A. & 1 Key words: Anthracoidea Carex Cintractia Historical Collections J! &< Anthracoidea nepalensis on Carex haematostoma in the Anthracoidea nepalensis Cintractia on Carex IMA · VOLUME 3 · NO 1: 39–43 NO 1: 3 · · VOLUME FUNGUS IMA # 0K9[67QQ Carex hirtella A. haematostomae ! +? Carex nakaoana &KBOP , described from Aulocystis sect. haematostomae and ascertain whether it is distinct Cintractia disciformis and ascertain whether it is distinct F P ? # on E @ .//V & Anthracoidea haematostomae B 9 (= B .//W ./6. & < B < +? J%? MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIALS J P"F;OPMBP 1 +? !0"J= BP@==J%RN=W./WV mounted in lactic acid, heated to boiling point and cooled, and <0%Q/ +? 0 NJ=!6 %;G/J J# &@ 67R.16=M6GM.6M.G&7M6WM./3X ! Anthracoidea disciformis Cintractia in Nepal, and Carex Cintractia Cintractia Aulocystis was not C. Anthracoidea on Carex nakaoana Cintractia disciformis Aulocystis in the same Carex haematostoma + A. nepalensis Carex hirtella &

in China, are similar morphologically and considered to be later heterotypic synonyms of and considered to be later heterotypic in China, are similar morphologically in H, and concluded that it was an The identity of a neglected smut fungus, Cintractia disciformis The identity of a neglected & Anthracoidea

P"&< " K Two smuts with similar phenotypic characteristics Two B ./6. < Anthracoidea disciformis + TP # disciformis haematostoma species of © 2012 International Mycological Association © 2012 International Mycological conditions: distribute and transmit the work, under the following are free to share - to copy, You Attribution: L southern Asian smut parasitic on parasitic Asian smut southern N?LJ"(FJ+2V(+=G6=R6.K(X ?(= : disciformis of Cintractia The identity Non-commercial:No derivative works:Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. permission from the copyright holder. Abstract: =1Z Article info: J16V?./6.XF1.7?./6.X(1.6>./6. # P# on related hosts in Carex BO P FGG2 ( ./// B .//W ./6. " AnthracoideaT67WQ “ disciformis to that genus as he noted that the host Carex hirtella any indication of the basionym or any reference to the place ##"E0 T67RG@./66 [ # T 67WQ ( ./// B .//W ./6. has only occasionally been reported in the literature, forhas only occasionally been reported ? J" K 6727T67RG @./66+6727T67WQ K + ' G6 N ./66 + 6 67GR F > 67G7 67GR # + + & disciformis# VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 0 L P " The smut fungus Cintractia disciformis was originally described INTRODUCTION 16/RR7Q3./6./G/6/R ==

.=M6RM.RM.W&6/M.63XG= 67QV Y. Ono 86NE-214 "F; /V67 Anthracoidea M6QMGG&6GM.Q3M nepalensisX K† # GQ// Carex haematostoma # C. nakaoana2J67QVY. Ono 86NE-234"F;/VG7M †/R3 paratype of Anthracoidea nepalensis ! J%?

ARTICLE directly from dried herbarium samples were dusted onto Hosts and distribution: On members of CarexAulocystis: <= Carex digyna, C. haematostomaC. nakaoana and C. &= plectobasisC. hirtellaKE" E = # 0 PJ=2W// distance of ca6.J%? Observations: While the host of Cintractia disciformis is +!%J%? " K ?"@J X= >M#K \ P# belongs to the section Aulocystis, and the length of perigynia R/MVRCarex plectobasis RESULTS C. hirtella# !(!E!133 Anthracoidea disciformis + ? (= comb. \ @ 6772 Anthracoidea nov. nepalensisCarex hirtella ??Q//2Q6 The host of Anthracoidea nepalensis was reported as Carex !6 nakaoana, but this species is now considered synonymous Basionym: Cintractia disciformis + Myc. Fenn 6V with C. haematostomaE.//. 66/67G7 this smut is C. digyna listed in Chinese reports of A. nepalensis @6772OdigyneP&A. haematostomae is C. Synonyms: Cintractia disciformis+Ann. Bot. Soc. zool.- haematostoma.B.//W% bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 61V67GRX#FGV6 C. sempervirens in the list of hosts of A. nepalensisX Anthracoidea disciformis + T Bull. Soc. mycol. # France 9416VV67WQX#FGG2 'B./6.Carex sempervirens Anthracoidea nepalensisK9[inL9 <A. disciformis Malla, Crypt. Himal. 116.Q67QQ Anthracoidea haematostomae+@, Fungal Diversity 21: QG.//V DISCUSSION

Sorus # \ # The internal structure of the sori is one of the main 2 & .R differentiating characteristics between Anthracoidea and composed of agglutinated spores, powdery on the surface, CintractiaK67VG(.///M Spores small- <Cintractia \ = = disciformis P# # hyaline caps on the spores preclude a placement in Cintractia 6VRM6QRM67/ & Anthracoidea. ! 6GRM62/M6Q/3#/JN6WV//V&6RW/6.3 Cintractia are not known to occur on Carex,# n5R/‘#QRM6//M6./3 of the Cariceae (= 9 B .//W & structure of Anthracoidea nepalensis!. # as a synonym, is typical of Anthracoidea species in that the \ 6R 3 X # 6RM./ spores are formed on the outer surface of the achene, and not 3X M= +? character of the genus CintractiaK67VG( J%?/G3J%? .///&##Cintractia disciformis is a member of the genus Anthracoidea as indicated T67WQB./6. Specimens examined: China: Yunnan Province1 N' # The characteristics of the holotype of Cintractia disciformis .W// Carex haematostoma J 67GR C.W. Wang 70101 # OPMBP.//7/Anthracoidea haematostomaeM India: !6& Darma, Nipchang, on Carex plectobasis OC. hirtellaP G6F of specimens of Anthracoidea nepalensis"<1 6QQ2 J. F. Duthie P M Cintractia disciformis M #6RMG/ Nepal: Bagmati Zone1 + K†M+ # G7// 6RM.R = = m, on Carex haematostoma C. nakaoana G J 67QV Y. brown to reddish brown, globose, subglobose, rarely Ono 86NE-223"F;/V.QMAnthracoidea nepalensisX 6R/M6RRM #GQ//Carex haematostomaC. nakaoanaGJ 67RM./R & 6.RM62/M6Q/M67/ 3 \

40 IMA FUNGUS Cintractia disciformis reassessed ARTICLE

Fig. 1. Anthracoidea disciformisPMA.&B–C.%#\ #D–E.J+?##F–I.J \0!J–K.JJ%?0 >KL.[J%?1 FME5RNM>56/3K5R3+5G3

sides of spores rarely enclosed by a hyaline mucilaginous characteristics of spores of A. nepalensisK9[ # 6/M6RM./ 3 67QQ E .//. Cintractia & J%? disciformis

VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 41 == ARTICLE

Fig. 2. "Anthracoidea nepalensis"F;/V67A.&#B.% F#1MMM MM1F5./356/3

The morphology of Anthracoidea haematostomae was Anthracoidea F #B9(=B.//W F<A. lindebergiae, which is widely distributed the synonymy between this species and A. nepalensis, 0P although only the morphology of A. nepalensis was presented Whether these Anthracoidea species are closely related and P# ### features of the material of A. haematostomae studied are: 6WRM..&6RM./3X & # #6RM.R3 # #& J< #J%?@.//V <# Cintractia disciformis #N0FJ.//Q The morphology of Cintractia disciformis, Anthracoidea et al../6/Jet al../6."# nepalensis and A. haematostomae # the molecular studies should be accompanied by a critical the only differences concern the hyaline mucilaginous reassessment of as many historical names of fungal species & # as possible that can be linked to freshly collected specimens A. nepalensis, and the spores are somewhat larger and the + .//Q P et al. spore wall slightly thicker in A. haematostomae compared ./6/ to Cintractia disciformis P# # Anthracoidea K67VGN#6776(=9? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ./6/J#et al.E' species names are considered as synonymous and the oldest " P OPMBP "F; #Cintractia disciformis, is therefore taken up F  K ( T67WQ J%? N# + P ? J # 3 + MK ; @ J# N (F The disc-shaped, papillate spores of Anthracoidea & disciformis # # (?JP%. Anthracoidea## (/2@/67.Q & other Anthracoidea species infecting members of Carex Aulocystis # # viz A. REFERENCES altera, A. misandrae, A. sempervirentis, and A. stenocarpae "Anthracoidea species N0PM??L./6/E # = < A. #N0F bistaminatae @ .//V A. lindebergiae B 6772 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 871 77M A. mulenkoi (= .//V A. pygmaea @ .//. A. 6/Q royleanae @ .//V A. setschwanensis @ .//W EF.//.& A. smithii B .//W A. xizangensis @ .//R & J all of which infect Kobresia " Mycotaxon 831.W7M.QV

42 IMA FUNGUS Cintractia disciformis reassessed

N# E? 6776 @ Anthracoidea Ustilaginales (= ? ? L ./6/ & J=% ARTICLE M# Poland are home to two rare Anthracoidea Acta Fitologija 411R6MV/ Mycologica 4516WRM6Q2 @;B./66Ustilaginales of IndiaNN1J (= ? B K .//W Cintractia bulbostylidicola # ?(J Ustilaginomycotina 0 F Nova Hedwigia 85: @+6772AnthracoideaEUstilaginales 6QWM672 Mycosystema 71Q7M6/2 ( ? .///& Cintractia Ustilaginales, @+.//.&Ustilaginomycetes and a species Nova Hedwigia 701.Q7MGW. EMycotaxon 82162WM6R/ J# K@ + ? (= ? P B(0# % @+.//R&AnthracoideaUstilaginales Anthracoidea caricis-meadii 0 F EMycotaxon 9412WMR/ fungus on CarexPaniceaeMycologia @+.//VJ<AnthracoideaUstilaginales J# N[ 67R.F Cintractia on Carex, EFungal Diversity 211Q6M7. Kobresia, and Scirpus 0F Canadian Journal of @+.//WAnthracoidea setschwanensis#Ustilaginales Botany 30126/M2GR and a new record of AnthracoideaEMycotaxon 99: J KF .//Q " N0F ? ..WM.G/ JPersoonia 2116V.M6VV PKNF=%KE+./6/?1 JE+JKFPJ;BJ>++#' Mycotaxon 11412G7M2R6 EF E L ! E ./6. 0 K ? [ 67QQ & "&J# Ustilaginales 0 "1 Cryptogams of the Himalayas. N0F Fungi Proceedings of the National B 6 The Kathmandu Valley ? L J ? 1 Academy of Sciences, USA 1091V.26MV.2V 6.WM6G.&10J? BK6772European Smut FungiJ1@!B K " 67VG &< Anthracoidea B K .//W J " J Polish Ustilaginales Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Botanical Studies 2616M.VR Fennicae ‘Vanamo’ 34G16M6.. B K .//W &< Ustilaginomycetes M .W + + 6727 &< F M " Sydowia 3: Mycotaxon 9916MW/ 6.GM6G2 B K ./6. Smut Fungi of the World. J ( ?01F + >" 67GR  # M (J( Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae TE67WQ+Anthracoidea des CarexM ‘Vanamo’ 6616M6Q Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 94: + >" 67G7 Mycotheca fennica. Die Etiketten 0 G/6MV// 6/7M.V/ P T@+67RG&UstilaginalesPennsylvania State +;.//Q&<1< College School of Agriculture Department of Botany Contribution FN0F#4 1761<¨6M26/ Archives des Sciences 61.1WRMQQ (=?.//VAnthracoidea mulenkoi Ustilaginomycetes ( Nova Hedwigia 83: 6/7M66V

VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 43