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Proceedings Paper: Young, M, Burke, M and Lloyd, D (2017) Attentional bias to itch-related images in a clinical itch population. In: Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 9th World Congress on Itch, 15-17 Oct 2017, Wroclaw, Poland. Society for Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica , p. 1009.

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[email protected] ISSN 0001-5555 ActaDV

Volume 97 2017 SEPTEMBER, No. 8


A Non-profit International Journal for Interdisciplinary Skin Research, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Abstracts from the 9th World Congress on Itch October 15–17, 2017

Official Journal of - European Society for Dermatology and Wroclaw, Poland Psychiatry

Affiliated with - The International Forum for the Study of Itch

Immediate Open Access

Acta Dermato-Venereologica

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Journal Compilation © 2017 Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Acta 2017 Compilation© Journal and Allergology, Wroclaw University, Medical Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department members the of Staff Venereology IFSI Vice President: IFSI President: Congress Secretary: Congress General: Secretary Congress President: Committee Organizing Abstracts from the9 Earl Carstens (Davis,Earl USA) Edyta Lelonek (Wroclaw, Lelonek Edyta Poland) Jacek C Szepietowski (Wroclaw, CSzepietowski Jacek Poland) Elke WeisshaarElke (Heidelberg, Germany) Adam Reich (Rzeszów,Adam Reich Poland) Pse btat 1035 1008 Author Index Abstracts Poster Lecture Abstracts Abstracts Program Contents ofthis Abstract book : th 1059 World Congress on Itch Gil YosipovitchGil USA) (Miami, WeisshaarElke (Heidelberg, Germany) TakamoriKenji (Tokyo, Japan) (Wroclaw, C.Szepietowski Jacek Poland) (Münster, Ständer Sonja Germany) Germany) (Mannheim, Schmelz Martin (Wiesbaden,Thomas Mettang Germany) LernerUSA) (Boston, Ethan Ichiro (Osaka, Katayama Japan) USA) (Lexington, Fleischer Alan Toshiya (Tokyo, Ebata Japan) Carstens (Davis,Earl USA) Jeffrey D. Bernhard USA) (Massachusetts, Committee Scientiic 1000 Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 999–1060 97: 2017; doi:10.2340/00015555-2773 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1000 6:20-6:50 PM 6:20-6:50 PM 5:50-6:20 PM 5:20-5:50 PM 5:20-7:00 remarks Opening remarks Opening PM 5:10-5:20 IFSI meeting Board PM 5:00-5:10 PM 5:00-5:20 PM 1:30-3:30 Sunday, 15,2017 October 10:15-10:30 10:15-10:30 AM 10:00-10:15 AM 9:45-10:00 AM 9:25-09:45 AM 9:05-09:25 AM 9:05-10:30 AM 8:50-9:00 AM 8:40-8:50 AM 8:30-8:40 AM 8:30-9:00 8:30-9:00 AM Monday, 16,2017 October AM 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Naito, Fumiyuki Yamakura, Fumiyuki Naito, Yasushi Suga,Yasuhiro Tomooka, Takamori Kenji TominagaMitsutoshi Kusube, Kotaro Fumiya (Japan), Takahashi, Honda, Nobuaki Hisashi mice in CCK2 receptor spinal via alloknesis CCK8 induces Sulfated (Canada), Sharif Behrang Ariel Ase, Alfredo Ribeiro Séguéla Philippe daSilva, C-afferents ofprimary capacity formulti-modal Evidence ofsomatosensation: constituent basic as a Itch TimothyAmanda H Klein, V Wooten, Matthew Hartke, Gang Wu, (USA) Ringkamp Matthias 8-22 protein medullary bovine and of-alanine injection intradermal following monkey pigtail C-ibers in nociceptive ofsubtypespolymodal activation Preferential (Ireland),Ian McDonald Imre Szöllsi, Attila Steinhoff Szabó Martin Lrinc, sensitisation itch peripheral “Toll” its take can How scratching of mechanisms immune innate into new insights onitch, Nagamine T. CarstensCarstens, (USA),T. Iodi Earl Follansbee, M.Fujii, Akiyama, M. Davoodi, A. cells Effects (RVM) medullary ventromedial onrostral algogens and ofpruritogens ON OFF and (Ireland); Steinhoff Chairs: Martin (USA); Ringkamp Matthias ofItch Neurobiology Session Plenary YoungMichellie Donna Lloyd Burke, (UK), Melanie population itch clinical a in images itch-related to bias Attentional Weisshaar Elke Thomas Ofenloch, Mettang, (Germany), Robert Plewig Natalie Study) Hemodialysis-Itch patients: hemodialysis in itch Chronic A ofGEHIS study Epidemiological follow-up (German Ohnuma, Morimoto Chikao Yasushi Kimura, Suga,Utako Taketo Yamada, Tominaga, Mitsutoshi Takamori, Kenji Kei Ryo (Japan), Komiya-Suyama Eriko Hatano,Haruna Otsuka, Takumi Hiroto Itoh, Yamazaki, forCD26/DPPIV role possible –a dermatitis atopic and psoriasis in ofpruritus regulation The Chairs: Hermann Handwerker (Germany); (Poland) Adam Reich Hot off news byyounginvestigators Latest bench: the sessionMorning Mohammad Jafferany (USA) Mohammad Jafferany psyche and Itch Neisser Lecture (Germany) Schmelz Martin itch for clinical implications orpattern: Speciicity LectureKuraishi (Poland) C.Szepietowski Jacek of collection the in dermatoses Itchy Wroclaw moulages Bernhard Lecture Weisshaar CarstensChairs: (USA); Elke Earl (Germany) Session Plenary Carstens (USA)Earl IFSI: A future forthe society successful (Poland) C.Szepietowski Jacek OPENING CEREMONY Abstract # OP10 OP11 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP9 OP8 OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 2:00-3:30 PM 2:00-3:30 PM 12:30-2:00 Sema3A hum normal in axis signaling bycalcium/PKC/MAPK/AP-1 regulated is expression PM 12:15-12:30 PM 12:00-12:15 PM 11:45 AM-12:00 11:30-11:45 AM 11:15-11:30 AM 11:00-11:15 AM PM 11:00 AM-12:30 PM 12:15-12:30 itch SIG Uremic PM 12:00-12:15 PM 11:45 AM-12:00 11:30-11:45 AM 11:15-11:30 AM 11:00-11:15 AM 2:30-2:45 PM 2:30-2:45 multicenter, randomized, ofa results pruritus: ofchronic fortreatment Serlopitant double- PM 2:15-2:30 effects ofserlopitant trial 2clinical phase placebo-controlled double-blind, Randomized, on PM 2:00-2:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:30 Chairs: Elke WeisshaarChairs: Elke (Germany), Yosipovitch Gil (USA) Lunch and poster I viewing Tominaga, Takamori Kenji Yayoi Yoshie Kamata(Japan), Umehara, YasushiAzumi Sakaguchi, Suga,Mitsutoshi keratinocytes epidermal LoserKarin (Germany) Tran,Stefan Verena Holz, Kupas, Marcus Kristian Maurer, Thomas Luger,A. Ständer, Sonja 4-1BB/4-1BBLCutaneous itch chronic and inlammation skin severe induces signaling Wei,Jessica Kucirek, Kelava Natalie KarstenGronert, Greg DianaBautista Barton, Carolyn Walsh Schwendinger-Schreck, (USA), Jamie Brock, Emily Deguine, Jacques Hill, Rose itch chronic and acute drives crosstalk neuron Neutrophil-somatosensory Hiroyuki (Japan), Matsumoto Akira Murota, Terao, Mika Ichiro Katayama production artemin aberrant via dermatitis atopic in alloknesis induces keratinocytes in glucocorticoids ofendogenous activation Attenuated Arendt-Nielsen Holm Hjalte Yosipovitch, Gil Sølvsten, Henrik (Denmark), Elberling, Andersen Jesper L dermatitis atopic fornon-histaminergic sensitization extra-lesional and Intra- in itch mechanically-evoked and Talagas,Matthieu Richard Mignen, Olivier LeGarrec Raphaele Lewis, L’HerondelleKillian Laurent (France), Misery, Philippe, Réginald LeGall-Ianotto, Christelle ish poisoning ciguatera during ofitch pathophysiology the New into insights (USA); Kim LaurentChairs: Brian (France) Misery itch and inlammation Skin, Concurrent II Discussion Laurent C.Szepietowski, (Germany),Thomas Jacek Mettang Misery, Weisshaar Elke YosipovitchGil WeisshaarElke (Germany), Ständer, Sonja Thomas Mettang, Brennan, Frank Hong Tey, Liang itch SIG Paraneoplastic Saeki, Hidehisa Furue, Andrea Yosipovitch Gil Evers, WeisshaarElke (Germany), Jörg Kupfer, Laarhoven, van Antoinette Uwe Gieler, Masutaka SIG Questionnaires (Germany), Ständer Matthias Sonja C.Szepietowski Jacek Augustin, trials clinical in SIG itch Scoring Fluhr,Joachim EnzoBerardesca, Weisshaar Elke Wallengren, Andrea W.M. Takamori, Kenji Evers, Brenaut, Emilie LeGal-Ianotto, Christelle Laurent Ständer, Sonja (France), Misery C.Szepietowski, Jacek Joanna Adam Reich, Skin SIG Sensitive (Poland) C.Szepietowski Chairs: (Germany); Thomas Jacek Mettang Groups (SIGs) Interest Special Concurrent I Chairs: Sonja Ständer (Germany); Ständer Chairs: Sonja (USA) Fleischer Alan treatments New antipruritic session Plenary Kristen Sanders (USA), Kento Sakai, Gil Yosipovitch, Gil Sakai, SandersKristen (USA), Kento Tasuku Akiyama dermatitis atopic ofpeptidergicRecovery by iberdensity nerve epidermal Tofacitinib of model mouse a in Edward F. Schnipper, Y. Zhang, Jean Xiaoming Tang, Thomas Luger,A. Steinhoff Martin YospovitchGil Ständer, (USA), Sonja Kerby, B. Matthew James W. Larrick, Andrew Perlman, J. trial 2clinical phase placebo-controlled blind, Kwon,Thomas (Germany), Ständer Paul Sonja LugerA. nodularis prurigo with patients in ofpruritus measures multiple ars Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 an an Program OP22 OP21 OP20 OP19 OP18 OP17 OP16 OP15 OP14 OP13 OP12 OP25 OP24 OP23 1001 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1002 4.00-5.00 PM 4.00-4.15 PM Methods in experimental itch research – an introduction –an research itch experimental Methods in 4.15-4.30 PM 4.00-4.15 PM at (POEM) Japanese Measure scores among Eczema ofPatient-Oriented bandings Clinical questionnaire severity ofnew itch validation and development Scale: Severity Pruritus 12-Item 5.20-5.30 PM 5.10-5.20 PM Validation of studies clinical from results scale: rating numerical pruritus peak ofthe 4.55-5.10 PM research: itch Methodsin Arguments methods. ofresearch standardization improve to 4.40-4.55 PM effects nocebo and placebo How alter to itch? chronic with patients in 4.20-4.40 PM 4.00-4.20 PM 6:30-7:00 PM 6:30-7:00 (experimental) research itch Methods in PM 5:30-6:30 suffering mice NC/Tnd in manifested behavior Depressive dermatitis atopic from 5.00-5.20 PM 4.45-5.00 PM failure renal ofchronic model mouse ofa characterization histochemical and Pharmacological 4.30-4.45 PM 4.00-5.30 PM antibody anti-IgE ofmonoclonal study placebo-controlled double-blind, Randomized, PM 3:20-3:30 PM 3:10-3:20 antagonist neurokinin-1 ofthe activity anti-pruritic the New into insights parti : PM 3:00-3:10 patient in trials 3clinical twophase in ofpruritus relief early provides ointment Crisaborole PM 2:45-3:00 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Koga, Toshihiko Yuichi Mashino, Furue Kurihara, Masutaka Yumi (Japan), Kido-Nakahara Makiko Yasukochi, Takeshi Kuroki, Nakahara, Rie Tetsuya patients dermatitis Re-innervated human skin explant as a model for model as a explant skin human Re-innervated (Germany) Roman Rukwied (Germany) (USA); Roman Rukwied Chairs: Giesler Glenn (experimental) research itch Methods in Concurrent II (Poland), Adam Reich C.Szepietowski Jacek KatarzynaJaniszewska, Boek, Agnieszka Ardeleanu,Gadkari Abhijit Radin, Allen YosipovitchGil Reaney, (USA), Matthew Laurent Lauren Eckert, Marci Nelson, Marius Clark, dermatitis atopic moderate-to-severe with patients adult in dupilumab (USA) Chen Suephy Kuang-Ho James Roberts, Chen, Haydek, Caitlin Smith, Shelby François, Sandy Grace Lee, parent’s proxies? be to ability inluence pruritus chronic with experience Does personal severity: itch pediatric Measuring Joerg (Germany), Kupfer Uwe Gieler, Schut Christina Kiupel, Stephanie Andrea (TheNetherlands) Evers Chairs: Andrea Jörg (TheNetherlands); Evers (Germany) Kupfer (clinical) research itch Methods in Concurrent I Tsugunobu Takahito Li, Shikai (Japan), Andoh Uta,Yasushi Daisuke Maki, Kuraishi pruritus associated IFSI Meeting Board Meeting General Assembly (USA) Landon KOetjen Kenshiro Yanai, Shuichi (Japan), Matsuda ShogoEndo, Tanaka,Akane Hiroshi Matsuda Laurent Misery Oddos, Brun,Thierry Cecilia LeGall-Ianotto, Christelle (France), Lebonvallet Nicolas Barnali Mitra (India), Biju Vasudevan, Biju (India), Mitra Barnali Mitra Debdeep Solanki, Reema population. pediatric the in urticaria spontaneous chronic in ofpruritus management the in omalizumab BrenautEmilie Thomas Laurent Théréné, Chloé Barnetsche, (France), Misery analysis onpruritus: ofpsoriasis treatments ofsystemic Eficacy A a review literature systemic Madan Kwatra Yevgeniy (USA), CoryShawn Kwatra Nanni, Semenov, Krischak, Madison Roberts, Callie induced-pruritus erlotinib forreducing mechanism as a keratinocytes human in ofEGFR signaling activation Emma Guttman-Yasky, Yosipovitch Gil Murrell, (USA), Dedee Haniin Jon dermatitis atopic ormoderate mild with in vitroin studies onpruritus studies nd meta- al al opic opic s - OP35 OP36 OP34 OP33 OP32 OP31 OP30 OP38 OP40 OP39 OP37 OP29 OP28 OP27 OP26 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 11:15-11:30 AM 9:05-9:20 AM 8:30-8:40 AM 11:30-11:45 AM 9:20-9:35 AM 8:40-8:50 AM 11:45 AM-12:00 PM 11:45 AM-12:00 9:35-9:50 AM 8:50-9:00 AM 20-21 MA patients’ understand to study qualitative its and pruritus ofchronic severity ofthe perception PM 12:00-12:15 9:50-10:00 AM 9:05-10:30 12:15-12:30 PM The burden of chronic itch-a questionnaire based evaluation of clinical characteristics, characteristics, ofclinical evaluation based questionnaire itch-a ofchronic burden The PM 12:15-12:30 10:00-10:10 AM 10:10-10:20 10:10-10:20 AM 10:20-10:30 10:20-10:30 AM 11:15-12:45 PM 8:30-9:00 8:30-9:00 AM Tuesday, 17,2017 October Christian Christian Nelson (Germany), Pauline Apfelbacher introduction an outcomes: Patient-reported TakamoriKenji Takahashi, Nobuaki (Japan), Tominaga Mitsutoshi itch foropioid-induced oftreatment An overview University,Leiden Peerdeman, Kaya Kerkhof, de van Donders, Rogier Peter Andrea Evers (TheNetherlands), Bartels Danielle Laarhoven, van Antoinette Stroo, Michiel KimHijne effects nocebo Reversing suggestion verbal with byconditioning onitch Chairs: Christian Chairs: Christian (Poland) (Germany); Rudnicka Lidia Apfelbacher Patients’ outcomes reported patient and perspectives Concurrent I TakamoriChairs: Kenji Yosipovitch Gil (Japan); (USA) ofitch presentations ofclinical range wide The Session Plenary Chairs: Toshi (Japan); Ebata Andreas Kremer (Germany) Hot off news byyounginvestigators Latest bench: the sessionMorning Gieler, Jörg Zick, Christoph Kupfer (Germany), Kerry Montgomery, Schut Christina Lüßmann, Kjell Andrew Thompson, Uwe dermatitis atopic with patients in study cross-sectional ofa results First catastrophizing: ofitch lowlevels with goalong awareness with ofacting High levels Weisshaar, (Germany),Thomas Elke Mettang Jörg Kupfer transplants kidney with patients in Pruritus Tanaka Yosuke Tetsuyoshi (Japan), Amagai Hamasaki, Yoshihiro Nomura, Hiroshi Matsuda, Akane distilled in contained extracts Gagnep intermedia Alpinia component major the bybeta-pinene, mice NC/Tnd in sensation ofatopic-itch Amelioration van Laarhoven,van De Houwer, Jan Andrea Evers Veldhuijzen, Judy Middendorp, van Henriët (TheNetherlands), Meeuwis Stefanie Antoinette onitch suggestions verbal label effectsDo placebo Effects placebo? a receive they know work that when subjects ofopen- Tabi (UK) Leslie itch and Urticaria (USA) Nattkemper Leigh effect antipruritic Prolonged type toxin ofbotulinum A itch oncowhage-induced Berdeaux, Marie ValerieAuges, Laurent Mengeaud, (France) Misery Nordon, Clementine Theunis, Jennifer Orri, Massimiliano Gilles Jesus Cuervo, Chalem, Ylana oflife quality onhealth-related impact Laurent Misery, Ianotto Jean-Christophe LeCalloch, Ronan (France), LeGall-Ianotto Christelle Lippert, Eric Chauveau, Aurélie follow-up. the during morbidity high a and diagnosis the at proile biological clinical agressive more with entity an pruritus: aquagenic with thrombocythemia Essential Ian McDonald (Ireland),Ian McDonald Imre Szabó Lrinc, Steinhoff Martin Szöllsi, Attila pruritus. chronic with ofpatients cohort a in outcomes treatment and morbidity associated Takaharu Zygmunt Ikeda, Victoria C.Szepietowski, Jacek Adamski, Werth, Adam Reich Hashizume, Mohammad Mowla, Raiqul Islam, Hasegawa, Minoru Aminul Laurent Misery, Daczak-Pazdrowska, Carolyn Furukawa, Fukumi Polaska, Adriana Kushner, Hideo Emiliano Szczch, Justyna (Poland), Samotij Dominik Chasset, François Antiga, Aleksandra erythematosus lupus cutaneous with patients in ofpruritus characteristics clinical and Prevalence Szepietowski Tomasz Łukasz Matusiak, (Poland), Lelonek Edyta Wróbel, C. Jacek Kwiatkowski, Jacek vera polycythemia in pruritus ofaquagenic characteristics Clinical Szepietowski Karolina Szczch, Justyna (Poland), Lukasz Matusiak C. Jacek Lelonek, Kaaz, Edyta patients. suppurativa hidradenitis in ofpruritus characteristics Clinical Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 and and Program OP51 OP44 OP41 OP52 OP45 OP42 OP53 OP46 OP43 OP54 OP47 OP55 OP48 OP49 OP50 1003 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1004 2:00-2:15 PM Neural recruitment and Mrgpr and recruitment Neural of model mouse ofa development forthe required are activity PM 2:00-2:15 diseases. skin pruritic other and Prurigo PM 2:00-2:15 11:15-11:35 AM :523 MA cycle itch-scratching gates circuit neural feedback central PM 2:15-2:30 2017 itch Psoriatic PM 2:15-2:30 11:35-11:55 AM 2:30-2:45 PM 2:30-2:45 PM 2:30-2:45 PM 11:55 AM-12:15 2:45-3:00 PM Aprepitant, a NK1-antagonist, administered for 16 weeks reduced itch and supported supported and itch for16weeks reduced administered NK1-antagonist, a Aprepitant, PM 2:45-3:00 medicine evidence-based in management forpain Acupuncture PM 12:15-12:30 3:00-3:15 PM Peripheral effects Peripheral oftargeting prurigo chronic in 1receptor neurokinin the PM 3:00-3:15 PM AM-12:45 12:30 3:15-3:30 PM Neurophysiological studies on chronic prurigo onchronic studies Neurophysiological PM 3:15-3:30 PM 2:00-3:30 PM2:00 PM-12:45 2:00-3:30 PM 2:00-3:30 12:30-12:45 PM European EADV European (PruNet): ofPruritus burden and ofseverity onassessment network PM 12:30-12:45 11:15-12:45 PM 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Ethan Lerner (USA), TuanlianEthan Luo, Ehsan VemuriAzimi, Reddy, Elmariah Sarina dermatitis atopic WallengrenJoanna (Sweden) Wildner,Hendrik Favrot, Claude Uwe Rudolph, (Switzerland) Hanns Zeilhofer Ulrich William T. Neumann, Mario Elena Ralvenius, A. Dietmar Benke, Pagani, Martina Acuña, GABA-ASpinal itch subtypescontrolling receptor Chairs: Ethan Lerner (USA);Chairs: Yang-Gang Ethan Sun(China) foritch pathways and channels New receptors, Concurrent II Chairs: Jeffrey Bernhard Wallengren (USA); Joanna (Sweden) diseases skin pruritic other and Prurigo Concurrent I (Switzerland) Chairs: Sarah RossZeilhofer (USA); Uli pain and Itch Concurrent II Yan Gang Sun(China) (Poland) C.Szepietowski Jacek Carstens Carstens, (USA),T.Earl Iodi Akiyama, M.Nagamine Davoodi, A. Opposing effects transmission pain and itch onspinal block cold spinal ofcervical (France) Virginie LeGall-Ianotto, Christelle LucLefeuvre, Buhé, Laurent Misery, Lebonvalle Nicolas L’herondelle, Gouin,Killian Olivier LeGarrec, Raphaele Mignen, Olivier Buscaglia, Paul differentiated in production keratinocytes PAR-2-evokedTRPV1 regulates mediators inlammatory and release Ca2+ intracellular PedroManuel Pereira Ständer Sonja Steinke, (Germany), Sabine prurigo ofchronic terminology and classiication deinition, Novel (USA), Brett Giesler Glenn HaiTruong, Lipshetz, Sergey Khasabov, DonaldSimone rat. the in stimuli nociceptive and pruriceptive to units thalamic Responses single Peter WolfPeter (Austria), Franz Legat J. Gruber-Wackernagel,Alexandra Hofer,Angelika Waltner, Klara prurigo chronic with patient a in lesions ofskin resolution Taqee MohammedAnsari (India) Loser, Ständer Sonja Konstantin Rülander, (Germany), Falk Agelopoulos Dangelmaier, Julia Tobias Karin Lotts, Karolina C.Szepetowski Jacek Łukasz Kaaz Matusiak, (Poland), patients suppurativa ofhidradenitis disturbances sleep and oflife onquality inluence pain and Itch Ständer PedroManuel Pereira (Germany), Konstantin Sonja Pogatzki-Zahn, Esther Agelopoulos, WeisshaarChairs: Elke (Germany), Yosipovitch Gil (USA) Lunch and poster II viewing Michael Storck,Michael Dugas, Ständer Martin Sonja Steinke, Sabine Soto, Inaki Riepe, Claudia Bruland, (Germany), Philipp Zeidler Claudia Europe in dermatoses pruritic in oflife quality itch-impaired intensity foritch ofinstruments validation t t OP68 OP62 OP57 OP69 OP63 OP58 OP70 OP64 OP59 OP65 OP60 OP66 OP61 OP67 OP56 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 4:00-4:15 PM New methods in brain imaging techniques imaging brain in New methods PM 4:00-4:15 5:20-5:40 PM Future perspectives in treatment ofitch treatment in perspectives Future PM 5:20-5:40 4:15-4:30 PM Three dimensional analysis of cutaneous nervous system in pruritic atopic dermatitis and and dermatitis atopic pruritic in nervous system ofcutaneous analysis dimensional Three PM 4:15-4:30 5:40-6:00 PM Future perspectives in basic research of itch: Mrgpr ofitch: research basic in perspectives Future ofitch biology the and receptors PM 5:40-6:00 4:55-5:05 PM Changes in tactile sensitivity after viewing itch-related images itch-related viewing after sensitivity tactile in Changes PM 4:55-5:05 Itch Tracker: me to tool a into devices smart wearable turning software An application cholestat chronic in areas ofbrain activation altered reveals connectivity Functional PM 4:45-4:55 PM 4:30-4:45 6:15-6:30 PM Closing remarks Closing prizes poster Prize, Handwerker PM 6:15-6:30 PM 6:00-6:15 PM 6:00-6:30 5:05-5:15 PM 5:05-5:15 5:20-6:30 PM 5:20-6:30 2:45-3:00 PM Spinal release of gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) is required for suprathreshold synaptic synaptic forsuprathreshold (GRP) required is peptide releasing ofgastrin release Spinal PM 2:45-3:00 :031 MEffects mice in innervation nerve epidermal and itch onpost-burn ofburnsize PM 3:00-3:15 4:00-5:15 PM 4:00-5:15 ofatopi pathogenesis the in lipocalin-2 derived cell glial ofsatellite role Possible PM 3:15-3:30 4:00-4:15 PM Epidemiological study on the prevalence of itch in Japanese dementia patients dementia Japanese in ofitch prevalence onthe study Epidemiological PM 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 PM Pitfalls in pediatric self-reported pruritus severity and quality of life impact oflife quality and severity pruritus self-reported pediatric in Pitfalls PM 4:15-4:30 4:45-5:00 PM Chronic itch (CI) in hemodialysis patients: patients: hemodialysis (CI)in itch Chronic A ofGEHIS study follow-up (German PM 4:45-5:00 generat items to model conceptual the from pruritus: chronic with patients in oflife Quality PM 4:30-4:45 5:00-5:15 PM Prevalence, characteristics and burden of pruritus in chronic dermatoses chronic in ofpruritus burden and characteristics Prevalence, PM 5:00-5:15 4:00-5:15 PM 4:00-5:15 Clemens Forster (Germany) Forster Clemens Chairs: Forster(Germany); Clemens Ichiro (Japan) Katayama ofitch aspects other and techniques New imaging Concurrent II (USA); Chen Chairs: Suphey Andrey (Russia) Lvov oflife quality and ofitch Epidemiology Concurrent I Sonja Ständer (Germany) Ständer Sonja Weisshaar CarstensChairs: (USA); Elke Earl (Germany) perspectives Future Session Plenary Andreas Kremer (Germany), Theresa Marcel Buchwald, Vetter, Arnd Dörler, Forster Clemens Akihiko Ikoma (Japan), Kimitoshi Takemura, Kimitoshi Ikoma (Japan), Akihiko LeClercq, Didier Toshiya Ebata scratching nocturnal Hong Tey Liang (Singapore) skin psoriasis Xingzhong DongXingzhong (USA) Michellie YoungMichellie Donna Lloyd Burke, (UK), Melanie Jacek C. Szepietowski (Poland), Earl Carstens (USA) Earl (Poland), C.Szepietowski Jacek CLOSING CEREMONY Ichiro (Japan), Katayama Terao, Mika Ochi, Saori Matsumoto, Akira Hiroyuki Murota allergic evoked- itch regulates cortisol derived Keratinocyte inlammation cutaneous Martina Pagani (Switzerland) Pagani Martina ofGRPactivation neurons (GRPR)-positive receptor Suga, Kenji TakamoriSuga, Kenji TakahashiNobuaki Tominaga, Mitsutoshi (Japan), Ryohei Kosaka, Hironori Yasushi Matsuda, Sanders,Yosipovitch, (USA), Kristen Gil Sakai Kent Tasuku Akiyama Kimitoshi Takemura,Kimitoshi LeClercq, Didier Vaglio, Joelle Poncet, Michel Ikoma Akihiko Toshiya Ryoko Middleton, Lefkos (Japan), Ebata Yoshimasa Fukuda, Takase, NaoTaniguchi, Berdeaux, Marie ValerieAuges, Laurent Mengeaud, (France) Misery Nordon, Clementine Theunis, Jennifer Orri, Massimiliano Gilles Jesus Cuervo, Chalem, Ylana Suephy Chen (USA) Chen Suephy François, Sandy Grace Lee, Smith, Shelby Kuang-Ho James Roberts, Chen, Pijeaux, Alix Katarzyna Grochulska Weisshaar Elke Thomas Ofenloch, Mettang, (Germany), Robert CI with of patients mortality and onincidence Study) Hemodialysis-Itch Epidemiological Weller, Sabine Altrichter, Marcus Reidel, Ulrich Maurer, Metz Martin Tomasz Hawro (Germany), KatarzynaPrzybylowicz, Spindler, Max Ellrich, André Karsten c dermatitis c ic pruritus ic asure asure Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 ion Program OP79 OP85 OP81 OP82 OP80 OP86 OP83 OP84 OP71 OP73 OP72 OP74 OP76 OP75 OP77 OP78 1005 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV PP1: 1006 PP2: PP3: PP4: PP5: PP6: PP7: PP8: PP9: PP10: PP11: PP12: PP13: PP21: PP20: PPI7: PP16: PP14: PP19: PP18: PP15: Zschiebsch, Zschiebsch, Häussler,Annett Katrin Watschinger, Irmgard Tegeder Sato, Hiroshi Ohtsu, Hiroshi Sato, Yosuke Mano, Yasushi Kuraishi, Tsugunobu Andoh bysurfactant. induced itching with of mice Yoshihiro Inami, Atsushi dels in mice. Girolamo Calo’, Calo’, Girolamo mice. in dels Pietra Claudio Ruzza, Chiara Anna Rizzi, Yuma Yasui, Carstens Earl Carstens, Iodi Susumu Ohya, Mirela Fujii, Masanori model. mouse dryskin chronic induced Taylor Follansbee, ventromedial medulla (RVM) facilitates touch-evoked scra Choi, Jee Hee Son, Hee Jee Choi, Yong Jo, Se Bo Young Jung, Chun Wook Park Ishida Tsukamoto, Nakayama-Naono, Rumi Toshikazu Nishimori, Yasushi Funahashi, Hideki itch. chronic with mice Yu Miyahara, Ayaka Haruta- Carstens, Mirela Iodi Carstens, Carstens, Iodi Mirela Carstens, Babes Alexandru neurons. Dan Domocos, ganglion root dorsal rat Tudor Earl Selescu, Elmariah,, Ahmad-Reza Dehpour Ahmad-Reza Elmariah,, Haddadi, Nazgol-Sadat Ostadhadi, Arash Ehsan Foroutan, Sarina Azimi, Agelopoulos, Agelopoulos, Tobias Dugas, Ständer Sonja Martin Conrad, Heike Lotts, Austen, Isaac M. Chiu Austen, Isaac ception. Tiphaine Voisin, Bouvier,Amelie Yoshihide K. Frank Kanaoka, Dehpour Ostadhadi, Sattar Haddadi, Nazgol-Sadat Arash Foroutan, Ahmad-Reza mice. behavior in scratching chloroquine-induced in potassium channels Lo Lo Vecchio, H. Hjalte Lars Andersen, Jesper Elberling, Arendt-Nielsen Silvia cowhage. and byhistamine elicited itch, not but pain, increase minergic selectively UVB- –Both NGF-induced sensitization and itch? Nielsen Andersen, Lars Jesper Elberling, Laarhoven, van Antoinette Arendt- paradigms for assessing endogenous itch inhibition eficacy. Hjalte Holm C. Inglot, Małgorzata Dawid Niyski, Anna Biernacka, Reich Adam doutaud, Charlène Eydieux, Julie Riviere, Michèle Sayag Michèle Riviere, Julie Eydieux, Charlène doutaud, study. observational an diseases. Sandrine Virassamynaik, Cha Bernard Adam Reich, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Reich, Adam Gajda, Mariusz Hołysz, Marcin Kupczyk, Piotr itch. of transmission in keratinocytes snd epidermal terminals nerve axonal between sis. interplays Takihara Mayuko Tahara, Keiko Katayama, Ichiro Murota, Hiroyuki Yamauchi- Okuda, Yosuke students. university irst-year of survey Retrospective Blome, Claudia Zeidler, Claudia Blome, Matthias Ständer Sonja Augustin, Menne, Burke,Frederik Kirstin Osada, Laurie Braun, Nani Christine Henk Steinke, Sabine Score”. “Itch-Controlled-Days – the Wassmann, sity. new, ofa development score symptoms pruritus all-encompassing Myeloid GTP-Cyclohydrolase controls itch. Caroline Fischer, Katja Histamine is involved in peripheral nerve elongation into epidermis epidermis into elongation nerve peripheral in involved is Histamine effectsThe mo onitch antagonist NK-1 ofthe receptor Optogenetic activation ofserotonergic activation Optogenetic rostral the (5-HT) neurons in TRPV Hye One Kim, pruritus. post-burn and channels Yong Won Effect of[Leu11]-HK-1-derived in behavior onscratching peptides Serotonin receptor subtypes involved in calcium inlux in cultured cultured in inlux calcium in involved subtypes receptor Serotonin Global gene expression proiling in prurigo nodularis. Konstantin Konstantin nodularis. prurigo in proiling expression gene Global Resistance to serotonin-induced itch in cholestatic mice. Sattar mice. cholestatic in itch serotonin-induced to Resistance Prevalence and magnitude of itch in adolescent atopic dermatitis. dermatitis. atopic adolescent in ofitch magnitude and Prevalence Pharmacological evidence for the involvement of involvement forthe evidence Pharmacological ATP-sensitive Expression Of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1/PGP9.5 in psoria Pruritus in patients hospitalized in the Department of Derm Measuring and scratching sleeping behavior besides pruritus inten Role of cysteinyl leukotrienes and the Cysltr2 receptor in pruri in receptor Cysltr2 the and leukotrienes ofcysteinyl Role Descending inhibition of itch and pain in humans – experimental –experimental humans in pain and ofitch inhibition Descending Itch as accompanying symptom in vitiligo. Elkham Karaev Elkham vitiligo. in symptom as accompanying Itch Band hepatitis viral with patients among Assessment ofpruritus leishmaniasis? ofcutaneous symptom a Is itch Tizita Yosef Kidane to to related skin pruritus manage The use of dermocosmetic a Modeling of itch sensitization forhistaminergic sensitization ofitch Modeling non-hista and 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World tching in a diet- LIST OF POSTERS atology, ------PP29: PP28: PP27: PP26: PP25: PP24: PP23: PP22: PP35: PP37: PP34: PP36: PP31: PP33: PP30: PP32: Jagiellonian UniversityJagiellonian approach. Medical therapeutic -a College Magda Hidemi Nakagawa Hidemi Inokuchi, Yozo Ishiuji, Norie Aizawa, Koichi Yanaba, Toshiya Ebata, Sanae scale. 5-D itch ofthe version Japanese the using dermatomyositis Tominaga, Kenji Takamori, Nakagawa Hidemi Yoshinori Umezawa, Akihiko Asahina, Nobuaki Takahashi, Mitsutoshi Norie psoriasis. Aizawa, Yozo Koichi Inokuchi, Sanae Ishiuji, Yanaba, Rafał Białynicki-Birula, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Białynicki-Birula, Rafał Skin Clinic in Kabale, Uganda. Leo Odongo Leo Uganda. Kabale, in Clinic Skin dermatologist. a seeing without A Jäger new Gerold the from report case Koichi Koichi Yanaba, Toshiya Nakagawa Hidemi Ebata, Yoshinori Norie Umezawa, Inokuchi, Sanae Aizawa, Akihiko Asahina, scale. 5-D itch ofthe version Japanese the using psoriasis Yozo Ishiuji, Seong Jin Kim, Do Kim, Seong Jin Won Kim Jang, Kyung Doh, Jin Duck Park,Eun Dong Hun Lee, Yang Won Lee, Soo Min Sung Ook Hei Kim, Chang Hye Park, One Kim, Kap-sok Li, Korea. in study Yong Hyun Jang, Gyeong-Hun Park, Byung-Soo Kim, multicenter prospective, a pruritus. chronic with patients in measurement Marta Laskowska, Katarzyna Neubauer, Laskowska, Katarzyna Marta Reich Adam bowel disease. is pruritus a major inding? Marta Idzior, Beata Jastrzb, Anna Wojas-Pelc lena Spałkowska, Agata Radko, Maciej Nowak, Małgorz Abbé, Michael Andria Michael Abbé, Reaney, Matthew Eckert, Laurent Gadkari, Marius Ardeleanu, Adeline Simpson, Eric ofdupilumab. trials randomized from analysis Abhijit (NRS) Patients in With detailed dermatitis. atopic Moderate-to-severe Kopparaju, Chih-Cheng Chen Chih-Cheng Kopparaju, Afshari, Maryam Daneshpazhooh, Daneshpazhooh, Afshari, Maryam Dehpour Ahmad-Reza Haddadi, Khashayar Shakiba, Saeed Ostadhadi, Arash Sattar Foroutan, itch. involvement ofopioidergic possible The Nazgol-Sadat system. Ho SuephyChen Chen, patients. Alix Pijeaux, Grace Lee, Shelby Smith, Sandy Francois, Kuang- Gil Gil Yosipovich, Schut Christina Joerg Kiupel, Stephanie students. Kupfer, Uwe Gieler, Kottlors, Sophia Waldemar Placek zarczyk-Saczonek, Joanna Czerwiska, Martyna Bieniek-Kobuszewska, Zdanowska, Natalia dermatoses. pruritic with patients Owc Agnieszka Fibrinogen deposits under direct immunoluorescence staining in eldery Sarah Chisolm, MD, Seema Kini, MD, Kini, MD, MSCR, MD, Seema Suephy Chisolm, Chen, Sarah MS ang-Ho Chen, PhD, Glenda Wrenn, MD, MSHP, Cassandra Quave, PhD, Asian BS, Luk, Kevin races. other and Americans BS, Ku Pijeaux, Alix Kim-Dufor, Misery Laurent Poulaliou, Adèle Deok-Hee perspectives. and study Preliminary assess to itch. tionnaires Suephy C.Chen Suephy patients. Toshiya Ebata, Yuko Hayakawa, Akishi Momose, Yuko Higaki, Sumatriptan, the anti-migranous , suppresses serotonin-induced the drug, anti-migranous Sumatriptan, suppresses serotonin-induced Relationship between pruritus and serum lipocalin-2 in patients with with patients in lipocalin-2 serum and pruritus between Relationship Evaluation of the clinical characteristics of pruritus in patients with with patients in ofpruritus characteristics clinical ofthe Evaluation Evaluation of the clinical characteristics of pruritus in patients with with patients in ofpruritus characteristics clinical ofthe Evaluation Investigating racial disparities in pruritus quality of life in pediatric pediatric in oflife quality pruritus in disparities racial Investigating Deining a Responder on the Peak Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale ques standard adapted culturally and forlinguistically need The Itch in psoriasis – is age an important factor? Radomir Reszke, Reszke, Radomir factor? important an age –is psoriasis in Itch A rashes ofitchy years thirteen endure who to had girl Ugandan Validity intensity foritch instruments ofvarious reliability and Assessment of skin problems among patients with inlammatory inlammatory with patients among problems skin of Assessment Does pre-scratching reduce the itch transmission? Ravi Chandra Chandra Ravi transmission? itch the reduce Does pre-scratching Detection of presence IgG1-IgG4, IgA, IgE, IgM, C1qand ofpresence C3c, Detection Differences between oflife quality pruritus drive that factors in Validation of Japanese version of ItchyQoL in chronic pruritus university German in stress itch and between relationship The ata Werynowska, - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV PP38: PP52: PP57: PP53: PP56: PP51: PP54: PP55: PP50: PP49: PP47: PP48: PP43: PP46: PP44: PP39: PP42: PP45: PP40: PP41: of cervical radiculopathy.of cervical Szczch, Justyna Reich Adam Caroline-Donata Forner,Caroline-Donata Zeidler, Claudia Jan Ehrchen, Ständer Sonja VictoriaWerth,Reich Adam Zygmunt Lesiak, dra Daisuke C.Szepietowski, Jacek Adamski, Tsuruta, Adriana Polaska, Laurent Misery, Mohammad Raiqul Mowla, Aleksan Kushner,Carolyn Takaharu Hashizume, Hideo Hasegawa, Minoru Ikeda, Islam, Aminul Furukawa, Fukumi Daczak-Pazdrowska, Aleksandra Emiliano Szczch, Justyna Samotij, Dominik Chasset, François Antiga, overview. an erythematosus. lupus cutaneous in ofpruritus presentation Pedro, Manuel Pereira-Barbosa Pedro, Manuel des, Estrella Duarte, Fátima Ana Célia, Alonso, Elisa Spínola, Amélia Immunoallergology Portuguese of a .Rita Department Aquiar, Ana Men Murata, Kazuyoshi Satoh, Keita Tatsuya Sakamoto Hirotaka Sakamoto, Keiko mammals. in system peptide gastrin-releasing on the Takanami, Julia Paul, Stewart Graham Stewart Paul, Julia lake, M.D., Jeffreylake, M.D. D. Bernhard, Ständer Nashan, Hartmut Dorothée Ständer,Dücker, Sonja von Laura Małek, Małgorzata gabapentin. with Arendt-Nielsen, Parisa Gazerani Parisa Arendt-Nielsen, NørgaardLindby Holm Hansen, Hjalte Lars Petrini, Andersen, Laura Lausten, Birkholm Mia Christensen, Djernis Janne Rusteikaitè, Anders Bødker, Mark Brendstrup Riccio, Daniele humans. in itch Justina mann O. Handwerker mann Forster, Clemens pain. Verena Vierow, Ringler, Ralf Rank, Miriam Her Chiharu Nishiyama, Kenji Kenji Nishiyama, Chiharu Takamori Tominaga, Nobuaki Takahashi, Matsuda, Hironori Yasuhiro Tomooka, Ryohei model mice. induced psoriasis-like dermatitis Kosaka, Mitsutoshi Mariusz Sikora, Małgorzata Jabłoska Małgorzata Sikora, Mariusz pruritus of the scalp. Gajda, Patrycja Adriana Rakowska, Czuwara, Joanna naya Beigi, Michael Haeberle, Haeberle, Michael Beigi, naya Andreas Gschwendtner, Elke Weisshaar neuropathy. sensomotoric paraneoplastic resembling of malignancy Mi Maciej Nowacki, Nowacki, Maciej Wojciech Zegarska Barbara Ragin, Dominika Zegarski, Nowacka, Katarzyna treatment? and diagnosis prevention, the about ing Sokołowska– Wojdyło Małgorzata Nowicki, Roman Lange, Magdalena Gle, Jolanta Malek, nism of pruritus in CTCLs. Berenika Olszewska, Anton awrocki, Marta Andreas E. Kremer Andreas E. Peter Stengel, Martina Ries, W. J. Fischer, Michael Reeh, Namer, Barbara Margareta ofapplication. mode on the Lina Düll, Miriam Wurm, Vivien Yasauo Shiraiwa, Tomomi Mizukami Hiroki Kusumi, Michihiro Momose, Akishi Yabe, Kumakawa, Kenjirou Chiba, Shigetoshi Saeed Shakiba, Shakiba, Saeed Arash Foroutan, Dehpour Ahmad-Reza pathway. Khashayar Ostadhadi, Sattar Haddadi, Afshari, Nazgol-Sadat therapy. Zegarska Barbara Nowacka, Katarzyna Ragin, Dominika Itch associated with hyperplastic papillomatous skin lesions compli lesions skin papillomatous hyperplastic with associated Itch Signiicance of IL-31 expression in skin and in serum in patomecha Treatment ofsevere atopic dermatitis with omalizumab. Experience A clinical and prevalence onthe study cross-sectional multinational Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia –a case ofpersistent Involvement of spinal microglia in the pathogenesis ofimiquimod- pathogenesis the in microglia ofspinal Involvement surgical in itch ofthe problem The -dowe know everyth oncology pruritus. associated disease kidney ofchronic pruritogens are What Pilot study of venous ulcer itch. analysis of wound luid and serum. Brachioradial pruritus in a young Caucasian woman as a symptom symptom as a woman youngCaucasian a in pruritus Brachioradial McEnery-Stone Melissa 2017Update. ofItch. Bibliometrics The Morphological and molecular evolutional analyses of and evolutional Morphological itch focused molecular Secondary generalized brachioradial pruritus successfully treated treated successfully pruritus brachioradial generalized Secondary effectAntipruritic of on illusion grill thermal histamine-evoked Functional changes in the cerebral networks for itch and burning burning and networks foritch cerebral the in changes Functional The fatal course of chronic itch (CI). Generalized CI as a irst sign Lysophosphatidic depending humans in pain and itch induces acid Reduction of pruritus in oncological patients receiving EGFRI receiving patients oncological in ofpruritus Reduction Chronic prurigo masks the inding of a bullous pemphigoid. bullous a of inding the masks prurigo Chronic Sumatriptan attenuates CQ-induced scratching through NO------PP59: PP58: PP60: PP70: PP69: PP69: PP64: PP74: PP76: PP76: PP65: PP78: PP73: PP68: PP67: PP75: PP77: PP72: PP66: PP61 PP63: PP62: PP71: PP79: Takeo Mikako Minematsu, Yoshida, Sanada Hiromi Abe Masatoshi, of Panti Werdha, Dianis Indonesia. in homes nursing public Wulan Sari, zewska, Lidia Rudnicka Lidia zewska, Ols Tomasz Małgorzata Demkow,Wakiel,Rakowska, Anna Adriana syndrome. Netherton with patient a in carcinoma bysquamouscell cated Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Blicharz, Zbigniew Samochocki, Paulina Usarek Paulina Samochocki, Zbigniew Blicharz, Leszek pathogenesis? itch with link a there –is patients dermatitis atopic Jan Biegus, Robert Zymlinski, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Zymlinski, Robert Jan Biegus, Hartmut Ständer,Hartmut Ständer Sonja Limitations. and –Possibilities Germany in Practice Dermatological Ho Chen, James Roberts, SuephyChen Roberts, Ho James Chen, Children. Sandy François, Grace Lee, Shelby Smith, Alix Pijeaux, Kuang- A. Luger Sonja Ständer, Karin Loser, Dieter Metze, Jürgen Zimmermann, Thomas (PSORITUS). trial controlled randomized a from data baseline patient C. Szepietowski Tomasz Matusiak, Łukasz Jacek Kwiatkowski, Lelonek, Wróbel, Jacek Tereshenko, Bobko Svetlana phenomenon?. psychosomatic Andrey Lvov, Romanov, Dmitry Anastasia Szepietowski mova, Irina Sergeeva Irina mova, Titenko,Anastasiia Yulia ViktoriaKrinitsina, VeraOnipchenko, Paho Peter WolfPeter Alexandra Gruber-Wackernagel, Franz Quehenberger, Kl Legat, J. Franz patients. pruritus chronic in itch reducing Hofer,Angelika ritus outcomes. Suephy Chen, James Roberts James SuephyChen, outcomes. ritus Stepien, Dorota Zarebska-Michaluk, Beata Krecisz Beata Zarebska-Michaluk, Dorota Stepien, successfully with treated and rifampin Piotr Piotr sertraline. Parcheta, Reich, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Reich, Adam Łaczmaski, Łukasz Heisig, Monika pruritus. uremic with tion ropathic itch - a preliminary study. preliminary -a itch ropathic Fischer, Matthias Elke Weisshaar Volume, Hong Liang Itch. and Pain Tey, Colin Weixuan Tan OPD of a tertiary care hospital. hospital. care OPD tertiary ofa Meena Manju Asit Mittal, riasis riasis patients. Karolina Kaaz, Łukasz Matusiak, Jacek C. Szepietowski Jean-Luc Carré, Laurent Misery, Laurent Carré, Jean-Luc Lebonvallet Nicolas L’herondelle,lian Florent Philbé, Jean-Luc Yvergnaux, Saguet, Thibaut Olivier Gouin, Kil Gall-Ianotto, Le Christelle Leschiera, Raphael Sakka, with evaluation Joe Hirman, Paul Kwon Paul Joe Hirman, Ständer, Sonja trial: 2clinical phase placebo-controlled Gil Yosipovitch, multicenter, randomized, a from results analysis hoc post pruritus: . A dermatology attending psoriasis with patients in ofpruritus study Both narrowband-UVB and broadband-UVB are equally effective equally narrowband-UVB broadband-UVB are Both and in Itch and pain inluence on quality of life of atopi Pruritus in patients with acute heart failure. Malgorzata Ponikows Nodular prurigo as irst manifestation of primary b Expression of IL-31 in uraemic pruritus. Marta Pelc, Maria Kozioł, Endocannabinoid 1gene receptor polymorphisms have no associa Properties of pruritus and factors among related residents elderly Differentiated forneu treatment exercise and training resistance Gender Disparity in the Psychosocial Effect Psychosocial the in Disparity Gender on Itch ofChronic Occupational aspects of scabies. Michael Häberle, Häberle, Michael ofscabies. aspects Occupational Arno Rütten ItchyQol assessment in psoriasis vulgaris. Correlation analysis of analysis Correlation psoriasis vulgaris. in assessment ItchyQol «Pseudoallergic» a isit membrane. mucous onskin and reactions Itch in non-melanoma skin cancers. Iwona Chlebicka, Jacek C. Jacek Iwona Chlebicka, skincancers. non-melanoma in Itch Mycosis fungoides as the cause of unspeciied itching for 4 years. Edyta vera. polycythemia in pruritus ofaquagenic burden The A test stinging formodelling new tool Novel Microneedle Microneedle Novel Treatment Effects forKeloids. onlesional Medical Care of Patients with Chronic Pruritus in t Early onset ofantipruritic effects with serlopitant forchronic Imperviousness to gender cartoon annotation in self reported reported pru self in annotation gender to cartoon Imperviousness Colonization of skin and mucous membranes aureus membranes mucous and ofskin Colonization in vivo in results using a bacterial polysaccharide. Mehdi Mehdi polysaccharide. bacterial using a results Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 in vitroin c dermatitis and pso iliary cholangitis . a comparative. a ara Waltner, he Private 1007 ka, ka, ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Heidelberg, Germany Mannheim, Department of Anesthesiology Careand Intensive Medicine, University of Martin Schmelz CLINICAL ITCH SPECIFICITY ORPATTERN: IMPLICATIONS FOR OP2 Medical University,Medical Wroclaw, Poland Dermatoology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw C.Szepietowski Jacek WROCLAW MOULAGES ITCHY DERMATOSES IN COLLECTIONTHE OF OP1 found in rodents based on the speciicity of itch (“labeled line”). line”). (“labeled itch of speciicity the on based rodents in found been have itch for mediators Speciic NaV1.7. as such subtypes channel sodium oreven such as NK1 antagonists pruriceptors and nociceptors for common targets also are the there theory speciicity of lines the along approaches itch-speciic of basis the on targets anti-pruritic potential ofthese most While developed were peptide). releasing gastrin peptide, natriuretic (B-type processing itch for speciic transmitters central and S) Cathepsin TSLP, LPA, autotaxin, IL31, (IL13, sensation itch the to linked are that MrgC11, MrgD) (MrgX1, man and MrgD), mediators peripheral afferent pruriceptive for primary (MrgA1, rodents neurons in histaminergic itch were made. markers These functional include discoveries in the ield of speciic major mediators and new receptors Recently,of non- mediators. itch speciic of identiication and concepts ofpathophysiologic lack a has been itch chronic oftargeted development forthe problem main The for therapy cancers. skin disease, Reclinghausen acne, disorders: other and scleroderma disease, blistering dermatoses: autoimmune psoriasis; planus, lichen dermatitis, atopic simplex, lichen neurodermatitis, eczema, diseases: inlammatory pyodermiae; pruriens impetigo, tinea, infections: symptom: important an a is itch which ses in contains of 323 exhibits. Among them there are sevaral dermato wax. quality poorer of using ofmoulages collection current The result be to seemed which tint, yellowish the was law only The by accuracy. to Alfons thanks Kröner were best considered the was made moulage last Wroclaw 1937. in made moulages The Neisser’s the Alfons Kröner who joined 1897. in department The by was produced ofmoulages collection ofcurrent majority vast to ofmoulages technology the brought Wroclaw (Breslau). The in dermatology studing physician Japanese a Vienna, probably Dohi, (1882–1916).Keizo ofDermatology Department ofthe head Wroclaw of times the dates moulages Neisser,Albert famous the part. subjective only was Colour the by casting. of history The reproduced exactly were lesions skin the moulage the constructing process of Inthe mixture. use ofbeewax the to led quality for better need the time in but cost, lower oftheir because probably moulds, use ofplaster the with produced were moulages dermatological Initially times. ancient to dating tradition ses long-lasting has a presented. be will collection purpo use ofwax forpractical The mentioned above ofthe as moulages documented diseases skin ofitchy examples some Lecture Bernhard prestigious this During moulages. ofdermatological collection ofits because famous is Dermatology of Department Wroclawinlammatory. as well as could be ind in many skin diseases, including infectious diseases dermatology. in symptom common most as the regarded is Itch It 1008 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World BERNHARD LECTURE KURAISHI LECTURE INVITED LECTURES - - Eriko Komiya-Suyama Eriko CD26/DPPIVFOR AND ATOPIC DERMATITIS - A POSSIBLE ROLE REGULATIONTHE OF PRURITUS IN PSORIASIS OP4 worker, ofpruritus. aspects multifaceted addressing in vital is social and psychologist, psychiatrist, ofdermatologist, consisting components. psychosocial team multidisciplinary An integrated and emotional cognitive, the also but aspects somatosensory and dermatologic only address not to approach holistic a adopting and cause underlying at directed is component psychosomatic with pain and itch also play a major role. Management of itch associa modulating endings nerve and keratinocytes between interaction cannabinoids. and opioids, receptors, potential receptor close The transient receptors, protease-activated interleukins, histamine, including substances various involves and circumstances most in gotogether modulation pain and Itch pruritus. disorders causing psychiatric and factors bypsychosocial aggravated diseases ritic pru sequel, psychosocial with diseases pruritic headings: three psych grouped and be under can itch between The connection ofitch. processing central and pathways neuronal itch-related mediators, speciic of complexity the involves itch of robiology studied. widely has been itch psych and between ship neu The cycle. scratch and itch with relation intricate and reciprocal The associated frequently are anxiety and depression including tions condi psychiatric Comorbid conditions. psychodermatological of sensation life in responsible quality for decreased a of variety subjective unpleasant an is It scratch. to desire the provoking tion, sensa cutaneous unpleasant an is as pruritus referred also Itch, Central Michigan University, Michigan Central Saginaw, USA Michigan, JafferanyMohammad PSYCHE ITCH AND OP3 patterns of activity in nociceptors is the underlying mechanism. underlying the is nociceptors in ofactivity patterns is the question whether activity in speciic pruriceptors or certain processing. Thus, a key problem to be solved in chronic itch patient of mechanisms suggest pain and pathophysiological common itch may and unexpected is patients in occurrence concurrent their conditions. itch neuropathic and pain As suppresses pain pruritus, tients report combined itch and pain sensations both in neuropath itch behavior in can animals be differentiated operationally, pa primarily in nociceptors or in speciic pruriceptors. While pain and targets therapeutic whether tion investigated be should humans in treat treat symptom, troublesome forthis options ment skin inlammatory oflimited Because byitching. accompanied frequently diseases chronic are dermatitis atopic and Psoriasis stitute for Environmental for stitute Japan Medicine, andGender Speciic Immune for Disorders andInnovation Development andCancers, andIn Therapy of Department Medicine, of University Graduate School Juntendo Itoh, Itoh, (“pattern theory”). Human studies are required to answer the ques However, itch generating in role potential a have nociceptors also Morimoto mada, HOT OFF BENCH:THE LATEST NEWS BY Hiroto Yamazaki, Yasushi Suga,Utako Kimura, Taketo Ya Mitsutoshi Tominaga,Mitsutoshi Kenji Takamori, Ohnuma, Kei YOUNG INVESTIGATORS NEISSER LECTURE , MD, FAPA , Ryo Hatano,Haruna Otsuka,

the development development the Takumi Chikao Chikao ted ted ic ic ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV matology, Heidelberg, University Hospital haar reported reported CI ( so addressed far. being HD patients Of who previously those had 212 containing units 9dialysis to refer and preliminary are results assessed. were (ItchyQoL) oflife lity study, ongoing As an is this scale, VAS). HRQOL qua (SF-12and questionnaire) itch-related analogue ofCI(visual severity 3years), last the CI(during vious pre and current about questionnaire patient same sessed the with was as ofCI.Itching characteristics and course persistence, the investigate to again CIpatients all contacted and study follow-up (CI).Four later, years itch chronic current a 2017we performed in following results refer to 46 patients. 45.7%( 46patients. to refer results following anymore due to treatment transplantation). ondialysis not The were they orbecause place another to moved had they because ( monstrate a signiicant impairment in those still suffering from CI 11.9 HRQOL including analyses First years). de ItchyQol and suffering still were (SD of66.5years age mean a CI having from died in the meantime. Of the remaining 25 patients, 52.4%( 25patients, remaining Of the meantime. the in died We showed 25.1%( recently Germany. in units 25dialysis in (HD) patients 860 hemodialysis including 2013and in started cohort cross-sectional representative a is Study) Itch Hemodialysis GEHIS Epidemiological (German Natalie Plewig STUDY) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL HEMODIALYSIS-ITCH A FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF (GERMAN GEHIS CHRONIC ITCH IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: OP5 effectiveof more 1 ment option for patients suffer forpatients option ment pruritus. from ofDPPIV regulation that and treat more a provide may enzyme ofSP, truncation via pruritus in role important an plays activity together, DPPIV suggests study that results ourpresent enzyme DPPIV ofa administration with decreased cantly inhibitor. Taken overexpressing-mice, meanwhile scratching behavior was signii DPPIV in increased signiicantly was behavior scratching model, dermatitis duced atopic psoriasis model and extract-induced mite DPPIV ofa treatment inhibitor. Finally, Imiquimod-in utilizing with decreased signiicantly was behavior scratching injection, bySP induced model pruritus utilizing Furthermore, intradermal patients. both in increased signiicantly was DPPIV by cleaved Moreover,matitis. ofSP form truncated we foundthat (SP5-11) der atopic and psoriasis of sera in increase signiicant showing substance-Pding forDPPIV substrate (SP), a is which enzyme, inclu neuropeptides levels of itch-transmitting evaluated next and adults. normal ofhealthy those to compared dermatitis atopic We psoriasis with patients in increased signiicantly were sera ofsCD26 DPPIV and Levels ELISA. wich in activity enzyme sand house-made a utilizing ofpatients, sera in activity enzyme dermatitis. WeDPPIV and protein sCD26 of levels analyzed irst DPPIV atopic and ofpsoriasis pruritus with patients in activity enzyme of mechanisms molecular the and signiicance clinical elucidated. been yet the was evaluate study to ofthis aim The However,increased. role of a mechanistic DPPIV has enzyme not ofDPPIV levels expression are skin ofpsoriatic keratinocytes in (sCD26 orsDPPIV). has activity enzyme It reported that been DPPIV with conservation with sera in present is form soluble a in role portant T biology. cell antigen, surface cell to Inaddition CD26 main. a is T and im an plays molecule costimulatory cell IV peptidase known dipeptidyl do (DPPIV) extracellular its in CD26 110-kDa, a is with glycoprotein IItransmembrane type lios Klinik, Wiesbaden, Klinik, lios Germany Dept. Dept. of Clinical Social Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Der n =13). We CI, who acquired those newly group to this compared 1 n =54), 14.8% ( 1 , Robert Ofenloch Robert

treatment for pruritus is critically important. for critically is pruritus treatment n n =217) of HD patients to suffer to =217) ofHD patients from =8) could not be interviewed (e.g. =8) could not be (e.g. interviewed 1 , Thomas Mettang 2 Dept. of Nephrology, of Dept. DKD He n =21) of those had had =21) ofthose 2 , Elke WeissElke n =13) =13) ------

2 1 Mirela Mirela Iodi Carstens ON AND OFF CELLS ROSTRAL VENTROMEDIAL MEDULLARY (RVM) EFFECTS OF PRURITOGENS AND ON ALGOGENS OP7 tom in hemodialysis patients. hemodialysis in tom and perpetuate the itch-scratch cycle. itch-scratch the perpetuate and affect can triggers chological conditions skin itchy with people differences these Understanding how psy elucidate to help will effectbottom-up content. itch ofthe processing early little with of creation ona reliant more be may participants healthy VEI in the whereas mechanism, top-down attentional draw upona may images itch viewing response to the itch, experience to propensity with a participants the In population. pre-existing healthy clinical that affect images VEI provoking groups differently clinical to irritants. featuring images to compared rashes etc.) indicates This (scratching, damage skin featuring byimages driven be primarily irst saccade on each trial to the itch image. These effects appear their make to likely more were and them, at looking longer spent images, itch towards the saccades more groupmade clinical the that revealed also tracking Eye images. itch towards the directed was attention their that indicating trials, oncongruent faster ded respon participants clinical group; healthy the not but clinical the image. itch the We for times reaction in bias attentional foundan number, direction, as well as the duration and ofsaccades towards Participants’ image. itch the with measured, were times reaction orincongruently congruently either presented arrow probe of an direction the reported then and for2000ms images non-itch and ofitch pairs viewed Participants tracking. eye with combined task 30 healthy control participants, using an arrow probe reaction time clinical itch participants (self-reported eczema, psoriasis, etc.) an relected in an attentional bias towards itch images. We tested 30 group. latter differences these whether investigated study This are differences effect how in the foundforthe been have manifests although populations, itch chronic and healthy both (VEI) in Itch shown induce been to have images Itch-related Visually Evoked Leeds, UK of University Michellie Young IN A CLINICAL ITCH POPULATION ATTENTIONAL BIAS TO ITCH-RELATED IMAGES OP6 hindpaw injection site. Most units were unresponsive to id injec id to unresponsive were Most units site. injection hindpaw the to adjacent responded also applied units to scratch stimulus a 50% histamine, by id and chloroquine, 76% by id capsaicin. All RVM ON cells, 86% (24/28) were (id)by excited intradermal Of bypaw pinch. elicited withdrawal hindlimb nocifensive to prior just occurred that iring in decrease or increase respective their by identiied cells OFF and ON RVM from in made were naling. Inpentobarbital-anesthetized mice, single-unit recordings of spinal itch sig modulation descending to how contribute they unknown how ON and OFF cells respond to orstimuli pruritic respectively. transmission, nociceptive spinal However, is it RVM inhibit and facilitate to thought ON- are OFF and cells These These new data conirm CI to be a persistent and impairing symp CI(VAS who acquired those newly to compared 3.32vs. 2.88). CI from suffering still those in scores higher signiicantly show severity ofthe analyses First SF-12 (27.9vs. detected. 37.9)were HRQOL lower scores indicating lower of subscale physical the in Akiyama Univ. USA Miami, of Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, Univ. of California, Davis CA; 2 , Masanori Fujii NEUROBIOLOGY OF ITCH , Melanie Burke, Burke, , Melanie Donna Lloyd 1 , Taylor Follansbee 1 , Davoodi A. 1 , M.Nagamine Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 1 , Earl Earl Carstens 1 1 , Tasuku 1009 to to d d - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1 skin of nodular prurigo. prurigo. ofnodular skin Therefore biosensormay innate an TLR3, also found signiicantly increased expression of TLR3 in lesional skin lesional of nodular prurigo (Kido patients et al 2014). We of non histaminergic itch in humans known to be inincreased ofET-1. release NHEKs the in results mediator important This Conclusions: skin. control healthy and (non-scratched) perilesional with red (mean prurigo nodular with of patients VAS 7.5),compa score skin lesional the in TLR3 of expression increased signiicantly showed skin of Immunoluoresence treatment. following ET-1 1). RT-PCR mRNA showed increased of levels TLR3, TSLP and (ET- Endothelin-1 and ofIL-6 release the in resulted (I:C) Poly activation of TLR3. of TLR3. activation via humans in ofitch sensitization peripheral the to contributes ofRNA release the and damage epidermal to keratinocytes from keratinocytes. mal We leads which scratching, that hypothesise RNA including patterns molecular epider injured from released associated damage responds endogenous also to but pathogens, RNA, stranded double ofviral biosensor innate as an acts TLR3 regulation of itch signaling in mice (Liu et al 2012). A detector of the in signiicant be to found was TLR3 Recently threats. nous orendoge exogenous with associated signals danger molecular recognize to designed sensors cellular are (TLRs) receptors derstanding of itch however is from far still complete. Toll-like un morbidity.Our psychological and physical signiicant with associated is dermatology in symptom common most the is Itch McDonald Ian SENSITISATION IMMUNE MECHANISMS OF PERIPHERAL ITCH ON ITCH, NEW INSIGHTS INTO INNATE HOW SCRATCHING CAN TAKE ITS “TOLL” OP8 ofON cells). excitation and cells that counteracts descending facilitation (byinhibition ofOFF OFF ofsome cells) (byexcitation inhibition descending include effectmodulatory may that transmission pruriceptive onspinal descending complex suggests more onOFF a pruritogens cells transmission. nociceptive spinal facilitate effects mixed The of to inhibition descending decreased with consistent is OFF cells transmission. pain effect inhibitory mainly The on ofcapsaicin ON descending initiate itch and cells to facilitation of spinal RVM activate may signals pruriceptive ascending that indicate exciting 14% and having no effect in the remainder. These results 64%while inhibited scratching and 23%.Idcapsaicin inhibiting Id waschloroquine ineffective 15%and exciting in 62% while excited 50%while inhibiting orhaving noeffect in the remainder. effects scratching and Idhistamine OFF with observed were cells. More variable scratching. to responded still but ofvehicle, tion 1010 using immunoluorescence. was skin performed control healthy and perilesional lesional, cells. treated from of quantitation and expression The inTLR3 tative RT PCR was preformed to analyse mRNA expression 24hours 4and ELISA.Quanti using at was performed analysis ligand of TLR3, Poly(I:C) at different Secretomeconcentrations. synthetic the with (NHEKs) treated were keratinocytes epidermal prurigo. nodular with ofpatients skin of expression the 2) Evaluate scratched chronically in TLR3 of activation following keratinocytes from released ators TLR3. brecen, Debrecen, Hungary, nell University Watar, University nell Doha, Qatar of Dermatology, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar University, Weil Cor and hoff Vincents Ireland,University Dublin, Hospital, UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology, Department of Dermatology St 4 3 Department Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of De 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World We of activation that demonstrated have inTLR3 1 , Attila Attila Szöllsi Objective: Aim: Objective: 4 UCD Charles Institute UCD Institute Charles Dermatology,of Dept Results: 2 , Imre Szabó Lrinc Stimulation of NHEKs with 1) Identify key itch medi Methods: 2 Department of Physiology, of Department Normal human Normal 3 , Martin Stein Martin ------inlammatory cytokines (IL-6). cytokines inlammatory ET-1, through itch triggering and pression TSLP pro other and likely contributes to encode sensations produced byBAM8-22. produced sensations encode to contributes likely encode ALA QCs in SCs and sensations, activity whereas –induced activated by ALA and BAM8-22, respectively, and suggest th BAM8-22. These results show that QCs and SCs are preferentially QCs, responses to ALA larger 2-fold about were responses to than by induced those than higher 20-fold about were ALA, in whereas about 10-fold larger than in SCs. In SCs, responses to BAM8-22 QCs SCs 23/24 to responded but ALA, QC- and responses were larger 3-fold responses about were QCs. in SCs Only4/21 in than C ibers. All of 21SCs and 17/24 QCs responded to BAM8-22, but at least 5minutes following each injection. We studied total a of45 for was recorded byBAM8-22 activity followed (1µg). Neuronal 1µg) peptide, truncated ofBAM8-18 inactive block (the another extracellular luid (ECF, the solvent) followed by ALA (90 µg) and of consisted block one RF: the at order random in administered under study, two blocks of intradermal injections (each 10 µ techniques. After assessing receptive properties of teased-iber the afferent standard iber using nemestrina) (Macaca primates male nonhuman anaesthetized in was skin recorded hairy the innervating is currently not known. Neuronal activity of unmyelinated C ibers BAM8-22 and whether any iber subclass is preferentially activated by vated ALA. by activated are nociceptors polymodal Whether acti preferentially are QC-ibers that and (SCs), response slow a response (QCs) quick or a 3s): (49°C, stimulus heat stepped a to exposed are (RF) ields receptive their when C-ibers nociceptive polymodal cutaneous in observed responses are ofheat two types MrgprC11 MrgprX1. human and Previously, shown we have that by ALA, an MrgprD agonist, and BAM8-22, an agonist for murine known what types of cutaneous afferents in are activated primate the MrgA-C subfamilies described in mice. Currently, it is not as ers, designated MrgX1-4, cannot be assigned clearly to any of Mrgs forsome genes orthologous (MrgD-G), exist oth whereas (Mrgprs). receptors G protein-coupled of mas-related Inprimate, differ DRG neurons that ofmurine populations expression their in ofitch. sensation non-overlapping activate pruritogens These 8-22(BAM8-22) the cause protein medullary adrenal bovine ( -alanine of administration intradermal human, In Dept Neurosurgery,of School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA Ringkamp Matthias TimothyAmanda H Klein, V Wooten, Matthew Hartke, Gang Wu, MEDULLARY PROTEIN 8-22 INJECTION OF -ALANINE AND BOVINE PIGTAIL MONKEY INTRADERMAL FOLLOWING OF POLYMODAL NOCICEPTIVE C-FIBERS IN PREFERENTIAL ACTIVATION OF SUBTYPES OP9 pruriception and nociception, the underlying neurophysiological the underlying neurophysiological and pruriception nociception, behavior. Despite signiicant anatomical and behavioral overlap of withdrawal ofeliciting distinction the with sensation unpleasant an behavior, scratching to leads that sation as describable also is pain somatosensation. While itch can be described as an unpleasant sen Undoubtedly, itch and of pain are among the closest modalities Behrang Sharif CAPACITY OF PRIMARY C-AFFERENTS SENSATION: EVIDENCE MULTI-MODAL FOR ITCH AS A BASIC CONSTITUENT OF SOMATO- OP10 Department of Physiology, of Department University, McGill Montreal, Canada Quebec, guéla to injured, scratched epidermal keratinocytes, increasing its ex its increasing keratinocytes, epidermal scratched injured, to responding itch-scratch-cycle, the in receptor important as an act , Ariel Ariel Ase, Alfredo Ribeiro daSilva, Philippe Sé ALA) and ALA) l) were l) were at QCs at QCs

- - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Takahashi International Liberal Liberal Arts, International Science, Japan Science, nology, Science and Technology, Industrial Faculty of Tokyo University of pathway may be a promising candidate for anti-alloknesis treatment. foranti-alloknesis candidate promising a be may pathway CCK2R. spinal via alloknesis induced CCK8S-CCK2R Thus, the CCK8S that suggest not. indings did These antagonist CCK1R a whereas alloknesis, CCK8S-induced the attenuated signiicantly (CCK2R) antagonist, CCK2 a receptor ofL-365,260, injection Pharmacologically, mice. control to compared mice intrathecal treated scores in alloknesis increased in ofCCK8S resulted injection touch-evoked itch using innocuous von Frey ilaments. Intrathecal tested spinalnext whether alloknesis, CCK8S induced namely mice. C57BL/6J in bouts scratching induce CCK8S not did We of injection intrathecal analyses, Inbehavioral mice. in behavior effects ofintrathecal injection ofCCK8S onitch-related scratching Initially, transmission. itch of CCK8S spinal in the we examined the CNS. this Therefore, study was performed the to role investigate also shown that CCK8sulfated (CCK8S) is widely distributed in compared with that in non-AD control mice. Previous studies symptoms (AD)-like dermatitis atopic with ofNC/Nga mice ganglia expression increased of CCK mRNA was found dorsal the root in itch transmission remains unclear. expression Inourgene analysis, However,allodynia. CCK spinal and between relationship the such as anxiety, circumstances in neuromodulator and feeding and/or neurotransmitter as a (CCK) knownact is to cystokinin chole neuropeptide (CNS), nervous system the central In the Mitsutoshi Tominaga SPINAL CCK2 RECEPTOR IN MICE SULFATED CCK8 INDUCES ALLOKNESIS VIA OP11 nervous system. mammalian the in coded distinctly are pain and how itch explain to models for novel others. in pain and conditions certain in sensation itch calls This vivo Our show results that scratching. than rather behaviors avoidance responses and pain induces ChR2predominantly neurons through responses. Surprisingly, pain than rather ofthese activation optical behavior itch stereotypical neurons evokes ofthese activation netic chemoge show studies that ourbehavioral data, reported previously with (TG) neurons. Inaccordance ganglia (DRG) trigeminal and ganglia root dorsal in actuators heterologous ofthe validation complete after performed were experiments neurons. Behavioral MrgprA3+ ofthese surface onthe expressed selectively actuators, chemogenetic and optogenetic ofCre-dependent advantage took effects the evaluate we conditions, ofactivation variety wide ofa to able be to Inorder chloroquine. compound itch-inducing for the of primary C-iber pruriceptors that express MrgprA3, the receptor line theory for itch, we took of advantage a described subpopulation systems. somatosensory studying To labeled ofthe validity the test scientists the among debated currently is pain, from discrimination dality. its and ofitch aspects all explain can theory this Whether sensory mo ofeach perception and transmission for detection, system, from the periphery to the brain, are speciically specialized theory, this to cording somatosensory ofthe components dedicated in the past decade, is the “labeled line” or “speciicity” theory. Ac ones, popular most ofthe one process and discrimination for this solved. be to remains proposed theories several been have There behaviors light or ight distinct triggers and sensations pain and the of howenigma the somatosensory system differentiates itch basis of itch and its relation to pain is still unclear. More speciic 1 Science Medicine, Juntendo University,Science & Yasuhiro Tomooka University University Graduate School of Medicine, Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Juntendo Medicine, Speciic Gender and Environmental for Institute a single genetically-deined population of C-ibers can convey 1 , Hisashi Naito 4 , Kenji Takamori, Kenji 1 , Fumiya Kusube Fumiya 4 Department of Biological Biological of Science Department and Tech 2 , Fumiyuki YamakuraFumiyuki 1 3 2 Juntendo University Faculty Faculty of Juntendo University Institute Institute of Health and Sports 1 , Kotaro Honda 3 , Yasushi Suga 1 , Nobuaki have have ally, in in 1 - - - - - , ri Allergology, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, of Neurosciencesof Brest,of University Westernof Brittany, Brest, France, Dermatology, Wroclaw, Poland Dermatological Institute, Rome, Italy, Rome, Institute, Dermatological Leiden Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, partment of Health, Medical and Neuropsychology, Institute of Psychology, Eppendorf Hamburg,Eppendorf Germany, Health for ters Services Research (CVderm) University Dermatology in tology tology and Venereology, University Hospital Lund, Lund,of Sweden, reviews will be the next steps. next the be will reviews as new as well ofmeasurement assessments ofinstruments and Translations deinition. consensual international irst the is This Sensitive skin can affect the all body face”. especially locations, byerythema. accompanied orbe normal appear can skin The disease. skin any to attributable bylesions explained be not provoke not such sensations. can sensations unpleasant These should normally that stimuli response to in sensations) tingling pain, (stinging, burning, sensations pruritus, and of unpleasant occurrence the by deined syndrome “a as skin sensitive ined has de skin group(SIG) onsensitive interest IFSI special The Misery Laurent SIG SENSITIVE SKIN OP12 remains ongoing. remains movements, orscratch symptoms scratch cutaneous monitoring to approach such as an markers, forobjective search the this, of Inspite data. reliable provide and trials many used in been ders, anxiety, have oflife quality to impairment and depression disor sleep from ranging conditions onreactive questionnaires parameter. assess various to other validated and reported Patient Days (ICD) and Patient Beneit Index (PBI) have been developed DPS), Controlled Score; Pruritus Itch (Dynamic ofChange sion Impres Global Patient the including instruments, Novel com). in form an validated via electronic the ItchApp (provider: arone. the for both VAS NRS. and been also have instruments These difference important clinically mal (MCID) calculated has been trials. clinical foruse in available made been already mini The have time over course and qualities distribution, categorization, forchildren), ItchyQuant the (including intensity itch the sing of assessment its asses Several various instruments dimensions. reliable a make used to instruments validate and develop to order Clinical in Itch Trials 2008in was in founded (see Scoring SIG assess. The to dificult is that symptom debilitating highly and multidimensional subjective, a is pruritus Chronic Sonja Ständer ITCH IN CLINICAL TRIALS SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG): SCORING OP13 3 1 1 lergology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, Hospital, Urayasu, Japan, Hospital, Chiba, Enzo Berardesca Medicine, Medicine, of School Graduate University Juntendo Medicine, Speciic Gender and Heidelberg, Germany Occupational and Environmental Dermatology, Heidelberg, University of pital of Münster, of pital Germany, Reich Department of Dermatology, of Department Chronic for Center Hos University Pruritus, Department of Dermatology, of Department Brest, of University Hospital Center Center Chronicfor University Hospital Pruritus, Münster, 7,8 , SPECIAL INTEREST (SIGS) GROUPS Emilie Emilie Brenaut 4 , Joanna Joanna Wallengren 8 Department of Dermatology, of Department Urayasu Juntendo University 1 , Matthias Augustin Matthias , 1,2 10 , , Elke Weisshaar, Elke Sonja Ständer Sonja 1,2 , Christelle Christelle Le Gall-Ianotto 4 Department of Dermatology, of Department Venereology and 5 , Andrea W.M. Evers 3 University of Medicine of Medicine Department University of 9 Department of Dermatology and Dermatology of Department Al 3 , 2 11 11 , Jacek C.Szepietowski , Jacek Jacek Jacek C. Szepietowski Department of Social Medicine, Medicine, Social of Department Lecture abstracts Lecture 7 Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Institute Institute for Environmental 5 Department of Derma of Department 2 , 6 , Joachim Joachim Fluhr Kenji Kenji Takamo 10 San Gallicano San Gallicano 2 German Cen 2 Laboratory 4 3 , Adam , 1011 6 De- 9 ------,

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV University of Miami Hospital, Miami, USA Miami, Hospital, Miami of University sipovitch Giessen, Germany, Neuropsychology, University, Leiden Netherlands, matology, Center, Itch USA Miami, Hospital, Miami of University many, Dermatology,of Chronic for Center Münster, University of Pruritus, Ger 1 2 tology, Kyushu University, Kyushu, Medical Tokyo,School, Medical Japan, 1 itch without concomitant skin changes has recently been shown to shown been to has recently changes skin concomitant without itch is unclear,still incidence and prevalence overall however, chronic with both, haematological solid and tumour malignancies. The (PI)”. itch neoplastic patients in itch describe used to is term This and aimed to deine what can be summarized under the term “para A knowledge current the 2015reviewed in published position paper was founded. itch paraneoplastic in interest special a with searchers re and groupofphysicians interest interdisciplinary In 2012,an Elke Weisshaar FOR FORUM STUDYTHE OF ITCH (IFSI) NEOPLASTIC ITCH” OF INTERNATIONALTHE SPECIALTHE INTEREST GROUP (SIG) “PARA- OP15 research. health and as medical as well practice clinical used for instrument measurement as a serve should questionnaire population-speciic questionnaire validation. In the long-term the and disease- at aim take studies Future disease. underlying on the in different arrangements and modular conigurations depending and for for questionnaires providing a future available use template ofinstruments properties measurement and content the comparing therapy. assess guide CIand better workingon SIGThe currently is to questionnaires itch ofusing needs unmet and expectations the greatest utility in the evaluation of CI. A consensus paper addressed offer questionnaires ofitch properties psychometric various the differentfrom ofthe which determine to is One goal disciplines. knowledge integrate to team (IFSI) interdisciplinary as an Itch of Study forthe Forum International ofthe members and experts was byseveral founded itch assess to chronic on questionnaires ofCI.In2011, assessment sive Group (SIG) Interest Special a comprehen and adequate an allows that instrument measurement nosingle is there experiences clinical and ofresearch status rent sensory affective and its and dimensions. cur the to According of for and measurement itch evaluation questionnaires structured use of the describing few studies are there complaint, common a being itch Despite years. last the growingduring constantly management. itch in has been utilized ofinstruments number The effects associated its practice clinical ofdaily tool important an is bur suffering patients to densome CI. from ofCIand assessment The and measure to dificult complex, is It well-being. their including patient’s life of aspects all on impact signiicant a has affecting disease global a (CI)is itch Chronic and patients many 1012 Elke Elke Weisshaar STUDY OF ITCH (IFSI) OF INTERNATIONALTHE ON FORUM THE “QUESTIONNAIRES TO ASSESS CHRONIC ITCH” SPECIALTHE INTEREST GROUP (SIG) OP14 Sydney, Australia, Dermatology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg, Dermatology, Heidelberg, Hospital University Ruprecht-Karls University, nan Gieler Department of Clinical Social Medicine, EnvironmentalMedicine, Social Clinical of Department andOccupational Department of Nephrology, of Department DKD Clinic, Wiesbaden, Helios Department of Clinical Social Medicine, EnvironmentalMedicine, Social Clinical of Department andOccupational 4 , Hong Tey Liang 4 Palliative Palliative Care, Renal of GeorgMedicine, Department St. Hospital, 2 , Masutaka Furue Masutaka 9 6 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World 2 Institute of Medical Medical Institute Psychology,of Justus-Liebig-University, 1 1 , 5 , National National Skin Center, Singapore, Thomas Mettang 3 Jörg Kupfer Institute Institute of Psychology, Unit Health, Medical and 5 , Gil Yosipovitch, Gil 4 , Hidehisa Saeki Hidehisa 6 Department of Dermatology, of Department Center, Itch 2 , 5 Antoinette Antoinette van Laarhoven Department of Dermatology, of Department Nippon 2 , Sonja Sonja Ständer 6 5 , Andrea Evers 4 Department of Derma of Department 6 Department Department of Der 3 , Frank Frank Bren 3 Department Department 3 , Gil YoGil 3 , Uwe , ------to 1 Killian L’HerondelleKillian OF ITCH DURING CIGUATERA POISONING FISH NEW INSIGHTS INTO PATHOPHYSIOLOGYTHE OP17 to identify possible risk factors for developing PI. fordeveloping factors risk possible identify to and ofmalignancy symptom onPI preceding as a knowledge more gain to markers, serum possible search to beneicial be would It modalities. treatment and characteristics clinical data, miological gain more knowledge about PI in terms ofpathophysiology, epide to we try should future, forPI. For tests the ofdiagnostic lack a and symptom towards this ofphysicians awareness bylittle caused byphysicians. attention enough receive does not and be may This recognized not PI frequently diseases. is ofmalignant hysiology multifactorial origin of pruritus in HD in patients. ofpruritus origin multifactorial patients. dialysis consider All to a this possible encourage should in ofitch occurrence lower to lead may strategies lowering salt that hints given have studies as some investigated, be to needs HDin patients. pruritus uremic in content salt ofskin impact The possible neuropathic component most likely caused byneuropathy without UP according to GEHIS. Further data ofthis study hint to a CRP UP with patients in was increased not patients to compared UP. in role a play might inlammation whether debate on still is With has emerged. new data little only pathogenesis to regard It uraemia. in that to similar is ofpruritus aetiology the whether clear suffer ofpatients number relevant not is it although pruritus, from conlicting data have been reported. After kidney transplantation, a UP although patients, hemodialysis in than lower be to reported is of incidence the dialysis, onperitoneal Inpatients underutilized. effective that strated are orpregabalin gabapentin with therapies UP severe with of patients demon also studies Both worldwide. updated to DOPPSthe the data there is in prevalence decline a ofUPprevalence reported. studies former than lower is According differentusing the showed that contrast, in estimates, prevalence study in German on study patients a hemodialysis, representative young patients are aflicted than assumed before. Data of the GEHIS ofUP prevalence on the more showing that ondialysis children in ofUP. therapy and pathogenesis the available new data are There Since then, only a few new papers have shedding appeared on light (ESRD). disease renal orend-stage progressed with patients in founded to improve knowledge and therapeutic options on pru In 2013,the special interest group“uremic pruritus” (UP) was 2 1 Mettang Thomas FOR STUDYTHE OF ITCH (IFSI) PRURITUS” OF INTERNATIONALTHE FORUM SPECIALTHE INTEREST GROUP (SIG) “UREMIC OP16 cupational Dermatology,cupational Heidelberg, Hospital University Germany hard Lewis Weisshaar research is hampered by the diverse, multiple and complex pathop complex and multiple diverse, bythe hampered is research the Western However, interest. ofincreasing is topic this countries in especially diseases ofmalignant rise the Due to malignancies. be bile duct a and risk forhaving undiagnosed hematologic factor University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Lucia, St. Queensland, of University Australia France, France, of of Western Brittany, Brest, France, cal cal University, Poland, Laboratory of Interactions Neurons Interactions Laboratory of University (EA4685), Keratinocytes Department of Dermatology,Venerology of Department AllergologyWrocławand Medi Department of Nephrology, DKD Clinic, Helios Wiesbaden, Germany, 1 , Réginald Philippe Réginald SKIN, INFLAMMATION AND ITCH 4 Department of Clinical Social Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Social Clinical of Department andOc 4 2 , Raphaele LeGarrec, Raphaele 1 , Jacek Jacek C. Szepietowski 1 , 1 3 , Department of of Department Dermatology, University Brest, Laurent Misery Matthieu Matthieu Talagas 2 Institute Institute Molecular for Bioscience, the 1 1 , Christelle Le Gall-Ianot Christelle 2 1 , , Laurent Misery Olivier Olivier Mignen 3 1 , Elke Elke , , Ric- , ritus ritus ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca concentration calcium intracellular (VAS 60.7±4.3 at intensity itch spontaneous their reported patients assessed. were reactivity as vasomotor as well hyperknesis AD over, and performed were cowhage-provocations and histamine- More assessed. was eficacy modulation pain conditioned and (QST) was sensory conducted testing quantitative mechanical and patients. the to administered were characteristics on itch Thermal questionnaires and controls ofhealthy areas homologous in and Sensory tests were intra-lesionally, conducted extra-lesionally, 25 included controls. 25healthy and itch chronic with AD patients in stimuli pruritic chemical AD and patients controls. The study in AD, and compared sensitivity to thermal, mechanical, and non-histaminergic that sized role a plays sensitization neuronal pain. and itch lesions, skin maintains which cycle, We hypothe itch pathway dominate AD and itch induces “itch-scratch-itch” an non-histaminergic the that suggested (AD). has been It neuronal dermatitis atopic in recurrent is itch severe orepisodic Chronic Andersen Holm Hjalte CALLY-EVOKED ITCH IN ATOPIC DERMATITIS NON-HISTAMINERGICFOR AND MECHANI- INTRA- AND EXTRA-LESIONAL SENSITIZATION OP18 of role striking a evidenced Na TTX-resistant of on neurons, performed monoculture we experiments imaging targets SP P-CTX-2-induced in involved Using calcium release. coculture we model, prospected the role ofseveral molecular of ciguatera ish poisoning. Here, based on our previous published induced effect to may the contribute explain sensory disturbances ciguatoxin- this sensations, itch in involved mediators key are neuropeptides (CGRP). these Since peptide gene-related calcitonin P ofsubstance release channel-dependent sodium gated (SP) and voltage- a induce to able is Paciic-ciguatoxin-2 that showed we ofsensory keratinocytes, neurons and model coculture primary Previously, understood. poorly still sensory disordersare a using the to relating mechanisms molecular following the but activators poisoning. CTXs are potent voltage-gated sodium channel (V toxins are one of the major potential health issue concernin more case reports are notiied in non-endemic areas. Hence, cigua unsung ofthis spreading countries and illness to more and temperate the to lead trade ofinternational rise and growthoftourism ming, to detect them in intoxicated ish leshes. With global climate war quick ready-to-use tool no and odourless with conditions, suitable, pruritus. basic and acidic to resistant thermostable, are toxins These cutaneous sensory disorders such as cold allodynia and severe which are predominantly responsible of characteristic clin (CTXs) ciguatoxins from originates intoxication This lesh. ish poisoning caused by the consumption of contaminated seafood widespread most the is (CFP) poisoning ish Ciguatera 1 Yosipovitch ter ter North, Aalborg, Denmark, ter, USA Medicine, of School Miami of University toward sensitization was observed intra-lesionally). No differences was intra-lesionally). observed sensitization toward trend (a groups between different signiicantly not was intensity both intra- and extra-lesionally, while histamine-evoked it cowhage from itch evoked increased signiicantly experienced penhagen University Gentofte, University Copenhagen, Hospital, penhagen new insights for therapeutic approaches to treat pruritus. pruritus. treat to approaches fortherapeutic new insights toxin-induced to consecutive signalling also but VGSCs activation studied. Taken together, those indings give not only new molecular to consecutive signalling, cellular byP-CTX-2, is VGSCs activation to regarding events calcium of order chronological that time irst SP and signal calcium toxin-evoked the the is this Indeed, release. in inlux calcium of role crucial the showed we Moreover, time. Medicine, Medicine, AalborgUniversity, Laboratory of Experimental Cutaneous Pain Research, Pain Cutaneous Experimental Laboratory of of SMI,Faculty 0-100 ) and their pain intensity at 39.7±5.2 (VAS 39.7±5.2 at intensity pain their ) and 4 , Lars Arendt-Nielsen 1 , Jesper Elberling Jesper 4 Department Department of Dermatology and Itch Cen 2 Department Department of Dermato-Allergology, Co 1 2+ ] 2 i , ) imbalance within the the within ) imbalance Henrik Sølvsten Henrik v channels to keep the the keep to channels 3 Dermatology Cen Dermatology 0-100 ). Patients ). Patients g seafood g seafood tropical GSC) GSC) 3 , Gil Gil , ical ch ------HSD11b1 Furthermore, instances. scratching ofspontaneous number the were observed in skin from HSD11b1 from skin in observed were ging. Surprisingly, epidermal nerve iber sprouting and thickening lesions. molecular signatures and immune cells found in mature eczem chanistic studies and therapeutic interventions have onthe focused Ltd. Kyoto, Japan Kyoto, Ltd. OsakaMedicine, University, Osaka,Co., Pharmaceutical Japan/Kaken Dermatology, of Graduate School Medicine, Integrated of Department University of California at Berkeley, at California of University USA Gronert,sten Greg DianaBautista Barton, Brock,Emily Wei, Jessica Hill, Rose Kucirek, Kelava Natalie keratinocyte-speciic keratinocyte-speciic HSD11b1-knockout (HSD11b1 of protein gene product (PGP) 9.5-positive nerve ibers in skin of of symptom main the is distribution the AD. we analyzed First, on of the impact cortisol itch, activation investigated which local pathogenesis of the in AD To address issue, this we glucocorticoids ofendogenous involvement system, regulation stress local ofthe disruption cause (AD) to thought is dermatitis Although decreased epidermal HSD11b1 expression in atopic and plays an important role in maintaining skin hom response in to stresslocal glucocorticoids endogenous activates 11beta-hydroxysteroid enzyme The (HSD11b1) dehydrogenase-1 Matsumoto Akira VIAPRODUCTION ABERRANT ARTEMIN IN ATOPICDERMATITISINDUCESALLOKNESIS GLUCOCORTICOIDS IN KERATINOCYTES ATTENUATED ACTIVATION OF ENDOGENOUS OP19 Eczema is one of the most common chronic itch disorders. itch chronic common most ofthe one is Eczema WalshCarolyn ITCH CHRONIC CROSSTALKDRIVESACUTE AND NEUTROPHIL-SOMATOSENSORY NEURON OP20 to the development of development the to production and may contribute to the induction of alloknesis in in ofalloknesis induction the to contribute may and production AD. endogenous glucocorticoids in keratinocytes increases ARTN Taken together, these results suggest that the deiciency in active ARTN HSD11b1 and in expression was observed. AD epidermis between correlation negative signiicant a and layer, papillary the and epidermis AD in increased speciically was expression insion skin biopsy specimens of AD and psoriasis patients. ARTN of expres analysis protein immunohistochemical an performed corticosterone. with suppressed and bytreatment mice we Then, of any skin lesions. HSD11b1 lesions. skin of any production from keratinocytes was promoted in HSD11b1 in was promoted keratinocytes from production to related skin from innervation keratinocytes. Artemin (ARTN) factor humoral a factors, neurotrophic and cytokines examined we Next, nociception. thermal to hypersensitivity and alloknesis was nodifference HSD11b1 between there nevertheless, neck; the to touch light a response to scratch HSD11b1 (PAR2/TRPA1 non-histaminergic the inhibiting candidates mechanisms. extra-lesionally, occurring also sensitization central indicates pain, and itch evoked mechanically to susceptibility increased The in sensitization suggests pathway-speciic provocations itch AD. non-histaminergic following itch Increased provocations. itch after prior and to, itch, evoked mechanically to sensitivity extra-lesional and intra- augmented exhibited and extra-lesionally and intra- sensitivity pain mechanical increased had Patients provocations. byitch evoked orpain sensory sensitivity foundforthermal were

However, the molecular and cellular players that contribute KCKO KCKO mice also showed augmented pruritogen-induced pruritogen-induced showed also augmented mice 3D and ima immunohistochemistry using ) mice + , ) itch-pathway are promising for treating fortreating promising are ) itch-pathway AD itch.

Jamie Schwendinger-Schreck,Jamie Deguine, Jacques , Hiroyuki Murota, Terao, Mika Ichiro Katayama

eczema have not been systematically studied. studied. systematically been not have eczema KCKO mice frequently showed a frequently mice KCKO KCKO Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 and wild-type mice in in mice wild-type and mice in the absence absence the in mice l/l Krt5-Cre; Krt5-Cre; eostasis. atous atous

1013 Kar- Me KCKO - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV tg skin produced high levels ofIL levels high produced skin tg we could demonstrate that the absence ofCD8 absence the that demonstrate we could sensory nerve ibers, which generate currents following the stimula skin inlammation requires the interaction of T cells with cutaneous protected tg mice from developing itch and inlammation. Pruritic Yayoi Kamata NORMAL HUMAN EPIDERMAL KERATINOCYTES SIGNALINGCALCIUM/PKC/MAPK/AP-1 AXIS IN SEMA3A EXPRESSION IS REGULATED BY OP22 4-1BB/4 that we hypothesized cells, 4-1BBL ligand its as immune as well onneuronal expressed are the responses. Since of immune 4-1BBand receptor TNF family control the in involved critically is ibers nerve cutaneous with cells ofimmune interaction the and immunity cutaneous regulate responses. ofthe Members ofimmune tion family TNF receptor induc the in resulting environment the to exposed is skin The Luger,mas A. Stefan Tran, Verena Holz, Kupas, Marcus Kristian Maurer, ITCH SEVERE SKIN INFLAMMATION AND CHRONIC CUTANEOUS 4-1BB/4-1BBL SIGNALING INDUCES OP21 the using pathogenesis eczema during skin the in occur that changes early the examine to out we set Here 1014 Suga nerated transgenic mice overexpressing 4 overexpressing mice transgenic nerated cells. of sensory immune neurons and To we ge this investigate communication the byregulating immunity cutaneous to tribute 1 neurogenic inlammation. Particularly CD8 Particularly inlammation. neurogenic the IL-31 expression in T IL-31 cells since known is to promote of 4-1BB-induced pruritic skin inlammation. Next, we quantiied pathophysiology forthe importance ofminor were cells mast that ding 4-1BB tg mice to mast cell deicient mutants and could show bybree cells ofmast role the we analyzed mechanisms molecular 4 mice showed an increased scratching frequency, thus pointing to the tes consisting of mast cells, eosinophils and T cells. Moreover, tg acanthosis, ibrosis, collagenosis and massive immune cell iniltra irregular by characterized were which lesions, skin inlammatory Interestingly,(4-1BB tg). developed spontaneously mice 4-1BBtg ibers also reduced the numbers of IL nerve sensory cutaneous of depletion the note, Of inlammation. additionally, and pruritus chronic down-regulated cantly reduced (RTX).Notably,RTXsignii resiniferatoxin analogue capsaicin the injecting by mice tg 4-1BB in ibers nerve sensory cutaneous depleted we next IL-31RA. Hence, receptor itch-related ofthe tion tendo Urayasu Japan tendo Hospital, Department of Dermatology, of Department Münster, of University Münster, Germany innate immune cells immune innate atopic dermatitis. We ind that although a variety of cytokines and analysis, qPCR, FACSanalysis, to behavior mouse and of itch. model, neutrophils are the player required sole for cellular the onset interactions between neutrophils and sensory neurons that behaviors in the development of atopic dermatitis. dermatitis. ofatopic development the in behaviors versity Graduate School of Medicine, versity Graduate Medicine, of School lesional skin from tg mice. mice. tg from skin lesional Worth 4 that mentioning the development of itch and inlammation. inlammation. and ofitch development the during nervous system peripheral the with system immune of the 4 that ourhypothesis strengthening thus diseases, skin pruritic with patients from lesions cutaneous in was up-regulated also signaling Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Uni Juntendo Medicine, Speciic EnvironmentalGender for and Institute - - 1BB-mediated induction of pruritus. ofpruritus. induction 1BB-mediated To and cellular the elucidate 1BB/4-1BBL communication the to contribute might signaling 2 , Mitsutoshi Tominaga, Mitsutoshi

We oftechniques variety used a 17 th Congress Congress of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry Sonja Ständer,Sonja 1 , Yoshie Umehara

iniltrate iniltrate the skin 1 , Kenji Takamori, Kenji Karin Loser - 2 1 31 and by depleting these cells cells these bydepleting 31 and Department Department Dermatology,of Jun , - - 31 expressing CD8

Azumi Sakaguchi 1BBL con might signaling

within the within Vitamin of D model mouse

including transcriptome transcriptome including - 1BB in the epidermis epidermis the 1BB in + T 4-1BB from cells

2 deine deine the molecular + T completely cells

irst 5 days of the - 1BB/4-1BBL 1 +

Yasushi , drive itch drive itch T cells in Tho------California, USA California, (NCT02196324). Key eligibility criteria were treatment-refrac were criteria (NCT02196324). Key eligibility safety, PN with patients in 5mg ofserlopitant tolerability and eficacy, the assessed trial clinical 2 phase placebo-controlled pruritus. of chronic treatment the A double-blind, randomized, 1 Sonja Ständer PRURIGO NODULARIS MEASURES OF PRURITUS IN PATIENTS WITH OF SERLOPITANT ONMULTIPLE EFFECTS CONTROLLED 2CLINICAL PHASE TRIAL RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO- OP23 compliance. Serlopitant produced a statistically signiicant de signiicant statistically a produced Serlopitant compliance. groups, as was treatment treatment the between matched well were characteristics baseline 127patients; comprised population eficacy The follow-up. and treatment during evaluated were assessments laboratory and (AEs) clinical and Adverse events Global Assessment (IGA); Prurigo and (PAS). Score Activity (NRS); Investigator Scale Assessment Rating (PGA); Numeric Verbal Rating Scale (VRS); worst-itch VAS; Patient Global itch average the in VAS included endpoints Secondary score. weeks. The primary eficacy endpoint was change from baseline was follow-up 2 for8weeks; daily once orplacebo 5mg lopitant ser receive to 1:1 randomized were Patients hours ofbaseline. 72 within mm ≥70 score (VAS) pruritus Scale Analog Visual and bodyareas, onmultiple >6weeks, lesions PNtory lasting identify novel antipruritic drugtargets. antipruritic novel identify a promoter (-134/-24), provide new insight and to the proximal the PKC/JNK/AP-1PKC/MEK1/2/AP-1 and/or in axis signaling Sema3Acalcium-induced by NHEK in expression mediated is (SP600125). (JNK) kinase inhibitor suggest that results These N-terminal (PD98059) jun and (MEK) inhibitor 1/2 ERK kinase (Gö6976), MAPK/ C(PKC) kinase inhibitor byprotein decreased cantly decreased by AP-1 inhibitor (T-5224). Similarly, it was also Up-regulation of Sema3A mRNA by 1.4 mM calcium was signii calcium. of0.15or1.4mM presence the in (-134/-24) promoter assay revealed immunoprecipitation AP-1 proximal boundto Sema3A siRNA. Chromatin control with compared expression Furthermore, siRNAAP-1 ROR and alpha effectively reduced calcium. of1.4mM presence the in activity promoter unchanged by up-regulated 1.4 mM calcium, AP-1/ROR showed alpha mutant than an case. in intact Although Sema3A was activity promoter nesis of AP-1/ROR alpha site showed signiicantly lower activity GA-binding protein (GABP) were mutage found. Site-directed Sox5/Sox9 and (ROR) alpha, receptor orphan related -1, retinoid (AP) protein activator including sites binding factor transcription region, this In identiied. was site start transcription the from bp forSema3A region critical a and -134 within activity promoter cloned was gene Sema3A of region 5’-lanking The (NHEK). nism of Sema3A gene in keratinocytes normal human epidermal unknown. study,is Inthis mecha regulatory the we investigated However,tes. Sema3A ofendogenous mechanism regulatory the 3A such as semaphorin factors, bykeratinocy produced (Sema3A) factors, nerve including growth factor (NGF), and nerve repulsion elongation nerve between imbalance byan caused mainly is tion periphery. Previously, hyperinnerva epidermal that we reported the at sensitivity itch in involved is hyperinnervation Cutaneous a neurokinin-1 receptor (NK receptor neurokinin-1 a is Serlopitant available. treatments suboptimal with condition skin chronic pruritic (PN) intensely an is nodularis Prurigo pital pital Münster, Münster, Germany, Center for Chronic for Center Dermatology, of Department Pruritus, Hos University NEW ANTIPRURITIC TREATMENTSNEW ANTIPRURITIC 1 , Paul Kwon , Paul 2 , Thomas A. Luger Thomas A. 1 -R) antagonist in development for development in -R) antagonist 2 Menlo Therapeutics Therapeutics Menlo Inc., Park, Menlo 1 ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV VAS pruritus score were statistically signiicantly greater with ser groups. Differences between comparable baseline from change in were characteristics was Baseline 43.7years). age mean female; follow-up. (60.7% 257patients included population study The and treatment during evaluated assessments were laboratory and change from percent baseline. Adverse events (AEs) and clinical daily. pruritus VAS the was endpoint eficacy primary The score 5 mg at weeks 4, 5, and 6( weeks 4,5,and at 5 mg and 1mg serlopitant –with endpoint secondary –a Scale Rating of itch from were baseline also using demonstrated the Numeric serlopitant 5 mg. Statistically signiicant improvements in severity 0.25 mg, 1 mg, and 5 mg, respectively, 1.6% and and for placebo) 4.7%forserlopitant (1.6%,4.6%,and groups somnolence were most common treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) in the serlopitant Zhang Larrick Pharmaceutical Development, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, Development, Pharmaceutical ter, Münster, Germany, Chronic Dermatology, of Department Pruritus, Müns University Hospital ceive serlopitant 0.25 mg, 1mg, 5 re to (1:1:1:1) randomized were (VAS) Patients mm. ≥70 score pruritus lasting ≥6 treatment-refractory were criteria Key eligibility pruritus. chronic of treatment forthe vs placebo serlopitant antagonist receptor neurokinin-1 novel (NCT01951274) ofthe trial 2clinical phase a from results safety and eficacy the report we Here, label. off used are most therefore, issues; safety/tolerability undesirable with associated be orcan relief itch inadequate provide therapies current results in signiicant morbidity and impaired quality of life. Many Chronic pruritus is skin which condition, a debilitating frequently YosipovitchGil CONTROLLED 2CLINICAL PHASE TRIAL MULTICENTER, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO- PRURITUS: RESULTS OF A RANDOMIZED, SERLOPITANT FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC OP24 when assessed at weeks 2, 4, and 8 ( placebo with compared severity pruritus in baseline from crease (4.0; (4.0; change in VAS pruritus scores were –28.3(4.1) forplacebo, –41.4 placebo. At the week 6 eficacy evaluation, the mean (SE) percent with weeks 4-6,compared at 5mg weeks 3-6and at 1mg lopitant 1 or moderate; no signiicant safety signals were detected. were signals safety nosigniicant or moderate; most and tolerated was well PN.with Serlopitant AEs mild were patients in placebo than ofpruritus reduction greater provides serlopitant that demonstrated consistently ofpruritus measures multiple Inconclusion, signs, nodeaths. and vital in changes or abnormalities laboratory in trends nomeaningful were There respectively. patients, placebo-treated and 4.8% ofserlopitant- severe ormoderate; mild for9.4%and reported were TEAEs fatigue (9.4% serlopitant, 6.3% placebo). Most TEAE and 4.8%placebo), (10.9%serlopitant, diarrhea 3.2% placebo), (17.2%serlopitant, nasopharyngitis groupwere serlopitant the in The most reported frequently treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) patients. serlopitant-treated than ofplacebo- proportion greater was used bya 8.Rescue week at placebo over tant serlopi with ofpruritus experience the in improvements greater PGA, worst-itch VAS, NRS, IGA, and PAS also demonstrated average-itch VAS for results endpoint Secondary score. VRS, sity College sity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland , Translational andUCDof Institute Charles tology Dermatology, Univer Dermatology, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, versity of California San Diego, San Diego, USA San Diego, SanDiego, California of versity Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, USA, Miami, Miami, of University Medicine, of School Miller Miami Center,Miami Itch Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery p 3 =0.022) for 1-mg, serlopitant and –42.5 (4.1; , Jean Y., Jean Tang 4 , Andrew Perlman J. 1 ,

Sonja Ständer Sonja weeks and baseline pruritus Visual Analog Scale 5 3 , Menlo Menlo Therapeutics, Inc., Menlo Park, Thomas A. Luger Thomas A. p <0.05) compared with placebo. placebo. with <0.05) compared The 4 , Edward F. Schnipper 2 ,

mg, or placebo for 6 7 Matthew B. Kerby B. Matthew Department Department of Dermatology, Uni p 2 , Martin Steinhoff , Martin ≤0.05), as measured by measured as ≤0.05), 5 Department of Clinical Clinical of Department 6 Department of Derma of Department p 3

4 =0.013) for weeks once weeks once , , Xiaoming Xiaoming , 2 James W. Center for for Center 4 6,7 s were Velocity ------were observed. observed. were intensity,moderate trends safety adverse nomeaningful while tolerated. well and doses safe were All or ofmild were TEAEs pruritus chronic VAS both and placebo, with compared score, in improvement signiicant statistically provided mg 5 and mg 1 Serlopitant signs nodeaths. and vital in orchanges abnormalities a to due TEAE. laboratory in trends nomeaningful were There intensity.mild or moderate study Six drug discontinued patients respectively,5 mg, Most 1.6%forplacebo). and of were TEAEs and 1mg, 0.25mg, 3.2%forserlopitant (0%,6.2%,and diarrhea Miami, Miller School of Medicine, USA, Medicine, of School Miller Miami, Australia, Australia, ENFD, recovering it to naive skin levels. mice. Tofacitinib naive to peptidergic the increased signiicantly was signiicantly decreased in the vehicle-treated group compared fornonpeptidergicor P2X3, marker a Peptidergic nerves. ENFD CGRP, against antibodies with forpeptidergic marker a nerves, was skin onDay 28,and immunostained perfused were mice (ENFD), density iber nerve epidermal investigate To vehicle. series. Tofacitinib to compared score alloknesis reduce not did stimulus the by elicited bouts scratch of number the as deined area. treatment ofthe border the (0-5)was score alloknesis The along sites random to mN) 0.7 force: (bending monoilament cessive innocuous mechanical stimuli were delivered byvonFrey mice. vehicle-treated to compared To 5suc foralloknesis, test scratching spontaneous inhibited signiicantly displayed mice Ondays, both assess scratching. spontaneous Tofacitinib-treated to videotaped were animals and was removed, patch 28,the and a with covered and skin back rostral Tegaderm On Days 21 patch. OVAtopical (100 press itch and contribute to the antipruritic effects antipruritic the to contribute and press itch of Tofacitinib. epidermal nerves may activate itch-inhibitory interneurons to sup nonpeptidergicepidermal nerves. ofpeptideric re-innervation The mice. naive to compared Tofacitinib affect not did of density the group vehicle-treated the in increased signiicantly was ENFD University of Miami, Miami, USA Miami, Miami, of University largely unknown. However, effect antipruritic this behind mechanism the still is effectstipruritic patients. dermatitis ofatopic 2trial phase a in an signiicant demonstrated has Tofacitinib inhibitor JAK The SandersKristen MOUSE MODEL OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS NERVE FIBER DENSITY BY TOFACITINIB IN A RECOVERY OF PEPTIDERGIC EPIDERMAL OP25 skin skin disease affectsthat and byadults, is children characterized Introduction: Emma Guttman-Yasky MODERATE ATOPICDERMATITIS CLINICAL TRIALS IN PATIENTS MILDWITH OR RELIEF OF PRURITUS IN 3 PHASE TWO CRISABOROLE OINTMENT PROVIDES EARLY OP26 g), alum (1 alum g), dermatitis. atopic OVA received mice C57BL/6 male Adult (100 (OVA) ovalbumin the in innervation epidermal of model mouse itch. chronic whether we investigated Therefore, Tofacitinib affects to contribute may and dermatitis atopic in observed been have water) was delivered at 15mg/kg/day. at was delivered water) (50%DMSO, 10%PEG 40%distilled orvehicle 300,and tinib 1 niin mini-pumps were subcutaneously implanted in the mice. mice. the in implanted subcutaneously were mini-pumps Tofaci 1, followed byOVA1, followed (50 Icahn Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, 4 4 Oregon University, andScience Health USA

mg), and pertussis toxin (300 toxin pertussis and mg), Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic inlammatory chronic a (AD), dermatitis Atopic , Kent Sakai, Gil Yosipovitch, Gil Sakai, , Kent

l, l, 0.1%) was applied daily by gauze to shaved

Dynamic changes in epidermal innervation epidermal in Dynamic changes 1 ,

Gil YosipovitchGil g g sc) on Day 5. On Day 7, Alzet osmotic 3 University of New South Wales, South New of University 2 , Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster

Dedee MurrellDedee Beginning onDay 14,Beginning

pg) on treatment Day pg) ontreatment

The nonpeptidergic Tasuku Akiyama 2 University University of 3 , Jon HaJon 1015 - - - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV patients (mild (mild patients AD: –42.9%vs –29.2%; moderate AD was signiicantly greater than that in vehicle-treated mild with patients crisaborole-treated in withAD those in and BL from change percentage 6,mean day At severity pruritus in improvement in pruritus (48 hours: 37.6% vs 26.9%; 37.6%vs (48hours: 26.9%; pruritus in improvement more crisaborole-treated patients with mild AD experienced p –40.9% vs –26.1%; –40.9% vs –26.1%; AD: 59.5%vs 41.3%; ofBL regardless pruritus, in improvement (mild severity disease early experienced patients vehicle-treated than patients treated mild to moderate moderate to mild AD. with forpatients ofpruritus relief early needed much provide topical novel, promising, a represent may can that AD treatment Crisaborole patients. vehicle-treated did than severity pruritus inearly reduction greater with experienced treated crisaborole ofBL regardless pruritus, severity. disease Additionally, patients tion of crisaborole-treated patients experienced early relief of improvement at day 6. day at improvement of achievement as deined was pruritus in improvement Early BL. from improvement ≥1-grade a with (1) mild or (0) none of score a as deined improvement with [3]), severe to [0] (none scale 4-point ona was for28days. Pruritus measured daily twice crisaborole:vehicle receive to 2:1 assigned randomly were tients (ISGA mild with old years ≥2 (ISGA moderate to 2) 3) Pa AD. Investigator’sby the Global Static Assessment (ISGA) patients in analyzed byRPPA, which examined expression levels ofover 200 HaCaT EGF-treated and control from lysate cell The were cells (EGF). growthfactor epidermal without and with stimulated were Phase Protein Reverse Arrays (RPPA) technology. HaCaT cells using signaling EGFR understand better to system model a as used plored. Towards HaCaT keratinocyte human goal, this were cells largely remains keratinocytes ofhuman role the cells, mast unex keratinocytes. for role a suggested have studies previous While effects adverse the reduces ofEGFR in blockade bythe caused NK1R bywhich blockade mechanism the understand better to is in patients treated with EGFR-TKI’s. The goal of the present st (NK1R), effective is 1receptor Neurokinin the itch decreasing in pruritus and skin acneiform eruptions. an Aprepitant, of inhibitor effects seriousadverse produce they agents, including skin onthe cancers. other several EGFR-TKI’sWhile effective are anti-cancer such as are used of currently erlotinib, for lung treatment and the factor-tyrosinegrowth Epidermal (EGFR-TKIs), inhibitors kinase Shawn Kwatra INDUCED PRURITUS A MECHANISM REDUCING FOR ERLOTINIB- SIGNALING IN HUMAN KERATINOCYTES AS APREPITANT: PARTIAL ACTIVATION OF EGFR ACTIVITY OF NEUROKININ-1THE ANTAGONIST NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE ANTI-PRURITIC OP27 severity.disease crisaborole on early relief of pruritus stratiied by baseline (BL) ter, of impact the evaluating Phase 3trials vehicle-controlled, multicen designed, 2identically from was performed analysis moderate to ofmild treatment forthe inhibitor AD. A hoc post 4 phosphodiesterase anti-inlammatory, nonsteroidal, novel, a 2%,is ointment, topical Crisaborole goal. treatment key a is and disturbance of reduced quality life. Quick of relief pruritus sleep in results often that exacerbation disease to leads scratching severity. ofdisease regardless pruritus, intense Pruritus-induced 1016 1 3 Madison Krischak Madison cine, cine, Department of Dermatology, of Department Medi of School Johns Hopkins University Division Division of Dermatology, Washington University School of Medicine, USA <0.001). At the earliest assessment, at 48 hours, signiicantly hours, 48 at assessment, earliest the At <0.001). 2 Department Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University School of Medicine, 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World 1 , Cory Nanni Methods: 2 , MadanKwatra p <0.001). p Results: <0.001; moderate moderate <0.001; AD: 54.7%vs 38.3%; Global disease severity was measured severity disease Global 2 , Yevgeniy Semenov Conclusions: Signiicantly more crisaborole- more Signiicantly 2 p =0.009; moderate AD:moderate =0.009; A signiicant propor 3 , Callie Callie Roberts p =0.02). udy udy 2 - - - - - , variable endpoints in different in endpoints variable studies. so many are there because carefully displayed be must results Nonetheless, with these lesion correlated recovering. necessarily UVB phototherapy, not is it that but psoriasis in pruritus improve including treatments, systemic that highlights review systematic effect variable with psoriasis in pruritus Our magnitudes. size shown effective be to all were apremilast and mab, reducing in adalimu inhibitors, JAK Il-17, pruritus. Anti on impact beneic a had evaluated treatments all that highlighted and scale 10 itch to conirmed. was0 a using trials 13 included meta-analysis The review. of pruritus (80 prevalence high 100%) to the At baseline, 516 articles identiied, 35 studies were retained in the systematic was performed. meta-analysis a then ofpsoriasis, ments Among treat the for trials clinical published ind to 2016) September to PubMed using and performed Trip 1990 January (from Database review. literature systematic A was search literature systematic a on based pruritus on eficacy their assess to was objective Our rapidly. increasing is forpsoriasis treatments systemic available patients’ onthe impact sis its and oflife. quality of variety The ofpsoria symptom frequent very a is pruritus that documented clearly have studies several 30years, last ofthe course In the Dermatology, of Department Brest, of Hospital University Brest, France sery Emilie Brenaut LITERATURE REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF PSORIASIS ONPRURITUS: A SYSTEMIC EFFICACY OF SYSTEMIC TREATMENTS OP28 in the pediatric age group. age pediatric the in urticaria spontaneous chronic in itching the control groupto age pediatric the in regimen therapeutic novel ofthis date till studies asthma in age bronchial group, the pediatric however there are no allergic other in tried been and dermatitis atopic disorders like monoclonal years, recent ‘omalizumab’ antibody Anti-IgE has effectsside In contraindicated. mostly are groupand age this in effective although sives temporarily, of lot a with associated are immune-suppres other and steroids Oral recurrence. a prevent pruritic wheals and oral anti-histamnics are mostly insuficient to in the age group of 6 to 12 years present with frequently episodic Children patients. to burden high a represents it but population, persisting for ≥6 weeks. It affects 0.5–1% of the global pediatric angioedema, orwithout with wheals, ofitchy neous appearance sponta the as deined is (CSU) urticaria spontaneous Chronic India Delhi, New Hospital Base Mitra Barnali POPULATION SPONTANEOUS URTICARIA IN PEDIATRICTHE MANAGEMENT OF PRURITUS IN CHRONIC ANTI-IGE ANTIBODY OMALIZUMAB IN THE CONTROLLED STUDY OF MONOCLONAL RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO- OP29 EGFR signaling in keratinocytes. in EGFR signaling effects adverse and itch reduce may ofEGFR-TKI’s byaugmenting keratinocytes. Taken together, these data suggest that aprepitant primary human in conirmed were results These as Akt. well as ofEGFR phosphorylation the increased aprepitant NK1R blocker presence oferlotinib. Interestingly, exposure ofHaCaT cells to the when HaCaTwas blocked the EGF in with stimulated were cells SHP2, Src, and STAT3. The phosphorylation of all of these proteins JNK, MAPK, MDM2, p90RSK, PKC-betaII, PLC-gamma2, Shc, following: the including Akt, EGFR, GSK-3 HER2, HSP27, beta, proteins several of phosphorylation the increased signiicantly ofHaCaT Stimulation proteins/phosphoproteins. EGF with cells , Biju Vasudevan,, Biju Mitra Solanki, Debdeep Reema , Chloé , Chloé Thomas Théréné, Barnetsche, Laurent Mi- Objective: We the evaluate to sought - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 4–6 points). (range, was 5.7points (UAS) score baseline at activity Urticaria Mean period. observation 16-week bya followed or placebo, mg dose of150 a at ofomalizumab 4weeks apart, spaced injections, foursubcutaneous receive to levels IgE serum and age baseline or placebo. We comparable with 30children assigned randomly omalizumab to randomized 12years groupof6to age the between children with trial placebo-controlled was double-blind, This a placebo group both at 16 and 32weeks. 16and at groupboth placebo signiicantly reduced in the Omalizumab group as compared to the pDC2 and ( basophils ted in a statistically signiicant reduction in FcRI expression on by expectancy interventions. by expectancy strategies or replacing regular pharmacological treatments partly outcome preferred the to cues environmental adding adherence, fortherapy principles conditioning byapplying for example, effects, expectancy of optimizing strategies ous automatic and Treatment consci both byusing optimized be might outcomes itch. chronic with ofpatients treatment forthe implications effects. nocebo and placebo or change direct have results The nocebo effects methods as well to as innovative induce itch in and forplacebo evidence the demonstrate to presented be will results recent presentations, Inthe conditioning. pharmacological through such as histamine, functioning, forimmune role a play effects. orside outcome also mechanisms placebo Inaddition, treatment unfavorable possible ofa byexpectations induced are itchkiller”). the seeing effects fornocebo true is same The which possible beneicial treatment outcome (“Itch already reduces when effects, byplacebo altered ofa ofexpectations induction to due ample, physical complaints, such as itch orpain, can effectively be effects ofplacebo relevance and nings For ex itch. forchronic underpin neurobiological the demonstrates evidence Increasing TheNetherlands den, University,Leiden and Neuropsychology Medical Health, Lei Department, Andrea Evers EFFECTS IN PATIENTS CHRONICWITH ITCH? NOCEBO TO ALTERHOW PLACEBO AND OP30 despite H1-antihistamine therapy (licensed doses). symptomatic who remained urticaria idiopathic chronic severe in between the patients group of 6 to 12 years with moderate-to- eficacy and safety of monoclonal Anti-IgE antibody omalizumab antihistamines. CSU who background despite therapy with are symptomatic H1 effectivean with forchildren therapy add-on well-tolerated and tolerance. excellent an with placebo, with isThus, omalizumab QoL compared angioedema from ofdays free proportion the and patients’ increased and ofhives, size and number health-related omalizumab signiicantly reduced the severity of itching, and the subcutaneous with therapy add-on antihistamines, to resistant recent,tion, in well-controlled trials clinical in patients with CSU >6-year-old) (children; pediatric and adult both Inaddi patients. the ield of asthma and is currently approved for the treatment of to its high-afinity FcRI. receptor It has been largely studied in C3 domain of the IgE heavy chain and prevents it from binding the to binds that antibody (IgE) E anti-immunoglobulin manized whoof those suffer hu recombinant a is Omalizumab it. from effects has important that prevalence (QoL) oflife quality onthe urticaria (CSU) is a disease with signiicant morbidity and relative spontaneous Chronic doses ofH1-antihistamines. use ofapproved the despite symptomatic who remained had children in urticaria idiopathic signs ofchronic and symptoms clinical diminished mab METHODS INMETHODS ITCH RESEARCH Results: Compared with placebo, omalizumab resul p (CLINICAL) <0.001). UAS and serum IgE levels were<0.001). UAS levels IgE serum and Conclusions: Omalizu Methods: ------

itch for children is also unknown. also is forchildren itch between parent and child’s and parent between in variable outcome was the ratings (“yesterday”). prior day as the as well week”) (“last differenceThe child’s of the severity the rated both 7days past the within itch children. in process ofvalidating the in parent the and child The used foradults. we are and adults in validated has been scale The scale numerical traditional ofthe version cartoon a ItchyQuant, child’s the rate to caregivers their and ren the using severity itch serve serve as a proxy for children. their to ability their inluence may itch with caregivers of experience icult symptom to measure. rate the severity of itch in children is unknown. is children in ofitch severity the rate 1 mes Roberts arising from this are discussed. are this from arising Conclusions given. is representativeness if lower substantially is studies. ofGerman presentation itch ofchronic prevalence The samples. ofthe representativeness bythe illustrated be will This oridentical. similar were bymissing caused be may problem This used questions the although country) same the in (even results different very revealed itch of(chronic) prevalence onthe studies Nevertheless, future. epidemiological the in comparable more used increases. be will results study that expected is it Therefore, Fortunately, are that questions the to regard with standardization rable. of itch. measurement the regarding similar is situation The compa hardly used, are is itch induce to method (similar) same the if even results, study methods, use ofthese the standardize to used. However, because right now there are only irst approaches are techniques ofboth combinations also alone, procedures gical psycholo and chemical to Inaddition itch. histamine-evoked to compared stimuli audio-visual response to itch intense similar a In particular, evoke to important be to seems skin onthe priming effective design. study the in considered are aspects when certain similarly be to seem methods these orpsoriasis, dermatitis atopic to due itch chronic with patients in Especially stimuli. audio-visual of presentation the and stimuli orvideos) (images orvisual ditory ofau presentation the itch), (contagious scratching people other itch: induce to responses byshowing ofscratch provocation The used are methods oriented psychologically rather various hand, other On the methods. itch-inducing powerful most ofthe one is ofcowhage application the shown have that studies used. Some also are prick skin and such as iontophoresis procedures invasive easily. more controlled be can ofitch end) partial Inaddition, and (start timing the because advantageous particularly is skin onthe application Using the of direct method mentioned. be to has orhistamine cowhage like ofsubstances application the all, of First years. last the during developed been have induction itch (prevalence, chronicity and intensity). Numerous me Methods stakeholders: of itch itch and to measurement induce all beneit would methods research of standardization greater where research, ofitch aspects ontwo focuses lecture This Joerg Kupfer METHODS IMPROVE STANDARDIZATION OF RESEARCH INMETHODS ITCH RESEARCH: ARGUMENTS TO OP31 Background: Grace Lee BE PROXIES? PRURITUS INFLUENCE PARENT’S ABILITY TO DOES PERSONAL EXPERIENCE CHRONICWITH MEASURING PEDIATRIC ITCH SEVERITY: OP32 1 lergology, J-L-University, Giessen, Germany Emory University, and Institute Institute of Medical Psychology, and 1 , 2 Sandy François Sandy , Kuang-Ho Chen Chronic pruritus (CP) in pediatric patients is a dif a is patients pediatric (CP) in pruritus Chronic 1 , Uwe Gieler 2 Georgia Technology, of Institute USA 2

, Stephanie Kiupel , Stephanie The ability ofcaregivers to accurately 1 , Shelby Smith Shelby 1 , Suephy Chen 2 Methods: Department Department of Dermatology and Al

The best duration The duration of best of recall Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 1 We child both asked , Caitlin Haydek Caitlin 1 1 , Christina Schut , Christina

The previousThe thods of 1 1017 , Ja- , 1 ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Chilly-Mazarin, France, France, Chilly-Mazarin, and and signiicantly across known groups ( were observed in the P3 studies. The PP-NRS differed predictably signiicantly signiicantly predicted the difference in scores (beta 0.26, were were observed on the PP-NRS with PROs (P2b/P3 SCORAD itch change of correlations Moderate-to-strong P3. and P2b in ≥0.95 were analysis test-retest the of coeficients correlation Intraclass [r=0.67], VAS item (DLQI) Index itch Quality Life [r=0.77],Dermatology (Average constructs similar itch [r=1.00],SCORAD NRS Pruritus PP-NRS of between measures observed and were correlations P2b study, 24hours. past Inthe the in ritus large baseline positive pru personal rating of peak their with response a select to aligned consistently, and found clear,it relevant, and comprehensive, easy properties. measurement change) to sensitivity and (test-retest longitudinal and (construct and known-groupscross-sectional validity) examine (PROs used measures were ClinROs) and to outcome reported with ≥1 post-baseline PP-NRS assessment. Patient- and clinician- dupilumab/placebo of dose subcutaneous ≥1 receiving patients (Week oftreatment end through daily 16). The Analysis includes adult AD patients. Participants completed the PP-NRS once ( studies (P3) 3 phase two from data pooled using conirmed and rental experience trended signiicance (beta 1.25, Global Global (IGA) [r=0.17, Assessment ofdifferentmeasures (EASI Investigator’s [r=0.09]and constructs 1 assessed in a phase 2b(P2b) ( phase study assessed a in moderate-to-severe itch ( itch moderate-to-severe with UStion interviews included adults with AD self-reporting valida Content 24hours?” previous the during worst moment the at how youritch yourate would imaginable‘, ’worst itch being 10 and ’noitch‘ 0being 10,with of0to scale “On24 hours: a past the during (worst) pruritus ofpeak assess intensity to the item (AD). dermatitis for measuring itch in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic (PP-NRS) Scale Rating Numerical Pruritus Peak ofthe sessment Objective: Gil Yosipovitch ATOPIC DERMATITIS PATIENTSMODERATE-TO-SEVERE WITH CLINICAL STUDIES OF DUPILUMAB IN ADULT NUMERICAL RATING SCALE: RESULTS FROM VALIDATION OF PRURITUS PEAK THE OP33 signiicantly predict the difference in scores. not did experience group,parental “yesterday” Inthe recruited. gender. and race, CPwith forage, adjusting variable, predictor primary was the a multivariable linear regression model. Parental experience 1018 5 kari Tarrytown, USA son to the previous 7days. previous the to child’s ofthe assessment parent and severity, itch when referring Parental experience and age inluence the difference between child ofdifference. ofpredictors the lack given week” “last than rather Conclusion: larger differences. these understand to needed is study effect the to ages. child as the child onthe ofitch severity ofthe A parent and child’s ratings. Perhaps the parent is more desensitized child’s the in increase larger the age, difference the the between largerthe difference the assessment. in 3-month Also, forevery Miami Miami School of Medicine, Miami, USA, RTI Health Solutions, Health RTI Ann Arbor, and n =1,379; NCT02277743, NCT02277769) in moderate-to-severe moderate-to-severe NCT02277743, NCT02277769) in =1,379; 4 6 , Marci Clark 9 p th To as psychometric and validation content conduct World Congress of Itch of Congress World <0.01 for all), and weak-to-moderate correlations with with correlations weak-to-moderate and <0.01 forall), Results: “yesterday” be may ofitch ofrecall duration best The 1 , Methods: Matthew Matthew Reaney 5 Results: , Interview participants interpreted the PP-NRS Marius ArdeleanuMarius 4

RTI Health Solutions, Research Solutions, Health RTI Triangle Park, The less the parental experience with CP, with experience parental less the The PP-NRS self-completed The single, a is 231 children ages 6–17 with CP 6–17with ages 231children were n =14). Psychometric properties were properties =14). Psychometric 2 6 p , Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., <0.01]). Similar relationships relationships <0.01]). Similar Laurent Eckert 6 2 Sanoi, Guildford, UK, Guildford, Sanoi, , Allen Allen Radin p n <0.0001) in P2b P3. and <0.0001) in =379; NCT01859988)=379;

For “last week,” pa week,” For “last p =0.09), and age age =0.09), and 6 3 , , Abhijit Abhijit Gad Lauren Nel p =0.03). =0.03). 3 Sanoi, ------

taka Furue taka Kuroki, clinical problem due to clinical a nature of subjective this sensation. assessment of pruritus intensity is an important, but still dificult complaints. onpatient based diagnosed predominantly A validated Introduction: Reich Adam SEVERITY QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF NEW ITCH 12-ITEM PRURITUS SEVERITY SCALE: OP34 AD condition among ive different severity grades: clear, mile, mile, clear, grades: severity different ive among condition AD Japanese overall their evaluate to GQ question AD a is patients. (GQ) (VRS) Question 150 POEM in and Global Scale and Rating ship between POEM and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Verbal relation byassessing the severe, severe/very and moderate mild, bands, clear, fourseverity POEM scores into stratify to sought used internationally, be POEM can whether bandings taining we ascer and practice medical of POEM daily scores when used in interpretation aid used to be could POEM bands that identifying disturbance. dryness skin sleep and such as itch, With of aim the (AD), questions, ofseven consists which dermatitis atopic with tool is for the patients measurement a self-assessed, repeatable (POEM) 0–28) Measure (score: Eczema Patient-Oriented The Kido-NakaharaMakiko JAPANESE ATOPIC DERMATITIS PATIENTS ECZEMA MEASURE SCORES (POEM) AMONG CLINICAL BANDINGS OF PATIENT-ORIENTED OP35 ushu University, Japan Dermatology, of Department Ky Sciences, Medical of Graduate School cal University,cal Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi Szepietowski new itch severity questionnaire. severity new itch jective: VAS (r=0.58, with observed also was correlation scoring. A signiicant total a with correlated signiicantly questions single all to responses – 0.81) coeficient (Cronbach consistency good showed results (fourquestions). stimuli A was scoring 22points. maximum The pruritus response to as a scratching and (fourquestions), psyche patient and concentration on pruritus of inluence question), (one duration and question) (one extent pruritus (two questions), Results: interval. 12.0. Statistica with statistically analyzed were results All twice with questionnaire the who3 the itch completed to 5 day Test-retest 102subjects of12-PSSin was comparison conducted (DLQI) Hospitality and (HADS). Depression Scale and Anxiety were Quality Index also the Life Dermatology asked complete to Severity Score (12-PSS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Patients Pruritus 12-Item using assess intensity to asked pruritus were of 148 (81 patients women and 67 men) with dermatoses pruritic (r=0.53, be used in daily clinical practice in the future. the in practice clinical daily used in be sions: ond assessment demonstrated signiicantly lower values. differences sec the where questions, three in only observed were a good reproducibility of achieved results (ICC=0,72). Signiicant and ClinROs (EASI, r=0.50/0.46; IGA, ( (EASI, ClinROs and r=0.50/0.46; r=0.50/0.46) VAS PCS r=0.71/0.72) r=0.66/0.64; item DLQI itch r=0.77/0.73; all). all). with moderate-to-severe AD. moderate-to-severe with patients adult in intensity assess to itch scale valid and sensitive, Conclusions: may questionnaire severity pruritus developed newly The of validation and creation was study the ofthis aim The Tetsuya Koga,Toshihiko Yuichi Mashino, Kurihara, We 12-PSS the intensity assessing pruritus created have p <0.001). Test-retest revealed 102subjects in comparison , Pruritus is a very common subjective symptom, subjective common very a is Pruritus p Agnieszka Boek, Boek, Agnieszka <0.001) and quality of life level according to DLQI to <0.001) according of level DLQI quality and life Peak Pruritus NRS is a well-deined, reliable, reliable, well-deined, a is NRS Pruritus Peak , Yumi Yasukochi, Takeshi Nakahara, Katarzyna Janiszewska, Jacek Jacek C. Janiszewska, Katarzyna Material andMethods: Material p <0.01 for Conclu- A total total A Masu- Ob Rie Rie ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV results being similar but not exactly the same with that ofChar that with same the exactly not but similar being results for trials clinical global to applicable AD. However, ourbanding the of severity patients’ symptoms and has to a become potential similar.quite assess to measure valuable and POEM simple a is Charman’s Our and bandings severe). 25–28 (very be out turned and 17–24(severe) 8–16(moderate), 3–7(mild), clear), almost (clear/ 0–2 bands: severity ive included (2013) al. et Charman, culty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, of University Mannheim, culty Germany Mannheim, of Department Anesthesiology, Research,Pain Experimental Fa Medical Rukwied Roman INTRODUCTION – AN INMETHODS EXPERIMENTAL ITCH RESEARCH OP36 validate its global use. global its validate man’s larger that imply to necessary is analysis ofsample scale In order to study pruritus pruritus study to In order Nicolas Lebonvallet MODEL IN FOR VITRO STUDIES PRURITUS ON RE-INNERVATED HUMAN SKIN EXPLANT AS A OP37 with NC/Nga IgE- mice and T in models lesion skin dermatitis-like ofatopic development the forinstance comprising years, recent steps forward over great Indeed, animals. involved in itch processing could be identiied in humans and also circuits neuronal the recordings, ibre nerve single sophisticated used to evoke experimentally itch. Bytheir means, and employing be can algogens also but pruritogens only Not others. and receptors coupled G-protein Mas-related acids, lysophosphatidic peptides, such as gastrin-releasing pathogenesis, itch in role central a play to identiied and explored been had receptors and candidates of growingnumber a ofresearch, decades over and investigated Initially, been had substances releasing orhistamine histamine sensation. itch ofmagnitude recording bythe followed volunteers healthy in (pruritogens) substances ofitch-inducing administration few years. past the over remarkably the is model obvious most The increased ofitch study methods for the ofexplorative numbers The and 0.7049, respectively, signiicant correlations with GQ, VAS and VRS (r=0.7343,0.7364 POEM severe. showed very statistically and severe moderate, ( with VASPOEM of correlation signiicant statistically and VRS most the have was to proven banding for POEM this bandings, severe=19–28. severe/very and candidates possible the Among mild=3–8, moderate=9–18 most banding: clear=0–2, appropriate the as chosen was agreement coeficient kappa highest the with We (PAR-2, ofitch actors major the showed byIHC that TSLP, were able to conirm the presence of nerve ibers in the epidermis. ofrats. ganglia we transwells, in days ofco-culture several After root sensory dorsal and neurons from epidermis) and (dermis is model between a based human on a skin co-culture explant by skin hed model sensoryre-innervated explant neurons. This 1 Thierry Oddos additional tool for studying pathologic itch. itch. pathologic forstudying tool additional an providing thus network, neuronal the and keratinocytes atopic ibroblasts, dermal between communication the into insights vitroin port-folio, methodological the Supplementing hyperproduction. Brest, Laboratory of Laboratory of Neurosciences of Brest, University of Western Brittany, p =0.05-0.001). proposed by scores forPOEM banding The 2 Johnson & Johnson Santé Beauté France, Val France, Beauté Johnson Santé Johnson & France Reuil, de cell-culture systems also have been introduced, gaining gaining introduced, been have also systems cell-culture METHODS INMETHODS ITCH RESEARCH 2 , Laurent Misery in vivo in (EXPERIMENTAL) 1 , Christelle Christelle Le Gall-Ianotto animal models for itch research attained attained research foritch models animal in vitroin p <0.01). banding for POEMThe scores H 1 2 cell-associated cytokine IL-31 cytokine 2 cell-associated , we adapted a previously publis previously a , we adapted 1 , Cecilia Cecilia Brun 2 - - - , can can be used for studying itch and neurogenic inlammation Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontology, of andInstitute Hospital Geriatric Tokyo, Japan mice. mice. scrat CRF-associated contribute not may cells Thus, mast sham-operated and CRF mice between altered not did cells mast Toluidine of number the showed that section skin ofthe stain blue 2-neutralizing antibody did not inhibit CRF-associated scratching. B Both pruritus. in TP BLT and receptor thromboxane leukotriene involved is metabolites acid arachidonic known that well is It ching. Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, of University Sciences, Pharmaceutical Japan of Department Pharmacology,Applied and Medicine of Graduate School Kuraishi shi for the development of new anti-pruritic drugs. ofnew anti-pruritic development for the and pruritus ofthe mechanisms ofthe elucidation forthe useful CRF is with mouse the that considered is it observation, above scratching. CRF-associated in involved Taken the with together suggested in increased that plasma component CRF is mice also of plasma component scratching. CRF elicited mice These results afferents. onprimary ved of injection intradermal an Inaddition, was obser mice, sham-operated not but CRF mice, in increased component ofplasma immunoreactivity the ofCRF mice, section Interestingly, scratching. CRF-associated in role portant skin in with a PAR-2 a with (SLIGKV-NH agonist of measurement TSLP incubation after supernatant the in release cells. dermal was assessed bythe model ofthe functionality The H behavior. itch-related an is behavior the that suggesting naltrexone, The scratching was inhibited by mu-opioid receptor antagonis nephrectomy, 5/6 was given was elicited. scratching spontaneous a developed of mouse CRF-associated model pruritus. When mice unclear. remain pruritus ofthe underlying mechanisms the We have pruritus. uremic called pruritus severe, very is pruritus the Although severe with disease kidney chronic a (CRF) is failure renal Chronic TsugunobuAndoh PRURITUS OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE-ASSOCIATED CHARACTERIZATION OF A MOUSEMODEL PHARMACOLOGICALHISTOCHEMICAL AND OP38 Japan). Japan). Sera from obtained with mice severe AD were injected analyzer,image real time a SCLABA-Real system Inc., (Noveltec, a using by quantiied was behavior scratching and scored, was severity skin Clinical method. general each byusing examined despair-related and anxiety-, tory-, were preference and behavior lesions. ofskin grades To behavior, depressive evaluate explora various with accompanied mice NC/Tnd in tested were disorder depressive the with associated parameters Behavioral Method: air-unregulated the in hyperproducton IgE sions with circumstance. develop spontaneously which mice NC/Tnd using le skin AD-like useful. on we investigated Therefore, depression AD-associated the clarify an for model mechanisms, suitable animal AD is very of mediators AD-associated depression are poorly understood. To speciic and pathogenesis the of mechanisms However, (AD). suffering patients in complicated dermatitis atopic severe from Background: Kenshiro Matsuda DERMATITIS NC/TND MICE SUFFERING FROM ATOPIC DEPRESSIVE BEHAVIOR MANIFESTED IN OP39 1 TSLP-R, TSLP-R, TRPA1, epi neurons and in present were IL31-R) IL31, Hiroshi Matsuda suggesting that thromboxane thromboxane that suggesting A Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, and 4 1 receptor antagonists attenuated CRF-associated scratching, histamine receptor antagonist and proteinase-activated receptor receptor proteinase-activated and antagonist receptor histamine Depression is one of the psychological disorders psychological ofthe Depression one is 1 1 , , Shikai Li, Li, Shikai Takahito Uta, Daisuke Maki, Shuichi YanaiShuichi 2 and leukotriene B leukotriene and 2 , Shogo Endo 2 ). In conclusion, our model ourmodel ). Inconclusion, Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 2 Tokyo Metropolitan 2 , Akane TanakaAkane 4 play an im an play in vitroin Yasu- 1019 1 ------t t . , Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Whelan South South Research Medical African Town, Cape Council, South Africa 1 Brestoff Trier impaired hippocampal neurogenesis through the peripheral blood. blood. peripheral the through neurogenesis hippocampal impaired mice suffering from AD developed depressive behavio Conclusion: depressive behavior but also decreased the number of neuroblasts. with mice from obtained ofsera injection AD induced only not was to SPF that in comparable age-matched controls. Intravenous Tnd with mice the skin lesions, whereas the number of progenitors NC/ in reduced gyrus was dramatically dentate the in neuroblasts without AD did not show any signiicant changes. The number of respectively.swimming SPF hand, mice NC/Tnd other On the suspension was in observed forced and the oftail tests immobility Prolonged lesions. skin ofthe severity with relating decreased was statistically Sucrose preference decreased. were behavior of onset the after prolonged rearing and AD, partition whereas NC/Tnd mice. In the open ield test, immobility was signiicantly of aspects clinical ofthe aggravation with relating obvious AD in Danielle Bartels Danielle CONDITIONING VERBALWITH SUGGESTION REVERSING ITCH NOCEBOEFFECTS ON BY OP41 IL-4R onneuronal dependent is itch chronic that demonstrate Further, humans. and mice sensory both neurons in stimulate we directly 2cytokines type we show Here, understood. that poorly remain itch as such sensations promote pathways inlammatory asthma and atopic dermatitis. However, the mechanisms by which as such diseases inlammatory chronic with associated also are responses these that established well is It factors. environmental noxious and pathogens invading expel to scratching and ing Mammals have evolved neurophysiologic relexes such as cough Landon K.Oetjen CHRONIC ITCH IMMUNE SIGNALING PATHWAYS TO MEDIATE SENSORY NEURONS CO-OPT CLASSICAL OP40 marker). progenitor (neural (neuroblast marker), and anti-brain lipid binding protein hippocampal neurogenesis including anti-double cortin X antibody of markers neural the byusing was performed nohistochemistry without SPF into mice intravenously AD immu and symptoms, 1020 behavior. mammalian inluence to pathways signaling immune classical sensory employs nervous system the which in paradigm served Collectively,system. con evolutionarily an reveal studies these targets therapeutic novel represent may system nervous the within immune the to ascribed previously mechanisms signaling Thus, studies. clinical proof-of-concept in JAK with inhibitors treated when improve markedly itch chronic recalcitrant with patients we show observations, that onthese Based JAK1and signaling. Hijne fer vidson cinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, USA. Cincinnati, Medicine, of College cinnati Lihua YangLihua hof IV HOT OFF BENCH:THE LATEST NEWS BY Washington University School of St. Medicine, Louis,. 1 1 , 2 , , Andrea Evers Mark J. Miller Mark J. 1 Frank Frank Brombacher 1 , , 2 Amy Z.Amy Xu , QinLiu 1 1 Kaya Kaya Peerdeman , 9 ,

Haixia Niu Haixia th M. Laurin Council World Congress of Itch of Congress World 1 , These indings clearly demonstrated that NC/Tnd that demonstrated clearly indings These YOUNG INVESTIGATORS Samantha L. Hamilton 1 1 , , 1 Brian S. Kim , Antoinette Laarhovenvan Antoinette 1 1

1 , Shivani Shivani V. Tripathi , 1 Madison R. Mack R. Madison Zhou-Feng Chen Zhou-Feng , Changxiong J. Guo J. Changxiong 3 1 , , Chyi-Song Chyi-Song Hsieh Rogier Rogier Donders Results: 1 , Richard Brasington 1

1 Depressive behavior became became behavior Depressive , Peter Peter L. Wang 1 1 , , 1 , Jialie LuoJialie Hongzhen Hu 3 University of Cape Town Cape of University & Jing Feng Jing 1 , 2 1 1 , , , Sisi Chen Sisi Peter Peter de van Kerk Michiel StrooMichiel Robert Robert W. Gereau, 2 1 University University of Cin 1 , , András Schaf 1 1 Xiaofei Xiaofei Gao , ,

Jonathan R. R. Jonathan 1 Timothy M. , 2 , Steve Da Steve antibody Anna M. Anna r with 1 , Kim 1 ------,

Art, Co., Ltd., Co.,Ltd., Art, for patients sufferingfor patients conditions. itch chronic from effectiveness treatment increased to oflife quality improved and diminish and reverse nocebo responses might eventually contribute conditioning with verbal suggestion. A better understanding how to by reversed be can effects nocebo that demonstrate to irst the is reversed, signifying a placebo effect. effect nocebo the showed that ofitch groups. levels Mean was even effect nocebo smaller cantly control both with comparison in onitch 1 Background: spontaneous atopic dermatitis model. a mice, NC/Tnd in ofdermatitis exaggeration and sensation itch from obtained extracts distilled the suppress the A. intermedia, in contained ingredient major a b-pinene, whether investigated for a long in time the of southern Japan. districts In this study, we family, Zingiberaceae the to longs medicine folk used in has been Background: Yosuke Amagai ALPINIA INTERMEDIA GAGNEP EXTRACTS COMPONENT CONTAINED IN DISTILLED IN NC/TND MICE BY BETA-PINENE, MAJOR THE AMELIORATION OF ATOPIC-ITCH SENSATION OP42 stimuli in healthy subjects. subjects. healthy in stimuli itch electrical to respect with induction expectation by positive study, effects nocebo whether we examined reduced be can onitch nocebo if effects In by expectations. this can be positive diminished however, ofitch, experience the to investigated been yet has not it effects ofworsening. Nocebo expectations known contribute to are are which induced by patients’ mechanism, to lated the treatment applied. procedure was extinction was oran induction continued expectation ning with verbal suggestion. In the control groups either th group, were positive expectations induced by experimental conditio effect). nocebo reversing 2: groups (part control ofthe or one Inthe group experimental the either to randomized were participants these with verbal suggestion (part 1: induction ofnocebo effect). Second, byconditioning 99participants in induced were stimuli itch about Histological analyses of analyses Histological scratching behaviors, and transepidermal water loss was evaluate scores, clinical including parameters and conditions, conventional on applied the skin of NC/Tnd which mice, under were maintained spectrometry.gas chromatography-mass was topically b-pinene ses ofthe headspace using out carried were extracts A. intermedia in suppress activation strongly Stat6 b-pinene that revealed analyses ofDRGs. outgrowth ofBMCMCs Signaling neurite and nulation dermis. in suppressed degra cultures cell to b-pinene Adding the as well as mast cells density cutaneous of PGP-9.5-positive neurons that application of b-pinene signiicantly decreased the number of behavior. loss,scratching and water revealed analyses Histological transepidermal dermatitis, of severity the reduced signiicantly b-pinene with application topical that we observed mice, In NC/Tnd ofthe constituent was major a b-pinene that extracts. A. intermedia assessed. were pathways signaling (DRGs) as involving as well ganglia neurite of dorsal outgrowth (BMCMCs) neurite cells and mast cultured derived effectsinhibitory marrow- ofbone degranulation onthe ofb-pinene through Stat6-mediated pathways. Stat6-mediated through condition by suppressing itch sensation and allergic inlammation skin the improved b-pinene with application topical that indicate 1 megen, TheNetherlands megen, shi Matsuda shi Leiden Leiden University, Leiden, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Results: Conclusion anddiscussion: Conclusion 3 3 , TanakaAkane Nocebo effects Nocebo effects, treatment negative are unre be that plant perennial a (A.) intermedia, Alpinia Tokyo of University Agriculture andTechnology, Japan 1 Positive expectation induction resulted in a signi , Tetsuyoshi Hamasaki in vivo in Results: 2 Radboud University Medical University Medical Radboud Center Nij Methods: 3 samples were also carried were out. carried samples also The revealed analysis component The Conclusions: Methods: First, negative expectations expectations negative First, 2 , study ofthis results The Yoshihiro Nomura Component analy The current study e negative e negative 3 , Hiro- 2 Gray i d. d. ------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Medicine, Philadelphia, Medicine, Philadelphia, USA, Clinical of Sciences, partment Temple University School Katz Lewis of M. McGregory 1 strated strated antipruritic eficacy of nalfuraine hydrochloride in chronic long-term suppression ofpruritus. Moreover, recently we demon for52weeks, produced 5µg day per at patients hemodialysis to study showed that nalfuraine hydrochloride, orally administered open-label ourrecent Inaddition, patients. 337hemodialysis in nalfuraine hydrochloride, effectively reduced intractable pruritus agonist, -receptor opioid that demonstrated study double-blind prospective, CNS. Our the placebo-controlled, previous via itch -opioid system induces whereas the -opioid system suppresses the indicate indings cholestasis. These and failure renal chronic suppressto pruritus systemic diseases, in with patients including opioid receptor (KOR) agonists (e.g., nalfuraine) have been found k- and naltrexone) and naloxone (e.g., MOR antagonists contrast, In agonists. (MOR) receptor -opioid other and morphine with effect side well-known a is pruritus forpain treated patients in pruritus in the central nervous system (CNS).modulating Opioi in roles pivotal play systems -opioid and - The TakamorKenji INDUCED ITCH AN OVERVIEW OF TREATMENT OPIOID- FOR OP44 Background: Nattkemper Leigh A. INDUCED ITCH BOTULINUM TOXIN TYPE ACOWHAGE- ON PROLONGED ANTIPRURITIC EFFECT OF OP43 1 compared to the saline control at 1 week ( 1week at control saline the to compared ofBoNT/A injection intradermal intensity itch cowhage reduced treatment. after 3months and 1month, 1week, then and treatment) (before baseline at areas test the on examined were application cowhage after intensity itch and intensity) pain heat and thresholds heat and (warmth sensory parameters Thermal arm. contralateral the into injected (10units) control saline a with 26.8±6.8), age 19females; and (16males subjects of 35healthy in a injected 4x4 dermally cm test area on the volar surface of arm ( versus saline control at 1 week ( 1week at control versus saline itch (AUC; percent change from baseline)was also decrease Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, Chiba, Japan Urayasu Chiba, Hospital, University Juntendo with BoNT/Awith ( 1week at and 3 months ( 3months and months ( months no effect onthermal thresholds orheat pain intensity. lasting treatment for localized, non-histaminergic forlocalized, treatment lasting itch. months. These suggest results that BoNT/A long- is potential a ofBoNT/AOne treatment three least forat itch cowhage reduced Singapore Singapore Medicine, of Lon School Lin (NCT02639052) Botox Methods: BoNT/A on cowhage, a non-histaminergic forchronic itch. model Objectives: glutamate. and To effect itch-relieving the test of acetylcholine and other pruritic factors, such as s thought to have an antipruritic effect due to the i versity Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba, Medicine, of Graduate School versity Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Miami, Medicine, of School Miller Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Uni Juntendo Medicine, Speciic EnvironmentalGender for and Institute Department of Dermatology, of Department Center, Itch Miami Miami of University p <0.0001), and 3 months ( 3months <0.0001), and THE THE WIDE RANGE OF CLINICAL p In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial trial placebo-controlled single-blind, randomized, Ina =0.005) compared to the saline treatment. BoNT/A treatment. saline the to =0.005) compared had PRESENTATIONS OF ITCH 2 Botulinum toxin type type toxin Botulinum A (BoNT/A orBotox , R.V. Ramsey i 1,2 p =0.007). was lowered intensity itch peak The , Nobuaki Takahashi, Nobuaki 1 , ® C. Stull (BoNT/A; 10 units; 10units; (BoNT/A; Allergan) was intra 3 p , =0.0002), 1 month ( =0.0002), 1month Y.H. Chen 4 Biostatistics Unit, National National Unit, University Biostatistics of p =0.0004). perceived overall The 2 2 , Department of Dermatology and Dermatology of Department M.J. M.J. Lavery p =0.016), 1 month ( =0.016), 1month 4 , H. Mochizuki 1 , Mitsutoshi Tominaga, Mitsutoshi 2 Department of Dermatology, of Department 2 , p <0.0001), 1 month <0.0001), 1month R. R. Valdes-Rodriguez p =0.0001), and 3 =0.0001), and 1 , Gil YosipovitchGil Conclusions: Results: nhibition of ubstance P d-induced p =0.015), 1 The The 3 ® De- )is d 2 - - - 1 ,

Psychology, Giessen, Giessen, Germany Justus-Liebig-University logy, Heidelberg, Hospital University Heidelberg, of Clinical Social Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Dermato should be evaluated in a larger a in evaluated be should cohort. patients oftransplant itch in role a does play use ofbeta-blockers differenta patients. transplant in ofitch pathogenesis the Whether patients with a functional graft without the need of dialysis. ofdialysis. need the without graft functional a with patients those in indings laboratory and clinical of series a and pruritus a kidney and transplant analysed possible between correlations received who previously had patients we investigated topic this transplantation. kidney after disappears pruritus To readdress symptom in patients on dialysis. According to former studi Background: Mettang Thomas TRANSPLANTS PRURITUS IN PATIENTS KIDNEYWITH OP45 primary effectorprimary hista releases which cell, mast the is ofurticaria embarrassment. social cause and activities, orrestrict disrupt A affected,severely sleep, disturb can itching associated the since often is of life Quality prevalence. 1%worldwide estimated an for6weeks orlonger. lasting orboth, angioedema weals, has It bypruritic characterized disease a is (CU) urticaria Chronic FreeRoyal London, UK Hospital, Tabi Leslie URTICARIAITCH AND OP46 ondialysis time during itch intensity. of history between noassociation be to seems There sufferkidney-transplant minor a to although itch chronic from clusion: calculated using appropriate statistical tools. using statistical appropriate calculated were Correlations recorded. were medication as current as well and laboratory parameters routinely and periodically obtained a regarding pruritus. questionnaire complete Additionally, clinical to asked were centre single a in place 2014 whose took follow-up hods: beta-blockers, none of these patients had alpha-blockers. alpha-blockers. had patients ofthese none beta-blockers, levels. haemoglobin and suffering patients All on were itch from (CKD-epi), serum-creatinine transplant-function with correlated transplantation. after and ondialysis) while ofitch intensity The (ie. before ofitch history the between was noassociation there transplantation. since time the and ofpruritus lence Additionally, (4/11).neck preva the foundbetween be could No association on (9 itch appeared the of extremities 11), back (3 the of 11) and 10.Most often 0to from scale rating numeric 0-7)ona 2 (range was interview ofthe day the ofitch intensity ofthe median The suffer to 66(16.7%)reported remaining of the itch. chronic from from a dermatosis and were from excluded the analysis. 11 pat. to ill in the questionnaire. 8 of these 74 patients reported to suffer agreed kidney-transplantation after follow-up onroutine patients 1 and overview on treatment of opioid-induced itch. ofopioid-induced ontreatment overview and update an session, Iprovide plenary Inthe mice. in dermatitis like psoriasis- ofimiquimod-induced behavior scratching itch-related in MOR KOR showed study and involved that were recent most pruritus Our (e.g. relieved patients. in naltrexone) dermatitis atopic antagonist receptor -opioid of application topical example, For pruritus. in roles important play also may systems opioid peripheral Meanwhile, sensation. suppress itch neurons that itch-selective k-opioid agonist dynorphin acting as KOR-expressing spinal endogenous an produce interneurons, inhibitory neurons, spinal study.double-blind Experimentally, B5-I that accepted is it pruritus a in with randomized, patients intractable disease liver Department of Nephrology, of Department DKD Clinic, Wiesbaden, Helios Patients who had received a kidney transplant from 1976 to 1976to from transplant kidney a who received had Patients A functioning with ofpatients proportion substantial Uremic pruritus is a frequent and often tormenting tormenting often and frequent a is pruritus Uremic 1 , Elke Weisshaar, Elke

and after transplantation, suggesting suggesting transplantation, after and 2 , Jörg Kupfer Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Results: 3 Institut for Medical Medical for Institut 3 2 74 of 132 Department Department Con 1021 Met es - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV median age at diagnosis was (51.6vs diagnosis younger 63.8 yr, at age median suffered(10.6%) ofour396patients from AP. Interestingly, their OBENE, NCT02897297). So, 42 database, myéloprolifératives des NEoplasies Brestois was used (Observatoire our hospital in of396ET data clinical and biological the this, followed patients of impact the presence of AP in ET for patients such a Forrisk. clinical the analyze to interesting particularly seemed sis. So, it of AP PV in thrombo ofarterial risk lower a with was associated PV in observed those from ristics presence In2008, the patients. ET in present also it that recently withdifferent characte clinical ofPV. symptom typical a is contact, water How ever, we showed most recurrent complications. Aquagenic pruritus (AP), induced by boses and phenotypic evolutions (leukemia, myeloibrosis) are the orvenous throm arterial which in neoplasms myeloproliferative vera are (PV)(ET) Polycythemia and thrombocythemia essential Christelle Le Gall-Ianotto MORBIDITY DURING FOLLOW-UPTHE ATPROFILE DIAGNOSISAND A HIGH THE CLINICALBIOLOGICAL AGRESSIVEMORE AND AQUAGENIC PRURITUS: AN ENTITY WITH ESSENTIAL THROMBOCYTHEMIA WITH OP47 biologics. anti-IL-1 and anti-IgE as other as well antagonists, H4 receptor forCU include treatments future Potential recommended. usenot is long-term however exacerbations, acute for treatment rescue use as a be may corticosteroids of systemic courses Short ormontelukast. byciclosporin followed atment, antibody,anti-IgE oftre line next the be should omalizumab, monoclonal the that now recommend guidelines European The for with are patients available CU to refractory antihistamines. byupfourfold. increased be may A treatments ofadd-on number dosages and treatment, irst-line mainstay the are antihistamines disease. the for managing generation second that recommend All procedures step-wise their in variation some have nes forCU all impairment. oflife of quality UK US and European, guideli The Severity Score (ISS), and the CU-2QoL, a disease-speciic measure CU Urticaria the include over Score 7 days Activity (UAS7), Itch various cutaneous diseases. Assessment tools for the severity of to addition in disease, autoinlammatory and vasculitis urticarial conirmed with provocation tests. Differential diagnosis includes be CIndU can disease. underlying an exclude may that tests blood history, thorough a bytaking nosis forCSU made is as as well Diag stimulus. demonstrable bya induced are symptoms where (CIndU), urticaria inducible and chronic provocation, curs without Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), which is endogenous and oc CU into two subtypes; categorise The European guidelines latest which outline the classiication, diagnosis and mana guidelines several are There itch. causes that mechanism relex neuronal a to leading stimulation H1 receptor with H2 receptors, onH1 and predominantly acts Histamine or non-immunological. immunological either be may that bystimuli when activated mine 1022 3 veau 1 perviscosity, ( splenomegaly and symptoms constitutional hy as erythrocytosis, symptoms more presented they Furthermore, thrombocythemic, thrombocythemic, ET with AP less but polycythemic (more proliferative more were (2.2 vs 1.1 treatment lines, lines, (2.2 vs 1.1 treatment AP (30.9vs 17.2%, events during were thrombotic the more follow-up in group with there contrast, In found. was groups between difference icant or of events (arterial venous) thrombotic at diagnosis, no signi University Hospital of Brest, of Hospital University Brest, France Brest, Laboratory of Hematology,of Laboratory and Laboratory of Interactions Neurons-Epitheliums, Interactions Laboratory of Brest, of University 3 , Eric Lippert , Eric 2 Department of Hematology, of Department QUimper, Cornouaille, of Hospital 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World 3 p , Laurent Misery <0.04 each) and were more dificult to treat treat to dificult more were and each) <0.04 p =0.03). ofthrombotic rate artery/vein The 1 p , =0.005). Concerning the occurrence occurrence the =0.005). Concerning Ronan Le Ronan Calloch 4 Department of Clinicval Hematology, Clinicval of Department 1 , Jean-Christophe Ianotto , Jean-Christophe 2 , Aurélie Aurélie Chau gement of CU. p <0.0001). p <0.01). <0.01). 4 ------score and maximum (r=0.39, maximum and score CLASI Activity between observed was correlation Signiicant as the rest of the face ( face ofthe rest as the cine, Section of Dermatology, Section of cine, Florence, University of Italy, Dermatology and Dermatology Allergology, Tenon France, Paris, Hospital, ment of Dermatology, of ment Wakayama Medical University, Japan, partment of Dermatology, of partment Shimada,Japan, Hospital, ShimadaMunicipal of Medical of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan, of Dermatology,of Medical Poland, Sciences, PoznanUniversity of 8 tology, Brest, of Hospital University France 1 Dominik Samotij Dominik CUTANEOUS LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS TICS OF PRURITUS IN PATIENTS WITH PREVALENCE AND CLINICAL CHARACTERIS- OP48 pruritus affectedpruritus ( scalp the differences were not statistically signiicant. Most commonly generalized in severe most the being points, 5.5±2.4 but ACLE, pruritus severity measured with Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) was patients. 8(13.1%)ofCLE byonly experienced maximum The was lesions skin within pain Incontrast, by 46(75.4%)patients. was Pruritus reported was points. 3.3±4.2 damage mean while CLASI was to 6.0±5.6 according activity Mean CCLE. and ACLE ofboth features clinical presented One (1.6%)patient (CCLE). CLE chronic 43(70.5%)had and (SCLE) CLE (22.9%) subacute analysis. nary 14 (ACLE), CLE acute had (4.9%)patients Three completed and veriied questionnaires were included for prelimi by Ethic Committee of Wroclaw Medical University. A total were assessed with SELENA-SLEDAI. The study was approved severity was assessed with CLASI, while systemic symptoms lesion Skin it. alleviate to used bypatients modalities treatment as well as psyche on inluence experiences, sity, accompanying inten its including ofpruritus, aspects clinical as various well as subtypes ofCLE, clinical data, assessing sociodemographic CLE. with patients in questionnaire was study onthe based The ofpruritus characteristics clinical and prevalence the evaluate to multicenter, was study undertaken cross-sectional prospective, limited. very are (CLE) erythematosus lupus cutaneous from This of various severity. However, data on pruritus in sufferingpatients Various bypruritus accompanied are diseases skin inlammatory AP (11.9 ofdeath rate lower a have vs 32.5%, ET that we noted patients, ofthe survival overall the cerning with rent Misery a longest follow-up (12.1vs 7.7years, follow-up longest a School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of Medicine, University of School patients for a better management and follow-up. and management better fora patients in ET at patients diagnosis should to these identify permit better evolution). of the presence of determination The systematic AP phenotypic (thromboses, ofmorbidity risk high with patients of presence So, the survival. AP ET with patients in characterizes ET without AP. overall higher a have patients these that, Despite than evolution phenotypic and ofthrombosis risk higher also had AP but diagnosis at symptomatic more proliferative, more were PVa symptom, but is also present Furthermore, ET with myeloibrosis) myeloibrosis) against 13.8% in the other group ( ofET1/3 with AP (PV evolutions phenotypic had orsecondary events events was also different (50/50 vs 2/3:1/3, Fukumi Fukumi Furukawa lege, Pakistan, Pakistan, lege, ical University,ical Poland, Werth Chasset hammad Raiqul Mowla Department Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Chittagong Medical Col Department of Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Med 6 , Adam Reich 3 , lkada Daczak-Pazdrowska Aleksandra 10 ,

9 Zygmunt Adamski Department of Dermatology, of Department Faculty Medicine, of School 1 , 5 , 1 Justyna Szczch Justyna Carolyn Kushner 2 Department of Surgery of Department andTranslational Medi n 8 , n =22; 47.8%), nose ( 47.8%),nose =22; Aminul Islam Aminul =19; 31.1%) and arms ( arms 31.1%)and =19; p <0,01) as well as average pruritus pruritus as average <0,01) as well 4 , Jacek Jacek C. Szepietowski 1 , Emiliano Emiliano Antiga 6 8 , , p Minoru HasegawaMinoru Hideo Hideo Hashizume =0.002). AP only not is p 10 4 n <0.05). Furthermore, <0.05). Furthermore, , Department of Derma =16, 34.8%) as well well =16, 34.8%)as p din Polaska Adriana =0.006) in spite of spite =0.006) in p =0.0007). Con n =15; 24.6%). =15; 3 Department of of Department 4 2 Department Department , François François , 1 , Victoria, 6 Perelman 5 Depart- 9 7 , Lau- Mo- , of 61 7 De- 4 ------, Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV nek, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek nek, kowski with HGBwith HCT and intensity. ofits contributors as major serving among PV importance ofneglected entity seems an be to sufferers pain among HS patients. HS among patients. pain additonally and pruritus the evaluate to was study This undertaken Objectives: (HS) hidradenitis feature. suppurativa important as an Background: Matusiak Lukasz HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA PATIENTS CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PRURITUS IN OP50 results. laboratory with associations of characteristics clinical analyze to was undertaken AP its and Objectives: scarce. remains still management and ristic study This characte clinical its about knowledge the ago, decades three than features of polycythemia vera (PV). Despite it was described mo Background: Edyta Lelonek PRURITUS IN POLYCYTHEMIA VERA CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AQUAGENIC OP49 modalities. treatment ofvarious eficacy the verify and characteristics clinical its characterize better to needed are studies Further CLE. with patients in symptoms overlooked often but frequent, relatively is pruritus that conclude we may symptoms and reported pain oritch intensity. Based onourresults ofsystemic was severity No pain. foundbetween also relationship intensity (r=0.32, 3 patients without any clinical improvement. improvement. clinical any without 3 patients found. were severity by only was received treatment Antipruritic pruritus and hematocrit hemoglobin, between correlations negative 16.7% among observed were disturbances, AP Of note, patients. with third of patients AP water. with avoided any contact Sleep points (VAS) and 6.0±2.9 points (4-item Itch Questionnaire diagnosis (52.4%). The mean AP wasintensity assessed as 4.8±1.9 ofsufferers majority the in noticed was onset its and PV the before 41.1%individuals. in of duration mean The AP was years 6.6±8.6 underwent also basic laboratory tests. tests. laboratory basic also underwent Participants examined. were oralleviation aggravation for its quality, responsible factors common most the and descriptors) Moreover, features of clinical various AP localization, (including (VAS), verbal rating scale (VRS) and 4-item a Itch Questionnaire. lected. Pruritus intensity was evaluated with visual analo on disease history, PV col were modalities and status treatment PV with the mean age of66.9±12.7 years. Demographic data, data study group consisted of 102 patients with molecular cal University,cal Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi examination was reported among 41.7% of HS patients, whereas whereas 41.7%ofHS among patients, was reported examination examined. were oralleviation aggravation forits responsible factors mon Moreover, features of various pruritus clinical and the most com assess QoL to the DLQI was implemented also tionnaire. issues. (VAS),scale Ques Itch (NRS) 4-item a and scale rating numeric analogue visual with evaluated were intensity pain and Pruritus respectively. staging, I/II/III Hurley and Index) Severity purativa Sup HSSI Score), (Hidradenitis Suppurativa HSS (Hidradenitis to according 42/47/14 and points 9.2±4.6 points, as 38.0±36.5 years. of35.6±13.2 age mean was assessed severity disease The the with HS patients 53males) of103(50females, consisted 1 row Transplantation, Wroclaw University, Medical Wroclaw, Poland Hematology, of andClinic Department Mar Neoplasms andBone Blood Department and Clinic of Dermatology, of andClinic Department Venereology and Allergology, and 2 , Jacek C.Szepietowski , Jacek Results: The growing bodyofresearch has indicated pruritus (AP) pruritus is Aquagenic one main clinical of the 1 , Łukasz Matusiak Łukasz p , =0.02). Such relationship was not observed for Justyna Szczch, Szczch, Justyna days before seven last within pruritus The Material andMethods: Material 1 1 , Tomasz Wróbel Karolina Lelo Kaaz, Edyta Material andMethods: Material Results: AP was observed Conclusions: group study The 2 , Jacek Jacek Kwiat ly conirmed gue scale ). One The The AP AP re re ------associated with the disease adversely affecting adversely disease the with associated oflife. quality the is intensity pruritus not of uncommon symptom mild-to-moderate smell. and appearance pruritus, exudation, outpacing consecutively ofHS symptom troublesome most as the was reported pain The intensity were increased sweating, heat and physical activity. (18.6%). or tickling itch exacerbating factors common most The (25.6%) (46.5%),stinging as burning itch their described patients severity. disease with additionally and DLQI with of majority The DLQI. The pain intensity correlated negatively with QoL as with signiicantly correlated intensity pruritus the Nonetheless, ( regard. this in pain contributor was crucial a presence pain The on QoL the with show assessed DLQI, interaction it with nordid area. anogenital impact an had neither ofpruritus presence The quite equally between armpits, inguinals, abdomen, of lesions). pruritic With for except buttocks, pain was distributed area (90% buttocks of lesions) pruritic armpits (83% and 87% and School, University of Manchester, of University School, Manchester, UK 7.5±2.5 points (NRS points 7.5±2.5 Christian Apfelbacher DUCTION PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES: AN INTRO- OP51 1 in relation to that model; and (3) cognitive interviewing to ensure ensure to interviewing (3)cognitive and model; that to relation in ofitems terms in ofcontent (2)generation model; conceptual of a in which a PRO is created, three steps are important: (1) deinition phase validity content Inthe lessprominent. are validation content on report adequately ofPROs, that those testing psychometric the of reports detailed give often studies PRO coeficient. While tion correla intra-class an bycalculating time) over measurements the of (stability reliability test-retest testing forinstance phase, metric psycho the about think we often PRO about validation, we think assessed. be to need also time orcompletion interpretability When validity. comprehensibility, such as patient Aspects offeasibility error,rement validity, criterion testing, hypothesis cross-cultural consistency,responsiveness, internal validity, structural measu validity, face including validity content are: group, these reliability, Instruments) Measurement ofhealth selection forthe Standards the consensus-based taxonomy ofthe COSMIN (COnsensus-based PRO ofinterest. ofthe properties measurement all to According consider to important is process, it Inthis phase. testing chometric psy a and phase validity content a process, involving multi-step a way. robust a in done is validation PRO ofa is development The stakeholders. and development the if achieved be only will This other and professionals healthcare forpatients, relevant and valid tion. be to byPRO need measures generated measurements The satisfac ortreatment symptoms (HRQOL) ItchyQoL, such as the PROs include instruments that measure health-related quali of Examples healthcare. routine -in recently -more and research services health observational research, clinical in assessment ofoutcomes component important an ofPROs has become ment else. oranyone clinician ofa interpretation without measure The patient’s ofa status patient, the from directly comes that health the of report any as deined A is (PRO) outcome patient-reported (for VAS points, points was 5.5±2.3 4.6±1.9 and assessed points, as 5.0±2.1 pain was observed 77.5% in individuals. severity pruritus The The pain intensity was evaluated as 7.3±2.4 points (VAS points as 7.3±2.4 was evaluated intensity pain The University of Regensburg, of University Regensburg, Germany, PATIENTS’ PERSPECTIVES AND PATIENT Medical Medical Sociology, and Preventive Epidemiology Institute of Medicine, p =0.002), even more important than disease severity ( severity disease than important more =0.002), even Conclusions: max , NRS REPORTED OUTCOMES max and 4-item Itch Questionnaire, respectively). respectively). Questionnaire, Itch 4-item and In patients with HS, in addition to pain, the the pain, to HS, addition with in Inpatients max 1 , Pauline Nelson , Pauline ). Pruritus was observed predominantly in in was). Pruritus predominantly observed 2 Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 2 Manchester Business Business Manchester chest and p ty of life ty of life max =0.04). sessed sessed ) and ) and 1023 ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV but also scratching in itch inducing situations. situations. inducing itch in scratching also but cognitions, related itch only not reduce to able are awareness with acting increase mindfulness to aiming techniques certain especially our point of view, it would worth therefore whether to investigate different with patients in study. previous a in conditions skin In burden psychological with correlations strongest showedalso the It with is itch catastrophizing. striking that this of facet mindfulness correlations strongest showed awareness the with whereby acting with patients in catastrophizing itch to related negatively are AD, mindfulness of facets different that show to irst the was study Thompson many, ment of Dermatology and Dermatology of ment Allergology, Giessen, Gießen, Clinic University strophizing [acting with awareness: r=–0.368; non-reactivity“ signiicantly negatively correlated with itch cata and „decentering and orientation“ non-judgemental and cepting „ac awareness“, with „acting scales mindfulness the that revealed and non-reactivity: r=–0.230; r=–0.230; non-reactivity: and and non-judgemental orientation: r=–0.196; with with awareness“ [F (2/76) = 24.789; by„acting was explained catastrophizing ofitch variance of the 11.1% additional weeks, two an last the during intensity itch and gender, forage, controlling after showed that durination illness a visual analogue scale (VAS 0–10). by was measured clinic the at stay the to weeks two prior last the Germany.Borkum, during intensity itch average the Inaddition, (ICQ) during the irst week of their stay at a rehabilitation clinic on Questionnaire Cognition Itch (CHIME) the and ness Experiences Mindful of Inventory Comprehensive the in illed years) 45±13 time. atopic dermatitis (AD), is investigated with this study for the irst disease skin itchy chronic the with patients in catastrophizing itch to related also are ofmindfulness levels occuring naturally different with patients in shame skin and diseases. skin Whether, anxiety, to shown related be been to oflife quality depression, Moreover, recently, have levels of mindfulness occuring naturally psoriasis. with patients stress and in oflife quality skin, on the effects positive shown have been to have interventions fulness leads people to consciously react instead of automatically. Mind judging, without onpurpose and moment present the to tion Stefanie Stefanie Meeuwis SUGGESTIONS ONITCH PLACEBO? OF EFFECTS OPEN-LABEL VERBAL KNOWSUBJECTS THAT THEYRECEIVE A WHEN WORK EFFECTS PLACEBO DO OP53 Theoretical background: Christina Schut ATOPIC DERMATITIS CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY IN PATIENTS WITH CATASTROPHIZING: FIRST RESULTS OF A GO ALONG LOWWITH LEVELS OF ITCH OF AWARENESSWITH ACTING LEVELS HIGH OP52 well. phase each conduct to expertise ciplinary multidis requisite the and research qualitative and of quantitative application appropriate with approach mixed-methods a requires It alone. psychometrics to restricted not and complex is ields clinical other as in itch chronic with of PRO forpatients measures measure. ofthe feasibility validation and development Thus, the 1024 1 4 Antoinette van Laarhoven van Antoinette Germany Institute Psychology,Institute Medical of Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Ger Department of Dermatology, of Department Borkum Riff, Borkum, Center Rehabilitation Methods: 2 eatet f scooy Uiest o Seil, UK, Shefield, of University Psychology, of Department 9 th 2 World Congress of Itch of Congress World , Uwe Gieler 109 ND-patients (44 male, 65 female; mean age: age: mean 65female; (44male, 109ND-patients 1 , 1 Kerry Montgomery , Henriët Henriët Middendorp van 3 , Christoph Zick , Christoph Mindfulness, deined as paying atten paying as deined Mindfulness, 1 , Jan De Houwer, Jan p =0.018]. analysis regression The Results: p 2 , ≤0.001]. ≤0.001]. 4 Kjell LüßmannKjell , Jörg Kupfer 2 , Andrea Evers p Correlation analyses Correlation analyses 1 =0.044; decentering =0.044; decentering , p Judy Judy Veldhuijzen ≤0.001; accepting Discussion: 1 1 , Andrew , 3 1 Depart- This This 1 ------, rie Mengeaud rie through structured literature review and focus groups. and review literature structured through of CP severity and its impact on patients’ HRQoL has been achieve sion: Saturation of concepts was reached after the second FG. second the after was reached ofconcepts Saturation conditions. skin across all consistent were ofinterest sub-domains spent. (9)time and relations; (8)social others; to attributed These (7)cognitions activities; (6)daily (5)concentration; cognitions; and (4)emotions life; (3)sexual anticipation; and (2)coping fatigue; forHRQoL ofinterest domains organized were and (1) sleep into: and scratching response), ( scratching and CP ( of: terms in was reported 3FG through sessions. interviewed were France of severity The Results: approach). (inductive analyses content qualitative using analyzed thematically were which transcript, into reported textually were focus groups (FG). during Participants’ people) elderly verbatim in ornone, urticaria dermatitis, seborrheic scalp dermatitis, atopic sufferingtients CP from psoriasis, were condition skin (underlying review. bypa generated data onqualitative based was It revised literature systematic a after was developed framework conceptual knowledge on how to optimize treatment effects treatment onhow optimize to knowledge itch. chronic in identifying the role of expectations in itch could Further itch. in ofexpectations role ofthe explanations explicit suggestions used in the current study, for by example using more verbal the focus onstrengthening might research Future itch. in eficacy placebo label open for support offer results These itch. expected itch was signiicantly associated with lower self-reported group only, experimental within the lower post-verbal suggestion study, this in expectations itch itch. induced not but Additionally, affect foundto were suggestions verbal Open-label given. were group, in no suggestions control suggestions), whereas the verbal positive open-label (i.e. itch inluence could expectations how on information received and itch little would elicit test the that told were group,participants experimental Inthe iontophoresis. session byhistamine laboratory single a during experimentally evoked was group.Itch control ora experimental an either to health-related quality of life (HRQoL). oflife quality health-related ofCP severity the (CP) Pruritus perceive nic on impact its and histamine test. Healthy volunteers ( volunteers Healthy test. histamine itch-inducing validated a following itch reduce would suggestions verbal positive open-label that on suggestions wasitch. It expected effects the investigate to conducted verbal positive ofopen-label placebo). (open-label inert is substance was study An experimental effects placebo that given a known is that when it even occur can suggests that growingbodyofliterature a is there placebo/nocebo), (closed-label substance inert an received they that participation effects nocebo and following participants informed only have such as itch. Although most experimental studies on placebo symptoms subjective inluence to shown been have suggestions, byverbal induced expectancies, outcome positive and Negative Objectives: Jennifer Theunis HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE OF CHRONIC PRURITUS AND ITS IMPACT ON PATIENTS’ PERCEPTION OF SEVERITYTHE A QUALITATIVE STUDY TO UNDERSTAND OP54 1 1 logy, University, Ghent Belgium France Netherlands, Netherlands, and Neuropsychology Medical Health, University, Leiden unit, The Leiden, liano Orri liano Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Psychology, of Institute Sciences, andBehavioural Social of Faculty Pierre Fabre, A framework sound conceptual clinically and comprehensive Nineteen participants from one dermatological center in in center from one participants Nineteen dermatological 3 , To suffering how patients understand Chro from 2 Jesus Cuervo Department of Experimental Clinical Psycho and Health Clinical Experimental of Department 1 2 , LASER Analytica, Analytica, LASER Laurent Misery Laurent 1 , Clementine Clementine Nordon 2 , Gilles BerdeauxGilles ii ) duration, and ( and ) duration, i 4 ) intensity of itch (sensation type type (sensation of itch ) intensity 3 CESP, 1018, INSERM 2 , n Ylana Ylana Chalem =92) were randomized=92) were Methods: 1 , Marie Auges Marie iii ) extension. Sub- ) extension. A preliminary Apreliminary provide new 4 1 CHU Brest,CHU , Massimi- , Discus 1 , Vale-, d d - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV sity of Münster, of sity Münster, Germany 1 4 logy, Debrecen, of University Medicine, of Faculty Debrecen, Hungary, a restriction of quality of life. oflife. ofquality restriction a pro nouniform currently are There to leads and dermatoses ofmany symptom frequent a is Pruritus Claudia Zeidler LIFE IN PRURITIC DERMATOSES IN EUROPE ITCH INTENSITY ITCH-IMPAIRED QUALITY OF (PRUNET): VALIDATION OF INSTRUMENTS FOR OF SEVERITY AND BURDEN OF PRURITUS EUROPEAN EADV NETWORKON ASSESSMENT OP56 ate the eficacy of treatments as reported by patients. 3)Evalu health. mental and sleep oflife, onquality ofitch impact the 2)Evaluate department. dermatology the attending of patients sures. mea objective with and independently itch evaluating patients, differentiate clinically to important is it horizon onthe options treatment new With life. of quality patient’s on impact niicant sig a having dermatology in symptom common most the is Itch McDonald Ian PATIENTS CHRONICWITH PRURITUS AND TREATMENT OUTCOMES IN A COHORT OF CHARACTERISTICS,ASSOCIATED MORBIDITY NAIRE BASED EVALUATION OF CLINICAL BURDENTHE OF CHRONIC ITCH-A QUESTION- OP55 questionnaire incorporating the itch itch the incorporating questionnaire VAS OPD ofSVUH. dermatology the from recruited were A pruritus (PUO) origin (AD), (PSO) psoriasis ofundetermined pruritus and dermatitis (PN), atopic nodularis ofprurigo diagnosis a with tients 1 eand sgicn peitr f LI needn o PASIB=1.881, coeficient (regression of independent DLQI of predictor signiicant a remained it Importantly HADS. and PSQI, DLQI, of predictor signiicant two groups (83.3%vs 47.2%, the between itch severe very and severe in difference signiicant a (5.89)with psoriasis with patients PN in lowest with (7.50)and itch. severe to moderate indicating patients in wasThis greatest factors. the exacerbating commonest The mean VAS was 6.69 stress and were Heat time. bothersome most as the bedtime ted itchy.reported “always” feeling 36.49%, the largest group repor 62.67%.45.9% in 5years than formore was symptom a Itch ted. PSQI HADS and used. also were for its evaluation independent of other disease measures. disease ofother independent evaluation for its high need the and treatment pruritus in need medical unmet the lights This patients. most for partial remains eficacy treatment ofPASI. groups was and independent all in topical and Systemic by ofitch Measurement VAS ofDLQI predictor was important an groups. other the than onsleep impact less had it where psoriasis symptom. There was signiicantly less severe itch in patients with Conclusion: overall. treatment eficacious most the be to reported was erapy effectivepartially Phototh 72.73%respectively). (71.67%and Most patient’s were and only felt that systemic topical treatments iety. PN with (50%). patients in greatest wasThis proportionally HADS orabnormal foranx borderline a had 34.7% ofpatients psoriasis. with PUO patients with in lowest and patients in highest (PSQI 5). >than score patters sleep abnormal PSQI was mean The hoff Sabine Steinke Sabine Dublin, Ireland,Dublin, Weil Watar, University Cornell Doha, Qatar University University Hospital of Münster, UCD Charles Institute UCD Dermatology, Institute Charles of Vincents St University Hospital, Dept of Dermatology, of Dept Qatar Corporation, University,Medical Hamad Department of Dermatology, of Department Chronic for Center Competence Pruritus, 1,4 Aims: In this patient cohort itch was found to be a chronic chronic a was be foundto itch cohort patient Inthis 1) Characterize clinical features of itch in a cohort cohort a in ofitch features clinical 1) Characterize 1 2 1 , Michael Storck, Michael Department of Dermatology and Dermatology of Department , 1 Imre Szabó Lrinc , Philipp Philipp Bruland 2 Institute Institute of Medical Informatics, Univer 2 p , Martin Dugas, Martin <0.05). VAS a was be foundto p Results: <0.05). 77.73% of patients had had <0.05). 77.73%ofpatients 2 2 , , Attila Attila Szöllsi Claudia Claudia Riepe 73 patients were recrui were 73patients

was developed. DLQI, DLQI, was developed. 3 Department of Physio of Department 2 , Sonja Ständer , Sonja 3 , 1 Methods: , Martin Stein Martin Inaki Inaki Soto Pa 1 2 ------,

alpha3GABA and alpha2 of targeting pharmacological speciic that found we drugs targeting alpha2 and alpha3GABA targets effect. antipruritic the underlying that Our indicate results ratory of Genetic Neuropharmacology, Genetic of ratory Hospital, McLean sensitized to house dust mites. house mites. dust to sensitized Transsynaptic im tracing, circuit itch in dogs chronic and mice, in itch oxazolone-induced chronic Department, VetsuisseDepartment, Faculty, Switzerland that spinal alpha2 and alpha3GABA and alpha2 spinal that suggest experiments electrophysiological and munoluorescence is a particularly dificult to treat condition. treat to dificult particularly a is non-histaminergic including itch, alleviate to which itch, chronic 1 William T. Ralvenius CONTROLLING ITCH SPINAL GABA-A RECEPTOR SUBTYPES OP57 order to better compare clinical data. clinical compare better to order urgently establish to trials clinical in in new therapeutics needed also but dermatoses, itchy with ofpatients care the improve to harmonization is given. This is not only important in daily routine a tools, speciic itch of validation By involved. physicians and validity. patients was among high ofinstruments acceptance The reproducibility, an excellent convergent and a good concurrent countries. consistence, showed excessive an questionnaires All all from data the we analyzed COSMIN the Following checklist, NRS included. >3onthe were pruritus and syndrome Sézary fungoides/ ormycosis planus lichen vulgaris, psoriasis nodularis, of total 552 prurigo (> with patients dermatitis, 50/center) contact France, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, for4weeks. Italy Russia and A Germany, in collective dermatological a in place Poland, Austria, application. fortablet digitized were and languages Validation took national into translated were pruritus), chronic with patients in oflife ofquality impairment the formeasuring tools 5PLQ (both ItchyQoL the scale), rating verbal and scale rating numeric and scales visual itch intensity (including questionnaires, analog scale, process. Delphi a using study validation forthe lected chosen The se and evaluated were instruments pruritus-speciic conference, consensus Ina 15countries. from 31experts comprises which patients’ was PruNet reason founded, For this Europe. within life in consequences its and itself symptom the formeasuring cedures spinal dorsal hornneurons to noxious stimuli, but little is known responses of enhanced pathways ofdescending Inactivation CarstensEarl TRANSMISSION COLD ONSPINAL BLOCK ITCH AND PAIN EFFECTSOFOPPOSING CERVICAL SPINAL OP58 bition. Using a of battery GABA use GABA horn,which dorsal inhi forsynaptic glycine and/or spinal ofthe circuits byinhibitory control tight the under is different groups has that the relay of demonstrated itch signals work Previous compounds. by antipruritic classical respond to itch is and in does most cases as histamine-independent such not affects itch Chronic Chronic population. general 10%ofthe about 1 alpha3GABA histaminergic with an Systemic treatment alpha2/ itch in mice. tina Pagani tina Miami, USA Miami, Claude FavrotClaude M. Nagamine Institute Pharmacology Institute of and Toxicology, Zürich, University of Neurobiology, Behavior,& Physiology UC Davis, CA, 1 , 1 A A Dietmar Benke 1 3 , receptor selective modulator alleviated acute and and acute alleviated modulator selective receptor receptors reduces acute histaminergic acute reduces receptors non- and , Hanns Zeilhofer Ulrich Mirela Carstens Iodi ITCH AND PAINITCH AND 1 , Elena Elena Neumann 1 , Hendrik WildnerHendrik A receptor point mutated mice, mice, point receptor mutated A receptors as likely molecular molecular as likely receptors 1 , T. Akiyama 1 Lecture abstracts Lecture A , 1 Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 receptors are well-suited receptors are well-suited Mario A. Acuña A. Mario 2 1 Dermatology, Univ , Uwe Rudolph 2 , A. Davoodi A. 3 Dermatology Dermatology 1 , Mar- , 2 Labo- 1025 2 1 - - - , , Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV pared to control pared control responses to absence of block the ( in cold block during was com cold lower activity chloroquine-evoked facilitatory modulation. facilitatory descending tonic opposing, an under is transmission pruriceptive spinal while modulation, inhibitory descending tonic under is transmission chemonociceptive that spinal indicate results These for dorsal horn unit responses to chloroquine ( responses chloroquine to hornunit for dorsal A similar but weaker depressant effect of cold block was obse decrease in iring. in decrease marked a caused ofhistamine injection id after 1min starting histamine-evoked responses in the absence of cold block ( block ofcold absence responses the in histamine-evoked following cold block was signiicantly lower compared to control of cold block ( block of cold responses to ofcontrol period time same absence the AITC in the to compared greater signiicantly was block cold during after 1min beginning block of cold AITC application. Activity period 1-min the during iring in increase signiicant further a 18 unaffected. 6units’ while block, cold during and responses reduced were enhanced signiicantly were heat noxious to responses units’ wide dynamic range-type, 54%nociceptive-specific). range-type, dynamic wide block had noeffect had block responses. onmechanically-evoked in pentobarbital-anesthetized mice. pentobarbital-anesthetized in unit recordings were made from supericial dorsal horn neurons single- stimuli, pain-evoking and itch- hornneurons to of dorsal either either VPM orPoT. in located frequently most neurons were thalamic 3) pruriceptive and stimuli; bynociceptive activated also neurons were thalamic ofpruriceptive majority overwhelming 2)the pruritogens; tested ofthe ormore ofone byinjection activated also were cheek the of stimulation mechanical to responded neurons that thalamic 1)surprisingly, that indicate results of three-fourths than more 11% and 19%bythree pruritogens, 22% bytwo four. byall These pruritogen, single bya activated neurons were ofexamined cent 31%bychloroquine. and alanine, 49% bybeta Twenty-four per neurons by of were 52% injection histamine, activated by 5-HT, of Eighty-six percent pruriceptive by stimuli. tivated pruriceptive ac were stimuli to only responded innocuous mechanical that (WDR). stimuli noxious mechanical A small number of neurons and byinnocuous activated (HT), 39%were stimuli mechanical bynoxious only activated neurons were 44% ofpruriceptive More than nuclei. thalamic posterior other in fractions smaller and (PoT) nucleus triangular (VPM), posterior nucleus 40%in medial posterior ventral the in recorded neurons were pruriceptive ofsuch percent Forty-three stimulus. pruriceptive one least by at activated neurons were ofthalamic percent Seventy-eight mined. (pinching of the skin were exa of capsaicin) also and injection determined. Response by these neurons to nociceptive stimuli were histamine and alanine beta (5-HT), chloroquine, serotonin of injections intradermal included that stimuli pruriceptive to neurons Responses ofthese cheek. ofthe stimulation mechanical by activated rats neurons in 50thalamic than responses ofmore stimuli. itch-producing to examined been We the characterized neurons have thalamic responses ofindividual the which in med perfor been have nostudies Indeed, brain. the in information ofpruriceptive processing known is about little Comparatively Glenn Giesler RATTHE PRURICEPTIVE AND NOCICEPTIVE STIMULI IN UNITSTO SINGLE THALAMIC RESPONSES OP59 sion. transmis itch of spinal modulation descending tonic regarding 1026 Department of Neuroscience, of Department USA Minnesota, of University Simone nald

To effects study onresponses block cold spinal ofcervical 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World ,

n Brett Hai Lipshetz, Truong, Sergey Khasabov, 26 units responded to mustard oil (AITC), with oil to responded mustard 26 units =39).

The histamine-evoked response during and response during histamine-evoked The

Id histamine excited 17units. excited Id histamine

64 units were tested (46% tested were 64 units n =26), forwhich

Cold blockCold n n

=25). =57). Cold

rved rved Ten Ten Do------

pain – 93/108 (86.0%) vs. 88/108 (81.5%) patients, respectively. (81.5%) patients, (86.0%)vs. 88/108 –93/108 pain and (61.0%)vs. 61(56.5%) patients –66/108 itch of patients: group following bythe experienced were symptoms subjective Results: (ESS). Scale (PSQI) Index Sleepiness Epworth and Quality with estimated (AIS), Pittsburgh Scale Athens Insomnia Sleep was assessed byDLQI. Moreover, were abnormalities sleep (VAS). scale analogue visual with evaluated oflife quality The respectively. staging, I/II/III Hurley were intensity pain and Itch and Index) Severity Suppurativa HSSIScore), (Hidradenitis Suppurativa HSS to (Hidradenitis according 50/49/9 and points was 9.0±4.4 assessed points, as 34.8±32.1 severity disease mean years. of36.3±12.1 age mean the with HS patients males) The and Methods: patients. suppurativa ofhidradenitis oflife on quality study was undertaken to evaluate the inluence of itch and pain HS has great impact on patients’ impact HS has great oflife. quality lesions. scarring and istules abscesses, painful by manifested matory, of suppurative disease follicle and the hair debilitating four chronic pain conditions. pain four chronic all in controls care usual the to and controls acupuncture sham to and shoulder pain. The result relects that acupuncture was superior headache, chronic osteoarthritis, pain, neck and back pain: chronic effectiveness the evaluate to al et of forfourtypes ofacupuncture by was conducted meta-analysis data patient individual Andrew an practice, acupuncture clinical daily the relect that designs research the in challenges many to lead treatment of acupuncture character ofholistic nature the and insertion needle the response to acupuncture for pain conditions, although nonspeciic physiologic effectiveness ofthe evidence robust produced increasingly have of RCTs EBM High-quality in conditions for pain meta-analysis and research ofacupuncture directions future and Challenges solve. address and to researchers tasks foracupuncture important all are effects ofphysiological discovery science basic .in ofacupuncture the and trials, clinical the in measures outcome adequate turists, acupunc experienced and ofskilled involvement control, sham adequate ofan design the example, For research. future in forward ield the move to help would and designs research of challenges and limitations the recognize to forresearchers invaluable are damage. studies research ofacupuncture experience previous The ofsuch terms in ordescribed damage tissue orpotential actual with associated experience sensory emotional and unpleasant “an the settings ofdaily clinical practice needs to developed be Pain is research methodology that can relect the effect of acupuncture in for the eficacy of acupuncture. A more applicable and innovative However,wide. evidence establishing in exist challenges some world treatment acupuncture accepted have pain with of patients (RCTs) trials controlled numbers Increasing meta-analyses. and randomized large by veriied strongly been has management worldwide. ages of all effectivenessThe forpain ofacupuncture people troubles that problem prevalent and enormous an is Pain Pharmacy, of College MAK India TaqeeMohammed Ansari EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE ACUPUNCTURE PAIN FOR MANAGEMENT IN OP60 Background: KaazKarolina HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA PATIENTS OF LIFE AND SLEEP DISTURBANCES OF ITCH AND PAIN INFLUENCE ONQUALITY OP61 cal University,cal Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi During the course of disease and within three last days last three within and ofdisease course Duringthe Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, inlam 57 of108(51females, groupconsisted study The , Łukasz Matusiak, Łukasz Matusiak, Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Objectives: Material This - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV pain and itch experienced during the course ofdisease. course the during experienced itch and pain to related be could and problem underestimated an be to seem of life and sleep disturbances in hidradenitis suppurativa patients ( with scores obtained with positively correlated AIS PSQI and AIS (R=0.22, the by obtained scores with correlated signiicantly HSSI with p ibers may ire spontaneously to produce itch. There nerve pathologic ibers. The nerve sensory dermal hypertrophic density of intraepithelal nerve ibers and an increased number of Histologically, reduced a with present nodules the hyperkeratotic scratched. be easily can that sites onskin scattered lesions dular orno papular ofitching entity accepted clinically a is Prurigo SUS, Lund, Sweden Department of Dermatology, Lund University, Skane University Hospital, Joanna Wallengren DISEASES PRURIGO AND PRURITIC OTHER SKIN OP62 respectively. to regard with points 6.1±3.9 and points AIS, PSQI SSE, and 6.4±3.6 points, 5.4±4.3 were questionnaires abnormalities sleep QoL was assessed points. as 13.0±8.0 scores forparticularThe pain – 4.9±2.9 points, 7.3±2.4 points, respectively. The mean and points 5.0±2.1 points, –4.1±2.9 assessed itch days were as: The mean and maximal severity of itch and pain within three last with scores obtained by the AIS (R=0.44, the intolerable itch. intolerable the withstand to patient the enable to order in treatment maintenance to and occur that exacerbations the to tailored be to need cases Combined sequential treatments forgeneralised, therapy-resistant ofitch. treatment in promising seem 31antibody interleukin and P ofdrugs substance using trials Clinical useful. be antagonist targeting may prurigo deteriorate which of mood transmitters Psychopharmaca ornaltrexone. minocycline dapsone, quine, cyclosporin methotrexate, chloro azathioprine, acid, A, arotinoid photochemotherapy. Systemic regimens involve use of PUVA, UVB, agonist, cryotherapy, receptor nabinoid orbath capsaicin dressings or intralesionally), calcineurin receptor inhibitors, can occlusive under administered (preferentially corticosteroids are: men.” black in eruptions or “papular Topical options treatment South and North native in found predominantly Indians) American photodermatitis chronic (a prurigo actinic Japan, in pigmentosa prurigo like preference, ethnic with ofprurigo forms specialised some are There scratching. and itch of perception the inluence hologic iring of damaged nerve ibers. Emotional factors can also which destroys epithelial innervation mechanically leadin be to Some may secondary prurigo. scratching ofprurigo forms with associated malignancies common most the are neoplasias ofprurigo. types special induce also T-cell visceral and lymphoma enteropathy, gluten to due tion can orfasting nervosa anorexia Malabsorp disorders. orcollagen mellitus diabetes failure, renal like diseases some with internal associated be may ofprurigo type pregnancy. orduring patients atopic in sometimes An umbilicated result in and both itch generally in prurigo lesions. Prurigo occurs that can induce changes innervation in light epidermal ultraviolet individuals, Insusceptible itch. induce drugs can administered ororally ortopically bacteria byparasites, skin the in deposited prurigo. in ofitch triggers endogenous genous and Toxic agents p =0.001), respectively. Moreover, assessed severity disease the PRURIGO AND PRURITIC OTHER SKIN ≤0.0001 ≤0.0001 for both correlations).

The The severity of itch and pain signiicantly correlated p =0.03). Decreased QoL assessed with DLQI DISEASES Conclusions: p =0.004) and (R=0.39, Decreased quality quality Decreased are many exo g to pat ------pruritus for at least 6weeks, ( least forat pruritus the diagnosing chronic prurigo include ( include prurigo chronic diagnosing the for criteria Main term. generic this byusing avoided are separations artiicial thus and prurigo plaque-type to ultimately and prurigo nodular into developing often prurigo papular with stages disease disease. ofthis presentations various different indicate may These prurigo’‘Chronic the condensing term umbrella was as an chosen presentation. clinical and mechanisms own pathophysiological its with disease distinct a prurigo chronic considered Experts achieved. was participants the of ≥75% across agreement an when consensus and was reached voting wasMethod used forthe in the medical history or upon physical examination and ( and examination oruponphysical history medical the in may be of various origins (dermatological, systemic, neurological, neurological, systemic, (dermatological, origins ofvarious be may CPG the underlying itch forthe cause original the mechanisms, pathophysiological its Regarding lesions. ofpruriginous presence offered groupofsubjects. this to be should support psychological including approach, holistic the However, itch. psoriatic with patients for beneit of are they that clear is it and evaluated been have therapies new biological fore, elimination. itch forthe crucial is lesion ofskin resolution There standard to itch. psoriatic treat European guideline According the system. opioid peripheral as disturbed as well nogold is There homeostasis neuropeptides abnormal and density innervation to One its and appearance exacerbation. may consider increased contribute may factors possible several and clear completely not ofstigmatization. level still is itch ofpsoriatic pathogenesis The higher have they and depressed more are they status, well-being severity. disease the to contributing tor decreased present Patients fac important most is and ofpsoriasis symptom bothersome most severity.moderate the is itch that documented has been it Recently the ive points, indicating that most patients suffer from pr (VAS) scale analog visual to assessed according above slightly is affect also may skin. uninvolved ofpruritus severity mean The 30–40%ofpatients about in but plaques, psoriatic to limited be suffering 70-80%ofpatients found in may Itch disease. this from knowledge shows that itch is a very prevalent symptom ofpsoriass was dermatosis. non-pruritic considered as a 2017 current The affecting psoriasis time Forlong a population. 1–3%ofgeneral skin inlammatory chronic a is Psoriasis fungoides, ted to atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, mycosis itch accompanies numerous skin disorders including, but not dermatology. in symptom common most the is Itch severe to Mild University,cal Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi C.Szepietowski Jacek PSORIATIC ITCH 2017 OP63 University Hospital Münster on February 3 Münster on February Hospital University Pruritus, forChronic Center and ofDermatology Department the (European Academy ofDermatology and Venereology) met at ofthe experts European twenty-four prurigo, Task Pruritus Force chronic for terminology and classiication deinition, consensual a achieve to Aiming literature. scientiic the in and care routine dermatological the in confusion to leading prurigo with sociated as has been ofterms variety a types, orumbilicated plaque-type of possible clinical manifestations, including papular, nodular, for many years without well-deined criteria. Due to the multitude used has been but centuries, two forover term as a exists Prurigo Münster,Hospital Germany Chronic for andCenter Dermatology of Department University Pruritus, Pereira Manuel Pedro TERMINOLOGY OF CHRONIC PRURIGO NOVEL DEFINITION, CLASSIFICATION AND OP64 , Sabine Steinke, Steinke, Ständer Sonja , Sabine ii ) evidence of prolonged scratching scratching ofprolonged ) evidence Lecture abstracts Lecture i Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 ) suffering chronic from rd , 2017. Delphi The diseases, uritus of iii limi 1027 ) the ) the - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Hospital Münster,Hospital Münster, Germany Chronic for and Center Dermatology of Department University Pruritus, Loser, Karin Lotts, bias Ständer Sonja lesions in this patient. patient. this in lesions effective become to treatments pruriginous and itch reducing in UV way foradditional the paving eventually cycle”, topical and itch-scratch the of“breaking was capable treatment aprepitant (16weeks) long-term the that appears it patient, this in itch reduce while various previous treatments were insuficient to permanently Inconclusion, remained. few excoriations very only 0.5 and to calcipotriol. topical daily Within 8 was further weeks itch reduced with NB-UVB, intermittent topical corticosteroids, additional and completely.From thattime point on,treatment wascontinued 2weeks after it stopped and day other every 80mg dose to its to 2.2. Eventually, due to the high costs of we aprepitant, reduced for2weeks. day other every then and itch reduced further This for2weeks daily once corticosteroids, 4weeks topical further weeks. We after and week per NB-UVB times added three then 6 was and 3.0after 3.3(34%reduction) 4.7to from weakened present. still Within pruritus 80mg, aprepitant 2weeks ofdaily were lesions skin pruriginous excoriated extensively and itch) 4.7onthe was still pruritus VAS 10=worst imaginable (0=noitch, Finally, (NB)-UVB, narrowband plus ofsaltwater 2months after UVB, received UVA1,repeatedly oral and bath-PUVA therapies. antihistamines were clinically ineffective. Over the years, he as oral as well capsaicin, and tacrolimus, corticosteroids, topical including treatments antipruritic polidocanol, and urea, menthol, with emollients for16weeks. Beside 80mg/day aprepitant with trunk, and extremities onhis lesions skin nodular pruriginous and itch permanent CPR, with recalcitrant from 20years than for more CPR. in lesions skin We suffering (73years) patient male a treated However, pruriginous clear to required is reduction itch long-term antipruritic effects in prurigo nodularis during short-term use. chemotherapy, emetic highly during miting have to was reported vo and ofnausea treatment forthe licensed NK1a antagonist, ofitch. pathophysiology the in role important an play Aprepitant, Konstantin Agelopoulos PRURIGO NEUROKININ 1RECEPTOR IN CHRONIC PERIPHERALOF EFFECTS TARGETING THE OP66 Substance only off-label available fects are of CPfor treatment the or CPR. or plaques. To ef antipruritic additional with date, and/ nodules papules, pruriginous to leading eventually scratching (CP) repeated (>6weeks) and pruritus chronic with cycle”, scratch “itch- ofan development the from (CPR) results prurigo Chronic Franz J.Legat A PATIENT CHRONICWITH PRURIGO SUPPORTED RESOLUTION OF SKIN LESIONS IN STERED 16 FOR REDUCEDWEEKS ITCH AND APREPITANT, ANK1-ANTAGONIST, ADMINI- OP65 litate the communication among clinicians, scientists and patients. classiication and terminology of chronic prurigo in order to faci symptoms. Dermatologists should embrace this novel deinition, ofthe improvement an achieve CPG to order with in patients targeted processes be should chronicity these fore, when treating role. important an ensues plays that cycle itch-scratch the There processes. Especially ofchronicity development the to due persist CPG may itch, ofthe cause underlying ofthe treatment after even orunknown). However, multifactorial psychiatric/psychosomatic, 1028 Department of Dermatology, of Department Graz, University Medical Austria Klara Waltner,Klara Wolf Peter 9 th

World Congress of Itch of Congress World P to believed are (NK1) receptor neurokinin-1 its and , Alexandra Alexandra Gruber-Wackernagel, Angelika Hofer, , Falk Rülander,Falk Julia Dangelmaier, To - - - - -

( reduced in CPG patients ( CPG in patients reduced Hospital Münster,Hospital Münster, Germany of partment Anesthesiology, Care Intensive University Medicine, andPain mechano- and heat sensitive C-ibers (C compared to controls ( controls to compared patients CPG in higher signiicantly was stimulation cowhage histamine ( histamine to comparison in cowhage with stimulation after intensity itch forearm. CPG patients, but not healthy controls, showed enhanced with cowhage, histamine and a negative control (NaCl) at the volar healthy controls ( controls healthy play a central role. role. central a play We CPG with ( patients compared tion ofC tion the the For . and aprepitant NK1R bythe antagonists mediated 1 we therefore investigated we investigated therefore study this Within keratinocytes. by cytokines pro-inlammatory matory reactions like mast cell activation and expr inlam several initiate may NK1R skin human In mechanisms. involving cutaneous components are discussed as underlying effects effects peripheral hornneurons and dorsal spinal involving has recently been shown to reduce pruritus intensity. Both, central pruritus (NK1R) chronic in 1receptor neurokinin the Blocking mechano-insensitive C-ibers (C C-ibers mechano-insensitive both transmission, itch peripheral For clariication. further need derlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear and un the However, CPG. of terminology and deinition clinical of the EADV Task Force Pruritus a reached consensus on the experts European Recently years. recent in interest has gained which condition, burdensome (CPG) highly prurigo a is Chronic Pereira Manuel Pedro PRURIGO NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES ONCHRONIC OP67 expression expression of some inlammatory marker altered revealed Immunohistochemistry period. treatment short was not relected by histological changes what may be due to the This patients. PN in intensity pruritus signiicantly reduced tant was on assessed. molecules downstream Treatment aprepi with orcasopitant. aprepitant effect the Again, ofNK1R antagonism P substance activating with pre-treatment (SP) orwithout with (HaCaT,cytes NK1R the using NHEKs). stimulated were Cells continued were Studies measured. were expression of NK1R and activation of potential downstream targets Furthermore treatment. after and assessed were before parameter immunohistochemical and Clinical (80mg/d). aprepitant with treatment fourweeks oral an received (PN) nodularis prurigo type patients compared to matched healthy controls ( effect.therapeutic PN NK1R in was expression higher Epidermal receptor expression and reduced MAPK activation MAPK reduced and activation expression receptor altered Insum, aprepitant. with treatment after phosphorylation conirmed signiicantly reduced by both, aprepitant and casopitant. This was SP was ofErk1/2 activation/phosphorylation induced to byNK1R foundErk1/2 and activated be can which molecules downstream analysed we Additionally cytokines. inlammatory keratinocytes in ofNK1R analyses First antagonism byaprepitant. blockage lasting long the parts in least at overcome to needed be may upregulation ment with aprepitant it increased even more. We speculate tha observed antipruritic effect antipruritic observed ofNK1R antagonism. vitro ki-Zahn revealed in an earlier study nodifferences study earlier an in revealed detection thermal in Department of Dermatology Dermatology of Department and Center Chronic for and Pruritus, n =27). In spite of this inding, quantitative sensory testing sensory quantitative inding, this of spite In =27). in in vivo suggests a peripheral mechanism on for the suggests mechanism keratinocytes peripheral a 2 , Sonja Ständer , Sonja MH study 13 patients suffering 13patients study sub prurigo chronic the from in vivo in p -ibers. The intraepidermal nerve iber density was density iber nerve intraepidermal The -ibers. <0.01). after intensity itch maximal the Additionally in vitroin n as 7 of 9 PN patients showed reduced Erk1/2 Erk1/2 showed reduced as 7of9PN patients =40) in their response to cutaneous stimulation stimulation cutaneous to response their =40) in 1 p 1 , revealed no revealed effect on expression of pro- <0.05), arguing sensitiza forperipheral Konstantin Agelopoulos Konstantin in in vivo n =21) compared to healthy controls healthy to =21) compared MI and ) activated by histamine and byhistamine ) activated in in vitro MH

in vitroin suggesting a peripheral peripheral a suggesting ) activated bycowhage peripheral effectsperipheral n 1 =10); after treat using keratino using , Esther Esther Pogatz in vivo in n ession of =40) and and and t the t the 2 De- in in ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Elmariah the therapeutic paradigm for its management. forits paradigm therapeutic the in shift a prompt and pathogenesis atopy in events cellular of key sequence regarding the insights temporal critical provide Our data allergic drive that loops feedback cellular scratching. and eczema responses allergens, to neural ofearly regulator essential priming development of inlammation. We identify Mrgpr signaling as an and ibers nascent of maintenance the for required was activity follow. changes immune and vascular arbors while their Neural expand and pathind to begin ibers neuropeptidergic exposure, allergic the as precursors to process. Within hours ofantigen allergicof an function nerves cutaneous we show that eczema, evolution the during sensory mice neurons in peripheral labeled Ethan Lerner MOUSE MODEL OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS ARE REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENTTHE OF A ACTIVITYMRGPR NEURALRECRUITMENT AND OP68 nal interneurons. interneurons. nal the that establish results These Tac1-expressing (RVM)medulla spi known inhibit to are neurons that inhibitory ventromedial rostral the via processing itch ofspinal inhibition the byremoving behavior scratching spontaneous robust induced Consistently, ofthese activation selective Tac1-expressing neurons Tac1-expressing neurons itch signal processing. impaired greatly behavior.scratching ofthese orablation activity Suppressing the PAG the neurons in expressing itch-induced during was elevated (GRPR), the key relay neurons for itch sensation. Activity of Tac1- receptor peptide gastrin-releasing neurons expressing of spinal dis-inhibition positive-feedback through cycle, itch-scratching the (PAG) gray periaqueductal the neurons in facilitate mouse ofthe 1(Tac1)-expressing groupoftachykinin a that glutamatergic we report Here processing. itch spinal gating in circuit feedback top-down positive a to points itchiness orinduces stress enhances elusive. remains cycle itch-scratching the moting that fact The pro mechanism circuit neural the but level, spinal the at control inhibitory tonic under knownbe is processing to signal Itch itch. chronic with patients in damage tissue deep and skin serious in result cycles itch-scratching Uncontrollable itchiness. spread behavior, scratching triggers Itch wide- to leads turn in which Neuroscience, of Institute Chinese China Sciences, of Academy Yan Gang Sun GATES ITCH-SCRATCHING CYCLE A CENTRAL FEEDBACK NEURAL CIRCUIT OP69 serial Performing pathogenesis. disease in roles important but well-characterized less play mation inlam neurogenic and innervation neural altered dysregulation, immune and function barrier defective to Inaddition itch. severe and inlammation chronic by characterized is dermatitis Atopic ( patients between thresholds Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard / Hospital General Massachusetts USA School, Medical sensitization ofC CPG. in observed Peripheral alterations neuronal functional not not an endogenous neuropathy, is responsible forthe structural but lesions, we that the speculate prolonged activity,scratching and prurigo the of healing after density iber nerve intraepiderrnal ofthe normalization a study previous a in demonstrate we could As observed. was function C-iber of impairment no thus and pruritus and of the CPG. ofthe and pruritus to prolonged scratching may contribute to the perpetuation NEW RECEPTORS, CHANNELS AND , PATHWAYS ITCH FOR Tuanlian Luo, MH -ibers and structural neuronal alterations due Ehsan Azimi, Ehsan Azimi, n =8) and controls ( controls =8) and in vivo in imaging of luorescently- Vemuri Reddy, n =12; =12; p =0.68) Sarina Sarina of the - - - Buscaglia logical Laboratories, Courbevoie, France Laboratories, Courbevoie, logical CXCL2. PAR-2-mediated keratino the in up-regulation cytokines TSLP expression and by 2-folds expression of IL1-, TNF- and SLIGKV that demonstrated ofthe up-regulation 13-folds a induced RT-qPCR to study the inlammatory cytokines RNA expression, we Ca C) and PAR-2-evoked (AMG9810)TRPV1 impaired antagonist the speciic PLC antagonist (U73122). The InsP3R (xestospongin by inhibited was which stores, totally endoplasmic from release PAR-2showed that (SLIGKV) calcium evoked peptide agonist in the differentiated the in Ca PLC-dependent through keratinocytes PAR-2 that inlammation time skin irst promotes the for strated impaired PAR-2-mediated gene expression. Our indings demon siRNA orwith SB366791 and capsazepin) knockdown of TRPV1 (AMG9810, antagonists speciic with TRPV1 of blockage the cytes was abolished with PAR-2 (GB83).antagonist In addition, modulation. Calcium imaging recordings in Ca in recordings imaging Calcium modulation. genes inlammatory consequently and keratinocytes ferentiated 1 consistent with delayed-iring GRPR cells being glutamatergic being cells GRPR delayed-iring with consistent rheobase compared to GRP neurons. These characteristics are (RMP), brane potentials lower input resistances (Ri) higher and mem resting hyperpolarized signiicantly had neurons GRPR delayed-iring that found also We subpopulations. iring (36%) more (64%) delayed comprising heterogeneous and non-delayed 92% of cells showing initial bursting iring. GRPR neurons were GRP with population homogenous rather a neurons constitute intrinsic biophysical properties and iring patterns. We found that their characterize to slices cord spinal GRPR acute neurons in We GRP from recordings patch-clamp whole-cell performed and byGRP. as well as modulation connectivity study synaptic to their neurons GRP- and GRPR-positive and characterize functionally to approaches and optogenetic electrophysiological combined we Here, understood. are well not circuits itch-processing spinal pruriceptive-processing. However, the functional aspects o through a Ca2 a through The activation of PAR-2 in keratinocytes enhances inlammation Gouin Olivier DIFFERENTIATED KERATINOCYTES INFLAMMATORY MEDIATORS PRODUCTION IN INTRACELLULAR CA2+ RELEASE AND TRPV1 REGULATES PAR-2-EVOKED OP70 have been identiied as identiied been have (GRPR) receptor cognate (GRP) its and peptide releasing Gastrin land andToxicology, Pharmacology of Institute Switzer Zurich, of University Martina Pagani RECEPTOR (GRPR)-POSITIVE NEURONS SYNAPTICTHRESHOLD ACTIVATION OF GRP ISPEPTIDE (GRP) REQUIRED SUPRA- FOR SPINAL RELEASE OF GASTRIN RELEASING OP71 inlammatory genes expression. genes inlammatory IP3 and byboth release consequently and release TRPV1 channels of PAR-2 dif in pathways signaling calcium intracellular the in itch. We and process inlammatory involvement the investigated ofPAR-2 role the analyze to epidermis ofthe stratum basal the in as TSLP. However, from keratinocytes used primary only studies through feedback regulation of itch processing in the spinal cord. spinal the in processing ofitch regulation feedback through PAG the neurons in cycles, itch-scratching gating in role key a play Brest, Buhé Laboratory of Laboratory of Neurosciences of Brest, University of Western Brittany, 2+ release partially but totally when they were associated. Using but when totally partially they release were Using associated. 1 2 , LucLefeuvre Canalopathies et Signalisation Calcique, Brest,Calcique, Signalisation et Canalopathies 2 , Olivier Olivier Mignen 1 + , -dependent cytokines expression and release such release and expression cytokines -dependent Killian L’herondelleKillian 3 , Laurent Misery

important components in spinal cord spinal in components important 2 , Christelle Christelle Le Gall-Ianotto 1 , 1 , Raphaele LeGarrecRaphaele Nicolas Lebonvallet Nicolas Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 3 2+ Uriage Dermato -free medium-free 1 , Virginie, 1 1 , Paul Paul , 1029 2+ - - - - f - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1 functional output from spinal itch-processing circuits. itch-processing spinal from output functional GRP suggest that and processing pruriceptive spinal in boosts the ofGRP- involved GRPR-cells and characterization physiological iring in GRPR delayed neurons. Our results represent a detailed GRP, potential action triggered paradigm stimulation light same the Moreover, minutes. several after ofexogenous presence the in iring potential action ongoing in resulted often which neurons, GRPR delayed-iring of depolarization slow a caused GRP nM subthreshold responses in GRPR neurons. Application of GRP ofChR2-expressing stimulation light tions, induced cells condi GRPR to neurons. Under baseline connected synaptically Nobuaki Takahashi OF ATOPICDERMATITIS DERIVED LIPOCALIN-2 IN PATHOGENESISTHE POSSIBLE ROLEOF SATELLITE GLIAL CELL OP73 pathways. ofitch-signaling sensitization and itch ofpost-burn forinvestigations useful be to appears model animal signals). ofpain (reduction ofitch disinhibition through duced epidermal nerve iber density may contribute to post-burn itch onDay 28.Re burn model scald 10mm the wasskin in observed adjacent and site burn the both in density iber nerve epidermal of Protein Gene Product 9.5 antibody to label nerve ibers. A reduction Finally,itch. with immunostained and was skin post-burn dissected histaminergic post-burn late-phase in involved are pathways itch non- that suggesting oralloknesis, scratching spontaneous inhibit not did onDay 22but was tested chlorpheniramine antagonist receptor mm model. 10mm the Days 28in and 21and model H1 histamine The 7 the in 3 and 1 Days on signiicantly increased scratching was bouts noted. scratch hindlimb of evoked absence VF-evoked onDays skin post-burn 28. 0,1,3,5,7,14,21,and or presence The to applied was repeatedly mice, C57BL/6 naïve response in scratch a weak von Frey ilament (VF; 0.7 mN), which does not elicit any onDays 28. 14,21,and again increased and To foralloknesis, test byDay 10, level basal the to onDays 5,returned 1,3,and transiently increased bouts scratch ofspontaneous counts itch: of post-burn 14 days. within declined phases two burncaused scald 10mm The that bouts scratch spontaneous in increase transient a burn caused burn. scald the 28after 1, 3,5,7,10,14,21,and scald 7mm The To onDays 0, mice we videotaped assess scratching, spontaneous model. burn scald the in altered is ibers intraepidermal of density H1R inhibits post-burn antagonist itch in and mice whether the mice. in itch of post-burn We histamine a whether tested further affect of burninjury (7 mm or 10mm diameter) course the time exhibit more severe itch, we presently investigated if different si larger with patients Because water). boiling to areas burnsurface skin back shaved ofthe area an (exposing mice C57BL/6 adult in a developed model of post-burn itch by inducing scald burn injury largely are itch post-burn behind nisms unknown. To we end, this and alloknesis (touch-evoked itch), but the underlying mecha itch ongoing to leading pathways, ofitch-signaling sensitization treatment. antihistamine to resistant involves itch post-burn This The majority of burn patients suffer from chronic itch, whic USA Miami, of University Sakai, Kent Sanders, Yosipovitch,Kristen Gil AND EPIDERMAL NERVE INNERVATION IN MICE EFFECTS OF BURN SIZE ONPOST-BURN ITCH OP72 GRP-ChR2 from prepared slices neurons in GRP-ween GRPR-positive and information. We bet connectivity synaptic the characterized then itch spinal the transmitting and integrating in neurons involved 1030 ronori Matsuda versity Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba, Medicine, of Graduate School versity Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Uni Juntendo Medicine, Speciic EnvironmentalGender for and Institute 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World

GRPR::eGFP foundthat and mice GRP neurons were 1 , Yasushi Suga 1 , Mitsutoshi TominagaMitsutoshi 3 , Kenji Takamori, Kenji 2 Department of Biological Biological of Department 1 , Ryohei Kosaka Tasuku Akiyama 1,3

This new new This h is often h is often 1,2 , Hi- 300 zes zes - - - - - Takase University Urayasu Hospital, Chiba, Japan Urayasu Chiba, Hospital, University Tokyo Kat, Science, of University and Technology,Science and Technology, Science Industrial of Faculty 1 Toshiya Ebata CE OF ITCH IN JAPANESE DEMENTIA PATIENTS EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY ON PREVALEN-THE OP74 6 the pathogenesis of dermatitis in in ofdermatitis pathogenesis the AD-NC/Nga mice. in involved is lipocalin-2 SGC derived suggest that results These mice. NC/Nga in behavior scratching induce not did l) g/5 (1 LCN2 mouse ofrecombinant administration intrathecal that ing without inhibiting scratching behavior. This is supported by ind of score dermatitis reduced NC/Nga mice in dermatitis AD-like induction as time same the at weeks 3 for week a twice l) g/5 (1 antibody anti-LCN2 administrated Intrathecally Nga mice. of cord during process ofinduction the NC/ in dermatitis AD-like spinal the in than faster increased signiicantly was DRG the in AD-NC/Nga In mice. expression addition, of level LCN2 mRNA of DRG the in increased signiicantly was SGC immunoreactive co-localized with GLAST, a marker of SGC, in DRG. LCN2- mice. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that LC of NC/Nga than was that ofcontrol higher AD-NC/Nga mice DRG in expression protein and for3weeks. LCN2 gene week of body (Dfb)by farinae Dermatophagoides application twice a in NC/Nga mouse. AD model induced were symptoms AD-like behavior itch-related and ofdermatitis induction the in involved study, (LCN2)is lipocalin-2 SGC whether derived we examined unclear. remains itch and ofdermatitis SGC induction in Inthis However, modulation. pain in (SGC) involved is cells of role the glial DRG satellite neurons and between interaction that ported re was It recently ofitch. transduction signal in role important (DRG) an plays ganglion Dorsal root itch. intractable with disease skin inlammatory chronic a is (AD) dermatitis Atopic is not suficient and objective evaluation should be applied to applied be should evaluation objective and suficient not is evaluation subjective Inconclusions, ofscratching. level the to Over 70% had dry skin, the severity of which correlated positively nied to having according itch scratched the observation by others. itch or not, or rate the severity of Overitch. 30% of those who de larger had they answer whether not could ofpatients percentage by others. evaluation severity was, The higher the the dementia scratch to 50%according nearly whereas ofitch, self-evaluation to was 37.8%according patients dementia surveyed the in itch moisturizer. using care ofskin frequency and of prevalence The ofscratching extent the with correlation dryness its sought and exist. marks scratch where We ofskin severity the evaluated also area bodysurface the bycalculating marks ofscratch extent the behavior and of scratching the extent wepresence and evaluated evaluated caregivers their byothers, ofitch evaluation objective (NRS). For the scale rating onnumerical itch their rate to them present asked and at itch ornot subjects had whether the they asked we ofitch self-evaluation For the home. orat homes nursing in care medical receiving who are patients 148dementia in on itch population. this in applicable not We focusing study a conducted are scales self-evaluation broadly-used the since patients, dementia However, cases. most 20%in than in studied been has not itch show the prevalence of itch in a range from 7to 37.5% with greater the is in elderly.Itch common studies epidemiological Previous sse Style sse Style Care Co. Ltd., Joelle VaglioJoelle EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ITCH AND QUALITY Chitofuna Dermatology Clinic, Japan Japan Clinic, Dermatology Chitofuna Nestle Skin Health SHIELD, Health Skin Nestle 4 , Nao Taniguchi 7 , Michel Poncet , Michel 1 , Lefkos Middleton Lefkos 4 Takase Clinic, 5 , Kimitoshi TakemuraKimitoshi 7 OF LIFE Galderma R&D 7 , Ikoma Akihiko 3 Department of Dermatology, of Department Juntendo 2 2 5 Imperial College London, College Imperial Saint-Care Holding Corporation, , Ryoko Fukuda 6 6 , Didier LeClercqDidier 3 Yoshimasa , N2 was 3 Bene- 6 - - - , Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV rie Mengeaud rie younger group. younger child’s the 20%less(64%vs. 45%)in almost rating severity itch process. Finally, the during or distracted their with agreed parents were also 9% more (12% likely vs. 3%) to be hyperactive deemed 4–5-year-olds ItchyQoL. onthe questions comprehending with struggle to likely 16%(18%vs. were 2%)more children younger that noted interviewers Second, oftime. ofunderstanding lack ting a 6–7-year-olds, the to compared incorrectly week of the demonstra days the about (30% vs. answer 36%vs. questions 75%and 75%)to 6–7-year-olds. and olds 4–5-year-olds First, likely 40%more were differences key showed data collection three and between 4–5-year- pruritus were recruited. A of observations combination interviewer of recall (last week). week). (last of recall duration the comprehend to assess to ability interviewer bythe asked child’s the with agreed they were questions response. Standardized child’s their estimated also Parents if asked were and severity itch ItchyQoL. cartoon-annotated onthe impact quality-of-life the timate were asked to rate their severity on itch the ItchyQuant scale and es related quality of life (HRQoL). oflife quality related onhealth- impact (CP)its Pruritus and ofChronic severity the Objectives: 1 Jennifer Theunis TO ITEMS GENERATION PRURITUS: FROM CONCEPTUALTHE MODEL QUALITY OF LIFEIN PATIENTS CHRONICWITH OP76 ren. child younger in scales ofthese assess feasibility to the undertaken of pruritus children, in respectively. A mixed method approach was impact oflife quality and severity itch measure to scales illustrated ItchyQol, versionsofthe pediatric and ItchyQuant the created have we challenges, these Inresponse to range. age small a within vary severity can be challenging as their cognitive levels may drastic Introduction: Smith Shelby IMPACT PRURITUS SEVERITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE PITFALLS IN PEDIATRIC SELF-REPORTED OP75 patients. dementia in itch with associated factor important an is Skin dryness patients. in status understand dementia the of itch by 2 medical experts. Patients’ experts. by 2medical showed relevant some verbatim of HRQoL 7ofseverity, and validated was which clinically and CF 16domains addressing preliminary the develop to reviewed (semi-structured interviews; interviews; (semi-structured prehensibility was tested during cognitive debrieing with patients com their and ofinterest, domain foreach was generated of items pool (3)a Focus Groups 19patients; following with was updated CF HRQoL; (2)the and forseverity domains relevant the render experts’ and review literature systematic a using to interviews, was (1) followed: a Framework Conceptual (CF) was developed patients to test the validity of this new tool. new tool. ofthis validity the test to patients week. prior the to We 4–5-year-old with study pilot a begin will pertaining questions eliminating also while ItchyQoL, onthe items differences cognitive forthese account of number the byreducing for the 6–7-year-olds. As a result, we have implemented changes to for4–5-year-old complex too likely is appropriate while patients, ItchyQoL cartoon-annotated ofthe version current the that strated 1 Ho Chen France liano Orri liano Pierre Fabre, Emory University, Methods: 1 , James Roberts 3 , To measuring questionnaire, patient-reported a develop Jesus Cuervo 1 ofitch self-report a convey to ofchildren ability The Children with itch > 6 weeks, between ages 4–7 years, 4–7years, ages >6weeks, between itch with Children , 1 2 , Grace Lee LASER Analytica, Analytica, LASER Laurent Misery Laurent Conclusion: 1 2 , Georgia Technology, of Institute USA Clementine Clementine Nordon Results: 1 2 2 , , , Sandy François Sandy Suephy Chen Gilles BerdeauxGilles Our initial investigation has demon investigation Our initial Ninety-seven children with chronic chronic with children Ninety-seven n =21). 4 3 CESP, 1018, INSERM Methods: Results: 2 , Ylana Ylana Chalem 1 1 A approach three-step , 1 Alix Pijeaux Alix , Marie Auges Marie 155 articles were 155articles 4 1 CHU Brest,CHU , Massimi- , 1 , Kuang- 1 , Vale-, ally ally - - - - - matology, Heidelberg, University Hospital to see if this can be conirmed in the whole cohort. whole the in conirmed be can this if see to needed are analyses further groups but age younger CIin without and difference a to hint analyses with HD patients between mortality in Preliminary HD younger ofCIin patients. incidence increased an to refer groups. results First between was equal orolder 70 years group vs. 19.0%in the CIgroup)while the mortality in patients aged non-CI the in (32.7%mortality 70years younger aged patients in found.Interestingly, sexes were between effect this was pronounced CI,nodifferences groupwithout the 54.9%in to 2013compared in 25.8%. groupsuffering was the 45.7%in rate mortality The CI from sufferto of prevalence one-year a in resulting CIanymore, from CI had in developed the past year, while 13.5% ( male and the mean age was (SD 69.0years age 12.4).In11.2% mean the and male ( were 60.7%ofthose investigated, were 89HD patients plantation). trans to due anymore treatment ondialysis not were they or because could not be contacted (e.g. because they had moved to anothe those, 46.7%( those, so addressed far. being 212HD patients containing units dialysis Of study, ongoing As an is this 9 to refer and preliminary are results (during the last 3years), severity ofCI (visual analogue scale, VAS). CI previous and current e.g. 2013investigating as in questionnaire Patients’ patient same assessed the CI were with and characteristics time. irst the for patients HD of cohort representative a in gated onHD, however, forpatients marker prognostic now is investi this poor a CIis that observation supports the research Previous analyses. longitudinal and oncross-sectional based determinants its identify study, follow-up this ofCIin prevalence and incidence the to and cohort. this in (incidence) cases new itch We on data provide to aim of number the investigate to again contacted currently are patients later, (CI).In2017,fouryears itch chronic current from 860HD all Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany Berlin, Universitätsmedizin and Dermatology of Dept. Allergy, Allergie-Centrum-Charité - Charité Maurer, Metz Martin Germany. We 25.1%( showed that in units 25dialysis in (HD) patients of860hemodialysis total a contains 2013.It in conducted cohort cross-sectional representative a is Study) Itch Hemodialysis GEHIS Epidemiological (German Katarzyna Grochulska OF PATIENTS CIWITH ITCH STUDY) ONINCIDENCE AND MORTALITY (GERMAN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL HEMODIALYSIS- PATIENTS: A FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF GEHIS CHRONIC ITCH (CI) IN HEMODIALYSIS OP77 in some of them itch is a hallmark symptom. Crucial data on its onits data Crucial symptom. hallmark a is itch ofthem some in conditions are with associated Manypruritus and dermatological Tomasz Hawro OF PRURITUS IN CHRONIC DERMATOSES PREVALENCE, CHARACTERISTICS AND BURDEN OP78 1 lios Klinik, Wiesbaden, Klinik, lios Germany sessions. The inal version includes 50 items. items. 50 includes version sessions. inal The debrieing cognitive after reined and drafted was questionnaire CP. about thinking and anticipating A ofthe version preliminary Moreover, a was new domain of interest the spent time revealed: differences onseverity, patients’ and clinical between perspectives. its impact onHRQoL impact its manner. comprehensive a in interviews. ofCP severity the measure will questionnaire This and namely, and guidelines international following patients’ using was developed questionnaire patient-reported ofthis version Elke WeisshaarElke Spindler, Dept. Dept. of Clinical Social Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Der Karsten Weller, n 1 =99) had died in the meantime and 11.3% and meantime the in died =99) had ( , Katarzyna Przybylowicz, Katarzyna Przybylowicz, Ellrich, André 1 , Sabine Sabine Altrichter, Robert Ofenloch Robert n =217) of HD patients suffered=217) ofHD patients 2 Dept. of Nephrology, of Dept. DKD He Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Ulrich Reidel, Ulrich Reidel, 1 , Thomas Mettang Thomas Discussion: n =12) reported not =12) reported not Marcus Airst r place r place n n 1031 =10) =10) =24) =24) Max Max 2 - - - - , Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV roradiology, FAU, Nuremberg, Erlangen Germany Erlangen, andPathophysiology, Physiology of Department Neu of andDepartment Forster Clemens TECHNIQUES NEW IN METHODS BRAIN IMAGING OP79 and itch. itch. and code How brain does the remained: question pivotal The forpain network common a to activity their transmit then which brain. the to nociceptors” “pruriceptive activates stimulus itchy An own uses pathway its was itch proposed where coding population regions Beside cerebral were similar this detected. model intensity it that was surprising this, From not nociceptors. ofthe activations as been of pain considered sub-modality and by is weak elicited has years formany that basisofitch neural the to due is overlap differentqualitatively this was It discussed that sensations. evoke clearly they that obvious is it although experiences, these affected ofthe overlap strong a is there that during areas brain out turned It bypain. activated orare suppression ofitch the in involved be to described been have that regions with compare brain regions which generate the sensation of itch. They were identiied signal depended) level oxygenation (blood BOLD the perception. of processing the respective This based technique on cerebral the in involved are that ofregions as markers regarded been have rCBF the of changes related Stimulus (rCBF). low ging (fMRI) has been used to image regional cerebra Since more than 20 years functional magnetic resonance ima exist. thoughts suicidal whether inquired be should it pruritus chronic about reporting individuals in and ofpruritus, presence forthe asked be should department dermatological a at presenting Patients ofourpatients. management better a to lead can and options treatment ofbetter development the in help diseases, these in itch of pathophysiology ofthe understanding better a to lead can This diseases. formany ofpruritus pattern showresults characteristic a diseases. of dermatological variety Together with itch intensity, the for the irst time, the localization of pruritus in patients from large planus. lichen with patients Taken together, visualized, we have onunaffected pruritus with patients 19%in to 22%in to and skin itchy skin diseases, ranging from 0% in parapsoriasis en plaque with patients bymany reported were pruritus to due thoughts cidal by 1.4),followed =8± scale analogue visual AD 2.2).Sui (7.5± onunaffected pruritus with patients SD ± ofmaximum (mean skin (11).patients by was reported pruritus maximal intense most The (26), 100%/67% bullous pemphigoid (15), 82%/64% lichen planus parapsoriasis en plaque (29), 39%/31% cutaneous Bcell lymphoma onunaffected pruritus (54),100%/86% cytosis (30),45%/28% skin (75), 65%/47% cutaneous T cell lymphoma (68),78%/56% masto (76), 100%/78% urticaria 100%/96% chronic inducible prurigo 88%/73% psoriasis (138), (AD, 100%/91% dermatitis atopic 128), by 100%/77% with patients (143), chronic spontaneous urticaria reported were pruritus course/current disease the in Pruritus aires. different questionn completed returned diagnoses dermatological and out-patients of dermatology university department sexuality, ofsleep, quality of life, 880in- ideations. suicidal and and the quality characteristics on pruritus presence, localization, angioedema illed out the study questionnaire including questions reportedly,be, with patients control and pruritus with associated can that dermatoses, active with patients Unselected dermatoses. on life and quality the presence of thoughts suicidal in different pruritus ofchronic burden (bodyheatmaps), patterns distribution its including pruritus, ofchronic characteristics prevalence, lyzed burden are missing still for many dermatoses. Here, we have ana and patterns distribution including characteristics prevalence, 1032 NEWIMAGING TECHNIQUES 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World OTHER OTHER ASPECTS OF ITCH AND with 18 with 18 l blood ------logy, and healthy subjects. The limitations of this method will be di suffering from those with compared be will pruritus chronic from patients from indings Preliminary conditions. chronic to due changes its and network brain related itch identify used to be can how it technique, this about given be will overview short a tation presen Inthe input. orpruritic painful chronic a to networks due cerebral within changes detect to potential the have to seem they Further, network. such a within changes related pursue stimulus ofBOLD signals correlations the foranalyzing New approaches changed. ofco-activation pattern the stimulus ofa processing the BOLD During signals. ofthe analyses bycorrelation measured network. this in included regions was connectivity related The brain across the ofco-activation pattern a to refers which tected itch receptors co-localising with nerve ibres. nerve with co-localising receptors itch manner and serves as a platform in future studies to better identify 3D comprehensive a in nervous system cutaneous the study us to volunteers. healthy from skin and skin enables method novel This non-lesional to compared lesions psoriasis and dermatitis atopic in the itchy neural characteristics densities and in the innervation Preliminary analyses suggest that there were signiicant differences performed. then were straightness, dendrite and branches dendrite teristics of the neural network, such as ilament length, number of by ilament tracing of IENF. Analysis of neural density and charac The wasepidermis then from segmented the 3D followed image, and 3D of imaging tissue sections up to 450 µm was performed. biopsy, the in nerves PGP9.5-positive clearing byoptical followed of Immunostaining volunteers. 10healthy in bodysites responding cor at biopsies with together obtained, were areas non-lesional and lesional from biopsies Skin recruited. were 1week prior the over of>3/10 score itch average an with patients 10psoriasis and dermatitis 12atopic analysis. such an to approach 3-dimensional a examined. section ofthe thickness bythe limited We adopt hereby cal sections. However, such an approach is and 2-dimensional is length in unit 50 µm-thick histologi per the membrane basement by assessing the number of PGP9.5-positive nerve ibres crossing results. is IENF count of determining method conventional The matitis and psoriasis, but previous studies have reported conlicting der atopic as such conditions pruritic in densities IENF in changes mitting C nerve ibres in the skin. It is of interest to determine the itch-trans of density innervation the of relection a as used been have biopsies skin in count (IENF) ibre nerve Intra-epidermal Centre, Skin National Singapore Tey Liang Hong ATOPIC DERMATITIS AND PSORIASIS SKIN CUTANEOUS NERVOUS SYSTEM IN PRURITIC THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF OP80 various various substances bile salts, including endogenous opioids, and features. cholestatic with those disorders particularly Although Introduction: Andreas Kremer CHRONIC CHOLESTATIC PRURITUS ALTERED ACTIVATION OF BRAIN AREAS IN FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY REVEALS OP81 1 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Erlangen, ler stimulus, no mental task) a “default mode network” could be de be could network” mode “default a task) nomental stimulus, (no state resting during showed that analyses fMRI connectivity quality. perception the code network brain functional a Indeed, The conclusion was that different patterns within activity temporal differentthe areas? brain ofactivated pattern bya not if qualities Department of Medicine of Department Medicine 1, 3 , Clemens Forster , Clemens 3 Deparment of Neuroradiology,Deparment of Friedrich-Alexander-University Pruritus is a frequent symptom ofhepatobiliary symptom frequent a is Pruritus 1 , Theresa Buchwald 2 2 Institute Institute Physiology for and Pathophysio 1,2 , Marcel Vetter 1 , Arnd Dör scussed. ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV subjects who are not suffering not who are subjects itch. spontaneous from SP in lesspronounced are stimulus pruritic with as compared Accordingly changes within the networks due to an additional SP in violated be input. pruritic continuous the to due probably BA10) enhanced. were in while regions WP PAG FC to only (ACC, IC, areas modulating DM SP to in as compared strongly more increased limbic within however, SP. in smaller were FC values network output FC ofthe histamine FC in the input networks were enhanced in both groups, of PAGthe body caudate During thalamus, and system). to limbic SP the in group. SP in was network enhanced output Also the (FC was weaker areas frontal FC to S2, while cortex somatosensory secondary the to and hemispheres ofboth cortex insular ofthe parts SP the within anterior to lpIC ofthe network “input” the groupin (FC) was found connectivity functional higher DMthe situation were calculated between the two patient groups. patient two the between calculated were 1 the app’s reliability. validate to conducted were studies Clinical night. during scratching measure used to and smartwatches broadly-used to installed be Itch named (app), software application an loped Tracker, can that ofscratching. measurement through severity itch We deve have of evaluation objective help to devices watch-type in lerometers ofacce potentials demonstrated ofactigraphy studies Previous Background/objective Ikoma Akihiko TOOL TO MEASURE NOCTURNAL SCRATCHING TURNING WEARABLE SMART DEVICES INTO A TRACKER: AN APPLICATIONSOFTWAREITCH OP82 elusive. remains pruritus cholestatic in sensation itch in involved mechanism central the pruritogens, peripheral potential as discussed controversially been have acid lysophosphatidic pruritus (SP,pruritus divided into two groups, those patients suffering from spontaneous study. this in investigated were cholangitis were patients These sclerosing orprimary cholangitis biliary primary with 23 patients (r=0.90, smartwatch-detected and video-captured scratching time per ho between correlation positive statistically-signiicant a was There PPV and sensitivity average 90.2%, respectively. 84.6%and were was studied. severity itch evaluated of with The time correlation scratching the skin severity and self- days. consecutive forseven home at scratching nocturnal record to participated volunteers healthy ten and dermatitis atopic with study, second Inthe studied. were software the patients twenty (PPV) value of predictive positive and sensitivity the compared, during night. With the records from the video and smartwatch ofscratching smartwatch-recording and for video-monitoring night forone hospitalized were itch orsevere who moderate had dermatitis atopic with patients ive of total a study, irst the In the smartwatch the which in software is installed were out. carried regions in a a in brain regions whole study. In 2 a other and regions seed the between calculated were coeficients PAGthe Pearson’s network. “output” the forexploring correlation and network “input” an forexploring (lpIC) cortex insula posterior left regions seed the from extracted courses were BOLD time mean Individual assessed were byquestionnaire. run sensory qualities applied. were iontophoresis) (histamine stimuli itch each After and pain heat mild fMRI sequence third and second the During (DM) mode network. default the detect to stimulation from free sequences to BOLD signal changes. The irst fMRI sequence was EPI fMRI-designwith connectivity classical a using scans were (fMRI) imaging resonance magnetic Functional scale. analogue visual a and questionnaire a using quantiied was intensity itch Ebata Nestle Skin Health SHIELD, Health Skin Nestle 2 p <0.001). There was no signiicant difference in scrat in difference signiicant no was There <0.001). n =9) and those without pruritus (WP, pruritus without those =9) and 1 , Kimitoshi Kimitoshi Takemura Methods: : Itch is dificult to objectively evaluate. objectively to dificult is Itch : Conclusion: 2 Chitofuna Dermatology Clinic, Japan Clinic, Dermatology Chitofuna Two proof-of-concept studies using Results: to DM seemed The network 1 , nd Didier LeClercqDidier level analysis contrasts contrasts analysis level In the irst study, the Results: n =14). Baseline =14). Baseline 1 Methods: , Toshiya, During ur ur - - -

cine, Japan cine, Dermatology, of Department Medi of Graduate School Osaka University royuki Murota of itch. sensory fordetecting thresholds onaltered VEI based it. to happening is what and explanation an to weight lends This skin their to attention greater pay to participants prompt images overall. frequently more presence its these because be may This towards reporting bias a creating without stimulus, tactile a tecting de at better perform to participants prime to appears images itch of sensitivity. tactile in change a VEI corresponds with Viewing consistent with the presence of VEI. This that the indicates creation scratch frequency were both higher during the itch block, which is Participants’ overall. vibration a feeling report and ratings itchiness to propensity greater a create not did ofimages set either viewing occurred; response criterion their in nochange that indicates which images. itch to difference was little There rates, alarm false in suggests their tactile perception was enhanced following exposure which block, non-itch the than block itch the during sensitivity and with block, both showedwithout the Participants light. greater conditions. non-itch and itch itch forthe was higher rate hit The that performance on the SSDT signiicantly differed between the was observed. behaviour scratching their and images We found SSDT. forthe intensity ofthe itchiness the rated also Participants stimulus the was set which used to block each before was measured SSDT. the with interspersed ticipants) threshold sensitivity Their par between (counterbalanced images ofnon-itch block a and itch of block a conditions) viewed skin nopruritic (with participants 40right-handed vibration. ofthe alarms’) (‘false misperception and (‘hits’) detection correct the ofboth likelihood the increases which left index inger on 50% of trials. A LED lashes on 50% of trials, near-threshold ofa presence the detect onthe presented vibration affected participants’ sensitivity. tactile SSDT, Inthe participants images ornon-itch itch viewing whether investigate 2008)to al., Detection Signal Somatic usedstudy the Task (SSDT; et Lloyd this sensations; ofthese creation the in involved are sensitivity skin in changes that suggested has been It stimulation. physical ofany absence the in ofitch sensations create can images related Visually Evoked Itch (VEI) is the phenomenon whereby itc Leeds, UK of University Michellie Young VIEWING ITCH-RELATED IMAGES CHANGES IN TACTILE SENSITIVITY AFTER OP83 with DNFB in sensitized mice in contrast to control mice. In this Inthis mice. control to contrast in mice DNFBwith sensitized in challenge after behavior scratching severe induced withdrawal ofGC its and application epicutaneous long-term that reported of use cessation chronic of GC, in even now days. We previously the after shortly observed occasionally is sensation itch celerated However, ac with syndrome withdrawal steroid serious topical ofallergicment (AD). dermatitis such as atopic diseases skin Topical manage used forthe (GC) commonly is glucocorticoid Ichiro Katayama INFLAMMATION LATES ITCH-EVOKED ALLERGIC CUTANEOUS KERATINOCYTE DERIVED CORTISOL REGU- OP84 with smartwatch-detected scratching (r=0.71, scratching smartwatch-detected with study, second the correlated well (EASI) lesions ofthe severity the In arm. non-dominant and dominant the between duration ching disturbance. disturbance. orsleep severity itch self-evaluated and time scratching detected smartwatch- between correlation statistically-signiicant no was disturbance. orsleep severity itch self-evaluated the with There validity and reliability in measuring scratching. scratching. measuring in reliability and validity Conclusion: , Melanie Burke, Burke, , Melanie Donna Lloyd , Akira Akira Ochi, Saori Matsumoto, Mika Terao, high a have to proven has been app The Lecture abstracts Lecture Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 p <0.001), but not not <0.001), but 1033 Hi-

h------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV tion, most of which are located in the USA the in located are ofwhich most tion, ( indica forthis recruiting currently are centers study 280 active als., portal online the to According than more tri clinical in indication an considered becoming increasingly CP accordingly years; several past the in (CP) has increased is pruritus chronic behind mechanisms ofthe understanding The Chronic for Center Münster, Hospital University Pruritus, Germany Sonja Ständer ITCH FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN THE TREATMENT OF OP85 response in immune AD. byaffecting also but ofhornylayer function barrier innate local stress might homeostasis disrupt ofthe skin only not byimpairing and accelerate itch associated skin inlammation. Taken together, abrupt withdrawal might modify 11HSD1 expression in the skin GC its and oftopical application term Long al.). A, H Murota et K5in HSD11b1 with compared KO mice(cKO), WT (Matsumoto Mas related G protein-coupled receptor A3(MrgprA3) is observed to (CQ) ligand ,a chloroquine to behavior scratching increased Pathol. 2016;186(6):1499-510). More recently, we presented that response. (Terao defense host innate ofthe ment al. M et Am J has in keratinocytes been found in AD and leads to the impair skin in a homeostatic fashion. Decreased expression of 11HSD1 ofthe damage minimize to speculated is stimuli, environmental to exposed are which keratinocytes, from derived Cortisol skin. the in (11HSD1) 1 type dehydrogenase 11-hydroxysteroid of byactivation cortisone inactive from conversion via cortisol tive as UV-irradiation ac induce orchemicals haptens to orexposure stresses, such oxidative that suggest studies Our recent cytokines. other with pre-injected those in not but challenge, before IL-3 more, PPT-A mRNA was only expressed in mice pre-injected with Further mice. dermatitis DNFB in contact behavior scratching Among the cytokines, only IL-3 and TNF- signiicantly increased DNFB before challenge. mice ofDNFBear contact-sensitized the into subcutaneously TNF-) and IL-3 IL-2, (IL-1, tokines behavior, scratching augmented for the cy various we injected responsible factors the evaluate to Inorder itch. induce known to (iNOS) mRNA are molecules ofthose was both observed mice in P ofsubstance precursor synthase oxide nitric (SP), inducible and ofpreprotachykinin-A expression the model, (PPT-A) mRNA, a 1034 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World FUTURE PERSPECTIVES n =95) and Europe Europe =95) and ------itch mechanisms. itch us to monitor DRG neuronal activities activities DRG neuronal monitor us to allow which techniques imaging developed we have In addition, itch. in involved are tissues, many foundin cells immune innate of type a cells, how in mast interested DRG also neurons, we are Besides line. is cord by labeled the not in spinal likely mediated coding itch hand, other On the coding. DRG in foritch line labeled neurons in DRG and demonstrated for the irst time that there is a We Mrgpr-expressing manipulated and labeled genetically have studies. psychophysical human by conirmed been have works Importantly, proteases. and acids, drugs, amino peptides, mouse the including substances ofitchy variety sensing bydirectly receptors DRG neurons. We Mrgprs several foundthat as novel function subsets of distinct in expressed exclusively are receptors these Mrgprs. called mice in receptors of G protein-coupled Many of the spinal cord via their central axons. We identiied a la to signals sending and skin the axons in peripheral their through sential role in generating itch bydetecting painful and itchy stimuli Primary sensory neurons in dorsal root (DRG)ganglia play an es USA Medicine, of School Johns Hopkins University Xinzhong Dong BIOLOGY OF ITCH OF ITCH: RECEPTORS MRGPR AND THE FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN BASIC RESEARCH OP86 histamine 4 receptor antagonists. 4receptor histamine and inhibitors E4 phosphodiesterase antagonists, (NGF) factor growth nerve antagonists, receptor neurokinin-1 agonists, kappa antagonists/ formu results shown have promising results trial Current indication. representative as a has won thus recognition CP endpoint. primary as the selected is disease kidney chronic in CP and trials the in addressed are of pruritus cause systemic ofa perception and induction transmission, forneuronal mechanisms central hand, other On the forthis. example representative a are receptors orIL-4/IL-13 (IL)-31 interleukin against antibodies recorded. are endpoint with therapies its and dermatitis Atopic primary and disease ofa symptom as a pruritus the to changes any which during ofdiseases, phase acute the in of cytokines) blocking (e.g. mechanisms disease inlammatory-based mainly speciic, of inluence the for examined are substances new hand, substances. utilized the On one byanalyzing distinguished be bullosa. epidermolysis and prurigo Two can concepts therapeutic CP chronic psoriasis, dermatitis, atopic pruritus, such as uremic ( n =77) and are evaluating new substances for various types of types forvarious new substances evaluating are =77) and in vivo in and unveil novel novel unveil and rge family - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV litation Hyogo, litation Hospital, 1 cal and Dental University, andDental cal Tokyo, Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical for Institute University, Goethe Germany Frankfurt, schinger, Irmgard Tegeder repulsion factors semaphorin 3A semaphorin factors repulsion was decreased. applicationThe expression ofnerve growth factor was increased that and ofnerve the HDC mice, and knockout type wild Inboth mice. knockout nerve ibers into the epidermis in wild type mice, but not in HDC of peripheral elongation the SDS increased exposure repeated The on into neuronal SDS-induced the sprouting epidermis.tamine study, Inthis epidermis. the into ofhis role the we investigated sprouting ofneuronal induction the to contribute may histamine density of intraepidermal nerve ibers. These indings su the increased skin ofSDS shaved mouse to applications repeated has shown report that ourprevious epidermis, the in histamine of concentration (HDC) the and decarboxylase histidine enzyme ofhistamine-synthesizing expression ofthe increase the to tion detergents, laundry in detergents dish shampoos. Inaddi and found commonly surfactant (SDS) synthetic a is sulphate decyl unclear. bysoaps remain induced hypersensitivity do Sodium sensory cutaneous with associated factors the and mechanism However, stimuli. byseveral induced is and itchiness ces the symptoms. hypersensitivity sensory cutaneous to enhan This lead can soaps with yourskin ofwashing act repetitive The Yoshihiro Inami ITCHINGWITH INDUCED BY SURFACTANT NERVE ELONGATION INTO EPIDERMIS OF MICE HISTAMINE IS INVOLVED IN PERIPHERAL PP2 knockout (LysM-Gch1 Gch1 speciic myeloid Cre-mediated M lysozyme in functions cell myeloid and behaviour studied we Hence, itch. and pain to contributed cells immune Gch1 ofmyeloid if here we asked models. Gch1, neuronal addressed studies previous these While its knockout in nociceptive neurons reduces nociception in various ofGch1 or synthases (NOS). oxide Inhibition ofnitric coupling redox and metabolism lipid bioactive synthesis, amine biogenic cofactor,zyme for (BH4), essential is which tetrahydrobiopterin GTP en of the production (Gch1) governs the cyclohydrolase Fischer Caroline ITCH MYELOID GTP-CYCLOHYDROLASE CONTROLS PP1 lipid mediators. lipid and release histamine and serotonin AGMO-dependent bioactive onGch1/BH4-dependent depends partly mouse the in itch that and gain-of-function experiments of myeloid-speciic Gch1 show ofBH4-dependent function a skin, AGMO. Together, loss- these in thelipids itch-suppressing bioactive augmenting additionally by suppression, mediated itch stronger even provided inhibition Gch1 (DAHP)-mediated Diaminohydroxypyrimidine production. peroxide hydrogen involve not did but oxide, ofnitric changes tive byrespec contributed cells, mast from release serotonin and mine effects ofhista increase, respective byinhibition, mediated were models. itch evoked non-histamine and pro-itching and anti- The histamine response in itching the increased overexpression its and injury, nerve sciatic and LysM but Gch1 knockout reduced, driven behaviour in various models including formalin, paw inlammati noeffect had HA). oroverexpression Knockout onnociceptive University of Toyama, of University Toyama, Japan Yasushi Kuraishi Fundamental ResearchFundamental Laboratory, Hoyu Co.,Ltd., Aichi, 3 1 , , , Katja Zschiebsch, Zschiebsch, Katja Annett Häussler, Wat Katrin Tsugunobu Andoh Atsushi Sato Atsushi 3 -/- Research Administration Division, Tokyo Medi ) and overexpressing) and mice (LysM-Gch1- 4 Department of of Department Pharmacology,Applied 2 , Hiroshi Ohtsu 4 2 , Yosuke Mano 2 Tekiju Rehabi ggest that POSTERS on on 1 ------, 1 1 therapy in combination 5-HT the with in combination therapy vomiting and nausea chemotherapy-induced in utilized tagonist an NK-1 receptor penetrant brain and lasting long selective, a is Netupitant pruritus. malignancy-associated and chronic for treating effective be to studies shown small has been in aprepitant tagonist NK-1 the an For example, studies. as clinical as well preclinical in properties antipruritic demonstrated NK-1and antagonists Spinal NK-1 receptors play an role in important itch transmission Calo Girolamo MICE ANTAGONIST NETUPITANT ONITCH MODELSIN OF EFFECTS THE NK-1RECEPTORTHE PP3 atopic dermatitis-like pruritic dry skin (M. Fujii et al., Exp. al., et (M. dryskin Fujii pruritic dermatitis-like atopic develop nostarch and acids fatty nopolyunsaturated containing We diet special a fed mice hairless shown previously that have model. mouse dryskin chronic a in sensitivity pain thermal and ofRVMactivation 5-HT scratching neurons ontouch-evoked study, effects the we examined optogenetics, using ofselective unclear. role remains in their alloknesis pain modulation, In this RVMdescending 5-HT to knowncontribute to well neurons are 5-HTtaining cord. spinal the to neurons descending the Although RVM itch. persisting to contributing con region brainstem a is thus alloknesis), (called sensation itch elicit wool)often with contact (e.g., stimuli mechanical innocuous dermatitis, In atopic Masanori Fujii INDUCED CHRONIC DRY SKIN MOUSEMODEL TOUCH-EVOKED SCRATCHING IN A DIET- VENTROMEDIAL MEDULLA (RVM) FACILITATES NEURONSGIC (5-HT) IN ROSTRALTHE OPTOGENETIC ACTIVATION OF SEROTONER- PP4 Ohya histaminergic itch. is worthy of development as innovative drug for treating non netupitant antagonist selective NK-1 receptor suggest that results these Inconclusion mice. in 48/80 bycompound elicited behavior scratching the in signaling ofNK-1 receptor noinvolvement is mast cells are not the targetcell for the of action SP and that the substances but not compound 48/80. This latter effect suggests that all of effect pruritogenic the manner signiicant statistically a in (2 hpretreatment). reduced netupitant showed results that The p.o. 10mg/kg netupitant against challenged be to selected were approximately promoting 100bouts ofscratching in 30min, effects. equieffective dose response studies, these From doses, pruritogenic dose dependent (1–50µg) 48/80 elicited compound (25–250µg), and acid deoxycholic (10–200nmol), cloroquine for counted 30 were Pmin. Substance of scratching (10–100 nmol), (i.d.) in the rostral part ofthe mouse back the and number ofbouts differentwith intradermally were of action injected mechanism substances Pruritogenic mice. in ofnetupitant action antipruritic of putative the was study ofthis investigation aim the Thus, the skin treated repeatedly with SDS. with repeatedly treated skin important role in intraepidermal nerve iber elongation in murine neurons. an plays histamine that suggest results these Therefore, in but small-sized, not large-sized, mouse dorsal root ganglion length the length and increased total the of maximum histamine USA, Ferrara, Italy, Neurobiology, Behavior,& Physiology California, University Davis, of Department Department of Medical Sciences, Section of Pharmacology, University of 2 2 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Pharmaceutical Kyoto Japan Kyoto, , Mirela Carstens Iodi 2 Helsinn HealthcareHelsinn Lugano, Switzerland SA, ’ 1 1,2 , Rizzi Anna , Taylor Follansbee 1 1 , Earl Carstens , Earl , Chiara Ruzza, Chiara 3 1 antagonist palonosetron. antagonist , Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster Yuma Yasui 1 1 , Claudio Pietra , Claudio 2 Susumu , 1035 2 re re - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV that that induced TRPV3 activation TSLP expression. PKA, with nels seemed PKC, also It pathways. PKD signaling Department of Dermatology, of Department Kangnam Sacred Japan Heart Hospital, ChunWookJung, Park considered to be related to pathway of pruritus. ofpruritus. pathway to related be to considered elucidated. fully Transient are channels (TRP) potential receptor been has not mechanism the because outcome satisfactory a have to fails often treatment antipruritic of burnwounds. Empirical Background: Hye One Kim TRPV CHANNELS AND POST-BURN PRURITUS PP5 pain. thermal biting of RVM 5-HT inhi while itch, touch-evoked neurons facilitates activation conditions dryskin chronic under that suggest results signiicantly decreased by the stimulation. Therefore, the present by response (measured Hargreaves thermal pain-related was test) hand, other On the mice. dryskin diet-fed special in scratching the optogenetic stimulation signiicantly increased touch-evoked Consequently, testing. behavioral during iber optic implanted RVM.the the via (20Hz, pulses)was 5ms delivered light Blue above just implanted was iber optic an then and neurons 5-HT RVMthe central in expressed is Cre which in mice ofFev-Cre into ChR2gene carrying virus adeno-associated Cre-inducible RVM (ChR2)in hodopsin-2 5-HT a neurons, we micro-injected mice. To channelr channel light-activated a induce selectively normal in rarely although dryskin, with mice C57BL/6 diet-fed special in scratching site-directed evoked frequently skin of the the shaved back skin. stimulation The low-threshold mechanical loknesis was assessed using 0.7 mN von Frey ilaments applied to induced. were conditions dryskin similar mice, C57BL/6 to Al 2015). 24:108-13, Dermatol., was given diet special this When 1036 ive burn patients with ( with patients burn ive blotting and real-time PCR. real-time and blotting after measured by western were keratinocytes in TRPV3 activation ofPAR2fects on agonist Expressions of TRPV3 function. TSLP edly reduced intracellular Ca intracellular reduced edly mark inhibitor PKD and PKCs, PKA, PLC-, samples, all from keratinocytes In keratinocytes. in inhibition PAR2 with inlux Ca done. were blotting western PCR and We intracellular measured Real-time skin. normal ofburnscars and onsamples performed vation, intracellular Ca vation, intracellular acti Withscars. 3 TRPVburn pruritic in increased signiicantly ofPAR2, levels protein and NK1R, TSLP, and also were TSLPR mRNA burnscars. In addition, non-pruritic from keratinocytes more abundant in from burn keratinocytes pruritic scars than in signiicantly were TSLP and TRPV3 of mRNA that showed time-PCR Real patients. ofnon-pruritic-burn that than patients, more intensely the epidermis of the burn scars of post-burn-p immunoluorescence staining, TRPV3, TSLP, and TSLPR stained TSLP, involucrin, loricrin, TSLPR, ing for TRPV3 and TRPA1; and immunoluorescence staining for stain Immunohistochemical separated. were samples those from investigated, including skin biopsies. Keratinocytes and ibroblasts nels. nels. of Ca increase little in resulted itself TRPV3 activation following following ef the measured and blocking, and TRPV3 activation PAR2 of opening potentiated markedly activation TRPV3 chan burnscars, pruritic from ones. Inkeratinocytes non-pruritic from those in burn scars than pruritic from keratinocytes in increased scars. In it addition, seemed that PAR2 sensitized TRPV3 chan NK1R, TSLP, and burn pruritic in expressed highly were TSLPR conclusion, we conirmed that TRPV3 of keratinocytes and PAR2, and protein expression of expression protein and TSLP keratinocytes. in as byPAR2 activation. mRNA increased also TRPV3 activation 2+ levels in keratinocytes from scars with or without pruritus, pruritus, orwithout scars with from keratinocytes in levels 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Post-burn pruritus is a common distressing sequela sequela distressing common a is Post-burn pruritus , Yong Won Son,Yong Jee Hee Choi, Young Bo Jo, Se 2+ concentrations were more signiicantly signiicantly more were concentrations n =40) or without ( =40) orwithout Results: 2+ level by level as well TRPV3 activation, In immunohistochemical and and Inimmunohistochemical b- SMA, and TGF-and SMA, n =25) pruritus were were =25) pruritus Methods: Conclusions: a Sixty- , were , were ruritus ruritus In 2+ ------

or [D-Trp 1 D-Trp [Leu in Tohoku University, andPharmaceutical Medical Japan pretreatment with [Leu with pretreatment of11sisting Recently, acids. amino the that demonstrated we con peptide tachykinin (HK-1) mammalian a is Hemokinin-1 Funahashi Hideki CHRONIC ITCH ON SCRATCHING BEHAVIOR IN MICE WITH EFFECT OF [LEU11]-HK-1-DERIVED PEPTIDES PP6 responses 5-HT. to Voltage in out carried were experiments clamp the cAMP analog, 8-Br-cAMP (10 M) did not affect the sustained respectively. The adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin (10 M) or TRPA1TRPM3, for M) (0.5 HC-067047 TRPV4 and and M) the more selective antagonists: CIM 0216 (1 M), A967079 (5–10 responses. Nor sustained did the inhibit not did Red Ruthenium The broad-spectrum Transient Receptor Potential channel blocker the intracellular pathways leading to the sustained calcium inlux. by 5-HT. As 5-HT1A receptor, metabotropic a is we investigated responses the sustained evoked inhibit was able to irreversibly WAY-100,635 antagonist receptor 5-HT1AnM) The (100 M). SB269970 (1–10 5-HT7 antagonist bythe inhibited not were but elicited by the 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 agonist 8-OH-DPAT (10 M) 5-HT. to sensitive were that ofresponses kinds were same The neurons in solely responses, sustained CT, only induced M) 50 neurons. The non-selective agonist 5-Carboxamidotryptamine (5- agonist SR 57227 (1–10 M) elicited similar responses in the same (1 M) completely inhibited transient responses while the 5-HT3 kinetics. their to ing granisetron 5-HT3 antagonist selective The accord sustained and transient as classiied were M) 5-HT(50 superfusion system. fast-exchange a responses to calcium The Green-1 AM and imaged while being chemically stimulated using on glasscoverslips. Calcium with were 24h, loaded After cells the from adult male Wistar rats and dissociated neurons were cultured sensory neurons. DRG ofrat and cultures out dissected TG were to the of technique action patch clamp investigate 5-HT in primary (TG) ganglion neurons. We used calcium microluorimetry (DRG) root trigeminal dorsal and rat the in subtypes expressed nervous system. Our aim was to identify the speciic 5-HT receptor peripheral the in itch and pain both (5-HT) mediates Serotonin Dan Domocos DORSAL ROOT GANGLION NEURONS IN CALCIUM INFLUX IN CULTURED RAT SEROTONIN RECEPTOR SUBTYPES INVOLVED PP7 1 HK-1-derived peptides in mice with chronic itch, [Leu itch, chronic with mice in peptides HK-1-derived fective duration on scratching behavior in mice with chronic itch. chronic with mice in behavior onscratching duration fective However, it is not clariied whether [Leu orserotonin. such as histamine pruritogens ofsome injection mal injection of[D-Trpinjection effect the while 30 minutes, intrathecal 24hours after until lasted induced by both intrathecal administration ofHK-1 intrader and administration intrathecal byboth induced scratching in decrease a produced byLeu, of HK-1 was replaced University of California, Davis, USA California, of University Rumi Nakayama-Naono Rumi mice with chronic itch. itch. chronic with mice effect the clarify to Therefore, of[Leu (D-Trp), effective the change in behavior onscratching duration ofbyD-tryptophan was replaced acids ofamino part a which in Medicine, Medicine, University of Miyazaki, chronic itch was attenuated by administration of[Leu byadministration attenuated was itch chronic with mice in Scratching nape. onthe of diphenylcyclopropenone stens Division Division of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Faculty of University of Bucharest, of University Romania, 2 , Alexandru Babes 9 ]-[Leu 1 11 , ]-derived peptides plays a crucial role in the ef the in role crucial a plays peptides ]-derived Tudor Selescu 11 ]-HK-1 was intrathecally injected after painting painting after ]-HK-1injected was intrathecally 1 9 , ]-[Leu Yu Miyahara 11 2 , Toshikazu Nishimori 1 ]-HK-1, in which Met at the C-terminal C-terminal the at ]-HK-1, Met which in 11 ]-HK-1. that indicate results These 1 2 2 , Division Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Behavior,& Physiology Earl Carstens Earl 1 , Ayaka Haruta-Tsukamoto 11 ]-HK-1-derived peptides, peptides, ]-HK-1-derived 1 2 , Yasushi Ishida , Mirela Car Iodi 11 ]-HK-1 until until ]-HK-1 11 and the ]-HK-1 1 11 ]- 1 - - - - - ,

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV ter, Germany to serotonin-induced itch is developed in cholestatic mice. cholestatic in developed is itch serotonin-induced to Conclusion: was affected not behavior scratching the dysfunctions. bymotor 1 1 Research Center, USA Boston, Hospital, General Massachusetts with an absolute log2-fold change >1 and a a >1and change log2-fold absolute an with R/Bioconductor package limma. Deregulated genes were deined was the using processing done data size sample small the Due to using generated were Affymetrix 1.0ST Gene Human Arrays. PH) and 5 HCs (healthy = HH) were included. Expression proiles = healthy/non-lesional =PL; (lesional 5PN from patients Biopsies (HC). controls healthy matched and patients PN in proiles sion targets.therapeutic expres gene global we performed Therefore, into affected pathways and involved genes may help quality, effective available. not still are therapies A insight deeper nodules. life ondaily impact CPGAlthough shows negative high a itchy multiple to leads that scratching bycontinuous characterized (CPG). is prurigo It ofchronic (PN) subtype a is nodularis Prurigo Konstantin Agelopoulos PRURIGO NODULARIS GLOBAL EXPRESSION GENE PROFILINGIN PP9 7 on the injection responses saline to scratching Results: treatments. hourafter one over site injection towards the bouts scratching paw hind of quantiication by assessed was itch and BDL in area back rostral the (SHAM) mice, sham-operated and to intradermally or sertraline administered saline were Serotonin, Methods: mice. cholestatic in itch serotonin-induced the we investigated Here, mice. cholestatic in evaluated been not have of serotonin however, itch; cholestatic in cated properties pruritogenic the impli is system Serotonin ofpatients. oflife quality the impair Introduction: Sattar Ostadhadi CHOLESTATIC MICE RESISTANCE TO SEROTONIN-INDUCED ITCH IN PP8 by8-OH-DPAT elicited inlux calcium the 5-CT. and This is supported by the effectinhibitory of WAY-100,635 and by 5-HT1A mediated bythe sponses likely are receptor. metabotropic re sustained the while channel 5-HT3 ion bythe mediated are responses transient the nM). suggest In ourresults that conclusion, of-80mV.tential (10 bygranisetron inhibited were currents These po holding a at (5-HT3-like) currents transient only revealed and 5-HT-sensitive imaging, calcium with DRG neurons pre-selected between PLbetween PH, and PL 376DEGs between HH and only and (DEG) database. genes deregulated 276 A revealed analysis irst source open free a use ofReactome, we made analysis pathway from un-operated from (UNOP)un-operated on mice 5 different signiicantly not was mice SHAM BDLor of activity in BDL mice compared to SHAM mice. Likewise, the locomotor behavior induced by serotonin or sertraline was signiicantly less after surgery, while it did not induce itch at day 5. The scrat BDL in behavior scratching 7 day at saline to compared mice gery. inducedAdditionally, signiicantly sertraline or serotonin en, en, Georg-August Brain, the of and Molecular Physiology Götting University Sciences, Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Hospital Hospital Münster, Münster, Dugas san Azimi Experimental Experimental Medicine Research Center, Tehran Medical University of Department of Dermatology Dermatology of Department and Center Chronic for University Pruritus, 3 Institute of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Münster, Hospital University Informatics, Medical of Institute Müns 3 , Sonja Ständer , Sonja Bile duct ligated mice had signiicantly increased signiicantly had mice ligated duct Bile 2 , Sarina Elmariah , Sarina Cholestasis was induced by bile duct ligation (BDL). ligation duct bybile was induced Cholestasis Despite of the evoked potentiation itch, a resistance Cholestatic itch can be severe and signiicantly and severe be can itch Cholestatic 1 , Nazgol-Sadat Haddadi 2 Department Department of Dermatology, Cutaneous Biology 1 2 1 Cluster of Excellence: Cluster of Excellence: Nanoscale Microscopy , Tobias Lotts 2 , DehpourAhmad-Reza th and 7 1 , Heike Conrad Heike 1 , th Arash Foroutan day, suggesting that p -value <0.05.For -value th day after sur after day 1 to deine new 2 , Martin Martin , ching 1 , Eh- , ------Austen School, School, investigate the involvement of K the involvement investigate excitability. neuronal regulating in important to Thus, we aimed 1 triggering pruriceptor neurons through Cysltr2 to produce itch. produce to Cysltr2 neurons through pruriceptor triggering LTC4Our implicates study for ligand endogenous relevant as a inlammation. skin and dermatitis atopic of models mouse in We of are testing relevance the this functional signaling pathway LTD4By contrast, activation. orneuronal itch produce not did onCysltr2. dependent itch and activation neuronal induced also LTC4N-methyl (NMLTC4), ofLTC4, form nonhydrolyzable the mice. Cysltr2-/- in decreased is behavior itch this and mice, in ofLTC4 injection cheek Intradermal capsaicin. scratching triggers responds also to ofsensory neuronsthat subpopulation a activates LTC4 we show that imaging, Using calcium mice. in behaviors Cys-LTs itch-associated sensory produces neurons and activates allergic during cells immune inlammation. We whether irst test Cys-LTs detect to acts Cysltr2 neuronal by released skin the in Nppb. and IL31ra co-express neurons that We that hypothesize pruriceptor in enriched highly is Cysltr2 that ind we neurons, afinities. Using transcriptional proiling analysis of somatosensory LT different with (Cysltr2) 2receptor ortype (Cysltr1) receptor LTC4 and LTD4 have been found to signal through the type 1 cys- Cys-LTs: ofthree production the initiates LTC4, LTD4, LTE4. and LTC4 itch. in receptor Cysltr2 (LTC4S) synthase that enzyme the is ofCys-LTs role the investigate the through signaling their and we Here dermatitis. atopic in inlammation skin and asthma in by immune cells that play a prominent role in lung inlammation (Cys-LTs)leukotrienes released mediators lipid eicosanoid are allergic in tization Cysteinyl understood. well not are conditions sensi and activation neuron pruriceptor underlying mechanisms few effective with matitis treatments. cellular and molecular The allergic with associated is Itch der such as atopic diseases skin Tiphaine Voisin CYSLTR2 RECEPTOR IN PRURICEPTION ROLE OF CYSTEINYL LEUKOTRIENES AND THE PP10 revealed that that revealed ATP-sensitive (K channels potassium which convey itch signals to the nervous central system. It has been pathway. sensory neurons peripheral excites directly Chloroquine histamine-independent in a through rodents behavior scratching Introduction: Nazgol-Sadat Haddadi SCRATCHING BEHAVIOR IN MICE CHANNELS IN CHLOROQUINE-INDUCED INVOLVEMENT OF ATP-SENSITIVE POTASSIUM PHARMACOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR THE PP11 ences, Tehran,ences, Iran Experimental Medicine Research Center, Tehran University Medical of Sci knowledge of molecules and pathways involved in PN in pathology. involved pathways and ofmolecules knowledge deeper even an provide may and underway are data ofthe analyses NGF, Further by others. and envelope corniied the of formation signalling byinterleukins, signalling like pathways various in enriched be to comparison DEGs latter ofthe revealed analysis HH ( HH.and Different PL/PH vs. DEGs like foroverlapping settings found were differentially58 genes be to PH between expressed and Women’s ,USA Boston, Hospital, at dose of 400 µg/site induced the scratching behavior. scratching the induced dose of400µg/site at K The itch. and ofcells state metabolic between linkage a reveal also may which mad-Reza Dehpour Department of Microbiology of Department and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical n =9) and PL=9) and vs. PH/HH ( 2 2 , Isaac M.Chiu Division Rheumatology,Division of Immunonology, and Allergy, Brigham Materials andMethods: Materials Chloroquine (CQ) evokes itch in human and 1 , Amelie Bouvier Amelie 1 , Sattar Ostadhadi, Ostadhadi, Sattar Arash Foroutan, n =223) were calculated. Pathway Pathway calculated. =223) were Intradermal (id) injection of CQ ofCQ injection (id) Intradermal ATP 1 , Yoshihide Kanaoka channels in CQ-induced itch channels in CQ-induced itch Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster ATP channels) are are channels) 2 , K. Frank K. Frank 1037 Ah- ATP - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV expression of Kcnj8 is decreased after CQ injection. CQ injection. after decreased is ofKcnj8 expression the that show also qRT-PCR analysis of indings Our MIN. and DZX of effects anti-pruritic the reversed signiicantly IP) mg/kg, Moreover, mice. in behavior scratching GLI (3 with pretreatment kg, IP) or MIN (10 mg/kg, IP) signiicantly attenuated CQ-induced We K that suggest 1 Piotr Kupczyk Piotr IN TRANSMISSION OF ITCH TERMINALS SND EPIDERMAL KERATINOCYTES INTERPLAYS BETWEEN AXONAL NERVE INHYDROLASE PSORIASIS: L1/PGP9.5 EXPRESSION OF UBIQUITIN C-TERMINAL PP13 ( hyperalgesia UVB- robust the induces NGF-model Both primary painful the and analog scale. Hyperknesis was measured with von Frey ilaments. visual was ona scored itch/pain and areas hyperalgesic primary itch was evoked using histamine (1%) and cowhage spicules in Subsequently, models. validate to conducted were measurements sensitivity Pain used as control. were saline while forearms, volar both into areas) diameter cm 2 in blebs l (4x50 injected were NGF of g (5F/11M)2 volunteers and healthy included 16 were NGF-experiment For the as controls. spots two dose) acted and erythemal UVB-doses 2xminimal (upto increasing with ated Six included. volar forearm spots (2cm were in irradi diameter) (10F/10M) were volunteers 20healthy UVBFor the experiment, itch. mechanically-evoked and cowhage) and (histamine chemical (induced byintradermal NGF-injections) altered sensitivity to sensitization pain neurotrophic non-inlammatory and damage) established unspeciic inlammation (induced by epidermal UVB- how pre- explore to sensitization ofnociceptive models human pain. and itch as spontaneous as well We used twowell-established inlammatory perturbations to cause pain and/or itch sensitization of ability the inluencing circumstances the is as unclear are tion dermatitis. sensitiza such itch behind mechanisms precise The atopic e.g. itch, chronic with patients foundin has been stimuli Itch sensitization to pruritic chemical provocations and mechanical Silvia Lo Vecchio COWHAGE BUT NOT ITCH, ELICITED BY HISTAMINE AND SENSITIZATION SELECTIVELY INCREASE PAIN, UVB-ITCH? –BOTH AND NGF-INDUCED HISTAMINERGICNON-HISTAMINERGIC AND MODELING OF ITCH SENSITIZATION FOR PP12 channel openers, diazoxide (DZX) and minoxidil (MIN), and a 1038 involved in clinically observed itch sensitization. itch observed clinically in involved rather distinct and perhaps prolonged inlammatory that processes are and dermatoses inlammatory of sensitization itch mimic observed. appropriately donot models these suggests that This Contrarily, signiicant increases speciically for pain ratings were provocations. itch chemical to rating itch increases models of the the genes encoding the K the encoding genes the Kcnj11, and ofKcnj8 expression dermal in changes possible the (qRT-PCR) transcription-PCR reverse investigate was used to also Quantitative site. injection towards bouts the paw scratching of hind toneally (IP) before CQ. Then, itch was assessed by quantiication blocker,channel intraperi (GLI), were administered glibenclamide Hospital, Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Gentofte, Hospital, Arendt-Nielsen Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek University, Health and Technology, of Science ment Medicine, Faculty of Aalborg Laboratory for Experimental Research, Pain Cutaneous Laboratory Experimental for Depart SMI®, 9 th 2 World Congress of Itch of Congress World Department of Dermato-allergology, of Department University Copenhagen p 1 1 , <0.01) and mild hyperknesis ( hyperknesis mild <0.01) and acn Hołysz Marcin 1 ATP , Hjalte H. Andersen Hjalte channels are involved in CQ-induced itch. CQ-induced in involved are channels 4 ATP channels. channels. 2 , Mariusz Gajda Mariusz Results: 1 , Jesper Jesper Elberling Either DZX (10mg/ Either p <0.05), but neither neither <0.05), but 3 , Adam Reich Conclusion: 2 , Lars , K the the ATP 4 - - - - ,

1 in molecular aspect of psoriatic itch. itch. ofpsoriatic aspect molecular in cells neuro-immune-endocrine and innervations peripheral about transcript and its protein PGP 9.5 may demonstrate new indings UCHL1 between pattern expression impaired and unusual this that level level was estimated by immunoluorescence microscopy. PCR, protein whereas real-time using wasexpression performed Gene individuals. ofhealthy skin 20normal and patients psoriasis from obtained were skin ofthe site lesional and non-lesional Department of Dermatology, of Department Münster, Hospital University Germany Augustin, thias Zeidler, Claudia Blome, Osada, Christine Nani Burke, Laurie to skin without itch and control group. control and itch without skin to mRNA groupcompare itchy in skin lesional and non-lesional in pression results demonstrate signiicant downregulation of ex PCR gene real-time Incontrast, observed. also were itch with keratinocytes suprabasal and keratinocytes basal within expression Additionally, signiicant relations between non-neuronal PGP9.5 on VAS group. control and itch without skin to comparing score) (basing skin itchy lesions and ofPGP9.5 non-lesion in tion nerves distribu impaired demonstrate microscopy imaging Fluorescence itch. itch. escalate and status neuro-immune-endocrine skin control might UCH-L1/PGP9.5 expression common via cells non-neuronal and neuronal between interplays disordered that seems It sensations. cancer, pain-related and injury tissue functions, immune impaired neurodegeneration, with linked disordersare its (CNS), while Nervous Sysytem Central the PGP9.5 in expressed widely is UCHL1/ proteins. substrate from ubiquitin conjugated terminally as N- as well adducts peptide ofC-terminal forcleave responsible (DUBs) family, enzyme deubiquitinase the to belongs is which (UCHL1/PGP9.5 PGP9.5 and UCHL1 system) gene protein used. (UCHL1) L1 commonly is hydrolase C-terminal Ubiquitin biochemically 9.5(PGP9.5), product gene protein cells endocrine neuro-immune- well as ibers, nerve skin of distribution and identiication For keratinocytes. and melanocytes, Langerhance, ibroblasts, cells: neuro-immune-endocrine of activity abnormal via modulate additional but terminals, nerve disordering and wing byoutgro only not byinduced might ofitch transmission enhanced lion (DRG) neurons. However, in chronic skin neuroinlammation mediated via skin C-ibers, axonal terminals of dorsal root gang is transmission Itch disease. skin immunegenetic multisystem Introduction: of pruritus within clinical of pruritus routine and within research. clinical control the evaluate to and symptoms ofpruritus-relevant variety a (CP) patients. A aimes to newly questionnaire measure developed affectto pruritus ofchronic oflife quality and burden disease the shown been have behavior orscratching as sleeping symptoms Background: Steinke Sabine CONTROLLED-DAYS SCORE” PRURITUS SYMPTOMS SCORE – “ITCH- THE OFDEVELOPMENT ANEW, ALL-ENCOMPASSING BEHAVIOR BESIDES PRURITUS INTENSITY: MEASURING SCRATCHING AND SLEEPING PP14 item reduction, the Itch-Controlled-Days (ICD) questionnaire ( day controlled itch an deining parameters the identify to helped interviews patient structured study ofthe part development the lonian University,lonian Krakow, Allergology, Wroclaw Piast Silesian University, Medical Wroclaw, Poland Poznan, Biology,Molecular Karol Marcinkowski Sciences, Medical of University Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Department of Pathomorphology, of Department Piast Silesian Medicine, of Faculty p = 89CP patients). and feasibility-check generation, item After Material andMethods: Material 3 Department of of Department Histology, Jagiellonian Medical College, Jagiel Itch is unpleasant sensation occurring in psoriasis, psoriasis, in occurring sensation unpleasant is Itch Besides pruritus intensity different associated , Sonja Ständer Sonja Henk Wassmann,Henk Frederik Menne, Braun, Kirstin 4 Department of Dermatology, of Department Venereology and from biopsies punch 20skin The 2 Department of Biochemistry Biochemistry of and Department Conclusions: Methods: We believed, Results: UCHL1 UCHL1 Within Mat------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV dieux easy to use. to easy pruritus. as effective, considered be can product This and safe senile and urticaria chronic psoriasis, dermatitis, atopic diseases: skin chronic in spray antipruritic an use to interest the conirms to calculate a score from 0 to 22. 0to from score a calculate to forms of vitiligo, referred for medical care in the irst quarter of quarter irst the in care medical for referred vitiligo, of forms various with patients ofthe application-questionnaires and cards and Methods: vitiligo. with patients the in ofpruritus characteristics Purpose research:of Scientiic-ResearchRepublican andVenereology Dermatology of Institute Karaev Elkham VITILIGO IN ITCH AS ACCOMPANYINGSYMPTOM PP16 99.2%ofsubjects. in was well-tolerated patients). of (98% product the by satisied very product the And, 56%ofsubjects. in day a half were subjects ofthe majority The effect the and 21seconds onaverage in pruritus relieves It lasts (–58%),suppleness (+26%). (–52%), roughness (–53%),scales In parallel, a signiicant improvement of skin conditions: dryness D0 D21. and (–63%)was between observed ofitching sensations average. A signiicant decrease of 5-D pruritus scale (–40%) and (±27). old of 41years on day a 2.5times was applied product The 118included age mean a with 55females) and (63males subjects Tolerance was assessed. also sensations and skin conditions with numerical scale (0 to itching 25),by scoring (5to D21 scale and 5-D byusing pruritus D0 at performed were pruritus on assessments Eficacy days. 21 during face bodyand onthe as needed times was many sprayed group). each in (30subjects 120patients including product The Poland in was study performed multicentre and prospective nal, and senile pruritus. urticaria chronic psoriasis, dermatitis, atopic diseases: 4 dermatological technology. relief™ Skin including in was tested product This itching the calm quickly to spray antipruritic an of eficacy the assess to was the context, this In activation. ibre nerve reduces Lymphopoietin, histamine. and Growth Nerve Factor And so, it like mediators ofpruritic release the inhibits It Stromal Thymic enoxolone were developed to have a signiicant action on pruritus. pruritus. forsenile case to associated technology Relief™ Skin The dryness, as the is cutaneous to related sometimes is It urticaria. and psoriasis dermatitis, such as atopic diseases skin various to related and orwidespread, local orchronic, occasional be may Pruritus dermatology,in affecting worldpopulation. ofthe one-third over urge an in ting symptom common most the is Pruritus scratch. to Introduction: Sandrine Virassamynaik OBSERVATIONAL STUDY PRURITUS RELATED TO SKIN DISEASES: AN USETHE OF A DERMOCOSMETIC TO MANAGE PP15 DLQI) (all (VAS, values intensity (ItchyQoL, oflife VRS, NRS) quality and U testing showed moderate to strong convergence of pruritus >0.8). Spearman-Rho correlation analysis and Mann-Whitney- alpha >0.95; intraclass correlation coeficient > 0.9; Cohen’s kappa patients. behavior.scratching 60 in validated and was score tested The onpruritus was intensity, nine with items created and sleeping helps to assess the itch control easily and systematically. and easily control assess itch to helps the of different pruritus- symptoms relevant within one single score 1 NAOS, Laboratoire Bioderma, 2 , Julie Riviere, Julie Results: p <0.01). allow ICD questionnaire ofthe 9items The Pruritus is deined as an unpleasant sensation resul Material used in this research included ambulatory ambulatory included research this used in Material Retest-reliability was excellent (Cronbach’s was excellent Retest-reliability 2 , Michèle Sayag , Michèle Identiication of the prevalence rate and basic 1 , Bernard Chadoutaud 2 ClinReal Online ClinReal Material/Methods: Results: Conclusion: 1 population analyzed The Conclusions: The measurement measurement The An observatio An 2 , Charlène Ey Charlène This study study This Material Material 9). - - - with atopic dermatitis. On 2016,1 dermatitis. atopic with Nearly half of the subjects with atopic dermatitis had dermatitis atopic with subjects ofthe half Nearly 13.2 %ofstudents had a history ofdiagnosed as atopic dermatitis. manner. Finally, effectively were 3,135sheets Intotal, analyzed. ofallergieshistory retrospective a in factors demographic the and past the both about questionnaire self-completed the answered university entrance exam. entrance university successs in oftheir because probably we expected, than lower evaluated byvisual scale. analogue was Magnitude somewhat dermatology. in byspecialist examination was ofitch Magnitude inluence of the elimination of skin pruritus. pruritus. skin of elimination the of inluence of disappearance pruritus, in 33 of had the vitiligo no treatment the background of 85 the basic noted disease patients treatment On others. and system excretive ofurinary diseases 12from and 24 – mellitus), diabetes from diseases system, of hepatobiliary disappeared on the basis of the main disease treatment. disease main basis ofthe onthe disappeared gradually limited, episodic, like sed looking expres ofdepigmentation, background onthe developed females, in occurred frequent mostly pruritus the basis ofvitiligo on the 1 1 childhood. since course clinical ted of examination health the At system system (all 3 pruritus with sufferedpatients generalized of various stage of severity, 47 – with pathology of endocrine accompanying disease revealed 58patients suffering from anemia stress. nervous-psychological orafter night the at ofthe Analysis pruritus of intensiication/appearance observed patients 78 time same the 33,at in was noted cyclicity 85patients, in observed was pruritus foundrarely.the was appearance pruritus Episodic 21patients in 97patients, in was pruritus noted skin progressive 55years. of44,53and age the 3at in found only gradually The 115 in wasof pruritus revealed was form generalized patients, form focuses. Localized ofvitiligo formation after 24 patients in and before appeared pruritus the 38patients spots, in mented This disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected female female infected ofan bite the through transmitted is disease This Leishmania. protozoa intracellular obligate of the species ferent caused by infection parasitic dif a is Cutaneous leishmaniasis pia Dermatology, of Department University, Abbid Ababa Ethio Addis Ababa, Tizita YosefKidane LEISHMANIASIS? IS ITCH A SYMPTOM OF CUTANEOUS PP18 1 in ofitch magnitude the evaluate to and of prevalence Japanese subjects adolescent with dermatitis, atopic the investigate survey to questionnaire the Thus, we conducted understood. poorly is dermatitis atopic with subjects adolescent dermatitis. atopic with subjects adolescent ofJapanese picture The of number increased the revealed studies epidemiological Recent Yosuke Okuda UNIVERSITY STUDENTS RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY OF FIRST-YEAR IN ADOLESCENT ATOPICDERMATITIS: PREVALENCE AND MAGNITUDE OF ITCH PPI7 noted appearance of pruritus at the basis of occurrence ofdepig basis ofoccurrence the at ofpruritus appearance noted form 101 – generalized patients, in 17 Fifty-six patients. patients – occurred form in women of vitiligo 79 (about 67%). Localized Of 118 disease. in symptom 33%), 39(about were men patients 118them as accompanying pruritus skin noted (95%)patients of from with were 124 patients questionnaires vitiligo, obtained 2017. tayama cine, and cine, Department of Dermatology, of Department Osaka University Graduate School Medi of st -year students, all students with atopic dermatitis got clinical clinical got dermatitis atopic with students all students, -year Results of research: of Results 1 , Keiko Yamauchi-Takihara, Keiko 2 Health CareHealth Centre, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 1 , Mayuko Mayuko Tahara application- and cards ambulatory The 1 st , -year students of our university ofouruniversity students -year 2 Hiroyuki Murota st Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster -year university students students university -year

intensifying form and and form intensifying Conclusion: 1

, the protrac the Ichiro Ka

due due to Thus, 1039 ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV seases, Hepatology and Acquired Immune Deiciencies, Deiciencies, Immune Acquired and Hepatology seases, berling site of pruritus was the trunk ( trunk was the ofpruritus site sufferedpatient carcinoma. hepatocellular from common most The (4.5%) one was cirrhosis documented; liver In 15(68.2%)patients was stated. The duration of liver disease ranged from 3 to 22 ye ere diagnosed with type B hepatitis, whereas in 13 hepatitis ty 3 of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Leiden University, The Netherlands, with long-term disease duration and signiicant liver failure. failure. liver signiicant and duration disease long-term with most in of commonly viral hepatitis, those with patients subjects noted in the morning. occurrence was the night evening, and least common pruritus was 14(63.6%)people. found in ofpruritus period common most The were lesions skin Secondary 3(13.6%)patients. was in observed viral hepatitis B and C. Band hepatitis viral accompanying ofitch characteristics clinical was study the of the medications and pruritus. medications illnesses, accompanying picture, clinical its and disease liver duration of about health, general questions containing tionnaire analysis. for further included The ques wasstudy onan based A were pruritus with 25–68years aged of22(20%)patients total 110 among performed HBV, with infected people HCV orboth. 1 evoke conditioned modulation ofitch. We systematically assessed to techniques and ofitch inhibition descending knownis about (CIM) of itch and inhibition endogenous pain, but descending little icacy. In parallel, patients with chronic itch may exhibit decreased states signiied by lowered conditioned pain modulation (CPM) ef pain chronic in reduced is inhibition pain descending Endogenous Andersen Holm Hjalte EFFICACY ASSESSING ENDOGENOUS ITCH INHIBITION IN HUMANS –EXPERIMENTAL PARADIGMS FOR DESCENDING INHIBITION OF ITCH AND PAIN PP20 diseases. systemic various in occur also may but diseases ofskin symptom common a is It scratching. to leads Introduction: Anna Biernacka WITH VIRAL HEPATITIS B AND C ASSESSMENT OF PRURITUS PATIENTSAMONG PP19 rarely,although disease. ofthe symptom a be may icth, and occur can leishmaniasis ofcutaneous variants of clinical spectrum wide the that mind should in It kept be itch. with sociated as were and carcinoma cell squamous mimicked clinically patient ofthe lesion the Inourcase, leishmaniasis. ofcutaneous forms leishmaniasis. This case report alerts to the of existence atypical with associated squamous itch, resembling carcinoma-like cell initially leishmaniasis ofcutaneous variant rare a Idescribe report, of features the disease reported these are days. In being clinical this entity, nonitchy usually is which atypical and unusual several presentation, clinical classical the to Inaddition host. ofthe status immunological the and involved, Leishmania ofthe subspecies the on depending forms clinical of variety a sandly. in occurs It 1040 Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medical University, 1 Herlev-Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Herlev-Gentofte, versity, Denmark, and Technology, Science Health of Medicine, of Faculty Aalborg Uni Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Reich Department of Dermato-Allergology, of Department Hospital, University Copenhagen Laboratory for Experimental Laboratory Experimental for Cutaneous Pain Research, SMI, Department Students’ Scientiic Circle of Experimental Dermatology, Department of of Department Dermatology, Experimental of Circle Scientiic Students’ 3 3 , 9 Lars Arendt-Nielsen th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Itching is an unpleasant subjective sensation that that sensation subjective unpleasant an is Itching 2 1 Health, Medical andNeuropsychology Medical Health, Faculty Unit, , ai Niyski Dawid Conclusions: 1 , Results: Material andMethods: Material Antoinette van Laarhoven van Antoinette 1 n =13, 59.1%), generalized pruritus pruritus =13, 59.1%),generalized In the analyzed group, 9 patients In group, the analyzed 9 patients Pruritus affects about one ifth 1 , agraa Inglot Małgorzata 2 Department of Infectious Di Infectious of Department Objective: Screening was Screening 3 1,2 Department of of Department , Jesper El Jesper The aim aim The 2 Adam , pe C pe C ars. ars. ------and/or 2 and/or (“pain inhibiting itch” paradigm). itch” inhibiting (“pain modulation itch assessing design pain-evoked a apply vourably fa could itch chronic with patients in itch of eficacy inhibition assessing studies endogenous Future humans. in pain and itch ofboth inhibition descending central ofpain-induced favour in stimulation. pain These suggest prioritization results a hierarchical conditioning with evoked eficiently be can but stimulation, itch conditioning by evoked signiicantly be not could inhibition itch Descending stimulus. itch conditioning bythe not but stimulus, pain conditioning the by reduced signiicantly were ratings pain CIM-effect. pain-evoked a signifying stimulation, pain Mean conditioning applied ipsilaterally and contra- byboth decreased was observed), however, the mean itch intensity was signiicantly cantly affect the mean itch ratings (although an insigniicant tre signii not did stimulation itch Conditioning condition). control itch (negative bycontralateral modulation 5)pain and condition), control positive CPM-paradigm; standard a (i.e. pain contralateral by modulation 4)pain pain; byipsilateral modulation 3)itch pain; bycontralateral modulation 2)itch itch; bycontralateral dulation adln Spałkowska Magdalena - ATHERAPEUTIC APPROACH COLLEGE JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL DEPARTMENTTHE OF DERMATOLOGY, PRURITUS IN PATIENTS HOSPITALIZED IN PP21 consideration when implying the treatment. treatment. the when implying consideration into taken be should limitations disease-related concomitant effective and age- the however sensation, itch the treating in drugs. systemic and as topical as well often are Antihistamines patients. gical agents, moisturizing involves ofitch treatment The Introduction: the treatment of this symptom. ofthis treatment the during taken be should that cautions forspecial need the highlight to and ofpruritus problem ofthe wasstudy assess range to the (15.7%). 50% of patients were treated with oral antihistamines treated oral were with (15.7%). 50%ofpatients (1 allergicwere dermatitis atopic commonly (45.1%),most diseases (31.4%). patients by elderly ofitch cause common most The (45%),followed individuals old) (35–64year middle-aged were 18–86. (32.9%) presented with pruritus – pruritus with (32.9%) presented 2016.102of310patients March and January between Poland Dermatology, Krakow, in College Medical University Jagiellonian of Department the in hospitalized of310patients data clinical 1 nian University Medical College in Cracow, in College Medical University nian Poland atment. Use of antihistamines requires careful assessment of the ofthe assessment careful requires Use ofantihistamines atment. with generalized than with localized itch (56% vs 29%; (56%vs 29%; itch localized with than generalized with patients in was higher ofpruritus Intensity as severe. pruritus described 24.5%.35.5%ofpatients in generalized of patients, with intense pruritus vs 42% with nonintense; nonintense; vs 42%with pruritus intense with (64% commonly more antihistamines received patients those and p treatment; often drugs(97% vs more 81% systemic for topical other with treated been have and treatment topical received patients ( glucose and urea creatinine, of levels higher signiicantly had patients more caution should be taken when implying such tre when implying taken be should caution more patients However, ofpruritus. management the in groupofelderly the in evoke itch or pain. Five conditions were investigated; 1) itch mo 1)itch investigated; were conditions Five orpain. itch evoke Test to designed paradigms electrical with conducted were stimuli pressor-induced cold comprised itch. histamine-evoked and pain stimulations tested. Conditioning volunteers were healthy six pain. itch and elicited CPM and CIM ofexperimentally Twenty- Małgorzata WerynowskaMałgorzata Department of Dermatology, of Department and p =0.035; 44% vs 23% for other drugs; drugs; 44%vs 23%forother =0.035; <0.05 each). <0.05 each). Results: nd generation). Localized pruritus was observed in 75.5% was in observed pruritus Localized generation). dermatolo in common is ofpruritus presence The Conclusions: pruritus with groupofpatients common most The 2 , Wojas-PelcAnna 1 , used frequently are Antihistamines Agata Agata Radko Material andMethods: Material 2 ceti Suet’ oit, Jagiello Society, Students’ Scientiic

66 women and 36 men, aged aged 36men, and 66 women p =0.03). Elderly subjects subjects =0.03). Elderly 1 2 Aim: , Maciej Maciej Nowak p =0.04). Elderly =0.04). Elderly ofthe aim The We analyzed p =0.013) nd 2 st ------,

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV sity, Seoul, National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea School, Medical University National Jang partment partment of Dermatology, College of University Kosin Medicine, Busan, versity versity School of Medicine, Seoul, Allergology, Wroclaw University, Medical Wroclaw, Poland Won Lee of Dermatology,of Busan, Medicine, of School University PusanNational logy logy and Hepatology, and Yong Jang Hyun KOREA A PROSPECTIVE, MULTICENTER STUDY IN MENT IN PATIENTS CHRONICWITH PRURITUS: INSTRUMENTS ITCH FOR INTENSITY MEASURE- VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF VARIOUS PP23 forpatients. heavy very be can which as itching complications dermatological various in result may Suchtreatment immunosuppression. prolonged requires often Introduction: Marta Idzior DISEASE: IS PRURITUS A MAJOR FINDING? PATIENTS INFLAMMATORYWITH BOWEL ASSESSMENT OF SKIN PROBLEMS AMONG PP22 function. kidney and hepatic the to adjusted nervous system. be should dosage its drugand ofthe choice The effects their and interactions ofpharmacological risk oncentral 1 and Methods: onpruritus. emphasis IBDspecial with with patients in conditions ofdermatological prevalence the wasstudy analyze to 1 Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Hwaseong, Medicine, of College University Hallym Hospital, Li 6 4 9 All data were analyzed statistically. analyzed were data All condition, and previous treatment was completed byinvestigators. skin their evaluating questionnaire stratiied the data achieved on Based examination. physical and history medical thorough department. zed in gastroenterological All underwent patients a vising patients with IBD with patients vising super team therapeutic and diagnostic the in included be should require of proper evaluation skin problems and the dermatologist IBD with why reason patients the is It for patient. problematic orGP gastroenterologist bythe neglected be very be can it but of IBD. treatment and diagnosis during consultations for dermatological (46.5%) and hair loss (20.9%). also Patients stressed the need xerosis after ofpatients population this in ailment dermatological suffered common most third the (19.5%),which pruritus from IBD with patients of 20% About disease. bowel inlammatory with patients in problems dermatological signiicant identify to allow which tool research valuable a is questionnaire that Biology Biology Research Institute, Yonsei University College Medicine, of Seoul, Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Medicine, Daegu, Medicine, University College of Medicine, Seoul, Medicine, of College University cheon cheon Mary’sSt. Hospital, The Catholic University Korea,of Incheon, Daegu, Daegu, College of Medicine, College Medicine, of Seoul, Neubauer Students’ Scientiic Circle of Experimental Dermatology, Department of of Department Dermatology, Experimental of Circle Scientiic Students’ Department of Dermatology, of Department National University Kyungpook School of Department of Dermatology, of Department Kangnam Sacred Hallym Heart Hospital, Department of Dermatology, of Department College Medicine, Univer of Chung-Ang Department of Dermatology, of Department of University Catholic Medicine, of College 4 , Chang Ook Park 8 , Kyung Duck Park Duck Kyung 11 Conclusions: 2 , Seong Jin Kim Jin , Seong 5 , Adam Reich Department of Dermatology, of Department Cutaneous Hospital, Severance 1 Patients with inlammatory bowel diseases (IBD) diseases bowel inlammatory with Patients , 10 IBDwith patients hospitali included study The Department of Dermatology, of Department University National Seoul et Jastrzb Beata 2 1 Department of Dermatology, of Department Sacred Dongtan Heart , Gyeong-Hun Park 5 , Such “trivial” problem as itching might problem as itching Such “trivial” 3 3 Hye One Kim Hye Department Department of Dermatology, Venereology and 9 12 , 11 , Do Won Kim Eun Jin Doh Jin Eun Department of Dermatology, of Department Konkuk Uni 12 Department Department of Dermatology, Chonnam 1 , Marta LaskowskaMarta 7 Results: Department of Dermatology, of Department In 2 6 , , Objective: Objective: 2 Byung-Soo Kim Byung-Soo Department Department of Gastroentero 10 Hei SungKim Hei 1 , Dong Hun Lee showed results The The aim ofthis aim The 1 Katarzyna , 3 7 Department Department 3 , Materials , Kap-sok , Min Soo Min 10 , Yang, 8 De------for the evaluation of psoriatic pruritus. ofpsoriatic evaluation for the with patients psoriasis. The 5-D should be useful as a new tool in validated has been that ofitching measure multidimensional QOL in Japanese with patients psoriasis. The 5-D is a reliable, and severity disease the ofpruritus, correlation and acterization char the give to expected be will and analysis under currently the with scores ranging 6.4±7.3 between 0 and 28. Our are data 22. 5and between scores ranging the PASI mean The was score of5-D scoremean and deviation was with standard 10.1±4.3 of life instrument, IcthyQoL. IcthyQoL. instrument, of life VAS, NRS, VRS and ISS and relation to a pruritus-speciic quality Objective: standard. gold as a recognized has been method nosingle date, (ISS). However, Scale Severity Itch including questionnaires to (NRS), Verbal (VRS), multidimensional various and Scale Rating red the using Visual (VAS), Scale Analog Scale Rating Numeric measu be can intensity Pruritus ofpruritus. evaluation accurate and reliable more a provide to time used over been have tools nature. multifactorial and subjectivity its to due elusive Various of on assessment valid life, a quality of chronic pruritus remains Background: and the dermatology life quality index (DLQI), respectively. index quality life dermatology the and [PASI]) index severity and area (psoriasis ofpsoriasis severity (QOL) bythe oflife quality and severity disease the evaluated we Inaddition, patients. these to was administered scale 5-D itch in this study (mean±SD; 54.6±15.6). The Japanese version of the participated ofage, 80years 23and between all 25women), and scale. 5-D itch the A (44men psoriasis with of69patients total of version Japanese the using psoriasis with patients in pruritus ofitching. distribution To of characteristics clinical the examine and disability direction, degree, duration, measure that sections is a new simple self-administered questionnaire. It consists of ive ofpruritus. aspects multidimensional the obtain scale 5-D itch The to are measure pruritus. available However, these scales do not Currently, treatments. ofappropriate choice few resources a only forthe patients psoriatic the assess in to pruritus needed is It ing. byscratch ofpsoriasis aggravation avoid to important is pruritus scratch and it may trigger new eruptions. Thus, of the management to psoriasis with patients the leads 97%.Pruritus 64%to from of The prevalence pruritus in the with patients psoriasis has ranged Yozo Ishiuji ITCH SCALE SIS USING JAPANESETHE VERSION OF 5-DTHE TICS OF PRURITUS IN PATIENTS PSORIA-WITH EVALUATION OF CLINICALTHE CHARACTERIS- PP24 than ISS. than of reliability Re-test VAS, NRS and lower and VRS was similar hours’ three ofthe tion difference ISS. in highest was the also IchyQoL to compared VAS, NRS, and correla VRS. Statistical tools. However,with three these with strongly ISS correlated signiicant high values. ISS showed a low intercorrelation validity statistically showed coeficient correlation Spearman’s by VRS patients. onall conducted IcthyQoL hours. Inaddition, three after was analyzed surveywas NRS (0–10), VRS (four-point) reliability Re-test ISS and scales. on intensity pruritus their recorded years) VAS line), (100-mm 46.58 age mean 214females, (215males, pruritus chronic with way to assess the itch intensity should be studied. be should intensity assess itch way to the its trait, assessment may be multifactorial challenging. The best 1 funa Dermatology Clinic, Japan Clinic, Dermatology funa chi Nakagawa Department of Dermatology Jikei University School of Medicine, Medicine, of School University Jikei Dermatology of Department 1 , Akihiko Asahina Akihiko Conclusion: 1 study,In this of reliability and validity we evaluated 1 , Despite its high prevalence and signiicant impact impact signiicant and prevalence high its Despite Yoshinori Umezawa 1 Since pruritus is a subjective symptom of symptom subjective a is pruritus Since , Koichi Koichi Yanaba Results: Methods: 1 Correlation of Correlation VAS, NRS and , Norie Aizawa Norie 1 , Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster A of419patients total Toshiya Ebata 1 , Sanae Inoku Sanae 2 , Hidemi Hidemi , 2 Chito- 1041

The The - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Area and Severity Index (PASI), Index Severity and Area (BSA) Index BodySurface ofPsoriasis evaluation the including skin ofthe examination vulgaris. psoriasis to A taken. was history detailed A physical Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw due University Medical ofDermatology, Department the in hospitalized inpatients cutive status. age ristic in patients with psoriasis vulgaris with a special em common dermatosis. dermatosis. common suffering patients elderly issuein important constitute this from As the frequency of chronic itch increases with the age, it will psoriasis. with ofpatients majority the in present dermatology creased in recent years. Itch is the most common symptom in Referral Hospital South-Western in Uganda. Uganda Regional Kabale in dermatologist as a volunteering currently is Introduction: University,cal Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi Reszke Radomir FACTOR? ITCH IN PSORIASIS –IS AGE AN IMPORTANT PP26 establishing of work voluntary doing been has months, ive last the in who, Dr. Odongo, 33-year-old a Leo dermatologist trained Ugandan Background: 1042 Gerold Uganda Hospital, Referral Regional Kabale in Clinic Skin Jäger OdongoLeo IN KABALE, UGANDA FROM NEWTHE GEROLDJÄGER SKIN CLINIC SEEING A DERMATOLOGIST: A CASE REPORT THIRTEEN YEARS OF ITCHY RASHES WITHOUT A UGANDAN GIRL HAD WHO TO ENDURE PP25 and her quality of life had improved greatly. improved had oflife quality her and completely ceased had Itching symptoms. her in improvement and two marked she had after weeks girl of treatment reviewed the eating. from wrongly stopped foods been she had ofthe eating We girl’s onthe application cow milk and ghee of resumption and skin daily.twice We products, of use ofherbal stoppage recommended two-weeks course of topical betamethasone ointment 0.1% appl fossae). was diagnosed. dermatitis Atopic We with girl the treated lexure surfaces (especially the antecubital fossae and the popliteal with the face less affected. There was marked licheniication at the extremities and trunk onthe marks scratch multiple with of skin examination: onphysical Findings us fortreatment. to girl the she brought where Kabale in opened girl. the been had that new clinic ofthe told was then mother The for discomfort and itch increasing with onrecurring rashes kept as remedy. girl onthe cow milk and ghee itchy the these, all Despite several fooditems. She was advised to smear herbal products, cow eating from stopped wrongly and wrong advice given wasShe then workers, was ofwhom health none many dermatologist. from a girl is positive family history of atopy. Mother sought treatment for t However, ofasthma. No eyes. history itchy with associated there childhood. early bodysince rashes onthe rash was later itchy The 13-year-old recurrent itchy very reports mother the whom in girl Kabale. in new clinic skin bythe she was rescued until has suffered from the itch without getting access to a dermatologist tion in Dermatology. We about a here 13 -year-old report girl who and who supervised and also Gerold Jäger, who established the ield of dermatology in Uganda ifteen trained dermatologists. The clinic is named after Prof. Dr. of Dr. ofitch. torment the from was rescued girl Odongo, the Leo itch. with tormented who are of people With work voluntary the something to the care contribute we can all capacity respective 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Material andMethods: Material

the fourth university skin clinic in Uganda, where he he where Uganda, in clinic skin university fourth the Gerold Jäger skin clinic in Kabale is an initiative of initiative an is Kabale in clinic skin Jäger Gerold has in population ofthe lifespan suspected The , Rafał Białynicki-Birula, Białynicki-Birula, Rafał Objective:

Dr. Disserta Odongo´s Master´s degree To characte itch assess detailed 67conse included study The We dryness had girl foundthe Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Conclusion:

has less than has less than History: phasis on phasis on Inour ied ied he he A - - - - -

1 between serum LCN2 with LCN2 with serum between VAS, PASI and SCORAD. was (SCORAD). examined Correlation dermatitis atopic scoring (PASI) index severity and area by psoriasis was measured and (VAS), scale analog assessed visual with severity disease the and assay (ELISA). immunosorbent linked was intensity itch The enzyme- using controls healthy and patients dermatitis atopic patients, psoriasis in measured were LCN2 concentrations Serum VAS, patients. dermatitis SCORAD atopic in and LCN2 concentration serum between was nocorrelation there signiicantly correlated with VAS, but not with PASI. In contrast, were LCN2 concentrations serum patients, psoriatic Inthe controls. healthy to compared patients dermatitis atopic and patients riatic pso in elevated signiicantly were concentrations LCN2 Serum and pruritus in psoriasis or in atopic dermatitis patients. patients. dermatitis atopic orin psoriasis in pruritus and LCN2 level serum between correlation the examine to performed been reported in patients with psoriasis. Objective: This study was relationships between serum LCN2 concentration and pruritus have the Recently dermatitis. ofatopic model mouse the in itch spinal on enhancement in involved LCN2 is shows astrocyte-derived that dermatitis. atopic with patients in decreases A also study previous that serum psoriasis increases in LCN2 and patients, concentration cancer metastasis and inlammatory responses. It has neurodegeneration, with associated be known is and to neutrophils activated from secreted (NGAL). mainly is It lipocalin binding gelatinase- known also as neutrophil protein secretory rogeneous Background: Norie Aizawa PSORIASIS SERUM LIPOCALIN-2 IN PATIENTS WITH RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRURITUS AND PP27 for pruritus assessment in the patients with psoriasis. psoriasis. with patients the in assessment for pruritus marker clinical useful a be may LCN2 levels Serum patients. riasis indings suggest that LCN2 is associated with the pruritus of pso 65 years and over 65years; differences (nostatistical respectively below between groups aged PASI, mean the BSA PGA and 2.1, 15.9,32%and scores were was whereas 19.5years, ofdisease onset ofthe time mean The over. 65and aged 29.9%were while 65years, less than aged were men. 70.1%ofparticipants was years; 55.5±15.3 age mean The Results: performed. was analysis statistical A patient. the by illed were (6ISS) questionnaires Scale Stigmatization (DLQI) 6Item and Index Quality Life Dermatology sleep. and activities on daily severity, variation during the day, inluencing factors and impact location, the was assessed, including itch ofchronic presence Physician’sand Global Assessment (PGA) was performed. The between age groups (5.6 vs. 6.1 points; respectively; respectively; groups (5.6vs. age 6.1points; between nodifferences 3days was 5.7points; last the in observed were groups. age between observed were intensity pruritus mean The nodifferences 71.6%patients; in was pruritus present Chronic below 65 (86.7% vs. 24.2%; respectively; respectively; 65(86.7%vs.below 24.2%; aged individuals in than common more statistically intensity itch the reduced temperature ambient cold over 65and aged patients group (73.3% vs. 60.6%; respectively; respectively; group (73.3%vs. 60.6%; age former the in prevalent was more also itch to due decrease of itch in psoriatic subjects. psoriatic in of itch were different, implying that aging may inluence clinical features differnot ofitch aspects several group,while age the to according did characteristic its ofaspects majority Inthe vulgaris. psoriasis suffering people in phenomenon relevant and common a is from University Graduate School of Medicine. Chiba, Japan Chiba, Medicine. of Graduate School University shinori Umezawashinori kyo, kyo, utoshi Tominagautoshi Department Department of Dermatology, The Jikei University School of Medicine. To 2 Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Juntendo Medicine, Speciic Gender and Environmental for Institute 68.7%were and women 31.3%were Among 67patients, Lipocalin-2 (LCN2) is a member of the highly hete highly ofthe member (LCN2)a is Lipocalin-2 1 , Yozo Ishiuji 2 , Kenji Takamori, Kenji 1 , Akihiko Akihiko Asahina 1 p , =0.68; Sanae Sanae Inokuchi 2 , Hidemi Nakagawa , Hidemi p 1 =0.92; , Nobuaki Nobuaki Takahashi p =0.02). p 1 , =0.80; respectively). =0.80; respectively). p Koichi Koichi Yanaba Conclusion: =0.01); the mood the =0.01); Conclusion: been reported p 1 =0.46). In Methods: Results: 2 , Mits- , These These 1 Itch Itch , Yo - - - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Hospital, Brest,Hospital, France 1 to validate translations of questionnaires in all studied languages. studied all in ofquestionnaires translations validate to order in own language their in symptoms their would describe that tionnaires. ofpatients interviews with study a be will step next The ques ofstandard validated and creation forthe proposes method a and need the conirms study preliminary presented The research. pathophysiological and studies psychological oflife, quality into relationship and indispensable for clinical trials, investigations patient-doctor the in crucial undeniably is bypatients experienced ourstudy. in included sensations ofthe understanding adequate The are families language 6 into classiied languages Twenty-seven questionnaires considering cross-cultural and linguistic adaptations. validated and ofstandard creation forthe framework preliminary a is languages. all in same the are sensations these study presented The and tightness or stinging, it is not obvious the that borders between prickling, tickling, tingling, burning, such as pain, sensations close differentiate to evident always not is it doctors, even and from itch For patients periods. historical and cultures onlanguages, pending de same the necessarily not is meaning the Nonetheless, scratch. to need the to leading sensation unpleasant an as deined is Itch Kim-Dufor Deok-Hee PRELIMINARY STUDY AND PERSPECTIVES ITCH: TO ASSESS QUESTIONNAIRES CULTURALLYSTANDARD ADAPTED NEEDTHE LINGUISTICALLY FOR AND PP29 DM. with patients Japanese in pruritus of characterization and prevalence the give to expected be will malignancy.of internal and analysis under currently are Our data presence the and pruritus between relationship the examine also malignancy. internal with DM associated is Inaddition, ies. We autoantibod myositis-associated and pruritus between relationship (MDA5) 5product antibody. gene associated We the examine factor 1 gamma (TIF1) antibody, anti-melanoma differentiation- antibody, antibody, anti-Mi-2 intermediary anti-transcriptional such as anti-Jo-1 autoantibodies myositis-associated various the subsets on based disease several into DM categorized has been Recently, ofitching. distribution and disability direction, degree, duration, measure that sections ive of consists It questionnaire. scale. itch self-administered new simple a is scale 5-D itch The DM. with of5-D was Pruritus version assessed byJapanese tients pa in ofpruritus characteristics clinical the evaluate to is study DM unknown. with are patients in of pruritus ofcurrent aim The However, oflife. quality their improve characteristics precise the oflife. worsea quality To to important very is pruritus evaluate with correlates and life daily affect signiicantly to known is It complain. often DM patients that symptoms cardinal ofthe one is overgrowth, mechanic’s so and on.Pruritus hands, photosensitivity the poikiloderma, erythema, V-neck cuticular shawl sign, the sign, rash, Gottron’s such as heliotrope various paronychium papules, disease. ofthis symptoms important most the are signs skin are The affecting muscle. and skin ofDM manifestations cutaneous The opathy. microangiopathy be to considered is pathogenesis The Dermatomyositis (DM) is a type of idiopathic inlammatory my Yozo Ishiuji OF 5-D ITCHTHE SCALE JAPANESETOMYOSITISUSING THE VERSION TICS OF PRURITUS IN PATIENTS DERMA-WITH EVALUATION OF CLINICALTHE CHARACTERIS- PP28 1 funa Dermatology Clinic, Japan Clinic, Dermatology funa chi Nakagawa CNRS, UMR 6285Lab-STICC,CNRS, Department of Dermatology Jikei University School of Medicine, Medicine, of School University Jikei Dermatology of Department 1 , Akihiko Asahina Akihiko 1 1 , Yoshinori Umezawa 1 1 , Poulaliou Adèle , Koichi Koichi Yanaba 2 Department of Dermatology, of Department University 1 , Norie Aizawa Norie 1 2 , , Laurent Misery Laurent Toshiya Ebata 1 , Sanae Inoku 2 , Hidemi Hidemi , 2 2 Chito------kamatsu-cho Mental and Skin Clinic, Tokyo, Clinic, Mental andSkin kamatsu-cho Japan, matology, Emory University, USA Atlanta, Olsztyn, Poland Olsztyn, Immunology, Warmia of University in Hospital andMasuria, Municipal Dermatology, of Department Transmitted Sexually Diseases andClinical Czerwiska, bodies remains unclear.bodies BP, in demonstrated 180 kDa has been autoanti ofIgE role the disease. the BP to ofIgG autoantibodies pathogenicity the While of BPprodromal recognition Early ofprogression decrease may lesions. herpetiformis-like dermatitis and papules eczema-like plaques, urticaria-like and appearence ofpolymorphic lesions skin and pruritus extensive with patients in considered (BP) be should and therapeutic challenge. Prodromal phase ofbullous pemphigoid Background: Natalia Zdanowska PRURITIC DERMATOSES STAINING IN ELDERY PATIENTS WITH UNDER DIRECT IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE C3C,IGM, C1Q AND FIBRINOGEN DEPOSITS DETECTION OF PRESENCE IGA, IGE, IGG1-IGG4, PP30 including backward translation. translation. backward including A with patients of100adult total JPN). ItchyQoL-JPN was through created the standard protocol ofItchyQoL version Japanese ofthe validation a report (ItchyQoL- countries. speaking German and English the used in dely We here irst pruritus-speciic QoL instrument developed in 2008 and wi QoL ofCP. oftreatment course the in impairment ItchyQoL the is (QoL) ofthe patients. Hence, it important is to monitor of extent the oflife onquality impact (CP) negative has such a pruritus Chronic Toshiya Ebata ITCHYQOL IN CHRONIC PRURITUS PATIENTS VALIDATION OF JAPANESE VERSION OF PP31 course ofdisease.course of speciicity of autoantibodies with distinct clinical features and bound deposits of are needed, same as autoantibodies designation IgG tissue- and with IgE ofcirculating presence between relation cor indicating studies Prospective patients, some in information additional provide deposits ibrinogen and C1q C3c, IgM, IgA, Our indings show that presence of tissue-bound IgG1-IgG4, IgE, 1 blisters, and their correlation with distinct clinical features. features. clinical distinct with correlation their and blisters, apparent clinically experienced who never had dermatoses pruritic C3c, C1q and ibrinogen deposits in eldery patients with various IgG1-IgG4, oftissue-bound IgM, IgE, assess presence to IgA, the patients) and lichen planus-like lesions (1 patient). (1patient). lesions planus-like lichen and patients) (2 lesions herpetiformis-like dermatitis (3patients), lesions like eczema- (5patients), lesions urticaria-like (8patients), lesions nodularis-like prurigo (14patients), lesions noskin with was itch were present in 1patient. The most common clinical presentation C1q in 4 patients. Deposits of C3c and C3c, IgG1 and ibrinogen IgM and 3patients, foundin were epidermis in Deposits ofIgE 1patient. in present were junction dermoepidermal IgG4, in IgE and were localized in epidermis. Deposits of IgG2 and IgG3, Results: study. the to included were disorder known dermatological other who didn’t patients and blisters experienced never had any have who pruritus, intense to mild orchronic, acute with Patients noted. were ofdiagnosis time at features Clinical old). years (>60 patients 33eldery from obtained speciemens biopsy of skin microscopy immunoluorescence direct by detected as deposits presence of IgG1-IgG4, IgE, IgM, IgA, C3c, C1q and ibrinogen andMethods: terials Suephy C.Chen Suephy Chitofuna Dermatology Clinic, Tokyo, Clinic, Chitofuna Dermatology IgG1-IgG4 IgE and were deposits present in 1 patient Martyna Bieniek-Kobuszewska, Bieniek-Kobuszewska, Martyna Waldemar Placek Pruritic dermatoses of the eldery pose a diagnostic pose a eldery ofthe dermatoses Pruritic 1 , 4 Yuko Hayakawa , In this retrospective study we study assessed the retrospective Inthis Agnieszka Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek, Objectives: 1 , Akishi Momose Akishi 2 study purpose ofthe wasThe Jusendo Clinic, Fukushima, Clinic, Jusendo Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 4 Department of Der of Department 2 , Yuko Higak Conclusion: Joanna Joanna 1043 Ma 3 Wa 3 ------,

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV lanta lanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, Women’s& icine Care Specialty for Excellence of Center Education, At Morehouse Science, and Behavioral Psychiatry of partment Med of School sandra Quave Atlanta VeteransAtlanta Center, Medical Administration USA 1 these disparities in pruritus. in disparities these mediate may that factors sociocultural related and API ethnicities differences ofpotential exploration further merit results between p –2.08, (Z them” from it hide to try would doctor their treatment, –2.55, know” (Z not did he/she know something to pretended physicians “their p –2.34, (Z “anything” physicians their telling lesscomfortable felt non-itchy subjects; compared the to non-itchy API, itchy subjects found differences and itchy between distrust system medical in Finally, impact. for emotional forever wouldlast pruritus we their that concern and impact; forfunctional disturbance sleep scratching and seasonal aggravation forsymptomatic impact; subscale. each under drivers be to forAPIs concern higher had Qualitatively, subscales. three ItchyQoL we foundcertain items ofdifferentAPI veterans and all foundamong also were races differences ItchyQoL individual in itchy between means item symptomatic impact on QoL among API. Statistically signiicant had disproportionately higher emotional rather than functi sex for emotional impact ( impact sex foremotional and impact, forfunctional predictor was additional an immigration However,QoL. of predictor icant the in since years group, API (5.2, SD 2.3). was signi a severity group,itch veteran As the in of score 4.19 (SD veterans of the that 2.62), which than lower is subjects. all to distrust The severity itch API mean a grouphad were itchy given to subjects, demographics and and medical Surveys assessingsubjects. QoL severity itch and (ItchyQoL) an in disparity this 29non-itchy and of43itchy API population group. heterogeneous We investigated potential factors mediating a reality in are but as “Other”, orgrouped population one into unclear. remains disparity of this groupedAPI traditionally are etiology the but forpruritus, care medical seek and conditions pruritic certain report commonly more (API) Islanders Paciic QoLor impact. pruritus-speciic Asian greater have non-whites that indicated population veterans a from Our data reported. been (QoL) have oflife quality pruritus in disparities Racial Luk Kevin AMERICANS AND RACES OTHER PRURITUS QUALITY OF LIFEBETWEEN ASIAN DIFFERENCES IN FACTORS THAT DRIVE PP32 0.89, coeficient: correlation (intraclass reproducibility test-retest and 0.81) (Cronbach alpha: by wasconsistency internal demonstrated liability, Reliability ofItchyQoL-JPN. responsiveness and validity re test to study the in 4)participated urticarial 4,chronic prurigo CP 6, dermatitis 18,other pruritus 68,uremic dermatitis (atopic 1044 patients with CP. with patients QoL the evaluate to possible it make Japanese ofthe impairment ItchyQoL-JPN may that suggest study present the from results p (VAS,scale (r=0.46, imaginable) 10=the and worst itch 0=noitch analogue visual a with measured intensity itch with ItchyQoL-JPN Convergent was validity by of demonstrated positive correlation in VASin (r=0.70, changes with well correlated 3months of2to course the over ItchyQoL-JPN in Changes Japan. in diseases ofskin instrument Department Department of Dermatology, Emory University School of Medicine, <0.001) and Skindex-16 (r=0.85, Skindex-16 <0.001) and =0.037). Despite a small homogenous cohort, these preliminary these cohort, homogenous small a =0.037). Despite =0.019). Interestingly, itchy that disagreed strongly API more p <0.001). ItchyQoL-JPN showed face and content validity. content and <0.001). ItchyQoL-JPN showed face 9 th 1 World Congress of Itch of Congress World , Alix Pijeaux Alix 1 , Sarah Chisolm p p <0.001) showing goodresponsiveness. a The =0.011) their in was made mistake a or“if 1 , Kuang-Ho Chen p <0.05). group,itch veterans As the in 1 , Seema Kini , Seema p <0.001), a widely used QoL widely <0.001), a 3 2 Division Division Dermatology,of , Glenda Wrenn, Glenda 1 , Suephy Chen onal or 2 1,3 , Cas- , 2 De- - - - - involvement of supraspinal control cannot be excluded. excluded. be cannot control ofsupraspinal involvement possible although level, cord spinal the at modulation by neural effective are challenges pruritogen to responses itch diminish to horn. dorsal spinal cervical Taken together, prior stimuli noxious IIofthe lamina c-Fos in expression DRG enhanced neurons and scratching of mice led to phosphorylation of ERK in cervical for more than 20minutes. than for more effect antipruritic The lasted stimuli noxious bybrief produced prutinogen. to prior was given ofcapsaicin injection intradermal when models, skin cheek and nape the was in observed reduction prutrinogen could signiicantly reduce itch response. Similar itch to prior anesthetized ofmild skin nape onthe scratching) sive We pas (e.g., stimuli ofnoxious application that demonstrated pruritogen. to prior skin mouse effectThis by was accomplished effectantipruritic on applied stimuli noxious bybrief produced effectivelycould we observed Here sensation. itch the reduce ofpruritogen injection to prior stimuli noxious the whether clear and painful sensations relieve the itch sensation. However heat noxious like stimuli noxiouscounter variable and scratching center, scratch. to desire the induces eventually which of act The sensory neurons to the spinal dorsal horn and then to higher brain Itch is an unpleasant sensation caused by pruritogen transmitted by Yang-Mingnal and University Taipei, Sinica, Academia Taiwan Graduate ProgramInternational Interdisciplinaryin Neuroscience, Natio Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan /Taiwan ChandraRavi Kopparaju TRANSMISSION? DOES PRE-SCRATCHING REDUCE ITCH THE PP34 in adults, with non-whites reporting worse (CP, pruritus of chronic reported been previously >6weeks) have Introduction: Medicine, of School Emory University GA, USA Atlanta, Chen, Francois, Sandy Shelby Smith, Grace Lee, Alix Pijeaux, PATIENTS PRURITUS QUALITY OF LIFEIN PEDIATRIC INVESTIGATING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN PP33 res the symptomatic, emotional, and functional and emotional, symptomatic, res the 1.258–6.981). In none of the other ofthe 1.258–6.981). Innone in unclear.remain impact differences This racial study investigates itchy skin, compared to Black children (Odds children Black to skin, itchy compared different felt having report of because age, their kids other from to likely more 3times nearly were children Nonblack Nonblack. Results: as guardian, and or subsequently “Black” categorized “Nonblack”. by was reported Race pending). (validation children in skin itchy prevalence have been prevalence described in differenceschildren, in severity. foritch adjusting after CP in disparities racial Although that nonblack children were more likely to feel different feel to likely more were children nonblack that items. the of any in differences signiicant no were there “Nonwhite”, and as “White” was categorized race when Interestingly, blacks. from differ signiicantly children peers Hispanic and and Hispanic differ not may Asian populations of differences yield not vs. did Nonwhite White the suggest that do. as they as much itch friends their categorization that fact The that wouldsee children Black children. black in dermatitis atopic with CPwith ( Clinic Emory the from recruited were cultural perception and social implications of itch in children. children. in ofitch implications social and perception cultural as such indings, initial these for etiologies possible elucidate Whites Whites in their completed the pediatric the completed


than black children may be due to the high prevalence of prevalence high the to due be may children black than Suephy Chen

A 89were ofwhich recruited were of153patients total impact in children with CP. with children in impact Racial disparities in the quality of life (QoL) impact (QoL) impact of life quality the in disparities Racial

QoLimpact. Further investigation is indicated to indicated is Further QoLimpact. investigation

ItchyQoL, a 35-item survey that measu survey that 35-item a ItchyQoL, , Chih-Cheng Chen , Chih-Cheng

We passive that demonstrated further

ItchyQoL Methods: Conclusion:

items did nonblack nonblack did items


Ratio signiicantly n 8-17 year olds 8-17year

=153). Subjects =153). Subjects QoL

impact even 2.9; 95%CI 2.9;

Kuang-Ho impact of impact The fact fact The , it is not , it is not

from from from from QoL - - -

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV gology, Justus-Liebig-University, Germany, Gießen, between these groups. these between differs stress itch and between relationship the whether vestigate itch. or chronic in to is study current ofthe aim the Therefore, acute with and diseases skin without and with students between However, students. sity differentiate not did study previous the univer in linked are stress itch and US-study foundthat recent dermatitis. atopic with patients in related stress and are itch A addition, In strain. inancial or exams taking like stressors ferent agonist, has inhibitory effects has inhibitory agonist, mice. in itch onserotonin-induced 5-HT1B/1D receptors selective a sumatriptan, if investigated neurotransmission. inhibits 5-HT1B/1D receptors we Therefore, of activation that demonstrated have studies Previous receptors. of5-HT stimulation through mice in behavior scratching induces of5-HT injection Intradermal conditions. ofitch variety to linked In itch. in rotransmitter is signaling serotonin impaired Addition, Introduction: Nazgol-Sadat Haddadi SYSTEM POSSIBLE INVOLVEMENT OF OPIOIDERGIC SUPPRESSES SEROTONIN-INDUCED ITCH: THE SUMATRIPTAN,DRUG, ANTI-MIGRANOUSTHE PP36 Background: Kiupel Stephanie ITCH IN GERMAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS RELATIONSHIPTHE BETWEEN STRESS AND PP35 skin disease, but reported chronic itch (r=0.367; (r=0.367; itch chronic reported but disease, skin acute itch (r=0.196; (r=0.196; itch acute and who disease noskin students had in intensity stress itch and (66 with skin disease). We found a signiicant relationship between itch chronic 100had disease), skin (139with itch acute 442 had itch, who students reported Of the disease). skin (35with month itch. orchronic acute and diseases skin without and with students in intensity stress itch and between relationship the investigate to conducted were analyses 0–10.Correlation from ranging scale analog visual bya fourweeks was measured last the during sity different measure to inten Itch itch. including symptoms, skin modiied version of the Self-Reported Skin Questionnaire (SRSQ) a and month last the stress during perceived (PSQ) measure to Stress Questionnaire Perceived ofthe version web-based a in signiicant signiicant (r=0.053; was not itch acute and disease skin ofa diagnosis clinical a with signiicant (r=0.166; (r=0.166; signiicant was not itch chronic had and disease skin a with diagnosed been who students have in between stress intensity and correlation itch 1 distinguish between itch related and non-itch related skin diseases. skin related non-itch and related itch between distinguish skin disease could partly be by explained the fact that we did not that stress and were itch intensity not in related students with a skin disease, no matter if they had chronic or acute itch. The inding a without students in intensity stress itch and between relationships with acute or chronic itch. Interestingly, we only found signiicant between students with ferentiating and without skin diseases and dif students, German in stress itch and between relationship the 1 of Miami, USA Miami, of Surgery, andCutaneous matology University at Medicine of School Miller logy, Tehran Hospital, Razi Tehran, Sciences, Medical of University Iran Saeed Saeed Shakiba Gil YosipovichGil Ahmad-Reza DehpourAhmad-Reza Experimental Experimental Medicine Research Center, and Institute Psychology, Medical of Institute and Results: bydif accompanied often is university Attending In 252 students, itch did not occur during the last last the during occur not did itch In252students, Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine 5-HT) is a neu 3 1 , Christina Schut , Christina , Khashayar Afshari 1 , Joerg Kupfer p p p 1 =0.002) as well as in students who no students had as in =0.002) as well =0.57). =0.186). students in relationship Also, the Methods: 1 , Arash Foroutan Discussion: 1 1 794 students (135 male) illed illed male) (135 students 794 , 2 Clinics for Dermatology and Dermatology for Clinics Aller Uwe Gieler 1 , Maryam Daneshpazhooh investigated study This 2 Department of Dermato of Department 1 , Sattar Ostadhadi Sattar 2 3 , Department of Der of Department Sophia Kottlors Sophia p =0.033). The =0.033). The 1 1 2 ------, , , ticals, Tarrytown,ticals, Inc., USA, Guildford, UK ney −7 (dupilumab qw) to 0). In SOLO 2, a similar separation was separation similar a 2, SOLO In 0). to qw) (dupilumab −7 q2w)/ (dupilumab −8 W16: 0; to –4 (W2: thresholds response ofobserved range full groupacross the placebo groups the and two dupilumab the between separation CDF showed plots clear 0.76.InSOLO at 1,the lower was much SD estimate one-half (EASI criteria most 90–100 stringent clinical and IGA 0/1). The from 2.2 to 4.2,with the highest estimates derived from the (EASI IGA) anchors and ranged onclinician-reported based PCS was estimates 2.6; patient-reported onthe based estimate these to determine beneit of dupilumab on itch. itch. on dupilumab of beneit determine to these (AD), apply to and dermatitis atopic moderate-to-severe in (NRS) Scale Rating Numerical Pruritus Peak forthe nitions 1 of pathologic itch conditions with impaired serotonergic impaired with conditions itch of pathologic system. variety a treat to useful be may agonists 5-HT1B/1D receptors system. opioid peripheral the involve to seem sumatriptan Thus, effects anti-pruritic and itch, serotonin-induced in role have of Moreover,5-HT1B/1D receptors. receptors opioid peripheral triptan inhibits 5-HT-induced itch by activating the Eric Eric Simpson RANDOMIZEDFROM TRIALS OF DUPILUMAB ATOPIC DERMATITIS: DETAILED ANALYSIS IN PATIENTS MODERATE-TO-SEVEREWITH PRURITUS NUMERICAL RATING SCALE (NRS) DEFINING A RESPONDER ON PEAK THE PP37 Rationale: SOLO 2: NCT02277769). (SOLO NCT02277743; 1: ofdupilumab trials placebo-controlled ( (qw) ( moderate-to-severe week every 300mg AD dupilumab receiving Peak Pruritus NRS at W2 and W16 were plotted for patients wi (CDFs) functions of distribution was used. cumulative Post-hoc baseline NRS Pruritus Peak at score mean half-SD ofthe one method, distribution-based the For points. ≥2 of improvement IGA an or 0/1), (IGA ≤1 of score (IGA) Assessment Global EASI 90−100, respectively); patients 75−89, achieving an EASI I 50−74, (EASI (EASI) Index Severity and Area Eczema in improvement 90%−100% 75%−89%, 50%−74%, achieving (PCS); patients Scale Categorical Pruritus on the at anchors following the Week improvement 1-point 16: (W) of (NCT01859988). dupilumab The anchor-based analysis used study 2brandomized phase a from methods distribution-based andanchor- using computed were estimates deinition sponder decreases 5-HT-evokeddecreases activity. scratching naltrexone, antagonist, receptor opioid an and doses ofsumatriptan behavior. Additionally, sub-effective with treatment combined scratching 5-HT-induced the decrease signiicantly antagonist, receptor opioid acting (MNTX), peripherally a methylnaltrexone naltrexone (NTX), a non-speciic opioid receptor antagonist, and intraperitoneal and intradermal that show indings our addition, effects anti-pruritic GR-127935 the reverses In ofsumatriptan. mice. in behavior scratching of injection intradermal While administration of sumatriptan signiicantly reduces 5-HT-induced induced itch was assessed. itch induced on5-HT- antagonists receptor opioid and antagonist, receptors the effect of sumatriptan, GR-127935, a selective 5-HT1B/1D site. injection towards bouts the paw scratching of hind Then, quantiication by assessed was itch and mice, of back rostral the Materials and Methods: Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, n =460) using data from two phase 3 randomized, double-blind, 3randomized, twophase from data =460) using 4 , Marius Ardeleanu n =462) or every other week (q2w) week ( other =462) orevery To empirically derive estimates of responder dei responder of estimates derive empirically To 1 , Abhijit Abhijit Gadkari 2 , Serotonin was injected intradermally into Adeline Adeline Abbé Results: 3 Sanoi, Chilly-Mazarin, France, France, Chilly-Mazarin, Sanoi, Results: 2 , Laurent Eckert Laurent Intradermal and intraperitoneal intraperitoneal and Intradermal The responder deinition responder The 3 , Michael Michael Andria Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 2 Regeneron Pharmaceu n Conclusion: =457), orplacebo 3 , Methods: Matthew Matthew Rea nvestigator’s peripheral 2 Suma 4 Sanoi, 1045 Re th - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Pathology, Gdask, of Gdask, Poland University Medical pruritus and stage of the disease. ofthe stage and pruritus levels, serum IL-31 levels, skin IL-31 the between correlation the groupofCTCL solid a over research patients. We investigated conduct and more once diagnoses verify to able we were data and samples garnering Four after years research. the repeat to we decided CTCL, in pruritus in ofIL-31 role about knowledge of state current with line in not are that results conlicting our severity. pruritus and level ,skin serum IL-31 between Due to nocorrelation and MF patients non-pruritic and pruritic between found lack of signiicant difference in IL-31 serum and skin level group. CTCL control We in in higher than signiicantly patients assay methodology.bent was level skin and serum IL-31 The patients were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosor CTCL in levels IL-31 Serum staining. of immunohistochemical specimens from CTCL and by patients individuals healthy means IL-31 was evaluated in formalin-ixed parafin-embedded biopsy of Expression specimens. blood and biopsies skin of collecting of CTCLs Majority were at volunteers. the thy diagnosed time MF 40heal with and groupof51patients study over research ought to develop the subject of in IL-31 CTCL. We conducted we CTCL, accompanying ofpruritus pathogenesis in of IL-31 5-hydroxytryptamine 1b/1d receptors (5-HTR1b/1d) agonist, (5-HTR1b/1d) receptors 1b/1d 5-hydroxytryptamine over-producing to activity the Sumatriptan, skin. NO the in (nNOS) synthase oxide nitric neuronal stimulates Chloroquine mice. in behavior scratching CQ-evoked (cGMP) in pathway guanosine (NO)/monophosphate cyclic oxide nitric tradermal mice. and human in itch We ofin role the reported recently Introduction: Afshari Khashayar SCRATCHINGNO-PATHWAY THROUGH SUMATRIPTAN ATTENUATESCQ-INDUCED PP39 understood. CTCL in ofpruritus pathomechanism the also but fully not in disease ofthe pathogenesis the Notonly oreczema. dermatitis atopic as such dermatoses inlammatory resemble it as dificult (MF) fungoides is ofmycosis stage early especially Diagnosing antihistamines and therefore signiicantly reduces quality of life. to responds which poorly pruritus bypersistent accompanied cutaneous Primary T-cell disease chronic a is (CTCL) lymphoma OlszewskaBerenika PRURITUS IN CTCLS AND IN SERUM IN PATOMECHANISM OF SIGNIFICANCE OF IL-31 EXPRESSION IN SKIN PP38 moderate-to-severe in onitch impact AD patients. meaningful clinically a had dupilumab that CDFs demonstrate NRS response can be deined as a reduction of ≥3–4 points. The reactions. injection-site and bations 65%–72%).Commonly-occurring 2: were TEAEs AD exacer emergent adverse events (TEAEs) (SOLO 1: 65%–73%; SOLO phase 2b study. Treatment groups had similar rates of treatm responders at and W2 the from derived thresholds using W16 as classiied were patients placebo-treated vs dupilumab- more observed (W2: −5 to 0; W16: −7 to 0). Across both phase 3 trials, 1046 1 ences, Tehran,ences, Iran Experimental Medicine Research Center, Tehran University Medical of Sci Shakiba, Saeed Arash Foroutan, DehpourAhmad-Reza at Gle lanta Sokołowska- WojdyłoSokołowska- Clinic Clinic of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology, and 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World 1 ,

Due to unclear and conlicting reports about role about reports conlicting and unclear to Due Chloroquine (CQ) induces histamine-independent (CQ) induces Chloroquine Magdalena Lange Magdalena , 1 1 Nazgol-Sadat Haddadi, Sattar Ostadhadi, Ostadhadi, Haddadi,Sattar Nazgol-Sadat , no awrocki Anton 1 , Roman Nowicki Conclusions: 2 , Marta Malek Marta Peak Pruritus Peak 1 2 , Department Department of Małgorzata Małgorzata 1 Jo- , ent------

through NOthrough pathway. 5-HT1b/1d receptors. by activating effectThis probably mediates behavior. sumatriptan and L-NAME signiicantly decreased the scratching ofsub-effective Co-administration 5-HTR1d antagonist. doses of reversed byintradermal GR-127935, the selective 5-HTR1b, and which itch CQ-induced attenuates ofsumatriptan administration before intradermal CQ. intradermal before arginineL-N-nitro (L-NAME), was ester administered methyl NO inhibitor, synthase non-selective a and doses ofsumatriptan was assessed. Finally, behavior onscratching tan sub-effective Poland University Rydygierpernicus Ludwik Bydgoszcz, in Collegium Medicum of Department Cosmetology and Dermatology,Aesthetic Nicolaus Co Ragin Dominika PATIENTS RECEIVING EGFRI THERAPY REDUCTION OF PRURITUS IN ONCOLOGICAL PP40 in providing pruritic relief. pruritic providing in Research is being conducted on eficiency of antiepileptic agents antihistamines. second-generation non-sedating includes atment tre Systemic recommended. not are they thus enough, eficient not probably are topically applied lidocaine and Antihistamines selected. be rash should papulopustular coexisting the reducing commonly used, yet irst of all, topically applied drugs aimed at various exist. etiologies Topical steroids or are1–3% menthol differentof pruritus, of for itching reducing recommendations UV, severity onthe Depending perfumes. and clothing synthetic ded. Moreover, the to to overexposure are patients expected avoid exclu be should mixtures, containing soaps oralcohol alkaline such skin, as retinoids, the irritate and dehydrate which metics water and would loss. humectants transepidermal diminish Cos properties occlusive with substances mixtures, lipid physiological used. Delivering be should as emollients, as well components, barrier.epidermal moisturizing and greasing in rich Cosmetics the decreasing pruritus by the regaining proper structure of the on focused is management Basic care. skin proper onthe tients pa instruct to and treatment systemic and topical using itching QoLdecreases patients. ofthe reduce to vital is it As result, a signiicantly it Nevertheless, change. drug a or alteration dose effect of EGFRI Pruritus is treatment. to unlikely require EGFRI affectedareas side common most rash -the papulopustular with in located be to likely is It treatment. the during occurs often effect side xerosis, a accompany may Itching of pruritus. which activation, which is one ofthe major neuromediators likely associated with the EGFRI drugs due to their inluence on most is Itching patients. ofthe half approximately in therapy of months three irst the during occurs usually pruritus EGFRI, effects, ofside number pruritus. including with treating While a induce EGFR inhibitors cells, ofepithelial growth and tiation or cancer head and neck cancer. Due to on the impact differen cancer, breast and pancreatic colorectal, e.g. lung cell non-small ofEGF receptor. byoverexpression characterised lignancies targeted are EGFR inhibitors ofma used fortreatment agents on CQ-induced scratching behavior. neurotransmission. Thus, we investigated the effect ofsumatriptan inhibits and NOS activity inhibits sumatriptan studies, previous headaches. cluster and migraine treat usedis to toAccording Then, the effect of local and systemic administration ofsumatrip 30minutes. in ofbouts number the bymeasuring was evaluated behavior scratching and neck ofthe nape the into intradermally was injected was used. Chloroquine ofitch model back rostral Conclusion: , Katarzyna Nowacka, Barbara Zegarska, KatarzynaNowacka, Sumatriptan suppresses itch CQ-induced Sumatriptan Results: Intraperitoneal and intradermal and Intraperitoneal Materials andMethods: The ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV logy, and Pharmacology, Vienna, of University Medical Austria 1 small nodules localized on the head or neck, and the ears area. area. ears the and orneck, head onthe localized nodules small A or papules orviolaceous red-brown groupofseveral a as presents disorder that typically occurs in young adults. ALH inlammatory and vascular benign uncommon an is (ALHE) Background: Patrycja Gajda PRURITUS OF SCALPTHE EOSINOPHILIA – A CASE OF PERSISTENT ANGIOLYMPHOIDHYPERPLASIA WITH PP42 microneurography. psychophysics and using signalling of LPA involvement the further to investigate itch in salts and bile of LPA mice. in behaviour scratching induced aimed study This injection intradermal and patients in pruritic ted intensity with itch LPA ofthe levels Serum symptom. enzyme forming ATX correla has recently been identiied as potential mediator of this agonizing by pruritus. accompanied frequently Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) Introduction: Margareta Miriam Düll APPLICATION PAIN IN HUMANS DEPENDING ON OF MODE THE LYSOPHOSPHATIDICITCH AND INDUCES ACID PP41 of LPA vs. 0.3±0.2; 1.4±0.4 (mean±SEM; itch caused nerve. peroneal the at subjects human healthy in performed were C-ibres primary ofsingle recordings Electrophysiological stimuli. electrical and nerve endings by LPA were tested using thermal, mec by laser Doppler imaging. Sensitization and desensitization of served as control applications. The lare reaction was determined SIF vehicle the and capsaicin Histamine, injections. intradermal or spicules cowhage heat-inactivated via intradermally applied the bile salts, taurocholate (TC) and taurolithocholate (TLC), were LPA cholangitis. sclerosing primary and cholangitis biliary and primary with patients 22cholestatic volunteers and 32 healthy Psychophysical testing and microneurography were performed on Stengel mechano-insensitive (CMi, (CMi, mechano-insensitive 1 human nociceptors, mechano-sensitive (CM, mechano-sensitive nociceptors, human Inmicroneurography, patients. cholestatic and volunteers healthy neither contrast, nor TC in sensation substantial any induced TLC In unchanged. remained stimuli electrical and mechanical cold, LPAof pain. responses to while heat, to sensitization a induced PBC PSC, and with LPApatients instead itching caused injection blocker A967079 reduced LPA-mediated symptoms. Insome the Neither hyperalgesia. northe BCTC TRPV1 inhibitor TRPA1 whereas the injection ofLPA induced dose-dependent pain and heat ibres, mainly histamine-responsive CMi. CMi. histamine-responsive mainly ibres, or strong responses to the injection could be observed in few LPA injection. weakly, rather CM excited were While medium mediated perceptions. mediated LPA in involved further be could CMi, histamine-responsive i.e. sensation. itch forthe accounts A subgroup ofnociceptors, small theory contrast spatial the to according ofnociceptors activation depending onthe mode ofapplication. Presumably the focal humans in pain and itch produced and nociceptors human tivated der-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Sikora Andreas Kremer E. Specialist Medical Practice Małgorzata Jabłoska, Poland Jabłoska, Małgorzata Practice Medical Specialist Department of Medicine Physiology Medicine and Pathophysio of of 1 andInstitute Department Department of Dermatology Medical University Medical Warsaw, Dermatology of of Department 1 , 1 , Małgorzata Jabłoska Małgorzata 2 Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Physiology of Institute Friedrich-Alexan Peter W.Peter Reeh Hepatobiliary disorders involving cholestasis are are cholestasis involving disorders Hepatobiliary eosinophilia with hyperplasia Angiolymphoid 1 , Adriana Rakowska Adriana 1 Results: 2 , 1 , Michael J. Fischer J. Michael Lina Lina Wurm In psychophysics, focal application application Inpsychophysics, focal n =9 of11), by activated both were 2 1 , Joanna CzuwaraJoanna 1 , 3 Center Center Physiology for and Vivien Ries Conclusion: 3 , n Barbara Namer =22 of34)and 2 1 , Martina Martina , E usually p 2 Methods: , Mariusz , LPA Individual Individual <0.001), hanical

ac 2 - - - - ,

Katarzyna Nowacka TREATMENT? ABOUT PREVENTION,THE DIAGNOSIS AND ONCOLOGY -DO WE KNOW EVERYTHING OF PROBLEM THE ITCH INTHE SURGICAL PP43 Introduction: proliferating capillaries and cellular and capillaries proliferating of clusters revealed examination Histopathological background. a hair-shaftsnormal and cloud-vessels on a homogenous pink irritation. mechanical showed with nodules trichoscopy The after bleeding strongly scalp, the foundin were lesions nodular cryotherapy. and steroids topical to responding not pruritus persistent mitant in oncologic patients. patients. oncologic in oncology becomes the still not fully resolved problem of the Itch options. To the one of such problematic ields in current surgcal treatment and care ofsuportive forms and new types a speciality medic speciic this in create to need big a stiil is there results overcome general and prognostic better obtained still the Beside alike diagnostic options has been introduced into the clinic. cent years a signiicant number of new and innovative treatment should be performed in the future. the in performed be should resolved. More speciic scientiic analyzis and targeted programs surgical in itch fully not and important still is patients oncology bases. data scientiic open the foundusing has been materials detailed and common most The oncology. surgical of ield the in deliberations dermatological futher in imortant be should which and reported has been itch which in ofcases types common most the presented we have important in nexy years. years. nexy in important be could which ways ideas future development and new creating possible assed the we have problem.Additionaly this resolve to globaly developed options and diagnostic possible therapeutic surgical in ofitch incidence general the alike patients oncology sible sible development in this problematic ield. pos about informations the searched also we have our analyzis 2017.During of2002and period time the concerned Our material diagnosed. has been itch ofthe problem the which in of patients forsurgical center reference the from data clinical the oncology of the in itch surgical oncology. In this study we alsohave collect reffering gudelines and recomendations papers, problem the to scientiic of analyzis review comperhesive an performed have pruritus stopped the progression of the disease. progression ofthe the stopped pruritus ofthe Reduction itch. bypersistent stimulated likely was most disease the process. Inourcase, reactive unusual an is it that gest sug factors numerous but tumor vascular atypical an considered ones. previous ofthe resolve partial and ofnew lesions skin appearance stopped which wastus achieved, were used for the treatment. A signiicant reduction of the pruri of eosinophils. number Triamcinolonemg/ml10 of injections the blood vessels, blood the 1 area with accompanying persistent pruritus. pruritus. persistent accompanying with area parietal and occipital the involving nodules several with female injury. mechanical a is disease ofthe pathogenesis the in role probably irst diameter of 1 cm in the occipital and parietal region with conco with region parietal and occipital the in of1cm diameter maximum a with lesions nodular increasing 2014, progressively Since few months. a after resolved spontaneously they and Professor Franciszek Łukaszczyk Memorial Hospital in Bydgoszcz, Poland Torun, in University Copernicus Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus CentreOncology - Surgical of partment Oncology, Rydygier’s Ludwik in Collegium Medicum minika Ragin minika Chair of of Chair Cosmetology and Aesthetic Dermatology, and

violaceus nodules in the occipital area appeared in 2011 in appeared area occipital the in nodules violaceus Objective: 1 Results: surgicalThe Inre developing. stiill is oncology , Barbara Zegarska We a report rare case of ALHE in 38-year-old a

composed mainly of mainly composed 1 , In the physical examination a number of number a examination physical Inthe Maciej Maciej Nowacki Aim: Material andMethods: Material was study anylze ofthis to aim The Conclusion: 1

iniltrate, localized around localized iniltrate, 2 , Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster

Wojciech Zegarski lymphocytes Conclusion: Results: ofthe problem The Case report:Case In this study we study Inthis 2 Chair andDeChair In this study Inthis

ALHE is ALHE and largeand 2 , Do- , The 1047 al ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV nal Dermatology,nal Heidelberg, Hospital University Weisshaar Dermatology, Kuenzelsau, 1 neurography revealed a severe sensomotoric polyneuropathy. sensomotoric severe a revealed neurography To Electro symptoms. neurological and vomiting nausea, developed to do. Fourreluctant months had he 10 later lost kg of weight and which Neurology) he was Medicine, full body check-up (Internal a get to He was advised once. applied corticosteroids of systemic patient’sThe course a goodresponse ofCIto a revealed history and sharp character and was suspected as possible neuropathic itch. shoulder, 2015. CIwas stinging ofburning, December in thighs) arms, (head, skin looking (CI)onnormal itch chronic developed occur. may disorders, logical We 68-year-old a present who male neurological syndromes (PNS), deined as a group of rare neuro Paraneoplastic malignancies. tumour solid and/or haematological with patients in itch describe used is to itch” “Paraneoplastic malignancy. underlying an of sign irst the be may and lignancy or symptoms. effect indirect byan caused be can They ofma syndromes by paraneoplastic accompanied be can Malignancies 1 Beigi Minaya SENSOMOTORIC NEUROPATHY MALIGNANCY RESEMBLING PARANEOPLASTIC (CI): GENERALIZED CI AS A FIRST SIGN OF FATALTHE COURSE OF CHRONIC ITCH PP45 ofCKD-aP. ofpathophysiology mechanism peripheral in pruritogen than important more are receptors the that that the unique indicates pruritogens of CKD-aP may not exist and -endolphin, IL-6 and calpain between studied groups. This study was nodifference ofexpressions of intensity the in Ach, NGF, the of skin CKD-aP. without CKD and with patients But, there in stained positively were calpain and IL-6 -endorphin, NGF, as pruritogens. studied were skin the in expressions of The Ach, (VIP), peptide B4 intestinal tive leukotriene (LTB4) and calpain -endorphin, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), substance P, vasoac 6(IL-6), interleukin (NGF), growthfactor histamine, (Ach), nerve with immunohistochemistry. The expressions of acethylcholine surgeons. was skin studied the in ofpruritogen expression The istula arteriovenous the of formation during elbow or forearm the at obtained were samples Skin japan. in itch of classiication 2016. 2013 to Shiratori’s was with scored ofpruritus degree The CKD-aP (10with 20subjects and from pruritus) 10without and CKD-aP(14 with 2012 2010to from pruritus) 15without and CKD-aP 2009,29subjects 2007to from pruritus) 10without and (13with 2006,23subjects 2004to from pruritus) 6without and CKD-aP onCKD 5(10with 16subjects stage included study CKD-aP. without and with ofCKD skin the patients gens in The expressions ofprurito the analyze to was study undertaken This discovered. been have dermatitis) atopic (e.g., diseases skin many with ofpatients skin the in so and forth lymphocyte cell, mast many pruritogens originated keratinocyte, macrophage/monocyte, ofCKD-aP receptors the and modulators important. are To date, the (CKD-aP), pruritogens, pruritus the (CKD)disease associated kidney ofchronic ofpathophysiology mechanism In peripheral 1048 Akishi Momose Akishi DISEASEASSOCIATED PRURITUS WHAT ARE PRURITOGENS OF CHRONIC KIDNEY PP44 Kumakawa kami logy, Hospital, Aomori General Medicine, HirosakiMedicine, Japan Medicine, of Graduate School University Mergentheim, Germany Department Department of Urology, Jusendo General Hospital, Department of Clinical Social Clinical Medicine, Environmental of Department andOccupatio 3 9 th 1 World Congress of Itch of Congress World 1 , Yasauo Shiraiwa 1 , Michael Haeberle Michael 1 , Michihiro Yabe 3 Institute Institute of Pathology, Bad Hospital, Caritas 3 Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology of Department 1 , Tomomi Kusumi 2 1 , , Andreas Gschwendtner Shigetoshi Shigetoshi Chiba 2 Department Department of Patho 2 Private Practice for Practice Private 2 , Hiroki Mizu 1 Kenjirou , 3 , Elke Elke , ------BA8 and BA45 the changes were also correlated with the indivi the with correlated also were changes BA8 BA45 and the (BA8, BA9, areas BA45). In frontal to increased predominantly cortex insular posterior the FC with the Under itch conditions. orpain itch and state resting between calculated were contrasts the seed regions left posterior insula for exploring an “input” net “input” an for exploring insula posterior left regions seed the from extracted courses were MRI (BOLD) time mean Individual respectively.2 The applied, were stimuli orpain itch fMRI second sequence the During network. mode default the detect to stimulation from free a connectivity fMRI-design with EPI sequences. The irst run was assessed were using pain and Intwo fMRI sessionsforearm. itch volar ofthe skin the into ofhistamine byiontophoresis induced by a yet undiagnosed malignancy. undiagnosed yet by a caused be can symptoms byneurological followed changes skin concomitant CIwithout that remembered be should It steroids. systemic with therapy a goodresponse ofCIto the explain also mechanisms. humoral A could reaction immune initiated falsely effect indirect an and immune including mediators various through tumour. is symptoms ofparaneoplastic cause probable most The the irst paraneoplastic symptom, triggered by the neuroendocrine therapy, in died patient the CIwas that likely most is 2017.It April location was never detected in our patient. In spite of chemo However, ourcase. in was demonstrated carcinoma primary the granin which A, CD synaptophysin, immunohistochemistry 56) in Clemens Forster Clemens ITCHNETWORKS FOR AND BURNING PAIN FUNCTIONAL CHANGES IN CEREBRALTHE PP46 of less than 50 of less than (0.05% for30minutes). bytemperatures pain heat to lead This ofcapsaicin application bytopical was pretreated subjects healthy of18 forearm right ofthe skin the For pain pain. and itch during resting is state network behaviorour hypothesis ofthe changed the bination with functional connectivity (FC) analyses. According to com in imaging networks functional using of those modulation onthe we study focused networks. Inthis cerebral in changes onactivity based is input oritchy of painful processing the that evolved notion general a studies imaging functional many From 1 Weiden, Germany (pACC) and the left amygdala while the coupling decreased to the while the to coupling decreased the amygdala (pACC) the and left (BAregions cortex cingular anterior ofthe parts 10),posterior FC was input. Enhanced found ofthe PAG frontal medial with pain cortical and inhibition pain endogenous between feedback PAG, the with decreased but regions brain negative a indicating many with increased insula posterior FC ofthe the 6). Under pain (BA lobe frontal the bodyand caudate the to decreased nectivity ofthe parts subgenual con the while amygdala, left ACC, the and dual ratings ofitch. The FC with the PAG increased within pACC, and other regions in a whole brain study. brain whole a in regions other and 2 Ina correlation coeficients were calculated between the seed regions PAGwork the and Pearson’s network. “output” the forexploring and a positive staining with neuroendocrine markers (chromo markers neuroendocrine with staining positive a and pattern neuroendocrine ofa presence the requires diagnosis The origin. ofpulmonary typically tumors, neuroendocrine grade high subgroup of rare a is which (LCNEC) carcinoma neuroendocrine large bya metastasis node lymph proved biopsy node lymph cell detect the underlying malignancy. In November 2016, mediastinal antibodies. was upto set scheme follow-up close a Therefore, Anti-Hu antibodies, the most frequently identiied paraneoplastic tumour, ofa evidence of presence the revealed puncture lumbar performed. were puncture lumbar and showed no imaging While X-ray, chest (e.g. CT pelvis abdomen, ofthe ultrasound scan) malignancy, underlying potential a detect examinations imaging temperature was 1 temperature Hermann O. Handwerker Physiology Physiology 1, FAU Erlangen, o C due to thermal hyperalgesia. hyperalgesia. thermal to C due stimulation The 1 , o C above the individual pain threshold. Itch was was Itch threshold. pain individual the C above Verena Vierow nd session was not earlier than 2weeks later. than session was earlier not 1 2 University of Applied Science Science Amberg- of Applied University 1 , Miriam Rank Miriam nd 1 , level analysis analysis level Ralf Ringler Ralf 2 ------, Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, Chiba, Japan Urayasu Chiba, Hospital, University Juntendo Takamori TGI signiicantly reduced the itch intensity ( (VAS scale analogue imaginable). 10worst itch 0–10,0noitch, visual ona 15minutes forupto time over was recorded intensity Itch forearm. volar onthe lancet prick skin standard a with years) 24±0.38 (age subjects 8healthy in applied was Germany) Reinbek, (1.0%, dihydrochloride Histamine investigated. Allergopharma, effect was also intensity onitch (18°C) alone application ofcold volunteers. healthy in itch on grill histamine-evoked thermal The of produced stimuli custom-made 41°C) by a and 18°C thermal effect the was investigate to noxious (not temperatures ofmixed study pilot ofthis aim the (TGI). Hence, illusion grill thermal range. thermal non-noxious within byusing achieved be can This at clinic. Therefore, it would be to optimal use counter stimuli can lead to skin damage and therefore would not be suitable however, stimuli, Noxious thermal elucidated. has been bition Recently,itch. inhi this underlying processing neuronal central counter-stimulithat inhibit can stimuli thermal noxious including effective known is It lacking. still is foritch treatment safe and Itch is an sensation unpleasant that causes a desire to scratch. An Daniele Riccio HUMANS ILLUSION ONHISTAMINE-EVOKED ITCH IN ANTIPRURITIC EFFECT OF THERMAL GRILL PP48 process ofpsoriasis. pathological the with associated are from day 2 to day 3. These indings suggest that spinal microglia increased transiently were microglia Hypertrophied mice. control in that with compared mice IMQ-treated the in microglia spinal of changes analyses showed morphological immunohistochemical manner, 5.Our 4orday day at peak a reaching values these with behavior and transdermal water loss (TEWL) in time-dependent a scratching increased and worsening scores ofdermatitis exhibited They days. ive for skin back rostral their to IMQ of application daily topical received mice C57BL/6J mice). (IMQ-treated mouse model dermatitis psoriasis-like (IMQ)-induced imiquimod an and process astrocytes in the of pathological itch using psoriatic microglia ofspinal roles the investigate to was study performed this unclear. remain itch psoriatic in cells glial ofspinal roles Therefore, However, mice. model dermatitis-like atopic in ofitch cement the such as and astrocytes, in and microglia the enhan sensitization cells, glial ofspinal involvement the revealed have studies Recent is largely of for treatment which life, quality existing ineffective. patients’ impairs that ofpsoriasis symptom a is itch Intractable 1 Ryohei Kosaka PSORIASIS-LIKE DERMATITIS MODEL MICE PATHOGENESISTHE OF IMIQUIMOD-INDUCED INVOLVEMENT OF SPINAL MICROGLIA IN PP47 identical. not are itch and pain networks processing cerebral that indicate ourresults system, control pain ofthe output and input) itch not (but input pain between feedback negative a S2 and (BAthalamus indicating result interesting the 40).Besides borg University, Denmark Science and Technology, Health of Department Medicine, Faculty of Aal ronori Matsuda Tokyo Katsushika-ku, Science, of University and Technology,Science and Technology, Science Industrial of Faculty versity Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba, Medicine, of Graduate School versity Nielsen, Parisa Gazerani Parisa Nielsen, Nørgaard, Lausten, Birkholm Mia DjernisChristensen, Janne Anders Lindby Institute for Environmental and Gender Speciic Medicine, Juntendo Uni Juntendo Medicine, Speciic EnvironmentalGender for and Institute 1,3 Hjalte Holm Andersen, Hjalte 1 1 , , , Mitsutoshi TominagaMitsutoshi Mark Brendstrup Bødker, Justina Rusteikaitè, Yasuhiro Tomooka 2 Laura Petrini, Laura Petrini, , Chiharu Nishiyama Chiharu 1 , 3 Department of Dermatology, of Department Nobuaki TakahashiNobuaki 2 Department of Biological Biological of Department p <0.05), while inno Lars Arendt- 2 , Kenji Kenji , 1 , Hi- , - - - - - Nashan University-Hospital Münster,University-Hospital Germany ( effect signiicant any show not did alone application cold cuous 1 thermal grill device. device. grill thermal mobile developed newly ofa application with hypothesis this test ourgroupto in planned are studies Further clinic. at relief itch in beneicial be would grill thermal that proposed therefore is It humans. in model itch on histamine-evoked grill ofthermal fect generalization of the pruritus. ofthe generalization secondary the prevented have probably could gabapentin with therapy systemic earlier an that speculated be could It patient. the density. was effective an Gabapentin in therapy tolerated well and iber nerve intraepidermal via demonstrated was pruritus the of generalized. subsequently which pruritus nature neuropathic The brachioradial trigger can stroke apoplectic an that time irst the 3. to NRS the reduced and tolerated shows report for case This 1200mg/d. upto increased slowly be could was well therapy This which gabapentin with treatment systemic a we started Therefore reduced. signiicantly was leg lower the of density iber nerve reduced and sleeping was disturbed; NRS was 8-10. Intraepidermal could be disease of found. Quality for the generalization life was whole the body. to even came worse generalized and No underlying be success, pruritus without antihistamines and corticosteroids stroke. ofdifferent years some After systemic treatments, topical apoplectic an after occurring arms sides ofboth dorsolateral the on 79-year-old who suffered man on located pruritus severe from arms. ofthe part dorsolateral the at localized usually is We report that pruritus ofchronic type rare (BRP) a is pruritus Brachioradial Małgorzata Małek GABAPENTIN SUCCESSFULLYPRURITUS TREATED WITH SECONDARY GENERALIZED BRACHIORADIAL PP49 than we expected. we expected. than networks neural suggestthat results These GRPthat components postsynaptic many with connected terminals formation in the spinal dorsal horn. The 3-D SEM analysis reve synaptic itch-mediating ofthe 3-D ultrastructure the analyze to microscopy (3-D SEM) with combined immunohistochemistry electron scanning Furthermore, we used vesicles. 3-dimentional dense-cored and roundvesicles clear many contain terminals GRP-positive showed that microscopy Immunoelectron rats. in regions where GRP immunoreactive ibers appeared to terminate GRPsystem. mRNA receptor the in expressed were protein and somatosensory trigeminal the in also but system somatosensory important neuropeptide foritch transmission not only in the spinal spinal dorsal horn in rats. These indings suggested that GRP is an ofthe level all and nucleus trigeminal spinal ofthe part caudal the afferents primary small-sized the was in expressed to projected and neuronal marker in the somatosensory system. We found that rodents and 27 residues in primates. We focused on GRP as an i (GRP)peptide Gastrin-releasing is a in 29-amino acid peptide TakanamiKeiko IN MAMMALS ON GASTRIN-RELEASINGTHE PEPTIDE SYSTEM EVOLUTIONAL ANALYSES OF ITCH FOCUSED MORPHOLOGICALMOLECULAR AND PP50 moto 1 Japan nal Institute Physiological for Sciences, Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Technology, Okayama University, Ushimado,Okayama, Setouchi, Hautklinik, Klinikzentrum Mitte, Dortmund, Mitte, Klinikzentrum Hautklinik, Ushimado Marine Institute, Graduate School of Natural Science Ushimado Institute, Science Marine Graduate School Natural and of p >0.05). This is the irst report presenting the itch-relieving ef itch-relieving the presenting report irst the is This >0.05). 1 , Hirotaka Sakamoto 1 , Hartmut Ständer 1 , Keita Satoh Keita 1 , Laura Dücker von 1 1 1 , Kazuyoshi Murata 1 , 2 Center for Chronic for Center Pruritus, Sonja Ständer Sonja Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 2 , Tatsuya Saka 2 , Dorothée 2 Natio- GRP 1049 aled aled tch tch - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV cine, Section of Dermatology, Section of cine, Florence, University of Italy, Dermatology and Dermatology Allergology, Tenon France, Paris, Hospital, ment ment of Dermatology, Wakayama Medical University, Japan, logy, University Hospital of Brest, France, sery Shimada Municipal Shimada Municipal Hospital, Shimada, Japan, of Dermatology,of Medical Poland, Sciences, Poznan University of of Dermatology andVenereology, Dermatology of Chittagong Medical College, Pakistan, Dominik Samotij Dominik LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: AN OVERVIEW PRESENTATION OF PRURITUS IN CUTANEOUS STUDY ON PREVALENCETHE AND CLINICAL A MULTINATIONAL CROSS-SECTIONAL PP52 spine. ofcervical level the at of nervous system damage the to related itch ofneuropathic example an is pruritus brachioradial that idea supports the further presentation Our case weeks. several within symptoms the of improvement signiicant with treatment pregabalin started Patient described. were C6 level C5/ and C3/C4 discs at herniated Inaddition, C6/C7. if level then at sac dural pressure ona a revealed spine ofcervical resonance about also severe complained pain of spine. Magnetic cervical with sun exposure. Although wasthe patient a young woman, she history, patient to cording connected were exacerbations pruritus scratching. to assessed were as secondary lesions skin all Ac visible arms.periodically upper papules Clinically, pruritic onthe with itch ofsevere presence reported Patient hospital. the to sion admis before 10years appeared disease ofthe symptoms First muscles. brachioradialis ofthe head proximal the overlying skin sufferingwoman affecting arms upper ofthe pruritus from the Caucasian 29-year-old We a itch. report neurologic as classiied unclear, remains disease however, frequently is ofpruritus type this the irst time by Waisman in 1968. Up to date the etiology of this for described condition, pruritic rare a is pruritus Brachioradial University,cal Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi Justyna Szczch CERVICAL RADICULOPATHY OFWOMAN AS ASYMPTOM CAUCASIAN BRACHIORADIAL PRURITUS IN A YOUNG PP51 mammals. in function itch-mediating for property conserved a be may system this that suggest results primates. and rodents, eutherians, such as primitive mals These ofGRP distribution and expression across mam consistent were the showed that analysis Immunohistochemical mammals. among GRP ofmature C-terminal-fragment conserved been highly had ofGRP-10 possible a is which sequence acid amino deduced the monkeys. macaque and rats shrews,musk mice, We foundthat using analyses comparative and phylogenetic the Asian house sensation. itch unpleasant To we utilized questions, address these why and we possess an evolution during sensation itch the quires ofhow organism question the we had Next, cord. spinal the ac in complex extraordinary are transmission itch the controlling 1050 Hasegawa 7 1 Aminul Islam Aminul Adamski cal Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan, Japan, Fukui, of University Sciences, cal Chasset USA, ical University,ical Poland, Werth Perelman Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of University Medicine, of School Department of Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Med 10 8 , 14 Department of Dermatology, of Department Medi Medicine, Faculty of of School Mohammad Raiqul Mowla , Adam Reich 3 9 4 , , th Aleksandra Daczak-Pazdrowska Aleksandra 8 World Congress of Itch of Congress World , Jacek Jacek C. Szepietowski Hideo HashizumeHideo 6 , , Adam Reich Carolyn Kushner 1 , 1 utn Szczch Justyna 2 Department of Surgery of Department andTranslational Medi 9 , Adriana Polaska Adriana 11 1 7 , , , Aleksandra Lesiak Aleksandra Daisuke TsurutaDaisuke Takaharu Ikedam 1 , 9 11 Department of Dermatology, of Department Emiliano Emiliano Antiga Department Department of Dermatology 10 4 Department Department of Dermato , Fukumi Furukawa Fukumi 4 , 3 Department of of Department Laurent Mi 13 12 4 6 Department Department Department Department 5 Victoria , , Zygmunt , Minoru Minoru , 2 Adam , 5 Depart- 5 ------, Osaka City Osaka City University, Japan, Medical Medical University Lodz,of Lodz, Poland, of Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology and Dermatological Oncology, 1 ous inlammatory skin conditions. Some recent data h very very limited. true prevalence and clinical characteristics of pruritus in CLE are however, (CLE), erythematosus lupus cutaneous onthe studies and dermatomyositis sclerosis, systemic including diseases, tissue connective autoimmune with associated be also may it that ted, during the congress. the during presented be will study the from data Preliminary caption. data the facilitate to ile database electronic an with along centers Subsequently, Committee. Ethic participating all was to sent it inal version of the questionnaire which was approved by Local for comments. a prepared we have comments all including After was centerssent questionnaire to participating The preliminary (EQ-5D). Questionnaire Dimensions Five (DLQI) EuroQol and Index ofLife Quality Dermatology using was determined of life SLEDAI). subjects’The quality health-related and well-being (SELENA- symptoms as systemic as well Index) Severity and on the subtypes of CLE and severity of cutaneous (with CLE Area pects ofpruritus as well as including sociodemographic data, data assessing as various questionnaire a developed westudy have the of step irst centers). the and (5 As center) Asia (1 America North (6centers), Europe including climate and races between differences possible cover to treatment and diagnostics CLE in interest special with continents various from centers selected suffering patients adult ofCLE. subtypes various from We have intensity,prevalence, in ofpruritus characteristics clinical and in study order cross-sectional to assessprecisely prospective, the of developing itch. itch. of developing risk greatest at forthose biomarkers potential uncovering while itch, ofwound related biochemistry ofthe understanding overall differencescant our increasing ofbiomatrices, metabolome the in hypothesized that using metabolomics we would identify signii not. did that those to compared itched that venous ulcers We with persons from serum and luid wound of proiling chemical Pruritus is an important symptom frequently accompanying va Purpose/Hypothesis: Paul Julia ANALYSIS OF WOUND FLUID AND SERUM PILOT STUDY OF VENOUS ULCER ITCH: PP53 case (itch, (itch, case 16 white, age range 47–85 years). The sample was divided betwe serum were obtained from 21 patients with venous ulcers (14 male, have not been determined. been not have ulcers. itch ofwound-related etiology and pathophysiology The venous chronic forpersons distress with great in result can which and characterized has which inadequately been problem clinical Michigan, USA Michigan, of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of and Venereology, Pakistan, College, Medical Chittagong for wound luid ( converged compounds Selected ofitch models predictive form to 10(mean=8). 2to from ranged episodes itch of wound-related p180). LC-MS/MS using (Biocrates analyzed was Wound luid NMR). (1H spectroscopy resonance magnetic chromatography (LC-MS/MS; Biocrates proton p180)and nuclear using conducted targeted mass coupled with spectrometry liquid was ofserum analysis Metabolomic itch. wound-related without persons and with between ofwound characteristics comparison Wound for conducted were interviews patient assessments and wound luid produced a predictive algorithm with AUC = 0.919, Oakland University,Oakland Rochester, n 1 , Stewart Graham, Stewart =10) and =10) and controls (no itch,

For that reason we have organized a multinational, p <0.3) ( serum and Background: We aimed to use metabolomics forbio Methods: 14 2 Perelman School of Medicine, University 1 Beaumont Beaumont Research Institute, Royal Oak, Venous recognized a is itch ulcer p Specimens of wound luid and <0.2). Logistic regression for for regression <0.2). Logistic n 13 =11) based on self-report. Department of Dermatology, of Department Results: 12 ave indica Department Department Intensity Intensity ri en en - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV mingham, Alabama, allow us to develop therapeutic agents for strategic intervention. forstrategic agents therapeutic develop us to allow will itch develop ofhow why patients and some understanding the pathophysiology of wound related itch. ofwound related pathophysiology the of ourunderstanding increasing while itch venous ulcer developing potential of using metabolomics for identiication of those at risk of Care, Worcester, Massachusetts, andUMass School Health Medical Massachusetts Memorial of University were analyzed SPSS,using analyzed were 17 version (T12) phase were (T0). with compared treatment the Data initial SCORAD from 12months Data DLQI Index). and at Dermatology SCORAD (Scoring DLQI and (Quality of Life- Dermatitis) Atopic questionnaires: bythe used and was therapy assessed bythe omalizumab. with fortreatment evaluated response clinical The severe Pts with therapy, recommended the to AD refractory were evaluate the eficacy and QoL of pts under omalizumab. (AD). dermatitis atopic with (pts) patients in to aims study This (QoL) oflife quality and symptoms cutaneous in improvement oftherapy. optimization despite the with associated Omalizumab is Introduction: Aquiar Rita DEPARTMENT PORTUGUESE IMMUNOALLERGOLOGY OMALIZUMAB:WITH EXPERIENCE OF A TREATMENT OF SEVERE ATOPIC DERMATITIS PP55 author’s an measures which h-index, highest impact. cumulative lowed by Schmelz and Kuraishi. Yosipovitch is the author with t fol overall, articles ofitch author cited most the is citations, total 2011–2012. during 10papers to compared Yosipovitch, 2,201 with as journals, key in published of15total orNEJM, total Nature fora Lancet, in all at not and PNAS, Science, in in once twice Pain, in 8times Medicine, Nature in twice Communications, Nature in twice appeared papers 85, 1289–1304).During2015–2016,itch of itch article papers cited published in 2015–2016 (Neuron, 2015, most the published colleagues and Foster 8003–8008), whereas 2015–2016(J 1997,17, Neurosci, during article itch cited most the was colleagues’ paper and 1997 Schmelz Reports. Scientiic Dermatology,in and Pharmacology Handbook ofExperimental largestthe Problems byCurrent followed articles, ofitch number During 2015–2016, Dermato-VenereologicaActa published again time. to time from correction evade to manages –still pruritis titles. article in itch than frequently - misspelling common The used more be to continues 2015.Pruritus in of198 high articles a to substantially has increased number this 1834, 23,59–62); (Lancet, was published itch/pruritus about 1article In 1834,only McEnery-Stonelake Melissa BIBLIOMETRICSTHE OF ITCH: 2017UPDATE PP54 metabolism. sulfur and acid, cyanoamino Pathways signiicantly perturbed in wound luid inclu using concentrations of citrulline, threonine, serine and asparagine. and tyrosine metabolism. metabolism, nitrogen glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, include serum predictive accuracy of 82.6%. Pathways signiicantly perturbed in a C424,with PC and ae betaine using forserum model a produce to Hospital De Santa Maria CHLN, Maria De Santa Portugal Hospital 1 Surgery, Shrewsbury, USA Massachusetts, inhibitors and anti-H1 antihistamines. 7 patients sensitized to sensitized 7patients antihistamines. anti-H1 and inhibitors 10 mg/day, calcineurin topical corticosteroids, oral and topical 8835(2296–21691)KU/l. IgE montelukast given were patients All severe with (14men) patients atopic 31years. age mean AD, Total la Alonso, Alonso, la Department Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Bir Amélia Spínola, Spínola, Pedro,Amélia Elisa Pereira-Barbosa Manuel , Ana Mendes, Mendes, Ana Duarte, Fátima Costa, Célia Ana Controlling severe eczema is not always possible possible always not is eczema severe Controlling 2 Division Division Dermatology,of Medicine, of Department Conclusion: 1 , 3 Jeffrey D. Bernhard Kuchnir Kuchnir Dermatology & Dermatologic ® This study demonstrates the , p -value <0.05. -value

ROC analysis wasROC used analysis

A comprehensive more 2,3 de methane, Results: Methods: Estrel- 24 24 he he - -

versity Hospital Münster, Hospital versity Germany ChronicCenter Competence Dermatology, of Departement Pruritus, Uni Ständer Caroline-Donata FornerCaroline-Donata BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID CHRONIC PRURIGO MASKS FINDINGTHE OF A PP56 order to unmask potential associated diseases. diseases. associated potential unmask to order in ofCPG patients diagnostics thorough advocates also our case not suficient to cure CPG. This needs an own approach. However, Once CPG is established, the therapy of the underlying etiol pemphigoid. bullous case this as in diseases pruritic byother gered trig be can which disease a is prurigo chronic that demonstrates 1. 10to initial from decreased intensity pruritus report case This the this, Due to intravenous. naloxone and cyclosporine with erapy persisted. pruritus associated CPG the the and We th a initiated no However,and could controlled antibodies longer be detected. was pemphigoid bullous the daily 100mg dapsone and 1.5 years over fourweeks and for3days every 500mg methylprednisolone daily. 200mg doxycycline intravenous with therapy cyclic Under a and daily 200 mg minocycline pancreatitis), to due discontinued (this daily 50mg ofazathioprine consisted therapy Previous goid. pemphi ofbullous diagnosis the to leading thus of1:8,000, titer membrane, while the indirect basal immunoluorescence showed the an IgG in deposits C3 and IgG showed immunoluorescence CPG. foundin Direct typically alterations revealed examination pain. chronic spondylosis with and pancreatitis nic A histological not diseases ulcers, stomach present. included chro Concomitant were such as blisters lesions other nodules; pruriginous displayed integument whole the On inspection scale). analog visual on the Additionally, (10/10 pruritus intense highly a reported patient the later,months integument. remaining the to generalized became it however, foot; left the at localized CPGThe was initially few a bywarmth. triggered skin the in sensations painful and burning more than 6 years. In to addition itch, she reported experiencing 61-year-old ofa case a we present CPG with for patient female CPG. to leading itch-scratch-cycle chronic a To this, illustrate pruritus which results in scratching of the skin inally establishing or unknown causes. induce to common in have diseases these All disorders multifactorial psychiatric/psychsomatic, neurological, systemic, also but such as dermatological, ofdiseases variety by a triggered be might which disease (CPG) severe prurigo a is Chronic an improvement in QoL in improvement an patients’ in perception. therapies. other to AD refractory are demonstrated treatment The severe with when patients alternative safe a be to AD appears and p Omalizumab, of duration with correlation signiicant a show not onQoL. QoL impact severe extremely an had of 21),which did patients’ QoL to of6.6)compared score (mean score (mean T0 In pts. the T12 AQLQ showed that effectAD moderate a had on QoL a moderate-severe effect 50%of in ie of24pts, 12out in pathology. cutaneous DLQI showed score that ofthe Analysis has reaction local exuberant had 1patient and reactions adverse temic was variable. 1 patient (4.3%) did not improve. improve. not (4.3%)did was 1 patient variable. nosys were There improvement initial to oftreatment initiation from time treatment mean the response, although partial a had 6(26.1%)patients and (65.2%) improvement complete a had 15of24patients 28.5 (T12). to 65.5(T0) SCORAD from mean increased the and re-referral clinical was suspended without therapy corticosteroid systemic ofdrugs, number the in dose and in was reduced medication between comparison the From and T0 the was foundthat it T12 of16(12–73)months. average an 2weeks in every 300–600 mg sc, was administered IgG Omalizumab 1with unresponsive. and azathioprine, with 2patients cyclosporine, receiving 12 patients improvement. clinical without treatment to prior (6–36) months for16 (IT) Immunotherapy underwent mites Dermatophagoid =0.04. Conclusion: Omalizumab was effective Omalizumab of treatment the in , Jan Ehrchen,Jan Claudia Zeidler, Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster ogy is Sonja Sonja 1051 ------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Olszewska stitute of Oncology, of stitute Warsaw, Poland Uro-Oncology,of andIn Center Cancer M.Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Conclusion: itch. reduce to recommended were Emollients (732IU/ml). IgE oftotal level serum increased revealed investigations Laboratory (5in itch with associated VAS, questionnaire). Itch in 5points were presented in the genitoanal area. The anogenital lesions were lesions skin papillomatous was Hyperplastic observed. eyelashes hair, loss ofscalp Complete surface. skin entire the eyebrows and During admission, the patient had scaling erythroderma involving carcinoma. cell squamous of diagnosis conirmed and infection effect cytopathic revealed (HPV) Papillomavirus Human to related mediately. Histopathological examination of the surgical specime im was performed excision wide of14and age the at developed progressively. growing been scrotum onthe lesions skin Nodular skin papillomatous lesions occurred in the groin area and have life. his throughout persisted hyperplastic of8,itching, age At the Ichthyosiform erythroderma appeared immediately after birth and ourhospital. to was syndrome referred Netherton with patient associated with them. them. with associated factors the identify to and pruritus to related properties skin abnormalities. the explore to were study purposes ofthis The macroscopic of lack the to due pruritus of cases assess to icult dif is it patients, elderly impaired cognitively and bedridden the Background: Dianis WulanSari INDONESIA PANTI WERDHA, PUBLIC NURSING IN HOMES FACTORS ELDERLYAMONG RESIDENTS OF PROPERTIES OF PRURITUS AND RELATED PP58 ofitch. control the include should tegies melanoma cancers skin described were the in literature. ornon- lesions skin papillomatous hyperplastic associated with („bamboo hair“). Cases of patients with Netherton syndr linearis circumlexa, atopic diathesis and trichorrhexis invaginata syndrome is characterized bycongenital ichthyosiform dermatitis, bitor (LEKTI) in the epidermis and stratiied epithelia. Netherton inhi Kazal-type-related lymphoepithelial protein encoded of the mutations which result in absence or, rarely, decreased expression 5(SPINK5) type gene Kazal- inhibitor protease serine is disease disorder in the group of inherited ichthyoses. The Introduction: 1052 Anna Wakiel NETHERTONWITH SYNDROME BY SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA IN A PATIENT PAPILLOMATOUS SKIN LESIONS COMPLICATED HYPERPLASTIC ITCH ASSOCIATED WITH PP57 ted by squamous cell carcinoma. cell bysquamous ted complica and itch with associated lesions skin papillomatous We hyperplastic and syndrome Netherton with patient a present basic characteristics and skincare behaviors were analyzed. analyzed. were behaviors skincare and characteristics basic including factors associated and properties skin pruritus-related microscopy, pH. skin and (SC) hydration, corneum stratum The skin blotting, skin by examination direct were inlammation by interview, and barrier function and properties including skin were obtained data and itching characteristics Basic Indonesia. Panti in conducted Werdha, in forelderly homes nursing public 1 1 satoshi cine, The University of Tokyo of TheUniversity cine, 3Sapporo Japan Hokkaido, Clinic, Skin versity Tokyo,versity of Department of of Department gerontological carenursing/wound management, The Uni Department of Dermatology, of Department Medical University Warsaw,of 3 , Hiromi Sanada 9 th 1 World Congress of Itch of Congress World , Lidia Rudnicka , Lidia In patients with Netherton syndrome treatment stra treatment syndrome Netherton with Inpatients Pruritus is a crucial problem in aging societies. In societies. aging in problem crucial a is Pruritus Netherton syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive recessive autosomal rare a is syndrome Netherton 1 , 2 Adriana Rakowska Adriana Department skincareDepartment Medi science, of Graduate school 1 , Takeo Minematsu Methods: 1 1 was study cross-sectional This 1 Case report: , TomaszDemkow 2 , Mikako YoshidaMikako An 18-year-old An 2 , case of the Małgorzata Małgorzata 2 Department Department 1 , Abe Ma Abe Aim: ome Re n n ------

according to visual analog scale (VAS) scale analog visual to according ( was noted of the relationship IL-31 expression and severity of assesseditch was found. duration hemodialysis and of patients A towards trend No signiicant relationship between IL-31 expression and sex, age to than epidermis the limited suprabasal layers of the epidermis. role of IL-31 in uraemic pruritus. uraemic in ofIL-31 role symptom, but there is a need for further studies to the clarify exact free this those from to compared pruritus uraemic with patients conclusion it seems that IL-31 expression is more pronounced in and without pruritus. However, signiicant difference ( difference signiicant However, pruritus. without and cant difference in IL-31 overall expression with between patients signii no was There antibodies. IL-31 available commercially expression was demonstrated byimmunohistochemistry using IL-31 disease). kidney chronic in itching from free of patients 20biopsies and pruritus with patients adult from biopsies (21 skin The study was based of on biopsy collection archived material the expression of IL-31 in the skin of with itch. patients uraemic uraemia. from determine to aims project research this Therefore, suffering patients in levels IL-31 serum suggest elevated studies Preliminary dermatitis. atopic with patients in especially pruritus, ofchronic pathogenesis the in 31(IL-31) ofinterleukin role the to paid been has attention years Inrecent explained. fully not undergoingtients therapy. dialysis remains etiopathogenesis Its 40%ofpa about in symptom bothersome a is pruritus Uraemic University,ical Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereoology and Allergology, Wroclaw Med Marta Pelc EXPRESSION OF IL-31 IN URAEMIC PRURITUS PP59 resonance tomography (MRT) tomography resonance orda compression such as nerve described. A on magnetic seen changes between correlation high ofCIhas been generalization Secondary skin. ofthe dermatomes affecting usually sharp sensations and burning corresponding the stinging, (CI)with itch chronic localized means itch Neuropathic Germany Heidelberg, Medicine,Hospital University Social Clinical of Department Fischer,Matthias ITCH - A PRELIMINARY STUDY EXERCISE TREATMENT NEUROPATHIC FOR DIFFERENTIATEDRESISTANCETRAININGAND PP60 method forpruritus. method assessment ofskin indicators possible were NGFb blotting skin in (AOR 3.3,95%CI1.3–8.0). frequency bathing with was associated gland sweat with CI 0.1–0.8).Skin with scales was associated (AOR with 0.3,95% bathing frequency sex (AOR0.5, 95%CI0.3–0.9)and 1.8,95%CI1.0–3.2).Skin (AOR age with was associated hair with skin microscopy; Skin sion was signiicantly more common ( common more signiicantly was sion expres IL-31 pruritus uraemic with Inpatients epidermis. of the layers suprabasal the in mainly and epidermis whole the through expressed being showedgroups. expression twopatterns IL-31 studied both in expression ofIL-31 distribution the in was noted ( with scales, and skin with sweat gland were with related pruritus pH, albumin, nerve growth factor (NGF), skin with hair, skin itching onthe left forearm diagnosed pruritus. SC hydration, skin manifesting bodywas 50.3%ofthose onwhole 69.1%,and itching sults: (=0.145, (=0.145, work sun at exposure lifetime cumulative with was associated Albumin was associated with age (=–0.130, =–0.137, and =0.135 ( frequency change clothing SC respectively). skin hydration and pH with were associated p = 0.007, 0.012, <0.001, <0.001, 0.049, <0.001 and <0.001, =0.007,0.012,<0.001,0.049,<0.001and age was The participant average 74 years. ofPrevalence p , =0.026) and bathing duration (=–0.151, (=–0.151, duration bathing and =0.026) Maria Kozioł, Kozioł, Maria Elke WeisshaarElke Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek Conclusion: p =0.01) across the whole whole =0.01) across the p = 0.044). NGF Albumin and Albumin p =0.09). In p p =0.022). <0.05). p =0.02) - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Score recorded: scores were pruritus 19, following Four-itemto of score maximum (FIIQ) ofa out questionnaire itch dryness. associated and oflesions appearance unsightly According rating scale). scale). rating assessment scales (Four-item and questionnaire itch Behaviour itch and questionnaire was preformed byusing done of pruritus Psoriasis (PASI) Index Severity Area score. assessment global The using ofpsoriasis severity and extent know the to was performed study. the in included were A examination and history detailed treatment psoriasis anti onany ofPsoriasis not patients diagnosed rity. no had 20 at all pruritus and patients seve ofvariable pruritus having were (86.67%)patients 130/150 (PASI psoriasis severe to moderate having were 49 patients >10). years. 101 patients were having mild psoriasis (PASI ≤ 10) whereas 1- erythroderma. 76 to 2years from ranged presentation Age at ,8-palmoplantar, involvement) scalp (3 exclusively 1–pustular, 14 32-guttate, sebo-psoriasis type, were plaque having 91 patients from psoriasis . Objective: RNT Udaipur College, Medical Mittal Asit A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL PSORIASIS ATTENDING DERMATOLOGY OF OPD A STUDY OF PRURITUS IN PATIENTS WITH PP61 irst patients. ofthe results report and itch forneuropathic program progress training ofa mobility. and strength We and development design, the present outcome measures are general well-being (SF SF-12), muscle quality, (ItchyQol)). oflife quality itch-related secondaryThe dorsi). (latissimus The measure is outcome primary itch (severity, full extension ofthe spine (erector spinae) and arm adduction retraction, as scapula as well depression, and elevation scapula such as lateral lexion, lexion and extension of the cervical spine, exercises, training ofresistance series a gothrough to patients the two requires Step training. strength actual forthe preparation as a girdle shoulder upthe warming actively and spine thoracic and cervical the around fascia) and (muscles tissue upsoft loosening itch. passively patients has the design training As the irst step, a neuropathic fortreating back) onthe (focusing spine ofthe ment effectthe ofdifferentiated treat exercise and training resistance investigate to was study started preliminary a research, itch with ofsports science new results Bycombining spine. onthe focusing differentiatedso-called treatment exercise and training resistance Recently, lacking. are ments as a was introduced training strength treat non-pharmacological and limited are itch for neuropathic Effective spine. ofthe byextension pressure onnerves therapies ofaffected angle the in reduction volved, the reducing and nerves in being ofmuscles orlengthening shortening byeither muscles ofaffected changes include explanations Potential report. case a in was described byexercises itch, ofneuropathic variant another (NP), paresthetica ofnotalgia Improvement disc. herniated e.g. by pain caused neuropathic oftreating muscles strategy a is main range of motion and strengthening of muscles as well as stretc active non-pharmacologic a involving Exercising demonstrated. (BRP) was pruritus brachioradial CIlike oflocalized symptoms mage due to e.g. spinal pathology, changes and the degenerative No 5 ofPt No ofPt BRS Score observed: were score 5)following BRS (max to According patterns of Psoriasis, and site ofPsoriasis. site ofPsoriasis, and patterns ofPsoriasis, morphological of Psoriasis, duration severity and There was no signiicant association found between Pruritus score




To of assess burden the , Manju Meena , Manju 5


0 6 48 Results:

1 8 52

Materials and Methods:

50 2 9

21 3 10



Total (91M, 59F) enrolled. were 150patients 3 11

2 5

14 7




2 16


17 3

pruritus in patients suffering patients in pruritus 1

18 All the consecutive newly

their their major concern was hing hing - - - - Münster, Germany and itch. itch. and the effectsdetermine of a size, 1-month pain therapy on keloidal forkeloids. therapy novel as a microneedles dissolving We to aim ortolerability.tability We triamcinolone-embedded developed ofaccep lack a and inconvenience bycost, limited are therapies available Other patients. many in treatment precludes and painful is ofkeloids, sensitivity the to due which, injections corticosteroid intra-lesional is option irst-line The limited. are options peutic thera Current patients. of life of quality the impact signiicantly Background: Centre, Skin National Singapore Tey Liang Hong PAINITCH AND KELOIDS: ONLESIONAL EFFECTS VOLUME, NOVEL MICRONEEDLE TREATMENT FOR PP62 Chronic pruritus has a pruritus Chronic Ständer Hartmut LIMITATIONS PRACTICE IN GERMANY –POSSIBILITIES AND PRURITUS IN PRIVATETHE DERMATOLOGICAL MEDICAL CARE OF PATIENTS CHRONICWITH PP63 could be performed in the practice, where it is also possible to to possible also is it where practice, the in performed be could swabs biopsies skin and microbiological tests, blood appropriate center. specialized a with and basic a examination Furthermore, basisforcooperation serves as a and diagnostics for additional basis standardized time-saving, a provides procedure simple This questionnaires, intensity scales orquestionnaires for quality oflife. pruritus via history medical patient ofthe establishment structured rable. a such as forexample followed easily be can area Another off-label. A desi is centers oritch specialists with collaboration of the guideline as therapies require experience and are frequ Germany, recommendations therapy challenging is to the it follow in practice dermatological private ofthe conditions economic completed in 2016.Under the current healthcare policies and was what Pruritus forChronic Guideline S2k German revised practice. onthe based be can patients ofthese care medical The be considered a in frequent symptom the dermatological private signiicant signiicant reduction in the size and pain and itch scores of keloids. in resulted microneedles dissolving triamcinolone-embedded with effects noside were There registered. baseline. to compared weeks 8 and 4 at scores lower signiicant and itch, the intervention groupdemonstrated progressive and baseline. the at that near to group increased With pain to respect intervention the in size mean for4weeks), the treatment stopping (after weeks 8 group. At control the in that than greater icantly groupwas signi also intervention the in size in reduction mean 4weeks oftreatment. groupafter intervention the in reduced The signiicantly was size keloid mean the that revealed analyses Preliminary defaulted. one but recruited were (24males) patients scales. scores onnumerical itch and pain loaded, dissolving hyaluronic acid microneedles or( microneedles acid hyaluronic dissolving loaded, ( recruited. were apart 1cm Two either with treated were keloids least at and of1-2cm diameter a with orlimbs trunk onthe keloids with Patients trial. clinical 8-week controlled intra-individual keloids objectively determined by a 3-dimensional scanner and ( and scanner 3-dimensional bya determined objectively keloids 1 4 weeks and 8 weeks. Outcome measures were ( were measures 8weeks. Outcome 4 weeks and baseline, at performed were 4weeks. Evaluations after treatment stop to were group,subjects intervention For the no intervention. Dermatology, Dermatology Bad Bentheim / Clinical Dortmund, of Center Department Clinical / Bentheim Bad Dermatology i ) once-daily, triamcinolone- with injections self-administered Materials andMethods: Materials 2 Itch and pain are common symptoms of keloids and and ofkeloids symptoms common are pain and Itch University Hospital Münster, Hospital University Chronic for Center Pruritus, , Colin Weixuan, Colin Tan 1 , Sonja Ständer , Sonja

high point prevalence of 36.2% and can can of36.2%and prevalence point high 2 was study single-blind, a The Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Conclusions: Poster abstracts Poster Results: i ) volume of the ofthe ) volume ii Twenty-eight ) control with with ) control Treatment ently 1053 ii - - - - ) Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV kowski row Transplantation, Wroclaw University, Medical Wrocław, Poland Wroclaw, Poland ment of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Wroclaw Medical University, pietowski rs806381s was revealed versus the control group( control versus the rs806381s was revealed polymorphism the in GG in genotype incidence lower and type GAgeno of incidence higher signiicantly a patients HD all of with patients UP and group. the control However, in the group dyslipidemia. and diabetes nodifferences were There between UP, without and with patients with patients excluding after even between genotypes evaluated ofthe was any foundin tionship rela signiicant statistically No technique. mini-sequencing controls using two multiplex polymerase chain reactions the 150healthy and patients 159hemodialysis in genotyped were CNR1 gene ofthe rs6454674, rs2023239 and polymorphisms The rs12720071, rs806368, rs1049353, rs806381, rs10485170, affect can 1(CNR1) gene receptor endocannabinoid the in UP. pruritus. and We variations genetic weather evaluate to aimed reliable evidence on the association between cannabinoid syst Moreover, conditions. pathological many in role a plays is there system endocannabinoid The treatment. speciic no is there why is that and understood fully not still is etiology Its patients. Uremic pruritus (UP) is a common symptom in hemodia Monika Heisig UREMICWITH PRURITUS POLYMORPHISMS HAVE NO ASSOCIATION ENDOCANNABINOID RECEPTOR 1GENE PP65 on sufferers’ of quality life (QoL). Background: Lelonek Edyta POLYCYTHEMIA VERA BURDENTHE OF AQUAGENIC PRURITUS IN PP64 givers. care between collaboration the facilitate will techniques as teledermatological such approaches Innovative cases. individual in implemented be only can practice, private the in and, center specialized ofa support the require measures further Nonetheless, Guideline. German the with basic in stage measures accordance 1 commence therapeutic 1054 1 with uremic pruritus. uremic with associated not are CNR1 gene ofthe polymorphisms that seems (ItchyQoL). QoL itch-speciic questionnaire and EQ-5D (HADS), Scale sion of aspects AP assessed Hospital were with Depres and Anxiety Moreover, Questionnaire. Itch (VRS) 4-item a and psychosocial (VAS), scale analogue visual with evaluated scale rating verbal was (PV). intensity vera Pruritus polycythemia with 102 patients of impact an analyzed study AP among well-being onpatient 2 1 was inluenced by AP extent ( EQ-5D-VAS was found. points of37.3±12.3 score ItchyQol The ( pruritus without patients than had HADS-anxiety scoring higher more frequent in AP group (vs. non-AP). Moreover, AP sufferers was 9.5%,respectively.patients 23.8%and was depression The individuals. among anxiety and ofdepression prevalence The AP assessed as points intensity 4.8±1.9 (VAS) was in present 42/102 ( burden in PV in burden QoL their inluencing negatively patients Department of Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, and Department and Clinic Department and Clinic of Hematology, Blood Neoplasms andBone Mar Dermatology, of andClinic Department Venereology and Allergology, and p p =0.02). =0.005). between correlation negative The AP and duration 2 , Jacek C.Szepietowski , Jacek 9 1 th Conclusions: World Congress of Itch of Congress World Aquagenic pruritus(AP) has signiicant inluence signiicant has pruritus(AP) Aquagenic Results: , 1 , Łukasz Matusiak Łukasz Łukasz Łaczmaski Łukasz AP of mean duration 6.6±8.6 years and Summarizing, Summarizing, AP additional an means p 1 =0.01) and duration of its episodes 1 , TomaszWróbel 2 Material Material and Methods: , Adam Reich 1 2 , , Jacek C.Sze Jacek Jacek Kwiat Jacek p =0.04). It 2 Depart- This This lysis em ------Clinical Hospital of Dermatology andVenerology, Dermatology of Hospital Clinical Russia 1 doctor should think about the diagnosis of cutaneous lymphoma. lymphoma. ofcutaneous diagnosis the about think should doctor therapy, traditional to itself lend does not that itch time, long fora intense has an patient Ifthe levels. histological and clinical the at dermatoses benign many mimic can lymphomas cutaneous that progressing course was diagnosed. This clinical case demonstrates affected with lesions, byslow nodes, characterized lymph axillary In February 2017, a fungal mycosis mycosis fungal 2017,a In February T4N2MxB0 disease. showed lymphoproliferative which a was performed, biopsy node lymph a lymphoma, cutaneous ofclinical diagnosis issued a board 2016,the InNovember abnormalities. pathological dermatitis. chronic indicated again A no with biopsy marrow bone biopsy skin repeated but picture, clinical basis ofa onthe made was lymphoma cutaneous ofclinical diagnosis 2016,a In March of the examination skin showed a of picture chronic dermatitis. itching. byintense accompanied erythroderma A histological universal ofa form the rashes took of2015,the end Bythe fective. was diseases inef forthese therapy traditional the but dermatitis, atopic eczema, chronic with was diagnosed patient the persisted, effect the prescribed, year, Duringthe was given. not itching the was antihistamines with treatment was established, dermatitis gic abdomen. the joints, elbow ofthe surfaces ofaller diagnosis The form of inlammatory papules on the skin of the thighs, the lexural the in rashes appeared ofitching, background a 2014,against July clean. is skin the On examination, itching. skin A later, year in and Venerology in Clinic January 2013with complaints of intense Dermatology Regional Novosibirsk the to applied irst 1937, in ofdifferential range wide a with years diagnosis A born woman, suffering patient ofa case clinical a for4 itching chronic from years. even and months several upto stopped is cases We present however, itching, byintense accompanied most in diagnosis the Lymphomas dermatitis. atopic hives, scabies, also are skin ofthe usually is diagnosis irst The found. often are pruritus speciied suffering patients practice, In dermatological un chronic from TitenkoAnastasiia UNSPECIFIED ITCHING 4 FOR YEARS MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES AS CAUSETHE OF PP66 tings. tings. as soon as interrupted be to must ofinfection chain The mee informative and period follow-ups, quarantine treatments, forexaminations, schedule time a establish authorities health the essential: is strategy staff management, dermatologist, The and legislation. byGerman as required mandatory is A sophisticated diseases ofinfections ofoutbreaks authorities health local to tion notiica Immediate ointment. greasy a in permethrin 5% using shifts. all cover to order in 9 pm Topical was performed therapy organized were Clinics forscabies. examined and 1pm 6am, at were persons und10residents nurses, 6 contact care 18 elderly Overall, skin. signs onabdominal clinical explains which dure, proce this during inevitable is contact skin Intensive by lifting. daily, twice back, and armchair to bed from them transferring suffering people Elderly procedure, regular a need dementia from months. ofsome foreczema treated been She had infection. the of source the as identiied was earlier, months 6 home nursing and biopsy. One seniorresident, who had moved from another bydermatoscopy was diagnosed Scabies arms. and abdomen the on rashes, especially itching developed simultaneously home Ten folks old an in dementia with 6residents and employees Häberle Michael OCCUPATIONAL ASPECTS OF SCABIES PP67 1 Bodensee, Dermatological Practice Künzelsau, Germany Künzelsau, Practice Dermatological Bodensee, Pahomova Dermatological Dermatological Practice Künzelsau, Novosibirsk State State Novosibirsk National Research University, 2 , Irina Sergeeva, Irina 1 , Arno Rütten 1 , Yulia Krinitsina 1 2 2 Dermatopathology Dermatopathology Friedrichshafen/ 1 , Viktoria Onipchenko 2 Novosibirsk Regional Regional Novosibirsk

with total skin skin total with 2 , Vera ------Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Medical University of Warsaw, of University Medical Poland Disease, 4th Military Hospital, Hospital, Military Disease, 4th University, Wroclaw, Poland 1 the natural microlora. Indeed, Indeed, microlora. natural the of expansion bodyshow human selective of the regions other and lesions skin both suggest that Numerous reports ofpruritus. cation damage, increased local and systemic inlammation and intensii barrier epithelial to contributing factors ofthe proposed asis one unclear.remains composition microbiome altered Nevertheless, Introduction: Blicharz Leszek ITCH PATHOGENESIS? DERMATITIS PATIENTS –IS THERE A LINK WITH MEMBRANES BY S. AUREUS IN ATOPIC COLONIZATION OF SKIN AND MUCOUS PP69 causes. underlying potential explore and pruritus reporting ofpatients characteristics HF. acute to due of Cardiology We clinical provide to aimed also Department the to admitted patients in ofpruritus prevalence the 40%. reaching period follow-up 3-month at point some at ofitching prevalence (HF) the with failure heart chronic stable, with patients among 2015;172:1541-6.) pruritus was postulated to also be common ders. BrJ Dermatol al, (NiklassonO et reported As previously disor orhematological hepatobiliary disease, kidney as chronic often complicating non-dermatological systemic diseases such Background: Malgorzata Ponikowska FAILURE PRURITUS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE HEART PP68 (BK 3101). disease occupational as an listed is Scabies legislation. for compensations staffinfected members as required by German are helpful for cooperation. Statutory accident insurance provi staff. forthe provided is clothing protective 60°C, at Handouts simultaneously. be treated must be washed textiles Contaminated Staffpossible. affected all and interrupted, is rotation persons must icant connection between pruritus and HF. and pruritus between connection icant signi a see we donot experience clinical and onourstudy Based ofpruritus. development the to contribute to proven are factors groupsuffered ofthis half and bilirubin these Both anemia. from of level increased had itching experienced that of16patients out (50%).Noteworthy, limbs upper and lower mostly skin, of the 9 area certain a to was pruritus limited (71%)ofpatients majority Inthe hospitalization. present the at not but disease, cardiac entire occurred at stated that itching some point in the past during the 5.4on at scored VAS 5.5onNRS. and 4subjects remaining The was pruritus subjects those 3days –in last the during occurring itch reported of14patients group10out that From 87 subjects). was of 16%(14out disease cardiac entire the during of itching (DLQI). Index Quality Life matology as Der as well factors, other and therapy disease, cardiac and pruritus between connection regarding questionnaire constructed (VAS), scale analogue (NRS), specially scale rating numeral discharge. hospital before was Pruritus visual assessed the using were and studied therapy who cardio-vascular standard received 36±5%) fraction: ejection ventricular left years, 67±5 age: mean HF acute with (65 (74.7%) men, patients 87 consecutive cruited 1 C. Szepietowski cal cal University. Wroclaw, Department of Dermatology, of Department Venerology and Allergology.Wrocław Medi Department Department of Dermatology, and S. aureus and simultaneous reduction of other components of components ofother reduction simultaneous and Pruritus is a common and distressing symptom, distressing and common a is Pruritus Pathogenesis of itch in atopic dermatitis (AD) dermatitis atopic in ofitch Pathogenesis 1 Objectives: 1 , Zbigniew Samochocki , Zbigniew Material andMethods: Material 2 1 Department of of 1 Department Cardiology, Centre Heart for 1 , Jan Jan Biegus Our study was set-up to investigate Our investigate was study to set-up 2 Department of Heart Diseases, Medical Heart Diseases, of Medical Department 2 Department Department of Clinical Microbiology, S. aureus 2 , 1 Results: Robert Robert Zymlinski , Paulina Usarek, Paulina strains can be a source source a be can strains We re prospectively The prevalence prevalence The 2 2 , Jacek Jacek , des ------assessed concentration of of mass spectrometry. Additionally, a microbiologist professional help the with identiied were colonies distinct Morphologically performed. then were cultures on media nares. Chapman Bacterial were taken from and lesional skin non-lesional and from anterior disease severity assessment based onSCORAD scale). Swabs interview and clinical examination (conirmation of AD diagnosis, with foran presented subject Every trial. the in AD enrolled were A =31years) age mean females, (19males/14 of33 patients total between between sleep loss and pruritus). Patients colonized by colonized Patients loss pruritus). and sleep of with and evaluation scale related itch subjective (excoriation SCORAD ofthe parameters selected and tests microbiological group). We of results between association the establish to aimed control (vs skin 6%in 58%fornon-lesional and skin for lesional (vs nares 11%group was 64%foranterior group),79% control in study the aureus positive ofcultures percentage Overall statistically. analyzed were Results individuals. healthy of 0-3 points). Control group consisted of 33 sex- and age-matched inlammation and itch. itch. and inlammation of local and systemic factors that potentially exacerbate skin the intensity of the symptoms. Rho was remarkably high forex high Rhowas remarkably symptoms. ofthe intensity the on concentration ofcolony assess impact to the calculated also was ratio correlation Spearman parameters. ofthese values higher Scale (ESS). Scale Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth Sleepiness with estimated were abnormalities (AIS), Scale Athens Insomnia (VAS). The of quality life was assessed by DLQI. Moreover, sleep scale analogue visual with evaluated pain were and intensity Itch PASI and matitis) (Psoriasis respectively. Index), Severity Area SCORAD to according points 13.5±8.4 (Scoring Atopic Der was and assessed points as 33.6±10.7 severity disease mean The years. 44.1±15.8 age mean with Ps patients 61males) females, males) AD patients with mean age of39.2±15.4 years and 100(39 and Methods: patients. psoriasis and dermatitis ofatopic oflife quality study was undertaken to evaluate the inluence of itch and pain on ofhuman. process oflives active important, a onpatients’ impact AD Ps great and have is Sleep oflife. quality pain. and such as itch symptoms, bysubjective accompanied are mon chronic, inlammatory and recurrent skin diseases. They both are needed to improve itch control in atopic eczema. eczema. atopic in control itch improve to needed are measures and prophylactic suggests new therapeutic research that related with SCORAD scale parameters expressing itch. Our pruritus. Furthermore, colonization intensity is positively cor S. aureu AD and 7.4±5.2 points, 8.1±4.8 points and 7.1±4.8 points in Ps, in points 7.1±4.8 and points 8.1±4.8 AD points, 7.4±5.2 and in points 7.9±4.8 and points 8.3±4.2 points, 10.5±5.5 were aires points. questionn abnormalities sleep scores forparticular The QoL as: assessed was 12.8±7.5 Ps: and points 16.4±7.9 AD: respectively. points, 1.2±3.0 and points Ps: 6.4±2.8 and mean The last days as: was estimated AD: 7.1±2.7 points and points 5.3±2.9 16%, respectively. three within severity pain and itch mean The Ps: and itch – – patients pain 95% vs. and 18% 95% vs.patients group: AD: itch – 100% vs. 100% pain – patients; 43% vs. 38% last days subjective symptoms were experienced by the following Background: KaazKarolina PATIENTS LIFE OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS AND PSORIASIS ITCH AND PAIN INFLUENCE ONQUALITY OF PP70 correlation with colony concentration of concentration colony with correlation coriation. In case of subjective parameters rho relected moderate cal University,cal Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi s colonization of s colonization increased with associated is AD patients S. aureus Results: (AD) (Ps) psoriasis com and are dermatitis Atopic 58 of100(42females, groupconsisted study The , Łukasz Matusiak, Łukasz Matusiak, colonization and itch severity in in severity itch and colonization AD. During the course of disease and within three three within and ofdisease course During the Aim of the study: the of Aim S. aureus Jacek C.Szepietowski Jacek colonies in the cultures (a scale colonies in the cultures (a scale Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster S. aureus To assess relation the S. aureus Objectives: . Conclusions: Methods: Material Material showed Results: This This 1055 ------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV ta Kreciszta and (r=0.24, and pain AD (r=0.45, ADpain and itch of severity with signiicantly correlated QoL decreased of itch and supericial type of BCC, extrafacial location and males. intensity and presence between relationship is there seems It pain. and/or itch SCC reported with 61%patients 29%female). only but patients BCC(45%male with 37%ptients in was reported lesion in and 86men). In 90.3%the histological diagnosis was BCC.Itching ofNMSC because (89women operated 175patients included were analysis May 2017.For June 2016and the between University of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medical (NMSC) in cancer skin Ward Surgery ofPlastic Department in ment. ofnon-melanoma because treated patients are mterial The of cancer, treat previous and oflesion location ofpatients, age type and ofitch intensity between correlation exam study of this SCC. BCCand with patients in symptom important authors The intensity, prevalence, examining studies many this duration type, years were deined as non-itching disorders. However there are not presence has been proven in many diseases which during many dermatology. in symptoms important most ofthe one is Itch Its University,cal Wroclaw, Poland Dermatology, of Department Venereology and Allergology, Wroclaw Medi Iwona Chlebicka ITCH IN NON-MELANOMA SKIN CANCERS. PP72 improvement. signiicant and rapid with daily once sertraline mg effect, side to was stoped. rifampin 50 received then patient The 4weeks oftherapy,After hepatotoxicity. developed patient Due itch. ofthe amelioration with daily once 150mg rifampin with Diagnosis Department. of PBC was conifrmed. We therapy start reffered and was examined Patient prurigo. Diseases doInfectious enzymes, IgM and AMAcho antibodies. and Skin biopsy liver conirmed nodular elevation signiicant found we procedures 2years. past the veloped over spectrum of diagnostic wide After de trunk and arms legs, onher nodules and papules pruritic with series. case We 42-year-old ofa case the report present woman PBC. in agent line effectAntipruritic a in demonstrated has been fourth is Serotonin disease. liver forcholestatic treated of patients 7% about in hepatitis cause can PBC. Rifampicin the in therapy of line second used is as a It disease. liver cholestatic chronic with effective an is rifampicin that gest in forpruritus patients treatment affects patient ofthe oflife quality the sug to evidence is There signiicantly and treatments, multiple to refractory and severe be most dificult symptoms to treat in the course of PBC. Often, it can ofthe one is Pruritus ofpathomechanisms variety bya caused is deined clinical symptoms and histopathological indings. Disorder nodularis is characterized byextremely pruritic nodules with well- Prurigo course progressive slowly a with disease liver cholestatic chronic immune-mediated (PBC) an is cholangitis biliary Primary Parcheta Piotr SERTRALINE SUCCESSFULLY TREATEDRIFAMPIN WITH AND OF PRIMARY BILIARY CHOLANGITIS NODULAR PRURIGO AS FIRST MANIFESTATION PP71 (r=0.44, AIS the by obtained scores with correlated signiicantly itch of with regard to AIS, PSQI and ESS, respectively. The severi 1056 1 p Kielce VoivodeshipKielce Poland Kielce, Hospital, quality of dermatological patients may improve their quality of life. quality their may improve patients ofdermatological quality affect of ofsleep quality the sleep Improving AD Ps and patients. Department of Dermatology, of Department and <0.001), (r=0.5, 9 p th 1 <0.001) and (r=0.34, <0.001) and World Congress of Itch of Congress World p 1 =0.014), for AD Ps and respectively. Moreover, , Piotr Stepien Piotr , Jacek C.Szepietowski , Jacek p p <0.001), respectively. <0.001), (r=0.36, 2 , p Dorota Zarebska-Michaluk 2 Department of Infectious Diseases, Infectious of Department <0.001), ESS (r=0.35, p =0.026) and Ps=0.026) and (r=0.32, Conclusions: p Itch can <0.001) lestatic 2 , Bea- , ty - - - - gel 8–17 age group, girls were more embarrassed ( embarrassed more were group,girls 8–17 age the For group. age 6–7 the difference in signiicant no was there genders, Between skin. itchy bytheir embarrassed 39%were and crazy driven 50%were frustrated, group,65%were older the in Of note scared. 12%were and angry sad, 33%were 23% were 15% were due scared to their itchy skin. For the older children, For the 6–7 year-olds, 34 % expressed sadness, 30% were mad an and 164 and 38 girls (8–17-year-olds) 102 with girls 62 and boys. emotional impact from chronic pruritus than boys. vs. boys.girls We higher demonstrate would girls that hypothesized of expressivity emotive greater regarding literature published is effectspsychosocial Moreover, onchildren. itch ofchronic there knownis the little (QoL) but about oflife on quality the impact Background: François Sandy EFFECT OF CHRONIC ITCH ONCHILDREN GENDER DISPARITY IN PSYCHOSOCIALTHE PP73 reducing pruritus e.g., in patients with RI or CPR, there has not has not RIorCPR, there with patients in e.g., pruritus reducing suggests experience NB-UVBThough, clinical to be effective in BB-UVB in phototherapy units and private dermatological ofices. replaced NB-UVB completely hasalmost vitiligo, and dermatitis, atopic ofpsoriasis, (NB)-UVB treatment BB-UVB over the in narrowband of eficacy superior to due however, years, recent In (RI). insuficiency renal with patients in CP reduce to shown (BB)-UVB been broadband has previously with Phototherapy forCP treatments nolicensed are there date, to and, orCPR. dificult is CP of Treatment nodules. and papules pruriginous (CPR) with prurigo chronic to lead may cycle” “itch-scratch an tients’ of development and scratching Repeated oflife. quality pa the reduces signiicantly weeks) 6 (> (CP) pruritus Chronic 1 Franz J. Legat ITCH IN CHRONIC PRURITUS PATIENTS UVB ARE EQUALLY EFFECTIVE IN REDUCING NARROWBAND-UVBBOTH AND BROADBAND- PP74 age groups. age difference assess possible used to the two the in genders between Fisher’s and Chi-square concepts. emotional ctive were test exact distin determine used to were Proportions analyzed. were impact to related items emotional For the this only analysis, validating. currently we are that version (8–17years) child older and years) QoL pruritus. chronic from impact (6–7 child younger a is There ofthe self-report a ItchyQoL, versions ofthe pediatric including panel ofsurveys a administered were and or longer) recruited ren between the ages of 6–17 who chronic itch (6 experience weeks worried ( worried Ho Chen needed to further assess concepts. further these to needed girls. worryolder and in embarrassment A larger is study scaled to attention particular paying helpful, be may concepts these to tailored support Emotional children. in pruritus chronic from elicited aspects emotional the on insight us give indings These were in embarrassment not crazy and the tested younger group. concepts tested were speciic to each age group; frustration, driven embarrassment and worry than boys. It should be noted that certain younger group. In group, the (pre)adolescent girls expressed more frustration. experienced differences nogender were There the in of(pre)adolescents majority the and anger voiced subjects of all feelings. those expressed of(pre)adolescents percentage A third lower a itch; chronic their to due scared and group was saddened 1 tistics and Documentation, Medical University Graz, University Graz, Medical andDocumentation, tistics Austria Department of Dermatology, of Department and Emory University, 1 , Franz Quehenberger 1 p , James Roberts =0.03) than boys. =0.03) than Results: Dermatologic conditions can have a signiicant a have can conditions Dermatologic 1 1 , , 2 Grace Lee Georgia Technology, of Institute USA Angelika Angelika Hofer 67(6–7year-olds) were There 29boys with 2 2 , , Klara Waltner, Klara Suephy Chen 1 , Conclusion: Shelby Smith 2 Institute for Medical Sta Informatics, Medical for Institute 1 , Alexandra Alexandra Gruber-Wackerna 1 1 A younger ofthe third 1 , Peter Wolf, Peter , Alix Pijeaux Alix p = 0.02) and more more = 0.02)and Methods: 1 1 , Kuang- Child d d - - - - - Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV itch-speciic itch-speciic QoL instrument, ItchyQol, in PV. onuse ofan available are Sonodata psoriasis. far in intensity ofQoLDLQI show discussed to is correlations pruritus the with psoriasis. used in commonly instrument DLQI standard a is The (QoL) ofpatients. oflife quality onthe (PV)ris has impact and pital Münster,pital Germany Center for Chronic Pruritus, Department of Dermatology, University Hos needs and treatment expectations. expectations. treatment and needs and ItchyQol are correlating with each other inluencing patient’s burdened Itch are by pruritus. intensity highly vulgaris psoriasis Conclusion: Index). Beneit Patient of (part Questionnaire Need Patient the ofPVduration by as measured needs patient and health-related worse QoL5.81 ItchyQol-points males), than VAS 24h, average of (estimate gender female as follows: forparameter ItchyQol by measured QoLas of dependency signiicant showed analysis worst, VAS DLQI. and average, regression linear multiple The with correlations strong to showed moderate 18.5). ItchyQol VAS 17.8,SD median: 7.9; 30 (mean: 3.0to from DLQI83); ranged 110 33to from ranged of78.7(SD median: 17.4; mean a with 8.1 (median); VAS score ItchyQol 7.2 (median). was h 24 average PASI arthritis. psoriasis was 20.9(median), VAS worst 24hwas sufferedPatients PV; from (median) 18.5years since 13.8%had 49years. median: 24–75years, range age 46 (34.5%)females; data. demographic intensity itch questionnaire, ItchyQol the VAS, and comorbidities of results the including data ofPSORITUSassessment baseline trial (PSORITUS). The present correlation analysis comprised with to within Secukinumab treatment a controlled randomized PV severe to moderate with assigned were pruritus intense and Background: Sonja Ständer RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL (PSORITUS) OF PATIENT BASELINE DATA FROM A CORRELATIONVULGARIS: ANALYSIS ITCHYQOL ASSESSMENT IN PSORIASIS PP75 ability toreduce pruritus( Test) BB-UVB NB-UVB to the in that was inferior not indicated effect, treatment relative the asymptotic Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney 80.7%). Testing 20%of upto range (equality fornon-inferiority reduction NB-UVB 1.20(0–8.7)(median 6.75(1.1–10)to from 67.2%),and reduction 2.10(0–7.5)(median 6.05(2.2–10)to from lesions, and 3had noskin lesions. BB-UVB reduced pruritus VAS scratch CPR orsecondary either 35had 38patients, Of these tion. evalua inal for eligible were and 20) NB-UVB: 18; (BB-UVB: 4weeks ofUV-treatment least at received 20–85years) range CP with 38patients itch). imaginable (23F, 65y, age median 15M; (VAS) scale analogue 10(=worst to 0(=noitch) from ranging visual a using pruritus their evaluated patients oftreatment, end the UV-dose at and during, weekly Before, week). 20%per increments BB-UVB dose 50%MED, orNB-UVBlooking (starting cabins were whole-body UV-treated 3x per week for 6 weeks in equally patients source, light respective dose the (MED) with erythema toned BB-UVB orNB-UVB. forindividual testing After minimal with patients CP. 49 consented and patients were randomly assig effectsthe ofBB-UVB in versus pruritus NB-UVB reducing in BB-UVB. with it comparing study a been Thus, we investigated administered in CP in administered eficacy. overall great with patients nowadays. NB-UVB be also conditions can other in Thus, like that is hardly reached byany other treatment option available by70–80%) reduction (itch grade a at activity antipruritic strong CPin showed very modalities phototherapeutic both and patients effective equally be to proofed pruritus as BB-UVB reducing in Thomas A. Luger Thomas A. ItchyQol assessment demonstrated that patients with with patients that demonstrated assessment ItchyQol Pruritus is a frequent complaint in psoriasis vulga psoriasis in complaint frequent a is Pruritus , Karin Loser,Karin Metze, Dieter Jürgen Zimmermann, Results: 130 patients with PV with 130patients included: were p =0.0037). Inconclusion, NB-UVB Methods: Patients Patients - - - - 1 etc.) of the ItchyQOL. ItchyQOL. ofthe etc.) median, (mean, tendencies central and consistency internal the in study, Inthis ments. differences gender any discern we to sought instru the to relate not may girls worry to that leading ItchyQoL, A and ItchyQuant the both youngboydominates ofa cartoon (CP, pruritus ofchronic (QoL) impact life >6weeks). lasting itch derstand the concepts behind itch severity self-rated and of quality un to youngchildren assist to attempt an in cartoon-annotated ItchyQoL versionsofthe pediatric the and ItchyQuant The are Suephy Chen OUTCOMES ANNOTATION IN SELF REPORTED PRURITUS IMPERVIOUSNESS TO GENDER CARTOON PP76 different sensations of the skin and mucous without or membrane on complains with applied old) 41.94years age (average patients 2016). In2016-201717 al., S.J. (Davies et symptoms anxiety and scores fordepressive higher with associated be may drome syn mouth 2013).Burning M.A. al., sensory (Gupta disorder et ofcutaneous development forthe susceptible more is innervation Vellappally ofepidermal density greater a S., with 2016).Skin (Liu literature in mentioned are gabapentin and YF. 2017, al., et psychotherapy, clonazepam, approaches therapeutic capsaicin the among xerostomia, dysesthesia, paresthesia, dysgeusia, with associated is syndrome glossopyrosis mouth and orBurning salgia Glos often. more and more becomes membrane mucous and skin ofthe onitch complains with ofpatients application the Recently treatment. and diagnostics in problems cause and wide rather is disorders mental with associated sensations ofskin variety The tology, Russia Moscow research dermatovenereology of center andpractical andcosme Bobko Andrey Lvov, Dmitry Romanov, Tereshenko,Anastasia PHENOMENON? MUCOUS MEMBRANE: IS IT A PSYCHOSOMATIC «PSEUDOALLERGIC» REACTIONS ONSKIN AND PP77 gender using Spearman rank order correlations. correlations. order rank Spearman using gender A ItchyQoL and ItchyQuant between foreach explored scores were Correlation test). median a (i.e., score median overall the above of test a the mean number of scores per gender group which were ANOVA for comparison of means, a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, and an using evaluated were genders between tendency central in ces Differen cohort. age same that within bygender separately then Cronbach’s and cohort age given a in children across all alpha CP. ItchyQoL forthe consistency Internal using was calculated 6–7-year-old to administered 4–5-year-old to and with children girls (0.56 and 0.49, (0.56and girls and boys between similarly and ItchyQoL signiicantly the with score). median the 49% above scores correlated ItchyQuant The vs (51% test median the did nor differences, signiicant reveal different an to according ANOVA. not did test Sum Rank The for boys and girls was 5.59 and 5.37, which was not signiicantly and 0.84, respectively) in the 6–7-year-old group. The overall me differnot (0.81,0.86, overall and boys, girls, between substantially instruments. the completed ItchyQoL’sThe Cronbach’s did alpha 334–5-year-old and (32 boys 38girls) and (13boys 20girls) and signiicant. statistically considered was group, analogous results were found. were results group, analogous to themselves as well as boys. as well themselves to over aggregated items. It appears that girls can the instrument relate difference gender a ItchyQOL the in when ofinterest properties be to appear does not ofyoungboys, there bycartoons depicted ItchyQoL the in items ofthe majority were ItchyQuant the and Emory University, 1 , James Roberts 2 Georgia Technology, of Institute USA Method: Method: p <0.01 for both). In the 4–5-year-old Inthe <0.01 forboth). age 2 The ItchyQuant and ItchyQoL and ItchyQuant The were Conclusion: Results: Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Poster abstracts Poster 706–7-year-old p Although the the Although -value <0.05 -value Svetlana Svetlana 1057 an an ------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Yvergnaux with Fucogel with modiied the pH of the medium. of SP without co-culture in and types ontwocellular release lactic acid, 0.1% of polysaccharide induced a signii whereas prior pH neutralization did not. At these concentrations of entry calcium cytosolic a induced acid 0.1%lactic keratinocytes, SP provoke not doid acid lactic pH was neutralized, On release. keratinocytes. and forPC12 cells toxicity without acid When lactic acid. The release of SP was signiicant from 0.1% of lactic and PC12 cells. We showed a release of SP for all conditions with SP release to determined onkeratinocytes cytotoxicity without 0.5%, 0.4%,0.3%,0.2%,0.1%,0.07%,0.04%,0%)has been Firstly,both. (10%,5%,1%, lactic ofacid concentration ideal or orpolysaccharide acid oflactic application before medium proliferation in day one maintained were keratinocytes days and differentiated were PC12 cells plate. 96-wells a NGF using for3 our polysaccharide present in Fucogel in present polysaccharide effect, calming a predict to Inorder cells. bacterial we used a Psubstance PC12 and keratinocytes human using (SP) release and test lactic onacid based model co-culture and culture a vivo in To the predict probable soothing sensation of product a before side. other onthe soothing potential and side onone deposited ofvolunteers. face is placebo a sensation, stinging a begin After ofthe left and right fold onnasolabial %placed 10or5percent at acid lactic using made is test stinging Inpractice, sensation. thing onsoo oringredients formula actives, molecules, tests and skin Stinging test is an Mehdi Sakka POLYSACCHARIDE INWITH VIVO RESULTS USING A BACTERIAL TEST IN VITRO: A COMPARATIVE EVALUATION A NEW TOOL MODELLING STINGING FOR PP78 shows and such cases eficacy. its in necessary is others) and drugs (antipsychotics psychotropic was noticed. papules ofurticum, form in reactions» use of The «pseudoallergic ofpsychogenic variant ofrash as a manifestation the sign of different psychodermatological interven were and presented widely were others) and stinging tightness, prickling, pricking, tickling, tingling, (burning, sensations other and ofitch equivalents Psychiatric dermatitis. ofatopic base the at itch ampliied – patients 2 and itch somatoform – patients 2 urticaria, had 5patients glossalgia, had 8patients diagnosis the patients. the examined detail in psychiatrist and logist Among ourcenter. to directed and specialist other and Dermatovenereo rash onskin. with byallergologists consulted were patients The 1058 1 Olivier Gouin Olivier Nicolas Lebonvallet Nicolas Brest, Laboratory of Laboratory of Neurosciences of Brest, University of Western Brittany, in vitroin 2 BioEurope –Groupe Solabia, France Anet, testing and to modelize effect modelize to and testing we skin, developed onthe 9 th 2 World Congress of Itch of Congress World , model. Keratinocytes and PC12 cells were placed on placed were PC12 and cells Keratinocytes model. Thibaut Saguet Thibaut 1 ® , 1 application was followed by a decrease by 30% of decrease bya was followed application , Raphael Raphael Leschiera Killian L’herondelleKillian in vivo 1 classic protocol that evaluates sensitive 2 , Jean-Luc Carré Jean-Luc In vivo 1 ® , in in 1 Christelle Christelle Le Gall-Ianotto , Jean-Luc Philbé Jean-Luc in vivo in , stinging test associated test , stinging 1 , stinging test and test stinging Laurent Misery cant decrease tions. The 2 Florent , 1 1 - - , , matology, USA; Florida, Medicine, Miami, of School Miami of University NK vitro by revealed activity soothing show evidence that the onset of antipruritic effects ofantipruritic onset the that show evidence serlopi with tolerated in a phase 2clinical (NCT01951274). trial Here, we well was and and safe placebo with for6weeks compared daily once given when pruritus chronic in improvement signiicant 3 animal experimentation. Furthermore, Fucogel Furthermore, experimentation. animal no is there because screening ingredients forcosmetic adapted is 21 69 to old. years Our from volunteers on19women versus placebo intensity prikling 1 signiicantly greater with serlopitant 1 mg (–41.4; (–41.4; mg 1 serlopitant with greater signiicantly baseline from change percentage the 6; week VAS was score itch placebo. effects antipruritic The to sustained were ofserlopitant with 3than onday beginning 5mg 2and onday beginning 1 mg baseline VAS itch score was signiicantly greater with serlopitant comparable. were characteristics baseline from change mean The (NK P substance neuropeptide receptor, its and 1receptor neurokinin te relief ofitch is an initial treatment goal for chronic pruritus. The issues. Immedia safety/tolerability undesirable with associated are eficacy, limited have therapies pruritus chronic some Many and of underlying conditions, can signiicantly impact quality of life. Introduction: Sonja Ständer CONTROLLED 2CLINICAL PHASE TRIAL RANDOMIZED, MULTICENTER, PLACEBO- POST HOC ANALYSIS RESULTS FROM A SERLOPITANTWITH CHRONIC FOR PRURITUS: EARLY ONSET OF ANTIPRURITIC EFFECTS PP79 were sustained to week 6 with the 1 mg and 5 mg doses. 5mg and 1mg the 6with week to sustained were serlopitant with ofpruritus experience the in improvements The placebo. with dose compared 5mg the 3with day dose and mg 1 the 2with as day as early beginning pruritus chronic in vement 5 mg (–42.5; (–42.5; 5 mg Conclusions: 0.25 mg ( 0.25 mg Two hundred ifty-seven patients were randomized to serlopitant t-test. a using groups tested placebo and serlopitant the difference the with zed, between baseline from change average in 14was days onstudy 1to analy baseline from 6 weeks. Change loading dose of3tablets at baseline, patients took 1tablet daily for orplacebo. 5mg, 1mg, 0.25mg, serlopitant receive to a After (VAS) Scale Analog 1:1:1:1 randomized were Patients ≥7. score Visual itch baseline and weeks ≥6 lasting pruritus -refractory or Methods: treatment. irst few days ofinitiating the in begins tant pital pital Münster, Münster, Germany; USA; aic otws Saitcl oslig Ic, odnil, Washington, Woodinville, Inc., Consulting, Statistical Northwest Paciic Center for Chronic for Center Dermatology, of Department Pruritus, Hos University 1 -R antagonist serlopitant was shown to provide statistically was statistically shown provide to serlopitant -R antagonist 1 stinging test based onSP based test stinging release. -R), play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic pruritus. pruritus. ofchronic pathogenesis the in role a -R), play The 4 Menlo Therapeutics Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA California, Park, Menlo Inc., Therapeutics Menlo n Key eligibility criteria were treatment-unresponsive were criteria Key eligibility =64), 1 mg ( =64), 1mg p Serlopitant provided statistically signiicant impro Chronic pruritus, a prevalent symptom of a variety variety ofa symptom prevalent a pruritus, Chronic 1 =0.013) at week 6 compared with placebo (–28.3). placebo with 6compared week =0.013) at , Gil Yosipovitch, Gil n in vitroin =64), or 5 mg ( =64), or5mg in vivo in 2 Miami Itch Itch Miami Center, Der of Department model is ethically interesting andinteresting ethically is model 2 , Joe Hirman, Joe stinging test and ournew and test stinging n =65), or placebo ( =65), orplacebo 3 , Paul Kwon , Paul ® has an interesting interesting has an p =0.022) and =0.022) and Material/ Results: 4 n =64); =64); in in ------

Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV Chen, Suephy1017, 1031,1043, Chen, 1020 Sisi Chen, Kuang-HoChen, 1017,1031, 1044, 1044 Chih-Cheng Chen, Chauveau, 1022 Aurélie 1022 François Chasset, Chasset, 1050 Adam Chalem, 1024,1031 Ylana 1039 Bernard Chadoutaud, 1009,1025, Iodi Mirela Carstens, 1009,1025,1035, Earl Carstens, 1058 Jean-Luc Carré, 1035 Girolamo Calo’, 1022 Le Ronan Calloch, C 1029 Paul Buscaglia, 1009,1033 Melanie Burke, 1038 Laurie Burke, Buhé, Virginie 1029 Buchwald, 1032 Theresa 1019 Brun, Cecilia 1025 Philipp Bruland, Brombacher, 1020 Frank 1013 Emily Brock, Brestoff, R.1020 Jonathan Frank 1012 Brennan, 1011, Emilie Brenaut, 1016 1038 Frederik Braun, 1020 Richard Brasington, Boek, 1018 Agnieszka Bouvier, 1037 Amelie Bødker, 1049 Mark Brendstrup 1057 Bobko, Svetlana 1038 Christine Blome, 1055 Leszek Blicharz, Biernacka, Anna 1040 Martyna Bieniek-Kobuszewska, Jan 1055 Biegus, 1042 Rafał Białynicki-Birula, JeffreyBernhard, D. 1051 1024,1031 Gilles Berdeaux, 1011 Enzo Berardesca, 1025 Dietmar Benke, 1048 Minaya Beigi, 1013 Diana Bautista, Greg 1013 Barton, 1020 Danielle Bartels, Barnetsche, 1016 Thomas Babes, 1036 Alexandru B 1029,1037 Ehsan Azimi, Austen, K. Frank1037 1038 Matthias Augustin, 1024,1031 Auges, Marie Ase, 1010 Ariel Asahina, 1041,1042,1043 Akihiko 1013,1038, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Marius1018,1045 Ardeleanu, Aquiar, 1051 Rita Apfelbacher, 1023 Christian 1022,1050 Emiliano Antiga, 1045 Michael Andria, Andoh, Tsugunobu 1019,1035 1013,1038, Holm Andersen, Hjalte Amagai, Yosuke 1020 Altrichter, 1031 Sabine 1051 Alonso, Estrella Akiyama, Tasuku 1009,1015,1025, 1041,1042,1043 Norie Aizawa, 1028,1037 Konstantin Agelopoulos, 1045,1046 Afshari, Khashayar 1022,1050 Zygmunt Adamski, Mario Acuña, A. 1025 Abbé, 1045 Adeline A 1044, 1056,1057 1056 1035, 1036 1036 1043 1040, 1049 1040, 1049 1030 Graham, Stewart 1050 Stewart Graham, 1029,1058 Gouin, Olivier 1046 Jolanta Gle, Giesler, 1026 Glenn Gieler, Uwe 1012,1017,1024, 1045 Robert Gereau, W. 1020 1049 Parisa Gazerani, 1012,1029 Le Raphaele Garrec, 1020 Gao, Xiaofei 1012, Le Christelle Gall-Ianotto, 1011 Le Christelle Gal-Ianotto, 1047 Patrycja Gajda, 1038 Mariusz Gajda, Gadkari, 1018,1045 Abhijit G 1022,1050 Furukawa, Fukumi 1012,1018 Furue, Masutaka 1036 Hideki Funahashi, Fukuda, Ryoko 1030 1009,1035 Masanori Fujii, Sandy1017,1031,1044, François, Forster, 1032,1048 Clemens Foroutan, Arash 1037,1045,1046 Forner, 1051 Caroline-Donata Follansbee, Taylor 1009,1035 Fluhr, 1011 Joachim Fischer, J. 1047 Michael Fischer, 1052 Matthias Fischer, 1035 Caroline 1020 Feng, Jing 1025 Claude Favrot, F 1039 Charlène Eydieux, Evers, 1011,Andrea 1012,1017, Shogo 1019 Endo, 1029,1037 Sarina Elmariah, Ellrich, André 1031 Jesper 1013,1038,1040 Elberling, Jan 1051 Ehrchen, 1018,1045 Laurent Eckert, Ebata, Toshiya 1030,1033,1041, E MargaretaDüll, 1047 Miriam 1025,1037 Dugas, Martin Dücker, von1049 Laura 1051 Fátima Duarte, Dörler, Arnd 1032 Dong, 1034 Xinzhong 1020 Donders, Rogier Domocos, Dan 1036 Doh, 1041 Jin Eun Demkow, Tomasz 1052 Dehpour, 1037,1045, Ahmad-Reza 1013 Jacques Deguine, Davoodi, A. 1009,1025 1020 Davidson, Steve Dangelmaier, 1028 Julia 1045 Maryam Daneshpazhooh, Daczak-Pazdrowska, Aleksandra D 1047 Joanna Czuwara, 1043 Joanna Czerwiska, JesusCuervo, 1024,1031 1020 M. Laurin Council, Costa, 1051 Ana Célia 1037 Heike Conrad, 1018 Marci Clark, 1049 Djernis Janne Christensen, Choi, Yong Won 1036 Iwona 1056 Chlebicka, M. 1037 Isaac Chiu, 1044 Sarah Chisolm, 1048 Shigetoshi Chiba, 1020 Zhou-Feng Chen, Chen, Y.H. 1021 1019, 1022,1029,1058 1056 1020, 1024 1043 1046 1022, 1050 Koga, Tetsuya 1018 Klein, H 1010 Amanda 1017,1045 Stephanie Kiupel, 1044 Seema Kini, 1008 Utako Kimura, 1041 SeongJin Kim, Hye One 1036,1041 Kim, Sung Hei 1041 Kim, Kim-Dufor, 1043 Deok-Hee DoKim, Won 1041 Byung-Soo 1041 Kim, S. 1020 Brian Kim, 1018 Makiko Kido-Nakahara, Kidane, Tizita Yosef 1039 Khasabov, Sergey 1026 1020 de van Kerkhof, Peter Kerby, B.1015 Matthew 1013,1033,1039 Ichiro Katayama, Karaev, 1039 Elkham Kanaoka, Yoshihide 1037 Kamata, Yayoi 1014 1023,1026,1055 Karolina Kaaz, K Jung, Bo Young 1036 Jo, Yong Se1036 1041 Beata Jastrzb, 1018 Katarzyna Janiszewska, Jang, Yong Hyun 1041 SooJang, Min 1041 Jafferany, 1008 Mohammad 1047 Małgorzata Jabłoska, J Itoh, Takumi 1008 Islam, 1022,1050 Aminul Ishiuji, Yozo 1041,1042,1043 Ishida, Yasushi 1036 1041,1042, 1043 Sanae Inokuchi, 1040 Małgorzata Inglot, Inami, Yoshihiro 1035 Ikoma, 1030,1033 Akihiko Ikedam, Takaharu 1050 Idzior, 1041 Marta 1022 Jean-Christophe Ianotto, I Hu, 1020 Hongzhen 1020 Hsieh, Chyi-Song Houwer, Jan De 1024 1011Honda, Kotaro 1014 Kristian Holz, 1038 Hołysz, Marcin Hofer, 1028,1056 Angelika Joe 1058 Hirman, Rose 1013 Hill, 1020 Kim Hijne, Higaki, Yuko 1043 1054 Monika Heisig, 1017 Caitlin Haydek, Hayakawa, Yuko 1043 Hawro, Tomasz 1031 Häussler, 1035 Annett RyoHatano, 1008 1022,1050 Hideo Hashizume, 1022,1050 Minoru Hasegawa, Haruta-Tsukamoto, Ayaka 1036 TimothyHartke, 1010 V Haniin, Jon 1015 Handwerker, O. 1048 Hermann 1020 L. Samantha Hamilton1, Hamasaki, Tetsuyoshi 1020 1048 Michael Haeberle, 1037,1045, Nazgol-Sadat Haddadi, 1054 Michael Häberle, H Guttman-Yasky, 1015 Emma J.Guo, 1020 Changxiong Gschwendtner, Andreas 1048 Gruber-Wackernagel, Alexandra 1013 Karsten Gronert, 1031 Katarzyna Grochulska, 1046 1028, 1056 McGregory, M. 1021 1051 Melissa McEnery-Stonelake, 1010,1025 Ian McDonald, Maurer, Marcus 1014,1031 1023,1026,1054, Łukasz Matusiak, Matsumoto, 1013,1033 Akira Kenshiro 1019 Matsuda, 1019,1020 Hiroshi Matsuda, 1030,1049 Hironori Matsuda, Mashino, Toshihiko 1018 Masatoshi, Abe 1052 Mano, Yosuke 1035 1046 Marta Malek, 1049 Małgorzata Małek, Maki, Takahito 1019 R.1020 Madison Mack, M Lvov, Andrey 1057 1024 Kjell Lüßmann, Luo, Tuanlian 1029 1020 Jialie Luo, 1044 Kevin Luk, Luger, Thomas A. 1014,1015,1057 Lotts, Tobias 1028,1037 Loser, 1014,1028,1057 Karin 1010,1025 Imre Szabó, Lrinc Donna 1009,1033 Lloyd, Qin1020 Liu, 1019 Shikai Li, 1026 Brett Lipshetz, 1022 Eric Lippert, Kap-sok 1041 Li, L’Herondelle, 1012 Killian L’herondelle, 1029,1058 Killian 1012 Richard Lewis, Leslie, Tabi 1021 Lesiak, 1050 Aleksandra 1058 Raphael Leschiera, Lerner, 1029 Ethan 1023,1054 Edyta Lelonek, J. Franz 1028,1056 Legat, 1029 Luc Lefeuvre, Lee, Yang Won 1041 1017,1031,1044,1056 Grace Lee, Dong Hun 1041 Lee, 1030,1033 Didier LeClercq, 1019,1029, Nicolas Lebonvallet, Lavery, M.J. 1021 1049 Birkholm Mia Lausten, 1041 Laskowska, Marta James Larrick, W. 1015 1046 Magdalena Lange, 1054 Łukasz Łaczmaski, Laarhoven, 1012, van Antoinette L Kwon, 1014,1058 Paul 1023,1054 Kwiatkowski, Jacek ShawnKwatra, 1016 1016 Madan Kwatra, Kusumi, Tomomi 1048 1011Kusube, Fumiya Kushner, 1022,1050 Carolyn 1018 Kuroki, Rie Kurihara, Yuichi 1018 Kuraishi, Yasushi 1019,1035 Kupfer, Joerg 1012,1017,1021, 1038 Piotr Kupczyk, Kupas, Verena 1014 1048 Kenjirou Kumakawa, 1013 Kelava Natalie Kucirek, 1016 Madison Krischak, Krinitsina, Yulia 1054 Kremer, Andreas 1032,1047 1056 Beata Krecisz, 1052 Maria Kozioł, 1045 Sophia Kottlors, Kosaka, Ryohei 1030,1049 1044 Chandra Ravi Kopparaju, 1008 Eriko Komiya-Suyama, 1055 1058 1020, 1024,1040 1024, 1045 Acta Derm Venereol Derm Acta 2017 Index 1059 Advances in dermatology and venereology ActaDV Acta Dermato-Venereologica ActaDV 1060 Owczarczyk-Saczonek, Agnieszka Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek, 1008 Otsuka, Haruna 1037,1045,1046 Sattar Ostadhadi, 1038 Osada, Nani 1024,1031 Massimiliano Orri, Onipchenko, Viktoria 1054 1052 Olszewska, Małgorzata 1046 Olszewska, Berenika Okuda, Yosuke 1039 Ohya, Susumu 1035 Ohtsu, 1035 Hiroshi 1008 Kei Ohnuma, 1009,1031 Robert Ofenloch, K. 1020 Landon Oetjen, 1042 Odongo, Leo Oddos, 1019 Thierry 1033 Saori Ochi, O 1046 Roman Nowicki, 1040 Nowak, Maciej 1047 Maciej Nowacki, 1046,1047 Katarzyna Nowacka, Nørgaard, 1049 Anders Lindby 1024,1031 Nordon, Clementine Nomura, Yoshihiro 1020 Dawid 1040 Niyski, 1020 Niu, Haixia 1049 Chiharu Nishiyama, Nishimori, Toshikazu 1036 1025 Elena Neumann, Neubauer, 1041 Katarzyna 1023 Nelson, Pauline 1018 Nelson, Lauren Nattkemper, 1021 Leigh 1049 Nashan, Dorothée Cory1016 Nanni, Namer, 1047 Barbara 1036 Rumi Nakayama-Naono, Nakahara, Takeshi 1018 1041,1042, Hidemi Nakagawa, Hisashi1011Naito, M. 1009,1025 Nagamine, N 1015 Dedee Murrell, 1013,1033,1039 Hiroyuki Murota, 1049 Kazuyoshi Murata, 1022, Raiqul Mowla, Mohammad 1008 Chikao Morimoto, Montgomery, Kerry 1024 Momose, 1043,1048 Akishi Mohammed, Taqee Ansari 1026 H. 1021 Mochizuki, 1048 Hiroki Mizukami, Miyahara, Yu 1036 Mittal, 1053 Asit 1016 Debdeep Mitra, 1016 Barnali Mitra, Misery, 1011, Laurent 1012,1016, Minematsu, Takeo 1052 Miller, Mark J. 1020 1012, 1029 Olivier Mignen, 1030 Lefkos Middleton, 1024 van Henriët Middendorp, 1031 Martin Metz, 1057 Dieter Metze, Mettang, 1009,1012,1021, Thomas 1038 Kirstin Menne, Mengeaud, Valerie 1024,1031 Mendes, Ana 1051 1024 Meeuwis, Stefanie 1053 Manju Meena, 1043 1043 1050 1043, 1050,1058 1019, 1022,1024,1029,1031, 1031 9 th World Congress of Itch of Congress World Sanada, Hiromi 1052 Hiromi Sanada, 1022,1050 Dominik Samotij, 1055 Zbigniew Samochocki, 1058 Mehdi Sakka, Sakamoto, Tatsuya 1049 1049 Hirotaka Sakamoto, 1015,1030 Kent Sakai, Sakaguchi, 1014 Azumi Saguet, 1058 Thibaut 1012 Hidehisa Saeki, S 1035 Chiara Ruzza, Rütten, Arno 1054 1049 Justina Rusteikaitè, Rülander, 1028 Falk 1019 Roman Rukwied, UweRudolph, 1025 1052 Lidia Rudnicka, Romanov, 1057 Dmitry 1017,1031,1056, James Roberts, 1016 Callie Roberts, Rizzi, Anna 1035 1039 Julie Riviere, Ringler, 1048 Ralf 1010 Matthias Ringkamp, Ries, Vivien 1047 1025 Claudia Riepe, 1049 Daniele Riccio, 1042 Radomir Reszke, 1031 Ulrich Reidel, Reich, 1011,Adam 1018,1022, Peter Reeh, W. 1047 Reddy, Vemuri 1029 Reaney, 1018,1045 Matthew 1048 Miriam Rank, Ramsey, R.V. 1021 WilliamRalvenius, T.1025 Rakowska, 1047,1052 Adriana 1046,1047 Dominika Ragin, Radko, 1040 Agata Radin, 1018 Allen R Quehenberger, 1056 Franz 1044 Cassandra Quave, Q 1031 Katarzyna Przybylowicz, Poulaliou, 1043 Adèle 1055 Ponikowska, Malgorzata 1030 Michel Poncet, Polaska, 1022,1050 Adriana 1028 Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, 1009 Natalie Plewig, Placek, Waldemar 1043 Pijeaux, 1031,1044,1056 Alix 1035 Claudio Pietra, 1012 Réginald Philippe, 1058 Jean-Luc Philbé, 1049 Laura Petrini, Perlman, Andrew J. 1015 Pedro1027,1028 Manuel Pereira, 1051 Manuel Pereira-Barbosa, 1052 Marta Pelc, 1020 Kaya Peerdeman, 1051 Pedro, Elisa 1050 Julia Paul, Park, Kyung Duck 1041 Park, Gyeong-Hun 1041 Park, Chun Wook 1036 OokPark, Chang 1041 1056 Piotr Parcheta, Pahomova, Vera 1054 1025,1029 Martina Pagani, P 1057 1038, 1040,1041,1050,1054 Tominaga, 1008,1011, Mitsutoshi Titenko, 1054 Anastasiia Thompson, Andrew 1024 1024,1031 Jennifer Theunis, 1016 Chloé Théréné, Tey, 1012, 1032,1053 Hong Liang Tereshenko, 1057 Anastasia Terao, 1013,1033 Mika Tegeder, 1035 Irmgard Taniguchi, Nao 1030 Tang, Jean Y. 1015 Tan, Colin Weixuan 1053 Tanaka, 1019,1020 Akane Talagas, 1012 Matthieu Takemura, 1030,1033 Kimitoshi Takase, Yoshimasa 1030 Takanami, 1049 Keiko Takamori, 1008,1011, Kenji 1014, Takahashi, 1011, Nobuaki 1021, Tahara, Mayuko 1039 T Szöllsi, 1010,1025 Attila C.1008,1011, Jacek Szepietowski, 1022,1023,1050 Justyna Szczch, Sun, Yan Gang 1029 Suga, Yasushi 1008,1011, 1014, C.1021 Stull, 1020 Michiel Stroo, 1025 Michael Storck, 1056 Piotr Stepien, 1047 Martina Stengel, 1025,1027,1038 Sabine Steinke, Steinhoff, 1010,1015,1025 Martin Ständer, 1011, Sonja 1012,1014, Ständer, 1049, 1053 Hartmut Spínola, 1051 Amélia Spindler, Max 1031 1040 Spałkowska, Magdalena 1025 Inaki Soto, 1036 Son, Hee Jee 1013 Henrik Sølvsten, 1016 Reema Solanki, Sokołowska-Wojdyło, Małgorzata 1017,1031,1044, Shelby Smith, 1045 Eric Simpson, 1026 Donald Simone, Silva, 1010 da Ribeiro Alfredo 1047 Mariusz Sikora, Shiraiwa, Yasauo 1048 1010 Behrang Sharif, 1045,1046 Saeed Shakiba, Sergeeva, 1054 Irina Semenov, Yevgeniy 1016 Selescu, Tudor 1036 1010 Philippe Séguéla, Schwendinger-Schreck, 1013 Jamie 1017,1024,1045 Christina Schut, Schnipper, F. Edward 1015 1008 Martin Schmelz, Schaffer, András 1020 1039 Michèle Sayag, 1049 Keita Satoh, Sato, Atsushi 1035 Dianis Sari, Wulan 1052 1015,1030 Sanders, Kristen 1014, 1021,1030,1042,1049 1021, 1030,1042,1049 1030, 1042,1049 1054, 1055,1056 1027, 1038,1042,1050,1052, 1012, 1018,1022,1023,1026, 1030 1057, 1058 1037, 1038,1049,1051,1053, 1015, 1025,1027,1028,1034, 1046 1056 Zymlinski, Robert 1055 Robert Zymlinski, 1035 Katja Zschiebsch, JürgenZimmermann, 1057 1024 Christoph Zick, 1015 Xiaoming Zhang, Zeilhofer, 1025 Hanns Ulrich Zeidler, 1025,1038,1051 Claudia Zegarski, Wojciech 1047 1046,1047 Barbara Zegarska, 1043 Natalia Zdanowska, awrocki, Anton 1046 1056 Dorota Zarebska-Michaluk, Z Yvergnaux, 1058 Florent Young, 1009,1033 Michellie Yosipovitch, 1012,1013,1015, Gil Yoshida, 1052 Mikako Yasukochi, Yumi 1018 Yasui, Yuma 1035 Yang, 1020 Lihua Yanai, 1019 Shuichi Yanaba, 1041,1042,1043 Koichi Yamazaki, 1008 Hiroto Yamauchi-Takihara, 1039 Keiko Yamakura, 1011 Fumiyuki Yamada, Taketo 1008 Yabe, 1048 Michihiro Y Xu, 1020 Amy Z. X Wurm, 1047 Lina Wu, Gang 1010 Wróbel, Tomasz 1023,1054 Wooten, 1010 Matthew Wolf, 1028 Peter Wojas-Pelc, Anna 1040 Wildner, 1025 Hendrik Whelan, Timothy M. 1020 Werynowska, 1040 Małgorzata Werth, Victoria 1022,1050 Weller, 1031 Karsten Weisshaar, 1009,1011, Elke 1012, Wei, 1013 Jessica Watschinger, 1035 Katrin Wassmann, Henk 1038 Wakiel, Anna 1052 Wang, 1020 L. Peter Waltner, 1028,1056 Klara Walsh, 1013 Carolyn Wallengren, 1011, Joanna 1027 Voisin, Tiphaine 1037 Virassamynaik, 1039 Sandrine Vierow, Verena 1048 Vetter, 1032 Marcel Veldhuijzen, Judy 1024 Vecchio, 1038 Lo Silvia Vasudevan, 1016 Biju Valdes-Rodriguez, R.1021 Vaglio, 1030 Joelle V 1019 Daisuke Uta, 1055 Usarek, Paulina Umezawa, Yoshinori 1041,1042 Umehara, Yoshie 1014 U Tsuruta, 1050 Daisuke Truong, 1026 Hai Tripathi, Shivani V. 1020 Trier, Anna M. 1020 Tran, 1014 Stefan Tomooka, Yasuhiro 1011, 1049 1018, 1021,1030,1045,1058 1021, 1031,1048,1052