The BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN (67 Copies of the BIOLOGICAL BULLE- TIN Sent and While New Sub- Being Out) ; 19 by Gift, Only 30 Paid Scriptions Have Been Added
Vol. LV July 1928 No. i BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. THIRTIETH REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1927 FORTIETH YEAR. .1. TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (AS OF AUGUST * 9> 1927) LIBRARY COMMITTEE 3 II. ACT OF INCORPORATION 3 III. BY-LAWS OF THE CORPORATION 4 IV. REPORT OF THE TREASURER 5 V. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN 1 1 VI. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 17 Statement 17 Addenda : 1 . The Staff, 1927 27 2. Investigators and Students, 1927 30 3. Tabular View of Attendance 41 4. Subscribing and Cooperating Institutions, 1927 42 5. Evening Lectures, 1927 43 6. Members of the Corporation 44 I. TRUSTEES. EX OFFICIO. FRANK R. LILLIE, President of the Corporation, The University of Chicago. MERKEL H. JACOBS, Director, University of Pennsylvania. LAWRASON RIGGS, JR., Treasurer, 25 Broad Street, New York City. L. L. WOODRUFF, Clerk of the Corporation, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees pro tan, Yale University. EMERITUS. CORNELIA M. CLAPP, Mount Holyoke College. OILMAN A. DREW, Eagle Lake, Florida. TO SERVE UNTIL IQ3I. H. C. BUMPUS, Brown University. W. C. CURTIS, University of Missouri. 1 i 2 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. B. M. DUGGAR, University of Wisconsin. GEORGE T. MOORE, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. W. J. V. OSTERHOUT, Member of the Rockefeller Institute for Med- ical Research. J. R. SCHRAMM, University of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM M. WHEELER, Bussey Institution, Harvard University. LORANDE L. WOODRUFF, Yale University. TO SERVE UNTIL I93O. E. G. CONKLIN, Princeton University. OTTO C. GLASER, Amherst College. Ross G. HARRISON, Yale University. H. S. JENNINGS, John Hopkins University. F. P. KNOWLTON, Syracuse University.
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