IMA FUNGUS · VOLUME 3 · NO 1: 39–43 16/RR7Q3./6./G/6/R The identity of Cintractia disciformis: [ ! ARTICLE southern Asian smut parasitic on Carex sect. Aulocystis ?(= N?LJ"(FJ+2V(+=G6=R6.K(X =1Z Abstract: The identity of a neglected smut fungus, Cintractia disciformis, described from Carex hirtella in the Key words: LP"&<Cintractia[ Anthracoidea species of Anthracoidea&A. nepalensis on Carex nakaoana in Nepal, and A. haematostomae on Carex Carex haematostoma in China, are similar morphologically and considered to be later heterotypic synonyms of Cintractia Cintractia disciformis&Anthracoidea disciformis# Historical Collections # J! &< Article info: J16V?./6.XF1.7?./6.X(1.6>./6. INTRODUCTION F P ? # Anthracoidea nepalensis The smut fungus Cintractia disciformis was originally described on Carex nakaoana0K9[67QQ [ Carex hirtella Aulocystis Anthracoidea haematostomae on Carex haematostoma 0 L P " Cintractia E @ .//V & disciformis[# [ B 9 (= B .//W + ' 6 > 67GR B G6 N ./66 + 67GR F + ./6. & < 67G7 # + & Cintractia disciformis and ascertain whether it is distinct has only occasionally been reported in the literature, for [ Anthracoidea nepalensis A. [ ? J haematostomae " K Carex haematostoma + 6727T67RG T 67WQ ( ./// B .//W ./6. MATERIALS AND METHODS @./66+6727T67WQ KCintractia disciformis J [ # P"F;OPMBP1& T67RG@./66 < +? ( ./// B .//W ./6. " J%? AnthracoideaT67WQ +? “Anthracoidea disciformis + TP # ! +? any indication of the basionym or any reference to the place mounted in lactic acid, heated to boiling point and cooled, and ##"E0 <0%Q/ FGG2 +? 0 NJ=!6 B ./6. < Cintractia !0"J= disciformis in H, and concluded that it was an Anthracoidea %;G/J P# J# to that genus as he noted that the host Carex was not C. 67R.16=M6GM.6M.G&7M6WM./3X hirtella " K BO P 1&KBOPUstilaginales Two smuts with similar phenotypic characteristics BP@==J%RN=W./WV on related hosts in Carex Aulocystis in the same &@ © 2012 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: [ Non-commercial: No derivative works: For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/legalcode. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 39 == .=M6RM.RM.W&6/M.63XG= 67QV Y. Ono 86NE-214 "F; /V67 Anthracoidea M6QMGG&6GM.Q3M nepalensisX K # GQ// Carex haematostoma # C. nakaoana2J67QVY. Ono 86NE-234"F;/VG7M /R3 paratype of Anthracoidea nepalensis ! J%? ARTICLE directly from dried herbarium samples were dusted onto Hosts and distribution: On members of CarexAulocystis: <= Carex digyna, C. haematostomaC. nakaoana and C. &= plectobasisC. hirtellaKE" E = # 0 PJ=2W// distance of ca6.J%? Observations: While the host of Cintractia disciformis is +!%J%? " K ?"@J X= >M#K \ [ P# [ belongs to the section Aulocystis, and the length of perigynia R/MVR[Carex plectobasis RESULTS C. hirtella# !(!E!133 Anthracoidea disciformis + ? (= comb. \ @ 6772 Anthracoidea nov. nepalensisCarex hirtella ??Q//2Q6 The host of Anthracoidea nepalensis was reported as Carex !6 nakaoana, but this species is now considered synonymous Basionym: Cintractia disciformis + Myc. Fenn 6V with C. haematostomaE.//. 66/67G7 this smut is C. digyna listed in Chinese reports of A. nepalensis @6772OdigyneP&A. haematostomae is C. Synonyms: Cintractia disciformis+Ann. Bot. Soc. zool.- haematostoma.B.//W% bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” 61V67GRX#FGV6 C. sempervirens in the list of hosts of A. nepalensisX Anthracoidea disciformis + T Bull. Soc. mycol. # France 9416VV67WQX#FGG2 'B./6.Carex sempervirens Anthracoidea nepalensisK9[inL9 <A. disciformis Malla, Crypt. Himal. 116.Q67QQ Anthracoidea haematostomae+@, Fungal Diversity 21: QG.//V DISCUSSION Sorus # \ # The internal structure of the sori is one of the main 2 & .R differentiating characteristics between Anthracoidea and composed of agglutinated spores, powdery on the surface, CintractiaK67VG(.///M Spores small- <Cintractia \ = = disciformis P# # hyaline caps on the spores preclude a placement in Cintractia 6VRM6QRM67/ & [ Anthracoidea. ! 6GRM62/M6Q/3#/JN6WV//V&6RW/6.3 Cintractia are not known to occur on Carex,# n5R/#QRM6//M6./3 of the Cariceae (= 9 B .//W & structure of Anthracoidea nepalensis!. # as a synonym, is typical of Anthracoidea species in that the \ 6R 3 X # 6RM./ spores are formed on the outer surface of the achene, and not 3X[ M= +?[[ character of the genus CintractiaK67VG( J%?/G3J%? .///&##Cintractia disciformis is a member of the genus Anthracoidea as indicated T67WQB./6. Specimens examined: China: Yunnan Province1 N' # The characteristics of the holotype of Cintractia disciformis .W// Carex haematostoma J 67GR C.W. Wang 70101 # OPMBP.//7/Anthracoidea haematostomaeM India: !6& Darma, Nipchang, on Carex plectobasis OC. hirtellaP G6F of specimens of Anthracoidea nepalensis"<1 6QQ2 J. F. Duthie P M Cintractia disciformis M #6RMG/ Nepal: Bagmati Zone1 + KM+ # G7// 6RM.R = = m, on Carex haematostoma C. nakaoana G J 67QV Y. brown to reddish brown, globose, subglobose, rarely Ono 86NE-223"F;/V.QMAnthracoidea nepalensisX 6R/M6RRM #GQ//Carex haematostomaC. nakaoanaGJ 67RM./R & 6.RM62/M6Q/M67/ 3 \ 40 IMA FUNGUS Cintractia disciformis reassessed ARTICLE Fig. 1. Anthracoidea disciformisPMA.&B–C.%#\ #D–E.J+?[##F–I.J \0!J–K.JJ%?0 >KL.[J%?1 FME5RNM>56/3K5R3+5G3 sides of spores rarely enclosed by a hyaline mucilaginous characteristics of spores of A. nepalensisK9[ # 6/M6RM./ 3 67QQ E .//. Cintractia [ [ [ & J%? disciformis VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 41 == ARTICLE Fig. 2. "Anthracoidea nepalensis"F;/V67A.&#B.% F#1MMM MM1F5./356/3 The morphology of Anthracoidea haematostomae was Anthracoidea F #B9(=B.//W F<A. lindebergiae, which is widely distributed the synonymy between this species and A. nepalensis, 0P although only the morphology of A. nepalensis was presented Whether these Anthracoidea species are closely related and P# ### features of the material of A. haematostomae studied are: 6WRM..&6RM./3X & # #6RM.R3[ # [[#& J< #J%?@.//V <# Cintractia disciformis #N0FJ.//Q The morphology of Cintractia disciformis, Anthracoidea et al../6/Jet al../6."# nepalensis and A. haematostomae # the molecular studies should be accompanied by a critical the only differences concern the hyaline mucilaginous reassessment of as many historical names of fungal species & # as possible that can be linked to freshly collected specimens A. nepalensis, and the spores are somewhat larger and the + .//Q P et al. spore wall slightly thicker in A. haematostomae compared ./6/ to Cintractia disciformis P# # Anthracoidea K67VGN#6776(=9? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ./6/J#et al.E' species names are considered as synonymous and the oldest " P OPMBP "F; #Cintractia disciformis, is therefore taken up F K ( T67WQ J%? N# + P ? J # 3 + MK ; @ J# N (F The disc-shaped, papillate spores of Anthracoidea & disciformis # # (?JP%. Anthracoidea## (/2@/67.Q & other Anthracoidea species infecting members of Carex Aulocystis # # viz A. REFERENCES altera, A. misandrae, A. sempervirentis, and A. stenocarpae "Anthracoidea species N0PM??L./6/E # = < A. #N0F[ bistaminatae @ .//V A. lindebergiae B 6772 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 871 77M A. mulenkoi (= .//V A. pygmaea @ .//. A. 6/Q royleanae @ .//V A. setschwanensis @ .//W EF.//.&Ustilaginomycetes A. smithii B .//W A. xizangensis @ .//R & J all of which infect Kobresia " Mycotaxon 831.W7M.QV 42 IMA FUNGUS Cintractia disciformis reassessed N# E? 6776 @ Anthracoidea Ustilaginales (= ? ? L ./6/ & J=% ARTICLE M# Poland are home to two rare Anthracoidea Acta Fitologija 411R6MV/ Mycologica 4516WRM6Q2 @;B./66Ustilaginales of IndiaNN1J (= ? B K .//W Cintractia bulbostylidicola # ?(J Ustilaginomycotina 0 F Nova Hedwigia 85: @+6772AnthracoideaEUstilaginales 6QWM672 Mycosystema 71Q7M6/2 ( ? .///& Cintractia Ustilaginales, @+.//.&Ustilaginomycetes and a species BasidiomycotaNova Hedwigia 701.Q7MGW. EMycotaxon 82162WM6R/ J# K@ + ? (= ? P B(0# % @+.//R&AnthracoideaUstilaginales Anthracoidea caricis-meadii 0 F EMycotaxon 9412WMR/ fungus on CarexPaniceaeMycologia @+.//VJ<AnthracoideaUstilaginales J# N[ 67R.F Cintractia on Carex, EFungal Diversity 211Q6M7. Kobresia, and Scirpus 0F Canadian Journal of @+.//WAnthracoidea setschwanensis#Ustilaginales Botany 30126/M2GR and a new record of AnthracoideaEMycotaxon 99: J KF .//Q " N0F ? ..WM.G/ JPersoonia 2116V.M6VV PKNF=%KE+./6/?1 JE+JKFPJ;BJ>++#' Mycotaxon 11412G7M2R6 EF E L ! E ./6. 0 K ? [ 67QQ & "&J# Ustilaginales 0 "1 Cryptogams of the Himalayas. N0F Fungi Proceedings of the National B 6 The Kathmandu Valley ? L J ? 1 Academy of Sciences, USA 1091V.26MV.2V 6.WM6G.&10J? BK6772European Smut FungiJ1@!B K " 67VG &< Anthracoidea B K .//W J " J Polish Ustilaginales Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Botanical Studies 2616M.VR Fennicae ‘Vanamo’ 34G16M6.. B K .//W &< Ustilaginomycetes M .W + + 6727 &< F M " Sydowia 3: Mycotaxon 9916MW/ 6.GM6G2 B K ./6. Smut Fungi of the World. J ( ?01F + >" 67GR # M (J( Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae TE67WQ+Anthracoidea des CarexM ‘Vanamo’ 6616M6Q Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 94: + >" 67G7 Mycotheca fennica. Die Etiketten 0 G/6MV// 6/7M.V/ P T@+67RG&UstilaginalesPennsylvania State +;.//Q&<1< College School of Agriculture Department of Botany Contribution FN0F#4 1761<¨6M26/ Archives des Sciences 61.1WRMQQ (=?.//VAnthracoidea mulenkoi Ustilaginomycetes ( Nova Hedwigia 83: 6/7M66V VOLUME 3 · NO. 1 43.
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