Senate the Senate Met at 9:32 A.M
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2000 No. 58 Senate The Senate met at 9:32 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF THE ACTING for its commitment to community out- called to order by the Honorable MI- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE reach as much as for its beautiful sanc- CHAEL D. CRAPO, a Senator from the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tuary. For over a century, the con- State of Idaho. clerk will please read a communication gregation has worked to put its faith The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s to the Senate from the President pro into action in Hawaii, nationally, and throughout Asia and the Pacific. prayer will be offered by our guest tempore (Mr. THURMOND). Dr. Robinson has served as senior Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Edward The legislative clerk read the fol- minister at Central Union for 15 years Robinson, from the Central Union lowing letter: Church, Honolulu, HI. and has ministered in the United U.S. SENATE, Church of Christ for over 30 years. He PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, was born in Westwood, MA, and re- PRAYER Washington, DC, May 11, 2000. ceived his bachelor’s degree from The guest Chaplain, Dr. Edward Rob- To the Senate: Yankton College and bachelor of the- inson, offered the following prayer: Under the provisions of rule 1, section 3, of ology degree from Yankton School of Let us speak together in prayer. the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL D.
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