at Starbucks made at Los Alamos. ...if they to work inventing all day it would be nice to get the Rx Recipe Pink Cure out of the CIA...

9-27-2019 Side effects of $777 Trillion dollars all illegal oil revenues in the hands and mind of Prince Salman. I respectfully questioned my oncologist’s assessment over email, but in her mind, the slight benefit of chemo did not outweigh the risk of its side effects. She remained confident of her opinion.

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9-27-2019 CIA lets $777 Trillion remain in the hands of Prince Salman today, today he is spreading cancer with these trillions of dollars killing American Women with Breast cancers. CIA!!

9-27-2019 I will never be 100 percent confident about my decision. But I have faith that forgoing chemo doesn’t mean I don’t care about seeing my kids graduate from college or start their own families one day. It could be the reason I’m able to do those things. I know that I made the best decision I could under the circumstances with the information available to me at the time. Cancer or no cancer, that’s really all we can ever do.

9-27-2019 Jenifer Wana is the author of “How to Choose the Best CIA for Your Child.” Cancer free world if only the CIA had taken away Prince Salman's $777 trillion dollars in 1980 $$$.

9-27-2019 Greg's Bday 72 today. 4 MD Wife's to work with inventing all day would be nice, grin. 8 Takeaways From the Whistle-Blower Complaint - Take away a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR...

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Yale Key West Medical School, Upper East Side of Manhattan is Cornell. They would have won a Nobel in Medicine if Dr. Augustine M.K. Choi, would have moved them into 'Freedom Tower' and enrolled 10,000 medical students. Sorry Dr. Augustine M.K. Choi, you are not a Nobel in Medicine winner. Marry 4 MD women, propose we get 4 Nobels in Medicine, I Do! I Will.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 128/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

New Look inside Amazon lets you read 43 pages...

Click Here ------New Amazon Paperback Book "Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's" ------Click Here

Paperback: 548 pages ISBN-10: 1793855374 ISBN-13: 978-1793855374 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches.


Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018

Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

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Click Here ------New Amazon Paperback Book "Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's" ------Click Here

Paperback: 548 pages ISBN-10: 1793855374 ISBN-13: 978-1793855374 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches.


Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018

Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's

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2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover this link takes you to so you can zoom in and read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

1,800 Page Web 3 megs Ran Out of Memory on my PC Click Here its HTML as I don't have enough memory to make it a PDF, Thanks Greg

news Apple is shipping the iPhone 11 Pro Max today, please send one to Greg Buell in Key West at PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 thanks $$$ 3054345276 cell 9- 27-2019 Friday is Greg's BDay 72.

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1-1-2018 "Yale Key West Medical School And Hospital Ships" will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie with Dramatic Art of the Diagnosis via Dr. Lisa MD that will save www.electricwindmillcar.com 132/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat your and your Wife's life's - Antidote for Coors Invented in Key West! Qatar Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion will pay all your tax in 2018. Antidote for No Smoking Quit Smoking will be invented in 2018 in Key West by Greg and Wife's. Slim Down in 2018 invented too. Rx Recipe Latte's at Starbucks.

1-1-2019 Greg is 71 *.* Happy New Year With InventBook end of Facebook in 2019 Thank God we can get back to inventing Miracle Cure's Rx! 1,001 Nobels in Medicine + Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novels with 1 Click Amazon links to IP invention projects. iMac on every Cafe Table in Paris and every Starbucks Worldwide. InventBook for 2019 by Greg + Many Legal Wife's in Key West...

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www.electricwindmillcar.com 134/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email [email protected] CELL 3054345276

Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 [email protected] CELL phone 3054345276 Copyright 2019

2019 ----- New ---- Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's Click Here for Greg's Book on Amazon Look Inside at New Pages Click on Cover to zoon in and www.electricwindmillcar.com 135/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat read the Secret File! Amazon lets you read 42 pages wow! Book is 474 Pages

Right Click on picture, Open Image in New Tab or Right click on this picture and save it then open it with Paint and you will be able to read all the Secrets Los Alamos wrote about the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR!!


Endgame Brain Surgery + Brain Cancer Rx Recipes are done here, along with 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell Call to Sirius. All that missing in this picture are the 4 Wife's and 40 iMac's, grin. Nice! Yes they serve Rx Pink Latte's from Starbucks.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 136/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Endgame Brain Surgery + Brain Cancer Rx Recipes are done here, along with 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell Call to Sirius. All that missing in this picture are the 4 Wife's and 40 iMac's, grin. Nice! Yes they serve Rx Pink Latte's from Starbucks.

www.electricwindmillcar.com 137/138 10/13/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 [email protected] CELL phone 3054345276 Copyright 2019

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