Marine Biological Laboratory
THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORAtrORY. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT, FOR THE YEAR • BOSTON: I894· TABLE OF CONTENTS . • PAGE Officers of the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893 5 Investigators at the Laboratory during 1893 7 Students at the Laboratory during 1893 10 Annual Report of the Trustees to the Corporation 12 Annual Report of the Treasurer 18 Annual Report bf'the Director • 21 List of Life Members of the Corporation. 32 List'of Members of the Corporation 33 List of Donors and Gifts . 37 List of Annual Subscribers, 1893 37 , Incorporation 38 By-Laws 39 The Annual Circular for 1893 Announcement for: the Session of 1894 OFFICERS. \ SAMUEL H. SCUDDER, Preside1zt, Cambridge, Mass. -J WILLIAM K. BROOKS, Johns Hopkins University, 'Baltimore, Md. "SAMUEL F. CLARKE, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. 'FLORENCE M. CUSHING, 8 Walnut street, Boston. '"WILLIAM G, FARLOW, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. \j EDWARD G. GARDINER, 12 Otis Place, Boston. 'J WILLIAM LIBBEY, JR., College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J. " J. PLAYFAIR McMuRRICH, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O. 'I CHARLES S. MINOT, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. "" HENRY F. OSBORN, Columbia College, New York. 'J WILLIAM T. SEDGWICK, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. '',j BENJ~MIN SHARP, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadel phia, Penn. "V GEORGIANA W. SMITH, 286 Marlborough street, Boston. " SIDNEY I. SMITH, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. , WILLIAM TRELEASE, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. , EDMUND B.. WILSON, Columbia College, New York, N.Y. v R. RAMSAY WRIGHT, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. VEDWARD T. CABOT, Treasurer, 53 State street, Boston. \; ANNA PHILLIPS WILLIAMS, Secretary, 23 Marlborough street, Boston.
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