Radio Digest, 1931-1932
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JESSICA DRAGONETTE, NBC, N. Y UEE PYORRHEA creeps upon its victims unawares IT is the pernicious nature of pyor- rhea to infect the mouth as long as ten years before the victim knows it. This dread disease of the gums comes to four people out of five past forty. Not content with robbing humanity of half of all adult teeth lost, it also breeds virulent poisons which it sends coursing throughout the entire system to undermine the individual's general health. Starting at the "tartar line," where teeth meet gums, the infection works down the roots; and often before it is recognized, pyorrhea becomes so deeply entrenched that all the skill of your dentist is called for to save your teeth and health. Don't wait jor warning; start FALSE TEETH ARE A GREAT INVENTION using Forban's now BUT KEEP YOUR OWN AS LONG AS YOU CAN Usually pyorrhea creeps on us unawares. Don't wait for those fearsome warnings, tenderness and bleeding gums. Once estab- the outgrowth of Dr. Forhan's 26 years of spe- lished, pyorrhea cannot be cured by Forhan's cialization in the treatment of this disease. or any other toothpaste. That's why it is far Guard the teeth you have wiser to protect and prevent before the trouble starts. See your dentist now, and visit him at Countless people today are self-conscious and least twice a year regularly. unhappy with false teeth. Don't risk the danger And in your home, brush your teeth and of losing your teeth. They are a priceless pos- massage your gums, morning and night, with session and deserve the finest care. Start with "'for Forhan's. This remarkable dentifrice is unique Forhan's today. It is as fine a dentifrice as money MASSAGING in that it contains Forhan's Pyorrhea Astringent, can buy. You can make no wiser investment in GUMS the health of your mouth and the safety of an ethical preparation, developed by Dr. R. J. CLEANING Forhan, which thousands of dentists use in the your teeth. Forhan Company, Inc., New York; TEETH treatment of pyorrhea. The Forhan formula was Forhan's Ltd., Montreal. SfiBfRLPR0f£Sffii$ FOHHAN CO False teeth often follow pyorrhea, which comes to four people Forhan's out offive past the age of 40 YOUR TEETH ARE ONLY AS HEALTHY AS YOUR GUMS ' . Radio Digest WIN FAMMORTUNE radiq/ Scores of jobs are open to the Trained Man — jobs as Designer, Inspector and Tester—as Radio Salesman and in Service and Installation work—as Operator, Mechan- ic or Manager of a Broadcasting station —as Wireless Operator on a Ship or Airplane—jobs with Talking Pic- ture Theatres and Manufacturers of Sound Equipment —with Television Laboratories and Studios—fascinat- ing jobs, offering unlimited opportunities to the Trained Man. TenWeeks of Shop Training Come to Coyne in Chicago and Studio and modernTransmitter with while at school. Some of our stu- prepare for these jobs the 1, 000 watt tubes—the Jenkins Tele- dents pay a large part of their liv- dozens ing expenses in this QUICK and PRACTICAL way vision Transmitter with of way. home-type Television receiving sets Coyne Is Years Old —BY ACTUAL SHOP WORK — and a complete Talking Picture 32 located right ON ACTUAL RADIO EQUIP- installation for both ' 'sound on film' Coyne has been here MENT. Some students finish and "sound on disk." We have in Chicago since 1899. Coyne Training is tested — proven by the entire course in 8 weeks. spared no expense in our effort to make your training as COMPLETE hundreds of successful graduates. The average time is only 10 and PRACTICAL as possible. You can get all the facts—FREE. weeks. But you can stay as JUST MAIL THE COUPON FOR long as you please, at no extra Free Employment A FREE COPY OF OUR BIG RA- DIO AND TELEVISION BOOK, cost to you. No previous ex- Service to Students perience necessary. telling all about jobs . salaries After you have finished the course, . opportunities. This does not ob- we will do all we can to help you find ligate you. Just mail the coupon. TELEVISION and the job you want. We employ — 1 three men on a full basis Talking Pictures time | h C. LEWIS. President whose sole job is to help our Radio Division, Coyne Electrical School In addition to the Ra- most modern students in finding positions. 500 S. Paulina St., Dept. 9I-9H Chicago, III. dio equipment, have installed in we And should you be a little short Send me yoar Big Free Radio, Television our shops a complete model Broad- of funds, we'll gladly help you and Talking Picture Book. This does not casting Station, with sound-proof in finding part-time work obligate me in any way. H. C. Lewis, Pres. Radio DiviSlOll Founded I899 Name . Coyne Electrical School Address 500 S. Paulina Street Dept. 91-9H, Chicago, Illinois City State. — s u ^ Wl i ©C1B 137469 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Harold P. Brown, Charles R. Tighe, Managing Editor Associate Editor Nellie Revell, Henry J. Wright, •, Advisory Editor Associate Editor Printed in U. S. A. Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST Raymond Bill, Editor December, 1931 CONTENTS COVER PORTRAIT — Incomparable Jessica Livingston Dragonnette. WAYNE KING—Waltz King of the Air, close-up study the man who comes into Lucky promi- of Anne Steivard 11 nence. CURTIN— Goes Gypsy Hunting and TOM Tom Curtin 13 Bumps into a war that leads to endless adventure. ~KA AD ELEIN E T>ADIE HARRIS ivl she LOEB, author of and what desert ANGELS RUSH JN—Myrt and Marge the latest radio novel. knows about you, if Steve Trumbull 17 the stage and launch million dollar gum program. you're cinematian, she Please Stand By. She writes radio scripts writes and tells. You SANTA SUFFERS FROM ATHLETE'S FOOT and also does a turn at hear her twice weekly, —Ambrose Weems takes him in and hears J. Raymond Knight 19 the mike at times. KHJ, Los Angeles. a tall story. MILLS BROTHERS meet the head man and after that they get regular fob at CBS. Robert Taplinger 22 STREET SINGER is twice discovered by scouts, H. Elliott Stuckel 23 first for the stage, then for radio. COLLEGE FOR HOMEMAKERS—New Gen- Grace Ellis 24 eral Electric program introduces notable artists. RENDEZVOUS WITH SHERLOCK HOLMES —writer sees Richard Gordon as congenial host. Mark Quest 26 LEW WHITE "organizes" Natural Bridge, Vir- ginia Music completes "Symphony of View." Hal Tillotson 28 VIS-A-VIS WITH BILL SCHUDT, JR., who tells of latest developments in television. Bill Schudt, Jr. 29 BIRTHDAY CAKE with five candles marks founding of National Broadcasting Company. Th 0171as Williams 30 SILHOUETTES—Shadow sketches of artists who bask in the mike-light. Craig B. Craig 51 GABALOGUE Comment on famous broadcast personalities by associate editor of Radio Digest. Nellie Revell 53 TUNEFUL TOPICS—Famous leader of Con- necticut Yankees picks ten top songs of the month. Rudy Vallee 63 Coming and Going (p. 8) Editorial (52) Radiographs (65) Marcella (67) Voice of the Listener (54) Station News (begins 51) Women's Section (begins 70) Hits, Quips and Slips (45) Chain Calendar Features (74) Radio Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone Mohawk 4-1760. Radio Digest will not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts received through the mail. All manuscripts submitted should be accompanied by return postage. Business Staff: National Advertising Representatives, R. G. Maxwell & Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York City, and Mailers Bldg., Chicago. Western Man- ~KA AIUON HARRIS ager, Scott King will, 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Telephone: State 1266. Pacific Coast repre- 11ILDEGARDE, 1V1 sentative, W. L. Gleeson, 303 Robert Dollar Building, San Francisco, Calif. Member Audit Bureau of (The Harrises Circulations. one handle, that' have this page.) Mar- all; ain't no more. R.i'lio Digest. Volumo /XXVI1I, No. 1. December, 1931. Published monthly ten months of the year ami bi-monthly ion had a spot with In July and August, by Radio Digest Publishing Corporation, 4'20 Lexington Ave., New Y irk, N. Y. Subscription German girl singing Walter W Hit ell rttes yearly. Two Dollars; Foreign, Including Canada, $4.00; single copies. Twenty-five cents. Entered as her way around Amer- socond-class matter Nov. 18, 1930. at the post office at New York, N. Y\, under the Act of March. 3. 1879. Addi- Winehell singing and tional entry as second-class matter at Chicago, 111. Title Beg. U. S. Patent Office and Canada. .Copyright, 1931, ica. Is booked for a Corporation. All rights reserved. President, Raymond (hatting, ABC, by Radio Dlgost Publishing Bill; Vice-Presidents, J. B. series over the NBC W Splllane, Randolph Brown, C. R. Tighe; Treasurer, Edward Lyman Bill; Secretory, L. J. TompkinB. Published in New York. association with Edward Lyman Bill, Inc., and Federated Publications, Ine. net. Radio Digest Round the^brld Reception tsvesiy oai/y in all seasons 21 weeks, constant reception record from VK3ME proves Scott All -Wave capable of tuning in clear 'round the earth regularly— every day, summer and winter. For 21 weeks, a Scott All- Wave Receiver, located in Chicago has brought in, and recorded on disc, every broadcast from VK3ME, Melbourne, Australia. Each broadcast was re- ceived with perfect clarity and full volume—as the disc records decisively prove. Think of it! VK3ME, halfway 'round the earth! Not just once in a while. Not just a freak happenstance. As this book goes to press, VK3ME is still being received with perfect regu- larity, and recorded. With a Scott All- Wave, you could get VK3ME and dozens of other foreign phone stations when- ever you choose.