?/' /7s- /#-/ ?y - '/;i r 4. *x ' &" rr- . /Jfs> < TO THE IMPEEIAL CHARTISTS. honest with Ms constituents, he will be re-elected, If dishonest, the sooner he is diummed out rf society to My dfjlb FBioros,—-It is all-important at the tune of " the rogue's march" tha bolter.. this , tenif a per- critical juncture that we shoald take stock of our Payment of Members of Parliament is just son devote his services for tho good of the community, it concern, It requires so small share of resolution 13 only reasonablethat he should receive bin rapport frora to go on year after year in the agitation of a canse" it, thus ihe represented and the representative will which apparently presents no new feature of posi- be placed upon mutual terms, .by enabling the peopl* to support their teprescntative without ! suhjectinz ti?e progression. A party, and €«peeiaUy a demo- Tpearoij him to the temptation of receiving: the ¦ cratic party, straggling for power, is easily put ont ' ; - ' ; ¦- '' : ¦ - ' : ¦ ' gol& - . v: : " - -:\;-; ;r .: .: ; , ; .;¦ -;- v . - . . • . . of coneeiiwith their best exertions'; becauseits pxo- No Property Qualification is necestary, to enabl« grass can only be indirectly tested, while the power __ AND LEEDS CTNIIR^ Apf| people to choose men of ability from every rank la E|teEi> iniegriSjv ^1 Whom of the weakest and the meanest party in office c&n society—men of Donesty and sterling it is can for we are that show its influence by direct and palpablefmeans. the'r^ople confide ; satisfied not . T0I. the number of acrea a man possesses,' ' nor the depth of Our* is the under-current of agitation. In . . Y. ISO. 228. SATURDAY, MAECH 26, : hia puree, that congtftutes the proper qualities for a W^- : ¦ ; : ;v^ ; ¦ ¦:: ¦ - ' ¦' ' • ¦ ; - ' ¦" •¦ ' :; ; ¦' - fikct, we are the body; faction is but the legislator. ;¦ . ; , ¦:-. . , . . ; - ; -; :" ; . . night-mare which presses Working men ! you ha Equal' Electoral mean that each Member upon us. But let re, thank God, learned ABEBGAVEN!TS\—Mr. Edwards, of New- SALPORD.—Mr. CamBbel^ secretary of.-'the Ex- MANCHESTER.—On Sunday evening last, the Districts us take stock of the last twelve months how to estimate truth, and virtue among your own port ecutive, delivered ail interesting and soul-stirring Chartisb's Room, Redfem-sb-eet, was crowded. Mr. shall be retnraed by an equal number of voters, and not , lectured in the Chartist Association Room, tbafc Harwich, with a population of 4,29?j shall as at and see whether sr no, although divested of order ; and now I proceed to charge Air. Joseph Frogmore-street, on Wednesday and Thursday even- lecture here on Suuday evening, to a numerous aud John Murry, a Radical of fifty years etanding, and one respectable of the League victims at the Hall of Science; was called present return an equal number of members with Maa- all direct influence, we bare indirectly and Sturge with insincerity in recommending ings, the 16th and 17th instant. Mr. Davis, of audiance. In the course of his address, r success- a peace/al he gave an interesting account of hi3 late tour through to the chair, who on pfesehting himself commanded the Chester, with a population ef l85 ,022, and rnany other fully beaten the united enemy in agitation for the Charter. Tredegar, also spoko on the principles. These meet- ' the varions shapes ings have given general satisfaction and the cause the coantry, and the prosparous condition of Char- sympathy of the whole meeting. After a few pointed equally nnjoat inequalities. None can object to this they hare presented , who have any notions of justice whatever. in which themselves. Now, then, my dear friends, all of you who respect goes bravely on. ti3m in tho metropolis and other places which he had zamat-ks, he introduced Mr. Q. Connor to address tbe Firstly, then; within the twelve months we have your own order and visited. At the conclusion of his lecture, Beyeral assembly, "who did so in his usual spirited: manner for Fellew working men, we have here briefly explained the poor person's morality and HAWXCBL-On Saturday last, an intimation by persons the principles of the Pdople'a Chaiter ; we opnsideB successfully triumphed over internal treason, word, hear this. bell was given of a lecture by were enrolled. On Monday evening, the upwards of half an hour. The Chairman next intro- Some time ago, a deputation of Mr. Davies the same Chartists met in their rooms, Great George-stret t, duced Mr. D. Boss, the gentleman who about two years them to be imperishable and as eternal as truth itself; although that treason was backed by previous female Chartists of Birmingham evening, when, although the notice had be«n bat very for the purpose aince held a discussion -with Mr. J. Leach, therefore we call upon you to inyeatlgalie them. We waited upen Mr. J. partially circulated, of discussing Mr. Sturge's declarsb- on the Sub- ^ character and long imprisonment. We have beaten Sturije, upon some political a very goodly company con- tion for a full and fair representation of the people. ject of the Corn Xaws, and who left the League in - con- offer the, right hand of fellowship to ail men; and will question. Among Other vened ; and by tbeir hearty -pladdits, as also their the " new more." subjects, the Charter Several persons addressed the meeting, and ' they iseqaence; He is a cl«ver speaker and a ; valuable and unite with them ; bat all union must be on principle, , and the people's meansof acqui- terms of congratulation , evinced the highest satis- ' and not on expediency ; it must be based upon the) Secondly ; we conquered one of the most deep ring it oume to a. unanimous conolusion, that there could usfcfal advocate of Teetotalism. He made a --.ppwerful; , were discussed. Miss Grove, as high-minded faction. During the evening intelligence was given not ba a full eloquent, argumentative, and convincing speech in important: resolution agreed to by us, namely, that aa $ and dastardly plots ever hatched 3 of preaching lor the following notwith- , fair, and free representation of tha by our pretended honourable and highly-accomplished a young lady as day, which, people without the whole details of the People's favour of the principles of the Charter, and was received union with any party mnat be1 for the whole Charter, friends, and which was first standing being extremely cuid, and hazy weather, * : made manifestunder the breathes, was the organ of the deputation, and she is Charter.- : . ' withi loud applause,. and gained universal admirction. unmixed with any other question. We seriously ex- auspices of the memorable Fox xsd was well attended. Th» Scripture provision for the Since he held the discussion with Mr. Leach, he felt hort you to form your respective trades into the National Goose Club at my authority for what I now state. After Mr. equality of human [.nature was tie subject of the 3RIGHTON.—At a meeting on Wednesday even- Leeds, and which, if successful . ing, in last convinced that nothing short of the Charter would prove Chatter Association ; an Association that Is usingevery , was to have Joseph Sturge had heard the deputation, he said : discourse. . week, Btroiig resolutions, in reference to constitutional ineatis to carry into law the People a remedy for existing evils. His exertions and abi- ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' 's " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - the Maiiohester ;- ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ •- ¦ - .: ¦ .;¦ ¦ ¦ : : adopted all over the outrage, were adopted by the Char- : . - - ./ -:¦ , been country. Place, Hume " The people of this Charter. . . country never can effect the re- A Generai Meeting of tae Association took place tists of Brighton, and the meetin/; expressed its con- lities he pledged should for the future be devoted to the and the disappointed " new movers," were the con- guired change, EXCEPT BY THE SWORD, on the 21st instaut, when a request for a few friends tinued and progress of tho Charter. Mr. Ross is a teacher of elocu- . ..let the trades ceme out in the Majesty of their and .unabated confidence in Feargus . O'Con- strength, and unite * eoctors cf plot the Beeond. WHES THET ABE HREPABED FOB 7HAT to confer wi'Ji the "new move" gentry and middle nor, Leach, Campbell tion, an excellent poet, a consistent, Btraigit-forward, with tte rest of the workijigl , MY ARM , and bthera, who there, in classes,- and: march forth from conquering to conquer, The hnaiainty-mjmKerB, who affected so deep » IS AT THEIB SERT1CE." class upon the Sturge Declaration was discussed at defian ce of hired iuffianB, fearlessly advocated the honest man; and will prove a powerful auxiliary to the cause in Manchester and district. until every man can look upon his fellow and say—wa sympathy for-the jj lack slave, was the next move. considerable length, but declined, on the ground of People's Charter. , Now then, need I say another word than merely no concession of any points of the Charter. The plan : Brown-stbeet.—There was b numerous attendance are free. Let there be no more apathy j thsre is no That was got up under the auspices of the des- to ask the AUU3-RTON— At the weekly meeting on time to be lost ; be up and doing; bring the devouring working people to consider and reflect of organisation next came under notice, and was Monday, resolutions highly disapproving the coarse here on Sunday evening. Mr. CK Hargravcs was called ponding about-to-go-out-Whigs, and at the head of upon the inflammatory ^ referred to the consideration and arrangement of the to the chair. Mr. Griffin delivered a lecture on the monster—-class-legislation--to the ground; Let youe speeches of the diseomfitted of Messrs. Philp aud Vincent wero adopted ; and every effo rt be put in inotioa ; convene your shops an<| iV was placed the imperious name of the Great Repealers, and then reflect upon Mr. Joseph Committee, to be reported on at a future meeting thanks enthusiastically voted to O'Connor and the principles cf the Chatter, for which ho received tae ngs convened for the purpose. trades' ^ meeti ; elect your councila; apply to the Prince Albert. The "good men of Norwich nipped Sturge's ph Some other particulars b«aja piiattists of' Manchester. unanimous thanks of the meetiDg. General Sscretary ot the Executive for your cards of ysical f orce declaration j and then connected with the subject were mooted, but refen$d this flower of humanity in the bud. ask themselves if this commencement is not pre- in like manner. A resolution of » permapeatAsul)- NiOSBT»aiWtPTOW.—A meeting ot members 6TBAND-STRBE1.—Mr. Ifc Little lectuKd here on membership. L«t all your- objeeta ba ealoa, based on Then came the foreign-poHcy gentlemen, backed liminary of the Ladies' iioot and Shoe Makers Trades Union, Sanciay evening, to a numeroua and attentive audience, principle, guided by discretion, and supported by firm- to the tcisriob HB*stJBES of the Com- scription of one penny per month passed all but ness. Avoid 8ecreey of every by A poKitm of the press, a wealthy and spleneUc plete Huhbuggebs unanimously. The Chartists of Hawick have done was hold in this tswn on Sunday, evening to consider and received a vot9 of thanks for bis labours. v kind. Lei all your. for a repeal of the Corn Laws, tho propriety of gaining the National Petition. A actions • be open. Rally round tho standard of tha committee, and some of the old ConTention. That but not as professed for the Chabteb themselves great credit by a warm-heartsd perse- On Saturday EvKNiNO laBt, the committee elected , and in which verance in the one course of honourable principle. deputation attended from tho Chartist's meeting at Charter. Never rest satisfied until you are placed in also we annihilated. the Ghartists were by the sixty-four delegates representiDg the trades and the position of freemen; and thus secure to yourselves to have the post of danger, while With little public taleat, or assistance of that kind , the house of Mr. Jones, Horse Market. The follow- political associations of Manchester, met at the Hop Then came the Emigration scheme, which also the Repealers were to occupy the post they have nevertheless rented a capacious room ing resolution was .unanimously adopted.—" That the fruits of your own industry, as the means. - to maka of profit, and , in Pole Inn, to draw up an address to the traces and tto yoursslves, your wives, and your children, comfortable faded"before the storm of an indignant we, the Ladies' Shoe Makers now assembled in the ' ' '" ¦ '¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ people, who the Jury box ? which thsy havo long bfcen anxious to establish ' public generally. Messrs. Cartledge, Campbell, and ;-; ¦;¦ ' ¦ : ' ¦ - '" ' ' "¦ ' •' ¦ : ¦ town Northampton seeing ' ' - aiuL tia ppy / . . • . : . : : ...... ; - were resolTed,if emigration was necessary, that the preaching, lecturing, and a school ; but for want of oft , the . necessity of our TillmBn present ; Messrs, Standfield and Hutehinson I wish you, above all things, to read my series of labour bjeing protected as well as the produce of it, We remain, drones, and sot the bees, should swarm, and leave some competent person to undertake the enterprise, absent ; aud the following address was agreed to. It letters, and especially the second, they have only been able hitherto to secure occa- and seeing the inefficiency of Trades* Unions to ac- Youw in tbe cause of freedom, the hive and the honey which they had not made. in Cleave's half- is hoped that the Editors of the T~indicator % Chartist On behalf of the Sixty-four Delegates, penny Chartist Circular. I call upon sional help, at considerable expense. Gladly avail- complish this desirable object , so long as labour is Cicvlar, and Commonweallhsman will copj* it from Then came the Government you to BUpport not represented in the Commons House of Parliament, Johjj Campbell. \ measure of a fixed your Executive, ing themselves of Mr. Davies's visit, they resolve, the Star. duty on corn, and the which body, as a whole, has done if possible, to prolong his stay ; and hope the neigh- which cannot be until the Peopled Charter be made William TiLLJUN. VPresent. oat-door agitation to back it. more good service to the cause TQe a ddress of Ihe sixty-foui- delegates representing the James Cartledge. Over thas also ire triumphed. of democracy than bouring localities will invite him to lecture, and pro- the law of the land : we do now therefore toagree to J any body ever jet effected for its party. View their join the the National Charter Association^ assist trades and political assoclatio?is of Manchester , Jas. H. Stansfield. )- .. i vide accordingly. Hop Pole Inn, ¦ ^ Then c&mo the dissolution which involved the life measures as a whole ; and when you in carrying out that desirable object," assembled in Manchester, at the ALEXANDER HUTCUINSON; I dissent from ABERDEEN.—On Monday nignt last,the Charter ' March the Ufa , 1843. . or death of Whiggery. Had Whiggery triumphed, any one of them, argue and remonstrate Union met, Mr. Archibald M'Donald in the chair ; BONCASTER.—Oa Tuesday w« had a splen- Chartism must have perished. It had received after much discussion, it was agreed to appoint did lecture iroin Mr. West, the East and North Fellow working men,—We conceive it to be car with them. They are essentially and truly a de- Ridinglecturer, in the Town Hall, -which the Mayor duty to address you on the course to be pursued in this SALFORD.—W« r$CGivad, on Friday evening, ** some hearty blows and great discouragements" at putation to wait on the parsons, in order to ascertain . last 1 representatives of the people; bnt when yon find kindly continues to let us have tho use of, and at- time of awful distress, wretchedness,. arid want, so week, after the paper was printed, a notice of Mr. ihe bloody hands of our " NATURAL FRIENDS/ their Opinions pn the subject of the Charter, and patiently endured by the working classes of this country. any one presuming to act for himself, without refer- also to give tb>m a copy of Mr. Whittell's Letter tends generally himself, so that he may bo his own Mitchell's lecture the preceding Sunday evening, and Tie insulted people, alive to the indignuy which judge as to! whether we deEerve'i the use of it or If ever there was a timo when coming events cast forth of the resolutions of thanks to Dr. Hully, for bis ence to principle or public opinion, , ' * * ' ' ' ¦ " ' ' then your judg- to the Clergy ihe election of the members to serve ¦ - - - • ¦ ' " ¦¦ - ¦ ...... -. ¦ . ¦ . the shadows of mighty convulsions in society, it is now. they had experienced from a Reform Government, ment will lead you to a sound conclusion ; and we all on the council for the next six months was proceeded not. ; . , . . ./ . humane attention to the wounded sufferers, and of their jnade one of the boldest and most glorious with EEDMINSTER.—This locality ia in a very pro- See the great number of our tradesmen and artizana determination to support O'Connor. strug- rely upon you that in such case condemnation and , and the following individuals chosen :—vie., compelled to. expatriate themseltes from, their land in gles ever yet attempted, Nottingham leading the 14 Messrs. A. Henry, J. Wilson, J. Ferguson, J. Wad- mising condition , and bids fair for success; HONIrEY.—At a meeting of the Chartists of this No Surrender" will be jour motto. dels The iradeB are coming out and search of those necessaries and ctimforts which are way, and the whole nation following, showing , J. Trout, J. Robb, J. Orant, George Neol, enrolling them- denied to theni at borne, haying to break up their con- places Mr. Edward Haigh, fancy-weaver, Honley, wak - Having, therefore, my beloved brother Andrew Fiddes, George Strachan, James M'Pher- selves at every meeting. The following reso- elected sub-Secretary, to pompouspower that non-elective influence was an Chartists, nectioiis in family relations, companions, friends, and in the place of Mr. Wood, who beaten the whole enemy sectionally, can we fear to son, chairman ; and William Largue,Secretary. The lution¦ wero adopted at the weekly meeting :—: had resided. AH communications to be addressed to over-match for elective usurpation. We annihilated 1 st. " That this meeting has heard with feelings of neighbours, with all-endearing ties that make life desir- meet them unitedly ? to charge their meeting then separated. \ able'I/carrying- all our imprpyements in machinery, aTts, Edward Haigh, Oldfield -buildings. Whiggery ! and the poor ignorant blockheads had masked battery, the greatest indignation of the j'erocious and rent their forlorn hope LONDON.—On Sunday evening last, the Eastern and sciences, with all the advantages to derived from HALIFA2S — A delegate meeting of this district the madness to suppose thai a restoration of the , pull down the standard of Division of Chartist bootmakers, met as usual in cowardly attack on Feargus O'Connor, Esq.j and deception, and hoist in its friends, by the paid assassins of the anti-Corn them to other countries, thus making our prospects Wfts hoiden at Ri&onden on Sunday, at which delegates Tories to power would have been stead the flag of truth and their large room, at the Star Coffee House, Golden- Law even worse than our present sufferings. Witness ths were present from the following places, namely, the Eignal for a jastice—the People League at Manchester, and call on all Chartists in Halifax, junction between the old 's Chabtek I lane. The meeting was addressed by Mr. M*Frede- continual reductions the trademen and artisans have Riponden, Sowerby, Lower Warley, Luddenden, Oven-' oppressors and the oppres- rick and every locality to attecd all ineetiDgs where that gen- Chartists, Onward and we Conquer. No Surren- Mr. 31'Carthy; an anti-PhHp resolution been subjected to, and the consequent misery and want den, and Slixenden, Mr. W. Robinson in the chair ; sed, under the cry of " keep the Tories out, our natu- was passed. tleman is present, and defend him from injury, even yain n der ! No quarter to open foes or difguised to tho haz-ii-ii of their lives." 2ad. " That the thanks they have to endure in their attempta to "withstand after the business of the; meeting was gone through, ral enemies ; but great w&3 their wonder and disap- friends. Walworth.—The members of the Walworth the grasping hand of avarice, urged on by grinding com- the folipwing resolutions were unanimously adopted:— of this meeting, are duo, and are hereby, given, to the In trying pointment when they discovered that we bad learned I am, yonr ever devoted Friend. locality met. as usual, in their rooms, the Ship and Editor oi tho Star, for his able exposures of thevillany petition Supported by monBtrous monopoly. •' That the thanka of this meeting fee given to FeargUB io diyide society into two classes—the KICH OFPE.es- Blue Coat Boy, Walworfch-road. Mr. Pedley gave t;? withstand toe unjuat aggressions of capitalists on O'Connor, Esq . the Rev. Mr. Scholefield, and the Man- Fkae gus O'C osn ob. of tUo mill-owners, and call on all GiiartistB to be sos Ass ike poob oppressed . Every means was us a report of the Surrey council, and Mr. Balls lec- cautious in joining the '.Leaguers ", , the1 righte; of labour, the Trades Unions have ex- chester Chartists generally, for their manly, unflinching P.S. Brighton, Tuesday. tured on the . , as ill may be found pended endless sums of their hard-earned money, and conduct in the Hall of Science, Mancheater, in defence used in" order to establish a union of expediency. —I address the people wrongs of the peopl«. Mr. M'Grath wheu too late, that the dealers in " Devil's Dust" here to-night ; we have a Chartist was announced to lecfure on Monday evening next, in general have had to bow be fore the worshippers of of the principles of the People's Charter, and to Mr. The Repeal of the Corn Laws; the total repsju,; candidate in the wish to raise up their swindling edifioe, on tho ruins " " March 28th, at eight o'clock. of the People' Mammon : as a proof cf this, the cotton spinners cf O'Connor in particular, for hia noble resolve to deliver field here and we wUl support him. F. O'C. s Charier." 3rd." That this locality , ,000 ; i * cheap bread, high wages, and plenty to do"' was Tower Hamlets.—On Monday evening Dr. do agree to contribute its portion of the expence in- Manchester lost in the strike in 1810 £224 n hiB lecture in defiance of the brutal, bloodthirsty fel- revised in a new and improved form. Conference after M'Douall addressed the Boot 1826, j£200,000 ; and since, upwards of £170,000 ; and Iowa of the League; and all the deluded tools that dared and Shoemakers' curred by the Central Committee, in procuring sig- what is the position of these men now ? Alasl the glory of to oppose him. yjadge confereEce, meeting after meeting, backed l)j thou- Ct>ari tet 3tntetti *en& Chaitist Association and public meeting of the trade, natures to the National Petition. " " That we ourselves io agitate at the Crown and Auch»r, Cheshire-s.reet, Water- spinning is departed, spmner8 are fastsinhing to thelevel for the Charter, and for the Charter only, not allow- sandsof pounds lavished upon hired and profligate ' BESSTOH, nsak Nottingham.—A very strongly of the «nce happy,but how wretched handloom-weaver. ing deduction or addition, and lock upon any Chartist loo-town. The Doctor's able and instructive lecture wordea resolution in roprobation of the conduct:of declaim£i3, were one and all met by- the high- G LASGOW. —The "New Hoyk" is Bbidgeto* occupied an hour and hair, aud was followed by a Is npt each trade hastening to the same level of misery ? leaders signing any •¦document/ or taking, part in any , —A meeting of the electors, Messrs. Vincent and Philp, at the Bath Conference, Yes ; and if efficient steps are not taken to prevent it political agitation that has not for its object the at- minded, insulted starving millions, under their own who had signed Sturge's resolution, declaring that trades' union B, without was adopted here at their lai t weekly meeting. penny-paid leaders; and victory crowned our united declaration, and those favourable to Complete Suf- the franchise, were inBufiirient for the protection of very shortly, there will be only very rleb. and very tainment of the Six Points of the People's Charter, as ' frage., called by Messrs. Rogers and Johnston, was wa»es. A number of Ihe trade were enrolled. X>*. RBT.—At a very n»merous raeetirig held in poor in this country. Such being the state of society enemies to the cause of freedom , and justly entitled to exertions! their room, oh Monday, the 13th, the Chartists of to wliich 7/e are fa&t haBtemng, it behoves every man held on Wednesday, at three o'clock, p.m., in the met the censure of the Cfaartist body." The enemy then found it expedient public school, Bailey Rankin Tower Hamlets —Tho Female Chartu^ as Derby adopted a very strongly-worded resolution, to step forward aad assist in arresting the career of to try indirect ii the chair. The usual at Mr. Newlcy's; five shillings were voted for BltBTOW.—Mr. StalYwood lectured hero on Wed- influence for no oAer meeting was addressed by Messrs. Rogers aud John- in reprobation of the Manchiester attempted assas- class legislation, which has blighted the happiness of yrcsk. AsBociation Room of Stafford- purpose than dkectiy to for the benefit of the Manchester victims, aud thanks it' .ia this gigantic monster nesday The largo sten, the Revds. Messrs. Edwards and Jeffrey ; also sination of O'Connor ; and voted additional bonfi- toll ; for we contend that - street wai completely wedgec'. Mrs. Laogston, the advance their own object ot extending foreign trade, Conncilloi Cross to and confidence in Feargus O'Connor were unani denca in that gentleman. Our correspondent com- that has reduced the people of England, Scetland, , ThomaB Davidson, and Mr. Smith, mously voted. -Mary Wplstencialt of iBiistpTi, =waa called to the cbaii, as they term it, and of restoring the rascally Whigs secretary to ths Glasgow branch, and in a strain nlaias that this xris riot noticod in our last. The Wales, and Ir eland to the degraded position in vrhicli style that proved s Clas3 legislation has produced and opeiied the meeting in a he* to power. Thay paraded the eld figure in mas- clearly demonstrating they hare no fixed idea of Lambeth.—Tha members of tho Surrey County sun pie reason was, we d id nttt get it. they or© now placed. worthy pupil of the l»tenoraft scnool an( that did Council h&A-e resolved to get np a grand festival on tho Corn Laws , the New Poor Law , the centralising " W9 > * qctrade dress. They thought we should not know wb.it is meant by A full, fair, antf free representation. BAHNSTAPLE.—At the public meeting on Mon^ honour to her head afii heart. Xlr. Stallwood 'dea- Mr. Lettster was for Household Suffrage; Mr. Thos. MoLday, April 4th , at the Mon-p-lier Tavern, Wal- day, thanks to and confidence in O'Connor, were Police Laws, and thousands of other laws that disgrace Chartists—-raised our diity old friend in a clean shirt; so they attired from tho England. Clasa legislation has pro- troyed the hopes of the enemiea of the Davidson was (orjaiain^^fiastandard twenty- worth, to consist of tea, conaet-W-^KKUaaH-t pro- miauiraously vpted. , the stntrite books cf to a high pitch the enthusiasm of his hearers—and ihe monster in democratic robes : Sut ' oiufer' all ceeds to defray the expanses of the great demonstra- ' duced £800,000,000 of national debt; keeps up a stand- one jears to twenty-five years. Various resolutions DAVJB'NTRY.—Tho Daventry members of the concluded- an hour and a /half s. speech, amid en- ; ¦;- .. ..; from the city, were held op. Mr. J. .Rogers was ject— Education. Its moral and political tendency. Charter ensued, and tho lecturer declared himself a Wej thertfore, call upon yeu to lay aside prejudice and Calmly to examine the People's BATH.-^Mr. Bartlettlectured at the Chartist Room, Next came the recognition of all the principles of then • appointed secretary—to what they did Hot Opened by Mr. Ball. Ail members are invited to Chartist. . . and passion, Charter, the only measure that con secure tha people on Sunday evening laat, on the present aspect of the Charter, whh the proviso, that the END, a know—& name to their new association could not be attend. HANLEY, Potteries.—At a public meeting held found in the vocabulary of democracy. At last it froin ruin, And save tbis nation from becoming a wreck. National affairs. He had a respectable audience. A Repeal of ife Corn Lairs,should precede the MEANS Dsxjrt-Lane.—Chartist Masons.—At the weekly on Slonday, in the market-place cf Hanley, strong links that will secure labour from the lecture will be given in tae same place on Sunday These are the ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ' ' w.as agreed they should call it " The Budgeton Poli- " ¦ " " ¦ ' ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' meeting on Monday; al ter the transaction of local resolutions on tbe subject of the Manchester butchery evening. > - :' ¦ :¦ . ¦ ¦ - ¦ —the Charter. Over these, one and all, the people aggression of capital :—Universal Sufirajre, Vote by . .; . . . . ; . . / :. ; . tical Union." So much for what ia to crush " Tory business, Mr. Spurr delivered an impressive lecture wero pa/ised. : have triompbed! and now behold we are threatened Chartism." It is to be regretted, such men as Cross Ballot, Annuil Parliaments, No Property Qualification KACFORD.—The members of this Asociation on trades' unions. GAIVIEORN, Cornwall.—The cause progresses for Membera of Parliameiit, Payment of Members, and continue ,to meet regularly every Menday evoning> at with a junction of ail the routed forces under the and the Rev. Mr. Jeffrey should ally themselves TVitn The Chartist Ladies Shoemakers, Haber- ¦w most delusive form in which treachery has been as such mockery. el l here ; the lectures of Mr. Powell have been pro- Electoral Districts ; and that we may understand each eight o'clock,, at the house of Mr. John Bell, the White dashers' Arms, Mi lion-street, adopted unani- ductive of much good in Cornwall. His coufrdntery other clearly, we will explain the separate pointa in thia Swan, of High-street, where it is requested all A Meeting of the Directors cf the Lanarkshire mously the Nottingham resolutions in reference to yet siiempted. Tie Stnrge move is to include the of Mr. Paaltonr the Corn Law lecturer, and exposing remedy for the national disease, hoping that the medi- members and friends wiil attend next Monday evening, Whigs generally—the Auwoodites, the Corn Law Chartist Association was held last Monday evening, Messrs. H. Vincent and Philp, at their weekly tbe fallacies, has opened many eyes. , in the Hall, cine may soon be administered to the people. as business of considerable¦ importance ia to ¦be¦ ¦ tran- College Open, Mr. Crawford in the meeting. ¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦¦ - ; - '¦ Repealers, the Christian Chartist?, the ** new movers," YEOVIIi.—At a meeting on Monday, called for the Universal Suffrage , as defined in the People's Charter, sacted. . .- . '. " ' - . . / - -: - . ' . " ' . . . . -. . • ' • " ;•.' . chair. This being the annual election of directors, Cahberwell and Walwobth.—The Chartists of is, that every man twenty-one yeara of age, of and, above all, the waitere upon that "new move," and the sub-committees for the various districts, an Canibenveli and Walworth are adopting a plan pnrposo of considering the . propriety : of sending a XiON G BXJCKBY.—On Monday* the 14th Inst., delegate to the proposed Sturgita conference at Bir- sane mind, uncouvicted of felony, bribery, or Mr. Mason delivered a lecture at this place to a nume- some of whom were among us and professed entire objection was taken to some on the Bridgeton Jist, which if carried out generally, will add greatly to personification at elections shall y«te for the viz. Rogers and Johnston, at a former meeting, on our numbers as well as to our funds, and thereby mingham i eloquent sgeeches were made by the Rev. rons and respectable audience, on jkhe evils cf class loyally to our principles, but with less courage than Mr. Solly, Messrs. Hooper, Tucker, and others, and returns of members , of parliament ; this we tice " iv©n cf a public meeting 6a the grounds that they had joiDed the movcm-xi!, for enable us better to support tlie Executive. We pro- , legislaUon.-^-Ne was:g the originators, thinking it more prudent to remain the following resolution was adopted:— •« That we conceive to be the eight of every man and that his Easter Menday, the 28th inst., to be held In the Market " Complete Suffrage ," consequently "weie m,i eligi- pose giving district lectures every week, to explain person ia his title deed to it, for we ask how can jus- and undermine, lhan boldly to meet ns. These ble to. act on any Cnartiss Committee. On ths the principles contained in the People's Chartsr, and return our sincere thanks to Feargus O'Connor, Esq., Square, Long Buokby, to disseminate the principles hangers-on upon Chartism I loot; upon with inex- motion' -of Mr. Con Murray, supported by Messrs. and otlwr j«ading Chartista, for their unceasiiig exer- tice he done to a man, so long as another has the making of the Charter. The Rey. Mr. Burdett, of Lang Buckby, to furm new localities wh';re the principles of demo- working classes of this of laws that affect his liberty and life without bis being pressible disgust and contempt. They stink in every AncOtt, Moir, Colquhoua, and others, a^aiiioC an cracy may be more widely uiffute5 ; we commenced tiona for tbe rights of tho Jlr. Mason, of Newcastle, and other gentlemen, will •¦ empire : that we will not unite with any party haying consulted in the matter. address the meeting. To commtnee at three': . 'o'clock man's nestrils! ' They watched their opportunity, amendment by Mr. Chisbolm, Thai the matter be last Wednesday evening, at the Hop Pole, Neat St., That there is nothinz unreasonable or unjust in our ¦ referred to the first sessional meetiDg of the Associa- gave for their object any thing short of the Six Points of we in the aftemooD.. •"' Albany 's Road. Mr. R. Ridley a lecture on the Charter, •which we consider the only effectual demand^ boldly affirm , and we defy the most but had not brains to see their own weakness. They tion ;*' it was carried, by a large majority, teat tha the six points t>f tba People's Ciiarter, to a numerous BISHOP AUCEXeAND.—Mr. John Powlton gave political market. remedy for tho -' 'prevailing distress; but that where sophistical advocates for things as they are, to shew the have over estimated their value in the names of the two. gentlemen, Rogers and Johnston, audience 01 working men , explaining to the mceiing injustice of our position, ¦¦ an excellent lecture on Monday evening; in the Associa- be erased from the Calton sub-committee The two workir- constituencies that measure is made the primary object, we will cor- audieDce.—- They are, at best, but scabby sheep, and will but infect the ii of the present contracted , dially join •with all classes of our countrymen in Ithas been urged by the lovers of precedent, that wo tion Room, South Church, to a spirited gentlemen, and their friends, then withdrew, ic and ciuariy demonstrated to ail present * the necessity, Several new members were enrolled.—Mr; Powlton will the flock with which they axe henceforth to herd . ameliorating the condition '.of our fellow creatures.'' a never had Universal Suffrage in thiB country—a poor having been previously arranged by Rogers and his of the-peon 'o to come forward nob]?, ' and ' manfully. , lecture again.V'.at the same place; qa Monday evening:, They go not like shepherds, but like shepherds' dog?, resolution of thanks to, and confidence in, the Editor oV/jection indeed, but what says Rapin on this subject 1 friends, that in the event of tne two, him ^nd John- to demand the Charter to become thi law of the land , whose authority must be impartial, he being aforeigner, March 28th, at seven o'clock. withcnS their tails, to the new and richer posture ston beiLg rejected , the whole committee thould and save this once happy couuiry ft cm ruin, which of the Northern Star, was also passed, and the meeting ult be the if separated. . . atx l as that authority is founded on ancient reeords, it KXRHilliDY.—On Tuesday evening the loth, a of belter-payiag agiration. No sophistry shall save; retire, bitterly against the feeling.-> of some oi oan^t imately case thf> present system bn must be decisive. He Bays :— second public meeting was hfeld in Union Chapel, to nodoqusnee shall avail ; no pretext shall cloak these -them ; let those good men act with deci- allowed to exist. Ac the conclusion of the lecture ECC&KS.—A meeting vros held here on Monday consequence of the vote of , to hear a locture from Mr. T. Clark, take into consideration the above ail contemptible rascals. sion, aa the general board have done, and the mis- an article from the Nonconformist waH read to the niRbt of Stock- " After the union of the seven kingdoms (HeptaTcby) the Houso of Commons'i on Mr. VLlicrs's motion, for a taken views of Mr. Rogers, &c, tviJl soon be cor- meeting, in which she treatment Mr. O'Connor re- port, which he delivered in tx pithy, humourous, and when tfie exerciseof the legislative poustr in the person of . ¦ The new move of Stu&ge's is called " Complete repeal of the present Corn Laws. The meeting• was rccied ; the people of Glasgow are determined to ceived at Manchester, by the hired ruffians in the eloquent manner, so as to leave a (ioap impression on every individual became impracticable, by reason of hoar, the Suffrage/' ^ ' Complete Hujibcg." This called for seven o'clock, and precisely at that I call it " mees all mock moves and cro.chets on the threshold; pay 0! tie Anti-Corn Law League, was applauded bis numerous au came to POLMONT, yers employed, and the advantage taken LocJtart moved Joseph Sturge's document the adop- principles. The Provost bav:ug granted the use of National Ch-i-.v.r Astv'ciaxion.1' Newcaatle-upon-Tyne held their weekly business meet- by the factions overany man that does display sufficient tion of tba meeting, seconded by Bailie Dbbie, when confidence with tho tracing part of tho community, ihe commodious Town Hail, by sumniou of bell up- , on Monday independence to think and act for himse f. Another air. Robert Ramsay rose and. said, that -while he was John Go il-ii-.g and Philip Salmon, delegateafor the ing in their Hal J , Goat Inn, Clotb:Market ry . and lie is the depository of all their spare capital, for warus of two hundred gathered, male and femaia, City oi Lou^ov. evening, Mr. Snii^ti in the chair ; the Secreta read good that the Ballot will tend to produce, is the willing to test the minds of the electors upon the Suf- which he pay3 five per cent, and with which he and in a very creditable manner li>tencri with ap- Paizv r and Edward Ttale, St. Pancras. the minutes of last meeting. The auditors appointed peaceful, quiet, and orderly mode of managing frage, he would caution the Working classes, and more ;o an exhibition cf carries on his trade. Now, Mr. Joseph Sturge has parent and cheering inttrett CharJ es M'Carf'iy and Edward Langwith, East to examine the treasurer'a books reported progress, elections, and that ia itself will be no little good ; for especially bis Charti«t friends, to beware lest they be " alarming national dis-.roS3, its cau&es, and the - under tee system that has; long been practised at con- doped front their present position. Did the present a perfect right to do all this; but then he must be End Shcemaker?. which was -highly eatitfactory. Mr.. Sinclair then remedy," by Mr. J. Davies, of Birmingham. We Luke King, East End Ladies' Shoemaker?. moved, and Mr. Bcbifield seconded,." T^hat this associa- tested elections, Bucn noise, tarmoil, and riot, have state of the country admit «f protraction when it waa well aware that the Charter would completely ruin hope our friend Stew an and compatriots will visit J. S. Heath a::a Taoasas Wheeler, Kensington and tion issue an address to the ChartistB of Northumber- hitherto been produced, aa to cause the utmost disgust on the very brink of a precipice ? Ia thisa time, he his only trade—that in foreign grain—inasmuch as the coast, keeping alive, and extending the love of Chelsea. land, and requesting each locality respectfully to come in the minds of all decent and orderly persons. The would ask, to be diverted by this or th*t Suflrage the enactment of the People's Charter would make liberty, by bringing out, and recommending, the Genge Humtiliroys, S jmers Town. forward -witii their contributiona to the Convention Ballot; 'with the Suffrage, will enable every tpan to vbte question ? No; speculation had now passed away, and , organisation, &c, and make ihe best ot' the people of this empire wholly and entirely inde- petition Piiilip Mariin , Fi-t-bury. FuHd." Messrs. Stephens, Binns, Smith, and Sinclair according to his conscience, withon t fear as to cods*- the time had come when we must be up and doing. Tha local instrumentality by uniiy of action, tien hurrah queucoa. The Ballot will remove the temptation to middle classes h&ve a variety of sufirages ; but the pendent of —— Aylin^j Limchouse. were appointed to draw out this adddress. Mr. Cock- the whole world for food of any kind ! for the Charter ! William Drake, Tower Hamlets. burn moved, and Mr. Johnstone seconded, " That a bribe another for factious purposes, end thus remove the workiDg classes bad no sufTragebut one, and that was Has not Mr. Sturge then a direct interest in Btigma from the sons of poverty—that they will vote embodied in the People's Charter. If the Charter U ASHXEXtS.—The Chartists of this place, John Shepherd , Joh n Whitesides, —— Cuffay, and deputation of three be now appointed to attend t&e opposing GAXt , West End Tailors. weekly meeting of the "Western Charter Associa- any way for a sovereign and al»lly-full of drink. Bat UDjost, Chartists are prepared to give it up; but unless the Charter, and a direct and great interest resolving to stem the tide of difficulties, welcomed Bartlelt next in preserving the most not James M'Gregor aad William Smith, West End tion of Newcastle, for tbe purpose of opening a friendly we re»iat tho Ballot without the Suffrage, as being you we prepared to show that it is uDJost we will never trade in foreign corn! and the visit of Mr. Davies, and invited the inhabitants worse than useless, for it would be dangerous in the abandon it The middle classes should bis move be of lecture upon Chaitism, and to Shoemakers. correspondence for the general advancement of bur adopt the Char- looked upon as an indirect mode to hear from him a William Wiikias, Tower Hamlets' Shoemakers. commen cause in this district" Messrs. Cockbnrn, handa of those who pretend to have the franchise in ter ; he therefore, moved as an amendment, that the repealing the Corn Laws, and nothing more ? He consider the propriety of leorganizs^ioii. The trust tor the unenfranchised. - , . Charter be adopted in preference of the Saimon Inn was crammed with Francis Southee, Westminster. Cross, and Johnstone were appointed unanimously. A to tha previous reso- nerer took any, the slightest in extending the spacious Hall FerguFon , Tcetoiallers. lengthy discussion then enraod respecting the formation Annual Parliaments will hot require much notice, lution ; which beingseconded , wasput to the vote,and part, attentive and delighted auditors, who apprared of Alexander Eunrage, nor yet of relieving the present franchise Kobert Willmore, Weavers. of a debating society, •when it was altimatei; decided particularly as it is undoubted that it was the prac- carried almost unanimously. A vote of thanks was one determination for old Chartism, with its one tice in by-gone days, even In thia country ; there- then givfcn t« the Chairman for his impartial of its Taxations and cumbrous machinery before now, admitting no new variation. They en- James Thorn, Globe Fields. that such as were friendly to the society being formed conduct, old fare, John Simpson and John Purcell, Walworth and should meet on Wednesday evening to make the neces- fore the adyocatea of precedenta will riot have who shortly returned thanks to the meetiniE. The and ye£ we find him, the greatest of all Corn Law thusiastically complimented the lecturer for the preliminary artangements. Several donations were a ¦word to say against it; but aa parties are talk- Union Chapelrtho fmional and argumentative exposition of the Camber wrli. sary place where the meetiMps«p4Mi4. rtpcalerj, who has been foremost in thit move ; we most initructed to write to Mr. received for tht Convention Fund. Mr. Daivey contri- ing about Triennial Parliaments, and short Parlia- is capable-of ceutaiiung 1,100, and waajHpaAHSwB principles, provisions, and securities of Chartiiiu, Tho Secretary was then of door, find him of all men, recommending an entire silence to which they ht.d ever Philp, enclosing the above resolution, and likewise buted sixpence to tho ¦wounded at Manchester. The ments, we ask these partiea to ahew us the iDJustice many having to go away, not bfBtij&Seggk its position, and policy, Petition Sheets are pouring in from all directions. this nieasure, and to say if one yeat ia not long enough admittance. Tha Provost, as c upon his, own question, and as hasty an adoption of listened, and, with renewed energy, proceeded to ihe to send a copy of it to Mr. Campbell, General haiima^J^B«rile6Vg$; Northumberland will exceed¦ ail former petitions by to keep a bad servant ? We like the old adage, "short Ef:erward8 refused to akn the mem6:U%nwTOnor transaction of oiher buBineES ' ' ' ' "' ¦ ¦ ' • " ' ¦ '¦ ' ' ' ours, in which he never before took part. Now, I business of the evening in an ani- &Lcretary. Alce-r tbe ' '" ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ •' - ¦ - ' " ' " other part of the . • . .. :¦ , ^ far. : / reckonings make long friends. " If a representative be middlcclasa Blncerityr .^P lPf ft ask, i3 this, or is i: not," Complete Humbug 1" mated and unanimous manner. ihe metticg adiouriicd. ¦ -^a^- ;^;. " ' - ' : - ' : 2 ______^ the /N^ ft/T' ^-A : . ; ;/^; - ^^ ¦ ¦ ' : V: :¦: - PARR'S LIFE PILLS.¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦L: -: . - ¦ ¦ -: - ¦ - - ¦ - ' ¦¦ • of the mEAi^ : /. v . . / ;- ? " . . > :. ;- ¦ • - • - - Tp-XfrfTck ,:o: ; . meeting wiBh that I should \ . ARTISTS OF LONDON. WORKS. , . -j-r^ : ., . : C^arttjSt 5hxUTli£$tite whether it was their /i^^<<^ ^. VALUABLE -jj return to a&dresa them again on Easter Monday, assur- How#DTO][y amazing Cares performed by this Medioina ing them fr cuJN(JJ!i«.T ana axuu will be helo at tne the dew-drop that hapgs on each flower—- THS^ that I did not wish to impose »y services, J3L Political Institute, 55, Old Bailey, on Easter Tho gems -in the ocean, the buds on each bower, are truly astonishing. Instances are occurriB* BELFAST. —Our meetings m this placa are coc- unless it was their desire ; and I believe every indivi- But these beauties daily of persona who were alrnost at death's dow dual Wednesday, Mahch 80th, at Eight o'Clock in the of nature are lost on the eye, JusTpublished, price 2s. 12«no. bound in cloth, Bnued -weekly, and, considering tha determined oppo- present hailed the proposition with delight Evening. 'Neatlithechill of a cold and a wintry sky. being restored to sound and vigorous health. Thj sition -widen -we receive, oar principles are making rapid Three cheers were then given for the Chief of the TjUFTEEN LESSONS ON THE y^ALOGY following are selected from hundreds of a simil»i Tickets Threepence each, to be had of the Com-: There AN, progress. Some individuate are joining onx society Police ; three cheers for the people's rights ; and the ¦ 's a smile in the eye of fond beauty and youth, J? AND SYNTAX OF THE ENGLISH^ L nature. Forwarded by Mr. Mottersheadi ChemUt dispersed. mittee, and of G. Wyatt, Secretary. A telltale inspiring "' every week ; and thousands who stand apart from us meeting calmly and quietly with honor and truths GUAGE, f ox the use of adult persons who have Marketrplaw, MajioMrter;- v - are deeply interested in onr welfare,, and By inserting the above in your journal yon will con- But alas, how these charms are expos'd to decay ; neglected the study of Grammar. 44 ^ heartily By sickness and death To the Proprietorsit ofmy ParVe Life Pills. praying for the ultimate .and complete triumph, of our fer a benefit upon the advocates of liberty to all sects and Just Published, the 12th Edition Price ,4s. ma they are withered away. 11 ,to of Gentlemen^lieel duty?; for; .t^e good a measures over both Whig and Tory. The papers of parties, and would assuredly place under further obliga- and sen Free any part 't ia to health BY WILLIAM HILL. / Sealed Envelop^ t the ¦ then we turn for bur permanent plea- suffering mankind, to send you this true statement ' " ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' which profess tions. - -: ¦ - : : ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - Belfast to be liberal are banded . . -sure ,¦ . ' . ; - . . . , - . -:: . . - together : ,. .; . :;. \ . ; . : .;. ,[::, . United Kin^ofoni the pffice : The Lessons, in this Work; are intended solely of thtfastontehing effflcts which Parr's Life Pills hare to beat ns down—not by meeting our arguments, but by Tour most sincere friend in the cause of justice n receipt of a Post ¦ ^- ' ' Hugh Carlixe. Our spring-time extended, and bliss without measure, for the use of natives. They are divested; therefore prj^aMd^^^^mtf^^; Md/valsd nppn .-m^'iwife .'-an'd Tilifying our our motives and pouring their Tile vitupe- Order iTC Ss, And guided by wisdom our true, Polar Star, unneces- Myself and wife have both been rations against U3, because we P.S The Chief of the Police did come to the meeting ^ of all those hair's-breadth distinctions and daughter. strangers will not descend from These treasures are found in the Pills of Old Parr. sary subdivisions in Analogy, which, if at all uselui to good tealth for nearly twenty years, until the k-fcy position we now occupy, and unite with them and bring his men with him, who were stationed round // the silent f hiend , . ^ w« the multitude in readiness, providing any annoyance can only be useful to foreigners. The scienoe of accidentally heard tell of your Pills, which we have for a mere repeal of the Corn Laws. We contend for MEDICO WORE on the INFIRMITIES These invaluable Pills may be....had of most of the several':weeks, and their¦ the Charter, and nothing " should be given. of thj respectable medicine Grammar is disentangled, in this Work from the taken for effects upon us short of the Charter, and A GENERATiyE SYSTEM, in both vendors throughout the United folds of mysticism which have so long enshrouded it. have been almost miraculous, both now feeling young, hence these professed liberators of the people hold us sexes ; t cing an enquiry into tho concealed cause Kingdom in boxes at Is. l|d., 2s.V0dw, and family n " ' The absurd and unmeaning technicalities, whioh strong, and in health ; my daughter, also, has P to public view as the enemies of mankind, rebels 8TJBLXN.—Irish Universal Suffrage Asso- that costroys physical energy, and the ability oi paokets 11s. each. Full directions are round each equally beneficiaL against the Government, ci ation.—At tuc usual meeting on Sunday week box. Be careful to note pervade all other Works on Grammar, ate exchanged found them and disturbers of the peace , Mr. manhood, ere vigour .has established her empire :— the Government Stamp for terms which have a definite and precise mean- may refer any one to me who at all of society ; while the Tory papers use liafcer in the chair, the venerable chairman, (who with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLI- round the sides of each Box, upon which the words " You doubts U3 as tools in ing, illustrative of the things they represent. The the truths of this, and you may make any use you their hands to beat down the Whits, and in a sort of may be justly entitled the Nestor of Ckartism in Ire- TARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local "Parr's Life Pills'' aro in white letters on a red of this testimonial.—I ) Parts of Speech are arranged on an entirely new think proper remain, in¦ illusive gibing, represent the Chartists as being able to land, observed that it was with great delight he pre- and constitirtional WEAKNESS, N ERVOUS ground ; as these only are genuine. ' ' ¦ ' ' • ' ' ' " - ' ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ' - ¦ principle, founded on a Philosophical Consideration health,. -; :. Vv . : .: , -- - ,. ..; . . . . - ./_ _ , - -. convert the Com Liw repealers to embrace the doctrists sided over them on the present occasion. When all IRRITATION, CONSUMPTION, and on the and applicable to all '• obliged, grateful servant, contained in the People's Charter, -n-njeh the Tories looted gloom and difficulty, he and a few others had partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRO- of the Nature of Language, Your endea-rotired to keep alive th© embers of tr LEEDS^eftOtfGH: SESSIONS. Langnages. The hecessary Divisions and Subdivi- " James Lescherin, Very justly say, tile Chartists *' represent as containing ue liberty DUCTIYE POWERS ; with means of restoration : M Grore-place, - - more healing virlnes ifcan all the Whig-Radicils ever in their city, whieh had been neatly extinguished by the destructive effects of Gonorrhaea, , Stricture, sions are rationally accounted for ; arid the Princi- Ardwicfc, G.'cet NOJ^B-tChEREBY GIVEN, That tho next ples of Universal Grammar demonstrated, so fully " near Manchester." possessed, and better calculated to alleviate the dis- the venal breath of time-serving and place-hunting de- and Secondary Symptoms arc explained in a familiar Weneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the tresses of the mechanic and labourer than all the freo- magosrues. That smonldering lire had since been fanned Engrav- that the meanest capacity may understand them as ' Witness—Johi» Whitworth." manner ; the Work is Embellished with Borough Of Leeds; in the County of York; will be clearly as it understands make ¦ ¦ that two and two " May 18, 1841.? ' ¦ into a flam e at once bright, intense, and increasing, by ing " - - ¦ - ' " ¦ - ¦ ; ' trade nostrums that had ever jet been propounded." s, representing the deleterious influeuce of Mer- • • • ' - - ^j holden before Thomas FtowER : ELLis, the younger, four. - - . . .:¦ . . -., . . . . . - - 3iu3 it will be seen t^at re have to contend every inch the energies of their worthy, prudent, Mr. O'Higgins. cury on the skin and , Dy eruptions on the head , face* Enquire; Recorder of the said Borough, at the Court of advance we make against the united opposition both Many of those who had come to revile, to mock, and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes : House in Leeds, on Monday, the Eleventh day of In Syntax, the formation of the English Language Sir,—I am happy to add my evidence as to the of Whig and Tory ; for it is clear that the object of sneer, had their convictions reached, and understand-: followed by observations on tho Obligations of April next, at Two o'Cloek ia the Afternoon ; at is exclusively consulted, without any unnecessary efficacy of Parr's celebrated Pills, having been long the Tories in giving ns the preference to the Whigs is ings pierced by the arrows of truth in that room ; and, MARRIAGE, and healrhy perpetuity ; with direc- which time and place all Jurors, Constables, Police reference.-to"'other Languages. A - . majority- '.'of the ailing with a complication of disorders in the Head merely to show that the power of the Whigs is so however unpleasant and painful the friendly wound at tions for the removal of Physical arid Constitutional Officers , Prosecutors, Witnesses, Persons bound by numerous Rules given in most Grammars are shown Stomach, and Liver * and now, since taking two oi little that it is not able to stand t he resistance of the first , they had found that Chartism was the true poli- Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering to be little better than a heap of senseless Tautology. your boxes of Pills, I am qute restored to a perfect ^ Hecognizances, and others having business at the Chartists, and therefore the aristocrati c. Tory faction tical inoculation , which would prevent society from humanity as a '' SILENT FRIEND" to be con- eaid Sessions are required to attend. The necessary Rules are demonstrated upon rational state of health. You may make whatever use of have nothing to fear ; but the fac t .is they do fear us; suffering under the dangerous vims of faction, and sulted without exposure, and with assured confidence And Notice is HEiaKBY also given, Principles, and illustrated by a variety of Example. this you please, only I think the good effects ought that all public. : they feel the corruption in their o"»rn citadel, and rhey bearing on its countenance the foul stains and inden- of success. Appeals not previously disposed of v/ill be heard at By the Use of this Book and its accompanying to be made J>ehold their ranks thinning every day, and they por- tions of unreasoning partizanship. (Cheers.) He had " I am, Sir, yours, obliged, By R. and L. PERRY and Co., the opening of the Court on Tuesday, the Twelfth Exercises, any person may, in a few weeks, acquire , " ceive also that ours is constantly on the increase, and also to congratulate the meeting on having secured the day of April next, and not on the third day of the - -'. :- " Chas. Edwd. Hardern." a good knowledge of Grammar without any of the , April 30, 1841. all the bustle, confusion, and banter which they are at valuable services of Mr Dyotfe as their secretary— (hear, Consulting Surgeons, Leeds and Birmingham. Sessions as heretofore ; and that all proceediiogs disgusting drudgery, which, under the present Sys- " Oldham '^ present making just reminds us of the cheek hear, and cheers.) That gentleman was now well of con- Published by the Authors, and sold by Buckton, under the Highway Aot will be taken on the first tem, prevents nine out of ten from ever acquiring sumption in a uying patient, it often flushes and looks known to them, and equally well known to their day of the Sessions. a knowledge of Grammar at all. healthful for a moment; or it i&iather like the power- enemies—(hearj He did not merely confine himself to 50, Briggate, Leeds ; Strange, 21, Paternoster-row ; Sir,—Mrs. Sarah Stansfield , of Dale-street, Salford ful and convulsive pulsations of the heart, afler evury the routine business cf his office ; but when occasion Wilson, 18, Bishopgate-street ; Purkis, Comptbn- By Order, THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS OF says, after taking two 23. 9d. boxea of Parr's Lift street, Soho ; Jackson and Co., 130, NewBond-street , JAMES RICHARDSON, THE PRESS, Pillis, she ha3 icoeived more benefit frota their hb< symptom of life has left the extremities. The class-legis- dema-.ded , he feared not to enter the lists with the , Birmingham ; and lators have lost the confidence of the people, and heucs political Goliatha of the Corn Exchange. The Lord London : Guest, Steelhonse-laue Clerk ot'ihes Peaco for the said Borough. than from any medical advice or medicine she has by all Booksellers in Town and Country. Selected from a host of similar ones, may .convey been able to procure. She has been afflicted with theyrage and fame from thepress, their head quarters,and Mayor's clerk, and his " bead pacificator," had lately Leeds, 14th March, 1842. some idea of the public estimation in which this pom out their slant;er npon those who would ii strnct heard from him in n manner they would not readily Work is hdlden:-^ ¦ Sick Head-ache and Bilious Complaints for a period the pecpie in the way of legally makin? themselves tl.e forsive, or lightly forget—(hear , hear.} He need not of seven years, and has scarcely passed a day during THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM Satisfy the mind tefore you draw upon the supreme law-makers in our Commons' House of Pa.rI5^- enforce upon them the necessity of decorum and order ; j^&li^ i be the " Mr. Hill is evidently an original . He that time without pain, until taking the above Pills, pockef %jM^*$puwill neither dupe nor attacks, with ability and success is happy to say, she is quite recovering. ment. The Corn Law Repealers advertised for a public they had got a sounder political training than to inter- Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired , the existing system and now: , ' ; ' ¦ ¦ • ' • : " ' - " : ' - ' ¦ ¦ " "': ¦ ' ' ¦ ' "" meetics to be held in the town of Newto-wnards, in the rupt any gentleman, whether he differed from them or functions of life, and i3 exclusively directed to the victfretff professional quakery. of English Grammar, and points out the absurdi- . - . : ..(Signed>:.- .-/. - - . : - - .-} . : ... . . coumy Down, en the 21st ulr. This was the first meet- not—nor wonl>i they lend themselves to the disgraceful cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganiza- READER, if you wish to understand the natural ties with which it is encumbered. Justly condemn- " Sarah Stansfield. ting of the kind held in Ireland since. Sir K. Peel in- violence resorted to by their " non-physical" force as- tion of the Generative System, whether constitutional cause and cure of disease, read and study ing the too frequent practice of making pupils " April 17, 1841." ; ; sailants—ihear.j After the minutes had been reaa , debility arising commit portions of Grammar to memory , trodueed his sliding Ecale. I repaired to the placa of , or acquired loss of sexual power, and M'DOUALL'S MEDICAL TRACT, published as tasks l muster, and remained a spectator till their resolutions and several new members admitted , Mr. Dyott, in an from SypbiJtio.dis-.-ase ; and is calculated to- -afford by Cleave, 1, Shoe Lane, London. Price One he maintains that the only proper way to the me- ^ Stalybridge, April 13th, 1841. were read and a petition moved and read, -which was to eloquent and powerful appeal, drew their aitrEtion to decided relief to those who, by early indulgence in Penny. mory is through the understanding. . " . . It is w Sir,—My brother, William Carnson, No. 8, John- be presented to the House cf Commons by Sharman the late brutal proceedings of th3 deluded l.ish Re- solitary habits, have weakened the powers of their if you with to remove successfully and naturally but justice to him/ to say that, in a few pages, he street, Butcher-gate, Carlisle, was cured of. Gravel Crawford, Esq., -NLP., praying the GjTern!rer.t to tlot ptalers in Manchester, who are p::id blood-money by system, and fallen into a state of chronic debility, by the diseases there described, purchase gives a mor0 clear and comprehensive view of the ^y \ by taking two boxes of Parr's Life Pills j Bettj out un3 for ever from the Statute Book .cf Eaglan ' , all the Corn La Leaguers, to :t:tick and murder tho which the constitution is left in a deplorable state, M'Donall's Florida Medicines, prepared by P. M. structure of the English language than can be found Marey, of Stalybridge, has beencurad of a Head-acha taxes upon food. Before this was put to the meeting Caartitts. Three hundred of them, armed with iron crow- and that nervous mentality kept up which placed the M'Douall, and Sold Wholesalo and Retail, at 1, in somo very elaborate works,"^—Literary Gazette. of many years 'standing, by taking three boxes oi frein the chair, I ascended the pla.fjrci zvAreques:ed bars, hatchets, bludgeons, an d paving stones, in com- individual in a state of anxiety for tho rcmainder.oi' -Lo lace all app ' Shoe Lane, ndon * to which p lications Also, Price One Shilling, bound in Cloth, Parr's Life Pills; after spending many pounds with a hearing, Tu: the Chairman and "most of the platform pact and captained order, had fallen en a liense and life. Tho consequences arising from this dangerous for agency, &c;, must bo forwarded Taylor a man who fell into the canal -rd * ' doctors ; John , , gentryrefused to suffer me to speak , although they had unarmed cro , severely injured Mr. O'Connor, mu- practice are not confined to its pure physical result, N. B. Wholesale price most liberal ta all' A&ents; PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES, and afterwards broke out in blotches all over his been railing all day against intoleration. -and all mono- tilated the R..-V. Mr. ScbolefieU, and dreadfully injured but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited Retail price, per Box of 35 Pills, One Shilling, and body; the doctors could do nothing for him ; a per- poly. I numerous others of the seductivo error^ Selected from the best English Authors, and so insisted upon having a hearing, and a very Chartist party Hero was deviating mind into a fertile field of Tliree-halfpence for the Stamp. arranged as to accord with the Progressive Lessons son that had tried the Pills advised him to get some ; great bustle ensued ; the assembled multitude cried out physical force with a witness ! "Will that indescribable —into a gradual but total degradation cf manhood— in the foregoing Work he did, and ia .now perfectly restored, and many •' tear him, bear him!" I was, however, forced from nondescript , Tom St-eele, now denounce his brother into a pernicious application of those inherent rights , / ELJI&ftNf EASTEE PRESENT. others I do not remember. I am much better myseli the platform , acd compelled to tak - my srancl os a iwt pacificators for their bloody intentions and deeds ? Tfot whioh nature wisely instituted for the preservation /JSt&ond Edition, 2 vols. post 8ro.j 17s. BY WM. HILL. for taking Parr's Pills. I will inform you more fuUj of timber which was piled up on. the side of tha i°ige he, indeed .' What will Mr. O'Xiell Diunt say to this of her species ; bringing on premature deeripuudo , 1 TETTERS FROM ITALY, TO A YOUNGER Also, Price Sixpence, in a short time of more caies. yard where the meeting was held . The whole multi- attempt at massacre ? Not a word. Wiil Tom Arkins and all the habitudes of old age :—such a one carries " I remain, dear Sir, tude turned from the platform to heir what 1 glory in the fact tLat it was a cast clothes man who with him the form and aspectof other-men , but with- lJ SISTER. With Sketches of History, Litera- THE GRAMMATICAL TEXT BOOK f had got to ture and Art. By Catherine Taylor. , or the " Your obedient servant; say, and lefc the platform gentlemen to carry their headed the onslaught ? To be sura he will ! How out thy vigour and energy of that season which his use of Schools; in which the bare naked.principles ' ¦ intended petition to the lower House, without giving cunld a Repa i 'er do wrong, and tf what value early youth badf. him hope to attain. How many " The simplicity, disinctness, and earnestness of of Grammar, expressed as concisely as possible, are / ; "J. Carnson. their consent or dissect to the measure. I commenced were the lives of poor Chartists ? He concluded men cease to bs uteri , or at least, cease to enjoy man- , Miss Taylor's manner, the extent and accuracy of exhibited for the memory. "To Mr. Mottershead, Manchester." ste-s- her information, and the activity of her information, to the people the inefficiency cf a repeal cf the by sabmitting the following resolution to tha meeting:— hood at thirty ? How many at eighteen receive the Published by Cleave, 1, .Shoe-lane, Fleet-street Corn I^aws to satisfy the distress ot the ration. I read " That we, the members of tuis Association, have i mpres-ion of the seeds of Syphilitic disease itself? together with the mpral qualities indicated by her abstracts from heard with less of j-u-prise thxn indignation reflections, render the execution Of the work worthy London ; iiobson, Northern Star Office , Leeds ; SECOND LETTER FROM MR. OSBORNE. ths National Petition, and ».xp!si:;e , that .- r.ch medicine should be employed that is Sold by W, Stubbs, General Agent for Yorkshire, years, but, after using one box at 2s. 9d., is quite i and the whole people dcclare-.i it to be the b=»J measure by t!:d violence of our laisgui-i.J contrymen." Mr. Queon's Terraco, Roundhay Road, Leeds ; and Mr, SURGEON, &o. . . new being. The most remarkable part of his case ns most certain to uccessful. It is for th(?Sfl ca^c^ ' irhich bad evar bein proposed for the $joJ x.i tho com- O'Hj^i sr-cozik"'. ths resolution. After Mr. Dyotfs .Messrs. Perry and Co.. particularly designed their Walker, Bfiggate,. and Mr. Heaton, Briggate; Mr. is this—his finger and toe nails, which had becouu munity. I speech , he had oniy ta ask them if a few Englishmen 13, Trafal gar Street, Leeds. ' so diseased that they were quite unsightly, have bees entered ir.:o rarauzeniCLts that day vritli CORDIAL HALM OF SYRIACUM which is Badger, Sheffiel d ; Mr. Nichols, Wakefield ; Mr. at the people cf Ne-fftowiiaras to r^xxm to .t..2t t jtt.i on had attacked tLe svpealsra* idol thus in the C_>rn lis- Harrison, Barnsley ; Miss Wilson, Rotherham ; Thursday^ No. replaced by new arid perfect ones. This has been ;¦ intenJei! to relievu those persons, who, bya n immo- And every 4, George Street, SattLr L-7 list, the 5th vast., to ho.il - j -uMic meeting. chance, what would Lavo s..t'iSc.I his adherents ?—i:n- tienrce indulge nce oi' their pa?^ions , havo ruined Mr. Clayton;-. Doncaster ; Mr. Hartley, Halifax ; considered by many who have visited him as a curio^ End take with Eie pstitiiii sheets ij r:-ce:ve slgiiatarea nictation, ana notLinj ih >rt of it, ot their assailants. Had coijsiituiioiis or iu their way to th; consummu- Mr. Stead, Bradford ; Mr. Dowhirst, Huddersficld ; Opposite East Brook Ghap«l, Bradford , sity and wonder ; for my part, J have ceased to n; their their , ' to the JTatio-r: Petition. Reporters frciu \\& several ti Chartists ^ri'-^nin itklU, what 'tfeulilbavu bc- tion of that d-- plorablo s:nte, aro aiteci-td with' any Mr, Brown, Dewsbury ; Mr. Kidd ; Pontefract ; wonder at any cure effected by Old Parr. I con- papr? of Bclfav*. were at t^e atove meftics, andih-,- c-.anv <:-fthehar.I ful ofr.iii..lri:Cir^s? Butnnt\vithst-i!i.'.- symptoms that betray its approach , Mr. Bee, Tadcaster ; Mr. Wilkinson, Aberford ; HAVING devoted his studies for many, years ex- tinue to enjoy the best of health aud spirits, and aa in^ the ;- of -those previous , . ; ; Vindicator, wLii prefixes ' t-j be thi cost liberal , iy!r.^c;:u>ii!ii-.s -f ti: enemies, the followers .id affections of the "iiervi"i.-3 system, Mr. Mountain, Sherburn ; >Irv Richardson, Selby ; clusively to the various diseases of the genera- yours very respectfully, - .f Mr. O'Cr.r.-jr as the virio' ' rcilei against rzb in a paragraph < f pe; f^ct Mb?l , but > Trt-r= b-tt-i- ijs.'- tnictcd and more rea- ir::. l ef.t5 , excesses, irregularity, oh .-trniji ' ;>!iti Mr, Walker,.-Otley - .; >lr. Collah, East Witton ; Mr. tive and nervous system, in the removal of those JOHN OsBORNEi : soiiabl e ol> ^ ' to g from a secret indulgence after K'Ssidsrairje exL-niocs on ray p-^rt an 1 the part of th-L:i th-lr ignorant c^u vicious traducers. oi cQii-j iri evacaaiions, weakness, total iinputency, Langdale, Knaresbro' and Harrogate ; Mr. Har- distressing debilities arising " Late of her Majesty's 52nd Regiment of Foot, my friends The rrs- .lution vra : carri'-'l by acclamation. Mr. in a delusive and destructive habit, and to the suc- together wita the fear of a -prosecution fur barr-.'iiiK'i-- , titc. rison, Ripon ; Mr. Bowmen, Iiichmond ; Mr. Graa- discharged inourable by the Regimental libel, the "E ditor Tul-lish'.d a letUr- of mi^e last Wed- O'Cotihell ;n.<: Din; uia'.le :t very sensible and fluosr h\, Bawtry ; Mr. Taskei*; Skipton ; Mr. Sinclair, cessful treatment of '. -: ' Doctors." :¦$ As jj othins can be better adapted to htr avi d nesday week. contr.v.^eiing the fV.ss satenii.i'.ts con- speech; he sii;!, a working -m:«u , hd Lai tha btat so mere is .-iiig more Wetherby ; Mr. Rushworth, Mytholmroyd. nrtp.city uourifii iho cc-asiuutiou, noc' VENERE AL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES, " Hinckley, July 27^ 1841. taine-i in Ksjournal of that day w-^-k . I vr-nt to X=t- opp cf oWrvnig ti.-e- currt-.'it of the common j^euoj '.U- ac-.iiuH'iedga-i to be peculiarl y -.. ificaeious townards, on las* acccr._:-i;j tcoplr'a tb 'UghZi , ani hi- CL,n .d !iKsert, from experience - Mr. Burgess, Bookseller, Hinckley, will answer S-i'uraay, to appolntmeEi- ' '.; " i'lai gcptioi " Continues to bo consulted from nine in tho morning ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' hi a inward- WaStings , loss of uppaueor , , CAUTION TO LADIES. inquiries. ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ -. ¦ . ' ; I US.-. a stranger und alone, .:v. l its authorities caai- n.ad ubltrvat^ n, tt at tha people wtra now prc-di>- - tr< uibir.:^ ,- aul. i of tho till ten af night, and on Sundays till two,—and . - - - tiepr -iis i oii of spiriis, it', hiiK-d to prevent m?. fi. .-ni holding a public metting. but postd to u2l... = vhfc Cli-rter. It was like tho te:*. - i;:i;ui -j e r 2'i. ;j s, ob.vti: ;af<.; coughi;, bh!)ii;:' :> - .-i' brt.'U'.h, rp H E^-f^ROPRIETORS OF KBARSLEY'S country' patients requiring his assistance,,by making ANOTHER ACCOUNT FROM THE CITY OF LINCOLN. I pei5- -i 1 '' pt-r^rcj i!i->Tcu:-r.t, t' tty 1- ': ' .7CTt. , and i : c. iia.c; of ". • opt>ositir:ii. 1 uiu . Aeii rD;> ".v • habsis. It poi.ses.~eo -.v .;!.dci'.iui 1 ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE only one personal visit, will receive such.advice and the Proprietors of Parr's Life Pills. hold it-2 rr.vrtic?. ar.-i tiiis tt^ ';e -irs picLn , btcause it di'l r.jt proceed from thtir im:n - - of "To t t public meeting ¦ -iiioacy in ail ea^es syphiliis , fits , liead-:'. - !!' 1, weak- PILLS, find it incumbent on them to caution the medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent ¦which L-is bern held in ths :vr.:j ' Aug. 27th, 1841. all irss, hvarinces and "lowncss" oi sciii-ib, ¦n dinos^ of purchasers of these Pills against ah imitation by a and effectual cure, when all other means have failed. cept cur ^-eeklj -mes tings which are a!=rays o^ca io . cu:iSdrii>:e took it up, it progressed with miraculous wcmiei-iug ' v ¦' ¦> mind , person of the name of Ssiitheus, and calling herself Tl, v.gh;, confv.std ihou/nit, <•: - ' In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure " GENXLEaEN ,—Were I to enumerate all the Cure After rjy re^nn: fT-m Newtownard?. I wrote ths fol- s.Dcjtu . '- lr;;h :> -tc-.i iuj:e fri .ni iuipulsa tliau reason. vap.iurs and melanchol y ; and ail k.n^s cr "" i:y.~t onc the Grand-.daUj'jhtor of the lato Widow Welch, but and Benefits obtuned'by taking this famous remedj lowing letter to r je Tht.y iv,r- Kivre vi-ir.ti'e than nflcciiv.- ; but n ., ' is completed in one week, or np charge made for ' Editor cf the Plr.diaJor, but hs readies c-juip!a " at~ aro grrJu-iiy moved L'y it:; u-'f. And who has no. -right, to the preparing of then) ', tho medicine after that period, and in those cases where (and are offered to me); it would require a book u Tffas:-d to give it iE=sr;ion in hi? coiumns, and I went Wds diS'usc-il , thinkint; wuu)d 1-:ar.ne gfii . ra ";; r.r.d Original Recipn . having been sold to the late G. ¦when evon where the cii-easc of Stmulity appears to have other practititioners have iailed, a perseverance in large as a Church Bible to write them in ! : Noti to the cfice r.nd requested r:y manuscript to be re- iiit-y wouia tl.ink, he hr.d Eufficient r iiancu on -ii fir^L-si hold oi' the iV'iuaie constiiulion , tho Keausley , of Flcot-strvct, whoso widow found it day passes but some one comes to acknowledge tla the '¦•ise'3?« of 11:3 cyuntry tak-. iho of his plan , without restraint in diet, or hindrance rnrst-i ?TC-m lbs Sla cf his dead letters. I hereby k .'ii en to b^'iv-vs thr.tth'.y suiwM.-u' toi.ic nualili^ l Coruiai-Balui. Syri- necessary to make the fpll.oivi-iig affidavit , for the from business, will ensure to the patient a perma- blessings of a cure—some one being made free-n see d it tj joi ja-rt ai I ssnt it to him,"and request would think justly anJ n !..j.t as true the prisciv.-cs °' ^ protection of her property, in tho ybair 1798 :— ¦ :;;i!i) wiii warm ::-nd purif y ;ho blood and j iiots, nent and radical cure. . . . ' .' .¦ . " ¦ their limbs from pain and rheumatism, some cured of its infertior. After ;hi5 the public will see how the which jave ev^ry r>.:an tl:e ba-tLright of frce'.., ¦!-.— revive the u- ¦ ;> inci'euto tho aiiinial spirits, uivigorato and AFFIDAVIT. sick head-ache of long standing, some from violent Ia btnls si this place ticat as :— i-ff ra After a^rx-iul oiher txc-:L ohicrratiens whole animal machine, and reiueve the usual impr.Ji It frequently happens that in moments of thought- bilious attacks, others cured of the ague, of swelled frtr.u s.-Ttral rnc-.nb-r.-:, the Chairman received the- First.—That she is in possession of the Recipe for lessness a person imbibes a disease where suspicion To ihe Editor of tin J~ir,dicaior. . mLiit io mater:my. . I legs, and sore legs, for curing the palpitation of .tha usual vote *f tba: ks, ar.:l ths meeting adjourned till making WelchV Female Pills, which was bequeathed is least likely to ba excited ; this state of security Sin,—la csmpliaceo \rita the of Tiiis msuicine is particularly recomnifrided to be heart, and, wonderful to relate ! old men and womea r=qu3it of the people th^ l\>in • f Aj :ril, is order t-1 allow the more reii^ious'y to her lato husband. leads to a want of caution which aggravates the £--R - taken before p'ersora enter into the .Matrimonial say, since they took Old Parr's Pills, they have 2\ t-)-snir!li, &£•<_-. tha Aati-Corn iaw i^eeting he3a isr-'ine i ::3 opj-ortuiiity of closely atlcnclir:? to t "!;-?ir ' Second—That this Recipe was purchased by her nature of tho complaint. But where immediate ihtre en \tt sis; ui;. l v.r.i ;: u tLat town on lust St.-,t; . k-st iu t':e '-.vent u'r proc-rca:-:o:ioCi:umir/ ,lhc enjoyed better health, better spirits, better appetite, s> i =:L-^i .-ad Jutiti during the resitlue of this solemn - ¦¦ late husband of the Widow Welch, iu the year 1787, application is made, the corroding poison is checked tcrrfr.y, ai !s >j, T-r .- ^iuTis *.o tint tune ractiTtd :i iunoui .nt off^-pnu,; th^uli! hear •nRtnnv.ied upon it tho for a valuable consideration , and with a view for had more nerve and strength than they; had expe- fj- iu its infancy, smothered ero it takes root, and de- ittUr from Mr. lu^tzb.- ~ Mave3, informing me that :»:y :»h yt i'.- al characters deriv:-.h' " i .-in ;: v-Mitiu debility, making tho medicine for public sale. rienced for the past twenty years, and that Old Pan l! U-^ Mxek been TltURO, Ciir.nwall.—T.Vis locality has Mis'.airnV. :o..j stroyed before its venom can effect a perceptible adtir^sa oti lait l^ y hau misrepre- or evil eruptions of a iiia:ii;ii :'t :it- *o:". y, that are Catherine Kearsley, is also is like new life to them, for they feel all those * a, loa-r i :; t-ti-. 1 i"jivict.s of its activfe r.nd 2-alcus KcC7..-tury. Third—That she, appearanco in the systena.^Where the disease has B5Et^vl ;.nd ip.v iji ,t:vas beiic-i to a wonderful ex:e :iT. "-. .-: assui- -'ily introduced ';5 - ., by which one lla. all the regular doses of draughts and boluses. l. j.ct 01 persecution Vy lue 'ibend uxUuW- c:. -.ssi?s—tb - : for the purchase of the absolute property of the said ance is not to be depended upon ; a thorough cure hearing;" and, said he, "1 am credibl y inforr.u-\ that t-ottlo is Siivcd. ¦ ¦ barlit-S Tith -ffliom Messrs. Pni;i> anrl Co., would v.r,w KccipOi must be achieved to prevent a return of the disease, " My sale, instead of decreasing, increases. Since if you would corns to harangue the people, the police Prepared only by Messrs. PERRY ew:c^-n3rJs. only be acquired by those who are in daiiy practice, h^ :.c-i- ':tii ts a^vhub^ l. Ooiorvt. , r.one :;ve genuine vritu^nt tnc- s.'gnature o; gone through a regular coui-se may hot believe this : you. can, if you like, shew the went to the bernm.3, engaged hici t-j civs 1 -ibi-.o'.ty to ' These Pills, so long ¦ and justly celebrated for their and have previously ¦ ¦ SALK.I.ITK .— Mr. Low,-7 loctu:^>i :: ; t\e Frit- , entry, and the cash-paid for them; - rcy ietuition <: 1 ho:ding a puoiic jneetmg w~ t : ¦ r-Isrk<-t- ¦ H. e-: L. PERKY AND Co. I peculiar Virtues, aro strongly recommended to the of Medical Instruction ; for unfortunately, there ¦ :J i>- .i;i H '11, on Mi.m-iiy ia :.i-t vrj '; . -ii f ... i-c.? - - sqnuTc, :>r-jcl3e3y at four o'clock. I hi.l n.: :e ;.;! => > . Dot.ce of t very Lady, having obtained the sanction aro hnndreds who annually fall victims to the igno- . " I am, your obedient servant, ::• _ ¦ inpre".->J : .\ :¦ --nim ow iho out^iuuof each wrapper - - .ri y o! uaion b=; r- -n ti'- in-.il'ilsr an ! .l. .Toi kiL^ . . andapp'robat!> ;'J of' most Gcii'tl'emen of the Mcd:<'al rant use of Mercury and other dangerous remedies, " James Drcry. preliniintiry nrrangemeats which I cossI-.Ui c-i ii .c-^- ar;- to i;:;i'?:- \v- ,i'-h is Mur.y of tho :. The before i t_-;-k any step3 to CDnTene ibc- sj eeti:.c. I J;.i i'rr.fossion, ns a fuio and valuable Medicine, in c'ff- c- administered by illiterate men, who ruin the consti- . . BA. :NOO KBJ,\>:.-Th? N::t-o;:-r. J> .: -.1 v, \. < I :v-, Pcir: • ca\r .- - , (fii<> piircha'i' .Mg ot' which \riJl b<- " The old-establi _s!:e'd Patent Medicine Wareliooa o* mj arrive], ^raited on the.Ciiicf cf tLe Police, in ti:- ¦ tnall y removing Obstructions.und relieving all other t-.ition by suffering disease to get into tho system, ' i.c..-1'it-; Utrt s" a pu .:>; u-.-z :h ¦:, i:n 'Vc ":;. a saviiig nf ono round .sveive shiiiinfts ;) may hit hunvi;icirc Charles-.-trvr-f , Hi: n. :c;hom ; and Panen '. s iii the r forwarded particulars of a few of the persons " cured tD r:-.-n t- me nay protection, and tald rcc tiut he v,-r2\r< Jmjuenll-y avi.se from v,ant of Exercise and general tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy con- t _ ¦^¦•— ^on-.-ry -wlic .". ciiir^c of tin's ati niirabie me- : - ~ - -; — — > vr r- nia'i - i.» : u: .vi ~J'.' - Ci> ;.i JVntZjnui , • ¦ re'i'i:?'- Di'biluy of tiu1 System; they create an Appetite sequences ensue, at one time - affecting- . the skin, and restored the week past. v tit cnr= ti " criTe s;-m'i persoa tiara to ..t :!i .hat 1 : 1 ' ' ' ' ¦);•! by , . ;v M- - .v A. D.:-.C; :- i : . , j-- - -;.3. I. :-, .SAlIO.N .'.L >.: . • ;.c . i ::;; . , - .l s. Five ]' und.^ letter, which , w:-u.-i ?:-.y. an:i i? I should comrak iny^cif I:--- ~ -_-r.l-.i in:- - . conv'ct ludim'^tiuti, remove- Gidillness aicl Nc-rvoirs particularly the head and face, with eruptions and " The following cases have come to my know- ¦?t:-.- v::rr:^'i :^i::ii_-> t u:i:!;. -i:: i:.?'.;- . will on'. iu-;'h.;i:'. Lo the fuH benefit of i-uch udyan- - ' ¦ :, : ' ¦ " ' : : ¦ :¦; ' TLiil^-.iJy hold r.i 'j rcit»eE£ib'e." " fl'-iidach*;, and are eminently usefu l in Windy Di s- ulcers, closely resembling, and often treated as scurvy, ledge:— . . " ' " . . '.. ' . ; . .- - " . .-/ . S:J-?yiL2iD —At , . .;:, ¦ : ! ¦¦ •(.• • . .:i >]oaday " Wiii^e the b£-.T.in -.ras pablLiliaj tli^ i-i -^i] .- -:. t~ . . ¦¦ ii.ders. Pa ns in tho Stomach , Shortness ef Breath , at another period producing the most violent pains Lady whose name I am not allowed to raentioH) rV-.- .-t:: - ., i.^t \r« ): . ¦ ;¦ \\ r c.. , . - - -( - . * tv he had of :wl 1-o' lkholl ers, Druggist's, cun "A c ::ut_onues ci~ $¦ -. - ._t - ¦¦" _ ' :. - :vi'-.ption and Pal })'!atiuiis of th« Heart ; h.'vnjj perfectly in- in tho limbs and bones, which are frequently mis- p^u- 2 zs.a lo^ C t ^- -. - .. ¦¦ ¦ ! " • -; informed me she had received very great beiiefi ¦ in tl; ¦ ¦ ¦A sir -: r-:-s.. 1-: :,.^ . . -i.ij j; . : . : <. ;.:. ;-.ii L-bcsttr ruU::'. Vc ie iii- Vc;iu. the Ur.iici Kii.g dom , the Coniiiieiit i.-i lK>rd L sijonderry. In ons honr*3 notice-, T tt. :;-. rf.h v 'lini!U'\s debili tated and decayed , and a lingering death puts to be very valuable as a Family Medicine for most r^i^r- .:: . _n-.i yix. u:.i; . lepiy v.. -.- - . -,-!, tke f.ji- Europe a:;i Am r:cr.. ' ¦ him ar.-i some di«c" -£ion ersued, which tii-ie '. ii r..y Sold , wholesale and retail , by J Saii^r , 150, a period to their dreadful sufferings. disorders. ; ' . " -. .: ; . . . / ' : ; '•• '.::- .; r-s- . lutioa v," .. = .. . T-vu bj ' : :. K:.7\.< Glil , M'jssr-. PEPvIlY expect when con-ult-od by letter , tmaiterab'e detenuii-.t '.on ta h»! ! a pab: c iw-^vnz n ' ¦ < tx lord-trivet ; and by must renpt tvablo Medicine 'What a grief for a young person in the very prime 1 ¦ s-c - .. ->- '. V-y M . }•;-¦:..• :;\1 e i. U <1 ;uia:::ii;cusiy me u.-;:al !eo of o:iC puimd , without which, no noJcr '' A Gentleman Farmer has -'also informed main the Mnrktt-squr^ri, tt f¦vur o'ck ;?c, an'i :f t :- - :: -.v-z .. - .. . Veneers in Town and Couiurv , at, 2s. 91. per : _ _ : >,4 ,„. -j>Jr ._ - ; . .. : . _, , ,; .j-;^.. ' , wha T "Vfr can bo taken of the communivu-U«n. of life, to be snatched out of time, and from all the has been much benefi.tted by taking Did Fa.rr s PBLv S r H rrr .- ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' oox . ¦ ¦ - ' ' ¦ - ¦ sion'd tzrii ou: to 1)3 illegal I w^s willicj ¦ - - •¦ - ¦ ¦ - ; -- , t"> i -I .c by ¦ ¦ J -alway and- . • ¦• . • . - • . . ' i£tt;-r - °i il\<± C. .:: -. '..- •. - I' r> .:- iri-.-i^ . -siui ?-J r. OlirV 'b i .. :o;:ts are requfsted to be as mz:mte as po:^ i -i enjoyments of life, by a disease s local at first , .. all the cos^equerc-.s. ¦ N.I3. Ask for Keai'slfyVWolc ii '.-: Pj 1!s; and observe, ' rrv i : ;¦:-.. ;: . .! c¦¦:. - .;- ,., . -i.-j C:wj™ ih't L ive i!i the »ictone i>re genuine unlnss C Kcurrk-y is engraved on " Aii Old Gentleman (about 70)^ came to buy a b& r^r -;; i . -,d--r- '!:- C:^:.. ..tt ¦!: . . ::¦ t Mi- , li.ir^vy, p.rc ci>iii p' -'iint, tho syiuptcms, age, habits ot living, and all its .fatal results are owing either to neglect or ' all qa-irttrs c-f tea to??- began to asie^h' e thv ::. tho Goveriunenr. StuniP. on the recommendation of an Old Lad j, v/iw si'* c ¦:. .-;: r t<: ir. \ {Xi:t - i :.;: f ur. :• r: ¦¦:; i uiitme, v-' j-i-reby Ken r:J occupation- Medicines can be forwarded ignorance. in the 3Iatket-sq'.i2.re icdiTiuu- ' -' they 'hold -done -' her so much good, he had a. miniv , and some .l -wham I ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ' " tx^rc-- :>\i - peti-.vi c-» .ti . i -.ct- 1- . tuat jjs-ntleniau. i icping tc ur.y r,:'.r% oi the worid ; no difficulty can ccc'ir. s invariable rule is to give a Card to each ¦ , :. ¦¦:¦ • . - ¦ ¦ ; ¦ know not, kindly provided 222 with a I^rge tabk-, or. ' M?. W.' tr y. them also. . .. _ . ,. ; LV; ">V!:i .¦iTS-.i ;ii-.- .- .I:.. . -. L. i. t=-is C;.Ui se hfe h", 5 hi tilt r to as - .hey will be ficcurely packed, aud carefull y yn.>- CHJLRT SST FILLS. of his Patients as a guaranteo for cure, \vliich he ^¦hich I placed i^ysslf , aivi h-:san ny airi-i^ by roii- ^ ¦ " Anvther Lady who was . recommoncod to W drnc i'-;: :;: -• a-.'.a;..}iij: i : f ' r.^ l ii'htJof tie pf.'-jJe, s.' -u *" f:f:d from obnervaiion. pledges himself .to perform , ov return his fee. citirg tie BSieraljled multitudes to tLtavo ihainsslv^ ¦ , came to say shs :v.i:i on? Trz v, -:_-. cir-Kuj v -, -. • he T\;itr.v.o lor tit them, a few week? since "mth becoming uecomni. 2-i listen to nij till I Lad ¦ ^7ni^l^ PERHY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, imiCfRTAN T TO VHE AFFLICTED. For tho accoir siodation of either sex, where taken: a few of the Pills, but she felt, so much belts Charvf ,::•.'. nf::h:ui: •-.:. '- .) iupp^i ; him, .' espicfc <..: aiw told them cf some of the grifT ^c?? urA-.v vrhkh the ¦¦ •¦ ' distance or deiicaoy prevents a personal visit, his she was certain Old Parr's Pills weve exeaUeut. ov-trr; ' r_r.~ - ..-c ;- .¦ . :< ¦ . yd., U- b.>x. R. J. 1I0T3S0N, Northern Star . Office, T^-eds, people laboured , a-a if 1 hboxtlq diStr fro::: " sny Price 2<. -Is. Gd., and i. per she had no doubt they would be generally. . . used* i^^ivi- : " r M hayinjj ; accepted th'" o Wri .ilo ,;l o and Ritail dual present in my de3criptiviii f I: .Jarris wroj s C' ..% l^. - , ^ " .:i .X --1'ELEGAiE MKKTI>G .—At -i ¦] PURIFYING DROPS, family^ ; ' ' ' " s ' v. : ¦ ¦ (Obseiv: i!:c .-i gi.ature of R and L. PERRY :k. A;;oncv of thus:-Pilln , is iiuthiiiisnd *o givo Two- every ' . ' and i2» r=:n sdLs C-.t? rt ilrr^sir,;- :•:...—¦» tT-.-.-ir- :-- '' T tr !- "¦ i nn'r * .:.' . -f l '.~ -.- ^u: t- ..' f''ilov. i:;i; rt.-' -iui ..; ••. . ., wrapper) arc well kiicv-i ) ¦ , •¦" j Co. Oil;!:- outihle of each ;j:"-o'.! out of f-aoh . ls. \ }r\ Box ,. l. he d.:v;Jcd 'between price 4s. 6d , caa be had of any of tho follow- " Ayoung Lady • (twenty years old) ha-l been sa; then prvtiently h:;? tr.e cbjecti-n •: f su;h individur.l :v:.i n: TT n-:' si'-r. I : - K--o'i vt-il. "lint . - < . .' -:— ' >. ¦ liir. /j^lioni Einope and America , to bo the rm-i c- .;r- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ r -l v -/ao '-'xv'c' uj. iV.Q and iho FnuxUi-. .; of the Imprisoned ing agents, with -printed directions so plain, that ject, for a long time, to much pain in fcr . chest,-; then reply to his spf tci, and put it ii the vote cf 11 .: ¦ \i. -' ..- . • ? . t- - z; ^3 ; " jV.rii.=i:i fc. -m e c-.;lt.i : v tuv: t:\ !rJ anrrC Lt. me ur my en lu- p:-:— - '. :in.. li, -. .: m:v th->us'inurf that ::: .- i:v, ;i- Disease,, in boll; ¦¦ - " ' ' "" si.ig'i UTi-i symptom of the Vener- ;'.! led ge oi a, bed-tcJiow. , - . . " , - to such a degrs rib:-:-*• -: vr in.:;- 1-.- • ¦: : ;:e P.O]«l! ' i ;i?- -f . : ¦ • \ tr.: .j The maii y Mcrii (>int M lately f-ff-rcd to the public or uriuki and the pain increasing poser: :ir a shonM the p:-rpla d.c-rid :• ^-ainst ti.a I Tr.jrl i s < .- ¦:;'¦.¦= . i3ic '"!d'i->/ ,r Gocorrha)?, Gleets, Secoiuinrv ' " ' •. .ct :.: .r,u'^ i:T h . • :;jt > »ie;i b t;rc :;i: -¦ :- : nvould havo prevent; d ti *o prwp : ir.ur,- ii'inu parLicu;arI s!ia was fit to sink under it, Old Parr s fills *? EilenUy sink ir-to th:- mirrority. Ir. the cou: s-j -cf i.-y ; y .i . . :..t a >viii'iiom= , Sli'iciures, Semhiiil Weakness, Dlfic- '-r;Cy aJviU'Lisin^ They are y recommended to be taken theft ' - :i tv t-j t ::: ;¦ tiiuso Pills (al thoug h convuu^d of tlinr ' recoinmended: she took one small box pi' addres3 . 1 sho—ed the peopl e that we, ;the .j>?--.r>"<: o f i:r:>-x :.t;. - :ir ineetini:. %• • b - :i '.:i'-n en Lr.i nli thsea>es of the Unuary Passages., wi: ... ', ''. c.iiicacy), before perr-oiin enter into the matrimonial state, lest ' * - did, ' y according to direction and they a,p ;>eare'i }o $* Ireland: labour:-:1, nn-' er mistatc-n notion3 of tL.- TrLt M'j.,- :.y. tre ilit < ::nri± . at tht- N .u;ni. ii A -;. oa- '¦ ! ¦; ho noi fV'oi it hiu tiu-ty to ivo h Mifwin^ fellow tho .ihdibcrcisions o.= . a parent are the source of vexa- , ¦ ¦) ¦ ¦ - .-s if :iine, confinement , cr .iiuhance fror.i bnsiu: . . ^ pyrsereiS mats cf ihi- Espiish ' ^ t:< '-L: ii ".», in A-: ¦; - ¦ •¦t-.-.i * th> cLaii tc l^ t;.k n at Charlititii ail opporuinsty (by their affl ction) io-for- tion to him the remainder of his existence, by afflict- some trifling ease; they were, however, P-opls, and of ten ctirc-. i th;- ' Tiit-y have cfFccted the ejo.-d surprisin*;. cures, not- , '^h -\^ sev.-n - c'. irk "r - •..- -? ".;. . ' Brethren in ji-o! ;:ic-il l-o; vjr:, ¦ wai'd tho caus« of D: m<:: ; ;: :¦:¦?¦ -\ " :: - ;• ¦ ;>.:;•; _ families of fchciv inc;ir»itrati d-biyt-hr.tfii. ' she has fouHd herself better in health ever sine?, psrp. 'trated olij by the privileged orJer of th..t t>co- -Lc -3 . '. ::: • v.hen it be'aov-.s you --v< '} .u: . ill ether means havo failed ; and :i.i ov' the evil eruptions of the malignant tendency, aud a _:< ,.•; ;;jui::,j ; ; ¦ ' :- ' ' ' : ple ; ar-a tLat in carrying into trTect thosL- la^rs -.-hiiL lovtr or t ~i-7i i forwarti an-:i .\ \:: i.scu- ¦ r..u>t importance to tho.:c afflicted v, i:h .Sc&rbntlc To no o:ie" is-heak-h so import mt as to th« Work- variety oT other complaints, that are most assuredly ¦' These cases, with many more . ' similar, I ; ;;t taxed the food «jv?n tbe ccn=UEi2r3, and -ill the rrh.r mz V - iivA cl h:i . irom iiegrird;a::. :: u r i r-i .:. A Affe ctions, Eruptions on any part of the bo !i.i ..s t- of biius ''Xh:. ¦:. ::;ur:-t'on KA?e you plenty <» bad laws under Trh .ch ths nation groaned , thty 'M«d at;o;ii, Scrofulous or Venereal Taint, bwi>g juatiy t:.nee ave susiisnded and' his siiliVriiifj-i a^^ravaced by AGENTS. their names, otherwise I conld »iaed and at'£i;2d by ths siistocracj of on- ovrn ivraCi. <- -' t,^i- — -_ -'-j. ind ti -.t- h;tj . • usan'i -vv, rkn;.i ;:.rii d«::.<»rt '.il ih-.-::- .--• ivt ¦; C,h \r. , of tho; illness ; " The Old jPatout Medicine 2nd kbcur=r of Engiasd than ihty a ul • hol ictiui.- usua ll y- affecting fha Woikir.i;' 'Classes. 7, Brig^ato. V.H-, ar.-i 11 f-i ^ uc ( ipi:,ii.n 13 so fa?jur:-.i-:e Li «, uv view/- It is araelanc y fact that thousunus ial i y The Pro- ¦Waksfiihi-^Mr. Hurst Bookseller. " 224, Stone¦¦ Bow, Lincoln. the samii 1 ruer cf indJTicuils in our awn couctry. 1 di&cuse owing to tho uuskilluiucsd prietor has vritne?s>jd with pleasure their extraprdi- , . « - ¦ stowed thtm also that it was the determination cf Iht — jt:-1 vrs kno w tl:a: «. tliiriL- exn b; i".;!-^ \Vi -J;-.-u t unity to this horrid , ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Halif 'iix—Mr. Hartley, Bpokseller. August 30, 1841.": . : 1 ¦ ¦/;_ L;»:v/ wijj of illiterate men : who,. by. tha use. w -' •¦ ficacll y nai'y efucat'-y in numerous instances -of loss ot great zasjjnij c." ths English people t« aid tmc. asstst — - ihr%\ you use your utw>« t exert on.-^ tc Hudd«i>,fieid—Mr. Dewhirst, 39, New-street. Observe that each:box of the Genuine ¦ ii'i^ with the ffivn >vnu have ¦lab .-ur.-ra so "K'Eg and sc poison, mercury, ruin the _ coustitutiG'n , c&ush-* appGiite, htad aehfe , heart burn , palpitations of the , it the Gavbrnment SiaHip., ^^in^n „ 1 their Irish brethren, in carrying into, aja-w^hos;- rj .a- and boii'-y, heart, 'bilious ' -and nervous disoa 's«s, pains in the London—No. 4, Gheapside has pasted round r . snrc-s wlilch WGnld Lira :u ths Ciuse rf liberty, and whv are rtet-srnuned, ulcerations, bio.iches on the head, face, , B is engraved ihese words, PARR'S - .L, IFE P«g give Ireland he? liyhts as we'.l is p:ght, noise in tno ears deafriess obsti- V-iomach , and other symptoms ' .indicating an imper- Barnsley—Mr. Harrison pokseller, Markct-pl. England her rights ; and I showed them that so J.-H.W 2? public ouinioi: sanctions their c-ji-duti, tc dimness oi , 4 ' York—Mi-. Hargrove s Library, in -whii'b' letters on a red ground. No other can Dmie: , uodes on tho shin bones,'" ulcerated sort fect action of the Digesiivo OrSfiiis. 6, Conoy-street. O'Con-ei - at a recent mettiag in tha Corn Es;"nutii;-j. s-. ii-u or theia for tte People s Cuai ur tj the last nate gleets Ripon—Mr. Harrison, Bookseller^ genuine, .'; v • : '; " ;hroat dii-uaf.ed nose, with iioctural pains in t!u Aiarket-place. : . . Dublin, had advocated ManhooJ Suffrage, and other Fd'.y^ *.v. -ki ng :-:en , - ir: 1JJ2 vou ii:.i.' j the. Goverr- , To those of - ST-aeutary babits whoso trades . confine Knarosboro' and High Harrogate—Mr, Laiigdale head and li&-b'-, till a; length a general debility :r. our legislature. - vou bavs not lost tV.i i:> orai ciy.ir.^-j pos-stssea in i;idiiciii , .habitual caativeness, indi goKti'in , and places •- . • . : - - . . : .. - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Tobe_ brief , 1 coatr. iled -, - - - . - - . - - '• • - ¦ '{-' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' : for ths people to have the supreme power :n app-:.iat;nc ii:.-2, i jcu have not , arisj , :-tid uded Hyverley— Mr. Johnson, Bookseller. tions. , ,v;. . .; . .;- . .. . ,. . vi?ej. iv.; , - u:id-hayi) biipn ' servic-i; ; * : membtrs to represent them ia tie Commons' JI:a;e -. 1 7*.'ur.-2l vt: 2, yenr ur¦'. yon- chi;dre;i. . V/e there- p.S" usual at 44, Albion-street, Leeds, and 4, v . .fo iiiul of cssontial , as they Boston—Mr. Noble, Bdokteller. - Wholesale Ageuts--Mr. Edv7ardBr Sfc - f**- PaTliam.jnt f •--.- -irnestiv requt.-t y: u t > t.=nl a •Uir.r;.;- -i to mett Charles-street, (fo«r doors from Easy-row,) lSi;-;i)iu,r- r n;\blfa tho pyvif,en\f<> tlu'OiY oil' those morbid aCcuthu- , ard to make those la~s by which the v.-h: '^ Linvth-—Mr. Hurton , Bookseller.. Church-yard^ond^n ; j; iIobsoji, 'Sta r Offlf*^ n-i Council of tf5o h'Jioiw VY'hich occasion disease, at fcl;e s-amo 1 "" exnpir-3 was govemfcd. t. .Vationir. Ohii ter A!-s-.>cia Uon , at ham, punctually, from Eleven iu the Morning until time Liverpool—At tho Chronicle Office ,25, Lord-street ket-stroet, Laeds; and may be had also ot * . .y." I will net ttV-lr room , three u-j-rs b.-!ow tL..-» oni uf Moiund-trttcet , Eight in tho Evening, aud ou Sundays from !vWi;u wr,-:nj(.thci!!U^- . . and giving tone to the"stonnch, a:i d ' ¦ ' '¦ spi intrude, farther, became the l-aiits 0; a tho; whole Sheffield—At the Iris Uffice. - . . '. Bell and Brook, Druggists, Boar-lar.c,Leeds; .^ lfetier . wc-ild cot contain 3 tithe cf fne aridre&j v.-hic'i i Aitju-btrest . to unko £u:b LTran^-. aiei:ts os V7i'il cstab- tili One. Oaiy ono personal . -visit is required U-oru irivj^'jratin^ system., by these moans . S »| i; " (. Huddersi'^ld ; Blackburn, Bradford ; . .ffgJ delivered. I speke ct)~ards cf t-.vj liosrs • aa-.I v .j - -. i l: a strong union am- -i..*t tLa ¦working Jiisa bt a co".ntry patient , to e:;ab2o Messrs. Perry and < o. -,1a blishing- hpaltli. on a firm foundation. Persons residing in the. most remote parts can have Knaresbvo • '¦: fc yner, Sowerby Bridgs ; W° ' C€i-od with rapturous app^usa/ I i-ea the "ijurmiDghara , and foT the pur c-sn of ouiAtning the to give such advica.as will be tae means oi i^yctin .y t he drops transmitted to them by post Cpre-paid,) , Sagar, HeVVfO" i ^tkr.a: ^ U:*til Agents. .-are appointed generally, those per- Rochdale ; Sam?, Stookport ; ^Petition, -3-liicb -was adopted for rigEiture, and liun- People's Ch.-.rKr. bU:,ii en b=i;a-f ef tiie Ccnncil, a. permanent and effectual cure, aiter ali otker carefn'liy. secured from obaervatiqii j by rcmitring 5s. Bury ; ; ¦:. 1 i;o»s who wish to try thorn can reoeive a box, with ' ' ' ¦¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ Hughes, Middietori ; Crompton , >»&fi0 j fireds Volunteered to sign that Petitic.-. la .-hort, the Frederick Osr ett. C&air- :'an. nifir.s have proved ineffectual. in a lettsr. : ¦ '. ' : • . " . : .' . : • .. ' '.¦Tayior, w . • her ample directions, post-free, by send in <; Ono" Shill ing Co, Ashtoii I:- Lses, Stayleybridga ; ai . 5§0P»B Of NeWto-Wnatdshave evinced r. manly a^d hert-ic Fkost, William. , axd Joj .es.—We are requested K. B. Country Bruggist-s, Booksellers, Pnteni Dewsbury ; aud aU : Ireland - n> siivtr, uivd ' two' Postage Stainps, m a pre-paid Mr. W., is to b.s consulted every day at his Resi- Beniietc, Leigh ; Brooke, ¦ ^^inination to rights ia i!r-p:t= of ty the c.-iu- mitte-j npp 'intevl to ileviss means for the ^ledicirie.Venders, and every other Shopkeeper ci;- : '" dence ¦:' _,. , -bnvr.p sfiSfca mdchiaatioas Letter, to Mr. J. Hobso.V, -Star Office, Leeds. , from Nia.a in the Morhiag till Ten at Night, cine Venders.venaers. :... „ . arr- ^. of Tory despotism ctvi rris"' Cid ' c rfitjration of th'.:e patriots to their Lomes, to call the be supplied with any quantity of . Perry's P. ur if 'yiti t and on Sundays from. Nine till Two. Gratis.- ^ The Life and Times of Tboio*£» ^Kgotry, attention uf the country t the recommendation of this Specific Piils, and Cordial Balm of Syriacuui , wuh Applications for Agency will be atlendbd to, an-,1 be 152 years of age, contain^ * ,After I had concluded, who lived to s « P I challengedto discussion , and committee on. the iu'ject cf formiDg district committtes the usual allowance to the Trade, by most of tie the terms sent , by return of Post, by ¦writiiig cither OBSERVE-13, TRAFALGAR-ST. LEEDS. marks on Disease, Health, and the me^ . Bb'.p^$on feemed disposed c.iscuta ought I had Anecdotes, in conjunction witu the general committee of Birming- principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in to Mr. Hobson, or to the Proprietor. All Letters -longin' K Liitji With Engravings, * adnnfed. I then concluded by putting it to the vote ham, for the restoration of Frost, Williams, and Jonts, London. to be Pre-paid. Private Entrance. 57 , NiJ-E-atEEET &c, may'.be had gratis of^H Agents. ' ' ' ' ¦ STAR ;¦ , .;, ,* ¦¦¦:- :; . . - " - [ ¦ . ; ¦;- - THE NORTHERN : ;. :., :: . : . . ;. ,.- \: ^ 3 ^ontt). Tbtjb Temperance.—A new National Society has BIRMI NGH Aia. through the shoutis which were raised for " White," Archeky Rooms, -Bais-Plac?: ,- .. • .New-road..-— ltteceTlamaff been recently formed under very favourable auspices, and the Msses of those'opposed to hearing him. Mr. Ruff> Ridley lectured here oil Sunday. h Waning, to a DELEGATE MEfixiNG.—A meeting o£:delegates :^r ilr. White wnetber it ¦woul d not good macliinery under the FOX THE having for its object the carrying out of the tem- tho Counties of Sturge then put it to aiidienca, on th3 evils of SO^G MILLIONS. A widow, one of the applicants at the opening o: Warwick and Worcester was held at bet;er up bia intention, as he should present lecture ¦waia perance principle t-o what we conceive to be its true, the Chartist iiuoiu, be for fiim to gvvo system of class legislation. The Baadon Workhouse, possessed at the time ©f hei length, tho banishment not only of Astpn-3treet, on Sunday last, at two not like iti'fa go fortU to the public that he had been highly approved of. Several other persona addressed _ a. about for freedom : be it loud amd long, : intoxicating o'clock, Mr. J. Chance, of St->urbridgo in the chair. heartfelt, manly, dear, first marriage a fortune of eighteen hundred pounds liquids, but of all intoxicating things,from ordinary ,. the means of breaking up the meeting, which he was the meeting,;and-new; members were enrolled. Earnest Mid and strong; The Chairman opened the : business by (leelaring his Let it reocho throngh the dungeon grays, which she squandered oa the extravagance of i use. It is styled the National Temperance and sure would be.the case if he persisted. Mr. sturge 5 second husband. wilJingness to do all in his power to forward the causa if Mr, White Shoemaker's, Clock House, Castle SraEEr, Where groans with agony " the liiing slave, Anti-Tobacco Association. Doctor Clay is the then offered to take a show of hands Leicester en Love)] in which they were eDgaged. It appeared from the non- declined putting him t > Square.— Ruffy Ridley lectured here Jn fetters bound," the damps of death among; A Cosgee-ebl weighing 761b. was lately caugbj president, Doctor , and the Rev. S. Spencer, attendance of persons ' theught proper/ Mr. White Snnday evening, , ou class legist M.A., from other plaices, that they as it appeared the meeting was called to a numerous audience Let it ascend the Taultedroof of hearen, en the Beach near Gosford, where it had been lef' are among its vice-presidents, and Mr. looked up to those who did attend the trouble, lation. Several members were enrolled, and a vote of And with prayer Kin sere, stranded by the tide. Buckingham is one of its patrons. following to do their business merely for those who bad signed the declaration, and ¦ The for them. He therefore hoped that those present thanks given to the chairman and lecturer; Invoke His sid by whom all good is given Pj lxlbucb.—Lately are its said he would prove to tbe satisfaction of Mr. Sturge married, at South Deer Isle would make up f»r the deficiency by paying particular wish to make any New Locality.—Messrs. Shepherd and Ford ad- To give "what-man holds dear— Stephen Holt to Miss Harriet Holt after a courtshij RULES AND OBJECTS. attention to what was brought and the meeting, that he did not , before tlieni. ; The buii- disturbance by withdrawiag from the organ gallery dressed a numerpns ieompany on Sunday evening, at the The blessed boon of liberty ; oh! let it brave of 35 yearij ! 1. That this Association be denominated The nei>3 was of the first importance, as they; would have Acorn, llege-street; brand of slavery, and o " The Rev. Mr. Swan then &too3 forward to address the Co Chelsea, -when it was resolved to The bated 'er bill and wave greater National Anti-Tobacco and Temperance Associa- to atTs:.sG concerning the1 Cenyenticn, PeUUda, &C fijrm themselves into a locality. Reverberate, filling all air and space A quantity of snow has fallen this yea] meetings bus could not obtain a hearing, the meeting . Seventeen names in Italy than has ever been remembered. tion." With regard to Stpurbridge, they were going on well vrere immediately;enrolled a council " With glorious tidings to the human race. still calling for White. A Vote of thanks was then pro- t elected , and a The Havhe paters 2. That the managing committee shall meet every obtaining signatures, and would have considerabiy more ' unanimously. subscription raised for the sufferers at the Ia59 outrage state that 150 more Englist week, than at any other posed for Mr. Sturge, which was carried shout for freedom ; let the free-bom mind, workmen, for the Paris and on Monday evening, and the general committee time ; they had also paid up tlie platform then left the meeting, at Mancbester, and fity cards ordered of the secretary. A Ronen Railroad, wen on the first Monday in every month, or oftener if neces- main part of thbir money The parties on tho " Which tyrants cannot quafl, nor quench, nor blind, landed at that port a few days since. to the Convention fund * and when threp cheers were given for the' .People's". CKaitev , : Somkbs Town , GotDBKAiER-s Arms, St. Par- sary, to receive repoits,- and tho transaction of general would forward the remainder with their petition sheets. " jr 'Wil- Give energy and strength unto the sound The hkrrikgs which, at an early part of the sea- three .for Feargus O'Connor, and three f Frost, cras-Road.—3fr. Wheeler lectured here on Sunday business. \ Mr. Walter Th«rne thought that the minutes of the list notice the/ satisfaction of his Which shall the despot's daring deedB confound- son, made their appearance along the different bays meeting should be liams, and Jones ; after vrbich Mr. White gave evening, to audience. Several it ride apon the wings of wind, 3. That 110 rule or aiticle be altered without the read over, and then they couki. go meetings of members new members vrere enrolled. .: • Oh •' may of this country, have, owing to the severe storms, regu urly to l of the time tind ^ place: of lioliiing Awakening liberty to universal birth, consent of a majority of members, all of whom shall ' busine83. Mr. Wild, of Brotu>grove,S inade of the National Charter Association : and the meeting gone out to the sea ,* and it 13 feared that the fishery receive a week's notice of the same. a few remarks on the circulars MARYXEBONE.r-br. M'I>oua!Hectured to a crowded Shedding a ray of light which were ordered to then quietly separated. is at an end for the present season. 4. That each member subscribe one penny per week be written at the last meeting, 'and moved—" Tuafc all and delighted audienca on last Sunday evening, after Upon nations of the fair-farm'd earth., which eight members : were - .enrolled'. The business The total number of persona executed (for all to defray the expences of the association. ptftitioa sheets which were filled ahouId bo forwarded Steelhovse Lane Mkexing.—The usual weekly pf Arousing into might 5 ' this locality is now in a highly prosperous state. power of unity,and truth, and love ; crime. ) m London and Middlesex, during the three 5. Thr.t it be the duty of this Association to advance to Mr. George Whits, 39, ¦:Bromsgrove>sti-eet, by Mmi- meeting of this body was held at tho Ship Inn, Steel- The the-moral and intellectual welfare of by day, April 4th. Dispensing rkhcs, which Mercy's Gol above, years ending Decembar, 1821. amounted to DS. The tb.9 members, " Mr. Welsford, of Aetoh-street;, se- house-lane, on Tuesday evening lust , Mr, Follows in CtHCHHEAi*©^—Mr. Brophy kctured here on total number of persons committed for murder dur- lectures and oilier means. conded the motion, which in the large room of the Through all His works hath shown with blessed grace was carried unanimously. the chair, when a very -iuteruBting- .evening ' was spent Thursday, the 17th inst, ing the above period amounted to "215. 6. Thai as eany as the funds will allow, a con- Tho ¦Chairman, then . "called their -attention to the Con- through the exertions of Mr. E. P. Mead , who delivered Commercial Inn. Cbartfsrn is making rapid progress To be His equal gift to all the human race. : ' It ba3 *been calculated that since 183& the Eu- venient place shall be hired for the use 01 the vention fund. Mr. Thome,, ou bfchalf of BinniDgbani, a good address. in this once Whig-ridden villase. • for freedem! join ye toiling slaves < ropean government have expended in the organisa- Association, and a library of useful books bo estab- would stata that they would find their .share " -by the Wednesday evening week; a A shout .y HOy/ARTH.—On Bear je no longer burdens for the knaves tion of fleets and armies upward- of twenty-two lished, in order that tlie msrubera may spend time it was rtquired, Mr. Pinficid iftul . tn:< b Radqitch .' XOIC33O?". — Public Meeting.— On Wcdnesdr- lecture was delivered in this place by Mr. H. CanSy: ifc Wio driTB and bind ye for their gains thousand millions of francs.— Ga-ignanVs Messen- their leisure hours profitibly, find set a good ex- would be ready with their quota. WeasTs. WUA aii-A evening, tte spacious rooms at tho Volunteer, Lime- contained a copious exposure of national abuses as well aiuple- Finfield , of - ' called to the With rods of iron and galling chains ger. Brom'jcroYe, inade a similAP stiitwrncnt-. house, -were crowded. - Mr. BrnzUir ' was as th« method by.which thtsy were tp; be redressed. ; 7. That th'J members of tlie Association are earnest" The Caairnian stated that ho Lad been at Kiu.ier- chair, and in an hbio lmuinbr addressed the audiencs Into yeur eariy sjid ignoble graves. f orming to connect in of ? 1 W, A Ll.VE OF TELEGEJ-PHS is now TecDDilEeisded to take an int^rest the welfare each niinittsi and Worcester lately, and that they would do Mr: Dufii^Ui moved tho iivst resolution—" That in the KBV7A51H —Mr. D. Taylor lectured here on TF ii an/i be Hovag, frknds of msn and tmtb, Calais and Paris, via Lille. It wiil Tnosday evening, , Cologne with other, by trj'":icg wi th, an:} endeavouring to procure their duty. 3Ir. Welford moved— " That all places opinion oi Ti;i3 meeting our present distressed and MarcJi 15th to a delighted compauy ; Tbty cannot long resist shortlv commence working. at the close a resolution was unanimously adoptsd, The claim cf maid and matron, age and youth employment for, any of the members who ore in want which bad not oent delegates should be cor- degraded-posi t ion arises from the HVfteni of class legisl.i- Fbom the eepokt of II. Niceolini, and other of the same ; and in order to facilitate this obji?ct , a respond ed ¦with." The. motion wan agreed be effectually abolished I'-;-* pledging the meeting to agitate for no measure but the Desp^.s of earth, desist ' to> tion, and that¦ this cau only and Neapolitan t;eolofi:-t;, it appears that the level of recojd of e.-xh member's trade, or occupation, bs kept aud Mr. Wclsiord was appointed to that rtnty. the People's' Charter bocoming the law of the land." whole hog^-briatk-s tail. We still keep iucrcasing To practise viilanv ; oppress no more in-thiB town. ¦ . mortals, lest ye should dep the sea, from 18"23 to 1838, has fallen gradually be- by *>he secretary, and read over at the general monthly :.lr. Follows, of Monmouth-street, treasurer to the Mr. ' Wr.iisau seconded tho resolution in a bri<;f and Tour ftllow lore , which none can assuage tween four and five inches Englisli. mtetrngs. C<>nvention Fund , gave an accouut of the sum he haii pithy maiimer. Mr. Whealer in a long -ad .drcss ably SSfcTTJEBJNTG.—Mr. Mason lectured here on Wed- The retribudoa ' contained in the resolution, n esday week. Several new members -were enrolled. When men shall lose thtir reason in their rage. Mb. Coopsh, the American novelist, has an- 8. That the members of thi3 Association adopt, ad received fur that purpose. Mr. Wild handed in 12.3. supportea the sentiments nounced a new work •* their motto, tbe following beautiful iu!e of justice,— (i.J. from Broms^rove, da part of their subscription. smiV called ii»M them to unite for the attainmant of tae The Chartists of this town nro well united und not Besjajiix , under the title of The Two Stott Admirals." Cooper's home i3 ou ths sea, the public " Dj unto others as ye would they should do untu Mr. Stutel y, deWaatf > from the Black Horsa , Dl\dclefi- People's' .Chanur. The resolution was tli-u p«t and split up; their motto is the Charter and no surrender. Manchesttr. may expect a rich treat. you." ton-ctiui-NbohsHs, moved *' Tnat ail lumiiea for the carried Hminiiiious'y. Mr. Bursage, with considerable BIIiSTAt.—M-r. Bwphy lectured here on tae 18th S. In order that hnrmony of sentiment and unani- F«i)J should ba handed in by moved , the foH owiug resolution:—" That thia * Sucide.—The Earl of Munster, the eldest son of Convention Monday, ability, fast, in ; the large room over the Ca-bpevatvrt: Stores. mity of action may characterise tV.e Association, all April -itb." Mr. Pinfield seconded tho motion , which meeting is »>f opinion that any attempt to distract the The Whigs of this place have tears in THE ETIL SPIRIT. the la'.eK'ng'William the Fourth and Mrs. Jordan, their eyes at the discussions on questions of Theology is expressly for- wus carried unanimously. The Lecturer's Fund was ftttcntion of the people by the agitation of measures thoughts of Peel's Property Tax, and very many of them committed suicide oa Sunday night last, by Wowing bidden. rehensible, and Where lurks the Send—in desert, cave, or bower— his brains out with a Distcl. then bvoucht forward, . and a loug cony«i'satiott took of tempoiary ifXpudiency is highly rep who hated and persecuted the Chartists no*w say the 10. That persons desirous of becoming members of place. Messrs. Thorn , Welsford, Corbett, WJiito, Pin- kereby . pledges itst-lf to support no measure of less Chartists.ari right The spirit , sacking whom he may devour ? The bakk of tae l trees in Russia is an object lass, ime this Association must abstain from tobacco, snuffs, field , and Robinson , of Davlastcn, expressed their oxtent than, tbo People's Charter." Dr. M'Douall, in a gee, in you g the author of all sin— of considerable commercial importance. No less DEWSBtlilif.—Jlr. Broph'y. lectured here iu the himself in a vile drain of gin. cigars, opium, arid intcxicaticg dr nks for one week opinion*. A bi^li eulogiur-:i was passed upon Mr. lengthened and abla manner, showed the necessity pf The defil than fourteen millions of mattings are thus annually ' at this critical juncture fitra and unitecV in afternopa and evening'of Sunday last, to numerous Mid previous to their admission, in order to try the princi- Mason , for his great exertions iu the district,, and it xemainiug. attentive audiences. -^ manufactured in Russia, besides sacks, shoes, work- ple ami prevent a relapse. was tinaily determined that all places requiring hlB the flupport of that measure which alono could ensure baskets, coverings for roofs, &c, for which purposes 11. That a priz? of £100 be given to the working classes of this XABEL FOR A GIX BOTTLE. for the best essay services should p;«y his travelling and otlier vxpenstg. a fair repvesdntatiou ABERGAVSMNY.—On Wednesday, the Ifitk inst, upwards of one miihon lime trees fall before the on tha bad effect? of tobacco a3 soon as th9 funds can Tiie chairman thc-u addressed the meeting on the utility country, and thereby promota their happiness and en exceHent inaeliiig was held in ase' annus'Iy. Frq^more-street, Wt=2 fa&Bd Pandora to thfi clouds -Erilidrew, award the samis. of frequent dulegate meetings, as by that means they prosperity. Ho also * in . calm and temperate lan - M.v. Benjamin -White", . a working man, in the chair. Jtohi GiJ uii= bos nnnumbsr'd evils flew: Self-li Giiting Sealixg-wax.—A. new and most 12. That ths following be the pledge and qualifica- could have a good understanding with, each other. It guage, Bhovci the eirots and the fallacies of the The ineutiag was addressed by Mr. Davis, of Tredegar, 2Co lsss a curse this vehicle contains— convenient i;:ver.::.^n for sealing letters ha> just been tions of membership :—We tbe undersigned, agree to waa then rosui'ved thut the next meeting ahould take various sebenied with which our sham Radical friends Mv.. Griffiths, schoolniaater, and Mr. Edwarls, .of New- Tire t j the mind, and poison to the veins. patented. It is as simple as it is useful. The ma- abstain from Tobacco, Suuff, Cigars, Opium, and in- place at the Chartist Rooin , Aston-btreet , on Sunday , were endeavouring to '. . allure us, and concluded his port. ' At the close we enrolled eight newmambers, und terial Is coa.-tracted on the plan of the lucifer match, toxicating liquors, fsrmenitd or distilled, or any similar April loth. A vots of thanks was then giysn to tho admirable nm'l eloquent address amid much applause. many- signed the. petition. On Thursday, Mr. Edwards y. and is ij;nii- ,3 then caviled unanimousl Mr. lectured again f.jr upwards-pf* two hours, oa . the of tsper-iiirhun^; whiJo the end of the tubs in which said. We will also, in every suitable way, discounte- Duflield , in a fet-iing manuer, moved the next resoiu- aUiral zr& ^kcmral ZnteTlicpxics. TkaI>ES Deleoate Meeting.—— Circulars were principles of the Charter, and the beneficial results the matter Is nlaced can be used ms a seal. nance their use throujrbout the c^niaiunitj. tion :—-" 'Tha t this i\ift«usig viiivrs vjith detestation the that would flow from its becoming the law of the¦ ¦ issued to tho various factories aud workshops in the Foargus O Connfer, ¦ ¦ ' * ¦ ' * ' Good Retokt.—A young wife remonstrated with 13. That visitors bo chosen to dnstributo tracts, visit ruffianly a * tack lately made upon . land. . . ' . • ' course of the la-j 1; weak, inviting thorn to send a , Man- SHEFFIELD.—Mason s Strike.—At a pub- her husbsna, a dissipated spendthrift, on his conduct. members, collect contributions, and to make such statis- Esq , and the .Chartists, at the Hall of Science Att!:c;os.NB tical returns as may be called for. Also person -to meet ths members of the National Charter in order to suppress free discussion, and tb;it C , (Cornwall )—Patriotic Christ, lic meeting, field in the Political Institute, it ivas "My love," «a:d he, "I am only like the prodigal that a Super- chester, exing a"mj Soiree.—On Wfedntsday, ¦ananiinou -jly :—** That it is the opinion ki intendent be appointed to every ten visitors. Association, at thfiv room irt Aston-stivet , at eight this meeting resolves, en every occasion, to support ¦ the 9th iiistant, resolved of son; I shall refurm by-and-by." And 1 will be Alt. •'James Skewc-s, Jan., and Mi-. Wm. meeting ttit ihe masons are no* only justified , 14. That an annual meeting of tho Association be o'clock on Mond iy evening last. At the tin 10 appoiutod aud encourage that right." Ms. Squires briefly seconded Watts had this to be co for like the prodigal son, toa," she repiicci . " for I for commencing Iw-ineis Mr. Frederick Corbett was iua.de atrangementB to meet their Gbartibt friends, for but al^aly mmended striking a^iust the hfeUl vA such a time and p ace as the committee may the resolution. The chairman, on putting it to tb.y will arise and go to my father;" aad accordingly unanimously called to tho chair. The Caiunuan tlien upon the the purpose of having theiy children christened at the trranay of Allen and GrJSiell and Peto, and as such appoint , at which meeting a general report of the As- meeting, ' commented . in . ft . . forcible Hianaer , - off she went. read a list of n.inies of various f jctoriesan'f woritsl^ops in Manchester, Parish Church by tho Rev. Mr. Kogere, who, -wivli tb.9 are enmkd io the support of .heir fellow-country- sociation's proceedings during the pa3t year shall be Bhanieful conduct of tho league party assistnnce of the rural "-bines, ' performed- The best Letter.—" Jane, what letter ?n the read. which bad btten served with circulavs, aii giv«3 in existed uuioag a similar party iu their own neighbour- witti* proloagins their report. Mr- Joseph Genders, foreman at Neville gudfather gave the name of the first, James -Feargu iDg them to use Stone of an inferior quality, say, Mr. Snobbs." " Pooh , nonsense—tell right N.B, All subscriptions and donations, in aid of this 's, hood , but they were not powerful enough to exercise ailOVf , of Kea- street nUt-'Vfk-d (,n behalf of the men at O'Connor Skowes, and George firontfexte O'Brien Watts. and on the other "hand , placing erery obstacle in the out Jane. Which do you like best I" " Well, Association, -will bu thankfully received by tho Trea- . that it. The rfsuiutio'n waa tben unaiihnonsly carried (blushing and dropping her eves) place, lie spofcu in favour of 11 union amongst the The weather did not permit tha Chattifts to form a pro- wsv of lb* workmen, is highly censurable, and ¦ 3 I like you >u) the surer, S'J, Craven-sirett, Strand, or by the Secretary, Votes of tti;u;ks were given to ' Messrs. Wheeler *nd best." , working classes to c:vrry the -Charter, nnd approved of upwards of cession a.-i was intended, with the Kechabite band, ought to bs reprobated by every lover of even- 3 Richbell-place, Lamb's-eonduit-slreet, or at the M'Douall, and the chairman. A sum of who gave their valuable services on e- the gross Banker?,, 39, Morgatfe-street , tbe National Charter • Association.—Jlr. J. Jones, from Ss, was coll i-.'jtHd for the Whig-made widows, iv, cobsi- this occasion, a» the handed ja^tiee."—" That, se .n^ oppres- Ti£e >-oiber of electars in Fraucs is 224,700.— and duly acknowledged , ' large room of" Mr. Stephen• * . . Prideux, upon ihe masons, individuals in the Annual Rep.Mt v>f the Association. tbe Unit^il Tailors said that his trade generally 'were derablo quautity of sig:ia.turca were obtained to the coffee-house sion practised Mid the necessity if This gives one elector in every 151 , the the Charter.—M?. T. Wilkinson, ' from, keeper, which wus decorated with banners, them sgainsi thz-ir oppressors, a col- totil population being estimated at 34,000,000. Books for the benefit of the Association will ba thank- favourable t> petition , and the meeting separated withlcheers for the evergreens, supporting tbe Papier Machie mUUeis, said they were in favour of inscriptions, and portraits of O'Cohnof and O'Brien, in lection bs made ax the close of the meeting towards fully received by the Secretary. Cuarcer, the-ATar,. &c. Several forged five pound notes of the Bank of the Chartor.—Mr. - 'CUarltis Norton Rice attended from the -most conspicuous part of the room. At six o'clock Supporting them in iheir glorious struggle."—" That England, dated London, June U 1841, have been All communications may be sent, post paid, to tbo x Secretary, E. Spooner, Aspinall'a Lnnip Munufuetory, Paradiae-street, and Mr. AX Adjovrxed Meeting cf electors was held at between fifty and sixty males and females partook of the Committee be reqassted to coatiuue meetings at circulated lately. They are well executed, but may 3, Richbeli-pkce, Lamb's-con- tea, the weather having detained great Apprentice every Thursday evening, duit-strebt William Mill-ward , from Timmiug's, of Hiust-street.— the Dr. Joinison Tavern, Bolt Court, Fleet-street, on numbers who the London at be distinguished by the jagged edge, the thinness of Smith Lindon addressed the meeting at some had purcbaaad tickets from attending. Mr. John En- seven o'clock, to receive subscriptions for >Ir. Thursday, the 17tb,: at which there was a numerous half-past the paptr, and the word five being struck through, length in favour of Chartist . principles, and shewed , purpose of dean was called to the chair, and a numb-jr of patriotic the support of the masons, and that those trades who attendance of influential individuals for the and appearing black on tha back of the note. the absolute necessity of standing QrmlJ' by every forming the liberal electors of London into an Electoral sentiments were given from the chair, and responded , to have not hitb*rto sent delegates, are requested to of (Sto'tist Snt^I%fnte. by moving a in excellent speeches. v * . . ive their assistance in supporting tie CrBiot'5 Dkeam.—:An editor of one the New point. He concluded resolution to that Charter Association, Dr. Wads waa called to the chair. do se, to g 1\ "Mead ¦' seconded the resolutidn in t3SA¦D¦t^fGr.-^Grio¦Rlous A much longer report vras sent, but York newspapers lately dreamt that he w»3 ont of efTbCt. Mr. E Mr. Wheeler, as secretary, read the minutes of the I triumph of JUSTICE mason-." debt ! The poor fellow found out his mistake when rv highly humourous address, •which caused great preceding -meeting, he had received over EKPEDiENCY.^-The press of mstt-er obliged ns to curtail is. NOMINATIONS TO THE GENERAL and the ansBTfil'S sturgites Having been very he awoke. COUNCIL. laughter. He exposed the trickery of the middly from *ome of toe London M. P.'a v?ho had been invited active hero in procuring signatures to their memorial, CAZlXiISZilIii—Case of Absok.—We mentioned Gamxg rs Alehottses.—Sir Charles Wetherellj cHsags, a, a vxburttd the working classes to to attend. Dr. M'Douall moved the first resolution, they determined on calling a public meeting on Friday NEWPORT. ' 1 in our last,- thai the three pruottCTS, ilaij ChlistD- RecoideT of Bristol, fcas ruled that the game of bag- union and persiV«vance. . . Mi . Stewart inoved tho ahr those, who went further oh some vas strongly confirmatory of the former evidence, Boyd, the Political CommiFSioner at Baroda, will and they had .-.ignifiyd thoir intention of joining. Tho patriotic electors to form themselves into an Associa- other occasion. Mr. James , stated that for a long time smcceed Sir" William M'Naghtcu as Governor of Mr. James EfaeK sub-Treasurer. Chairm;;u put the resolution, wLich was catriert nnani- for the and fully conclusive as to the guilt of the prisoners, Air. Matthew Berry, nub-Secretary. tion in tiieir respective electoral diatricta, they had played on the string of the Corn Laws, but more particularly the two eldest. They were full y Bombay. mously. The Chairman stated in tbo course of the purpose «l procuring the speedy enactment of that had now ceased to vibrate, and they nevv met to committed to take their trial at the next assizes for "United States Benevolence,—Fifteen barrels of DUKHA SI. evening that fifty of the men in. Ihe s;nu- Brown eecunuefl the resolution. He had on the but now he had swallowed this, the sixth pill, he prison in a se-ian chair. Since "writ- Treasury gars orders that thsy should be admitted Mr. Hu«h Richmond, tailor, Claypath. vsiJtd. Tha t rades of Jjirmiugham are bCbtirringthem- previous meeting been opposed to it, thinking that it trustsd th«y would unite, and obtain ed bick to' the Universal Suffrage. ing lie above we cave examined the premises free pf durv. ilr. Robert Harr!.-on, shoemaker, Miliburngate. svlvei for tho whole-Charter and nothing less. might raisti an association to run counter with bar own, Mr. Kuowles, CJMH.tist Lecturer, asked permission to cf tie Ansel Inn ; and from appearances there, Retekse of FoaTO-E.—At a meeting of the Mr. John Lougstaff, baker, Framwellgate. but the third resoiutiou which thfty had heard read, address the meetiing^ which being granted, he spoke for " Sunday Evenino,—A lecturo was delivered in the ¦we feel convinced that a most wicked and creditors of the Newton Brink, hdd at Exet?r a few Mr. VVm. Liddeli, taiior, ditto. Chartist Room , Att m-street, on Sunday evening last, obviated that objection. Mr. M'Leod supported tne neariy an hour xm the principloa and duties which heartless attempt had bsen made for the pur- days since, it ivas stated th3t Mr. Baker, one of the JJr. Benjamin Hill, labourer, ditto, sub-Trea by Mr. E P. Mead , .Mr. Stewart in the chair. The resolution. He had ever endeavoured to promote the ought to guide a. Government, and exposed the absur- pose of effectually burning the whole premises to partners, went into the concern with £17,000, and surer. lectura wii3 Well attended , and gave great satisfaction. interests of the working classes ; he thought that dity of the vote being confined to the property and not seccre *he iusurance money. The presence of has not" now a shilling. Mr. John Bray, cooper, ditto, TG , sub-Secretary. The lecturer introduced singing by giving out a hymn instead of being ignoriint, their very position iu society to tbe individual. On sitting down he was loudly intelligence. chips, peat?, and sticks, piled and lighted in almost Comparati ve Vjbti'e.—A shoopkeeper at Don- of his own coiiiivosi[i»n. gave them an advantage on the score of cheered. It not appearing to be the intentioa of the leave? ne doubt on the mind of the LOUGHBOBOUQH. It requ red more ability in a carpenter to make a table getters-up of the meeting t» move any rosolnlion, every room, caster had for his virtues obtained the nanie of the Mr. John Skevington, shopkeeper, Swan-street. Mr. spectator, that the mon extensive preparations had appel- Sig nal Failure of the Comi'lkte Suffkagk. than it did in him, as a brewer, to sell a barrel or a butt G. Wheeler proposed the following :—•" That whilst little rascal. A stranger asked him why this Mr. Abraham Harding, joiner, YVoodgate. of beer. He wished to see a friendly feeling exist beea mede to fire the premises- The floora are torn given him ? '' To distinguish m« — Meeting is the Town Hall.—A meeting, which this meeting fully agree in the justice of complete or lation had been Mr. John Banner, tailor, Leicester-road, was intended to be m ist numerous and importiint, so between both classes. The resolution was then unani- Universal Suffrage np in most of the rooms, the scair case broken, and from the rest of my trade," quoth he, " who are all , they are 0? opinion it would be Inflammable materials Mr. Thomas Webster, tailor, Ashby-square. far as numerous and immense placards posted on the mously car.-i«ii. Air, Dron, in an abJe . manner moved useless, unless accompanied and protected chips and shavings, and other grea t Rascals.'' Mr. Wm. Brudon , framesmith, Pinfold-row. by Wie Ballot, placed in all the interstices of tlie floors of the back w.vs —Mr. Mackinnon has carried walla and paraded through the town on hoards-, called the second resolution. As an elector, he had enter- Annual Parliaments, Payment of Members, and the No BtRiAk in To Mr. James Jones, framework-knitter, Woedgate. for the purpose of electing delegates tiiinod a prejudice - agaiust the Chartists, bat that pan of the premises, and under the stairs. While his motion ibr a committee to inquire in;o the pro- to tbo Complete Property Qualification clause, with Equal Electoral remained Cfor all the best, Mr. Thomas Hunt, ditto, ditto. Suffrag e Conference, was hold at tho Town Hall on entirely disappeared when he came to niix ampngst DisLriats"—^(great cheering.) Mr. Wheeler then what little furniture that priety of no longer interring bodies in large towns, Mr. Thomas Eveleigh ably carefully packed up, ^nd , grocer, Market -place, sub Mondny la^,t. Notice was given that no person would them, and to have a correct opinion of their real objects. sh ewed the superiority of these over Sfcurge's document. portion cf it had been or in places ieusdy populated. Treasurer. to take part -who ' ilary Biay o , at sundry times, by a be allo-^td hail nOt Signed Mr. He wascohvincHd tbia tv-bold also be the case with other Mri Godwin briefly seconded tbe resolution. Tbe Chabr- taken by l ck Theodore Hook.—The complete desti- Mr. William Sutton, framework-knitter, Moira horse and cart to the can.ai. There were sixteen The late Stur^e's Declaration. ThTOU gtlOUt tllC Whole 6f tho electors. He moved, " Th:it it is the opinion of this mnn declined to put it, averring that it was foreign to 4i tution of tlie laia-iy of this popular writer may be street, sub-Secretary. large ps.cka'lr. Mark Mitchell, ditto, sub Treasurer. who went throuah curiosity, and about 300 in ihe body purpose of creating public opinion in favour of that tion, even the Chairman voting for it. This victory was ;wns in Renfrewshire, in mak- of the Hall. No*, considering the large number of measure j and to secure the return to Parliament of celebrated with; tremendous ¦ trrelre fires lighted. Ths two elder prisoners, after Paislev . and other t Mr. John Jowitt, ditto, sab-Sectary. ; cheering. : Three extra lighting the fires, which they had been prepanag ing investigations re.-pecting the working of the persons who are unemployed in this town on a Monday, Members advocating the entire principles of the cheers were «iven for the Charter/ and the meeting since about the first of February last, retired with Scottish Poer Law, and the distress of the manufac- WARLET. and the great esteem in which Mr. Joseph Sturge is People's Charter." Mr. Pedley seconded the reso- separated. Twenty-eight members were enrolled last where avid Ackroyd, Friendley. held as a private character.:-thv> meeting must be looked lution, which was carried unanimously. Mr. meeting night. «ae younger prisoner into the front room, turing districts. Mr. D ) erery preparation had been made to prevent — Philip Sampson a publican m Mr. Richard Lawson, Water-hill. upon as the most complete faihvra eves 'witueaBed ia liuft'y Hit ley, "in an eloquent nsanner, moved the adop- Manslavghter. , , particularly ns it was held in the fire from entering, until the other portion priz^j-fighter, and well known jas Mr. William Culpar, Winter-neb. this town 'the Town Hall, tion of the third resolution. Ho looked with an eye of Liverpool, da:-!y a ;i piact) so eommodious and celebrated that the considerable jealousy upon tbe middle classes joining sf the premises were effectually on fire. Wei mats Sampson ,) liss been commiited to take Ms trial Mr. David Lawson, Water-hilL bare TO ALE THOSE WHO ARE Phil , High Oldfield. mention of'a meftio'g ' thuro Jias tlie effect of drawing tbe movement, aud would not consent to the first reso- INTEREStED IN bad teen placed at the bottom of the door to at Liverpool as=iz?s oa a charge of having killed a Mr. Jonathan Teale THE KEGENEBATlbN of the Mr. John Lawson, Water-hill, sub-Treasurer. 1-,'^- numbers. Tlia public will thus perceive that the lution, unless this which he would read again should be OF OUR POLITICAL prevent the flames from entering thai portion man by- knocking him down, his head pitching ' : ¦ ' ; ' ; " ¦ ¦ ' people of Birmingham do not take ;my interest in the Carried also, ''That it is tbo opinion of this meeting, . SYSTEM. - - . /.; V- - - V- :¦;¦ • : . * ¦ premises in which the prisoners had sought refuge. against the kerb stone of the causeway. Mr. Jonas outcliffe, Winter-neb, Bub-Secretary . - , on the one " Complete Suffrage " scheme. It should aiso be/undei- the Electoral Charter Association can only establish a The premises of the Angel Inn have, These is living in the Commune of Privas, iu the QUEEXSHEAD. Fellow DKMpCRATS ,--An election for a member sde, those of Miss Weavers, which are used as a Mr. "Wright, weaver, Street-top. stood that a number i explanation their sincerity, he would not endeavour to obtain their at the Coffee House, _ vate tise bit of land -which su. rounds their hut. Mr. Ja;nt3 Moor, weaver, Chapel-lane, sab which the meeting beyu nation of the people to overturn the monstrous system family, but they fortunattly escaped uninjured. of the purpose for had called. assistance as ari elector of Marylebone, and being" a now so tenaciously cluug to Cavanagh.—This " fasting man" has S ecretary. He t-xpivssed a wish for rV union of the niiddla ;Vnd member ot tbn Reform Association, and of the Paro- by the factions that hold The fanaly of ilr. George Litt5e were in great Bernabd CRAGG VALE. us in domination. In Brighton we are resolved been committed to hard labour for a month, by the working classes, in or.k-r to secure a full, free, and chial Committee, he had seen so much of the political to danger ; all the furniture were removed to the main Mr. John WaTeing, tailor, Cragg. t);o make an effort of this kind, and no failures shall ihe mili- magistrates a' Queen-square police office, London, fair ret-resenHtittn of wboio people, and concluded insincerity of this class, that he would unite with them strtetj and placed under the protection of at in daunt our determination¦ to renew¦ and Mr. Thomas Greenwood. waTper, ditto. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * - ¦ ¦ " * strengthen' "" those*" charity a house Cadoean-place; and by caliin-j on the secretary to read the rules laid down oil no other terms save those, contained in the resolution. * ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ - . - •; ¦ - -;¦¦ tafy, made their escape for^>kiiiii ' efibrts. - : .. . . . •. ; . . . while i5~ wife and family " was commuted at Union Hali, to Mr. John L^ah , carder, ditto. by the Provisional Committee , in Birmingham for the Mr. Mungay, as a middle-class man, himself had no ¦without anv covering but their night clothes. His William Brown In the person of Mr. C. Bropker labour for seven days, tor ttealinK bread from Mr. John Wilkinson, spinner, ditto- election of delegates to the forthcoming Convention. objection to the resolution, but he feared it would deter , of Alfriston, we Hster-in-isw, and Mr. J. Crosthwaite, driver of the harrt Mr. Joseph Hals:ead, ditto, ditto. have a faithful and untiring advocata of pure Radical wno a baker's shop I Three other men were also com- 'ihe . Secretary then read a printed document setting many from joining, .who, if they had the entire power London mail between Lancaster and this city, Cavanagh Mr. Riehard Hinchiiffe, beerseller, sub-Trea f ! ?h tho manner in which delegates werp to be elected. of Beif-goverambut in , would Save principles, as set forth in the People's Charter j in this suffocated mitted for seven days for stealing bread. their own districts gentleman was lodging in the house, was almost free country it is a surer. .-vf t'r which Mr Alderman W&aton : dd dtesa' ud' the no objection to enrol themselves as members. Mr. G. we possesa an advocate willing to stand with could reach the au-'ht to have known that in thi= forth, at every as the of ths smoke before they offence to beg than to steal, Mr. Ctias. Eastwood, spinner, ditto. sub-Secretary nitccing at great length , and moved a resolution. The Hartwell would only consent to tbe first resolution by election^ representative our door. greaser priiciples, and it - 1st Rev. Mr. Allsop also delivered a leDg speech, aad the third being carried. The body to which he be- is our conviction that we ought to Encke's Comet >vas rediscovered on March , COCK EfiMOuTH. spare no trouble, nor exertion Observatory, seconded it, after which a young rnan delivered a lonj; longed (Maryiebone) would be very jealous of any , to maintain the position Scbjkis Paistixgs is ths House of Coh- with ths instruments of the Royal Mr. William Buttery. he has taken np op onr behalf. ?oa exactly harangue and found fauit with the violent - Chartists attempt to raise Up an opponent to the National Charter Bat we are not willing sgxs.—Amidst the decorations of Greenwich. It-- place vppear? to agree very Mr. John Denwood. that that geritlemap, even if he were able all the talk about sent over to this anil their leaders, for which he was warmly ap- Association. Dr. M'Douali, in an able manner, defined and ready to the new Parliament-bouses, there ha3 been marre;- with that given by rfc* Ephemeris Mr. Aaron Jordan . do so, which he is not, should purchase the seat ; what- Encke and circulated by the plaud.u by the persons in the organ gaUery, amounting the duties of the Executive, and showed that in local lously little said about the subjects of the paintings country by Professor Mr. Thomas Swain. to about one hundred. The speeches up ,to ' , this,-time ever success, may fall to his lot, we are hot willing that Royal. matters, every locality had the complete power of self- " with which they are to be embellished. A judicious Astronomer Mr. John Smnburn. were heard with silence and seeming iudiiFewuce, with government. Mr. J. Cleave ably addressed the meeting be should be at any personal sacrifice in standing ^for- history of either ' in connection with ward as an advocate selection of prominent events in the The total itmbeii of school?, Mr. Thomas Fletcher. the exception of a few attempts at cheering ia the in support of the resolution. H« had but little ho^es of pur principles. House might be made, to leave upon the spectator a the lri=h Board of National Education on the 31st of Mr. John Williamson. or^an gallery, which utterly failed. " Purity of Election" has become a byeword ; jt ia erec- Mr. Smith Lindon, of the; shopkeepers stirring in this matter. Mr. Poizer torrect impression of its character, and the cirenm- December, 1840 (including those in progress of Mr. James Irving. a member of the Council of the National Charter Asso* supported the resolution. Mr. Swaine our duty—our principles demand it of us—to give to , year the said that no aances which have contributed to develope it. Thus tion), was 2,424. At the niose of the last Mr. Joshua Newton. ciation stood up in the side gallery to address the person perhaps was better acquainted with the the phrase, -"" Purity of Election," a substantial meaa- with regard to Commons, it n said of '?ehools in connection with the Board ex- Mr. Thomas Nixon, sub-Treasurer " ing. It 1b in this spirit that we make bold to appeal to the House of number o- an meeting. He was received with loud cheers, and was views of the electors, more : particiilarJy of the tae Oriental Potentate, that he cansed the leathern n.-^ried 2 700—being incre ase, in twelve montns, Mr. John Linton, sub-Secretary. invited to tbo . organ;.gallery' by Mr. Sturge. He was city, than he was, ' •;the all our Chartist brethren for pecuniary aid to assist ua attendance and he could assure iprou he had worn when a mechanic to be borne of abt-ut 300. The number of children in HUCKNALX T0RK.AKD. again loudly: cheerea on making his appearance iu front meeting tbaV be could scarce get them to listen to him in our object - . another, 280 000,being s itfore him a3 a banner when king ; and of at the schools, in J841, was upwards of , and proceeded to address the meeting in an animated on the fcubject, he would advise them to stick to their We conceive that the exertions we shall make, part of his in the year preceding, Mr. Thomas Hurd, framework-knitter. though local in some hat he had inscribed on a conspicntus an increase Upon the number Mr. Simeon Allen , ditto, Buildings. aud argumentative manner. He disclaimed/"any wish Chaster and to rely entirely on their own energiea-^ respects, are, in dUier points of Syal hall, " Saladinthe Great must die": the House of near!r 50,000. to create divisoii between the "middle and working Dr. Wade bad no objection to view, purely NationaI; we combat for ^^ the recogni- morality Mr. William Smith, ditto, Half Moon Yard. tbe resolution ; he was tion and., establishjnentof principles not simply local t Commons might combine both pieces of To Pi,ES JNsi YisinsG Liverpool fob ihe Pur- Mr. William Shooter, ditto, Baildings. classes. He expiained the principles of the Charter ready to tike out his card.—{The Dr. was speedUjr tax- *ith ftdititous effect, by placing opposite a pictHre —Avoid making acquaint- separately, and showed that nothing short of those nished with an enamelled one, in but national. If this be the case, we feel that we d» pose of Emigration. Mr. Thomas Garner, ditto, Buildings. and bis name inserted not wrougly in making a t Qneen 's ears, one of principles could " ' general appeal" ' for' pecuniary Elizabeth boxing the Speaker or in public houses in the be called a full , £aii% and free U by tor. M'poHaii.) Some Doctors ' ' * * ' ' • " * ¦ * ances at-out the doc*s, Mr. Reuben Toinlinson, ditto, Wigey Lane, sub- contented ttiein-r . ¦ >¦ ¦;.;• . : ;.; * * - ¦: -¦ . . * •;- ¦ ^^ aid. . . .; ,.. . ,[- . . . •;. . . . ; .. ¦liver Cromwell ordering the mace to be carried neishbonriiOtKi ;, and enter into no contracts or rrepresintation of the people, and called upoa selves with riverely prescribing, but the iCbartist Poctprs " this aipna for Treasurer. To our friends in Brighton, who may *ay. Tien, to " fill the space between s^ecmcnis a passaKe- before calling at the Go- Mr. Richard Brown, ditto, at Mr. Tiios. Brown's, all who agreed with him to bold up their it appeared were not content with that, but wisely took read this, we fed omega of a Representative Legislature, might be Emigration Office , in Union-street. By hands, two-thirds of . the meeting immediately care to see that the medicine was speedily appeal for ce-»peration ; there are a great manymen cha- vernment Red Lion Yard, sub-Secretary. administered around us who loudly prefess to fctrodnced pictures of incidents expressive of the attending to the first caution, emigrants may avoid reapoEiitd to the call amid loud cheers. He Uaen —(cUeers). Hfl trusted no one would, ef ter this, think be imbued with the pter of theHouse of Commons, and the estimation in , who TAV1STOCK. called ou those who were opposed to the ' Charter; to that he was not zealous spirit that animates ourselves ; let them prove the sin- falling into the hands of cheats and swindlers in the cause If be belonged cerity of their professions by *iich it is held. For the first might be recom- ou; to entrap the unwary , cordwainer. bold up their hands, when h few hands were held up. to any other body which they conceived wo«ld militate cordially uniting their - are ever on, the look Mr. John Stephens efforts with our own, in an Jeaded—the Speaker ordering the Sheriffs into con stranger ; by attending to the second, they will ob- Mr. William Bennett, tailor. This was also followed by loud cheers. The chairman agaixst this, be would give it Up, conceiving this to be enterprise, the suc- Sfenjeni ; and the Sir Robert \V alpole appointed here intimatc-dto Mr. Lindon that he was out of oriler. cess of which womld be a great triamph of¦ PRIN- scene where tain f^om the office by Government for Mr. Moses Simmons, plasterer. of paramount importance.--Mr. Wheeler supported the ; * ' ¦:*: ' * : " ¦:' ¦ * ¦ ' * .', ' ' *4 Pnltenev having Iai3 a wager about the correct- advice, and as- Mr. Lindon replied that there was no chairmun, for the resolution. If ihe electors 1CIPLE. ; .. :-; . - - . .. :. - .. the purpose, all ihe information, Mr. John Nichols, hatter. took the cards of onr Exe- All communicationsmay be addressed «ks of a Latin qnot&tion, smd the Speaker having necessary to set them fairly in the way to Gerry, basket-maker. meeting had not voted on the sabjeefc. Mr. Sturge was cutive, they would essentially becomepart or portion of to tbe Chair* the of Eng- sistance Mr. Henry unanimously, Mr.;\ man of the Committee, Mr. Woodward, Meeting-houa«- ^iied against Minister, the Premier then elected George White then our National Charter ' ¦ ' ; ' their place of destination. Mr. Thomas Drew, currier. AflBodiatlon , and on that candltion • - " ' .">: ¦ * : ' ¦ :¦ ^' : '¦ ' M chucked the half-guinea across the House to the took off Ws bat, in the side gallery, and asked the poly would he be instrumentalia ane, Brighton . • ¦;. .: ; . . - - . - ; ,; Mesial Auehaiion. from the best authorities, Mr. Isaac Doidge, carpenter. cementing an union. Mer of the Opposition, amid the breathless stten- cordwainer, sub-Trea- chairman's leave to address tbe meeting. The chair- The third resolution was then ananimously.carried. Signed on behalf of the appears to occur more frequently in Great Britain Mr. William Willcocks, A " ,'; ChartiBt Elector *% of an admiring senate, The peopleby 's love for except Norway, the pro- man beckoned him to the organ gallery. When Mr. committee, consisting of Dr. Wade, Messrs. Mungay, 's Committee, be expressed a torch-fight than in any other couLtry 6urer. White arrived at the ckair, . William Woodward; ^r own-House might person to every Webb, cordwainer, Brook-Btreet , he was asked by Mr. Sturge Fainreri Ridley, Dron, Ross and Brown, with power to ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ its poninn in England being one insane Mr. Richard ^ - • ' . - . ¦ ' ¦ . ' . ¦ . T^ of the soldiery mustered for protection when one in 5<3, whilst sub-Secretary. whether he bad signed the declaration for complete add to their number, -were appointed to collect sub- Chairman. Law of 181a. 783 inhabitant, and in Scp^and suffrage. Mr. White said be had " Brighton, March 14, 1842. 5*is engaged in passingus the as Co rn ratio is one maniac in ool of the not. He wasi tben scripUousfor tbe purpose of callinga large publio meet- throng upon deep calleth unto in Norway, the NoBTHAMPTOJf , LADIK BOOT AND SHO£ MAKESS told that he could not be allowed to address T^esiions population. Mania seems to increase as man re- ' the meeting ing at the Crown and Anchor. The Secretary was in- At a meeting of^^ the Brighton Chartiat Eleistw'i Kin; h is enongh at present to direct attention w countries bonier- Mr. Palilsom, Peter-street. nnless he consented - .to do so. Mr. Wbite wfawd to structed to report the proceedings and the correspon- Committee, on Tuesday evening, Much 8th, it waa when the cedes from the warm, or sonthera ' " -"' " ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ^Sitject, and to express a hope that and approaches the colder Mr. Brett, Peter-street, sign the declaration, and said it did not comprise his dence in the NorUiern Star. A Tote of thanks was resolved unanimously :—-. . . -: ' i.-'^ ^''. :: ing band to fee work, the claims is;; the Mediterranean, views. He was then informed that it would iiot given to the Chairman. ^c.me3 for lay regions of the north. In Italy the scale descends so Mr. Clowe, Horse Market, be £l, the expense of the room, " That th« members of the Ctenetal Conncll of the ff take sentence Chartists f Sib,—The Irish Universal Suffrage Association, dulous dupes parties who have, over and over again, in the seeing that is was grossly slandered, and its ob- , under the pretence of Repealing the supply the existing deficiency ; when thiy thus con- them. Three per cent, ia a very low figurei The off outt also ! : featin&i. to, - ami- contended Union, while they know right well thai their great Reform Bill agitation, jects and proceedings wilfully misrepresented, in a leader trastedthe two sohema3, they instinctively saw that traders think so in their transactions one with ano-r fijr the very same principle—the principle that re- report of the proceedings of the Loyal National has honestly declared that he will not bring ^ with taxation that question forward in the House of CommonB Peel had out-bid them ! and that his object was to ther, and in their deaUnga with the people. They THE STAR AND THE EXECUTIV E. presentation should be co-extenBive V IRepeal Association of Ireland, which were pub- u until he ha3 a petition, signed by 4,000,000 of Irish- purchase the enpport of the trading classes! may try, if they like, to induce Peel to lay si *per This is the whole amount of our dictation"—of lished in the Freeman's Journal of the 1st instant, men it is well known that EtSEWHERE we give an artiole from the Execu- passed a resolution, repu diating and disavowing the , while at the same time cent, upon the ownersl of tangible and certain pro- our ^ malicious abuse and misrepresehtation." there are not 3 500,000 male iahabitants in Ireland, They also saw that he had calculated vvell ; that tive, which.' '.seems- to require from us a word of charges which were made against it, and pronounc- his tariff scheme was cunningly devised ; that perty, while he retains the present amount upon faBtidious of Mr. Philp's friends ing the party wko made those charges to be calum- including new-born babes. it wxs explanation. The Exeontivo fay-- : If the most In conclusion, Sir, permit me to say, on the part of and very likely to incomes from other sources; but they! must not be single word disrespectful niators. This resolution wss sent to your paper , for very catching, answer the intended " We must, in the most friendly, but determined can find therein * to the members of the Irish Universal Suffrage Asso- permitted to hitch off the burden willingly sit down publication, and the cost of inserting it as an 2d- own part, that we d eem it in- purpose : and so they determined, if- possible, to from themselves, manner, protest against the Editor associating the Mr. Philp, we will quite to be Tertisemenl in the Dvily Freeman, of tbe 5th and ciation, and on my r , cumbent on us, collectively and individually, thus spoil the sport by denouncing the other portion of or to lessen the proposed amount. Executive Council with the humbug trap and the trodden upon ai the mushroom in Mr. PHitP 3 path j Weekly Freeman of the 12th insk, paid for. Yon, Bath conference. We have the greatest possible , publicly to proclaim that our respect for, and vene- Peel's plan, the new taxes, and, by appeals to the Ii is but £4.009,000, a< the very outside , that Peel if they cannot, they will perhaps be able to find out Sir thought tha terms of the resolution too strong admiration of, the exemplary and exalted respect for Mr. Hill, Mr. O'Connor, and Mr. f or blication, and returned the money sooner ration and cupidity of the monied classeSj array their power proposes to raise by means of this Income tax! Only has most reason (if it were worth while) to pu than character of the Irish Catkolic Clergy, is as un O'Brien ; but we must say . that the former is not who 1 publish % document which, you said, contained a against Peel on the ground of opposition to the £4,000,000 !! By other and indirect meaas he justified in making the Exeoutive answerable for coinplain of " misrepresentation and falsehood.^ '.la general Libel upon the bounded as that of any other sooiety of men in the or in whola of the members of the universe ; that we have neither secrets nor oaths of Income Tax. The cue having been given, little Lord raises £53 000,000 !! J The main portion of this aught save their own acts as a body^ mixing any case we shall not allow either " mushrooms,'' or Xoyal National Repeal Association of Ireland. Now, ^ them up, as a Council, with the private proceedings any nature or kind in our association ; that we con- John became suddenly valiant. He announced £53,000,000 is wrung from the labourers of England. like Mn Philp, to tnrn us from Sir, I am far from blamisg you for refusing to sider none as friends but those who will tell to every Of Mr> Vincent, Mr. Philp, or any other man." angry men, publish any speech, or paper of whatever, in " that House," that he would move counter The time has come when the Government cannot neither suffer the people'a any kind body everything they hear and Bee at tbe meetingB of Had our good friends of the Executive read the our ^ath. We shall which miglit have a tendency to subject your jotirual theassociation ; that the Irish Universal SnffrageAsso- resolutions 'to those proposed by Pkei. ; that he possibly raise more from , this class. Peel distinctly damaged by treacheiy nor imprudence to a prosecution for libel ; but,permit me to ask yon, article to which the above sentences7 allude;' with cause to be ci&tionhasbeenfoundedfor the purpose of obtaining by would oppose the Income Tax Bill in all Us stages, says so. Ho says, moreover, that: if he ia to satisfy without giving warning, nor will we be driven into is itjusi—is it doing onto others as yon won Id be legal and constitutional means, and by such means their accustomed carefulness, they would hate saved done by, to allow a public body to iibel ad libitum, dividing *' the House" upon the first , second, and the demanda made upen him, he must have the an abusive personal conflict because Mr. Pmtr only, Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, Annual themselves the trouble of writing,and U3 of replying throngh the columns of yosr paper, and to deny that Parliament?, Equal Electoral Districts, No Property third reading?, and also on the bringing up of the money. He further says, that those who are able desires it. We have given Our opinidn on the polioy individual or his friends the common right of a re- to them ; for they would have seen that we have Qualification , and Payment of Members ; and, Report. Other Members in his train also shewed must make up the deficiency. / Thojse to whom toPeel of Mr. Philp and his friends. We have done so ply throngh the samo medium, bat more especially when these blessings are obtained a Repeal of the not done no such thing as mix up their acts as a public advertisement ? , " big fight ;" and while this game was played off thus appeals say that they ^ill respond his respectfully but honestly> We have given tho when that reply was paid for as an Union. body with those of Mr. Vincent or any other private In the Freeman of the 1st instant, amongst other inside " the walls of Parliament," the free traders1 call ! They denounce the measure as one of rob- people the reasonsl t^pon which that opinion ia Patrick. O Higgins, individual ; nor have we made them as a body at all matters grossly libellous, I find the following, re- press was performing its part outside by inserting bery and plunder. They have no objection to the founded. We have discharged Tour duty ; and it ported as part of a speech of Mr. Thomas Steel e, in TrcBident of the Irish Universal Suffrage responsible for the individual acts ot Mr. Phi£p, Association ; the man who got up the first heaps of letters from pretended correspondents, de- laboaring poor paying the £53,000,000 ,• but they is now for the people to determine on the merita of allusion to scma vague, wild, and incoherent obser- who is one of their body.- We have confined ourselves vations which were made upon the occasion by tha meeting for the O'Connell Tribute, and the jiouncing the Income Taxin all sorts of ways, and for have a great objection to pay only £4,000,000 the matter. It is for them to say whether they second who subscribed £10 to it. simply and solely to that which they with the Hey. Mr. M'Hugh, whcm I snail leave in the hands all sorts of reasons. amongst themselves !! I O! the tender conscience of approve, as wise and safe, the polioy of Mr. Philp of his Grace the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. whohaye asked greatest fairness admit to have been our duty, the This is for the information of those All this is but preparatory to the calling of public a free-trader,—-when his pocket is touched !! and his friends and abettors ; and we have too great Mr. Steele said— the question. " Who is Mr. O'Higgins V expressing of our own opinion of their public acts meetings at which the Whiga and Whi *" "Yes, but," rejoins the objector, " what need is their good sense, to believe that the " Oh ! what a terrifio proof does my Reverend , glingB o and recommendations. an opinion of Iriend's communication exhibit of the atrocious and there for Peel to raise the £4,000,0001 Why does bullying tone assumed by Mr. Philp, every water and degree will strenuously endeavour The whole misapprehension arises from the fact, insolent and baleful spirit of the Chartists in this country, under to get the public voice expressed against he not reduce the expenditureV Aye, why? you will be allowed to influence their judgment. They the instigation of O'Higgins and Ms gang—(hear, Peel that in our paper of the 12th inst., for the mere THE iYOfiTHEBJST STAfi besotted brute ! Wliy ? Because you will not let him j judge of the policy on its own merits, and not tear, and groans). By faT the greatest number of and his DIRECT syfctem of taxation. It is for the saving of room and time, we classed three distinct will Doyou not insist upon " National Faith." being kept i Mr. Philp, as one ef the T«ry few yon who honour me with your attention are Catho- SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1842. purpose of preparing and counselling the people how subjects of comment together in one article, heading on those of • liesj and from the hour of the penal code in its Do you not insist upon the interest of the Debt being themselves Chartists who advo- to meet this next " new move" that we address them it thus:—" The Humbug Trap—The Bath individuals calling Conference ' ' deepest horror, did you hear of anything more ac- paid in ful l i Do you not stand up for the Pension ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ' ' ¦- ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ • - ¦ on the subject at present. cate it. . • .. .: . . , cursed than the threat of the ruffian Ftargu3 THE PEEL BUDGET. List, tho Civil List, the Salaries, and the Grants ? —the policy of the Executive." And a referenoe to O'Connor and Paddy O'Higgins' Chartists, to tear In the first place, then, we aver, that the principle Mr. Philp claims independence of thought and Aye • and a Budget it is too ! Whatever it may Have you not spurned and spit upon the labouring the article will show that in our observations upon " down from his altar a Catholic cterpyman, because of DIRECT TAXATION involved in Peel's In- «/dc have tny thing of their own wherewith to satisfy and not having the ability to gain a People's esteem ihi3 one sentence contains two wilful falsehoods. • . they must f ind Mm the means of payment ; and he those who aided and abetted in the prosecutions of In addition to these main compartments the upper the demands of the government : as the burden of for themselves, they assail the characters of others, The first is, that the committee was unanimous : also explicitly tells them that they can sqateza no the Radicals and Chartists, because they com- that they may bo elevated by their downfall. > * and lovyer edges of the plate will be divided taxation , whether large or small, must eventually into sixteen other BvnnileT compartments, each that is to say, that the whole of the members of that more out of the poor man ; that the taxing-string plained of the weight of taxation ; if those who " The course I have taken I am still prepared to committee concurred in the sentence which was fall upon the shoulders of the labonring portion of one of which will contain an accurate represen- around the labourer's neck is as tight as it can safel y did all or any of these things should now venture to defend , and will still pursue, notwithstanding the tation of some great Publio Building passed in pronounced upon me ; this is the meaning which the community ; it is still more apparent falsehoods Bartlett to which several additions are the charge, as stated, labours to impress upon the be drawn ; that another twitch would strangle the , it is complain—note, that tho workings of their praise- of , ' the route from the Convention Booms to the made in the Star of the 19th ; notwitstanding the Parliament House. Views will thus be given of public pinioned wretch ; and that to provide the necessary still more clearly manifest that it is their bespattered system has made it necessary that their ¦ The second falsehood is that my money was re- duty and interest to insist upon the universal dictatorship of its Editor, and the suppression Of Temple Bar," 'Sfe Clement Dane's, Church, means, the owners of property and the possessors of incomes should be taxed ; if any one of these should moat important parts of the explanatory corres- Somerset House. Exeter Hall, St. Mary-le- turned to me. application of the principle of DIRECT taxation. p application This is not true. I never got back the money. income must submit to a direct tax which shall dare to urge one word of public complaint, let ondence, together with the unfair of Strand, Trafalgar Square, Northumberland On thia ground, then, the proposal of Peel to tax brief extracts from my speech. I declare for House, Whitehall, Richmond Terrace, The But as Tom Steele seens to know something about make up the deficiencies arising from the working infamy and ineffable scorn be ..his. portion !!! thoug it, I shall receive it thankfully if ic discharges his Incomes in a plain straight-forward and direct INDEPENDENCE ! Of ht and of action. Admiralty, The Horse Guards, Westminster people being unable to pay I There , can be no reduction of expenditure while If I can fail to adduce argument and reason for Bridge trust, and gives it to me even now. manner, 13 entitled to their hearty and undivided , The Treasury, Westminster Abbey, and Verny, Peel 13 a bold man ! He is bold in pro- the present system obtains ! To reduce the ex- my position, if I compromise a single principle, St. Margaret's Church, Westminster Hall, and As to the nnanimity of the committee npon the support. THEN LET ME KB CONDEMNED. I COUrt not popu- the Exterior of the House of Common. vote of censure passed upon me, no one knows bet- claiming at this juncture, and amid the horrible penditure means to reduce the Debt ; to disband larity, nor praise; I labour zealously to advance the ' There is another principle, too, involved in this There will thus be given, upon one very large sheet, ter than Tom Steale that thit statement is n;terly destitut icn everywhere prevailing, that there can be the Army ; to repeal the Pension List ; to reduce cause of ChartiEm, but I am not to be turned fro m Nineteen Splendid Pictures, all harmoniously false. The majority of the committee were in my no reduction of expenditure ! that the State Income-tax project , which also entitles the 'measure the salaries ; to remove my path by every mushroom tha t starts up in my the Dead Weight; to lessen ¦ ¦ ¦ " combined to make the whole an effective and favour, and the three-fourths of them for suppressing leeches cannot be induced to slacken their hold ! to the support of the labouring many. Property is the Civil List ; and to dock Prince Albert way. -. . ;, worthy representation of the most important the matter altogether, Irs: tbe charges which I 's al- ** Chartism, indeed, has brought ns to a very Taxed. The man who has been able, by tho oper- lowance. movement ever made by the English people in iroHgnt against Mr. Stella's friend, and which can- and that he, for one, is unwilling to attempt t o Will the Free Traders go for this?! unenviable position, if those who are its zealous favour of liberty. not be refuted , shonld ir-jure him in the way of his make them. He i3 bold in daring to propos e to ation of the blessed system under .which we live, Dare they tacklo the iutidholder ? Are they pre- promoters dare aot think for themselves, and cannet business. I knew that tha charges would injure The terms upon which the Plate will be issued are re-establish upon the moni ed classes one of tho Io accumulate to himself a large heap of tho good pared to grapple with the real question ? If they secure a true representation of their acts in the as follow :— : 7 ; if made public, and therefore I did not bring them leading Chartist organ. Let those Crouch who befor e the public body, but before the committee—a most unpopular, and (with them) one of the most things of life, is tared according to the scale laid are , let them blame Peel for seeking to keep up the will—I'll not be a slave. If any of my Char- Every Subscriber to the Star for Four Months from eommit:ee which assumed the right and the power odious taxes that can exist ; and he i3 bolder still down. What can bo more equitable ? What can expenditure, and for devising schemes to get the tist brethren desire from me my own explanation of the 9th of April will be entitled to a Plate. Wedo not promise to haveit ready at that time, though to decide upon the character of any man against in attempting to establish the means io collect from be more just ] What objections are there money to pay with : but if they are nst, blistered be what I did in respect of Sturge' s declaration, I will whom there was an objection by any other member. in all probability it will be ; yet we do not pro- the middle classes the tax so imposed ! that caa be urged against this principle ! True, the tongue of every mother's son of them who dares most readily and willingly comply ; but L protest I was on the cemnnvt=e myself, but refused to con- against being judged by the lying, prejudiced, and mise ; for the work will be one of such tinue a member of it when I saw a person put on it If he succeed in getting it from them, he will bs a that vrnat he has, has come from labour ; true, to utter even half a word in the way of complaint at ignorant reports, of a man with whom I shall ever a character, and will need such careful to whom I, at any rate, had a valid objection. M y bold man indeed ! ! 1 that the labour yearly expended upon his hereafter deem it dishonourable to hold connexion. attention on the. part of the Engraver, as having to pay the quota imposed upon them ! Peel defy any one to fix an exact time. This, first proposition to the committee was, tbat if they An Income Tax is widely and essentially different estate, or upon the raw material in his Let me be judgeu by my own actions, and not by the to would appoint twelve men against whom there is right. If the monied classes will have " the sys- however, we do promise. If the plate is not from a Property Tax. The latter would merely call mill, alone gives value to them , and is the source wilful falsehoods of a man¦ ¦ ¦ignorantlt¦ ; ambi- could be no reasonable objection , I should then tem," they must find him the means of payment. tious." - , - . "". ,. ¦;' ; ' . - .: . ' •: '; :• .-; . :' '- then ready, every subscriber is at liberty to state my reasons for withdrawing myself from npon those who possess property, tangible property, whence his income is derived ; true, that if he pays The old saying that " you cannot both eat your loaf " This is the first time since my connection with cease his subscription, holding his ticket, and the committee. This fair and reasonable proposition receiving his plate and paper from the Agent he to pay according to the rate laid down ; the former a portion of that income in direct taxes to the and have your loaf " is strictly appl icable here. The Chartism that 1 have been called upon to defend has subscribed with; the day it is presented, •was objected to ; and I was called upon by the reso- ment, he has less to spend in the market myself from malicious abuse and misrepresentation ; ; lution of vhe coismittee—on tig motion of Mr James imposes a tax upon incomes, no matter from what Govern dovourer of taxes cannot swallow the . money, and just as if he had continued to subscribe. . ... and I will resist to the last; tho tyrannical conduct of Paper the week the Plate is Jfn^ent , of Kingstown, to state the charges in-writ- sourca they may be derived ! The physician, who upon the productions of other labour; true all this; have the money ! More grist must come to the mill, men, even though they cloak themselves by the The Price of ^he pre^ ing, to natae the party objected to, and that the has no property, but whose income h the result of yet lie now gets the income ; the labouring people or the mill must stand : aud those who are in love name of Chartists. : sented will bo One Shilling. We will try to svnole committee should take the matter into con- ; make such arrangements as will make this his skill ; the author, whose income is derived from have that to provide for him, as well as their imme- with our present grinding system, must find tho " I repeat—does any honest Chartist desire me to sideration. To this proposal I ultimately assen.ed. state correctly what I have done, aad what course I the only charge the Subscribers will; have to the exercise of hia talents ; the builder or the black- diate share of the indirect taxes jnow-" paid ; and it - : : - " ' ' -\ . ' {There were fifty-one members on the committee, means to keep it up ! ! recommend to be pursued, I will do so with extreme pay. . . 7 : - . : - - :7 7 :7- - - '7 twenty-three only—rai smith, will not, in all ca3es, happen that if a tax is laid Agents, therefore, will please to open subscription twenty-three of whom—and whose incomes result from the excrcue of O ! what a glorious sight it is to see the " loyal" readiness and pleasure ; but let me nut be viewed the bareness to declare, to sign a paper pronouncing their respective crafts; all there, and others similarly upon incomes, the " property men" will be able to through the darkened medium of other men' s thick lists, and in all oases furnish the subscriber , while twenty- in sijch a stew about paying taxes ! During the with a ticket, which ticket will entitle him to the charges false and calumnious situate are -wh heads and black hearts ." eight held just a contrary opinion, and left the room , , by an Income Tax, taxed just as much make these o labour produce more for them to heyday of their " loyalty," when " loans" and "bank- the Plate whenever it is given for subscribing as the man who pay tha tax with; tliotiirh , in - too many cases, we We have quoted the above verbatim ; Italics, for the Star for tour months. 7 under the impression that the subject would end derives n.n immense income from notes" were as plentifu l as blackberries; when " we" there. Who are those that signed that lying docu- capitals, aud all, are Mr. Philp's own ; and our As soon as possible, specimens shall be placed in property, without any, (be slimmest, exercise of gneva to say, they wiil have this power. They were " at war" with both France and America ; ment?—what is their occupation ?—how many of ralent or skill or even industry cannot, however have it in all cases; aud when- only reply to its blustering abuse is to refer the .thq handd of the Agents. them have made their escape from the country ? , , ! This is an injus- , , when "Bank Restriction" existed ; when our o:j readers of Mr. Philp' The majority of the twenty-three msan-spiriced tice of so monstrous a kind 25 'j to bo paralleled ever this happens to be, the tax is a subtraction resources were in process of " development ;" s paper to all that we have sycophants and toad-eaters who signed the ctusure by the acts cf the znonicd elates thumtelVwS towards from the rich man's income to the clear and manifest in those good old times, if a man dared written upon the matter in the last two Stars. ©a BeaiJfr jss antr €Qvve&$OYtoent& npon m3 were, for the most part, subsisting upon the labouring people. benefit of the labouring people, who now havo both the funds which they exacted from myself ana other to j say a word against the wara then We here- repeat every word we have said upon To thi3 consideration must be added the neces- income and taxes to raise. They, therefore, are deeply dupes like me, nnder the pretence of reperiliEg the beiug carried on, or against the taxes im- the matter. On the 12th we said :— Mb. Philp and thb Chartist body.—We are Union. It "was expedient to get xid of me—Sr;t, Sirily Inquisitorial nature o: -j -: maehluery to ascer- and immediately interested in having all the taxes posed upon the labouring people to pay for tho "We refer with great pain to tho proceedings of inunda ted with letters of complaint about the Mr. O'ConnelL, in ihs pre- imposed upon becaussJ knew and told tain the amount oi each man 's ineonje. The pry- necessary PROPERTYj and collected wars and the interest upon, the' u- loans:" if a man the conference of Bath, between the Sturge De- non-hisevtion of the numerous resolutions last sence of other members of the committee, tne real ing, r.nd the examining into a shop- in a DIRECT and immediate manner. Both these claration men and some leading Chartists of that . week sent to us censuring Mr. Philp, and calling state of the case between Mr. T. Steele and O'Gof- the questioning, m those days dared to litter a word against the keeper's business, a:i d into a merchant's accounts, to principles aie involved in Peel's Income tax : and city. We respect Vincent for his zeal, his talent, upon him forthwith to resign his office of exectl' man Mahon, I knew too many of vhe facs of the H their own act the ttigma which they stunned by Peel's announcements. The nature parties, then, in relation to the working man, is just Charter for their accomplishment, labouring people in finding out the plane upon which the amiable week. principles of our friends operate. We are Halifax Ohaktists.—/ITe have not rotmfor their Sought to fix upon mine. and magnitude of his projects, and ice clearness this : if they think Peel has not taxed the possessors then you hearken to what they say, and entertain at ft long letter of remonstran c Now, Sir, it most be admitted that I have been loss to know how they discover, in their " Declara- e to Mr. Vincent : they and candour of his address in developing them, of incomes arising from landed and funded pro- their proposals ; but, until then ; until they be so tion," aoy distinct.' and ' unequivocal recognition of had better post it to him. most wantonly provoked into this statement. I had the A Retired Blacking no wish for it; and that completely " knocked the wind" oat of the Whigs. perty, or from buildings, high enough in proportion prepared ; until they ave pi-spared to act in good principle of Ukivebsal StrppnAGE ; and if that re- Manufacturer calls the at- but if my accusers desire it, tention of the Chartist public strongly to Roger yonwill be so kind as to afford mefpacs for the whole When they csnirasted his sweeping measure of to the amount he has proposed to Jay upon incomes faith towards YOU, let them whistle to the winds, cognition were evien palpable, we arq astonished that case they, some of7 'whom have suffered so much Pinder' s blacking, says that he is quite certain, , I shall state the whole, as I have the original u Commercial Reform," embracing as it does 1,200 arising from the exercise of trade, or the following and dance j igs to the mile-atones ! Above all things, from from the knowledge documents in my possession, and I promise you that middle class treachery to principle heretofore, can he has of the business, the ar;icife3 of import, and repealing tie duties upon by of professions, let them bother Peel TO MAKE IT mind that they, do not hitch-off the Income . Tax !!! have so simple a dependency on their - prof its of Mr. Finder cannot exceed 6d. or 8d, p er you shall hear no mere abont my expulsion. There is adherence to gross for all his not an unprincipled adventurer, a coward, or a pro- far the greater half of the number, aud greatly HIGHER, and remit some other tax which presses You havo had the harness and the collar to princjble now. We find in Mr. Philp's speech, at labour; thinks that the next three the months ought fr om this source to bring a hundred fligate, who enters on a political speculation , but reducing the duties upon the other half ; when immediately upon the labouring people ; but don't Itt wear long enough ; it has rubbed into the poiiference, as reporced by himself, the following avails himself of this sontiment :— ; ; : . . / poun ds to the Executive, and a thousand pound s expulsion as a screen for nis taw deep enough, and no commisseration ¦ into localjunds cowardly attackB upon me. tbsy contrasted thi3 measure with their own mnch- them try to persuade the labouring people to ' ¦ , from the[ prof¦¦ its of'.patriotic^ But suppose the worat—that the middle clashes retailers. ~ : :.. • . ' •¦• : ' ; : ; - "• ' - It has been asked, through your paper, who is lauded and highly-vaunted " great" scheme, which get tradesmen and professional men exempted from could you find . They have had a spanking bran new Tvera not honest ;-that they signed this declaration 77. . . Mr. O'Higgins The Stockport Friends request thai Hazlegrove, ? Thia is a modest question ta be merely included three articles of import, and the tax. No, no. If they like, we will try to in- set, of. "improved" aiid " light" make, made for as a false pretence ;—could, they ever agaiu sit in jury Marple asked about a man who has paid rent and taxes in boxes ,and the surr ounding districts,that have openly professed to deal with them in a crease the measure of taxation upon those who ccv- them by Peel : let them wear it !! Iusoltnt and and convict us as traitors and conspirators for . had petUiohs fr omStoek portwill send them in by the city of Dublin for nearly tw enty years. I; is contending for that principle which they themselves - " fair to ask, who axe manner that would raise from them, in taxes, tainly ought, in all justice, to pay more; but we as overbearing as they have been towards you when * :- -. the 50th March instant, as all will have lo go to- those who put this wise qves- had declared in black and white to ba the right of gether to sent tioD, and who are those v?ho concurred in it? The more money than it now paid upon them; you complained of the wrong done you,"- they will the people. ; Macclesfieldoti the 3rd April. Any certainly will not advise that the labouring people ' after the 3Ui of March will be too late. ; ¦ " ' ' : ' ¦ ¦¦; ': ' . THE NOR THE RN STAR. - . ' . , - . . . . . ": ,. ;• : J ^ &XSDXEGO Siepsess deplores the conduct of a f ew Stafford *-• the weekly meeting of the secondea the motion, .— sary to interfere by inflicting very serious punish- MAGISTRA TES' ROOM ; 7 James Shdwt 41, wag charged with having;uttered Mr. T. Duncombe haying Chart istfriends in the Sooth, entreats the peopleChartists of *"* pl&©e» on Monday, the Uih iaat., ment. He had considered the prisoner's case, aud promissiory note for v,£5 Sir James Graham- said he had no objection to eschew divisions, and to stick 11 and put off a forged , to to the tchole the folio**? ? resolution was passed :—" That any he hoped he should not be doing wrong in not send- {Before Mr. Justice Wighttnan.) purporting to be drawn by: Christopher Rawson, on the motion, bat begged to propose an addition to it, Charier. lecher wiping to visit this town must first com- for;l831 would be also produced, , Dttjerbies. municate with ing him out of the country. There were some cir- John Hardman, 37, was charged with having on behalf of the Halifax and Huddersfield Banking by which a rtt irn Ibokas Johhson — We cannot insert J^ the sub-Secretary, at least five days cumstancesto extenuate his case, ; v ' : • ¦ : ' ¦ '¦ ' ' ;¦¦ his object being to vindicate the accuracy of a former and therefore he Company. - vG' :^' - --- -V; V-V . " ^re pp previous the 15th January last, at Horton, near Bradford, ":^ . - ' ¦ ' : ~ ' ¦ ' ' " ' long letter on the subject of Messrs.War , and await his answer, or he will ; ¦ ¦^ ¦ /¦^~ ¦ :¦ ' " ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ —"¦ not be (the Judge) should sentence him to be imprisoned , Raimk were for the paper...... :r . - ..: - 7 ¦ ;- ¦ ¦ M *DouaU. These discussions do attended to. feloniously assaulted Thomas Massy Pearce, and Sir Gregory Lewin aud Mr . and personal " On Monday evening last, March for two years. defended the prisoner— The: notion as arnended, w^sagreed to. stolen from his person various articles. prosecution; Mr. Wilkins¦ ¦¦ ¦' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' much harm * 21st., a public meeting was convened by - ' - - : ¦ ' " -¦ " ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' * handbill for •:¦ . :¦ . . :¦ . . ¦ . ,, ¦ for a select committed by the par son the large •Thomas Haddleton,v. boy twelve years Of age,who Mr. Stanspielb and Mr. Thompson conducted Not Gaiit y. ; ,:: . .. Lord Stanley then moved ^y, £^—The 10s. extra charge is a. room at the White Hart Inn, Mj . Wm. to inquire into the British possessions on ' ' rascally imposition. He has no right to charge Peplow in the chair. Mr. Bairstow had been found guilty of stabbing, was next placed the prosecution ; the prisoner was undefended. Joseph 5fcarf, 20, waa charged with a robbery in the the etato of , the Midland at the bar. dwelling-house of James Jordan , at Leeds. the wefct coast of Africa, and also for a seleot coia- an$ (Mng at all for an interment. AU such fsee, Counties lecturer, delivered an eloquent and power- Guilty—Sentenc e deferred , they are called are notfees at all His LosDSHip said that the prisoner Mr. OvEBEND was for the prosecution. On Sun- mittee to icquira into ihe state of the different West as , , but simple ful lecture to a delighted audience, which occupied had been Henry Bakery B0, was charged with having on gratuities, which may be given or withheld at the two hours ,- after which Mr. fonnd guilty of a crime, though young as he was, day,the 13thof February; the prosecutor and hiswife India colonies in reference to the existing relations John Mason was un- the 16th of January last, at ^ 'Sheffield , feloniously return home they between employers and labourers, the rate of wages, pleasure of the parishioners. This fa ct ought to animously elected to serve in the forthcoming that indicated a very depraved disposition, and he locked up the house, and on their of ja known. Con- was liable to be transported broken and entered the warehouso of John Smith discovered that the^duse had been robbed quan- the supply of labour, &b.t and the general state Of be more generally No parson has any vention for Stafford. The cause is steadily pro- for the whole of his Hawkesworth and William Howard, and stolen legal claim to any fee for either burying,chris- gressing here. life. Fortunately, provision was made that in the tity of spoons abd other articles, which were after- their rural and domestic economy. Tin noblo lord cases of therefrom a silver plated ice pail and other articles. wards found upon the prisoner, by Inspector Child, dwelt upon the success which, iu a great degree tening, churching, or marrying. Those are the 1BPTON. —At a meeting of young delinquents like him, when trans- Mr. Pashlet was for the prosecution ; duties of his profe ssiontchich he is bound to the Chartists of this ported, they might be sent to a place where they Mr* of the Leeds policoi—Guilty. had attended the measure of emancipation,— place, the following ¦ ¦ resolution was Nbwtos defended - the¦ prisoner.' ¦ upon its effect in carried unani- would ' - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ elevating the moral and social perform. W. A. should consult a respectable have to work hard for a number of years, and . .;¦ :- • . ; . : . David Mcllor, Zl, wa3 charged with haying felo- mously :—" That this meeting highly approves of the Guil ty . . . . , . state ©f the negro, and upon the fallacy of proctor. fnneiples contained in it w»b to be hoped to lead a better life as they grew niously assaulted George Barker, of Almondbury, the document called the older. He Bhonld recommend John Sugden, 44 was charged with having forged the predictions which had been uttered, that the —AII comumcaltonsfor the Wes t Ridingor that the prisoner be * and robbed him ' of ¦ a ¦¦ sovereign and¦ nine half- JJon cE. the eople s Charter, " ¦ ¦ ¦ " : ¦ ; " ¦ ' ' ' believing that nothing uttered a ;-¦ * ; " :¦ ¦ : result of nogro emancipation would be the total skort of so dealt and bill of exchange for £20, with intent . •; . . ,/ . . . .- ¦ ¦: V. Huddersf ield District, must be with, but at present he Bhonld sentence crowns. . . . . _ addressed to E. that will tend to ameliorate the condition of the to defraud Messrs.- John, William, and Henry Shaw, relapse of the soil into its original uncaltivated state. Clayton, West Parad e, Huddersf ield. workuig people ; we him to be transported for the term of fifteen years. ; ^'; f Mr. Ovbrend, in opening the case, admitted that therefore denounce any man, of Huddersfield. , ^ the evidence was very slight, and without pro- Still; he could not but admit that, while the condition j ls, Morgan Williams wishes to apprise his Char- or body of men, who come oat to advocate any William Beaumont, who had been convicted of Wasnev of the negro wa-j improved, that of tho West India inter- stabbing, Mr. and Mr. Pickering were for the ceeding further he consented to a verdict of Not tist friends of his purpose to visit them during xnedial measure." was sentenced to be imprisoned for two ¦ ' ¦ " " " : ' - ' ' prosecution ; the prisoner was undefended.¦ ;¦ .; ¦ ¦ . , •¦ , ;¦;¦ . - - proprietor wa8\npt equally behefitted. If the in- ' ' ¦- ' ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' Guilty...... : .:_ .:^ ' : Easter week. years. : Guilty. . . ¦;¦: - - ,; • . - : . .; crease; ia the amoant of our exportations to the . . , .. . .;. ; ^ Jhb Manchester League Blttdgeojj Victims.—Mr. Samuel Eastwood, who was convicted on Saturday Joseph Thwaites, 22, and Wm. Berry % 26, Were West Indies, eince the Emancipation Bill had been Pitkeihly,of Huddersf ield, has received £1 2s. of 7OBKSSIRE t.ttvt ASSIZES Thomas Collinson, 34,r was charged with having charged with having feloniously entered and robbed , of uttering a forged bill of exchange, was placed at forged acceptanca carried iato effeot, proved tho first propodtion ; the subscriptionsfor the mtdmed and wounded ; and the bar. He pleaded upon a bill of exchange, for tfee warehouse: of Mr. Thomas Bradley, of Sheep- guilty to uttering another £205 10s., purporting iofee the acceptance of George decline ia the quantity of sugar raised was an indi- j ee are happy io hear from him that the sub ' forged bill. ridg«, hoar Huddersfield. cation of the truth or the secpud. The immigration scription is still going on, and that more money is - Turner. Mr. Oveeend was for the prosecution ; Mr. CROWN COURT, Satttmat, March 19. Mr. Wilkins for the prisoner, stated that he had Mr Hail and Mr. Pashley of European labourers had not been found to have pro mised, were for the prosecu- Raine and Mr. Newton defended tho¦ prisoners- no intention to defraud any one. , for ' ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ " ¦ been, And he now wished to Sir G. Lewin - • • - ¦ ¦ ¦ ; - : . a successful measure. ' tion ; Mr. Buss defended tas prisoner. Guilt y. . - . : . _ : . ¦; ;. :;. .; . . . , . . j la. Buspikid s town address is Si. James' s Hotel, Before Mr. Boron Rolfe. the prosecution, stated that the bill was uttered by : . have correct and full information, such as the com- Jer myn-street. Guiity. T OEGEBT AT HUDDEBSPIELD . the prisoner only a few days before the fiat of bank- Henry Proctor , 22, Joseph Ha rgrove, 21, George mitteo he had moved for .could furnish, on the condi- r£zs Maschestkb Optra gs.—Mr. W. Baird, of ruptcy, Charles Morton, 30, Joseph Shaw, 26, Benjamin and Samuel Eastwood and the prosecutor had been defrauded to Fran ce, 31, and Benjamin Ha tg' h Cheelham , 1.8, William Holden, 22, a.aa Richard Gar- tion of the negroes in our West Indian colonies Bdtonjuireceivedfor ? the maimed and wounded, , 32, was charged with having, an immense amount in consequence. The prisoner , 32, were charge d ford. 25, were charged with having feloniously as- our African possessions, with a view to the ascer- fromvarious parties , 15s. 9id. at Hud dersfieldj forged and uttered a bill of exchange pleaded with having feloniously stolen, from a mill, a quan- for £195 12a. guilty to uttering five other forged bills. tity of woollen weft and white wool saulted Abraham Howarth, and robbed him of two tainment of tbe practicability of encouraging immi- PncFKizs.— We publ ishthe letter of Messrs. Ward- Sentence deferred. , belonging to sovereigns, a quantity of silver, and a pair of shoes. gration from tho latter to the* former. ropp, Belt, and APZkncaU, denying that they had Sir Gbegoby Lewis, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Lvgham George Ives. were counsel for the prosecution BUBGLAKY. Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Pashley Mr. Hall and Mr. Ovbrenp was for the prosecu- After a fow.words;expressive of dissent from Mr jginedthe League. What store is -wanted ? "Let . Mr. Wilkins were for the pro- "tioa; Sir G. Lewin defended Hargrave and Chcet- Wakley, and of concurrenco from several Hon veil alone " and Mr. Pashlet appeared for the prisoner. Henry Wilson and John Rose were indicted for a secution ; the prisoners were undefended. A number of witnesses Guilty. -ham; Mr. Newton appeared for the ether prisoners. Members, the motion was agreed to. " Mb. Editor ,—Will yon be kind enough to state in were examined, by whom burglary in the house of Sarah Hancock, at Bramp- The1 prosecutor is a gardener at Roth well, and on The Honse 'shortly after adjourned. to Corresponden ts/ the case was fnlly proved. ton-en-le-Morthen, ^ your 'Notices that I have an- Mr. Wilkins made a and with, at the same time, Jonathan Smith, was charged with having uttered the 7ih of September, ho was at Leeds on business. BW6»a ' Henry Do well Griffiths , of Mary lebone', most eloquent and powerful address in the prisoner's using personal violence to the said Sarah Hancock. a forged bank of England £5 note. favour, and several He left the Union Inn, with his cart, in the evening, Chartist , and something more (Tide Vvndioatarof gentlemen gave him an excellent The prosecution was conducted by Sir G. Lbwin Mr. Wa8Nsy was for the prosecution ; Mr. accompanied by a boy. and when he reached Roth- THE SUiVPERLANp CHARTISTS AND THE and bad hoped character. and Mr. Pashlet. The prisoner - " ¦¦ tee 12th March ), to have seen the Rose was de- Newton defended the prisoner. ,. well Hai gh, he was attacked by a band of men , I.EAQUE, OR STT^RCKE PABTy. insertion in last Vindicator. J trus t Mr. Tincen t The Jury retired for abont half an hour, and oa fended by Mr. Roebuck, and the prisoner Wilson The case was extremely clear, and the prisoner who threw him out of the cart, beat him with a rail, ¦will see the justice of allowing me the privilege of their return the foreman said he was requested by by Mr. Wilkins. was found Guilty. rifled his pockets, carrying away about £4 in money, TO THE EDITO& OP THE NOR THERN SXAB. a reply, 88 Mr. Griffiths thr ew a aim on Chaitism hiS fellow jurymen to Btate the regret they felt in The prosecutrix, an old lady, who gave her tes- obliged Benjamin Bruan, 29, was charged with baring and his shoes. Neither »be prosecutor nor his ser- Sib,—A few weeks ago Mr. O'Connor Btartled the lij supposing O'Brien and ^TDonalL with others , l>ein£ . to come to tie decision thai the timony with a great deal of coolness and self-pos- feloniously uttered a forged vant could identify the prisoners, but shortly before £5 Derbyshire' Bank country by exposing a vilianons scheme which had been prisoner was ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ' ' ¦ being jealons of poor Feargos Guilty of uttering the bill in question. session, stated that she resided at Brampten-en-le- ¦ : ¦ - - - ¦ ¦-¦ capable of O' Con- note. . -: . . /. • and Bhortly after the robbery, they were Been in concocted for the purpose of seducing the leaders of the nor "s medal appended to the • tricolour. ' Verily, From the good character that had been given him Morthen, and inhabited a large houBe there, which company together, and during tho night the pri- they strongly recommended had been an old mansion-house and in which were The same Counsel appeared as in the preceeding popple. It appeared from that letter, that the party there are some parties gnilfcy of much littleness;and him to his Lordship's , case, and the circumstances were very similar. soner Hargrave sold the prosecutor's shoes at a beer- bad been so far - successful, as to have secured four the cheers given to O'Conno r at pnblic meetings mercy. a great number of apartments. Fart bad been di- house, Proctor stating thut they were his, and the vided from the rest, of the Guilty. places which were to be made the grand points of jsost stick mightily is their gizzsrds. Mr. Grif- James Birdsall and J oseph Maltby were indicted and was let to a person prisoners being present at the sale. Proctor, Har- attack. These were Glasgow, Sheffield ,; lelcestor, as well call them aristocratic name of Ward. She herself occupied two rooms on Levi Roebuck was charged with stealing a gelding fiths might ' ' cheers, for warehouse breaking. grave, and Cheetham Guilty¦ ; the¦ ¦ other prisoners ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ • " and Sunderland. horso, a suit of clothes, a silver watch, ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ ¦ - " medal and * the ground floor, and two rooms above, besides and other Not Guilty.:- • . ;. ¦: -. - .; -;. : . ; , . ,;: as h * dubs the ' tricolour an ' axis- Mr. Roebnck and Mr. Wilkins conducted the pro- property belonging to Michael Bradley. . ,. I will renture to assert , that to nane was tee inteh tocrwac* preposition.' secution ; Sir G. Lewin appeared for Birdsall and which were several apartments not occupied by any ligeno« more astounding thaa to the CliartistV of Mr. Orerend f or one. At the time of this occurrence, she was with- Mr. Overekd was for the prosecution. Samuel Boot was charged with burglariously "A Woolwich CiDxi." Maltb y. The Jury found him not Guilty of breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Thomas Sunderiand. They fenew that such a scheme; would The prosecutor, Mr. Holman, is a out a servant. She had retired to rest in the par- stealing the e Edwaxd Watki ^s.— We have received a letter clothier and horse, but Guilty of stealing the property. Marianne and William Gregson Hinde, at Shefiield, net bo attempted * unless some of the advocates of JI occupies part of Mr. Roy d's mill, near Leeds. From lour, to which there were three doora—ono leading and from this person, forwhich he cla ims insertion as into the kitchen, one to the stairs leading to the William Kaye, 30, was charged with stealing a on the, night of the 8th of January last, and Chartism in Sunderland had become parties to it; " some informatioii be had received he was induced to quantity of wool, from thermills stealing thereiu. several bottles of spirits and half seeing that Sir^ Binns and inyself had been cempletely an act of " common justice and says that if it be keep watch at the mill on the evening of rooms above, and oneintoapassageleading to the un- ' of Messrs. Shaw refused as a communication , we must insert it as Saturday, occupied rooms. About two o'clock in the morning, and Taylor, of MUnsbridge, near Huddersfield. a pound of tobacco. Mr. Pickerino and Mr. Wil- identified 'with the rise and progr ess of Chartism id. this the 25th of September last, one or two of the police Guilty. kins vvere for the prosecution ; the Hon. j . S. town , and hid confessedly exercised a •very great in- an advertisement. Mr. Watieins does not know of Leeds assisting f ox that purpose. she was awakened by a noise up stairs, and listen- us, and therefor e tee pass by what we should The premises Tuesday, March 22. WoRTLEYdieferided the prisoner. The Jury found the flqence amongst the Chartfst body, they considered the occupied by Mr. Holman consisted of a gig house ing, thought she could perceive the sawing of wood. assertion of Mr. O"C3onnor to be virt ually a strong impu- otherwisehave resented as an insult,—the suppo- " " She got up and partially dressed herself, when she prisoner Not Guilty. on the ground floor , where one of the processes of Before Mr. Baron Rolfe. , tation against either the oce or the other , or both of sitionthat ve could be se much akin to his Corn- doth making is carried on, a shearing room heard a footstep on the stairs—the bolt of the door Eli Crapp er,22 was charged with having assaulted Latc-repeaHng. extension-of-comtnercefriends as " " on , and a man entered the room with a George Shaw, 33, Matthe w' , Ellen Pickles, of Halifax, a girl under ten years of ua. We Were urged to notice it I declined , knowing the first floor , and a spinning room on the second. was shot back Pin/eles ^S John Clegg, that time -would prove who wcw honest , and who were to he capable of yielding tkst to money ichich ive The windows of the M gig house lantern attached to his breast. It gave a very strong 33, and John Haydon,26,were charged with having, age, with a criminal intent. Guilty. vouid deny io justice. Me reqw-es insertion in " command the on the 16th of December last, at hot , and that we should speedily have an opportunity watchhonse or lodge at the entrance of the yard. light, stronger than Bhe had ever seen a J a tern do Huddersfield , felo- in Sunderland of giving tbe imputation a practical re- the Norihern Star for a very long letter of his before, aud she was able to recognise the prisoner niously assaulted Thomas Ellis, and stolen from ' • ; On the evening of the 25th the police, who were sta- his person two £5 notes, futation. vhieh appeared in the Manchester Times of last tioned hrthe "gig house," heard the lock of the watch- Rose, who wasa chimney sweeper, and who had occa- a sovereign, and 10s. in 3Htft a?erial ^atrltamort ; This we have done, by the glorious meeting recentl y week but one. We are sorry thai our space pre- house tried. A light was struck, sionally acted in that capacity f or her. He had on a silver. cludes the possibilityof our obliging Mm, and a match put Mr. Wakley was for the held here. And now I think wa have a right to ixpeot or tee into the lock to examine the wards. The attempt light coloured jacket and a hat. They looked prosecution ; Mr. Hall that Mr. O'Connor will point out tcfio are the traitors, should have done so with great pleasure. This will at one another for a few seconds, and she then fled defended the prisoner Shaw. HOUSE OF COMMONS— Tuesday, March,22. to open the door was then repeated, and succeeded. The Jury found all the prisoners and when the " grand attack" is likely to be made. scarcely he thought a mailer of injustice when it Two men,whowere recognised as the prisoners, came towards the door leading into the kitchen. The Guilty. Mr. Tho Speaker intimated on a petition against the Whenever it happens , I ain/certain that the old leadera is knoicn that the letter has been published a " man, however, followed, and knocked her down. Dal ton, police officer , of Hudderdfield , proved that income-tax being brought forward by Mr. Ward, in. They were both well known to the police. They Shaw and Pickles had been previously will be fouud not to have been seduced by the gold fortnight, both in the Manchester Times and were heard to pass up stairs to the shearing room, He held her to the ground, with her arms crossed convicted of that no petition could be received against a tax which it appears has been so liberally squandered In through the medium of hand-bills; and it is the over her breast, and when she struggled to get up, felony. Shaw and Pickles were sentenced to be ' which was under¦ ¦ consideration¦ ' of a committee" ¦ of the and to open the door of that room, both by the police ¦ "' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ other places. transported for fifteen years ; -:: :: : . . - - : , • ¦ . snore modest in Mr - Watkins to ask it, seeing he Baid," Thou must be still, thou knows. Where's , and Clegg and Hay don Housed , > . ;. : .. ; - : . . . ; .:•. and by Mr. Holman and others, who were on the to be imprisoned one year to hard labour. 1 am, Sir , - that the letter is a wilful distortion and miserable watch in the _ spinning room above. A third per- thy money ?" She cried out, " Oh, dear me !" John Ashworth, who had interrupted the pro- K«spectfully yonrs , misrepresentation of an article in the Star of the son, however, was at this moment i een to enter the Upon which the man threatened her with death if FORGERY AT LEED S. ceedings of the Clitheroa Election Committee, was J. Williams. week previous, which, however Mr. Watkins she made a noise. Something attracted his atten- , yard, and was rpcognised as one Askham, not in George Robinson, 48, was charged with having, on brought to the bar, admonished by the Speaker,and, Bishopwearmouth , March 22, 1842. does not give along with his commentson it ; thus - tion for the moment, and ha turned away from her. itL conaideratiou of hia expression¦ of xegtet, dia- custody. This' latter clapped his hands the 7th of Febraaiy last, at Leeds, ¦ " " ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' , and the two forged and utter- ; ¦¦ -- - - - ; • ;¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - : from which she eharfied. : - . • . . . ; .. showing that he isfar less careful in ihepractising gone nastil Upon which she crept to the door, . . . . . "* men who had up y came down stairs , and , raised herself up, and ed a oheque, purporting to be the order of Robert of ** common justice towards others than in the left the yard, locking the door after them. A wsich was only a few paces distant Frederick Gower and others, trading under the firm Sir Charles Napier brought forward a motion VINCENT AND PHILR exacting it f rom ihem. He assumes that this was kept the next night, and about ten o'clock the opened it. She there, however, confronted another of A. A. Gower, Nephews, arid for the consideration of the state of the navy, with a letter which he u Company/' upon TO THE EDIT9U OP THE SOUTHERN STAB , sendsis the inflammatory pub- door was a^ain opened, and the two prisoners were man, whom she recognised as the prisoner Wilson. Messrs. Beckett and Co., with intent to defraud the view to its improvement. He animadverted on the lication" mentioned by Mr. O'Connor as having seen a second time to come in and go up stairs. Mr. He also was a sweep, and she h&d known him from said Messrs. Beckett and Co. Sir Gregory Government Viispoeal of naval patronage under suc- SIR—-It was with "surprise , indignation , and disgust ," been distrib%Ued among the Irish and as having his childhood. He was in his sooty cloth's. At this Lewin ' , Holman then, through an aperture in the floor of and Mr. Wilkins were for the prosecution ; Mr. cessive Ministries, dwelling particularly on Lord to use the mild langaage of rMr. Russfill and the Notcing- been paidfor by the League; end he affirms that moment Rose knocked her down a second time, and Blanshard defended the Minto's Administration; and suggested a rule which, hara Chartists , that I learnt from the Star that reso- the spinning room, saw two men approach a " scray," the flags in the yard. prisoner. On Thursday it was written at the instance of an old Huntit e or screen, on which a quantity of finished cloth was she fell out of the door upon the 3rd of February, about sis o'clock' in tho evening, he coiitehded, would secure uniformity in the dispo- lutions/similar to that at Notting ham, had been adopted Radical to show the folly and inconsistence of the lying, and take= several pieces from it. Iu the mean One of the men then said , " Lot us drag her into the as a female of the name of Ann sal of that patronage, and give satisfaction to the at many other places/ in reference to the conduct of and she then begged them to Burley was walking JNbrshern Star ; that it was written on Sunday, time the police sallied out, and while Bome took house." They did so, down Boar Lane, Leeds, she was accos-tad by the navy. He also argued for an increase of the pay and Messrs. Vincent , Philp, and others at the recent Bath the 27th of February, some days before Mr. possession of the watch house spare her life. They gave her several blows, and prisoner, who was a stranger to pensions of the navy, and better manning of our conference. I am realiy surprised" that any body of ' , constables Briggs , hen They walked " CfConnor s lectures were announced ; that he and Marsden went to the door leading up stairs, insisted upon having her money, pulling her about together about 300 yards when he said his ships; and proposed resolutions, affirming t he pro- Chartists should have disgraced themselves by such had only 200 of them printed ,- and that he paid and rubbing her face up and down with their name priety of having a naval officer at the Board of Ad- ^ where they met two men coming out with a quantity was Gower, and he was one of a firm in: London. resolutions , after the explanation and vindication made forthem himself; but he furnishes no means of of cloth. Marsden flashed his lantern upon them, hands, for the purpose, apparently, of preventing Miss Burley proposed to meet him oh the following miralty, and also of better providing for the sorvice by Messrs. : Vincent and Philp, For my part , I cor- knowing whether this was the document to Briggs said, " Jim, I am waiting her giving alarm. They pulled her cap off and evening, and she did bo, and he dially subscribe to the propriety of their whole pro- and for thee." her neck. She thought then then said he had come which Mr. C?Connor alludesin his letter; nor The prisoner Birdsall exclaimed, oh dear ! and shut her night-gown from to the Messrs. Gott's to let them know about Sir James Graham complimented Sir Charles ceedings, as those preceedings are explained in the does he say howmany, or whether any, copies of they were going to kill her, and said if they would some wool and oil that were Napier on the frank and manly way in which he letter of those gentlemen ^ inserted in last week 's Star. the dosr. Briggs endeavoured to open it, and ive th em her pocket. She did so, taking rip warehouse this document were hadfrom the printerb y other gave the Eignal which had been agreed on not, she would g room in London. Healso said that his father, bro- had brought the subject before the House. But he I have not: the slightest doubt of tha ; verac ity of parties than himself; nor does he say who found with the party above, expecting that Birdsall, upon which they whispered together, and she heard ther, and.- .himself, were of the firm ; his father was controverted the opinion of the absolute necessity of MeasrB. Vincent and Philp: and as I Lavo o«!y tho the money irith which he paid f orthe 200, He he ined, was holding the door on the them run down the kitchen steps and along the yard. the eldest of the fii-m, and i hat he a naval officer bfting at; tUe head of the Admirality, alternative of believing Mr. Bartlef t's representation or yrho, imag way to the wing occupied was stay- talks -eery biff about " an inquiry being set on inside, would be intercepted by Ihem. On their She immediately made her ing at the Searbrough's hotel. She promised illustrating his objection by instances/ such as that theira, I prefer the former, becausa I .know both, the foot," and about giving somebody or other " an coming down however, it proved to be the by Mr. Ward,broke several panes in the window, and to meet the prisoner on of Lord St. Vincent, who as a first Lord of the Ad- country knows both, and, up to the present hour, haa ppo rtunityof , burden of admitted her, and Saturday evening^ o proving,if they can, before a cloth the prisoner had thrown down, which kept the roused the inmates. Mr. Ward and she met him by accident, betweeen Hope mirality, had not eustained his high reputation. had no reason to suspect the integrity of either. ' ' ' competenttribunal , any charges they may hate she then said she had been robbed by two men ;_ that Admitting tho importance of the subject of the im- - ¦ ' ¦ door from opening, and Marsden then ran imme- street and Trafalgar street. I am, • ; . Wilson. She met him again . io moke against him." We advise him to study diately up into the shearing-room. He had his lan- fhe knew one of them, and th at he was on Monday evening, and ha wanted her to promise provement of the navy, he pledged the Government, Yours , faithfully, the practical adhibitionof Vie principles of " com- Ward, and some of the neighbours, then accom- him t» go to London. that, when the state of the revenue permitted, tiiey tern in. his hand, and Baw the prisoner Birdsall , up for She told him it was not J. Williams. tson justice" that his exhibition cf them may in making hi3 way to one of the windows. He endea- panied her back to her house where she sat likely she could leave home, but the prisoner said would use their best efforts to realise tho general future be a little less remarkably one-sided. the remainder of the night, but no immediate pur- she could if she liked, and objects which Sir Charles Napier bad in view in his voured to apprehend him, but was unable, on account information she must make up her DISCUSSION—J. B. O'BRIEN versus C. DUNCAN , [This notice was in type for our last ; but taken out of the qnantity of machinery in the room, to reach suit was instituted. The next morning mind to go with him to London, and he would give resolutions. - : . was given to the police. In the pocket which the her a cheque ; shp Captain Berkeley corroborated the assertions of REPORTED IN THE NORTHERN STAB OF for other matter.—Ed.1 bin) before he got to the window, and was standing Sheffield was to meet him on the following on the ledge. He called out, " Jim, don't break ihy robbers took away was a £5 note of the Old evening to arrange. He then gave her a cheque for Sir Charles Napier with respect to the danger to MARCH 12th. Bank, and a morocco purse, containiug a quantity ten guineas, and he paid which the Mediterranean fleet was exposed from in- neck f hat the prisoner leaped down a distance of foreign. A sovereign, she was to go to^ Messrs. 6. English.—We hare not any Stars of Jannary 8th. several yards, into the field beneath, and got safe off. of ancient coins, English aud Beckett's bank, and they would cash it. Oh Tues- efficient manning. Notwithstanding the arguments TO THE EDIT OR OF THE WRTHEItN STAB. & Masx, Ashburto:?.—The parcel has been for The parties who had gone to the watch-house were which had been in the pocket, was found the next day morning, Miss Burley gave the cheque of Sir James Graham, he contended that a civilian morning on tbe floor of the room. It appeared that to a man was, on the whol», very unfit to fill the post of First Sir ,—As Chairman of the rceetiDg where the above •vrarded to Mr. Cleave. The same answer to J more successful , as they found the other prisoner, of the name of M'Cormick to take to the bank, and discussion took place , I feel called upon to correct some during the scuffle she had been a good deal hurt by she asked him if ho thought it" Lord of the Admiralty. He contended for that im- Scaobrook. Maltby, concealed behind the door. Birdsall was robbera had used. Her eye was right. He took misstateme nts in your report of it I would have writ- taken into custody at two o'clock the next morning, the violence which the the cheque to the bank, but tho clerk refussd to provement of the navy whioh was the object of the ten you last week, FOB THE EXECTTHVE. was blackened, one ankle much bruiued and swelled, resolutions. U but Mr. Duncan told rn« he would £ 8. a. at-his father's house, about six miles from Leeds. He cash it. On Tuesday evening, she met the prisoner do so himself • and , as I perceive that hia letter has and all that side discoloured. Onefinger was still stiff in Briggate by accident, Lord lKGE$fRiB supported the resolutions, though Irom Pinder , Ball 0 7 1»| said he had not been &i L eds, but had been dining y twisted her neck that she and told him she had beeu not been inserted , I conceive it to be my duty, in justice and they had so severel he did' not think¦ ¦ them brought¦ ¦ ¦ forward at a fitting : to the bank, and she had got into trouble about "¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' r ' ' ¦ - ' ' to all concerne d, Prom Iiundy, Hull, profits of Pin- the previous day with his sister at Kirkttall, half way the -vV .. ¦ ¦ • - : - ;- - .• to correct ih© misrepresenta tions could with difficulty brtathe or swallow, and for some cheque. He said he was very much sur time. . : der's blacking • 3 • to that place- weeks could not tnrn her head. None of the stolen prised that Captain Pechell also supported the resolutions at thateiu contained , the fl-st of Which goes to 8ay that Evidence was given to Bhew that about eight o'clock they should rfifuse to cash it when they knew it had Mr. O'Brfen attac ked Mr. Dancan , for asserting that 1£S5. TSOST, 3TBS, "WI1.I.IAMS. AJTD MBS. JONES. pror>erly has been recovered. come down from the firm , but if Miss some1 length,rand was followed by 6n that evening the prisoner and Askham were toge- The Jury retired for a considerable time, and finally Burley would Sir Robert Peel, who entered his protest against an aristocracy and -a moneyocracy were essential to a Prom Mr. John Stones,Hull ... 0 5 • ther at Kirkstall feast , that they were drinking in a leave it till morning he would go to;the bank himself state ,