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Recommended Citation REAPPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS California Proposition 1 (1928).

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(For ~II text of Measure see page 1, Part II) Argument In Favor of Reapportionment of interests of this great commonwealth: The act Legislative Districts Referendum Measure is a just, conscientious and carefully framed law. A vote ,"'yes" will sustain the law-the so- It deserves to be sustained. Vote yes on Pl'OPO- called vl\OggS Reapportionment A,ct"--enacted sition Number One on the ballot. " , by the state legislature in 19"27 by DNANI- J. M. INMAN, MOUS VOTE. The law' was enacted in obedi- State Senator, Seventp. District. ence to the mandate of the voters, who, at the gelleral election of 1926, adopted the Federal FRANK S. BQGGS, nan of Representation in the state legislature, State Senator, Tenth District. , by an amendment to the Californirl constitution. DAVID P. BARROWS. which received a majority of oyer 74,000 votes and a majority vote in 57 of the 58 counties of the state. Argument Against Reapportionment of Opponents of the Federal Plan of .Representa­ Legislative Districts Referendum Measure tion, unwilling 1;Q. accept the decision of the The constitution o{this state of 1879 provided, people made in 1926, are attempting to void or­ for the purpose of choosing members of the to delay the enforcement of this provision by legislatute. that the st.otte should be divided into calling for a popular referendum. eighty assembly and forty senatorial districts as The growth of population in California in the equal in popuhl.tion as possible. last twenty years has made unjust and intoler­ The apportionment of legislative districts to able the present apportionment of representation be made every ten years on the basis of federal in the state legislature which is based on the census. . 'ral census pf 1910 and on former provisions Dnder this provision of the constitution the _he California constitution now repealed. legislature should_have made the apportionment Due to the unprecedented development of the after the census of 1!l20, but failed to do so. two great urban regions of the state, were At the election of 1926 an initiative constitu­ apportionment to be based on the repealed pro­ tional amendment \'Was adopted by the p"oplE', visions of the constitution and the federal changing .the method of dividing the state into census of 1920, political power would be con­ senatorial districts. It left the number of solidated in the inhabitants of 3 riel' cent of the senatorial districts at forty as previously pro­ area of the state. vided, but provided that no com, ty or city and The constitution of California, as now county shall contain more than one senatorial amended, has enabled the legislature to pass a district, and counties of small population shall law that recognizes the right of 97 per ceut of be grouped in diRtricts not to exceed three the territory of the state to a fair representation. counties. This plan 'is called the "Federal Plan" because The amendment also provided that the legis­ its principle is that of the federnl constitution lature at the following session (1927) should for reprellentation in eongress. It is the prin-, re-apportion the state in accordimce with the ciple, generally respected in all representative constitutional amendment then adopted. government, that'there are~ two factors in appor­ Tbe legislature in 1927, in obedience to this tionment-population and territory. constitutional mandate passed a law by which Besides our federal government, thirty states the state was reapportioned according to the of the Union base representation in their legis­ said eonstitutionZlI amendment. latures upon, this principle. 'I'hese states include The old con ,titution gave I"os Angeles County, New York, Pennsylvania, l\Iassachusetts, Iowa eight, San Francisco, seven and Alameda County, and Ohio. four senators. ;By the amendment 'The B~ggs .Reapportionment A('t is sponsored County loses seven, San J;'rancisco six and by all the agricultural interests pf California. .\.lameda County three senators. It is also sup~rted by chambers of commerce, Los Angeles receivpd a small increase in the women's clubs, and civic organizations generally assembly; San Francisco not only lost six sena­ throughout the siate. It creates a well-balanced tors but also lost membership in the assembly. legislature in w~ich neither the cities nor the Under the 1920 federal census. Los Angeles «luhtryside may predominate. It is a just, County with a population of 936,455, and now ~lesome, ant} 'necessary provision. It will give paying an estiinated amount of 40 per cent cost better leglslature than is possible under the of state government, would have one vote ill csent law, '.and will bring to a conclusion a forty in the senate. San Francisco with a ,controversy Which has long affected the best population of 506,676, now paying an estimated , ·fFive] , I . , \ REAPP9ATIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS. Act of Legisla- lature submitted to electors by referendum. Amends . Section 78 and YES . ... rep~als ::lection 90 of Political Code. Reapportions the legislative dis­ I-­ tri~ts of the state, defining and establishing such districts, under I authority of Section 6 of Article IV of Constitution adopted November I~ NO 2, 19i6r I

, (For ~II text of Measure see page 1, Part II) Argument In Favor of Reapportionment of interests of this great commonwealth; The act Legislative Districts Referendum Measure is a just, conscientious and carefully framed law. A vote "yes" will sustain the law-the 80- It deserves to be sustained. Vote yes on Pl'OPO- called V~oggS Reapportionment Act"-enaded sition Number One on the ballot. " . by the state legislature in 19'27 by UNANI- J. M. INMAN, MOUS VOTE. The law' was enacted in obedi- ,state Senator, Sevent,)! District. ence to the mandate of the voters, who, at the general election of 1926, adopted the Federal FRANK S. BQGGS, Plan of Representation in the state legislature, State Senator, Tenth District. by an amendment to the Californirl constitution. DAVID P. BARROWS. which received a majority of over 74,000 votes and a majority vote in 57 of the 58 counties of the state. Argument Against Reapportionment of Opponents of the Federal Plan of .Representa- Legislative Districts Referendum Measure tion, unwilling 1;Q. accept the decision of the The constitution of this state of 1879 provided, people made in 1926, are attempting to void or' for the purpose of choosing members of the to delay the enforcement of this provision by legislature. that the R~te should be divided into calling for a popular referendum. eighty assembly and forty senatorial di~tricts as The growth of population in California in the equal in popuhi,tion as possible. last twenty years has made unjust and intoler- The apportionment of legislative districts to able the present apportionment of representation be made every ten years on the ba8is of federal in the state legislature which is based on the census. , 'ral census of 1910 and on former provisions Under this provision of the constitution the .he California constitution now repealed. legislature should have made the apportionment Due to the unprecedented development of the after the census 'Of 1920, but failed to do so. two great urban regions of the state, were At the election of 1926 an initiative eonstitu­ apportionment to be based on the repealed pro- tional amendment ~as adopted by the p.'ople, visions of the constitution and the federal changing .the method of dividing the state into census of 1920, political power would be con- senatorial districts. It left the number of solidated in the inhabitants of 3 riel' cent of the senatorial districts at forty as previously pro­ area of the state. vided, but provided that no com. ty or city and Tbe constitution of, California, as now county shall contain more' than one senatorial amended, has enabled the legislature to pass a district, and counties of small population shall law that recognizes the right of 97 per cent of be grouped in districts not to exceed three the' territory of the state to a fair representation. counties. This plan 'is called the "Federal Plan" because The amendment also provided that the lcgis- its principle is that of the federal constitution lature at the following se~sioil (1927) should for reprellentation in "ongress. It is the prin- reapportion the state in accordance with the cipIe, ,generally respected in all representative constitutional amendment then adopted. government, that'there are, two factors in appor- The legislature i.n 1927, in obedience to this tionment--population and territory. constitutional mandate passed a law by which Besides our federal govel'llment, thirty states the state was reapportioned according to the of the Union base representation in their legis- said constitutiomtl amendment. latures upon, this principle. '.rhese states include The old con ;titution gave IJos Angeles Coun,ty, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Iowa eight, San Francisco, seven and Alameda County, and Ohio. four senators. ,By the amendment Los Angeles 'The Bllggs.)leapportionment Apt is sponsored County loses seven, San l"rancisco six and by all the ag\:icllltural interests pf California. Alameda County three senators. It is also supv\lrted by chambers of commerce, Los Angeles receivt.'d a small increase in the women's clubs, and civic organizations generally assembly; San Francisco not only lost six sena­ throughout the state. It creates a well-balanced tors but also lost membership in the assembly. legislature in w)ich neither the cities nor the Under the 1920 federal census, Los Angeles .('()uhtryside may predominate. It is a just, County with a population of 936,455, and now ~Iesome, an? 'necessary provision, It will give paying an estimated amount of 40 per cent cost better legislature than is possible under the of state govel'llment, would have one vote in '0 • ~sent law, ·;and will bring to a conclusiclD. a forty in the senate. San Francisco with a controversy Which has long affected thc best population of 506,676, now paying an estimated , ,[Five] l' amount. of 28 per cent Cost of state government, reet tl1e miscarriage of justice and Ivnfair dis­ would have one vote and Alameda with a popu-! tribution of representation, and enable the legis­ lation of 844,177, now_paying a large percentage lature and the people to adopt &i -fair and of the cost of state government, would have one equitable basis of representation ill., the legis-. vote. These counties combined with a popula­ lature. ' tion of 1,787,308, an excess of 147,755 over the There is no logical reason why popul~ted c' other fifty-five counties and paying at least and counties containing almost the ent},re maL_ 74 per cent of the cost of state government facturing, shipping and commercial interests of would have but three votes out of fOljy: The the state- should be deprived of repr¢;entation increase of population since 1920 makes the and their rights delegated and tr~sferred to inequality and injustice still more pronounced small counties and rural districts unacquainted and results in. taxation without representation. with their necessities.- - - ( The effect of the said constitutional amend­ In justice and ~air play vote "Nb." ment adopted in 1926 was without doubt, for RALPH ARNOLP. lack of information, misunderstood by the voters. Executive Chairman of the AN Parties The law passed by the legislature reapportioning Reapportionment Committee: --, the legislative districts is now upon the ticket HENRY E. CARTER;, as a "Referendum" to enable the voters to cor· Assemblyman, Seventy-ftrst District. i


_J REAPPORTIONMENT OF L.EGISL.ATIVE DISTRICTS. Act of Legisla­ lature submitted to electors by referendum. Amends Section 78 and YES l'repeals Section 90 of Political Code. Reapportions the legislative dis­ tricts of the state. defining and establishing such districts, under I-- authority of Section 6 of Article IV of Constitution adopted November II NO 2, 1926.

The Legislature of the State of California, in 21. The county of San Mateo shall constitute regular session in 1927, passed, and the governor the twenty-first senatorial district. 22. The county of Stanislaus'shall constitute of the State of Caiifornia on the first day of the twenty-second senatorial district. June, 1927, ,,-pproved the following act, and a 23. The county of Santa Cruz shall constitute petition bearing the signatures of a sufficient the twenty-third senatorial district. 24, The counties of Merced and Madera shall number of ,electors asking that the act be sub­ constitute the twenty-foL'rth senatorial dis­ mitted to the electors for their approval or trict, rejection, having been filed with the secretary of, 25. The eounties of Monterey' and San Benito state, in due time, the said act is herety sub­ shall constitute the twenty-fifth senatorial dis­ trict. mitted on referendum. 26. The counties {)f Tuolumne, Mariposa and PROPOSED LAW Calaveras shall constitute the twenty-sixth (Proposed changes In provisioi1S, as compared senatorial district. ' with existing provisions of present sections 27, The county of Kings shall comtitute the 78 and 90 of the Political Code, are printed twenty-seventh senatorial district. in black-faced type) 28',The counties of Mono and Inyo shall constitute the twenty-eighth senatorial district. An act to amend section seventy-eight and to repeal, sectio!\. ninety of the Political Code, .29. The county Of. San Luis Obispo shall con­ relating to the division of the state Into stItute the twenty-nmth senatorial district. legislative districts and defining and estab­ 30, The county of Fresllo shall constitute the lishing Buch districts and to repeal all acts thirtieth senatorial district. In conflict with this act. 31. The c0unty of Santa Barbara shaH consti­ tute the thirty first senatorial district. The people of the State of California do enact 32. The cour,ty of Tulare shall constitute the as follows: thirty-second senatorial district, Section 1. Section 78 of the Political Code 33. The COUlleY of Ventura shall constitute the " hereby amended to read as follows: thirty-third senatorial district, - 8. The state is divided Into forty senatorial 34. The county of Kern shall constitute the eighty assembly districts, which shall be thirty-fourth senatorial district. .g-nated and constituted as follows: 35. The county of Orange shall constitute the thirty "fifth senatorial district. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. 36. The county of San Bernardino shall con­ 1. The counties of Modoc, Lassen and Plumas constimte the thirty-sixth senatorial district, shall constitute the first senatorial district. 37. The county of Riverside shall constitute 2. The counties of Del Norte and Siskiyou the thirty-seventh senatori~l district. shall constitute the second senatorial district. 38. The county of Los Angeles shall con­ 3, The county of Humboldt shall constitute stitute the thirty-eighth senatorial district. the third senatorial district. 39. The county of Imperial shall constitute 4. The counties of Mendocino and Lake shaH the thirty-ninth senatorial district, constitute the fourth senatorial district. 40. The county of San Diego shall constitute 5. The counties of Trinity and Shasta shaH the fortieth senatorial district. constitute the fifth senatorial district. 6. The county of Butte shall constitute the ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS. sixth senatorial district. 7. The counties of Sierra, Nevada and Placer L The counties of Del Norte and Humboldt shaH constitute the seventh senatorial district. shall constitut" the first assembly district. 8, The coup,ties of Tehama, Glenn and Colusa 2. The counties of Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta shall constitute the eighth s(matorial district. and Trinity shall constitute the secOlid assembly 9. The counties of EI Dorado, Amador and district. Alpine shall constitute the ninth senatorial 3. The counties of Lassen, Plu mas, Sierra, district, Nevada and Placer shall constitute the third to. The counties of Yuba and ,Sutter shall assembly ,district. constitute the tenth senatorial district, 4, The counties of Tehama, Glenn ar.d Colusa 11. The counties of Napa and Yolo shall con­ shall constitute the fourth flRsembly (ljstrict. stitute the eJeventh senatorial district. 5. 7'lJe counties of Butte, Sutter a1d Yuba 12. The county of Sonoma shall constitute the shall ('onstltute the fifth assembly district, twelfth senatorial district. 6. The counties of Mendocino and Lake shall 13. The county of Marin shall constitute the constitute the sixth assembly disu'ict, thirteenth senatorial district. 7, The county of Sonoma shall constitute the 14. The city and county of San Francisco seventh assembly district, shall constitute the fourteenth senatorial dis­ 8, The counties of Napa and Yolo shall con­ trict. stitute the eighth :o.ssembly district. 15. The county of Solano shall constitute the 9. The county of Marin shall constitute the fifteenth senatorial district. ninth assembly district. 16. The eounty of Alameda shall constitute 10. The county of Soiano shall constitute the the sixteenth senatorial district, tenth assembly district, 17. The county of Contra Costa shall con­ 11. All that portion of the county of Sacra­ stitute' the seventeenth sena,tortiil district. mento, included within the city of Sacramento < 8. The county of Santa Clara shall constitute as of January 1, 1927, lying north of the ce(1ter aighteenth senatorial district. of "K" street, and east of the center of Thirty. The county of Sacramento sh'Ll! con­ first street, and south of the c~nter o.f' HY" "[e the nineteenth senatorial distr lct. street and east of the center of Franklin houle­ ..:0. The county ot San Joaquin shall constitute Yard, and all that portion of said Sacramento the tWentieth senatorial district. county included within the boundaries of [On,,] "American township," "Brighton township::' at the point of intersection of TwentY-SeCOlld "Center township" and "Granote township , and Dolores streets, thence along the center as said townships existed on the first day of line of the following named streets, to wit: January, 1927, ,.pall constitute the eleventh Dolores to San Jose avenue, San Jose avenue assembly district. to the boundary line dividing the city and count" 12. All that portion of .the county of Sacra­ of San Francisco and the county of San Mat. mento not included in the eleventh assembly thenc~ along said boundary line, westerl:,-, district, as fixed and defined by this act, /ilhall th., waters of the Pacific ocean; thence alon.. constitute the twelfth assembly dlstnct, the shore line of said ocean northerly, to the 13. The county of Contra Costa .shall con­ Sloat boulevard; thence along' the center lines stitute lhe thirteenth assembly district. of the following named str8.,t8, to wit: Sloat 14. All that portion of the county of San boulevard to Corbett avenue, Corbett avenue to Joaquin not included in the fifteen~h assembly Burnett avenue, Burnett avenue to Dixie alley, district, as fixed and defined by thiS act, shall Dixie alley to Grand View avenue, Grand View constitute the fourteenth assembly dlstnct. avenue to· Twenty-second street, Twenty-second 15. All that portion of the county of San street to Dolores, the place of beginning, shalr Joaquin comprising the city ,of Stockto,n as of constitute the twenLy-fourth assembly district, January 1, 1927, shall constltute the tlfteenth 25, All that portion of the city and county as:::;ernbly district. .., of San Frandsco bounded as follows: Commenc­ 16. The counties d El Dorado, Amador, Cala­ ing at the point of intersection 01 Eighteenth 'Veras, Alpine, 'l'uci",mne, Mono and.lnlfo shall street and Dolores street, continuing along the l~Ollstitl:te the sixteenth assembly dl~trlCt. center lines of the following named streets, 17. The cou'nties of Merced, Mariposa and to wit: Dolores to Twenty-ninth, Twenty-ninth '·"adera shall constitute the seventeenth assembly to Mission, l\lission to Arrny, Army· to Bryant ilistrict. avenue, Bryant avenue to Eighteenth street, 18, The COUEty of Stanislaus shall constitute Eighteenth to Harrison, Harrison to Eighteenth, the eighteenth assembly district. , Eighteenth to Dolores, the point of corounence­ 19. '1'he county of San Mateo shall constitute ment, shall constitute the twenty-fifth assembly ti.E, nineteenth assembly district. district, ::0. All that portion of the county of Santa 26. All that portion of the city and county of Chra not included in the assembly San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing district, as fixed and defined by thl~ act, shall at the point of intersection of McAllister and constitute the twentieth assemb y dIstnct. }'iIlmore streets, continuing thence along the 31. All that portion of the county of Santa center line of the following named streets, to Ciara embraced' within the followinf/ pr!"clllcts, wit: Fillmore street to Duboce avenue, Duboce as constituted at the general election In 1926, avenue to Church street, Church street to Eight­ tc wit: Agnew~, Alviso, Bay View, Berryessa, eenth Eighteenth to Dolores, Dolores to Twenty­ Burbank, Calderon, Cupertino, Encinal, Farwell, second, Twenty-second to Grand View avenue, Fremont, FrUitvale, Jefferson numbers one and Grand View avenue to Dixie alley, Dixie alley to two Linda Vista, Los Aitos numbers one and Burnett avenue, Burnett avenue to Clarendon two: Midway, Milpitas numbers ~,"e ,and two, avenue, Clarendon avenue to Clayton street, Miramonte, Mt. Hamilton, Mountain View num­ Cia vton to Ashbury, Ashbury to Piedmont, bers one to four inclusive, Orcha~d, Pa,la, Palo Piedmont to Masonic avenue, Masonic avenue to Alto numbers one to twenty-two ,"cluslve, Pu­ Java street, Java street to Buena Vista avenue, rissima San Jose numbers one to thirty-two Buena Vista avenue to Central avenue, Centr, inclusiv'e, and numbers eighty-six to one hun­ avenue to Oak street, Oak street to Mas' dred one inclusiVe, Santa Clara numbers one to avenue, Masonic avenue to McAllister st, eight inclusive, San Tomas, Saratoga numbers McAllister street to F'illmore street, the plan one and two except that portion of Saratoga beginning, shall constitute the twenty-sixt" one precinct' sit Jated within section nineteen, assembly district, township eight south, range one west, Mount 27. All that portion of the city and county of Diablo base and meridian, Stanford numbers San Francisco bounded as foliows: COHlmencing one and two and Sunnyvale numbers one to at the point of intersection of 1"ulton street and three inclusive, shall constitute the twenty-first Masonic avenue; thence along the center Hne of assembly. district. the following named streets, to wit: Masonic 22. All that portIOn of the city and county. of avenue to Oak street, Oak street to Central San Francisco bounded as follows: Commenc~ng avenue, Central avenue to Buena Vista avenue, at . the point of intersection of the cent~r lme Buena Vista avenue to Java street, Java street of Market street with the center lme. of to IVfasonic avenue! Masonic avenue to Piedrnont Eleventh street;, thence along the center lI,ne street, Piedmont strj?et to Ashbury street, Ash­ of the following named streets, to Wit: bury street to Clayton street, Clayton street to Eleventh street to Bryant avenue, Bryant Clarendon avenue, Clarendon avenue to Burnett avenue to Army street, Army street to San avenue, Burnett avenue to Corbett avenue, Cor­ Bruno avenue, San Bruno avenue to the bound­ bett avenue to Sloat boulevard, Sloat boulevard ary line between the city and county of San to the waters of the Pacific ocean; thence along Francisco and the county of San Mateo; thence the sbore line of said ocean northerly to Fulton easterly along said boundary line to the bay of street Fulton street to Masonic a venue, the place San Francisco ;'thence northprly along the shore of beginning, shall constitute the twenty-seventh line of said bay to its intersection with the center assemblv district. line of Market street; thence along the center 28. All that portion of the city and county of line of Market street to the pOint of beginning, San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing - shall constitute the twenty-second assembly dis­ at the point of intersection of Fulton street and trict, Parker avenue, thence along the center line of the following namE'd streets, to wit: Parker 23. All that ;])ortlon of the city ar,d county avenue to California street, California street to of San FranCISCo bounded as follows: Com­ Maple 'avenue, Maple avenue to the southerly menCing at the point of intersection of Dolores line of the Presidio Reservation; thence westerly and Twenty-ninth streets; thence along the along the southerly boundary of the Presidio center line of the following named streets, to Reservation to Lobos creek; thence along the wit: Twenty-ninth to Mission, Mission to Army, center line of Lobos creek to the waters of the Army to San Bruno avenue, S8 n Bruno avenue Pacific ocean; thence westerly and southerly to the boundary line dividing the city and county along the said shore line to Fulton street, Fulton of San Francisco and the county of San Mateo; street to Parker avenue. the point of beginning, thence along said boundary line westerly to the together with the islands known as the Farallon center line of San Jose avenne; thence along the islands, shall constitute the twenty-eighth assem- center lines of the fllllowing named streets, to bly district. ' wit: San Jose avenUe to Dolores street, Dolores street to 'l'wenty-nlnth street, the place of 29. All that portion of th" city and county nf beginning" shall constitute the twenty-third San }'rancisco bounded as follows: Commer assembly lii",trict. at the pOint of intersection of McAllister, and Van Ness avenue, thence along the Cc " 24, All that portion of the city and county of linE'S of the following named streets, to wit: Ya.H San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing Ness avenue to Market street, Marltet street to [Two] Eleventh street, Eleventh street to Bryant erly I110ng the· center line of Sixty-ninth avenue avenue, Bryant avenue to Eighteenth street, to the line known as the Brothers Line, being Eighteenth street to Harrison 'street, Harrison the dividing line between the A. M. Peralta and street to Eighteenth street, Eighteenth street to Ygnacio Peralta portion of the Rancho San ;hurch street, Church street to Duboce avenue, Anto.nio, thence northeSlsterly along sa;d 8ro~h'­ 'uboce avenue to Fillmore 8treet, Fillmore street ers Line to the line between Eden and Brooklyn to McAllister street, McAllister street to Van townships on the noi·theasterly boundary liIlB Ness avenue, the place of beginning, shall consti­ of the city of Oakland; thence follo,ving the tute the twenty-ninth assembly district. northeast boundary line of the city 'of Oakland 30. All that portion of the city and county of in a northwesterly direction, to its intersection San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing with the northeasterly boundary line of the at the point of intersection of Pine street and county of Alameda, shall constitute the tllirty­ Van Ness avenue, thence along the center line of fourth assembly district. the following named streets, to wit: Van Ness 35. All of that portion of the county of Ala­ avenue to McAllister street, McAllister to meda described as follows: Masonic avenue, :fiiasonic avenue to Fulton street, Beginning at a point where the boundary line Fulton street to Parker avenue, Parker avenue between Eden and Alameda townships intersects to California street, California street to Presidio the westerly boundary line ofiAlameda county; avenue, Presidio avenue to Pine street, Pine thence easterly and northerlYJalong the bound­ street to Van Ness avenue, the point of begin­ ary line of Alameda township 110 the line dividing ning, shall constitute the thirtieth assembly Brooklyn and Eden townshipS!; thence easterly, district. northeasterly and easterly along the boundary 31.. All that portion of the city and county of line between Eden and Brooklyn townships to San Francisco bO'unded aSj(ol!ows: Commencing the southwesterly boundary line of the town of at the point of intersection of Pine street and San Leandro; thence northerly and easterly Van Ness avenue, thence a~ong the center line along said boundary line to the center of East of the following named streets, to wit: Van Fourteenth street; thence nqrthwesterly along Ness avenue to the bay of San Francisco. thence the center line of East Fourteenth street to along the shore line of said bay to the waters of its intersection with the center line of the Pacific ocean; thence along the shore line of Thirteenth avenue: thence northeasterly along said ocean to Lobos creek; the·nce along the line the center line of Thirteenth avenue to an of said Lobos creek to the southerly boundary intersection with the center line of East line of Presidio Reservation; thence along said Twentieth street: thence northwesterly along boundary ·line to .Maple street, Maple street to the center line of East Twentieth street to California street, Cali forn ia street to Presidio the intersection with the center line of Park avenue, Presidio avenue to Pine street, Pine boulevard; thence easterly along the center street to Van Ness avenue, the point of begin­ line of Park boulevard to the Intersection with ning, shall constitute the thirty-first assembly the center line of Newton avenue: thence north­ district. westerly along the center line of Newton ave­ 32. All that portion of the city and county of nue and its direct. production northerly, to the San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing intersection with the center line of Brool

~Seven] tloned rancho to the nOrth and south quarte.r Adams street to the center line of Buckingham section line in section seventeen, township two road; thence northeasterly along the center line south, range fourteen west, San Bernardino of Buckingham road to the point of beginning, meridian; thence southerly allmg said'iast men­ shall constitute the fifty-ninth assembly district tioned quarter section line to the southerly 60, All that part of the county of ' Los Ang'" line of said last mentioned section; thence within the following described boundaries: westerly along section lines to the southeasterly Beginning at the inte,'section of the cente. line of the Rancho La Ballona; thence south­ line of Echo Park avenue with the north patent westerly along said last mentioned rancho line bounda"y of the city of Los Angeles; thence to the northerly boundary of the city of Los easterly along said boundary to the center line Angeles as the sawe existed on above men­ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's tioned date; thence westerly along the boundary right of way (valley line); thence southeasterly "of said last mentloned·city and following the along the center line of said right of way to same In all its various courses to the easterly the southwesterly prolongation of the center boundary of the Venice conso.lidation to the city line of Granada street; thence northeasterly of L.os Angeles (at Mesmer avenue); thence along the center line of Gr'anada street to the southerly along the ,boundary of said last men­ center line of Cypress avenue; thence north­ tioned consolidation and following the s~me in westerly along the center line of Cypress avenue all Its various courses to the' southwesterly to the center line of Granada street, from the boundary of the county of Los Angeles; tl;lence nO't\theast; thence northeasterly along the center northwesterly along said last mentioned south­ line' of Granada street to the center line of Isabel westerly bound'ary to the point of beginning, street; thence southeasterly along the center shall constitute the fifty-seventh assembly line of Isabel street to the center line of Pepper district. avenue; thence westerly along the. center line 58, All that part of the county of Los Angeles pf Pepper avenue to the center line of Cypress within the following described boundaries: avenue; thence southeasterly along the center Beginning at ·the intersection of the center line of Cypress avenue to the center line of line of Melrose avenue and the northerly pro­ Dayton avenue; thence northeasterly along the longation of thfl center line of Wilcox avenue, c0nter line of Dayton avenue to the center line (lying southerly of Melrose avenue); thence of Loreto street; thence southeasterly along the easterly along the center line of Melrose avenue center line of Loreto street to the center line of to the center Hne of Vermont avenue; thence Arroyo Seco avenue; thence southwesterly along southerly along the center line of VermQnt ave­ the center line of Arroyo Seco avenue to the nue to the center line of Seventh street; thence center line of Union Pacific Railroad Company's easterly along the center line of Seventh street right of way (Glendale branch); thence south­ to the center line of Westmoreland avenue; easterly along the center line of said right of thence southerly along the center line of West­ way to the center line of The Atchison, Topeka moreland avenue to the center line of Tenth and Santa Fe Railway Company's right of street; thence westerly along the center line of way (ma'.n line); thence northeasterly along the Tenth street to the center line of Westmoreland center line of said last mentioned right of way avenue, from the south; thence southerly along to the center line of Avenue 34; thence easterly the center line of Westmoreland avenue to the along the cente,' line of Avenue 34 to the center center line of Pico boulevard; thence easterly line of Pasadena avenue; thence southerly alonq along the center line of Pico boulevard to the the center line of Pasadena avenue to the cp" center line of Orchard avenue; thence southerly ter line of Avenue 33, from the east; th'" along the center line of Orchard avenue to the easterly along the center Ii ne of A venue 3~ center line of Wajlhington street; thence west­ the center line of Griffin avenue; thence sOUto erly along the center line of Washington street erly along the center line of Griffin avenue to to the center line of Buckingham road, from the center line of Avenue 28; thence westerly the northeast; thence northeasterly along the along the center line of Avenue 28 to the center center line of Buckingham road to the north­ line of Pasadena avenue; thence southwesterly easterly boundary of the palms addition to .the along the center line of Pasadena avenue to city of Los Angeles; thence northwesterly along the center line of Daly street; thence southerly the boundary of said last mentioned addition along the center line of Dalv street to the cen­ and following the same in all its various courses ter line of North Broadway; thence easterly to the center line of Rimpau boulevard; thence along the center line of North Broadway to the 'northeasterly along the center line of Rlmpau center line of Mission road: thence southwest­ boulevard to the center line of Third street; erly along the center line of' Mission road to the thence westerly along the center line of Third center line of Griffin avenue; from the south­ street to the southerly prolongation of the cen­ east; thence southeasterly along the center line ter line of Wilcox avenue (lying southerly of of Griffin avenue to the center line of State Melro'se avenue); thence northerly along said street; thence southw~sterly along' the center southerly prolongation and center line of Wil­ line of State street to the center line of Marengo cox avenue and northerly prolongation thereof street; thence southei'lsterly along the ollnter line to the point of beginning, shall constitute the of Marengo street to the center line of State fifty-eighth assemhly district, street, from the southwest; thence southwest­ 59. All that part of the county of Los Angeles erly along the center line of State street to the wIthin the following described boundaries: center line of First street; thence southeasterly Beginning at the intersection of the center along the center line of First street to the cen­ lines of Washlng!;pn street and Buckingham ter line of Soto street; thence southwesterly road, from the soul'hwest; thence easterly along and southerly along the center line of Soto the center line of Washington street to the street to the southerly boundary of the city of center line of Hoover street; thence southerly Los Angeles as the same existed on March 1, alortg the center line of Hoover street to the 1927; thence westerly along the boundary of said center line of Jefferson street; thence south­ last mentioned city and following the same In easterly along the center line of Jefferson street all its courses to the center line of Alameda to the center line of Figueroa street; thence street; thence northerly along the center line of southwest ,rly and southerly along· the center Alameda street to the center line of Ninth line of Figueroa street to the center line of street; thence northwesterly along the center Santa Barbara avenue; thence westerly along line of· Ninth street to the center line of Hili the center line of Santa Ba"bara avenue and the street; thence nOl'theasterly along the ce'nter westerly prolongation thereof to the westerly line of Hill street to t,he center line of Temple • boundary of the city of Los Angeles as the same street; thence northwesterly along the center existed March 1, 1927; thence northerly along line of Temple street to the center line of East said bounda,'y to the southerly boundary of the Edgeware road; thence northeasterly along the Palms addition to the' city of Los Angeles; center line of East Edgeware road to the ceM" thence ea'sterly along said last mentioned bound­ line of Temple street; thence northwest ary to the center line of Angeles Mesa drive; along the center line of Temple street t~ thence northerly alOng the center line of center line of Glendale boulevard; thence no, , Angeles Mesa drive to the center line of Adams erly along the center line of Glendale boulevard street; thence westerly along the center liRe of to the center line of Sunset boulevard; thence [Eight] southeasterly' along the center line of Sunset Avenue 33; thence westerly along the center boulevard to the cen+,er line of Echo Park ave­ 'line of Avenue 33 to the center line of Pasa~na nue: thence northeasterly along the center line avenue; tbence northerly along the center of Echo Park 'avenue to the point of beginning, line of PJlsadena" avenue to the center line shall constitv te the sLxtiath assembly district. of Avenue 34; thence northwesterly along' the 61. All that part of the county, of Los Angeles center line of Avenue 34 to the center line 'ithin the following described boundaries: of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Beginning at the intersection of the center Company's right of way (main line); thence line of Isabel street with th-e center line of southwesterly along the center line 6f said Pepper avenue; thence southeasterly along the last mentioned right of way to the center line center line of Isabel street to the center line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's right of Amabel street: thence southeasterly along of way (Glendale brancft); thence northwesterly t.he center line of Amabel street to the center along the center line of said last mentioned right line of Dayton avenue: thence northeasterly of way to the center line of Arroyo Seco avenue: along the center line of Dayton avenue to the thence northeasterly along the center line of center line of, Avenue 37: thence southeasterly Arroyo Seco avenue to the center line of Loreta along the center line of Avenue 37 to the center street: thence northwesterly along the center line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail­ line of Loreta street to the center line of Day­ way Company's right of way (in Marmion ton avenue; thence southwesterly along the way): thence northeasterly along the center center line of Dayton avenue to the center line of sai" last mentioned right of way to the line of Cypress avenue: thence northwesterly center line of Avenue 44; thence southeasterly along the center line of Cypre,ss avenue to the along the c"nter line of Avenue 44 to the center center line of Pepper avenue; thence north­ line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's easterly al:,"g the center line of Pepper avenue right of way (in Midland street); thence north­ to the poi nt of beginning, shall constitute the easterly along the center line of said last men­ sixty-first assembly district. tione~ "ight of way to the north patent bound­ 62. All that part of the county of Los Angeles ary of the city of Los Angeles; thence easterly within the following described boundaries: along said northerly boundary and easterly pro­ Beginning at the intersection of the center longal ion thereof to the range line between linfls of Ninth street and Maple avenue; thence ranges twelve and thirteen west; thence north­ southeasterly along the center line of Ninth erly along range line to the east and west street to the center line of Alameda street; quarter section line of section seven, township thence southerly along the center line of Ala­ one south, range twelve west, San Bernardino meda street to the southerly boundary of the meridian; thence easterly along said quarter city of Los Angeles as the same existed March section line to the southwest corner of the city 1, 1927; thence westerly along said boundary of South Pasadena as the same existed March and following the same in all its various courses 1, '1927; thence easterly along the southerly to the center line of Slauson avenue: thence boundary of said last mentioned city to the westerly along the center line Of Slauson avenue westerly boundary of the city of Alhambra as to the center line of Main street: thence the same existed on above mentioned date: northerly along the center line of Main street thence 'southerly along the boundary of said last to the center line of Santa Barbara avenue; mentioned city and following the same in all its thence easterly along the center line of Santa various courses to the westerly boundary of the Barbara avenue to the center line of Woodlawn r'ty of Monterey Park as the same existed on avenue; thence northerly along the center line 'we mentioned date; thence easterly along the of Woodlawn avenue to the center line of .ndal'Y of said last mentioned city and. fol- Maple avenue: thence ncl'theasterly along the -,wint.j the same in all its various courses to the center line of Maple avenue to the point of northwesterly corner of the city of Montebello, beginning, shall constitute the sixty-second as the same existed on above mentioned date; assembly district. thence southerly along the boundary of said 63. All that part of thf> county of Los Angeles last mentioned city and following the same in within the following described boundaries: all its various courses to the center line of The Beginning at the intersection of the center Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Com­ lines of Seventh street and Westmoreland ave­ pany's right of way (San Diego line); thence nue; thence easterly and southeasterly along northwesterly along the center line of said right the center line of Seventh street to the center of way to the easterly boundary of the city of line of Hill street: thence southwesterly along Vernon as the same existed on the above men­ the center line of Hill street to the center line tioned date; thence northerly along the bound­ of Ninth street; thence southeasterly along the ary of said last mentioned city and following center line of Ninth street to the center line of the same in all its various courses to the Maple avenue; thence southwesterly along the southerly' boundary of the city of Los Angeles, center line of Maple avenue to' the center line as the same existed on above mentioned date; thence westerly along the boundary of said last ~~e J~~~{:~~i n"!r~~t ~eWlr~~~ ~~;!~;V~~t~~~ c;~Ot~~ mentioned city and followinq the same in ali line of Exposition boulevard; thence westerly its various courses to the center Ii ne of Soto along the center line of Exposition boulevard to street; thence northerly and northeasterly along the center line of Figueroa street; thence north­ the center line of Soto street to the center line easterly along the center line of Figueroa street of First stre"t; thence northwesterly along the to the center line of Jefferson street; thence center line of First street to the center line of northwesterly along the center line of Jefferson State .street; thence northeasterly along the street to the center line of Hoover street; thence center line 01 State street to the center line of northeasterly and northerly along the center Marengo street; thence northwesterly along the line of Hoover stree't to the center line of center line of Mal'engo street to the center line Washington street; thence westerly along the of State street; from the northeast; thence center line of Washington street to the center northeasterly along the center line of State line of Orchard avenue; thence northerly along street to the center line of Gr'ffin avenue: the center line of Orchard avenue to the center thence northwesterly along the center line of line of Pico street: thence westerly alon'g the Griffin avenue to the center line of Mission center line of Pico street to the center line road; thence northeasterly along the center line of Westmoreland. avenue; thence nortl1erly of Mission road to the center line of North along the center line of Westmoreland avenue Broadway; thence we~terly along the center to ,the center line of Tenth street; thence line of North Broadway to the center line of easterly along the center line of Tenth street Daly street; thence northerly along the center to the center line of Westmoreland avenue line of Daly street to the center Irne of Pasa­ from the north; thence northerly along the dena avenue; fhence northeasterly along the center line of Westf'lOreland avenue to the .,ter line of Pasadena avenue to the center point of beginning, shall constitute the sixty­ of ,Avenue 28; thence easterly along the third assemhly district. er line Of Avenue 28 to the center line of 64. All that part of the county of Los Angeles '; .ifin aven,ue; th",nce northerly along the center within the. following described boundaries: line of Gl'lffin avenue to the center line of Beginning at the intersection of the center [Nine] r--~'" i

li(le of" Santa Monica boulevard with the center point of beginning, shall constitute the s!xty-, line of Vermont avenue; thence easterly along fifth assembly distri<;t. the center, line of Santa Monica boulevard to .~6.. All thi1t pa~t of the county of Los Angeles the centerline of Sunset boulevard; thence WIth In. the follOWing described boundaries: southeasterly along the center line of Sunset Beginning at the intersection of the weste~' boule.vard to the center line of Gh>ndale boule­ prolongation of the center line of Santa Barb. vard; thence southerly along the center line of avenue with the westerly boundary of the c. Glendale boulevard to the center line of Temple of Los Angeles as the same eXisted March 1 street; thence southeasterly along the center 1927; ~hence easterly along said westerly pro: line of Temple street to the center line of East longatlon and center line of Santa Barbara road; thence southwesterly along the avenue to the center line of Figueroa street; c.enter lone of East Edgeware road' to the center thence northerly and northeasterly alol1g the lone of Temple street; thence southeasterly center line of Figueroa street to the center line along the center line of Temple street to the of Exposition Iloulevard; thence easterly along center line of Hill street; thence southwesterly the center line of Exposition boulevard to the a,:ong the center line of Hill street to the center center line of Jefferson street; thence south­ lIne of Seventh street; thence northwesterly easterly along the center line of Jefferson street and westerly along the center line of Seventh to the center line of Maple avenu~; thence street to the center line of Vermont avenue; southwesterly along the center lin.e of Mapk thence northerly along the center line of Ver­ avenue to the center line of Woodlawn avenue; mont avenue to the point of beginning shall thence southerly along the center line of Wood­ constitute the sixtY-fourth assembly dist;ict. lawn avenue to the center line of Santa 8arbar.. avenue; thence westerly along the center line .65 .. All that par~ of the county of La·s Angeles of Santa Barbara avenue to the center line of wIthin the follOWing described boundaries: Main street; thence southerly along thee-enter Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line 'of Main street to the center I(ne of Slauson boundary of the city of Loa Angeles as the avenue; thence westerly along the ce~er line s.ame existed March. 1, 1927, with the westerly of Slauson avenue to the westerly bouni:lary of line of the Rancho Clenega O'Paso de la Tijera; the ShoestrIng addition to the city of Los An­ the!}ce easterly along the boundary of said city geles; thence northerly along said boundary ?f L.os. Angeles and following the same In all to the center line of Fcfrty.eighth street: thence I~S various courses to the center line of Fortv­ westerly along the center line of Forty-eighth ,:,ghth street; ,th.ence easterly along the center street to the westerly boundary of the city of line of Forty-eIghth street to the westerly Los Angeles as the same existed on above boundary of the Shoestring addition to the city mentioned date; thence northerly along said of Los Angel!l.s; thence southerly along said last mentioned boundary and followina the same last mentioned westerly boundary to the north­ In a.1I its various courses to the point of be­ easterly corner of the city of Inglewood as the ginmng, shall constitute the sixty-sixth as­ sat1'je existed on above mentioned date; thence sembly district. southerly along the easterly boundary of said 67 .. All that part of the county of Los Angeles last mentioned city to the northwesterly corner withm the following described boundaries: of the Wagner addition to the city of Los An­ Beginning at the intersection of the center geles;. thence southerly along the boundary of line of Slauson avenue with the westerly bound­ said cl~y of L~s Angeles and following the same ary of the Shoestring addition to the city of In ali Its varIous courses to the center Jine of Los Angeles; thence easterly along the cent. r Ballona avenue; thence westerly along the line of Slauson avenue to the easterly bound center line of ·Ballona avenue to the easterly of the City of Los Angeles as the same ex' !>oundary.of Hawthorne City as the same ex­ on 'March 1, 1~27; thence northerly along Isted on above mentioned date; thence southerly boundary of saId last mentioned city and f".· along the .boundary of said last mentioned city lowing the same in all its various courses to the and follOWIng the same in all its various courses easterly boundary of the citv of Vernon, as the to the center line of Prairie avenue; thence aame existed pn March 1, 1927; thence southerly southerly along the center line of Prairie avenue along the boundary of said last me"tioned city to the township line between townships three and following the same in all its various courses and four south; thence westerly along said to the northwest co,'ner of the city of Hunt­ township line to the northerly prolongation of Ington Park, as the same existed on above men­ the easterly line of Tract No. 3458 as shown on tioned date; thence southerly along the bound­ map recorded In book 37, page 95 of maps, rec­ ary of said last mentioned city and foliowing ords of Los Angeles county; thence southerly the same in all its various courses to the center along said prolongation and the easterly line of line of Florence avenue; thence westerly alonq said tract and the southerly prolongation the center line of Florence aVenL!e to tl,e east'. .thereof to the Genter line of State stre"t; thence erly boundary of the city of Los Angeles as westerly along the center line of State street to the same existed on above mentioned date; the northerly prolongation of the easterly line thence southerly along the boundary of said of the M~adow Park tract as shown on map last mentioned city and following the same In recorded In hook 15, page 60 of miscellaneous all its various coursp.s to the center line of records of Los Angeles county; thence south­ Manchester avenue; thence westerly along the er:y along said prolongation and easterly line center line of Manchester avenue to the westel'ly and southerly prolongation thereof to the north­ boundary of the aforesaid Shoestring addition easterly line of lot H of the Rancho Los Palos to the city of Los Angeles; thence northerly VerdeG; thence northwesterly and westerly along said ,ast mentioned westerly boundary a:ong the boundary of said last mentioned lot to the point of beginning, shall constitute tile to the westerly boundary of the county of Los sixty-seventh assembly district. -"!ngeles; thence northerly along said last men­ 68. All that part of the county of Los Angeles tIoned boundary and following the same in all within the following described boundaries: its various cburses to the southerly boundary Beginning at the northwesterly corner ot the of the Venice consolidation to the city of Los city of Vernon; as the same existed March 1, Angeles as the same existed on above men­ 1927; thence easterly along the boundary of said tioned date; thence easterly. along the boundary city and following the same In ail its various of said city of Los Angeles and following the courses to the center line of The Atchison, same In all its various courses to the south­ Top,eka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right easterly line of the Rancho La Ba!lona; thence of way (San Diego line); thence southeasterly northeasterly along said line to the southerly along the center line of said right of way to line of fractional section eighteen, township two the northwesterly boundar'y of the city of Mon­ south, range fourteen west, San Bernardino tebello as the same existed on above mentioned meridian; thence easterly along section lines date; thence northeasterly along tl">e bound,,"y to the north and south quarter section line in of said last mentioned city and follow;;19 the fNlctional section seventeen, said township and same In all its various courses to the cer range; thence northerly along said last men­ line of the old San Gabriel rivel~; thence ear­ t,loned quarter section line to the· southwesterly along the center line of the aid San Gabriel line of the Rancho Cienega O'Paso de la Tijera; to the center line of the new.San Gabriel r, thllnce northea!'terly and northerly along the thence southwesterlr along the center line of bO\,lndary of saId last mentioned rancho to the the new San Gabrie river to .the nortfNrly pro- [Ten] longation of the center IloJ) of Newton and road; 'hence easterly along ,ne center line ot Washburn road; thence southerly along said Zinn' road to the center linp. of Newton and last mentioned prolongation and center line to Washburn road; thence nor',herly along said the center line of Zinn road; thence westerly last mentioned center line and northerly pro­ ',ng the center line of Zinn road to the center longation ther"of to the center line of new San ~ of Woodruff avenue; thence southerly along Gabriel river; thence northeasterly along the ... e center' line of Woodruff avenue to the south­ center line of said river and foilowing the same easterly line of the Rancho Santa. Gertrudes; in all its various cours"s to the center line of thence southwesterly and northwesterly along Anaheim Telegraoh road; thence southeasterly said rancho line to the center line of the old and easterly alon(1 the center line of Anaheim San Gabriel river; thence northeasterly along Telegraph road to the center line of The Atchi­ the center line of the old Sa.n Gabriel riv .. r to son, Topeka and S.I!'\ta Fe Railway Company's the easterly prolongation of the northerly nne right of way (main line to San Diego); thence of Oowney and Hellman tract as shown on map ~outherly along the <.enter line of said right of recorded In book 3, page 31 of miscellaneous way to the'northerly I;ne of sec'cion eight, town­ records of Los Angeles county; thence westerly ship three south, rang'! eleven west, San Ber­ along said prolongation and northerly line an" nardino -meridian; thence easterly,;' along the along the center line of Tweedy and Abbott northerly line of said last mentiol1ed section to road to the center line of the Southern Pacific the northwesterly corner of sectl<-n nine, said Railroad Con,pany's right of way In Alameda township and range; thence southerly along the street; thence northerly along the center line westerly line of said last mentloneo section to of said right of way to the easterly prolonga­ the southwesterly corner of last mentioned tion of the northerly line of the Watts Park section; thence easterly along secti~n lines to tract as shown on map records In book.S, page the northwesterly corner of section fourteen, 70 of maps, records of Los Angeles county; said township and range; thence southerly along thence westerly along said last mentioned pro­ the westerly line of said last mentionec.: section longation and northerly line to the easterly to the southwesterly COrner thel'eof; thence boundary of the city of Los Angeles, as the same easterly along section lines to tl'e e.lsterl)' existed on above mentioned date; thence north­ boundary of the county of Los. Angel"s; t:,ence erly along the boundary of said last mentioned southerly along said last mentioned lJoun1ary citv and following the same in all 'its various and following the same in all its variou!. coul'ses courses to the center line of Florence avenue; to the southeasterly boundary of the city of thence easterly along the center line of Florence Long Beach, as the same existed on March 1, avenue to the westerly boundary of the city of 1927; thence southwesterly along said boul'dar», Huntington Park, as the same existed on above and following the same in all its various cou"ses mentioned date; thence northerly along the to the southerly prolongation of the centel' I;ne boundary of said last mentioned city and fol­ of- Sixteenth place; the:1ce nOI'tl1erly along sa'd lowing the same In all its various courses to prolongation and center line of Sixteenth plact' the sout.herly boundary of the city of Vernorr, to the center nne of Ocean boulevard; thence as the same existed on above mentioned date; northwesterly along the center line of Ocean thence westerly along the boundary of said last boulevard to the center line of Cherry avenue; mentioned city and following the same In all Its thence northerly along the center line of Cherry various courses to the point of beginning, shall avenue to the center line of Fourth street; ~onstitute the sixty-eighth assembly district. thence westerly along the Genter line of Fourth ,9. All that part of the county of Los Angeles street to the center line of Alam;tos avenue; ',in the following described boundaries: thence northeasterly along the cel1ter line Of ~eginnlng at the northwesterly corner of sec­ Alamitos avenue to the centE'r line of California tion two, township three nor~h, range ten west, avenue; thence northerly along the center line San Bernardino meridian; thence easterly along of California avenue to a point one hundred township lines to tne west line of section six, sixty feet northerly of the north line of Anaheim township three north, range se"en west, San street; thence easterly parallel with the north­ Bernardino meridian; thence northerly and east­ line of Anaheim street to the easterly erly along the westerly and northerly lines of boundary of that certain territory annexed to said last mentioned section to the easterly the city of Long Beach, January 10, 1910; thence 'boundary of the county of Los Ar:geles; thence north~rly al?ng sa~d boundary and following the southerly along the boundary of the county of same In all Its various courses to the center line Los Angeles and following the same in all its of Li!"1e avenL!e; thence northerly along the Cen­ various courses to the southeast corner of section ter line of Lime avenue to the center line of thirteen, township three south, I'ange eleven '!"ardlow road; thence weste~ly along the center west; thence west along section lines to the of Wardlow road to the center line of southwest corner of section fourteen, said last American avenue; thence northeriy along the mentioned t6wnship and range; thence north center line of American avenue to the center line along section line to the northwest corner of of Long Beach boulevard; thence northwesterly said section fourteen; thence west on section along the center line of Long 13each boulevard line to the southwest corner of section nine, said to the northweste<'ly boundary of the city of last mentioned township and ra,1ge; thence Long Beach, as the same ex'sted on above men­ I'lorth along section line to the northwest corner tioned date; thence northeasterly ?Iong said of said last mentioned section; thence west !ast m<:ntione~ boundary and following the same along section lines to the center line of ,·The In all Its variOUs courses to Ute center line of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Com­ the old San Gabriel river; thence northeastel'ly pany's. right of way (main line to San Diego); alcng the center line of the old San Gabriel thence northerly along said last mentioned cen­ river and following the same in "II its various ter line to the center line of Anelhelm Telegraph courses to the point of beginning, shall consti­ road; thence westerly and northwesterly along tute the seventieth assembly district. said last mentioned center line to the center .71., J\ll that par~ 0f the county of Los Angeles line of the new San Gabriel rlv"r; thence in a Wltrun the follOWing described boundaries: general northeasterly direction along the center Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of said new San Gabriel river to the west boundary, of the city of Los Angeles, as the line of section twenty-three, township !)ne north, same eXisted on March 1, 1927, with the range ten west; thence northerly alor,g section northerly lIMe of the Watts Park tract as shown lines to the point of beginning, "hall eonstitute on map recorded in book 8, page 70 of maps, the sixty-ninth assembly district. records of Los Angeles county; thence easte,'ly 70. All that part of the county of La,' Angeles along said northerly line of the Watts Park within the following described boundar'ies: tract an? easterly prolongation thereof to the Beginning at the .Intersection of the center center line of the Southern Pacific Railroad 'e of the old San Gabriel river with the south­ Company's right of way in Alameda street; '+erly line of the Ranchco Santa Gertrudes; t~ence southerly along the center line of said ce southeasterly and northeasterly along right of way to the center line of Tweedy . ,d rancho line to the center line of Woodruff and Ab,?ott road; thence easterly along the avenue; thence northerly along the center line center line of Tweedy and Abbott road and of Wcodruff avenue to the center line of Zinn along the northerly line, of the Downey and [Eleven] Hellman tract, as shown on map recorded in lowing the same in all its various courses to the book 3, page 31 of miscellaneous records of westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Los Angeles county and the easterly prolonga­ lot H of the" F.!ancho Los Palos Verdes; thence tion thereof to the center line of the old San easterly and southeasterly along the boundary Gabriel river; thence southerly along the center of said last mentioned lot to the southerly.,..' line of the old San Gabriel river to the westerly longation of the eas~erly line of the Mea(" boundary of the city of Long Beach, as the same Park tract as shown 011 map recorded 'n boo ... existed Mal\Ch 1, ',927, at or near Fifty-sixth 15, page 60 of miscellaneous records of Los street; thence southwesterly along said bound­ Angeles county; thence northerly along said ary and following the same in all its various southerly prolongation and easterly line and coul'ses to the center line of Long Beach boule­ northerly prolongation thereof to the center line vard; thence southeasterly along the center line of State street; thence easterly along the center of Long Beach boulevard to the center line of line of State street to the southerly prolonga- American avenue; thence southerly along the ,tion of the easterly line of Track· No. ,3458 as center line of American avenue to the cente'r shown on map recorded in book 37, page 95 of line of Wardlow road; thence easterly along the maps, records of Los Angeles county; thence center line of Wardlow road to the center line northerly along said southerly prolongation and of Lime avenue; thence southerly along the easterly line and northerly prolongation thereof center line of Lime avenue to the southerly to the township line between townships three boundary of that certain tecritory anexed to and four south; thence easterly along said town­ the city of Long Beach January 10, 1910 (near ship line to the center line of Prairie avenue; Wardlow road); thence westerly along said last thence northerly along the center line of mentioned boundary and following the same in Prairie avenue to the southerly boundary of all its various courses to a point one hundred the city of Hawthorne, as the same existed sixty feet northerly of the north line of 'Ana­ on above mentioned date; thence easterly along heim street; thence westerly parallel with the the bounda'ry of said last mentioned city and !=enter line of Anaheim street to the center line following the same in all its various courses to of California avenue; thence southerly along the the center line of Ballona avenue; thence easterly tfenter line of California avenue to the center along the center line of Ballona avenue to the line of Alamitos avenue; thence southwesterly westerly boundary of the city of Los Angeles, as along .the center line of Alamitos avenue to the the same existed on the above mentioned date; c:enter line of Fourth street; thence easterly thence northerly along the boundary of said city along the center line of Fourth street to the of Los Angeles and following the same in all center line of Cherry avenue; thence southerly its various courses to the easterly boundary along the center line of Cherry avenue to the of the city of Inglew to the paint of beginning, along the center line 9f Sixteenth place "nd shaIl constitute the seventy-second assembly southerly prolongation thereof to the southerly district. boundary of the city of Long Beach, as the 73. All that portion of the county of San same existed on above mentio .. ed date; thence Bernardino now comprised within the following westerly along said boundary and following the townships, to wit: Chino, Ontario, Upland, same in all its varibus courses to the center Cucamonga, Etiwanda and San Bernardin'­ line of Wilmington and Los Angeles road; thence shaIl constitute the seventy-third assembly <1" northwesterly along the center line of Wilming­ trict. ton and Los Angeles road, the center line of 74. All that portion of the county of San Be, Avalon boulevard, arid the center line of Los nardino not included within the seventy-third Angeles and Redondo road to the center line of assembly district, as fixed and defined in this Rosecrans avenue; thence easterly along the act, shaH constitute the seventy-fourth assembly center line of Rosecrans avenue to the center district. line of Avalon boulevard; thence northerly along 75. The county of Orange shaIl constitute the the center line of Avalon boulevard to the seventy-fifth assembly district. southerly boundary of the city of Los Angeles, 76. The, county of Riverside shall constitute as the same existed on above mentioned date; the seventy-si:dh assembly district. thence easterly ,along said boundary and fol­ 77. The county of ,Imperial shall constitute the lowit.g the same in all its various courses to the seventy-seventh assembly di·,trict. point of beginning, shall constitute the seventy­ 78. All that portion of the celUnty of San Diego first assembly district. included and being within the city of San Diego, , 72. All that part of the county of Los Angeles as of January 1, 1927, and Included within the within the following described boundaries: following described boundary lines, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center Lylr.g' north and west of thf' center line of line of Manchester avenue with the easterly Sixth street at its sQuthern end, to wit, at the boundary of the city of Inglewood, as the same bay shore line, dnd thence run,,'ng northerly existed March 1, 1927; thence ea0terly along along the center line of Sixth street to the inter-, the center line of Manchester avenue to the section of the center line of Upas and Sixth easterly boundary of the city of Los Angeles, streets; thence running easterly along the cen­ as the same ex(sted on above mcintioned date; ter I~ne of Upas sheet to the intersection of thence southerly along the boundary of said last the ,center lines of Upas street and Thirty· mentioned city and following the same in all second street; thence running northerly along its various courses to the center line of Avalon the center line of Thirty-second street to the boulevard; thence southerly along the center intersection of the center I'nes of Thirty-second line of Avalon boulevard to the center line of street and University avenue; thence running Rosecrans avenue; thence westerly along the easterly along the center line of University center line of Rosecrans avenue to the center avenue to the city limits of the city of San line of Wilmington and Los Angeles road; Diego, shall constitute the seventy-eighth thence southeasterly along the center line of assembly distriet. Wilmington and Los Angeles road, the center 79. All that portion of the county of San line of Avalon boulevard and the center line of Diego included within the corporate limits of Wilmington and Los Angeles road to the the c'ty of San Diego, as of January 1, 1927, northerly boundary of the city of Long Beach, not included within the seventy-eighth assembly as the same existed on above mentioned date; district, as fixed and defined in this act, shall thence westerly along said boundary and fol­ constitute the seventy-ninth assembly district. lowin'g the same in all its various courses to the 80. All that portion of the county of San Diego northerly boundary of the city of Los Angeles, not included within the seventy-eighth and as the same existed on above mentioned date; seventy-ninth assemhly districts as fixed ar thence easterly along the boundary of said last defined In this act shall constitute the eight' ~ mentioned city and following the same in all assembly district. ita various courses to the southerly boundary Sec. 2. Section 90 of the Political Code of the county of Los Angeles; thence westerly 'hereby repealed. along the boundary of 'said county and fol- Sec. 3. Any precinct, or portion of any pre- [Twelve] .' •

cinct, not specifically described herein as con­ County Road No. 1995 to the line dividing stituting a portion of either a senatorial or Brooklyn and Ellen townships; thence ",csterly assembly uistrict, shall be, attached to and con­ along said township line to the line dividing stitute a part of the senatorial or assembly Brookl,yn and Alameda townships; thene" south­ '~trict adjacent thereto and situated within the erly and weste1'ly along the boundary !.ine Of me county or city and county, havIng, as Alameda township to the westerly bounda'ry line ~ own by the last federal census a less popula­ oj Alameda county; thence southe'rly along said tion than any other such district adj(l,cent westerly boundary line to its intersection with thereto. the northerly boundary line of .Santa Clal'a Sec. 4. All acts or parts of acts in conflict coun ty; thence easterly along the bounda'ry line with this act are hereby repealed, \ dividing Alameda and Santa Clara counties to a Sec. 5. If a referendum petition is filed point which is the intersectian Of the boundrlry against any section or part of thi~ act, and by lines of the counti~s of Alameda, Santa Clm'a, reason thereof such section or part of this act Stanislaus and San Joaquin; thence no'rthwest­ is delayed from going into effect, then the bal­ erly and northerly along the baundm'y line be­ ance of this act shall not go into effect untll and tween the co'unties of Alameda and San Joaquin unless such section or part of this act so delayed to a point where the boundary lime dividing the by referendum petition shall become effective. counties of Alameda and Contra Costa intersects the westerly boundary line of the county Of San EXISTING PROVISIONS Joaquin .. thence in a southwes(erly and north­ (Provisions of present sections 78 and 90 of westerly direction along the boundary line be­ the Political Code proposed to be repealed, by tween the counties of .tlameda and Contra Costa amendment to section 78 and repeal of section to the point of beginning, shall constitute the 90 of the Political Code as indicated above, are thirteenth senatorial district. printed in italics) 14. All that portion of the county of Alameda 78. The state is diyided into forty senatorial described as follow8, to wit: Beginning at a districts, which shall be designated and con­ point where the westerly' boundary line of the stituted as follows: county of Alameda is intersected by the line 1. The counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, dividing Oakland and Alameda townships; thence Trinity and Tehama shall constitute the first easterly along said dividing line to a point in senatorial district. . Oakland harb.or where said line is intersected 2. The counties of Modoc, Siskiyou, Shasta and by the line dividing Oaleland and Brooklyn town­ Lassen shall constitute the second senatorial ships; thence northerly along the Westerly bound­ district. a,'y line of Brooklyn township, pa.• sing through 3. The counties of Plnmas, Sierra, Nevada, \ the easterly arm of Dalee Merritt and up Indian Placer and El Dorado shall constitute the third Gulch to the northeasterly boundar'y line of East senatorial district, Oa/oland Heights; thence southeasterly along 4. The counties of Mendocino, Colusa, Lake said last boundary line to the center of Thir­ and Glenn shall constitute the fourth senatorial teenth avenue; thence northeaste'rly along center district. Une of Thirteenth avenue, or County Road to 5. The counties of Napa and Solano shall con­ Moraga Valley, to th" center line of Fourteenth stitute the fifth senatorial district. avenue; thence SQutherly along the cente,' line 6. The counties of Butte, Yuba, Sutter and of F07!rteenth avenue to the center line of L'in~ 1',,10 shall constitute the sixth senatorial district. coin street; thence easterly along the center line 'f. The county of Sacramento shall constitute of Lincoln, or East Thirty-first stl'eet, to the seventh senatorial district. center line Of Tw.enty~third avenue; thence . The county of Sonoma shall constitute the southe'rly along the cente,..line of Twenty~third eighth senatorial district. avenue to the center line of Sherman street, 9. The counties of Marin and Contra Costa t otherwise known as old Connty Road; thence shall constitute the ninth senatorial district. easterly (llong said old County Road to the cen­ 10, The counties of San Joaquin and Amador ter /ine of High street;: thence along the center sllall constitute the tenth senatorial district. Hne of Foothill Road, or Connty Road No. 3358, 11. The counties of San Mateo, San Benito to the center line of Grand, or Nint3tieth a'venue.; and Santa Cruz shall constitute the eleventh thence southerly along said line of Ninetieth senatorial district. avenue, crossing E·ast Fourteenth street to '(B/' 12. The counties of Tuol"mne, Marip6sa,. Stan­ or Second street; thence easterly along said H Bn islaus, Merced, Alpine, Mono, Madera and Ca,la­ street to the' center line of Jones, or Ninety­ vcras shall con3titute the twelfth senatorial eighth avenue; thence sontllerly along tho center district. line of Jones, or Ninet!J~eighth m:enue, tf) the 13. All that portion of the county of Alameda center line of County Road No. 1!J!J5; 'i.sncB described as follOWS to wit: Beg'inning at a sontherly along center Uno of (Jou"ty Road No. point where the line dividing Oakland and Brook­ 1995 to the Une ditliding Brooklyn and Ellen lyn townships intersects the northeasterly bound­ townships .. thence westerly along said to''''nship ary line of the county of Alameda; thence line toO the line dividin,l) Brooklyn and Alumeda southwestcrly along said dividing line to the townships; thence 80utherly and westerly alon,l} northeasterly boundary line of the city of Pied­ the boundary line Of Alameda township to the mont; thence southeasterly and sonthcdy fol­ westerly bo'undary line of Alameda county; lowing the northern and eastern boundory line thence northwesterly alon.!} the westerly county of the city of Piedmont to the southeasterly cor­ boundary line to the sontherly bonndcry line of ner thereof; thence southwesterly along Thir­ Oakland township a.nd tlte point uf />eginning, teenth avenue to the center line of F01),rteenth 'shall constitute the fourteenth senatorial district. avenue; thence southerly along the center line 15. All that portion of the coullty of Alameda of Fou,rteenth avenue to the center line of Lin­ desc1'ibed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a coln street; thence easterly a·l0nIV the center line point where the northern bounda,"y line of the of Lincoln or East Thirty-first street to the cen­ city of Berkeley intersects the northeaster'ly ter line of Twenty-third avenue .. thence south­ boundary Une of the county of Alameda,' thence erly along the center line of Ttvcnt1'~thi{('d avenue westerly along said northern bonncZary Tine o( to the center line of Sherman street, otherwise the city of Berkeley to a point where the same known as the old County Road .. thence eaBterly is coincident with the center line' Of Eunice aZ01.g said old County Road to the center line Of street .. thence westerly a.long the center Une of High street .. thence easterly along center line Eunice stl'eet to the center ll!tte of llHlvia stTcet; Of the Foothill Road, or County Road No. 3358, thence 801dherly along the center line of M1l1,ia to the center line oj G1~and, or Nineti,eth a1,enue.; street to the center Une of Adeline street .. thence thence southwesterly along said line of Ninetieth 80utherly along the center line of Adeline street avenue, crossing East Four'teonth street to the to the northerly boundar11 Une of the town of ter line of "B," or Second street; thence Emeryville; thence easterty, southerly and west~ o~ly along said "B" street to the center' line erly follOWing the boundary line of the town of nes, or Ninet:!l-eighth avenue; thence south­ Emeryville to the center line of San Pablo ave­ ~ ,along t he center line of Jones, or N'inety­ nue; thence Boutherly wlorlg the cente,' Une of c.,;hth avenue, to the center /ine of County Road San Pablo at'enue to the center line oj Broad­ No. 1995; thence 80utherly along center Zinc of way; -thence southerly along the cent'er line of

[Thirteen] ..

B roadway to the northern boundary line of Ala­ continuing thence a'long the cent er line of the meda township; then.ce easterly along the north­ following named 8t,'eets,' Laguna to O'Farrell, ern boundary line of Alameda townshi.p to the O'Farrell 8treet to St, Joseph avenue, fJt, J08eph westerly line of Brooklyn town8hip, the same be­ avenUe to Turk, Turlc to Baker', Baker to Oalc ing a point in Oakland harbor; thence northerly street, Oak street to Central avenue, Central along th€ westerly boundary line of Brooklyn avewue to Buena Vista avenue, Buena Vi8t~ township, passing through the easterly arm of avenue to F,'ederick 8treet, Frederiok to Clayt( Lake Me;Titt and up Indian Gulch to the no"th­ Clayton street to Clarendon aven7W, Clarend. eastedy boundary line of East Oakland Heights; avenue to Burnett avenue .. Burnett avenue to thence southeasterly along last said boundm'y line Palo Alto avenue, Palo Alto avenue to the east­ to the oenter line of Thirteenth avenue; thence erly line of th·" San Miguel rancho; thence along northeasterly along the center line of 1'hirteenth said line northerly to a point opPOSite Seven­ avenue, or County Road to Moraga Valley, to the teenth street; thence along sai.d line oj Seven­ southeastern corner' of the city of Piedmont; teenth street, if extended, to Kirkham 8ITee,;, thence 1w,'therly and westerly followi'lg the east­ Kirkham sl1'eet to Loclcsley avenne, Loclcsley erly and northerly boundary lines of the city of avenue to the westerly line oj San Miguel Piedmont to' the line dividing B,'ooklyn and Oalc­ rancho; thence along said line to Corbett evenue land townships; thence not'theasterly along the and Sloat bo"levard; thence along 8aid line of last said township line to the boundary line of the 810at bouleva-rd to the waters of the Pacifio Alameda oounty; thenoe northwesterly along the ocean; thence along the 8hoTe line of 8aid ocean oounty boundary line to the point of beginning, northerly and easte,'ly to Lob08 cree Ie ; thence shall constitute the fifteenth senatorial district. along the line Of said creek and the son/herly 16, All that pm'tion oj the county of Alameda boundary line of the Presidio Reservation to described as fotlows, to wit,' Beginning at a Maple street, Maple to California, OaNforltia to point wh",'e the' northerly boundary line of the Baker, Baker to Pine, Pine to Laguna, the place city of Berkeley inter8c~t8 the northeasterly of beginning, together with the island8 known all boundary Une of the county of A,lameda; thence the Faral/on Islands, shall constitute the twenti­ westerly along sa·id northern boundary line of eth senatorial di strict. the oity of Berlceley to a poim where the same is 21. All that portion of the city and county of coinoident with the center Une of Eunice street; San Franci8co bounded as follows,' Comme),.oing thenoe westerly a.long the center line Of Eunice at the point oj intm'8ection Of the center line of street to the center line of Milvia street; thence TwentY-fir8t street with the center line oj D%res southerly a:long the center line of Milvia street to street; thence along the center line of the follow­ the center line of Adeline street; thence south­ ing named streets, to wit,' Twenty-first street to erly along the center line of Adeline street to ihe San Carlos street, Sa1l Oarlos street to EI.gM­ northerly boundary line of the town of Emery­ eenth street, EighteeMh street to Shotwell stTeet, ville; thence easterly, souther

Twenty-first street, Twenty-first street to Ban four, five, 8im, seven.!' eight, nine, ten, eleven 41:tlCt Carlos street, San Carlos street to Eighteenth twelve, Santa, Clura numbeJ's one, two, three and 8t"eet, Eighteenth street to, Shotwell stl'eet. Shot­ four, Saratoga, Stanford, Stockton .. S'un:H,.:,l'(t!c well street to Twenty-first street, Twenty-first numbers one' and two, and University nun; vcr's ;reet to Bl'y(t1It avenue, the place of beginning, one and two, snall constitute the twenty-eigh(h l::tll constitute the twent) second senatorial Senatorial district, ulstril:t. . 29. All that po.'ti(m of the county of 1,0 .• 23, Ali that pm'tion of the city and county of Angeles bounded as follows: Commenci,tV "I thp, San Francisco bounded as folluws: Commencing intersection of the north 1Jutent bounllaT)! nne of at the po;nt of intersecl'ion of the center line of the city of L08 Angeles with the cenicT !ins Of Market street with the center line of Eleventh the Los ltngeles river; thence southeasterly mnl street; thence along the center line of the follow­ -'Jototherly along the center line of the Los ing named streets, to wit: Eleventh street to Angeles riVe?' and the center line Of the official Bryant avenue, Bryant avenue to Twentieth bed at the Los A ngcles .'iver to its inteTsection street, Twentieth street to the bay of San Fran­ with the center line of North Broadway f.'om cisco: t{lellce northerly along the shore line of the east; thence along the center line of the {ol­ said bay to its intersection with the celli e.' line lowing named streets, to wU: No.-th B foar!W(f '! 01 Market sl1'eet; thence along the center line of to Daly street, Dal!! street to Mission road, Mis­ " a1'ket street to the pO'int of beginning, and the sion road to Gallardo street, Gallardo ntreet to foT/owing described portion oj the city and county Macy street, Macy street to Brooklyn avenue, of San Francisco: Commencing at the point> of Brooklyn avenue to Pleasant' (tt'elt1'e, Pleasant intersection of tha center line ot 'I'wentieth street a1)6Wne to First street, First ~8tTeet to Pecan with the center line of Connecticut street; thence street, Pecan street ',;0 Pifth st"eet, Fifth street along the center line Of the following named to aless stTeet, Glcss st,'eet to S:'ixth st,'eet, Sixth streets, to wit: Conneoticut street to A,-my street and its extensiun" westcrly along the line street, Army street to San Bruno avenue, San of assembly district number sixty-five, as desig­ Bruno avenue to the boundary line between the nated and constituted by scction ninety of this oity and county of San ,francisco and t,!e' county code, to the center line of the official bed "f the of San Mateo; thence easterly along sald bound­ L08 Angeles river; thence southedy along the ary line to the sllo.'e line of the bay Of San line last mentioned and the prOlongation thc.'eot Francisco: thence no.'therly te dividing the city and county of HUI street to Alpine stre"t, All)ine street to '",I Franci8co al'c! the oounty Of San Milteo; Olet)eland street, Cleveland street to Col/ege 'e along said bou>tdary line westerly to San street, College street to Adobe street, Adobe .)d avern,t,e. San J 088 avenue to Dolores 8treet, street to Look Ol/t Drive, Look Out Drive to jJolores stl'eet to Twenty-ninth street, the place Park Terrace, Pa"k Terrace to Sunset boulevard, of beginni,,!}; end a", that portion oj the city Sunset boulet)ard to Rcko pa.'k avenue, Echo and count'! ot San Fnwcisco bo,,""led as tallows: Parl~ avenue alld the pr%ng"tion thereot to the Commencing at the point of intersection Of north patent boundary Of the city of Los A,n­ Twenty-second and Dolores streets; thence along geles; thence easterly along the line last men­ the center line of the fan owing lIamed streets: tioned to the place of beginning, shall constitute Dolorcs strcd' to' San Jose avenue, San Jose the twenty-ninth senatorial district, avenue to the !lOundary line divid'inq the city and 30, The co1tnties of San Bernardino and Inyo C01,nty of San Francisco and the C0 111tty of San shall constitute the thirtieth senatorial district. Mateo; thence along said boundary Une westerly 31. All that porti"" of the county of Los to tlte intersecHon of the waters of the Pacific Angeles embraced within and coml'lris'ing the ocean: thence along the shore line of said ocean seventY-ti.'st and .• eventll-secm\d assembly dis­ norther/I! to the Sloat boulevard; thence ,dong tricts, as designated and constituted by section Sloat boulevard to Corbett avenue, Corbett ninety of this code, shall constitute the thirty­ avenue to B'Io"nett avenue, Burnett a'Denne to first senatorial district. Dixie allc'" Dixie alloy to Grand Vietv avenne, 32, The co1tnties of Kings, Tulare and Kern Grand Vif'W avenn8 to Twenty-second street, shall constitute the thirty-second senatorial Twenty-second to Dolores street, the place of district, beginning, shall constitute the twenty-fourth 33. All that portion of the county of Los senatorjal district. Angeles embraced within and comprising the 2o, The counties of Ventura and Santa Bar­ sixty-eighth and seventieth assembly districts, bara shall constitute the twenty-fifth senatorial as designated and constituted by section ninety district, of thi... code, shall constitute the thirty-third 26. The co ..nty of Fresno shall constitute the senatorial district, twenty-sixth senatorial district, ' 34, All that portion of the county of Los 27, All that 110rtion of the county of Santa Angeles embraced within and comprising the Cla'-a, not included in the twenty-eighth sena­ sixty-second assembly district, as designated and toda I ,r;stl-ict, as designated and constituted by constituted by section ninety of this aode and this secti9n, shall constitute the twenty-seventh all that portion of said county bounded as fol­ f""'at0rial district. lows: Commencing at the intersection of the .J 8, All that portion of the county of Santa center line at Washington street and Hoover elal'a embraced .within the follOWing precincts, street, in the city of Los Angeles; thence along as con"titl,ted at the general election in nine­ the center line of the followin,g named street8, tpen hundred t.,n, to wit: Agnetvs, that part of to wit: Hoover street to P-ico 8freet, street Alameda precin"t 111ing north of the center line to Hoover street, Hoover street to Carondelet Of Pe,rle a"enue, Alviso, ]Jerryessa, Burbank, that street, Oarondelet street to Ninth street, Ninth part of Cranda/ville precinct number one lying street to Hoover street, Hoot'er sto'eet to Sevel1th (,1"tslllf; of the dtll Hmits of the cit11' of San Jose, street, Seventh street to Vermont avenue",.Ver­ .,~tab'i8·hed in 1911, Cupertino, East San Jose mont avenue to Melrose a'venue .. jlfelrose avp."'~ue ber hnn, P.'emont. Jeffer80n, MaYfield, Mil­ to the weBt patent boundary line of said cit 1 ,,' .• n"",ber" one and two, Mountain View thence north along said patent boundanl line to , .,nbers one and two" Mount Hamilton, Orckard, the northwest corner of said city a8 descdlwd Pal o A If" nll1ttber' one, ttvo, t4ree, four and five, in the United States patent; thence east (Los Angeles river; thence southeast­ 2. The county of Humboldt shall constitute the erly and southerly along the cente'r line of the second assembly district. Lo" Angeles river and the center line of the 3. The counties of Shasta and Trinity shall official bed of the Los Angeles river to its inter­ constitute the third assembly district. section with the center line of North Broad­ 4. The counties of Plumas, Lassen, Modoc and way from the east, shall constitute the thlrty­ Sierra' shall· constitute the fourth assembly dis­ sixth senatrn-ial district. trict. 37. All that portion of the county of Los 5. Th<:l counties of T'ehama, Glenn and Colusa Angeles described a8 follows: Beginning at the shall constitute the fifth assembly district. interstlction of the center lines oj Wall street S. The county of Mendocino shall constitute the and Fifth street, in the city of Los Angele8,' sixth assembly district. thence along the center line of the following 7. The county of Butte shall constitute it> named st"eets, to wit: Fifth street to Hill street, seventh assembly district. HiU street to Temple street, Temple street to 8. The counties of Yuba, Sutter and Yolo. Hill street, Hill street to Sunset boulevard, Sun­ constitute the eighth assembly district. set boulevard to Hill street, Hill street to Alpine 9. The counties of Nevada and Placer f,hall street, Alpine strfet to Cleveland street, Cleve­ constitute the ninth assembly district. lnnd street to C611ege street, College street to 10. The county of Solano shall constitute the Adobe street, Adobe street to Look Out Drive, tenth assembly district. Look Out Drive to Pa"k Terrace, Park Terrace 11. The counties of Napa and Lake shall con­ to Sunset boulevard, Sunset boulevard to Echo stitute the eleventh assembly district. Park avenue. Echo Park avenue and the pro­ 12. All that portion of the county of Sonoma longation thereof to the north patent boundary compri8ing the fol/owing election precincts Of lin'e of the city of L08 Anqele8; thence west along nineteen hundred and ten, to lOU: Bloomfield, said boundarll line to t'he northwest corner of Blucher Bodega, • Cazadero, Cotati, Dry Creek, said city as described in the United States pat­ Duncan's Mills, Forestville, Freestone, G"aton, ent; thence south along the west patent bound­ Ilealdsburg City nnntl!ers 1 to 4 inclusive, Healds­ ary line of sai(l city to the center line of Mel­ burg Road, LakeVille, MagnOlia. Marin, Mendo­ l'OSe a!,€nue; thence along the center line of the cino, Molino, Occidenta.l, Pennsg?'ove, Petaluma follLwtng named streets, to wit: Melrose avenue number8 1 to 7 inclusive, East Redwood. West to Vermont avenue, Vermont avenue to Se·venth Redwood, Sebastopol number.9 1 and Z, Skag,q'8 street, Seventh-'street to Hoover street, Hoover Spring, Stewart's POint, Table,·Timber street to Ninth stl'eet, Ninth street to Blaine Cove, Valley Ford, und Wilson, shall constitute street. Blaine street to Tenth street Tenth street the twelfth assembly district. to Georgia street, Georgia street to 6 ttawa street, 13. All that po,·tton Of the county of Sonomo Ottawa street to Figueroa street,Figueroa st"eet not embraced in the twelfth assembly district to .Eleventh street, Eleventh street to Wall street, shall constitute the thirteenth assembly district. Wall street to Fifth street, the place of begin­ 14. All that portion of the county of Sacra­ ning. shall constitute the thirty-seventh sena­ mento, composed Of that part of the city Of Sac­ tori RI district. ramento, lying north of the center of "K" street, 38. All that portion of the county of Los and east of fae center of ThirtY-first street. antl Angeles bounded as fonows: Beginning at the all that portion Of said Sacramento county in­ intersection of the center lhe of Maple street cluded within the boundaries Of "A11terioon and Eleventh street, in the c.ty of L08 Angeles; Township" "Brighton 'J'.o1llnship," "Center Town­ thence along the center line of the following ship," u(lrattite Township," u~:fi8Si881,ppi Town­ nam ed streets, to lOit: Eleventh street to Fig­ ship," "Natoma Township," and "Sutter T'own­ ueroa st"eet, Figueroa 8treet to Ottawa street, ship," a8 said townsh.!ps existed on the first day Ottawa street to Georgia street, Georgia street of January, 1911, shall constitute the fourt'lenth to Tenth street, Tenth street to Blaine street, assembly district. Blnine street to Ninth street, Ninth street to 15. All that. portion of the c(lunty of Sacra·­ Ca'rondelet street, Carondelet street to Hoover mento not included in the fourteenth assem­ street, Hoover street to Pico street, Pico street bly district shall constitute the fIfteenth assembly to Hoover street, Hoover street to Jeffer80n district. street,-Jefferson street to Figueroa street, Fig­ 1S. TIre counties of Amador, El Dorado, A' ueroa street to Vernon avenue. Vernon avenue to and Calaveras shall constitute the sixt' McKin,ley avenue or the northerly prolongation assembly district. of MtKinley avenue from the touth, McKinlell 17. The county Qf Marin shall constitute _111 avenue and said prolongation to FiftY-first streBt, seventeenth assembly district. .

r~!dp{>nl 18. The county of Contra Oosta shall consU, avEfnue to Church street! Church street to Eight­ tute the eighteenth assembly ·distrlct. eenth Eigilteenth to Do ores, Dolores to Twenty­ 19. All fhat portion of the county of San second, Twenty-second to Grand View avenue, - 'lquin not included in- the twentieth district Grand View avenue to Dixie alley, Dixie aile)' a constitute the nineteenth assembly distrfct. to Burnett avenue, Burnett avenue to Clarendon O. All that portion of the county of Ban avenue Clarendon avenue to Clayton.: street, .oaqtti.t comp"ising the city of Stockton shall Clavton to Ashbury. Asl1bury to Piedmont, Pied­ conetitute the twentieth aE!sembly district. mont to Masonic avenue, Masonic avenue t& 21. All that portion of the city and county of Java IItreet, Java street to Buena Vista avenue, San Franoisoo bounded as follows: Commencing Buena Vista avenue to Central av"nue, Central at the point of intersection of the center line Of avenue to Oak street, Oak street to Masonic Market street with the center line of Eleventh avenUe Masonic avenue to McAllister street, street; thence along th·e center line at the follow­ McAllister street to Flllmore street, the place of ing named stl'eets. to wit: Eleventh street to beginning, shall constitute the twenty-sixth lJryant avenue, lJryant avenue to Twentieth assembly district. street, Twentieth street to the waters of tha bay 27. All that portion of the city a.nd coul\ty of of San Francisco; thence .northerly along the San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing sho.·e line of said bay to its intersection with the at the point of Intersection of Fulton street and center line· of Market street; thence along the Masonic avenue·; thence along th" center line ?f center line of Market street to the point Of the following named streets, to'" wit: MasoUlc beginning, shall constitute the twenty-first assem­ avenue to Oak sfreet, Oak str",et to Central bly district. avenue Central avenue to Buena Vista avenue, 22. All that portion of the city and county of Buena 'Vista avenue to Java strllet, Java streoc San· Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing to Masonic avenue, Masonic avenue to Piedmont at the point of intersection of the center Hne of streel Piedmont street to Ashbllry street, Ash­ Twentieth stl'eet with the center. line of Bryant bury ~treet to Clayton street, Clayton street to avenue, continuing thence along the center line Clarendon avenue, Clarendon avenue to Burnett of the following named streets, to wit: Bryant avenue, Burnett avenue to Corbett avenue, Cor­ avenue to A rmy street, Army street to San Bruno bett avenue to Sloat bOUlevard, Sloat bouleyard avenue, San Bruno avenue to the boundary Hne to the waters of the Pacific ocean; thence along between the city and county of San Francisco the shore line of said ocean northerly to Fulton and the county of San Mateo; thence easterly stre<;;t Fulton street to Masonic avenue, the place along said boundary Hne to the bay of San of beginning, shall constitute the twenty-seventh Francisco; thence northerly along t11'e shore line assembly district. of the bay of San Francisco to its intersection 28. All that portion of the city and county. of with the center line of Twentieth street; thence San Francisco bounded as follows: Commenemg along the center line of iTwentieth street to the at th" point of intersection of Fulton street and point of beginning", shall const.ltute the twenty­ Parker avenue, thence along the center line of second assembly district, the following named streets. to wit: Parker 23. All that portion of the city and county of a venue to California street, California street to San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing Maple avenue, Maple avenue to the southerly at the point of intersection of Dolores and line of the Presidio Reservation; thence westerly Twenty-ninth streets; thence along the center along the southerly boundary of the Presidio flllC of the following named streets, to wit: Reservation to Lobos creek; thence along the ·el'lty-nlnth to MiSSion, Mission to Army, Army . center line of Lobos creek to the waters of the S,.n Bruno avenue, San Bruno avenue to the Pacific ocean: thence westerly and sour'lerly ~ ,ndary line dividing the city and county of along the said shore line to Fulton street, Fulton San Francisco and the county of San Mateo; street to Parker avenue, the point of beginning, thence .. along said boundary line westerly b the together with the islands known as the Farallon cent(r line of San Jose avenue; thence along the Islands, shall constitute the twenty-eighth asaem­ center lines of the following named streets, to bly district. wit: San Jose avenue to Dolores street, Dolores 29. All that portion of the city and county of street to Twenty-ninth street, the place of begin­ San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing ning, shall constitute the twenty-third assembly at the point of intersection of McAllister street district. and Van Ness avemie, thence along the center 24. All that portion of the city and county of lines of the following named streets, to wit: San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing Van Ness avenue to Mar'ket street, Market street at the point of intersection of Twenty-second and to Eleventh street, Eleventh strEet to lilryant Dolores streets. thence along the center line of avenue. Brya", avenue to Eighteenth street, the followlllg named streets, to wit: Dolores to Eighteenth street to Harrison street, Harrison San Jose avenue, San Jose avenue to the bound­ street to Eighteenth street, Eighteenth street to ary line dividin~ the city and county of San Church street, Church street to Duboce avenue, F?-ancls'cQ and the county of San Mateo, thence Duboce avenue to Fillmore street, Fillmore street along said boundary line, westerly, to the waters to McAl!.ister street, McAllister .street to Van of the Pacific ocean; thence along the shore line Ness avenue. the place of heginll,lng, shall can, of said ocean northerly, to the Sloat bOUlevard; stitute the twenty-ninth assembly. district. thence along the center lines of the following 30. All that portion of the city; and county of named streets. to wit: Sloat boulevard to Corbett San Franeisco bounded as follows: Commencing avenue, Corb"tt avenue to Bu,.nett avenue, Bur­ a t the point of Intersection of Pine street and nett avenue to Dixie alley, Dixie alley to Grand Van Ness avenue, thence along the center line View avenue, Grand View avenue to Twenty, of the following named streets, to wit: Van second street. Twenty-second street to Dolores, Ness avenue to McAllister street, McAllister to the place of beginning, shaI! constit'lte the Masonic avenue, Masonic avenue to Fulton street, twenty-fourth assembly district. Fulton street to Parker avenue, Park3r avenue 25. All that portion of the city and county of to California. street, California street to Presidio San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencing avenue, Presidio avenue to Pine street, Pine at the point of ill.tersectlon of Eighteenth street stref't to Van Ness avenue, the point of begin­ and Dolores street, continuing along the center ning, shall constitufe the thirtIeth assembly dis­ ,. lines of the following named streets. to wit: trict. Dolores to 'l'wenty-nlnth, Twenty-ninth to Mis­ 31. All that portion of the city and county. of sion, Mission to Army, Army to Bryant avenue, San Francisco bounded as follows: Commencmg Bryant avenue to Eighteenth street, Eighteenth at the point of Inters·ection of Pine street and to Harrison, Harrison to Eighteenth, Eighteenth Van Ness avenue, thence along the center line of to Dolores, the point Of commencement, shall the following nam",d litreets, to wit: Van Ness 0< --tltute the twenty-fifth assembly district. avenue to the bay of Sa'n Francisco, thenCil along J. AI! that portion Of th'8 ('ity and county of the shore Hne of said bav to the waters of the I li'ranclsco bounded as follows: Commencing Pacific ocean; thence along the shore line of said - the point of intersection of McAllister and ocean to Lobos creek; thence along the line of t'lllmore streets, continuing thence along the said Lobos' creek to the southerly boundary line center line of the following named streets, to of Presidio Reservation; thence along said wIt: F1llmore street to Duboce avenue, Duboce boundary line to Maple street, Maple street to [Seventeen] California street, California street to Presidio '8Mp, in Lake Merritt; thence northea8terly fol­ avenue, Presidio avenue to Pine street, Pine lowing along the b01 avenue; thence south­ wesferly direction to its intersection with the erly along the center of San Pablo ..venue to the northeasterly boundary line of th" county of center of Broadway; thence southerly along the Alameda, shall constitute the thirty-fourth center of Broadway to the center of 'Thirteenth assembly district, street, and point of beginning, shall constitute 35, All that portion of the county of Alameda the thirty-seventh assembly dIstrict, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a 38, All of that portion of the county of Ala­ pOint where the boundary line between Eden and meda described as follows, to wit: Beginning at Alameda townships intersects the westerly a point where the center line of Adeline street is boundary line of the county of Alameda; thence intersected by the center line of Twenty-second in an easterly and northerly direction along the street in the city of Oakland; thence easterly boundary line of Alameda township to the line along the center line of Twenty-second street to dividing Brooklyn and, Eden townships; thence the center line of G,'ove street; thence southerly in an easterly direction along the boundary line along the center line of Gro've street to the ",enter between Eden and Brooklyn townships to the line of San Pablo avenue; thence southe"zy along southwesterly boundary line of the town of San the center line of San Pablo avenue to the center Leandro; thence northerly and easterly following line of Broadway; thence southerly along the the said town line to the center line of East ,center line of Broadway to the center line oj Fourteenth street; thence northwesterly follow­ Thirteenth street; thence easterly along the ing the center line of East Fourteenth street and center line of Thirteenth street and a direct an extension oj the same to its intersecti<1n with extension 0/ sMd center line to its inte,'seation the line dividing Brooklyn and Oakland town­ with the line dividing Brooklyn and Oakland ships, "aid pOint being in Lak" Merritt; thence townships; thence southerly along the line divid­ southwesterly along said township line to its ing Oakland and Brooklyn townships to the line intersection with th" l.ortherly boundary line of dividing Oakland and Alameda townships; thence Alameda township; thence westerly following westerly along the line dividing Oakland and along the said northerly bQ.undary line of Ala­ Alameda townships to a poiqt wh",'e a direct meda township to its inters~cv.on with the west­ extension of the center line of Adeline street erly boundary line of Alameda county; thence woyld intersect the same; thence northerly along southeasterly along said county boundary line to 8a1,d extension and alon,q the center tine OJ the point of beginning, shall constitute the thirty­ Adeline street to the point of beginning, shall fifth assembly district, constitute the thirty-eighth assembly district. 36. All of that portion ,of the county of Ala­ 39, All of that portion of the county of Ala­ meda described as follows, to wit: Beginning at meda described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point, where the center line of Thirteenth a. point where the center line of Adeline stre.· is avenue is intersected by the center line of East intersected by the center line of Twenty-se, Fourteenth street, in the city .of Oakland; thence street in the city of Oakland; thence east fiorthwesterly along the center line of East along the center line of TwentY-8econd str,el Fourteenth. street and an extension of said the center line of Grove street; thence northerlv oenter line to a point where the same interseots along the center Une of (h-ove street to the center t1Wl westerly boundary .Hne 'of Brooldyn town- of Temellcal creek; thence we8terly down the [Eighteen] center of Teme8caZ 'creek to the town of Emjlry­ 43. The county of Santa Cruz shaH constitute ville; thence westerly and northerly following the forty-third assembly district . the boundary line of the town of Emeryville to .44, All that portion of the county of Scinta thn southerly boundary line of the city of Berke- Clara' not included in the forty-jijth assembly , thence westerly along the southerly bound­ district shall constitute the forty-fourth assembly line of the city of Berkeley and a direct distr~ct, • . ension of same to its intersection with the 45, All that portion of the county of Santa westerly boundary line of Alameda' county; Clara embraced within the following precinct8, tl,ence southerly ftlong the westerly boundary as constituted at the general election in 1910, line of Alameda county to its intersection with to wit: AgneW, that part of Alameda preCinct the line dividing Oakland and Alameda town­ lying north of the center line of Park avenue, snIps; thence easterly along the line dividing Alviso, Bel'Tyessa, Burban.k, that pm·t of Oakland and Alameda townships to a point Crandalville precinot nl!mber one lying out­ \ Wild e a direct e.{tension of the center line of A.Jl'ii.1e street would intersect the same; thence side of the city limits oj the city of San Jose, northerly along said exter;sion andl along the as established in 1911; Cupertino, East San Jose number two, Fremont, Jefferson, Mayjield, Mil­ c,,,;ter line of Adeline street to the center line of pitas (mtmbers one and two), Mountain View Twenty-second street and the point of beginning, (numbers one and two), Mount Hamilton, ~h"ll cono;titute the thirty-ninth assembi)'l district. 40, A.1l of that portion of the county of Orchar'd, Palo Alto (numbers one to jive, inclu­ Alameda described as follows, to wit: 1'legin­ sive), Pt,rissima, San Jose (I~umbers one to nil,g at a point where the easterly boundary twelve, incll!sive), Santa Clara (numbers one to jour, inclusive), Saratova, Stanford, Stockton, line of the town of Emeryville is intersected by Sunnyvale (numbers one and two), and Uni­ the :;ol!therly bOl!"dary line of the city of versity (numbers one and two), shall constitute Bake;ey; th~nce sottthe,'ly and easJ.erly along the forty-fifth assembly district. tJ,e boundary line of the town 'of Emeryville to 46, The county of Stanislaus shall constitute Q, corlvr thereof, the same being in the center of '['cmescal creek; thence lIP the center of the fortY-Sixth assembly district, ~ 47, The counties of Mariposa, Tuolumne, Mono Te1l!cscal creek to the center line of Shattuck and Inyo sha1l constitute the forty-seventh auenue; thence northerly . along the center line assembly district. of Slwttuck ave"l!" to the center lint) of Russell 48. The counties of Monterey and San Benito sl1'cet; thence westerly along the center line shall constitute the forty-eighth assembly jlls­ of Russell street to the center line of 1I1ilvia trict, slreet; thence nm·therly along the center line 49, The counties of Merced a;(d Madera. shall of M-ilvia street to the center line of Codornices constitute the forty-ninth assembly district. cnek; til cnce westerly down the center line. of 50, All that· portion oj the cou.nty of Fresno Codon.ices creek to the easterly bm,ndal'y line comprising the precincts oj Black 1I1ountain, of the town of Albany; thence northerly along Balfour, Barstow, Bryant.- Cantua, Central the easterly lJOl!ndary line of the town of Albany Colony, Coalinga No.1, Coalinga No, 2, Coalinga to the northern boundary of the county of No, 3, Coalinga No, 4, Coalinga No.5, Crescent, Alameda; thence wcste1'ly and southerly along Chicago, Fresno Oolony, Fowler, Firebaugh, the northern and wester!! bOl!ndary line of the Hm,ghton, Huron, Iowa, Jameson, Kerman, county of Alameda to a point where said biJl!nd­ Kingsbl!rg, Layton, Laguna, Liber'ty, Lewis ary l·ine would be interSected by a direct Creek, Lucern, Madison, Mendota, .Zkfonro6, New ·."tension westm'ly of the southerly bOl!ndary Hope, Oleander, Panoche, Pleasant Valley, e of the city of Beryeley; thence easterly Terry, Washington Colony, 'Wildflower, War­ jng said extension and along the ~outherly than, and West Pm'k, shall constitute the fiftieth uco-,ndarv line of the city Of Bm'keley to the assembly district. point of beginning, shall constitute the fortieth 51. All that portion of the ,county of Fresno assembly district. included in and comprising Fresno City precincts 11. All of that portIon of the county of numbm'ed one to twenty-jive, both incll!sive, Alameda described as follOWS, to wit: Beginning and the precincts of Hedges, Belmont, Arlfng­ at a point where the ,eenter I·ine of Shattuclc ton and East Fresno, shall constitute the fifty­ avenue is inter-sected by the center line Of Fifty­ first assembly district, first street or Vo'non street, in the city of Oak­ 52, All that portion of Jhe county of Fresn~ land; thence easterly along the center line of not included in the fiftieth and fifty-first Fifty-jirst or Vernon street to the center line assernbly districts, shall constitute the fifty­ af Broadway; thence northeasterly along the second assembly district. centel- line of Broadway to its intersection with 53, '['he county of Scm Luis Obispo shall con­ the no,'theas1Jil'ly bOl!ndary line of the city of stitute the fifty-third assembly district. Oakland, as t:he same exi,.ted prior to the ann.ex 54. The county of Kings shall constitute the 0/ 1901); thence southeasterly along said bound­ fifty-fourth assembly district, ary line o/the city 0/ Oakland as the 8ame 55, The county of Tulare shall constitute the existeel prior to the annex 0/ 1909 to its inter­ fifty-fifth assembly district, section with the nOl·therly boundary line 0/ the 56, The county of. Kern shall constitute the city of Piedmont; thence easterly following the fifty-si~th assembly district, northerly bOl!,,<1ary line of the city of Piedmont 57, All that portion of the county of San to its intersection with .the boundary line divid­ Bernardino now comprised within the follow­ ing Brooklyn and Oakl(t1td townships; thence ing townships, to wit: Chino, Ontario, Upland, northeasterly along the line dimdinr Brooklyn· Cucamonga., Etiwanda, San Bernardino, Hes­ and Oakland townships to its intersection with peria, Oro Gra"de, and Barstow, shall constitute the northeasterly boundary' line of Alameda the fifty-seventh assembly district, county; thence northwesterly and westerly 58, All that' portion, of the county of San following along the county boundary line to Be!'narrlino not incltlded within the jifty-seventh its intersection with the easterly boundar'y line assembly distdct, as fixed and defined in this 0/ the town oj Albany,' thence sontherly along act, shall constitute the fifty-eighth assembly the easterly boundary line of the town of distTict, Albany to its inter'section with the center of 59. The county of Santa Barbara shall con­ Codo·rnices creek; thence. easterly uP. the center stitute the fifty-ninth assembly district. . of Codon!.ices creek to its intersection with the 60, The county of Ventura shall constitute center line oj Milvia street; thence southerly the sixtieth assembly district, along the eenter line oj Milvia stl'eet to the 61. All that portion of the county of Los center line. of Russell street; thence easterly Angeles included within and comprising the jol­ along the center line oj Rl!ssell street to the lowing election precincts, and parts of election center line of Shattuck avenue; thence southerly precincts of nineteen hundred ten, to wit: La, , 'ng the center line oj Shattuck avenue to the Liebre, Del Sur, Lancaster, Palmdale, Acton, 4 er line of Fifty-jirst or Vernon street and Newhall, San Fernando, Chatsworth. Calabasas, point of beginning, shall constitute the Lankerahim, La Canada, Sunland, Burbank, cy-first assembly district, Glendale City, Eagle Rock... Annandale, .(fermon, 42. The cOJ

[Nineteen] ... 1,011 Angelti~, as the boundarie& 01 aaid city Oocidental boulevard to Hoover street, Roever ex~te,d November 1, 1911, and the folZowin,g 8treet to Sixth street, Sixth street to Benton descrIbed portio•• of the city 01 L08 AtVlel6ll:' boulevard, Benton boulevard to Hoover street, Beg,inning at the northeast corner 01 Baid city Hoover street to Beventh street, . Seventh strf,pt as described in the United 8tates patent; thence to Hul street, tbe point of beginning, shall r fo/lowht{J the exterior boundarl1 line a; Baid sUtute the SIxty-fourth allsep1bly district, city as the same existed November lj 1911 66, All that lortion. of the county of .L nort;., northeasterly, easterly, northerly and Angeles bounde as follow8: Commencing at th~ easte.:rly in a general northeasterly di,.ect!on to intersection oj the center l' tea of North B,'oad­ t I.e extreme northeastern corner Of Baid city; way and Daly sv'eet, in the city of Los Angeles; thence along the north line of said cUy 1!'eBt, thence along the center lines 0/ the follOWing southwest an4 soutlle,';y following such exterior named street8, to wit: No; 'h Broadway (01'088- /'oundat'y Zine of said city to the north patent .ng the official blitZ of the Los Angeles river) boundary thereof; thence along the same west to Bernardo street, Bernardo street to Adobe to the center line of Alvarado street; thence street, Adobe street to Oollege street, Oollege along the center line 01 the following named street to Oleveland street, Cleveland street to streets, to wit: Alvarado street to Sunset !?oule­ Alpine street, Alpine street to Hill street, lIm vard, Sunset boulevllrd to Park Terrace, Park stree.! to Sunset bouleval'd, Sunset bOHlevard to Terrace to Look Out Dr(1)e, Look Out Drive to Hill street, Hill street to Temple stTeet, Temple Adobe street, Adobe Btreet to Bernardo street, street to Hill street, Hill street to Fi/th sO'eet, Bernardo street to North Broad.way, North Fifth street to Central avenue, Central aven.ue Broadway (crossing t~ official bed 01 the L08 to Sixth "treet, Sixth street and its easterly Angeles river) to Daly street, Dilly street to extension to the intersection with tite center Pasadena avenue, Pasadena avenue to Avenue line of GleS8 street, Gless street to Fifth street, Thirty-five, A venue Thirty-jive to Griffin avenue, Fifth street to Pecan street, Pecan street to Griffin a~'en1te and it3 extension to the north First street, First street to Pleasant avenue, patent boundary !ine of said city; thence east Pleasant avenue to Brooklyn a"venue, Brooklyn along 8aid line to the place of beginning, shall avenue to Macy street, Macy street to GallaTdo constitute the sixty-first assembly district, street, Gallardo street to Mission ,'oad, MissioJ' 62, All that portion of the ')otmty of Los road to Daly street.! Dal,!! street to North Broad­ Angeles included within and compri8ing the 101- way, the point or begmning, shall constitute low'ing election preoinots 0/ nineteen hundred. the sixty-fifth assembly district, telt, to wit: ll~dondo Beaoh Oitt' numbers one 66, All that po,'tion of the county of Los and two, Hermosa Beach Oity, Wiae!;urn, Ingle­ Angeles bounded as follows: Commencing at wood Oity, Freeman, Del Rey, Ooean Park Oity the northeastern corner of the city of Los numbel's one, two and three, Moneta, Howard, Angeles, as the same is described in the United Ballona, Oienega Santa Monioa Oity number8 States patent; thence westerly along the one, two, three, lour, jive, six, seven, eight and northern patent boundary line of said city to nine Malibu, National Military Home numbers the cente,. line of GT'iffin avenue, or the one, two, three, jOtl", five and 8ix, Sawtelle City northerly prolongation thereof; thence along the numbers one, two and three, and Sherman, shall northerly prolongation of said cn.ter line and constitute the sixty-second assembly district, along the center line of the following' nllfned 63, All that portion of the county of Los str~ets, to wit: GTiffin avenue to Avenue 35 f Angeles bounded as follows: Commenoing at the ~A,t'enue ~ 85 to Pasadena avenue, Pasadewf intersection 0/ the center lines of Washington avenue to Daly street, Daly street to Miss and Hoover streets, in the city of L08 Angeles; Road, M.ission Road to Gallardo street, G lhence along the center line or the following lardo street to Maey street, Macy street named streets, to wit: Hoover street to Pico Brooklyn avenue, Brooklyn aVCnu- to Pleasant street, Pica street to Hoover street, Hoover avenue.. Pleasant avenue to First str'eet, First street to Oarondelet street, Carondelet street st'rcet to Pecan street, Pecan street to Fifth to Ninth street, Ninth street to Hoover street, street, Fifth street to Gless street, Gless stTeet Hoover street to Benton boulevardl, Bonton to Sixth street, Sixth stt'eet and its extension boulevard to Sixth street, Sixth street to Hoover westerly, along the line of a8~embly di.,triot street, Hoover street to Occidental boulevard, number sixty-five, as constituted,and designated Occidental bouleva!'d to First street, First street by this section, to the center line oj the offiCial to Occidental boulevard, Occidental boulevard to bed of the Los Angeles ,'iver; thence southerly Sunset boulevard, Sunset boulevard to Alvarado along said center line and its sot~therly pro­ street, Alvarado street to the no,'th patent longation to the south bonnda,_,! of said city; boundary of said city; thenoe along the same the'nee east along said bot!lldary line to the east to the easterly lineal that portion of southeastern corner 01 said city .. thence north Tropico precinct number two (mncxed to said along the east line oj said city to the point of city prior to November 1, 1911; thence north­ bpginning, shall constitute the sixty-sixth wcst6!'ly, westerly and southerly, following the assembly district, exterior line8 of those portions of Tropico pre­ 67, All that portion of the county of Los cincts number8 one and two, and Of Ivanhoe Angeles included within and comprising the fol­ precinct, so annexed to said' city, to the north lowing election preoincts of nineteen hundre

[TwentY-onel .