Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2012 Conscience and Virtue, Selfdeceit and Vice: Concepts from Bishop Joseph Butler's Moral Psychology in Jane Austen's Ma#Sfield Park Becka R. Laplant Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CONSCIENCE AND VIRTUE, SELF-DECEIT AND VICE: CONCEPTS FROM BISHOP JOSEPH BUTLER‘S MORAL PSYCHOLOGY IN JANE AUSTEN‘S MANSFIELD PARK By BECKA R LAPLANT A Disse tation submitted to the Depa tment of Philosophy in pa tial fulfillment of the e-ui ements fo the de. ee of Docto of Philosophy De. ee A0a ded: Sp in. Semeste , 1011 Becka R LaPlant defended this dissertation on March 14th 2012. The members of the supervisor committee were: David McNaughton Professor Directing Dissertation Eric Walker (niversit Representative )ohn Roberts Committee Member Piers Rawling Committee Member The Graduate ,chool has verified and approved the above-named committee members. and certifies that the dissertation has been approved in accordance with universit re/uirements. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am especially . ateful fo the suppo t of the G aduate School in the fo m of the P esidential Fello0ship du in. the 1008-1005 and 1011-1011 academic yea s. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abst act ........................................................................................................................................... v 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 1. JUDGMENT, PRINCIPLE, AND CONSCIENCE: PART ONE OF A BUTLERIAN READING OF MANSFIELD PARK .................................................................................... 8 1.1 Butle and the Mo al and Intellectual Climate of Austen‘s Time ................................. 8 1.1 Mansfield Park 9 the Be.innin.s of a Butle ian Readin.