La”Kksf/Kr Vkns”K
la”kksf/kr vkns”k Incident Response System (IRS) for District Disaster Management in District Pithoragarh vkink izcU/ku vf/kfu;e 2005 v/;k; IV dh /kkjk 28 dh mi/kkjk 01 ds vUrxZr o`ºr vkinkvksa ds nkSjku tuin fiFkkSjkx<+ esa vkink izcU/ku izkf/kdj.k ds vUrxZr iwoZ esa xfBr fuEuor Incident Response System (IRS) dks fuEu izdkj leLr vkinkvksa gsrq fØ;kfUor fd;k tkrk gSaA S.N. Position of IRS Nomination in IRS 1. Responsible Officer (RO) District Magistrate (DM) Pithoragarh 05964-225301,225441, 9410392121, 7579162221 1.1 Deputy Responsible Officer (DRO) ADM/CDO/ Officer Next to DM 2.0 COMMAND STAFF (CS) 2.1 Incident Commander (IC) Superintendent of Police (SP) Pithoragarh 05964-225539, 225023, 9411112082 2.2 Information & Media Officer (IMO) District Information Officer (DIO) Pithoragarh, 05964-225549, 9568171372, 9412908675 NIC Officer Pithoragarh 05964-224162, 228017, 9412952098 2.3 Liaison Officer (LO) District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) 05964-226326,228050, 9412079945, 8476903864 SDM (Sadar) Pithoragarh 05964-225950, 9411112595 2.4 Safety Officer (SO) SO Police 05964-225238, 9411112888 SDO forest 9410156299 FSO Pithoragarh as per Specific Requirement 05964-225314, 9411305686 3.0 OPERATION SECTION (OS) 3.1 Operation Section Chief (OSC) SP Pithoragarh 9411112082 DSP Pithoragarh 9411111955 DFO Pithoragarh (For Forst Fire) 05964-225234, 225390, 9410503638 CMO Pithoragarh (For Epidemics) 05964-225142,225504, 9837972600, 7310801479 3.2.1 Staging Area Manager (SAM) CO Police Pithoragarh 05964-225539, 225410, 941111955 RI Police line
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