n° 913 Shalom Newsletter February 20 2021 Shabbat Zachor, 8 Adar, 5781 תְּרּומָה Exodus 25:1 - 27:19

Let’s Pray together We pray every News week for the Jewish A New Book published by gerous harmful depression; Learn about Dr. Neal Friendship Ministry Jeff Zaremsky Nedley’s 10 depression “hits”; Identify which “hits” can be changed; Hear examples of what works to and their partner. I come out of depression; Experience freedom once again, permanently. suggest our friends to Purim Celebration et”s remember that Purim will be celebrat- pray from February ed this year on the 26th of February, starting Lon the evening of the 25th. 21 through 27, for will be reading the scroll of Esther or the Megillah on the 25th, and will again read this same scroll on the 26th. Anatoly Gurguiala, Ideas for Celebrating Purim Being in a Pandemic situation might cause who is with team many people to hesitate to attend a congregation in person for this celebration. That is why it is the leader of Jewish important to think about how we can translate each of these ideas into a virtual event online. • Celebrate Purim With Traditional Jewish Adventist Friendship Recipes - Sephardic or Ashkenazic Cookies ministry in Glendale, - A cooking segment that teaches how to make Hamantaschen (Ear of Aman) cookies, showing CA (USA). As we know how to fold them. e have been informed by Jeff Zaremsky - Scroll cookies (a kind of tube). that he has published a new book about - Rosemary Garlic Challah Bread. our ministry is not depressed people in the Bible. Since we W - Delicious Purim cocktails without alcohol. don’t have this book in our hands we will just copy - Online cooking segments that walk through and paste what is written at Jeff’s website: https:// easy, especially in the preparation of a full festive meal. www.jewishheritage.net/catalog-judaica • Create a Coloring book with characters Yes, many people in the Bible experienced depres- from the book of Esther (Esther, Mordechai, this time of pandemic, sion just like we do today. Some were even suicid- Achasverush, Haman, a gate keeper, a regular al, such as , Elijah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Judas Jew, Esther praying…). and King Saul. Others who experienced depression when travels are not • Hosting a Purim baking party. include David, Naomi, Martha and Mary, Ahab, and even one very surprising Individual. Some of the • Tell the story of Esther according to the Bible, allowed, that is why people successfully came out of the depression, enriched by many Jewish traditional ideas about others did not. In this very revealing book, you will Esther and Mordechai. Wear an appropriate Anatoly needs more learn lessons from their lives to help you come out costume and use interesting props. This could of the dark cave of depression and into G-d’s glori- involve several “actors,” each telling a segment of than ever before our ous Light. the story. According to Jeff, by reading this book you will be • Since we are wearing masks to protect us from able to: See what leads to depression; Differentiate Covid-19, why not teach how to decorate and prayers. between normal “healthy” depression and dan- paint our masks with Purim symbols.

Dutch Edition: Emails: Hubert Paulleta SHABBAT English: [email protected] English Edition: Richard-Amram Elofer SHALOM Dutch: [email protected] German Edition: Portuguese: [email protected] Yaw Heiser A weekly Journal of information and training published Russian: [email protected] Portuguese Edition: by the General Conference— Carlos Muniz Spanish: [email protected] Office of Adventist Mission Russian Edition: Italian: [email protected] Alexandra Obrevko World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center Spanish Edition: Claudia Masiero https://wjafc.globalmissioncenters.org An Offering for Me the world to enlarge heaven. He desired a he starts saying: “ADONAI They shall make Me larger family” (White 1908, 5). However, spoke to Moses saying, “Tell Bnei- by their sin and disobedience Adam and TYisrael to take up an offering for a sanctuary, and I Chavah broke this relationship. The conse- Me.” (Exodus 25:1–2) this text Hashem quences were that mankind could no lon- told Moshe to inform the people of Yisrael will dwell among ger live in the Gan Eden and could not have that the first thing each believer should do this direct relationship with their Creator. wᵉyiqcḥû-li—“Take from their them. (Exodus 25:8) But Hashem did not abandon His goal: He וְיִקְחּו־לִ ֖ is earnings a portion for Me” and set it aside © freebibleimages.org still wanted to dwell among His people. as tᵉrûmâ “offering” to be used for tzedākâ texts, saying “teaches that a The () gives However, this purpose could not now be (charity). After doing this, it is certain that person’s money must be his own according the laws that address the sanctity of the achieved without providing a way to save when the time came to give an offering to the dictates of justice and the letter of Temple and the sanctification of life. men and women from the curse of sin that for the Mishkan (sanctuary, or house of the law” (aish.com). And Yosef Dov Sanctification means, “to set apart for results in death. How could He save man- prayer), they gave their offerings gracious- Soloveitchik says, “Terumah deals with holy purpose.” At the end of the book of kind from sin and death, so that He could ly. Because tiqchu et tᵉrûmāṯi—“they will donations for charity. Before a person gives Leviticus we read: “If you walk in My stat- restore the relationship between Hashem not feel that you are taking their money, money to charity, he must be very careful utes and keep My mitsvoth and carry them and humanity? Hashem’s Plan of Salvation but instead they are giving an offering from that his money was not acquired by cheat- out . . . I will set up My among is illustrated in the Mishkan (Sanctuary). that which was already designated as ‘My ing anyone else. If a person gives charity you, and My soul will not abhor you. I will It is an illustration of the alternative plan offering’ ”—the literal meaning of . tᵉrûmāṯi by stealing from others, his charity is not walk among you and will be your God, Hashem established so that He could dwell considered charity” (Ibid.). The lesson is: and you will be My people. I am HASHEM among His people. Hashem established this Offerings for the “a mitsvah that someone would fulfill by your God, who brought you forth out of plan and used this illustration because of Community means of violating other commandments the land of Egypt, so that you would not the sinful nature that humanity acquired he biggest lesson here is that dona- is not considered a good deed. When it be their slaves, and I have broken the bars when Adam and Chavah sinned in the Gan tions are not given directly to comes to doing good deeds, the ends do of your yoke and made you walk upright” Parasha for this Week Hashem, but to the community for not justify the means. Both the ends and (Leviticus 26:3, 11–13). The meaning of Eden (Genesis 3). Because of this sinful T nature, we can no longer look upon the face Hashem’s purposes. The divine objective of the means must be in accordance with the sentence, “I will set up My Tabernacle Terumah these donations was not for the benefit of the indication of the ” (Ibid.). That is among you,” extends far beyond the pres- of Hashem like Adam and Chavah could individual donors, but for the community why, in the Besorah of Mattityahu, Yeshua ence of Hashem in the Mishkan or later see Him in the Gan Eden, for sinful human as a whole. The Hebrew word is from RoM was against those who make a pretext in the Temple. Its true meaning is the beings would be destroyed in the presence “to be exalted.” Rabbi Hirsch translates of fulfilling a mitsvah, but in the pro- proximity of Hashem in our midst, the ful- of the holiness of Hashem. Moshe sincere- verse 2: “‘Speak to the Children of Yisrael, cess they violate the 5th commandment: fillment of the covenant between Hashem ly wanted to see Hashem and experience that they accept for Me an uplifted dona- “For Hashem said, ‘Honor your father and and His people—as we obey His will in His presence. He begged Hashem, “Please, tion.” It is a donation set apart for a higher mother’ . . . . But you say, ‘Whoever tells our lives, we then experience His protec- show me Your glory!” (Exodus. 33:18). But תְּרּומָה purpose. How do we consider therefore his father or mother, “Whatever you might tion and blessing. Hashem said to Moshe: “You cannot see Parasha Overview: our donations and tithes? Are we aware of have gained from me is a gift to Hashem,” As we read the history of this world as My face, for no man can see Me and live” the high purpose of our donations? Being he need not honor his father.’ On account revealed in the Bible, we discover Hashem (Exodus 33:20). The mystery of the Mishkan Exodus 25:1 - 27:19 aware of the exalted and uplifted purpose of your tradition, you made void the word expressed His desire to dwell among His (Sanctuary) is that it illustrates Hashem’s of our tithes, offerings and donations, we of God. Hypocrites! Rightly did Isaiah people at three particular times: in Gan plan to dwell among His people, and to -d commands descendants of Aharon. will use them carefully for the advance- prophesy about you” (Matthew 15:4, 5-7). Eden with Adam and Chavah (Eve); in the address humanity’s quest to “see” Hashem ment of the cause of Hashem and His glory. It is good to give gifts to Hashem, but not wilderness, among the people of Yisrael; and understand how our relationship with Moshe to build a th This contains the table at the expense of the 5 commandment. and at the time of His incarnation as our Creator can be re-established. The very Mishkan (Sanc- of , the me- Offering elevated above We cannot fulfill one mitsvah while violat- Yeshua HaMashiach. manner in which the sanctuary was orga- G ordinary materials ing another one as a result. nized, the materials used, the furniture tuary) and supplies him norah, and the golden abbi Schneerson explains that the God’s Purpose in constructed, the daily and annual services, meaning of the word is “lift- Sanctuary’s Purpose Creation with detailed instruc- tᵉrûmâ the biblical feasts, the individual sacrifices, altar for incense. Ring up” or “separation,” and then he Torah affirms that G-d said to or the Jewish scholars, one of the all symbolically represent Hashem’s love he comments: “The double interpretation Moshe “And they shall make Me a purposes of God in the Creation and His Plan of Salvation. tions. The Children of Is- - The innermost of the name Terumah reflects two fac- sanctuary so that I shall dwell among was to dwell within the creation. T F The third time Hashem acted to dwell rael are asked to contrib- tors necessary in creating a dwelling for them.” (Exodus 25:8). A legitimate question When they ask: Why the Creation? the among His people was at the incarnation chamber, the Holy of can be asked: Why build a Sanctuary? The chachamim explain: Hashem’s motive in God. First, a person must designate his of Yeshua on this earth. This is one more gift, separating it from his other worldly purpose of the Sanctuary is very import- creating the universe was “a desire for a ute precious metals and concept to consider within the order to Holies, may be entered property. And then through its consecra- ant, as it is an in-depth revelation of dwelling in the lower realms.” A dwell- build the sanctuary: “Have them make Me stones, fabrics, skins, oil tion, its nature becomes elevated above Hashem’s plan. From Creation (Bereishit) ing means a home, a place where one’s a Sanctuary, so that I may dwell among only by the gadol the ordinary material plane.” Schneerson Hashem wanted to dwell with His peo- essence is manifest. The term “lower them (Exodus 25:8 ”[bᵉṯôḵhām בְּתֹוכָֽם] ,and spices. also notes that, according to the halachah: ple. Grammatically, in Exodus 25:8 Moshe realms” refers to our material universe (high priest), and only Jewish translation). Hashem wants to “Once an object is consecrated, it can no should have used the expression betocho in which godliness cannot ordinarily be Description of the once a year, on Yom longer be used for mundane purposes.” (singular): “in it” (in the Mishkan). perceived. “God wants His dwelling to be dwell among His people. To “dwell” means Mishkan Are we ready to give as the people of The first command to build the part and parcel of these lower realms. His to come on the earth and to live with us. Kippur. Here is the Ark Yisrael gave? As we read the Torah, we dis- Tabernacle (Mishkan) is in chapter 25 of intent is not to nullify the limitations of We have noticed that the Mishkan as an 1. in the Mishkan’s cover the people of Yisrael brought offerings (Exodus), with the instructions our material existence, but rather to man- illustration of the work of the Messiah. that held the Ten Com- to Hashem over a period of time. It is writ- given until chapter 31. The actual con- ifest Himself within those limitations“ According to the teaching of Yeshua, outer courtyard are an ten: “They brought freewill offerings to him struction of the Mishkan and its furnish- ( Tanchuma). HaMashiach is the one who came from mandments inscribed morning after morning” (Exodus 36:3b). But ings begins in Chapter 36 and continues In the Gan Eden there was no separation heaven to dwell among us: “And the Word altar for the burnt of- on the two tablets of eventually we have a wonderful statement: to the end of the book, with the beginning between Hashem and His creation. He was became flesh and tabernacled among us. “‘The people are bringing much more than of the dedication of the sanctuary record- able to speak with Adam and Chavah, just We looked upon His glory, the glory of the ferings and a laver for stone that G-d gave to enough for the work of this construction that ed in the last chapter, Exodus chapter as a father and his children talk together. one and only from the Father, full of grace washing. HASHEM has commanded to be done.’ So, 40. Then we find that the dedication of “How great the love of God is! God made and truth” (John 1:14). the Jewish nation on Moshe gave an order, and they proclaimed the Sanctuary is completed in Torat-Ha- Make an ark of acacia wood, it throughout the camp saying: ‘Let neither Cohanim, the book Vayikra (Leviticus 8-9). 2. The Tent of Meeting Mount Sinai. All of the man nor woman make anything else as an The time covered by the entire book of two and a half long, offering for the Sanctuary’ ” (Exodus 36:5-6). Leviticus is one month, from “the first day one and a half cubits wide, is divided by a curtain utensils and vessels, as What a wonderful statement! The people of of the first month” (Exodus 40:1) when the into two chambers. well as the construction Yisrael were so generous that Moshe had to tabernacle was erected, to “the first day and one and a half cubits stop them from bringing more offerings! of the second month” (Numbers 1:1). To high. (…) Make two golden - The outer chamber of the Mishkan (sanc- understand the symbolism of the sanc- Offerings for Charity tuary and its services, it is therefore very , hammering them is accessible only to the tuary) , are described in ur previous Parashah was important to read the entire description out from the two ends of the Mishpatim, and Rabbi Packouz from Exodus 25 to 29, then from Exodus cover. (Exodus 25:10,18) ©goodsalt.com kohanim (priests), the great detail. Omakes a connection between these 36 to the end of Leviticus. Inspirational Corner Apostolic Writings 1 KINGS 5:26 - 6:13 The spot on which the Hebrews 8:1 - 9:12 ur Haftarah is found in the First book ’s reign over Yisrael, in the month Ziv temple was built had of Kings, beginning with verse 9 in (which is the second month), that he began most translations and with verse 26 in to build HASHEM’s House” (1 Kings 6:1). Let’s long been regarded as he text of the Parashah is about the dwelling meeting” Ohel Mo’ed. It was a portable structure been faultless, there would not have been discourse O Hebrew. The verses preceding our Haftarah construct a brief chronology of Yisrael between of God among His people: “And let them that could be transported by Yisrael during their seeking a second. For finding fault with them, He portion speak about the relationship between the Exodus and the building of the Temple. We a consecrated place. It make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in travel in the wilderness. Hashem instructed Moshe says, Behold, days are coming, says HASHEM, when T Hiram and Solomon. Hiram was king of believe that the Exodus was in the fifteenth their midst” (Ex 25:8 ESV). This is the second initia- to copy the exact pattern shown, because every I will inaugurate a new covenant with the house of the city-states of Tyre and Sidon on the century b.c.e., about 1445 b.c.e. Four hundred was here that Abraham, tive of Hashem to be with His creation, His people. detail of the sanctuary had a meaning and a lesson Yisrael and with the house of Judah. It will not be Mediterranean coast, in present-day . and eighty years later, the 4th year of Solomon’s To be among His people was His first intention, for His people. These lessons were outlined in this like the covenant I made with their fathers on the Hiram was a faithful friend of King David, and reign, brings us to about 965 b.c.e. The reign of the father of the faithful, expressed at creation—God created humanity to this letter to the Hebrews about 1950 years ago. day when I took them by the hand to lead them sent a large shipment of cedar wood and some David began around the year 1011 b.c.e. and be with them, to love them, to be loved by them and The old age of this letter is important, because it out of the land of Egypt. For they did not remain had revealed his willing- carpenters to build David’s palace (cf. 2 Samuel he reigned 40 years. The death of Solomon is to take care of all their needs (Gen. 2:15; 3:8 ESV), demonstrates that these lessons reflect a Jewish in My covenant, and I did not care for them, says 5:11). Then in this chapter, Hiram offers to generally accepted to be in the year 931/930 but we know the outcome of this initiative: it was a understanding of the Sanctuary and its meaning HASHEM. For this is the covenant that I will make ness to sacrifice his only assist Solomon with any help he might need; b.c.e. after he had reigned 40 years. The month failure and Hashem had to withdraw Himself from long before the Jewish-Christian polemic and con- with the house of Yisrael after those days, says Solomon accepts his offer and asks him to help of Ziv mentioned in this verse is the current son in obedience to the the earth. However, He did not give up—He contin- flicts of the second and third centuries. Rabbi HASHEM. I will put My Torah into their mind, and with building the Temple in . month of or May: the first month is , ued to care for them from afar. He protected them, Shaul was thinking about Yeshua when he wrote: upon their hearts I will write it. And I will be their In verse 9 (26), the text repeats that Solomon the month of Passover; the second month is command of Hashem. and spoke to some of them, including Kayin, Hevel, “We do have such a Cohen Gadol,” knowing that God, and they shall be My people. And no more will was blessed with the spiritual gift of wisdom: Iyar. It was a good month to start building the Chanoch, , Avraham, Yitschak, Yaakov and even though Yeshua had some relatives who were they teach, each one his fellow citizen and each one “God gave Solomon wisdom and discernment Temple, because the rainy season had ended Here God had renewed Moshe. The experience of Moshe with Yisrael in the descendants of the first Cohen Gadol, Aharon, he his brother, saying, ‘Know HASHEM,’ because all in great measure, and a breadth of under- and the dry season had begun, thus the mortar wilderness was another crucial time for Hashem to was not fully a Cohen. In all of the texts, he is pre- will know Me, from the least of them to the greatest. with Abraham the cove- standing as vast as the sand on the seashore” would dry quickly. once again attempt to live with them, among them sented as a descendant of King David, which means For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and (1 Kings 5:9). His wisdom was so great that Let’s remember that what Solomon built and in them. That is why He asked Moshe to speak from the tribe of Judah. That is why the Rabbi wrote their sins I will remember no more (Heb 8:7–12). nant of blessing, which the text says: “Solomon’s wisdom surpassed was planned by King David, who gave to his to Yisrael and to invite them to make a sanctuary in his letter: “For every Cohen Gadol is appointed to The New Covenant is not an invention of the the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all son all the specifications and plans for the for Him (Ex 25:8). The meaning of the sanctuary offer both gifts and sacrifices, so it is necessary for Christian church—it is a necessity announced by included the glorious the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all temple, its rooms and furniture (1 Chronicles had much more significance than simply a place this One also to have something to offer. Now if He the prophets of Yisrael. men … and his fame was in all the surround- 28:11-19) which were given to David by the Messianic promise to for Hashem to show His presence among them. The were on earth, He would not be a Cohen at all, since The Christian failure has been their refusal to ing nations. He also composed 3,000 proverbs Ruach Hakodesh. During the construction, a sanctuary built by Yisrael was a copy or a reflection there are those who offer the gifts according to the keep the Torah when the text said explicitly, “I will and his songs were 1,005. He also spoke about very interesting precision is revealed: “For the the human race of deliv- of the true sanctuary or tent which is in heaven. Torah” (Heb 8:3-4). Yeshua is not a usurper—he did put My Torah [Torati] into their mind, and upon trees, from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop House, while being constructed, was built of To understand this Jewish concept, let’s read what not try to take a place which was not his. That is their hearts I will write it” (Heb 8:10). The Torah that grows out of the wall, and he spoke about stone finished at the quarry; with neither ham- erance through the sac- Rabbi Mosh Alshich wrote on the Chabbad.org why, in chapter 6, the writer of Hebrews introduces contains the terms of the covenant with Yisrael, beasts, birds, creeping things and fish. People mer, axe nor any iron tool heard in the House website: “Who can imagine that God’s Presence can another, older, order of priesthood: “Yeshua has and these same terms apply to the covenant with came from everywhere to hear the wisdom rifice of the Son of the during its construction” (1 Kings 6:7). be contained on earth, much less in a man-made entered there as a forerunner on our behalf, having the followers of Yeshua or the church. Their failure, of Solomon—from all kings of the earth who It is written that when this building was structure! When Solomon beheld that the pres- become Cohen Gadol forever, according to the order however, is not an excuse to reject the Mashiach. We had heard of his wisdom” (1 Kings 5:10-14). Most High. See Genesis finished, Hashem was satisfied and blessed ence of God filled the Temple he had built, he was of Melchitsedek” (Heb 6:20). This is a direct quo- must focus on what is written in the Tanach and to Solomon was a great poet and singer. It is clear, Solomon. “Then the word of HASHEM came 22:9, 16-18. Here it was awed. … Our sages express this by stating that the tation of a Messianic Psalm: “HASHEM has sworn, try to do better than they have done. however, that not all of the proverbs and songs to Solomon saying: ‘As for this House which sanctuary on earth is a reflection God’s sanctuary and will not His mind: ‘You are a Cohen forever We must also correctly understand the last verse he wrote have been preserved—in the Bible we you are building, if you will walk in My stat- that when David offered in Heaven.” according to the order of Melchitsedek’” (Ps 110:4). of chapter 8: “In saying ‘new,’ He has treated the have only the book of Proverbs which includes utes, execute My ordinances and keep all My Reading the narration of Creation, we don’t see Here, it is Hashem who is speaking to Mashiach, first as old; but what is being made old and aging 892 verses, along with the books mitsvoth by walking in them, then I will estab- burnt offerings and any mention of a temple or sanctuary in heaven affirming that there are two orders of priesthood: a is close to vanishing” (Heb 8:13). What was vanish- and Ecclesiastes. lish My word with you, which I spoke to your or in the Gan Eden. However, in the Midrash it is temporary one connected to the wilderness sanctu- ing was not the Torah or the Ten Commandments, The Tanach also documents the peace peace offerings to stay father David, I will dwell among the children of written: “when Yisrael erected the Tabernacle, God ary with Aharon as the Cohen Gadol; and a perma- but the old priesthood according to Aharon, with treaty signed between Solomon and Hiram: Yisrael, and will not forsake My people Yisrael’ ” told the angels to erect a celestial counterpart” nent one connected to the heavenly sanctuary with its animal sacrifices at the earthly Temple. This “HASHEM gave Solomon wisdom as He prom- the avenging sword of (11-13). (Bamidbar Rabbah 12:12). This “celestial counter- Yeshua HaMashiach as the Cohen Gadol. was being replaced by the priesthood according to ised him, so there was shalom between Hiram Today, the temple of Hashem is within each part” or heavenly sanctuary is the one described Rabbi Shaul was a Pharisee, a Doctor of the Melchitsedek in the heavenly Sanctuary. To under- and Solomon, and the two of them cut a cov- the destroying angel, one of us, and the worship of Hashem is no lon- in a letter written by a Rabbi to Hebrews, found Torah, and here he is writing about the Sanctuary stand more about this topic, in another chapter we enant” (1 Kings 5:26). The next verse informs ger connected to a . Since God had answered him in the Apostolic Writings (an old tradition assigns services in the wilderness: “They serve a copy and will continue our study of this letter to the Hebrews. us that Solomon raised an army of workers to Hashem sends His Ruach to all believers, we this letter to Rabbi Shaul). His discussion of the shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moshe It is in chapter 9 where this Rabbi-author specifi- build the Temple: “King Solomon also imposed by fire from heaven. See parallels between the earthly and heavenly sanc- was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by cally talks about the meaning and function of the forced laborers from all Yisrael—the levy was can meet Hashem every day in the privacy of tuaries takes up several chapters, and here is his God, saying, ‘See that you make everything accord- heavenly tent or sanctuary: “But when Mashiach 30,000 men” (27). Jewish tradition () has our room. But humans are social beings, that is 1 Chronicles 21. And conclusion based on what he already wrote: “Now ing to the pattern that was shown you on the moun- appeared as a Cohen Gadol (High Priest) of the good seen here that Solomon raised enough funds why we cannot live without others. Thus, since here is the main point being said. We do have such tain’” (Heb 8:5 ESV). Why was the sanctuary and things that have come, then through the great- to pay the wages of the workers described in the creation of the world, Hashem has asked now once more the wor- a Cohen Gadol, who has taken His seat at the right its furnishings a shadow of the heavenly things? er and more perfect Ohel (tent)—not made with this verse; however, Radak says the verse has to His people to meet in special places called a hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. Because “now Yeshua has obtained a more excellent hands, that is, not of this creation—he entered be understood literally, which means Solomon Sanctuary, Temple, Synagogue, Church, House shipers of Hashem were He is a priestly attendant of the Holies and the true ministry, insofar as He is the mediator of a better once for all [forever tamid] into the holy places conscripted an army of 30,000 workers to pre- of Prayer, congregation, or kehilah in Hebrew. Tent—which HASHEM set up, not man” (Heb 8:1- covenant which has been enacted on better promis- [Kodesh], not by means of the blood of and pare the building of the Temple. Today, just as in ancient times, we need to here to meet their God 2). The sanctuary or Mishkan in the wilderness was es” (Heb 8:6). A sentence like this might be difficult calves but by means of his own blood, thus, secur- The Mishkan (Sanctuary) prepared at Mount meet with our brothers and sisters who share and renew their vows of a copy of the heavenly sanctuary. That is why the for Jewish ears to hear, but we want to understand ing an eternal redemption [olamim Geulah]” (Heb Sinai was used by Yisrael for about four hun- the same beliefs. That is why, as did Rabbi heavenly sanctuary is called: “the true tent which the reasoning of the Rabbi-author, without prej- 9:11-12). It was to secure this Geulah, according to dred eighty years before Solomon built the Shaul, we encourage each believer to find an allegiance to Him. HASHEM set up, not man.” This tent was built in udice and presuppositions. With the coming of the Rebbe, that is “the purpose for which Hashem Temple in Jerusalem: “Now it came to pass, appropriate congregation or kehilah where Heaven and served as a model: “Exactly as I show Mashiach, the old things cannot continue in the created the world.” Let’s continue to study the pur- 480 years after the children of Yisrael came they can worship Hashem with other people (PK, 37) you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and same way. This is why the Rabbi-author refers to pose of the Ohel, Mishkan or Sanctuary through out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of who share their beliefs (Hebrews 10:25). of all its furniture, so you shall make it” (Ex 25:9). the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) announced by chapter 9 of this letter to the Hebrews, along with In the , it is also called the “tent of the prophet Jeremiah: “For if that first one had other texts of the Bible. Speak to the Stories and Traditions and have

Wise Use of Our resources 10,000€ was a large amount, the wealthy man you just let it sit there. I could have used this them bring Me ust like the Kohen who lit the candle in the approved the loan. money for my own business. I could have helped Holy Temple each day, we, too, must kindle True to his word, the businessman returned many people improve their businesses with this an offering. Take G-d’s candle within us with the light of his the 10,000€ exactly a year later. But the wealthy money. Keeping such a large amount in your J man noticed that the bills were the very same Word thereby illuminating ourselves, our sur- drawer doing nothing was a real waste!” My offering from ones he lent! In fact, they were even in the same roundings and the world. The same is with our life, and talents.If we Our give the following parable to order and wrapped with the same string! The don’t use them, they are lost. G-d gave us time, illustrate the importance of this message: A wealthy man became very upset. everyone whose businessman who lost everything in some bad “Why are you upset?” asked the borrower. money, talents, everything belong to him and deals, turned to a wealthy and charitable person “Didn’t I give you back the entire amount exactly only if we use them for the progress of his cause, heart impels him to for a loan of 10,000€. The businessman promised to the day?” they will grow and will be for the benefice of the to pay back the entire sum in one year. Although “Yes, you did. But you didn’t make use of it, community and the society. give. (Exodus 25:2)