Vol. 19(3): 165–189

doi: 10.2478/v10125-011-0023-6



1Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Institute of General and Molecular Biology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Gagarina 9, 87-100 Toruñ, Poland (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) 2Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia and Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic (e-mail: [email protected]) *corresponding author ABSTRACT: This review presents the results of studies on the -trematode associations, carried out in Europe since the beginning of the 20th century. The great number of synonyms of snail and trematode specific names has made the cooperation between malacologists and parasitologists difficult. Here we provide a survey of larval trematodes (cercariae) based on Central, North and Western European literature. Whenever possible, the valid name is provided, accompanied by synonyms, or just provisional names are used making up the largest part of the list. Trematodes with a definitely unclear systematic status are indicated as species incertae sedis. These include mostly trematodes which were attributed obviously erroneous names with poor or no description of their morphology. Although the provisional names inflate the number of trematode species and there are still many identification problems, we believe that this is another step in as- sessing the trematode species composition in Europe which will help not only parasitologists but also malacologists and contribute to their closer cooperation. KEY WORDS: snails, trematodes, Digenea, cercariae, synonyms, environmental research, Europe


Freshwater snails play a crucial role in the life cycle within , while only nine are found in Bi- of digenetic trematodes. They provide these parasites valvia and one in Scaphopoda. There are also reports not only with resources for development and repro- on the presence of digenetic trematodes in Annelida duction, but also constitute a means of transport by (MARTIN 1952). which trematodes can reach their next host (LOCKYER More intensive studies on the trematode infection et al. 2004). This intimate association between snails of freshwater snails have been conducted in Europe and their parasites has a long evolutionary history. since the beginning of the 20th century (¯BIKOWSKA Most authors agree that trematodes were associated &NOWAK 2009). However, many species revisions and with molluscs before they adapted to other hosts introduction of new taxa caused serious difficulties (POJMAÑSKA &GRABDA-KAZUBSKA 1985, CRIBB et al. when attempting to compare results of different au- 2001). Most of the twenty thousand digenean species thors. In this work we present information on known today (POJMAÑSKA et al. 2007) use snails as snail-trematode studies, with an attempt to order obligatory first intermediate hosts. According to PON- these rich data for comparative purposes. DER (1998) 66 digenean families are encountered 166 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska


There is still much confusion concerning the sys- rich (Table 2). However, similarly to lymnaeids, the tematic position and names of freshwater snails. The main difficulty in comparison of the records is the present-day classification of molluscs, like that of large number of snail synonyms. According to PIE- many other organisms, employs two different meth- CHOCKI (2008), there are 45 species of the family odologies. Classic studies are morphology- and in Europe, but many of them are intro- anatomy-based (CHERNOGORENKO-BIDULINA 1958, ductions from other continents. The adaptation of PIECHOCKI 1979, PONDER &LINDBERG 1997, both the immigrant host and the parasite or the estab- JACKIEWICZ 2000), the alternative approach is genetic lishment of a new snail-trematode association is often (BARGUES &MAS-COMA 1997, BARGUES et al. 2001, a long-term process (¯BIKOWSKI &¯BIKOWSKA 2009). 2003, GLÖER &MEIER-BROOK 2003). The efficacy of For this reason probably only 13 species of European the two methods has been recently compared by planorbids have been described as naturally infected PFENNINGER et al. (2006). Both methods recognise first intermediate hosts of digenean larvae. parasites as very important factors inducing changes The remaining two freshwater pulmonate families in the hosts’ structure and function. Digenean inva- have the smallest number of species in the European sions can, for example, affect the shell morphology fauna: Acroloxidae – 4, and Physidae – 5. Only Acro- (GORBUSHIN 1997, ¯BIKOWSKA &¯BIKOWSKI 2005) or loxus lacustris, Physa fontinalis and Aplexa hypnorum genetic features of the snail hosts (COMBES 1999) have been recognised as first intermediate hosts of which may be an additional factor to consider when Digenea in Europe (Table 5). studying molluscan phylogeny. Freshwater pulmonates seem to be better hosts for The family has for years been the trematode larvae compared to prosobranchs, because most intensively studied snail group in Europe. The of their explorative behavior and great tolerance to main reason for this interest is the importance of water and oxygen deficit (MARSHALL &MCQUAID lymnaeids in transmission of fascioliasis, and recently 1991). They are found on the bottom, near the sur- also cases of swimmers’ itch. Planorbidae are the sec- face as well as on macrophytes in the water bodies, ond snail group of high importance in parasitological and this makes them a more available target for inva- studies; they include common pulmonate snail spe- sive miracidia. cies adapted to different types of water bodies. For Many data concerning prosobranch snails as first example, some members of this family – Planorbis pla- intermediate hosts have accumulated during over one norbis, Gyraulus rossmaessleri, Anisus leucostomus – are hundred years of European studies on snail hosts of extremely drought-resistant. This feature can play an Digenea. Bithyniidae are known to be the most important role in transmission of those parasites that strongly exploited by Digenea within prosobranchs. can adapt to surviving inside their snail hosts during However, only two out of the ten bithyniid species liv- adverse periods. However, infected individuals are ing in Europe are used as first intermediate hosts, al- more often eliminated by parasites. Other families – though the list of trematodes is quite long (Table 3). pulmonate Physidae and prosobranch Bithyniidae, Interestingly, particularly one species – Bithynia tenta- Viviparidae, Valvatidae, etc. – include (except Vivipa- culata – has been subject to parasitological studies. ridae) rather small-sized species, and studies on their Some authors (GURALNICK et al. 2004) have parasite fauna need special research methods, even emphasised the size of snail host as an important rea- though some of these snails play an important part in son for being used by numerous parasite species. The transmission of human parasites (e.g. Opisthorchis family Viviparidae includes big and medium-sized felineus). snails. From among the five species found in Europe, During the last hundred years various authors the majority (four) have been found to carry used different synonyms of species names, and differ- cercariae of different Digenea, and the number of ent systems of mollusc classification. Nowadays, ac- parasite species is relatively high (Table 4). Other cording to FALKNER et al. (2001), GLÖER & prosobranch families: Hydrobiidae and Valvatidae, MEIER-BROOK (2003) and PIECHOCKI (2008), there even though they include numerous taxa (Hydro- are 18 lymnaeid species known in Europe, which are biidae – 650 species and subspecies, Valvatidae – 12 grouped into seven genera: Omphiscola, Galba, Myxas, species living in Europe) have been poorly studied as Radix, , Catascopia, Lymnaea. Nine of these key-hosts of digenean larvae (Table 4–5). species are known as first intermediate hosts of Di- The above data show that much more attention genea. The list of parasites found in European species has been paid to studies on larval trematodes of pul- of Lymnaeidae is presented in Table 1. monates than of prosobranch gastropods. Mainly the Parasitological information on digenean cercariae families Lymnaeidae and Planorbidae have been in- in populations of different Planorbidae is relatively vestigated which results from the easier availability Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 167 and high frequency of occurrence of these snails, es- consistent for a long time. Genera including pecially the big-sized species: and small-sized species (Anisus, Planorbis, Gyraulus, Physa, corneus (PIECHOCKI 1979, JACKIEWICZ Aplexa or Potamopyrgus) as well as those living in rivers, 2000, LOY &HAAS 2001, FALTÝNKOVÁ et al. 2007, streams or water-meadows have been particularly ne- 2008). Moreover, these two snail families are mostly glected. Collecting a representative sample of such responsible for spreading of parasites which are im- species is often an arduous work because of the snail’s portant from the medical and veterinary point of minute size and specific habitat requirements. view. The interest in other snail species has been in-


Trematodes (Digenea) have intriguing life strate- position of trematodes and snails as well as frequent gies using from different vertebrate and in- instances of repeatedly describing the same species, vertebrate groups as hosts to complete their life have caused difficulties when attempting to compare cycles. Molluscs play a crucial role in the trematode data of various authors. The main consequence of us- life cycles, harbouring the proliferative stages (sporo- ing many synonyms is an unclear view of the digenean cysts, rediae) and stages responsible for further trans- biodiversity in the European populations of gastro- mission (cercariae). Thus by examining molluscs pods which in turn discourages interdisciplinary (mainly gastropods) for their parasites we can easily parasitological-malacological studies. Making an at- obtain information on trematodes present in the tempt to order the rich literature information, we in- studied ecosystems. tend to encourage experts in both disciplines to Many researchers dealing with cercariae gave new co-operate. Much new, valuable information on the names to already described species, simply because of host-parasite adaptation can be possibly gained and being unaware of the works of other authors (GALA- the results can be used to assess the evolutionary in- KTIONOV &SKIRNISSON 2000). WIKGREN (1956), for terrelationships between trematodes and their inter- example, described some cercariae as Cercariae fennica mediate hosts. I-V, DUBOIS (1929, 1934) as Cercariae helvetica I-XXXIV Here we present a survey of larval trematodes and SZIDAT (1923, 1924) as Cercaria A–C. Further- (cercariae) based on the literature from Central, more, besides the many trematode synonyms that Northern and , from the period of functioned in the parasitological literature during the the last ca. 100 years. Whenever possible, the valid last one hundred years, there are also many unidenti- name is provided (first column in the tables), accom- fied species still bearing provisional names (see panied by its synonyms (second column) or just pro- Tables 1–5). visional names making up the largest part of the list. The investigations on the natural infestation of Trematodes with a definitely unclear systematic sta- freshwater snails by larval stages of Digenea, con- tus are indicated as species incertae sedis. These in- ducted in Europe, has made it possible to compile in- clude mostly trematodes which were attributed formation on the diversity of these parasites in the erroneous, names with poor or no description of populations of their first intermediate hosts. How- their morphology. ever, the complications connected with the systematic 168 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska LS, RPG CR[2], PL[18], U[9,20], G[17], D[24], GB[49] RPG GB[6] LS, SP U[9], G[17] RPG GB[6] LS, RPG, SP, RA CR[1,2,3], PL[4], GB[5,6], IC[7], R[8], U[9], F[10] LSLS U[19] U[9,20] SP, LS U[9,20] SP F[10] LS GB[22] RA, LS U[9], PL[18] LS, RPG, SP F[10], CR[2,3], U[19], R[21], GB[25] LS, RPG, SP G[11], PL[12], CR[1] RPG, SP, LS F[13,14],GB[15], CR[1], H, SU, D [8], G [8,47] RPG CR[1] RPG U[9] SP, LS D[24], SU[26] RA U[9], D[24] LS U[9], G[17] LS, RA D[24] SP, RA, RPG CR[1,51] LS CR[2] LS CR[2] LS, SP, RA PL[4], U[9], G[17], D[24] RPG CR[3] LS CR[2] RA, SP CR[2] RASPRA CR[3] G[8] U[9] 1963) 1964) 1963) 1964) 1963) 1992) 1963) AJÍÈEK AJÍÈEK ALENTA AJÍÈEK ALENTA (Z &V AJÍÈEK &V Zdun, 1961 Khan, 1960 (Z AŠINCOVÁ Brown, 1931 sp.I(Z sp. II (Z Kotova, 1939 Zdun, 1961 Bidulina, 1958 1923) 1924) Probert, 1966 AJÍÈEK Probert, 1966 AJÍÈEK Filippi, 1855 Siebold, 1837 sp. (Yamaguti, 1933) La Valette, 1855 Siebold, 1837 Bidulina, 1958 (Miller, 1923) Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 sp.1(N ZIDAT ZIDAT S S ( ( sp.I(Z sp. II (Z C A Cercaria echinoparyphii Cercaria Cercaria cotyluri-erratici Cercaria echinata Apatemon Cercaria borysthenica Cercaria breconensis Cercaria coronata Cercaria Cercaria dioculata Cercaria bolschewensis Cercaria cinerea Apatemon minor Australapatemon Cercaria deficipinnatum Cercaria affinis Cercaria armata Cercaria auriculariae Cercaria chromatophora Apatemon burti Cercaria echinoparyphii Cercaria cristata Cercaria curtimenbranosa Apatemon Cercaria echinostomi-parauli Asymphylodora Niewiadomska, 1984 (Linstow, 1873) Dietz, 1909 (Kotova, 1939) (Bloch, 1782) (Zeder, 1800) (Yamaguti, 1933) (Miller, 1923) (Modeer, 1790) Plehn, 1905 (Fröhlich, 1791) (Rudolphi, 1819) (Rudolphi, 1819) sp. sp. sp. (Müller, 1776) sp. sp. ?Echinoparyphium recurvatum Diplostomum pseudospathaceum Cotylurus Echinoparyphium aconiatum Cotylurus cornutus Valid names/ClassificationApatemon gracilis Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Echinostoma bolschewense Australapatemon minor Strigea Azygia lucii conoideum Opisthioglyphe ranae Diplostomum Australapatemon burti Echinoparyphium Sanguinicola inermis Apharyngostrigea cornu Asymphylodora Asymphylodora tincae Table 1. Cercariae found in Lymnaeidae from European countries Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 169 RPG GB[49] LS G[17] LS U[9,20] LS GB[22] LS G[17] LS GB[49] RPG GB[6] LS G[17], GB[49] RA CR[2] LS, RPG, SP F[10] RPG GB[29] LL, SP SU[26] SPRPG, SP, LL SU[26], D[24] PL[4], SU[26] LS SU[26], R[21] LS, SP SU[26] LS, SP SU[26] LS, SP SU[26] LS SU[26] LS, RPG, LL PL[4], R[21], SU[26] LS, RPG F[10] LS, LL, SPSP CR[2], SU[26] CR[2] LS SU[26] LS, LL, SP F[10], SU[26] LL SU[26] SP, LS U[9], SU[26] LL SU[26] SPLL SU[26] SU[26] LS R[21], SU[26] 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1956) 1956) 1929) 1929) 1929) UBOIS 1929) UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS IKGREN UBOIS IKGREN Brown, 1926 La Valette, 1855 Brown, 1926 Khan, 1960 Khan, 1961 II (D XIII (D IV (D XXX (D XXXII (D XXIII (D XXXIV (D XV (D VI (D XXIV (D XVI (D V (=VII) (D IX (D XXI (D XXXI (D XXVI (D XXII (D XX (D XXV (D XXIX (D Probert, 1966 III (W IV (W Nitzsch, 1807 Bidulina, 1958 Pagenstecher, 1857 Cercaria helvetica Cercaria fennica Cercaria granulosa Cercaria glabra Cercaria essexensis Cercaria furcata Cercaria equispinosa Cercaria florensis Cercaria helvetica Cercaria fennica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria fissicauda Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria kentensis Niewiadomska, 1984 Dietz, 1909 (Rudolphi, 1819) sp. Dubois et Rausch, 1950 Australapatemon Plagiorchiidae Isthmiophora/Paryphostomum Cercaria fallax ? Valid names/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Diplostomum pseudospathaceum Diplostomidae Cotylurus brevis Diplostomum spathaceum furcocercaria – species incertae sedis Echinoparyphium aconiatum Table 1 continued 170 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska CR[28], U[9,20], G[17], D[24] RPG GB[48] LS, SP G[17] RA U[9] LS U[9] RPG GB[6] LS, RA, SP CR[2,3], R[21], F[27] RPG U[9] LS U[9], G[17] RPG GB[49] LS PL[18,23] LS, RPG GB[30] SP SU[26] RPGSP GB[6,15] U[9] LSLS U[20], PL[18] U[9] LS, SP, RPG, RA CR[2], F[10], U[9,20],G[17], SU[26], D[24] LS, RPG, SP PL[18], G[17], GB[16], SU[26], D[24] RPG GB[49] LS, RA, RPG [GB [16, 31, 48] LS GB[49] LS PL[23] LS U[20] SP F[10] RA, LS, RPG, SP GT CR[28], U[9], G[17] SP GB[25] RA, LL SU[26], D[24] RPG GB[49] LS R[21] LS, SP U[9], PL[4], D[24] Linstow, 1884 1884 Linstow, 1884 , Zdun, 1961 Szidat et Wigand, 1934 Brown, 1926 Iles, 1959 Riech, 1927 Brown, 1926 Iles, 1959 Lühe, 1909 Linstow, 1884 Probert, 1965 Zdun, 1961 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Brown, 1926 Ginetsinskaya, 1959 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Zdun, 1951 Zdun, 1961 Seifert, 1926 Sinitzin, 1905 La Valette, 1855 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Probert, 1966 Zdun, 1951 Fuhrmann, 1916 La Valette, 1855 Brown, 1929 Linstow Zdun, 1961 Sinitzin, 1905 Cercaria tetraglandis Cercaria tenuispina Cercaria stylosa Cercaria stagnalis Cercaria spiralis Cercaria spinulosa Cercaria secunda Cercaria pulicis Cercaria pseudogracilis Cercaria pseudocellata Cercaria pendulina Cercaria prima Cercaria ornata Cercaria paracauda Cercaria onusta Cercaria ocellata Cercaria monostomi Cercaria micromorpha Cercaria microcaeca Cercaria macrosoma Cercaria longiremis Cercaria longeava Cercaria linearis Cercaria limnaeae ovatae Cercaria limnaeae truncatulae Cercaria limbifera Cercaria letifera Cercaria leptosoma Cercaria laticaudata Cercaria laticauda (La Valette, 1855) (Nordmann, 1832) (Molin, 1859) sp. sp. sp. Ichthyocotylurus Haematoloechus similis Cercaria similis Paralepoderma Plagiorchis ? ? species incertae sedis ? species incertae sedis Trichobilharzia szidati Notocotylidae species incertae sedis Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae Tylodelphys clavata Moliniella anceps Valid names/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Table 1 continued Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 171 CR[1,3,28], GB[5], IC[7], PL[4], F[10], U[9] L[32], R[8], CR[34], PL[33] PL[33], L[32], CR[1,34] FR,GB[8], CR[1,34], F[13,14,27], PL[12],G[11, L[32], 47] [CR [1,2,28, 34], PL[12,18,23],47], F[13,14], U[9,19], G SU[26] [11, CR [1,2,28,34], PL [4,45],GB[16, L[45], 48], G[11], IC[7], F[14], U[19], R[21] GT U[9] SP U[9] LS U[9] RA, RPG, LS, RM, SP LSLS, SP, GT, RA CR[28], F[13,14], U[19] CR[2,3] LS, RPG PL[18], D[24] LS U[19], R[21] LS, RPGRA, RPGRPG CR[28], U[9] L[32] PL[32] SP, LS CR[28], R[21] RPG GB[5] RA, RPGRPG, RA, SP, LS, SC R[8], L[32] RA, RPG, SC, SP RPG L[32], GB [48] LS, RA, RPG, SP RPGLS, RPG, RALS, RA, RPG, SC, CR[2,28], SP GB[5,48], F[35], L[32] IC[7] LS, RA, RPG, RM, SP RPGLL, LSSP, LS U[9] SU[26] PL, FR, R[8] LS FR, SU [8], GB[8,50], F[27] 1959) 1959) Fuhrmann, 1916 1931) 1931) INETSINSKAYA Rudolphi, 1809 INETSINSKAYA Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 ETERSEN ETERSEN . sp sp.I(G sp. II (G 1(P 3(P Cercaria Cercaria vulgaris Cercaria trifida Cercaria vacua Cotylurus erraticus Cotylurus Cotylurus Cercaria Cotylurus Cercarieum squamosum Niewiadomska, 1984 (Linstow, 1873) Dietz, 1909 Dubois, 1932 (Diesing, 1850) (Iles, 1959) (Creplin, 1829) (Rudolphi, 1819) (Rudolphi, 1819) Shigin, 1965 (Faust, 1918) Dubois, 1932 (Rudolphi, 1819) Dubois, 1937 Dubois et Rausch, 1950 sp. sp. species incertae sedis Valid names/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Cotylurus Diplostomum baeri Diplostomum commutatum Diplostomum gobiorum Cyclocoelum microstomum Diplostomum mergi Diplostomum paracaudum Diplostomum parviventosum Diplostomum phoxini Diplostomum pseudospathaceum Diplostomum Diplostomum spathaceum Echinoparyphium aconiatum Echinoparyphium recurvatum Codonocephalus urniger Cotylurus brevis Cotylurus cornutus Table 1 continued 172 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska CR[1,2,28, 34], PL[12], G[11], U[19], R[21] G[11], CR[1,2,28, 34], PL[12],IC[7], F[13,14], U[9], GB[5], R[21] CR[1,28], [PL[12, 44], F[10,13,14],GB[5], G[11,47], IC[7], U[9], R[21], SU[26], D[24] SP[43] CR[1,2,28, 34], PL[12], G[11] U[9,19], R[21] RA G[11], CR[46] LS,RA,RPG, SP, SC RPG CR[28] LS, RPG, SP F[10] SP CR[1] LS, RPG PL[18,23], GB[16], U[9] SP G[38] LS, RA, RPG, SP RPG CR[36] RPG, RM G[11], CR[1] LS, SC, SP CR[1,37], PL[12] GT U[9], PL[41], FR[42], D[24] LS, RPGLS, RA PL[12] CR[34], F[13,14], G[11] CR[1,34], PL[12] RPG, GT, LSLS GB[5], G[11],LS, U[9], SP, RA, D[24] RPG RPGLS U[9] RPGLS, RA, SP, SC, CR[1] ST, RPG G[47] CR[1] LSLS, SP, RPG, SC CR[1,2,28, 34], PL[4,12], G[11,47], F[10,13,14], CR[34] RPG(?) U[9] LS, SP CR[1] RPG F[10] 1934) 1992) 1963) UND -L (Rudolphi, 1819) AŠINCOVÁ AJÍÈEK ESENBERG sp. (Z sp.2(N I(W Paryphostomum Furcocercaria Echinoparyphium Hemistomum spathaceum sp. (Bellingham,1844) (Dujardin, 1845) (Bloch, 1782) (Zeder, 1800) (Rudolphi, 1809) (Fröhlich, 1802 ) (Rudolphi, 1809) (Rudolphi, 1819) (Fröhlich, 1791) Brendow, 1970 (Bassi, 1875) (Schrank, 1788) (Rudolphi, 1802) Fuhrmann, 1919 Shaldybin, 1953 Cobbold, 1856 (Molin, 1859) (Linnaeus, 1758) Baylis, 1936 sp. sp. sp. Isthmiophora melis/?Paryphostomum ? Palaeorchis Paryphostomum radiatum Omphalometra flexuosa Opisthioglyphe ranae Notocotylus Notocotylus seineti Notocotylus ralli Valid names/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Notocotylus attenuatus Fascioloides magna Plagiorchis maculosus Plagiorchis neomidis Hypoderaeum Isthmiophora melis Leptophallus nigrovenosus Moliniella anceps Neoglyphe sobolevi Echinostoma revolutum Fasciola gigantica Fasciola hepatica Plagiorchis elegans Haplometra cylindracea Table 1 continued Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 173 LES . OMBES (1989); (2005); [35] (1958); [21] – ISELIENE et al. (2007); [28] – et al. (1992); [41] – &K Galba truncatula (1973); [8] – C (1994). , U – Ukraine. IDULINA ALTÝNKOVÁ et al. (2000); [15] – I -B LAIR ;–GT– AZUBSKA CHOLZ OLÁØOVÁ -K ALTÝNKOVÁ &S ÄYRYNEN RABDA S. turricula (1987); [34] – F (1966a); [7] – B HERNOGORENKO AŠINCOVÁ ;ST– (1964); [40] – K ; R – Russia, SU – Suisse (1929); [27] – F Radix labiata SOK ROBERT -K and IEWIADOMSKA (1990); [45] – G UBOIS et al. (1997); [14] – V S. palustris G[11], CR[1] CR[1,2], PL[12,39], U[19] GB[48] CR[1,2,3,28,34,40], F[13,14], R[21], PL[4,12,18,23], G[11,47], FR,SU,D[8] (1977); [20] – C (1960); [51] – N ;SP– ISELIENE OBIATYÑSKA ASIR (1966); [6] – P &K IEWIADOMSKA (1994); [33] – N (1931); [26] – D ILLIAMS ; L – Lithuania; PL – Poland AZUBSKA LS, SP, RA, RPG LS, RA PL[39], U[19] RPG, RA, LS, SP RA CR[28] LS, SPRARA, LS, RPG, RM F[10] CR[34], PL[12] RA, LS, RPG CR[1,3,28,34], PL[4,8,12],G[11], U[19] LS, SP U[19], R[21] LS U[19], R[21] LS, RA U[19], R[21] RPG R[21] RA, LS, SP CR[28], U[19], R[21] SP U[19] RA G[11] LS R[21] LS CR[28], R[21] HERNOGORENKO ROWN K ISELIENE (1966); [39] – B (1926); [50] – N ;SC– &K RABDA- (2007); [13] – N are recognized as 1959) 1977) 1959) 1959) 1959) 1959) 1959) ROWN DENING 1959) (1958); [5] – W (1934); [25] – B (1974); [19] – C BIKOWSKA Lymnaea limosa IEWIADOMSKA UND IŒNIEWSKI L INETSINSKAYA INETSINSKAYA ;LL– INETSINSKAYA INETSINSKAYA INETSINSKAYA INETSINSKAYA ovata INETSINSKAYA (2007); [49] – B HERNOGORENKO et al. (2000); [44] – G (Mehlis, 1846) and V(G EWIS ESENBERG- . OJCIECHOWSKA (2006); [12] – ¯ et al. (1989); [38] – O NTOLI sp.I(G sp. VI (G sp. II (G sp sp. IV (G sp. VII (G sp. III (G (1965a); [32] – N &L A (1964); [4] – W AAS &W sp. III (C &H Lymnaea stagnalis UNOZ- ORLEY AŠINCOVÁ ROBERT ALENTA ERTMAN ; G – Germany; GB – Great Britain; , IC – Iceland ;LS– &V (1980); [24] – W Radix peregra peregra Sanguinicola Tylodelphys coniferum Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria ALTÝNKOVÁ AJÍÈEK R. ampla ERTMAN (2001); [48] – M (1961b); [31] – P ;RM– 1 (1909); [18] – B AAS et al. (2005); [43] – M HAN et al. (2006); [37] – N &H ÜHE (1956); [11] – F group (1963); [3] – Z OY REYFUSS ; F – Finland; FR – France (1960a); [23] – B AJÍÈEK IKGREN ALTÝNKOVÁ HAN Radix peregra (1961a); [30] – K Ejsmont, 1926 (1966b); [17] – L HAN ; D – Denmark (Odening, 1966) Mûller et Kimmig, 1994 (1958); [42] – D Plehn, 1905 ; RPG – (1992); [2] – Z (Nordmann, 1832) (1961); [10] – W et al. (1993); [47] – L ROBERT group – according to present nomenclature RÓ¯D¯ (1959); [22] – K sp. sp. DUN Mathias, 1925 et al. (2006); [36] – F &D sp. AŠINCOVÁ (1963); [29] – K AŠINCOVÁ Radix peregra ARVONEN – INETSINSKAYA HOWANIEC DÁRSKÁ Sanguinicola Sanguinicola inermis Sanguinicola intermedia Valid names/ClassificationPlagiorchis Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Trichobilharzia franki Trichobilharzia szidati Tylodelphys clavata Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae Sphaerostoma Strigea tarda Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchiidae *** [1] – N C G [46] – N ** CR – Czech Republic –K Z Table 1 continued *RA– 1 (1980); [9] – Z (1959); [16] – P 174 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska GB[19,25], R[4], U[6], D[16], F[29] PP GB[26] PCPP U[6,7] PL[9], G[15], U[8], D[16] PP, PC, AV, BCPC PL[3,10], U[6,7], G[15], D[16] U[6], D[16] PP GB[25] PK GB[21] PP, PU U[6,7], D[16] ASBC GB[27] R[4] PP U[6] AV, PM, PS, PP, GAAS, SN, AV, BC, AL, PP PL, CR[2], R, PL[3], G[1] R[4] PSPPP U[6] GB[25] PSP, ASP U[6] AL., AV, BC, GAPP, PK, AV, AL, BC, SN R, G, SU, CR[5], H[1], F[29] CR[5] PP, AV, BC, GA, SN CR[31] AV, PP, BC, GA, SN CR[2,5], U[8], R[4] BC, AV, AL, SN R, G[1] PK, PM SU[17,18] PC PL[3] PM, PK SU[17,18] PM SU[17] GL, P U[6], PL[9] SN, GA G[14] AV, SN CR[5,11] PP, PC, AV, BC CR[2,5,11], PL[3,9,10,13,24], 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) UBOIS Khan, 1962 UBOIS UBOIS Khan, 1961 UBOIS Brown, 1931 Khan, 1960 U. Szidat, 1936 Khan, 1961 Pagenstecher, 1857 Zdun, 1961 Nitzsch, 1807 V (=VII) (D XXIV (D XXXI(D VI (D Ginetsinskaya, 1959 La Valette, 1855 Bidulina, 1958 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 Cercaria helvetica Cercaria gracilis Cercaria hamptonensis Cercaria frederiksborgensis Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Cercaria glauca Cercaria ephemera Cercaria edgwarensis Cercaria echinomorpha Cercaria diplocotylea Cercaria contorti Cercaria complexiglandulosa Cercaria kenilworthensis Cercaria clara Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria ignota Cercaria helvetica Cercaria choanophila Cercaria cellularia (Zeder, 1800) (Pallas, 1760) Yamaguti, 1933 (Miller, 1923) (Modeer, 1790) (Nitzsch, 1807) (Kowalewski, 1895) (Fröhlich, 1789) (Rudolphi, 1809) (Rudolphi, 1819) sp. (Goeze, 1782) sp. Notocotylus ephemera Diplodiscus subclavatus Apatemon gracilis Apharyngostrigea cornu Valid nameAlaria alata Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Australapatemon minor Bilharziella polonica Australapatemon burti Asymphylodora tincae Asymphylodora Cathaemasia hians species incertae sedis Catatropis verrucosa Catatrophis Table 2. Cercariae found in Planorbiidae in European countries Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 175 AV, PU F[23], H[22], U[6] PC U[6,7] PC PL[10], U[6], G[15], D[16] PP U[6] PK GB[21] PC PL[9] PP U[6] PC CR[2], U[7] PCPC GB[27] U[6], G[15] GL, PC, AV, GAPP, PC U[6], G[15], D[16] U[6], PL[9,10] PC U[6,7] AV, BC, PC U[6], G[15] PP GB[19] PC U[6,7], PL[10] PP U[6,7] PK U[6] PPPC U[6] U[6], G[15] PK GB[21] PP PL[20] PC, PP, PK PL[9], SU[17] AF U[6] PP U[6,7] PP U[6,7] PP PL[9] PC GB[26] PC PL[10], U[6,7], D[16] PP PL[9], U[6,7] Filippi, 1854 Skworzow, 1924 Khan, 1962 Zdun, 1959 Brown, 1931 Lühe, 1909 Bidulina, 1958 Khan, 1960 Sonsino, 1982 Iles, 1959 Brown, 1931 Linstow, 1896 Zdun, 1961 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Szidat, 1932 Braun, 1891 La Valette, 1855 Niewiadomska, 1966 Bidulina, 1958 Zdun, 1961 Bidulina, 1958 Zdun, 1961 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Looss, 1896 Zdun, 1961 La Valette, 1855 Bidulina, 1958 Sinitzin, 1905 Zdun, 1959 Linstow, 1884 Cercaria splendens Cercaria spinosa Cercaria spinifera Cercaria radiata Cercaria pygocytophora Cercaria pusilla Cercaria pulchra Cercaria pseudoornata Cercaria pugio Cercaria pseudolinearis Cercaria prima Cercaria pseudogracilis Cercaria planorbis cornei Cercaria planorbis carinati Cercaria planorbida Cercaria pilosa Cercaria pigmentata Cercaria ornata Cercaria oscillatoria Cercaria pendulina Cercaria onusta Cercaria notabilis Cercaria monostomi Cercaria mirabilis Cercaria media Cercaria markewitschi Cercaria longiremis Cercaria londonensis Cercaria linearis Cercaria lacustris (Looss, 1899) sp. (Müller, 1776) zygia lucii A species incertae sedis species incertae sedis Asymphylodora Haematoloechus asper species incertae sedis Valid name Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Table 2 continued 176 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska AL, AS, PU, PP CR[2,5], PL[3,13], U[6], D[16] PP U[6,7] PC PL[10], U[6] PP GB[26] PC GB[19] AL, AV CR[2], G[15] PCPCAV, PPPP, AV, BC, AL., GAPP CR[2,5,11], PL[3], U[8] R[4], U[8] CR[2] PL[1] R[1,4] PC, AV CR[2], U[8] PC, AV CR[2], PL[10], U[6] PCPKPC, PP, SN PL[9] FR, R[1] SU[17] PC CR[5] PC U[8] PP, PC, AV PL[9], CR[2] PC, PP, BC, GA CR[5,11], PL[10,13] PPGA, BC G[12] CR[5] PC, AV, BC CR[2] PP, GA, AL, AV, GA R[1], CR[5] AV G[12] ALPC G[1] CR[5,11], PL[13] AV PL[1] 1977) 1977) 1992) (Linstow, (Linstow, Dietz, 1909 Fuhrmann, 1916 (Fröhlich, 1802) (La Valette, 1855) 1931) Zdun, 1959 Iles, 1959 Khan, 1960 HERNOGORENKO AŠINCOVÁ HERNOGORENKO La Valette, 1855, Linstow, 1884 Bidulina, 1958 2(N III (C ETERSEN . . sp sp.I(C sp 1(P Cercaria Cercaria zduni Cercaria vilanoviensis Cercaria thamesensis Cercaria tetraglandis Cercaria stylosa Cotylurus Cercarieum squamosum Cotylurus Cotylurus Echinoparyphium aconiatum Echinoparyphium recurvatum 1873) Echinoparyphium recurvatum 1873) Echinostoma revolutum Trichobilharzia ocellata Cercaria spinifera (Braun, Khalifa, 1974 (Cort et (Creplin, 1829) Dönges, 1964 (La Valette, 1855) (Pallas, 1760) Looss, 1899 (Rudolphi, 1808) sp. sp. Dubois et Rausch, 1950 sp. sp. species incertae sedis Valid namespecies incertae sedis Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Cyclocoelum microstomum Dendritobilharzia pulverulenta 1901) Diplodiscus subclavatus Diplostomum micradenum Brackett, 1938) species incertae sedis Cotylurus Cotylurus brevis Cotylurus cornutus Echinoparyphium pseudorecurvatum Kiseliene et Grabda-Kazubska, 1990 ?Gigantobilharzia Echinostoma spiniferum Echinostoma Gigantobilharzia Gigantobilharzia mazuriana Haematoloechus asper Gigantobilharzia suebica Table 2 continued Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 177 PPPP, AVPP CR[5] G[12] PL[9] PP, PC, AV, GA PL[9], CR[2] PP, PC, AL, AV, BC, GA, SN, AS CR[2,5,11],U[8], R[4] PP B[30] PKPPPC, GA, PP G[14] PL[9], CR[2], U[6], R[4] G[14] AV, BC, AL G[14] PPPCPC G[1] CR[5,11], PL[13] CR[5,11], PL[13], G[14] PC, AVAV, GA CR[2] G[1] GA, SN, BCPPSN, PP, AV, AL., BC, GA CR[5,11], PL[13] CR[5] U[8] PP U[6] PP, AVPC CR[2] U[6] AV CR[2] PPPCPP, BC U[8] U[8] CR[5] PP B[30] PP U[6] GA, SN CR[28] 1977) 1992) (Bloch, 1782) AŠINCOVÁ (Fröhlich, 1791) (Looss, 1899) HERNOGORENKO (Molin, 1859) sp.1(N sp.I(C sp. Hypoderaeum conoideum Skrjabinoeces similis Notocotylus Moliniella anceps Paryphostomum Petasiger Opisthioglyphe ranae Ejsmont, (Linstow, Dubois, 1937 (Rudolphi, Büttner, 1951 Ishii, 1935 (Dujardin,1845) L. et U. Szidat (Rudolphi, 1809) (Vulpian, 1858) (Looss, 1899) (Zeder, 1970) (Nitzsch, 1807) Szidat, 1928 (Linstow, 1894) Joyeux, 1922 (Kossack, 1910) (Rudolphi, 1819) Harwood, 1939 Baylis, 1936 sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. Haematoloechus variegatus Halipegus ovocaudatus species incertae sedis 1819) species incertae sedis Haematoloechus similis Valid nameHaematoloechus Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Notocotylus regis Notocotylus Notocotylus ralli Neoglyphe locellus Notocotylus ephemera Notocotylus noyeri Neodiplostomum attenuatum Neodiplostomum spathoides 1906) Paramphistomum cervi Parastrigea robusta Paryphostomum radiatum Paralepoderma Parafasciolopsis fasciolaemorpha 1932 Paralepoderma progenetica Palaeorchis Notocotylus thienemanni Omphalometra flexuosa ?Paralepoderma 1933 ?Petasiger pungens Petasiger grandivesicularis Patagifer bilobus Table 2 continued 178 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska A. et al. (1958); (1931); sp.; AL – ROWN (2007); [14] – IDULINA ALTÝNKOVÁ -B Anisus BIKOWSKA ; ASP – (1966); [21] – B ; S – Spain; SU – Suisse. HERNOGORENKO et al. (1993); [29] – F (2006); [13] – ¯ ; R – Russia Segmentina nitida AAS IEWIADOMSKA AŠINCOVÁ &H ;SN– (1961); [7] – C DUN , P – Portugal ALTÝNKOVÁ (1959); [20] – N (1962a); [28] – N LES HAN (1992); [6] – Z . ;PC– (2005); [12] – F AŠINCOVÁ (1934); [19] – I (1960a); [27] – K UBOIS ALTÝNKOVÁ P. umbilicatus Ancylus fluviatilis HAN PU – AV U[6] PC CR[5,11], PL[13] PP, PKPP, PKSN, AV, AL, GAPC PL[3], R, G[1] G[12], CR[5] CR[5,11], R, G[1], U[8] CR[5,11], PL[13] PC CR[5,11], G[1], PL[3,10,13],U[6] PPPPAV, BC G[1] R[4] U[6] PC U[8] ; H – Holland; IC – Iceland; PL – Poland (1959); [5] – N AF – (1959); [11] – F (1929); [18] – D DUN (1961b); [26] – K INETSINSKAYA P. septemgyratus; UBOIS HAN PS – HERNOGORENKO GA – Gyraulus albus, ; (1994). (1974); [10] – Z (1958); [4] – G sp. VI (C (1934); [17] – D ; G – Germany; GB – Great Britain P. marginatus; (1972); [25] – K CHOLZ UND -L &S IŒNIEWSKI PM – HALIFA OJCIECHOWSKA ; F – Finland Bathyomphalus contortus Xiphidiocercaria 1977) ESENBERG &W AŠINCOVÁ P. carinatus; BC – (1963); [3] – W ERTMAN (1956); [24] – K ;PK– ; D – Denmark A. vortex; (Barker et DÁRSKÁ Soltys, 1954 Z (1909); [16] – W IKGREN (1997); [31] – N (Nordmann, AV – (Rudolphi, P. planorbis ÜHE (Rudolphi, 1814) Szidat, 1928 (1977); [9] – B (Rudolphi, 1803) Skrjabin, 1923 (Mehlis, 1846) (1980); [2] – sp.; PP – A. spirorbis; OSTADINOVA (1957); [23] – W AS – OMBES (1966); [15] – L Planorbis ROEK HERNOGORENKO DENING Strigea falconis falconis Stichorchis subtriquetrus 1819) Posthodiplostomum cuticola 1832) Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis Laughlin, 1911) Rubenstrema exasperatum Rubenstrema opisthovitellinum Valid namePosthodiplostomum brevicaudatum (Nordmann, 1832) Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Tracheophylus sisowi Tylodelphys conifera Tylodelphys excavata [8]–C [22] – B (2007); [30] – K O Table 2 continued * PSP – leucostomus; ***[1] – C ** B – Bulgaria; CZ – Czech Republic Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 179 GB[14] GB[9] CR[3] U[6] PL[1] U[6] GB[9,11] GB[10] GB[11] F[7], U[4], D[12] PL[1], G[8] U[6] CR[2] SU[13] CR[3], U[4], F[7], SU[13], D[12] GB[15], CR[3], SU[13] F[7], PL[1], SU[13] SU[13] CR[3], SU[13] SU[13] CR[3] U[4], R[5], A, B[24] G[8] GB[11] F[7] F[7] G[8] U[4], D[12] F[7] PL[1], SU[13] BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT, BL BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT 1992) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1929) 1956) 1956) 1929) 1956) 1929) UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS UBOIS AŠINCOVÁ D UBOIS Ercolani, 1882 ( UBOIS IKGREN IKGREN IKGREN Filippi, 1854 Probert, 1965 1924) Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 W Khan, 1960 ( W Keulen, 1981 ( Khan, 1962 Khan, 1962 (Rudolphi, 1819) VIII X(D XII (D XVIII (D IX (D XVII (D I(D XI (D Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 I II V(W La Valette, 1855 Khan, 1960 Siebold, 1837 sp.2(N Zdun, 1955 Skworcow, 1924 ZIDAT C(S Cercaria densacutis Cercaria dyjannae Cercaria echinatoides Cercaria fennica Apatemon gracilis Cercaria albinea Cercaria ariformis Cercaria cordiformis Cercaria cristata Cercaria curta Cercaria cystogenata Asymphylodora Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria helvetica Cercaria acris Cercaria armata Cercaria bithyniae Cercaria Cercaria fennica Cercaria fulvopunctata Cercaria grandis Cercaria helvetica Cercaria fennica Cercaria helvetica (Fröhlich 1789) sp. sp. sp. Valid nameAustralapatemon Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Asymphylodora species incertae sedis Sanguinicola Catatropis verrucosa Table 3. Cercariae found in Bithyniidae from European countries 180 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska GB[15] G[8], D[12] GB[17] U[4], D[12] Pl [1], G[8], D[12] GB[22] U[4,6], D[12] GB[9,14,17], U[4,6], G[8], SU[13], D[12] U[4] PL[1], U[4], D[12] GB[15] U[4] U[4,6], G[8], D[12] U[4], D[12] U[4,6] U[4,6], D[12] PL[1], U[4], G[8], D[12] GB[10] G[8] GB[11] U[4,6,19], D[12] GB[16] U[4] GB[11] PL[1], G[8], D[12] GB[15] GB[14] GB[16] U[4], SU[13], D[12] U[4], D[12] SU[13] BT BT BT BT BT BT, BL BT BT, BL BT BT BT BT BT, BL BT BL BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT 1929) 1929) UBOIS (Filippi, 1854) UBOIS 1931) Probert, 1965 Probert, 1966 Probert, 1965 Khan, 1962 Filippi, 1857 Probert, 1965 Filippi, 1857 Diesing, 1850 Probert, 1966 Looss, 1896 Llewelyn, 1957 Bidulina, 1958 Linstow, 1873 Filippi, 1858 XIX (D XXVIII (D Filippi, 1857 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Probert, 1965 Filippi, 1857 Zdun, 1961 Khan, 1961 Iles, 1959 Looss, 1896 Pagenstecher, 1857 Ercolani, 1881 Zdun, 1961 Sonsino, 1892 Khan, 1961 ETERSEN 4(P Cercaria tuberculata Cercaria unistoma Cercaria vesiculosa Cercaria virgula Cercaria vivacis Cercaria vivax Cercaria Cercaria lorata Cercaria micrura Cercaria minuta Cercaria nodosa Cercaria nodulosa Cercaria obscura Cercaria oviformis Cercaria paludinae impurae Cercaria papillosa Cercaria papillosoma Cercaria parva Cercaria parvus Cercaria pusilla Cercaria spatulata Cercaria subulo Cercaria tarda Cercaria triglandularis Cercaria lahtinensis Cercaria llangorsensis Cercaria lophocerca Cercaria helvetica Cercaria imbricata Cercaria helvetica Cercaria hirsuticauda (Looss, 1896) sp. Palaeorchis Valid name Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Notocotylus imbricatus Table 3 continued Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 181 GB[11,23] U[19] GB[11] F[7] F[7] F[7] F[7] CR[3] GB[10], CR[3] FR[18] CR, R[18] PL[1] GB[18] SU[13] GB[11] F[7] CR[18] G[18] CR[18] GB[23] G[20], CR[18], R[21] CR[3] R[21], CR[3] F[7] G[20] R[21], CR[3] BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BTBTBTBTBT G [20] G [20] G [20] G [20] G [20] BT BT BT BT BT 2006) 2006) 2006) 2006) 2006) AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS 1956) &H &H &H &H &H IKGREN 1977) (W 1909) 1909) 1909) ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ 1929) F F F F F ÜHE ÜHE ÜHE UBOIS B(L C(L A(L I(D Khan, 1962 Khan, 1962 HERNOGORENKO (Rudolphi, 1808) Asymphylodora tincae sp.I(C of Cercarieum bithyneae Cercarieum helveticum Gymnocephalous cercaria Gymnocephalous cercaria Cercarieum internale Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 1 ( Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 2 ( Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 3 ( Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 4 ( Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 5 ( Cotylurus cornutus Gymnocephalous cercaria Cercarieum Notocotylus Diesing, 1850 (Szidat, 1933) Sudarikov, 1962 Vojtkova, 1968 Opravilova, 1968 (Creplin, 1846) Khan, 1962 (Looss, 1893) Sudarikov, 1974 Heinemann, 1937 (Modeer, 1790) Szidat, 1936 Diesing, 1839 Mathias, 1935 (Wiœniewski, 1934) sp. sp. sp. Valid name Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Notocotylus triserialis species incertae sedis Cyathocotyle bithyniae Cyathocotyle bushiensis Cyathocotyle gravieri Cyathocotyle opaca Cyathocotyle Diplostomum petromyzi-fluviatilis Echinochasmus Asymphylodora tincae Holostephanus cobitidis Holostephanus curonensis Holostephanus dubinini Holostephanus luehei Holostephanus volgensis Metorchis intermedius Metorchis Metorchis xanthosomus Notocotylus imbricatus Table 3 continued 182 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska LES (1956); ROBERT IKGREN et al. (2002); [22] – I (1965b); [15] – P TAEV (1958); [7] – W ROBERT IDULINA , D – Denmark. -B (2006); [21] – A U[4] CR[2], R[5,21], U[19] U[19] U[19] G[20], R[21], GB[14,23], CR[3] CR[3] CR[2], U[4], R[5,21] CR[3] CR[3] CR[3] CR[3] U[19] F[7], U[19], R[5] CR[3] GB[23] CR[3] CR[3], U[4], GB[23] R[21] (1929); [14] – P AAS &H UBOIS HERNOGORENKO ALTÝNKOVÁ , F – Finland, FR – France BL BT, BL BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT, BL BT, BL BT BT BT BT BT (1934); [13] – D (1959); [6] – C UND -L , U – Ukraine (1977); [20] – F INETSINSKAYA ESENBERG 1977) , R – Russia 1977) HERNOGORENKO 1992) 1992) 1992) 1992) 1992) (1961); [5] – G , G – Germany DUN HERNOGORENKO et al. (2004); [12] – W AŠINCOVÁ AŠINCOVÁ AŠINCOVÁ AŠINCOVÁ AŠINCOVÁ HERNOGORENKO (1980); [19] – C VII (C ORLEY . sp.6(N sp.2(N sp.3(N sp.4(N sp sp.1(N (1992); [4] – Z OMBES sp. II (C AŠINCOVÁ (1994). (1962b); [11] – M Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Xiphidiocercaria Sanguinicola (1966b); [18] – C ANEV HAN (1963); [3] – N ROBERT . DÁRSKÁ Z (2007), [24] – K B. leachi (1960b); [10] – K EWIS HAN (Rudolphi, 1819) (1966a); [17] – P (Mühling, 1898) ;BL– (Olsson, 1876) (Mühling, 1898) Filippi, 1857 &L Rudolphi, 1803 (Müller, 1776) (Rivolta, 1884) (1958); [2] – sp. ROBERT ORLEY sp. , B – Bulgaria, CZ – Czech Republic, GB – Great Britain; PL – Poland sp. (1909); [9] – K IŒNIEWSKI ÜHE Bithynia tentaculata Palaeorchis Valid nameOpisthorchis felineus Synonyms/Provisional names Snail species* Country** [References***] Parasymphylodora Pleurogenoides medians Sphaeridiotrema globulus Sphaerostoma bramae Prostogonimus ovatus Sphaerostoma Psilotrema simillimum Psilotrema spiculigerum Psilotrema tuberculata *** [1] – W [8]–L Table 3 continued *BT – (1965a); [16] – P (1959); [23] – M ** A – Austria Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 183 U[1] R[10] U[3], D[12] U[3,4] U[3,4] U[1,4] U[3], D[12] F[15] U[4], G[6] GB[14] U[3], D[12] U[3], D[12] U[1] G[6] U[3] G[6] U[3,4] U[4], PL[5] U[3] PL[5] PL[2], U[1,3], G[6] CR[11], PL[5], U[4] G[6] U[3] U[3] R[10] PL[2], G[6] PL[9] U[1,4] U[3] VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VC VM VV,VA VC,VV VC,VV VV, VF Zdun, 1959 Kotova, 1939 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 Filippi, 1854 Linstow, 1896 Khan, 1961 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Filippi, 1857 Diesing, 1850 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Zdun, 1961 Bidulina, 1958 Ginetsinskaya, 1959 Ginetsinskaya, 1959 Looss, 1896 Cort, 1914 Lutta, 1934 La Valette, 1855 La Valette, 1855 Filippi, 1857 Pagenstecher, 1857 Looss, 1896 Zdun, 1961 Pagenstecher, 1857 Bidulina, 1958 Sonsino, 1892 Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 Cercaria abyssicola Cercaria adiposa Cercaria aquatica Cercaria bolschewensis Cercaria cellulosa Cercaria cristata Cercaria abyssalis Cercaria cristocorpa Cercaria gibba Cercaria longiremis Cercaria lophocerca Cercaria magna Cercaria membranosa Cercaria microcotyla Cercaria mona Cercaria monostomi Cercaria mutila Cercaria pseudogracilis Cercaria pugnax Cercaria pusilla Cercaria subulo Cercaria transversalis Cercaria trivolvis Cercaria valvatae Cercaria vesiculosa Cercaria virgula Cercaria vivax Cercaria viviparae (Kotova, 1939) sp. sp. sp. sp. Ichthyocotylurus Valid name/ClassificationAsymphylodora Australapatemon Echinostoma Synonyms/Provisional bolschewense namesSanguinicola Snails species* Country** [References***] ? Table 4. Cercariae found in Valvatidae and Viviparidae from European countries 184 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska (1909); [7] – (1980); [14] – ÜHE OMBES (1974); [6] – L U[3,4] PL[5], U[4], D[12] G[13] CR[11], PL[5] L[16] CR[7] L[16] F[15] CR[7,8], G,PL[13], U[3,13] PL[2], CR[7] CR[11] PL[2], G,R[13] PL[9], F[15], L[16], R[10] (1934); [13] – C UND -L OJCIECHOWSKA &W ESENBERG VP VP VP VV VV VV VC VM VC, VV VC, VV VC, VV VV,VA VP, VM, VL ERTMAN V. macrostoma (1963); [12] – W ;VM– (1958); [5] – B DÁRSKÁ Z V. pulchella IDULINA -B ;VL– (1959); [11] – (1991). ; U – Ukraine. Dietz, 1909 HERNOGORENKO Bidulina, 1958 Valvata piscinalis 1931) INETSINSKAYA Plehn, 1905 ISELIENE (Fröhlich, 1791) (Creplin, 1825) ;VP– &K (1961); [4] – C ETERSEN 1(P DUN AZUBSKA V. fasciatus K (1958); [10] – G ;VF– ; L – Lithuania; PL – Poland RABDA- Cercaria viviparae secunda Cercaria Cotylurus variegatus Echinoparyphium aconiatum Opisthioglyphe ranae Sanguinicola inermis IŒNIEWSKI (2004); [3] – Z V. acerosus ;VA– E¯EWSKI (1991); [9] – W (Filippi, 1854) et al. (2007); [16] – G V. viviparus (Creplin, 1825) Skrjabin, 1915 (Creplin, 1825) (1977); [2] – J Katsurada, 1914 AŠINCOVÁ (Kotova, 1939) ;VV– ; G – Germany; GB – Great Britain (Linstow, 1877) ALTÝNKOVÁ sp. (1992); [8] – N HERNOGORENKO Viviparus contectus (1961a); [15] – F AŠINCOVÁ HAN Valid name/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snails species* Country** [References***] species incertae sedis Echinoparyphium mordwilkoi Echinostoma bolschewense Ichthyocotylurus platycephalus Ichthyocotylurus variegatus Linstowiella viviparae Neoacanthoparyphium echinatoides species incertae sedis Paracoenogonimus ovatus Sanguinicola N K Table 4 continued *VC– ** CR – Czech Republic *** [1] – C Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 185 LNPFPF U[3] CR[6] CR[6,7] LNPF, ALALALFA, FEFA, FE, B[4] TF, CR[16] LN CR[7] U[1,2] G[9] U[1] PFPF CR[6], D[12] CR[6] PF, ALLN PL[5] U[3] FA, FEPFFA, FELNLN U[1,2] FA, FE, LNTF, LN U[1] U[1,2] FA, FE, TF, LNTF, LN U[1] U[1,2] FE, LN U[1] U[1,2] LN U[2] LNFA, LN U[1,2] AH U[2] FALN U[1] LN U[2] U[2] PFFA, FE G[10], SU[11] U[1,2] U[1] U[1] U[1] U[1] 2002) BA CR, PL, SK[13] ITERÁK &L (Linstow, 1873) Dietz, 1909 ALTÝNKOVÁ 1931) (Skrjabin et Lindtrop, 1919) Zdun, 1961 Linstow, 1896 Filippi, 1857 (Rudolphi, 1808) Zdun, 1961 Bidulina, 1958 Linstow, 1873 Zdun, 1961 Filippi, 1857 Zdun, 1961 La Valette, 1855 Pagenstecher, 1857 Pagenstecher, 1857 Zdun, 1951 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 Sinitzin, 1905 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 ETERSEN Zdun, 1961 Zdun, 1961 1(P Allocreadiidae gen. sp. (F Echinoparyphium aconiatum Echinoparyphium recurvatum Cercaria cristata Rossicotrema donicum Cercaria alia Cercaria curta Cotylurus cornutus Cercaria furcillata Cercaria fuscicaudata Cercaria gerula Cercaria illa Cercaria lophocerca Cercaria micrura Cercaria monostomi Cercaria myzura Cercaria nodulosa Cercaria nuda Cercaria octava Cercaria oviformis Cercaria prima Cercaria pulsans Cercaria saga Cercaria stepha Cercaria styriensis Cercaria subulo Cercaria (Iwanitzky, 1928) Yamaguti, 1933 (Miller, 1923) (Modeer, 1790) (Jägerskiöld, 1899) (Skrjabin et Lindtrop, 1919) (Rudolphi, 1819) sp. Valid name/Classification Synonyms/Provisional names Snails species* Country** [References***] species incertae sedis species incertae sedis Asymphylodora tincae Australapatemon burti Australapatemon minor Sanguinicola Crowcrocoecum skrjabini Apatemon gracilis Apophallus mûhlingi Apophallus donicus Table 5. Cercariae found in other snails families from European countries 186 Anna Cichy, Anna Faltýnková, El¿bieta ¯bikowska et al. AŠINCOVÁ ÉRARD ; Hydrobiidae: (1963); [7] – N (2002); [14] – G Acroloxus lacustris DÁRSKÁ Z ITERÁK &L 1958); [6] – ; Acroloxidae: AL – ALTÝNKOVÁ IŒNIEWSKI ( PF CR[6] PFPF, AL CR[7] CR[6] PFPF G[8] CR[7] LNPF U[3] CR[6] LN U[3] BA CR, PL, SK[13] LN U[3] LN B[4], U[3] LNPF U[3] G[8], PL[5] PF, LNLNPF CR[6], B[4], U[3] U[3] PL[5] PA FR[14], PL[15] (1934); [13] F Aplexa hypnorum ; U – Ukraine. 2002) BA2002) BA2002) BA2002) BA2002) BA CR, PL, SK[13] CR, PL, SK[13] CR, PL, SK[13] CR, PL, SK[13] CR, PL, SK[13] UND -L ;AH– (2007) [5] – W 2002) BA CR, PL, SK[13] 2002) 2002) BA CR, PL, SK[13] 2002) BA CR, PL, SK[13] ITERÁK ITERÁK ITERÁK ITERÁK ITERÁK ITERÁK ITERÁK ASTITSKY ESENBERG &L &L &L &L &L ITERÁK ITERÁK &L &L 1977) Physa fontinalis 1977) &L &L 1977) 1977) ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ (1977); [4] – M (1929); [12] – W ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ALTÝNKOVÁ ; Physidae: PF – (Bloch, 1782) UBOIS HERNOGORENKO . (Fröhlich, 1802) HERNOGORENKO HERNOGORENKO (Fröhlich, 1791) I(C ; N – Norway; PL – Poland; SK – Slovakia (1994). HERNOGORENKO . sp HERNOGORENKO sp.I(C sp. III (C CHOLZ sp.I(C &S Theodoxus fluviatilis (1909); [11] – D ÜHE (1958); [3] – C Potamopyrgus antipodarum Echinostoma revolutum Opisthioglyphe ranae Opisthorchioidea gen. sp. (F Furcocercaria Hypoderaeum conoideum Notocotylus Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 1 (F Nanophyetidae gen. sp. (F Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 2 (F Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 3 (F Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 4 (F Lecithodendriidae gen. sp. 5 (F Microphallidae gen. sp. (F Xiphidiocercaria Troglotrematidae gen. sp. (F Sanguinicola AŠINCOVÁ PA – ; Neritidae: TF – ; G – Germany; IC – Iceland IDULINA -B (1980); [10] – L F. esperi (2009); [16] – N OMBES ,FE– (Nordmann, 1832) HERNOGORENKO Lithoglyphus naticoides, BIKOWSKA &¯ ;LN– (1966); [9] – C (Müller, 1776) (Nitzsch, 1807) Fagotia acicularis (Noble, 1933) BIKOWSKI (1961); [2] – C sp. DENING sp. sp. sp. sp. DUN Bythinella austriaca Echinostoma Valid name/Classificationspecies incertae sedis Synonyms/Provisional names Snails species* Country** [References***] Notocotylus species incertae sedis species incertae sedis Sphaerostoma bramae Notocotylus ephemera Notocotylus pacifer Palaeorchis Pleurogenoides Posthodiplostomum brevicaudatum Sanguinicola (2003); [15] – ¯ Table 5 continued * Melanopsidae: FA – (1992); [8] – O BA – ** B – Belarus; CR – Czech Republic; FR – France *** [1] – Z Cercariae in European freshwater snails – checklist 187


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