Lyme Bay - A case study: measuring recovery of benthic species, assessing potential spill-over effects and socio-economic changes Objective 4: Assessment the long-term effects of fishery area closures on long-lived and sessile species 17 December 2010 Defra Contract No: MB0101 Marine and Fisheries Science Unit, Nobel House, London Author details: O. Langmead MarLIN Biodiversity and Conservation Science Programme, Manager
[email protected] E.L. Jackson MarLIN Biodiversity and Conservation Science Programme, Manager
[email protected] D.T.I.Bayley MarLIN Biodiversity and Conservation Science Programme, Information Officer
[email protected] C.E. Marshall
[email protected] S.C. Gall University of Plymouth Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre, Project Support Officer
[email protected] The Marine Life Information Network® for Britain and Ireland (MarLIN) The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom The Laboratory Citadel Hill Plymouth, PL1 2PB This report should be cited as: Langmead, O., Jackson, E.L., Bayley, D.T.I., Marshall, C.E., Gall, S.C., 2010. Assessment of the long-term effects of fishery area closures on long-lived and sessile species. Report to Defra from the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN). Plymouth: Marine Biological Association of the UK. Defra contract No.MB0101 1 Disclaimer: The content of this report does not necessarily reflect the views of Defra, nor is Defra liable for the accuracy of information provided, or responsible for any use of the reports content. 2 Executive Summary The work presented in this report is part of a larger project funded by Defra which focuses on assessing the various changes that may ensue as a result of protection of a 60 nm2 area of Lyme Bay to mobile fishing gear, both in ecological and economic terms.