A Guide to

Expository Ministry

Dan Dumas, Editor

GUIDE BOOK NO. oo. . 3 A Guide to

Expository Ministry A Guide to Expository Preaching: Guide Book No. 003 Copyright © 2012 by SBTS Press.

SBTS Press c/o Communications 2825 Lexington Ave. Louisville, KY 40280 A Guide to SBTS Press is a division of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior Expository permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States copyright law. Printed in the United States of America. Ministry Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. Dan Dumas, Editor All rights reserved. GUIDE BOOK NO. ISBN: oo. . 3 A Guide to expository ministry Table of Contents


8 Expository Ministry: A Comprehensive Vision Dan Dumas

– For the Preacher – – For the Hearer –

Ch. 1 - 14 Ch. 5 - 62 The Center of Worship: On the Edge of the Pew: Expository Preaching Expository Listening R. Albert Mohler Jr. Dan Dumas

Ch. 2 - 26 Ch. 6 - 70 This is War: Did Not Our Hearts Burn?: Expository Exorcism Expository Reading Russell D. Moore Robert L. Plummer

Ch. 3 - 36 Ch. 7 - 84 A Life Above Reproach: Worthy of Double Honor: Expository Living Expository Advocating Dan Dumas James M. Hamilton Jr.

Ch. 4 - 46 95 In Season and Out of Season: Resources Expository Readiness 97 Donald S. Whitney Contributors A Guide to expository ministry


Expository Ministry A Comprehensive Vision

By Dan Dumas hen God speaks, Scriptures. If this happens at your a primary cause for the epidemic creation obeys. When church every week, then praise of biblical illiteracy in the pews. If God’s people Whe spoke the universe God. This is the kind of preaching Preachers aren’t teaching the are going to into existence, it happened (Gen God’s people have always needed Bible, and they’re not teaching 1:3-26). When he speaks into — and nothing’s changed. This is their people how to read it be presented the cold, dead hearts of sinners, the kind of preaching that Christ and study it for themselves. a new creation appears (2 Cor modeled when he explained to his Not surprisingly, people grow “mature in 5:17). When preachers exposit the disciples “the things concerning disinterested in the Bible. Word of God and announce that himself in all the Scriptures” (Lk Faithful, expository preaching Christ,” then Jesus is the Christ, the church 24:27). It is commanded in the is instead being replaced with is built. Whenever God’s Word is Great Commission, practiced whatever scratches the “itching biblical, exposi- proclaimed, something comes into in the early church, reinforced ears” of our self-centered, existence that wasn’t there before. in Paul’s Pastoral Epistles and consumerist culture. Ironically, tory preaching It only takes a casual observation demonstrated throughout church this pursuit of relevance has needs to return of the evangelical landscape to history. It’s not the job of the achieved just the opposite. People realize that much of this solid, preacher to improve upon the don’t see the immediate impact to the sacred Christ-centered, truth-driven, program God instituted in the that the Bible has on their lives gospel-proclaiming, church- first place. because preachers are too busy desk of local creating, expository preaching has Unfortunately, many churches trying to chase the bankrupt idol turned into, well, something else. aren’t getting expository that is relevance. churches. If the church is going to flourish, preaching from the pulpit. This is Why has expository preaching then something needs to change. been exchanged with this If you’re working to faithfully pragmatism? Because it’s hard exposit the Scriptures, then this The Preaching Faithful, exposi- work. It takes serious commitment book will encourage you to excel If you’re reading this book, it’s tory preaching to spend time in study week-in still more and give you some likely that you’re familiar with and week-out, praying through allies along the way. If you’re expository preaching. Maybe is being replaced the text, allowing it to marinate wondering if the Bible is what you’ve heard it before, maybe you the preacher’s own soul, spending your people really need, then hear it every week or maybe you with whatever time in the original languages, this book will call you back and do it every week at your church. trying to place himself in the first remind you that God provides all Expository preaching happens scratches the century and reading the insights his people need in his Word (2 when a preacher lays open a of men past and present with Tim 3:16). All he calls preachers biblical text so that its original “itching ears” more wisdom than him. to do is open the Bible, study it meaning is brought to bear on the If God’s people are going to be and proclaim its message. lives of contemporary listeners. of our self- presented “mature in Christ” (Col Expository preaching is a call centered, con- 1:28), then biblical, expository The Preacher to deliver from the pulpit what’s preaching needs to return to the Expository preaching, however, is already been delivered in the sumerist culture. sacred desk of local churches. about more than preaching. It’s

8 A Guide to Expository Ministry Introduction 9 about preaching and the preacher; in the study lays claim on the what resources they can take the ministry and the man. People entirety of the preacher’s life and advantage of in their personal Local churches need preaching grounded in and is to be applied relentlessly, the study. And if you’re a preacher, should brim guided by the Scriptures, and commitment to live out God’s Word you want this for your people, they need preachers grounded as the final authority rather than but you must remember that your with people in and guided by the Scriptures. our own minds. A commitment to church will never esteem God’s There’s a reason the majority of this kind of lifestyle is the recipe Word any higher than you do. equipped to use the biblical qualifications for for faithful, expository preaching leadership in the local church and faithful, expository ministry. The People their Bibles. center on character (1 Tim 3:1-13; And a funny thing happens But we’re not just equipping Titus 1:6-9). Such a noble calling when preachers start living and encouraging preachers here. left us alone in this glorious task. requires noble character. The faithfully and start preaching We’re going beyond the preaching, He has given us fellow believers, last thing the church needs is a the Bible: their people start to past the preacher to his people, the local church, pastors, the preacher who preaches against want more of it. Your church the recipients of the expositor’s canon of Scripture and the Holy adultery one day, and is found members will begin to realize ministry. That’s because the goal Spirit. Indeed, he has “granted to guilty of it the next, or a preacher that God’s Word is to be desired is never to have one guy in the us all things that pertain to life who preaches self-control, but more than gold, and is sweeter church (the preacher) who knows and godliness” (2 Pet 1:3). clearly lacks it in the way he than the honeycomb (Ps 19:10). how to read his Bible and how to If you’re someone who wants to uses the Web, consumes and They start to crave the “solid use it to have an impact people’s learn how to get the most out of eats. Churchgoers know they can food” of God’s Word (Heb 5:12). lives. Local churches should brim the revelation God has provided trust the preaching in their pulpit They can’t get enough of it. They with people equipped to use their — by improving your ability to only as far as they can trust the want to hear more preaching and Bibles in their own lives and that listen to , read the Bible preacher who steps into it every teaching. They want to know how of those around them. and be a more faithful church week. The fruitfulness of a man’s to get more out of the . When Luther and the member — then this book is for ministry will never exceed that They become grateful for faithful Reformers advocated for the you. Expository preaching from of his life. preaching. They want to know priesthood of all believers, they an expository preacher for an God’s people need expository how to read and study the Bible were reminding Christians that expository people. preaching from godly men who for themselves. They want to know individual people are ultimately lead expository lives and do responsible for the eternal state expository ministry. If the man of their soul nobody else. So, is going to be an expositor in the The fruitfulness whether you’re in a church with pulpit, then he had better be an consistently edifying sermons or expositor in the study, in the home, of a man’s with crummy, boring preaching, in the prayer meeting, at the kids’ ministry will you are the one who will stand soccer games and all the other before God. So it’s important for places where he lives out God’s never exceed you to know how to grow in the call on his life (i.e., everywhere). grace and knowledge of Christ (2 The same commitment demanded that of his life. Pet 3:18). Fortunately, God has not

10 A Guide to Expository Ministry Introduction 11 A Guide to expository ministry

For the Preacher THE CENTER OF WORSHIP Entertainment, has replaced the word-centered Evangelism or culture that gave birth to the Expository Preaching Exposition? Reformation churches. In some sense, the image-driven culture Nevertheless, if most evangelicals of modern is an would quickly agree that worship embrace of the very practices is central to the life of the church, rejected by the Reformers in their there would be no consensus quest for true biblical worship. to an unavoidable question: Music fills the space in most What is central to Christian evangelical worship, and much of worship? Historically, the more this music comes in the form of liturgical churches argued that contemporary choruses marked the sacraments form the heart of by precious little theological Christian worship. These churches content. Beyond the popularity argue that the elements of the of the chorus as a musical form, Lord’s Supper and the water of many evangelical churches baptism most powerfully present seem intensely concerned to the gospel. Among evangelicals, replicate studio-quality musical some present a call for evangelism presentations. as the heart of worship, planning In terms of musical style, every facet of the service — songs, the more traditional churches prayers, sermon — with the feature large choirs — often with evangelistic invitation in mind. orchestras — and may even sing Though most evangelicals the established hymns of the faith. mention the preaching of the Word Choral contributions are often as a necessary or customary part massive in scale and professional of worship, the prevailing model in quality. In any event, music fills of worship in evangelical churches the space and drives the energy is increasingly defined by music, along with innovations such as drama and video presentations. By R. Albert Mohler Jr. When preaching When preaching retreats, a host vangelical Christians have been especially attentive to worship in of entertaining innovations will retreats, a host recent years, sparking a renaissance of thought and conversation take its place. of entertaining Eon what worship really is and how it should be done. Even if this Traditional norms of worship renewed interest has unfortunately resulted in what some have called are now subordinated to a demand innovations will the “worship wars” in some churches, it seems that what A. W. Tozer once for relevance and creativity. A called the “missing jewel” of evangelical worship is being recovered. media-driven culture of images take its place.

14 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 15 of the worship service. Intense A concern for true biblical Christian worship is the authentic planning, financial investment, worship was at the very heart preaching of the Word of God. In far too many and preparation are invested of the Reformation. But even churches, the in the musical dimensions of Martin Luther, who wrote hymns Preaching as Center worship. Professional staff and and required his preachers Expository preaching is central, Bible is nearly an army of volunteers spend to be trained in song, would irreducible and nonnegotiable to much of the week in rehearsals not recognize this modern the Bible’s mission of authentic silent. and practice sessions. preoccupation with music as worship that pleases God. John All of this investment in legitimate or healthy. Why? Stott’s simple declaration states congregation. Ezra did not stage the musical dimension of Because the Reformers were the issue boldly: “Preaching is an event or orchestrate a spectacle worship is not lost on the convinced that the heart of indispensable to Christianity.” — he simply and carefully congregation. Some Christians true biblical worship was the More specifically, preaching proclaimed the Word of God. shop congregations in order to preaching of the Word of God. is indispensable to Christian This text is a sobering find the church that offers the Thanks be to God, evangelism worship — and not only indictment of much contemporary worship style and experience does take place in Christian indispensable, but central. Christianity. According to the text, that fits their expectation. In worship. Confronted by the The centrality of preaching is a demand for biblical preaching most communities, churches are presentation of the gospel and the the theme of both testaments of erupted within the hearts of known for their worship styles preaching of the Word, sinners are Scripture. In Nehemiah 8 we find the people. They gathered as a and musical programs. Those drawn to faith in Jesus Christ and the people demanding that Ezra congregation and summoned dissatisfied with what they find the offer of salvation is presented the scribe bring the book of the the preacher. This reflects an at one church can quickly move to all who so respond. Likewise, law to the assembly. Ezra and intense hunger and thirst for to another, sometimes using the the Lord’s Supper and baptism his colleagues stand on a raised the preaching of the Word of language of self-expression to are honored as ordinances by the platform and read from the book. God. Where is this desire evident explain that the new church Lord’s own command, and each When he opens the book to read, among today’s evangelicals? “meets our needs” or “allows us finds its place in true worship. the assembly rises to its feet in In far too many churches, to worship.” Furthermore, music is one of honor of the Word of God and the Bible is nearly silent. The God’s most precious gifts to his their response to the reading is public reading of Scripture people, and it is a language by to answer, “Amen, Amen!” has been dropped from many The heart of which we may worship God in Interestingly, the text explains services, and the sermon has spirit and in truth. The hymns of that Ezra and those assisting been sidelined, reduced to a Christian the faith convey rich confessional him “read from the book, from brief devotional appended to the and theological content, and many the Law of God, clearly, and music. Many preachers accept worship is the modern choruses recover a sense they gave the sense, so that the this as a necessary concession of doxology formerly lost in many people understood the reading” to the age of entertainment. Some authentic evangelical churches. But music (Neh 8:8). This remarkable text hope to put in a brief message preaching of the is not the central act of Christian presents a portrait of expository of encouragement or exhortation worship, nor is evangelism, nor preaching. Once the text was read, before the conclusion of the Word of God. even the ordinances. The heart of it was carefully explained to the service.

16 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 17 As Michael Green so pointedly all important issues of life, from presenting the biblical text. As the put it: “This is the age of the When the pulpit worldview to lifestyle. Word of God, the text of Scripture sermonette, and sermonettes ministry lacks Authentic Christian preaching has the right to establish both the make Christianettes.” carries a note of authority and a substance and the structure of the The anemia of evangelical substance, the demand for decisions not found sermon. Genuine exposition takes worship — all the music and elsewhere in society. The solid place when the preacher sets forth energy aside — is directly church is truth of Christianity stands the meaning and message of the attributable to the absence of in stark contrast to the flimsy biblical text and makes clear how genuine expository preaching. severed from the pretensions of postmodernity. the Word of God establishes the Such preaching would confront Unfortunately, the appetite for identity and worldview of the the congregation with nothing Word of God, serious preaching has virtually church as the people of God.” less than the living and active disappeared among many Expository preaching begins Word of God. That confrontation and its health Christians, who are content to with the preacher’s determination will shape the congregation as the and faithfulness have their fascinations with to present and explain the text of Holy Spirit accompanies the Word, themselves encouraged from the Bible to his congregation. This opens eyes, and applies that Word are immediately the pulpit. simple starting point is a major to human hearts. One of the first steps to a issue of division in contemporary diminished. recovery of authentic Christian homiletics, for many preachers Expository Preaching preaching is to define exactly assume that they must begin with If preaching is central to Christian Bible is supplanted by topical what we mean when we discuss a human problem or question worship and the remedy that considerations. In many pulpits, authentic preaching as exposition. and then work backward to the evangelical worship needs, what the Bible, if referenced at all, Many preachers claim to be biblical text. On the contrary, kind of preaching are we talking becomes merely a source for expositors, but in many cases expository preaching begins with about? The sheer weightlessness pithy aphorisms or convenient this means no more than that the text and works from the text of much contemporary preaching narratives. the preacher has a biblical text to apply its truth to the lives of is a severe indictment of our The therapeutic concerns in mind, no matter how tenuous believers. If this determination superficial Christianity. When the of the culture too often set the may be the actual relationship and commitment are not clear at pulpit ministry lacks substance, agenda for evangelical preaching. between the text and the sermon. the outset, something other than the church is severed from the Issues of the self predominate, I offer the following definition expository preaching will result. Word of God, and its health and and the congregation expects of expository preaching as a The preacher always comes faithfulness are immediately to hear simple answers to framework for consideration: to the text and to the preaching diminished. complex problems. Furthermore, “Expository preaching is that event with many concerns and Many evangelicals are seduced postmodernism claims intellectual mode of Christian preaching that priorities in mind, many of by the proponents of topical primacy in the culture, and even if takes as its central purpose the which are undeniably legitimate and narrative preaching. The they do not surrender entirely to presentation and application and important in their own declarative force of Scripture is doctrinal relativism, the average of the text of the Bible. All right. Nevertheless, if genuine blunted by a demand for story, congregant expects to make his other issues and concerns are exposition of the Word of God is and the textual shape of the or her own final decisions about subordinated to the central task of to take place, those other concerns

18 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 19 must be subordinate to the central teaches the arts of the Bible apply that Word to human hearts and irreducible task of explaining study and interpretation even as Preaching is the or even open eyes to understand and presenting the biblical text. he demonstrates the same. essential and receive the text. Expository preaching is Moreover, because the Bible is Every sermon presents the inescapably bound to the serious the inerrant and infallible Word instrumentality hearer with a forced decision. work of . If the preacher of God, the shape of the biblical We will either obey or disobey is to explain the text, he must text is also therefore divinely through which the Word of God. The sovereign first study the text and devote directed. God has spoken through authority of God operates through the necessary hours of study and the inspired human authors of God shapes the preaching of his Word to research necessary to understand Scripture, and each different demand obedience from his the text. The pastor must invest genre of biblical literature his people. people. Preaching is the essential the largest portion of his energy demands that the preacher give instrumentality through which and intellectual engagement (not careful attention to the text, it means what it meant as it is God shapes his people as the Holy to mention his time) to this task allowing it to shape the message. newly applied in every generation. Spirit accompanies the preaching of “rightly handling the word of Far too many preachers come to Once the meaning of the text of the Word. As the Reformers truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). There are no the text with a sermonic shape in is set forth, the preacher moves remind us, it is through preaching shortcuts to genuine exposition. mind and a limited set of tools in to application. Application of that Christ is present among his The expositor is not an explorer hand. To be sure, the shape of the biblical truth is a necessary people. who returns to tell tales of the sermon may differ from preacher task of expository preaching. journey, but a guide who leads to preacher and should differ But application must follow the Defining the the people into the text and from text to text. But genuine diligent and disciplined task of Solution: Authority, exposition demands that the text explaining the text itself. T. H. Reverence, Centrality establish the shape as well as the L. Parker describes preaching The preacher substance of the sermon. like this: “Expository preaching If expository preaching is at rises in the The preacher rises in the pulpit consists in the explanation the center of worship, then to accomplish one central purpose and application of a passage of what is it that comprises pulpit to — to set forth the message and Scripture. Without explanation expository preaching? Authentic meaning of the biblical text. This it is not expository; without expository preaching is marked accomplish one requires historical investigation, application it is not preaching.” by three distinct characteristics: literary discernment and the Application is absolutely authority, reverence and central purpose— faithful employment of the necessary, but it is also fraught centrality. Expository preaching analogia fidei to interpret the with danger. The first danger is is authoritative because it stands to set forth the Scripture by Scripture. It also the temptation to believe that upon the very authority of the requires the expositor to reject the the preacher can or should Bible as the Word of God. Such message and modern conceit that what the text manipulate the human heart. preaching requires and reinforces meaning of the meant is not necessarily what it The preacher is responsible for a sense of reverent expectation on means. If the Bible is truly the setting forth the eternal Word of the part of God’s people. Finally, biblical text. enduring and eternal Word of God, Scripture. Only the Holy Spirit can expository preaching demands

20 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 21 the central place in Christian while the minister tries to lead revivals has been the authority worship and is respected as the his people through the morass of the preacher. There seemed If the Bible is not event through which the living of relativities and proximate to be something new, extra, and the Word of God, God speaks to his people. possibilities.” “No longer can the irresistible in what he declared A keen analysis of our preacher presuppose the general on behalf of God.” the preacher is contemporary age comes from recognition of his authority as The preacher dares to speak sociologist Richard Sennett of a clergyman, or the authority of on behalf of God. He stands in involved in an act New York University. Sennett his institution, or the authority the pulpit as a steward “of the notes that in times past a major of Scripture,” Craddock argues. mysteries of God” (1 Cor 4:1) and of self-delusion anxiety of most persons was loss Summarizing the predicament declares the truth of God’s Word, of governing authority. Now, the of the postmodern preacher, proclaims the power of that Word, or professional tables have been turned, and he relates that the preacher and applies the Word to life. This pretension. modern persons are anxious “seriously asks himself whether is an admittedly audacious act. No about any authority over them: he should continue to serve up one should even contemplate such “We have come to fear the monologue in a dialogical world.” an endeavor without absolute The congregation that gathered influence of authority as a threat The obvious question to pose confidence in a divine call to before Ezra and the other to our liberties, in the family and to Craddock’s analysis is this: If preach and in the unblemished preachers demonstrated a love in society at large.” If previous we have no authoritative message, authority of the Scriptures. and reverence for the Word of generations feared the absence of why preach? Without authority, In the final analysis, the God (Neh 8). When the book was authority, today we see “a fear of the preacher and the congregation ultimate authority for preaching read, the people stood up. This authority when it exists.” are involved in a massive waste of is the authority of the Bible as act of standing reveals the heart Some homileticians suggest precious time. The very idea that the Word of God. Without this of the people and their sense of that preachers should simply preaching can be transformed into authority, the preacher stands expectancy as the Word was read embrace this new worldview a dialogue between the pulpit and naked and silent before the and preached. and surrender any claim to an the pew indicates the confusion congregation and the watching Expository preaching requires authoritative message. Those of our era. world. If the Bible is not the Word an attitude of reverence on who have lost confidence in the Contrasted to this is the note of God, the preacher is involved the part of the congregation. authority of the Bible as the Word of authority found in all true in an act of self-delusion or Preaching is not a dialogue, of God are left with little to say and expository preaching. As Martyn professional pretension. but it does involve at least two no authority for their message. Lloyd-Jones notes: “Any study of Standing on the authority of parties — the preacher and the Fred Craddock, among the most church history, and particularly Scripture, the preaching declares congregation. The congregation’s influential figures in recent any study of the great periods a truth received, not a message role in the preaching event is to homiletic thought, famously of revival or reawakening, invented. The teaching office is not hear, receive, and obey the Word describes today’s preacher demonstrates above everything an advisory role based in religious of God. In so doing, the church “as one without authority.” else just this one fact: that the expertise, but a prophetic function demonstrates reverence for the His portrait of the preacher’s Christian Church during all such whereby God speaks to his people. preaching and teaching of the predicament is haunting: “The periods has spoken with authority. Authentic expository preaching Bible and understands that the old thunderbolts rust in the attic The great characteristic of all is also marked by reverence. sermon brings the Word of Christ

22 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 23 near to the congregation. This is Likewise, the preacher must of God’s Word to their rightful true worship. demonstrate his own reverence Worship properly primacy and centrality in worship. Lacking reverence for the Word for God’s Word by dealing directed to the Only then will the “missing jewel” of God, many congregations truthfully and responsibly with be truly rediscovered. are caught in a frantic quest the text. He must not be flippant honor and glory for significance in worship. or casual, much less dismissive Christians leave worship services or disrespectful. Of this we can of God will find This material was adapted from asking each other, “Did you get be certain—no congregation will “Expository Preaching: Center of anything out of that?” Churches revere the Bible more than the its center in the Christian Worship,” in Give Praise to produce surveys to measure preacher does. God, edited by Philip Graham Ryken, expectations for worship. Would reading and Derek W.H.Thomas, and J. Ligon Duncan you like more music? What kind? Conclusion preaching of the III, copyright 2003, P & R Publishing, How about drama? Is our preacher If expository preaching is Phillipsburg, N.J. sufficiently creative? authoritative, and if it demands Word of God. Also appeared in He Is Not Silent, by R. Expository preaching demands reverence, it must also be at the Albert Mohler Jr., copyright 2008, Moody a very different set of questions. center of Christian worship. between worship and preaching Publishers, Chicago, Ill. Will I obey the Word of God? How Worship properly directed to (meaning that the church will must my thinking be realigned by the honor and glory of God will enjoy an offering of music before Scripture? How must I change my find its center in the reading and adding on a bit of preaching), they behavior to be fully obedient to preaching of the Word of God. betray their misunderstanding the Word? These questions reveal Expository preaching cannot be of both worship and the act submission to the authority of assigned a supporting role in the of preaching. Worship is not God and reverence for the Bible act of worship — it must be central. something we do before we as his Word. In the course of the Reformation, settle down for the Word of God; Luther’s driving purpose was to it is the act through which the restore preaching to its proper people of God direct all their Of this we place in Christian worship. That attentiveness to hearing the one same reformation is needed in true and living God speak to his can be certain— American evangelicalism today. people and receive their praises. Expository preaching must once God is most beautifully praised no congregation again be central to the life of the when his people hear his Word, church and central to Christian love his Word, and obey his Word. will revere worship. In the end, the church As in the Reformation, the will not be judged by her Lord for most important corrective to our the Bible more the quality of her music but for corruption of worship (and defense than the the faithfulness of her preaching. against the consumerist demands When today’s evangelicals of the day) is to return expository preacher does. speak casually of the distinction preaching and the public reading

24 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 25 This is War To top it off, we were driving in a rainstorm, so we pulled Preaching in Expository Exorcism off the side of the interstate Scripture and and found a hotel. And when I walked up to the front desk of the preaching among hotel, the young woman working looked remarkably like a woman the churches I knew in college. And as we talked I found myself enjoying of the Lord Jesus the conversation. There weren’t any inappropriate thoughts, no is not only inappropriate actions. Nothing happened that was in any way communicating shady. I was just enjoying the information. conversation for a few minutes, talking about the high school It is an act of football game going on down the street and about the rain storm. exorcism. I was enjoying not being Pastor Moore or Dr. Moore or dad; I was issue is that we enjoy living in an enjoying just being a guy when illusion, but that illusion needs suddenly I heard “Daddy!” And to be broken by the gospel. This there was my four-year-old on a illusion is what Paul describes luggage cart, pushing it around when he writes to the church at like a train and yelling, “Daddy, Corinth about blinded eyes, the look at this!” “Daddy, look what veiled gospel and hard hearts. I can do!” And it scared me down He’s not saying that some kinds to the core, not because anything of people aren’t going to receive Russell D. Moore was going to happen but because the gospel. He’s saying there is I had forgotten who I was. I was a universal, human condition he scariest sound I’ve ever heard in my life was one of my children in a bubble of illusion, and the among sinners whereby we seek screaming, “Daddy!” And it came at a moment that was otherwise illusion was frightening. to remain in that illusion and Tcompletely ordinary. I had been traveling with my wife and four evade the light of the glory of the small boys across the state of Tennessee. It happened to be one of those Evading Glory gospel of Christ. Looking at glory road trips where the shouts of, “He’s touching me!” “He’s sitting close to This scene was so scary because is painful for sinners. Looking me!” “He’s taking my Legos!” seemed constant. I was also getting calls this is exactly what the Scriptures at the light causes us to shrink about issues at the church or at the seminary that needed my attention. say is happening all the time back. And, like Adam and Eve in It was just a long, exhausting day. with every single one of us. The the garden, it causes us to hide

26 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 27 from the presence of God, from doesn’t shrink back from calling, Boring preaching middle of the ladder, where they the voice that breaks through and “The god of this age, who has talk about instructional units and says, “Where are you?” blinded the minds of unbelievers.” isn’t just curricular changes. They don’t get You need to know that the key That illusion, the veil that at the root of what's happening. element to good preaching is hangs over the face, the hardening ineffective, I’m afraid that much of our neither technique nor managing of the heart, the blindness of the preaching stays right in the middle information, it’s that you know spiritual eyes is not just human boring preaching of the ladder of abstraction, too. what you’re doing. Preaching in depravity. That is not just some We never concretize what we say. Scripture and preaching among abstract concept. Personal beings is satanic. And because we don’t, we never the churches of the Lord Jesus actively use this for the purpose of get to those universal, common is not only communicating murder and destruction. So when true for preachers: the ladder longings and fears and rebellions information. It is an act of you preach, you’re engaging in of abstraction. At the top of and dilemmas of our listeners. exorcism. It’s delivering people spiritual warfare in the heavenly this ladder are abstract ideas, We stay vague and abstract and from the illusion in which they places because you’re challenging universal human truths. And boring. We allow people to remain are held captive by the powers the illusion propped up by the at the bottom of the ladder are in the illusion, and keep a distance of darkness. When the gospel is rulers and the principalities of concrete, particular, real life from the voice of Christ in the preached, it’s in a context where this present darkness. That’s what experiences. Scriptures. People are able to demonic beings are at work. And preaching is. Clark gives the example of a move around it and move beside it they serve the one whom Paul And that’s the reason boring school board gathering to discuss and move behind it, but they never preaching isn’t just ineffective, curricular changes. At the top of hear the liberating word from the boring preaching is satanic. If the ladder of abstraction is the liberating voice in the text. Preaching in all you do is allow people to hear idea that a literate people is good Before you can preach to your the Word of God while evading for the country. It’s good for the people, and before you can address Scripture and it — even if you’re as faithful citizens of the country to know those who do not yet follow Christ, preaching to the text as possible — then how to read and to know how to you need to understand that the your preaching is no better than govern themselves. At the bottom people listening are experts at among the Satan’s, when he was faithful to of the ladder is a little girl named avoiding the Word of God. They the text in the wilderness and yet Madison who isn’t learning how are experts at evading the truth churches of the bypassed Christ. to read in Mrs. Gallagher’s second of Christ. People who couldn’t find When you stand up to preach, grade class. Hosea with a thumb tab still are Lord Jesus is not you must know what you’re up The problem, according to experts at evading the Word of against. Clark, is that most people in the God because they’ve been doing only communi- school board don’t talk about this their entire lives, just as you Ladder of Abstraction the universal truth at the top of and I did. When your preaching is cating informa- Roy Peter Clark is a writer who the ladder, and they don’t talk functioning as exorcism, part of tion. It is an act tries to help people write fiction about the particular, identifiable your job is to use the Word of God and journalism more effectively. situation at the bottom of the to tear down the illusions that you of exorcism. He uses an image that rings ladder. Instead, they stay in the and your people construct.

28 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 29 Illustration: charge. David had likely found it was not contextualizing to the As you illustrate Drawing in Concrete a way to justify his adultery present, it was contextualizing with Bathsheba. He had already to the future. They were saying, the Word of God, You can more effectively exorcise hardened his heart to that truth, “This is what life could be like. your listeners from those illusions and he would have been able to This is not as impossible or crazy you’re saying, by being more concrete with evade it. Instead, Nathan gives as you think, if you can just see illustration. Sometimes we think a scenario that David identifies what we’re talking about, you can “This is what it of illustration as a mere pause in with and agrees with before he see a vision to aspire to.” the flow of our argument, but that’s turns that around on him. That is what you do as you could be like if not what illustration is about. When you illustrate, you’re illustrate the Word of God. You’re Illustration is about spiritual refusing “to practice cunning,” saying, “This is what it could be your life were warfare. It’s about going behind as Paul says. You’re saying to like if your life were transformed transformed by enemy lines, behind the defense your people, “I want to make sure by the gospel. This is how the mechanisms in the heart, and you see what the Scripture says.” gospel could transform your the gospel. attacking illusions with the sword When you preach, many of your envy, your lust, your despair, of the Spirit, which is the Word listeners will be in despair, and your hopelessness.” You find those and respond and react and live. of God. That’s what happens, for some of them just can’t believe particular, concrete examples that You’ve got to eavesdrop. instance, when Nathan confronts that they’re the kind of people that people already understand, and You’ve got to listen to people’s David. Had Nathan simply walked Jesus can save. But what you do you use them to display the big conversations while you’re in line up to David and said, “You, sir, when you illustrate is show them truth of what the gospel does waiting for coffee. Sit down and are an adulterer and you should what things could be like, what through Jesus Christ. ask people questions, even people not have slept with Bathsheba,” their lives could look like. A common tendency for you don’t know and people with David could have avoided the It’s kind of like Sesame preachers who want to use more whom you won’t be able to build a Street. The most effective thing effective illustrations is to find relationship. Find out how people Sometimes we that Sesame Street did when it out all the things their people are think, how they process, how they started was not teach people the reading and listening to, and to hear what you say, so that you think of illustra- alphabet. What Sesame Street did try to be informed on all of it. To speak and talk to real people in a so effectively was put together a some degree, it’s helpful to know way that they understand. tion as a mere television show in the late 1960’s what’s influencing the people in For the sake of your preaching, and the early 1970’s — in an era your community. But honestly, in you need to be one-on-one with pause in the flow of George Wallace segregation, order to illustrate well, it’s better people in your congregation, the Black Panther Party, Richard for you to read good fiction that hearing the kinds of ways your of our argument. Nixon’s “southern strategy” and gives insight into human nature people understand the Word of race riots in South Boston — that than it is for you to read The God and the gospel. Knowing Illustration is presented a group of people from Hunger Games or The Da Vinci what’s going on in and around your about spiritual different races who are equal in Code. As you think through fiction people will keep you from being, as the same neighborhood. Sesame and poetry and music, you’ll start Paul says, “ignorant of the designs warfare. Street was contextualizing, but to grasp how human beings think of the serpent of Eden.”

30 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 31 Application: I’m talking to you, but I’m really prays, she never reads her Bible, You need to In Your Face and honestly talking to you.” she never shows any kind of This means you need to spend spirituality to our kids. She sits preach and In order to be a more fruitful time compassionately thinking around and watches these nasty exorcist, the same concretizing about the ways your people are programs on television. And, it’s apply so that needs to happen in your deceived and held in captivity by just really discouraging to me.” application. You need application darkness. You need to love your Then he said, “We have some they can’t when you preach. The New people enough to apply, and not theological issues too.” When I Testament’s letters all include with vagueness. asked him about those theological evade the truth. a call for application, as did the Sometimes we assume that if we issues, he told me it was about teaching of Jesus. The problem speak vaguely, then everyone will the use of alcohol. I said, “Okay. A he was seeking a license from me is that some preachers think get something from it, but that lot of people disagree about that. to be able to go home and say to application consists of giving never works. Vagueness doesn’t Tell me how it works out in your his wife, “You have got a serious a list of four life principles to exorcise. You just sound like house.” problem.” take home. There are people in Charlie Brown’s incomprehensible He said, “Well, I believe it’s okay But this guy’s not unusual. I do the opposite direction who think teacher. But when you address to use alcohol moderately and she that all the time, too. I constantly application is always a call to a particular, concrete situation, doesn’t. And she objects to it when try to find a way to evade what the cling to Christ, believe in Christ, you’re better able to get to the I do it.” Scripture says. We all do this, even believe the gospel, trust the universal human truths that the I asked him what moderate the most mature among us. That gospel. gospel addresses. As you preach use of alcohol looks like in his means you need to preach and In biblical, gospel preaching, with the authority of Christ, you home. He said, “Every night after apply so that they can’t evade the however, application is not all that apply with concrete clarity so that I do family devotions, I drink truth, and so they know exactly different than illustration. When your people can’t misunderstand. a 12-pack of beer until I go to what you’re saying and what you apply — not just at the end I had a guy come see me one sleep.” I said, “Let’s talk about you’re not saying. of your message, but throughout time. He said, “I need to talk about drunkenness and what Scripture Pay attention to your people. — you say, “I’m talking to you.” my marriage. I think I may be in says about that.” And he said, “I’ve If you are preaching the lordship It’s an act of love and kindness an unequally yoked situation.” never been drunk! I’ve never been of Jesus but you find a lot to say, “I know you don’t think When I asked what he meant, he drunk in my life. I just drink the of genuine believers in your said, “Well, the way I interpret 12-pack of beer or whatever else congregation who suddenly what the apostle Paul is saying is is there until I go to sleep.” I said, doubt that they’re believers, then You need to love that, ‘you ought not be unequally “Drinking until you pass out is you’re being misunderstood. If yoked with somebody who is drunkenness. I don’t care who you’re preaching the free grace your people spiritually immature.’ And I’m you are.” of God but you find people married to a woman who’s really, But what was amazing to me are using that as license for a enough to apply, really immature as a believer. And was that this guy wasn’t trying lifestyle of rebellion, you’re being and not with it’s frustrating to me because I’m to deceive me. He genuinely misunderstood. Not everyone will trying to lead our family, but she believed that his problem was a hear with the heart, however. For vagueness. is so carnal,” he said. “She never spiritually immature wife. And some, your preaching will be an

32 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 33 aroma of death to death, but to destroy. Working on your delivery Pulpit Warfare to help them make good choices. others, it will be an aroma of is not about being a peddler When you preach and teach, you What you do through your life to life (2 Cor 2:16). But you, of the Word of God; it’s about try to distract people from their preaching is show people the by applying specifically and removing the distraction that captivity long enough to hear the light of the glory of God in the concretely, make sure that the comes from boring preachers. voice that liberates and exorcises face of Jesus, so that when the Word is heard and understood. Sometimes when we hear Paul’s them from it. light breaks through from the text, warning about people with There was a woman who came the sheep of Christ will hear his Delivery: Get Thee itching ears who “will accumulate to my congregation a couple voice and follow him (John 10:27). Behind Me for themselves teachers to suit of months ago looking to be That’s what preaching is. If you’re doing exorcism when their own passions,” (2 Tim 4:3) baptized. I was talking with her you preach, then delivery matters. we assume that they must be and said, “How did you come to Delivery matters because you can piling up really skillful orators. know the Lord Jesus?” She said, “I falsify a statement simply by the So, we conclude, it must be more was watching a horror film.”T he way you say it. You can confuse spiritual to come to the pulpit woman, who was a single mom, people with your arguments and say, “Well, here we are said, “The baby was in bed. I was by the way you argue. Boring continuing our 35th week in our watching this movie and I got preaching can actually enable series of Philippians chapter one, really creeped out. And I stayed your listeners to remain in the verse two, part A. Here it is, let’s creeped out all night long and into very illusions you’re trying to move on through this.” No! the next morning, so I wanted to There must be a weightiness get around a bunch of people so behind what you say so that as I wouldn’t be creeped out. And Working on your you speak, you plead and beg I said, ‘We’re just going to go to as though Jesus himself was church!’” While she was there, she delivery is not pleading and begging through heard the gospel, and she believed. you, “Be reconciled to God.” That In a very real sense, her story about being a will look different for different is typical of every single one of peddler of the preachers. But if you’re charged us. We live in a demon-haunted with adrenaline for the gospel, universe, a horror show, and Word of God; it’s and with compassion for people part of the task of your gospel held captive by the principalities preaching is to awaken people about removing and powers, and if you know that to the horror and offer them the voice of Jesus is what drives the freedom of the gospel that the distraction back the illusions and powers of liberates and exorcises sinners satanic darkness, and that people from deception and illusion. that comes hear the voice of Jesus when a text You’re not seeking simply to give from boring of Scripture is explained clearly, them enough information so they then you can’t help but preach make an informed decision. You’re preachers. with a Galilean accent. not trying to provide principles

34 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 35 A Life Above Reproach Holy Leadership, God is emphatic Holy People Expository Living about the If God demands holiness from all of his people, then it is extremely character of important that their leaders be holy. Rarely do people rise above those who lead their leaders; as the leaders go, so go the people. his people. God is emphatic about the character of those who lead his people can legitimately disagree people. God gives a scathing about how elders should function, rebuke of Israel’s priests in Hosea there should be no debate that 4:6-9 because they forgot the law elders must be men of character. of God. This forgetfulness resulted Paul gives a list of qualifications in the people’s being “destroyed for church eldership in 1 for lack of knowledge; because Timothy 3, and almost all of the you (the priests) have rejected qualifications have to do with a knowledge” (Hos 4:6). Jeremiah man’s character. Paul’s list is not records a similar rebuke of Israel’s exhaustive, but it still gives an spiritual leaders, where the Lord opportunity for elders and those pronounces, “Woe to the shepherds aspiring to eldership to examine who destroy and scatter the sheep themselves against the brilliant of my pasture” (Jer 23:1)! Leaders light of Scripture. will give account before God for New Testament scholar D.A. their stewardship of those under Carson observes, “Elders are their care (Heb 13:17). not a higher class of Christians. Dan Dumas The good of those under What is required of all believers authority depends on the is peculiarly required of the hen God called you out of your sin and despair, he did so faithfulness of those in authority. leaders of believers.” Elders with a purpose: holiness. He redeems people from the pit God gave elders to lead the church, may not be required to abide by Wand intends for each and every one of them to be conformed and if elders are unfaithful in a stricter moral code than other to the image of his son (Rom 8:29). God saves sinners to be holy. This their lives and leadership, their Christians, but there are unique was the case under the Old Covenant, when God brought Israel out people suffer. repercussions if their morality of Egypt and made them “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Ex fails. In other words, there isn’t a 19:6). The same happens under the New Covenant. Paul says that God A Noble Office higher standard for the character “chose us ... before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy God calls elders to lead, feed and of elders, but there is a higher and blameless before him” (Eph 1:4). protect the church, and, while accountability.

36 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 37 Paul knew that the character Above Reproach 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and conduct of an elder is critical. Paul insists on an elder’s holiness The overall He knew that a pastor who acts in five major life categories: of quality of an Husband of One Wife (v.2) in stark contrast with what he public, marital, family, personal The first qualification for preaches will wreak havoc on and doctrinal. Paul sums up these elder’s life and eldership in the local church his people. He knew that an areas with two words: above is not charisma, not visionary office as critical as church elder reproach. This is Paul’s way of faith should be leadership, not captivating demands a man who is serious saying that the elder should have oration. The first qualification is about his life. He knew that a no loop-holes in his character. worth exporting faithfulness, and the first place to noble occupation demands a Being above reproach means you look for this is a man’s marriage. noble character. have unimpeachable character, to others. He won’t be a faithful elder if he This kind of character comes as but it doesn’t mean you’re isn’t first a faithful husband. a result of ruthlessly fighting the flawless.T here’s a difference with a woman other than his An elder must be enduringly daily war, which is full of little between having a bad day and wife, he didn’t stay out late with faithful to his wife and have eyes battles along the way. Pastor having a bad year; the elder teammates and he tried to drive for her alone. If you suffer from Kevin DeYoung wisely comments, should live in such a way as to be the speed limit. Gretzky did his “wandering eye syndrome,” you “Holiness is the sum of a million accusation-free and without any best to be above reproach with need to nip it in the bud. Those little things and not one heroic sustained or legitimate pattern his lifestyle because he knew kinds of habits can turn into a act.” You will fight against the of sin. people were watching. ministry-destroying monster if world, flesh and devil on a daily Wayne Gretzky, widely Elders could learn something left unchecked. basis whether you like it or not, considered the best hockey player from Gretzky. The church is Perhaps you’re curious about and if you don’t attack temptation, of all time, did his best when infinitely more worthy of careful the assumption that an elder be it will attack you. As John Owen he played to live in a way that living from her leaders than male. I’m making the assumption noted, you need to “be killing sin upheld his reputation, as well as the N.H.L. Elders aren’t merely on the basis of Paul’s explicit or it will be killing you.” that of his team and the National protecting their own image and instruction in 1 Timothy 2 that Hockey League. He was held in reputation; they’re protecting a woman not teach or “exercise such high regard that when he the image and reputation of authority over a man” (1 Tim was charged (falsely, it turns the church and of her Lord. The 2:12). That’s why Paul can give There isn’t a out) in a gambling scandal, some damage done by a pastor’s moral the gender-specific requirement of Gretzky’s former teammates failure surpasses any PR mess a just five verses later that an elder higher standard and coaches quickly came to his sports league might find itself in. be the husband of one wife. defense. They recalled how he Because God demands such We know that faithfulness is a for the character carried himself with impeccable character in those who lead his requirement for eldership, but is care, always aware that he was church, it is imperative that we marriage required? No, but the of elders, but a watched man. He never walked regularly sit at the feet of Paul in same faithfulness demanded in there is a higher down the streets alone, lest 1 Timothy 3 to let him instruct us marriage needs to be a mark of anyone get the wrong idea. He and remind us of those demands. your singleness. accountability. was never alone in an elevator So let’s begin that now. Can divorced men be elders?

38 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 39 Each situation calls for under your leadership. your church vulnerable as a city wisdom, but Paul appears to be Elder, you need to cultivate without walls. It is imperative commenting on the quality of sober-mindedness in all aspects that your people an elder’s marriage rather than of your life. You need to cultivate Respectable (v.2) the quantity. What matters is moderation in your life rather than Every man craves respect, whether see you practice that the man in question has an excess. You need to be sensible in it’s from his wife, his boss, his established pattern of fidelity, and your decisions rather than rash children or his dog. Men, spend and display that he’s proven himself to be a and impulsive. You need to make a less time making sure everyone one-woman man. habit of mature, clear and serious around you gives you the respect self-mastery. Conversely, it’s possible to be thinking rather than having bouts you think you deserve, and spend married to one woman but not of boyish, immature, frat-boy more time living a life that earns raise your children in a way that be a one-woman man by Paul’s kinds of behavior and thought. it. Put order and discipline into commends the gospel. This doesn’t standards. If a man continually When you were a child, you could your life. Exercise dominion in the mean your family life is perfect, looks at other women — in real speak and think and reason as areas God has entrusted to you. or your house is a show room, but life or on the computer — or if he such, but as a man, you need to Live with such a forceful character you’re still called to use your home harbors inappropriate thoughts put away childish ways, and think that even your opponents and and resources to bless Christians, and feelings toward another like the sober-minded man God enemies respect you. unbelievers and strangers (1 Pet woman, then he has proven created you to be, and that God’s 4:9; Heb 13:2). himself to be disqualified for people need you to be (1 Cor 13:11). Hospitable (v.2) eldership. Elders, love your wife Do people view your home as a Able to Teach (v.2) and devote yourself to her. Self-Controlled (v.2) refuge? As an elder and pastor, The ability to articulate Christian Self-control is a big deal in Paul’s your home should be a place where doctrine should not be unique Sober-Minded (v.2) mind. It’s the final fruit of the fellow Christians come and receive to elders. The ability to teach, Sober-mindedness should be Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22- refreshment and encouragement. however, is a unique requirement valued and pursued by all 23. Paul isn’t the only one who Hospitality in the first century for elders. The ability to teach Christians. The New Testament deemed it important, the Book wasn’t so much about getting isn’t even required of deacons. exhorts sober-mindedness among of Proverbs also warns that, together to watch football and eat A man of stellar character can elders, elders’ wives (1 Tim “A man without self-control is food as it was about survival. An be disqualified by an inability 3:11), older men (Titus 2:2), and like a city broken into and left elder’s home was, and still should to teach. He should not only be Christians generally (1 Peter 1:13, without walls” (Prov 25:28). In be, a place of respite, a place able to teach clearly the doctrines 4:7, 5:8). If it’s so important, then a culture where indulging any where faith is strengthened, where of the faith, but also defend the what is it? Sober-mindedness is and all desires is encouraged, it fellow Christians and traveling church against false teaching a disposition that gives serious is imperative that your people missionaries can rest. (Titus 1:9). When pastors “contend attention to one’s doctrine and life. see you practice and display Your home isn’t only for for the faith that was once for all If you’re an elder, or want to be an self-mastery. If you don’t have Christians, it should be a place delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), elder, you need to take seriously self-control, it’s not likely that where skeptics and sinners come they must be able to articulate not only your doctrine and life, but your people will, either. If you and witness the gospel in action. and refute, to contend and defend. how it makes an impact on those don’t have self-control, you leave You need to love your wife and As an elder, you’re both a teacher

40 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 41 and apologist. The ability to teach Not Quarrelsome (v.3) him. Elder, protect the flock, is not exclusively exercised from Your people are Elders are called to refute false but don’t go around looking for the pulpit; there are countless looking to you teachers, but they are not called wolves to fight. ways to teach your people both to go around looking for a fight. Do formally and informally. What for an example you love to argue? Do you love to Not a Lover of Money (v.3) matters is that you’re ready to be right? Do you love to argue until Some people think that being in articulate and defend the faith in of how to walk in everyone thinks you’re right? If so, ministry, with the simple lifestyle season and out of season. then marvel at the Lord Jesus, that often comes with it, will render a manner worthy who never engaged in debate for a love of money irrelevant. But that’s Not a Drunkard (v.3) the sake of debating or belittling not so. You can simultaneously be “It is not for kings to drink wine, of the gospel. others. He only ever opened his poor and greedy. or for rulers to take strong drink, mouth for the purpose of teaching, If you struggle with greed, you lest they drink and forget what you’re not qualified to shepherd leading and shepherding. Even in need to give more. The best way has been decreed” (Prov 31:4-5). It the flock. When your sheep bite, his harshest rebukes, he had in to stop loving money is to attack seems obvious, but pastors can’t you can’t bite back. Instead, you mind the good of those around it with aggressive generosity. be drunkards. God commands need to grow in gentleness and that all Christians “not get drunk learn what it means to be quick with wine … but be filled with to forgive. the Spirit” (Eph 5:18). You can’t Your gentleness needs to be How to identify potential elders be mastered by both wine and the visible in your instruction of Spirit, it’s one or the other. You others. Model yourself after Paul, Identifying and appointing elders is of chief importance in need to use wisdom in your use of who entreated the Corinthians “by healthy churches (Titus 1:5). To start the process, the slow, alcohol, considering the interests the meekness and gentleness of intentional, rigorous and biblically informed examination of others as greater than your own Christ,” (2 Cor 10:1), and who told must be defined clearly. Ask the hard question up front. (Phil 2:4), lest you cause them to Timothy to correct his opponents Does he have an, stumble. Remember, your people “with gentleness” (2 Tim 2:25). are looking to you for an example Gentleness also needs to be • Unimpeachable character: are all of the of how to walk in a manner worthy visible when you receive criticism. qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 true of of the gospel. Do you become defensive when him right now? you receive criticism, or do you Not Violent but respond with humility and an • Unquestionable commitment: is he willing to Gentle (v.3) honest belief that “faithful are the go the extra-mile and do the heavy lifting of As an elder, hopefully you’re not in wounds of a friend” (Prov 27:6)? pastoral oversight? regular physical altercations with Whether you’re receiving your people when they irritate criticism, or you’re teaching, • Undeniable competency: is he able to handle the you. If you’ve got a short fuse refuting, rebuking, defending, and Scriptures (Titus 1:9)? and your frustration comes with training in righteousness, it all physical manifestations, then needs to be laden with gentleness.

42 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 43 Does this qualification mean that or an immature Christian he is chains that bind you and may You can’t call your children must be believers? unfit to be an elder. When a new eventually disqualify you. your people to Titus 1:6 says the children of a believer is thrust into a place of potential elder should be “believers leadership a train wreck is sure to Conclusion lay up treasures and not open to the charge follow. With premature leadership If you’re an elder, you are a of debauchery or insubordination.” comes conceit, and with conceited hunted man. You are a target for in heaven while The King James Version says that leadership comes wounded slander, scandal and Satan, and an elder’s children need to be people, and with wounded people being on the frontlines of ministry you’re anxious “faithful.” The translation could comes a damaged gospel witness. guarantees you will get blood on go either way, so it all comes down your uniform. So, walk carefully. about building to interpretation. Can Paul really Well Thought of by You need to be consistently and protecting require something that only God Outsiders (v.7) taking inventory of your life and can ensure? Doesn’t it make more The list of qualifications began identifying any red flags. yours on earth. sense that Paul would require that with the call to be above reproach, If you’re an elder, the overall an elder’s children be a positive and like a bookend, it ends with quality of your life and faith Your money is not your own. You testimony to his leadership? Paul a call to be above reproach to should be worth exporting to can’t call your people to lay up seems to be saying in Titus 1:6 that those outside the church. An others. Paul encourages Timothy to treasures in heaven while you’re an elder must be above reproach, elder must have good rapport with do just that by setting “an example anxious about building and and his kids must be under unbelievers in the community. If in speech, in conduct, in love, in protecting yours on earth. his authority. you don’t live that way, you’re faith, in purity” (1 Tim 4:12). “Some Whatever your conclusion, leading yourself into a snare of men build careers. Others erect Managing His Own be sure that you love your wife the devil (1 Tim 3:7). empires. But the rarest of men Household (v.4) and raise your kids in a way that If you plan to be well thought leave legacies,” said Steve Lawson. The qualification that an elder testifies to your trustworthiness. of by outsiders, your life needs Leave a legacy of godliness the way manage his household well is to match your role as an elder. Paul did, who had the audacity to crucial. There is no better way Not a Novice (v.6) That doesn’t mean you don’t command people to imitate him to examine a man’s leadership The elder is called to exposit and mess up. The mark of true faith, as he imitated Christ (1 Cor 11:1, qualities and evaluate the long- apply the Scriptures to the lives as pastor John Piper says, is not Phil 3:17). term results of his leadership than of his people, and the ability to do that you’re perfect, but that you If you’re an elder or pastor in to enter his home. The home is a that develops and deepens with fight. You must be actively and your church, you’ve got to live a microcosm of the church, and if time and practice. The longer a aggressively engaged in grace- life worth imitating. you can’t pastor the people in your man walks with God and trusts induced progressive sanctification. If you’re an elder, you hold a home, you won’t be able to pastor him through trials, the more apt You better know where your noble office that demands a noble the people in your church. If your that man will be to speak truth weaknesses lie because the character. wife is hesitant about your fitness into people’s lives. It takes time devil most certainly does. Keep for ministry then you should be, for trials to result in a faith tested close watch on and attack those too. If you “succeed” at church but with genuineness (1 Pet 1:6-7). weaknesses. If you don’t, those fail at home, then you fail. Period. If someone is a new Christian little inconsistencies will become

44 A Guide to Expository Ministry 45 Form a choir and raise a chant and haunt him with it night and day — “Sir, we would see Jesus.” When at long last he dares assay the pulpit, ask him if he has a word from God. If he does not, then dismiss him. Tell him you can read the morning paper and digest Preach the Word the television commentaries, and think through the day’s superficial problems, and manage the community’s weary drives, and bless the sordid baked potatoes and green bean, ad infinitum, better than he can. Command him not to come back until he’s read and reread, written and rewritten, until he can stand up, worn Fling him into his office. Tear the “Office” sign from the door and forlorn, and say, “Thus saith the Lord.” and nail on the sign, “Study.” Take him off the mailing list. Break him across the board of his ill-gotten popularity. Lock him up with his books and his typewriter and his Bible. Smack him hard with his own prestige. Corner him with Slam him down on his knees before texts and broken hearts questions about God. Cover him with demands for celestial and the lives of a superficial flock and a holy God. wisdom. And give him no escape until he’s back against the Force him to be the one man in our surfeited communities wall of the Word. who knows about God. Throw him into the ring to box with And sit down before him and listen to the only word he God until he learns how short his arms are. Engage him to has left — God’s Word. Let him be totally ignorant of the wrestle with God all the night through. And let him come down-street gossip, but give him a chapter and order him out only when he’s bruised and beaten into being a blessing. to walk around it, camp on it, sup with it, and come at last Shut his mouth forever spouting remarks, and stop his to speak it backward and forward, until all he says about it tongue forever tripping lightly over every nonessential. rings with the truth of eternity. Require him to have something to say before he dares break And when he’s burned out by the flaming Word, when he’s the silence. Bend his knees in the lonesome valley. consumed at last by the fiery grace blazing through him, Burn his eyes with weary study. Wreck his emotional poise and when he’s privileged to translate the truth of God to with worry for God. And make him exchange his pious stance man, finally transferred from earth to heaven, then bear him for a humble walk with God and man. Make him spend and away gently and blow a muted trumpet and lay him down be spent for the glory of God. Rip out his telephone. Burn softly. Place a two-edged sword in his coffin, and raise the up his ecclesiastical success sheets. tomb triumphant. For he was a brave soldier of the Word. Put water in his gas tank. Give him a Bible and tie him to And ere he died, he had become a man of God. the pulpit. And make him preach the Word of the living God! Test him. Quiz him. Examine him. Humiliate him for — Anonymous, cited in John MacArthur’s Rediscovering his ignorance of things divine. Shame him for his good Expository Preaching. comprehension of finances, batting averages and political in-fighting. Laugh at his frustrated effort to play psychiatrist.

46 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 47 In Season and Out of Season all this, I would have studied the I’m concerned text thoroughly. I would have Expository Readiness consulted and pondered every with obeying commentary and reference book that I deemed important. I would Paul’s command be refreshed by a full night of sleep. I would have prayed as long to stay ready in as I wanted and come away with a sense of the unction of the Holy season and out Spirit. I would have emerged from an intoxicating time of worship. of season. How If that is what it means to be do you do that? prepared, then I’ve never been fully prepared to preach in my life. important day of sermon prep? There is a broader sense, In answer to that question, I however, in which the preacher is find these words from preacher, to be prepared. You could consider college president and hymn it from several perspectives. There writer Samuel Davies to be an is the call of the preacher, there encouragement. After hearing is the education and training of the legendary George Whitefield the preacher, and of course there preach, he said, “It became clear is the weekly preparation of the to me quite soon in the service preacher for the pulpit. But I’m that Mr. Whitefield must have not concerned with any of those had an exceptionally busy week; at the moment. I’m concerned obviously he had not had time with the ongoing preparation of to prepare his sermon properly.” the preacher. You might say I’m He adds, “From the standpoint concerned with obeying Paul’s of construction and ordering of command in 2 Timothy 4:2 to thought it was very deficient and stay ready in season and out of defective; it was a poor sermon. By Donald S. Whitney season. How do you do that? How But,” Davies writes, “the unction have a confession to make, I never feel fully prepared to preach. In do you stay ready in light of our that attended it was such that fact, I’m not sure I know what it would mean to be fully prepared inability to be fully prepared? I would gladly risk the rigors I to preach. I suppose it might mean coming to the pulpit with a How do you do that when people, of shipwreck in the Atlantic complete manuscript thoroughly highlighted in several colors. It would without consulting your schedule, many times over in order to mean I had the sermon so internalized and was so familiar with it that inconveniently decide to die on be there just to come under its the manuscript would be unnecessary. I would have practiced it out Friday or decide to have some gracious influence” (Lloyd-Jones, loud in the very pulpit in which I’m about to preach at least once. Before major surgery on your most , 123-4).

48 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 49 Davies is not advocating and all of those disciplines to be anesthetize your awe of God. laziness in preparation. In fact, The first priority like Jesus. That is a large part of The ministry can be the means if you plan on regularly slacking of a man of how we watch our lives, according of making you more unlike Christ in preparation and merely to 1 Timothy 4:16. if you don’t watch your life. It attempting to speak with unction God is to be Of all the spiritual disciples can foster political maneuvering to make up for it, then do us a exhorted in Scripture (such as and infighting. It can foster favor and leave the ministry, will a godly man. personal and corporate worship, greed. It can foster power plays. you? Davies was not advocating evangelism, service, stewardship It can foster so much that is laziness in preparation, but there on yourself.” Why does Paul say of time and money, journaling, antithetical to Christ-likeness, are times when life happens and this? Because the first priority fasting and silence and solitude, and the only way to keep that the preacher is less prepared than of a man of God is to be a godly among others) the most important from happening is to do what he would wish and yet is still able man. Robert Murray M’Cheyne, are the disciplines of the Word this passage says: watch your to deliver a powerful sermon. the great Scottish preacher of the and the discipline of prayer. life. And you do that through the Unction is neither a reward for 1830s, said, “The greatest thing Ministers should have the same rightly-motivated practice of the hard work, nor something God I can give my people is my own priorities today as the Apostles spiritual disciplines. owes you, but it is good to know personal holiness.” How do we did in Acts 6:4 — a devotion to Richard Baxter was an English how be in a position where we cultivate that in our lives? We prayer and the ministry of the Puritan preacher, writer and may, by faith, expect such unction don’t pull ourselves up by our own Word. Do your people know you pastor extraordinaire, and he even when our preparation isn’t spiritual bootstraps to become as a man of the Word and a man wrote on this same text in his complete. Paul tells us how to more like Jesus, but that doesn’t of prayer? Are you known for book The Reformed Pastor. In it do this in 1 Timothy 4:16, where mean we have nothing to do. the habitual reading, hearing, he lists eight reasons we need to he exhorts Timothy to “keep a Our role is to use the God-given studying, memorizing, meditating pay close attention to our lives: close watch on yourself and on means in the pursuit of holiness, and applying of Scripture? Are First, pay close attention to your the teaching. Persist in this, for and those means are the personal you known for spending time on life because you have a heaven to by so doing you will save both and interpersonal spiritual your knees pleading with God? win or lose, just like everybody yourself and your hearers.” If we disciplines found in Scripture. But You need to be doing these things else. Have you ever wondered how obey Paul’s exhortation, we’ll the disciplines are never an end in if you’re a gospel minister. find ourselves in a much better and of themselves; they’re for the The disciplines are the God- position when our preparation pursuit of godliness. The purpose given means for every Christian The ministry can isn’t quite there. The key is to take of any spiritual discipline is to to grow in grace, and ministers heed of Paul’s exhortations, so be like Jesus. We don’t memorize need them as much as anyone, be the means of let’s start there. Scripture to put notches on our and perhaps more. Ordination Bible. We don’t share the gospel does not make you a godly man. making you more The Exhortations to boast about how many people Just being in the ministry will we’ve witnessed to that week. We not make you holy. If you’re not unlike Christ if Pay Attention to Your Life don’t fast in order to say how often careful, your familiarity with the you don’t watch The first imperative of 1T imothy we fast, or pray to say how many ministry could make you callous 4:16 is to “keep a close watch hours we prayed. We practice any to the things of God, it could your life.

50 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 51 what spiritual warfare is until you go into the ministry. Satan The honor of Richard Baxter’s eight reasons works harder against those who Christ is on to watch your life lead the people of God. It is the same principle as in war, when the the line with 1. You have heaven to win or lose; opposition would try to take down 2. You’re depraved with sinful inclinations; the officers first. Why? Because you more than 3. You’re exposed to greater temptations than others; if the officers fall while leading 4. People are watching you, and they’ll be there to observe their men in a charge, it greatly other men. your fall; demoralizes the troops. 5. There’s more hypocrisy involved when you sin; Fourth, pay close attention to witnessing to through the years. 6. Your work requires more grace than others; your life because you have many Pay close attention to your life. 7. The honor of Christ lies on you more than on others; and eyes on you and there will be Fifth, pay close attention to 8. The success of your labors depends on it. many to observe your fall. The your life because your sins have media loves a scandal, and the what Baxter called “more heinous public’s eyes are irresistibly aggravations” than other men’s. drawn to watch a fall from grace. In other words, our sins are more many men there are who once worship services. No title can And what is true on a national serious because we have more warned people of hell from the kill sinful inclinations. There are scale with nationally-known light. We sin against more light pulpit who are now experiencing people, unfortunately, who go into men is equally true on a local than others. We know more of it? Who once warned of the wrath ministry thinking, “Perhaps if I level with you. The town always God’s truth and we know it better of God who are now underneath dedicate my life in service to God remembers the preacher who than other people do, so there is it? God is no respecter of persons. he will kill my sinful inclination,” falls. The church never forgets. more hypocrisy involved. We have He does not save us because we but that won’t happen. The children and the teenagers stood and preached against the are ministers or because we Third, pay close attention are left questioning. Young very sins we then commit. So pay preach sermons or do good things to your life because you are Christians become disillusioned. close attention to your life. for the church. You need to make exposed to greater temptations The unconverted always have a Sixth, pay close attention sure of your calling and election than others. You think you know target for their scoffing. Your to your life because your work as much as anybody (2 Pet 1:10). community knows when you fall. requires greater grace than other Second, pay close attention to Your fellow pastors know when men’s. It takes marvelous grace your life because you also have You think you you fall. The neighbors you have to preach the great truths of the a depraved nature and sinful witnessed to will know that you gospel, to lead the people of God, inclinations. Preachers can be as know what fall. You have to tell your church to lead in the work of the kingdom, prideful or lustful or unbelieving what you’ve done. You have to tell to fight against the work of Satan or self-seeking or greedy as spiritual warfare your wife. You have to explain and to rescue people from the anyone else. And we’re no less is until you go it to your children. You have to path of hell. This requires more sinful because people now call tell your extended family, and to grace than other things you could us “reverend” or because we lead into the ministry. those you’ve been praying for and be doing with your life.

52 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 53 Seventh, pay close attention yourself but also to your teaching. For from him and through him to your life because the honor This is the second imperative of Chances are and to him are all things. To him of Christ is on the line with you our passage. My observation is you’re not as be glory forever. Amen” (Rom more than other men. Judas’ that most ministers aren’t doing 11:33, 36). Paul was never more betrayal and Peter’s denial were this. They don’t talk about it. gifted as was doxological than when he was his worse offenses than the fickle They don’t go to conferences most theological. Theology is what Jerusalem crowd that hailed about it. They don’t read it. If Timothy — Paul’s nourished Paul’s heart, and it will Jesus on Sunday and called for they’re paying close attention to nourish yours. Pay attention to his death on Friday because those anything, it is their methods and hand-picked your life and to your doctrine. two were closer to Christ. The psychology. What’s the result of I experienced this very thing closer you are to Christ, and the this? Less biblical fidelity. Less disciple — and one year early in my pastoral more closely you are identified interest in truth. Less seriousness. Paul told Timothy ministry. It was mid-December with him, the greater potential Less depth. and I realized, “It’s time for the you have for dishonoring him. You Neglecting doctrine results in to pay attention Christmas sermon. How am I going probably have greater potential less capacity to offer a compelling to present freshly the Christmas to dishonor Christ than anyone alternative to the thinking of to doctrine. That message everyone knows so well?” else in your community. Can you our generation. I often hear I didn’t know what to preach — imagine anything worse than the excuse that pastors aren’t means you need maybe some obscure text from unbelievers talking about your studying theology because Ezekiel in hopes that it would not sins and laughing at the gospel they’re too busy trying to reach it, too. sound so predictable. I decided because of what you’ve done? I more people. Ironically, this to do some fresh reading on the hope that makes you shudder. I pursuit of identification often told Timothy to pay attention to doctrine of the incarnation. pray that God would kill me before comes with a corresponding loss doctrine. That means you need As I kept reading the Scriptures he would allow me to be caught of communication. We put forth it, too. Doctrine is what keeps and the other resources I had in something like that, for I know all this effort to make people you going when your people are on the doctrine, I found myself that like King David, I am capable feel comfortable and at home so dying — or it seems they’re trying so refreshed and so captivated of great, Christ-dishonoring sins. that they don’t feel the difference to make sure you do. Doctrine is by the glory of the incarnation Eighth, pay close attention to between life in Christ and life what draws us near to God and that I had too much to say in one your life because the success of without Christ. The problem is keeps fresh our love for and awe sermon. After reading all that your labor depends on it. Can that it is supposed to be different of God. It was after 11 chapters glorious theology, I was able you expect to be fruitful if you’re when you come to Christ. That is of Paul’s most densely packed, to convey some of the splendor not serious about the things you the point. closely argued, systematic of the incarnation and address preach? Will you be blessed in Maybe you think doctrine is presentation of doctrine that some common misconceptions the care of the souls of others if unimportant, or maybe you’re so he leapt into doxology: “Oh, the about it, and as I was preaching you’re careless with your own? So gifted that you don’t think you depth of the riches and wisdom I could see the circuit breakers pay close attention to your life. need it. Chances are you’re not as and knowledge of God! How going off in people’s minds. Many And To Your Teaching gifted as was Timothy — Paul’s unsearchable are his judgments who presumed they had the Pay close attention not only to hand-picked disciple — and Paul and how inscrutable his ways! Christmas story down pat began

54 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 55 to realize they could not get their through tears to “pay careful there is one man in history who his last thoughts to be his best minds completely around this attention to yourselves and to didn’t need to study doctrine, thoughts, directed toward the magnificent, God-sized truth — all the flock.”T he way to protect wouldn’t it be Paul, the man who pure and inerrant Word of God. which was just the point I wanted the flock is to pay attention to wrote the doctrine we study? And He was a man who persevered and to communicate. I wanted them doctrine, lest they be led astray by if he needed to study, wouldn’t you grew in doctrine until his last day. to see the glorious wonder of the false teaching. He said the same think he’d at least loosen up a bit A friend of mine once told incarnation, the greatness of this thing to Titus in the exhortation as he is about to die? At this point, me a story about his seminary doctrine that God became fully to “show yourself in all respects Paul is probably the most mature graduation rehearsal. If you’ve man. And it was all because God to be a model of good works, and Christian who has ever lived. He ever been to one, you know they got my attention and reminded in your teaching show integrity” knows more doctrine than any of tend to last awhile, so my friend me that I needed to “Keep a close (Titus 2:7). That is just another us. He has been inspired to write decided to use the time to read a watch ... on the teaching.” way of saying pay attention to it. He has been taken to heaven new book about sanctification that If Timothy needed to pay your life and to your doctrine. He to see it the culmination of all had been making a lot of noise. So attention to his doctrine, then you said it over and over. That is your theology (2 Cor 12:1-10). Paul he brought the book and a couple and I need to pay close attention ongoing preparation as a minister knows doctrine. But he wanted of systematic theology books to to our doctrine throughout our in God’s church. read during the rehearsal. As he lives. Someone has said that every How do we make sure we “show read, the guy on his right looked doctrine of Scripture is shallow integrity” in our teaching, that we The last chapter at him and said, “Do you still have enough for a child to walk in and have purity of doctrine? At the a paper you have to finish?” Before deep enough for an elephant to very least, we must keep studying Paul ever wrote he could answer, the guy on the swim in, and that is part of what it and persisting in it. A few years other side jumped in and said, “Do it means to “continue in what you ago I was preaching at a pastor’s includes an you still have a final to take before have learned,” as Paul instructs in conference about the importance you can graduate tomorrow?” And 2 Timothy 3:14. Have you learned of doctrine and a pastor told me instruction for to both of them he answers, “No.” about the incarnation? Good! Now that when he reached the age of Timothy to bring They sat there bewildered: “Then continue learning the incarnation. 40 he assumed he wouldn’t need why are you reading that?” You think you know the gospel, to learn anymore, he just needed the books and And my friend said, “Because and justification by faith? Good! to apply what he learned. That is I want to understand better the Now, continue learning and not persevering in doctrine. That the parchments. doctrine of sanctification.” And this proclaiming them. is not being like Paul. newly-minted pastor on his right The last chapter Paul ever He was about to says, “Not me. I’m never reading Persist in This wrote includes an instruction another theology book again.” And The third imperative in 1 Timothy for Timothy to “bring the cloak die and he the preacher on his left added, “I’m 4:16 is “persist in this.” What is that I left with Carpus at Troas, not going to waste my time on that “this?” “This” is paying attention also the books, and above all the wanted books! stuff anymore. I’m just going to go to your life and doctrine. When parchments” (2 Tim 4:13). He was He wanted to out and preach Jesus.” Paul departed from the Ephesian about to die and he wanted books! So there sat my friend, elders in Acts 20, he told them He wanted to study doctrine! If study doctrine! ridiculed for studying theology

56 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 57 at his very graduation from a latest medical advances. We need This is the heart by watching your life, doctrine theological seminary. How would to persevere both in devotion and persisting in these things, you you like to sit under a pastor and doctrine. of Paul’s church will also save “your hearers.” This who had that kind of attitude is the only verse in the Bible that toward the things of God? How The Promises growth strategy, declares “do this” and you can be would you like to have a surgeon Paul follows those three sure that people will be saved. who had that kind of attitude exhortations with two promises to be a godly You don’t usually hear that kind learning after medical school? for those who continually prepare of thing at a church growth and Pastors are physicians of souls, themselves: “for by so doing you man living like evangelism conference, but this which means we should at will save both yourself and your is what God uses to draw people least take as much care in the hearers” (1 Tim 4:16). The first Jesus, and to himself. This was the heart of knowledge and doctrines of our promise states that as you do this paying close Paul’s evangelism. This is the heart calling as physicians do in the — as you pay attention to your life of Paul’s church growth strategy, attention to to be a godly man living like Jesus, and paying close attention to the the doctrine doctrine he preached. Make this the heart and the A pastor’s (or prospective pastor’s) he preached. goal of your ministry. Keep watch self-examination on yourself. Run hard after Christ, and your doctrine and persist in decide to know nothing but him 1. Do you believe God knows the best way for us to win souls? doing so — you will ensure your and him crucified. Make his story If you’re a minister of the gospel, don’t devote yourself own salvation. Paul understood the content of your preaching primarily to demographics and data, devote yourself to that there is such a thing as self- and praying and leading. Keep disciplines and doctrine, for by this you will save yourself deception. There is such a thing watch on your doctrine, continue and your hearers. as false assurance and, though he to grow in the knowledge of God. had actually been taken to heaven Persevere in these things. Fight 2. Are you devoted to the disciplines of godly living? and had seen miracles performed hard. Make it your life goal to If you strip away your title would you be able to testify to through his own hands and had do these things, believing the your growth in grace? Would others see it by observing you? seen multitudes converted by promises that accompany them, You have to be a model for God’s people. God through his ministry, he still so that when the end draws near knew that none of that guaranteed you can say with Paul, “I have 3. Are you devoted to developing in doctrine? anything. Even the Apostle Paul fought the good fight, I have If, as a pastor, you have no taste for studying doctrine, no realized the only way to ensure finished the race, I have kept the heart for it, then you’ve misunderstood your call. The bulwark that the reality of self-deception faith” (2 Tim 4:7). against the eroding tide in your church is the pulpit. Stronger doesn’t happen is to stay close to churches have godly men preaching the truth of God. Christ, to pay attention to your life and to your doctrine. The second promise states that

58 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 59 for consuming the hour and endeavoring to impress upon you these two things: true piety and, like Apollos, to be men mighty in the Scriptures.” The student who recorded it said that Broadus, after a pause, stood for a moment with his piercing eyes fixed upon Mighty in the Scriptures his students and repeated over and over again, “Mighty in the Scriptures. Mighty in the Scriptures,” until the whole class seemed to be lifted through him and into a sacred nearness to the Master. True piety — pay attention to your life. Mighty in the Scriptures — pay attention to your doctrine.

One of the greatest Southern Baptist forbears is John A. Broadus, who with James P. Boyce, William Williams and Basil Manly Jr., founded The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The fledgling seminary closed during the Civil War and restarted afterwards with only seven students, and four faculty who took no salary. Only one student enrolled in Broadus’ homiletics course. The student was blind and was very sick and actually died within two years of graduation. Broadus was one of the brightest, best-trained minds of his time, and he was also devoted to doctrine. In fact he loved it so much he couldn’t be slack in teaching even one blind, sickly student. Broadus prepared so well that afterward he collected his lectures and they were published in a book called On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. That book has been used to train thousands of preachers. This godly man was so committed to teaching truth that he did it well even with one blind sickly student. Broadus paid attention to his life and his doctrine. Years later, when Broadus delivered the last words he ever said in the classroom he knew his death was approaching. He was completing a course in New Testament and, after reviewing the lesson, he turned to his students, “Young gentlemen,” he said, “if this were the last time I should ever be permitted to address you, I would feel amply repaid

60 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Preacher 61 A Guide to expository ministry

For the hearer On the Edge of the Pew you (or your kids, or your dog, or your neighbor, or anyone else who Your pastor Expository Listening can take the blame) accumulated should not be before it destroys the inside of your house. the only one God's Mud Room working hard Mud rooms can protect your carpet from being ruined, and during the it can protect husbands from angry wives. Most churches could sermon. use something like this. I’m not talking about an actual mud room, be without God’s people and, but a place where we can stop and conversely, God’s people cannot be strip away the filth that hinders without God’s Word.” God’s people worship and where we can put need the Word, and they need to be on clean clothes to engage in ready to hear it. You need to get rid transformational worship. of any and all distractions while If we’re going to extract the most simultaneously tilling the soil of out of corporate worship, we’ve got your soul to be ready to receive to get rid of our soiled garments the proclaimed Word. of the flesh. We’ve all got things If you’re at a healthy church, we need to put off and things we you should expect expository need to put on in the mud room. preaching every week. It’s Fortunately, the book of James good and right to have high provides us with the necessary expectations of the preaching in disciplines to do just that. your church. But you need to be James 1:19-25 functions like ready to hear it; don’t forget there Dan Dumas a mud room in that it gives us are two sides to that equation. a place to be warned, cautioned There’s expository preaching and had never heard of a mud room prior to moving to Louisville, Ky., and re-oriented as we approach then there’s expository listening. in 2007. We moved from Southern California, and in case you’re corporate worship. Healthy Your pastor should not be the I unaware, the weather in Southern California is beautiful, so we never churches take their corporate only one working hard during needed anything like a mudroom. We just went back and forth from inside worship seriously, and they the sermon. Everyone in the to outside and outside to inside without any concern. But you can’t do rightly place the emphasis of pews should be actively engaged that in the dank and damp seasonal climate that is Louisville, so these their worship on the preaching of in hearing the Word. You should mud rooms are necessary. And, believe it or not, they’re a pretty practical God’s Word. It was Martin Luther adopt the attitude that Samuel invention: You can stop there and get rid of all the wet, stinky filth who said that “God’s Word cannot encourages in 1 Samuel 3:10:

64 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 65 “Speak Lord, for your servant get to go home and grab their up spiritually impoverished, and James calls the congregation to is listening.” We can do this by Bible and spend Sunday afternoon we shouldn’t expect it to be any restrain their tongues. The call to listening to James who, in vintage ransacking it, they just didn’t have different today. To listen and shut your mouth is a companion James style, gives us a worship that kind of personal access. It was hear with no intention of doing of the first discipline to listen blueprint with six disciplines to imperative that they come ready to anything about it is dangerous. because you can’t listen if you’re put into practice in our corporate hear, ready to receive and ready to You need a genuine eagerness always talking. You won’t be a worship. This is how to become be careful listeners. and readiness to hear. Peter says good listener if you’re always an expository listener and doer. The same need exists for that “like newborn infants, long speaking. Big talkers are rarely us today. And notice that this for the pure spiritual milk, that by good listeners. Open Your Ears command is addressed to “every it you may grow up into salvation” If you know anything about The first of these pithy, crisp person.” It’s a corporate appeal (1 Pet 2:2). There should be an the book of James, you know that commands is to open our ears. that everyone’s got to both hear insatiable appetite that marks the tongue is a major theme. The James just said in 1:18 that people and heed. It’s the first duty of every a genuine believer. So I ask, are tongue (that two-ounce member are born again through the Word member of every congregation you seizing every opportunity to intentionally incarcerated behind of God. Romans 10:17 says the to come eager and ready to increase your exposure to God’s a grill of teeth) causes all sorts of same thing: “Faith comes from hear God’s Word. When you sit truth? You likely have voluminous problems when we use it without hearing, and hearing through the under God’s Word you need to be access to preaching throughout thinking, or when we make rash word of Christ.” The Word brings intentional about your listening. the year. It’s a privilege to hear commitments to appear godly, new life, and new life brings new The truth is that there are a lot of that much preaching, but it’s your or use it both to bless and curse. lifestyle. It’s the Word of God that people sitting in church with no responsibility to take advantage James says it’s best to close your saves you, and it’s the Word of God real intention to listen well and of it in your life. mouth. You’ll be held accountable that sanctifies you. If you don’t put the sermon into action. to God for every single word that open your ears you won’t be saved, In the first century if you were Close Your Mouth comes out of your mouth (Matt and you won’t be sanctified. a poor listener you would end The second principle is to close 12:36), so close your mouth and Why would James lead with your mouth. God gives us two engage in thoughtful responses the discipline of listening when ears and one mouth for a reason. instead of premature judgments it comes to corporate worship? It’s the first There are times when we simply or boasting. Because this is the AD 40’s. The need to be quiet. Be quick to original hearers didn't have Paul’s duty of every hear and slow to speak. This is Control Your Temper letters to the Thessalonians, to counter-cultural; we live in a The third principle instructs Timothy, to Titus, or anything member of every time when most people are slow us to develop a long fuse. When else. They didn't have a copy of the to hear and quick to speak. We the body gathers in corporate New Testament in front of them. congregation love to hear ourselves talk, don’t worship, forbearance is critical. When they gathered to worship, we? As Benjamin Disraeli said, It is absolutely critical for church they heard the Scriptures read. to come eager we become “inebriated with the life that we address and control They had to pay close attention; and ready to exuberance of our own verbosity.” our bitterness and resentment listening was how they learned But James says it’s time to toward one another. Because, and how they survived. They didn’t hear God’s Word. stop. As we gather to worship, according to James, anger and

66 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 67 wrath inhibit worship. angry church meetings. And James In the West, we usually shower Maybe the first thing you need So how do you become slow to hits the nail on the head: this is before we get dressed, and our to repent of is an unwillingness anger? By learning self-control. nothing but carnal zeal, which heart must be similarly showered to listen, or being too quick to Anger is a controlled response. offends and grieves everyone, if it’s going to be receptive. This speak, or too angry. James is clear Maybe you’ve never thought of including God. Churches go from is simply the New Testament we have to cleanse our hearts if it that way before, but how often lighthouse to towering inferno pattern for sanctification. You we’re going to get the most out do you erupt in anger at work? in a single business meeting. see it in Colossians 3, you see it of the preaching of God’s Word. Probably not often. Why? Because As one wise commenter rightly in Ephesians 4, this is how God you get fired if you do that. But, acknowledged, anger kills listening, sanctifies you. You put off lying, Mortify Your Pride for some reason, we don’t use that and it opens a lot of mouths. When you put on truth telling. Put off The fifth discipline is to mortify sort of control into our home. You you speak out of anger, you’ve anger, put on kindness. your pride. Verse 21 of James 1 likely think most of your anger is ceased to be teachable. It’s not enough to do half of the commands us to “receive with righteous, but don’t kid yourself You will not receive the Word equation, genuine sanctification meekness the implanted word, — it’s not. of God when you’re angry. Why requires both. There’s removal which is able to save your souls.” So when the body gathers is anger such a big deal in the of the sinful attitude or action It doesn’t matter what you wear together, there has to be church? Look at verse 20: “The and replacement with the to church, but as Peter says, a tremendous amount of anger of man does not produce commensurate righteous act. you better “clothe yourselves... forbearance and care for one the righteousness of God.” Anger God is not satisfied with in humility” (1 Pet 5:5). I plead another. We have to cut each other inhibits the godly kind of life that partial divesting. He demands with you to be teachable, not some slack. Lighten up a little bit. God desires and that corporate a comprehensive cleansing. arrogant. James addresses this Relax. Uncontrolled anger will worship is intended to encourage. Put aside all filthiness and later in 4:6 when he says that result in uncontrolled speech. If you think you’re worshipping wickedness: All your filth, all “God opposes the proud, but I’ve been in far too many nasty, and you’re full of anger, you’re that remains of wickedness, gives grace to the humble.” fooling yourself. Man’s anger does every known vestige, every former We all face obstacles and not produce the righteousness or semblance of sin is to be put aside. troublesome people who at Anger inhibits worship of God. Your life depends on it. Anything different times oppose us, and the godly kind that corrupts and reduces your we’re usually, by God’s grace, Cleanse Your Heart appetite for the Word of God able to deal with it. But you don’t of life that God This fourth discipline of cleansing should be set aside. want God to oppose you. Pride is your heart is a big one: “Therefore This doesn’t happen overnight, the best way to get stiff-armed desires and put away all filthiness and rampant and it’s not something you in your ability to worship and wickedness.” This is how you are outgrow. You’ve got to confess be sanctified. Pride inhibits the that corporate to receive God’s Word. You’ve got continually, repent continually, necessary hearing of God’s Word. to “put away” and divest some and keep short accounts So many people come to church worship is stuff from your heart. In God’s continually as a way of life. It and think they know it all. They’ve intended to mud room we must first put off should be your pre-worship given the New Testament a the filth before we can be clothed habit to get your heart ready good once over, maybe they’ve encourage. in the soul’s appropriate garments. for worship. even chugged through the Old

68 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 69 Testament. But the Christian life are always linked together, it, to have no plans to change, isn’t something you just figure out they’re inseparable. Your personal no plan to obey. If that’s true of and then stop working at. It’s a You may not know this, but application you, James says you’re at risk of continuous process. You’ve never your personal application is your deceiving yourself. “arrived.” We’ve got to break up pastor’s highest joy. The highest is your pastor’s the hard, fallow ground of pride joy I have as a pastor is to hear Conclusion and arrogance so that the seed how God’s Word is taking root highest joy. It’s dangerous for your soul of God’s Word can take root and and transforming lives in my and unhelpful to yourself and transform our lives. congregation. There’s nothing They’ve labored all week in everyone else if you make a habit You break up the ground by sweeter than that. I promise you the study trying to extract the of careless, sloppy listening. cultivating humility. You show that if I called your pastors they meaning and application of the You’re going to delude yourself up on Sunday ready and eager to would agree wholeheartedly that Word of God to feed you, and you into thinking you’re okay, and learn and to be changed. You’re their greatest joy — what keeps just say, “Thanks!” You’ve got to you’ll try to live independent of like a calf at a new gate with them up late at night, what gets say the meal’s good and why! God’s Word. Men, you need to lead your feet stomping every week them up early in the morning — So from now on, from this day in taking action with the sermon. to hear your pastor preach. You’re is to hear how the Word of God forward, I plead with you never to Resist being “Mr. Forgetful” and hungry to have the Word of God is taking root in your life. They tell your pastor, “Good sermon.” take action. If you do, you will be implanted. This is not native to live for washing their people with What you’ve got to do is walk up blessed beyond measure as you the human heart, it has to be the Word. and tell him what God is doing in are transformed by the perfect cultivated, but if you let your Sadly, what happens in most your life through his explication law of liberty. pride go unchecked you won’t congregations is that members of God’s Word. You have to say Be attentive to God’s Word hear the Word of God. Humility never tell their pastors what how the Word of God impacted and to your life. Become an is the soul’s appropriate garment God’s doing in their lives. You you. That’s what brings your unstoppable, aggressive, serious if you’re going to be an effective forget to tell them, or worse, pastor the highest joy. If you walk corporate expository listener. Your expository listener. you leave after Sunday morning in the truth and tell him about it, pastors want every member to be and say “Hey, good sermon.” I’m it will be like fuel to his fire. more like Christ week-by-week. Move Your Feet telling you, that means nothing In other words, as expository And to do that you need to be The sixth discipline is to move to your pastor. listeners you should be an eager to hear. This is what James your feet to action. This is the post- aggressive, early adopter of the is calling you to become. sermon discipline, to “be doers of text at hand. Remember, biblical Open your ears, close your the word, and not hearers only, If you let your hearing assumes biblical heeding. mouth, control your temper, deceiving yourselves.” The reason When you hear the Word of God cleanse your heart, mortify your James ends his list of imperatives pride go in corporate worship, it should pride and move your feet to action. with this is that it’s not enough just grip you and it should change you. This is what expository listening to come to church and listen well. unchecked you It’s a dangerous thing to come looks like. This is how to listen, That’s not expository listening! won’t hear the together and to sit under the Word hear and apply the Word of God. The Bible never decouples hearing of God week after week but have It will be a challenge, but it’s well from heeding. Belief and behavior Word of God. no plans to do anything about worth the effort.

70 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 71 Did Not Our Hearts Burn? As God’s people, and especially Approach the Bible as those in the 21st century, we in Prayer Expository Reading have the privilege of reading God’s Word in our own language, The first thing to do on the way in many different versions, with to expository reading is assume innumerable resources at our the appropriate posture for an disposal. This is a rich blessing encounter with God’s Word. The and a great responsibility, for to Scriptures tell us that the human whom much is given much will be heart is desperately wicked and required (Luke 12:48). We should deceitful (Jer 17:9). Indeed, the strive to read the Bible as well basic human response to God’s as we can and understand its natural revelation (through meaning as clearly as possible. conscience or nature) is to It is a joyful task to dig into the suppress it in idolatry (Rom 1:18- Scriptures, and the more you do it 23). Even God’s people, though the more skilled you will become given a new nature and the Holy in interpreting its content. Spirit as a guide, must beware of In what follows, I hope to the deceitful inclinations of their provide a few practical tips for you remaining sinful nature. As we to grow in your ability to faithfully approach the Bible, we need to read and interpret the Bible. And realize that sin affects all of our as you improve as an expository being — our emotions, wills and reader of the Bible, I pray that you rational faculties. We can easily will know God more intimately, be deceive ourselves or be deceived a more faithful church member by others. We need the Holy Spirit and continue to “grow in the grace to instruct and guide us. Thus, and knowledge of our Lord and prayer is the essential starting Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18). point for any study of the Bible. Read the Bible as Robert L. Plummer Prayer is the a Book That Points od has preserved for us an invaluable gift and resource in to Jesus the canon of Scripture. In it we have the very words of God, essential Gwritten over many centuries by many men, and all inspired starting point In a debate with the Jewish by one divine mind. He could not have given a better gift with more religious leaders in Jerusalem, profitable guidance than he has in the Bible. As the hymn writer said, for any study Jesus said, “You search the “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in Scriptures because you think that his excellent word!” of the Bible. in them you have eternal life; and

72 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 73 it is they that bear witness about Let Scripture me, yet you refuse to come to me Interpret Scripture that you may have life” (John 5:39-40; cf. Luke 24:25-27). If we The hermeneutical guideline of Approaching the Bible in Prayer study or teach any part of the “Scripture interpreting Scripture” Bible without reference to Jesus has long been espoused by In Psalm 119, King David serves as a good example of honest the Savior, we are not faithful Christian interpreters, going self-assessment in his approach to the Scripture. Repeatedly, interpreters. Of course, not every back at least to Augustine (A.D. he prays for insight and redirection. Following is a list of text points to Jesus in the same 354-430) and Irenaeus (A.D. 130- sample petitions within the psalm. Slowly praying through way. The Old Testament promises, 200). If we believe that all the selected verses in Psalm 119 is an excellent way to begin a anticipates and prepares. The Bible is inspired by God and Bible study session. New Testament announces the thus noncontradictory, passages fulfillment in Christ of all of of Scripture that are less clear • Verse 5: “Oh that my ways may be steadfast in Israel’s law, history, prophecies should be interpreted with keeping your statutes!” and institutions. Every passage reference to those that are more of Scripture must be read as a transparent in meaning. • Verse 10: “With my whole heart I seek you; let me chapter in a completed book. As Another dimension of letting not wander from your commandments!” we know how the story wraps Scripture interpret Scripture up (in Christ’s life, death, and means listening to the full • Verse 12: “Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me resurrection), we must always be panoply of texts that touch your statutes!.” asking how prior chapters lead to upon a subject. For example, if that culmination. we were to read God’s words to • Verses 17-20: “Deal bountifully with your Abraham in Genesis 17:10-12, servant, that I may live and keep your word. we might conclude that even Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things If we study or today all male worshippers of out of your law. I am a sojourner on the earth; God must be circumcised. Yet, hide not your commandments from me! My soul is teach any part we read in 1 Corinthians 7:19, consumed with longing for your rules at all times.” “For neither circumcision counts of the Bible for anything nor uncircumcision, • Verses 34-37: “Give me understanding, that I may but keeping the commandments keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. without refer- of God.” By understanding the Lead me in the path of your commandments, for trajectory of Scripture (that OT I delight in it. Incline my heart to your testimonies, ence to Jesus Law and promises are fulfilled in and not to selfish gain! Turn my eyes from looking Christ), we see that circumcision at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.” the Savior, we served a preparatory role for the are not faithful Jewish nation but is no longer required of God’s people. The interpreters. author of Hebrews says that the

74 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 75 Law is only a shadow of the good No biblical diet law, the law of liberty, and The person who reads Scripture things that are coming — not the perseveres, being no hearer and does not obey it is self- realities themselves (Heb 10:1). is complete with- who forgets but a doer who deceived (Jas 1:22). To claim to Paul can circumcise a coworker as acts, he will be blessed in his know God while consistently and a means of strategic missionary out extended doing (Jas 1:22-25). consciously disobeying his Word accommodation to unregenerate is to demonstrate the falseness Jews (Acts 16:3), but when the rumination on At the same time, we must of one’s claim. The apostle John basis of salvation is at stake, remember that obedience to God’s writes, “Whoever says ‘I know Paul is unbending (Gal 2:3). This a smaller Word can never be brought about him’ but does not keep his brief survey demonstrates how by increased human effort, but commandments is a liar, and the a nuanced understanding of a portion of text. is possible only through Christ. truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4). subject requires the consideration As the apostle John writes, “For Reading God’s Word coupled with of multiple biblical texts that (The Complete Works of Thomas this is the love of God, that we obedience brings glory to God and touch upon it. Manton, vol. 17, Sermons on keep his commandments. And will make you a more effective Several Texts of Scripture). his commandments are not Bible reader. Meditate on the Bible burdensome. For everyone who The Bible is not a book for Approach the Bible in has been born of God overcomes Take Note of the superficial reading. While it Faith and Obedience the world. And this is the victory Biblical Genre You is certainly beneficial to read The Bible is not a philosophy that has overcome the world — Are Reading large portions of Scripture in textbook to be debated; it is a our faith. Who is it that overcomes one sitting, no biblical diet is revelation from God to be believed the world except the one who If your son were to come home complete without extended and obeyed. As we believe and obey believes that Jesus is the Son of from school and claim to have rumination on a smaller portion God’s Word, we will experience God?” (1 John 5:3-5). “a ton” of homework, you would of text. It is instructive that not only joy (Ps 119:72) but also, not discipline him for lying. You many Christians have found it more importantly, God’s blessing, Reading God’s would understand that he is using best to start their prayers with or approval. James writes: hyperbole to express his strong quiet and sustained reflection Word coupled emotions. In the same way, we on a small portion of Scripture. But be doers of the need to approach the Bible as God himself provides the words word, and not hearers only, with obedience sympathetic readers, respecting for our prayers in the Bible. The deceiving yourselves. For the various genres and authorial Puritan Thomas Manton (1620- if anyone is a hearer of the brings glory to assumptions that accompany 1677) wrote, “Meditation is a word and not a doer, he is like such genres. For example, the middle sort of duty between a man who looks intently at God and will genre of proverbs generally the word and prayer, and hath his natural face in a mirror. assumes exceptions. Proverbs respect to both. The word feedeth For he looks at himself and make you a are wise advice, not fail-proof meditation, and meditation goes away and at once forgets more effective promises. For example, we read feedeth prayer...These duties what he was like. But the one in Proverbs 10:4, “A slack hand must always go hand in hand” who looks into the perfect Bible reader. causes poverty, but the hand of

76 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 77 the diligent makes rich.” All of us does not think sacrificing one’s As with any historical can think of examples from our daughter is a good thing (Judg document, the reader of the Bible In attempts to lives that confirm this proverb. At 11), though he fails to give his will need study aids to delve provide some- the same time, most of us likely opinion on Jephthah’s actions in into the nuances of background know a few lazy, rich people. the immediate context. Similarly, issues. Of course, some of the thing “fresh” to Such exceptions do not make many Scriptures teach that books of the Bible assume little the proverb false. Rather, such drunkenness is wrong, though knowledge on the part of the their congrega- exceptions confirm the general the apostle John does not feel the reader and are quite accessible. rule. Proverbs offer wise advice need to note its impropriety in The Gospel of John, for example, tions, too many for ordering our lives, but most John 2:10, where there is a passing is often distributed as a stand- of them assume exceptions. reference to inebriation. (A friend alone evangelistic tract for this pastors are The genre of historical of mine once actually appealed reason. Depending on one’s readily taken in narrative also includes a number to John 2:10 to make a “biblical” familiarity with the Scripture, of authorial assumptions. For case for excessive drinking) The some background issues may by far-fetched example, the biblical authors author of a historical narrative be more or less transparent. Do employ historical narrative to does not always give explicit you know what Passover is? Then interpretations. report many events of which sanction or condemnation for you shouldn’t have trouble with they do not necessarily approve. behavior reported. One must John the Baptist’s description two important caveats. First, one The author of Judges clearly thoughtfully determine what of Jesus as the (Passover) lamb can become so enamored with is simply reported and what is (John 1:29). Are you familiar with outside historical, cultural, intended as normative. Israel’s 40 years of wandering the political or archaeological We need to wilderness? Then Jesus’ 40-day matters that he essentially Be Aware of Historical stay in the wilderness, where he ends up using the Bible as a approach the or Cultural was tested but did not sin, takes springboard for extrabiblical Bible as sympa- Background Issues on added significance (Matt 4:2; trivia. The study of ancient Near Luke 4:2). Eastern culture, while fascinating thetic readers, The 66 books of the Bible often As you study the Bible more, in its own right, is not the purpose assume a reader’s familiarity you will have less need to consult of Bible study. One must always respecting the with various cultural practices, commentaries or study aids for the ask: “Did the biblical author geographic markers or political answers to basic questions. There really assume that his readers various genres figures.T hus, when an untrained are many introductory surveys would know this fact?” And, “If reader simply opens up the book of the Old and New Testaments, he assumed his readers would and authorial of Isaiah and starts reading about as well as books specifically on know this fact, was it important nations that no longer exist and backgrounds, which provide for the meaning that he was assumptions obscure political alliances, he a wealth of information to the trying to convey?” If the answer that accompany or she might simply close the curious student. to both of these questions is “Yes,” Bible and say, “This is too hard In discussing Bible then the background issue is such genres. to understand.” backgrounds, we also must note indeed worthy of consideration.

78 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 79 Unfortunately, in attempts to practically denying its authority tightly to the text calls me back provide something “fresh” to their Attempting to through his sloppy preaching. to the inspired author’s meaning. congregations, too many pastors understand or It often has been said, “A text I tell my students to hold onto are readily taken in by far-fetched without a context is a pretext,” the biblical text like a rider in interpretations based on some apply a particu- meaning that a preacher will be a rodeo holds onto a bull. And, speculative background issue. inclined to infuse a text with his I also warn them that the only A pastor’s time would be better lar biblical own biases if he does not allow persons in the rodeo ring not on spent meditating prayerfully on the context to direct him to the bulls are clowns. the text to discover genuine text- phrase or verse authorial intent. I have found this When preaching the Bible, I driven applications. true in my own life. When I am want to be able to place my finger A second error one must avoid without reference given the opportunity to select on specific words and phrases in in background issues is to neglect a text for a sermon, I sometimes the text to justify my exhortations. them. In order to understand to the literary already have an idea of what I As a congregation, you should and apply a text faithfully, one context is virtu- want to say. But, as I go back be persuaded by the words of often must have some awareness to the text and study it within Scripture, not by the rhetorical of the author’s historical or ally guaranteed context, prayerfully meditating ability of a preacher. The power of cultural assumptions. One cannot over it, the direction of my a sermon or Bible lesson lies in its understand the denunciations in to result in message often shifts. Holding faithfulness to the inspired text. the Minor Prophets, for example, without knowing something distortion. of Israel’s prior history and relations to surrounding the sentence, paragraph, larger nations. And, while much of discourse unit and entire book. 11 Principles for becoming an expository this historical background Attempting to understand or reader can be garnered directly from apply a particular biblical other biblical documents, an phrase or verse without 1. Approach the Bible in prayer; uninitiated reader will need the reference to the literary context 2. Read the Bible as a book that points to Jesus; help of a more mature reader’s is virtually guaranteed to result 3. Let Scripture interpret Scripture; summaries. A study Bible, such in distortion. Unfortunately, in 4. Meditate on the Bible; as The HCSB Study Bible or ESV popular Christian literature 5. Approach the Bible in faith and obedience; Study Bible, provides brief but and preaching, there are many 6. Take note of the Biblical genre you are reading; helpful comments on relevant examples of such failure to 7. Be aware of historical or cultural background issues; background issues. respect the context of a passage. 8. Pay attention to context; One of the most painful exhibits 9. Read the Bible in community; Pay Attention of such hermeneutical failure 10. Read the Bible; and to Context is a preacher who bullies and 11. Read and listen to faithful preaching and teaching. Any portion of Scripture must blusters about the authority be read within the context of and inerrancy of Scripture while

80 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 81 Read the Bible in Also, our brothers and sisters Bible regularly. Can you imagine insightful reflections on one Community can guard us from straying a teacher of Milton who admitted chapter from the reading plan into false interpretations and to having read only “portions” of each day. I appreciate the way he We live in an individualistic age. misapplications. Paradise Lost? How foolish it is interprets the passages faithfully Yet God created us to live and for a minister of the gospel to seek while showing how the small worship and grow spiritually Read the Bible faithfulness in expounding God’s pieces fit in the overall vista together in community. The When I was 13 years old, my Word while remaining ignorant of Scripture, finding ultimate author of Hebrews writes that mother gave me a photocopy of a of the contents of that revelation. fulfillment in Christ. Over the we should not neglect “to meet hand-written guide for reading If you want to start this course of a year or two, the bite- together, as is the habit of some, the Bible through in a year. Thus kind of habit you can start at size chunks of biblical theology, but encouraging one another, began the most important part Genesis 1 and read three or four slowly digested, could have and all the more as you see the of my theological education — chapters per day. By the end of quite a beneficial effect on the Day drawing near” (Heb 10:25). immersion in Scripture. the year, you will have finished the thoughtful reader. Only as we live out our faith In order to understand the Bible, Bible. Another option is to read in Christ together do we come one must read it. And, in order to portions of both the Old and New Read and Listen to to understand with depth and read the individual parts of the Testament every day. The famous Faithful Preaching clarity what God has done in and Bible in context, one must read the Scottish preacher Robert Murray and Teaching through us (Philem 6). Similarly, whole. Thus, it is essential for any M’Cheyne developed a reading we see that God has structured faithful interpreter of the Bible plan that takes one through the Faithful interpretation is more the church as a “body” and that to have read the entire Bible and Old Testament once and New easily “caught” than “taught.” By every member of that body does to continue to read through the Testament and Psalms twice over reading or listening to faithful not have the same function (Rom the course of a year — reading expositions of Scripture, one’s 12:4-5). Some are more gifted as about four chapters per day. heart and mind are engaged. teachers (Rom 12:7). Others are It is essential for I am currently following this Just as the person who regularly more gifted in showing mercy or any faithful reading plan, which is found in drinks fine coffee develops a serving in some other way (Rom an introductory section of D. A. refined taste for the beverage, a 12:8). While all God’s people are interpreter of Carson’s devotional, For the Love person who consumes a regular called to read and meditate on of God: A Daily Companion for diet of faithful teaching develops his Word (Ps 119:9, 105), some the Bible to have Discovering the Riches of God’s a mind and heart that is able to are specially gifted in explaining Word (Wheaton: Crossway, recognize good interpretation, as that Word and exhorting others to read the entire 1998). This book has a one- well as distortions. believe and obey it (Eph 4:11-13). page devotional for each day One of the most important If we neglect God’s grace to us Bible and to of the year. At the top of each questions you need to ask in the gifting of other believers, page is a list of Bible chapters yourself is, “Am I hearing the Bible how impoverished we will be! continue to read to read for that day, according faithfully preached and taught at Reading the Bible with fellow through the to M’Cheyne’s reading plan. my local church?” If you are not, the believers helps us to gain insights Carson, a leading evangelical second question you should ask that we would otherwise miss. Bible regularly. New Testament scholar, provides yourself is, “Why am I a member

82 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 83 of a church where God’s Word is is a good indication that you need you should be seeking to share not being taught correctly?” If you to seek a new church — one where There is no the new insights you are learning are not experiencing the edifying the pastors faithfully shepherd more worthy about God. As you move forward and sanctifying effects of biblical the flock, feeding them from the in sharing the Scriptures, may you teaching, you are likely withering Word of God (Acts 20:28). endeavor than and those you teach cry out to and ineffective in your spiritual Although a local church that God, “How sweet are your words life (Col 1:28-29; 2 Peter 1:3-8). If teaches the Bible faithfully is an to honor God to my taste, sweeter than honey you are receiving a regular diet of absolute necessity, one can also to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103) biblical edification but only from grow spiritually from reading or by seeking to source(s) outside your church, that listening to the sermons and Bible Adapted from 40 Questions About teaching of those outside your know and under- Interpreting the Bible © Copyright 2010 local church. Free audio sermons stand all that by Robert L. Plummer. Published by Just as the person are widely available on the Web. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI. Two Web sites I recommend are he has said. Used by permission of the publisher. All who regularly www.truthforlife.org (teaching rights reserved. drinks fine coffee by Alistair Begg) and www. Conclusion desiringgod.org (teaching by develops a John Piper and others). There My prayer is that these principles are, of course, many other gifted, will encourage you to immerse refined taste for faithful preachers to whom you yourself in the Scriptures. There can listen. is no more worthy endeavor than the beverage, One also can learn much from to honor God by seeking to know reading sermons, commentaries and understand all that he has a person who and devotionals by faithful said. As with all good things that exegetes. Certainly, the Bible is God gives us, they are not for our consumes a the Book, but God’s gifting of his benefit only. In the spiritual life, regular diet of servants demands that we admit you are either a stagnant pool the usefulness of others’ books as or a flowing fountain. If you are faithful teaching well. One way to discover useful learning but not sharing what you books or resources is to ask a are learning, you will be like an develops a mind trusted fellow Christian. Maybe algae-covered pond. You might there is someone in your church not be in full-time ministry, but and heart that who has demonstrated a mature when it comes to the Bible, all knowledge of the Scriptures. of God’s people are to overflow is able to recog- Why not ask that person, “What with the truths they are learning. nize good good books have you read Even if your conversations about recently? Do you have any book the Bible are only with your interpretation. recommendations?” children, spouse and neighbors,

84 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 85 Worthy of Double Honor Paul was telling the truth when If you’re a he said that preaching the gospel Expository Advocating is folly, but he also says, “God member at a chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise” (1 Cor 1:27). church and A commitment to expository preaching takes a firm belief in you’re regularly the power of God’s Word and a humble recognition that the God- hearing the Bible appointed means of preaching is better than whatever impressive exposited, you or efficient model we might have much for devise. God will build his church through expository preaching, which to be and it takes a committed fool to believe it and do it. This means thankful! there will be times when your pastor will feel deeply the reality make ends meet financially. that he is engaging in a fool’s task Maybe he’s feeling inadequate and will cry out with Paul, “Who after listening to a John Piper is sufficient for these things?” (2 sermon. Maybe a member made Cor 2:16). a snide comment after a sermon If your preacher is a committed that he can’t shake. Maybe it fool, he will need encouragement. seems like no one follows along as That might not seem obvious, but he preaches. Whatever it is, these the reality is that the pastorate things take a toll. can be a discouraging place. That’s where you, the church Not only does the very idea of member, come in. If you’re a preaching look foolish in the member at a church and you’re Jim Hamilton world’s eyes (and occasionally in regularly hearing the Bible those of his congregation), but exposited, you have much for reaching is a fool’s task. Paul says as much when he tells the discouragement seems to come which to be thankful! If your Corinthians that “The word of the cross is folly to those who from every direction even as he preacher is diligent to preach the Pare perishing” (1 Cor 1:17). There are a lot of preachers and tries to serve the Lord and love whole counsel of God, to let the congregations who agree so strongly with that diagnosis that they’ve his people. Maybe his own sin is content and structure of the text deemed it necessary to modify the way preaching is done in their church. overwhelming him and hurting dictate that of his sermon and They’ve gotten rid of the traditional sermon, which is viewed by some those around him. Maybe there’s to apply the Bible to your life so as archaic and abusive, in favor of dialogue and conversation. tension at home. Maybe he can’t that you’re walking in the truth,

86 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 87 you are blessed. who said that. If the apostle Paul Paul says that those who needed prayer, your pastor does, labor faithfully in preaching and too. Pastors are ordinary men, teaching are worthy of “double but they hold an extraordinary honor” (1 Tim 5:17) and are to be office. The New Testament places respected and esteemed highly in unique responsibility on pastors love (1 Thess 5:12-13). That honor, to shepherd God’s people by respect and high estimation is to teaching, preaching, counseling, Eight ways to use Scripture to pray come from the church members. leading and serving. This for your pastor Hopefully you want to encourage responsibility carries serious your preacher, but you should ramifications: pastors will face Pray that he would conduct himself wisely in a life of also see that the Bible exhorts a stricter judgment (Jas 3:1) and obedience that remains above reproach (1 Tim 3:2); you to do so. will give account before God for When I use the word “encourage,” the souls with which they’ve been Pray that he would love and be faithful to his wife I don’t mean that you should entrusted (Heb 13:17). Clearly, (Eph 5:25-33); merely say nice things to him this is not an office to be entered to flatter him and make him feel into lightly. Pray that he would raise his children in the fear and better, I mean considering “how The New Testament is not the admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4); to stir up one another to love and only source of pressure that good works” (Heb 10:24). As Kevin pastors experience, however. Our Pray that he would love the Lord with all his heart, soul, DeYoung says, encouragement culture, with all of its resistance mind and strength (Mk 12:30); “is not about commending nice to authority and cynicism people to make them feel good toward anybody who believes Pray that he would faithfully shepherd the flock of God but about commending the work the Bible, eagerly anticipates the (1 Pet 5:1-3); of the gospel in others to the glory next report of a pastor falling of God.” Your pastor doesn’t need into sin. This happens with Pray that he would flee temptation (1 Thess 4:3-8); flattery, but he does need genuine, sickening frequency, and with biblical encouragement that helps it comes yet more disrepute on Pray that he would be a man of unceasing prayer him keep his hands to the plow as (Eph 6:18); and he works to cut a straight path in his ministry. If you’re not sure Pastors are Pray that he would bind himself to the Scriptures and how to do that, then here are some commit himself to expounding the word of God rather practical ideas for encouraging ordinary men, than his own opinions (2 Tim 4:1-4). your preacher. but they hold Pray an extra- “Brothers, pray for us” (1 Thess 5:25). That was the apostle Paul ordinary office.

88 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 89 the bride of Christ. Prepare planned and ready to go for the but Satan will use anything he can With all of this, it should be The last thing a pastor or preacher morning. All of these things, as to keep God’s people from fully clear that one of the most loving wants to think is that he is the simple as they may seem, will engaging in worship. and faithful things you can do only one prepared for Sunday eliminate potential distractions There are, of course, ways to as a church member is to pray morning. That doesn’t mean you on Sunday morning. be spiritually prepared as well. for your pastor. Pray for him as need to write your own sermon You don’t need to make a Take some time to pray alone or you prepare for church, pray for during the week, but you might rule out of these things; we all as a family, confess sins to one him with your family, with other be surprised how much more you know that life happens, but they another that need to be confessed, church members or ask him if you get out of your Sunday mornings are helpful means of removing sing songs of praise together at can pray for him in person. by simply being more prepared. potential stumbling blocks. You dinner on Saturday and read There are a host of ways you The truth is that Sunday might think they’re unimportant, Scripture together. In fact, there’s can pray for your pastor: Pray morning begins on Saturday that he would conduct himself night. There are a number of wisely in a life of obedience extremely practical ways to be that remains above reproach prepared for worship, all for the (1 Tim 3:2); pray that he would purpose of removing potential love and be faithful to his wife distractions and obstacles. On the (Eph 5:25-33); pray that he would physical side, consider laying out How to prepare for worship raise his children in the fear and and ironing clothes for yourself admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4); and your family the night prior, Physically pray that he would love the Lord be sure that the car is gassed up, 1. Lay out and iron clothes for yourself and your family with all his heart, soul, mind and pack any bags with Bibles and on Saturday night; strength (Mk 12:30); pray that he diapers and whatever else you 2. Be sure that the car is gassed up; would faithfully shepherd the bring as a family, make sure the 3. Pack any bags with Bibles and diapers and whatever flock of God (1 Pet 5:1-3); pray alarms are set, get plenty of rest else you bring as a family; that he would flee temptation the night before, have breakfast 4. Make sure the alarms are set; (1 Thess 4:3-8); pray that he 5. Get plenty of rest the night before; and would be a man of unceasing 6. Have breakfast planned and ready to go for prayer (Eph 6:18); and pray that Satan will use the morning. he would bind himself to the Scriptures and commit himself anything he can Spiritually to expounding the Word of God 8. Pray alone or as a family; rather than his own opinions to keep God’s 9. Confess sins to one another; (2 Tim 4:1-4). This list is by no 10. Sing songs of praise together at dinner on Saturday; means exhaustive, but there is people from 11. Read Scripture together; and no better place to start than by fully engaging 12. Read the sermon text praying God’s own words for your pastor. in worship.

90 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 91 a way you can read Scripture in farmer seeing fruit on those vines preparation for worship that just he’s been tending — what a joy to may be the most significant way know that the people you serve A sample of ways to engage in ministry to prepare for worship. This isn’t are reading the Bible! He’ll be something I thought up myself, encouraged if you tell him you had 1. Help clean the church building; rather, the Lord’s dear people trouble seeing the relevance of the 2. Drive people to church who need rides; at Kenwood Baptist Church in passage, or understanding it, and 3. Help with music; Louisville, Ky., where I pastor, then were helped by his sermon. 4. Serve in the nursery; have encouraged me in this way He’ll be encouraged to hear that 5. Fold bulletins; and I’m offering it so the blessing his sermon made you want to go 6. Visit and encourage the elderly and homebound; can be multiplied. back and read the passage more 7. Meet in accountability with other members to Here’s what you do: find out carefully, or to meditate on it encourage godliness; what text is going to be preached, more. He’ll be encouraged when 8. Encourage a member to be strong in the battle and read the passage before you you tell him that his preaching against a particular sin; come to church. It’s simple and it’s has helped you to become a better 9. Teach Sunday school; good for you and it will encourage Bible reader. 10. Do evangelism; your pastor. Most importantly, he’ll be 11. Support missions; There are different ways to encouraged to see you apply 12. Do missions; and do it. Maybe you could read the the sermon by walking in the 13. Mentor someone younger. sermon text at the breakfast truth. One elder wrote about table before you go to church, or the people in the churches he maybe sometime on Saturday will served: “I have no greater joy work better for you. There are a than to hear that my children number of ways your pastor will are walking in the truth” (3 John be encouraged by this: he’ll be 1:4). In fact, he said that kind of encouraged by your asking what thing repeatedly (cf., 1 John 1:4; among other things, “shepherds he’ll preach, and your telling him Nothing will 2 John 1:4; 3 John 1:3-4). Nothing and teachers.” Shepherds and that you’re asking because you like will encourage your pastor like teachers is simply another way to read the passage in preparation encourage your giving him the joy of seeing of saying “pastors.” Paul is saying for worship. He’ll be encouraged you walk in the truth. Read the that your pastor is actually a gift when you ask him after church pastor like sermon text before church on from God. He’s still a sinner, but how to understand something you Sunday and be conformed to the he’s a gift. Notice that Paul tells saw in the text that he didn’t have giving him the image of Christ from one degree us that God’s purpose in giving time to address in the sermon. He’ll of glory to another. these pastors is “to equip the be encouraged to see the Spirit of joy of seeing saints for the work of ministry, God drawing you to the Word of you walk in Participate for building up the body of God — getting to hear that you’re In Ephesians 4, Paul tells us Christ” (Eph 4:11-13). reading the Bible will be like the the truth. that God gave to the church, Does your church have the

92 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 93 mentality that the pastor is there your heart and hands in the task Your pastor will be energized to be the professional and do the of ministry. This isn’t simply to The task of a to keep at the task of equipping ministry and you are there simply help your pastor do his job, it’s New Testament and building up the saints as he to receive it week after week? for the good of your soul and the sees the members of the church That’s not how God arranged health of the church. church is to be acting like Christians, like people it. The pastor is indeed there Most of the New Testament’s who love and follow Jesus. to do ministry, but much of his epistles were written as letters to faithful, not ministry consists of equipping specific churches, where the many Conclusion and building up God’s people to commands and exhortations to merely efficient. This is just the beginning. Praying, do ministry. As we noted above, care for, comfort, encourage, preparing and participating are nothing will give your pastor forgive, honor, love and serve “one been given to us by God, and the just three ways you can encourage more joy than seeing you walk another” were not just abstract task of a New Testament church is your pastor, and there are many in the truth, and part of what instructions. When people heard to be faithful, not merely efficient. more. Buy him a book, sponsor a that means is that you engage those letters read for the first time, Rather than improving the real night out for him and his wife. As they knew the actual people who fruitfulness of a church, this sort you support and advocate for your Does your were to receive their care, comfort, of arrangement actually augments pastor like this, you will indeed encouragement, forgiveness, the strain on and discouragement be showing him the double honor church have the honor, love and service. of the pastor. There are few things of which Paul speaks, you’ll be They had pastors to preach and as encouraging to a pastor as esteeming him highly and you will mentality that teach Scripture, to pray and to seeing his people living as be honoring God. watch over their souls. But much Christians and doing ministry. the pastor is of the horizontal person-to- There are all sorts of ways to person ministry was done by the participate in your church’s there to be the church members. A church that ministry. You could help clean the professional and lives like this is rare, precious. church building, drive people to Too many view their pastors as church who need rides, help with do the ministry professionals (and some pastors music, serve in the nursery, fold view themselves this way) and bulletins, visit and encourage the and you are church members view themselves elderly and homebound in your as consumers who come to church church, meet in accountability there simply to to get what they can from the with other members to encourage church’s “products.” This might godliness, encourage a member receive it week seem to be the more efficient to be strong in the battle against way to do ministry, but this is a particular sin, teach Sunday after week? not the way a body functions, and school, do evangelism, support That’s not how it isn’t the way church should be. missions, do missions, mentor a The New Testament’s vision of younger member, and all sorts of God arranged it. church ministry is rare, but it’s other things.

94 A Guide to Expository Ministry For the Hearer 95 A Guide to expository ministry Resources

Further Reading Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons by John Broadus

Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching ed. Don Kistler

The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper

On Being a Pastor: Understanding our Calling and Work by Derek Prime and Alistair Begg

Shepherds after My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible by Timothy Laniak

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals by John Piper

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

What Is a Healthy Church Member? by Thabiti M. Anyabwile

The Center for Christian Preaching The Center for Christian Preaching is an international center that is unapologetically committed to modeling and promoting expository preaching.

9Marks | Building Healthy Churches 9Marks is a ministry dedicated to equipping church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources. Their goal is simple: churches that display the glory of God. Many of their resources can be accessed online at www.9marks.org.

96 A Guide to Expository Ministry 97 From Southern Seminary Contributors Also in the Guide Book Series from SBTS Press:

A Guide to A Guide to Biblical Manhood Adoption and Editor (SBTS Press, Orphan Care Dan Dumas is a church planter and pastor-teacher at Eastside 2011 $5.99), (SBTS Press, Community Church in Louisville, Ky. He is passionate about being a Randy Stinson 2012 $5.99), transformational ministry architect and creator of Gospel-saturated and Dan Dumas Russell D. Moore conferences and events. Dumas became a Senior Vice President at Southern Seminary in October of 2007. He came to Louisville from Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California where he served as Elder, Executive Pastor, Pastor of Assimilation, Director of Conferences and Publications from Southern Seminary Pastor of the Cornerstone Fellowship Group. Prior to joining the staff Southern Seminary Magazine at Grace, Dan logged extensive ministry hours at many local churches.

Towers: A News Publication of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Contributors James M. Hamilton Jr. is Associate Professor of Biblical Theology The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology at Southern Seminary and Preaching Pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. He is the author of Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to The Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry the Churches, God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology and God’s Indwelling Presence: The Ministry of the Holy The Southern Baptist Journal of Missions and Evangelism Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. He is married to Jill and has four children.

Connect with Southern Seminary online R. Albert Mohler Jr. is the ninth president of The Southern Baptist News.sbts.edu Theological Seminary. He also serves as professor of Christian theology Facebook.com/SBTS at Southern Seminary. Mohler is the author of He is Not Silent, Culture Twitter.com/SBTS Shift and Desire and Deceit. Mohler hosts two programs: “The Briefing,” and “Thinking in Public.” He also writes a popular blog and a regular For more information about Southern Seminary, visit sbts.edu; commentary on moral, cultural and theological issues, all of which can for information about Boyce College, visit boycecollege.com be accessed at www.AlbertMohler.com. Mohler is an ordained minister, and has served as pastor and staff minister of several Southern Baptist churches. He is married to Mary and has two children.

98 A Guide to ExpositoryExpository MinistryMinistry 99 Russell D. Moore is the Senior Vice President for Academic Production Administration and Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Moore writes Project Editor: and speaks frequently on topics ranging from the Kingdom of God to the Matt Damico is a staff writer for Southern Seminary. He earned a mission of adoption to a theology of country music. He is a senior editor bachelor of arts in English from the University of Minnesota in 2008 of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity and also blogs regularly before moving to Louisville, Ky. He graduated from Southern with a at Moore to the Point, russellmoore.com. He is the author of such books master of divinity in 2012, and currently serves as minister of worship as Tempted and Tried: Temptation and the Triumph of Christ, Adopted at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. He is married to the for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches wonderful Anna. and The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective. Prior to entering the ministry, he was an aide to U.S. Congressman Gene Taylor. Designer: He and his wife Maria have five sons. Andrea Stember joined Southern Seminary’s creative team in 2011 after working four years in the Chicago, Ill., graphic design scene. Robert L. Plummer is Associate Professor of New Testament Though she loves the city, Andrea was born and raised in the state Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, of Iowa, where she earned her bachelor of fine arts degree in graphic Ky. Plummer is the author of 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible design from Iowa State University. She is married to Daniel. (Kregel, 2010, from which the material in this book was adapted), and Paul’s Understanding of the Church’s Mission and many other articles Illustrations were done by Ray Rieck, whose work can be seen at and essays. Plummer is an elder at Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, www.rayrieck.com. Ky. He has served on mission assignments in China, Malaysia, Ghana, Israel, Turkey and Trinidad. He and his wife Chandi have three daughters.

Donald S. Whitney has been Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Senior Associate Dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY since 2005. He is the founder and president of The Center for Biblical Spirituality. Prior to his ministry as a seminary professor, Don was pastor of Glenfield Baptist Church in Glen Ellyn, Illinois for almost fifteen years. Altogether, he has served local churches in pastoral ministry for twenty-four years. He is the author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. He is married to Caffy and has one daughter.

100 A Guide to Expository Ministry 101 A publication of:

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