1500 CONQUISTADORS Europeans first encounter bring chocolate to chocolate in AZTEC SOCIETY the Court of King 1519 Phillip II of Spain MID 1500s It quickly becomes a luxurious imported good available only to ROYALTY, NOBILITY, and CATHOLIC CLERGY 1600

Chocolate becomes more widely available in COFFEEHOUSES and CHOCOLATE HOUSES in LONDON

BAKER’S CHOCOLATE is French chocolatiers founded in Dorchester, market bite-sized 1700 Massachusetts chocolates called BONBONS 1700s 1765

Coenraad van Houten invents a 1800 mechanized machine in Amsterdam, Joseph Fry creates Holland that GRINDS CACAO BEANS a moldable paste 1828 into powdered chocolate of COCOA POWDER, SUGAR, and COCOA 1831 John Cadbury opens BUTTER the first Cadbury 1847 factory in England Fry’s company invents the first FILLED 1853 CHOCOLATE CANDY, Cream Sticks 1867 Henri Nestlé invents POWDERED chocolate The first BAR 1879 Rodolphe invents the process of is produced “” that grinds cocoa paste into a Milton Hershey sees a CONCHING 1893 PERFECTLY SMOOTH CHOCOLATE MACHINE on display and purchases it Milton Hershey invests everything he has in a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in 1900 the cornfields of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania The Hershey Company begins to mass- 1905 produce and distribute milk chocolate bars 1907 HERSHEY KISSES® are Jules Sechaud of 1913 introduced to the world Montreux, 1920-1930 ICONIC AMERICAN CANDY BARS invents machinery for are made including Snickers®, FILLING CHOCOLATES Baby Ruth®, and the Butterfinger® 1924 Frank Marks invents the MILKY WAY® Venezuela’s CHOCOLATES EL REY launches 1984 traceable, single-origin couvertures (tempered chocolate with a high cocoa butter content) and the trend 2014 of artisanal chocolates takes off THE HEIRLOOM CACAO PRESERVATION INITIATIVE is created, dedicated to identifying, preserving, and propagating the finest-flavor cacao, as well as recognizing and rewarding the growers who cultivate it