UKRAINE: Humanitarian Snapshot - Humanitarian Response Plan 2017 (as of 29 November 2016)

OVERVIEW CHECKPOINTSACCESS MAP MAP PEOPLE IN NEED AND PEOPLE TARGETED Largely unnoticed, the conflict in eastern continues, Vellykykyyii TOTAL POPULATION Burrlluukk claiming lives, creating new humanitarian needs and intensifying GOVERNMENT pre-existing systemic flaws - from ageing infrastructures to TTrrooititskskee CONTROLLED AREAS Pecheniihy legislative shortcomings - that, in turn, adds to the suffering of DDvvoorriicchnhnaa civilians. An estimated 4.4 million people are affected and 3.8 Shevchenkove KKupupiianansskk M Zmiiiv Shevchenkove 45 M million need humanitarian assistance, an increase of 0.7 from 0.8 Kharkiivska 2016. The 2017 HRP targets 2.6 million amongst the most BBiliolokkuurarakykynnee NNoovvopopsskkoovv MMaarkrkivkivkaa vulnerable, focusing on addressing protection concerns, mitigate SSvvaattoovvee BBoorroovvaa MMiloiloveve PEOPLE IN NEED the cumulative impact the conflict has on civilians, particularly in NON-GOVERNMENT SStatarobrobilislskk OF HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE time-critical sectors such as shelter, health and WASH, and IIziium BBiliolovvododsskk CONTROLLED AREAS restoring critical livelihood to minimize the effect of the protracted LLuhauhannsskkaa Kreminna Kreminna RRububizizhhnnee RRUUSSSSIAIANN conflict on coping mechanisms. Geographically, particular attention LLyymmaann 1.5M Novoaidar FEDERATION Lysychansk Novoaidar FEDERATION Barviinkove Lysychansk SSieievvieierrodoneodonetstskk M is given to the areas along the ‘contact line’ experiencing active 3.8 Blyzniuky Slloovviianansskk fighting, zones where sector-specific life-threatening needs exist, Oleksandriivka KKrraamaattoorrsskk Stanytsia and in areas beyond the Government’s control affected by SSlolovvianoianosseerbrbsskk Stanytsia LuhanLuhanskskaa Drruuzzhhkkiivvkkaa PPopaopassnnaa socio-economic exclusion. Access of conflict-affected civilians to BBaakkhhmmuutt SStatnanytystsiai aLu Luhahnasnksaka PEOPLE TARGETED KKadadiiiivvkkaa LuhLuhaannsskk (EE(EECCPP) ) KKoossttiiananttyynniivkvkaa IDPs IN GOVERNMENT Petropavlivka Alchevsk life-saving goods and services, and of humanitarian actors to Petropavlivka Dobropillia MMaaiiororsskk Alchevsk ((EEEECCPP)) CONTROLLED AREAS people in need continue to be hampered by continuous insecurity, PPeerreevvaalslskk LuLutuhtuhyynnee Pokrovsk Horlivka Sorokyne bureaucratic impediments, and logistical challenges. This warrants Mezhova Pokrovsk Sorokyne * YYeennaakkiiiieevvee 2.6 M concerted and systematic advocacy efforts by the Humanitarian Dnipropetrovska 0.3 M Dnipropetrovska Yaasysynunuvvaattaa KKhhrurusstatalnlnyyi i Dovzhansk Country Team (HCT) to ensure sustained humanitarian access. MMaakkiivivkkaa Shakhtarsk AAnntrtaratsytsytt Dovzhansk Donetsk Khartsyzk CChhyysstitaiakkoovvee *MoSP registered 1.7 million IDPs, coutrywide. All of them need different types of assistance. Between 0.8 and 1 million IDPs reside permanently in GCA, while The HRP totals $214 million—of this, $ 127 million has been Marinka Velyka Marinka others move frequently across the ‘contact line‘ and, for the purpose of the HRP, are accounted for in the population figure of those living in NGCA. Among those Velyka Marinka Marinka living in GCA, 0.3 million IDPs, the most vulnerable, are targeted with life-saving humanitarian interventions encompasseed in the HRP. Novosilka (EECP) identified as critical priority for which early funding is crucial to Novosilka (EECP) Starobesheve Amvrosiivka ensure timely delivery of life-saving assistance, especially for the Novotroitske Starobesheve Donetska Novotroitske TARGETS AND REQUIREMENTS Donetska (EECP) winterisation support in early 2017. Ukraine’s operating context (EECP) presents a unique opportunity to link humanitarian actions Volnovakha REQUIREMENTS (US$) CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS (US$) LLeeggeenndd described in the HRP, with recovery and development initiatives, to Boikivske Bilmak Rozivka Boikivske Entry/Exit Checkpoint ensure seamless transition and long-lasting outcome, particularly Bilmak Rozivka Entry/Exit Checkpoint 127M 2016 access related incidents Pyshchevyk 2016 access related incidents 214M Pyshchevyk in restoring livelihood, which is another critical area of need, and (EECP) 'Contact line' as of June 2016 Nikolske (EECP) 'Contact line' as of June 2016 Critical access impediments PEOPLE REQUIREMENTS durable solutions. Critical access impediments Novoazovsk Zaporizka Manhush Mariupol Serious access impediments CLUSTER Zaporizka Manhush Serious access impediments TARGETED STRATEGIC OBGECTIVES Critical Total BELARUS BELARUS RUSSIAN POLAND FEDREURSSATIOAN POLAND Kyiv FEDERATION Berdiansk Kyiv Berdiansk SEA OF WASH STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 SEA OF 2.5M 19.6M 26.2M AZOV AZOV SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA Advocate for and respond to the protection HUNGARY HUNGARY Protection MOLDOVA 2.1M 37.0M 42.6M needs of con ict-aected people with due MOLDOVA SEA OF ROMANIA ASEAZOV OF ROMANIA AZOV regard to International norms and standards 0 10 20 BLACK SEBLAACK Health & Nutrition 0 10 20 SERBIA 1.1M 14.2M 23.3M BULGARIA SEA km SERBIA km BULGARIA STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 Food Security & Livelihood 0.7M 11.0M 65.2M PRIORITISATION CRITERIA Provide emergency assistance and ensure Shelter/NFI non-discriminatory access to quality 0.3M 32.0M 33.8M essential services for populations in need. Life-saving/core humanitarian Education 0.1M 6.0M 7.6M

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 Logistics - 1.5M 1.5M Improve the resilience of con ict-aected people, prevent further degradation Geography Coordination - 5.8M 5.8M of the humanitarian situation and promote durable solutions, early recovery Multipurpose Cash Assistance 30K - 8.0M and social cohesion. Vulnerability Total 2.6M $127M $214M

Creation date: 29 November 2016 Sources: INSO, OCHA, OHCHR, UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO, WFP Feedback: [email protected] Website: |