PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1973 Station. It consists of only one set with an installed genffating capaci(~ of62.5 MW. 'R' station was the latest to be added to Andhra Pra~sh Grid. The project was financed by a loan under t~ U. ~. Agen.cy for International Development (AID)..' Major equIpment was imported from U.S.A., while minor equipment was procured from in'digenous sources. The :estimated cost of the project is Rs. 12.25 Crores.

- __ -...:::::- " ---- In view of the assured coal reserves nearby and availability of adequate water in the Godavari river Ramagundam-Industrial City of Tomorrow Ramagundam is ideally suited for being developed into a Super Thermal Stat ion. It is, therefore, Ramagundam, a small town with a population of proposed to gradually expand this station to a total 8,875 persons as per the 1971 Census is located in capacity of 1,000 MW in course of time. The impor~ Peddapa'le Taluk of . It is a tance of this station will further increase when it is railway station situated \ in the Kazipel - Nagpur linked up with the M_aharashtra Grid at Balharsha Section on the Madras - Delhi Broad Gauge line. for exchange of power between the two State Grids. Ramagundam being very far from the sea coast expe­ riences extreme climatic conditions. It is one of the hottest places like Rentachintala and Bhadrachalam· The total generating capac ity in the State at . in the State. The maximum temperature normally present stands at 668 MW as against 106 MW on November 1, 1956 indicating the spectacular improve~ ranges between 45 0 C. and 470 C. but sometimes it ment made in power generation essential f01: the 'may also rise upto 50 0 C. The minimum temperature development of industries, agriculture and for bring­ during winter normally ranges between 80 C. and 11° C. ing all the benefits of modern living fo the society. The Thermal Power Station at Ramagundam which is covered by th is mot ~f is one of the second Ramagundam is in the heart of the rich coal and biggest power producing stations in the mineral belt with every promise of development of a Region ofAndhra Pradesh. It was the second thermal big industrial complex. With the establishment of power station taken up by the former Hyderabad this power station and the numerous natural resources Government and was Intended to distribute large of the tract, Ramagundam region is fast becoming quantity of power generated for some of the industries one of the key industrial regions in Andhra Pradesh. expected to come up in the region. The power station Already a coal based Fertiliser Factory is being is known as Godavari Thermal Power Station. constructed at Godavari Khani (Population 23,053 persons) about 4 Kms. from Ramagundam under the The Power Station at Ramagundam comprises auspices of the Fertiliser Corporation of at a two producing plants. The first plant known as "A" cost of Rs. 71.2 crores with a capacity of producing station was commissioned in June, 1957 with three 11.83 lakh {annes of Urea and Urea Nitro-Phosphates generating sets of 12.5 MW each and six boilers with per annum. The State Government has also set up a capacity of 50,000 Ibs. per hour each. As this in the co-operative sector a spinning and weaving boiler capacity was found inadequate fo derive the mill at Antargaon (Population 606 persons) at a benefits of full generation of 37.5 MW power, an distance of about 8 Kms. from Rdmagundam with additional boiler of higher capacity of 1,50,000 lbs. 12,000 spindles and 350 power looms. Tn addition to per hour was erected and commissioned in 1967. these and the coal mines of Singareni Collieries and Co., Ltd., at Godavari Khani, Kesoram Cement An expansion of the existing station "A" was Factory with a production capacity of 1,500 tonnes a contempiated earlier, and as a result, Station "B" day is located at Palakurthi (Population 3,002 per­ was inaugurated in June, 1'972. It is located sons) at about 19 Kms, from Ramagundam. Some at about 1 Km. to the earlier station and about more industrial units are bound to come up in th js 3 Kms. on the eastern side of Ramagundam Railway region in due course. PREFACE

The District Census Handbooks which were first published at the 1951 Census proved to be very useful·to the State and Central Government Departments. private agencies and academic bodies like Universities and Research Institutions. The scope of these Handbooks was enlarged to make them more useful during the 1961 Census. Considering the delay in the publication of these Hand­ books due to difficult ies in finding suitable presses which could undertake huge printing work of this kind, it was considered desirable to split up the 1971 Census Handbooks into three parts viz., Part A - Village and Town Directory, Part B - Village and Town Primary Census Abstract and Part C­ Analytical Rep:)rt, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. This was done mainly with a view to publishing Parts A and B which contain not only the population data upto the village and town level but also the particulars about the basic amenities etc., available in the towns and villages, as early as possible for public use. The scope and contents of these three parts are elaborated in the introduction of this volume. I am glad to record here that Parts A and B of the 197{ Census Handbooks of all the 21 Districts in the State have 'been finalised already and I expect that before the end of 1973 Parts A and B f.)r all the 21 Districts would have been published.

The compilation of these Handbooks is being done from the 1951 Census in the Office of the Director of Census Operations while the cost of paper, printing, etc., required for these volumes is being borne by the State Government. The Andhra Pradesh State Government have readily agreed to bear the cost of printing and paper for the 1971 Census Handbooks. I am grateful to the Andhra Pradesh State Government and in particular to the Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Shri S. A. Quader, lAS., for their co-operation and encouragement. I am th'lnkful to the Director of Printing, Government of Andhra Pradesh for assisting me by selecting suitable presses for undertaking th~ printing of the Handbooks. The data presented in the Village and Town Directories are obtain\d from different State Government and Central Government Department& but for whose co-operation Part-A of the Handbooks could not have been compiled. I am thankful to all of them for furnishing me the required data.

I am extremely grateful to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, lAS., Registrar General, India and Dr. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, India who formulated the contents of these Handbooks in detail and rendered spontaneous help and encouragement to me at all stages.

The following staff of my Office worked on the present volume of Karimnagar District Census Handbook under the guidance and supervision of Shri P. S. R. Avadhany, Deputy Director of Census Operation and Sri K. Narasimha Mu,thy, Assistant Director of Census Operations of my Office.

Sri P. B. Sunder Raj, Tabulation Officer Drafting Scrutiny, and T. Brahmiah, Statistical Assistant Supervision of Printing " lI " T. Govardhana Rao, Statistical Assistant )

Smt. Ch. Shakuntala Devi, Computor ) I Sri V. Babu Rao, Assistant Compiler I Compilation S. Ramakrishna, Assistant Compiler (- " P. V. Prabhaker, Assistant Compiler I " )

Sri K. S. Krishna Murthy, Proof Reader ~ Proof Reading " P. Mahatma Chary, Assistant Compiler J ii

Sri A. Venkateswara Rao, Assistant Compiler Scrutiny and Printing of maps Sri M. N. Ram Mohan, Artist " Syed Ahmed, Senior Draughtsman " M. J. Sadiq, Draughtsman " N. G. Swamy, Draughtsman Preparation ,. M. Hassan, Draughtsman f of maps " M. Shankaraiah, Draughtsman I ,. Md. Yakub Ali, Draughtsman I " B. Raghu Ram, Draughtsman I Smt. Daya Saxena, Draughtsman J

I am grateful to their services.

I trust that this humble effort on the part of the Census Organisation would meet with the :appreciation it deserves.

T. VEDANTAM Director of Census Operation~ KARIM NAG Alit DISTRICT ERRATA

Page No. Reference Column No. For Read

110 Karimnagar Tk. Urban 12 426 46 Karimnagar Tk. Urban 13 21 HI IX (P) 8 10,902 10,903 Taluk Total 3 2,161.3 2,161.4 Manthani Taluk Rural 3 2,136.2 2,136.3 114 II Kothapalle Haveli (P) 36 272 273 176 Wards 2 & ~-Ward Total 31 117 107 177 Ward 9-E.B. 403 34 2 1 Ward Total 34 5 4 251 Block 30-E.B. 113 5 Illegible 148 262 17 Khansahibpet 17 6 46 266 79 Kamanpalle 14 6 285 4S 16 914 913 CONTENTS



Explanatory Note - Villfl-ge Directory 5-11

Village Directory: Karimnagar Taluk 13-23 ( Sirsilla Taluk 25-37 Metpalli Ind. Sub-Taluk 39-45 Jagtial Taluk 47-55 Peddapalle Taluk 57-67 Manthani Taluk 69":79 Taluk 81-89 Talukwise Abstract of Amenities 90-9.1

SECTION II - TOWN DIRECTORY Explanatory Note - Town Directory 92-97

Town Directory; Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 98 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns . 99 Statement III Civic Finance 100 Statement IV Civic and other Amenities 101 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 102 Statement VI Trade, Commerce. Industry and Banking Facilities 103 Statement VII Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes 104


Explanatory Note ~ Primary Census Abstract . 105-109

Primary Census Abstract KARIMNAGAR. DISTRICT 110-117 Karimnagar Taluk . 119-150 Sirsilla Taluk 151-180 Metpalli Ind. Sub-Taluk 181-200 Jagtial Taluk 201-223 P.eddapalle Taluk 225-258 Manthani Taluk 259-281 HuzUfabad Taluk 283-295



KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT Frontispiece Karimnagar Taluk Facdng Page 13 Sirsilla Taluk 25 Metpalli Ind. Sub· Taluk " " 39 J agtial Taluk 47 " PeddapaUe Taluk 57 " Manthani Taluk 69 " Huzurabad Taluk 81 " Karimnagar District-Talukwise Densi ty of Population ., 105


Andhra Pradesh Karimnagar State District POPULATION TOTAL Personli 43,502,708 1,963,928 Males 22,008.663 989,572 Females 21,494,045 974,356 RURAL Persons 35,100,181 1,753,461 Males 17,698,247 881,192 Females 17,401,934 872,269 URBAN Persona 8,402,527 210,467 Males 4,310,416 108,380 Females 4,092,111 102,087 DECENNIAL POPULATION +20.9 +21.1 GROWTH RATE 1961-71 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA (Sq. Kms.) 276,754.0 11,824.0 DENSITY OF POPULATION PER Sq. Km. 157 166 SEX RATIO (Number of Females per 1,000 Males) 977 985 PERCENTAGE OF LITERACY Persons 24.6 15.3 Males 33.2 23.8 Females 15.8 6.6 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION 19.3 10.7 TO TOTAL POPULATION PERCENTAGE OF WORKERS TO TOTAL Persons 41.4 46.1 POPULA TION (Main Activity only) Males 58.2 606 Females 24.2 31.4 BREAK-UP OF WORKERS: PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL WORKERS (i) CUL TIVA TORS Persons 32.2 35.1 Males 37.4 39.7 Females 19.4 26.0 (25.98) (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 37.9 32.9 Males 27.7 22.8 Females 63.1 52.7 (iii) OTHER WORKERS Persons 29.9 32.0 Males 34.9 37.5 Females 17.5 21.3 PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTE Persons 13.3 18.8 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Males 13.3 18.9 Females 13.2 18.7 PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBE PersoDs 3.8 0.8 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Males 3.8 0.8 Females 3.8 0.8 NUMBER OF OCCUPIED RESIDENTIAL 8,041,925 379,179 HOUSES NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 29,428 1,087 Inhabited 27,221 1,051 Uninhabited 2,207 36 NUMBER OF URBAN ARl:AS 224 11 v


KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT .J I- <{ U (9 Z 0:: <{ f- (J) ::t, 0:: ~ « a ~ ::; .... ~ ~ u ~ -~ ::: .... I- :z: _V. ~ ~Q ~ Q

II: ~ Q.."' ex: «~ a II: "'::c CJ Q a z < <{ < Z III E <{ -ex: .J

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III ~ c « 0:: a ::E f- ~ ~ ~ ~ « (JJ " " N ~g a ~~ z INTRODUCTION


District Manuals and District Gazetteers ments were replaced by the District Census Handbooks.

Prior to 1905, the erstwhile composite Madras District Census Handbooks Government compiled and published District Manual for each district. It contained not only particulars The idea of compiling the District Census Hand" of items of more or less a permanent character such books for each district in place of Village Statements as physical characteristics, history, religion and was first entertained and put forward at the 1951 ethnography but also a few statistical tables including Census by Sri R. A. Gopalaswamy, I.C,S:, the then those relating to population which became obsolete Registrar General, Indi~ and ex-officio Census within a few years of their publication. The Madras Commissioner of India as part of a plan intended to Government, therefore, replaced these District Manu­ , secure an effective method of preserving the census als by another publication known as the District records prepared for areas below the district level. Gazetteer consisting of two Volumes 'A' and 'B'. He proposed that all the District Census Tables and V(l)lume A contained descriptive matter and such Census Abstracts prepared during the process of general tables as might be necessary to explain the sorting and compilation, should be bound together in text and Volume B contained detailed statistics. a single manuscript volume called the "District They decided that Volume B should be brought out Census Handbook" and suggested to the State periodically after each decennial census so that they Governments that the Handbook with or without the contain the latest statistics. Volume A was pub­ addition of other useful information relating to the lished for some districts between 1905 and 1927 in the district should be printed and published at their own compQsite Madras State. The publication of Volume A cost, in the same manner as the village statistics of was discontinued in 1927. Volume B was pub-. the past censuses. This suggestion was accepted by lished for all the districts of the composite Madras most of the State Governments. Both the composite State between 1906 and 1915. The publication of Madras State and the erstwhile Hyderabad State Volume B was also stopped after the 1931 Census. accepted this suggestion and published the District Census Handbooks for all districts at their own cost. In the erstwhile Hyderabad State, the District Census In the erstwhile Hyderabad State also the Gazet_ Handbooks were brought out in two parts, Part I teer Volumes were brought out for some of the containing Administrative Sta1:istics and Part II the districts. Census Tables. In the composite Madras State, the Handbooks were brought out in one single volume The scheme of publication of revised District only for each district. Gazetteers was started in 1958 by the State Govern­ ments and in this State, the Gazetteers of some Pattern at 1961 CemlUs districts like Cuddapah and Anantapur have been I published already. At the 1961 Census, the scope of the District Census Handbooks was significantly enlarged by Sri The Village Statements Ashok Mitra, I.C.S., the then Registrar General, India. The District Census Handbooks of 1961 Censu~ Apart from these District Manuals and Gazet­ of Andhra Pradesh were divided into four parts. The teers, the' census data up to village level used to be first part contained narrative description of the published in a brochure called "Village Statement" Physical features, History, Social, Economic and for each district immediately after every census from Demographic characteristics, the progress made in 1872 upto 1941. each field of administration over the past decade~ and a brief gazetteer of places. The second part The Village Statements merely showed the contained the Administrative Statistics of variou~ number of occupied houses and population by religion departments. The third part contained the 1961 of each village and town and they did not contain any Census Tables viz., General Population Tables, more details. From the 1951 Census, Village State- Economic Table~, Cultural and Migration Tables. 2

Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Village Directory: It is arranged talukwise Tribes. The fourth part consisted of Village and and gives for each village, particulars of amenities Town Directory which was the most vital part of the available in respect of educational and medical insti­ Handbook, giving villagewise and townwise Primary tutions, power and drinking water supply, postal and Census Abstract i.e., particulars of area, households, telegraphic facilities, communications, particulars of population, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, liter­ land use, markets, places of religious, historical or ates, broad categorisation of working population archaeological interest in the village. etc. Important amenities such as educational, medical, public health and communication facilities Town Direc/ory: The Town Directory portion available were also indicated against each village and contains data in seven statements. Particulars like town. Nine Sub-Tables containing villagewise parti­ the civic administration status, its origin, the growth culars such as irrigation sources, important crops and decline of its population, functional category, raised, value of land, co-operative societies, indus­ physical aspects and location, municipal finances, trial establishments, police stations, list of skilled civic and other amenities, medical, educational, craftsmen etc., were given after Village and Town recreational and cultural facilities, trade, industry, Directory. A tabular statement on Fairs and Festi­ commerce and banking facilities and lastly the reli­ vals in the district was given at the end of the gious composition of the town and the scheduled volume. All these four parts were bound in a single castes/tribes population inhabiting are presented in volume and published at the cost of the State Govern­ seven statements. They are given for each town in ment. the district arranged in alphabetical order.

Pattern at 1971 Census Part B: Primary Census Abstract The District Census Handbooks proved to be very useful and valuable publications and h'td consi­ This part gives for each revenue village and also derable demand by public as well as the official users for each enumerator's block and ward of a town, the of the census data. At the 1971 Census, it was there­ Primary Census data i.e., area, occupied residential fore, decided not only to continue the publication of houses, number of households, total population and: the District Census Handbooks but also to enlarge its break up by sex, schduled castes, and scheduled its scope further. tribes popUlation, literate population, working popUlation by nine broad categories of cultivators, At the last Census, there was some delay in the agricultural labourers, those \vorking in livestock, publication of lhe District Census Han.dbooks due to forestry, fishing, plantations, etc., in mining and quar­ the inadequate printing facilities. In order to avoid rying, in manufacturing, in construction, in trade and delay in publication and also to make available the commerce, in transport, storage and communications more important census data to the planners, admi­ and in other services and the non-working population nistrators, and other users who may be not only eager as per the 1971 Census. but in dire necessity to use the information in their respective spheres, it has been decided to bring out Part C: Administrative Statistics and Report the District Census Handbooks in three parts viz., Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A contains Village This part comprises the various administrative \nd Town Directory. Part B contains Village and statistics 'pertaining to the district with special refe~ Town Primary Census Abstract. Part C contains rence to the development taken place during 1961-70 Administrative Statistics and Analytical Report. in different spheres and also the 1971 Census Tables Parts A and B of the District Census Handbooks relating to the General Population, Economic Charact~ of this State are being brought out in one volume and eristics, Cultural and Migration features, Housing and Part C will be brought out in a separate volume Establishment tables and data pertaining to the for each district a little later. district regarding language and religion. A write up, indicating the changes in the socio-economic and A brief outline on the scope of each of these demographic characteristics of the district and the 'three Parts is given below. developmental activities that have taken place in the decade in the various fields like Agriculture, Indus­ Part A: Village and Town Directory tries, Trade and Commerce, Education, Medical and In this part, the Village Directory is given first Public Health, Community Development, etc., is given and then the Town Directory. at the beginning of this part. In view of the 3

elaborate write up already given in the 1961 District Classification of Towns Population size Census Handbooks, the present write up will be brief and it will cover the present decade only. Class I 1,00,000, and above Class II 50,000-99,999 Rural and Urban Classification of areas Class III 20,000-49,999 It is customary to classify the population or Class IV 10,000-19,999 every country at a census a5 Rural and Urban. Such Class V 5,000-9,999 a classification has considerable significance and is Class VI Below 5,000 necessary from the point of assessing the differentials in the social, economic, cultural and demographic The Class I Towns are termed as Cities. characteristics of the population. Hence at the be­ ginning of each census, the criteria for treating a Besides classification of all places into Rural and place as town (i.e., urban) or rural are evolved and Urban areas, two new concepts viz., Urban Agglomera­ the :- reas are then classified accordingly as per the tion and Standard Urban Area were newly evolved at definition so evolved. the 1971 Census. They are briefly explained below.

From the year 1891, the census definition of a Urban Agglomeration town in this country was more or less the same till 1941 and it was slightly modified in 1951. The In several areas around a core city or statutory towns broadly comprised all Municipalities of what­ town have come up fairly large and well recognised ever population and every other continuous collection Railway Colonies, University Campuses, Port areas, of houses, permanently inhabited by not less than Military Camps, etc. Even though they are outside 5,000 persons, which the provin.cial Directors of the statutory limits of a Corporation, Municipality Census Operations having regard to the character and or Cantonment, they fall within the revenue boundary relative density of popUlation, their importance as of the place by which the town itself is known or in centres of trade decided them to be towns. In the the revenue boundary of the neighbouring Village. It application of this definition there was some variation may not be altogether realistic to treat such areas from State to State according to the local conditions. lying outside the statutory limits of a town as rural It was only at the 1961 Census that a fairly strict units and at the same time each such individual area definition was sought to be applied throughout the by itself may not satisfy the minimum population country in order to determine a place as an urban limits to qualify to be treated as an independent unit. The same definition was followed at the 1971 town. Such areas deserve to be reckoned along with Census also. The following criteria are adopted for the main town and the continuous spread including treating a place as a town at the 1971 Census. such urban outgrowth would deserve to be treated as an integrated urban area. At the 1971 Census such 1 All places with a Municipality, Corporation continuous urban spreads have been treated as inte­ or Cantonment or Notified Town Areas, and gra ted urban areas and defined as Urban. Agglomer­ 2 All other places which satisfied the following ations. This concept of Urban Agglomeration criteria: replaced the concept of Town-group followed in the 1961 Census. Urban Agglomerations can be constituted (a) a minimum population of 5,000 in the following situations: (b) a density of population of atleast 1,000 per­ (aj A city with continuous outgrowth (the part sons per Sq. mile (400 persons per Sq.Km.) and of outgrowth being out of the statutory limits but falling within the boundaries of at least three fourths of the male work­ (c) (75%) the adjoining village or villages). ing population is non-agricultural. (b) One'town with similar outgrowth or two or In respect of marginal cases, the Directors of more adjoining towns with their outgrowths Census Operations of the States were given discretion as in (a) and to decide a place as town or Village. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with The Towns are distributed into six classes as their outgrowths all of which forming a detailed below:- continuous spread. 4

Thus the Urban Agglomemtion represents wholly conclusions drawn became not only invalid over a time the urban population only. In Andhra Pradesh. the but also lost spatial comparability with similar data following four places are treated as Urban Aggiomer­ processed both within the country and outside. These ations. short-comings reduced considerably the utility of the town-group concept which was also found somewhat Name of the Urban Constituent units in inadequate for the purpose it was developed. To Agglomeration the Urban Agglomeration enable the presentation c,f urban statistics on a (1) (2) uniform basis and also to ensure comparability of the Visakhapatnam Urban (a) Visakhapatnam City census data from one decade to another and with Agglomeration (i) Visakhapatnam Municipality similar data available from other countries, the (ii) Gajuvaka (Out· concept of Standard Urban Area has been envisaged growth) and adopted at the 1971 Census. (b) Gopalapatnam 2 Rajahmundry Urban (a) Rajahmundry Muni· The Standard Urban Area is defined as the Agglomeration cipality (b) Rajahmundry Non· projected growth area of a city or town as it would Municipal Area be in another three decades takmg into account not 3 Vijayawada Urban (a) Vijayawada Muni- only the towns and villages which will get merged Agglomeration cipality into it but also the intervening areas which are (b; Patamata Town potentially urban. The tract includes all extra (c) Gunadala Town Municipal urban outgrowth such as the suburbs 4 Hyderabad Urban (a) Hyderabad Municipa (industrial and residential), Railway Cc1onies, Civil Agglomeration Corporation Lines, Cantonments and also such of those viliages (i) Hyderabab Division (ii) Secunderabad Divi- that are likely to be urbanised during the next three sion decades. The Standard Urban Area is thus an area (b) Secunderabad Canton· which extends well beyond the chief core city or town ment and contains all likely developments over the next 30 (c) Malkajgiri years. It will remain a statistical reporting unit fur (d) Alwal the next three successive censuses, irrespective of the (e) Uppal Khalsa jurisdictional changes cf the: local administrative ({) Balanagar units within the tract. The Standard Urban Area (g' Fatehnagar will be identified by the administrative units that it (h) Macha Bolaram (i) Osmania University encompasses n1mely the city, the t0wn, the village. (j) Lalaguda The boundaries of the Standard Urban Area will be (k) Kukatpalle the administrative boundaries of the peripheral (I) Moosapet units. (m) Bowenpalle (n) Zamistanpur In demarcating the Standard Urban Area the The Standard Urban Area (S.U.A.) following criteria are followed:

The concept of the Standard Urban Area has (i) The core town should have a minimum been evolved for the first time at the 1971 Census to population of 50,000. give ('ut ;1. more meaningful picture of the urban growth. The town-group concept adopted at the 1961 (ii) The contiguous areas should be made up of C;!nsus did not effectively tackle the prbolems invol­ other urban as well as rural administrative ved in repJrting urban statistics apart from Jacking units having close and mutual socio­ a uniform application throghout the country. It economic links with the core town and als.) did not bring out a spatially contiguous territory of urban~rural settlements but merely bound up (iii) The entire area included in the Standard loosely clustered popUlation popularly known as the Urban Area is likely to be urbanised III a satellite towns or the constitutent units whose span of two to three decades. jurisdictions were subjected to frequent ch'l.nges and thus lacked in stability. The intervening rural areas In Karimnllgar District, none of the towns has were also left out of the account. Consequently the been treated as Standard Urban Area. PART-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION I - Village Directory SECTION II - Town Directory



The main purpose of the Village Directory is to village, such as the educational, medical, electricity, indicate the available important facilities like educa~ drinking water, communications, postal facilities. tional, medical, drinking water supply, communica­ tions and electric supply facilities in each village. The The educational facilites are shown by the follow­ collection and presentation of such data was first ing symbols under column 4 . .attempted at the 1961 Census and the different facili­ ties available were shown by abbreviated letters under P: Primary or Elementary School five columns along with the Primary Census Abstract. M: Middle School But at the 1971 Censusjt was decided to present such H: High Schools or Higher Secondary particulars in greater detail in the Village DirectorY School and to give the Primary Census Abstract separately. C: College Besides presenting the data on basic amenities like, T: Techincallnstitution .educational, medical, electricity, drinking water supply, communications, posts and telegraphs, the particulars If there are more institutions than one of a type about the staple food commonly used by the majority in the village tha number of institutions precedes the of the people, land utilisation, the name and distance abbreviations e.g., 3P, 2M, 3H etc. of the nearest town, the marht/shandy days, historical or religious or archaeological or tourist importance, if Medical and Public Health facilities existing in any, of the villages have also been collected and pre­ the village are shown by the following symbols under sented in the Village Directory. The VilJagewise Col,5. Primary Census Abstract is presented separately in Part B of this Volume. H Hospital D Dispensary In the Village Directory, the revenue village is Mcw: Maternity and Child Welfare Centre taken as the lowest unit for presentation of data. The Fpc Family Planning Centre villages are arranged in the ascending order of Loca­ tion Code Numbers assigned to the villages. Unlike Phc : Primary Heal th Centre the Town Directory the Village Directory contains only one statement. An alphabetical list of villages with If the village is electrified then it is indicated by ~he letter E under Colum 6. the Location Code Numbers against them and a taluk map showing boundaries of each villages are given The types of drinking water supply sources at the beginning of the village Directory of each taluk. available within the village are indicated as below:- This facilitates the reader to select the required viHage from the alphabetical list and after knowing T : Tap its location code number to obtain the necessary W: Well particulars from the Village Directory. The Village Tk: Tank Directory is broadly divided into four broad sections Tw: Tube well viz. location particulars, basic amenities like education, R River medical etc., land utilisation and distance from the nearest urban area and the importance of the village C .. Canal as a religious or tourist centre. If there are any other sources of drinking water other than the above, then such sources have been Columns I to 3 deal with the location code spelt out. number, name and the total area of the village. The area given under Col. 3 is as per the data furnished If the village is served by one or more of the by the Tahsildar and the State Survey Department. following means of communications within a distance Columns 4 to 9 give the basic amenities available in the of one mile from the village, than the communication 6 facilities of the village under column 8 have been The various types of land use given under each of indicated as below: the columns 11 to 15 are listed out and the concepts explained below. PR: Pucca Road 1 Forests (Col. 11) These include all actually forested KR: Kutcha Road areas and the lands classed or T Train administered as forests under any legal enactment dealing with forests R River whether State owned or private. If any portion of such land is not C Cana,~ actually wooded but put to some agricultural use, that portion is The postal facilities it any, existing in the village included under the appropriate are indicated under column 9 by the following heading of cultivated or uncultivated symbols: land. 2 Cultivated area with This includes the land under the PO Post Office breakup irrigated & following three categories. TO Telegraph Office unirrigated (Cols. 12, and 13). PTO Post & Telegraph Office (i) Net area sown: Phone Telephone The net area sown represents the area sown to crops counting areaS If a village does not have any of the above faci~ sown more than once in the same­ lities then ..... " is indicated against such village under year, only once. relevant column. (Ii) Current fallows: This class comprises cropped areas The staple food of the majority of the population which are kept fallow during the of the village during the major portion of the year is current year. If any seedling area indicated under column 10 e.g., Rice, Jowar, Ragi etc. is not cropped again in the same If there is variety of grains mainly used in a village year, it is also treated as current fallow. then they have been indicated accordingly, e.g., Rice and Jowar etc. (iii) Other fallows:

This includes all lands which were Ri: Rice taken up for cultivation but are W: Wheat temporarily out of cultivation for a period of not less than one year J Jowar and not more than five years. The B Bajm (Cumbu. Sajja) reasons fOf keeping such lands fallow may be either due to poverty Ra: Ragi of the cultivators or inadequate supply of water or malarial climate M: Maize or silting of canals or fivers or unre­ munerated nature of farming etc. Columns 11 to 15 relate to the land utilisation statistics. Under column 11 the extent of the 3 Culturable waste This includes the land under the forest area is given. Under columns 12 and 13 the (Col. 14) following three categories. extent of the cultivated area in the village is given. (i) Miscellaneous tree crops. Groves The extent of area irrigated together with area 1I0t included in the area sown. irrigated under different irrigational sources such as Under this class is included all canals, tanks, wells, tube wells etc., are given, cultivable land which is not inclu­ wherever available .under column 12 while under ded under net area sown hut is put column 13 the extent of land un irrigated is given, 10 some agricultural use. Land!> .column 14 gives the extent of cultivable waste. The under casuarina trees, thatching grass, bamboo ,bushes and other area not available for cultivation such as village site, groves for fuel etc., which are not rivers, canals, tanks, wells etc., is given under .included under . "Orchards" are column 15. classed under this category. 7

(Ii) Culturable waste : which weekly marketsfshandies, if any, held in the This includes lands available fot village are given under column 17. If the village has cultivation but not taken up for any historical/religious/archaeological and tourist cultivation or abandoned after importance, it has been indicated under column 18. few years for one reason or other. Such lands may be either fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles All the above particulars are based on the data which are not put to any use. obtained from the Tahsildars and Local Bodies concer­ They may be assessed or not as­ ned and also from the concerned departments like sessed and may lie in isolated Postal, Medical, Education, Electricity. blocks or within cultivated hol­ dings. Land once cultivated but not cultivated for five years in INHABI'rllD AND UNINHABITED VILLAGES succession is also included in this category. Karimnagar District consists of 7 taluks. There (fli) Permanent pastuTe~ and other gra. are in all, 1,087 villages in this district according to zin,lands: the 1971 Census. Among them 1,051 are inhabited These cover all grazing land! whe' and 36 are uninhabited. 5 villages of the total ther they are permanent pastures inhabited villages are partly included in different and meadows or not. Village urban a1"eas of the district. common and grazing lands within forest areas are included under this head. There are 159 villageS or about 15.1 %of the total inhabited villages with a population of less than 4 Area not available This includes the land under the 500 persons each. 200 villages or about 19.00(0 of the for cultivation (Col. following three categories. 15) total villages belong to the population size of 500·999 (I) Barren and uncullivable land: persons each. 375 villages or abJut 35.7% of the This covers all barren and unculti. total inhabited villages have population ranging vable land like mountains, etc., between J ,000 & 1,999 persons each. There are 290 i.e., which cannot be brought or 27.6.'" of the total inhabited villages with a popu­ under cultivation unless at a high cost whether such land is in iso. lation ranging between 2,000 and 4,999 persons each. lated blocks or within cultivated Only 27 villages in this district have a popUlation of holdings. 5,000 persons or more each. The popUlation range of (if) Land put to non-agricultural use:J: 1,000 to 1,999 persons has a relatively larger number of villages which form more than one·third of the All lands occupied by buildings, roads and railways or under waters total number cf inhabited villages. It is so among ~.g., rivers and canals and other all the taluks except in Manthani and Huzurabad lands put to uses other than agri. taluks which has a higher proportion cf villages in the cultural. population range of 200 and 499 and 2,000-4,999 per· Under column 16 the distance of the village from sons each respectively. The l.alukwise distribution of the nearest town in Kms. is given. The days on villages by size cL1SS of popUlation is given below: STATEMENT 1 TALUKWISE DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY SIZE OF POPULATION

- No.__ of Villages- _..A ______by population ...., Total ,----_. Name oCthe Villages less than 200- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000 Taluk: (Inhabited) 200 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 and above (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) Karimnagar l7i 4 11 30 6S 62 5 Sirsilla ]69 5 16 32 71 42 3 Metpalli 93 2 8 14 37 30 2 Jagtial IS4 16 35 60 38 5 PeddapalJe ]82 6 15 35 71 50 5 Manthani 144 23 47 41 24 9 Huzurabad 132 1 5 13 47 59 5 2 Total 1,051 41 118 20G 375 290 25 Z 8

VILLAGE CLASSIFIED BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 47.2% of villages belong to the area range of 2,001 to' It may be seen from the statement given below ~,OOO acres each and 100 villages or about 9.2% total that 30 villages or 2.8% of the total villages in the villages have an area of 5;001 acres or more each. district hav~ an area of 101 to 500 acres each. 122 Thus there are no very small villages i.e., villages villages or 11.2% and 322 villages or 29.6% of the total with area of 100 acres or less each in this district. villages including the uninhabited villages in the About 50% of the villages in the district have an area district belong to the area ranges of 50 1-1,000 and of 2,001-5,000 acres each. The talukwise distribution 1,001.2,000 acres each respectively. 513 villages or of villages by size class of area is given below.

STATEMENT 2 TALUKWISE DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY SIZE CLASS OF GEOGRAPHICAL AREA No. of Villages by area (in Acres) r .)0.. Name of the Total No. 50 or 51- 101- 201- 501- I ,001- 2,001- 5,001 and Taluk of Villages less 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 above (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Karimnagar 178 2 2 15 65 82 12 Sirsilla 173 2 5 22 41 88 15 Metpalli 96 2 10 2S 52 6 Jagtial 155 2 18 44 82 9 Peddapalle 185 \ 1 3 22 63 78 18 Manthani 168 2 7 19 48 60 32 Huzurabad 132 16 36 71 8 Total 1,087 8 22 122 322 513 lOG

EDUCATIONAL FACn ITIES viII ages or 9% of the inhabited vill2gcs have High or Higher Secondary Schools and 2 villages have collages· An idea of the extent and th~ level to which These two villages lie in Huzurabad Taluk. educational facilities have been provided in the rural areas of the district can be had from the table given MEDICAL FACILITIES below. The villages are classified by the distance to the nearest town with which the villages have establi­ Expansion of the m~dical facilitie!. p:.:rticularly shed commercial, social and other links. in rural areas has been emphasised in the development plans. Aa idea (f the extent to \vhich thes: facilities STATEMENT 3 are available in the rural areas of the district can be had from the following table. EDUCATIONAL F ACILlTIES No. of villages having STATEMENT 4 ,.....--__.--A __ .~ _ __, Primary Middle High or NUMBER OF MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS Distance from Total Schools Schools Higher No. of Medical Institutions nearest town No. of Secon· Colle· ~. in Kms. villages dary ges Disl?en. Others (Phe, (Inhabited) Schools Name of the Hospitals sarles Fpc & Mew) Taluk (1 ) (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1 ) (2) (3) (4) 1 5 or less 63 51 9 6 Karimnagar 8 6-10 147 122 25 g Sirsilla 7 11-15 143 113 27 12 Metpalli 16-25 329 268 53 36 4 Jagtial 26-50 310 246 45 28 2 3 PeddapalJe 4 51-100 59 38 S 4 Manthani 4 Total 1,OS1 838 167 94 2 Huzurabad 6 Total 3 2 36 . Out of the 1,051 inhabited villages in the district primary schools exist in 838 or about 80% of the total There are 41 medical institutions of various types inhabited villages, 213 villages or 20% of the total in~ in the rural parts of th'! district. Among these 3 are habited villages do not have the minimum educational hospitals and are located in the rural· parts of Karim­ facilities. 167 villages or about 16% of total inhabited nagar, Peddapalle and Huzurabad taluks. No. villages have Middle or Upper Primary Schools, 94 H0spitai facilities are availcble in lhe rural par1s of. 9 the remammg {aur taluks viz., Sirsilla, Metpalli, 209 out of the 304 eIcetrified villages lie within Jagtial and Manthani. Only 2 dispensaries exist in the 25 Kms. from urban areas. The talukwise breakup Of rural parts of the district and they are located one the 304 electrified villages and the percentage of the each in Manthani and Huzurabad talub. Besides electrified villages to the total villages in each taluk hospitals and dispensaries there are 36 other medical are given in the table below: institutions such as Primuy Health Centres, Family STATEMENT 6 Planning Clinics, and Maternity Child Welfare Centres, distributed among all the taluks. On an TALUKWISE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIFIED VILLAGES average there is not even one medical institution (or Percentage No. of of electrified every 100 Sq. Kms. rural area in the district which Name of the Total No. of electrified villages to indicates the inadequacy of the medical facilities in Taluk villages villages total number of villages the rural areas, (1) (2) (3) (4) ELECTRIFICATION Karimnagar 178 91 51.1 The number of villages including the unin­ Sirsilla 173 39 22.5 MetpaIJi 96 8 8.3 habited villages where power supply is available Jagtial 155 23 14.8 for domestic and or for agricultural or industrial Peddapalle 185 60 32.4 purposes is given in the table below. The villageS Manthani 168 12 7.1 are classified by the distance to the nearest town so as Huzurabad 132 71 53.7 to have an idea as to how far the rural areas remote Total 1,087 304 28.0 from the urban centres He provided with power Comparatively Huzurabad taluk has a higher 5upply. proportion (53.7%) of v.illages electrified. Karim­ nagar taluk comes next in the order with 51.1 % of the STATEMENT 5 villages electrified. Manthani taluk has the lowest pro­ NUMBER OF VILLAGES HAVING ELECTRICITY portion of only 7.1 % villages electrified. On the whole Distance from nearest Total No. of No. of villages the proportion of villages electrified in the district town in Kms. villages where electric is low compared to that in other districts of the State. supply is avialable COMMUNICATION FACILITIES (1) (2) (3) Good road transport and communication facilities 5 or less 65 34 are essential for the economic development of a region 6-10 150 50 or district. It may be observed from the t3ble below 11-15 145 43 that 233 villages aT 21.4~{, of the total number of 16-25 336 82 villages (including the uninhabited) are connected by 26-50 ~22 82 pucca roads while 350 villages or 32.2 .;, of the total 51-100 68 13 Unspecified villages are connected by katcha roads. Rail trans­ port facilities are available only for 4 villages in the Total 1,087 304 district. 504 villages or 46.Yo of the total villages in the It may be noticed that a higher proportion of district are not connected either with pucca or katcha villages near about the urban areas are electrified. roads. Out of a total of 1,087 villages in the district 304 A table showing the distribution of villages by the villages or 28% of the total villages are electrified. type of transport facility available is given below:


Distance from the Total Number of villages connected by neareM town No. of ....., in Kms. villages Pucca road Katcha Pucca road & Others road train (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) S or less 6S 31 16 19 6-10 150 42 53 5S 11-15 145 28 69 1 47 16-25 336 61 120 1 155 26-50 322 6S - 84 173 51-100 68 6 8 2 54 Unspecified 1 Total 1,087 233 350 4 504 10

POSTAL FACILITIES STAPLE FOOD The following statement indicates the number The staple food of the people in the rural parts of this. of villages having post offices, telegraph offices and telephone facilities in the rural parts of each taluk. district are Ricf:", Jowar and Maize.



Total Number of villages having A ______------....., r------Others A _____-.. No. of Post Offices Name of the Inhabited Post Telegraph r Phones per 100 Sq. Kms. taluk Villages Offices Offices Post & Telegraph Offices (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 6.31 Karimnagar 177 116 2 2 6.18 8irsiJIa 169 113 2 6.61 Metpalli 93 59 5.21 Jagtial 154 91 I 1 3 5.47 PeddapalJe 182 98 3 1.25 Manthani 144 33 7.10 Hu~rabad 132 103 3 6 5.30 Total 1,051 '13 12 1

O).1t of the 1,051 inhabited villages in this district CULTlVITED AREA 613 villages have post offices, 12 villages have tele~ A statement showing the average cuhiv:lted land graph facility, one village has both post office and and the ~verage cultivable waste per village classified telegraph office facility. Only 6 villages have telephone by the dislance to the nearest iOwn is given below. facility in this district. The proportion of villages The villages are classified by the distance to the having post offices is relatively higher in Huzura bad nearest urbln centre so as to hwe un idea of ho\" for taluk while it is low in Manthani taluk. the distance has a bearing on the ~and use pattern.



Percentage of average Average cultivated Total culti- Average culti- Distance from Number of Total cultivated cultivable waste per the riearest villages land (in Acres) land per village vable waste vable waste per village village to average town in Kms. (in Acres) (in Acres) (in Acres) cultivated land per village

(6) (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 13.0 95,202 1,465 12,435 191 5 ,or less 65 21.8 6--10 150 201,346 1,342 43,797 292 19.0 11-15 145 220,019 1,517 41,904 288 16.6 16-25 336 547,634 1,630 90,899 271 36.5 26-50 322 424,386 1,318 154,897 481 95.5 51-100 68 119,525 1,758 114,188 1,679 Unspecified 28.5 Total 1,087 1,608,112 1,479 "53,120 4:21

On an average the area under cultivation in each some efforts. It may be observed that the proportion viliage is 1,479 acres, 'while the extent of cultivable of cultivable waste to land cultivated is very high waste is 421 acreS. There is cultivable waste in each among the villages beyond 50 Kms. from the nearest village equivalent to about 28.5}6ofthe cultivated land town. The talukwise picture is also given below to hwe which could be brought under the plough perhaps with a comparative idea of the different taluks in the district. 11'



Total cultivated Average cultivated Total culti· Average cuhi· Percentage of average Name of the Number of land land per village vable waste vable waste cultivable waste per Taluk villages (in Acres) (in Acres) (in Acres) per village village to average (in Acres) cultivated land per village (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Karimnagar . 178 329,058 1,849 51,128 287 15.5 Sirsilla 173 241,771 1,398 48,795 282 20.2 Metpalli 96 148,659 1,549 8,190 .S 5.S Jagtial ISS 213,781 1,379 33,737 218 15.8 Peddapalle 185 287,279 1,553 54,895 297 19.1 Manthani 168 205,289 1,222 177,706 1,058 86.6 Huzurabad 132 182,275 1,381 83,669 634 45.9 Total 1,087 1,608,112 1,4" 458,120 411 21.5 The average cultivated land per village is more in (iii) Electricity is available in only 28% of the total Karimnagar taluk while it is less in Manthani taluk. villages in the district. The proportion of average cultivable waste to the cultivated land in each village is very high in Man­ (iv) Only 21.4"fo of the total villages are connected by thani taluk i.e., 86.6% while it is very low in Metpalli pucca rods. taluk with 5.5%.

The several particulars furnished in the Village (v) An extent equivalent to about 28.5% of the culti­ Directory reveal that vated land is left uncultivated in ~ch village OD the average. (i) Minimum education facilities are not available in 20% of the inhabited villages in the district. These facts indicate clearly that further develop­ (ii) There is not even one medical institution for ment in all these fields is necessary in the rural parts every 100 Sq. Km. of rural are(l. of Karimnagar District. , KARIMNAGAR T ALUK }./ IS' --.--.------t------~~------'---.1 I JAGTIAL TALUK I ANDHRA PRADESH KARIMNAGAR TALUK KARI,MNAGAR DISTRICT

10 11 14 KILOHITlllS


Note; l.CNo :,~ F .. ;Jy Included II! KOlk,Ll' (HII"tllf Town L.e.No. 78 Partly Included In Karirn~lVr Town

TaJltk Bculld~r, SIRSILLA Villale Boundary .,..ith location Code Number

TALUK Talvk Headqllarters


Urban ,Area

HLJ5NABAD Na.!1I" of all urle "11I'Ie, 'Hlth Minlmll" PopulatlOft 0( 5.000 Yf~ locatIOn Ske SH State HililwafS Oth,r Roads J. IS' Rlvus " J: IS' C ~ S)lmboJJ' Repra.enutlon of ViliaCeJ: 5,000 Ifld abo'le Perso -t N ,.. C • 1,000 '0 4,999 Peno :0 SOO r - "' 'ersons ,.. • C 200 499 Penolls ;0;; m • ,.. • las tNlt 100 'er$OM C 0 U/I·lnhablttd VI!lages

P0 ro, POlt OfIice~ Telegraph 0Ifke

p, Polite Statlon$

Rif Rest Hau~. lra"eJ)~' Bungalow ® HoSPilalc~r~"!'1 =::i~t;~~~~=:I •. SIDDIPET (.) Rural,Area



f1llE~ (I 0 6 16 1,4

a 0 816243140 KMS. ANOHII..A PRADESH . . . 18 00' 00" " CO'


Name of the 18 1)(" T~luk

KARII1NAGAR , .....8

79' )0' 79° 00' Ent of Greenwich. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1971 1971 1"1 Nam(of Village Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Location Code No. Code No. Code No.

136 Indirthi 135 Nawabpet 2S Achampalle 109 Nednoor 8 Aithipalle 68 Irukulla 4 IsIampur 140 179 Akkannapet 28 Nyalakondapalle 98 Algunoor 102 Annaram 177 Jangaon 178 Anthakkapet 95 Jangapalle 169 Pandilla 76 Arepalle 66 Jublinagar 82 Panthulu Kondapur 38 Arnakonda 153 ParlapaIIe SI Asifnagar alias Baswapet 131 "Kachapur 88 Parvella 3 Kachireddipalle 134 Parweda Baddipalle 148 Kalledu lSI Polampalle 49 143 Porandla 121 Baswapur 90 Kallepalle 91 Bejjenki 55 Kamanpur 97 Pothgal 40 Bhoopalapatnam 78 Karimnagar 116 Potharam 157 Bommanapalle 43 KatnepaIIe 164 Potharam 99 Bommakal 87 Khasimpet 173 Potharam 7 Burgupalle 53 Khazipur 168 Potlapalle 29 Kistapur 129 Koheda 36 Ragampet 26 Catboothkur 59 Kokkarkunta 126 Ramachandrapur 64 42 Kolimikunta 33 69 Chamanpalle 61 Konerupalle 138 Ramancha 117 Cheelapur 146 Kondapalkal 174 Ramavaram 73 Chegurti 160 Kondapur 170 Regonda 144 Chengerle 6 Kondaipalle 118 Regulapalle 71 Cherla Boothkur 122 Koorela )10 Reinikunta 106 Cherlapur 32 Koratpalle 156 Rekonda 155 Chigurumamidi 58 KothapaIIe Haveli 79 Rekurthi 80 Chintakunta 139 Kothapalle 45 Rudravaram 16 Chippakurti Patti Nustulapur 63 Rukmapur 37 Chityalpalle 166 Kuchenpalle 1 RyaJapalle 39 21 Kurikyal Lakshmipur 130 Samudral Dacharam 35 92 Lakshmipur 96 Sangam 34 Dathojipet 57 101 Lingapur 14 Sarvareddipalle 47 Desrajpalle 77 Seetharampur 1ll Devakpalle 147 Maddikunta 119 Shanigaram 171 Dongala Dharmaram 31 Shanagar 74 Dursedsheda 86 Madhapur 56 Malkapur 17 Sri Ramuiapalle 22 Mallapur 132 Sri Ramulapalle 103 Edulgatlapalle 150 Mallapur 159 Sundargiri 67 Elapotharam 100 54 Eigandal 142 Mannampalle 123 Thangallapalle 72 Maqdoompur 70 Thayar Kondapur 19 Fakirpet 162 Mohammadapur 15 Thirmalapur 65 Fakirpet 152 Molugupalem 112 Thotapalle 46 Motha 165 Thotapalle 137 Mudimanikiam 105 Timmapur 114 161 Mududha 175 Gandipalle 154 MuJkunur 20 Gangadhara 104 Munjempalle 158 Ullampalle 145 Gangipalle 115 Muthannapet 23 UppermaIlial 84 Gannervaram 85 Myilaram 24 Garsekurthi 2S Gattu Boothkur 108 Vachunur Nagaram 149 Galtu Duddenapalle . 163 52 Vaddyaram Nagnur 30 Gopalaraopet 62 89 Vadlur Begumpet Nagulmalyal 107 GopaJpur 50 75 Vallampahad Nagireddipur 128 Gottamitta 18 25 VanjapaIIe 176 Gouravelly 133 Nakkirakommula 60 Vannaram Nallagonda 124 Gugilla 141 113 Varikole Namapur 44 11 27 Vedire 120 Gundareddipalle 9 Nandagiri Nandaram 41 Vedurughattu 13 Gundi 172 93 Veerapur 94 Gunkulkondapur 127 Narayanpur Narayanpur Patti 48 VelchaI 5 2 Venkataipalle Nandagiri 81 Hasanapur 10 NarasimhlapaIIe 1(;7 Husnabad 12 NarasimhunipaIIe 83 Yaswada

13 14


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Ryalapalle 3.54 P W KR Ri,J,M 2 Venkataipalle 1.97 p W PR Ri,J,M 3 Kachireddipalle 2.40 P W KR Ri,J,M 4 Islampur 0.68 P E W KR Ri,J,M 5 Narayanpur Patti V)5 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M Nand"g,iri

6 Kondiapalle 1.56 P W KR Ri,J,M 7 Burgupalle 2.89 p W KR Ri,J,M 8 Aithipalle 3.19 M,H E W KR PO Ri,J,M 9 Nandagiri 2.65 P E W KR Ri,J,M 10 Narasimhapalle 2.44' P E W KR Ri,J,M

11 Namapur 3.52 M E W KR PO J,M 12 Narasimhunipalle 1.68 P W KR J,M 13 Gundi . " 36 M,H Phc,Fpc E W PR PO J,M 14 Sarvareddipalle -:':-11.19 P E W KR Ri,J,M 15 Thirmalapur 2.83 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

16 Chippakurti 2.87 P E W KR Ri,J,M 17 Sri Ramulapalle 0.80 P W KR Ri,J,M 18 Nagireddipur 2.26 P E W KR Ri,J,M 19 Fakirpet 0.22 Uninhabited 20 Gangadhara 2.26 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M

21 Kurikyal 4.31 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 22 Mallapur 2.84 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 23 Uppermallial 6.13 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 24 Garsekurthi 5.42 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 25 Achampalle 3.04 P W KR Ri,J,M

26 Catboothkur 5.31 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 27 Vedire 6.23 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 28 Nyalakondapalle 2.55 P E W PR Ri,J,M 29 Kistapur 0.57 P W KR Ri,J,M 30 Gopalaraopet 0.17 M W KR Ri,J,M

31 Shanagar 2.92 P E W KR Ri,J,M 32 Koratpalle 2.00 P W KR Ri,J,M 33 Ramadugu 3.10 M,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 34 Dathojipet 2.58 P W KR Ri,J,M 35 Lakshmipur 3.38 P W KR PO J,M

36 Ragampet 6.57 2M W KR PO I,M 37 Chityalpalle 2.80 P W KR J,M 38 Arnakonda 6.91 2M E W PR PO J,M 39 Choppadandi 10.04 M,H E W PR PO J,M 40 Bhoopalapatnam 2.15 P W KR J,M 15


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest , Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

13 T(161); Tk(l61) 1,484 607 Karimnagar 24 S4 T(l08); Tk(108) 889 209 Karimnagar 24 1 217 T(l30); C(64), Tk(54),O(12) 1,115 73 Karimnagar 24 3 12 T(1l0); Tk(84),O(26) 252 61 Karimnagar 23 4 T(43J); Tk(431) 1,372 385 Karimnagar 20 5

T(74); Tk(74) 821 103 Karimnagar 22 6 T(262); Tk(262) 1,511 3 79 Karimnagar 25 7 T(438); Tk(438) 1,125 12 466 Karimnagar 27 8 T(141); Tk(l28),C(7),O(6) 1,291 33 210 Karimnagar 26 9 T(93); Tk(93) 1,283 31 154 Karimnagar 28 10

T(210); Tk(196),O(14) 1,637 204 200 Karimnagar 32 11 T(157); Tk(157) 803 12 103 Karimnagar 34 12 T(499); Tk(489),O(lO) I,Oll Karimnagar 26 Sunday 13 206 T(242); Tk(242) 1,042 Karimnagar 23 14 T(193); Tk(193) 1,428 14 176 Karimnagar 23 15

T(219); Tk(219) 1,272 114 231 Karimnagar 20 16 T(93); Tk(93) 348 24 47 Karimnagar 24 17 T(l75); Tk(l75) 1,170 17 70 Karimnagar 25 18 T(69); Tk(69) 65 Karimnagar 23 19 T(794); Tk(794) 652 Karimnagar 20 20

T(371); Tk(371) 2,085 102 200 Karimnagar 25 21 T(138); Tk(l38) 1,563 80 36 Karimnagar 22 22 T(540); Tk(540) 3,104 58 221 Karirnnagar 17 23 T(222); Tk(213),O(9) 2,994 64 187 Karimnagar 16 24 T(154); Tk(l54) 1,563 172 56 Karimnagar 19 25

T(6IB); Tk(618) 2,052 196 532 Karirnnagar 16 26 T(495); Tk(495) 2,967 1,057 Karimnagar 22 27 T(I02); Tk(!o2) 1,385 81 69 Karimnagar 14 28 T(48); Tk(48) 276 40 Karimnagar 23 29 T(19); Tk(19) 79 8 Karimnagar 8 30

T(392); Tk(392) 1,208 68 200 Karimnagar 22 31 T(203); Tk(203) 921 156 Karimnagar 22 32 T(381); Tk(381) 1,270 89 244 Karimnagar 17 Wednesday' 33 T(96); Tk(96) 1,384 141 28 Karimnagar 15 34 T(234); Tk(234) 1,897 106 94 Karirnnagar 29 35

T(686); Tk(686) 3,217 226 74 Karimnagar 26 36 T(l52); Tk(133),O(19) 1,409 145 86 Karimnagar 26 37 T(392); Tk(392) 3,198 245 580 Karirnnagar 22 38 T(731); Tk(731) 5,169 194 330 Karimnagar 19 Friday 39 T(170); Tk(170) 1,059 68 78 Karimnagar 22 40 16 VILLAGE Amenitie. KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT

AMENITIES AVAILABLB WlmlN TH1! VILLAGE Loca- Area ..... Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (~ (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

41 Vedurughattu 6.47 M E W KR PO I,M 42 Kolimikunta 2.00 P E W PR PO I,M 43 Katnepalle 5.44 2M E W KR PO I,M 44 Gumlapur 5.04 M E W KR PO I,M 45 Rudravaram 2.60 2M E W KR PO I,M

46 Motha 2.75 p E W KR PO I,M 47 Desrajpalle 3.17 M E W KR I,M 48 Velchal 5.50 p E W KR PO Ri,I,M 49 Baddipalle 2.'35 P W KR PO Ri,I,M 50 Nagulma\yal 3.76 p E W KR Ri,J,M

51 Asifnagar alias 2.66 P W KR PO Ri,I,M Baswapet 52 Vaddyaram 2.75 p E W PR Ri,J,M 53 Khazipur 3.89 P W KR Ri,I,M 54 Elganda\ 6.64 M,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 55 Kamanpur 2.93 P W KR PO Ri,I,M

56 Malkapur 2.07 P E W KR Ri,I,M 57 Lakshmipur 0.78 M W KR Ri,I,M vi 58 Kothapalle Haveli 6.21 Urban Area (Kothapalle Haveli Town) 59 Kokkarkunta 1.36 P E W KR Ri,I,M 60 Vannaram 2.25 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

61 Konerupalle 0.92 P W KR I,M 62 Nagnur 7.49 P,M,H E W PR PO,Phone I,M 63 Rukmapur 3.92 M E W PR PO I,M 64 Chakunta 1.87 M E W KR PO I,M 65 Fakirpet 3.17 P W PR I,M

66 Jublinagar 0.59 P E W KR I,M 67 Elapotharam 2.23 P E W KR I,M 68 lrukulla 2.54 P E W PR I,M 59 Chamanpalle 4.60 2M,H E W PR PO J,M 70 Thayar Kondapur 0.96 W KR I,M

71 Cherla Boothkur 2.98 M E W KR PO I,M 72 Maqdoompur 7.49 2M E W PR PO I,M 73 Chegurti 2.71 P E W KR I,M 74 Dursedsheda 4.35 H Fpc E W PR I,M 75 Vallampahad 1.10 P E W PR I,M

76 Arepalle 3.16 P E W PR PG I,M 77 Seethararnj)Ur 0.47 P E W KR I,M 78 Karimnagar (Rural) 9.21 6P,C H,Mcw E W PR ,PTO,Phone I,M 79 Rekurthi 1.89 P E W PR I,M 80 Chintakunta 3.90 P E W PR PO I,M 17


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious,

" Nearest Day historical Loca· Area not Town or days or archaeo· tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im· Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In KIDs.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(311); Tk(309),O(2) 3,320 276 230 Karimnagar 22 41 T(137); Tk(137) 993 25 100 Karimnagar 16 42 T(422); Tk(369),0(53) 2,567 425 67 Karimnagar 13 43 T(342); Tk(307),O(35) 2,207 272 400 Karimnagar 22 44 T(305); Tk(305) 1,129 57 139 Karimnagar 9 45

T(240); Tk(217),W(23) 1,320 146 56 Karimnagar 11 46 T(260); Tk(206),W(54) 1,473 185 85 Karimnagar 9 47 T(4SO); Tk(450) 2,005 589 476 Karimnagar 14 48 T(135); Tk(13S) 1,254 115 Karimnagar 18 49 T(314); Tk(314) 1,705 203 138 Karimnagar 18 SO

T(331); Tlc(33l) 1,056 39 276 Karimnagar 14 51

T(204); Tk(204) 1,355 173 28 Karimnagar 21 52 T(I06); Tk(I06) 1,872 74 436 Karimnagar 14 53 T(605); C(370), Tk(235) 2,559 1,085 Karimnagar 19 Wednesday 54 T(265); Tk(265) 1,058 550 Karimnagar 14 55

T(105); Tk(lOO),O(S) 953 126 140 Karimnagar 10 56 T(57); Tk(57) 4,346 73 516 Karimnagar 11 57 Urban Area (Kolhapalle Haveli Town) 58 T(llS); Tk(115) 677 40 38 Karimnagar 11 59 T(SO); Tk(41),W(9) 800 174 416 Karimnagar 11 60

T(61); 0(46),Tk(IS) 426 80 10 Karimnagar 13 61 T(32S); Tk(325) 3,164 269 1,005 Karimnagar 4 62 T(224); Tk(221),O(3) 1,997 248 30 Karimnagar 11 63 T(320);Tk(285),W(23),O(12) 616 105 150 Karimnagar 11 64 T(46); Tk(46) 140 1,014 828 Karimnagar 24 65

T(13); Tk(3) 258 3 103 Karimnagar 22 66 T(191); Tk(191) 1,045 7 184 Karimnagar 5 67 T(103); 0(78), Tk(25) 124 48 1,349 Karimnagar 3 68 T(444); Tk(444) 1,978 93 43 Karimnagar 13 69 T(64); Tk(64) 495 25 24 Karimnagar 11 70

T(346); Tk(346) 1,384 85 90 Karimnagar 10 71 T(354); C(262),Tk(92) 19 158 4,262 Karimnagar 5 72 T(65); Tk(65) 619 13 1,037 Karimnagar 5 73 T(92); Tk(92) 567 2,005 120 Karimnagar 8 74 T(3S); Tk(31),C(4) 567 5 96 Karimnagar 1t ~ I .1$ •. 75

T(69); Tk(69) 1,348 86 619 Karimnagar 7 76 T(80); Tk(80) 120 2,001 807 Karimnagar 2 77 T(156); 0(125) ,Tk(31) 3,916 1,374 446 Karimnagar 10 Saturday 78 , .. T(202); Tk(145),C(57) 344 68 590 Karimnagar 3 79 T(375); Tk(37S) 505 279 1,335 Karimnagar 3 80

• 18



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r A. --, tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

81 Hasanapur 3.23 P,M E W KR PO J,M 82 Panthulu Kondapur. 4.24 P E W KR PO J,M 83 Yaswada 4.51 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M 84 Gannervaram 8.76 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 85 Mylaram 3.33 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

86 Madhapur 3.40 P W KR Ri,J,M 87 Khasimpet 1.85 P E W KR Ri,J,M 88 Parvella 2.08 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 89 Vadlur Begumpet 7.10. H E W KR PO Ri,J,M 90 Kallepalle 6.68 P W PO Ri,J,M

91 Bejjenki 9.81 H W PR PO Ri,J,M 92 Dacharam 5.08 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 93 Veerapur 0.87 P W Ri,J,M 94 Gunkulkondapur 6.23 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 95 Jangapalle 3.29 P W KR PO Ri,J,M

96 Sangam 7.15 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 97 Pothgal 1.32 P E W KR J,M W PR PO J,M 98 Algunoor 3.98 P ~ E 99 Bommakal 4.96 P E W PR PO J,M 100 Manakonpur 7.68 M,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M

101 Lingapur 2.22 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M 102 Annaram 6.50 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 103 Edulgatlapalle 2.20 P E W KR Ri,J,M 104 Manjempalle 2.38 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 105 Timmapur 4.44 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

106 Cherlapur 3.49 P E W PR PO J,M 107 Gopalpur 1.23 P E W KR Ri,J,M 108 Vachunur 4.09 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 109 Neanoor 7.49 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 110 Rcinikunta 4.30 P E W PR PO Ri.J,M

III Devakpalle 1.06 P W Ri,J,M 112 Thotapalle 5.21 P Phe W PR PO Ri,J,M 113 Varikole 4.17 P,M W PO RU,M 114 GagiJIapur 2.54 P,M W PR PO Ri,J,M 115 Muthannapet 2.37 P W PR Ri,J,M

116 Potharam 1.89 P W PR Ri,J,M 117 Cheelapur 1. 81 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 118 Regulapalle 3.25 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 119 Shanigaram 6.65 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 120 Gundareddipalle 6.06 P W KR PO Ri,J,M ,



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, A Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest , Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vat ion (In Kms.) Market if any (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(l20); Tk(I20) 1,235 278 435 Karimnagar 2 81 T(301); Tk(77),C(124) 62 2,025 325 Karimnagar 6 82 T(253); Tk(73),C(167),0(I3) 1,000 764 869 Karimnagar 11 83 T(489); Tk(358), C(13l) 446 4,282 389 Karimnagar 22 84 T(l95); Tk(195) 1,664 290 Karimnagar 16 85

T(94); Tk(93),0(l) 1,963 80 Karimnagar 22 86 T(59); Tk(59) 1,017 106 2 Karimnagar 22 87 T(148); Tk(128),0(20) 990 193 Karimnagar 26 88 T(322); Tk(277),C(26) ,0(19) 3,704 517 Karimnagar 29 8' T(391); Tk(360),C(31) 3,283 601 Karimnagar 23 90

T(661); Tk(661) 4,824 566 227 Karimnagar 22 Monday 91 T(1,701); Tk(l, 701) 688 417 445 Karimnagar 21 92 T(87); Tk(87) 430 20 Karimnagar 21 93 T(256); Tk(256) 3,301 320 110 Karimnagar 24 94 T(280); Tk(280) 1,568 257 Karimnagar 16 95

T(474); Tk(347),C(87),0(40) 2,000 2,000 102 Karimnagar 11 96 T(141); Tk(6),C(135) 20 14 669 Karimnagar 6 97 T(259); Tk(163),C(96) 1,815 104 268 Karimnagar 2 98 T(97); Tk(97) 1,257 50 1,770 Karimnagar 2 99 T(863); Tk(863) 2,626 1,426 Karimnagar 8 100

T(86); Tk(86) 811 370 153 Karimnagar 12 101 T(422); Tk(422) 2,120 1,386 232 Karimnagar 13 102 T(96); Tk(96) 937 299 76 Karimnagar 8 103 T(224); Tk(224) 858 350 71 Karimnagar 9 104 T(247); Tk(247) 1,945 434 215 Karimnagar 8 105

T(408); Tk(105),C(303) 1,348 17 460 Karimnagar 5 106 T(60); Tk(34),0(26) 588 101 28 Karimnagar 8 107 T(l21); Tk(l21) 1,525 900 71 Karimnagar 12 108 T(243); Tk(243) 1,686 1,929 935 Karimnagar 10 109 T(45); Tk(45) 1,800 66 841 Karimnagar 17 110

T(95); Tk(95) 471 101 Karimnagar 20 111 T(667); Tk(667) 2,048 16 601 Karimnagar 18 112 T(510); Tk(5IO) 1,300 52 800 Karimnagar 22 113 T(758); Tk(758) 459 207 202 Karimnagar 21 114 T(479); Tk(479) 780 197 160 Karimnagar 21 115

T(91); Tk(90),C(I) 526 32 560 Karimnagar ~3 116 T(801); Tk(801) 181 46 122 Karimnagar 21 117 T(208); Tk(208) 800 500 572 Karimnagar 23 118 T(I,933); Tk(1,933) 1,109 198 1,000 Karimnagar 23 119 T(41); Tk(41) 1,606 569 1,661 Karimnagar 22 120 20


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THI! VILUGll Loca- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Cornmu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nieations Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 Baswapur 14.11 M W PR PO Ri,J,M 122 Koorela 4.17 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 123 Thangallapalle 0.55 M W PR PO Ri,J,M 124 GugiUa 3.27 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 125 Vanjapalle 2.34 P W KR PO Ri,J,M

126 Ramachandrapur 3.43 P W Ri,J,M 127 Narayanpur 2.28 P W PO Ri,J,M 128 Gottamitta 1.4( P W Ri,J,M 129 Koheda 13.74\ M,H W PR PO Ri,J,M 130 Samudral 8.39 p W PO Ri,J,M

131 Kachapur 2.77 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 132 Sri Ramulapalle 1.41 P W KR Ri,J,M 133 Nakkirakommula 1.68 P W KR Ri,J,M 134 Parweda 2.08 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 135 Nawabpet 4.75 P W PO Ri,J,M

136 Indirthi 9.50 P,H W PO Ri,J,M 137 Mudimanikiam 2.66 P W PO Ri,J,M 138 Ramancha 14.28 P W PO Ri,J,M 139 Kothapalle Patti 2.76 P,H E W KR Ri,J,M Nustulapur 140 Nustulapur 7.85 H W PR PO Ri,J,M

141 Nallagonda 3.82 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 142 Mannampalle 3.43 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 143 Porandla 3.25 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 144 Chengeria 7.10 P,M W PR PO Ri,J,M 145 GangipaUe 6.89 P,M .J E W KR PO Ri,J,M

146 Kondapalkal 7.29 H W KR PO Ri,J,M 147 Maddikunta 2.23 P W KR Ri,J,M 148 Kalledu 2.50 P W KR PO Ri,I,M 149 Gattu Duddenapalle. 3.29 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 150 Mallapur 3.72 p E W KR PO Ri,J,M

151 Polampalle 4.11 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 152 Molugupalem 4.82 P E W PO Ri,J,M 153 Pariapalle 6.22 H E W KR P0 Ri,J,M 154 Mulkunur 4.08 P Fpc W PO Ri,J,M 155 Chigurumamidi 1.85 H E W KR PO Ri,J,M

156 Rekonda 8.54 E W PO Ri,J,M 157 Bommanapalle 5.70 P,M W Po Ri,J,M 158 Ullampalle 2.31 P W Ri,J,M 159 Sundargiri 5.51 P E W PO Ri,J,M 160 Kondapur 1.65 p W Ri,J,M 21


LAND USI! (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca- Area no' Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culu- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(500); Tk(500) 3,000 1,977 3,553 Karimnagar 22 121 662 T(I,528); Tk(1,528) 234 25 881 Karimnagar 22 122 3SG T(767); Tk(767) 1,810 9 1,070 Karimnagar 24 123 T(1,142); Tk(l,142) 692 108 150 Karimnagar 23 124 65 T(414); Tk(414) 419 95 504 Karimnagar 24 125

T(343); Tk(343) 1,531 321 Karimnagar 21 126 T(256); Tk(256) 825 378 Karimnagar 22 127 T(82); Tk(82) 796 51 Karimnagar 24 128 T(6,311); Tk(6,311) 487 81 1,914 Karimnagar 24 129 T(SS3); Tk(SS3) 3,591 1,195 Karimnagar 22 130

T(134); Tk(134) 1,000 529 109 Karimnagar 23 131 T(868); Tk(868) 9 5 14 Karimnagar 24 132 T(662); Tk(662) 71 63 279 Karimnagar 24 133 T(973); Tk(973) 131 90 138 Karimnagar 24 134 T(425); Tk(425) 2,219 396 Karimnagar 23 135

T(972); Tk(972) 4,118 990 Karimnagar 21 136 T(308); Tk(308) 1,120 270 Karimnagar 21 137 T(304); Tk(304) 1,406 6,000 1,428 Karimnagar 21 138 T(199); Tk(199) 1,075 492 Karimnagar II 139

T(472); Tk(472) 3,197 1,355 Karimnagar 7 140

T(13l); Tk(13l) .1,782 531 Kllrimnagar 18 141 T(258); Tk(258) 1,504 433 Karimnagar 27 142 T(304); Tk(304) 1,165 611 Karimnagar 13 143 T(251); Tk(251) 2,000 543 1,750 Karimnagar 16 144 T(873); Tk(873) 3,133 6 400 Karimnagar 26 145

T(303); Tk(303) 3,724 292 346 Karimnagar 23 146 T(ll2); Tk(l12) 986 144 175 Karimnagar 25 147 T(139); Tk(139) 1,117 40 304 Karimnagar 19 148 T(176); Tk(172),W(4) 1,264 665 Karimnagar 18 149 T(200); Tk(200) 1,565 6 608 Karimnagar 27 150

T(501); Tk(50J) 1,395 63 671 Kar imnagar 21 151 T(281); Tk(274),O(7) 2,607 195 Karimnagar 24 152 T(504); Tk(504) 2,815 372 289 Karimnagar 25 153 T(398); Tk(398) 1,817 396 Karimnagar 16 154 T(601); Tk(601) 583 Karimnagar 20 155

T(682); Tk(682) 2,403 1,526 854 Karimnagar 25 156 T(453); Tk(427),C(26) 2,555 162 Karimnagar 21 157 T(l12); Tk(112) 1,101 262 Karimnagar 21 158 T(246); Tk(200),O(46) 2,745 835 Karimnagar 22 159 T(64); Tk(64) 816 ISO Karimnagar 26 160 22


AMIlNITIES AVAI1.ABLE WITHIN THE VIL1.AGE Loca- Area A-.... tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

161 Mududha 2.17 P W Ri,J,M 162 Mohammadapur 1.42 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 163 Nagaram 0.82 P W Ri,J,M 164 Potharam 1.37 P W PO Ri,J,M 165 Thotapalle 3.14 P,R W PO Ri,J,M

166 Kuchenpalle 1.93 P W Ri,J,M 167 Husnabad 9.96 R Phc,Fpc E W PR Pq,TO Ri,J,M HiS Potlapalle 3.47\ P W Ri,J,M 169 Pandilla 4.71 P PO Ri,J,M 170 Regonda 6.27 P,R W PO Ri,J,M

171 Dongala Dharmaram 1.93 P W Ri,J,M 172 Nandaram 2.28 P W Ri,J,M 173 Potharam 2.79 P W PO Ri,J,M 174 Ramavaram 5.40 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 175 Gandipalle 6.89 P W PO Ri,J,M

176 Gouravelly 6.44 P W PO Ri,J,M 177 Jangaon 5.63 P W PO Ri,J,M 178 Anthakkapet 3.69 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 179 Akkannapet 8.91 P W PO Ri,J,M 23



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, ·r Town or days historical Loca- Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest r Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (I)

T(20Z); Tk(202) 46 600 Karimnagar 28 161 T(132); Tk(89),0(43) 67 609 100 Karimnagar 28 162 T(38}; Tk(30),0(8) 124 63 Karimnag'ar 28 163 T(284); Tk(283),0(l) 487 105 Karimnagar 26 164 T(516); Tk(397),0(1l9) 1,207 122 Karimnagar 26 165

T(279); Tk(279) 1,324 275 Karimnagar 26 166 T(884); Tk(884) 4,000 898 588 Karimnagar 26 167 T(285); Tk(285) 1,447 480 Karimnagar 25 168 T(455); Tk(418),C(37) 2,264 296 Karimnagar 28 169 T(676); Tk(622),0(54) 3,154 182 Karimnagar 21 170

T(87), Tk(87) 849 298 Karimnagar 26 171 T(n); Tk(72) 939 448 Karimnagar 28 172 T(364); Tk(364) 926 395 Karimnagar 27 173 T(218); Tk(21 1), 0(7) 2,805 413 Karimnagar 24 174 T(310); Tk(297),C(13) 285 17 3,797 Karimnagar 25 175

T(30l); Tk(266),C(25),0(l0) 3,779 6,949 Karimnagar 26 176 T(596); Tk(481 ),C(115) 2,342 665 Karimnagar 21 177 T(480); Tk(447),C(33) 1,190 691 Karimnagar 28 178 T(480); Tk(436),0(25),C(l9) 4,478 744 Karimnagar 28 179



, I


..J ...J c( 0. .... I.LI ~

i .."i i .s 'Q~ 0 j~ i ~ ~ ill ~ ~~ I! .J\1 ...J c(~ ...... «Ii "'"a Iii ~I a )-0 Id 0 0 :>~ o~ ~ ~ 111< .. • l:~ 0:::1 ! ~ a:z «~ ~ « ~ i .- ~z g ~. ~ ~ 2 « z ~J .3 :.:: h lS 3 j : ~l n ;; ~l .~ ($~ }i o i B ~ :E ~ ;; .. ; ~ ~ • } ~. ~ " s; J i'1 .. ~ i ~ o! .; I ~ 1 i l ~ ! 1 l~_u ~ i 1; .2 j [ .. ]" : I ~~i~ ~ je ~ i . 0 :>~ l 1 ~ ~ ~~):~.~ :5~ i & ~ g Ie ;@ g 11~1©·11 2 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1971 1971 1971 Name of Village Location Name of Villa., Location Name of Village Location Code No. Code No. Code No. 108 Pad ira 17 Adivipadira 146 Ka.ndikatkur 112 Katkur 60 Palle (Makta) 55 AkkapaUe 167 Pedda Lingapuram 23 Almaspur 134 Kodumunja 142 Kodurpaka 105 Peddur 169 Ananthagiri 56 Pothareddipalle 71 Ananthapalle 100 Kolanoor 40 Kollamaddi 150 Pothoor Nizamabad Patti 114 Pothugal 86 Ananthapalle 21 Konaraopeta Korem Patti 10 Kondapuram 157 Anantharam Racherla Patti 158 Rahimkhanpeta 135 Anupuram 51 Kondapuram 24 Rajannapeta 109 Aunoor Nizamabad Pa t ti 162 Ramajipeta 87 Korem 48 Ramanjapuram 160 Badnepalle 33 Korutlapeta 99 Ramannapeta 50 Bandalingampalle 42 Kothapalle 165 Ramchandrapuram 124 Bandankal 148 Kothapeta 172 Repaka 4 Bandapalle 1 Rudrangi 5 Bansahebpeta 11 Lachchapeta 136 Rudraram 161 Baswapuram 47 Lakshmipuram 63 Bollaram 62 Lingampalle 102 Bonal 35 Lingarnpalle Khurd 30 Samudralingapuram 88 Boorgupalle 2 Lingarnpeta 3 Sangul 31 Boppapuram 44 Lingannapeta 138 Sankepalle &9 Boyanapalle 128 Sarampalle 106 Sardhapuram 98 Chandragiri 122 Maddikunta 32 Sarvaipalle 68 Chandurthi 18 Maddimalla Nagaram Patti 119 Cheekod 58 Malkapeta 137 Shabajpalle 143 Cheerlavancha 84 Malkapuram 78 Shatrajpalle 76 Chekkapalle 149 Mallapuram 49 Singaram 133 Chintalthana 92 Mallaram 168 Sirkonda 118 Chippalapalle 45 Mallareddipeta 104 Sirsilla 67 Mallial 22 Sivangalapalle 166 Dacharam 6 Mamidipalle 41 Srigada 34 Dammannapeta 130 Mandepalle 46 Srinivasapuram 39 Desaipeta 147 Manuwada gO Sthambhampalle 57 Dharrnaram 96 Marpaka 61 Suddala 54 Dumala 70 Marrigadda 79 Dundrepalle 14 Marrimadla 73 Marripalle 85 Tadagonda 77 Edurugatla 101 Marth anpeta 126 Terlumaddi 156 Ellanthekunta 72 Modepalle 132 Thaduru 53 Ellareddipeta 123 Moinkunta 154 Thallapalle 120 Moraipalle 131 Thangallapalle 81 Fazilnagar 125 Morrapuram 97 Thettakunta 43 Muchcherla 26 Thimmapuram 28 Gajasingaram 69 Thimrnapuram e 155 M usakani peta 152 Galipall 121 Mustabad 94 Thippapuram 111 Gandilachhapet 170 Thippapuram Garjanpalle 36 Mustafanagar 15 103 Mustipalle 83 T ippaipalle 25 Gollapalle llO Turkapalle 37 Gambhiraopeta S9 Nagararn 29 Gorantiala 82 Nallagonda 14S Vallampatla 116 Gudem 117 Namapuram 115 Gudur 16 Vanapalle 9S Nampalle Vanthadupula 27 Gundaram Narayanapuram 153 52 Vardavelli Racherla Patti Racherla 139 Patti Vattimalle 173 Gundaram 38 Narmala 13 Lingaram Patti 19 Veernapalle 163 Narsimulapalle Veljipuram 141 Narsingapuram 159 64 Hanumajipeta Vemulawada Nerella 91 164 Venkatampalle Nimmapalle 74 171 Jangamreddipalle 12 Venkatapuram Nizamabad 107 151 Jawaharpeta 8 Venkatraopeta 75 Nookalamarri 9 93 Jayavaram 113 Venugopalapuram 127 Jillella 80 Vettemla 66 Jogapuram 129 Obhulapuram 140 Vilasagaram Mantragiri Patii 7 Kanagarthi 144 Obhulapuram 20 Kancherla Racherla Patti 6S Yangal 2S 26


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loea- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)

Rudrangi 14.72 H E W KR PO Ri,J,M

2 Lingampeta 2.70 P,H W KR PO Ri,J 3 Sangui 16.02 P W KR PO Ri,J 4 Bandllpalle 4.48 P W KR PO Ri,J

5 Bansahebpeta 3.67 M W KR PO Ri,J,M

6 Mamidipalle 3.69 M W KR PO Ri,J,M 7 Kanagarthi 3.98 H W KR PO Ri,J,M

8 Nizamabad 7.48 M W KR PO Ri,J,M

9 Vtnkatraopeta 1.27 P W KR Ri,J,M 10 Kondapuram Patti 2.S1 p W KR Ri,J,M Racherla

11 Lachchapeta 0.24 UlIi"habittd KR 12 Nimmapalle 9.95 P,M W PR PO Ri,J,M 13 Vattimalle 8.08 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 14 Marrimadla 6.30 P W KR Ri,J,M IS Garjanpalle 2.90 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 16 Vanapalle 4.35 P W KR Ri,J,M 17 Adivipadira 11.93 P W KR Ri,J,M

18 Maddimalla 9.42 p W KR Ri,J,M 19 Veernapalle S.79 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 20 Kancherla 8.66 P W KR Ri,J,M 21 Konaraopeta 7.33 P,M W PR PO Ri,J,M

22 Sivangalapalle 3.53 P W KR Ri,J,M 23 Almaspur 5.49 p W PR PO Ri,J,M 24 Rajannapeta 3.14 P W KR Ri,J,M 25 Gollapalle 6.36 p W KR PO Ri,J,M Ri,J 26 Thimmapuram 6.49 p W PR,T PO

27 Gundaram Patti 4.91 p W PR PO Ri,J,M Racherla 28 Gajasingaram 6.07 p W PR PO Ri,J,M 29 Gorantiala 4.26 p W PR Ri,J,M 30 Samudralingapuram 4.34 p W PR PO Ri,M·

31 Boppapuram 2.79 M W PR PO Ri,M Ri,M 32 Sarvaipalle Patti 0.62 p W Nagaram Ri,M 33 Korut]apeta 1.41 p W PO 34 Dammannapeta 5.55 p W PO Ri,M

35 Lingampalle Khurd 0.92 W Ri,M 27


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, Town or days historical Loca- Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

4,079 T(610); W(230), Tk(150), 4,027 35 669 • Koratla 32 Narasimha Swamy 1 0(120),C(1l0) Temple 324 T(234); W(l84),0(50) 1,096 74 Vemulawada 18 2 6,423 T(296) ;W(153),C(90),0(53) 576 336 2,621 Vemulawada 30 3 375 T(344); W(168),C(132), 274 1,131 743 .' Vcmulawada 25 4 Tk(30),0(14) T(417); Tk(145),W(138), 953 346 632 SirsiIla 12 S C(114),0(20)

T(255); C(145),W(lOO),O(10) 1,680 460 6 SiIsilla 12 6 T(353); Tk(l62), W(l26), 1,595 538 161 Sirsilla 10 7 0(35),C(30) 736 T(890); Tk(500), W(240), 2,387 713 61 Sirsilla 12 8 0(150) 255 T(146) ;W(75),C(40), Tk(31) 272 135 4 Sirsilla 12 9 T(299); Tk(150),W(101),0(48) 885 188 904 Sirsilla 15 10

T(7); WCS), 0(2) 31 90 25 Sirs ilia 26 11 3,214 T(245); 0(95),W(80),Tk(70) 618 1,500 791 Sirs ilia 29 12 3,050 T(224); W(165),C(50)Tk(9), 1,221 500 176 Sirsilla 29 13 2,663 T(332); W(235),Tk(65),0(32) 612 85 340 Sirsilla 21 14 856 T(175); W(142),Tk(20),0(13) 520 100 205 Sirsilla 24 15

1,504 T(l05); W(75),Tk(30) 396 143 636 SirsiIla 25 16 6,780 T(160); W(50),C(50),Tk(40) 120 240 335 Sirsilla 22 17 0(20) 4,816 T(149); W(94),0(50),C(5) 385 431 247 Sirsilla 35 18 1,060 T(l19); W(95),C(20),0(4) 1,041 808 677 Sirsilla 23 19 4,238 T(l32); Tk(100),W(32) 699 164 309 Sirsilla 20 20 1,222 T(525); Tk(311), W(160), 1,006 300 1,568 Sirs ilia 22 21 0(54) 1,508 T(200); W(160),C(40) 408 509 143 Sirsilla 24 22 1,532 T(I04); W(94),O(6),C(4) 1,348 204 330 Sirsilla 28 23 198 T(75); W(55), Tk(lO),O(lO) 1,581 95 60 SiIsilla 25 24 978 T(8S); 0(45),C(40) 2,179 646 156 Sirsilla 22 25 737 T(l49); W(71),Tk(50), 2,612 650 Sirsilla 15 26 C(1S),O(10) 2,246 T(133); W(105),0(28) 384 398 19 Sirsilla 27 27 2,409 T(121); W(76),Tk(30),0(15) 483 486 349 Sirsilla 30 28 1,828 T(160); C(78),W(50) 0(32) 270 242 226 Sirsilla 32 29 T(229); W(120) ,Tk(90), 1,433 714 401 Sirsilla 24 0(19) 30

T(270); Tk(170),O(9S),W (5) 937 166 412 Sirsilla 22 31 T(124); Tk(IOO),W(24) 161 111 Sirsilla 22 32

T(243); Tk(180), W(63) 247 Sirsilla 24 33 T(543); W(273), C(150), 622 505 1,882 * Kamareddy 27 0(120) 34 T(49); W(49) 386 12 141 * Kamareddy 32 36 * Koratla Town of KarimnagaI District & Kamarcddy of Nizamabad District 28 VILLAGE Amenities. KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT

AMENITIES AVAILABLl! WITHIN THE VILLAGE Lota- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

36 MUstafanagar 3.41 p W PR Ri,M

37 Gambhiraopeta 5.05 M,H W PR PO Ri,M

38 Narmala 3.31 P W PO Ri,M 39 Desaipeta 1.07 P W Ri,M 40 Kollamaddi 2.67 P W Ri,M 41 Srigada 3.41 P W PO Ri,M 42 Kothapalle 5.95 M W PO Ri,M

43 Muchcherla 3.23 P W PO Ri,M

44 Lingannapeta 4.69 W PR PO Ri,M 45 Mallareddipeta 4.44 P .. W PO Ri,M

46 Srinivasapuram 0.23 Uninhabited 47 Lakshmipuram 1.19 P W Ri,M 48 Ramanjapuram 1.65 P W Ri,M 49 Singaram 4.26 p W Ri,M 50 Bandaiingampalle 2.35 p W PO Ri,M

51 Kondapuram Patti 2.84 P W PO Ri,M Nizamabad 52 Narayanapuram Patti 3.58 M W PR PO Ri,M Racherla 53 Ellareddipeta 3.97 H E W PR PO Ri,M 54 Dumala 6.25 M W PR PO Ri,J,M

55 AkkapaUe 7.65 P W KR Ri,J,M 56 Pothareddipal!e 3.60 W KR Ri,J,M 57 Dharmaram 4.85 H W PR PO Ri,M 58 Malkapeta 1.16 p W PR PO Ri,M 59 Nagaram 2.54 p W KR Ri,M 60 PaIle (Makta) 1.82 P W KR Ri,J,M 61 Suddala 3.35 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M

62 Lingampalle 2.40 P W KR Ri,J,M 63 Bollaram 1.27 P W KR Ri,M 64 Hanumajipeta 2.99 M W KR PO Ri,M

65 Yangal 4.80 P W PR PO Ri,M

66 Jogapuram 2.66 P,M W KR PO Ri,M 67 Mallial 9.40 P W PR PO Ri.J

68 Chandurthi 10.82 M Phc,Fpc W PR PO Ri,J 69 Thimmapuram 4.91 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 70 Marrigadda 2.35 P W PR PO Ri,J 29


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest ...., Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(263); Tk(168), 0(50), 1,694 176 49 Kamareddy 22 36 W(45) T(l ,626); W(l ,050),C(326) 473 255 878 Kamareddy 26 37 0(250) T(722); C(692),Tk(l8),W(12) 602 431 363 Kamareddy 24 38 T(108); C(70),W(27),0(1l) 92 . 173 311 Kamareddy 26 39 T(l67); W(127),C(30) ,0(10) 1,000 500 41 Kamareddy 26 40 T(226); W(221),Tk(S) 600 212 1,144 Kamareddy 27 41 393 T(800); Tk(266),C(231), 629 23 1,963 Siddipet 29 42 W(178),0(l25) 1,036 T(34S); W(210),0(62), 270 188 228 Sirsilla 13 43 C(55),Tk(l8) . 8 T(1 ,632); C(1,145),0(350), 422 84 856 Kamareddy 27 44 Tk(114),W(13) 202 T(1,451); C(650),Tk(620), 516 311 361 Sirsilla 29 45 0(142),W(39) 453 T(5S); C(31),0(16),W(1l) 50 39 Kamareddy 26 46 51 T(47); 0(31),W(16) 431 159 15 Sirsilla 26 47 310 T(74); W(44),C(30) 367 62 191 Sirsilla 29 48 T(350); C(250),W(91),0(9) 475 132 1,769 Sirsilla 21 49 T(l ,077); C(600) , W(243), 238 189 Sirsilla 26 50 Tk(217),0(17)

T(592); C(200),Tk(I97), 740 141 344 Siddipet 27 51 W(Ill),0(84) T(602); Tk(575),C(27) 872 228 589 Siddipet 19 52

T(237); 0(135),W(92) 850 43 1,410 Siddipet 19 53 559 T(330); Tk(t91),W(113), 2,261 61 789 Sirsilla 22 54 0(lS),C(8) 3,071 T(127); W(64),Tk(38),C(25) 1,144 150 404 Sirs ilia 27 55

1,247 T(25); W(20),Tk(5) 1,010 22 Sirsilla 12 56 662 T(112); Tk(77),W(35) 1,032 296 1,002 Sirs ilia 10 57 T(4Z); Tk(26),W(l6) 404 89 207 Sirsilla 10 58 T(l63); Tk(72),W(69),0(22) 429 159 874 Sirsilla 8 59 T(l04); W(47),Tk(42),0(15) 1,028 25 7 Sirsilla 10 60 T(364); Tk(l80), C(l04), 1,487 . 166 127 Sirsilla 8 61 W(80) T(l60); C(150) ,0(10) 99 1,122 155 Sirsilla 10 62 T(132); W(59),0(43),C(30) 350 68 262 Sirsilla 14 63 (328); C(I32),W(90),0(56), 876 21S 494 SirsiIla 14 64 Tk(50) T(299); W(155), Tk(126), 1,960 271 542 Sirsilla 16 65 0(16),C(2)

T(238); Tk(190),0(48) 138 1,105 221 Vemulavada 20 66 1,609 T(277); Tk(IOO), W(l 00) , 3,196 934 Vemulavada 15 67 C(47),0(30) 2,728 T(246); W(200), Tk(46) 3,192 11 3,475 Sirsilla IS 68 543 T(274); W(274) 1,433 202 690 Vemulawada 10 69 T(18S); C(72), W(60) , Tk(50), 1,110 11 200 Vemulawada 8 70 0(3) 30



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THl! VILLAGE Loca- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nieations Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

71 Ananthapalle Patti . 2.13 P W KR PO Ri,J Nizamabad 72 Modepalle 4.86 M W PR PO Ri,M 73 Marripalle 5.97 P W PR PO Ri;J,M

74 Venkatampalle 0.62 P W KR Ri,J,M 75 Nookalamarri 7.93 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M

76 Chekkapalle 2.41 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 77 Edurugatla 0.98 P E W KR Ri,J,M 78 Shatrajpalle 4.55 P,M W K.R PO Ri,M 79 Dundrepalle 1.05 P W KR Ri,J,M 80 Vettemla 3.87 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M 81 Fazilnagar 2.83 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 82 Nallagonda 3.73 P W KR RJ,M 83 Tippaipalle 2.57 P W KR PO Ri,M

84 Malkapuram 2.79 P W KR Ri,M 85 Tadagonda 3.12 P W PR PO Ri,M

86 Ananthapalle Patti 2.13 p W PR Ri,M Korern 87 Korem 3.20 H E W KR PO Ri,J,M 88 BoorgupalJe 1.93 P E W KR Ri,J,M 89 Boyanapalle 4.34 p E W PR PO Ri,J,M Ri,M 90 Sthambhampalle 4.10 P W KR PO 91 Vernulawada (Rural) . 11.16 H E W PR PO,TO Ri,M

92 Mallararn 2.41 p E W KR PO Ri,J,M

93 Jayavaram 0.91 P W KR Ri,J,M Ri,M '.14 Thippapuram 1.71 P W Ri,J,M 95 Nampalle 4.32 p E W PR

Ri,J,M 96 Marpaka 5.49 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 97 Thettakunta 1.44 E W PR Ri,J,M 98 Chandragiri 0.54 P W PR Ri,J,M 99 Rarnannapeta 2.69 P W K.R Ri,M 100 Kolanoor 4.68 P W KR PO

101 Marthanpeta 0.73 P W KR PO Ri,M 102 Bonal 3.92 M E W KR PO P,J,M 103 Mustipalle 1.00 W KR Ri,M

t04 Sirsilla (Rural) 5.13 H Fpc E T PR PTO Ri,M

105 Peddur 3.76 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 31


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, r- Town or days historical Loea- Area not and of the or archaeo- tioD Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest A Culturable for eulti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation ifany

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(52); W(38),Tk(10),O(4) 551 649 111 Vemulawada 15 71

T(296); W(271),O(l4),Tk(1l) 1,577 373 150 Sirsilla 24 72 T(525); W(270),Tk(132), 2,627 272 396 Vemulawada 8 7'3 0(1l2),C(11) T(50); W(32), Tk(l5),0(3) 64 204 78 Vemulawada 12 74 599 T(141); W(100),Tk(25), 872 3,003 460 Vemulawada 10 75 0(16) T(87); W(82),0(5) 15 1,120 320 Vemulawada 9 76 T(49); W(24),Tk(15),0(1O) 143 49 386 Vemulawada 9 77 T(262); Tk(l 34) ,W(118), 1,056 256 58 Vemulawada 7 78 0(10) T(33),W(33) 568 24 47 Vemulawada 16 79 124 T(75); C(7S) 2,057 IBI 39 Vemulawada 13 80 405 T(32); W(l7),Tk(10),0(S) 1,133 16 225 Vemulawada 16 81 286 T{S}); O(32),W(21) 1,010 390 648 Sirsilla 2S 82 T(267); W(161),Tk(100), 1,049 195 133 Sirsilla 25 83 0(6) T(158); W(78), Tk(50),O(30) 1,186 Jl 430 Sirsilla 26 84 T(321); Tk(200), W(97), 1,468 63 90 Sirsilla 22 85 0(24) T(23); W(50),Tk(41 ),0(32) 989 12 239 Sirsilla 21 86

T03l}; W(41),Tk(55),O(3S) 1,596 45 276 Vemulawada 15 87 T(41); W(31 ),0(10) 1,079 17 26 Vemulawada 20 88 T(717); W(280),Tk(272) 1,623 262 175 Sirsilla 22 B9 C(85),O(80) T(252); Tk(134),W(1l8) 1,623 120 629 VemuJawada 6 90 TO ,423); Tk(BlO), W(323) 2,741 115 2,863 R ajarajeswara 91 0(250),CC40) Swamy Temple T(316); Tk(150),CC116), 867 35 147 Sirsilla 15 92 W(50) T(39); W(28),O(II) 503 25 Sirsilla 7 93 500 T(l46); W(l06),O(40) 331 58 59 Sirsilla 16 94 H272); Tk(106),W(103), 744 98 1,560 Sirsilla B 95 0(63) T(3641; Tk(140),CC 100) , 01,749 104 300 Sirsilla 8 96 0(99),W(25) T(98); 0(35),W(32),Tk(31) 65 147 611 Sirsilla .. 97 T(17); W(14),0(3) 276 44 2 Sirsilla 7 98 T(20'}); W(93),C(70),Tk(30) 1,326 152 34 Sirsilla 7 99 0(16) T(272); W(226),O(35), 732 196 1,795 Sirsilla 4 100 Tk(ll) T(174); W(l31 ),0(43) 291 20 10 Sirsilla 6 101 T(I69); W(106),Tk(63) 1,343 140 856 Sirsilla 3 102 T(151); W(7I),Tk(30),C(30) 350 70 69 Sirsilla 3 103 0(20) . T(l,656); Tk(96O),C(48S), 761 689 177 Sirsilla 2 Sunday Venkateswara W(151),o(6O) Swamy Jatara 104 T(423); C(180),W(168), )1.234 365 384 Sirsilla 4 105 0(45), Tk(30)

a 32


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGB Loca· Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu· Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nieations Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

106 Sardhapuram 1. 74 W PR Ri,J,M 107 Venkatapuram 6.04 P W PR PO Ri,J,M

108 Padira 5.41 P W PO Ri,M

109 Aunoor 3.44 M W PO Ri,M 110 Turkapalle 0.49 Uninhabited 111 Gandilachhapet 0.88 P W Ri,M

112 Katkur 3.61 P W PO Ri,M 113 Venugopaiapuram 0.79 P W Ri,M 114 Pothugai 7.10 H Phc,Fpc E W PO Ri,M

115 Gudur 1.30 P W Ri,M

116 Gudem 4.25 H W PO Ri,M

117 Namapuram 9.72 M W PO Ri,M

118 Chippalapalle 3.60 P W PR Ri,M 119 Cheekod 4.31 P W PO Ri,M 120 Moraipalle 1.97 P E W PR Ri,M

121 Mustabad 6.51 M,H E W PO Ri,M

122 Maddikunta 3.36 P E W PO Ri,M 123 Moinkunta 2.99 P E W PO Ri,M 124 Bandankal 4.80 M W PR PO Ri,M 125 Morrapuram 1.44 P E W Ri,M 126 Terlumaddi 4.27 P W PO Ri,M

127 lillella 9.36 H W PO Ri,M 128 Sarampalle 4.91 P W Ri,M 129 Obhuiapuram Patti 6.07 P W ~ PO Ri,M Mantragiri 130 Mandepalle 3.73 P W PO Ri,M

131 ThangallapaUe 3.32 H E W PO Ri,M

132 Thaduru 11.94 M W PO Ri,M

133 Chintalthana 4.12 P W KR Ri,M Ri,J,M 134 Kodumun;ja 1.74 E W KR Ri,J,M 135 Anupuram 2.58 M E W KR PO 33


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- .Code. Forest r Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(250); C(200),O(35), 429 110 3U Sirsilla 5 106 Tk(lO),W(5) T(SI2); Tk(170),C(184), 1,876 311 1,166 Sirsilla 10 107 W(94),0(64) 961 T(693); W(324),Tk(249), 1,211 228 374 Sirsilla 13 108 0(120) T(443); Tk(200),C(IS0), 410 260 928 SirsiJIa 10 109 W(93) T(SS); W(68),C(10),Tk(1) 49 179 Sirsilla 12 110 T(7S); C(45),W(18),Tk(10), 303 77 115 Sirsilla 13 111 0(2) T(424); Tk(186),C(173), 1,033 240 613 SirsiIla 10 112 0(SO),W(15) T(66); W(45), Tk(J5),0(6) 347 50 40 Sirsilla 11 113 T(432); W(2S9),C(130), 580 1,341 2,191 Siddipet 29 114 Tk(40),0(3) T(287); C(180),Tk(I00), 275 10 160 Siddipet 22 115 W(7) T(616); Tk(390),C(165), 276 262 1,566 Siddipet 19 116 W(61) 230 T(1 ,102); C(890),W(t22), 1,016 1,271 681 Siddipet 27 117 Tk(90), 1,009 T(l92); W(176),0(16) 679 190 234 Siddipet 29 118 T(392); W(262),Tk(130) 1,090 450 412 Siddipet 32 119 T(236); W(l43),0(62), 9S0 32 42 Kamareddy 27 120 Tk(20),C(1l) T(431); W(278),CC131), 2,773 560 402 Siddipet 32 121 Tk(22) T(256); W(240),0(J6) 849 307 180 Siddipet 22 122 T(244); W(l53),C'(84),0(7) 1,191 181 197 Siddipet 22 123 T(252); W(144),Tk(92),O(16) 1,818 404 98 Siddipet 24 124 T(54); C(34),W(18),0(2) 702 53 112 Siddipet 16 125 T(19S); C(lOO),W(55), 1,239 274 1,021 Siddipet 22 126 O(32),Tk(1l) 704 T(304); Tk(200),0(77), 984 1,004 2,994 Siddipet 16 127 W(27) 367 T(l79); Tk(100), W(67), 783 576 1,237 Kamareddy 26 128 0(12) T(J18); Tk(150),C(119), 1,489 4J8 1,659 Sirsilla 19 129 W(49) T(287); C(225),W(36), 1,427 238 435 Sirsilla 3 130 Tk(26) T(325); Tk(228),W(57), 1,035 217 547 Sirsilla 3 131 C(40) 654 T(814); C(374),Tk(323), 3,967 868 1,338 Sirsilla 2 132 W(117) T(400); C(204),W(15I), 1,728 206 302 Sirsilla 12 133 0(4S) T(l79); W(105),Tk(59), 803 107 24 Sirsilla 9 134 0(t5) T(427); C(200),Tk(171), 1,054 45 125 Sirsilla 9 135 W(31),0(25) Siddipet Town of Medak District '.. .\_, , 't;:; 34


AMENITIES AV AILABLB WITHIN THB VILLAGB Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

136 Rudraram 2.95 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M

137 Shabajpalle 0.9S P W PR Ri,J,M 138 Sankepalle 3.22 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M

139 Vardavelli 3.90 P E W PO Ri,J,M

140 Vilasagaram 11.84 H W PR PO Ri,J,M

141 Narsingapuram 3.43 , M,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M

142 Kodurpaka 6.71 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 143 Cheerla vancha 7.12 H W KR PO Ri,J,M

144 Obhulapuram Patti 6.07 P W PO Ri,M Racherla 145 Vallampatla 3.36 M W PO Rf,M

146 Kandikatkur 6.39 P W PO Ri,M

147 Manuwada 2.08 P W KR PO Ri,M

148 Kothapeta 1.47 P W PR Ri,J,M 149 Mallapuram 1.21 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 150 Pothoor 3.84 M W PO Ri,M

151 Jawaharpeta 2.18 p E W Ri,M

152 Galipalle 5.39 H E W PO Ri,M

153 Vanthadupula 3.19 P W PO Ri,M

154 Thallapalle 3.14 P W PO Ri,M

155 M usakani peta 3.22 P W PO Ri,M

156 Ellanthekunta 2.27 M Phc,Fpc W Ri,M

157 Anantharam 6.11 P W PO Ri,M

158 Rahimkhanpeta 2.19 P W PO Ri,M

159 Veljipuram 4.02 P W PO Ri,M

160 Badnepalle 4.61 P W PO Ri,M

161 Baswapuram 3.38 P W PO Ri,M

162 Ramajipeta 1.64 P W Ri,M )5


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, Town or days historical Loca- Area no' and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im· Code Forest Culturable for culti· (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste 'IIation if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (1)

T(421); qI30),W(156), 189 107 60 Sirsilla 9 136 TkO 00),0(35) T(SI); O(41).W(40) 515 16 15 Sirsilla 12 137 T(273); W(lIO),C(lOO), 816 81 196 Sirsilla 11 138 . 0(43),Tk(20) T(389); Tk(19O),W(153), 1,800 88 219 Sirsilla 13 139 0(46) T(567); Tk(3OO), W(2OO) 4,785 436 1,789 Sirsilla 19 140 0(67)

T(S83); W(263),Tk(245), 1,292 143 171 Sirs ilia 22 141 O(66),C(9) . T(276); C(l80),0(SO),W(46) 2,525 345 1,148 Vemulawada 20 142 T(l ,OOS); Tk(333), W(215), 2,S11 307 430 Sirsilla 15 143 C(270),0(130) T(916); W(415),C(225), 2,143 463 362 Sirsilla 13 144 Tk(141),O(l35) T(666); W(371 ),C(150), 1,301 151 32 Sirsilla 19 145 Tk(80), O(65)

T(93S); Tk(430),W(245), 2,552 308 291 Sirsilla 22 146 C(200) ,0(63) T(442); C(290),W(82), 491 100 298 Vemulawada 20 147 0(40), Tk(30) T(75); W(60),0(15) 780 58 18 Vemulawada 20 148 T(258); q215),W (43) 323 115 78 Vemulawada 20 149 T(522); q470),W(52) 1,458 116 431 Sirsilla 22 150

T(202); W(S5),0(60),C(33), 1,028 103 62 Siddipet 22 151 Tk(24) T(74]); Tk(298),C(240), 2,321 113 268 Siddipet 13 152 W(123) ,0(80) T(350); CO SO) ,0(90), 224 359 1,108 Siddipet 32 153 W(70),Tk(40) T(549); C(222),W(147), 454 88 918 Siddipet 11 154 0(100),Tk(SO) T(384); C(l62),Tk(80), 1,162 137 317 Siddipet 24 1$5 W(61),O(80)

T(400); W(147),C(120), 898 89 65 Siddipd 2l ]S6 0(120). Tk(l3) T(200); Tk(50);W(90), 428 1,143 2,139 Siddipet 12 151 Q60) T(l95); W(l25),0(40), S67 41 254 Siddipet 19 158 C(20),Tk(10) 1,000 T(286); Tk(150), W(96), 1,]50 50 86 Siddipet 13 0(40) . 1~9 T(356); Q150),W(106), 2,077 385 132 Siddipet 8 160 Tk(lOO)

T(l26); 0(46),Q40). 611 493 933 Siddipet 11 161 W(29),Tk(1l) T(l17); 0(50),W(34).Tk(21), 31. 84 534 Siddipet 18 C(lO) 162 , or 36


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (~) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)

163 Narsimulapalle 1.68 p E W Ri,M 164 Nerella 3.66 M E W PO Ri,M 165 Ramchandrapuram 1.12 p E W Ri,M

166 Dachararn 6.64 P E W PO Ri,M

167 Pedda Lingapurarn 2.80 P,H E W PO Ri,M 168 Sirkonda 1.45 P E W Ri,M

169 Ananthagiri 5.83 P E W PO Ri,M

170 Thippapuram 2.'70 P E W KR Ri,M

171 Jangamreddipalle 1.50 P W Ri,M

172 Repaka 9.20 M W PO Ri,M

173 Gundaram Patti 6.55 P W PO Ri,M Lingaram 37


:and Land use SIRSILLA TAL~

LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, r Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Codo Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (1.5) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(82); W(52),C(30) 574 393 Siddipet 12 163 T(263); C(150),W(109),O(4) 1,071 243 765 Siddipet 13 164 T(1SS); W(l04),O(84) 337 93 98 Siddipet 14 165

T(3lS); W(257) ,Tk(5l), 1,624 854 1,453 Siddipet 16 166 C(10) T(669); W(400),Tk(269) 917 198 68 ·SirsilJa 19 167 T(203); Tk(81).W(65).0(50), 583 116 26 Siddipet 19 168 C(7) T(65l); Tk(255),W(240), 2,15] 381 548 Siddipet 19 169 0(156) T(31S); W(22S),Tk(60), 383 106 921 Vemulawada 1 170 0(30)

T(475); C(170),W(145), 355 114 16 Siddipet 24 171 0(120) ,Tk(40) 219 T(S61); W(405) ,0(205). 3,990 533 285 Siddipet 15 172 Tk(15l ),C(]OO) 605 T(386); C(210).W(159). 2,718 396 87 Sipdipet 21 173 0(10),Tk(7) ! METP ALLI IND. SUB-T ALUK ~ l " E f g~ :Z % ~0 E ~ N :g_~ " ~ ~ ~ ;: 5~ ::;) l- .- . V , ~, .,r ~~ ~ ::; == ...I a: ~ , } u~ :c: I- 0 ~£ ." , " ~~ w < (/I ~ r - x, Q ~ t'~ f- e i ~ ] cc:4- j .. J id Il.. ';; ~ 1f ~ 0 j! '§ .q ~ r 1 ~ 1: ~ I1} w ::-::< l: w..~ i

i~ :c~

:.:: :J _J

lIen! : i N I ~~ ~ ! ,: I ! ! ',I '~ , ~ I' .,> .--=-t-i131 z



1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No.

24 Adavi Madhapur 63 Kacharam 81 Peggerla 97 . Ambaripet 96 Kalikota 34 PormaUa 9 Ammakkapet 31 Kallur 90 Posanipet 80 Atmakur 68 Kalwakota 95 Potharam 84 Kathlapur 66 Bheemaram 36 Katlakunta 16 Raghavapeta 83 Bhushanaraopet 4 Komatikondapur 65 Rahojipet 87 Bommena 62 Kondapur 49 Rajeswararaopet 75 Kondikaria 51 Ramachandrampeta 38 Chinna Metpalle 57 Koratla 79 Ramalachakkapeta 92 Chinta Kunta 25 Ramdaspeta 27 Chittapur 26 Lallmipur 67 Rangapur 44 Chowlamaddi 88 Lingampeta 78 Rangaraopet 48 Lingapur 10 Regunta 6 Dabba 56 Sangam 20 Damarajpalle 70 Machapur 30 Sataram 71 Dammannapet 39 Madhapur 28 Dharmaram 33 Mahatabpur 74 Sirkonda 86 Dulur 8 Maidpalle 17 Sirpur 91 Dumpeta 61 Maidpalle 23 Mallapur 73 Takkallapalle 93 Tandriyal Erdandi 72 Mannegudem 3 13 Timmapur 7 Errapur 52 Masaipet 4S MetpaJli 35 Tombaraopeta 98 Turthi 15 Fakirkondapur 77 Metta Chittapur 18 Mogalpet 21 Valgonda 60 Mohanraopet 89 Gambhirpur Vallampalle 1 Mularampur 69 11 Godur 41 Muthampet 5 Varsakonda 22 Gorrepalle 47 Vellulla 100 Govindaram 42 Vempet 85 59 Gumlapur Naga Mallapakunta 2 Vemulkurthi 55 Nagulpet 29 Gundampalle 64 Venkataraopet 58 Venkatpur 19 Obblapur 12 Ibrahimpatnam 46 Venkatraopeta 82 Ootpalle 94 IppapaUe 50 Vittampet 40 Iylapur 32 Paidi Madugu 54 Yakeenpur 76 Jaggasagar 99 Pasnoor 14 Yamapur 37 Joganpalle 53 Peddapur 43 Yousuf Nagar

39 40


AMENITIES AVAILABLe WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nieations Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 MuJarampur 2.33 P W Ri,J,M 2 Vemulkurthi 8.83 P W,R PO Ri,J,M 3 Erdandi 4.11 P W PO Ri,J,M 4 Komatikondapur 2.37 P W KR Ri,J,M 5 Varsakonda 6.04 M W,Tk KR PO Ri,J,M

6 Dabba 3.98 P W PO Ri,J,M 7 Errapur 1.42 P W Ri,J,M 8 Maidpalle 2.02 P,M W PR PO Ki,J,M 9 Ammakkapet 1.99 P W KR Ri,J,M 10 Regunta N.A' Urban Area (Included in Metpalli Town)

11 Godur 3.63 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 12 Ibrahimpatnam 10.49 H Phe,Fpe E W,Tk KR PO Ri,J,M 13 Timmapur 4.81 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 14 Yamapur 4.09 P W KR PO Rl,J,M 15 Fakirkondapur 1.96 P W KR Ri,J,M

16 Raghavapeta 3.96 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 17 Sirpur 4.05 P W KR Ri,J,M 18 Mogalpet 9.45 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 19 Obblapur 4.63 P W KR Ri,J,M 20 DamarajpaJle 4.33 p W,Tk Ri,J,M

21 Valgonda 3.51 p W,R PO RI,J,M 22 Gorrepalle 4.12 P W,Tk Ri.J,M 23 Mallapur 4.33 P W PO Ri,J,M

24 Adavi Madhapur 3.80 Uninhabited 25 Ramdaspeta 1. 73 Uninhabited

26 Laxmipur 1. 77 W Ri,J,M 27 Chittapur 5.50 P,M E W PO Ri,J,M 28 Dharmaram 2.18 P E W,R Ri,J,M 29 GundampalJe 1.55 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 30 Sataram 3.57 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M

31 KaUur 2.98 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 32 Paidi Madugu 4.30 P,M W,R KR PO Ri,J,M 33 Mahatabpur 3.66 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 34 Pormalla 4.92 P,M W Kit PO Ri,J,M 35 Tombaraopeta 1.29 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 36 Katlakunta 4.93 P,M W,n: PO Ri,J,M 37 Joganpalle 3.61 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 38 Chinna MetpaUe 3.99 P W,n: PO Ri,J,M 39 Madhapur 3.50 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 40 JyJapur 7.89 P,H E W,Tk KR PO, Ri,J,M 41



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, A r- Nearest Day historical Loca· Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

356 T(41); Tk(37),K(4) 934 160 Metpalli 18 1 3,965 T(530); C(412), Tk(91),K(27) 1,120 38 Metpalli 16 2 661 T(135); Tk(94),K(33) ,0(8) 1,388 446 Melpalli 18 3 T(204); Tk(204) 216 1,000 96 Metpalli 16 4 622 T(322); Tk(282),K(40) 2,285 636 Metpalli 18 5

495 T05S); Tk(91) ,K(55),0(12) 1,457 437 MetpaJli 14 6 T(42); K(42) 494 372 Metpalli 11 7 T(326); Tk(279), W(47) 726 240 Metpalli 5 8 T(70); K(28),Tk(22),O(20) 828 375 Metpalli 6 9 Urban Area (Included in Metpalli Town) 10

150 T(106); 0(54),K(52) 1,801 266 • Metpalli 5 11 645 T(323); Tk(272),K(51) 4,295 1,450 Metpalli 11 12 926 T(65); K(65) 1,439 648 Metpalli 7 13 647 T(U2); Tk(1Ol),K(8),0(3) 1,221 637 Metpalli 10 14 634 T(52); Tk(52) 461 107 MetpaUi 11 15

368 T(7S); K(50),0(25) 1,519 572 Metpalli 10 16 501 T(94); K(94) 1,644 353 Metpalli 13 17 1,930 T(21l); Tk(146),0(39),K(26) 1,819 2,088 Metpalli 18 18 1,400 T(79); Tk(58),K(21) 889 595 Metpalli 21 19 T(104); Tk(70),K(34) 1,863 804 Koratla 24 20

89 T(104); Tk(81),(K(23) 916 1,137 Koratla 24 21 1,569 T(37); O(23),K(14) 857 173 Koratla 8 22 T(436); Tk(233),K(190), 2,299 36 Koratla 21 23 0(13) 1,000 T(2); K(2) 125 1,305 Koratla 16 24 828 279 Koratla 16 25

214 T(12); 0(12) 656 250 Koratla 11 26 T(238); Tk(210),K(28) 2,433 849 Koratla 8 27 98 T(107); K(83),0(24) 1,121 30 Koratla 10 28 T(77); K(52),0(25) 755 160 Koratla 13 29 T(328); Tk(l55),O(137), 1,510 446 Koratla 10 30 K(36)

T(145); 0(82),K(63) 1,138 624 Koratla 10 31 T(332); Tk(309),K(18),0(5) 1,888 53 Koratla 13 32 T(100); K(48),Tk(36),0(l6) 1,926 316 Koratla 19 .; 33 3,118 30 Koratla 18 34 T(187); O(142),K(45) 633 5 Koratla 16 35

T(450); Tk(277),K(124), 2,479 226 Koratla 14 36 0(49) T(285); Tk(182),K(IOl), 0(2) 1,631 394 Koratla 13 37 T(213); Tk(212),K(I) 1,616 724 Koratla II 38 T(507); Tk(283),0(140), 1,600 133 Koratla 8 39 K(84) T(707); Tk(523),K(184) 2,694 3,739 Koratla 5 40 N. B. Col. 12 K for KunIa and R for River 42


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILL.\GE Loea- Area r __...., tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

41 Muthampet 4.31 P W KR Ri,J,M 42 Vempet 6.06 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 43 Yousuf Nagar 1.31 P W PO Ri,J,M 44 Chowlamaddi 4.06 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 45 Metpalli N.A Urban Area (Metpalli Town) 46 Venkatraopeta N.A Urban Area (Included in Metpalli Town) 47 Vellulla 6.13 2P,M W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 48 Lingapur 5.37 2P W PR PO Ri,J,M

49 Rajeswararaopet 3.72 P W PR Ri,J,M 50 Vittampet 1.02 P W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 51 Ramachandrampeta 0.35 W PR Ri,J,M 52 Masaipet 1.09 W KR Ri,J,M 53 Peddapur 3.46 P W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 54 Yakeenpur 3.07 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 55 Nagulpet 1.83 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 56 Sangam 2.15 P W,R Ri,J,M 57 Koratla 8.85 Urban Area (Koratla Town) 58 Venkatpur 2.30 P E W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 59 Gurnlapur 1.86 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 60 Mohanraopet 3.43 P E W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 61 Maidpalle 1.41 P E W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M

62 Kondapur 3.97 M W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M

63 Kacharam 3.35 P W KR Ri,J,M 64 Venkataraopet 2.02 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 65 Rahojipet 2.08 P W KR Ri,J,M 66 Bheemaram 6.54 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 67 Rangapur 0.61 P W KR Ri,J,M 68 Kalwakota 3.08 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M

69 Vallampalle 2.33 P,M W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 70 Machapur 1.29 P W Ri,J,M 71 Dammannapet 1.14 W KR Ri,J,M 72 Mannegudem 3.97 P W KR PO Ri,M

73 Takkallapalle 6.49 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M

74 Sirkonda 5.69 P,M W KR PO Ri,M 75 Kondikarla 4.66 P W,V * PO M,J 76 Jaggasagar 2.84 P w,n PO M,J 77 Metta Chittapur 1.82 P W PO M,J 78 Rangaraopet 3.8S P W M,J 79 Ramalachakkapeta 2.86 P W M,J 80 Atmakur 8.73 P,M W KR PO Ri,J,M * V=Vagu (Stream) 43


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im· Code Forest , Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(113); Tk(t08),K(5) 2,183 462 Metpalli 6 41 T(296); Tk(287), K(9) 2,958 624 Metpalli 4 42 T(105);Tk(62).K(43) 604 129 Koratla 8 43 T(J26); Tk(66),K(60) 2,048 424 KoratJa 8 44 Urban Area (Metpalll Town) 45 Urban Area (Included in Metpalli Town) 46 T(696); Tk(625),K(7l) 2,249 978 Metpalli 3 47 T(768); Tk(.570),R(18l), 2,109 559 Metpalli 6 48 K(17) 1,394 T(l46); K(146) 484 356 MetpalJi 6 49 T(83); Tk(83) 476 93 Metpalli 7 50 T(15); K(l5) 204 5 Metpalli 4 51 T(IOO); Tk(49) ,O(35),K(16) 468 129 Metpalli 5 52 T(106); K(102),Tk(4) 1,787 321 Koratla 5 53 T(66O); Tk(660) 940 364 Koratla 3 S4 T(2l7); (K(146),O(S8),C(23) 747 197 Koratla 3 55 T(148); K(80),O(68) 881 9 Koralla 3 56 Urban Area (Koratla Town) 57 T(1S8); Tk(142),K(16) 1,071 243 Koratla 3 58 T(91); R(53),Tk(38) 939 160 Koratla 3 59 T(329); R(172),Tk(157) 1,300 566 Koratla 8 60 293 T(3S5); K(165), Tk(100), 211 40 Koratla 14 61 R(54),0(36) 371 T(504); Tk(294) ,K(l44), 1,613 52 Koratla 16 62 R(66) T(108); Tk(85),0(23) 1,324 712 Koratla 16 63 T(17); R(l7) 1,182 59 Jagtial 16 64 T(6); O(5),W(I) 837 488 Jagtial 18 65 T(150); Tk(104),K(37),R(9) 2,688 16 1,331 Jagtial 16 66 T(48); K(38),O(8),R(2) 332 10 Jagtial 14 67 T(338); K(128),Tk(tll), 1,430 150 1,973 Jagtial 13 68 R(74) ,0(25) T(116); R(85),K(31) 198 1,171 Jagtiai 8 69 T(38); K(34),Tk(3),R(1) 702 85 Jagtial 8 70 T(25); 0(1l),K(10),Tk(4) 665 . 39 Jagtial 11 71 T(305); K(142), Tk(113), 1,719 144 372 Jagtiai 16 72 0(50) T(507); Tk(360),0(80),K(58), 2,973 672 Koratia 8 73 R(9) T(238) ; Tk(146) ,K(92) 2,853 8 542 Koratla 8 74 T(197); Tk(197) 2,159 626 Metpalli 11 75

T(349); Tk(301),K(48) 1,359 109 Metpalli 8 76 867 T(243); Tk(234),K(9) 54 Metpalli 8 77 T(8S); Tk(88) 487 1,889 Metpalli 16 78 T(234); K(132), Tk(102) 1,182 414 Metpalli 11 79 1,500 T(J64); Tk(150),K(14) 2,318 1,605 Metpalli 13 Wednesday 80 / { 45


LAND USE (Area ~nder different types of land use in acres) Religious, r .A Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Codo Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(186); K(117),Tk(69) 1,105 4 189 Metpalli 13 81 T(70); Tk(55),K(15) 666 5 14 Metpalli 16 82 T(180); Tk(136),K(44) 1,512 13 291 Metpalli 13 83 T(106); Tk(72),0{33),K(I) 2,202 10 171 Metpalli 11 84 T(49); K(49) 65 20 Metpalli 10 85

T(165); 0(158),K(6),Tk(l) 1,438 11 11 MetpaIJi 11 86 T(142); Tk(92) ,0(34) ,K(16) 1,172 27 163 Metpalli 14 87 T(58); K(37),O(16),R(5) 1,070 190 Metpalli 19 88 T(145); Tk(81 ),0(64) 3,000 494 34 Metpalli 16 89 T(lOI); 0(101) 838 392 Metpalli 14 .90

T(l06); Tk(87),K(19) 1,234 810 Koratla 13 91 1,982 T(84); K(44),Tk(40) 2,259 622 Koratla 16 92 T(265); Tk(16O),0(10S) 1,958 452 Koratla 22 93 T(24); K(24) 935 961 Koratla 24 94 T(24); 0(18),K(6) 571 1,862 Koratla 13 95

T(137); Tk(137) 773 1,622 Koratla 27 96 8 T(256); Tk(256) 756 6 1,162 Koratla 26 97 200 724 2,000 423 Koratla 29 98 T(20); Tk(20) 1,260 3,000 449 Koratla 29 99 T(243); Tk(216),0(14); 2,891 1,302 3,263 Koratla 29 100 K(13)



.... MG. of VIIlOV'f NIJIIOl 0' Ih. No. of TG.1I5 hluk H IIIh"iled~llIlIlblC



TALUK II' 'e ", 45' ,

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(It) ..,......



1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No.

94 Abbapuram 112 Jabithapur 119 Potharam 132 Aggimalla 92 Jagdevpeta 148 Potharam 42 AIlipur 76 JagtiaI 153 Pudur 40 Alur ·16 Jaina 79 Anantharam 75 Anthargama 131 Raghavapatnam 137 Arevalli 25 Raichapalle 12 Arepalle 66 Kalleda 60 Kamalapur 35 Raikal 50 Arpapalle 56 Raipatnam 98 Athmakur 8 Kammunur 6 Kandiapalle 17 Rajaram 71 Kandiapalle 118 Rajaram 141 Balvanthapuram 44 Kannapuram 37 Ramajipet 134 Bathkepalle 3 Katkapur 120 Rampuram 23 Battapalle 43 Kishtampeta 143 Ramsagar 128 BattubhuttamrajpaIle ]50 Kodimyala 47 Rangapet 19 Beerpur 11 Kolvai 4 Rangasagar 87 Beersani 69 Konapuram ]07 Rapalle 103 Bheemrajpalle 146 Konapuram 33 Regunta 38 Bhoopathipuram 91 Kondapuram 10 Rekulapalle 85 Bonkur 149 Kondapuram 1 Bornapalle 36 Kummarpalle 63 Buggaram 24 Sarangapuram 140 Sarvapuram 72 Chelgal 49 Lakshmidevipalle 88 Sathambampalle 96 Chendoli 102 Lakshmipuram 83 Shakalla 152 Cheppyala 110 Lakshmipuram 90 Shakapuram 5 Cherlapalle. 45 La tchakkapeta 144 Shanivarampeta 104 Chilvakodur 30 Lingapur 86 Sirikonda 64 Chinnapuram 133 Lingapuram 59 Sirvanchakota 29 Chintalur 93 Lothunur 65 Somanpalle 147 Surampet 95 Datnur 2 Devanapalle 57 Maddunur 124 Madutla 67 Takkallapalle 99 Devikonda Takkallapalle 27 Dharmajipet 130 Maidampalle 138 54 126 Mallial 139 Tatipalle Dharmapuri 127 Manal 26 Tatlawai 111 Dharmaram Tatpalle 117 Dharur 7 Mangala 74 31 Mootapalle 15 Teegala Dharmaram 13 Donthapuram Thadla Dharmaram 18 DonuT 73 Morapalle 9 114 Mothe 55 Thimmapuram 142 Muthampeta 113 Thimmapuram 115 Eldurthi lOt Thirmalapuram 81 Eswanthraopet 109 Thirmalapuram 151 Nachupalle 53 Thumminala 61 Nagaram 14 Thungur 21 Ganeshpal1e 46 Nagnur 77 Tippannapeta 80 Gangapuram 155 Namilikonda 145 Tirmalapur 106 Gollapalle 100 Nancherla 58 Gopulapuram 20 Narsimlapalle 123 Gorregundam 116 Nars i ngapuram 41 Uppumadige 154 Gourapuram 52 Neralla 97 Gul1akota 125 Nukapalle 68 Gullapeta 28 Vastapuram 105 Gunjapaduga 39 Veerapuram i21 Oblapur 89 Velgatoor 51 Habshipur 62 Velgonda ]36 Pegadapalle 32 Vempalli Venkataraopeta 48 Pembatla 135 Vengalaipet 129 Ibrahimnagar 78 Polas 108 Vengalapuram 82 Israjpalle. 70 Porendla 84 Vengumatla 34 Itkial 22 Potharam 122 Voddad


\'0. 48



AMENITIES AVAILABLI! WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (~) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)

1 Bornapalle 21.83 P W PR Ri,J,M 2 Devanapalle 2.41 P W RLM 3 Katkapur 1.30 P W PO Ri,M 4 Rangasagar 7.10 W Ri,M 5 Cherlapalle 3.48 W Ri,M

6 Kandlapalle 3.58 P W PO Ri,M 7 Mangala 3.99 P W Ri,M 8 Kammunur 17.72 P W Ri,M 9 Thadla Dharmaram . 3.38 P W Ri,M 10 Rekulapalle 1:44 P W Ri,M

11 Kolvai 5.06 P W PO Ri,M ]2 Arepalle 2.54 P W Ri,M 13 Donthapuram 6.83 P W KR PO Ri,M ]4 Thungur 5.56 M W KR PO Ri,M 15 Teegala Dharmaram . 3.25 P W Ri,M

16 Jaina 4.38 M W KR PO Ri,M 17 Rajaram 9.55 3P E W PR PO Ri,M 18 Donur 4.97 P W KR PO Ri,M 19 Beerpur 1.82 P W KR PO Ri,M 20 Narsimlapalle 1.37 P W KR PO Ri,M

21 Ganeshpalle 5.08 Uninhabited 22 Potharam 4.09 P W PO Ri,M 23 Battapalle 6.42 P W Ri,M 24 Sarangapuram 4.52 M W KR PO Ri,M 25 Raichapalle 15.63 P W KR PO Ri,M

26 Tatlawai 6.81 P W Ri,M 27 Dharmajipet 3.02 P W Ri,M 28 Vastapuram 2.52 P W Ri,M 29 Chintalur 4.11 P W PR Ri,M 30 Lingapur 1.62 P W PR PO Ri,M

31 MootApalle 8.92 2P W Ri,M 32 Vempalli Venkata- 3.43 2P W PO Ri,M raopeta 33 Regunta 4.02 P W PO Ri,M 34 ltkial 7.39 M W PO Ri,M 35 Raika1 7.18 3P,M~H W PR PO Ri,M

36 Kummarpalle 2.53 P W PO Ri,M 37 Ramajipet 3.02 M W PR PO Ri,M 38 Bhoopathipuram 6.33 P W PR PO Ri,M 39 Veerapuram 1.82 P W Ri,M 40 Alur 6.84 P W Ri,M


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

5,309 T(28); W(28) 2,079 830 5,725 Jagtial 32 1 1,187 T(28); W(28) 254 13 40 Jagtial 26 2 T(60); W(60) 527 118 127 - Jagtial 26 3 3,426 T(13); W13) 417 685 3 Jagtial 26 4 T(41); Tk(21),W(20) 487 1,904 Jagtial 35 5

3,530 369 5 Jagtial 32 6 1,298 T(28); W(28) 750 10 462 Jagtial 26 '7 374 T(29); W(29) 5,485 5,000 452 Jagtial 38 8 1,186 T(52); W(52) 474 451 Jagtial 20 9 100 T(4O); W(40) 445 215 121 Jagtial 38 10

2,328 T(26); W(26) 811 73 Jagtial 34 11 441 T(34); W(34) 625 525 Jagtial 38 12 175 T(n); W(52) 1,857 2,287 Jagtial 38 13 1,752 T(146); Tk(146) 960 407 293 Jagtial 32 14 1,331 T(6); W(6) 382 315 46 Jagtial 32 15

10 T(172); W(172) 1,781 491 349 Jagtial 38 16 T(65); W(65) 4,826 563 658 Jagtial 35 17 1,611 T(65); W(65) 1,077 427 JagtiaI 32 18 T(140); W(140) 866 158 Jagtial29 19 3,196 T(J41); W(l41) 242 6 Jagtial 30 20

Not Available 21 1,246 T(131); W(l3I) 993 105 142 Jagtial 22 22 3,195 T(59); W(59) 749 18 87 Jagtial 22 23 1,640 T(I39); W(139) 845 207 61 Jagtial 16 24 5,000 T(256); W(200),Tk(56) 3,041 1,606 100 Jagtial 19 25

3,126 T(33); W(33) 1,035 164 Jagtial 19 26 326 T(38); W(38) 766 804 Jagtial 26 27 1,008 T(29); W(29) 481 94 Jagtial 26 28 2,054 T(27); W(27) 384 3 145 Jagtial 29 29 110 T(29); W(29) 664 233 Jagtial24 30

1,816 T(146); Tk(loo), W(46) 2,168 330 1,246 Jagtial 22 31 2,978 T(l18); W(1l8) 2,465 105 1,566 Jagtial 32 32

90 T(35); W(35) 1,763 684 Jagtial 29 33 540 T(52); W(52) 2,967 725 445 Jagtial 26 34 T(3OD); W(300) 3,262 376 657 Jagtial 19 35

T(30); W(30) 1,234 35~ Jagtial 16 36 T(174); Tk(l50),W(24) 1,459 274 25 Jagtial 21 37 1,212 T(l40); W(140) 2,137 562 Jagtial 22 38 240 T(22); W(22) 206 692 4 Jagtial 13 39 2,885 T(48); Tk(48) 88 1,244 112 Jagtial 13 40 50



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE'VILLAGE Loca- Area Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and"""' Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

(i) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (3) (9) (10)

41 Uppumadige 1.90 P W KR Ri,M 42 AlIipur 9.74 3P,H W PR PO Ri,M 43 Kishtampeta 1.56 P W Ri,M 44 Kannapuram 0.84 P W Ri,M 45 Latchakkapeta 0.76 p W PO Ri,M

46 Nagnur 1.93 P W Ri,M 47 Rangapet 5.16 P W Ri,M 48 Pembatla 2.09 P W KR PO Ri,M 49 Lakshmidevipalle \54 P W KR Ri,M 50 Arpapalle 3.25 P W KR PO Ri,M

51 Habshipur 4.30 P W PO Ri,M 52 Neralla 9.90 2P W,R,T PO Ri,M 53 Thumminala 3.15 P W PO Ri,M 54 Dharmapuri 7.78 4P,H Phc E R PR PO Ri,M 55 Thimmapuram 5.40 2P E W PR PO Ri,M

56 Raipatnam 2.72 P R PR PO Ri,M 57 Maddunur 4.01 P E W PO Ri,M 58 Gopulapuram 1.92 P W Ri,M 59 Sirvanchakota 3.03 W Ri,M 60 Kamalapur 5.68 P W PO Ri,M

61 Nagaram 1.40 P W Ri,M 62 Velgonda 3.81 P W PO Ri,M 63 BUggaram 5.50 P,H W PO Ri,M 64 Chinnapuram 4.57 P W KR Ri,M 65 Somanpalle ).64 2P W Ri,M

66 Kalleda 3.49 M W PR PO Ri,M 67 TakkalJapalle 1.28 M W PO Ri,M 68 Gullapeta 1.28 M W KR Ri,M 69 Konapuram 3.08 M W Ri,M 70 Porendla 4.04 2P W PO Ri,M

71 Kandlapalle 2.76 p W KR Ri,M 72 Chelgal 4.44 M E W PR PO Ri,M 73 Morapalle 3.34 P E W KR PO Ri,M 74 Tatpalle 4.94 P E W PR PO Ri,M 75 Anthargama 4.72 P E W KR PO Ri,M

76 Jagtial (Rural) 7.5~ 4P,4M,H E W PR PO,TO,Phone Ri,M 77 Tippannapeta 2.70 P W KR PO Ri,M 78 Polas 5.73 P,M W PR pO Ri,M 79 Anantharam 3.53 2P W PR PO Ri,M 80 Gangapuram 1.62 P W Ri,M Sl


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest 1 Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) M~rke~ if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) .(17) (18) (1)

T(40); Tk(40) 750 426 Jagtial 13 41 .4,407 T(207); W(207) 922 57 J!\gtial 10 42 765 223 JagtiaJ 8 43 T(35); W(35) 434 32 ?6 Jagtial 6 44 T(75); W(75) 347 56 8 Jagtial 10 45

391 T(65); W(65) 695 77 7 Jagtial 10 46 T(IOO); W(76),Tk(24) 773 2,000 429 Jagtial 13 47 T(lll); W(60),Tk(51) 560 166 666 Jagtial 13 48 868 T(62); W(62) 1,136 166 12 Jagtial 16 49 392 T(366); W(366) 1,007 215 Jagtial 16 50

T(104); W(104) 1,078 1,570 Jagtial 13 51 3,981 T(271); W(271) 1,392 174 30 Jagtial 19 52 1,006 T(6~); W(65) 642 303 Jagtial 22 53 T(SI); W(SI) 3,367 596 935 Jagtial 29 54 1,849 89~ 714 Jagtial 32 55

1,222 347 171 Jagiial 35 56 T(28); W(28) 1,604 337 597 Jagtial 26 57 77 T(57); W(57) 841 1 252 Jagtial 26 58 377 T(30); W(30) 1,021 121 390 Jagtial 22 59 T(229); W(229) 1,133 1,065 1,208 Jagtial 29 60

T(41); W(41) 486 48 3~1 Jagtial 30 61 1,316 486 233 Jagtial 19 62 343 T(72); W(72) 1,948 1,157 Jagtial 19 63 1,449 615 258 602 Jagtial 16 64 100 T(167); W(IOO),Tk(67) 655 114 13 Jagtial 13 65

250 T(145); W(145) 1,296 202 340 Jagtial 14 66 T(24); W(24) 638 157 Jagtial 10 67 T(S3); W(83) 688 48 Jagtial 8 68 1,098 243 630 Jagtial 13 69 T(314); W(214),Tk(100) I! 795 125 330 Jagtial 5 70

(354); Tk(254).W(I00) 925 366 ,121 Jagtial 5 71 T(434); W(434) 2,192 1211 87 Jagtial 5 72 10 T(17l); W(171) 1,828 70 SO Jagtial 10 73 2,134 T(146); W(146) 840 12 29 Jagtial 8 74 770 T(252); W(212),Tk(40) 1,655 145 198 Jagtial 3 75

T(526); Tk(300),W(206) 2,7.55 832 738 Jagtial 0 Thursday Fort 76 T(95); Tk(95) 1,249 384 Jagtial 3 77 T(89); Tk(89) 2,470 1,078 Jagtial 8 78 512 1,246 .62 439 JagtiaJ 10 79 T(114); W(114) 787 m Jagtial 16 80

, 52


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THIl VILLAGE Loea- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu. Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

81 Eswanthraopet 1.73 P W Ri,M 82 Israjpalle 2.21 P W Ri,M 83 Shakalla 2.10 P W PO Ri,M 84 Vengumatla 3.70 P W PO Ri,M 85 Bonkur 1.80 P W Ri,M

86 Sirikonda 1.98 P W PO Ri,M 87 Beersani 1.33 P W Ri,M 88 Sathambampalle 6.95 3P W PR PO RI,M 89 Velgatoor 9.55 P W PR PO Ri,M 90 Shakapuram 0.72' P W Ri,M

91 Kondapuram 4.32 P W PO Ri,M 92 Jagdevpeta 3.80 P W PO Ri,M 93 Lothunur 2.48 P W Ri,M 94 Abbapuram 1.54 P W Ri,M 95 Datnur 2.36 P W Ri,M

96 Chendoli 3.31 P W KR PO Ri,M 97 Gullakota 9.36 2P W KR PO Ri,M 98 Athmakur 4.82 2P W KR PO Ri,M 99 Devikonda 3.92 p W Ri,M 100 Nancherla 4.90 2P W PO Ri,M

101 Thirmalapuram 3.63 2P W PO Ri,M 102 Lakshmipuram 1.43 P W PO Ri,M 103 Bheemrajpalle 0.85 P W Ri,M 104 Chilvakodur 5.09 2P W KR PO Ri,M 105 Gunjapaduga 1.03 P W Ri,M

106 Gollapalle 5.21 P W KR PO Ri,M 107 Rapalle 2.16 P W KR PO Ri,M 108 Vengalapuram 2.52 P W KR Ri,M 109 Thirmalapuram 0.44 M W KR PO Ri,M 110 Lakshmipuram 3.74 P W KR PO Ri,M

111 Dharmaram 1.15 P W KR Ri,M 112 Jabithapur 4.49 P W KR PO Ri,M 113 Thimmapuram 2.43 P W KR Ri,M) 114 Mothe 3.65 P E W PO Ri,M 115 Eldurthi 2.72 P E W Ri,M

. 116 Narsingapuram . 5.02 P E W KR PO Ri,M IJ7 Dharur 2.00 P E W PR PO Ri,M 118 Rajaram 1.15 P W PR PO Ri,M 119 Potharam 4.09 P E W PO Ri,M 120 Rampuram 2.74 P E W PO Ri,M \ \ \ 53


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, Town or days historical Loca- Areano\ and of the or archaeo- don Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Codo Forest Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(35); Tk(3S) 571 67 434 Jagtial 16 81 T(168); W(168) 1,034 169 43 Jagtial 16 82 25 T(I71); Tk(130),W(41) 685 184 74 Jagtial 19 83 T(l42); W(142) 1,706 lOS 410 Jagtial 19 84 T(43); Tk(43) 977 32 140 Jagtial 21 8S

T(76); W (76) 895 132 164 Jagtial 22 86 T(86); W(86) 608 70 90 Jagtial26 .. 87 429 T(26); W(26) 2,096 753 1,144 Jagtial 38 88 1,575 408 4,129 Jagtial 32 89 T(ll5); WellS) 365 3 125 Jagtial 35 90

1,244 1,194 326 Jagtial34 91 T(25); Tk(2S) 1,819 46 542 Jagtial 32 92 T(8); Tk(8) 1,206 98 275 Jagtial 26 93 T(50); Tk50) 786 49 100 Jagtiai 22 94 T(92); W(92) 1,159 81 178 Jagtial 22 95

T(21); Tk(21) 1,322 50 725 Jagtial 22 95 T(538); W(S38) 2,165 40 3,247 Jagtial 32 97 T(199); Tk(199) 1,581 1,304 Jagtiai 30 98 1,236 T(50); W(50) 429 605 188 Jagtiai 29 99 T(369); Tk(269). W(l00) 1,864 819 84 Jagtiai 22 100

T(27); Tk(27) 1,428 868 Jagtiai 26 101 T(74); Tk(74) 722 32 87 Jagtiai 24 102 473 71 Jagtial 22 103 T(23l); W(231) 2,413 203 410 Jagtial 22 104 T(26); W(26) 362 85 186 Jagtial24 105

T(l55); W(I55) 2,568 50 561 Jagtial 19 106 T(1l7); W(ll7) 1,025 221 19 Jagtial 13 107 ] ,131 128 353 Jagtial 13 108 T(n); Tk(92) 159 30 Jagtiai 13 109 R(l48); W(148) 1,31~ 926 Jagtiai 10 110

T(20); W(20) 543 403 Jagtial 8 111 38 T(273); Tk(173),W(I00) 1,864 161 575 Jagtial 8 112 T(I37); W(1l0),Tk(27) 935 13 470 Jagtial 3 113 T(lOO); W(100) 1,520 83 716 Jagtial 5 114 T(159); W(159) 1,025 556 Jagtial 3 115

T(86); W(86) 1,440 113 1,573 Jagtial 6 116 T(l54); C(60) , Tk(54), W(40) 911 62 153 Jagtial 3 117 T(61); W(61) 478 39 158 Jagtial 5 118 T(lOO); W(lOO) 1,269 355 893 Jagtial 6 119 T(100); W(100) 1,211 442 Jagtiai 10 120 54


, AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loea- Area tion Name of Village in Educatiortal ' Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 Oblapur 4.82 P W Ri,M 122 Voddad 6.05 P W Ri,M 123 Gorregundam 4.10 W Ri,M 124 Madutla 4.44 P W Ri,M ,125 NukapaIJe 5.53 M E W PR PO Ri,M

1"26 Mallial 7.55 P,M Phc,Fpc E W PR PO Ri,M 127 Manal 3.93 P;H W KR Ri,M 128 Battubhuttamrajpalle 3.40 P W Ri,M 129 ' Ibrahimnagar 2.-39 P W KR PO Ri,M '130 Maidampalle 2.40 P W PO Ri,M

131 Raghavapatnam 4.05 M W KR PO Ri,M 132 Aggimalla 1.57 P W Ri,M }33 Lingapuram 3.69 2P W KR PO Ri,M 134 Bathkepidle 3.84 H W KR PO Ri,M 135 Vengalaipet 1.46 P W PO Ri,M

'U6 Pegadapalle 6.38 P;H W KR PO Ri,M 137 'Arevalli 9.89 P,M W KR PO Ri,M 138 Takkallapalle 3.85 P,M W KR P9 Ri,M 139 TatiplHle 4.19 M W KR PO Ri,M 140 ' Sarvapuram 2.52 P W KR Ri,M

141 Balvanthapuram 3.25 "p W KR PO Ri,M ]42 Muthampeta 3.84 M E W PR PO Ri,M 143 Ramsagar 7.10 P W PO Ri,M 144 Shanivarampeta 0.85 P W Ri,M 145 TirmaIapur 3;02 P W Ri,M

"146 Konapuram 3.08 P W Ri,M 147 ' SUfampet 5.52 P W Ri,M 148 " Potharam 3.16 W Ri,M 149 Kondapuram 4.52 P W Ri,M HO Kodimylila 6.11 P,M,H E W KR PO Ri,M

lSI Nachupalle 5.82 M E W KR PO Ri,M 152 Cheppyala 3,49 M E W KR PO Ri,M , 153 Pudur 4.68 P,H E W PR PO Ri,M 154 Gourapuram 2.26 P W Ri,M ,155 Namilikonda 5.64 P,2M E W PR PO Ri,M 55


LAND USE (Area under'different types of land use in acres) Religipus, r Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Codo Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (hi Kms.) Market if any (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

1,008 T(l25); W(125) 326 99 245 Jagtial 13 121 1,863 T(59); W(50),Tk(9) 1,189 220 541 Jagtial 19 122 1,355 892 141 236 Ja'gtial 16 123 606 T(40); W(40) 1,505 19 671 Jagtial 10 124 410 T(22I); W(221) 1,160 70 1,678 Jagtial 8 125

T(346); W(230),Tk(116) 2,806 1,446 Jagtial 16 126 706 T(SI); W(8!) 998 730 Jagtial 19 127 556 T(41); W(41) 1,430 5 144 Jagtial 10 128 59 T(112); W(1l2) 1;139 101 118 Jagtial 10 129, T(SI); W(81) 985 470 Jagtial 19 130

T(210); W(21O) 1,807 15 560 . Jagtiai 19 ' 131 T(25); W(25) 784 60 135 Jagtial 22 132 T(199); W(199) 1,158 127 877 Jagtiai 19 133 T(77); W(77) 1,801 579 Jagtiai 19 134 T(122); W(122) 568 57 187 Jagtial 24 135

T(310); W(3GO),Tk(10) 2,757 206 810 Jagtial 24 136 T(468); Tk(350),W(l18) 4,083 153 1,625 Jagtial 19 137 T(30); W(30) 1,674 286 474 Jagtial 22 138 T(323); W(178),Tk(145) 1,487 123 748 Jagtiai 16 139 T(85); W(85) 1,181 279 67 Jagtial 19 140

T(131); W(131) 1,331 610 8 Jagtiai 19 141 339 T(lG8); W(108) 1,885 124 1 Jagtiai 14 142' 553 T(J36); W(l36) 1,668 280 1,907 Jagtial 22 143 125 T(9); W(9) 353 22 35 Jagtiai 19 144 913 T(135); Tk(135) 525 188 171 Jagtial 26 145

1,096 T(32); W(32) 616 100 127 Jagtial 35 146 1,903 T(30); W(30) 1,050 118 1,431 Jagtial 38 147 "1,422 T(60); W(60) 289 60 191 Jagtial 36 148 1,729 T(21); W(21) 1,076 35 31 Jagtiai 22 149 12 T(l65); W(165) 2,540 137 1,056 Jagtial 22 Thursday 150

236 T(228); W(22S) 2,289 318 653 Jagtial 19 lSI T(88); W(88) 1,584 94 467 Jagtial 22 152 357 T(lOS); W(108) 1,900 127 503 Jagtial 22 153 T(06); W(l06) 943 397 Jagtial 19 154 T(1GO); W(100) 2,167 1,342 Jagtial 22 155·


f­ W a. 0 E ~ ~ ~ In < ~ « .J


1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Viilage Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Cod~ No. Code No.

84 Abbapuram 177 Kangarthi (Jadeed) 17 Padkal 104 Adrial 66 Kangarthi (Kadeem) 26 Paidichinthalapalle 109 Advivarampet 152 Kankula 7 Paidipalle 33 Akenpalle 63 Kannala 62 Palakurthi 106 Akkapalle 1 Kapparaopet 67 Paltham 52 Allur 72 Katkanpalle 173 Pandilla 5 Ambaripet 138 Katnepalle 102 Pannur 39 Antargaon 77 Keesulatapalle 95 Parepalle 90 Appannapet 69 Khadavanparthi 20 Pathaguduf 4 Kishanraopet 74 Pathipaka 111 Begumpet 188 Kishtampet 124 Bhojannapeta Peddabonkur 159 129 Kodurpak ]26 Peddakalva 143 Bhoopathipuram 162 Kolanoor ]72 Bommareddypalle Peddampet 73 174 Komera 121 Peddapalli 24 Bothalvanparthi 158 Kothapalle 37 Brahmanapalle Patti Murmur 81 Peddapuram 18 Kothapet 163 Pegadapalle 64 Brahmanapalle Patti Sultanabad 85 KOlhur 54 Penchikalapeta 108 Budhavarampet 13 Kukkalagudur Burhanmihapet 137 Poosala 140 86 Kummarikunta 57 Poratpalle 70 Chamanpalle 167 Ktmaram 179 Pothkapalle 180 Chanagollda 59 Kundanpalle 31 Potial 15 Chanobanda 30 Putnur 123 Cheekuria 107 Ladnapura 9 Chegaon ]15 Lankakesaram 27 Rachapalle 155 Chinnabonkuru 75 Legalamarri 105 Rachapalle 125 Chinnakalvala 98 Lingala 91 Raghavapur 42 Lingapuram 135 RaikaJdevapalle 132 DhooJkatta 130 Lokapet 65 Ranaid 68 Dongaturthi 116 Rajapurm 14';' Dubbapet 41 Ramagundam 12 Maddiriyala 168 EduJapur 119 Rampalle 112 Medipalle Patti Mangapet 96 Rampikunta 32 Eklasupur 178 Madka 133 Elgaid 8 Rampoor 161 Madpalle 56 Ranapuram 55 Elkalpalle 43 Madupalle Patti Murmur 76 Ellapuram 122 Rangampalle 44 Malkapur 92 Rangapur 19 EndapaJle 79 Mallapuram 61 Esalatakkallapalle 113 Rathnapuram 184 Mallial 169 Rathupalle 171 Gangaram 58 Mallialpalle 156 Rebbalda vipalle 145 Garrcpalle 151 Mancharami 153 Regadimaddikunta 148 Gattepalle 164 Mangapet 118 94 Sabbitham 93 Gattu Singaram Maredgonda . 6 16 Godiseiapet 53 Maredupaka Sankenapalle 146 Gollapalle 23 Maredupalle 22 Sayampet ]20 Gowreddipet 185 Mirzampet 15 Shanabanda 38 Goyalwada 157 Miyapuram 139 Shivapalle 182 Gudem 60 Mogilepahad 49 Siripuram 29 Gudipalle 187 Motapalle 34 Somanapalle 183 Gumpula 2 Mukkatraopet 170 Srirampuram 117 Gundaram 160 Mulasala 154 Suddala 101 Mulkalapalle 136 Sultana bad 181 Indurthi 14 Munjampalle 141 Sultanpur 142 Ithrajpalle 131 Muppirithota 46 Sundilla 166 Jafarkhanpet 35 Murmoor 21 Suraram 48 Jallaram 47 Mustial 186 Tarpalle 51 Jallipalie 3 MUlhunur 82 Teelkunta 45 Janagaon 71 Myadaram 150 Thogarrai 28 Jayyaram 89 Turkalamaddikunta 83 Julapalle 97 Nagaram 100 Julapalle 103 Nagepalle 10 Undeda 175 Namsanipalle 50 Upperlakesaram 88 Kachapur 134 Narsapur 110 Velgalpahad 149 Kadambapur 78 N arsingapuram 11 Vemunur 40 Kaidandi 147 Neerkulla 165 Vennampalle 114 Kalvacherla 127 Nimmanapalle 99 Kamanpuram 128 Nittur 87 Wadkapuram 80 Kammarikhanpet 107 Wadnapuram 25 Kanampalle 176 Odela 36 Yellammapalle. 57 58


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGB Loea- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) (10)

Kapparaopet 4.56 P W PR. PO R.i,J,M 2 Mukkatraopet 0.36 P W Pit Jti,J,M 3 Muthunur 3.68 P W Pit PO Ri,J,M 4 Kishanraope' 3.06 P W PR PO Ri,J,M S Ambaripet 2.77 P W PR PO Ri,J,M

6 Sankenapalle 2.63 P W PR Ri,J,M 7 Paidipalle 3.59 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 8 Rarnpoor 3.33 P W PR Ri,J,M 9 Chegaon 5.66 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 10 Undeda l.5~ P W,Tk Ri,J,M

11 Vemunur lAO P W,R Ri,J,M 12 Mddiriyala 2.68 P W PO Ri,J,M 13 Kukkalagudur 4.80 P W PO Ri,J,M 14 Munjampalle 2.17 P W Ri,J,M 15 Shanabanda 1.09 P W Ri,J,M

16 Godiselapet 3.28 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 17 Padkal 1.27 P W Ri,J.M 18 Kothapet 1.61 M W PR Ri,J,M 19 Endapalle 4.25 H W PR PO Ri,J,M 20 Pathagudur 3.00 P W KR PO Ri,J,M

21 Suraram 1.53 P W Ri,J,M 22 Sayampet 2.90 P W Ri,J,M 23 Maredupalle 4.75 P W Ri,J,M 24 Bothavanparthi 4.21 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 25 Kanampalle 3.07 P W Ri,J,M

26 Paidichinthalapalle 1.82 P W Ri,J,M 27 Rachapalle 8.88 P W KR Ri,J,M 28 Jayyaram 2.76 P W PO Ri,J,M 29 Gudipalle 0.96 P W RI,J,M 30 Putnur 4.19 P W Ri,J,M

31 Potial 4.89 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 32 Eklasupur 2.44 P W PO Ri,J,M 33 Akenpalle 3.40 P W Ri,J,M 34 Somanapalle 0.86 P W Ri,J,M 35 Murmoor 4.46 P W PR PO Ri,J,M

36 Yellammapalle 3.18 P W PR Ri,J,M . 37 Brahmanpalle Patti 4.S2 P W PR Ri,J,M Murmur 38 Goyalwada 6.16 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 39 Antargaon 1.61 P W Pit Ri,J,M 40 Kaidandi 6.44 P W PR Ri,J,M S9



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) - Religious, r Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo· tion Cultivated Area available and of the 199ica1 im- Code Forest -A--_~ Culturable for culti. distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(363); Tk(363) 453 280 1,821 PeddapaUe 42 159 60 11 Peddapalle 44 2 311 T(101); Tk(101) 1,390 56 494 Peddapalle 46 3 230 T(168); Tk(168) 1,177 238 143 Peddapalle 40 4 T(339); Tk(339) 1,109 . 139 185 Peddapalle 37 5

T(S8); Tk(58) 1,394 106 125 Peddapalle 38 6 125 T(195); Tk(l95) 1,610 64 303 Peddapalle 41 7 6 T(52); Tk(S2) 1,321 443 309 Peddapalle 47 8 T(882); Tk(882) 1,70S 365 670 Peddapalle 44 9 T(82); Tk(82) . 732 3 175 Peddapalle 45 10

T(l55); Tk(IS5) 793 51 537 Peddapalle 20 11 T(27); Tk(27) 1,332 36 320 Peddapalle 16 12 519 T(730); Tk(730) 1,426 258 139 Peddapalle 14 13 T(94); Tk(94) I,OS6 45 163 Peddapalle 46 14 5)8 116 63 Peddapalle 45 15

T(163); Tk(132),W(31) 1,246 216 474 Peddapalle 42 16 T(73); Tk(40),W(33) 666 10 60 Peddapalle 39 17 T(92); Tk(50),W(42) 741 116 7S Peddapalle 39 18 T(334);. Tk(334) 1,989 288 lOS Peddapalle 37 19 Te2IS); Tk(215) 1,484 39 182 Peddapalle 35 20

T(128); Tk(100), W(28) 498 20 333 Peddapalle 34 21 T(136); Tk(136) 1,190 70 460 Karimnagar 32 22 961 T(80); Tk(80) 1,304 64 631 Peddapalle 46 23 ~ T(161); Tk(161) 1,699 283 551 Peddapalle 18 24 605 T(103); Tk(l03) 839 46 371 Peddapalle 16 25

61 T(64); Tk(64) 630 142 267 Peddapalle 16 26 T(20S); Tk(205) 1,542 3,266 670 Peddapalle 13 27 240 T(79); Tk(79) 1,147 180 120 Peddapalle 16 28 T(28); Tk(28) 531 55 Peddapalle 16 29 683 T(184); Tk(184) 1,285 219 310 Peddapalle 20 30 I

766 T(667); Tk(627),W(40) 1,332 364 Ramagundam 31 31 T(85); Tk(8S) 783 127 566 Ramagundam 13 32 T(25); Tk(25) 1,234 851 66 Ramagundam 17 .' 33 T(65); Tk(6S) 408 57 20 Ramagundam 18 34 (229); Tk(229) 1,662 963 Ramagundam 8 35

T(84); Tk(S4) 1,517 427 Ramagundam 5 36 T(216); Tk(216) 1,819 857 Ramagundam 8 37

T(126); Tk(126) 2,207 304 1,305 Ramagundam 14 38 T(42); Tk(42) 489 499 Ramagundam 14 39 482 T(IO); Tk(lO) 18 -2,462 1,149 Ramagundam 14 40 60


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area A tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

41 Ramagundam 6.33 Urban Area (Ramagundam Town) 42 Lingapuram 2J8 P E W PR Ri,J,M 43 Madupalle Patti 1.50 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M Murmur 44 Malkapur 2.77 P W Ri,J,M 45 Jangaon @ Urban Area (langaon Town)

46 Sundilla 4.10 P W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 47 Mustial 4.25 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 48 Jallaram 9.12 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 49 Siripuram 2.36 P W Ri,J,M 50 Upperlakesaram 3.92 W PR Ri,J,M

51 Jallipalle 2.14 Uninhabited 52 Allur 4.45 P W,T Ri,J,M 53 Maredupaka 2.67 P W PO Ri,J,M ~4 Penichkalapeta 2.21 P W Ri,J,M 55 Elkalpalle 3.79 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M

56 Ranapuram 3.46 P W Ri,J,M 57 Poratpalle 4.60 P W,R Ri,J,M 58 Mallialpalle 1.72 P W Ri,J,M 59 Kundanpalle 4.12 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 60 Mogilepahad 2.78 P W Ri,J,M

61 Esalatakkallapalle 9.39 M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 62 Palakurthi 5.00 P E W PR Ri,J,M 63 Kannal 7.98 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 64 Brahmanapalle Patti. 2.37 P W PR PO . Ri,J,M Sultanabad 65 Ranaid U3 M W PO Ri,J,M

66 Kangarthi (Kadeem) 8.~S P,M W Ri,J,M 67 Paltham 4.85 P E W PO Ri,J,M 68 Dongaturthi 3.31 P W PO Ri,J,M 69 Khadavanparthi 6.38 I P W Ri,J,M 70 Chamanpalle 2.55 p W Ri,J,M

71 Myadaram 6.96 W PO Ri,J,M 72 Katkanpalle 6.34 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 73 Bommareddypalle 13.37 P E W Pll 2PO Ri,J,M 74 Pathipaka 6.S1 H E W KR PO Ri,J,M 75 Legalamarri 2 ..... p W Ri,I,M

76 Ellapuram 3.64 p W PO Ri,J,M 77 Keesulatpalle 0.28 p W Ri,I,M 78 Narsinga~uram 2.67 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 79 Mallapuram 4.40 P E W PR Ri,J,M 80 Kammarikhanpet 4.24 P W Ri,J,M 61 DIRECTORY and Land use PEDDAPALLE TALUK

LAND uSE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, r- Nearest Day historical, Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and. of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

Urban Area (Ramagundarn Town) 41 T(287); Tk(287) 804 64 240 Ramagundam 8 42 T(211); Tk(211) 238 267 244 Ramagundam 9 43

T(101); Tk(IOl) 859 165 647 Ramagundam 10 44 Urban Area (Jangaon Town) 4j

T(156); Tk(156) 1,015 1,452 Manthani 16 46 T(289); Tk(289) ] ,630 801 Manthani 16 47 T(412); Tk(412) 4,028 441 952 Manthani 14 48 269 T(l77); Tk(177) 834 29 201 Manthani 13 49 452 T(195); Tk(195) ] ,219 169 473 Manthani 15 50

T(12); Tk(l2) 541 800 16 Manthani 3 51 T(146); Tk(146) 1,103 203 1,396 Peddapalle 17 52 T(147); Tk(l47) 1,402 172 1,267 Peddapalle 19 53 T(64); Tk(64) 1,099 150 101 Peddapalle 16 54 T(182); Tk(I82) 1,974 50 219 PeddapaUe 19 55

669 T(36); T1«36) 1,159 350 PeddapaUe 18 56 T(273); (Tk(273) 177 1,463 1,031 Ramagundam 8 57 T(430); Tk(430) 141 183 346 Ramaguddam 2 58 T(128); Tk(l28) 585 148 1,775 Ramagundam 2 59 418 T(ll); Tk(ll) 1,335 79 Ramagundam 2 60

1,450 T(462); Tk(462) 3,169 477 451 Ramagundam 10 61 1,176 T(83); Tk(83) 1,288 0472 181 Ramagundam 10 62 1,167 T(147); Tk(147) 1,928 874 991 Ramagundam 15 63 T(230); Tk(230) 1,138 148 Ramagundam 8 64

T(268); Tk(268) 1,550 51 390 Ramagundam 8 65

T(246); Tk(246) 1,723 2,513 990 Ramagundam 8 66 359 T(283); Tk(283) 2,091 16 355 Ramagundam 7 67 T(255); Tk(255) 1,427 312 124 Ramagundam 10 68 T(212); Tk(212) 1,824 1,307 740 Ramagundam 14 69 T(130); Tk(130) 1.013 89 400 Ramagundam 19 70

T(540); Tk(54O) 2,670 439 803 Ramagundam 17 71 188 T(394); Tk(394) 2,907 491 77 Karimnagar 32 72 2.906 T(390); Tk(390) 4,083 302 875 Peddapallc 21 73 T(346); Tk(346) 1.909 751 1,160 Karimnagar 30 74 378 T(97); Tk(97) 746 140 200 Karimnagar 34 75

T(323); 'Tk(323) 1,708 265 30 Karimnagar 38 76 T(66); Tk(66) 96 )7 Karimnagar 40 77 160 T(186); Tk(186) 750 160 452 Karimnagar 31 78 T(223); Tk(223) 1,130 710 753 Karimnagar 26 79 T(203); Tk(203) 2,198 101 211 Peddapalle 18 80 62



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

81 Peddapuram 6.31 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 82 Teelkunta 6.40 H W KR PO Ri,J,M 83 Julapalle 4.31 P;R E W KR PO Ri,J.M 84 Abbapuram 2.12 P E W KR Ri,J,M Ri,J,M 85 Kothur 8.21 P W

Ri,J.M 86 Kummarikunta 5.21 P W PO Ri,J,M 87 Wadkapuram 8.11 P,R E W KR PO p KR PO Ri,J,M 88 Kachapur 5.40 W p KR PO Ri,J,M 89 Turkalamaddikunta 3.85 E W PR PO Ri,J,M 90 Appannapet \ 7.13 M E W

91 Raghavapur 8.15 p E W PR PO Ri,J,M 92 Rangapur 3.45 P E W PR Ri,J,M 93 Gattu Singaram 2.28 Uninhabited 94 Sabbitham 1.47 p W PR Ri,J.M Ri,J,M 95 Parapalle 1.27 p E W PR PO

96 Rampikunta 2.06 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 97 Nagaram 0.92 p W Ri,J,M 98 Lingala 1.46 P W Ri,J,M 99 Kamanpuram 3.85 P E W,Tk PR PO Ri,J,M 100 Julapalle 2.00 p W,Tk KR Ri,J,M

101 Mulkalapa\1e 1.23 W Ri,J,M 102 Pannur 0.82 P W,Tk PR Ri,J,M lO'~ Nagepalle 3.43 P W,Tk PR Ri,J,M, 104 Adrial 2.29 W,R Ri,J,M 105 Rachapalle 1.51 P W,R Ri,J,M

106 Akkapalle 1.08 P W,R Ri,J,M 107 Wadnapuram 2.00 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 108 Budhavarampet 1.88 p W PR Ri,J,M 109 Advivarampet 2.95 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 110 Vetgalpahad 4.30

111 Begumpet 16.67 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 112 Madepalle Patti 10.05 Uninhabited Mangapet 113 Rathnapuram 1.05 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 114 Kalvacherla 4.78 P E W PR PO Ri,J.M 115 Lankakesaram 1.88 P W KR Ri,J,M

116 Rajapuram 1.80 W KR Ri,J,M 117 Gundaram 3.72 P W PR Ri,J,M 118 Maredgonda 2.67 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 119 Rampalle 8.13 P E W PO Ri,J,M 120 Gowreddipet 3.32 P E W PO Ri,J,M 63



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, r Town or days historical Loca- Area not and of the or archaeo- tion , Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest A Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vadon if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(880); Tk(880) 2,229 420 509 Peddapalle 16 81 T(572); Tk(572) 2,758 362 404 Peddapalle 15 82 T(l92); Tk(l92) 2,312 3 251 Peddapalle 15 Thursday 83 T(43); Tk(43) 1,156 63 94 Peddapalle 15 84 52 T(197); Tk(197) 2,600 463 1,942 Peddapalle 15 85

308 T(141); Tk(141) 2,045 68 772 Peddapalle 16 86 T(412); Tk(412) 4,412 179 251 Peddapalle 10 87 T(l3l); Tk(131) 2,373 375 577 Peddapalle 8 88 T(239); Tk(239) 1,874 100 251 Peddapalle 6 89 T(438); Tk(438) 3,336 295 494 PeddapaUe 8 90

530 T(519); Tk(519) 3,019 59 1,089 Peddapalle 2! 91 662 T(185); Tk(385) 792 215 154 Peddapalle 5 92 953 T(33); Tk(33) 333 52 88 Peddapalle 6 93 T(7); Tk(7) 839 55 39 Peddapalle 9 94 T(120); fk(120) 168 SIS 9 Peddapalle 6 95

32 T(131); Tk(131) 313 810 32 Peddapalle 8 96 T(78); Tk(78) 444 20 46 Peddapalle 9 97 T(79); Tk(79) 579 276 Peddapalle 9 98 T(332); Tk(332) 1,906 110 107 Peddapalle 14 99 T(ll); Tk(l2) 1,016 252 Peddapalle 15 100

T(4); Tk(4) 272 107 404 Peddapalle 19 101 T(4); Tk(4) 457 63 Peddapalle 16 102 587 T(230); Tk(230) 819 101 458 Peddapalle 12 103 T(18); Tk(18) 1,403 43 Peddapalle 13 104 T(n); Tk(72) 848 46 Peddapalle 13 105

T(9J); Tk(91) 486 79 35 Peddapalle 8 106 T(172); Tk(172) 916 192 Peddapalle 7 107 T(154); Tk(l54) 919 5 125 Peddapalle 7 108 T(38); Tk(38) 899 528 423 Peddapalle 9 109 2,222 T(16); Tk(16) 271 240 Peddapalle 9 110

6,355 T(791); Tk(791) 2,844 678 PeddapaUe 8 III T(78); Tk(78) , 588 5,116 650 Manthani 11 112 \ T(106); Tk(106) 511 51 4 Manthani 14 In T(238); Tk(238) 2,225 326 270 Peddapalle 28 114 342 T(100); Tk(I00) 699 62 Pcddapalle 30 115

308 T(48); Tk(48) 414 199 183 Peddapalle 18 li6 669 T(206); Tk(206) 751 98 Peddapalle 14 117 T(315);· Tk(315) 1,072 172 149 Peddapalle 14 liS 1,386 T(387); Tk(387) 2,756 538 136 Peddapalle 4 119 258 T(162); Tk(162) 1,369 224 111 PeddapalJe 3 120 64



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THI! VILLAGE Loca- Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electri ci ty Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications, Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 PeddapaUe Urban Area (Peddapalle Town), 122 Rangampalle 1.40 p E W PR Ri,J,M 123 Cheekuria 2.05 P W PR Ri,J,M 124 Peddabonkll! 3.96 p E W PRo PO Ri,J,M 125 Chinnakalvala 2.13 P W PR PO • Ri,J,M

126 Peddakalva 1.94 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 127 Nimmanapalle 1.02 P W Ri,J,M 128 Nittur 2.23 P W PO Ri,J,M 129 Kodurpak 5.96 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 130 Lokapet 1.30 P W Ri,J,M

131 Muppirithota 3.21 P W PO Ri,J,M 132 Dhoolkatta 4.32 M W KR PO Ri,J,M 133 Elgaid 2.29 H E W PR PO,TO Ri,J,M 134 Narasapur 1.60 P W PR Ri,J,M 135 Raikaladevapalle 4.81 p W Ri,J,M

136 Sultanabad 6.00 P,B H B W PR PTO,Phone Ri,J,M 137 Poosala 2.86 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 138 Katnepalle 2.34 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 139 Shivapalle 2.15 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 140 Burhanmihapet 1.46 p E W KR Ri,J,M

141 Sultanpur 2.86 M E, W KR PO Ri,J,M 142 Ithrajpalle 1.62 p E W KR Ri,J,M 143 Bhoopathipuram 1.64 P E W KR Ri,J,M 144 Dubbapet 0.65 P W PR Ri,J,M 145 Garrepalle 8.12 P,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M

146 Gorrapallo 2.31 P B W PO Ri,J,M 147 Neerkulla 2.06 P E W PO Ri,J,M 148 Gattepalle 2.31 p E W PO Ri,J,M 149 Kadambapur 4.12 P W Ri,J,M 150 Thogarrai 3.22 p E W KR PO Ri,J,M

151 Mancharami 1.69 P B W KR Ri,J,M 152 Kankula 4.64 p E W KR PO Ri,J,M 153 Regadimaddikunta 4.21 p E W KR PO Ri,J,M 154 Suddala 3.53 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 155 Chinnabonkur 1.21 P E w KR. Ri,J,M

156 Rebbaldavipalle 0.97 W PIt Ri,J,M 157 Miyapuram 2.22 p E W Ri,J,M 158 KothapaJle 4.34 M W PR PO Ri,J,M 159 Bhojannapeta 2.01 P E W PO Ri,J,M 160 Mulasala 4.62 p E W PO Ri,J,M I 65


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, , Nearest Day historical, Loea- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical irn- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Krns.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

Urban Area (Peddapalle Town) 121 T(78); Tk(78) 763 18 38 Peddapalle 2 122 T(110); Tk(llO) 997 83 122 Peddapalle 3 123 T(273); Tk(273) 1,899 200 162 PeddapaIJe 6 124 T(115); Tk(tlS) 1,065 36 147 Peddapalle 5 125

T(2B9); Tk(289) 740 m 60 Peddapalle 7 126 T(88); !k(8S) 515 43 Peddapalle 6 127 T(186); Tk(186) 1,107 5 130 Peddapalle 6 128 1(353); Tk(353) 2,810 239 402 Peddapalle 8 129 T(22); Tk(22) 760 12 36 Peddapalle 10 130

T(245); Tk(245) 1,378 29 402 PeddapaJle 12 131 1(486): Tk(486) 1,893 80 305 Peddapalle 15 132 T (833); Tk(833) 356 105 171 Peddapalle 16 133 T(183); Tk(183) 622 100 119 Peddapalle 16 134 T(341); Tk(341) 1,395 435 907 PeddapalJe 10 135

1(587); Tk(587) 2,488 366 459 PeddapaUe 11 136 T(241); Tk(241) 1,191 141 257 Peddapalle 12 137 T(211); Tk(21I} 1,061 93 132 Peddapalle 15 138 T(82); Tk(82} 1,105 21 168 Peddapalle 16 139 T(62); Tk(62) 717 40 lIS Karirnnagar 12 140

T(306); Tk(306} 796 416 312 Karirnnagar 16 141 T(196); Tk(196} 699 74 64 Karirnnagar 15 142 1(%); Tk(96) 725 115 110 Karirnnagar 14 143 1 (76); Tk(76) 282 S8 Karimnagar 10 144 T(1,59); Tk(I,593) 2,083 378 1,142 Karirnnagar 13 Thursday 145

T(82); Tk(82) 931 99 366 Karimnagar 10 146 1(313); Ik(313) 713 292 PeddapalJe 16 147 T (329); Tk(329) 549 174 426 Peddapalle 14 148 T(3l0); Tk(31O) 1,762 206 354 PeddapalJe 15 149 T(291); Tk(291) 673 428 668 PeddapaUe 17 150

T(257): Tk(257) 327 70 427 PeddapaUe 18 lSI T(302); Tk(302) 2,210 214 243 PeddapaJle 19 152 T (222); Tk(222) 2,072 158 242 PeddapaUe.17 153 T(216); Tk(216) 1,797 145 101 PeddapalJe 16 154 T(89); T(89) 581 104 Peddapalle 13 155

T(48); Tk(48) 524 48 PeddapalJe 6 156 T(91); Tk(91) 1,160 50 119 Peddapalle 11 157 T (360); Tk (360) 1,909 342 166 Peddapalle 9 IS8 T(I13): Tk(Il3) 1,083 35 55 PeddapalJe 7 159 1(222); Tk(222) 1,879 637 218 PeddapaUe 12 160 66


AMENITIES AV AILABLB WITHIN THB VILLAGB Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

161 Madpalle 3.27 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 162 Kolanoor 11.88 P,R Phc,Fpc E W PR,T PO,TO Ri,J,M 163 Pegadapalle 12.89 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M ]64 Mangapet 2.11 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 165 Vennampalle 3.15 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

166 Jafarkhanpet 0.63 P W Ri,J,M ]67 Kunaram 8.78 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 168 Edulapur 3.44 P W Ri,J,M ]69 Rathupalle 6.33 P E W KR Ri,J,M 170 Srirampuram 7.60 ' P Phc,Fpc E W KR PO,TO,Phone Ri,J,M

171 Gangaram 3.23 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M ]72 Peddampeta 1.66 P W PO Ri,J,M 173 Pandilla 2.80 P W PO Ri,J,M ]74 Komera 2.95 P W Ri,J,M liS Namsanipalle 2.15 P W Ri,J,M

176 Odela 8.04 P,R E W PR PO Ri,J,M 177 Kangarthi (Iadud) 3.78 M E W PO Ri,J,M 178 Madka 3.25 P W PO Ri,J,M 179 Pothkapalle 7.73 P,R E W PR PO Ri,J,M 180 Chanagonda 3.62 P W PR Ri,J,M

181 Indurthi 2.68 P W PO Ri,J,M 182 Gudem 2.18 P W Ri,J,M 183 Gumpula 4.13 P W PO Ri,J,M 184 Mallial 3.65 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 185 Mirzampet 3.56 P W PO Ri,I,M

186 Tarpalle 3.50 P W Ri,J,M 187 Motapalle 2.32 P W PO Ri,J,M 188 Kishtampet 2.41 P W PO Ri,J,M 67 I DIRECTORY and Land use PEDDAPALLE TALUK

LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, r Town or days historical Loca- Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vat ion if any

(11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(421); Tk(421) 1,371 116 184 Peddadalle 26 161 T(81O); Tk(810) 5,563 171 1,059 Peddapalle 16 Thursday 162 T(333); Tk(333) 2,431 5,300 185 Peddapaile 25 163 T(235); Tk(235) 854 89 172 Peddapalle 16 164 540 T(605); Tk(605) 101 160 610 Peddapalie 24 165

T(103); Tk(103) 196 62 42 Peddapalle 20 166 719 T(S24); Tk(814) 1,496 684 1,896 Peddapalle 18 167 T(120); Tk(120) 1,523 537 21 Peddapalle 26 168 918 T(544); Tk(544) 1,625 507 457 Peddapalle 21 169 529 T(SI2); Tk(812) 2,635 520 368 Peddapalle 20 Thursday 170

T(344); Tk(344) 1,464 12 247 Peddapalle 20 171 T (77); Tk (77) 521 ]80 284 Peddapalle 25 172 T(273); Tk(273) 757 489 273 Peddapaiie 26 173 T(l61); Tk(161) 1,559 145 23 Peddapalle 14 174 T(287); Tk(287) 804 55 230 Peddapalle 28 175

T(3S4); Tk(354) 4,144 223 424 Peddapalle 26 176 T(1,033); Tkel,033) 196 870 320 Peddapalle 18 177 T(272); Tk(272) 1,354 359 95 Peddapalle 20 178 T(m); Tk(572) 3,260 838 277 PeddapaUe 20 179 T(236); Tk(236) 1,444 74 562 Peddapalle 28 180

T(231); Tk(231) 1,005 293 186 PeddapaUe 26 181 T(81); Tk{Sl) 1,019 63 232 Peddapalle 27 182 T(318); Tk(318) 1,620 108 597 PeddapaUe 28 183 T(11S); Tk(llS) 1,567 268 386 Peddapalle 17 184 T(19l); Tk(191) 1,739 348 Peddapalle 37 185

T(182); Tk(182) 1,611 258 189 Peddapalle 14 186 T(94); Tk(94) 375 110 905 Peddapalle 38 187 T(l79); Tk(179) 988 375 Peddapalle 46 188

MANTHANI T ALUK l: -, ~ III ~ j ~ i ·e lIJ ~ l ~ 0 ~. ; ~ ~ l! g l- i « LIJ s ~ :J 0:: f- U ~ ..J ii2- · a. « ~ ~ l! f- Iii « Ul j , 1li~ j5. l! >- '"Q J: '; ~ 0 11:. « "" -Z 0( ~ a ~ ~ 1 « o(~ l % J: z · " Q :t j ~ ~ I- - 0 I I z~ I 41 • • 0 « ~ I i 1: s- f





1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. CadeNa.

99 Adivarampeta 42 Kaleswar 126 Oded 107 Adivisomanpalle .79 Kamanpalle 61 Ambatpalle 97 Kambalapad 19 Arnmagaripalle 47 Kancherlapalle 37 Palgula 12 Anguloor 162 Kankunoor 5 Pandulapalle 145 Ankanpalle 6 Kannala 67 Pankena 33 Annaram 43 Kannepalle 68 Panmalla 135 Ansanpalle 132 Kapuram 122 Parupalle 20 Arenda 98 Kataram 138 Pedatoondla 123 Kesanpalle 64 Peddampeta 109 39 Baljapuram 128 Kharnmampalle Pedda Odala 16 Khanapur 161 Pegdapalle 152 Bayyaram 92 55 Begloor 17 Khansahibpet Pochanpalle 1 Khasipeta 157 Polaram 18 Bhattapalle (Makta) 40 80 Bheemanapalle 78 Kistapur Poosakpalle 62 Kistaraopet 121 Potharam 111 Bhitpalle (Khalsa) 96 ' 53 Bomrnapuram 104 Kondampeta Pothulvai 146 Korlakunta 87 Pratapgiri 45 Boorasagar 7 89 Bopparam 155 Korlakunta Puttapaka 167 Borlagudem 151 Kothapalle 70 Boyapalmala 48 Kothapeta 10 Kucharajpalle 46 RaghupaJle 52 Brahmanapalle 102 73 Burgugudem 49 Kudurpalle Ragulagudem 38 Kuntlam 58 Rapallikota 165 Reddipalle 168 Regulagudem 34 ChanrlrupaUe 119 Lakkaram 149 Rudraram 94 Chednepalle 8 Lakkepuram 148 ChigurapaJle 57 Lakshmipuram 108 Chinna Odala 65 Lenkalagadda 131 Chinnathoondla 69 Sarvaipeta 88 Chintakani 120 Sarvaram 117 Machupeta 125 Shatrajpalle 86 Madaram 133 Shatrajpalle 29 Damerakunta 36 Maddulapalle 163 Singampalle 72 Dammooru 51 Mahadevpur 170 Singaram IJ5 Daryapoor 116 Maidambanda 127 Srirampuram 103 Devarampalle 147 Mallampalle 156 Stmbhampalle 101 Dhanwada 22 Mallaram 166 Sthambhampalle (Pallikapuraml 24 30 Mallaram 118 Sukravarampeta 143 Domala Madaram 130 Mallaram 150 Sundarajpeta 140 Dubbaghattu 11 Mallepalle 59 Suraram 139 Dubbapeta 14 Manthani 105 Surnepalle 41 Masjidpalle 60 Medegadda 15 Eklaspur 71 Medigadda 129 Tadicherlll 54 Elkaswar 153 Medipalle 136 Tadvai 63 Enkepalle 44 Metpalle 32 Tallagadda 81 Moded 77 Thimmatyagudem 164 Gaddalpalle 90 Morapalle 112 Gaddulapalle 144 Mothukpalle 100 Gandharla 76 Muknoor 2 Uppatla 137 Gandharlll 56 Mukthipalle 169 Gandikamaram 154 Mulgupalle 124 25 Vadpulavanchll 93 Garepalle 159 VajnapalJe 66 GarkapaUe 158 Mutharam 113 Mydipa\le 141 Vallamkunta 28 Goodur ''''1 26 Veerapoor 110 Gopalapoor 75 Venchapalle Gumnur 9 134 Nacharam 21 Venkatapur 31 Gundrathpalle 23 Vilasagar Gunjapadiga 3S Nagapalle 3 4 Nagaram 13 Vilochavaram 106 Nagepalle 95 Nallagunta 114 Ippalpalle 160 Nallagunta alias Manjeet M Yamanapalle 91 Nasturpalle 142 Yedlapalle 27 Jadaraopet 74 Neelampalle 50 Yedpalle 85 Jeelapalle 83 Nimmagudem 82 Yethnaram 69 70



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area A-- tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 Khasipeta 1.33 Uninhabited 2 Uppatla 2.63 P Tk Ri,J,M 3 Gunjapadiga 5.86 M E Tk PO Ri,J,M 4 Nagaram 4.07 P E Tk PO Ri,J,M 5 Pandulapalle 1.18 E W Ri,J,M

6 Kannala 1.66 P W PO Ri,J,M 7 Puttapaka 3.40 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 8 Lakkepuram 3.11 P W Ri,J,M 9 Gumnur 3.42 P W PO Ri,J,M 10 Kucharajpalle 2.07 Urban Area (Included in Manthani Town)

11 Mallepalle 1.01 P R Ri,J,M 12 Anguloor 0.57 Uninhabited 13 Vilochavaram 3.17 P R Ri,J,M 14 Manthani 8.01 Urban Area (Manthani Town) 15 Eklaspur 9.24 P E R PR PO Ri,J,M

\6 Khanapur 3.04 P R Ri,J,M \7 Khansahibpet 4.5\ P R Ri,J,M 18 Bhattapalle (Makla) . 7.41 P W PR Ri,J,11 19 Ammagaripalle 1.81 Uninhabited 20 Arenda 8.29 P,M Tk KR PO Ri,J,M

21 Venkatapur 2.59 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 22 Mallaram 1.70 P,M Tk Ri,J,M 23 Vilasagar 7.49 P W PO Ri,J,M 24 Dharmasagar 1.29 W Ri,J,M 25 Vadpulavancha 2.89 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M

26 Veerapoor 2.80 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 27 Jadaraopet 1.59 C Ri,J,M 28 Goodur 1.55 Tk Ri,J,M 29 Damerakunta 3.50 H W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 30 Mallaram 0.93 Tk Ri,J,M

31 Gundrathpalle 3.13 W,Tk Ri,J,M 32 TaJlagadda 2.51 Uninhabited 33 Annaram 8.72 P R Ri,J,M 34 ChandrupaJle 0.41 R Ri,J,M 35 Nagapalle 2.92 Tt: Ri,J,M

36 Maddulapal_le 2.65 R Ri,J,M 37 Palgula 2.89 p R Ri,J,M 38 Kuntlam 1.92 R Ri,J,M 39 Baljapuram <4.24 Uninhabited 40 Poosakpalle 1.96 W,R Ri,J,M 71


.. Laael llse MANTHANI TALUKi

LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days Cultivated Area or archaeo- tion available and of the logical im- Code Forest ~ Culturable for culti- distance Weekly Irrigated portance, No. Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1) --~------T(48); Tk(48) 481 81 240 Manthani 8 1 T(61); Tk(41),W(20) 689 670 260 Manthani 7 2 T(361); Tk(320)W(41) 1,173 2,012 204 Manthani 10 3 T(233); Tk(222),W{1l) 1,375 586 406 Manthani 8 4 T(ll2); Tk(102),W(10) 463 103 77 Manthani 8 :;

T(244); Tk(208) ,W(36) 597 208 13 Manthani 8 6 T(2l5); Tk(200),W(IS) 1,317 330 314 Manthani 6 7 T(2ll); Tk(l76),W(35) 1,134 505 140 Manthani 5 8 T(218); Tk(180),W(38) 1,137 710 123 Manthani 6 9 Urban Area (Included in Manthani Town) 10

149 T(232); Tk(226),W(6) 200 64 Manthani 6 11 T(135); Tk(135) 200 29 Manthani 4 12 627 220 1,181 Manthani 6 13 Urban Area (Manthani Town) 14 3,649 T(81); Tk(75),W(6) 837 468 878 Manthani 4 15

T(5); Tk(5) 742 777 421 Manthani 4 16 1,935 T(67); Tk(67) 168 679 37 Manthani 6 17 T(50); Tk(50) 811 3,731 151 Manthani 10 18 998 104 42 14 Manthani 13 19 1,463 T(308); Tk(280);W(28) 1,675 741 1,118 Manthani 17 20

T(317); Tk(317) 870 237 233 Manthani 15 2J T(153); Tk(141),W(12) 610 325 Manthani 17 22 T(656); Tk(616),W(40) 2,252 1,800 85 Manthani 20 23 T(7); Tk(7) 746 32 40 Manthani 22 24 T(90); Tk(80),W(l0) 709 165 885 Manthani 27 25

1,662 T(n); Tk(65),W(7) 14 16 28 Manthani 28 65 T(107); Tk(I00),W(7) 26 464 186 195 Manthani 27 T(199); Tk(192),W(7) 27 507 121 165 Manthani 27 T(465); Tk(435),W(30) 28 318 447 1,010 Manthani 22 201 29 T(163); Tk(152),W(1l) 36 110 85 Manthani 25 30

1,504 T(186); Tk(186) 186 27 100 Manthani 27 T(36); Tk(30), W(6) 31 243 1,074 253 Manthani 28 3,521 32 T(l60); Tk(l60) 354 473 1,072 Manthani 28 33 162 T(l); W(l) 54 30 15 Manthani 30 34 124 160 1,318 203 Manthani 30 35 137 1,199 186 174 Manthani 30 194 T(2); W(2) 36 257 1,342 54 211 Manthani 45 37 317 351 349 Manthani 48 38 2,505 61 147 Manthani 48 T(16); W(16) 39 798 309 131 Manthani 52 40 72



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAOl! Loca- Area Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and --- Food Code Sq. Miles water nieations Telegraph No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (3) (9) (10)

41 MasjidpaIIe 0.21 Tk Ri,J,M

42 Kaleswar 11.00 P W,Tk,R PR PO Ri,J,M 43 Kannepalle 0.63 Uninhabited 44 MetpaIIe 2.07 R Ri,J,M 45 Boorasagar 4.42 R Ri,J,M

46 Raghupalle 9.87 Ri,J,M 47 Kancherlapalle 3.83 Uninhabited 48 Kothapeta '3.96 Uninhabited 49 KudurpaUe 3.19 P W Ri,J,M 50 YedpaIIe 2.17 W Ri,J,M

51 Mahadevpur 4.62 P,M,H D,Mcw E W,Tk PO&TO Ri,J,M 52 BrahmanapaIIe 1.07 P W Ri,J,M 53 Bommapuram 2.23 P Tk Ri,J,M 54 Elkaswar 2.72 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 55 Begloor 2.63 P W Ri,J,M

56 MUkthipalle 5.27 Uninhabited 57 Lakshmipuram 2.33 Uninhabited 58 Rapallikota 2.81 P W Ri,J,M 59 Suraram 4.90 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 60 Medegadda 0.98 R Ri,J,M

61 Ambatpalle 4.17 p W PO Ri,J,M 62 Kistaraopet 1.71 W Ri,J,M 63 EnkepaIIe 2.56 p W Ri,J,M 64 Peddampeta 5.56 W Ri,J,M 65 Lenkalagadda 12.25 P W Ri,J,M

66 GarkapaIIe 30.78 Uninhabited 67 Pankena 9.20 P W,R Ri,J,M 68 Panmalla 5.69 P W Ri,J,M 69 Sarvaipeta 6.39 P W Ri,J,M 70 Boyapalmala 1.61 Uninhabited

71 Medigadda 0.98 Uninhabited 72. Dammooru 5.23 P W Ri,J,M 73 Burgugudem 3.86 P Tk Ri,J,M 74 Neelampalle 4.18 P R Ri,J,M 75 Venchapalle 9.55 W Ri,J,M

76 Muknoor 10.67 P R Ri,J,M 77 Thimmatyagudem 8.97 W Ri,J,M 78 Kistapur 3.47 Uninhabited 79 Kamanpalle 19.72 W Ri,J,M 80 Bheemanapalle 3.12 Uninhabited 73


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, r A Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (~6) (17) (18) (l)

45 63 26 Manthani 54 Muktheswara 41 Swamy Temple T(47); Tk(38),W(9) 5,435 1,099 459 Manthani 56 42 T(44); Tk(39),W(5) 195 160 4 Manthani 58 43 126 1,164 34 Manthani 60 44 2,437 T(72); Tk(72) 65 203 51 Manthani 62 45

88 225 5,970 33 Manthani 62 46 T(73); Tk(50), W(23) 2,000 378 Manthani 63 47 1,770 T(19); Tk(19) 44 145 557 Manthani 65 48 T(44); Tk(26), W(18) 1,373 369 255 Manthani 65 49 839 T(388); Tk(360),W(28) 94 53 14 Manthani 50 50

654 T(388); Tk(,360),W(28) 1,227 117 520 Manthani 52 51 T(148); Tk(100),W(48) 234 215 90 Manthani 41 52 T(521); Tk(501),W(20) 575 77 254 Manthani 41 53 498 324 918 Manthani 43 54 T(69); Tk(51),W(18) 948 45 621 Manthani 46 55

291 343 2,738 Manthani 47 56 T(39); Tk(35), W(4) 227 1,000 225 Manthani 47 57 T(IOO); Tk(93),W(7) 337 887 474 Manthani 50 58 T(45); Tk(35),W(10) 927 826 1,338 Manthani 56 59 114 73 427 13 Manthani 57 60

T(21); Tk(21) 668 168 1,811 Manthani 60 61 T(40); Tk(40) 229 170 655 Manthani 61 62 T(39); Tk(39) 415 158 1,026 Manthani 45 63 T(6); Tk(6) 239 2,381 932 Manth~ni 62 64 6,234 598 1,008 Manthani 66 65

9,106 9,133 1,460 Manthani 67 66 2,208 T(43); W(43) 795 2,818 24 Man~hani 70 67 325 T(258); Tk(21S).W(40) 783 427 1,848 Manthani 75 68 T(133); Tk(133) 598 214 3,144 Manthani 78 69 93 727 210 Manthani 78 70

T(42); Tk(42) 570 15 Manthani 77 71 531 237 IDS 2,471 Manthani 80 72 166 62 2,224 18 Manthani 82 73 46 243 2,083 303 Manthani 88 74 104 179 5,782 47 Manthani 82 75

5,994 T(57); Tk(57) 347 12 418 Manthani 92 76 ]66 T(23); Tk(23) 154 5,080 317 Manthani 90 77 Manthani 90 78 6,019 6,020 581 Manthani 80 79 300 561 517 618 Manthani 80 80 74



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area A tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Posta} and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

81 Moded 4.67 P W Ri,J,M 82 Yethnaram 47.76 R Ri,J,M 83 Nimmagudem 12.97 P R Ri,J,M 84 Yamanapalle 8.46 P W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 85 Jeelapalle 14.80 P W,Tk Ri,J,M

86 Madaram 4.77 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 87 Pratapgiri 6.95 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 88 Chintakani 4.03 P W,Tk KR PO Ri,J,M 89 Bopparam 2.01 W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 90 Morapalle 3.12 Uninhabited

91 Nasturpalle 14.79 P W KR Ri,J,M 92 Pochanpalle 1.00 Uninhabited 93 Garepalle 2.09 P W,Tk KR PO Ri,J,M 94 Chednepalle 1.41 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 95 Nallagunta 6.86 Uninhabited

96 Pothulvai 2.67 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 97 Kambalapad 1.21 R KR Ri,J,M 98 Kataram 3.73 P Phc E W KR PO Ri,J,M 99 Adivarampeta 2.55 W Ri,J,M 100 Gandharla 4.64 W,Tk Ri,J,M

101 Dhanwada 5.16 P W,Tk KR PO Ri,J,M 102 Ragulagudem 5.99 p W Ri,J,M 103 Devarampalle 2.85 W Ri,J,M 104 Kondampeta 3.16 W Ri,J,M 105 Surnepalle 2.04 W,Tk Ri,J,M

106 Nagepalle 1.77 P W,R Ri,J,M 107 Adivisomanpalle 4.42 P W,R Ri,J,M 108 Chinna Odala 5.68 P W,R Ri,J,M 109 Pedda Odala 3.49 P W Ri,J,M ~ 110 GopaJapoor 2.51 P W KR Ri,J,M

111 Bhitpalle (Khalsa) 6.94 P W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 112 GadduJapalle 1.29 P Tk KR Ri,J,M )13 Mydipalle 2.24 W . Ri,J,M 114 Ippalpalle 4.03 P W Ri,J,M 115 Daryapoor 3.09 P W,Tk Ri,J,M

116 Maidambanda 4.06 P W,Tk Ri,J,M: 117 Machupeta 1.38 P W Ri,J,M 118 Sukravarampeta 0.24 W PO Ri,J,M 119 Lakkaram 1.85 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 120 Sarvaram 0.70 P W Ri,J,M 7S


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest , Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

200 1,058 1,045 685 Manthani 81 81 T(19); Tk(19) 14,534 14,500 1,513 Manthani 90 82 1(42); Tk(42) 573 7,288 397 Manthani 80 83 T(324); Tk(301),W(23) 2,078 2,218 794 Manthani 70 84 T(73); Tk(160),W(13) 4,371 4,000 928 Manthani 54 85

T(130); Tk(130) 169 2,752 Manthani 45 86 T(102); Tk(l02) 1,702 1,500 1,144 Manthani 42 87 T(336); Tk(306),W(30) 531 1,111 601 Manthani 40 88 T(94); Tk(80),W(14) 408 222 562 Manthani 40 89 30 587 500 879 Manthani 40 90

T(52); Tk(40),W(l2) 4,345 4,207 861 Manthani 40 91 600 Manthani 40 92 T(47); Tk(42),W(5) 430 850 Manthani 35 93 T(181); Tk(170),W(1l) 402 60 259 Manthani 40 94 2,132 2,036 222 Manthani 38 9S

T(46); Tk(30),W(16) 540 1,106 13 Manthani 35 96 671 73 30 Manthani 32 97 907 T(I,116); Tk(I,070),W(46) 29 304 31 Manthani 30 Monday 98 20 T(42); Tk(42) 418 246 906 Manthani 3S 99 T(50); lk(50) 926 969 1,024 Manthani 38 100

T(75); Tk(l69),W(6) 2,207 68 852 Manthani 25 • 101 T(131); Tk(123),W(8) 1,154 248 2,300 Manthani 40 102 T(66); Tk(50),W(l6) 992 592 174 Manthani 35 103 T(162); Tk(150),W(l2) 498 1,000 362 Manthani 38 104 T(132); Tk(l20),W(12) 457 ,426 290 Manthani 15 105

T(68); Tk(52),W(16) 647 102 315 Manthani 17 106 330 T(l09); Tk(100),W(9) 907 1,000 482 Manthani 19 107 1,696 T(154); Tk(I04),W(50) 808 145 832 Manthani 17 108 701 T(45); Tk(40),W(5) 1,201 166 120 Manthani 19 109 107 T(61); W(31) Tk(30) 600 601 237 Manthani 12 110

469 T(290); Tk(290) 838 144 2,700 Manthani 7 111 T(23); Tk(23) 780 16 Manthani 9 112 554 T(47); Tk(47) 589 213 30 Manthani 8 113 T(5i); Tk(31),W(20) 1,021 1,058 449 Manthani 10 1.14 J,566 T({iO); Tk(49).W(1l) 127 79 145 Manthani 15 115

708 T(497); Tk(375),W(122) 734 49 610 Manthani 10 116 T(29); Tk(21),W(8) 452 310 92 Manthani 10 Jl7 T(40); Tk(30),W(IO) 54 34 25 Manthani 20 118 T(185); Tk(150),W(35) 753 173 72 Manthani 18 119 T(40); Tk(30),W(10) 312 62 34 Manthani 22 120 76



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGII Loca- Area ( Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Clmmu- Postal------and Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 Potharam 0.86 P W Ri,J,M 122 Parupalle 4.74 P,M E W PO Ri,J,M 123 Kesanpalle 1.25 P Tk Ri,J,M 124 Mutharam 2.49 P E Tk PO Ri,J,M 125 Shatrajpalle 4.22 P R Ri,J,M

126 Oded 3.86 P,H E W PO Ri,J,M 127 Srirampuram. 6.72 P E W Ri,J,M 128 Khammampalle 8.65 P E W PO Ri,J,M 129 Tadicherla 16.35 H R PO Ri,J,M 130 Mallaram 1.88 P R PO Ri,J,M

131 Chinnathoondla 1.46 R Ri,J,M 132 Kapuram 9.62 Tk Ri,J,M 133 Shatrajpalle 3.67 Tk Ri,J,M 134 Nacharam 7.30 Tk Ri,J,M 135 Ansanpalle 2.37 P Tk Ri,J,M

J36 Tadvai 2.44 Uninhabited 137 Gandharla 4.92 Uninhabited 138 Pedatoondla 4.09 P Tk,R PO Ri,J,M 139 Dubbapeta 1.11 Tk,R Ri,J,M 140 Dubbaghattu 8.95 R Ri,J,M

141 Vallamkunta.. 8.51 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 142 Yedlapalle 5.10 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 143 Domala Madaram 6.74 Uninhabited 144 Mothukpalle 3.04 Uninhabited 145 Ankanpalle 6.03 Uninhabited

146 Korlakunta 3.29 Uninhabited 147 Mallampalle 8.99 W Ri,J,M 148 Chigurapalle 8.61 Uninhabited 149 Rudraram 4.35 P W PO Ri,J,M 150 Sundarajpeta 2.28 P VI KR Ri,J,M

151 Kothapalle 0.72 W KR Rl,J,M 152 Bayyaram 2.15 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 153 Medipalle 6.16 P W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 154 Mulgupalle 8.47 P W,Tk KR Ri,J,M 155 Korlakunta 1.52 P W,Tk Ri,J,M

156 Stambhampalle 0.72 P w,n Ri,J,M 157 Po!aram 10.50 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 158 Mutharam 11.00 P Phc,Fpc W,Tk pO Ri,J,M 159 Vajnapalle 1.65 Tk Ri,J,M 160 Nallagunta alias 0.40 P W,Tk Ri,J,M Manjeet 77


and Land use MANTHANI tALUK

LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, Town or days historical Loca. Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code Forest .A. Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(S3); Tk(40),W(13) 228 217 57 Manthani 28 121 T(16); Tk(16) 1,424 1,356 237 Manthani 21 122 T(23); W(18),Tk(5) 420 236 121 Manthani 17 123 T(158); Tk(11O)W(48) 816 411 208 Manthani 20 124 T(328); Tk(311 ),W(l7) 398 1,401 573 Manthani 22 12S

T(232); Tk\213),W(19) 976 529 733 Manthani 25 126 794 T(333); Tk(301),W(32) 1,906 594 673 Manthani 25 127 1,892 T(304); Tk(250),W(54) 1,771 298 1,271 Manthani 12 128 501 T(644); Tk(614),W(30) 2.979 3,838 2,502 Manthani 16 129 T(35); Tk(35) 584 213 68 Manthani 16 130

T(101); Tk(101) 512 271 78 Manthani 17 131 T(567); Tk(567) 847 2,862 1,880 Manthani 20 132 1,010 T(45); Tk(30),W(1S) 287 36 970 Manthani 25 133 T(ll3); Tk(1l3) 1,499 1,385 1,668 Manthani 26 134 .T(72); Tk(50),W(22) 550 820 74 Manthani 31 135

332 6 1,000 566 Manthani 33 136 3,151 3 Manthani 34 137 135 T(400); Tk(384),W(16) 1,432 405 245 Manthani 25 138 T(265); Tk;(261),W(4) 191 183 71 Manthani 18 139 T(131); Tk(l19), W(12) 4,803 739 55 Manthani 17 140

51 T(346); Tk(330),W(16) 3,419 899 731 Manthani 16 141 T(318); Tk(263),W(55) 281 1,330 1,335 Manthani 22 142 4,269 20 4 20 Manthani 23 143 1,944 Manthani 24 144 3,859 Manthani 24 145

2,105 Manthani 30 146 316 2,584 2,661 192 Manthani 40 147 2,503 2,524 473 Manthani 30 148 T(1S8); Tk(143),W(15) 1,244 1,148 230 Manthani 30 149 812 T(32); 1k(32) 284 230 101 Manthani 27 150

T(3); Tk(3) 328 99 30 Manthani 27 151 280 1(34); Tk(30),W(4) 1,318 1,007 291 Manthani 35 152 874 575 2,000 493 Manthani 35 153 2,006 T(134); Tk(134) 1,109 579 1,592 Manthani 32 154 T(107); Tk(107) 363 279 223 Manthani 35 155

T(69); Tk(69) 128 684 1,127 Manthani 37 156 4,525 T(971); Tk(969),W(2) 307 778 139 Manthani 45 157 T(2S9); Tk(250),W(9) 788 t,757 4,236 Manthani 45 158 300 T(57); Tk(52),W(5) 101 177 421 Manthani 35 159 T(26); Tk(25),W(I) 215 271 Manthani 60 160 78



AMENITIES AVAILABLB WITHIN THB VILLAGE Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

161 Pegdapalle 7.37 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 162 Kankunoor 10.43 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 163 Singampalle 5.12 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 164 Gaddalpalle 11.40 Uninhabited 165 Reddipalle 6.16 Tk Ri,J,M

166 Sthambhamvalle 12.49 P W,Tk Ri,J,M (Pa lIikapuram) 167 Borlagudem 5.99 P W,Tk PO Ri,J,M 168 Regulagudem ' 2.83 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 169 Gandikamaram 22.22 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 170 Singaram 18.59 P W,Tk Ri,J,M 79


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca­ Area not Town or days or archaeo­ tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im­ Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

4,489 T(163); Tk(163) 10 21 33 Manthani 60 161 5,1l0 714 832 Manthani 78 162 356 1,230 1,069 621 Manthani 77 163 T(220); Tk(220) 3,004 3,062 1,0ID Manthani 82 164 T(4); Tk(4) 1,526 1,500 912 Manthani 65 165

T(122); Tk(116),W(6) 3,643 3,526 702 Manthani 60 166

910 T(I00); Tk(I00) 677 2,092 54 Manthani 60 167 T(l23); Tk(122),W(I) 93 249 1,346 Manthani 60 168 T(84); Tk(84) 6,562 6,500 1,074 Manthani 75 169 T(40); Tk(40) 5,570 5,500 787 Manthani 65 170







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RH.. ..-- tto.M. Tn..o.rt' BuncaI­ _._-"-"­ChtIII ... ,....,..,....,.. c.w- ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No.

84 Aknoor 45 Jammikunta 128 Nerella 131 Ambal 112 Jeelgul 50 Ambalpoor 70 Jujnoor 4 Pachchunoor 28 Amdalapalie 77 Jupak 113 Penchakalpet 103 Ammangurthi 33 Pothareddipalle 19 Arkandla 62 Pothareddipet 29 Kachapoor 67 Potherlapalle 123 Baopet 17 Kalvala Kamalapur 46 Bethgal 126 37 Rachapalle 76 Bheemapalie 74 Kanagarthi 101 Raikal 99 Bheemdevarapalle 114 Kandugal 27 Rajapoor 42 Bij gir Shareef 125 Kaniparthi 57 Ramchandrapur 102 Bommakal 25 Kannapur 106 Ratnagiri 10 Bonthupalle 90 Kannaram 14 Reddipalle 80 Bornepalle alias Moinpur 75 Kannur 16 Brahmanpalie 30 Kanparthi 43 Saidabad 39 Bujnoor 78 Kanukulagidda 82 51 Kareempet 71 Shanigaram 9 Challoor 89 Katkur 60 Singapur 63 Chelpur 104 Katrepalie 61 Sirsapalle 41 Chinnakomatipalle 49 Keshavapatnam 66 Sir sed 87 Choutapalle 93 Keshwapur (Near Kothakonda) 55 Somaram 132 Keshwapur (Near Ambal) 122 Suraram 109 Damera 13 Kondapak Koppur (Near Palkalamalaya- 118 Dandepalie 107 40 Tekurthi 117' Desharajpalie palle) 32 Korapalle 23 Thadkal 2 Devampalle 35 Thanugal 115 Dharmarajpalle 12 Korkal 48 Kothaghat 124 Timmapur 26 Dharmaram (Near ) 59 Tummanapalle 44 Dharmaram (Near Bijgir Shareef) 92 Kothakonda 53 Duddenapalle 108 Kothapalle 120 Kothulnaduma 85 Ummapur 116 Uppal 52 Eklaspur 6 Uttoor 58 Elabotharam Lalithapoor 8 Elbak 31 110 Elkaturthi Valbapoor (Near Bijgir Shareef) 121 Vallabhapur alias Husnabad 96 Erraballe 129 Madannapet 72 Vangapalle 64 Madipalle 100 Vangara 18 Gaddapaka 88 Mallampalle 22 94 Gatlanarsingapur 91 Mallaram Vannaram 38 Vanthadupula 83 Ghanpur 68 Mallial 36 11 Ghanumukkala 7 Mamidalpalle Vavilal 15 81 Godishal 105 Manikyapur 119 111 Gopalpur 69 Marripalligudem Veeranarayanapur 5 127 Gudoor 47 Metpalie Vegurpalle 3 73 Gunded 86 Mirzapur Veldi 130 Guniparthi 24 Molangur 54 Venkepalle 56 98 Mulkanoor Vennampalle 34 79 Huzurabad alias Edulapuram 95 Mustafapur Vilasagar 21 Mutharam (Near Molangur) 65 Illanthakunta 97 Mutharam 20 Yeredpalle

81 82


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITIIIN THE VILLAGE A._ Loca- Area ". tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 Lalithapoor 0.94 P W Ri,J,M 2 Devampalle 3.24 P W PO Ri,J,M 3 Veldi 9.19 P,M Phc R,W PO Ri,J,M 4 Paehchunoor 4.54 P,M W KR PO Ki,J,M 5 Vegurpalle 3.29 r,M W PO Ri,J,M

6 Uttoor 6.73 H W PR PO Ri,J,M 7 Mamidalpalle 2.23 P W PO Ri,J,M 8 Elbak 5.56 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 9 Challoor 6.54 H W KR PO Ri,J,M 10 BonthupaUe 1,.91 P W Ri,J,M

11 Ghanumukkala 4.95 P E W PO Ri,J,M 12 Korkal 6.77 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 13 Kondapak 5.10 M W PO Ri,J,M 14 Reddipalle 3.54 P E W KR Ri,J,M 15 Veenavanka 5.63 P,M,H Mew E W PR PO,TO Ri,J,M

16 Brahmanpalle 1.23 P W Ri,J,M 17 Kalvala 1.90 P W KR Ri,J,M 18 Gaddapaka 3.13 P W PO Ri,J,M 19 Arkandla 2.16 P W PO Ri,J,M 20 Yeredpalle 2,94 P W PO Ri,J,M

21 Mutharam (Near 3,03 P W PO Ri,J,M Molangur) 22 Vannaram 1.42 P W Ri,J,M 23 Thadkal 3.81 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 24 Molangur 7.5.3 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 25 Kannapur 1.05 P W PO Ri,J,M

26 Dharmaram (Near 1.15 P E W PO Ri,J,M Molangur) 27 Rajapoor 1.56 P W PO Ri,J,M 28 Amdalapalle 2.77 P W KR Ri,J,M 29 Kachapoor 2.64 P W PO Ri,J,M 30 Kanparthi 3.00 P E W PO Ri,J,M

31 Valbapoor (Near 3.02 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M (Bijgir Shareef) 32 Korapalle 5.74 H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 33 Pothareddipalle 3.79 p W PR PO Ri,J,M 34 Vilasagar 1.44 E W Ri,J,M 35 Thanugal 6.69 r,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M

36 Vavilal 7.36 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 37 Rachaplle 3.95 P,M E W PO Ri,J,M 38 Vanthadupu)a 1. 75 P E W PO Ri,J,M 39 Bujnoor 5.77 r,M E W PO Ri,J,M 40 Tekurthi 3.52 r E W PO Ri,J,M 83


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca· Area not Town or days or archaeo· tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest r Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(99); Tk(79),W(20) 280 183 39 Karimnagar 19 1 T(188); Tk(148),W(40) 1,004 164 717 Karimnagar 19 2 T(851); Tk(796) ,W(55) 2,361 280 2,389 Karimnagar 19 3 T(502); Tk(412),W(90) 726 277 1,400 Karimnagar 29 4 T(332); Tk(232),W(100) 430 124 1,219 Karimnagar 29 5

T(594); Tk(514),W(80) 143 46 3,522 Karimnagar 29 6 T(346); Tk(301),W(45) 568 92 741 Karimnagar 29 7 T(564); Tk(434),W(130) 1,168 234 1,592 Karimnagar 32 8 T(636); Tk(600),W(36) 871 314 2,364 Karimnagar 38 9 T(l49); Tk(134), W(l5) 401 10 668 Karimnagar 35 10

T(346); Tk(l96),W(150) J ,343 64 1,415 Karimnagar 48 11 T(J,069); Tk(919),W(150) 1,535 253 1,475 Karimnagar 45 12 T(244); Tk(229),W(15) 1,926 500 589 Karimnagar 45 13 T(269); Tk(249),W(20) 1,019 241 736 Karimnagar 51 14 T(948); Tk(928),W(20) 684 19 1,952 Karimnagar 45 15

T(61); Tk(61) 268 34 424 Karimnagar 48 16 T(81); Tk(81) 409 111 615 Karimnagar 38 17 T(117): Tk\97),W(20) 357 151 1,378 Karimnagar 38 18 T(79); Tk(49),W(30) 262 114 927 Karimnagar 32 19 T(408); Tk(391),W(l7) 580 89 408 Karimnagar 30 20

T(396); Tk(376), W(20) 163 221 1,159 Karimnagar 30 Sri Rama 21 Temple T(151); Tk(81),W(70) 324 400 33 Karimnagar 14 22 T(509); Tk(460),W(49) 693 1,210 26 Karimnagar 22 23 T(949); Tk(749),W(200) 1,220 361 2,289 Huzurabad 13 24 T(183); Tk(157),W(26) 230 54 205 Karimnagar 32 25

T(133); Tk(118),W(J5) 187 414 2 Karimnagar 32 26

T(l83); Tk(l59),W(24) 537 273 5 Karimnagar 48 27 T(193); Tk(l75),W(18) 778 604 197 Karimnagar 34 28 T(172); Tk(170),W(2) 647 137 733 Karimnagar 48 29 T(259); Tk(203),W (56) 337 1,277 47 Karimnagar 45 30

T(382); Tk(287),W(95) 1,146 233 171 Karimnagar 45 31

T(6!1), Tk(596),W(15) 1,788 864 410 Karimnagar 53 32 T(168); Tk(148),W(20) 1,045 997 215 Karimnagar 50 33 T(75); Tk(50),W(25) 612 183 51 Karimnagar 56 34 T(687); Tk(677),W(10) 1,344 659 1,591 Karimnagar 59 35

T(635); Tk(580),W(55) 1,741 650 1,684 Karimnagar 61 36 T (297); Tk(271), W (26) 337 462 1,432 Karimnagar 59 37 T(1l5); Tk(I03),W(12) 819 68 118 Karimnagar 61 38 T(231); Tk(216),W(I~) 1,681 1,153 627 Warangal 48 39 T(421); Tk(421) 1,001 628 202 Warangal45 40 84 VILLAGE


AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

41 ChinnakomatipalIe 1.06 P W Ri,J,M 42 Bijgir Shareef 6.39 P E W PR,T 2PO Ri,J,M 43 Saidabad 2.07 P W Ri,J,M 44 Dharmaram 3.36 P E W PR,T Ri,J,M (Near Bijgir Shareef) 45 Jammikunta 11.96 P,H,C D,Fpc E W PR PO,TO Ri,J,M

46 Bethgal 3.57 P,M W PR PO Ri,J,M 47 Metpalle 7.45 P,H E W PR PO Ri,J,M 48 Kothaghat 4.26 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 49 Keshavapatnam 5.60 M W PO Ri,J,M 50 Ambalpoor 2.78 P W KR Ri,J,M

51 Kareempet 1.66 P W KR Ri,J,M 52 Eklaspur 4.75 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 53 Duddenapalle 3.68 M,H W KR PO Ri,J,M 54 Venkepalle 2.25 M,H E W KR Ri,J,M 55 Somaram 2.51 P,M W KR Ri,J,M

56 Vennampalle 4.30 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 57 Ramchandrapur 0.90 P W KR Ri,J,M 58 Elabotharam 3.07 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 59 TLlmmanapaIle 3.35 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 60 Singapur 3.46 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M

61 Sirsapalle 3.06 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 62 Pothareddipet 4.18 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 63 Chelpur 9.65 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 64 Madipalle 5.45 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 65 lllanthakunta 5.74 M,H E W PO Ri,J,M

66 Sir sed 5.07 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 67 Potherlapalle 1.33 W KR Ri,J,M 68 MalJial 5.49 M W KR PO Ri,J,M 69 Marripalligudem 5.61 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M 70 Jujnoor 1.90 W KR Ri,J,M

71 Shanigaram 5.53 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 72 Vangapalle 7.03 P W KR PO Ri,J,M 73 Gunded 2.77 P E W KR Ri,J,M 74 Kanagarthi 3.46 P W KR Ri,J,M 75 Kannur 3.64 P,M E W KR PO Ri,J,M

76 Bheemapalle . 2.39 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 77 Jupak 2.25 P W KR Ri,J,M 78 Kanukulagidda 2.04 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 79 Huzurabad alias 12.42 P,M,H,C H E W PR PO,TO Ri,J,M Edulapuram 80 Bornepalle alias 3.26 P E W KR Ri,J,M Moinpur 8S



LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, r A Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market irany (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(121); Tk(85),W(36) 319 4 149 Karimnagar 56 41 T(492); Tk(432) ,W(60) 696 2,006 895 Karimnagar 56 42 T(1l8); Tk(107),W(1l) 213 959 38 Karimnagar 53 43 T(323); Tk(262)W(61) 1,413 288 126 Karimnagar 54 44

T(l ,059); Tk(927) ,W(132) 5,373 1,000 222 Karimnagar SO 45

T(439); Tk(421),W(18) 1,000 800 45 Karimnagar 38 46 T(727); Tk(613),W(l14) 1,368 1,757 916 Karimnagar 32 47 T(298); Tk(283),W(15) 1,060 611 757 Karimnagar 27 48 T(557); Tk(487),W(70) 576 272 2,179 Karimnagar 24 49 T(214); Tk(164), W(50) 610 683 272 Karimnagar 26 50

T(250); Tk(230),W(20) 453 159 200 Karimnagar 29 51 T(286); Tk(266),W(20) 546 1,834 374 Karimnagar 40 52 T(491); Tk(466),W(25) 600 J,945 319 Karimnagar ,~O 53 T(451); Tk(451) 436 210 343 Karimnagar 38 54 T(269); Tk(254), W(15) 496 593 248 Karimnagar 37 55

T(327); Tk(317),W(IO) 1,140 760 523 Karimnagar 37 56 T(15S); Tk(i40),W(18) 330 1 87 Karimnagar 37 57 T(325); Tk(295),W(30) 561 730 348 Karimnagar 37 58 T(314);Tk(289), W(25) 717 812 301 Karimnagar 32 59 T(2IS); Tk(208),W(10) 574 947 475 Karimnagar 32 60

T(391); Tk(309),W(82) 860 253 454 Karimnagar 38 61 T(50S); Tk(483),W(25) 1,028 570 569 Karimnagar 3S 62 T(I ,319); Tk(1 ,219),W(100) 2,590 1,144 1,123 Karimnagar 45 63 T(411); Tk(396), W(5) 1,501 1,535 41 Karimnagar 45 64 T(443); Tk( 400),W (43) 1,907 602 721 Karimnagar 53 Thursday 65

T(354);Tk(344),W (10) 1,220 1,627 43 Karimnagar 64 66 T(78); Tk(71),W(7) 392 41 340 Karimnagar 64 67 T(552); Tk(476),W(76) 1,318 297 1,346 Karimnagar 64 68 T(612); Tk(552),W (60) 763 282 1,933 Karimnagar 54 69 T(3ll); Tk(251),W(60) 67 88 750 Karimnagar 54 70

T(413); Tk(373),W(40) 1,361 210 1,555 Karimnagar 45 71 T(700); Tk(594)W(106) 1,800 125 1,874 Karimnagar 48 72 T(309); Tk(289),W(20) 831 102 530 Karimnagar 45 73 T(239); Tk(219),W(20) 710 175 1,090 Karimnagar 64 74 T(625); Tk(595),W(30) 990 704 10 Karimnagar 48 75

T(107); Tk(92),W(15) 792 84 546 Karimnagar 48 76 T(308); Tk(278),W(30) 767 117 248 Karimnagar 45 77 T(295); Tk(155),W(l40) 561 171 278 Karimnagar 42 78 T(1 ,226); Tk(1 ,026),W(200) 2,545 2,440 1,737 Karimnagar 38 79

T(537); W(352),Tk(185) 900 174 475 Karimnagar 38 80 86



AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THB VILLAGE Loca- Area .A,.._ tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

81 Godishal 6.97 P,M W PO Ri,J,M 82 Saidapur 3.54 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 83 Ghanpur 2.46 P W PO Ri,J,M 84 Aknoor 9.80 P W PO Ri,J,M 85 Ummapur 8.70 P W Ri,J,M

86 Mirzapur 4.94 P W PO Ri,J,M 87 ChoutapalJe 1.44 P W PO Ri,J,M 88 Mallampalle 5.74 P W PO Ri,J,M 89 Katkur '7.77 M W,T PO Ri,J,M 90 Kannaram 2.52 P W PO Ri,J,M

91 Mallaram 2.74 P E W PO Ri,J,M 92 Kothakonda 6.26 M E W 2PO Ri,J,M 93 Keshwapur 3.35 P E W PO Ri,J,M (Near Kothakonda) 94 Gatlanarsingapur 6.68 E W PO Ri,J,M 95 Mustafapur 4.35 p E W PO Ri,J,M

96 Erraballe 5'79 P W PO Ri,J,M 97 Mutharam 2.00 P E W,T PO Ri,J,M 98 Mulkanoor 6.42 M,R E W PR PO Ri,J,M 99 Bheemdevarapalle 2.10 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 100 Vangara 9.42 P,R Phc,Fpc E W,T PO Ri,J,M

101 Raikal 5.56 P E W PO Ri,J,M 102 Bommakal 3.38 P W PO Ri,J,M 103 Ammangurthi 2.75 P E W PO Ri,J,M 104 Katrepalle 2.01 P E \V KR Ri,J,M 105 Manikyapur 2.56 P,M E W PO Ri,J,M

106 Ratnagiri 2.24 P E W PO Ri,J,M 107 Koppur (Near Pal- 2.68 P W PR Ri,J,M kalamalayapalIe) 108 Kothapalle 5.84 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 109 Damera 7.87 M,R E W PR PO Ri,J,M 110 Elkaturthi 6.13 R E W PR PO Ri,J,M

111 Gopalpur 3.14 P,R E W,T PR PO Ri,J,M 112 JeeJgul 4.91 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M 113 PenchakaJpet 2.01 P W PR PO Ri,J,M 114 Kandugal 5.22 P,M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 115 Dharmarajpalle 1.08 P W PR PO Ri,J,M

116 Uppal 5.79 H E W,T PR PO Ri,J,M 117 Desharajpalle 2.27 P E W KR Ri,J,M 118 Dandepalle 4.97 M E W PR PO Ri,J,M 119 Veeranarayanapur 1.60 P W KR Ri,J,M 120 Kothulnaduma 1.34 M W PR Ri,J,M 87


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest ., Culturab!e for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

(11) (12) (3) (14) (lS) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(631); Tk(576),W(55) 1,000 2,499 400 Karimnagar 45 81 T(586); Tk(S22),W(64) 862 533 284 Karimnagar 38 82 T(170); Tk(144),W(26) 150 1,004 250 Karimnagar 40 83 T(I,266); Tk(l ,016),W(250) 900 3,306 800 Karimnagar 45 84 T(479); Tk(352),W(127) 300 4,589 200 Karimnagar 38 85

T(258); Tk(227),W(3l) 700 1,603 600 Karimnagar 45 86 T(339); Tk(322) ,W (17) 347 75 160 Karimnagar 48 87 T(852); Tk(699),W(153) 2,500 180 141 Karimnagar 48 88 T(S20); Tk(430),W(90) 2,750 1,200 500 Karimnagar 48 89 T(87); Tk(62),W(25) 600 325 600 Waranga! 48 90

T(586); Tk(403), W (183) 907 60 200 Warangal 38 91 T(418); Tk(398),W(20) 1,500 1,788 300 Waranga! 45 92 T(64); Tk(154),W(10) 314 1,232 434 Karimnagar 48 93

T(495); Tk(455),W(40) 2,200 1,000 580 Waranga! 40 94 T(156); Tk(141),W(15) 232 60 800 Warangal45 95

T(202); Tk(159), W (43) 2,970 403 130 Warangal26 96 T(loo); W(IOO) 700 40 440 Waranga! 42 97 T(282); Tk(151),W(131) 1,600 150 2,076 Waranga! 38 98 T(126); Tk(123),W(3) 105 313 800 Warangal40 99 T(707); Tk(377),W(330) 2,511 597 2,213 Karimnagar 48 100

T(290); Tk(280),W(10) 2,500 351 397 Karimnagar 38 101 T(482); Tk(452),W(30) 600 961 120 Karimnagar 38 102 T(26O); Tk(232),W(28) 100 100 1,300 Karimnagar 45 103 T(187); Tk(172),W(15) 718 102 279 Karimnagar 42 104 T(278); Tk(268),W(10) 400 66 894 Karimnagar 45 105

T(142); Tk(127), W(l5) 801 80 410 Karimnagar 45 106 T(343); Tk(328),W(l5) 800 557 15 Waranga! 38 107

T(387); Tk(379),W(8) 1,401 1,919 30 Waranga! 35 108 T(584); Tk(563),W(21) 327 3,181 944 Warangal 32 109 T(637); Tk(532),W(105) 2,817 434 35 Warangal26 110

T(680); Tk(614),W(66) 700 602 27 Waranga! 32 111 T(423); Tk(320),W(103) 1,000 1,643 76 Waranga! 35 112 T(128); Tk(102) ,W(26) 1,042 57 59 Waranga! 35 113 T(473); Tk(453),W(20) 2,282 203 382 Karimnagar 43 114 T(178); Tk(113),W(65) 108 60 345 Karimnagar 4S 115

T(1,008); Tk(811).,W(197) 1,400 1,258 39 Karimnagar 50 Wednesday 116 T(198); TkO 73) ,W(2S) 550 53 651 Karimnagar 50 117 T(806); Tk(681),W(125) 1,982 150 242 Warangal 32 118 T(246); W(246) 1,042 70 354 Waranga! 32 119 T(145); Tk(128),W(17) 150 18 544 Waranga! 32 120 88



AMENItIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity --Drinking Commu- Postal and Food Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph -- No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 Vallabhapur alias 1.35 P E W PR PO Ri,J,M Husnabad 122 Suraram 4.30 P W PO Ri,J,M 123 Baopet 3.92 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 124 Timmapur 1.99 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M 125 Kaniparthi 5.90 P E W KR PO Ri,J,M

126 Kamalapur 5.08 H Phc E W PO Ri,J,M 127 Gudoor 4.44 M E T PR PO Ri,J,M 128 Nerella 4.59 p W PR Ri,J,M 129 Madannapet 1.30 p E W PR PO Ri,J,M 130 Guniparthi 1.45 p W KR PO Ri,J,M

131 AmbaI 4.60 H E W PO Ri,J,M 132 Keswapur (Near 4.98 M E W KR PO Ri,J,M Ambal) 89


LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca- Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivated Area available and of the logical im- Cod, Forest """ Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, Nil. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vadon (In Kms.) Marke, if any

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (1)

T(187); Tk(183),W(4) 528 49 100 Waraugal29 121

T(438); Tk(422),W(I6) 1,542 576 196 Warangal32 122 T(420); Tk(360),W(60) 1,691 200 197 Warangal 26 123 T(l38); Tk(94),W(44) 1,027 99 9 Warangal29 124 T(330);_Tk(225),W(105) • 2,865 564 17 Warangal32 125

T(934); Tk(901),W(33) 562 1,684 71 Warangal 51 126 T(418); Tk(333),W(85) 640 234 1.549 Waranga138 127 T(186);JTk(186) 700 2,041 10 Warangal45 128 T(500); Tk(463),W(37) 251 59 22 Warangal45 129 T(393); Tk(273),W(120) 468 61 6 Warangal42 130

T(570);Tk(450),W(120) 1,104 343 927 Warangal 38 131 T(672); Tk(652), W (20) 1,138 1,357 20 Warangal 29 132 90

APPEN Talukwise Abstract of Educational~

NATURE! OF r------r- A- ,...----- EDUCATIONAL Primary Middle High "" SI. School School School College Others A-_-"",\ No. Name of Taluk r- A.---, ,...--A--"",\ ,...--A_----.. ,----.A.--""'\ __ No. of No. of No. of No. of No, of No. of Villages No. of Villages No. of Villages No. of V;lIages No. of Villages Insti- having Primary having Middle having High having Colleges having tutions Primary Schools Middle Schools High Schools Colleges other Schools Schools Schools Educa- tional Institu- tions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) r~(l2)

Karimnagar 138 143 42 47 26 26 2 Sirsilla 124 124 31 31 20 20 3 Metpalli (1ST) 83 85 14 14 4 4 25 29 4 Jagtial 131 158 10 10 '0' 5 Peddapalle 162 162 13 13 11 11 6 Manthani 97 97 6 6 4 4 7 Huzurabad 103 103 36 36 19 19 2 2

Total 838 872 167 176 94 94 1 2

APPEN Talukwise AbstracCof Educational,

NATURE OF A_- POW!!1l SUPPLY DRINIONG WATEiI. ,...... r·------·A ---:------...,. No. of Villages where No. of Villages having Power Supply is r r------~------~ SI. Name of Talnk Not Well No. Anilable available Tap (indudina Tank :River Others Tube wells)

(1 ) (2) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

1 Karimnagar 91 87 176 2 Sirsilla 59 134 169 3 MetpalJi (IS!) 8 88 93' 25 5 4 Jagtial Z3 132 1 152 3 5 Peddapalle 60 125 1 181 8 5 6 Manthani 12 156 95 62 31 7 Huzurabad 71 61 6 131 1

Total 304 713 9 997 95 .., 2 91

DIX Medical and other Amenities (Figures indicate Number of Units)


~ MEDICAL .A r- ~ Primary Health Family Planning Maternity and Dispensary Hospital Centre Clinic Child Welfare Centre Sl. A-__, r A-__,":,\ .A r---A----, r '":'\ "":\ No • No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of • No. of r No. of Villages Dispen- Villages No. of Villages Primary Villages No. of Villages No. of having saries having Hospitals having t Health having Family having Maternity Dispensaries Hospitals Primary Centres Family Planning Maternity & Child Health Planning Clinics & Child Welfare Centres Clinics Welfare Centres Centres

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (1)

1 3 3 4 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 5 1 2 2 1 6 1 3 3 2 2 1 7

2 2 3 3 17 17 16 16 3 3


Medical and other Amenities (Figures indicate Number of Units)


------_------.----- ""\ COMMUNICATIONS POSTAL & TELEGRAPH A_ , """\ .. """\ Post and No. of Villages having Post Office Telegraph Office Telegraph Office Telephone r A r--A --...... ,--A--...... -----A--""\ .---A-...... " No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Pucca Katcha Villages No. of Villages No. of Villages Post and Villages Pucca Katcha Road Road having Post having Telegraph having Telegraph having Tele- SI. Road Road & Train & Train Post Offices Telegraph Offices Post and Offices phones No. Offices Offices Telegraph Offices

(30) (31 ) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (1 )

46 93 116 116 :2 2 2 /47 60 1 113 113 2 2 2 10 52 59 59 3 26 45 91 91 4 61 42 1 98 99 3 3 3 5 5 17 33 33 6 38 41 2 103 105 ·3 3 7

233 350 4 613 616 12 12 1 1 6 SECTION II


Town Directory Census. The number of urban units in the district from Census to Census is given below. In the Town Directory, the towns in the 'district Census Year No. of urban units are arranged alphabetically and the several particulars 1901 5 relating to them are given in the following seven 1911 7 statements: 19n 6 1931 11 Statement I Status, Growth History and Func· 1941 13 tional Category of Towns 1951 14 1961 8 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of 1971 11 Towns Excepting the decade 1911-1921 during which the Statement III Civic Finance wide spread influenza epidemic had taken a heavy toll of lives in certain towns, the number of urban units'in Statement IV Civic and other Amenities in the district went on increasing from Census to Census Towns upto 1951. The decrease in the number of urbln units at the 196 I Census is due to the application of Statement V Medical, Educational, Recrea­ the stricter and more uniform definition of a Census tional and Cultural Facilities town in 1961 Census. The increase in the number of in Towns towns at the 1971 Census is due to the three new Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and towns coming up during the decade 1961-71. Banking Facilities The total urban area in the district is 203.55 Sq. Statement VII Population by Religion and Sche­ Kms. constituting 1.7% of the total geographical area duled Castes/Scheduled Tribes of the district. The urban population of the district in Towns is 210,467 persons constituting 10.7:£ of the total population and distributed among the 11 towns. The The following eleven places have been treated as corresponding proportion of urban population in 1961 Towns in Karimnagar district during the 1971 Census. was 7.06 ;£. Since the urban development is of recent 1 Karimnagar 7 Jagtial origin in the region there are no big towns viz. Class 2 Kothapalle Haveli 8 Peddapalle I & II towns in the district. Karimnagar town, the 3 Sirsilla 9 Jangaon(Godavari district headquarters has a popUlation of only 48,918 4 Vemulawada Khani) persons and is the largest town in th,is district from 5 Metpalli 10 Ramagundam the point of view of population. Jagtial is the second 6 Koratla 11 Manthani largest town with a population of 30,900 persons. Karimnagar, Jagtial, Sirsilla and Jangaon towns come Of these 11 towns, Kothapalle Haveli, Jangaon, in order and are Class III towns whose popula­ a coal mining town popularly known as Godavari tion ranges from 20,000 to 49,999 persons each. Khani and Ramagundam are the three places which Koratla, Peddapalle, Metpalli and Manthani are the have developed unban characteristics recently and are four Class IV towns with a population ranging from classified as towns for the first time in the 1971 10,000 to 19,999 persons each. Vemulawada, Rama­ Census. Peddapalle, Sirsilla which are taluk llead- gundam and Kothapalle HaveIi come next in order . quarters were classified as towns from 1911 and 1931 and are Class V towns with popUlation ranging from respectively while Metpalli was treated as a town from 5,000 to 9,999 persons each. There are no class VI 1941. All the remaining 5 towns viz., Karimnagar, towns having a population of less than 5,000 in this Vemulawada, Koratla, Jagtial and Manthani were district. The smallest urban unit from the population classified as towns as early as 1901. None of the point is Kothapalle HaveIi with a population of only towns of 1961 Census has been declassified at the 1971 6,719 persons. The largest town in this district 92 93

according to area is Sirsilla with an area of 41.44 Sq. Peddapalle staged a big recovery in 1921-31 when Kms. while Vemulawada is the smallest unit with an the population growth was as much as 67.~ Yo. This area of only 0.52 Sq. Km. Among the 11 towns in was on account of the more prosperous conditions this district Vemulawada town, a pilgrimage centre, is induced by the opening of the - Ballarshah thickly populated and has a density of 18,500 persons Railway line during the period. Vemulawada recor­ per Sq. Km. while Metpalli town takes the la~t place ded a fall again in the decade 1931-41 while Manthani with a density of only 350 persons per Sq. Km. registered a decline in popUlation in 1951-61. Manthani is located in a very backward and remote area of th..: Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional district and the people being mostly dependent on Category of Towns labour are mobile and migrate to areas where work is available for the purpose of eking out their livelihood. In this statement the civic status of each of the Jagtial and Koratla towns both suffered a fall in towns determined at the 1971 Census with their population in 1911-21. Jagtial recorded a fall in population since 1901 or from the Census in which it population in 1951-61 as well. Koratla is noted for its was classified as a town for the first time is given in beedi industry and its popu13tion did not fluctuate as columns 6 to 13. The functional characteristics of that of Jagtial did afler the 1911-21 decline in these towns are determined on the proportion of wor­ population. king popUlation, in each industrial category returned in 1961 and 1971 Censuses and are given under columns FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY 14 and 15 of this statement. These particulars indicate By the very nature of urban deVelopment the as to how the economic pattern of the town has towns are bound to serve a variety of purposes. In changed from 1961 to 1971. order to have an ide] of the extent to which the functions arc diversified or the predomimnt charac_ The civic status of the town i.e., whether the teristic is accentuated a scheme of statistical classi_ town is a Municipali-ly or Panchayat is indicated under fication was evolved at the 1961 Census. Accordingly column 5 by an abbreviated leiter 'M' for Munici_ each town can be classified broJdly under the following pality and 'P' for Panchayat. Out of the 11 towns in categories viz., this district Karimnagar and Jagtial are the only two towns which are graded as Municipalities and the (i) Primary Activity :-Agriculture, Mining and remaining 9 towns are Panchayats. Fishing (Census Industrial Categories I, II and fII of 1961 Census and Categories I, II, III and All the towns in this district excep;: Jagtiai, IV of 1971 Census) Koratla, Manthani, PeddapaUe and Vemulawada have (ii) Industrial :-Industry including Construction shown an increasing trend in their popu\Jtion from (Census Industrial Categories IV, V and VI of 1901. Karimnagar town recorded relatively higher 1961 Census and Categories V(a), Veb) and VI of growlh rate particularly from 1931 onwdrds, due to 1971 Census) its growing importance as lhe district headquarters (iii) Commercial :-Trade and Commerce (Census with increased educmional, medical and other faci­ Industrial category VII of 1961 and 1971 lities. Expansion of industries like handloom, silver Censuses) filigree and some minor industries in the 10wn also contributed to i~s higher growth rate. The increase in (iv) Transport :-Transport (Census Industrial Cate­ population of Koratla and Matpalli is also significant gory VIII of 1961 and 1971 Censuses) and during the recent decades, which may be due to the (v) Services :-Other Services (Census Industrial large number of beedi manufacturing units located in Categ:)TY IX of 1961 and 1971 Censuses) these towns. The importance of Vemulawada town as a pilgrimage centre has been increasing in the recent The predominant functional character of a city I years. Jagtial town which was a Class IV town at the town is determined on the basis of the following 1901 and the 1911 Censuses degenerated into a Class principles. V town in 192!. All the towns in the district were Class V towns at the 1921 Census. Koratla, Manthani, (a) If the proportion of working popUlation is more Peddapalle and Vemulawada towns recorded a large than 40% of the 10ta1 working population of the . fall in population in 1911-21 like many towns in the city/town in anyone of the above five characteris­ Deccan during this decade on account of the influenza tics then the city / town was designated by that epidemic. characteristic. 94

(b) If the proportion is not more than 40% in any and the maximum and minimum temperatures recor­ one of the characteristics, then the next predomi~ ded in 1969 are given. If this information· was not nant characteristic was taken into account and if available for any town then the particulars available the first two predominant characteristics combined for the nearest town have b!en given against such together have a proportion of over 60%, then the town. town was designated as having the two characte~ ristics and was termed as Industrial~cum~ Services Under column 6 the name of the nearest city with or Industrial~cum·Commercial, etc. population of a lakh or more is given. Under columns 7 to 9 the names of the State Headquarters, the (c) If· the com bined proportion of the first two District Headquarters, Revenue Divisional Head~ predominant characteristics is less than 60% then quarters, and the Taluk Headquarters with their dis~ . the third predominant characteristic is also taken tance from the concerned town are given. Under into consideration in designating the functional column 10 and 11 the near~st railway station and the type of the city ftown. Such cases are recorded bus stand and their distance from the town are given. as Industrial~cum~Ccmmercial~cum~Services or If navigation and se..l port flcilities ar~ available Industrial ~ cum-Services ~ cum - Primary Activity, wi thin the easy reach of the town th~y are also given etc. under columns 12 and 13. The climatic conditions of this district are moderate generally. How ~ver, Based on the above criteria, the c]assific;>tion of Ramagundam of Peddapalle taluk situated on the the eleven towns in this district is as Llllows: banks of river Godavari, usually record the highest, and the lowest tempera!ures. March, April and May Name of Town , ____.A. ___ experience sev~re summer and monSOJll sets in from Functional Catagory 1961 1971 June cnwards. The weather is dry and cold from (1) (2) (3) Novemb:r to February. Summer in SirsilJa town is not so Severe when compared to the other 10 towns in Services Karimnagar Ramagundam the district. In general the maximum temperature in 2 Industry Sirsilla, Sirsilla, this district ranges from 38.9° C to 460 C and the mini~ Metpal,i, Koratla mum temperature from 100 C to 27.2°C. The lowest Koratla, Jangaon (Go­ minimum temperature is recorded in Ramagundam davari Khani) during the year 1969 while the highest maximum temperature is recorded in R1magundam, Peddapalle, 3 Primary Activities Manthani, Peddapalle Manthani and Jangaon. Theaverage annual rainfall among the towns ranges from 946.6 mm to 685.9 mm 4 Services- cllIn-T ndustry Vemulawada and is larg:ly derived from the South West Monsoon. 5 Primary Activities-cllliI- Metpalli Kothapalle The maximum rainfall viz. 946.6 mm is recorded Industry Haveli, in Manthani and Peddapalle towns and the lowest of Vemulawada, Jagtial 685.9 mm in Ramagundam town. The extensive and thick forests in Manthllli taluk mly be responsible 6 Services-cllm-Primary Manthani Activities for more rains in Manthllli town compare to other towns in th~ district. The rainfall particulars for 7 Primary Activities-cum- Jagtial Industry-cum-Services Jangaon (Godavari Khani) which is a newly sprung up coal mining town are not available. 8 Services-cum-Primary Peddapalle Activities-cum-Industry All the towns arc Taluk Headquarters except 9 Services-cum-Industry Karimnagar Jangaon (Godavari Khani), Kothapalle Haveli, -cum-Trade and Com- Koratla, Ramagundam and Vemulawada which are merce at a distance of 48,8, 10,44, of 11 Kms. respectively from their taluk headquarters. Among the 11 towns, 6 Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of towns are located within 50 Kms and the remaining Towns 5 towns are located at a distance of more than 50 Kms This statement deals with physical aspects and but less than 100 Kms. from the district headquarters. locat;on of towns in this district. There are 13 Four towns are located a t a distance of more than 200 columns in this statement. Under columns 3 to 5 in Kms. from the State Headquarters while the remaining the sta tement data relating to average annual rainfall seVen towns are located within 200 Kms. 95

All the towns in this district are connected by The Government has a programme of stopping roads and A. P. S. R. T. C.* buses ply on these roads. the practice of removal of night soil by means of head The district is very inadequately served by railway, loads and to minimise the use of human labour in the Broad Gauge line connecting Madras-Delhi passes the process of removal of night soil at various stages. through the district from South to North but Pedda­ The particulars furnished under column 8 ;of ~the palle and Ramagundam are the only two towns statement will be helpful therefore to assess the extent possesing rail facilities out of the 11 towns in the to which this objective of the Government has been district. Karimmgar, the district headquarters is also achieved so far. not directly connected by railways but is at a distance of 34 Kms. from the nearest railway station i.e., The Civic Administration in each of the towns of Peddapalle. The passeng~r transport and goods the district maintains roads. Karimnagar stands first transport facilities seem to deserve better attention in in respect of internal road mileage with 38.77 Kms. of the district. roads. All the towns except J angaon in this district have open surface drains while sewerage system is also available in five of the 11 towns viz., Vemulawada, None of the eleven towns in this district has Koratla, Ramagundam, Jangaon and Manthani. The navigation facilitit:s. facility of either water borne or service latrines is reported to be available in all the towns except Transport has a very vital role to play in the Metpalli and Jangaon. Protected water supply which economic development and, therefore, lack of good is the Primary responsibility of the Civic Adminis­ communication facilities in the district, in general, is tration of the towns is reported to be available in one of the reasons for the economic backwardness of Karinmagar, Sirsilla, Jangaon and Ram:lgundam the district. towns only. Fire Fighting Service which has become Statement III-Civic Finance a dire necessity in urban areas in view of the highly inflamable fuels being used fur domestic and indus­ Since the introduction of the democratic decen­ trial purposes is available only in Karimnagar town. tralisation, the popular institutions like Panchayats Power supply is available in all the towns. have an important role in the various developmental programmes. The effective run of these institutions Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational would naturally depend on the financial soundness of and Cultural Facilities the institutions. The receipts from various sources of The data on the medical facilities available in these Municipalities or Panchayats are presented urban areas are furnished under columns 3 and 4 of under columns 3 to 8 and their total under column 9. this statement. The types of medical institutions with The broad items (f expenditure are given under their number within brackets a nd the total bed columns 10-15 with their 10tal under column 16. In strength of each category available in each town are respect of all the towns in the dis1rict the total expen­ given in column 3 and 4 respectively. diture exceeds the total receipts exeept in Karimnagar town where the receipts exceed the expenditure. This Medical facilities indicates that the financial resources are inadequate The fallowing abbreviations are used under to meet the expenditure for the developmental prog­ column 3 to show the type of medical facilities avai­ rammes of the civic bodies in all the towns in the lable in the Lown. district except in the district headquarters town H Hospital Karimnagar. D Dispensary MCW Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Statement IV-Civic and other Amenities in Towns FPC Family Planning Clinic NH Nursing Home The various amenities being provided to the TBC T. B. Clinic people by the Civic Administration in the towns are PRC Public Health Centre given in this statement under 16 columns. The ameni- ties include internal road facility, existence and All the 11 towns in the district together have 36 nature of drainage system, protected water supply, medical institutions which include Hospitals, Dispen- availability of fire fighting services and electrification saries, Maternity and Child Welfare Centres, Family for domestic, induStrial and commercial purposes and Planning Clinics, Nursing Homes, etc. The total bed road lighting services. strength available in all the 36 institutions is 313 to * Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, 96

cater to the needs of the entire urban population of Regarding recre!'ltional and cultural aspect of the 210,467 persons in the district. Thus there is about one district it is not encouraging as there are no Stadia bed for every 1000 urban population in the district. and Auditoria in any of the urban areas. Only l~ Karimnagar is the only town which has better medical Cinema Halls and 12 Reading Rooms including facilities compared to other towns in the district with Libraries are reported in all the 11 towns together. 8 bed strength of 219. Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and On tht whole the medical facilities available in Banking Facilities the urban areas of this district seem to be inadequate. In this statement data on trade, commerce, indu~~ try, and banking facilities available in each of the Particulers of various academic and professional town are given under 14 columns. Under columns 3 institutions available in the towns are presented under to 5 the three most important commodities imported columns 5 10 13. The number shown in brackets is into the town are given while in columns 6 to 8 the the number of institutions available in the category. most important commodities exported from the town are given. Under columns 9 to 11 the three most Educational FacilitielJ important articles manufactured in the town are given. The following abbreviations are used to indicate Columns 12 to 14 furnish the banking and co~operative the type of educational facilities available in the credit facilities available in the town. town. The most important commodities under imports, A Arts College exports and manufacture were decided in terms of the AS Arts and Science College estimated volume of the commodities transacted and ASC Arts, Science and Commerce College in terms of the value of total output of the commodi­ SH Shorthand Institution ties concerned respectively in each of the towns and TW Typewriting Institution not on the basis of the value. However, the uniquenes~ There are only two colleges in all the 11 towns of of a town which exhibited special characteristics in which one is located at Karimnagar and the other at the spheres of either industry or manufacturing or Jagtia!. Both the colleges are combined colleges mining etc., has been retained by indicating those imparting instructions in Arts, Science and Commerce. items of production or manufacture as the case may Professional Colleges like Medical College, Engi~ be in the concerned columns although such commodi~ neering College or Technical Institutions, like ties did not stand a comparison with the other Polytechnic do not exist in this district. There are commodities in sheer terms of their estimated volume only 1 shorthand and 7 typewriting institutions in all of transaction. the towns together. Twenty two Higher Secondary Karimnagar district is predominantly an agri­ or Secondary Schools, 22 Junior Secondary or Middle cultural tract and therefore a majority of the people Schools and 59 Primary Schools are functioning in the are engaged in agriculture and its allied pursuits. The urban areas of this district. The following statement only large industry in the district is the Jangaon coal shows the number of institutions per 10,000 urban mine. Excavation of coal is being done here by popula tion in each town. Messrs. Singareni Collieries Co., Ltd. Among the No. of schools for 10,000 population medium sized Industries of the district the Thermal Name of Town r ..A. Power Station at Ramagundam occupies an important Higher Junior place. This is one of the big Thermal Power Stations Secondary Secondary Primary -- or Secondary or Middle in the State which is situated at a distance of 40 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) miles from the district headquarters. The installed Karimnagar 1.6 1.6 :2.5 capacity of the generating plant at Ramagundam Kothapalle Haveli 1.5 3.0 station A and B is 100 MW (1971-72). Sirsilla 0.7 0.4 2.6 Vemulawada 1.0 4.2 Among the small scale industries flourishing in Koratla 0.6 0.6 ,3.4 the private sector in this district, beedi rolling is Metpalli 0.1 2.2 0.7 important. In the north western portion of the Jagtial 0.6 1.9 2.6 distrcit several beedi factories have been established. Jangaon (Godavari Khani) 0.4 0.9 Peddapalle 1.2 0.6 3.0 Besides beedi manufacturing, there are also Zarada Ramagundam 1.1 1.1 1.1 (Scented Tobacco) factories. The B. B. Zarada Manthani 1.8 0.9 10.8 factory functioning at Kothapalle Haveli about four All Ton. 1.0 1.0 1.8 miles from Karimnagar also. produces perfumes and 97 these products have good market in the country. commodities manufactured in Jagtial, Vemulawada There are 2 soap units, 6 saw mills and 5 printing and Sirsilla towns. presses in this district. Rice and Flour Mills numbering nearly 200 aTe spread over the whole district. There Banks play an important role in industry, trade are 23 Oil Mills and 5 Engineering workshops. and commerce particularly in mobilising the savings of the community and making them available for Karimnagar is noted for the silver filigree work of investment for productive activities. In all, there are an exceedingly delicate nature being carried out by a 14 Banks, 7 Agricultural Credit Societies and 8 Non­ section of goldsmiths. The articles manufactured are Agricultural Credit Societies in all the 11 townS bangles, caskets, betel boxes and cigarette cases together. besides costume jewellery. Handloom is a major cottage industry. Metpalli and Sirsilla are important Statement VII-Population by Religion and Sche­ handloom centres. The skilled weavers produce sarees duled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Towns and cloth in pleasing colours and beautiful designs· The details of population as per the 1971 Census Production of bed sheets and curtain cloth is a special count, by Religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled feature of this district, in particular, Sirsilla taluk. Tribes with sex breakup are given for each 01 the towns in the district under columns 3 to 22. Only There are industrial co~operative work centres important religions whose population is not less than at Karimnagar and Jagtial, a cutlery centre at Padur , 10% of the total population of the town are given in and a village industries artisans training centre at the statement, while other religions which account for Karimnagar started by the State Government Depart~ les" than 10% of the total popUlation of a town are ment of Industries. A Tassar silk seed station is opened at Mahadevpur to import training in the grouped together and shown under the category viz., use of improved tools and methods 01 reeling and "Others" in columns 15 and 16. The Scheduled weaving of tassar cloth by modern methods. An Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in a town are shown under columns 19-22. According to the 1971 industrial estate is located at Karimnagar with provi~ sion for 16 factory sheds. Census the population of Scheduled Castes in all the towns in the district is 23,141 persons constituting IMPORTS 6.25'10 of the total Scheduled Caste population of the district. The popUlation of Scheduled Tribes in the The principal imports into the district are rice, 11 towns of the district is 735 persons constituting wheat, bengalgram, pulses, cotton yarn, edible oils, 4.58% of the total Scheduled Tribe popUlation of the steel and mining machinery parts. district.

EXPORTS The particulars presented in the statemen ts II The chief commodities exported from this district to VI are based on the data received from the Tahsil~ are handloom sarees, beedis, oil seeds, groundnut, dars and Local Bodies concerned and also from the greengram, and chillies. Coal and steel articles also concerned departments like Medical, Educational, are being exported from this district. Handloom Electricity etc., while the particulars furnished in cloth, blankets and beedis are the most important statements I and VII are based on the census data. 98


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e Me 1 " .. l.. t ~ L ~ l. ..I . ~ J j ! ~ ! ~ PART B


In this part of the District Census Handbook after. The villages under each taIuk are arranged in the Primary Census Abstract of 1971 Census on the the ascending order of Location Code Numbers. In following aspects is presented for each Revenue the urban areas the data are arranged in the ascen· Village in respect of rural areas and for each Ward ding order of Location Code Numbers of towns and and each Enumerator's Block of a town in urban also in the ascending order of the Ward Number. The areas. uninhabited villages and villages which have been fully included in a town have been indicated accor· 1 Location Code No. and Name of the village/town dingly. In respect of villages which are partly inclu­ and area ded in towns the word "Rural" has been added in 2 Total number of occupied residential houses and i talies and in brackets after the name of the village total number of households and the particulars relating to the rural portion only have been given against such villages. At the begin. 3 Total population and its sex breakup ning of each taluk an Alphabetical List of Villages 4 Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled together with their Location Code Numbers is Tribes by sex breakup given. This Alphabetical List of Villages facilitates 5 Literate and educated persons by sex the reader in locating the required Village and its Location Code Number and thereafter to know the 6 Total workers and the breakup of the workers Primary Census Abstract particulars. The taluk map into nine categories and also the total non­ showing all the villages and towns with their boun­ workers by sex as shown below daries given in the village directory facilitates the Category 1 Cultivators location of the required village/town. The jurisdi­ Category II Agricultural Labourers ction of each Enumerator's Block is given before the urban/blockwise Primary Census Abstract. Category III Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt­ ing and Plantations, Orchards The population data presented in the Primary and allied Activities Census Abstract relate to all persons alive at Category IV Mining and Quarrying sunrise on 1st April, 1971 and were present within the Category V Manufacturing, Processing, Servic­ territory of Karimnagar district whether they ing and Repairs lived in normal residential houses or institutions, such as hospitals, hostels, asylums, boarding houses. (a) Household Industry hotels etc., or whether they were merely houseless (b) Other than Household persons like the wandering tribes, tramps, pavement Industry dwellers, or those living in boats etc. They were all enumerated at the 1971 Ceusus and their basic Category VI Construction characteristics have been presented in this Primary Category VII Trade and Commerce Census Abstract. Category VIII Transport, Storage and Communi­ The total population of Karimnagar district cations as on 1st April, 1971 recorded at the Census enume­ Category IX Other Services ration is as follows: Category X Non-Workers Total Rural Urban A District Abstract containing the Primary Persons 1,963,928 1,753,461 210,467 Males 989,572 881,192 108,380 Census Abstract data for the district as a whole Females 974,356 872,269 102,087 together with rural and urban breakup and also for each taIui:: and for each town is first presented. It is The criteria adopted for classifying a place as followed by the data for each of the villages and. rural or urban and the concepts of Urban Agglomer­ towns in the first ta1uk. The data for the second and ation and Standard Urban Area have already been subsequent taluks are presented consecutively there- explained in the beginning of this volume. lOS 106

Columns 1 and 2 of the Primary Census Abstract ment. Hence the total area of all taluks put together indicate the Location Code Number and Name of the may not tally with the district area. village or town concerned. In respect of towns the Ward/Block/Locality Numbers and the Enumerator's Under Col. 4 the total number of occupied Block Numbers are indicated under col. 2. residential houses in each village and in each Ward and Enumerator's Block of a town are given. These Location Code is the method by which every figures include those of partly residential houses also village and town in a taluk in every district of a but not of the completely non·residential houses. State is identified. Each district in this State has The total number of households including houseless been given a separate code number by serially number· households and institutional households is given under ing the districts in a clock-wise order starting from Col. 5. Srikakulam district and ending with Nalgonda district. Karimnagar district, in this process, is The total population including houseless and assigned Location Code No. 18. Within each district institutional population with sex breakup is given the taluks had similarly been allotted Location Code under cols. 6 to 8. Numbers, the taluk in which the district headquar· ters lies being allotted Location Code No. 1 and the Under Cols. 9 to 12 the popUlation of Scheduled other taluks are numbered in a clock.wise order. Castes and Scheduled Tribes by sex is given. The revenue villages within each taluk are assigned The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in separate serial numbers starting from the north· Andhra Pradesh are those listed in Part I under west corner of the taluk and ending with the south· "Andhra Pradesh" to Schedule I and Schedule II east corner in a serpentine order. All the towns respectively of the Scheduled Castes ahd Scheduled within a district were assigned Location Code Nos. Tribes Lists (Modification Order, 1956) published in in one serial order starting from the town in which the Notification of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the district headquarters is located and in the ascen· New Delhi dated 29th October, 1956. A copy of the ding order of taluk location code numbers. If any list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in taluk has more than one town, then the town in which Andhra Pradesh is given bellow. the taluk headquarters is located is assigned Location Code No. first and then the other towns in the taluk LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED in a clock·wise order. The Location Code Nos. of TRIBES IN ANDHRA PRADESH villages are indicated in Arabic numerals while those of towns in Roman numerals. SCHEDULED CASTES

J. Throughout the State Under Col. 3 the area of e::.ch village and 1 Chalavadi town is given in square miles based on the infor· 2 Chamar, Mochi or Muchi mation furnished by the State Central Survey Office, 3 :Madiga the Tahsildar and the Municipal authorities concer~ 4 Mala ned. In respect of certain villages where the area II. Throughout the State except Hyderabad, Mahbub­ particulars are not available, the fact is noted as nagar, Adilabud, Ninmabad, Medak, Karimnagar, Waranga!, "N.A.". As the area of the tal uk comprises not only Khammam and Nalgonda districts: the area of villages but also the area of reserved ALii Andhra 15 lambuvulu forests, hills etc. within the taluk, the area of all the 2 Adi Dravida 16 Madasi Kuruva or Madari villages and towns in the taluk put together may not be 3 Arundhatiya Kuruva equal to the area of the taluk. The rural area of the 4 Bariki 17 Mala Dasu taluk is obtained by deducting the total urban area 5 Bavuri 18 Mudiga Dasu and of all the towns in the taluk from the total area of 6 Chachati Mashteen 7 Chandala 19 Matangi the taluk furnished by the State Survey Department. 8 Dandasi 20 Mundala Similarly the rural area of the district is obtained by 9 Dom, Dombara, 21 Paky or Moti deducting the total urban area of all the towns in the Paidi or l'ano 22 Pambada or Pambanda district from the total area of the district. It may 10 Gbasi, Haddi 23 Pamidi be pointed out in this connection that the total or Relli Chachandi 24 Panchama or Pariah 11 Godagali 25 Relli district area adopted is that furnished by the Survey 12 Godari 26 Samban ' of India Department and is provisional. The area of 13 Gosangi 27 Sapru the taluks is furnished by the State Survey Depart. 14 Jaggali 28 Thoti 107

III. In the districts af Hyderabad, Mahbubnagar, The number of literate and educated persons is Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Karimnagar, Warangal, Kham- given under cols. 13 and 14. A person who could mam and Nalganda. both read and write any language with understanding 1 Anamuk 15 Mala Dasari was treated as a literate at the 1971 Census. A 2 Aray (Mala) 16 Mala Hannai person who could merely read but could not write or 3 ArwaMala 17 Mala Jangam vice versa was not treated as a literate. The test for 4 Beda (Budga) Jangam 18 Mala Masti reading was ability to read any simple letter either 5 Bindla 19 Mala Sale (Netkani) 6 Byagara 20 Mala Sanyasi in print or in manuscript. Children aged 4 years 7 Chambhar 21 Mang and below were treated as illiterate. The test for 8 Dakkal (Dokkalwar) 22 Mang Garadi education was that the' person should have passed a 9 Dhar 23 Manne recognised written examination or examinations as 10 Ellamalwar (Yellammala- 24 Mashti proof of educational level attained.· The highest wandlu) 25 Mehtar 11 Haleya 26 Mitha Ayyalvar examination passed was taken as the level of 12 Holeya Dasari 27 Samagara education. 13 Kalupulvandlu 28 Sindhollu 14 Mahar (Chindollu) The details of Workers and Non-Workers are given under Cols. 15 to 38. At the 1971 Census the SCHEDULED TRIBES population has been broadly divided into two sections based on the main activity viz., (1) Workers and (2) I. Throughout the State Non-Workers. Chenchu or Chenchwar 2 Kaya ar Gaud with its sub-sects-Raiah or Rasha Koyas, The definitions and concepts adopted in the Lingadhari Koyas (ordinary), Kottu Koyas, Bhine Koya and Rajkoya. Economic Classification of the popUlation at the 1971 Census are explained below: II. Throughout the State except Hyderabad, Mahbub­ nagar, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Karim nagar , Warangal Worker: A 'Worker' was a person whose main Khammam and Nalgonda districts. ' activity WJS participation in any economically Bagata Putiya, Sanrona and productive work by his physical or mental actlVlty. 2 Gadabas Sidhopaika Work involves not only actual work but effective 3 Jatapus 11 Kulia ~upervision and direction of work. 4 Kammara 12 Malis 5 Kattunayakan 13 Manna Dhara 6 Kanda Dhoras 14 Mukha Dhora or Nooka A man or woman who was engaged primarily in 7 Konda Kapus Dhora household duties such as cooking for own household 8 Kondareddis 15 Porja (Parangiperja) or performing one's own household duties or a boy or 9 Kondhs (Kodi and Kodhu), 16 Reddi Dhoras a girl who was primarily a student attending institu­ Desaya Kondi1S, Dongria 17 Rona, Rena tion, even if such a person helped in the familY Kondhs, Kuttiya Kondhs, 18 Savaras, Kapu Savaras, economic c1ctivity but not as a full time worker was Tikiria Kondhs and Yenity Maliya Savaras ar Kondhs Khutto Savaras treated as a non-worker but not as a worker for the 10 Kotia-Bentho Oriya, ]9 Sugalis (Lambadis) main activity. On th'~ other hllld, if a full time Bartika, DhuJia or 20 Yenadis worker primarily engaged in some economic activity Dulia, Holva, Paiko, 21 Yerukulas but at the same time attended to some household chores or attended a night school ete. he or she was Ill. In the districts of Hyderabad, Mahbubnagar, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Karimnagar, Waranga], Kham­ treated basically as a worker for the mlin activity mam and Na]gonda. and categorised accordingly.

I Andh 5 Ko!am (including Manner­ A person who was working may be either working 2 Bhil varlu) as a cultivator, as an agricultural labourer or at a 3 Gond (including Naikpod 6 Pardhan and Rajgond) . 7 Tholi household industry or may be doing any other work. 4 Hill Reddis Reference period: The reference period was IV. In the Agency tracts one week prior to thc date of enumeration in the case 1 Gaudu (Goud) of regular work in trade, profession, service or 2 Nayaks business. If ? person had participated in any such 3 Valmiki regular work on anyone of the days during this 108

reference period and this had been returned as his 'Agricultural Labourer'. He had no risk in the main activity the person was categorised accordingly. cultivation but he merely worked in another person's A person who normally works but had been absent land for wages. The labourer had no right of lease from work during this reference period on account of or contract on land on which he worked. illness, travel, holiday, temporary breakdown or strike etc. was treated as engaged in regular work in Household Industry which he would have otherwise been employed but for his temporary absence. Persons under training For a person who returned his main activity as such as apprentices with or without stipends or wages engaged in some production or processing of goods were considered as economically active and recorded such as, say, hand loom weaving, dyeing, carpentry, as workers. A person who had merely been offered beedi rolling, pottery manufacture, cyclc repairing, work but had not actually joined it was not treated blacksmithy, tailoring etc. it was ascertained if it as engaged in work. There are certain types of works was a household industry. which are not carried on throughout the year e.g. cultivation, livestock keeping, plantation wurk, some A Household Industry was defined as an industry types cf household industry etc. A person's main conducted by the Head of the household himself/her­ activity W]s ascertained with reference to such work self and/or m'linly by the members of the household in the last cne year even if he was not economically at home or within the village in rural areas and only active in the week prior to enumerz:tion. It is likelv at home in urban areas. The industry should not that even when a person is engaged in some othc~ have been run on the scale of a registered factory. work during the p riod ( f one week prior---- to the date of enumeration, the main activity of the person may The main criterion of a household industry was be cultivation, agricultural labour or some other the participation of one or more members of a house­ work a ttended to normally by him in the course of hold. This criterion was applied to urban areas too. the year. Even if the industry is not actually located at home in rur'll areas there is greater possibility of the Cultivator members of the household participating even if it is For purposes of the Census:1 person is working located anywhere within the villa&_e limits. In the as cultivator if he or she is engaged in cultiv.Jtion by urban areas where organised industry takes greater oneself or by supervision or direction in one's capacity prominence the household industry should be confined as the owner or lessee rf land held from Government to the precincts of the house where the participants or as a tenant of land held from private persons or live. In urban areas even if the members of the institutions for payment of money, kind or share. household by themselves ran an industry but at a place away from the precincts of their home, it was Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and not considered a household industry. It should have harvesting and producticn of cereals and millet crops been located wi thin the precincts of the house where such as whelt, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and the members lived. pulses, raw jute and kindred fibre crops, cotton, etc., and other crops such as sugarcane, ground nut, A Household Industry related to production, tapioca, etc. and does not include fruit growing, processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling veget:.lbl~ growing or keeping orchards or groves or (but not merely selling) of goods. It did not include working of plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, professions such as pleader or doctor, or barber, musi­ cinchona and mher medicinal plantations. cian, dancer, waterman, dhobi, astrologer, etc. or A person who merely owned bnd but had given merely trade or business, even if such profession, out land to another person or persons for cultivation trade or service were run at home by members of for money, kind or share of crop and who did nOl household. even supervise or direct cultivation cf land, was not Some times it is likely that the person who may treated as cultivator. Similarly, a person working in not be working in his own Household Industry may . another person's Jand for wages in cash, kind or share be working as a petty employee in another Household was not treated as cultivator. Industry. It was, therefore, enquired whether the Agricultural Labourer person who was not working in his own household A person who worked in another person's land industry was working in any other Household Industry for wages in money, kind or share was regarded as an as an employee. 109

Other Workers and 10.7% respectively in 1971 Census compared to 92.9% and 7.1% respectively in 1961. There were A person who gives his main activity as engaged 985 females per 1,000 males at the 1971 Census as in any other work which is not cultivation, against 996 females per 1,000 males in 1961 Census agricultural labour or household industry was recorded under the category of 'Other Workers'. 300,660 persons were repJrted as literates and The type of workers that may come under the 'Other educated in 1971 CenslIs c:)mpared to 209,098 literate Workers' category are factory workers, those working and educated persons in 1961 accounting for 15.3% in trade cr transport, all government servants, of total population in 1971 as against 12.9'}l, in 1961. municipal employees, teachers, mining workers, The proportion of literates and educated among political or social workers, building labourers etc. males was 23 8~~ while among females it was 6.6;~ in In effect, all types cf economic activity not covered by i 971. The corresponding figures for 1961 are 21.16~ for cultivation, agricultural labourer or household indus­ males and 4.59. 0 for femal es. The percentage of litera. trv were recorded under this residual category. tes and educated in the rural areas of the district was Workers engaged in plantation (lr forestry were not 12.7:L while in urban areas the literates accounted for treated as cultivators or agricultural labourers but as 37.1 ~() of the total urban popUlation of the district. The 'Other Workers'. corresponding figures for 1961 are 11.15'ic, and 35.88%

According to the 1971 Census there were 379,179 905,880 workers were returned in 1971 as against residential houses and 418,321 households in Karim­ 919,034 workers in 1961 thus 46.1% of the total popu­ nagar distric~compared to 320,156 residenti:ll houses lation were workers in 1971 as against 56.710 in 1961. and 348,822 households in 1961. Thus there were 1.1 Among males, the workers constituted 60.6% while households per residential hOllse both in 1971 and among females only 31.4% were workers in 1971. The 1961. decrease in the proportion of working population in 1971 compared to 1961 Census proportion was mainly The total number of persons returned at the 1971 due to the change in the definition adopted at the Census enumerath;n in Karimnagar District was present Census. 1,963,928 as against 1,621,515 in 1961 Census recor­ ding an increase of 21.1 %over the population of 1961. Detailed analysis of demographic data at the The proportion of rural and urban popUlation to the 1971 Census is given in the write up in Part·C of total ,opulation in the district works out to 89.3% District Census Hand BOJk. IlO

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of VilIa.e Location Name of Village Location Name of Village .code No. Code No . Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

Nawabpet 25 Achampalle 136 Indirthi 135 68 IrukuJla 109 Nednoor 8 AithipaJle 140 Nustulapur 179 A~annapet 4 Islampur 98 A noor 28 Nyalakondapalle 102 Annaram 177 Jangaon 178 Anthakkapet 95 Jangapalle 169 Pandilla 76 Arepalle 66 Jublinagar 82 Panthulu Kondapur 38 Arnakonda 153 Parlapalle SI Asifnagar alias Baswapet 131 Kachapur 88 Parvella 3 Kachireddipalle 134 Parweda 148 Kalledu 151 Polampalle 49 Baddipalle 90 Kallepalle 143 Porandla 121 Baswapur S5 Kamanpur 97 Pothgal 91 Bejjenki 78 Karimnagar 116 Potharam 40 Bhoopalapatnam 43 Katnepalle 164 Potharam 157 Bommanapalle 87 Khasimpet 173 Potharam 99 Bommakal 53 Khazipur 168 Potlapalle 7 Burgupalle 29 Kistapur 129 Koheda 36. Ragampet 64 Chakunta 59 Kokkarkunta 126 Ramachandrapur 69 Chamanpalle 42 Kolimikunta 33 Ramadugu 117 Cheelapur 61 Konerupalle 138 Ramancha 73 Chegurti 146 Kondapalkal 174 Ramavaram 144 Chengerle 160 Kondapur 170 Regonda 71 CherI a Boothkur 6 Kondaipalle 118 Regulapalle 106 Cherlapur 122 Koorela 110 Reinikunta 155 Chigurumamidi 32 Koratpalle IS6 Rekonda 80 Chintakunta 58 KothapaUe HaveU 79 Rekurthi 16 Chippakurti 139 Kothapalle 45 Rudravaram 37 Chityalpalle Patti Nustulapur 63 Rukmapur 39 Choppadandi 166 Kuchenpalle 1 Ryalapalle 21 Kurikyal 92 Dacharam 35 Lakshmipur 130 Samudral 34 Dathojipet 57 Lakshmipur 96 Sangam 47 Desraj palle 101 Lingapur 14 Sarvareddipalle 111 Devakpalle 77 Seetharampur 171 Dongala Dharmaram 147 Maddikunta 119 Shanigaram 74 Dursedsheda 86 Madhapur 31 Shanagar 56 Malkapur 17 Sri Ramulapalle 22 Mallapur 132 Sri Ramulapalle 1-03 Edulgatlapalle 150 Mallapur 159 Sundargiri 67 Elapotharam 100 54 Elgandal Manakondur 142 Mannampalle 123 Thangallapalle 72 Maqdoompur 70 Thayar Kondapur 19 Fakirpet 162 Mohammadapur 15 Thirmalapur 65 Fakirpet 152 Molugupalem 112 Thotapalle 46 Motha 165 Thotapalle 114 Gagillapur 137 Mudimanikiam 105 Timmapur 175 Gandipalle 161 Mududha Gangadhara 154 Mulkunur 20 104 Munjempalle 158 Ullampalle 145 Gangipalle U ppermallial 84 Gannervaram 115 Muthannapet 23 24 Garsekurthi 85 Myilaram 26 Gattu Boothkur 163 Nagaram 108 Vachunur 149 Gattu Duddenapalle 52 Vaddyaram Gopalaraopet 62 Nagnur 30 50 Nagulmalyal 89 Vadlur Begumpet 107 Gopalpur 75 Vallampahad 128 Gottamitta 18 Nagireddipur 133 Nakkirakommula 125 Vanjapalle 176 Gouravelly 60 Vannaram Gugilla 141 Nallagonda 124 11 Namapur 113 Varikole 44 Gumlapur 27 Vedire 120 Gundareddipalle 9 Nandagiri 172 Nandaram 41 Vedurughattu 113 Gundi 93 Veerapur Gunkulkonda pur 127 Narayanpur 194 S Narayanpur Patti 48 Velchal Nandagiri 2 Venkataipalle 81 Hasanapur 10 Narasimhlapalle 167 Husnabad 12 Narasimhunipalle 83 Yaswada

119 120

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Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Karimnagar Taluk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction r' Ward! House Numbers included Ward! House Numbers included ~ LocaJ.ity! in the ...__Block Locality/ in the Block Block No. E.B. No. r Block No. E.B. No . ..A. From To '" From To ~ (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) KARIMNAGAR TOWN Ward E.B. 1 1-1-1 1-1-53 Ward 3- E.B. 34 3-3-30 3-3-105 E.B. 2 ~-1-54 I-H3 Concld. E.B. 35 3-4-1/A 3-4-61/64- 1-2-1 1-2-30 E.B. 36 3--4--65 3-4-113 E.B. 3 1-2-31 1-2-104 3-5-1 3-5-24 E.B. 4 1-2-105 1-2-139 E.B. 37 3-5-25 3-5-84 1-3-1 1-3-43 E.B. 38 3-5-85 3-5-150/48A E.B. 5 1-3-44 1-3-90 E.B. 39 3-6-1 3-6-61/8 E.B. 6 1-3-91 1-3-125 E.B. 40 3-6-61/8/1 3-6-101 1--4--1 1-4-46 3-7-1 3-7-B E.B. 7 1-4--47 1--4--92 E.B. 41 3-7-56/57 3-7-100/18 1-5-1 1-5-24 E.B. 8 -1-5-25 1-5-79/G.l Ward 4 E.B. 42 4--H 4-1-129 B.B. 9 1-5-79/GIA 1-5-85/A 4-2-1 4--2-62 1-6-1 1-6-28 E.B. 43 4--2-63 4-2-114/1 E.B. 10 1-6-29 1-6-10()/1 4-3-1 4--3-80/84 4--4--1 4--4-31 Ward 2 E.B. H 2-1-1 2-1-129 E.B. 44 4--4--32 4--4--90 B.B. 12 2-2-1 2-2-63 4-$-1 4--5-63 E.B. 13 2-2-64- 2-2-124 E.B. 45 4-5-64- 4--5-127 2-3-1 2-3-4 E.B. .+6 4-5-128 4-5-163 E.B. 14 2-3-5 2-3-48 4-6-1 4-6-48 E.B. 15 2-3-49 2-3-117 E.B. 47 4-6-49 4-6-110 E.B. 16 2-3-118 2-3-127 Ward 5 E.B. 47 5-H 5-1-36 2-4-1 2--4--58 E.B. 48 5-1-37 5-1-80/81 E.B. 17 2--4--59 2--4--114 5-2-1 5-2-43 2-5-1 2-5-32 E.B. 49 5-2-44 5-2-124 RB. 18 2-5-33 2-5-9/E 2-6-1 2-6-40 E.B. 50 5-2-125 5-2-131 5":3-69 E.B. 19 2-6--41 2-6-104 5-3-1 E.B. 20 2-6--105 2-6--113 E.B. 51 5-3-70 5-3-110/A 2-7-1 2-7-17/22 5--4--1 5-4-24 E.B. 21 2-7-17/23 2-7-63 E.B. 52 5-4-25 5-4-88 E.B. 22 2-7-64- 2-7-93/A.B. E.B. 53 5-5-1 5-5-95 E.B. 23 2-7-94 2-7-126 E.B. 54 5-6-1 5-6-69 E.B. 24 2-7-126/A 2-7-140 E.B. 55 5-6-70 5-6--129 2-8-1 2-8-30 Ward 6 E.B. 56 6--H 6--1-26/G1 E.B. 25 2-8-31 2-8-73 E.B. 57 6-1-26/GIA 6--1-68(69 E.B. 26 2-8-74 2-8-117 E.B. 58 6--1-70 6-1-75 E.B. 27 2-9-1 2-9-94 6-2-1 6--2-49 E.B. 28 2-10-1/A 2-10-47 E.B. 59 6-2-50 6-2-80/A E.B. 29 2-10-48 2-10-74/14 E.B. 60 6--2-81 6--2-99/D E.B. 30 2-1 0-74/1 H 2-l0-106 6-3-1 6-3-8 Ward 3 E.B. 31 3-1-1 3-1-74/1-3 E.B. 61 6-3-9 6-3-48/1 E.B. 32 3-1-74(1-A 3-1-100 E.B. 62 6--3-48/2 6-3-97 3-2-1 3-2-26(4 E.B. 63 6--4--1 6--4-85 E.B. 33 3-2-27 3-2-76 E.B. 64 6--4--86 6--4-119- 3-3-1 3-3-29 6--5-1 6-~-48 139

Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Karimnagar Ta/uk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Ward/ ,- Ward/ -.A. Locality/ House Numbers included Locality/ House Numbers included ""' Block No. in the Block Block No. in the Block E.B. No. E.B. No. 'Profl' To ""' From To (I) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)


Ward 6- E.B. 65 6-5-49 6-5-88/El Ward 7- E.B. 71 5/7-1-1 3/47-1-3/A Cone/d. 6-6-1 6-6-10 Concld. 7-2-1 7-~-7/R E.B. 66 6-6-11 6-6-83/J E.B. 72 7-2-7/R 1/7-2-3/1 E.B. 67 6-6-83/Jl 6-6-99/15 E.B. 73 1/7-2-3/2 End of Block E.B. 68 6-6-99/16 6-6-106/T 7-3-5 7-3-54

Ward 7 E.B. 69 7-1-1/A 7-1-36/3 E.B. 74 7-3-55 End of Block E.B. 70 7-1-36/4 3/47-1-4/A E.B. 75 7-4-1 End of Block


Block E.B. 414 1-1 1-89 Block 7 E.B. 420 7-1 7-28/1 E.B. 415 1-90 1-100 Block 2 B.B. 415 2-1 2-100 Block 8 E.B. 421 8-1 8-100 Block 3 B.B. 0415 3-1 3-18 E.B. 416 3-19 3-28/30/K Block 9 E.B. 421 9-1 9-6 E.B. 417 3-29 3-100 E.B. 422 9-7 9-93 Block 4 E.B. 418 4-1 4-100/2 E.B. 423 9-94 9-100/3A Block 5 E.B. 419 5-1 5-100 Block 6 E.B. 417 6-1 6-60/3 Block 10 E.B. 424 10-1 10-50/A E.B. 421 6-60/3 6-67 E.B. 424 6-68 6-100 Block 11 E.B. 423 11-1 11-105/A

N. B.-In a few cases an enumerator was allotted parts of differ~nt wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the concerned ward/locality/block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it. 140

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Villa,. Code No. Code No. CodeNo. (1 ) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

17 Adivipadira 146 Kandikatkur 108 Padira 55 Akkapalle 112 Katkur 60 Palle (Makta) 23 Almaspur 134 Kodumunja 167 Pedda Lingapuram 169 Ananthagiri 142 Kodurpaka 105 Peddur 71 Ananthapalle Patti 100 Kolanoor 56 Pothareddipalle Nizamabad 40 Kollamaddi 150 Pothoor 86 Ananthapalle Patti 21 Konaraopeta 114 Pothugal _Korem 10 Kondapuram Patti 157 Anantharam . Racherla 158 Rahimkhanpeta 135 Anupuram 51 Kondapuram Patti 24 Rajannapeta 109 Aunoor Nizamabad 162 Ramajipeta 87 Korem 48 Ramanjapuram 160 Badnepalle 33 Korutlapeta 50 Bandalingampalle 99 Ramannapeta 42 Kothapalle 165 Ramchandrapuram 124 Bandankal 148 Kothapeta Bandapalle 172 Repaka 4 Rudrangi Bansahebpeta 1 5 11 Lachchapeta 136 Rudraram 161 Baswapuram 47 Lakshmipuram 63 Bollaram 62 Lingampalle 102 Bonal 35 Lingampalle Khurd 30 Samudralingapuram 88 Boorgupalle 2 Lingampeta 3 Sangul 31 Boppapuram 44 Lingannapeta 138 Sankepalle 89 Boyanapalle 128 Sarampalle 122 Maddikunta 106 Sardhapuram 98 Chandragiri 18 Maddimalla 32 Sarvaipalle Patti 68 Chandurthi 58 Malkapeta Nagaram 119 Cheekod 84 Malkapuram 137 Shabajpalle 143 Cheerlavancha 149 Mallapuram 78 Shatrajpalle 76 Chekkapalle 92 Mallaram 49 Singaram 133 Chintalthllna 45 Mallareddipeta 168 Sirkonda 118 Chippalapalle 67 Mallial 104 Sirsilla 6 Mamidipalle 22 Sivangalapalle 166 Dacharam 41 Srigada 34 Dammannapeta 130 Mandepalle 147 Manuwada 46 Srinivasapuram 39 Desaipeta Sthambhampalle Dharmaram 96 Marpaka 90 57 61 Suddala 54 Dumala 70 Marrigadda 79 Dundrepalle 14 Marrimadla 73 Marripalle 85 Tadagonda 77 Edurugatla 101 Marth anpeta 126 Terlumaddi 156 Ellanthekunta 72 Modepalle 132 Thaduru 53 Ellareddipeta 123 Moinkunta 154 Thallapalle 120 Moraipalle 131 Thangallapalle 81 Fazilnagar 125 Morrapuram 97 Thettakunta Muchcherla Gajasingaram 43 26 Thimmapuram 28 155 Musakanipeta 152 Galipalle 69 Thimmapuram 121 Mustabad 94 Thippapuram III Gandilachhapet Mustafanagar Garjanpalle 36 170 Thippapuram 15 103 Mustipalle 25 GolJapalle 83 Tippaipalle Turkapalle 37 Gambh iraopeta 59 Nagaram 110 29 Gorantiala 82 Nallagonda 116 Gudem 117 Namapuram 145 Vallampatla 115 Gudur 95 Nampalle 16 Vanapalle 27 Gundaram Patti Narayanapuram 1 ~3 Vanthadupula 52 Patti Vardavelli Racherla Racherla 139 173 Gundaram Patti 38 Narmala 13 Vattimalle Lingaram 163 Narsimulapalle 19 Veernapalle 159 Veljipuram 64 Hanumajipeta 141 Narsi ngapuram 164 Nerella 91 Vemulawada 12 Nimmapalle 74 Venkatampalle 171 Jangamreddipalle 107 Venkatapuram 151 Jawaharpeta 8 Nizamabad 75 Nookalamarri 9 Venkatraopeta 93 Jayavaram 113 Venugopalapuram 127 Jillella 80 Vettemla 66 Jogapuram 129 Obhulapuram Patti Mantragiri 140 Vilasagaram 7 Kanagarthi 144 Obhulapuram Patti 20 Kancherla Racherla 65 Yangal

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Statement "howing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Sirsilla Ta/uk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction C\ r------.A.-- -~ Ward/ House Numbers included Wardl House Numbers included Locality/ in the Block Locality/ in the Block Block No. E.B.No. r------."..__----" Block No. E.B. No. From To From To (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) SIRSILLA TOWN

Ward 1 E.B. 371 1-1-1 1-1-87 Ward 5 E.B. 388 . 5-6-35 5-6-75 1-2-1 1-2-24/2 Con/d. E.B. 38!) 5-6-76 5-6-103 E.B. 372 1-2-25 1-2-75/1 5-7-1 5-7-36 E.B. 390 5-7-37 5-7-87 Wards 2 & 3 E.B. 372 2-1-1 2-1-56B 5-8-1 5-8-7 E.B. 373 2-1-57 2-1-90 E.B. 391 5-8-8 5-8-44 2-2-1 2-2-91 E.B. 392 5-8-45 5-8-106 E.B. 374 2-2-92 ·2-2-102 2-3-1 2-3-109 Ward 6 E.B. 392 6-1-1 6-Hl 3-1-1 3-1-17 E.B. 393 6-1-32 6-1-132 E.B. 375 3-1-18 3-1-85 6-2-1 6-2-21 3-2-1 3-2-55 E.B. 394 6-2-22 6-2-120D 6-3-1 6-3-32 E.B. 376 3-2-56 3-2-87 E.B. 395 6-3-33 6-3-108 Ward 4 E.B. 376 4-1-1 4-1-83 4-2-1 4-2-11 Ward 7 E.B. 395 7-1-1 7-1-66 E.B. 377 4-2-12 4-2-93 4-3-1 4-3-40 E.B. 396 7-1-67 7-1-120 7-2-1 7-2-12 E.B. 378 4-3-41 4-3-127 E.B. 397 7-2-13 7-2-62 4-4-1 4-4-2 E.B. 398 7-2-63 7-2-118 E.B. 379 4-4-3 4-4-84 7':'3-1 7-3-54 E.B. 380 4-4-85 4-4-113 E.B. 399 7-3-55 7-3-125 7-4-1 7-4-52 Ward 5 E.B. 380 5-1-1 5-1-48 E.B. 381 5-1-49 5-1-101/1 Ward 8 E.B. 399 8-1-1 8-1-49 5-2-1 5-2-4 E.B. 400 8-1-50 8-1-123 E.B. 382 5-2-5 5-2-92 8-2-1 8-2-95 E.B. 383 5-2-93 5-2-107 E.B. 401 8-3-1 8-3-116 5-3-1 5-3-31 8-4-1 8-4-67 E.B. 384 5-3-32 5-3-101 E.B. 402 8-4-68 8-4-83 BoB. 385 5-4-1 5-4-70/2 Ward 9 E.B. 402 9-1-1 9-1-91 E.B. 386 5-4-71 5-4-104A 5-5-1 5-5-49 E.B. 403 9-2-1 9-2-64 E.B. 387 5-5-50 5-5-101 E.B. 404 9-2-65 9-2-99 5-6-1 5-6-34 9-3-1 9-3-72

VEMULAW ADA TOWN Ward 1 E.B. 357 1-1-1 1-1-118 Ward 2 E.B. 359 2-3-13 2-3-114 1-2-1 1-2-120 Contd. 2-4-1 2-4-87 Ward 2 E.B. 357 2-1-1 2-1-68 E.B. 358 2-1-69 2-1-125 2-2-1 2-2-115 2-3-1 2-3-12 E.B. 360 2-4-88 2-4-119' 171

Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Sirsilla Ta/uk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction --",", Wardl House Numbers included "" Wardl House Numbers included Locality! in the Block Locality/ in the Block Block No. E.B.No. r------.A.- ...., Block No. E.B.No . From To From To (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

VEMULA. WADA TOWN-ConcJd. Ward 3 B.B. 360 3-1-1 3-1-124 Ward 7 B.B. 366 7-1-1 7-1-17 3-2-1 3-2-18 B.B. 367 7-1-18 7-1-125 B.B. 361 3-2-19 3-2-125 7-2-1 7-2-78 3-3-1 3-3-78 B.B. 362 3-3-79 3-3-122 E.B. 368 7-2-79 7-2-125 Ward 4 E.B. 362 4-1-1 4-1-110 B.B. 363 4-1-111 4-1-125 Ward 8 B.B. 368 8-1-1 8-1-113 4-2-1 4-2-124 E.B. 369 8-1-114 8-1-125 8-2-1 8-2-125/1 Ward 5 E.B. 363 5-1-1 5-1-39

E.B. 364 5-1-40 5-1-125 Ward 9 E.B. 369 9-1-1 9-1-58 5-2-1 5-2-95

E.B. 365 5-2-96 5-2-124 E.B. 370 9-1-59 9-1-100 Ward 6 B.B. 365 6-1-1 6-1-125 9-2-1 9-2-100 6-2-1 6-2-20 9-3-1 9-3-104 E.B. 366 6-2-21 6-2-115 6-3-1 6-3-123 Ward 10 10-1-1 10-1-50

N.B. In a few cases, an enumerator was allotted parts of different wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the concerned ward/locality/block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it. 172 ~I ~I ~I 0 1 ~I O\O'Vt'--~OO("f")...,.jO'l\oN.-4C"f')an l :::t!l~~~~~~~NN~~;: I')

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village ,Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

24 Adavi Madhapur 63 Kacharam 81 Peggerla 97 Ambaripet 96 Kalikota 34 Pormalla 9 Ammakkapet 31 Kallur 90 Posanipet 80 Atmakur 68 Kalwakota 95 Potharam 84 Kathlapur 66 Bheemaram 36 Katlakunta 16 Raghavapeta 83 Bhushanaraope$ 4 Komatikondapur 65 Rahojipet 87 Bommena 62 Kondapur 49 Rajeswararaopet 75 Kondikarla 51 Ramachandrampeta 38 Chinna Metpalle 57 Koratla 79 Ramalachakkapeta 92 Chinta Kunta 25 Ramdaspeta 27 Chittapur 26 Laxmipur 67 Rangapur 44 Chowlamaddi 88 Lingampeta 78 Rangaraopet 48 Lingapur 10 Regunta 6 Dabba Sangam 20 Damarajpalle 70 Machapur 56 Sataram 71 Dammannapet 39 Madhapur 30 28 Dharmaram 33 Mahatabpur 74 Sirkonda 86 Dulur 8 Maidpalle 17 Sirpur 91 Dumpeta 61 Maidpalle 23 Mallapur 73 TakkallapaJle 93 Tandriyal 3 Erdandi 72 Mannegudem 13 Timmapur 7 Errapur 52 Masaipet 45 Metpalli 35 Tombaraopeta 98 Turthi 15 Fakirkondapur 77 Metta Chittapur 18 Mogalpet 60 Mohanraopet 21 Valgonda 89 Gambhirpur 1 Mularampur 69 Vallampalle 11 Godur 41 Muthampet 5 Varsakonda 22 Gorrepalle 47 VelJulla 100 Govindaram 42 Vempet 85 Naga Mallapakunta 59 Gumlapur 2 Vemulkurthi 55 Nagulpet 29 Gundampalle 64 Venkataraopet 58 Venkatpur 19 Obblapur 12 Ibrahimpatnam 46 Venkatraopeta 82 Ootpalle 94 Ippapalle 50 Vittampet 40 Iylapur 32 Paidi Madugu 54 Yakeenpur 76 Jaggasagar 99 Pasnoor 14 Yamapur 37 Joganpalle 53 Peddapur 43 Yousuf Nagar

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St'atement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Metpal/i Ind. Sub-Taluk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction r" -:.. Ward! House Numbers included Ward! House Numbers included Locality/ in the Block Locality! in the Block Block No. E.B. No. Block No. E.B. No. From To From To -- (I) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) METPALLI TOWN * Ward E.B. 227 1-1-1 1-1-144 Ward 4 E.B. 233 4-1-1 4-1-27 1-2-1 1-2-34 E.B. 234 4-2-1 4-2-127 E.B. 228 1-2-35 1-2-132 4-3-1 4--3-37 E.B. 235 4-3-37/2 4-3-130 Ward 2 E.B. 228 2-1-1 2-1-77 Ward 5 E.B. 235 5-1-1 5-1-39 E.B. 229 2-1-78 2-1-138 E.B. 236 5-1-40 5-1-124 2-2-1 2-2-74 5-2-1 5-2-59 E.B. 230 2-2-75 2-2-125 E.B. 237 5-2-60 5-2-120 2-3-1 2-3-78 5-3-1 5-3-129 E.B. 231 2-3-79 2-3-152 Ward 6 E.B. 238 6-1-1 6-1-139 Ward 3 EB. 231 3-1-1 3-1-74 E.B. 239 6-2-1 6-2-105 Jurisdictional particulars EB. 232 3-]-75 3-1-128 Labour Camp E.B. 245 3-2-1 (outside Ward limit but Not Available 3-2-107 within Metpalli Panch a- E,B, 233 3-2-108 3-2-135 yat limits)

KORATLA TOWN Ward E.B, 203 1-1-1 1-1-134 Ward 4 E.B. 214 ·4-1-1 4-1-40 1-2-1 1-2-17 E,B. 215 4-1-41 4-1-140 E.B. 204 1-2-18 1-2-139 4-2--1 4-2-40 1-3-1 1-3-20 E,B. 216 4-2-41 4-2-149 E.B. 205 1-3-21 1-3-133 4-3-1 4-3-20 1-4-1 1-4-23/17 E.B. 217 4-3-21 4-3-115 E.B. 206 1-4-23/18 1-4-102 4-4-1 4-4-92 E.B. 218 4-4-93 4-4-140 Ward 2 E.B. 206 2-1-1 2-1-40 4-5-1 4-5-85 E.B. 207 2-1-41 2-1-100 E,B. 219 4--6-1 4-6-123 2-2-1 2-2-103 EB. 208 2-3-1 2-3-123 Ward 5 E.B. 219 5-1-1 5-1-71 2-4-1 2-4-114 E.B, 220 5-1-72 j-I-I13 E.B. 209 2-5-1 2-5-82 5-2-1 5-2-76 2-6-1 2-6-70 E.B. 221 5-2-76/A 5-2-100 E.B. 210 2-6-71 2-6-127 5-3-1 5 -3-ll5 E,B. 222 5-4-1 5-4-101 Ward 3 E.B. 210 3-1-1 3-1-96 E.B. 211 3-1-97 3-1-130 Ward 6 E,B. 222 6-1-1 6-1-40 3-2-1 3-2-125 E.B. 223 6-1-41 6-1-145 E.B. 212 3-3-1 3-3-108 6-2-1 6-2-19 3-4-1 3-4-98 E,B. 224 6-2-20 6-2-113 E.B. 213 3-4-99 - 3-4-151 6-3-1 6-3-37 3-5-1 3-5-ll8 E.B. 225 6-3-38 6-3-161 E.B. 214 3-6-1 3-6-118 E.B. 226 6-4-1 6-4-111

* E.Bs. 245, 246, 247 and 258 of Metpalli town covered the labour camps erected in connection with the construction of Pochampad Project canals. Some of these camps are located within different wards of Metpalli town and some outside the ward limits but within Metpalli Panchayat limits. Some of the houses in the labour camps allotted to E.B. 245 fall in all the six wards and the remaining fall outside the limits of these six wards. The houses allotted to E.Bs. 246 and 258 fall in wards 1 and 3 only. The houses allotted to E.B. 247 fall in wards 2 to 6. Hence the population particulars covered by these four enumerators' Blocks have been included in the concerned wards. The exact jurisdictional details of these E.Bs. in each ward are not available and hence not given.

N. B.-In a few cases an enumerator was allotted parts of different wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the con~erned ward/locality/block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it, 192

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1 ) (2)

94 Abbapuram 112 Jabithapur 119 Potharam 132 Aggimalla 92 Jagdevpeta 148 Potharam 42 Allipur 76 Jagtial 153 Pudur 40 Alur 16 Jaina 79 Al1antharam 75 Anthargama 131 Raghavapatnam 137 . Arevalli 66 Kalleda 25 Raichapalle 12 Arepalle 60 Kamalapur 35 Raikal 50 Arpapalle 8 Kammunur 56 Raipatnam 98 Athmakur 6 Kandlapalle 17 Rajaram 71 Kandlapalle 118 Rajaram 44 Kannapuram 37 Ramajipet 141 Balvanthapuram 3 Katkapur 120 Rampuram 134 Bathkepalle 43 Kishtampeta 143 Ramsagar 23 Battapalle 150 Kodimyala 47 Rangapet 128 Battubhuttamrajpalle 11 Kolvai 4 Rangasagar 19 Beerpur 69 Konapuram 107 Rapalle 87 Beersani 146 Konapuram 33 Regunta 103 Bheemrajpalle 91 Kondapuram 10 Rekulapalle 38 Bhoopathipuram 149 Kondapuram 85 Bonkur 36 KummarpaJle 1 Bornapalle 24 Sarangapuram 63 Buggaram 140 Sarvapuram 49 Lakshmidevipalle 88 Sathambampalle 102 Lakshmipuram 83 Shakalla 72 Chelgal 110 Lakshmipuram 96 Chendoli 90 Shakapuram 45 Latchakkapeta 144 Shanivarampeta 152 Cheppyala 30 Lingapur 5 Cherlapalle 86 Sirikonda 133 Lingapuram 59 Sirvanchakota 104 Chilvakodur 93 Lothunur 64 Chinnapuram 65 Somanpalle 29 Chintalur 147 Surampee 57 Maddunur 95 Datnur 124 Madutla 67 Takkallapalle 2 Devanapa\le 130 Maidampalle 138 Takka\lapalle 99 Devikonda 126 Mallial 139 Tatipalle 27 Dharmajipet 127 Manal 26 Tatlawai 54 Dharmapuri 7 Mangala 74 Tatpalie 111 Dharmaram 31 Mootapalle 15 Teegala Dharmaram 117 Dharur 73 Morapalle 9 Thadla Dharmaram 13 Donthapuram 114 Mothe 55 Thimmapuram 18 Donur 142 Muthampeta 113 Thimmapuram 101 Thirmalapuram 109 Thirmaiapuram 115 Eldurthi 151 Nachupalle 81 Eswanthraopet 53 Thumminala 61 Nagaram 14 Thungur 46 Nagnur 77 Tippannapeta 21 GaneshpaUe 155 Namilikonda 145 Tirmalapur 80 Gangapuram 100 Nancherla 106 Gollapalle 20 Narsimlapalle 58 Goplliapuram 116 Narsingapuram 41 Uppumadige 123 Gorregundam 52 Neralla 154 Gourapuram 125 Nukapalle 97 Gullakota 28 Vastapuram 39 Veerapuram 68 Gullapeta 121 Oblapur 105 Gllnjapadllga 89 Velgatoor 62 Velgonda 51 Habshipur 136 Pegadapalle 32 Vempalli Venkataraopeta 48 Pembatla 135 Vengalaipet 129 Ibrahimnagar 78 Polas 108 Vengalapuram 82 Israjpalle 70 Porendla 84 Vengumatla 34 Itkial 22 Potharam 122 Voddad

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or) "!'MO\ \0 If''IMI,(')\O\O .-4.-4 ..... '1""'4 -""'" ~N~~~ ...... '1"'"'1 ...... _. ...f"l...

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Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Jagtial Taluk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction ----.A Ward/ Ward/ ":!II Locality/ House Numbers included Locality/ House Numbers included Block No. in the Block Block No. in the Block E.B. No. .A. E.B.No. Prol)'\ To From To (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)


Ward 1 B.B. 1-1-1 1-1-117 Ward 4 E.B. 26 4-1-1 4-1-101 B.B. 2 1-1-118 1-1-130 E.B. 27 4-1-102 4-1-140 1-2-1 1-2-96 4-2-1 4-2-72 B.B. 3 1-2-97 1-2-130 E.B. 28 4-2-73 4-2-135 1-3-1 1-3-91 4-3-1 4-3-31 B.B. 4 1-3-92 1-3-130 E.B. 29 4-3-32 4-3-140 1-4-1 1-4-70 E.B. 30 4-4-1 4-4-100 B.B. 5 1-4-71 1-4-130 E.B. 31 4-4-101 4-4-139 1-5-1 1-5-53 4-5-1 4-5-35 E.B. 6 1-5-54 1-5-131 E.B. 4-5-139 1-6-1 1-6-74 32 4-5-36 E.B· 33 4-6-1 4-6-140 E.B. 7 1-6-75 1-6-130 1-7-1 1-7-60 E.B. 34 4-7-1 4-7-100 E.B. 8 1-7-61 1-7-130 Ward 5 B.B. 35 5-1-1 5-1-101 B.B. 36 5-1-102 5-1-140 Ward 2 E.B. 8 2-1-1 2-1-32 5-2-1 5-2-71 B.B. 9 2-1-33 2-1-140 E.B. 37 5-2-72 5-2-140 E.B. 10 2-2-1 2-2-140 5-3-1 5-3-38 E.B. 11 2-3-1 2-3-140 E.B. 38 5-3-39 5-3-134 E.B. 12 2-4-1 2-4-140 B.B. 39 5-4-1 5-4-107 E.B. 13 2-5-1 2-5-137 E.B. 40 5-4-108 5-4-140 E.B. 14 2-6-1 2-6-100/1 5-5-1 5-5-59/2 E.B. 15 2-6-100/2 2-6-140 E.B. 41 5-5-59/3 5-5-140 5-6-1 5-6-28 5-6-29 5-6-140 Ward 3 E.B. IS 3-1-1 3-1-69 E.B. 42 E.B. 16 3-1-70 3-1-140 E.B. 43 5-7-1 5-7-84/1 E.B. 17 3-2-1 3-2-126 E.B. 44 5-7-84/2 5-7-100 E.B. 18 3-2-127 3-2-139 Ward 6 E.B. 44 6-1-1 6-1-101 3-3-1 3-3-101 E.B. 45 6-1-102 6-1-140 E.B. 19 3-3-102 3-3-140 3-4-1 3-4-78 6-2-1 6-2-78 E.B. 20 3-4-79 3-4-139 E.B. 46 6-2-79 6-2-140 3-5-1 3-S-33 6-3-1 6-3-138 E.B. 21 3-5-34 3-5-138 E.B. 47 6-4-1 6-4-91(J E.B. n 3-6-1 3-6-140 E.B. 48 6-4-91/2 6-4-140 6-5-1 6-5-55 E.B. 23 3-7-1 3-7-137 E.B. 49 6-5-56 6-5-147 E.B. 24 3-7-138 3-7-140 6-6-1 6-6-40 3-8-1 3-B-!40 B.B. 50 6-6-41 6-6-140 E.B. 25 3-9-1 3-9-100 6-7-1 6-7-105

N. B.-In a few cases an enumerator was allotted parts of different wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the concerned ward/locality!block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it. , 218

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

84 Abbapuram 177 Kangarthi (Jadeed) 17 Padkal 104 Adrial 66 Kangarthi (Kadeem) 26 Paidichinthalapalle 109 Advivarampet 152 Kankula 7 Paidipalle 33 Akenpalle 63 Kannala 62 Palakurthi 106 Akkapalle 1 Kapparaopet 67 Paltham 52 Allur 72 Katkanpalle 173 Pandilla 5 Ambaripet 138 Katnepalle 102 Pannur 39 Antargaon 77 Keesulatapalle 95 Parepalle 90 Appannapet 69 Khadavanparthi 20 Pathagudur 4 Kishanraopet 74 Pathipaka 111 Begumpet 188 Kishtampet 124 Peddabonkur 159 Bhojannapeta 129 Kodurpak 126 Peddakalva 143 Bhoopathipuram Kdanoor Peddampet Bommareddypalle 162 172 73 174 Komera 121 Peddapalle 24 Bothavanparthi 158 Kothapalle 81 Peddapuram 37 Brahmanapalle Patti Murmur Pegadapalle Brahmanapalle Patti Sultanabad 18 Kothapet 163 64 Kothur Penchikalapeta BUdhavarampet 85 54 108 13 Kukkalagudur 137 Poosala 140 Burhanmiyapet 86 Kummarikunta 57 Poratpalle 70 Chamanpalle 167 Kunaral11 179 Pothkapalle 180 Chanagonda 59 Kundanpalle 31 Polial 15 Chanobanda 30 Putnur 107 Ladnapura 123 Cheekuria 27 Rilchapalle 9. Chegaon liS Lankakesaram 75 Legalamarri 105 Rachapalle 155 Chinnabonkuru Raghavapur 125 Chinnakalvala 98 Lingula 91 42 Lingapuram 135 Raikaldevapalle 132 Dhoolkatta 130 Lokapet 65 Ranaid 68 Dongaturthi 116 Rajapurm 14';' Dubbapet 12 Maddiriyala 41 Ramagundam 168 Edulapur IlL Medipalle Patti Mangapet 119 Rampalle 32 Eklasupur 178 Madka 96 Rampikunta 133 Elgaid 161 Madpalle 8 Rampoor 55 Elkalpalle 43 Madupalle Patti Murmur 56 Ranapuram 76 Ellapural11 44 Malkapur 122 Rangampalle J9 Endaralle 79 Mallapuram 92 Rangapur 61 Esalatakkallapalle 184 Mallial 113 Rathnapuram 58 Mallialpalle 169 Rathupalle ~ 171 Gangaram 151 Mancharami J56 Rebbaldavipalle 145 Garrepaile 164 l'>langape t 153 Regadimaddikunta 148 Gattepalte 118 Maredgonda Sabbitham 93 Gattu Singaram 53 Maredupaka 94 16 Godiselapet 6 Sankenapalle 23 Maredupalle ::2 Sayampet 146 Gollapa\le 185 Mirzampet 120 Gowreddipet 15 Shanabanda 157 Miyapuram Shivapalle 38 Goyalwada 60 Mogilepahad 139 182 Gudem 49 Siripuram 187 Motapalle 34 Somanapalle 29 Gudipalle 2 Mukkatraopet 183 Gumpula 170 Srirampuram 160 Mulasala Suddala 117 Gundaral11 Mulkalapalle 154 101 136 Sultanabad 181 Indllrthi 14 Mlinjampalle Sultanpur 142 Ith raj palle 141 131 Mlippirithota 46 Slindilla 166 Jafarkhanpet 35 Murmoor 21 Suraram Jallaram 47 Mllstiai 48 Tarpalle Jallipalle 3 Muthunur 186 51 Teelkllnta 45 Janagaon 71 Myadaram 82 28 Jayyaram 150 Thogarrai Turkalamaddikunta 83 Juiapalle 97 Nagaram 89 100 Julapalle 103 Nagepalle 10 Undeda 175 Namsanipalle 50 U pperlakesaram 88 Kachapur 134 Narsapur 149 ]]0 Velgalpahad Kadambapur 78 Narsingapllram Vel1l11i1Ur 40 Kaidandi 11 147 Neerkulla Vennampalle 114 Kalvacherla 165 127 Nimmanapalle 87 Wadkapuram 99 Kamanpuram 128 Nittur 80 Kammarikhanpet 107 Wadnapuram 25 Kanampalle 176 Cdela 36 Yellammapalle

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Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in .the .Urban Areas of Peddapalle Taluk Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction r - -.A- --::t Ward! Hou-se Numbers included ~ Ward/ House Numbers included Locality/ in the Block , Locality! in the Block Block No. E.B. No. r------...A------__ Block No. E.B. No. ,----Ar----.-... From To From To (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) PEDDAPALLE TOWN

Ward E.B. 289 I-H 1-1-70 Ward 3' B.B. 302 3-'4-87 3-~128 1-2-1 1-2-106 -Coneld. 3-5-1 3-5-72 E.B. 290 1-3-1 1-3-19 E.B. 303 3:"'5-73 3-5-105 ]:",,6-1 3-6-47 1-4-124 E.B. 291 1-4-1 E.B. 304 3-6-48 3-6-52 E.B. 290 2-2-1 2-2-92 3-7-1 3-7-86 Ward 2 E.B. 292 2-1-1 2-1-116 Ward 4 E.B. 305 4-1-1 4-1-115 E.B. 293 2-3-1 2-3-120 E.B. 306 4-2-1 4-2-93 4-3-1 4-3-16 E.B. 294 2-4-1 2-4-110 E.B. 307 4-3-17 4-3-114A E.B. 295 2-5-1 2-5-105 E.B. 308 4-4-1 4-4-105 E.B. 296 2-6-1 2-6-63 E.B. 309 4-5-1 4-5-114 E. B. 297 2-6-64 2-6-109 E.B. 310 4-6-1 4-6-112A 2-7-} 2-7-68 E.B. 311 4-6-113 4-6-114A E.B. 298 2-7-69 2-7-104 4-7-1 4-7-83/2 2-8-1 2-8-79 E.B. 312 4-8-1 4-8-102 Ward 3 E.B. 299 3-1-1 3-1-102 Ward 5 E.B. 313 5-1-1 5-1-100 3-2-} 3-2-24/2 5-2-1 5-2-59 E.B. 300 3-2-24/3 3-2-110 E.B. 314 5-2-60 5-2-100 3-3-1 3-3-40 5-3-1 5-3-100 E.B. 301 3-3-41 3-3-96/2 E.B. 315 5-4-1 5-4-102/2 3-4-1 3-4-86 5-5-1 5-5-59

JANGAON TOWN (Godavari Khani) Block 1 E.B. 87 1-1 1-25 Block 21 E.B. 105 21-1 2l-11SA Block 2 E.B. 88 2-1 2-125/A Block 22 E.B. 106 22-1 22-108 Block 3 E.B. 89 3-1 3-119 Block 23 E.B. 106 23-1 23-38B Block 4 E.B. 90 4-1 4-110A E.B. 107 23-39 23-120 Block 5 E.B. 91 5-1 5-110 Block 24 E.B. 107 24-1 24-79 E.B. 108 24-80 24-119 Block 6 E.B. 91 6-1 6-18 E.B. 92 6-19 6-124 Block 25 E.B. 108 25-1 25-102 Block '7, E.B. 92 7-1 7-28 Block 26 B.B. 109 26-1 26-119 E.B. 93 7-29/1 7-J09jC Block 27 E.B. 109 27-1 27-20 E.B. 110 27-2OA 27-111 Block 8 E.B. 94 8-1 8-108/A Block 28 E.B. 111 28-1 28-104 Block 9 E.B. 95 9-1 9-106/1 E.B. 96 9-106/2 9-125 Block 29 E.B. 111 29-1 29-4/2 E.B. 112 29-5/1 29-116 Block 10 E.B. 96 10-1 10-119 Block 30 E.B. 113 30-1 30-108A Block 11 E.B. 97 11-1 11-]20A Block 31 E.B. 114 31-1 31-110 Block 12 E.B. 98 12-1 12-95 Block 32 E.B. 114 32-1 32-18 Block 13 E.B. 99 13-1 13-122 E.B. 115 32-19 32-103/1 Block 14 E.B. 99 14-1 14-60 Block 33 E.B. 115 33-1 33-14 E.B. 100 14-61 14-118 E.B. 116 33-15 33-104 Block 15 E.B. 100 15-1 15-119 Block 34 E.B. 117 3~1 24-106 Block 16 E.B. 101 16-1 16-104 Block 35 E.B. 118 35-1 35-79 Block 17 E.B. 101 17-1 17-76 E.B. 119 35-80 35-94 E.B. 102 17-77 17-124 Block 36 E.B. 119 36-1 36-78 Block 18 E.B. 102 18-1 18-94 E.B. 120 36-79 36-10& E.B. 103 ]8-95 . 18-125C Block 37 E.B. 120 37-1 37-114 Block 19 E.B. 103 19-1 19-116 Block 38 E.B. 483 38-1 38 ...:125 Block 20 E.B. 104 20-1 20-116A Block 39 E.B. 484 39-1 39-112 "l£ 245

Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Peddapa/[e Taluk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction r" Wardl House Numbers included "'" ~ Wardl House Numbers included Locality/ in the Block Locality/ Block No. E.B. No. in the Block Block No. E.B. No. ..A From To r From To '" (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) RAMAGUNDAM TOWN

Ward E.B. 67 1-1 1-121 Ward 9 E.B. 74 9-1 9-111 Ward 2 E.B. 68 2-1 2-!13/A Ward 10 E.B. 75 10-1 10-100 Ward 3 B.B. 68 3-1 3-32JA/I E.B. 69 3-32A/2 3-104 Ward 11 E.B. 76 11-1 11-112 Ward 4 E.B. 69 4-1 4-74 Ward 12 E.B. 70 4-75 4-101 E.B. 77 12-1 12-109/2 Ward 5 E.B. 70 5-1 5-100 Ward 13 E.B. 78 13-1 13-100 Ward 6 E.B. 71 6-1 6-107 Ward 14 E.B. 78 14-1 14-40 E.B. 79 14-41 Ward 7 E.B. 72 7-1 7-115 14--94 Ward 8 E.B. 73 8-1 8-113 Ward 15 E.B. 79 IS-l 15-142

N. B.-In a few cases an enumerator was allotted parts of different wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the concerned ward/locality/block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it. 246

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ris 11). U c::"O 0 00107 ...l'';:;[,,) ~ ... ALPHABETICAL LiSt OF VILLAGES


1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village -Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

99 Adivarampeta 42 Kaleswar 126 Oded 107 Adivisomanpalle 79 Kamanpalle 61 Ambatpalle 97 Kambalapad 19 Ammagaripalle 47 Kancherlapalle 37 Palgula 12 Anguloor 162 Kankunoor 5 Pandulapalle 145 Ankanpalle 6 Kannala 67 Pankena 33 Annaram 43 Kannepalle 68 Panmalla 135 Ansanpalle 132 Kapuram 122 Parupalle 20 Arenda 98 Kataram 138 Pedatoondla 123 Kesanpalle 64 Peddampeta 128 Khammampalle 109 Pedda Odala 39 Baljapuram 16 Khanapur 161 Pegdapalle 152 Bayyararn 17 Khansahibpet 92 Pochanpalle 55 Begloor 1 Khasipeta 157 Polararn 18 Bhattapalle (Makta) 78 Kistapur 40 Poosakpalle 80 Bheernanapalle Kistaraopet l21 Potharam 111 Bhitpalle (Khalsa) 62 104 Kondarnpeta 96 Pothulvai 53 Bomrnapurarn 146 Korlakunta 87 Pratapgiri 45 Boorasagar 155 Korlakunta 7 Puttapaka 89 Bopparam 151 Kothapalle 1-67 Borlagudem 48 Kothapeta 70 Boyapalmala 10 Kucharajpalle 46 Raghupalle 52 Brahmanapalle Kudurpalle 102 Ragulagudem 73 Burgugudem 49 38 Kuntlam 58 Rapallikota 165 Reddipalle 34 Chandrupalle 168 Regulagudern 119 Lakkaram 149 Rudraram 94 Chednepalle 8 Lakkepuram 148 Chigurapalle 57 Lakshmipurarn 108 Chinna Odala Lenkalagadda 131 Cbinnathoondla 65 69 Sarvaipeta 88 Chintakani 120 Sarvaram 117 Machupeta 125 Shatrajpalle 86 Madaram 133 Shatrajpalle 29 Damerakunta 36 Maddulapalle 163 Singampalle 72 Dammooru 51 Mahadevpur 170 Singaram 115 Daryapoor 116 Maidambanda 127 Srirarnpuram 103 Devarampalle 147 Mallampalle 156 Stambhampalle 101 Dhanwada 22 Mallararn 166 Sthambhampalle (Pallikapuram) 24 Dharmasagar 30 Mallarorn 118 Sukravarampeta 143 Domala Madaram 130 Mallaram 150 Sundarajpeta 140 Dubbaghattu 11 MallepalJe 59 Suraram 139 Dubbapeta 14 Manthani 105 Surnepalle 41 Masjidpalle 60 Medegadda 15 Eklaspllr 71 Medigadda 129 Tadicherla 54 Elkaswar 153 Medipalle 136 Tadvai 63 Enkepalle 44 Metpalle 32 Tallagadda 81 Moded 77 Thimmatyagudem 164 GaddalpaJle 90 Morapalle 112 Gaddulapalle 144 Mothukpalle 2 Uppatla 100 Gandharla 76 Muknoor 137 Gandharla 56 Mukthipalle 169 Gandikamaram 154 MuJgllpalJe 25 Vadplllavancha 93 Garepalle 124 Mlltharam 159 Vajnapalle 66 Garkapalle 158 Mlltharam 141 Vallamkunta 28 Goodllr 113 Mydipalle 26 Veerapoor 110 Gopalapoor 75 VenchapalJe 9 Gumnur 134 Nacharam 21 Venkatapur .31 Gundtathpalle 35 NagapalJe 23 Vilasagar 3 Gunjapadiga 4 Nagaram 13 Vilochavaram 106 NagepalJe 95 Nallagunta 114 IppalpalJe 160 Nallagunta alias Manjeet 84 Yamanapalle 91 Nastllrpalle 142 YedJapalle 27 Jadaraopet 74 Ncelarnralle 50 Yedpalle 85 JeeJapalle 83 Nimmaglldem 82 Yethnaram 259 260


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Statement showing the Jurisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas of Manthani Ta/uk

Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Enumerator's Block No. and its Jurisdiction Ward/ r Ward! ..,..----.A- Locality/ House Numbers included Locality/ House Numbers included "Block No. in the Block Block No. in the Block E.B.No. r- A "':\ E.B. No. r- Frol!' To From To (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)


Ward 1 E.B. 137 1-1 1-118 Ward 13 E.B. 145 13-1 13-131 Ward 2 E.B. 137 2-1 2-60 Ward 14 E.B. 145 14-1 14-54 E.B. 138 2-61 2-135 E.B. 146 14-55 14-95

Ward 3 E.B. 138 3-1 3-14 Ward 15 E.B. 146 15-1 15-135 Ward 4 B.B. 139 4-1 4-113 Ward 5 E.B. 139 5-1 5-47 Ward 16 E.B. 147 16-1 16-116 E.B. 140 5-48 5-110 Ward 17 E.B. 147 17-1 17-37 E.B. 148 17-38 17-105 Ward 6 E.B. 140 6-1 6-112 Ward 18 E.B. 148 18-1 18-75 Ward 7 E.B. 141 7-1 7-109 Ward 19 E.B. 148 19-1 19-20 Ward 8 E.B. 141 8-1 8-40 E.B. 149 19-21 19-107 E.B. 142 8-41 8-120

Ward 9 E.B. 142 9-1 9-96 Ward 20 E.B. 149 20-1 20-72 E.B. 150 20-73 . 20-126 Ward 10 E.B. 143 10-1 10-114 Ward 11 E.B. 143 11-1 11-88 Ward 21 E.B. 150 21-1 21-140/1 E.B. 144 11-89 11-117

Ward 12 E.B. 144 12-1 12-147 Ward 22 E.B. 151 22-1 22-159

N. B. In a few cases, an enumerator was allotted parts of different wards/localities/blocks. In all such cases, the E. B. No. has been repeated in each of the concerned ward/locality/block and the particulars pertaining to that part only are shown against it. 276

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1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

84 Aknoor 45 Jammikunta 128 Nerella 131 Amba! 112 Jeelgul 50 Amhalpoor 70 Jujnoor 4 Pachchunoor 28 Amdalapalle 77 Jupak 113 Penchakalpet 103 Ammangurthi 33 Pothareddipalle 19 Arkandla 62 Pothareddipet Kachapoor 29 67 PotherlapaUe 123 Baopet 17 Kalvala .. Kamalapur 46 Bethgal 126 37 Rachapalle. Kanagarthi 76 Bheemapalle 74 101 Raikal Kandugal 99 Bheemdevarapalle .1 14 27 Rajapoor Kaniparthi 42 Bijgir Shareer 125 57 Ramchandrapur 102 Bommakal 25 Kannapur 106 Ratnagiri Kannaram 10 Bonthupalle 90 14 Reddipalle 80 Bornepalle aUas Moinpur 75 Kannur 30 Kanparthi 16 Brahmanpalle 43 Saidabad 78 Kanukulagidda 39 Bujnoor 82 Saidapur 51 Kareempet 71 Shanigaram Katkur 9 Challoor 89 60 Singapur 104 Katrepalle 63 Chelpur 61 Sirsapalle 49 Keshavapatnam 41 Chinnakomatipalle 66 Sirsed 93 Keshwapur (Near Kothakonda) 87 Choutapalle 55 Somaram 132 Keshwapur (Near Ambal) 122 Suraram 109 Damera 13 Kondapak 118 Dandepalle 107 Koppur (Near Palkalamalaya- 40 Tekurthi 117 Desharajpalle palle) 23 Thadkal 2 Devampalle 32 Korapalle 35 Thanugal 115 Dharmarajpalle 12 Korkal 124 Timmapur 26 Dharmaram (Near Molangur) 48 Kothaghat Kothakonda 59 Tummanapalle 44 Dharmaram (Near Bijgir Shareef) 92 53 Duddenapalle 108 Kothapalle 120 Kothulnaduma 85 Ummapur 116 Uppal 52 Eklaspur 6 Vttoor 58 Elabotharam Lalithapoor 8 Elbak 110 Elkaturthi 31 Valbapoor (Near Bijgir Shareef) 96 Erraballe 129 Ml\dannapet 121 Vallabhapur alias Husnabad 64 Madipalle 72 Vangapalle 18 Gaddapaka 88 Mallampalle 100 Vangara 94 Gatlanarsingapur 91 Mallaram 22 Vannaram 83 Ghanpur 68 Mallial 38 Vanthadupula 11 Ghanumukka!a 7 Mamidalpalle 36 Vavilal 81 Godishal 105 .Manikyapur 15 Veenavanka 111 Gopalpur 69 Marripalligudem 119 Veeranarayanapur 127 Gudoor 47 Metpalle 5 Vegurpalle 73 Gunded 86 Mirzapur 3 Veldi 130 Guniparthi 24 Molangur 54 Venkepalle 98 Mulkanoor 56 Vennampalle ')9 Huzurabad alias Edulapuram 95 Mustafapur 34 Vilasagar 21 Mutharam (Near MolangUr) 65 Wanthakunta 97 Mutharam 70 Yeredpalle

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: r-r-'" ...... r- 'N .11') OON ...... N \ \ \ 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS OF ANDHRA PRADESH

(All the Census Publications of Andhara Pradesh will bear Series No.2).


PARr I-A General Report PARr, I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns PArri. I-C Subsidiary Tables I I PAlT II-A General Population Tables PMT II-B Economic Tables }'A'1 II-C(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled / I Tribes PA~T II-C(ii) Other Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composition Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism PART U-D Migration Tables I i PART III Establishments Report and Tables '

PA~T IV Housing Report and Tables

V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes tt VI-A Town Directory VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns PAtPA V{-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages PAt VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel (All India Publication) PA VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration PA VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation ~ For Official use only

IX-A Census Atlas 4P1PA IX-B Administrative Atlas


PART X-A'" Village and Town Directory PART X-B'" Village and Town Primary Census Abstract '\ PA~T X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables \, I ! I

"'Parts A and B are published in one Volume for each District LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE ANDHRA PRADESH GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS

Twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad

BOOK LINKS CORPORATION, Narayanguda, Hyderabad LABOUR LAW PuBLlCATlONS, 873, Kothi Bus Stand, Hyderabad

SW~RAJ BOOK DBPOT, Khairtabad, Hyderabad SRISAILA BOOK COMMISSION AGENTS, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad ASIA LAW BOOK HOUSE, Behind High Court Building, Hyderabad HINDUSTAN DIARY PuBLISHERS, Secunderabad



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