July 7, 1983 O&E {T,Ro-8B,S,F-10B,LJP,C-5B.R,VV.Q-6B)**11C Ann Arbor's Place Has an Old World Flair
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it v m , / * All-stars kick way into soccer classic ie 4_» 'j-*.- »y <c-—. Volume 19 Number 4 .Thursday,* July; 7,1983 Westland, Michigan 44Pages_ Twenty-Five Cents <-1MJ $4^.^^0,.^^10,^0^.110.: AJl'fftftu'^r'.rf sees video tapes closing 2 city in Westlandl judgeVtrial ByMaryKlamlc stations ataff writer By 8andra Armbruster was made because the council elimi A videotape of 18 th District Judge editor nated two pipemen from my proposed Evan Callanan Sr. and an FBItnform- budget and.reduced an assistant fire ant allegedly counting out $1,500 In a All four- Westland fire stations will chief," he said. "As a result, there is ^ car was played to Jurors Wednesday as remain open, at least temporarily. less personnel'to man the stations, and ^4^¾^^^^¾ the trtalofthe judge and three other- Tuesday night the city council unani-- there are definite re^tiTctiom^M-the-^^?^^^, men continued. ^ mousry approved a resolution prohibit budget not to Increase overtime to *'--^--^-^¾^ Callanan and fellow defendants Evan ing, the mayor from closing one station. maintain the staff." Callanan Jr. — the judge's son — BJch- Mayor,Charles Pickering, following , Pickering,added that a.decision to ..ard\ Debs and Sam Qaoud were also a recommendation from Fire Chief Ted eliminate the assistant fire chief's pos- heard-Wednesday In recorded-conyer- Scott, had proposed closing a station tlon, responsible for training,.would satto.ns that'were played in court. • when the staffing level dropped below. "force us to'go outside to recertify The conversations were with the gox.-_ • a minimum of 15 people. Targeted for staff. That will require further over ernment'8 first witness, Hanna Judeh, closing was either station two, on War time while they're off being trained." operator of a Westland service station ren between Joy and Ann Arbor Trails who worked as an FBI Informant In the or station four on Palmer east of New- 'WE'VE REALLY got a problem," case. Recordings were made,.with lis burgh. ' argued Mehl. "Everybody says it's tening devices concealed on Judeh or in • The council's vote came despite an (problems with staffing levels) not the mmm his office. agreement between Pickering and management of the department, but we The- four were indicted od multiple Councilman Ken Mehl last, week that have to assume it's the management. charges, Including racketeering. That /no station would be closed until the Ted (fire chief) says there are only charge alleges that the menT?ere In- ^~ mayor and council- President Thomas •-*; tljtee.oh. vacation at; any' one time.* thrilled wlththe ride on trie Tilt-a-whlrl are Cherl who enjoyed ridea, crattt and shows atthe sum- \. v««i*}-Ln a scheme to fix criminal cat-; ArtlejiWdmet'to: d^us« the issue/, f; ^There's 51 Iff the department; ;> ?':'<y ; Crowton (left), Amye Woodafde, Lor.1 Caruao and & et:.l51 return foe tii^frC^^i^^g^^r1 x nv\ --,-- ^1^'t^^'e^hoUday'w^keEd/ appari' ; r ...'; *Eith6r tarfpre lireirferi 'are/taWh |; off Stephen! crowtpn. The four, were among many ^.UKia^e^coflipiraicy With cjjxruAiil,It • ently they couldn't get foge^er'There tent,maXi.; fraud; 'obatrueUoriiol Justice.' ? on ,vacaUom;or pergonal time,. which : m wasn*t enough-time (for a meeting),* •-' has to be so'mewbat.coritrolled,'' he con and giving false: testimony/ : said Mehl, adding that the intention tinued, noting that the jcouncil would —" U.S. Distrlct,Judge Horace Gllmore was "still W sltdownand talk" - ':'. havetq sitfdown"with both the riiayor adjourned-the trial until Tuesday.The— ALTHOUGH ; THE, Staff ) levels :. andthefire'ctUej;-;^^^ ; " ;' '- trial Is expected to run through July. dropped below 15 during' the holiday ^^—^ntll^^llyTTrunWw a business, weekend, PJcJ^tlhg-said-be-p<»tponied" THE VIDEOTAPE, dated April 28, ' .his order to close a fire station. That we're not gplng to get anywhere." 1982, showed the Judge arid Judeh en , order was to have taken effect July4. -- ASKED IF he was assuming a new tering Judeh's car parked at his service IWe were down at least three on eve role as mediator between the council station. In the accompanying record-'•• ry ;shiit.J&firy day (of the weekend) we success ing.-the Judge was heard telling Judeh and the mayor, Mehl said, "I have no would have had to close a station," be - problems talking to him, and he has no he would recall the warrant for a said, estimating that 'overtime Would problems talking to me." By 8andra Armbruater James Sires, accused of felonious as have cost the city $6,000 of the less j sault and larceny, would put the de- - than $86,000 allocated for the year. Adding that he would be "very pol editor ."- •- - '' '^ •• - > r V - • f- -. -fendant on personal bond and would "If we had called men in to bring the ite" toward the reat.of the council, ? trytogetltdowntoamlsdeameanor." .> staff level to 15, we would>have had to Mehl said he "wouldn't carry argu-* Despite a rough start" to this yearns Callanan said Judeh should tell Sires pay time-and-a-half and out-of-classlfl- ments In the papers." city. festival caused by the weather; to plead not guilty. The judge and Jii- cation pay as well under-contract pre ^festival organizers have declared it a deh were also heard counting outJbfi___- ' But Mehl said that the mayor's success* •*•" visions," he said. * ' • claims that his budget, would have pre- 11,500 that Judeh testified was in a Pickering said he delayed that move "It went terrific," said Jay Newell, briefcase In the car. Because of the short "notice," theJioli-_ . vented problems Is a fallacy^ - who' co-chaired the event with his wife, ^ In another recording made April 25, Jay__Ssekend-and-hls-discussion with -"^T^eTKunkel (city auditor) had to go Deiorls/ 1982, Judeh and Callanan Jr., an at'tor- -:. ^.Mehl. : •.* /\ .'•' through and adjust everything, and.*Is. The rough start came with Thurs iky, were heard discussing payment to..--. (mayor's) ending balance wouldn't be day's violent stornis, which collapsed a psychiatrist that Jude^ Wasjeelng as THE MAYOR had issued his order, the concession, terjt and forced post last week to the surprise of the council anywhere near what;, he had said it a«on.^udef!rw8i was," Mehl said. ponement of ttie parade. charged with criminal sexual Conduct . members who were "Contacted for their .. Mftw»lLlai|^ihflL*hp^ comments-4 layo^a^criticism -in the thlrddegree and was sentenced that the council had hired secretaries lay the parade was made about 4 p.m. to three years probation by; Judge Cal- . redHjecause the -Thursday,-:- --- - - •- •---,—-^ x council refused to approve his budget. Instead of firemen, Mehl said that "you -lahantn November 1981. - t need some jjiings to run government." "We called the weather bureau, and ; "I Wsnt to ihake clear the decision i) :wa3 their suggestion that* this was Government attorneys contend that, going to be a lengthy ,8t0rm," said Callanan;Jr. hid the facrthat'he was * r acting as Judeh's attorney before the*- Newell.i "So we got on the telephone judge by having a lawyer from his law whaf sin side Just as the storm came In to let every firm make formal court appearances one know, and we stationed someone up ; there (starting location) to give people for him. • ;; ' ;_ Business . ... , . .. 7B t ,, Calendar . .. '. ..4A who showed up ^henew.schedule. v -.,'.' ' • -r Please turn to Page 2 Although several wilts where unable •--"•. ' "' • •'••". .^.-:.-1 ' ., • ' *• Classified. Sections D,E 2 stores ; to appear oh- Saturday, Newell said V-.'f ' ': '-' : Creative Living '.". , . 1D ?the weather did a i80-degree turn. and.. Crossword . : ;:,"..: 7E Beer aiid cigarettes were "taken in* we had the parade."-.';-. .^ w? Editorials..'. 6A hold-ups.;of two*Westland" 7-Eleven GROUNDS LEFT muddy from the Enterlairrment ;. : 4-7G stores ove/' the holiday weekend/. rain and the 90-pliis heat during the wins iatibrGafc Military hews . .'.'. 5A festival's"daytime hours did discourage Religion. .. Police said one of two;young,ni^n some festival goers, according to Ken .• .:'-.•'. , 5B who entered the ?-Elevehi at 29501 Ann/ Westland City Council[approvedla150 , Sports . ..;. -. ; Sectlbn,C Mehl who has been chairing the festival' percent tax abatement on a new facili- ; Suburban lite Arbor;Trail at lp:05. p.m.; Saturday; 'committee's board of directors tor. the-; ty to be built In the Ford-Hix Industrial ' v , .J .''f;'iB. grabbed 12^>unce cans of beer,;worth y : past sii years.' . • v.-.-'". /' •"-""* 1 Travel;-,'. ' . 1^::: i .68 Park..; : • '-'^ -;-;-; -•;•"••;•-"••" ! f 12'50/iand fan out-of the store with his But Meh.lanlNewell said that a lot Police :,'-.•.;'•;:' ••.:•; 72^9600j companion.' The pair drove away in a Approved Monday night by a 5-6 vote of peopie turned out during the evening :l 'with Councilman Ken Mehl abstaining^ " Fire, rescuer. '." ;" 721-2000 1974 black Ford Torino,- "- •:.-,;'. -; ; hours; ^ . ' ' ; /:='•'' '•''-'.•'--.•'?•- " •;'; -•' .-..;.>;;; -.V "; V\ "r •; ' -;-J)MjAOpiF6LD/«t»«pbotogripf)«f } the exemption will save Structural ^Gity Hall / V ^. .-7214000 : _?When the sky cleared on Monday, Richard Whitehead, 6, chowa down at the pancake breakfast with Testing Services Inc. $4,300 1ft: real f .circulation . >: 591-0500 The suspect who~ took ti\e. beer was/ we were, absbluiely. Jajpwned. I gues? s hl» grandmother, C. 8mlth (In background), during the turn mar property taxes for a period of lOyeirs. Wanteds •;.':.•. .591-0900 d$scHbed^o poiice>as wliiteM6*r 17;;/*L^ ^1V^AMli^¾^n^ o^ festival. The pancake breakfast la an annual event sponsored by The exemption is provided forjLihder a . 591-2300' Editorial dept. blond hair,'The other youuVWas white,: the Chamber of Commerce, : • L \' v - 1974 state law designed to encourage .