„„ Air Safety Forum Speaker „„ Jumpseat Forum Speaker „„ Pilot Assistance Forum Speaker „„ Security Forum Speaker

„„ Captain Terry Adams CIRP Representative Continental MEC Terry Adams attended the University of North Dakota from 1981 to 1985 and graduated with a degree in aeronautical studies. Terry was first hired at Air Midwest in 1985 and later at in 1987. Terry has flown the SA226/7, EMB 120, MD-80, B-727, B-737, B-757, B-767, and B-777. Currently Terry is a Captain on the 737 in Houston, Texas, and resides in Carefree, Arizona. Terry is one of the founding members of the Continental Airlines Critical Incident Response Team.

„„ Arik Arad President Arocon Consulting, LLC Arik Arad has over 25 years of experience in the security and defense sectors, where he has been instrumental in creating and implementing new security guidelines, programs, and concepts in the international, domestic, and private sector as well as collaborating with governmental entities in Israel, the U.S., and Canada. Previous posts include Head of Security for El Al, Ben Gurion Airport; Head of Security for the Shopping Centers Associations of Israel; CEO, International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) USA; and Israeli Consul for Special Missions, Israeli Consulate, Canada. Mr. Arad also brings a wealth of business development experience, including identifying potential acquisitions, conducting due diligence, and managing acquired companies. At the request of former President Bush (Sr.), Mr. Arad served on the Presidential Committee on Aviation and participated in several congressional committee hearings on the subject. Mr. Arad is a graduate of the International Seminar Management Program (ISMP) of the Harvard Business School and holds a BSc in psychology and political sciences from the Haifa University in Israel.

„„ First Officer Dana Archibald Dana C. Archibald is President and CEO of The Aviation Family Fund (AFF), a 501.c.3 nonprofit fund he personally established to assist aviation families with financial help throughout chemical dependency treatment. Prior to his current title of First Officer, Archibald was Chair for the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), Human Intervention and Motivation Study (HIMS) Program (October 2006–April 2011) and Chair of the FAA Advisory Board for HIMS. In this role, he served 50 airlines and several corporations, representing approximately 100,000 commercial pilots. An advocate for rehabilitation, FO Archibald was also the Aeromedical and/HIMS Chair for American Eagle Airlines (April 2001–April 2011), which currently has approximately 3,000 pilots. Over the last several years, First Officer Archibald has worked with the majority of airlines in the and has been honored to speak at numerous conventions in countries around the world, including Amsterdam, Australia, Brazil, Brussels, Canada, Dubai UAE, and New Zealand, where he has educated governments, airlines, and other interested parties about the HIMS program. First Officer Archibald presented at the 2008 Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA) conference in Boston, MA; was a panel expert for Recovery Month (SAMHA) “Recovery in the Work Place” September 2009; spoke on the HIMS program with ABC News 11 (Raleigh, NC) February 2010; presented at the Regional Association (RAA) HR conference August 2010; and was a guest speaker at the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) International Convention SAT 2010.

Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

28 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 29 raining, raining, T eam to AA from AA from T oundation, Blair Consulting SAP oundation, AA. F Hazelton Center, ord e currently holds He currently 25 HIMS training seminars. and over Canada, oronto T Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,

AA’s 16th administrator on June 1, 2009. Babbitt comes to the F 2009. 1, 16th administrator on June AA’s |

ransport. T andolph Babbitt is current research addresses cognitive issues involved in the skilled performance of astronauts astronauts of performance skilled the in involved issues cognitive addresses research current His esearch Center n that capacity, he In that capacity, Advisory Council since 2001. Management He has been a member of the agency’s AA. AADAC, Pilot Assistance Program in Assistance Program Pilot NAADAC, a Labor Assistance Professional-Certified (LAP-C), National Certified Addictions Counselor (NCAC-I) and is a (NCAC-I) Addictions Counselor National Certified (LAP-C), Assistance Professional-Certified a Labor Assistance field. (SAP) in the Employee Abuse Professional Substance qualified DOT He participates children. and three with his wife USA, North Carolina, in Raleigh, resides Archibald Captain to educate himself on chemical and continues efforts and international level, on a national recovery in day every and uses opportunities better understanding. to educate our society for dependence and recovery, The Honorable Captain J. R ASA Ames in the Human Systems Integration Division at NASA Barshi is a Senior Principal Investigator Immanuel Center. Research to manage challenging situations, their ability and air traffic controllers, as mission controllers as well and pilots, decision spatial reasoning, are group his research by Among the topics investigated and their vulnerability to error. been have of his work The results and skill acquisition and retention. communication, risk assessment, making, and medicine, aviation, in space, and training programs operational procedures, implemented in checklist design, facilities. nuclear assess safety oversight within the airline industry and the F oversight assess safety and was the in 2001 firm, successful aviation a highly partnerBabbitt had been the founding of Eclat Consulting, in 2007. Wyman Oliver by Eclat was acquired and CEO until President he served as A skilled negotiator, Airlines. for Eastern years flying 25 as a pilot, career Babbitt began his aviation A LPA, While at organization of airline pilots. largest professional the world’s PA, AL US and CEO for President the across standards safety improve implemented in 1995 to initiative of Safety” “One Level he championed the Air Line a merger with the Canadian through ALPA the international expansion of He also promoted industry. Association in 1997. Pilots outstanding for Award magazine with the Laurels Technology & Space Week Aviation by He was recognized Air in Commercial achievement Immanuel Barshi, Ph.D. andy Babbitt was sworn in as the F Randy Babbitt was sworn Oliver Wyman, an international management consulting firm where he served as partner. firm where an international management consulting Wyman, Oliver stranger to Babbitt is no and labor relations, expert in aviation recognized pilot and internationally A veteran the F to air traffic modernization ranging from of topics, Administrator on a variety guidance to the FAA provided 2004 to 2006. He was Chair of the council from regulatory policy. Secretary Maryto be a member of a special Internal Review Peters DOT by He also was appointed First Officer Archibald graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1986 with a bachelor of science of with a bachelor in 1986 University Aeronautical Embry-Riddle from graduated Archibald Officer First years. 22 over Airlines for and Eagle Airlines American with employed He has been studies. in aeronautical degree to moving Before pilot based in JFK. 757/767 international holds the title of Archibald Officer First Currently, 19,000 over has currently Archibald on the EMB-145. Airman was Captain/Check Archibald flights, international flight hours. forward” “paid it has opened his heart and Archibald work, and volunteer to helping others No stranger for Florida, World in Orlando, Disney flight to Foundation’s the Make-A-Wish to captain volunteering by American Eagle by others was rewarded His dedication to helping illnesses. with life-threatening children Association, Air Line Pilots of the recipient is also the Archibald F/O in his name. an aircraft Airlines’ dedicating of service years pilots and their families in assisting his numerous for Award Citation Presidential International, with chemical dependence. His on chemical dependence. training courses many through has gone Archibald FO the past 13 years, Over conducted at the Betty F instruction has been Human Systems Integrations Division NASA Ames R Administrator Administration Aviation Federal „ „ „ „ Dr. Barshi holds Ph.D.s in linguistics and in cognitive psychology. He has published books and papers in basic and applied psychology, linguistics, and aviation. He holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate with A320, A330, B-737, and CE500 type ratings; he is also a certified flight instructor for airplanes and helicopters, with over 35 years of flight experience.

„„ Captain Mike Bender, FDX Accident Investigation Board Chair Air Line Pilots Association, International Captain Bender began his commercial aviation career at FedEx in April 1995. He was initially trained as a Flight Engineer on the Boeing 727. A year later he upgraded to First Officer on the MD-11, and flew in that position until 2003. He then upgraded to Captain on the MD-11. He has accumulated over 4,600 hours on the “Maddog,” flying both international and domestic routes, primarily from the FedEx Anchorage, Alaska, domicile. He took over as the MEC Chief Accident Investigator in 2001 and assumed the position of Central Air Safety Chair in January 2008, serving in that position until May 2011. He has served as a member of ALPA’s Accident Investigation Board since 2004 and took over as Chair of that body also in January 2008. He is an instructor at the Accident Investigation Two course, formerly known as the Basic Accident Investigation course. Captain Bender’s previous professional life was as a naval aviator. He served in the Navy for 20 years, from 1973 until 1993, culminating in command of his own sea-going squadron. He accumulated over 4,400 hours in Navy tactical aircraft, with over 3,300 in the EA-6B Prowler, a carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft based at Whidbey Island, WA. During that period, he attended the Naval Aviation Safety School and served in Aviation Safety positions in several squadrons and organizations. Before being hired by FedEx in 1995, he worked as a field researcher at the NASA Ames Research Facility, where he participated in a study on Pilot Fatigue Issues in Long Haul Flights. He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri in 1973, and a master’s degree with a specialty in aviation safety from Embry-Riddle University in 1998. He is an active member of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators, and an ALPA representative to the IFALPA Accident, Analysis and Prevention Committee. Captain Bender has been married to his wife, Suzi, since 1981 and has two grown daughters and two grandkids. He and Suzi live in Spokane, Washington.

„„ First Officer James Berzon, CAL Jumpseat Council Vice Coordinator Air Line Pilots Association, International James Berzon is a First Officer at Continental Airlines, based in Houston (IAH). He has dedicated a large part of his career toward furthering the interests of his fellow pilots. Shortly after graduating from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott), James was hired at SkyWest Airlines in 2000. He left SkyWest in 2007 as a Designated Examiner on the C-RJ. This position afforded him interaction with many furloughed pilots who received jobs at SkyWest after September 11, 2001. It was from these relations that James developed the knowledge base and encouragement to head the CAL MEC Furlough Program when Continental furloughed in 2008. James is adamant about the rights, rules, and regulations of jumpseating. He has served tirelessly on the CAL MEC Jumpseat Committee and the CAL MEC Security Committee. His efforts have been most productive as the Vice Chair of the ALPA Jumpseat Committee. James’s contributions were recognized last year by the “Presidential Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Aviation Security.” James currently serves as the Vice Coordinator of ALPA’s Jumpseat Council. James enjoys living in Arizona and spending time with his wife outdoors. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

30 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 31 The . Costello, Costello, . TSA on a trust- raining Unit until T errorists and the errorists T td. in Zurich, in Zurich, raining Ltd. or the past 12 years or the past 12 years T echnology in Zurich, Switzerland. Her Switzerland. echnologyZurich, in T . I. volume and Perspectives, Ideas, Thoughts, nstitute of ederal Institute of

Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,

on. Jerry F and the Hon. Committee, ransportation and Infrastructure | niversity of University the from Research for Award the 2011 Jefferson TRAP received T

esearcher n addition to his instructional duties, Agent Bringuel is the program manager is the program Agent Bringuel to his instructional duties, In addition actics. T ASA. F Advisory at EASA. Group Human Factors of the European AA and is a member errorism issues. SSA Bringuel also provides local, state, and federal law enforcement/intelligence enforcement/intelligence law and federal state, local, SSA Bringuel also provides issues. errorism AP) working group, which studies and researches National studies and researches which group, (TRAP) working Project Analysis and Research errorism T AP): A collection of (TRAP): Project Analysis and Research errorism Alex Burkett is legal counsel for the Democratic minority of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Committee’s and Infrastructure Transportation Democratic minority of the the legal counsel for is Alex Burkett on Alex works and licensed pilot, As an attorney House of Representatives. in the U.S. Aviation Subcommittee on Nick He assists the Hon. to civil aviation. spectrum of issues relating a broad and policy matters across legislative Ranking Member on the Rahall II, J. main interests in aviation human factors research are leadership, decision making, and interdisciplinary teamwork and interdisciplinary teamwork making, decision leadership, are factors research human in aviation main interests CRM advisory she leads the at group university, at the work Besides her situations. emergency during onboard the Swiss F has over 21 years of professional investigative, management, consultation, research, and research, consultation, management, investigative, of professional 21 years Bringuel II has over Andrew SSA and environmental organized crime, public corruption, terrorist, investigating ranging from academic experience, and an abortion clinic bombing (Eric Robert Vance) judge (William of a federal murder including the crime cases, and was an barricade “Freeman” during the Montana, at Jordon, Agent Bringuel was a negotiator Rudolph). to FBI promoted Agent Bringuel was In 1999 theft investigation. agent in an intellectual property undercover Office (NDPO). and assigned to the National Domestic Preparedness Division, Counterterrorism Headquarters, Computer in 2001 and taught in the Investigative Academy to the FBI SSA Bringuel transferred Security/T nstructor at Swiss Aviation Aviation Instructor at Swiss Flight Safety as a CRM and working she has been and continues Center in the Human Systems Integration Division Research Ames visiting NASA Nadine is currently Switzerland. as her supervisor. Barshi Immanuel with Dr. Supervisory Agent Andy Bringuel II Special Science Unit. to the Behavioral when he transferred 2005, National the FBI’s through Virginia, of the University Adjunct Instructor for teaches as an Agent Bringuel Currently, Understanding the Mindset of course entitled He teaches a graduate-level program. Academy Response Government’s the for SSA Bringuel is currently matters and intelligence-based development. to terrorism partners’ consultations related of a personality-based confidential including the development projects, research of field in a number involved is essays, exploratory research several published has Bringuel SSA GAP. called program development source human and is editor of a book titled (GAP), Protocol Analysis on the Group project research engaged in a field currently T and ALPA with as research as well a second volume on working is currently group TRAP working airportbased system for screening. Virginia. in adult degree and a master’s Leo University St. in criminology from degree Agent Bringuel has a bachelor’s Virginia. in northern and lives children and has three He is married Virginia. of the University education from Burkett Alex adine Bienefeld is a PhD candidate at the ETH Swiss F candidate at the is a PhD Nadine Bienefeld Minority Counsel and Infrastructure Committee House Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation Subcommittee on Aviation Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute ETH Swiss Federal Unit FBI Behavioral Science FBI Academy Nadine Bienefeld Nadine R & Fellow PhD Candidate ember on the Aviation Subcommittee, in legislative and oversight work pertaining to aviation safety, safety, pertaining work to aviation and oversight in legislative Subcommittee, Aviation Ranking Member on the jurisdiction. issues within the Committee’s and other international issues, airline labor, airline competition, Dombroff of firm law the with associate an as Februaryin staff working after 2010 Subcommittee’s the joined Alex aircraft of airlines and other commercial he assisted in the representation where Jaques & French, Gilmore and in contract in regulatory matters, accidents and incidents, aviation operators in litigation stemming from Alex served as in private practice, Prior to his work providers. and overhaul repair, maintenance, disputes involving one of the busiest appellate Appeal, of the Florida First District Court of Kahn Jr. Charles J. clerk to the Hon. law „ „ „ „ „ „ courts by workload in the United States. He previously worked as a journalist for a small independent weekly newspaper in Vero Beach, Florida. Alex received a juris doctor degree, magna cum laude, from the Florida State University College of Law in 2007, and a bachelor of arts degree, cum laude, in American and Southern Studies from Vanderbilt University in 2003. He made his first flight as a student pilot in the left seat of a PiperTomahawk at age 10.

„„ Nicholas E. Calio President and CEO Air Transport Association Nicholas E. Calio is president and chief executive officer of the Air Transport Association (ATA), the nation’s oldest and largest airline trade association. Mr. Calio became the association’s chief executive in January 2011. Prior to joining ATA, Mr. Calio was Citigroup’s Executive Vice President for Global Government Affairs. He was responsible for the company’s government affairs globally, including U.S. federal government relations, U.S. state government relations, and international government relations. He was also a member of Citigroup’s Senior Leadership Committee. Before joining Citigroup, Mr. Calio served President George W. Bush as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs from January 2001 to January 2003. As the president’s principal liaison to Congress, Mr. Calio worked closely with the leadership and members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and had the primary responsibility for formulating and implementing White House strategy on all legislative issues. He held the same position during the administration of President George H.W. Bush. The New York Times once described him as a “forceful broker . . . not only between the White House and Congress, but also among Cabinet officials”; and later “credit[ed] him with a major role in the biggest White House legislative victories on Capitol Hill, among them the resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq, the creation of the Homeland Security Department, an education bill and a major tax cut.” Congressional Quarterly reported that “lawmakers of both parties also say Calio’s forceful approach . . . helped Bush put together a string of triumphs on Capitol Hill,” while Roll Call stated that “he has a reputation as a prodigious lobbyist and one of Capitol Hill’s best vote counters.” Prior to joining the Bush administration, Mr. Calio was a partner at O’Brien*Calio, a law and lobbying firm he co- founded in 1993. A 1998 Fortune magazine survey of members of Congress, congressional staff, administration staff, and Washington lobbyists rated the firm as one of “the ten most powerful” in Washington. Mr. Calio started the firm after leaving the first Bush administration. Mr. Calio has had substantial experience serving business interests in legislative and legal matters throughout his career. He also has been vice president of The Duberstein Group, Inc., a legislative consulting firm, and senior vice president of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, a major business trade association. Prior to that, he practiced law with the firm of Santarelli and Gimer. Mr. Calio is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and Case Western Reserve University School of Law. He has been active in the last eight presidential campaigns. He serves on the board of directors of Bryce Harlow Foundation and the First Tee of Washington, D.C.

„„ Steve Casner, Ph.D. Human Systems Integrations Division NASA Ames Research Center Stephen M. Casner, Ph.D., is a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California. Steve is the author of two textbooks about cockpit automation as well as the FAA pilot training publication Advanced Avionics Handbook. Steve holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate with type ratings in the Boeing 737 and Cessna Citation 500 and 510 airplanes. Steve is also a Gold Seal Certified Flight Instructor. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

32 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 33 aval Air Station from from Station Air aval N raining Committee Chair and Vice Chair. raining Committee Chair and T ech. ech. T Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


ilots Association, International ilots Association, e lives with his wife, with his wife, He lives Airlines in 1989. e joined United H duty. -38 while on active T raining Group. T ew Jersey. Jersey. Hospice of New by 2011, ear, Y ational Safety Structure within the Structure National Safety ALPA in the reside Both of these positions raining Council. T National Safety Coordinator resident and ilots Association, International ilots Association, ilots Association, International ilots Association, MEC Airlines Vice Chair and United raining Council Chair, Continental Airlines MEC CIRP Chair, ew Jersey. New Aberdeen, in reside Sheryl, and his wife, Cheney Captain e also obtained an Airframe and He also obtained an degree. with a B.S. Utah State University graduated from Cheney Captain Aero Colorado from Plant license Power P Chair for Continental serves as CIRP Chair for presently Airlines, of Continental veteran a 25-year Bill Cheney, Captain International. Association, Air Line Pilots the Assistant for Airlines and as CIRP Chair August 2009 to From Airlines CIRP. Continental Vice Chair for he served as August 2009, April 2009 until From he has served as CIRP 2011, Since June IRP. Airlines C has served as Chair of Continental Cheney Captain present, International. Association, Air Line Pilots the Assistant for Chair held positions as Captain flies the B-777 and previously Cheney Captain Jersey, New based in Newark, Currently and was awarded Jersey at Hospice of New He is also a longtime volunteer and B-767. B-757, on the B-737, of the Volunteer Captain Frank Cheeseman is the Human Factors & Training Group Chair for ALPA. In addition, he serves as Chair In addition, ALPA. Chair for Group Training Frank Cheeseman is the Human Factors & Captain of the National Human Factors and at the LEC, He has served the piloting profession pilot training. had a passion for Cheeseman has always Captain National ALPA Frank served as position, his current Prior to in a variety of positions. and National level MEC, T onument, Colo. in Monument, Jacob, and son, Deborah, Captain Bill Cheney A-6B pilot in support of numerous military operations, military EA-6B pilot in support operations, of numerous duties as a carrier-based performed Cassidy 1989 to 1995. reserves. C-9 as an officer in the flying the career and finished his naval Gulf, Persian including those in the the He has a BA from children. and their two Annemarie, with his wife, Wash., Island, in Fox Cassidy resides of Colorado. University Cheeseman, UAL Captain Frank 747- 777, 757/767, the 737, He has flown Airlines. at United A-320 Captain Cheeseman is an Captain Currently, United. of the 747-400 and 757/767 at in the training programs he has worked In addition, A-320. and 400, and Frank flew Training. and USAF Pilot Academy Air Force Cheeseman is a graduate of the U.S. Captain A-10 and instructed the First Vice P First at the 2010, 13, on Oct. He was elected Vice President. First ALPA’s serves Cassidy (Alaska) as Sean P. Captain 2011. 1, office on Jan. meeting and assumed of Directors Board 43rd Association’s North in pilots here affect can outside our borders and issues “The airline industry global, more is becoming as pilots around in common have we identifying the values comes from strength “ALPA’s said Cassidy. America,” the challenges ahead.” face together as we and working the globe, Chair of He was Council. Master Executive Airlines Alaska Vice Chair of the Cassidy has served as both Chair and national labor in local and involved actively 1999 to 2009 and has been Labor Coalition from Air Group Alaska the a Seattle-based B-737 captain. Cassidy is currently Alaska in 1996, by Hired a decade. over issues for Navy’s the attended He Navy. U.S. in commission officer an received Cassidy experience, airline his to Prior Whidbey to assigned was and programs, training jet advanced and training pilot undergraduate Air Line P Chair Assistant, Air Line P CIRP Chair Assistant, uman Factors & Training Group Chair & Training Human Factors Air Line P Captain Sean P. Cassidy, ALA Cassidy, P. Sean Captain „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ Mark Clitsome Director, Investigations, Air Transportation Safety Board of Canada Mark Clitsome graduated from Sault College in 1979 with a Diploma in Flight Technology and Pilot Training. In 1979, Mr. Clitsome joined Voyageur Airways as a captain on twin-engine aircraft and, in 1993 he left as the Director of Operations to join the Transportation Safety Board of Canada. Since joining the TSB, Mr. Clitsome has participated in many of the Board’s high-profile air investigations as a senior member, including the Swissair, MK Airlines, and Air France investigations. Mr. Clitsome, as a senior member of the TSB’s Swissair investigation team, was recognized by the Government of Canada in the category of “Excellence in Service Delivery” and received the Head of the Public Service Award. Also, as part of the Swissair team, Mr. Clitsome was one of the recipients of the Jerome F. Lederer Award presented by the International Society of Air Safety Investigators for “outstanding contributions to technical excellence in accident investigation” in 2001. In March 2007, Mr. Clitsome was promoted to Manager, Standards and Performance. With a staff of five senior investigators, this Division of the Air Investigations Branch was responsible for the review of the Air Branch investigation reports and files to ensure that they met the standards of the Board. In February 2008, Mr. Clitsome was appointed the Director of the Air Investigations Branch. As Director, he is responsible for 70 staff and managers across the country dedicated to advancing aviation safety. Mr. Clitsome holds an Airline Transport Pilot Licence endorsed for the B-727 and C550 with over 8,000 hours of flying experience. Mr. Clitsome has represented the TSB at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Accident Investigation Group (AIG) 2008 and the ICAO High Level Safety Conference.

„„ Louise Cullinan, MAG CIRP Chair Air Line Pilots Association, International Louise has been the ALPA CIRP Chair since 2007 and the CIRP Chair for over six years. She is also on the agenda for CIRP for the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations, and assists airlines around the world in developing their own CIRP program. Currently Louise is a pilot for Mesa Airlines, flying the CRJ200 and CRJ900 out of Phoenix. She has been with Mesa since 1995, first as an agent, then progressing to station manager, and, since 1999, as a pilot. Her interest in intervening in cases of grief, shock, and distress goes back to early experiences with volunteering at the American Cancer Society in , and at her university after the crash of Northwest flight 255 in Detroit. With over 20 years of grief support experience, she continues to volunteer her time in her hometown of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, where she is called upon to assist the community in dealing with tragedy and loss.

„„ Captain Rick Current Manager, MPL, ATPL, CPL Programs Training Solutions – Civil & Military CAE Rick Current has been CAE MPL Program Manager for the Training Solutions Multi-Crew License Program since 2007. The year before, he was Program Lead for the Boeing-Alteon Multi-Crew Pilot License Program. He led the development of CAE’s MPL Program, co-authored the first Advanced Qualification Proficiency (AQP) curriculum in the airline industry, authored both the Boeing and CAE Threat and Error Management Training Programs, and concluded a five-year multi-nation development effort resulting in the Royal Saudi Air Force’s first Mission Qualification Training Program. Current has wide experience as a manager and team member in the capacities of United Airlines Flight Manager for Training, U.S. Air Force Squadron Commander, USAF Detachment Commander for the U.S. Training Mission to Saudi Arabia, Chief of the USAF Aircraft Crash Rescue Field Assistance and Evaluation Team, HQ USAF Project Officer, and UAL Standards Captain. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

34 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 35 AL orce Academy, is a Distinguished Graduate Graduate is a Distinguished Academy, orce .S. Air F .S. edical staff, and program pilot and program Medical staff, Administration Aviation ederal Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


ype Specialist, then with the Scheduling Committee to review preferential bid procedures. bid procedures. preferential Committee to review then with the Scheduling ype Specialist, T ilots Association, International ilots Association, Mark joined ExpressJet in April of 2006. He is presently a First Officer on the EMB-145 and has previously flown flown a First Officer on the EMB-145 and has previously He is presently April of 2006. in Mark joined ExpressJet flying in the United Express and is based in Bonnie, in Kansas City with his wife, Mark lives the B-1900D. obtained his pilot’s he where up in San Diego Mark grew Alabama. Birmingham, from He is originally system. Angeles Reservations Airlines in the Los in 1988 with Continental Mark started his airline career license in 1986. Mark also recruiter/trainer. Domestic/International Reservationswell as a new-hire as worked He has Office. Mark joined the Tampa. SupervisorAgent/Red Coat and in Houston/Columbus & Airport Services as an worked Mark has also August of 2008. Committee in February of 2008 and was elected Chair in Jumpseat ExpressJet CIRP Committee since 2009. served as a member of the ExpressJet e is currently an Anchorage- an He is currently member. ALPA Security Chairman and a 10-year Alaska MEC’s Dorn is the Darrin based 737 First Officer. and Officer, Warrant as a Noncommissioned Officer, Army duty in the U.S. of active 21 years servedDarrin over Forces as a Ranger and Special years in special operations enlisted time included 10 His Commissioned Officer. Aviator with service as an Instructor rotary wing– and Master wing–rated was both fixed he As an Officer, soldier. Operations Officer and Commander. Pilot, children. and three Angela, with his wife, Alaska, Wasilla, resides in First Officer Dorn currently Mark Dunn Officer First was newly appointed to the position of Aeromedical Chair of the Air Line Pilots Chair of the Aeromedical to the position of appointed Dettra III was newly E. John Captain 2011. in July International, Association, He will also lead in special Chairs. Aeromedical all MEC assisting for will be responsible John As Chair, will require Special programs of all the pilots he represents. and the health cockpit safety to promote programs F staff, Aeromedical ALPA with coordination Flight Training, and was HQ USAF Fire Protection evaluation authority and HQ USAF Inspector General fire- HQ USAF Inspector authority and evaluation Protection USAF Fire and was HQ Training, Flight years. three augmentee for protection the U from in civil engineering bachelor of science He earned a and Auburn University. PA44, science at in political earned a master’s and AFB, O-1E/F, Maxwell & Staff College at Air Command T-33, of T-38, F-15, B-777-200, B-737-200/300/500, A320/319, include the he has flown Aircraft DA40. ettra, CMR Captain John E. D volunteers. in of science degree with a bachelor University Aeronautical Embry- Dettra III is a graduate of Riddle E. John science. aeronautical After representation. ALPA for voted Airlines Dettra first joined the union in 1989 when Presidential Captain Air Safety he served the on where Airlines, at Comair was hired John demise with bankruptcy, Presidential’s Aircraft Committee as at the HIMS program and directed he also founded where Chair in 1995, Aeromedical as MEC took over John both of these positions until 2007. He continued Comair. and daughter. with his wife Va., in Reston, headquarters, ALPA near lives Dettra currently Captain Officer DarrinFirst Dorn Current also supervised and provided training for the certification of Canada’s first two Approved Training Approved two first certification the for training supervised also of Canada’s and provided Current U throughout used now program Assurance the model Quality of supervised development Organizations, Jumpseat Chair ExpressJet Airlines MEC Security Committee Chair MEC Alaska Aeromedical Chair Air Line P „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ Captain Dr. Gerhard Fahnenbruck Clinical Director Stiftung Mayday Captain Dr. Gerhard Fahnenbruck has served as Clinical Director for Stiftung Mayday (Mayday Foundation, Germany) since 1998. He is responsible for the professional standards of about 300 of its members, which includes about 50 mental health professionals. He also serves as member of the board of directors since 2004. Between 1988 and 1991 he worked for the German Aerospace Research Establishment as scientist. After that he flew as First Officer and since 1996 as Captain for Lufthansa CityLine on Canadair Regional Jets. He joined Lufthansa 2001. There he has been responsible for Human Factors on the corporate level. This included social services as well as the handling of large-scale events like SARS, 9/11, and the Iraq War. He also advised the Lufthansa flight safety and training departments concerning human factors. Since 2004 Gerhard Fahnenbruck holds a master of business administration from Ashridge, which he uses as consultant mainly for airlines and the chemical industry as well as within the health-care industry. His main interest there is patient safety.

„„ First Officer Anthony Faul CIRP Chair Assistant, Air Line Pilots Association, International CIRP Co-Chair, MEC First Officer Tony Faul is a 19-year veteran of Hawaiian Airlines and works for the Hawaiian MEC in the areas of Pilot Assistance and CIRP. He is also ALPA CIRP Chair Assistant. In 1991, Tony was recalled to Active Duty in the U.S. Navy during the Persian Gulf War and was assigned to Task Group 72.8 where he flew combat patrol missions. In 1992, Tony was hired by Hawaiian Airlines and has held positions on the DC-8, DC-10, and the B-767 where he currently holds seniority number one as First Officer with ATP Type ratings in the L-188, BAe/AVRO 146, and B-757/767. He is based in Honolulu, transferring to the 767 Seattle base in 2012. Since 9/11, Tony has worked for the Hawaiian MEC in the area of Pilot Assistance and in 2006 he was appointed CIRP Chair for the Hawaiian MEC. Tony received a BS degree in civil engineering from Tulane University in 1980 and was commissioned in the US Navy. He graduated from Navy Flight School in 1981 and went on to fly the T-28 Trojan and the P-3 Orion. Tony retired as a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves and resides in Springfield, Va., in the Metro Washington, DC area with his wife Karen.

„„ First Officer Karl Fennell, UAL Director of Human Factors Air Line Pilots Association, International Karl Fennell is the director of the human factors program for ALPA. He is a 777 First Officer at United Airlines. Fennell has been involved with ALPA doing safety work for several years. He has a background in human factors, including a master’s degree from the University of Denver and applied work and research in automation and flight management. Fennell led the project developing an ALPA position white paper on “Human Factors in Aviation Automation.” This work emphasizes the need for pilot involvement and a human-centered approach to new technology and procedures.

„„ First Officer Robert Fernandez Jumpseat Chair MEC Robert “Robbie” Fernandez joined Northwest in 1996. He is currently a first officer for Delta Air Lines on the B-767 and has also flown the A330, DC-10, A320 and B-727. He is presently based in Seattle but resides with his wife, Amy and daughter, Katie, in San Diego, Calif. Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, Robert attended the University of Hawaii and later graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla. His previous ALPA volunteer work included Co-Chair duties with the Northwest MEC Jumpseat Committee until being appointed Committee Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

36 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 37 D he he D UN ational Jumpseat Jumpseat ational N n 2006 he moved to Air Air to moved he 2006 n I Tigers. klahoma City. AA in Oklahoma City. urope. Doug retired to Doug retired and Europe. .S. ines, he graciously accepted the the accepted graciously he ines, L omeland Security, Department of Homeland Security, .S. W Jumpseat Committee Chair, and in 2009 he he 2009 in and Chair, Committee Jumpseat W R n September 2008 he was asked by the the by asked was he 2008 September n I rank the A the rank orth Dakota with a B.S. in commercial aviation. After After aviation. commercial in B.S. a with Dakota orth F moved 11 times throughout the U 11 times throughout moved N obert obert R Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,

niversity of of niversity |

U C named named C ME W Security Committee. Committee. Security W R W W R

ob Frank, ARW ob Frank, olicy Organization orthwest in 1998. Just prior to the close of the merger with Delta Air Air Delta with merger the of close the to prior Just 1998. in orthwest rank graduated from the the from graduated rank N ilots Association, International ilots Association, F oster, based in Arlington, Va., is the Acting Branch Chief with the U Acting Branch Chief is the Va., Arlington, in based oster, .O., FAA-INS,obert PLLC .O., J. Gordon, D ebruary 2007 the A the 2007 ebruary F obert obert e is responsible for implementing international policy for meeting international policy for implementing for He is responsible Administration. ransportation Security n n Robert currently serves as a subject matter expert for the ALPA Jumpseat Council. Jumpseat ALPA serves as a subject matter expert the Robert for currently R Dr. Chair, Rich Odbert (FDX), to join him on the ALPA National Jumpseat Committee as the Airline Regional the as Committee Jumpseat National ALPA the on him join to (FDX), Odbert Rich Chair, Representative. created and chaired the A the chaired and created was hired at and joined the Piedmont Jumpseat Committee in 2005. 2005. in Committee Jumpseat Piedmont the joined and Airlines Piedmont at hired was (ARW) as a CRJ-200 First Officer and immediately joined the ARW Jumpseat Committee as a new hire. hire. Jumpseat Committee as a new ARW the joined and immediately as a CRJ-200 First Officer Wisconsin (ARW) I Transportation Security Administration Transportation nited States from international origins. Previously he was the he was Previously international origins. into the United States from moving of air cargo the 100% screening Certifiedfor the implementation of the responsible the Certified Program for Assistant Branch Chief Cargo and Eastern United States. the Central throughout Program Screening Cargo with management experience executive 35 years’ with over air transportationDoug is a seasoned professional andFlying Airlines, American Worldwide, transportation such as Emery organizations C, where he currently serves. he currently where MEC, the Delta Chair for Committee of MEC Jumpseat appointment Foster Douglas J. T to his professional which carried extensively, He traveled Japan. Tokyo, in parents Air Force Doug was born to U.S. Janice, of 37 years, he and his wife where career his energy security. to air cargo and experience to rededicate in 2003 but decided N.C., Wilmington, Officer R First He just north of DTW. Mich., practicing in Plymouth, 10 years, over AME for Robert an has been Gordon Dr. him one of the top making than 16,000 total exams, and has done more than 2,300 exams a year more performs and been invited who have He is one of a select few AMEs in the country of exams performed. the number for 10 Medical Institute at the F Airmen AME” course at the Civil “Advanced completed the at the Michigan State Associate Clinical Professor and has been an almost 30 years He has practiced medicine for Certified Medicine and has He is Board in Family 25 years. over College of Osteopathic Medicine for University Medicine, Aviation time to his entire devotes He now 25 years. and Sports over practiced Family Medicine for certificationpresentations to a wide variety of FAA medical He gives specializing in Medical Certification issues. certificationmedical about issues, are pilots the informed more the that feels He year. the throughout groups pilot helping dozens of years, four over He has been a HIMS independent medical sponsor for the airways. the safer to flying. to return pilots with substance problems Gordon his Flight Medical Certificate,” a pilot receive job is being able to have “The most gratifying part of my says. Mich. in Plymouth, and he resides 16, and a son, 21, a daughter, children, with two is married Gordon Dr. R Doug F amily Awareness Committee during the pilots’ the during Committee Awareness Family and Preparedness served He also Strike with the 2008. in June Chair at strike Senior Airman Medical Examiner, A.M.E., designated by the F.A.A. designated by the A.M.E., Senior Airman Medical Examiner, Jumpseat Council Subject Matter Expert Air Line P Air Cargo, Acting Branch Chief Acting Branch Chief Air Cargo, International P „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ First Officer Ken Hagan America West Ken Hagan is in his 10th year of service in the Critical Incident Response Program. He currently serves as the union CIRP Co-Chair at the former America West Airlines. His initial training took place in Herndon, Va., in October 2001, just days after the terrorist attacks of September 11. After receiving the training, he hit the ground running in the pilot assistance role. He soon became the Chairman for the America West Airlines unit of ALPA CIRP. Over the years he has attended numerous training events, including the Rev. Bob White Pilot Assistance course in Toronto, Canada. When the position of Vice Chairman for the ALPA National CIRP committee became available, he was selected to that position until April 2008, when ALPA was decertified on the America West property. While between unions, Ken still worked to support and assist pilots, including several “East” pilots arriving in Phoenix during the Miracle on the Hudson accident. Ken is also an ICISF-approved one-on-one and group intervention instructor, and is developing cross-training programs to assist in training America West’s flight attendants and pilots in a new company-funded Critical Incident Response Team. Ken has been flying since 1987 and began his airline career at Mesa Airlines in 1995. He joined America West Airlines in 1999, and currently flies the Airbus A320 series aircraft. He and his America West pilot-wife Tracy are raising three children in Scottsdale, Arizona.

„„ Captain Craig Hall, JAZ Chair, IFALPA Security Committee Director of Security, Canada, Air Line Pilots Association, International Captain Craig Hall was elected the Chair of the Security Committee for the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations earlier this year at the IFALPA Conference in Thailand. He previously served a year as Vice Chair for the committee, and has been a committee member since 1994. An ALPA member since 1990 when he joined Air BC (one of the five precursor airlines to Jazz Aviation), Hall flies the deHavilland DHC-8 (100 and 300 series) and is based in Calgary, Alberta. An ALPA volunteer since 1992, he initially served as a member of the Air BC Security Committee, and later as the Chair of the Security Special Technical Committee for the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association prior to CALPA’s merger with ALPA. He serves today as ALPA’s Director of Security for Canada. “I often reflect on both our ALPA and IFALPA Security Committees and how important they are to the welfare of our profession,” says Capt. Hall. “A successful security attack would have devastating effects on our industry. It is the responsibility of our Committee to try to help prevent that. It’s an onerous task, but one that we must meet head on. You know, we are always told that we spend too much on security, until that fateful day when we realize that we haven’t spent nearly enough.” Hall was honoured by the Association in 2008 when he was chosen for the ALPA Security Award. He was the first Canadian to be so recognized. Captain Hall is married and lives in Sherwood Park, Alberta.

„„ Thomas E. Haueter Director, AS-1 Office of Aviation Safety National Transportation Safety Board Employed by the NTSB for 27 years. Mr. Haueter has worked as an Airworthiness Investigator, an Investigator- in-Charge (IIC) of domestic aviation accidents, and as the U.S. Accredited Representative for foreign aviation accidents. Previously, Mr. Haueter was the Deputy Director and the Chief of the Major Investigations Division. As the Director of the Office of Aviation Safety, he is responsible of the investigation of all domestic aviation accidents and the NTSB support of major foreign aviation accidents. He was the IIC for the investigation of the USAir flight 427 accident, which resulted in the redesign of the rudder system on Boeing 737. He was the U.S. Accredited Representative on the accident involving a COPA Airlines Boeing 737. He was the IIC on the accident involving an Atlantic Southeast Airlines Embraer 120 at Brunswick, Georgia, that claimed the life of Senator John Tower and for the midair collision at Philadelphia that claimed the life of Senator Heinz. He was the lead NTSB Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

38 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 39 edicine in the the in edicine M niversity School of of School niversity U ransportation Safety Board on July July on ransportation Board Safety T -43A that crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia, Croatia, near Dubrovnik, that crashed -43A ederation of State Physician Health Programs. ederation of State Physician niversity of Washington School of of School Washington of niversity U otre Dame and Georgetown Georgetown and Dame otre N ncorporated as a program manager for research and research for manager as a program racor Incorporated T ncorporated as an engineer in the design and application the design and application as an engineer in elcom Incorporated T meritus at the the at meritus E niversity of of niversity U Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,

| orce in the investigation of the CT of in the investigation orce .S. Air F Air .S. sychiatry & Behavioral Science accident investigation board. investigation accident ankes is a graduate of the the of graduate a is ankes Professor Clinical a is ankes H H ynn ynn rofessor Emeritus L November 2010 – Public forum on aging drivers 2010 – Public forum November in aviation on professionalism – Public forum 2010 May Texas airplane crash in Lubbock, September 2009 – Public hearing on cargo Texas Victoria, coach accident in October 2008 – Public hearing on a motor safety on motorcycle September 2006 – Public forum Pa. airplane in Philadelphia, a cargo aboard hearing on an in-flight fire 2006 – Public July Mo. City, in Jefferson jet crash 2005 – Public hearing on a regional June Alaska Aleknagik, August 2010 – Crash of a chartered floatplane in Tenn. 2010 – Crash of an EMS helicopter in Brownsville, March the Hudson a sightseeing helicopter and a single engine plane over August 2009 – Mid-air collision involving NJ near Hoboken, River, D.C. Washington, transit trains, two 2009 – Collision between June Mass. light rail passenger trains in Boston, 2009 – Collision of two May Fla. Valley, Palm near waterway intracoastal the in barge a with vessel recreational a of Collision – 2009 April Md. September 2008 – Crash of an EMS helicopter in Forestville, S.C. September 2008 – Crash of a business jet in Columbia, ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ edicine. Dr. edicine. ersman was sworn in as the 12th Chairman of the National in as the 12th Chairman Hersman was sworn P. A. Deborah Doctor Doctor aueter was an advisor to the space an advisor to the Haueter was Mr. Additionally, and 22 others. Secretary Ron Brown Commerce killing then shuttle Columbia by employed He was previously development. Washington of the as the full-time Director He served 13 years Department Sciences. of Psychiatry and Behavioral of the F and he is also a Past President Health Program, Physicians Honorable Deborah Hersman Senate. U.S. by the Barack Obama and confirmation President nomination to the post by her following 2009, 28, a Board term as She is also serving five-year a second 2013. August 3, term as Chairman runs until Her two-year 2013. on December 31, which expires Member, of a number she has chaired Since then, 2004. 21, NTSB since June Chairman Hersman has been a member of the the Board. hosted by public events she has been the member on the scene of 19 major transportation accidents: at the Board, During her tenure investigator assisting the U assisting investigator at he worked Board, the Safety Prior to joining Chairman Safety Board National Transportation Clinical P School of Medicine University of Washington Department of P of composite aircraft structures and assessments of emerging technologies. At Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, he was a he Aircraft, Whitney At Pratt & of emerging technologies. and assessments structures aircraft of composite engineer in gas turbine engine design. structures George and international business from includes an MBA research in operations His educational background He holds a University. Purdue engineering from and astronautical and a BS in aeronautical Mason University, Stearman airplane flies a 1943 and regularly and instrument ratings, license with multi-engine pilot’s commercial that he restored. M.D. Hankes, Lynn Dr. Medicine. Over 25 years ago, he was among the 100 pioneer physicians in the entire country who passed the first first the passed who country entire the in physicians pioneer 100 the among was he ago, years 25 Over Medicine. Addiction of Society American the of Fellow honored an also is he and medicine, addiction in exam certification M „ „ „ „ ƒƒ August 2008 – Crash of a chartered motor coach in Sherman, Texas ƒƒ November 2007 – Collision of a container ship with the Bay Bridge, resulting in the release of 58,000 gallons of fuel, San Francisco, Calif. ƒƒ August 2007 – Crash of a chartered floatplane in Ketchikan, Alaska ƒƒ November 2006 – School bus crash in Huntsville, Ala. ƒƒ October 2006 – Crash of a private aircraft into an apartment building in New York, N.Y. ƒƒ August 2006 – Crash of a commercial aircraft in Lexington, Ky. ƒƒ July 2005 – Head-on collision of two freight trains at Anding, Miss. ƒƒ April 2005 – Collision of a school bus with a trash truck in Arlington, Va. ƒƒ February 2005 – Crash of a chartered aircraft into an airport warehouse at Teterboro, N.J. ƒƒ January 2005 – Freight train collision and hazardous material release in Graniteville, S.C. ƒƒ November 2004 – Collision of two transit trains in Washington, D.C. Chairman Hersman holds a commercial driver’s license with passenger, school bus, and air brake endorsements. She successfully completed a motorcycle basic rider course and holds a motorcycle endorsement. She is a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. She has also completed the 40-hour HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard) training course. Before joining the Board, Chairman Hersman was a Senior Professional Staff Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation from 1999 to 2004, where she was responsible for a number of transportation issues, and earlier served as Staff Director and Senior Legislative Aide to Congressman Bob Wise of West Virginia. During her time at the Senate, she was a key staff member involved in the passage of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999, which created a new truck and bus safety administration within the Department of Transportation. She also worked extensively to negotiate the passage of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002; the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century; the Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act; and numerous transportation safety and security measures. Chairman Hersman earned bachelor of arts degrees in political science and international studies from Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia, and a master of science degree in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She is married and is the mother of three sons.

„„ Captain Charles Hogeman, UAL Aviation Safety Chair Air Line Pilots Association, International Captain Charles “Chuck” Hogeman is currently the Aviation Safety Chair for the Air Line Pilots Association’s Air Safety Organization, which represents 53,000 pilots at 39 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Previously, he served as the ALPA Human Factors and Training Chair from 2006 to 2011 and the Director of Pilot Training and Chairman of the ALPA Training Council from 2003 until 2006. During this period he led the effort to establish policy regarding Crew Resource Management (CRM) training, the Advanced Qualification Program (AQP), and the Multi-crew Pilot License (MPL). Captain Hogeman directed the ALPA HFT group’s participation, in coordination with the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA), in discussions of international training initiatives such as the IATA Training and Qualification Initiative (ITQI) and efforts to harmonize training standards and practices internationally. In 2003, he was designated as a member of the U.S. delegation, advising the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the ICAO Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel. This panel revised international standards for the licensing and training of pilot crewmembers, including the introduction of the MPL. Captain Hogeman began his professional airline career in 1977 with Commuter Airlines in Binghamton, N.Y. In 1978, he joined Denver, Colorado–based Aspen Airways as a line pilot, and later as check airman, flying CV- 580 and BAe146 aircraft. He also held director of training and chief pilot positions in his 13 years at Aspen Airways, which later merged into . In 1991 he joined United Airlines as a pilot and subsequently selected as a pilot instructor in the B-757/B-767 program. In 1994, he was chosen as one of the initial pilot instructors to develop United’s B-777 Advanced Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

40 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 41 AA enforcement hearings. Besides her participation and in litigation hearings. AA enforcement Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


rogram the diagnosis and treatment of pilots who may suffer from from suffer of pilots who may the diagnosis and treatment for program and flawless , a D.C. crisis hotline and referral service. service. crisis hotline and referral a D.C. , T HOTLINE AC timely, ilots Association, International ilots Association, sleep-related illness. sleep-related Officer Deb Giese First administrative hearings, Suzanne drafts comments on behalf of the Association in rulemaking proceedings. She is Association in rulemaking proceedings. Suzanne drafts comments on behalf of the hearings, administrative articles these and related on numerous experthas authored on drug and alcohol testing and Association’s the some of the legal issues including issues, security-related various in addressing She has been involved issues. unescorted for areas. access to airport secured required now checks, history to the criminal related record Aeromedical ALPA’s with closely Advisory and works Board Advisor to the HIMS Suzanne also serves the Legal as new FAA’s including the other medical certification/legal issues, Office on substance dependency and many Pilot ALPA’s legal support to Suzanne also provides medication. certifying for pilots on antidepressant protocol and other committees. CIRP, Aeromedical, Standards, Professional Assistance, Center the D.C. and small claims disputes for mediated intra-family She previously Suzanne is a trained mediator. a consumer Center, Consumer Protection of the D.C. she was Co-Director Additionally, Justice. Community for served She has also as a telephone counselor and then mediation service station. affiliated with a local television the F as a trainer for Washington George from degree her law and received Cornell University in psychology from Suzanne has a B.A. University. egal Department, where she has worked as a lawyer since 1988. since 1988. as a lawyer has worked she where Legal Department, ALPA’s in Attorney Suzanne is a Senior Association in a wide variety of individual pilots and the Suzanne represents As a Legal Department lawyer, and F as in System Board as well litigation, e is multi–board He is multi–board Associates. Center at Georgia Lung of the Sleep Disorders edical Director Iatridis is the M Dr. graduated He medicine. critical care and medicine, internal pulmonarymedicine, certified in sleep disorders, Williamsburg, William and Mary in of the College in biology with a bachelor of science Phi Beta Kappa from He completed Virginia. Virginia in Richmond, the Medical College of from He earned his medical degree Virginia. and sleep critical care, as his pulmonary, as well of , medicine at University in internal his residency to ALPA with is to work His goal Associates in 1993. Iatridis joined Georgia Lung Dr. fellowships. disorders an efficient, provide Qualification Program (AQP) as the aircraft was being introduced into line service. From 1996 until 2000, he 2000, 1996 until From line service. into introduced was being as the aircraft (AQP) Program Qualification United all for training program line operational simulation of United’s the development oversaw managed and Working Group. AQP (ATA) Association’s Transport Air servedfleets and on the and CV-580 B-777, B-757/767, B-737, R/BAE-146, AV A320, ratings on the type aircraft Hogeman holds Captain Airbus 320 as a flies the He is currently Flight Instructor Certificate. Gold Seal FAA maintains a U.S. and aircraft Airlines. United for captain of a bachelor College, Webster Daniel engineering from in aeronautical of science degree He holds an associate a master of science degree and College, Hampshire Southern New from in business management science degree of Colorado. the University from in technical communication Aris Iatridis Dr. Suzanne Kalfus Senior Attorney Air Line P CIRP Chair Airlines Frontier Disorders P Sleep Medical Director, Associates Georgia Lung „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ Edward C. Kittel Chief, Explosives Operations Division DHS/TSA Office of Security Operations (OSO) Ed Kittel currently serves as Chief of TSA’s Explosives Operations Division. He joined the FAA in 1992 following a career in the U.S. Navy, where he served as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) officer for 20 years and commanded EOD units in Hawaii, the Western Pacific, and California. He was the Program Manager for Joint Service EOD Intelligence and Technical Counterterrorism at Defense Intelligence Agency from 1988 to 1992, where he received the Bronze Star Medal for explosives and weapons- related operations conducted while deployed during the 1991–92 Persian Gulf War. After joining the FAA as Special Agent in Charge of the Explosives Unit in 1992, he investigated aircraft accidents and bombings throughout the world, including Panama, Thailand, Romania, Colombia, Taiwan, Sudan, the USAir crash near Pittsburgh, the ValuJet-592 accident in Miami, the TWA Flight 800 investigation off the coast of Long Island, N.Y., and the Egypt Air Fight 990 accident in Rhode Island. He developed the countermeasures for the Operation Bojinka Threat in Asia, which prevented the bombings of 12 commercial airliners. He developed the Modular Bomb Sets (I and II) and was on the team that established the Explosives Detection System (EDS) standard and the implementation of Explosives Trace Detection (ETD) equipment. He represented the FAA at both of the World Trade Center attacks in February 1993 and September 11, 2001. Following the attacks of September 11, the FAA Explosives Unit transferred to the newly created Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in 2002 and to the Federal Air Marshal Service in 2004. The Explosives Operations Division moved to the Office of Security Operations in 2009. Chief Kittel has assisted Pilots-In-Command of commercial aircraft with suspected explosive devices on- board, and he has directed numerous aviation explosives security projects, including airport explosives security surveys, explosives detection research and development projects, Least Risk Bomb Location validation, testing of explosives and IED effects on aircraft, and the creation of the TSA Bomb Appraisal Officer Program. After directing the successful resolution of the Richard Reid shoe bombing incident and the subsequent countermeasures, he was also responsible for the development of the “3-1-1” international security protocols in response to the UK Liquid Explosives Plot in 2006. Most recently, he designed the colorimetric testing program to detect powdered explosive threats and deployment of the Raman spectrometry program to resolve unknown explosive threats in the transportation system. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Miami University in biological sciences, a master of arts degree from Salve Regina University in international relations, and a master of arts degree from the U.S. Naval War College in National Security and Strategic Studies. Ed is a member of the International Society of Explosives Engineers, the International Society of Air Safety Investigators, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), where he sits on the Arson and Explosives Committee, and is a 34-year member of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI), where he sits on the Board of Advisors. He is a charter member of the Joint Program Office for Countering the Terrorist Use of Explosives Executive Steering Committee, serves as the TSA Liaison Officer to the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board, and the Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism’s Technical Threat Countermeasures Subcommittee. Mr. Kittel received the 1997 Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurels Award for Technical Achievement (Government/ Military) for an automated post-blast investigation system that he developed and piloted during the TWA Flight 800 accident investigation and the TSA Leadership Award in 2007 for his contributions to transportation security in response to OP OVERT, the UK Liquid Explosives Plot. He also received the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators Distinguished Service Award in 2008.

„„ First Officer Tim Knutson Jumpseat Chair American Airlines F/O Tim Knutson is a second-generation airline pilot, and gained all his ratings in high school, trained on the family farm by his father, who flew for North Central, Republic, and . Knutson flight-instructed primary, advanced, aerobatics, and float planes through four years of college at the University of Minnesota, where he graduated with a BS in civil engineering. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

42 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 43 J and the the and J R , he transferred transferred he , EN S, and D and S, O anzania. anzania. T .S. Department of State’s Department of State’s .S. D, C D, OR n 2004 he transitioned to the C the to transitioned he 2004 n I AW) while still in college working in the the in working college in still while AW) T B-120, remaining in SBA. SBA. in remaining B-120, ational Guard (146th (146th Guard ational N EM Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


D) base. After a couple of years commuting to to commuting years of couple a After base. D) OR egional Coordinator Michael obtained Colorado. and later in Boulder, in analyst elcom as a network T SAC constituents. Justin’s regional regional Justin’s constituents. security consultations to OSAC and providing private sector, .S. e upgraded to captain in the the in captain to upgraded e e had joined the California Air Air California the joined had e H ilots Association, International ilots Association, H B-120. B-120. Maintenance Department. After college he moved over to the Operations Department (115th TAS) and flew flew and TAS) (115th Department Operations the to over moved he college After Department. Maintenance instructing flight with days his filled he Guard, National Air the in flying between In 2003. in retiring until C-130s In 1997 he sustained serious injuries during a crash while instructing in a Cessna airport. Calif., the Camarillo, from after which he accepted a corporate job flying a CE- years, for 2½ flying from The injuries took him away 210. Airlines in 2000. SkyWest from he accepted an offer of flying corporate, After about 1½ years 550 and a BE-90. the in seat right flying (SBA) Barbara Santa in him basing Calif.), (Camarillo, hometown his near him kept SkyWest EM Captain Michael Macias started his flying career by attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, graduating University, Aeronautical by attending Embry-Riddle Michael Macias started Captain his flying career 1988. in his Commercial, Airline Transportation, and Flight Instructor pilot certificates and decided to in Boulder and ultimately Transportation, Airline his Commercial, five or six After getting the necessaryprofessionally. himself full-time toward flight time to be able to fly devote market found the flying job he etc.), Citation, Jet, and flying 135 charter of giving flying lessons flying (Lear years the built They others in a telecom start-up networks. that specialized in financial so he joined two rather bleak, He was lucky enough to be able to get back in 1998. and sold it to a dot-com company 10 years, up for company and start flying again. Airlines, Pinnacle now Airlines, One and join Express enjoyed to what he really Captain Michael Macias ( Chicago established newly based. he is currently where to LAX, and he transferred closed SBA, January In 2011 SkyWest back to SBA. J-900 Captain. He has been (dba Delta Connection) as a CRJ-900 Captain. Airlines Inc. Pinnacle by employed Michael is currently he is the current to his flying duties, In addition Georgia. , and is domiciled in 10½ years with Pinnacle for ALPA Associate of Vice Chair and and the Pinnacle HIMS program, Chair of Atlanta, Chair of Pinnacle LEC 127 in he was Chair of PinnacleLEC 129. where Minneapolis, Michael was in Atlanta, Prior to HIMS. After graduation he geography. in physical with a B.S. of Kansas in 1983 University the Michael graduated from Republic for worked emisphere with the U Hemisphere Western the for Lamb is the Regional Coordinator Justin egional Coordinator for the Western Western the for Regional Coordinator as the In his role Advisory Council (OSAC). Security Overseas issues of security-related abreast staying reports, analytic producing for is responsible Justin Hemisphere, impacting the U America. and South Caribbean, the America, Central Mexico, Canada, for portfolio includes responsibility E Government division of PA Africa Programs in the worked Justin 2009, in November Prior to joining OSAC spent the first 18 Justin 2008. August to June from interned with OSAC noting that Justin It is also worth Services. and Guatemala, Kuwait, Nicaragua, in Germany, up overseas growing of his life years administration with a concentration in international business from in business degree a bachelor’s received Justin Campbell University. Captain Michael A. PCL Lorenz, He flew BE-1900s for Great Lakes Airlines from 1990 to 1993, was hired by American Airlines in February in Airlines 1993 American by was hired to 1993, 1990 from Airlines Lakes Great for BE-1900s He flew operations as an Air 727 and Champion One International Express for then worked August, in and furloughed Airlines American to returned Knutson and a half years. next three the throughout and Captain Co-Pilot, Engineer, in the Jumpseat Committee APA the He joined S-80 F/O out of LGA. flying as an and is currently 1997 in March 2009. in the fall of and became its chairman fall of 2007, and he 11 and 9, kids, and two on a fourth-generationWisconsin with his wife farm in northern lives Knutson farms 360 acres. actively Justin Lamb Jumpseat Chair SkyWest HIMS Vice Chair Air Line P Western Hemisphere R Western Department of State Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) „ „ „ „ „ „ Captain Macias’s affiliation with the SkyWest Airlines Pilot Association (SAPA) began in 2001. Shortly thereafter he became the Chair of the Jumpseat Committee and has remained the Chair ever since. In 2009 he was voted in as the President of the Association, a position he still holds.

„„ Captain Christopher Malo Manager, International Operations Security ExpressJet and Atlantic Southeast Airlines Chris is the Manager of International Operations Security for both ExpressJet and Atlantic Southeast Airlines (currently merging). The two carriers operate on behalf of Continental, United, and Delta Air Lines as Continental Express, United Express, and Delta Connection. The combined carriers have over 10,000 employees and operate over 400 regional jet aircraft to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. In his role, Chris oversees all security- and safety-related operations outside of the United States. He is responsible for providing risk and threat analysis to company decision makers and is charged with making changes and developing protocols to mitigate all known threats. Notably, ExpressJet Airlines operates to nearly 30 cities in Mexico and has crewmembers and other employees on the ground 365 days a year in over 20 of them. Some of these cities, such as Monterrey, Saltillo, Tampico, Torreon, and San Luis Potosi, pose a challenging security environment that is constantly evolving. Chris augments his role in overseeing employee security by serving as the company’s constituent on the U.S. State Department’s Overseas Advisory Council (OSAC) and the FBI’s Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC). He participates in the Latin America Regional Council (LARC), Mexico City Country Council, and Monterrey Country Council, drawing upon his previous security experience and background in law enforcement. Previous to assuming his current position, Chris served as the pilot union’s MEC (Master Executive Council) Vice Chair for the ExpressJet chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA). As part of his duties, he oversaw the daily operations of the ExpressJet MEC, directing 20 committees and over 100 volunteers and staff that provided a variety of functions to include safety, security, and training. He additionally served as a member of ALPA’s national Human Factors Training Group (HFTG) Training Council and in a number of leadership positions for the union’s local council. Chris has previously spoken on aviation safety issues and Mexico security concerns both in the national and international arenas. Chris has been with ExpressJet for 11 years and in addition to his security duties remains current and qualified as a Captain on the Embraer EMB-135/145 aircraft.

„„ Richard Marquise Director of the State and Local Antiterrorism Training (SLATT) Institute for Intergovernmental Research Mr. Richard A. Marquise is a senior research associate with the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR). He was appointed as director of the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) Program in September 2010, after serving as an instructor for the program since 2002. Before joining IIR, Mr. Marquise was employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for 31years. During his last 3½ years with the FBI, he was the Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Division. As SLATT director, Mr. Marquise manages the various components of the SLATT Program, including on-site delivery of training and the headquarters-based staff responsible for logistical support. In addition, he supervises the production of SLATT Program material, such as pocket guides, reference materials, and brochures. Finally, he supervises the research aspect of the program, which keeps SLATT instructors and constituents informed about terrorist events and trends worldwide. In addition to continuing to teach in the program, he is involved as liaison with numerous outside agencies, including the Office of Justice Programs, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the FBI, and the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices. Mr. Marquise’s expertise is in the fields of counterterrorism and crisis management as an investigator and a manager. During the late 1980s, he was chief of the Terrorist Research and Analytical Center (TRAC) at FBI Headquarters. He also led a Middle-Eastern terrorism unit that managed FBI investigations worldwide. Following the bombing of Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, Mr. Marquise was named to lead the American Task Force. He led the task force through the indictments in 1991 and continued to play an active Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

44 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 45 ina, and four and four Tina,

Scotbom: Evidence and the Lockerbie the Lockerbie Evidence and Scotbom: He assisted Virginia. in Academy as at the FBI as well Thailand, hey have three grown daughters, ages 27–31, and two and two ages 27–31, daughters, grown three have They PA Pilot Assistance Pilot LPA A the he was appointed in October 2009, Then, Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


obert McCartney ilots Association, International ilots Association, ilot Assistance Chair CIRP Chair United Airlines MEC in various He has been involved Airlines. United for A320 Captain is the CIRP Chair and an McFadden John committees as and Communications Scheduling, has served on Hotel, John the last 21 years. for work ALPA His Council 12 in Chicago. for United’s Vice Chairman and representative First Officer ALPA as servingwell as assisted in facilitating He subsequently CIRP began shortly in after hiring on at United in 1995. involvement and 2000. between1998 Advanced classes serving as a co-instructor at various CIRP Basic and CIRP classes, P, Aeromedical, and Canadian Aeromedical, CIRP, HIMS, Standards, Professional overseeing serves in, a position he currently Chair, Assistance. Pilot of he has 21 years since 1990, N.J., Based in Newark, 1987. Airlines in June with Continental Jerry hired to his line flying In addition years. for the past 12 the airplane as captain flown having experience on the B-737, flight He holds a Airman on the B-737 since 2005. Jerry has been a Line Check work, volunteer ALPA and as type rating on the B-757 and B-767. engineer rating on the B-727 as well receiving Indiana, Lafayette, West in University in 1977 at Purdue career Jerry began his aviation An Indiana native, technology in 1981. a bachelor of science in aviation Arizona. in Scottsdale, Malinda live He and his wife ay 2001 when he became a member of in May A LPA service of volunteer for McDermott began his career Captain He held positions as the LEC 170 ProStans Committee. Standards Professional Airlines MEC’s the Continental ALPA Jerryappointed to the position of was In 2007 years. five Chair for and MEC ProStans years two Lead for Vice Chair. Standards National Professional C Jumpseat Committee and has served previously on Committee and has served previously is Chair of the Continental MEC Jumpseat Robert McCartney currently ALPA. and at IACP Committee at both the the Merger Committee and the Negotiating He has flown Angeles. based in Los a B-737 Captain and is currently with Continental 21 years Robert has over and B-767. B-757, DC-10, MD-80, A-300, the in San Clemente with his wife, lives he currently California, Born and raised in Huntington Beach, ages 7 and 10. grandchildren Captain John McFadden light 103 investigation, which was published in 2006. in 2006. which was published Flight 103 investigation, Am account of the Pan an inside , Investigation served FBI as a leader of squads, the having expert is an leadership, of management and in the fields Marquise Mr. kidnappings, attacks, terror crises—including of numerous A veteran than 20 years. more divisions for and units, management. versed in crisis well is events—he other significant and prison takeovers, training and provided of presentations hundreds he has made training, enforcement domestic law to In addition taught at the International Law He has officials on the topic of terrorism. enforcement to international law and Hungary, Academies in Botswana, Enforcement and training their joint creating and Serbia in the Philippines, Pakistan, Montenegro, of Kenya, the governments forces. task terrorism and an D.C., Washington, in University Washington The George from degree holds a master’s Marquise Mr. FBI professional numerous He has also attended Vermont. College in Saint Michael’s from undergraduate degree and crisis management. management, fields of leadership, training courses in the Captain R children. Captain Jerry McDermott, CAL n August 2001, he received the Attorney General’s Award Award General’s Attorney the he received 2001, August In in 2001. resolution successful trial’s the through role is the author of Marquise Mr. Distinguished Servicefor this investigation. for P Air Line P Jumpseat Chair Continental Airlines MEC „ „  „ „ „ „ John was also a first responder during 9/11/01, acting as the accident investigation liaison in Pennsylvania and then representing CIRP as the area coordinator in NYC/Philadelphia area working with the local air safety and CIRP peers and MHPs. John also was one of the first and only on-site CIRP responders at NRT in the recent earthquake, arriving four days after the quake, where he worked for over 48 hours to ensure the safety and security of crews in NRT. John was elected as CIRP Chair for the United MEC in 2002 and served in that capacity for 7+ years from 2002 to 2007 and 2009 to 2011. His specialty and principal area of expertise is in helping others to succeed in developing and refining their CIRP programs, many times through the use of technology and teamwork building. John is also involved in the community, where he is one of the founders and serves as a Board member for a faith- based organization that builds homes and improves schools and living conditions (both domestically and abroad) for those in need. John also serves on the Board of Directors for United We Care, one of the largest Employee Relief funds in the United States. Additionally, John serves on the Education Commission at his children’s school. If John could pick only one achievement that he is most proud of, it is undoubtedly his role as a father and husband. He receives immense joy in seeing his children excel and grow. John resides with his very supportive and patient wife, Patty, and two kids, John and Megan, in Crystal Lake, Ill.

„„ Captain Bill McReynolds Cargo Chair, Air Line Pilots Association, International Security Committee Chair, FedEx MEC Captain Bill McReynolds is a FedEx Express pilot and is the Chair for the Air Line Pilots Association’s President’s Committee for Cargo. Captain McReynolds also is the Security Committee Chair for the FedEx MEC. Captain McReynolds has worked extensively with ALPA on air cargo security issues since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. After 9/11, Captain McReynolds was ALPA’s representative to the Aviation Security Advisory Committee’s (ASAC) Air Cargo Security Working Groups. These efforts culminated in the creation of the new all cargo carrier security programs that were recently implemented. Captain McReynolds also worked on the All Cargo Carrier Common Strategy Guidance that is currently in use. Additionally, Captain McReynolds has worked with the TSA’s Freight Assessment System working groups and continues to provide guidance and input with regards to ALPA’s air cargo security policies and recommendations. Captain McReynolds is the Chair for ALPA’s President’s Committee for Cargo. This Presidential Committee was formed to ensure that safety, security, labor, and regulatory issues are properly addressed as they pertain to all cargo operations. The PCFC advises ALPA leadership on all cargo issues and hot topics, to ensure that they receive the proper attention from the appropriate departments within the Association. Captain McReynolds has been working extensively in the international arena with IFALPA, ICAO, IATA, and with other governments and agencies on all cargo safety and security issues. This international involvement is critical, as the largest growth sector for all cargo has been in the international environment. In August of 2009, Captain McReynolds was recognized for his work in Cargo Safety and Security with an ALPA Presidential Citation. In August of 2010, Captain McReynolds was further recognized for his work in aviation security and was awarded ALPA’s Aviation Security Award, ALPA’s highest award for work in aviation security and advocacy. Captain McReynolds has been flying as a pilot for FedEx Express since 1996. Prior to FedEx Express, Captain McReynolds served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 22 years combined active and reserve service until May 2002. Captain McReynolds was qualified in the F-4, the OV-10, and the AV-8B. In addition to his duties as a Naval Aviator, he served as an Intelligence Officer, a Weapons and Tactics Instructor, and a Forward Air Controller.

„„ Captain Lee Moak President Air Line Pilots Association, International Captain Lee Moak is the ninth president of the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA). He was elected by the union’s Board of Directors on Oct. 13, 2010, and began his four-year term on Jan. 1, 2011. “Our union has faced many challenges throughout its long history,” said Captain Moak. “Our successes have been most evident when we have worked together for the common good. I look forward to working with the many Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

46 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 47 herapist with Therapist .S., is the founding consultant and trainer is the founding .S., .A.A.E.T T) and has conducted post graduate studies in genetics ., F ., C (CJC). He was elected in Air MEC (CJC). of the Colgan reasurer .T Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


rograms everend Brian Murray resident .Div., R.M.F M.Div., L.Th., B.SC., Murray, Brian The Reverend orris is the second MEC Secretary-T Morris Andrew Captain August 2009 and began his term immediately. of the CJC MEC. of the financial stability the oversight for he is responsible As the CJC MEC Secretary-Treasurer, He took 2009. Committee in March the Jumpseat to help with agreed Andrew In an effort to help the CJC MEC, Barry when Captain Nomann became the Negotiating Chairperson later that year of Jumpseat the role over Chairperson. when Colgan since December 2008, ALPA has been a member of Morris Captain Air captain, A Saab 340 Colgan to of the Colgan MEC, with the rest He has helped, as their union representative. ALPA to approve pilots voted jumpseat different with many has worked Andrew MEC. to a young committees and structure implement new A work. to get to and from a way the Colgan pilots have sure to make the world throughout coordinators no pilot behind. he understands the importance of leaving himself, commuter base first negotiations, of 3407, years with the crash in its first two blows The CJC MEC was dealt several regional industry-leadingforth that brings a a joint negotiation contract. and finally and realignment, closures has Andrew other airlines. of a unique merger with two Colgan was in the middle on, While this was all going In September, transition. a seamless and unified MECs to help make with members of the two closely worked the MECs with of integrating will complete the process along with the other members of the CJC MEC, Andrew, representatives. officers and a final joint MEC meeting to elect its new California. Angeles, in Los resides Andrew R PA pilots and union staff as we proactively engage with each and every party every each and with engage to potential has the that proactively staff as we union pilots and ALPA talented represent.” we of the pilots lives and professional the careers influence Association of the operations daily oversees Moak Captain officer, administrative and chief executive ALPA’s As He is also organization. the for which set policy bodies, governing ALPA’s of the meetings over and presides Parliament, industry Congress, in the airline pilots’ views advancing before the union, for the chief spokesman media. the news and agencies, government Trades Transportation Committee of the is a member of the Executive Moak Captain president, ALPA As the of which is made up Advisory Committee (NAC), NextGen He serveson the FAA AFL-CIO. Department, to improving with regard gates administration on key-decision with advising the tasked industry decision makers infrastructure. aviation nation’s and modernizing the terms as the Chair of the He served three in 1988. A LPA oak joined M Captain ines captain, Air L A B-767 Delta bankruptcy recovery was crucial during Delta’s in this capacity His leadership Council. Delta Master Executive served president ALPA the an airline pilot, Prior to becoming Airlines. with Northwest and successful merger finish his to Force Reserve Air He later transitioned to the Naval Marine Corps fighter pilot. as a U.S. nine years fighter pilot. Navy military as a U.S. career and “active a policy of union leader through of labor to expand the traditional role Moak continues Captain of the pilots and careers lives and all parties the professional who can affect with any engagement” constructive to regulators from Street; Wall to Main Street from to international media; local reporters he represents—from and involved pilots are ALPA ensuring other unions to industry the globe, and from around leaders legislators; contributing. Orleans. in New and resides Moak is married Captain Captain Andrew Morris P Humanitas Employee Assistance P Secretary-Treasurer MEC Colgan Air, amily Family and He is trained as a Marriage in Canada. Assistance as it has been developed Pilot for in He has degrees years. 30 over for in this field Brian has been working and trauma. specializations in addictions molecular biology (ETSU) and pastoral psychology ( U of „ „ „ „ (ESTU) and in ancient Near Eastern religions (McMaster University). He has also completed a two-year post- graduate externship in marriage and family therapy (KW Pastoral Counselling Centre). Brian is an Anglican priest and spent 12 years in parish ministry before joining the executive staff of the Archbishop of Toronto. He was director of the Aurora Conference Centre for seven years, a centre for the training and development of clergy and laity. Brian is a lecturer in Pastoral Psychology at Trinity College, the University of Toronto. Brian is a past president of the Ontario Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He is a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and is a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist in Canada. Brian has completed extensive professional development in a number of areas, especially addiction studies and clinical traumatology. Brian is retained by ALPA and ACPA (Air Canada Pilots Association) as a consultant in mental health. He has brought his training programs to a number of airlines in Canada and the United States. These include Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Air Nova, Jazz, Air Ontario, Delta, Northwest Airlines, WestJet, JetBlue, South African ALPA, Continental, and others. Brian is recognized in the pilot community as a trusted consultant and expert in pilot health and well-being. Brian has been married to Margaret for 44 years. Together they have three adult children and four grandchildren, all of whom will be copiously mentioned at any training program he leads. Brian and Margaret live in Aurora, Ontario, just north of Toronto.

„„ Keiko Nakahama Aviation CISM Japan Keiko graduated with a master’s in psychology from Antioch University and took a post-master program at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. She returned to Japan in 1999 and moved to Tokyo where she qualified as a JSCCP clinical psychologist and JCP (Japanese Certified Psychotherapy) psychotherapist. Keiko is experienced in Japan and the United States in assisting people in multicultural environments with a wide range of emotional and psychological problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, major depression, sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, trauma, and PTSD. Keiko works as a mental health professional in the business field and at a psychiatric clinic, besides working with aviation personnel, including pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers and mechanics. As a co-founder, mental health consultant, and team coordinator to Aviation CISM Japan Team, Keiko has provided CISM education to aviation personnel since 2005. In 2006, she was certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland, as an approved instructor. More recently, Keiko leads the team in providing CISM to colleagues who were the worst hit in the March 11, 2011, Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Besides her qualification as an instructor for Basic Group and Individual Support by ICISF, Keiko is an affiliate faculty of the Resiliency Science Institutes at UMBC training center in Baltimore, which was founded by George Every, Ph.D., of ICISF. Keiko Nakahama resides in Tokyo.

„„ Captain Paul Nelson, CMR Human Factors Working Group Vice Chair Air Line Pilots Association, International Paul Nelson is a captain on the Canadair Regional Jet. Paul began flight lessons out of Walla Walla, Washington, in 1986. Since then he has flown throughout North America as a general aviation pilot, flight instructor, and airline transport pilot. His persistent interest in safety, especially with human factors in complex systems, led to his involvement in the Air Line Pilots Association, International’s safety structure. For the past 12 years as an ALPA safety volunteer, he has been an investigator on several aircraft incidents and accidents and participated as a subject matter expert on local, national, and international aviation safety projects. Presently Paul serves as vice chair of the Human Factors Working Group and team lead on the NextGen ADS-B project for ALPA International. He has a master’s degree in human factors and system safety from Lund University in Sweden, where he studied under Dr. Sidney Dekker. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

48 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 49 raining Council, raining Council, T ransportation Security T

ilots Association, International ilots Association, roject Lead, Air Line P Air roject Lead, Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,

PA Jumpseat Council Coordinator. Council Coordinator. Jumpseat ALPA serves as the Rich currently |

His line captain and LCA experience has been in both passenger and cargo

n addition to his current security and professional airline pilot security and professional to his current In addition Air Marshal Service. ederal (91,135. and 121). (91,135.

AR 121 passenger carrier. PA). As Association (ALPA). Air Line Pilots of the Vice Chairman Security Aviation O’Brien is the odd ilots Association, International ilots Association, ilots Association, International ilots Association, T .S. Army. .S. Rich Odbert has served as an ALPA National Chair for over five years. In addition, he formerly served as formerly he In addition, years. five over Chair for National ALPA Rich Odbert served has as an ALPA an and chaired created and previously Chair, Committee Jumpseat He also serves as FedEx Vice Chair. by a while employed liaison to senior flight management, as a direct Committee, Operational Oversight F previous e has served in a liaison role to major federal law law to major federal He has served in a liaison role professional. security O’Brien is a recognized Captain to the perspective an important aviation to provide entities and continues enforcement Administration and F of Operations and as the National Security Committee Director ALPA served as the he has previously duties, Committee Chairman. Airlines Security Piedmont Transport Pilot, Air including spectrum of qualifications, O’Brien possesses a broad Captain pilot, A professional he has Airlines, for Piedmont DHC-8 flying the deHavilland Currently and Flight Instructor. Pilot, Commercial and the Kansas State University. Air Southwest for Central flown of the a combat veteran and is Kansas State University, science from in aviation O’Brien holds a degree Captain U Rich Odbert, Officer First FDX served as an previously He based in KMEM. a B-777 PCA/flexRich Odbert instructor and B-777-F/O, presently is since 2003. MEC ALPA FedEx He has served on the and a flight engineer. a B-727 F/O, MD11/MD10 F/O, and Part 91 past 135s, FAR two 121s, six FAR military consists of limited background service, aviation Rich’s employments when it was Wisconsin, Air B-737 (ALPA); West America with airline jobs were His previous airline operations. DO-328 (division of Air Express Mountain on the BAe-146 and DO-328 (ALPA); subsidiarya UAL corporation, Air BE-1900, Corporate Methods air ambulance BE-20; Air and C-402; Airlines Metros Big Sky Pacific); Western Advisory Board, Aviation Rich also serves on the collegiate B-99. Aviation Alpine and AC-500/680; and B-99, Rocky Mountain College. Captain Captain including budget Security mission, Aviation all aspects of the coordinating for he is responsible Vice Chairman, vigilance he encourages proactive security, of aviation advocate A dedicated mentoring. and project oversight combine both technical and human factor aspects. that measures where she assists in developing training policy for the Association. Association. the policy for training in developing she assists where Air within the International work group (EBT) Training a delegate to the Evidence Based First Officer Noe is for global guidance is developing The EBT group Initiative. and Qualification Training Association’s Transportation standards. and instructor qualification minimum airline pilot training worked She aviation. in background Leja Noe has a diverse Jet, the Canadair Regional a first officer on Currently prior to Force Air U.S. the for well as an operational support squadron airlines as for two in flight operations pilot career. beginning her professional toward and is working of Portland the University from in mathematics of science degree She has a bachelor Embry- from management Riddle human factors and aviation science specializing in in aeronautical a master’s University. Aeronautical pilots. for aspiring professional and leadership program formal mentoring First Officer Noe has led a PDT O’Brien, Captain Todd Leja Noe serves as the Mesa Air Group Central Air Safety Chair, the IATA Training and Qualification initiative initiative and Qualification Training the IATA Chair, Air Safety Central Air Group servesLeja Noe as the Mesa ALPA Secretary and of the (ALPA), International Association, Air Line Pilots the Lead for Project Jumpseat Council Coordinator Air Line P Central Air Safety Chair, Mesa Air Group Safety Chair, Central Air Aviation Security Vice Chair Aviation Air Line P First Officer Leja Noe Officer Leja First P Qualification Initiative and Training IATA „ „ „ „ „ „ Rich has been a four-time ALPA member since 1997, including nonactive continued membership before again going active when the FedEx Pilots Association voted to rejoin ALPA. He has been a career commuter via the jumpseat since 1993, and at times has been quite creative while commuting from places such as Kalispell, Montana, and North Platte, Nebraska. Rich believes that flight deck access security and jumpseat issues are always best dealt with by the Pilot in Command. The regulations continue to embrace this time-honored, safe, and proven relationship between access and the PIC. He believes that the flight deck crew is the first line of safety and the last layer of defense in air carrier line haul operations. He continues to be an understudy of counterterrorism techniques and effective security and defense mechanisms in aviation, especially as they relate to flight deck and aircraft access. Rich also believes that the time-honored legacy of the jumpseat, shared across all associations and all companies, is a strong binder between all airline pilots and more importantly an enhancement to safety and security. He believes access by pilots to all carriers, under PIC authorization, is an effective security and safety tool and allows the PIC additional on-board assets.

„„ Allan Orlob Vice President Global Safety and Security Marriott International Alan Orlob is the Vice President of Global Safety and Security for Marriott International. In his role, he oversees all safety and security operations and directs the crisis management program. Prior to working for Marriott, Alan was the corporate security director for Al Ghanim International, managing a close protection detail, and had been the Director of Public Safety at Snowbird, Utah. He served with U.S. Army Special Forces, both active and reserve, for a total of 24 years. Mr. Orlob is a member and former committee chairman of the U.S. State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) and was a founding member of the Hotel Security Working Group, comprised of the hotel corporate security directors from major hotel chains. Mr. Orlob has been a frequent speaker on terrorism in different venues worldwide, especially in how businesses identified as soft targets can protect themselves against the threat of terrorism. He has written several articles on this subject as well as a chapter in the book Homeland Security, published by McGraw Hill. Mr. Orlob serves on the Board of Directors of the International Security Management Association (ISMA) and on the Board of Directors for the Orange County Sheriff’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. He has served as a consultant with the U.S. State Department’s Anti-terrorism Assistance Program on hotel security and was a stakeholder on a RAND initiative on countersurveillance. In his role, he has consulted with several foreign governments on hotel security. Following the Mumbai terror attacks, Mr. Orlob testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security in January 2009.

„„ Captain Cap Perkins Jumpseat Chair Hawaiian Airlines MEC Captain Cap Perkins is a Captain on the 717, inter-island flying, for Hawaiian Airlines. He has been affiliated with the Hawaiian Airlines MEC Jumpseat Committee for about 10 years. He recently celebrated his 25th year at the airline, where he started out as a flight attendant. Captain Perkins has lived in Hawaii since 1962. In his time as a pilot at Hawaiian, he has been an engineer on the DC-10, F/O on the 717, F/O on the 767, and now is a Captain. He also serves as a member on the both the Meal and HIMS committees.

„„ Honorable John S. Pistole Administrator Transportation Security Administration John S. Pistole was sworn in as the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) fifth Administrator in July 2010. As TSA Administrator, he oversees management of a 60,000-strong workforce, the security operations of more than 450 federalized airports throughout the United States, the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS), and the security for highways, railroads, ports, mass transit systems, and pipelines. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

50 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 51 ork divisions Y sychology Aviation Security Aviation Airport magazine, ehabilitation & Aviation P ehabilitation & Aviation and the lead Threats Future and Preventing Predicting Security: Aviation Practical Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


sychology Neuropsychology, R sychology Neuropsychology, , Jeff is a recognized expert on aviation security. expert on aviation is a recognized Jeff , sychology SA will continue to grow as a risk-based, intelligence-driven counterterrorism agency counterterrorism intelligence-driven a risk-based, as grow to continue TSA will rofessional P Plane and Pilot ehabilitation P and rofessor, Metro State College of Denver Metro rofessor, e was awarded a doctorate in clinical He was awarded B-757/767 pilot. and is a clinical neuropsychologist Carlos Porges Dr. in 1990 and completed his internship and postdoctoral training at the Boston University Nova psychology from He specialized in the assessment and rehabilitation School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School. University to Orlando, he moved After Boston, certifiedrehabilitation psychology. and is board in of brain injury and stroke, International, etropolitan State College of Denver College of Denver State Metropolitan at the Associate Professor is an E-Security, AC C.M., M.A., Price, C. Jeffrey an aviation of Leading Edge Strategies, and the owner Science, Aerospace and Aviation in the Department of management training and consulting company. He is the lead author of the textbook Airport their He drafted AirportExecutives. of Association American the for Trainer Airport Security Coordinator Certified Member AAAE’s and served as lead author of body of knowledge program Certified Employee-Security body of knowledge. entered He ’90s. the early of “drug wars” days working in the Officer, Coast Guard as a U.S. began his career Jeff and helped open Airport in 1992, airport management in the Operations DepartmentInternational at Stapleton to then moved until 1998, Assistant Security Director He served as the Airport in 1995. International Denver He was Management. and Property Marketing, of Public Relations, Airport as the Director County Jefferson He also was appointed Airport in 1999 and served until 2002. County Airport Manager at Jefferson the appointed Board. Aeronautics to a term on the Colorado and a bachelor of Colorado Christian University and instruction from in curriculum degree has a master’s Jeff commercial/instrument-rated an active He remains State College of Denver. Metropolitan from science in aviation pilot. and facilitates emergency exercises, security training and consulting, Leading Edge Strategies he provides Through expertoffers witness services. including contributions to credit, to his 200 bylines A published writer with over before his promotion to Supervisor in the Organized Crime Section at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. In D.C. Washington, to Supervisor his promotion Crime Section at FBI headquarters in the Organized in before efforts the Egypt for recovery and investigation he helped lead Boston, Charge, Agent in Assistant Special as 1999, coast of Rhode Island. Air Flight 990 crash off the He Integrity. and Exemplary Outstanding Professionalism for Award Levy H. the Edward Pistole received In 2007, Executive. Distinguished for Award Rank of the 2005 Presidential is a recipient (Indiana) and Anderson University He is a graduate of I. prior to joining the FB years two for Pistole practiced law Indianapolis. Law– School of Indiana University Jeff Price Mr. nder his leadership, his leadership, Under dedicated to protecting our transportation systems. to protecting dedicated counterterrorism security and national extensive of the FBI with veteran as a 26-year TSA to Pistole came expanded greatly in charge of the FBI’s he was put 2001, 11, of September events After the tragic experience. and Counterterrorism for Assistant Director Executive the FBI’s becoming eventually program, counterterrorism FBI. the for Director was named Deputy Pistole In 2004, Counterintelligence. car bombing in including the attempted investigations, high-profile in several involved Pistole has led or been the plot against 253; Flight Northwest attempted attack on 2009, 25, the December 2010; 1, on May Times Square 2003 suicide bombings of three and the May plot; the 2006 UK liquid explosives in 2009; City subways York New Americans. including 9 which 35 people died, in Arabia, Saudi in Riyadh, housing compounds serving New and in the Minneapolis the FBI in 1983, Agent with as a Special Pistole began his career American Board of P Diplomate in R Owner, Leading Edge Strategies Leading Owner, Associate P D., ABPP Psy. Carlos R. Porges, Dr. „ „ „ „ Florida, where he practiced at the Florida Hospital Rehabilitation Center for five years and then in his own private practice. He began flying in 1989 and in the late ’90s built up his time flying Traffic Watch in a C-172. He was then hired by ASA/Delta Connection, where he flew E-120 and CRJ-200 equipment. After about five years he was offered a position at Continental Airlines, where he flies the Boeing 757/767. His present clinical practice is purely aeromedical, assisting in the medical certification of airmen and ATC specialists with a variety of medical conditions. He is very active in the HIMS program. He has also worked in the selection and training arena and is involved in research on aviation, personality, culture, and cognition. He has recently married and lives with his wife, Ximena, in Cali, Colombia, and Orlando, Florida.

„„ Greg Principato President Airports Council International – North America Greg Principato joined ACI-NA as President in July 2005. In this capacity, Principato oversees the leading association of airports and airport-related businesses in North America, which enplane nearly all of the domestic and international airline passenger and cargo traffic on the continent. ACI-NA is the largest of the five worldwide regions of Airports Council International. Principato’s involvement in aviation and transportation infrastructure spans more than 25 years. From 1979 to 1986 he worked on transportation issues for two senior members of the U.S. Senate: J. Bennett Johnson (D–Louisiana) and Joseph R. Biden (D–Delaware). After leaving the Senate, he went to work in the administration of Virginia Gov. Gerald L. Baliles. The Baliles administration was nationally known for a commitment to transportation infrastructure, a commitment that went well beyond roads to include airports and other modes. During that time, Principato worked with Congress on the transfer of Reagan National and Washington Dulles airports from federal control to the control of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, worked to increase international service at Dulles, and also worked with governors from other states on transportation issues through the National Governors’ Association. In 1993, as executive director of the National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry (National Airline Commission), Principato was responsible for the high-profile work of a commission composed of 15 leaders from airlines, airports, manufacturers, general aviation, labor, and the financial community. The commission tackled important issues such as air traffic control reform, capacity enhancement, federal funding, international air service rights’ and foreign investment. Its report was presented to President Clinton two days before the statutory deadline, and one-third of the commission’s budget was returned to the treasury. In the years since, Principato has worked on a wide variety of aviation issues, including the negotiation of a new air service agreement between the United States and Japan; the development of a new global standard for aircraft noise; the negotiation of an agreement between (then) USAir and its pilots; the negotiation of an international airline alliance; and a host of other issues. In several instances, he coordinated the development of broad-based coalitions. In the case of the U.S.– Japan issue, the coalition had more than 3,000 members, including airports from around the country. In the case of the noise standard coalition, there were more than 90 members worldwide, including a number of airports. The Coalition for a Global Standard on Aviation Noise worked closely with Airports Council International (ACI) in Geneva and Washington and participated in two of ACI’s Greenport conferences. In each case, Principato coordinated the activity of the coalition, managed its budget, and served as a liaison between and among the coalition’s members. Principato has developed good relationships with officials in the important federal agencies and on both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill. He is well regarded for his abilities and his approach to the issues within the aviation community in Washington and has also developed a good reputation among aviation interests around the country and beyond our borders. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Principato earned an M.A. in international relations from the University of Chicago. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

52 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 53 pon graduation, Upon graduation, Flight program. Professional echnology School’s T Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


AL eidemar easer osenberg, D ern R eese ilots Association, International ilots Association, olunteer rofessional Standards Chair maha-based savings and loan joining a large Omaha-based savings a Piper dealer before for to Omaha and worked returned John association as its first corporate pilot. Air Lines as an for Delta he flies Today, 580 first officer. Airlines as a Convair joined North Central John In 1978, Designee on the B-757/767. Program Air Crew as a member of career spent almost his entire having participation, volunteer ALPA has a long historyJohn of Chair Standards Professional served as his local council’s After having Committee. Standards Professional ALPA’s ALPA the national Chair of he is currently years, two-and-a-half Chair for Standards twice and MEC Professional Assistance. Pilot ALPA under which is a subgroup Standards, Professional International’s Committees, Standards Professional pilot groups’ ALPA all for oversight Rosenberg provides Captain As the chair, activities Standards the Professional and executes plans John policy and protocol. ALPA ensuring compliance with Assistance conference. Pilot at the annual niversity, holding a University, He is a 1974 graduate of Purdue Nebraska. of Omaha, Rosenberg is a native John Captain Aviation the in technology through degree B.S. Currently Boeing 757/767 First Officer at Delta Air Lines. Was previously DC9 First Officer Instructor for 10 DC9 First Officer Instructor Was previously Air Lines. Boeing 757/767 First Officer at Delta Currently years. MAs in dual specialization Southern University; from management in aviation BS Educational Background: engineering. ABD in safety PhD Beach; in Daytona University Aeronautical Embry- science from Riddle aeronautical for past participated in Human Factors specific industryresearch and academic Have Human Factors Background: and Airlines Northwest between past 10 years served as Human Factors Subcommittee Chair for Have 15 years. serveIRP coordinator. as C also currently Air Lines, Delta National Guard. Army in Illinois Served 6 years Additional: Arielle. daughter, with her 9-year-old Mich., Arbor, Ann near Helena lives Everett R First Officer Vern Reaser serves as a CIRP Peer Support Volunteer for the former America West Airlines, and an and Airlines, West America former for the Volunteer Peer Support Vern Reaser serves as a CIRP First Officer license, his Funeral Directors on he was working his airline career, Prior to Instructor. ICISF Individual Course grief in individual/family hours being trained number of a specified as partwhich includes of its requirements Grief Support Program. support under a certifiedapproved MHP within an Airlines from at Mesa He was employed in aviation. a career he left the funeral business to pursue 1992, In early on the He is currently the last 12 years. for Airlines West America at has been employed and 1994 until 1999, with 12,000 combined the Boeing 737 and Beechcraft 1900 flown and also has series aircraft, A319/20/21 Airbus flight hours. decertification before ALPA positions within held many and committee work, ALPA in has a vast background Vern he served as AWA, At years. three Committee for Air Safety Central He startedMesa’s with April 2008. in for three Representative was an LEC Elected First Officer years; two and Insurance Chairman for Retirement years. five the last with CIRP for and has been involved years; Officer Helena R First Security Chair ExpressJet MEC Captain John R P Air Line P uman Factors Committee Chair Human Factors Delta Air Lines MEC First Officer V First CIRP V America West „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ Captain Rosenberg is also active in the air safety arena. He is an active volunteer on Delta’s ALPA Air Safety Accident Incident Hotline and formerly served eight years as a member of the ASAP Event Review Committee. In addition to ALPA, John is no stranger to volunteer work, as he has fulfilled a number of roles in various organizations. Currently, he is a member of two boards of directors—the 6,700-member ALPA Federal Credit Union located in Willowbrook, Illinois, and the Adler Graduate School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Captain Rosenberg resides in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area with his wife, Sydney, and their two children, Sam and Emily. Both John and Sydney are involved parent volunteers in their children’s activities, and John remains active in general aviation, sharing ownership in a Beechcraft Bonanza.

„„ Michael J. Sanders Section Chief, Office of Global Enforcement Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Michael J. Sanders began his career with the Drug Enforcement Administration in July 1996 and was assigned to the Oklahoma City District Office in the Dallas Field Division. In 2001, Mr. Sanders received a permanent change of station overseas and was reassigned to Managua, Nicaragua, where he worked as a Criminal Investigator. In February 2004, Mr. Sanders was promoted and assigned to the St. Louis Field Division as a Group Supervisor. He was reassigned to the Managua Country Office in July 2006, where he served as the Country Attaché and was responsible for managing and led successful DEA programs with host nation counterparts. Beginning in July 2009, he was reassigned to DEA Headquarters as a Staff Coordinator in the Office of Global Enforcement, Strategic Planning and Support Section. Thereafter, he was promoted to Section Chief of the Mexico, Central America, and Canada Section, Office of Global Enforcement. A native of Montana, Mr. Sanders earned a bachelor of arts degree in business administration from Carroll College in Helena, Montana. He has received numerous DEA and other law enforcement awards and is proficient in Spanish. Mr. Sanders and his wife, Patricia, have two daughters.

„„ Captain Charlie Schenk, FDX Professional Standards Vice Chair Air Line Pilots Association, International Captain Charlie “Chuck” Schenk is a native of the New York Metropolitan area. He is a 1983 graduate of Manhattan College, holding a B.S. degree in business with a major in marketing and a minor in finance. After earning his bachelor’s degree, Charlie spent a year as flight instructor at the Westchester County Airport in New York. He then served as line pilot for Pilgrim/Business Express Airlines before being hired by the Flying Tiger Line in June 1988, based out of JFK as a B-747 Second Officer. Chuck currently flies for FedEx as a MD-11 Captain based out of Memphis, Tennessee. He holds type ratings in the Fokker F-27, Boeing 727, DC-10, and Boeing MD-11. Chuck has been an ALPA volunteer for nine years with FedEx, two of which he served as Professional Standards Chair. He is currently active on the FedEx Training Review Board, which is composed of two ALPA volunteers as well as two company Managing Directors. Captain Schenk resides in Collierville, Tennessee, with his wife, Cyndi, his daughter, Michelle, and his identical twin sons, Robbie and Richie. New to ALPA National, Chuck stands by his lifelong motto of “Happy to be here.”

„„ Dr. Quay C. Snyder Aeromedical Advisor Air Line Pilots Association, International Dr. Snyder is President/CEO of Virtual Flight Surgeons, Inc., and its division, Aviation Medicine Advisory Service, an organization dedicated to aviation safety and pilot health and career preservation. He holds board certification in Aerospace Medicine, Family Practice, and Occupational Medicine. Dr. Snyder is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Duke University School of Medicine, and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He was named as ALPA’s Aeromedical Advisor in January 2010 after serving as Associate Advisor since 1994. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

54 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 55 TCA Fatigue Management AA-NA 135 charter pilot, prior to being hired by his current employer, employer, his current by prior to being hired AR 135 charter pilot, PA positions, including Second positions, ALPA he has held various the years Over Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


oundation Corporate Aviation Committee and is a member of numerous numerous and is a member of Committee Aviation Corporate oundation AL AL lying an ASW-24B high performance glider in Colorado, he was awarded his 5th Master awarded he was glider in Colorado, performance high ASW-24B an Flying . ilots Association, International ilots Association, ilots Association, International ilots Association, ilots Association, International ilots Association, PA). He was International (ALPA). Association, Air Line Pilots Chris Storbeck is the HIMS Chair of the Captain 2011. in May President, LPA A Lee Moak, Captain position by to his present appointed and developed, was conceived, the HIMS [Human Intervention Motivation Study] program ago, “Almost 40 years Officer and First Officer MEC Representative, as well as positions on the Hotel Committee and System Board on the Hotel Committee and System Board well as positions as Officer and First Officer MEC Representative, Air Lines. while at Delta line Previous international category. Delta’s on the Boeing 767/757 in flying as a Captain Craig is currently and and MD11; 777, 767, 757, 737, the 727, First Officer on on the 727 and 737; positions at Delta include Captain 16,000 hours of flight time. approximately date he has accumulated To 727 Flight Engineer. attending then license while in high school, begins with obtaining his private pilot’s background aviation Craig’s flight including a varied series of flying positions, by This was followed majoring in aviation. University Purdue and F corporate pilot, jump pilot, instructor, in 1990. Air Lines, Delta Weimaraner. and a children, their two Carol, with his wife, Georgia, City, in Peachtree He resides Captain Chris Storbeck, D e currently serves as He currently 2009. Committee since June National Jumpseat ALPA Craig has served as a member of the he held the Delta 2009, July January 2005 through From Council. Jumpseat ALPA a subject matter expert the for Chair position. Committee MEC Jumpseat Captain Robert “Bob” Spadea is currently a subject matter expert for the ALPA Jumpseat Council. Prior to this Prior to Council. Jumpseat ALPA matter expert a subject the for is currently “Bob” Spadea RobertCaptain of this Committee and has been a member Airlines MEC Jumpseat he was the Chair of the United appointment, jumpseat” by “commuting jumpseat administration and His experience with all aspects of committee since 2002. for CASS the system jumpseat verification in procuring he was instrumental In 2003, 27 years. dates back over reciprocal establishing jumpseat operations, all overseeing included His past responsibilities Airlines. United operational difficulties. jumpseat chairpersons with and assisting fellow agreements, is a graduate of the Bridgewater He license in high school. his private pilot’s Bob began flying in 1979 and obtained as a he was employed Upon graduation, management bachelor of science program. State College aviation Bob has been employed to fly. students how and international U.S. teaching for this institution, flight instructor Asia. and America, South in Europe, routes flying international currently Airlines since 1989 and is with United yannis, Air of H Will’s and Maine, Airlines of Bangor, with Bar Harbor he was employed Airlines, Prior to United world except every continent of the him to 20,000 hours has taken over of flying experience Bob’s Massachusetts. and Airbus 319/320, Saab 340, and 350, 300, in Beech 1900, ratings holds captain He currently Africa. Australia and aircraft. and 777 767, 757, 747, 737, Boeing 727, children. and two with his wife Florida, in Ormond Beach, resides Bob currently Captain Craig Stephens, D e is the author author He is the both military and civilian. pilot instruction, and medicine in aviation a career has spent Snyder Dr. groups. physician to pilot and presentations many and has given safety 50 published articles on aviation of over Representative Team Safety and FAA Pilot Examiner 1975 and is a Designated been a CFI since has Snyder Dr. FSDO the Denver for serves on the NBAA Snyder Safety Dr. this honor. to achieve in the world 28 pilots of only one CFI designation, F and the Flight Safety Committee He also servesF on the joint medicine organizations. aerospace and aviation as an industry Group and scientific consultant. Working UAL Captain Bob Spadea, HIMS Chair Air Line P Jumpseat Council Subject Matter Expert Air Line P Jumpseat Council Subject Matter Expert Jumpseat Council Subject Air Line P „ „ „ „ „ „ promoted by ALPA,” said Captain Storbeck. “Through the tireless efforts of ALPA volunteers, in partnership with the FAA and the airline industry, HIMS became the model for the successful treatment of substance dependency. Today, HIMS continues to provide leadership in this field and in other areas of pilot and employee assistance.” As ALPA’s HIMS Chair, Captain Storbeck provides guidance to ALPA and non-ALPA pilot groups regarding the identification, treatment, medical recertification, and monitoring phases of the HIMS program. He also serves as Chair of the HIMS Advisory Board, coordinates program activities with the ALPA Aeromedical Office, and helps oversee the execution of the federal HIMS contract. Additionally, he serves as host and lecturer at the HIMS training seminars. An international B-767 Delta Air Lines captain, Captain Storbeck joined ALPA in 1988. He first volunteered for work on the Delta HIMS committee in 1991 and has served continuously in various HIMS capacities since that time. Currently, Captain Storbeck is leading the Delta Master Executive Council’s HIMS program as Chair for his sixth consecutive term. Prior to becoming an airline pilot, Captain Storbeck served over 10 years in the U.S. Air Force as an instructor and fighter pilot. Captain Storbeck is married and resides in Sundance, Utah.

„„ Captain Richard Swanson, CAL Professional Standards Training Coordinator, Air Line Pilots Association, International Professional Standards Chair, Continental Airlines MEC Captain Rick Swanson is the Continental Airlines MEC Professional Standards Chair and serves as the Professional Standards Training Coordinator, under Professional Standards, a subgroup of ALPA Pilot Assistance. He enjoys an excellent reputation amongst his peers and professional colleagues as a pilot advocate and an outspoken promoter of our airline profession. He is well known for his talents in building strong, positive relationships while also repairing and restoring torn ones. These developed interpersonal attributes coupled with his broad range of technical skills bring great credit to ALPA Professional Standards. In his various roles volunteering in Pilot Assistance, Captain Swanson faithfully served as the LEC Chair for the Peer Pilot Assistance Program at Continental (PPAP is a form of the ALPA HIMS program) protecting the rights of our union members under the return-to-work agreements signed by management and the affected pilot. Every month for over 10 years, Captain Swanson has promoted our profession to new commercial pilots entering FAR 121 operations. Over 2400+ pilots have received this positive message within his presentation, called the “Pilot Pill.” The presentation acronym and concept of the PILL is Professionalism, Integrity, Leadership, and Legacy. He has been instrumental in developing the Professional Standards One Day Accelerated Training program available to all ALPA MECs as a supplement to our National Professional Standards training program. In his long history of volunteer service to promote aviation, from 1995 to 2000 he served as the Inspector General and Texas Vice Commander for the USAF Auxiliary. He received numerous awards, including the top leadership “Gill Robb Wilson Award.” In 1996 he developed the CRM program that became the national model for the organization and received USAF recognition for his efforts. Captain Swanson further promotes our great profession by writing and having published numerous articles on topics such as leadership (Air Line Pilot magazine, March 2010), the ALPA Code of Ethics, unity, and many others. He provides a weekly article nationally promoting attributes of the professional ALPA pilot. Rick is happily married to his wife, Linda, for over 33 years. They have three wonderful sons, Jason, Scott, and Bowen, who are all ALPA airline pilots (two sons are Captains and check cirmen for Pinnacle Airlines, and one son flies for Continental Airlines as a First Officer). Rick delights in his one-year-old granddaughter, Claire. Rick enjoys the responsibilities of Captain on the B-737, and has also flown as Captain on the DC-3, IA Jet, and B-727.

„„ Senior First Officer Christoph Thurn CISM Chair German Lufthansa Airlines Senior First Officer Christoph Thurn has served as CISM Chair for German Lufthansa Airlines since January 2011. He is responsible for anchoring the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) program within the Lufthansa group. In 1999 he started his flying career for Lufthansa on the B-737 and moved on long-haul-flights on the A330/A340 in 2006. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

56 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC Speaker BioGRAPHIES 57 Council, O Council, epresentative on Representative .S. ransportation Secretary T .S. Department of .S. ational Guard and retired with the and retired Air National Guard and the Kansas orce AA airline transport pilot’s license and is rated in the Boeing license and is rated in the Boeing AA airline transport pilot’s eam for Aircraft Security. Aircraft eam for T .S. Air F .S. Air Line Pilots Association, International Air Line Pilots Association,


.S. participation in that organization, which develops and promotes standards and standards and promotes which develops participation in that organization, .S. epresentative on the ICA as Representative In his role 2010. Senate on September 29, .S. nspector and was responsible for ensuring compliance ensuring ebruary for Inspector and was responsible 2003 as a Principal Security TSA in F ogt epresentative on the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization Civil Aviation epresentative on the Council of the International arch 2010, Bob was selected for his Bob was selected for 2010, In March American and Continental. at security programs TSA aviation .S. R .S. .S. State Department .S. ational Airspace System through 2025. Airspace System through Administration to modernize the National Aviation ederal the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on July 8, 2010, and was confirmed to 2010, 8, on July Organization (ICAO) Aviation the Council of the International Civil the U that position by will guide U Woerth Ambassador sustainability of international civil aviation. and environmental security, the safety, practices for of an Internet Vice President and Senior was co-founder Woerth Ambassador Prior to his appointment, Association. Air Line Pilots of the he served as president 2006, 1999 to From Nebraska. firm in Omaha, advertising U by he was appointed the attacks of 9/11, following Immediately U Obama to the position of President was nominated by Woerth Ambassador Duane E. e has worked on jumpseat issues since on jumpseat He has worked April 2001. since Airways JetBlue for has worked Walsh Jack Captain children. three and with his wife Ohio, near Cincinnati, He lives 2004. Norm White lectra aircraft. Lockheed Electra aircraft. and Air, Beechcraft King 737, Captain Jack Walsh Bob joined with airlines. commercial affecting policy and programs security developing for position and is responsible current Security System (CASS)Access that the Cockpit for in establishing the procedures Bob was instrumental Advanced Screening Personnel Crew and the crewmembers for authorized flight deck access offline provides TSA screening expedited access through authorized flight deck crewmembers that enables System (CrewPASS) checkpoints. from the Boeing 737 and flew Airways US by Bob was hired April 1999, in the Navy from retirement Following holds an F Bob Reagan National until January 2002. In addition to his duty as a pilot, Senior First Officer Christoph Thurn accepted different tasks within the Lufthansa tasks within different Thurn accepted Christoph First Officer Senior pilot, duty as a to his In addition In 2001 he started post-holder flight the office of the and joined the B-737-fleet for as a manager administration. department Corporate Security changed to the Lufthansa`s In 2009 he a senior manager, as in 2005. operations issues. on inflight security mainly focusing Bob V U Analyst National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) Duane E. Woerth Jumpseat Chair JetBlue Airways Branch Chief, Commercial Airlines Branch Chief, Management Sector Network Transportation Security Administration Transportation awaiian Airlines. Airlines. Airlines and Hawaiian Northwest including of directors, airline boards He has served on several the from of Nebraska and holds an advanced degree is a graduate of the University Woerth Ambassador He served in the U of Oklahoma. University Ambassador Woerth also previously served as Co-Chair of the Next Generation Air Transportation System Transportation Air served as Co-Chair of the Next Generation also previously Woerth Ambassador and Transportation with the Department of to work a private sector organization developed Council, Executive F apid esponse R Norman Mineta to serveRapid on the U of Appointment: 10/01/2010 to present Term rank of Lieutenant Colonel. „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ Dr. Dan Zenga Licensed Psychologist Daniel W. Zenga, Ed.D., L.P., is a Licensed Psychologist in clinical practice in Mankato, Minnesota. He has provided training and consultation to education, business, legal, medical, and religious organizations throughout the United States. His professional areas of interest include stress management, conflict resolution, family relationships, psychology of birth order, domestic violence, personality development, and veterans’ issues. In addition to human service experiences, Dr. Zenga is an instructor at the Adler Graduate School, Richfield, Minnesota. He lives in Mankato, Minnesota, with his wife, Ruth. They have five grown children and ten grandchildren. Sp ea k e r B io G R A PH IES

58 57th ALPA Air Safety Forum | Washington Hilton | Washington, DC