Beat: Vips


Worthy Representative Swiss Know-How

PARIS - CRANS-MONTANA - GENEVA , 10.02.2017, 07:02 Time

USPA NEWS -, as a Country, is definitely represented by the Original Fine Chocolate that gives pride to this Country. Switzerland's chocolates have earned an international reputation for high quality with many famous international brands. The Culinary Heritage of Switzerland is German, French,...

SWITZERLAND, as a Country, is definitely represented by the Original Fine Chocolate that gives pride to this Country. Switzerland's chocolates have earned an international reputation for high quality with many famous international brands. The Culinary Heritage of Switzerland is German, French, Italian as well as Romansh.

As a Country where diverse Traditions and Cultures meet and interact, Switzerland has been a melting-pot in the Heart of Europe since time immemorial. This is why cultural life in Cosmopolitan Switzerland displays such Enormous Variety. Chocolate came to Europe in the course of the 16th century, by the 17th century at the very latest it became known and was produced in Switzerland as well.

In the second half of the 19th century started to gain a reputation abroad. The invention of by Daniel Peter as well as the development of (fondant chocolate) by Rodolphe were closely connected with the rise of Swiss chocolate's renown. But Switzerland not only exported chocolate, its chocolatiers went abroad as well and their names remain well-known to this day. Even Belgian chocolate has Swiss roots : Jean NEUHAUS opened a confectionary shop in Brussels and his son Frédéric in 1912 invented the praline chocolate....

DAVID PASQUIET is a French Pastry Chef often taken as a Magician.offering surprising, seductive and sometimes improbable chocolate combinations. His difference from others is his artistry and creativity. At 'L'Instant-Chocolat', David PASQUIET astonishes you with his masterpieces... In January 2013, David participated to the Swiss Chocolate Masters where he won the first place àt the Competition which opened him the doors of the World Chanmpionship in PARIS (where he was n° 10).

JORGE CARDOSO is a Portuguese Pastry Chef living in Switzerland and working with David PASQUIET. He was part of the Team representing the Country at the 'Pastry World Cup 2017' held January 22-23 in LYON (France). *GOLD MEDAL : Etienne LEROY, Bastien GIRARD, Jean-Thomas SCHNEIDER representing FRANCE * SILVER MEDAL : Takahiro KOMAI, Yoshiaki UEZAKI, Takao YAMAMOTO representing JAPAN * BRONZE MEDAL : Cédric PILLOUD, Jorge CARDOSO, Jean-Baptiste JOLLIET representing SWITZERLAND

Every two years, the World Cup Shampionship brings together the very best young pastry talents in the world. After a selection process involving more than fifty national rounds and four continental selection events in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe, 22 teams have qualified for the final. The final is typically structured into three major tests involving Sugar, Chocolate and Ice-cream. For the sugar test, the regulations of the final introduces an additional requirement : a flower made of sugar to be integrated in the artistic creation, this can be a Rose, Carnation or Orchid. The participants have to place extra emphasis on aesthetics for their presentation, as this is one of the aspects particularly appreciated by the pubic.

Also, the Chocolate Masters required to use Hollow Casting and no longer Solid Chocolate for their Sculptures, which significantly increases the risk of breakage right up until the last minute. For the 2017 edition, true to its commitment in favour of sustainable development the 'World Cup Pastry Chamionship' has decided to significantly diminish the quantity of material used to create the artistic piece made of chocolate.... JORGE CARDOSO won with his 'Dracula' Artistic Confection made of chocolate.... He is currently working as Chocolatier at DAVID - L'Instant Chocolat.

Source : * David PASQUIET in his Boutique and Laboratory * Jorge CARDOSO in the Laboratory - - (Paris-Switzerland, 20 Daily Return tickets, one way at 29 Euros with up to 3 months ahead Booking) - Swiss Travel System tickets for foreign Tourists (


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