Derby Local Transport Plan, LTP3 2011-2026 Part 1 Strategy April 2011 Contact details: tel: Transport Planning 01332 641759 Neighbourhoods minicom: Derby City Council 01332 256064 Saxon House Heritage Gate e-mail:
[email protected] Friary Street Derby DE1 1AN LTP3 Strategy Contents Part 1: Strategy 1 Introduction 2 2 Context 6 3 Background to strategy development process 16 Influences on LTP3 16 Developing the Strategy 26 4 Derby's Goals and Challenges 30 Derby's Goals 30 Problems and Challenges 33 5 Testing and Consultation 74 Summary of the strategy development process 74 Appraisal of options 81 6 LTP3 Strategy 92 2 LTP3 Strategy 1 Introduction 1 Introduction What is a Local Transport Plan? 1.1 This is the third Local Transport Plan for Derby (LTP3). The LTP is a vital tool to help councils, their partners and their local communities, plan for transport in the way that best meets the needs of the local area. The Transport Act 2008 requires that LTP3 contain a long term transport strategy and a short term implementation plan with proposals for delivering the strategy. We can set our own time scales for the strategy and implementation plan, and we can monitor, review and refresh the plan as needed to meet local needs. 1.2 The Act places a number of statutory duties on Derby City Council. These include consulting people, considering the needs of disabled people and considering environmental policies and guidance when preparing LTP3. We have carried out Strategic Environmental, Health Impact and Equality Impact Assessments and we have made sure that LTP3 integrates with other Council plans and duties such as the Network Management Duty (Traffic Management Act 2004) and the Air Quality Action Plan (Environment Act 1995).