[email protected] No. __2278/ Date: _15.12.2016___/ e-Procurement Notice Bid Identification No. ITDAPAN-02/2016-2017 1. The Project Administrator, ITDA, Panposh invites Percentage Rate bids in online mode for the works as detailed in the table, from the class of eligible contractors as mentioned in column-5 (five) registered with the State Governments and Contractors of equivalent Grade / Class Registered with Central Government / MES / Railways or in equivalent rank may participate in the tender but successful bidder has to register under the State PWD before signing of the agreement. The proof of registration from the appropriate authority shall be enclosed along with the bid. 2. The bidders may submit bids for the following works. Sl Name of the Work Approx. Period Class of Bid Cost of Last date & time of No Amount put of Contractor Security/ bid online receipt of to tender Completion EMD document bid (in Rs.) (in Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Constn. of Addl. Class room 2539485/- Four C&B 25395/- 6300/- 26.12.16 at Kalosihira S/S under months up to 5.00 PM Kuarmunda block 2 Constn. of Addl. Class room 1620698/- Four D&C 16207/- 6300/- 26.12.16 at KokeramaS/S under months up to 5.00 PM Nuagaon block 3 Constn. of Addl. Class room 1523164/- Four D&C 15232/- 6300/- 26.12.16 at Lanjiberna S/S under months up to 5.00 PM Kuarmunda block 4 Constn. of Addl.