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-' '". 'v-w- V! V"gffr ', f r f sy . lJ (3 vJ L f c . IMEWS --HERALD. Entered ulPost-offlo- Hlllsboro, ESTABLISHED 1837. Ohio, aa seoond-olas- s matter. HILLSBORO, HIGHLAND CO., Q., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. VOL. 54 NO. 32 For II. B. Senator, J. 1). Foraker. ally an honest, pure-minde- and gallant WASHINGTON LETTER. Chns. Font el: jm tho Silver Question. gentleman, to and ho would do credit dinner of of litre are Borao of tho Republican pa the State and to the party in the Senate The annual the Chamber - From our regular correspondent. Commerce of he Stato of New York ly, pers of UUIO wno nave ucciareu or in any place to 'which ho might be called." Sandu&ky Register. was celebrated last Tuesday, at which Free from all ernor roraaer uicir cuuico mi j. o. impurity I Hon. Foster speech of Senator : "Tho opponents of Governor Foraker Washington. D. 0.. Nov. 27th. 1891. Chas. made the rOiuctm at! Commercial Cleveland Press make much of the fact that he was de- Secretary .Blaino and Governor-elec-t tho evening in reply to the toast, "To (iHKettH tiiuwufo vauey.nnrni feated in 1889. His defeat does not dis- McKinley walking arm in arm up the maintain the parity between gold and TeKlo Blade Now Philadelphia Ad- - Royal Baking Powder parage him now. Applied to a man in State department steps was as Bilver is the fixed policy of the govern- Clrvfiland World vncato public life, an unerring test of true great- about Kit, Vernon Republican Hortnrla Dl'patoh practical a refutation of the stories so as- ment." He said, "It is now agreed on Olillllontlie Gazette ness' is that he survives defeat. Availa- Maritflild News of all sides (hat gold alone furnishes too Is the only baking powder found Allium MoivMierr Maiientuwr Journal bility is tiie mediocre's political stock in siduously circulated by Democrats, yet by chemical Belli fontatue ltopnbli- - Weat Uiilou 80 on trade. When that is exhausted his ca- their not being on good terms as it would 'narrow a basisupon which to conduct analysis to be free from all impurities and absolutely cat Rnrf niifleld Gazette reer is ended. With him defeat ends all : bo possible to find. Neither of the men tho money affairs of tho world. Fifteen Lima dnzfitto Onto tfouutaKKKABt but tho man who has the genius of states- pure. perfect Hi.d ay Wtlfotun Arsus are the sort who pretend to like a man years ago the 'people of the eaBt, who This purity results from the exclusive Republican manship survives. The defeat of Lincoln Ztnmvillo News Welliit'in in 1853 made him famous ; Grant was whom they disliko; therefore the fact wore supposed to understand tho ques- use of cream of Wl'mlUKton Journal Marion Star tartar specially refined and prepared Hcpnbli- - never so great aa on Mt. McGregor; tion of finance,indulged Piqtw OniH Port Clinton that they are, 03 they have always been, in prophecy as by patent processes which totally remove all Xinla QnKette oan Gladstone will not down in defeat, and the very best of personal friends is plain to tho evil that would follow such a the tar- muntlk D Graff Buckeye Foraker survives, much to chagrin Port Prcta the large of of lime. Paulding Republican Kfiiton Republican of tho-- e who thought they had made an to all, except those who refuse to see. coinage silver dollars. Great trate The cost of this chemically pure cream Cam on Republican Tifflu News of Sherman's The President devoted consider- financiers of tho country held that the lteniater end him. friends should has of tartar is much greater than any other, and is hfilmy .iimrnal Irntitoii he slow to arraign him on that score. able timo to World's Fair matters parity would not be maintained, even it South Charleston Sentl- - Ironton Kennbllcan this in rifl laucinnaw trnn There has not been a time since 1873 week. Ho has heard the views of Presi- with a smaller coin. Notwithstanding used no baking powder except the "Royal." t Newa-Heral- d DelpbOB Courant when John Sherman could havo been Hillnborn dent Palmer on tho necessity of ad- doleful predictions wo have coined over Clucinnati FreePreBa Jackson Standard Jour- - elected Governor of Ohio." Sidney Jour- that Dr. Edward G. Love, formerly analytical chemist for the Oautiiu ltogitter nal nal. ditional $5,000,000 appropriation by Con- S400,000,OOQ. We have besides pur- Maumeo New Era U. S. Government, who made the analyses for the New York JaukKon Han gress ; also the report of the board of chased about $JO,000,000 worth of silver Jack' on Newa-Heral- d Newark Tribune "Governor Foraker is precisely tho State Board of Health in their investigation Putnam Co Videlte Zanesville Courier man for the U. S. Senate. He will bring control, and a verbal statement from bullion at gold value and paid for it by of baking pow- Columbus Diipatch Toledo News to the defense of honest money and a Mrs. Potter Palmer, president of the tho issue of about $70,000,000 of new ders, says of the purity and wholesomeness of the " Royal " : 41 la ml union Wnuaeon Tribune protective tariff eloquence, such Concord Enter such board of lady managers. He has talked treasury notes. And yet the parity is Cflauce Republican New ability, such tact and such personal " EapreM prise with the committee on tho awards, maintained. Is there now living anv I find the Royal Baking Powder composed of pure i Gttliipo'la Tribune Findlay Jiffcreorilan power .18 haven't been in any one man since Morton left that body. He ought medals, etc. to be made by the Expo- man whom we would havo regarded as and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream I many of tartar We alBO givo a few of tho very to be elected, and the present indications sition getting their ideas as to the amount1 gftod authority on the subject buWwho powder, pleasant complimentary notices are that ho will be elected." Ironlon of money will be required. would have predicted such and does not contain either alum or phosphates, and Register, that Tho that, under Riven tho relative to hia fit- whole question is so important that the conditians, the parity of the two metals or other injurious substance. by the Re- "The wisdom of electing Governor ness for Senatorial honors President has decided not to incorporate would bo preserved? So now, men (Late U.S.Gm't Chemist) G. State. Foraker to represent Ohio in tho U. 8. "E. LOVE, Ph. D." publican papers in the Senate for the term beginning March 4, it in his annual message to Congress, whose intelligence and patriotism can "Gallia county has not been misrep- 1893, is so apparent as to require no ex- but to prepare a special World's Fair not be questioned, and whose purposes Prof. Love's tests, and the recent tests by the resented throughout the State by tbe penditure of effort or argument, and it is message to be sent in are most are moved to in- official vj after Congress gets the exalted, ( quotations from the Tribune on the Sen- simply to be hoped that the Republican down to work. is understood dulge in gloomy fore bodings over the United States and Canadian Governments, shozo the Tho county is for For majority in tho General Assembly will It that atorial matter. the President to present outlook, and propose to repeal uker, There i3 no doubt of it. The cheerfully accord him their ready and has promised urge Con Royal Baking Powder to be superior to all others in must thorough investigation will piove active support to the end of conserving gross to make the appropriation asked the act of July 14th, 1890, (the pres- strength and leavening power. it. With the kindlitfct feeling toward the best interests of tho State and tha for by the beard of control and there is ent law authorizing the purchase of the distinguished old geiitleuiati 'tho ia Republican party. Governor Foraker little doubt that the appropriation will 4,500,000 ounces of silver per month to opposing the advancement of Otiios has the ability to take rank from the young Republican leader, the opinion is start as a leader in any position he may eventually bo made, although it is prob- be paid iu new treasury notes), hoping KAlAMiOM). new"two-for-five- POGTAL OLCRKCJ SALARIES. general that young blood will be bitter bo placed. With Foraker in tho Senate able that some of tho " thereby to preservo the parity of gold December It, 1591. Conf-rc- s in tlui Senate- - In this matter Ohio would not suffer in comparison members may oppose it. and silver. li?is not my purpose to dis- Will XJo Asked to Hstr-blls- of the Sonatorship it is well to remember with any State in the Union." Athens The action of the National committee pute this position, nor do I propose to Arrangements are beina made bv Tlioni on tt.i Entirely JCetv Hash. oung men are nearer to the fulmo Messenger. the Tho National that in selecting Minneapolis for the next make myself special advocate of the law Sunday school for a Association of Post than "old men, ana more in symptthy Chiistmas enter Office Clerks, at their annual meeting with the force that control it. Tim Just at tnis time, when this question national convention and June 7 for the as it stands. I"do not propose to indulge tainment nt the M E Church.