CORAL G/^-LES, FLORIDA SINCE 1927 , FRIDAY NOV. MB! R 1 ' in thh issue Blood drive falls short Students lack sleep


• The Hurricanes face off aginst the Hokies of Virginia Tech University tomorrow at 6 p.m. in Blacksburg. SPORTS, page 6

II.C.AMA-IOBO /Phcjtotdil.jr

lORGE MIRANDA / Art Director AFTER HOURS: Like many students, VETERAN: Senior Read Sawczyng donates bkxtd for the fourth time in his life. He was among the few students who gave Senior Nikki Frisbie chooses studying blood to the American Red Cross this week at the Homecoming blixid drive. over sleeping

volunteers said they had esti­ for a variety of health reasons, bers, said Nicole Ryals, bltxxl • Low turnout at mated the final result would be the Red Cross needed not |ust drive co-chair for the • Sleep deprived blood drive between 400 and 500 pints; 800. bin 1000 volunteers to Homecoming Executive students turn to caffeine half of the orfginal expectation. reach the original goal. Committee. unexpected, Red Melgar said the Red Cross "We were told there were 730 Fatzinger said he believed to stay awake had expected to collect 800 people signed up to participate that the reason for the tow Cross, organizers pints of blood fn>m Monday in the blood drive." said Melgar lurnotil al (he blood drive) was BY KATIE LANE through Thursday. By signing up. she said, people thai fewer organisations are Hum. HM Matt Writer HURRICANE HOWL say The expected donations were are commiiung to donate blood competing in Homecoming this The sight of weary siudenis walking ihe to represent a two day supply paths of campus, clutching steaming cups of • Goldfinger, along with and are less likely lo forget or year. for hospitals in Dade and coffee as they rush to their nine o'clock class­ Aquabats and Save Ferris, By DAMIAN NA|MAN just let the opportunity pass by. Blood drives have been held Broward counties, where blood es, has become a common sight. open Homecoming tonight at ASMK i.ite News Editor Jim Fatzinger. blood drive dunng Homecoming and also is used not just for injuries, but The problem of lack ol sleep is one which 7 pm on the U.C. Patio. Few students have earned the co-cli.ur lor the Homecoming during Greek Week for 16 ye;irs righl to wear the "Be nice to also necessary for the treatment Executive Committee, said that at UM, sometimes exceeding plagues many college students at the ACCENT, page 6 me, I gave blood today" sticker of cancer patients 730 people were listed on the 1000 pints of blood, said University ofMiami during this year's The low turnout endangers rotters of organizations partici­ Melgar In class, especially early in the morning, Homecoming. the preparations for the holiday pate:.' in Homecoming, such as "Participation in sludents can be seen resting their heads on NO LOVE FOR UNNICO? 'The American Red Cross season, when donations of resi, miai colleges, greeks and Homecoming is not what it usu­ desks, staring blankly off into space, and blood are usually lower. This olh. .iganizations yawning as teachers stand lecturing in the • They empty your trash. was disappointed with the poor ally is." said Jennifer Avidon. forces the Red Cross to get However, nol all active mem­ front of the room. They mop your vomit. But, do results Off the blood drive Homecoming Executive blood from other regions of the beis of participating organiza- According to Patty Pyrz, assistant direclor wt' even give them a second planned as a part of Committee chairperson. country. ii had committed to donat­ of the Wellness Center, it is essential that a glance? Homecoming." said Marcela Mark Trowbndge, director of Melgar. area manager tor the However, the local Red Cross io blood student activities, said he ts person gets enough sleep in order to be pro­ OPINION, page 10 Red Cross Blood Services. devoted most ol ns time this fhe rosters of the residential very disappointed with the ductive the following day. Southern Region. week to the blood drive at UM. c 'lieges include only the peo­ results of the blood drive. "The adequate amount of sleep that most With just over 300 pints col­ said Melgar ple who sign up for "We now realize that students people need is between six and eight hours a lltt'.' lected by Wednesday evening. Since nol all the people who Homecoming, hut in the case of night." she said Melgar and other Red Cross went to the blocxl drive were creeks and other organizations, Most students report thai they usually get VOLUNTEERS TO BE ultimately able to donate the rosters list all active mem­ See BLOOD • Page 2 about live hours of sleep a night, which is REWARDED FOR SERVICE hardly enough to leave them feeling rested The Florida Ot'ice ot the next day. Collegiate Volunteerism There are many excuses lhal sludents use (FOCV) is looking for outstand­ Graduates display art at forum to justify why they do not have enough time ing student volunteers to to get adequate sleep. icii'ive the 1998 Excellence in Univeisity of Miami Graduate Renee Rosen, a staff assistant at be given at 2 p.m. A total of Some students said that they are unable to Serve Award. Excellence In • Creativity Student Research and the Graduate School who sixty students will be compet­ fall asleep when they try to and end up lying Service (ElS) is an annual Creativity Forum helped organize the evenl. ing in the Forum and displaying in bed for hours award presented to three dedi­ forum will The Forum, which will be "There will be posters, archi­ their work. •Pyrz said that there are a number of factors cated Florida college student held in the University Center's tecture drawings, and multi­ The awards will be given to that could contribute lo this. One possibility leaders who make outstanding include posters Inlernalional Lounge, will fe.i media presentations," the firsl, second and third place would be digestion of food. According to and innovative contributions ture projects put together by Victoria Varela. a stall assistant winners in each of the follow­ Pyrz. a person should stop eating food at through service efforts in their and drawings UM graduate students that at the Graduate School who ing categories Physical least three hours pnor to going lo sleep. By communities locus on each participant's par­ helped in the organization of Sciences. Natural and Life doing this, a person's metabolism is slowed Students must be nominated By CHRISTY CABRERA ticular area of study. the event. Sciences, Social Sciences. down and nol as many calories are burned. by a University faculty or statt, Hurricane Statt' Writer Graduate advisors selected The Forum will begin at 10 Communication. The This is part of the body's natural way of oi ,i community agency super­ On Friday, November 7. one siudent Irom each depart­ a.m. when graduate students Humanities. Architecture. relaxing itself. , visor who is familiar with the University of Miami Graduale ment to participate in the will sign in and set up their Marine Science. and Many students attribute then loss ol sleep student's volunteer efforts. sludents will have the opportu­ Forum. Other students who exhibits The judges will arrive Engineering, said Rosen. . The studenls selected for the nity to display the fruits of their were not chosen were also at approximately 11:15 a.m. See SLEEP • Page 2 ElS award not only exemplify labor at the Second Annual allowed to participate, said and Varela said the awards will the true meaning of service, See FORUM • Page 2 but they set the standard for others. As an acknowledge­ ment for their efforts, the selected students receive a $1,000 award and a certitu ,ite nt appreciation during a spe­ Students play UNO for 'Relief cial ceremony. To request a nomination During Homecoming week, stu­ drive for trie American Red Cross. dy festival, organized by Comedy expenses paid trip to attend the packet, contact the Florida • UNO marathon dents, faculty, stall and visitors are another Homecoming everlt, have Relief. Inc., Avidon said Comedy Relief in in Office of Collegiate organizers say they expected to play UNO between 9 been invited to play UNO while they The Univeriity that raises the either 1998 or 1999. Volunteerism at (830) 922- a.m. and 11 am at the lounge They wait to give or get blood must money among the nine coin "We won't know how much we 2922, or contact Volunteer hope to see more will bring in donations for the home­ 'The last days of ihe blood drive, peting schools in the UNO-ihon will have raised until the last days," Services at 284-4483. less of Miami, earn points for cer­ people will have to line up for an win a comedy festival on campus, Robinson said "We could raise $20 Nomination packets must be involvement tain UM organizations and enhance hour." said Craig Robinson of hosted by movie slar Billy Crystal. or $20,000. We really have no clue postmarked no later than the school spirit as they join in the Student Activities "There will Whoopi Goldberg and Rohm right now " lanuary 31, 1998. Homecoming events probably be nothing for them to do Williams The Homecoming Committee By KARIN M. MORALES There are several reasons tor par- I than play cards I'' The movie stars host the famous started announcing the UNO-thon Hurrii ane Staff Writer li. ipaliug People have always played cauls Comic Relief every year lo raise iwo days hefore the event with flyers The UNO Marathon started this today's weather "We would hope they are pain, i on campus, particularly al the money for the National Health Care and announcements on WVUM and week in the University Center paling to help raise the money," said lounge. What makes this event par­ for the Homeless Council The Miami Hurricane, Robinson Partly cloudy with a 30 p. Lounge as part of Homecoming fes­ Jennifer Avidon, chairperson of the ticular is lhat they are raising money The one sludenl who raises the said c h.mce of rain. Highs in the tivities, as well as io compete tor a Homecoming evenls for ihe Camillus Health Concern of money tor the cause, fmm any "The turnout has been lower than mid 80s. free comedy festival on campus. Also, volunteers of the blood Miami and competing tor lhe come­ ot ihe schools, will win an all - National Weather Strvk e See UNO • Page 2 J Ti Miuo HLIIKUK (ompus calendar LJ • RATHSKELLER: Saturday at 6 National Society will hold its annu­ Students depend on caffeine p.m Virginia Tech v Canes Friday al Induction Ceremony on Tuesday Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays Nov. 11 at the Cosford Cinema. Be From SLEEP • Page 1 well," said Atwell. South Park at 10 p.m. there at 6:45 p.m. The ceremony The line of students waiting at the •UNDERGRADUATE begins at 7 p.m. to the accumulation of all the tasks French Quarter Coffee Company in NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY: • WESLEY FOUNDATION: "The they have to accomplish during the the food court reflects this fact UNS will host a meeting with River." an alternative to religion day. Melissa DiCione. freshman, rather dramatically. speaker Dr. Mary Eaton titled "Cell More than a feeling, more than an said she does not get enough sleep. Transplants and Chronic Pain." in Every day people on the run can experience. It's a second chance to "I get side tracked very easily dur­ the Mahoney/Pearson classroom be seen purchasing large cups of find what you've been searching ing the day and end up staying 102 Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. cappuccino and shots of espresso as for Sunday night at 6 p.m. at the awake half the night to get all of my Membership issues will be dis­ they head off to class. Wesley Foundation, at 1210 work done," she said cussed and refreshments will be Stanford Drive, across from In addition to the increased sales DiCione said she compensates for served. Mahoney/Pearson "The River" is a of coffee at the food court, many this lack of sleep by drinking coffee multidenominational Christian • OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS: and napping during the day, if possi­ students spend time studying and worship service created by students The office is looking for UM repre­ ble. loading up on coffee at local book tot students. sentatives. Hometown High is a Freshman Ashley Atwell said, stores. program which allows students to • HURRICANE PRODUC­ "Diet Coke is my fuel for life. "I go to Borders to study and I return to their high schools during TIONS: "Faces Of America". An Without it, I don't know what I usually have a black and white winter break and discuss their examination of present Amencan would do." cookie and a frozen mochaccino," experiences with prospective stu­ culture, its background, econom­ Atwell also said she frequently said Gourav Mujherjee. dents. Applications are available ics, diversity and the road to unifi­ purchases coffee for early morning Other sludents said that they fre­ from the front desk at Ashe 132. cation through the eyes of the so- study sessions quently study at Barnes and Noble. For more information call Michael called "Generation X." Monday, "You have to do whatever it takes Walmsley at 284-5313. Nov. 17 al 7 p.m. in the Gusman Sludents said that as long as peo­ to get the energy you need, within ple are deprived of sleep, coffee and • JUDAIC STUDIES PROGRAM: Concert Hall. For more informa­ |.|. GAMA-LOBO / Photo Editor certain limits II the worst thing you The Judaic Studies Program offers tion, contact Multicultural Student other caffeinated beverages will QUICK FIX: UM provides students with a means to purchase caf­ Shulevit/. scholarships for Judaic Affairs at 284-2855. do is consume too much caffeine, continue to serve as a means of feine, such as the French Quarter in the food court. Studies majors and minors and stu­ •OMICRON DELTA KAPPA: then I think you're doing pretty refreshment and invigoration denls with financial need. Please ODK will be accepting nomina­ torvcitrd a statement of need, your tions for graduate, law and medical ACE report and a one page essay students through Nov. 14. which describes your goals and Applications are available through­ how they impact Jewish identity out campus. Forum focuses on graduates and community. Application dead­ Varela also said she is expecting diversity that exists in UM's gradu­ Rosen also feels that undergradu­ line is Nov. 21. 1997. For further From FORUM • Page 1 To pod your events in our this year's Forum to be as successful ate school. ates will benefit from visiting the information call Dr. Henry Green as last year's. "There are many different depart The winners will all get ribbons Forum. at 284-4375. Office address is campus cdendot, slop by our "We had a great time last year and menls, " said Varela. "The exhibits and certificates commemorating "It's a great community event and 42IC Ashe. offke in Universily Center, Rm. 22? a great turn-out. We are expecting are a mixture of a little bit of every their participation in the event and undergraduates will gel the opportu­ • GOLDEN KEY NATIONAL the same this year." she said. department." Also vrsH the Hurricane Online for each of the first place winners will nity to see what the graduate schcxil HONOR SOCIETY: Golden Key Rosen also said that last year's Though the event focuses on the also get $100.00. said Varela. can provide," she said. event was very successful work performed by graduate stu "We have 60 students participat­ "The event was well received last dents. Varela said that all members Students who are interested in ing this year. The Forum is an year." said Rosen. "That is why we of the UM community are invited to attending the UM Graduate Student opportunity for all graduate students student government update are doing it again." attend and that some professors are Research and Creativity Forum and to present their projects and their Students who visit the Forum will even bringing their undergraduate who need more information can call research," Varela said. LJ have the opportunity to see the students to the Forum. the Graduate Schcxil at 284-4154. Senate passes bill Red cross fails to BACKS 'R' US to light IM field • Bill will help By passing the bill, SG senate is taking the first of many steps that meet goal at UM protect students must he taken in order for lhe IM lield lo actually receive some type From BLOOD • Page 1 was only nn Tuesday evening, after two BY CHRIS SOBEL of security lighting. days of a disappotnung turnout at trie Hurricane Staff Writer The lights would not be high only gave before because they got blood dnve, thai the Red Onus par­ This week Siudent Government intensity, as would be the case for points." Tniwhndge said. "It's a ticipated in a committee meeting. Senate passed a bill to provide athletic events. It would be more shame that the only motivation u > According to Melgar, the lighting to the Intramural Field dur­ like lighting found in parking lots. give Hood is to get points tor Red Cross is concerned aboul ing night hours in order to protect Several ideas for how the light­ Homecoming." future Wood drives, such as the safety of students who are ing will be handled were suggested Similar to previous years, forced to walk through the field and at the senate meeting, from using lhe Homecoming Executive the one that will be held in are unable to sec* in the dark the light towers already in place tor Committee held meetings March dunng Greek Week. Melgar said she has The bill i.s in response to students intramural sports to placing new with representatives ftom addressed these concerns who, for example, park on San lights at each of the four corners. the participating organiza- to the dean of students. Amaro Drive and walk to visit According to the provisions ol oons in inform them about friends in Stanford Residential the bill, the lights will be illuminat­ the blood drive and other Fatzinger said he College, or students who spend late ed from dusk to dawn. Homeuiming events, said expects a better turnout hours studying at the library and Also, the affects overnight light­ Ryals next year but does not plan GAVE BLOOD to do anything different from must walk back to fraternity row ing would have on Stanford resi­ 'The Red Cntss has been TODAY thes year He said that partici- "One of our jobs is to improve dents is being considered. openly welcomed at all padon of students at the blood student life on campus and security In other senate news, a bill was Homecoming meetings." said is a part of that." said Senate passed to donate $10(1 to the Fatzinger. dnve comes "in cycles." To compensate tiir the kiw volume Speaker Shannon Neville "This Funday Executive Committee for Melgar said she made an offer to the SARAH GUARNACCIA / News -editor ot Ncxxl collected during Homecoming, bill can prevent problems from Funday '98. the annual event that committee to give a class at the meetings SPINAL CHECK: Local chiropractors visit UM to examine happening on the IM field (hat takes mentally handicapped citi­ to educate lhe organi/auons about the Melgar said she hopes to.rg.inize a one- students during Chiropractic Week, Nov. 2-8. might be attributed to the poor zens from Miami and pairs them bkiod drive, hut her oiler was declined, lt day blood drive with fhe greeks next lighting." with student buddies for the day of week. Senators felt students are in dan­ events, arts and crafts, a movie and ger while walking at night on the a barbecue. IM field. Also, University Affairs has set "It's scary at night. You can't see the date of the upcoming forum on Few players despite UNO's popularity ne is ten feet in front of you parking issues wilh Director se it's so dark." said Pearson Sandra Redway of Parking and See UNO • Page 2 I leather Kellett. Transportation and Director Maj The bill,was written by Student Henry Christensen of Public Safety hoped for, but not lower than I real­ to be held on Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. The HOMECOMING 1998 SCHEDULE Government President Jonathan ly thought it would be," said Brill and sponsored by Senator location will be announced, but Robinson "Most people are busy Kellett and College of Engineering most likely it will be held at the with other Homecoming .tctixities 'CANES IN SPACE' Senator Stephanie Kermer. Lewis Room in the Rat. thai are worth more points Mattel did nol send most of the TODAY, NOV. 7 information until two weeks before national and worid news the event, committee members said Opening Ceremonies - 4:30 p.m. UC Patio FRI. NOV 14 Anybody interested donating Spirit Tree Ceremony -11:45 a.m. LJ money or filling out pledge sheets Hurricane Howl featuring Goldfinger, Save AIDS PREVENTION URGED Saharan Africa has the most peo­ for donations should contact Student ple infected by AIDS. However, Activities at 284-5646 All other Ferris and Aquabats - 7 p.m. UC Patio Ashe Building the reports suggest that parts of WASHINGTON - In a report participants are invited to sign up Alma Mater Singing Contest - Noon released this week, government China, India, Eastern Europe and and play UNO in the UC l^ounge, SAT. NOV. 8 leaders recommended that fast, the former Soviet Union are likely where the big UNO sign is posted. to have the epidemic run rampant UC Patio intensive prevention efforts need to Participants tan also play UNO at Hurricanes Help the Hometown - 8:30 a.m. Programs will include politically be made in countries where AIDS the Flamingo Ballrtxim, where the controversial programs such as Homecoming Parade, Game Pep Roily, Boat is just starting to appear. blood dnve is laking place. Meet at UC Patio condom use and clean needles tor With 14 million cases, Sub- The UNO-thon ends Sunday. drug users Burning, Fireworks, Alumni Night ot the Rat - As a promotional strategy lor SUN NOV. 9 Mattel, one of the main reasons 7:30 p.m. behind this event, according to Miss UM Pageant - 7 p.m. Gusman Hall editor's correction Robinson, was lhat UM received the SAT. NOV 15 UNO card games for the event. MON NOV. 10 LJ "Mattel expects a huge turnout." Homecoming Game - UM vs. Rutgers, Noon said Robinson "They are behind in Organized Cheer - 7 p.m. UC Patio In the Fnday, Oct 31st issue of is also not correct. The liberal arts the game. They are disappointed Orange Bowl The Miami Hurricane, the article are wider than the modern field of because it has not been whal they TUES NOV 11 entitled "Philosophy professor lec­ philosophy. expected at UM " Homecoming Ball-10 p.m. tures dunng Phi Beta Kappa series," Susan Haack is a visiting pro­ UNO i.s the best-selling card game Laser Storm -10 a.m. -4:30 p.m. contained a factual error. The article fessor at the Law Schcxil and some* in the United States, according to a Hyatt Downtown Miami stated that Phi Beta Kappa was a of her books are used as textbooks Mattel press release. More than 120 UC Patio "Law School honor society" It is in law schools. Some said that they million UNO card games have been SUN. NOV 16 actually a liberal arts honor society, felt this created the impression that sold worldwide in more than 30 THURS. NOV 13 associated with the College of Arts her work is mainly of interest to countries. and Sciences here rather than with Closing Ceremonies - 4:30 p.m. lawyers. On the contrary, her work "I played UNO when I was little," Mr. UM-7 p.m. The Rat the Law School. In another para­ reaches a wide variety of intellects. said Jennifer Avidon. Chairperson of UC Lower Lounge graph, the society was described as The Hurricane apologize for any the Homecoming Committee Talent Contest - 7 p.m. The Rat a "philosophy honor society," which inconvenience this caused. "I suppose a lot of people have and still play" Graphic by KELLY RUANE / Editor In Chief TK MUNI Mm HujinicnNE l/l/al with November 7,1997 Special guests AQUABATS SAVE FERRIS

ri oA\m HOWL G0LDFINGER JL "Canes in Space" 7:00 PM UC Patio

presented by Hurricane Productions and Homecoming Executive Committee

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HURRICANI WARNING: Things to look for In the next issue Recap of Saturday's football showdown at Virginia Tech • Men's basketball team plays its first exhibition game • Women's basketball team participates in final exhibition James running his way into record books games. 300 yards in three games, afler a dismal - touchdowns for the 'Canes this season, but s;ns • Sophomore nears 33 yards against Florida State. reaching the 1,000 yard plateau isn't as important Offensive lineman Kerlin Blaise thinks the as winning. magical 1,000-yard guys on the line have played better, but has noth­ "I would like to do it |rush for 1.000 yards| ing but praise for James. James said, "but I just want to win." mark in first full year "Preparation. Guys have rededicated them­ The former high school All-American says his selves to winning. Guys are watching more film goal of making it to the NFL pushes him. and practicing harder." Blaise said. "Sometimes To be able to make it to the NFL (motivates By JONATHAN SANTUCCI though, I find myself running behind him (James) him) - and make money," James said with a smile Associate Sports Editor after making Ihe initial block - watching him on his face. What makes a great running back'1 make other guys miss. He's an elusive back and a James says the season has not been as tun as it The ability to see holes? Yes. Good moves? Yes. big time football player. Big time football players would be if they were winning. A bit of explosiveness? Yes. make big plays" "It's pretty much a job right now.' lame| Edgerrin Big James possesses all of these traits Quarterback Ryan Clement also says James has Is he a great running back? of playing football. "You always have tun when been playing well lately. you win, but it's been hard this season' He's getting there "Edgeirin's been great," the senior quarterback James said that losing and the fact that the "All we gotta do i.s get a little block, make a lit­ said. "He's carrying the load as a starter. (Against Orange Bowl has been pretty empty this season tle hole, and he's outta there," says center Mike Arkansas State] I was just handing off and watch­ frustrate him. Wehner. ing. If that's our game plan - to grind out a win - "I hate to see il (the Orange Bowl empty|. James, a sophomore, is having one of the best that's fine." James said with a disgusted look on his face. "If seasons of any running back at the University of James has been starting since junior Dyral we were winning it would be packed. If you're a Miami. In the double-overtime victory against McMillan went down with a broken collar bone, true Hurricanes fan you would come. If you're Boston College James set both an East and school and Jackson has been coming in off (he bench record for rushing yards in a game with 277. For The two have been quite a tandem. gonna be true to the Hurncanes then come I come just because we're winning." the effort against the Eagles, James earned After James' performance against B.C., CNN/SI and Big Easl Offensive Player of the Jackson was the featured back against Temple The Immokalee, FL native says he draws Week honors rushing for a career high 187 yards. Last week strength from his mother and his five monlti old "lt was just another game," James said. "It's against ASU, the two combined for 26 yards on daughter, Edquisha nice, but it just shows how good the offensive line 23 carries - James leading the way with ISI "My mom (had the biggest impact on bisjfcj." was blocking. It gave me a chance to showcase yards, while Jackson totaled IIS. James said. "A single parent and a strong parson what I can do." The two backs: Edgerrin James and James - she hasn't given up yet. My daughter and the James credits the Hurncanes turnaround in the Jackson make tip the James Gang. rest of my family are most important to me"/ past three games to the offensive line, and thinks The James Gang became the first duo of backs James says his tries to pattern his gamtjafter they will do well against Virginia Tech tomorrow. to have 100 yards rushing in a game since late last former Chicago Bear's running back Vftltcr "The offensive line blocking [has been the dif­ season when James combined with McMillan Payton ference!," James said. "Open holes give me the against Boston College. "He had a smooth style," James said "He. was opportunity to make things happen. If they get on James says the two don't care who's carrying smooth " the right people they should do a good job." the ball. Walter Payton The NPL'i all time leading The offensive line, James and freshman James "We're fnends," James stated. "We will not let rusher and arguably the greatest running back Jackson have played well in the 'Canes last three anything like a football get in the way. Wc just ever to play the game. victories, and have set a record in Ihe process. The wanna let things happen on the field. Besides, we WILLIAM LAI / Special to the Hurricane Edgerrin James. The Universilv of Miami's 1997 Hurricanes became the first team in school stay fresher this way |when they alternatc|". 0 NO CONTEST: UM running back Edgerrin lames turns the corner for best running back history to rush lor MM) yards in three consecutive James has totaled 826 yards rushing and 11 a large gain against Aik.tnsas State last Saturday at the Orange Bowl. He's getting there Miami rides winning streak to Virginia Tech it can do against a quality oppo­ • UM needs nent. The Hokies are ranked 20th in the nation and are the first THE MATCHUP ^^ mm wtSJ win for shot at ranked opponent the Hurricanes have played since losing 47-0 to LJ MIAMI AT #20 VIRGINIA TECH Big East crown Florida State on Oct. 4. "This is definitely a chance to prove we're back," Lawson said. QURBBOC The Hurricanes had no need to pass last week against QUARTERBACK: The -Hokies use the passing game like a change- By RICK GOLD It's not only a stepping stone for Arkansas State, so Ryan Ctement speiit most rt ^ garrw just hand up, throwing the bad once in a while just to keep the defense honest Sports Editoi us. but it will allow us to move ing off. Clement is nevertheless playing as well as he has al season. Al Clark gets the •majority of the ptaying time at QB and averages As the University of Miami on. If we win the rest of our and UM wi need a balanced attack against the Hokies defense iJ 1361 passing yards per game Clark has thrown eight TD passes football team broke practice games we'll be able to go to a Wednesday afternoon, a rainbow major bowl" RUNNING BACKS: UM has rushed tor 300 or more yards forthre e RUNNING BACKS: The Hurncanes have been hot of late, but lingered over Greentree Field Virginia Tech poses a huge straight games, a school record. Edgerrin James has been unstop Virginia Tech has axiaWentty run the baH we* against strong teams Ever the optimist. UM Head threat for Miami because of its pabie the past few weeks and James Jartsw » mald*rtg up fc>rth e Four 'Hokies players have rushed tora t least 245 yards this season. Coach Butch Davis grinned as he running game. Led by Ken absence of Dyral •Median Even Trent Jones has run the ball well -jOcluding Clark. Ken Oxendine leads the squad with 655 yards evaluated the weather pattern. Oxendine. the Hokies are averag­ "That's beautiful," Davis said ing 231.5 rushing yards per game WIDE RECEIVERS: Reshmen Reggie Wayne and Bubba Franks are WIDE RECEIVERS: Virginia Tech lacks a big play receiver, with only "It means everything is going to and have scored 18 touchdowns coming o« d shutoite, •b^ Shawn Scales having tatted more than 2i» yards KI the air Scales be okay." on the ground. Oxendine himself Tech. The Hurricanes have done an excellent job of spreading the ball and Angelo .Harrison are also the only two Hokie receiverswit h more If things do turn out okay for has gained 716 yards and has around, and wUl have to continue this Saturday LJ than 10 catches Marcus Gitoersleeve has three TD catches the Hurricanes this Saturday at eight TD runs Virginia Tech, UM will be in the The Hokies passing game is OFFENSIVE UNE: The offensive line is playing its best football ot OFFENSIVE LINE: The Hokies pass protection hasn't exactly driver's seat for at least a share almost nonexistent as they run the year, but wi get a true test agtar^ V'^guiia Tech The Hokies *»e>1 untt blitz packages to the line The Hokies have gotten to the opposing ESPN2 : yards prove they cab stop it. If that happens fr« Hcitoes wi have to go to the quarterback 28 times this season. VT is also skied at stopping the Miami is The Virginia Tech defense has air, and that could sped big trouble tor Virginia Tech run. having allowed 101 yards per game this season on the ground currently rid­ been strong all season, allowing ing a three- just 12 poinls per game. The UNEBACKERS: Michael Smith and Jeff Taylor have stepped up their UNEBACKERS: Steve Tate leads the team with 73 tackles and game winning Hokies have allowed only 171.5 games in recentweek s and wi have tocomto M tfm strong play also has three sacks. Freshman Cory Bird leads the squad with streak and sits yards per game in the air and against the Hokies Dan Morgan has also played we« week after four sacks and could terrorize UM tor years to come Sophomore at 4-4 on the Y7" Jamel Smith rounds out the linebacking corps with 64 stops have one the belter secondaries week, and Nate Webster could be a force before long season and 2- WAYNE UM will face this year. l in the Big The Hurricane passing attack SECONDARY: The Miami •secondaryma y not get much work rf the SECONDARY: The Hokies secondary has done a pretty good job East. UM has lost each of its last has taken off in recent weeks Hokies are successful with their rtjre>ing gaim VTr^gr-iia Te* of defending the pass, allowing just 171 5 yards per game through Iwo meetings with Virginia Tech. behind quarterback Ryan throw the baH much, so the Humcaoes (fctena-A* b the air Virginia Tech has picked off nine passes this season, led including a 21-7 loss in Ihe Clement. UM did not really need most of the game as observers LJ by Keton Carpenter with three Homecoming Game last season. to throw the ball against The Hokies boast a 6-2 overall Arkansas State, but in its prior SPECIAL TEAMS; UM's special teams txxittoue to be a prefclem. SPECIAL TEAMS: The Hokies have displayed the big play ability this record and 4-1 conference mark, two games Clement completed Andy Crosland has done a respectable job. but the kn* tttxtong and •aV aMBaW season the Hurricanes hed ptxsetjsed topas t campa^. J«^ but both losses have come in 41 of 56 passes for 568 yards and return units havent made a big r^ in ninths. The Hwricarvss can Kibble handles the LXinting duties and is averaging 451 yards per their past four games. On Oct. 4 four scores not afford to be sloppy against the Hokies' oustanding special teams. kick. Shayne Graham has nailed 12 of 15 field goals this year Virginia Tech fell to Miami of "This is what we've been wait­ 5 Ohio, and two weeks ago the tr- ing for since we got ourselves Graphic by RICK GOLD / Sports Editor e> Hokies lost 30-17 to West back on track," Wayne said. well in our conference," Davis said. "We have some things in .ill Virginia. three games, a school record. "This is going to be a big chal­ "We've gone into every game Special learns is an area in "Virginia Tech does a great job. three phases (offense, defense "We know we've got a chance lenge. Ryan's starting to pass expecting lo have to throw the which UM continues to struggle, Their schemes are good, they've and special teams) that we arc to get ourselves in the hunt toi better and all the other receivers ball," Davis said. "We go into and it could play a crucial role in blocked a lot of punts, and they going to do," Davis said. "This is the Big East championship," are getting into it. Now we can games with the whole idea that this Saturday's outcome. Hokie put emphasis on Iheir punl pres­ one of those games where there wide receiver Reggie Wayne spread the ball out and they can't we'd like lo be balanced. If we punter Jimmy Kibble is first in sure and punt returns" is no holding back You can'i go said. "We're all cranked up and focus on one guy ." get 500 yards, we'd like 250 of il the conference with an average As well as the Hurricanes have in there with a vanilla game plan hyped up about the game. It's Last week the Hokies allowed to be running and 250 passing." of 45.1 yards per kick, and place­ performed during Iheir winning and expect to win ' gonna be a big game, but we're only 17 yards rushing in a 37-0 Virginia Tech's run defense is kicker Shayne Graham is first streak, Davis said the team needs The Hurricanes will be tqreeel gonna be ready for if victory over Alabama- also tough, having allowed I01 team All-Big East. to continue to improve to win the to play the rest of the season Because Miami's last three Birmingham. As well as UM has yards per game on the ground. It "Special teams wise, arguably remainder of its games. Davis without strong safety Denim wins have come at the expense ol run the ball recently, Davis con­ should be a good test for the Virginia Tech and Syracuse are hinted that there may be changes Scott, who underwent season sub .500 teams, this is also an ceded the Hurricanes will have to Hurricanes, who have gained probably the two biggest oppo­ in Miami's game plan against ending surgery this week. Jell opportunity tor UM to show what establish Iheir passing game as over 300 yards each of the last nents we gel ready for every year Virginia Tech. Popovich will start in his place Hurricane baseball Women's Hurricane Online opens fall practice golf first "We have a lot of good pitchers and • UM has sights a lot of good position players, and at Kauai there will be some big decisions to set on return to make." Moms has had splendid success The University ol Miami NEED A STUDY BREAK? Omaha, CWS with walk-ons in the past and must women's golf team shot a final consider every player in camp for a round team score of 297 BY RICK COLD roster spot. Current Marlins ace Wednesday to win the .Sports Editor Kevin Brown was a walk-on for •Princeville Rainbow Wah ine kill In past years University of Miami Morris al Georgia Tech, and Classic in Kauai. Hawaii. baseball coach Jim Morris has prac­ Yankees minor leaguer Jay Tessmer The Hurricanes easily outdis TRY EUROPE #1^ tically needed nametags to identify walked on at UM and ended up tanced second place Brigham all the new players who show up for being one of the school's all-time Young, winning the tournament the first fall practice of the season. $ great relief pitchers. by 15 strikes The Hurricanes have been raided Among the returners lor UM are Miami was led by senior FROM 148 ,,» f mercilessly by the major league All-Americans Pat Burrell and Brandi Miller who fired a career- draft in Morris' four years at UM. Robbie Morrison, and last year's best final round score of 71 to hut this year is different. Miami has 5 team MVP, Jason Michaels. Burrell finish in second place tn the indi­ 17 lettermen returning from last sea­ and Morrison played for lhe USA vidual standings Miller finished PLUS A FREE BEER ^ ^^|ggJF son and are in prime position to National Team this past summer, two strokes behind tournament travel to the College World .Series in and Burrell was selected as the 1997 champion Susanne C.illcmo of Omaha for the fifth straight season. .Amateur Summer Player of the Year BYU MUSEUM TOUR* ^ri^ Fall practice is a time to evaluate by Baseball America UM senior Ariadne Pschorr the new players and reevaluate the The expectations for UM are and junior Shayne Wild tied for returners. Morris was expecting as higher than ever with so many third place Also finishing in the IN BRUSSELS * I many as 47 players for the first day starters returning, but Morris said he top 10 for the Hurricanes was of practice Monday and needs to cut doesn't feel any added pressure junior Luisa Cuartas. who tied (hw Way lo Bnmok'., !hv Heart of Europe (anddote tocvvrylhr that number to 30 at the end of fall "I don't think there's such a thing for ninth place practice on Nov. 22. as 'more pressure' here," Morris laBBaiftinfaits MM / •" "cMSk l "There are going to be some good said. "You are always expected to •UM Sports Information NcwYnrk 148 i«n* "\ players who are cut," Morris said. perform at an extremely high level." Ata' im M OHiindo *m ^ « . LosAnfieks '198 ft IUM!* / _____>mbount J S.whiiiKisio '1% • lln-iusl UUIS/I/I/V/I/S IIMI mk tor A In',' •stow lui'r Museum lour when huokini! •*_• ifv'iv.iiiiin\ nn (ityliittl, wiN receive one Courses also lui'.iiliiiisstoo in Itvliiiuni's famous llii't ij^fl Bn'''^ %' Get the UM Advantage available (or Mi/sci, ihr iti.inili'l.u i'm Bntsseh ^''" •/ Comprehensive review •/ Expert instructors SAT • Test-taking strategies \/ Competitively priced UNIVERSITY OF eAir ineot cet0 e ot • Prectlce tests •/' Small clssses City BirO ^ ' ^°' ^ Heart Europe , f *F The Flying Drwam

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written and directed by Will & Company's Artistic Director, Colin Cox

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH Gusman Concert Nail 7:00 PM

sponsored by: COI.SO. Hillel Jewish Student Center, International Student Services, School of I aw. Multicultural Programming Committee, Student Activities. Siudent I \k United Black Sludents, Volunteer Student Services

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1 meet/KM Opening act STORY THEATRE Story Theatre Productions ti MIII own ,i pair ol tun-toiif shots, an urgxle SXU a ter-vest, or il golf cup? IM and Florida Theatrical Association announces the >oii i ,tn still sk.iuk il up willi lhe best tonight at the Hurricane Huwl c 20th Anniversary of presenting Martini; al 7 p.m.. < ,oltiiij;er will liylK up Ilu I .< . palio stage with special live Professional Theatre for Ilu \i|iiali.ils ami S.IM I trriis. loycthcr. Ihese thru hands Mill prove In ht a r Young and Family Audiences. MIL: start to Homecoming Week. Story Theatre Productions, Iooking af rhe last |*vii years, tin I niversit) of Miami has lusted tlu \ inlet h Inc., a not-for-profit corpora­ tion, was founded in 1977 for a xeteren folk-rock liantl, anil De la Soul, a hip-hup rap collaboration. \nd this the express purpose of present­ bands represent , a Nt)k* of music which incut | orates an iip-lnal reggae ihxtli ing professional theatre for Inns with punk altitude and humor. Always going alter whal tin siiulniis young people in Dade and Hurricane Productions sen! out a suit, asking what kind of music sludenls prefer. Broward counties. Story I IMIIKI scrawled next to numerous "other" boxes were three little Utters: sk.i. I lie tliii- Theatre donates 15 to 20% of sion In lislen to (his voice was part of an effort, as Brian Mietlicki. piililicilv chair, said. tickets annually to needy stu­ A. h dents, families and other non- "In take endeavors to do something different." lor-profit corporations and < hail-person of Hurricane Productions Marisol I nana said. "it's important to haw organizations. variet v. We're Irvine to reach out to the individual, that commuter who conns anil urns. Story Theatre will commem­ or thai person who rarely participates in big activities.1 orate its 20th Anniversary with (.olillinmr's hit song 'Here in \om Bedroom'' came out in l'»'>5. anil tins have a Pinocchio Fiesta immediate­ plaved a numbei of shows. I he> have toured with banils \o Doubt, 311 and Keel Hi;; ly following performance of fish. I ho also had a spot on tbe Warped lour with Nol \ and IVntivwise. Sou. with PINOCCHIO at Parker Playhouse on Saturday, Iheir new album Hang-I ps. thev have become peppier hut al the same time more inno­ November 1, at 10:30 am. vative, experimenting with instruments such as the mandolin antl the ilaruitiiind organ, Young partrons will have the and working with musicians lioni other ska-inspired banils. namely the Skelelones and opportunity to greet the cast Fishbone. Pulling off a ska Version of "We're Not <,otina lake It" is del, nit ch a lalenl. and enjoy a delicioso brunch. Ii.iviliiig with Girldflnger os Save Ferris, an allusion lo the John Hughes comedy Included in the celebration starring Matthew Broderick. Sate Ferris. Fmm Anaheim, (A, sport a bounty, red- activities will be clowns, face- painting, a petting zoo, bounce Inatleil uirl singer and a Tit but allium, recently catching a lot ol airplay mt W \ I M. house, balloon art, theatre Thej tin .i hanil-t lapping version of "(ome on Ijlcen" from Dixy's Midnight Kunners. tours, and a childrens auction. Mso in the sbttw are ihe Vipiab.its. 1 'hex sing about "Martian Girl." declaring Iheir Tickets for the Fiesta will be loxe for a girl from \cniix. $8.00 per ticket, in addition to Mark frtiw bridge, director of Student Activities, said Hurrii ane Howl is a RIMKI kick- the theatre admission. off Im Homecoming Activities. "Where else tan vou go to see Ihree reallx tool hands live antl for free?." I'rtmbridgc said. • City Theatre is expanding its t'hi.l..-. . outl. . "' SI'IN MM.A/INI year-round programming with the new CITY THEATRE FESTI­ Atkinson's VAL SERIES sponsored by BOOKS & BOOKS (296 Girls, Girls, Girls Mr, Bean Hits Character Aragon Ave.) in Coral Gables. The City Theatre Festival Series Ms. UM Pageant contestants ready to take the stage will feature readings culled By MELISSA BURBACK Major: Broadcast Journalism rll It/ Dly OUut;i 'Rowan'Along from hundreds of short plays Hurricane Staff Writer Talent: Tap Dance submitted by national and o you want to see some of UM's most attrac­ Platform Issue: Child Abuse Education local playwrights to City tive, intelligent, and talented women all gath­ On her pageant experience: "This is a great Slaving at Ihe humc of one of the Theatre for production consid­ ered in one place? Come to the Miss UM experience. You gain self confidence and meet Boan gallery's curators (Peter MacNicol) D who is the one responsible lot bring­ eration in its annual festival of pageant this Sunday Nov. 9 al 7 p.m. at Gusman Hall new friends." new plays, SUMMER SHORTS Director of Siudent Activities Mark Trowbridge and ing Whistler's Mother home to '98. Audiences will preview Luci Dow. winner of last year's pageant, will be Judy Pino tVtYft America, Bean gels himself and the and participate in the process Master and Mistress of Ceremonies. Tickets can be Year: Junior unsuspecting MacNicol in one 11 by which City Theatre consid­ purchased for only $5 for students and $10 for non- Major: Broadcast Journalism alter another As the straight man ol ers and selects the plays it will students at UC Rm. 236. All proceeds from ticket Talent: Singing out ot tour lhe duo, MacNicol whines incessant produce. City Theatre Artistic sales go to the scolarship fund to be awarded to the Platform Issue: Quality Television Programming ly. Direclor Mel Smith should knoxv Director Gail Garrisan will winners. The newly crowned Miss UM will recieve (or Kids By SHANE WEAVER lhat Bean works alone lead the series which will fea­ $1000 in scholarhip money as well as cellular phone On her pageant experience: "The pageant has Film Critic For those who have never seen ture many of South Florida's service for a year from ABC Cellular, a perfume gift been very demanding, but I have developed Already a box-oftice smash in Atkinson in Mr Bean or 77i? Black finest actors and directors. basket from World of Perfumes, jewlcry form many valuable skills" England, Bewt now gets its chance in Aihlcr, you may know him as the Four to five new works will be Eccentricity, and cosmetics from Mary Kay. In addi­ American theaters. Filled from malaproposing priest in /•>"" presenteed each evening tion to all of these prizes, the new Miss UM will be Llndmay Anna Roblmon beginning to end with star Rowan Weddings ami a lintcml The mosl throughout the series. Time: crowned the homecoming queen and will be a contes­ Year: Freshman Atkinsons madcap eneigy, the film common comparison to Atkinson is Monday, November 10, 8-9 tant in the Miss Florida pageant in Gainesville in July. Major: Marketing doesn't disappoint. It's a hilarious Jim Carrey. But while Carrey looks p.m. Admission: Free. If she were to win this contestant, she would move on Talent: Lyrical Ballet romp with ever).me's favorite hum­ like he's hurting himself trying lo to the Miss America pageant. Other prizes include a Platform Issue: Exposing Young Children to the bler, the rubber-faced, seldom-speak­ make odd faces. Atkinson is calm $500 scholarship for the first runner up, $300 for the • And until Sunday 9, Gaijin, Arts ing Mr. Bean and in control; he makes it look like a Brazilian classic, by filmmak­ second runner up, $200 for the third runner up and On her pageant experience: "I have enjoyed contorting his face or body is second $100 for the fourth runner up. In the film. Bean works as a secu­ er Tizuka Yamasaki, about the doing the Miss UM pageant because I like per­ rity guard (and a rather bad one at nature. It's a testament to Atkinson's lapanese emigration to Brazil Contestants are required to develop a platform con­ forming before an audience" lhat) at Britain's renowned Royal skill that although the film itself sags at the turn of the century. cerning any type of social issue. They are required to National Gallery. The gallery's board m spots, you never get sick of Beans Yamasaki will be in attending. be knowledgable on this subject, as they will travel Rachall Ruhanatain members long to fire the incompe­ amies. The same cannot be said of New Gaucho Cinema, a selec­ around speaking about it if chosen as Miss UM. Year: Sophomore tent Bean, but they can't-for some Carrey. tion of short fims, new, bright Contestants will be judged on various other criteria as Major: Biology inexplicable reason, the board's The source ol tttm't problem is and bold from the South of well. The judging breakdown is as follows: talent is Talent: Classical Piano sliau man of actually likes Bean. Ihe plot. The Iilm works great as a Brazil, including lorge 40%. the interview with the judges is 30%. evening- Platform Issue: Education on the consequences When a small Los Angeles gallery series of comedy skits, bul al triple Furtado's brilliant short llha wear is 15% and the swimsuit contest is 15%. Richard of wreckless and drunk driving and Working with purchases the famous Arrangement the length of the compact 30-minuie das Flores. Film director Carlos Walker, director of Student Lile, has worked with UM Car Manufacturers to make safer cars TV episodes, it could Gerbase will be in attendance. pageant contestants since 198K On her pageant experience: "It has been a use some trimming. Adriana Dutra, director of the "1 enjoy working with the girls because the pageant great experience to be a contestant. I have Direclor Smith man­ Brazilian Film Festival, will promotes the talent and intellect of young women," enjoyed working with the other contestants. We ages to capture Ihe introduce the films. The films said Walker have all grown very close." trademark British wit will play at the Cosford of the scries (equal Theater. Tickets: $5. THB MISS UM CONTESTANTS: Lacay Simco pari*. bathroom Year: Freshman humor, slapstick and Cynthia J. Chi *pml Major: Studio Music and Jazz black comedy), but movies at cosford Year: Freshman Talent: Singing tries to fit in loo Major: Entrepenureship Platform Issue: Youth Mentoring much plot and—dare Talent: Flute On her pageant experience: "This pageant has I say—moral. Bean is THURSDAY, NOV.6 Platform Issue: Education through Mentoring taught me a great deal and has helped me to live a rather nasty fellow. New Caucho Cinema On her pageant experience: "It has been more to my full potential" selfish and nol all 8:00pm work than I thought it would be, but it is worth it • that likable. Turning Photo courtesy of GRAMERCY PICTURES FRIDAY, NOV. 7 Oanlalla Wammar hun into a kind ot FUNNY FACE: Rowan Atkinson reprising his Gaijin (Brazil) ttbonl Faux Year: Sophomore goofy teddy bear 7:30pm Year: Junior Major: Broadcast Journalism/Theater role as Mr. Bean in Bean. doesn't do him jus- SATURDAY, NOV. 8 Major: Marine Biology Talent: Song and Dance Routine lice. Speaking of New Caucho Cinema Talent: Modern Dance Platform Issue: Volunteering through Mentoring in Black and Grey No.l:. The Artist's teddy bears, Bean's beloved stuffed 5:30pm Platform Iaaue: Support of High School and On her pageant experience: "I never realized Mother (known lo everyone as bear makes only a small cameo (_,>//i) (Brazil) College Marching Bands how much work it would be, but it's been a great "Whistler's Mother"), the board appearance near the end of the film, Lpm On her pageant experience: "This is my first experience. I've made lots of friends and will look members see a perfect chance to nd which may irk Mr. Bean aficionados • ho Cinema pageant, and I hve really enjoyed it. It's not a back at this as one of my best experiences here themselves of Bean They tell the Aside from those minor faults. scompetive as I thought it would be; they're real­ at UM." LA. gallery that Bean is an art Bean is one of the funniest movies ol >V. 9 ly a friendly bunch." expert, and send him off. the year Atkinson's comic genius is Ni •• i',atM In) C iiiftn,i Unavailable for comment: Lissette Gonzalez, Naturally, things go drastically finally on display lot a mainstream 5:jUpm 7:J0ptn Haathar Phillip* Mia Mastroianni and Kim Strack wrong in the way thai so many Bean- American audience, and il's a joy lu Year: Sophomore lovers have grown accustomed to. behold Ik Hun Man Video Effects shine in sci-fi bloodbath Pick

3t0rmhlp It's a perfect film for those of you As the Earth prepares itselt lor Dina Meyer) who has a serious the characters are the same ones Trvopmrm who have to stop and stare at acci­ imminent warfare, our hero. Johnny crush on him. seen in every war movie since the of the dents on the higwhay: Though it's Rico (newcomer Casper Van Dien). Also along for the ride is former 1950s; Ihe tough dnll sergeant, the gruesome and horrifying, it's also has decided to join the Mobile "Doogie Howser" Neil Patrick cocky squad leader, the goofy sol­ utterly captivating. Breathtaking Infantry to win the heart of his girl­ Harris, a classmate and friend of dier who serves as comic relief, etc. special effects and unexpectedly friend. Carmen Ibanez (Nowhere's Johnny's who has the ability to read But even though you may deny it, out of tour good performances from the mostly Denise Richards) now that they've the minds of animals-seriously. The you actually end up caring for these Week no-name cast give life to what will both graduated from school. older he gets, the more Harris looks people. probably end up as one of the most Carmen has joined the Fleet and sounds like Quentin Tarantino Van Dien is intense and strong- By SHANE WEAVER memorable film experiences of the Academy to fulfill her dream of It's almost scary. willed as Rico, and Meyer is espe­ Film Critic fall becoming a starship pilot After the characters have been cially good in the thankless role of a "In space, nn one can hear you Based on the novel by Robert However, the pair go Iheir sepa­ introduced and gone through their Sigourney Weaver-esque tough girl. Total Recall scream." the Alien •.l.'j.-ati suss. Heinlein. Starship Troopers takes rate ways, as Carmen immerses her­ training, the film kicks it to another Credit Verhoeven for trying to By SHANE WEAVER Wed, tliat imist not he iruc, because place hundreds of years in the self in her love for Hying. One ot level. The last hour is all gunfire, develop real characters, which is Film Critic every other line in Paul Vcrhoeun's future, as Earth prepares for an Troopers' more interesting features decapitations, explosions and car­ usually ignored in the typical big- To coincide with today's Suuship hoopers seems to be a intcrgalactic showdown with a is IK dual plotlines: Carmen meets a nage, as Earth's soldiers soon real­ budget disaster film. release of Starship Troopers, this blood-curdling howl. Simply put, nasty race of giant alien insects who handsome and cocky flight instruc­ ize that these aren't any ordinary Verhoeven's vision of the future week's video pick is Total Recall. this one ain't for the kiddies. are bent on destroying the Earth. tor (Melrose Place's Patrick insects they're fighting. And they is also interesting, if not under­ Set in the next century, Arnold Starship Troopers is an entertain­ Why, we're never told, but who Muldoon) and Johnny is re-united certainly are not. The giant insects. whelming—a homage to the sci-fi Schwarzenegger stars in Paul ing bit of eye candy, nothing more. cares? It's bug-stomping time! with a schoolmate (Dragonhead's designed by Phil Tippett (who also films of Ihe '50s. which he grew up Verhoeven's delightful sci-fi did the effects in Verhoeven's with. There's a curious retro feel, in thriller as an average Joe who Robocop), are ruthless killers that contrast to Luc Bessnn's sprawling finds out his memories have all can ripthroug h humans with what futurescape in The Fifth Element. been implanted. He may actually seems to be every limb on their Here, the haircuts, clothes, music, be a secret agent for an under many-legged bodies. When they buildings and nearly everything else ground rebel movement on the gather in massive, fast-moving is the same. Heck, you can even planet Mars. packs, it's a fearsome spectacle. hear Mazzy Star's decidedly un- Total Recall is one of the most Another of Tippett s bug creations futunstic Fade Into You playing in original science fiction films in launches plasma beams from ils the background in one scene. recent memory, filled with plot backside, a potent anti-starship Verhoeven also borrows from his iwists that play games with yout Robocop in creating a propaganda defense system. mind. Of course, this is news agency to act as the narration. Unfortunately, Verhoeven seems Verhoeven, so there's plenty of Of course, none ot this excuses him to revel in his new toys, like a 14- violence, and the dazzling spe­ for directing Showgirls, but it's a v ear -old boy given a red marker to cial effects won an Oscar. Also, a start. draw with-the limb-severing and pre-flfl.vic Instinct Sharon Stone brain-eating goes on endlessly Starship Troopers blends fantas­ is cast as Arnold's loving wife (or Forget the snappy, cheerful com­ tic visual effects with non-stop so we think). mercials set to Blur's Track action to produce an exciting film Number 2. Verhoeven doesn't do that survives its numerous cliches cute. Troopers is a grim, infinitely and plot holes (such as, why are Everyone's a critic. bloody exercise that leaves you they fighting 10-foot-tall armored with a sick feeling in your stom­ bugs with puny machine guns?). Why aren't you? ach. But be advised that it's one of the Despite Verhoeven's gory indi­ most violent flicks ever created, Stop by UC 221 B gencies, the film is a fast-paced nearly overwhelming the story and Photos coutesy of COLUMBIA / TRISTAR PICTURES nailbiter that keeps you riveted to its characters with mutilations and and fill out an RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!: Aliens vs. Mankind in Paul Verhoeven's sci-fi war film Starship Troopers, starring the screen. It's helped immensely gore. application. newcomer Casper Van Dien, Melrose Place's Patrick Muldoon, Dragonheads Dina Meyer and Doogtc by the solid work of the casl Sure, See it on an empty stomach. Hawser's Neil Patrick Harris.

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Hurricane Homecomin___ aeaaaw ^ g

MM© ClIRIEMKDMn November 7, 4:30 p.m. at the UC Patio

13 ^a November 7, 7 p.m. at the UC Patio

* iiUJiiiicAii_.3 HEip iriem n OMIELT D vra November 8, 8:30 a.m. at the UC Patio

rt MUSS 1LM _)\^ EI^DILAHiS__HIP IM^lMflf November 9, 7:00 P.m. at the Gusman

November 10,7 p.m. at the UC Patio Theme: "Lost in Space" student speak up WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? j What is the best record 1 album of all time? What is Does your own death scare you? Why oi ' J your favorite song on that why not? album? Respond online at

Speak Up answers are edit ed for dority, brevity ond occunxy. • "(Counting Is there any common courtesy Crows) August and Everthing after. I like all the songs on for our UNICCO workers? the album." so happily describe their wild night Give them the respect they of intoxication, wiping off the urine deserve. They might not have col­ and feces of those whose aim seems lege degrees and some might not GRISEUE AGUILERA • SOPH. to fail them while defecating (prob­ even have high school diplomas NbCRAWKCCiATrrb NtXVIbuALS WHO ably those are the same ones who That does not mean that their y , KW 2 earlier vomited on the stall next efforts should go unappreciated door), scrubbing the grime off show­ Some of you might think that LEAM fOK- Tout*. ^OWVENl-ENCr ers (along with who-knows-what they do not deserve recognition for ANb -»re _)vfRLOOK£t> MARGARITA MARTIN-HIDALGO other crap), plunging toilets, trim­ what they do. After all, anyone can "(Dave ming grass, window-washing, cut grass, wash a window, wash a Mathews hey walk around campus as if sweeping floors, etc... toilet, scrub scum from the bath­ Band) Crash. they were ghosts; their exis­ Last year. 1 remember that one of room wall, wipe urine off a toilet "Crash" is the Ttence unnoticed amidst the the first assignments I was given seat. But how many of you will do /ies/ sung on hoards of students who are rushing related to an OGDEN (now UNIC­ so? How many of you have said "I there. to class, wasting time on their cell CO) employee who, I was told, was would not do that even if they pay phones, complaining about the tor­ sleeping on the job. I took it upon me to" when you think about the ture of waking up early (10:00 a.m.), myself to go around campus observ­ jobs you would or would not do if describing the terrible hangover they ing them as they worked. Besides vou were struggling financially ? had the previous weekend and being given a tour by several of the exclaiming how they cannot wait for Many of them are, and do what MICHEUE LORENZO • SOPH. company's supervisors, I went alone vou don't do because they are the next do it all over again to two residential colleges lo watch Once in a while, a student bumps struggling to survive. Is being them on the job, and asked several courteous so time consuming that into one and is taken by surprise: it students how good of a job they seems from the student's reaction, you cannot take less than half a thought the maintenance staff was minute to do so? Apparently so. that this is the first time they doing. acknowledge them. The moment After all, it takes up much more "(Bon jovi) time than, say, talking on your cel­ Slipery When lasts barely half a minute. After Some quickly said that they lular phone or discussing the plans wet. Living brushing it aside, the student contin­ slacked off and that their quality ot on a Prayer' ues hurriedly along the corridor and cleaning was poor. However, they for your next intoxicating night at is the best the ghost goes back to its invisible promptly admitted that they didn't the Grove. song on state, dragging along rakes, garbage do such a bad job, considering the Fortunately, those of you who there. cans, weed-wackers, brixims, mops fact that a good number of students thrive on drinking-til-you-vomit- or litter spears. were pigs and would not cooperate binges do not need to worry about in keeping the floors clean. cleaning up your vomit from the These ghosts are the employees of How many of you have taken the bathroom floor (or elevators, I'm UNICCO. Just in case you do not time to greet them? To express your told) the next morning: that is what IVAN VENTO • JNR. know what UNICCO is, it's the appreciation to them for maintain­ the UNICCO personnel are here company that is in charge of the ing the campus? Have you thought for. maintenance of the University of of what a "good morning", "good Margarita Martin-Hidalgo is a Miami's beautiful campus These afternoon" or "good evening" might sophomore majoring in interna­ people have the task of washing toi­ mean to them? A simple smile? A tional studies and news/editorial lets, cleaning up vomit of those who nod acknowledging their presence'' journalism "311, Music. 'Hydroponic' is the best song on there. One-third travel, 100 percent experience

Absence truly does make the heart is like no other place on the planet. grow fonder and 1 have gained a Everywhere you go you will find more passionate desire to enjoy that this idea applies. Even in places those things that matter most to me. that are highly acclaimed as JESSICA OEREE • SNR. 1 know now what I want to locus "Americanized," the vibe is so all of my caring energies into and unique that you can't help but fall in what I want more of in my life. love with the concept of being some­ Also, I feel closer to these things where new. MAXIMILIAN DUKE than ever before. 1 am able to sepa­ This is not to say that you begin to rate issues easier because of this dislike where you come from. It's "(limmy focus, which helps me make some actually quite the opposite You learn Buffet) ne-third, that's not a lot. It's right decisions that everywhere you go people will Feeding less than half and only slight­ As far as traveling itself goes, like and dislike the country you call Frenzy. 'Last Oly more than one quarter. In before now it was impossible for me home. Mango in the grand scheme of things, it really to even fathom that there was a Either way. you gain a better Paris' is the isn't that much. whole world out there. understanding of where you come best song on However, when that one-third is from, sometimes even a greater there. thought of in the context ot that por­ Of course I knew how big the tion of the earth to arrive in world was and that there were many appreciation. Australia, that's a whole different places in it, but I couldn't fully grasp It is such a value to travel and story. the concept until now. explore, but first make sure you ESTEE CORRALES • SNR. I'm not, by any standards, a world­ While our home town, even your know why you're traveling. Are you ly traveler. Considering that my first home countries may seem so big, traveling to attend a particular real trip outside the U.S. was to a they are nothing when compared to school'' To study in a particular city? place one-third of the world away. the behemoth that is the planet earth. To see a city or country? Or just to Although the trip was shockingly We only occupy such a small travel'.' "(Sash) the long, I rather enjoyed the voyage. amount of space individually. Now I If you travel and mix the reasons newest I mean, other than spending 30 can say that 1 have been across one- why you did in the first place, then album. hours in airports and on airplanes, third of that extensive distance. And you won't get as much from the 'Encore un traveling so far from home was an that is a great thing. experience as you would have liked. ..: his'is the incredible and enlightening experi­ Traveling overseas broadens your Remember that if you travel one- best song on ence. hori/.ons more than you could third of the world away you can't there. The first time you take on such an expect. just come home tomorrow. adventure you learn much about Each place is like another planet. Then again, if you're anything like I yourself, where you come from and And for us living in Miami, that con­ me you'll end up saying,"One-third, what you want to do with your life. cept is easier to understand because that's not a lot. How about the whole INDIA RUSK • SNR. One of the biggest things I have of how different our city is from thing next time." learned since I've been here is about other places Maximilian Duke is a junior compiled by Malta Armush what's important to me. However, it is not just our city that majoring in creative writing. I Editor in Chief Kelly Ruane Business Manager Gregory S. Kantor Advertising 1'iilii \ Senior Adviser Sigman Splichal Financial Adviser Robert DuBord THE in in nnirtu: The Miami Hurricanes business office is I.H .Oct al I illl. Slanloid Di. Norman A. Founded 1927 Whitlen University Cento Kixwi 221, An Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame Newspaper News Editor Layout Editor Sales Representatives ( oral Chi.--. Hi 13124 6922 < Itttifwd Sarah Guamaccia Vanessa Alvarez Jason A. Buehler advertisements may lx' pla. ed al lhat I.x a tin Miami Hurricant is published stuni-weekly dunng the regulai ... • tion Monday thr..cmh Friday 'I a.m In 4 Associate News Editor ! ,inif is cifilcil an.) (HIKIUI eif by undergraduate students .it the University Photo Editor Nelly Farra p m except on In.Inlays Tht Miami nl Miami. This public ation does not nei ess.mly repiesent the views .intl opm Damian Najman Jorge Miranda Hum,,in,' is published Tuesdays and ions ul advertisers or the University's ti ulty ot administiatinii J.J. Gama-Loho Fridays during the University's t.iif and rwd .•(lii..f.,ils replevin the opinion of The Hurni.uif, Editorial Hoaid. Assistant News Editor spring .. i.x'iiii. terms Newspap. Commentaries letters jtt.MMis represent ...ily the* y.ews nl their res|X*. tive Victoria Ballard Copy Editor Distribution Manager distributed ol ctwrp on ine Coral autliius lhe new si. min anil business . ,tti< I ol Tht Hum, ,itn .... I.x ..l.-.l in the Mark Peikin Nigel Gooden Cables . ampus the Sil.ixil . .1 Medic inl­ Norman A. WhiOen University ( enter K.x.m 221. Sports Editor and Ihe Rosenstiel S. lux.l ..I Marine and Online Producer Classifieds Manager Aim. .spheric S< .en. es in Key bis. .t. Letter Policy Rick Gold Amy Bishop Headlines: All (lassitied and display ads Til, Mt.imi Hum, .in, to nine tti.-ii opinions on Wendy Dibean Associate Sports Editor musi 1 I.I ash with I opy. in 'fie issues related to the University or in res|xjnse lo .my lejporl published in Ihr Online Graphics Producer Staff Assistants Miami Hum,.wi business, Whillen liiiiii, tut Jonathan Santucci University Cenlei Room 221. by noon Liters |i. the editor in.iy tx* submitted ty|x>d or handwtil! make Doug Berger Amy Bishop tuesday KM linl.iy I IMW and nexm Friday your handwriting legible) lo lhe Whitlen University (enter, kcxim 22), or Opinion Editor Stephanie Hamrick Ioi Ihe tuesday issue mailed In I'D Hux .Mill 32, Coral Cables I la HI24-h922. Ben Ferguson I titers, with a suggested length ol KHI words, musi I d in. lude a BUSINESS OFFICE Melissa Linden Subscriptions: fhe Miami Huriii.wi- is .I youi stent' phone numlx'i and v. at In sc h.x.jl Anonymous Accent Editor Davika Persaud available lor subs, upturn at lhe iate ol $)() will in.I !x' a.. epled Names may lx' withheld upon request at the .lis Production Manager (XT v. Zachary Unterman Kwasi Tanks iielioiiol fhe Huff., ane. The papei < *iglil ID edu lett.-is for clarity Jason A. Buehler I... sity and ac. u. I For advertising rates, Art Director Staff Associate call 284-4401 or fax us Newsroom: 284-2016 Buwnew Office: 284-4401 Fax:284-4404 Ad Designer Jorge Miranda Connie V. Lackey at 284-4404. CI 997 University of Miami Hari Nadiminti Tw MIAMI HIIUUIIAIIE 1EIE1TI OFFICERS' TIIIIIIS CORPS Road • Recycle • Reuse

MCA11 GO 4-0 this WHICH MCAT PREP IS BEST? Weekend $ V.I.P. $ Hi, I'm Rich Hochstim I spend PLAYERS ONLY much more time with my students Saturday College and have over a decade of MCAT • Winners 2 Plays teaching expenence. Hi, I'm a prep Call Sat. 11am E.S.T 900-773-8777 chain. I spend far less time witn my students and hire students and call them "expert instructors" SUNDAYS N.F.L 2 Plays - $20 Z Winners 2 Plays If only the choices on the MCAT Call Sun. 11am E.S.T HSJ Sports/18 or Older were this obvious! Call: 279-7660 GET MONET FROM TOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Your Uncle Sam. Every year lees. They even pay a (lai rale for Army ROTC awards scholar textbooks and supplies You can ships to hundreds of ial also receive an allowance enled students It you of up to $1000 each school qualify, these merit-based year the scholarship is in scholarships can help you effect Find out today if pay tuition and educational you qualify. ARMTROTC msnuatmncauia, (90KT0DCM1ML Find out more. Contact The Department of Military Science at (305) 348-1619.

GET MONET FROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Your Uncle Sam. Every They even pay a flat rate year Army ROTC awards for textbooks and supplies. scholarships to hundreds You can also receive an of talented students. If you allowance of up to $1800 qualify, these merit- each school year the based scholarships can scholarship is in effect. help you pay tuition Find out today if you and educational fees. qruahfy. ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE TOU OW TAKE Find out more. Contact the Department of IS.' litary Science, (305)348-1619.


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Announcements For Rent For Sale Help Wanted Tutoring Classified Policy 1 tesear.he , al (linkal Reward, of South CUTE 1 BFDROOM GARAGE APARTMENT 1 I kl I tis hatge.iltle fitepaid t ailing t arris Yttti PT( ... ompany providing intern tele UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI OFFERS TEST Florida ire cnnricKitng a Studs using: r BLOCK FROM UM. $625 INCLUDES UTIli .harse using, red.I lKl All ,n. pbnne ,..KI las tlir.x lories all ovet IIH' world is PREPARATION COURSES FOR GMAT, The Hurricane Classified Matlrir.l n.,.1 ucilmcnl lor Va^na' TIES .661-4616 Iim*. I'i. enivminule le,V24hrs anyphone Itviktng tor advertisement sales iMstpte m lhe ISAT, GRE, MCAT, SAT, ANO CLAST. Policy. Classified ads may Intti linns anywhere USA Send sell .Hklressect slangier! I lade atxl Broward County No resumi INDIVIDUAL TUTORING ALSO AVAIL­ brought fo our office, room * le intl kt-st'.irt h ItialiiH-til enveloiie In P.() Box IHHW,. Mia I la r Walk lei IIM Apt lu. Neill .'/I Utility Inc I. rix|inred, He»ihle ( all H() ,l 4bl-9618 ABLE. CALl 284-2727. l'i,,M,l,il FOR MOM INIllKMAIKIN 1'LIASt ii2'i(..xri, 221 of tire University Center, $--,11 l,i a for inlcrview. ( All HAKHAKA Al 44', ,1,17 X2 or Mailed to P.O. Box SEIZED CARS from $175. tan hes ( adilla. s. 248U2, Coral Gables, FL UMHC TICKITS!!! Wt GUARANTEE NO DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED!!! 'MUST HAVL Lost & Found KOOMMAII rslllDil) .» Hiili.aim Apt (hews HMWs ( txvelles Also l.rps 4WIVs POINTS FOR All TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS OR OWN I Ak • Nlil) TO KNOW MIAMI AktA' 33124. No ads will be taken female I'I m.ili c („ihlos Atea'' A. n>ss Y.xn Atea Toll fits' I Hllll 2 IH'KKKI txl. A- VOUR MONEY BAC Ic. fJM.00 I'l US CO! IKT (,Kf AT PAY $B $lr,/HR AVC. LVI.NINOS SPM U.M. Hy I'ulihs M.n.e IOST large grey soil loy i ,il IO years.(Id. over the phone. Classified (.IMS It AN*. UNGK * KOWfl ATTC )k iii i titieiil Hanks, .sill MMa In. Icirtcrtl Plus Pht>m* - 11PM(10'5)B57 17SI NIYS Ar IAW. UT us now KM VOUR (ai al st'itliitxxilal value lasl soon on |xllto ads are to be in by noon ('lease t onl.ii l Suste lev. more inlo Renl $4S()/ Wed. 2<*th Oct. Pk-ase . ..II In: U, (-(,962 DRIMM , RECORD 4601 POM I Df HON 1 SS gallon salt wale. ...|..anum w/1 abioel \ Tuesday if they ate to run in month Phone: M>r>-IB,>2 Availahk* November Mill lk( IM l.AMI'l IS. ( All Mil-7^72 f ( IK ....(•vines Pan! IJOO0 asking SSIHI (,MI445 EARN GOOD MONEY I aw S. hi a tl sn idem I, 1197 Friday's issue, and by noon DfTAIts tn whiiTi in ms-d of (tbysi. al assislame ( all Aniltew Teuerslein I l()r,i (,8'l 947S Friday if they are to run in GOVT FORECIOSED horn.-, ti.mi ..ennies on lliti'iii.ilin' Students |>V I ( ,,irni , Walk K. UM Room IIH lent Utililies int I. W/ Greek Forum Tuesday's issue. Prepayment $1 ITelitxtueni Tax Ke|xis KK 1 s Ytmi An ,i .iv.iiUili* I an "1 ITM t l).llh. $4Sa>. Nun simtkin^' i.i.f, Toll Ire.' i!>WHI-21B-')00n lun ^rirl Kel.ahlc HABYSITTLK meals lutoong is required for all classified and li.insportal.on available1 ( all Kancly.e O H l|. I IK K KIM \ IAUY KN(K K IM ads. Rates are $.25/word for I .inliW'an Holiday f.irly A... lion ,tl ( luh St f,(,1(111,88 DEAD AT THI MISS UM PAGEANT Wl LOVE C UM under-firaduates and C mix in ( iMittA.ill tiikels %2 > in. luck's ait. YOU, aV I lion r.iu.-l. (lliin.'. l)| Diiimh,'. .'nil t ill For Sale Help Wanted $.40j>word tor all other*. HID In. I.. Ids .,.11 Mat. h o. I limes 477- $IIKXTSPOSSIHIt TYPINl, Part Time. At The Cto-Carrtptjs rate is only llt] (,r.iu|i..l lllli, kcls .» more $211,1 EARN $7511.$! SOU/WEEK HiHTte loll In, it I 800-218-9000 Ext. T-I7WI I 2 Pn. e In ket to San 1 tain ISI . i tot I )c< IAE . c ant watt to roll in Ihe hey wilh y.x. for undergraduate UM stu­ pm k.nst ..II th,. Monty VKtr group needs by spun- lor listings. ,i|H»ox USO I all (iin.i al MMM again! Love, AT soong ,. VISA I uniltaiset IMI ytxir t ampus No dent, Faculty and staff. AH Important as il is Inc* B.blr is not the center nf IIKI stmei.t and very little tune nectletl Thete s advertising under this rate our faith The center of our faith is a . rue ilird H'l lord Taurus, 4 tic M.I est el lent , iiorlili. in no obligation, so why not t all lot ntioinialion must be non-commercial in Cod. |oin us as we strive tn discern what it Tutoring Mia (rixxd lui k in Miss UM, we .ire so proud new air t t.ndittitning, IDS,(KK) miles. $2..'tm It day ( all I HIKl l.'l H4')4 s'l t means lo worship and follow such a Cod. ol y.x.' love ZTA nature. Special layout or ( all KM 234-S9SO Till I I'M . il'Al I Hi MM H on campus. 11 r,() plac ement of ads is nm guar­ DEUVERY DRIVERS NEEDED!!! 'MUSI * December and February LSAT taken: Call Nt.i.iimrl Drive, across from Mahoney. SUN 11(151 671-ISAT ior class sctaedules anteed, nor are cancellations I ONDO SAI kill! I $S2 2011 I UkN. 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