Train Timetable
Effective December 4, 2011 5 Train Timetable ¯˘¿ Weekdays daytime, most 5 trains operate between either Dyre Av or 238 St- At all times, 5 trains operate express in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Weekdays, Nereid Av, Bronx, and Flatbush Av-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn. At all other 5 trains in the Bronx operate express from E 180 St to 3 Av-149 St during times except during late nights, 5 trains operate between Dyre Av, Bronx, and morning rush hours (from about 6 AM to 9 AM), and from 3 Av-149 St to Bowling Green, Manhattan. During late nights 5 trains operate only in the Bronx E 180 St during the evening rush hours (from about 4 PM to 7 PM). between Dyre Av and E 180 St/Morris Park Av. Customers who ride during late night hours can transfer to 2 service at the E 180 St Station. Fares – All MTA New York City Transit trains (subways and Staten Island Holiday Service Railway) and local buses (including Limited-Stop and +SelectBusService buses Weekday service operates on: at MetroCard® fare collection machines) accept MetroCard. Express buses only Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day. accept 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard or Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard. All of our buses and +SelectBusService coin fare collection machines accept exact If your service does not normally operate on Saturday and/or Sunday, fare in coins. Dollar bills, pennies, and half-dollar coins are not accepted. it will not operate on the holidays below. Saturday service operates on: Free Transfers – Unlimited-Ride MetroCard permits free transfers to all but New Year’s Day 2011, Presidents Day, Independence Day.
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