Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2008. Edited by Neal L. Evenhuis & Lucius G. Eldredge. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 107: 19–26 (2010) New Hawaiian plant records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2008 1 BARBARA H. K ENNEDY , S HELLEY A. J AMES , & CLYDE T. I MADA (Hawaii Biological Survey, Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817-2704, USA; emails:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]) These previously unpublished Hawaiian plant records report 2 new naturalized records, 13 new island records, 1 adventive species showing signs of naturalization, and nomen - clatural changes affecting the flora of Hawai‘i. All identifications were made by the authors, except where noted in the acknowledgments, and all supporting voucher speci - mens are on deposit at BISH. Apocynaceae Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. New naturalized record The following report is paraphrased from Melora K. Purell, Coordinator of the Kohala Watershed Partnership on the Big Island, who sent an email alert to the conservation com - munity in August 2008 reporting on the incipient outbreak of R. vomitoria, poison devil’s- pepper or swizzle stick, on 800–1200 ha (2000–3000 acres) in North Kohala, Hawai‘i Island. First noticed by field workers in North Kohala about ten years ago, swizzle stick has become a growing concern within the past year, as the tree has spread rapidly and invaded pastures, gulches, and closed-canopy alien and mixed alien-‘ōhi‘a forest in North Kohala, where it grows under the canopies of eucalyptus, strawberry guava, common guava, kukui, albizia, and ‘ōhi‘a. The current distribution is from 180–490 m (600–1600 ft) elevation, from Makapala to ‘Iole.