University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Propositions California Ballot Propositions and Initiatives 1928 REAPPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation REAPPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS California Proposition 1 (1928). This Proposition is brought to you for free and open access by the California Ballot Propositions and Initiatives at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Propositions by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. , i, , , REAPPOfiTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS. Act of Legisla- I , latu.t~ submitted to electors by referendum. Amends'Section 78 and t~'\I YES ' ... repeals ~ection 90 of Political Code. Reapportions the legislative dis- , I I- tricts of the state, defining and establishing. such districts, under I authority of Section 6 of Article IV of Constitution adopted November I NO 2, 19Z6r I (For ~II text of Measure see page 1, Part II) Argument In Favor of Reapportionment of interests of this great commonwealth: The act Legislative Districts Referendum Measure is a just, conscientious and carefully framed law. A vote ,"'yes" will sustain the law-the so- It deserves to be sustained. Vote yes on Pl'OPO- called vl\OggS Reapportionment A,ct"--enacted sition Number One on the ballot. " , by the state legislature in 19"27 by DNANI- J. M. INMAN, MOUS VOTE. The law' was enacted in obedi- State Senator, Seventp. District. ence to the mandate of the voters, who, at the gelleral election of 1926, adopted the Federal FRANK S.