Exploring Music Rankings with Interactive Visualization Leandro Guedes Carla M.D.S. Freitas Instituto de Informatica Instituto de Informatica Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (UFRGS) Porto Alegre, Brazil Porto Alegre, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT music services, Spotify [15] and YouTube [18], are the most Music rankings are mainly aimed at marketing purposes but popular ones. also help users in discovering new music as well as comparing In general, rankings of many different things were always songs, artists, albums, etc. This work presents an interac- available and have been used to influence users' choices; mu- tive way to visualize, find and compare music rankings using sic rankings (also called charts) would not be different. TV different techniques, as well as displaying music attributes. music channels, such as MTV and VH1, have most of their The technique was conceived after a remote survey that col- schedule based on music rankings: they show what most lected data about how people choose music. Our visualiza- people want to see. tion makes easier to obtain information about artists and tracks, and also to compare the data gathered from the two The Billboard [3] magazine produces the most famous mu- major music rankings, namely Billboard and Spotify. We sic ranking, the "Hot 100" list, which shows the most played also report the results of experiments with potential users. tracks (usually called singles, music that is being released on the media) based actually by streaming activity, radio air- play and sales data (respectively audience impressions mea- CCS Concepts sured and sales data compiled by Nielsen Music [6]).