■ft X

WBOTTBSHAT, TDIVS W ,' PA G * 8IXTEEJI Average Daily Circulation T h e Weather Forecaet of L. 8. tVeatber Bureau Manchester Evening Heraid Fot the Meath ef Stay. IBM eoiMderable . cloudiaeM aad lit­ \ MIr.s Hazel Trotter,.- chairman, MlM Nancy Chrlatina Pdlaley of Private and Mra. Patrick 3, Mc­ Cann are vii.iting relatives in town. 8 ,7 3 2 tle change in temperature tonlgkt; arid others on the committee for Pitkip street, who was graduated Friday fair and wann ■ William Shaw, of 474 EuA MW> total of J2,000, aaeseding'' the mates this ' week at the' Johnson The Rotary club hWd its an­ die Turnpike, a member e€ thl« quota by result was cottage. Grove Beach, Clinton. nual outdoor meeting at Joe Brighten Up Ymir Pero’s farm on Avery street last dk> (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE rHKh^: CENTS year's graduating Claes at Man­ made posslblb,.^ not only from the Miss Palsley.jhaa gccepted S’ secre­ (UtaaoMed AdverBshiB m Page 40) MANCHiSSTElL CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944 chester High school M d a promi­ ssds of Elastor seals, but. from do­ tarial position in Boston.,' night. A large attendance enjoy­ rOL. LXIII., NO. 218 ed an extra fine dinner aervejd by nent athlete, underwent aKr opera­ nations. from org^isations, ind •• ' f Chef Urbano Osano. Joe alwaVs tion, this morning at the Memori­ card parties, giv ^ x b y persons in­ Tw o W ar Bonds .will in;, raf­ fin makes it a point to mak;~ this al hospital. terested. ) ' . fled off at the Legion carnival to­ meeting at bia.farm a very enjoy­ Kitcherfnnd Dining night. -The winning numberi, wjil \ Mviaia Amojd Kleinschmldt of able and hoapitable affatt. The annual Sunday school picnio be drswn st the Bingo tent at I ■- • .'I •-'y the "Army Air 'Corps is receiving of the Covenarit Congregational 10:30 tonight, ' ■ ‘ I his basic training at Keesler Field, church will be held Saturday. June Rev, Bari T. French of Edgerton Miss,, and may be reached by ad­ Nl 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Study group of the South street will be charge of the dressing him "Section X, Class 20. Ernest^ Johnson, 23 Oak Grove Methodist WSCS will hold its an- prayer and praise seirvice this eve­ Room For Summer] 3704, AJt.F. Base Unit” A mem­ street. They will meet at the nual party 'On the church lawn, ning at 7:30 at the Church of the ber of tee 1044 class of Manches­ church at 2 o'clock and transpor­ Friday afternoon at 2:30, , Nazarene. ■ K ter Hlgn he was catcher for the tation will be provided for those basebaU team and played In High desiring it. school basketball and soccer. With Colorful M iss Elizabeth C. Machie, 20 ■N - years old, o f HilllRCdvilte. has been — B I N G O — sworn Into the Women's Reserve, \ DAD will ^ove U. S. Naval Reaerve, aa an appren­ \ tice seaman in the quota of the Tomorrow Night 8 O’Clock, Odd Fellows Hall "Waves.” She is a daughter of Mr, ■ w * - and Mrs. Edward E. Machie. She SPONSORED BV KING DAVID LODGE, 1. O. O. F. attended .Mancheater High school, ------G A M E S — ------this BUXTON class of '418. She was employed 2S Games ’ ...... 64.06 Prize Per Game Wages of Greed Are Death at tho Pratt A Whitney Aircraft plant as a .polisher; She has one 4 Speelal G a m es...... f 10.00 Prize Per Game merican Bo] brother in th^i Marines and one 1 ,8pe<‘iai Game...... , .$30.00 Prize Use Them For brother In the Army. She was ’ a Door Prize $10.00 charter member of the local am­ Special Cards lOc Each. bulance unit. All Bingo Players. Are In'vlted To Attend! Draperies Tool it French Points;

The regular meeting of the To O Manchester Rod and Gun Club wiH \ be held at the clubhouse in Coven­ Hannover try Saturday night. A dinner will 43” X 43” 52” X 68” and 52” X 72” Bir»efved at 6:30 p. m. HALE'S SELF SERVE Colorful Fruit Pattern ^ The Originhl In Now England! Colorful Printed 12,000 Fortresses^ ^ ""jand Doctors ’ Hit >OR LAVING lAnd Liberators and Es- SoPte Kenny Allies Holding Firm De* a n d S A P L I N G ^ THURSDAY SPECIALS LUNCH CLOTHS Icorting Fighters Attack ^ • De Gaulle Gets Raises Ante spite Massive Nature Reflnishing s m Wag^inf. LUNCH CLOTHS Estimates Gladly Giv6it~.< A smart pattern for kitchen and IPhuieTlants, Air Fields I i^Ure x^taimS O f Rewards O f German Counter* dinette drape.s, too. 4 inches square Railroad Facilities Big Welcome ■CALL 8254 Mason Gloss Top Jars with colorfiil fruits-an center'of each Stroke; Inflict Heavy square. In blue, red, green and gold. $ 1 .2 9 Charge Public and Many Losses on Enemy; Brit­ Pint ^Sme . dozen 83c $2-29 $2-49 • $3-29 Supreme Headquarters Al- III Normandy For Babies pd Expeditionary Force, Physicians Misled by ish Forced to Give Up ALJCE OOFRAN (Known .As (|Qeea AUc«) Quart Size dozen 89c Several patterns in florals, fruits, and Mexican. AH me 15.-^A*)— A force of be- Pnhlicity About Infan­ Cleveland, Landlord’s Troam and Villers- 8P1B1TUA1. MEDIUM veen 1,000 and 2,000 Aiperi- Relations With Allied color combinations. Three patterns that are exception^ tile Paralysis Cures, Bocage in Caen Area.' $ C ' ‘ 'J' Seventh Daughter o f a Seventh Son |in Fortresses and LibdrA- Anthority R e in a i n Bonus N o t e $25 War^ ItiCH mahogaar Bora W ith a Veil Ideal GIdss Top Jars ally good for draperies. rs and escorting flgh tm ------X Bond for All Tenants brewB Goatskin-r- , Beodinga Dally, taelndliig Smsday, By Howard W. Blake*lee QoiideiL^y Disagree­ Supreme Headquarters Al- t A. ML to B P. M. Or By Appolnt- An^ Unusual Value! irept over France this mom- finished .with a ' / Atoo^tod Preaa Sciehoe Editor ment Ov4^ Officers. V isited by Stork. ie(i Expeditionary Force, aacot. la the Servitse af the Peo­ Pint Size dozen 89c ig, bombing airplane'plants, Chicago, June 15— A charge that inn cordovan-like Msrfaoe .... thss’s ple for SO Testfa. June 15.— (fl>) — American die Icndicr BUXTON chose so pot Large Size 58” x 78” I r . fields and railroad facili- the public and many doctors have 160 Church Sttoet, Hartford, Conn. Quart Size dozen 98c I* in a dozen place,. Beriin ra- Cleveland, June 15—(g5— Henry trciops have surg.ed powerful­ into this ouataoding gift for Ded. PlHMia «-t0 M been milled by pitblicity about the BuIteMn! ' reported an attack on the London, Jose 18.’—^g*i—Gen. Solomon, the Cleveland landlord ly ahead in their stab inta the or coone, leMher as ioe as this asnst Hand Printed Fruit Pattern infantile paralyais treatment of ha amde in tea Baztoa gdidiltss Bull Dog or crown (eat induatrial city of Hannover Charles de Gaulle, bark In who rewards all tenants visited by Cherbourg neck, Allied head­ Germany while lighter-Allied Sister Elizabeth Kenny, tomouB Britain after a triumphal re- the stork, has raised the ante since quarters announced today, way . . . rs-r-meof by BUXTON planez from bases in Norman- not so give oat bsfoca tee Isetber FOR TOP VALUE — Australian nurse, was made to the ceptlon on French soli, today the start of the Fifth War Loan and Berlin reported that less Rubber Jar Rings K g . 5c and Britain continued their American Medical Aasoeiation herb laid before Brittsh aad Ameri- wests one. Stsadacd Shis billfold witb IN A NEW HOME LUNCH CLOTHS kdebpread support campaign in drive and made the baby bonus a than six miles separated the today in a report by seven univer­ A group of French viHagers tell American soldiers how the Narf in the road met his death at the catf political and military cotin- a pacteioti in tea bill pocket, a doaUs famashing follow-up to a 1,100- $25 war bond. spearhead from the last: west Note the extra large size for such sity professors, all physicians. hands of the man in bh sk at rifc t, who was forced to work foi tee German for two dollars a week rlls a Haim of enthusiastic visieo v'wis^lowgfce. eiedintisli and Sec the Ones Being Bailt By '.WaKon Combination |mber operation overnight. » They also said they acknowledge support- from newly-liberated Originally he gave each family, coast commimicaUons Unking , — (Signal Corps radiophoto from L E A telephoto).^ ^ ______$5 in gold and when the United ^ecM 'eMSt fow cards aod ssasppe. a ibw price. Bright, colorful fruits Blast E-Boat Pens that the Kenny publicity has stim­ Frenehmen to back Ms demand Cherbourg with France. States went off the gold standard Furioue Counter-Attacks' •eesy -. . oat mpphri^fllsatanA GREENBROOKE Caps and Lids Doz. 21C with reds predominating. Pre-laun- lAs'part of the latter operation ulated the medical profession to for recognition of the French $2.69 more effective treatment. payments were made in silver. Un­ The gains were hammered me veral hundred Lancasters blast- Committee of National llbenii- dered and fast'color. til the Fifth War Loan drive start­ HOMES, INC E-boat pens at Lie Havre with The seven were appointed two tloa as the voice of France. In Spite of. furious counter-attacks Itali^is Fear ed rewards were ini()'e In war sav­ all along the 100-mlle invasion k*ton "factory busters” in day- years ago this June 10 to evaluate Japs Say Yatikees Try De Ganlle was sold to be plpn- On Wa&cr Street the Kenny treatment by the Or­ ings stamps. front in which the Germans had The Dewey-. Doz. fh t nlng tentstiwljr to return Under Solomon's plan a second Metal Lids 11c [Twenty-eight hundred tons of thopedic section of the American briefly to Algiers to report' to thrown about 20 divisions and 60U Par ta ithi i bsfncniatVio oan at . . X child in the same family would re- Another Shipment tplosives were dropped on' tee Medical Association and by the Civil Coiiflfct the French Consoltatlve as^ Unks. ghnraadwe Jareto Oo. offlee oa Allied headquarters, confirming Richman Co. ^rt in two separate attacks, tee American Academy of Orthopedic semUy oB-Mm result ef Ms Oaater atreet or at 26 Alexander To Take Stdpan Island (Coatlonefl om Pago Tw o) that American. Ihfantiy and para­ Jowhlen —• Stationers. Pboaaoi 41U or rtig 8 Piece St. just before dusk, being the Burgeons and the American Ortho- discussions with the British Sur-Jell 2 pkgs. 25 c 12 Pallerhg in 52” x 52” Fast Color A. F.’s heaviest •daylight bom- 'petfic Association. After Peace and with Gen, Dwight D. chute troops, support^ by tanks Oigtlekna lirdment of the w ar and Ita first Not Founded pu Facto Eisenhower, before proceeding had scored further gains west of gh altitude daylight precision —There is no evidence,** the re­ to '.4nierics to see President Carentan, said Allied soldiers Printed Powerful Ta,k finns Suffer Allied Troops were holding firm everywhere else Certa Bti. Cork Place Jfort. ' port said, “ that the Kenny treat­ BiisinMs Men and Oth­ Riiosevelt. ' 21c [Targets of the American "heav- ment prevents or decreases the \ttempting to Land; despite tec massi’/e. nature of the X German counter-stroke and were . » vt'-' today ranged from Nantes, La amount of paralysis. We criticize ers With Property London, June 15. :— (g*i —■ Gen. severely the oft repeated statement iponese 0aini Fii;st Make General inflicting heavy losses on the encr J>isonniere and Angouleme' to Heavyef Losses Charles de' Gaulle relumed to. j Loaf 6 C L u n c h c l o t h s eauvais. La Frilliere and Bor- of Miss Kenny to patients who Fearful of Upset as ipts Beaten Off. my. ! Hale's Bread Mat Sets |aux. The force comprised ap- have come to her after treatment France yesterday for^the first tlme'‘i 'This waA^Uter It was acknowl­ For gifts and for your own use. oximately 1,000 bombers and flsewhere teat had this case oome Nation Given Back. As Reds Gain in four years and received a warm Gain in Italy edged that tee British at the east­ JUNE JAYE WlncheQ SmlUi*e < ...... Practical,' washable,, pre-laundered to her early the disability would Londoii\ June 16.— (A*)— Aj ern end of the line bad been forced, [veral hundred more fighters, pos­ welcome from the people of' lib- ] to give up Troarn,'vtheir anchor cloths in 12 beautiful patterns. Flor­ hly approximating yesterday's By Edward Kennedy poweiful XAmerican. task erated Normandy, but his relations - And Her Pm/Ma WW Preient (GbDtiii,.ed on Pago PourX nine miles east of Caen, and Vil- als and fruits in, all color combina­ Icon) 1,500-bomber force. ■ Roiue, June- 14— (Delayed) — force, which been harass- Whole Wheat Bread $ 1 .6 9 Set IT h e multiple attsCk, the deepest ^ 8 Ailvance to Within 25 with AllfW authorities remained Break Stiffening Ger­ .lers-Bocage, one of their two ad­ \ tions. One of these patterns' makes ing Japaniese strongholds in clouded today by a reported dis­ Inetration of France since the in- (g*)— Every doughboy wants to get Miles of Seaport of man Resistance o f Last vance points 15 miles southwest of X \- a real Dirndl skirt. [sion, took the bombera over a homo as aoon aa the war is-over the Marianas islands since agreement involving the employ­ Caen. Loaf ment of French liaison offlcei’s ‘K O U M KNOWLEDGE’ 4 Place M ils and 4 Coasters. -mile expanse, from Beauvais, Group to Plan but many an Italian helping the last Saturday, is now, at­ Viipuri; Finns Send Three Days; Take Or- , Further heavy counter-attacM during the invasion. miles north of Paris and 100 tempting to land troops on VlERSATILE DANCE REVUE Colorful cherry, strawberry, and pea.sant designs. Just liles east of the battle line, to >yilied Armies w ill stay here for Fresh Units to Fight. During his surprise . visit in vieto, A<|uila, Narni fCootinued oa Page ElgM) Also Long Rye Loaf, Bond Rye# eaux, 300 miles south of the long after that. Saipan island, the Tokyo ra­ Allied-held territory, crowds gath­ wash them off. Heatproof. Clycago Meet A Is K e part o f the population, ered to cheer de Gaulle and to sing Lttiezone. dio declared today— a daring London, June 15— Pi— Allied Pumpernickel, Rolls and Whole |Angbulen)c •* ^0 miles northeast espoci.alfy business men and oth­ operation which. If successful, "L a Marseillaise.” The le'ngth of ^WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 8 tlS P. M, troops, bearing dow-n with tanks, troops, breaking the stiffening ColprfuJI^rinled ^ Bordeaux, La Polasonniere 50 Holds Session ers with property are fearful of would give the United States an his visit was not immediately dis­ Wheat. ^ Separate Place Mats to Match. .'. 4 for $1,00 jles east of Nantes, which is 120 what may happen in Italy when ocean'base''within 1,500 miles of artillery and all support, are in­ closed, biit the Brazzaville radio in German resistance, o f the last ------it Is given back to the Italians. French Equatorial Africa said he Flashes! |llen south of the battle zone. La Tokyo. flicting heavy casualties I on the three days, have made a' general MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL HALL illlere ia gight miles east of Think Italy W ill Go Co'nununist had stayed'in France only, a few, (lA te BuUetla* ol tbr iA*i Wire) Fatriheiint Heavy Fighting Reported Finns on the Karelian front and advance all .alohg their line in burs. < Haniiegan Gills Demo­ Somo think Italy will go Com­ (The -DWI said a Japanese^ im­ hours tend then returned to Engr.. KITCHEN TOWELS munist; some think there w ill be have advanced to within 25 miles land. Italy taking Orvieto. Aqulla and Tickets 60c and 30c, Tax Included. STORE HOURS: Closed Wednesdays At Noon. Open J Attack Synthetic Oil Center cratic Committee to perial headquarters communique N ari and pushing onward, Allied Post-War Setup Views Gives Creamery Butter u.49c a civil war; some think the country of the seaport of Viipuri,- Moscow An official announcement later [ force of Mosquito bombers at- announced that a landing attempt headquarters announced today. Washington, June |cked the synthetic oil center of will flounder about for_ lack of declared today. confirmed that he was back In Brit­ '■ Thursday and Saturday Evenings. Consider Selection also was being made at Tinian is­ Orvieto is 57 miles northwest of Prritident Roosevelt today mdds >lsenklrchen in the Ruhr last leadership. land in the Marianas and that With th'-'ir capital city of Hel­ ain. Rome; Narni, 41 nalles north, and public the administiialioria' eon- ght to keep the unceasing as- Of Keynote Speaker. Some Italians are saying the "heavy fighting is in progress, be­ sinki, 150 miles northwest of Vli. While he was receiving hla ova- Aqulla, 64 miles northeast. Along ceptlon of a poet-war, IntornaUoo- tween Japanese units and enemy puri, endangered by the 8;'viet of­ Fresh Peas 2 Lbs. 25c ^ for $^.00 35c the west coast the Fifth Arm y has al peace orgaaisatioa ^ provldlog (Conttnued o« Page Four) (Conttnoed on itoge Two) forces.”) . X fensive, the Finns have thrown (Continned on Page Four) advanced 79 mlies beyond Rome. for a council representing all ni»- By The Associated Press While there was no. immediate strong reinforcements into; a fierce Fresh, Long Green Delayed By Counter-.%ttack Uono, to concorn Iteelf wHh> the Two p^terns: pbral and fruit. Red, blue and green. Democratic Chairman Robert E confirmation of the reported land­ atruggie with tne Red Arm y iii the As one E ig h th .A rm y column settlement of ' International dis­ Hannegan, fresh from a talk with ing operation. Admiral C2iester W. area o! Kutersclka and Jatvi, a E xcept^al value: . entered Orvieto, an Important road for Nlm ltz disclosed yesterday in bis broadcast communique ftoYn Mos­ Battle Seen putes and to pri’vent war.’ The Cucumbers 2 15c. -Boat Shells * President Roosevelt, a'ssembled Sees Threat cow said. junction northeast of Lake Bol- latest communique that the Am er­ president sa|d the organization Planes Aitlick Viipuri u Th$ J W .H A U E ^RR party committee in Chicago today ican task force was still operat­ sena, -another reached the out­ al o should Include an internation­ Fresh Calirornlg Russian troops-^have penetrated 1 Fishing Vessel to arrpngr for the July 19 Chi­ Of Veto Yet ing off the Marianas Tuesday. Near Climax skirts of Terni, but was delayed by al court r if justice. MANCHBSTBli C6MM» the Finnish lines at Kuteraelka, y * . . ; itWT , Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. cago convention at which the It wan conceivable that the a blown bridge and a German the Finns acknowledged today in Potatoes 5 Lbs. 29c president can have ano;ther nom­ force-'-Blready credited with in­ counter-attac)r in the vicinity of Dewey Pre|iaring to .-\ocept / v ination for the taking. - - ' a communique brondcasTfroiuSor’ the city. [erman Craft Invades Mnrdoirk Believes Presi- flicting grievous l(>8ses' on Japan­ lin. The bulletin also said Viipuri Gormans Report Fight­ Albany. N. June, 15—nib-r Whether Hannegan ’ brought Fifth .Arm y troops along the Persistent report* from source*, ese shipping 6nd air power— might was attacked last night by 15fl So­ word aa to how -‘Mr. Roosevelt ing in Normandy In west/Coast .met determined enemy close to Gov. TKomas E. Dewey, joiih Atlantic to di?At Opposed to -Fed­ still be operating in that area.- viet planes. feels' about It was not disclosed. FlrSt -'reports of American of­ sjrtitance at Magliano. 11 miles but not publicly, oonflrnied, !■» He left the White Houge yester- eral Ccinrts Proposal. The new reserves occupied de­ creasing in Violence. HEALTH MARKET {Attack Boston Triwler fensive operations in the past fensive positions between the lakes »l»ted today he ia prepafpd for a (Continued, on Page Four) swift trip to Chicago to accept an (Contlnnod on Pago Eight) gnd marshy ground. This made London. June 15.—(^ —Today's iston„ June 15—id*)— t A Ger- Washington, June 15 :— UP) —r (Conttnuefl on Page Four) tank operations extremely diffi­ ezpectod Republlcijia prczldontlft* THURSDAY SPECIALS ,n submarine invaded the North House passage of the bill extend­ 0^------^------■ cult, but S oiiet troop* managed .to Odflman communique m d that the nomisatlon. The same aouroea, fighting in Normandy a-as Increa,- declared the governor le drsilipg tic fishing grounds recently ing price controls for another year Treasury; Balance capture several Finnish, support helped clehr the’ w ay today for . ’ ■ .6* ■ —to ■ , points despite stout opposition, the ing In violence and that the Allies 1,300 Yankee a speech of acceptance wMIe en- lelled ,and" m achlne.^nned « were making powerful efforts to r- Congress te recess, for the politi­ Washington, June • — The communique said. jo.>lng a ten-day, vacatlos at W* / On Thursday morning we will enlarge teelr bridgehead in all di­ ten trawler and forced alt but cal conventions, but Senator Mur­ position o f the Treasury June 13:- Evidence of the ferocity of the farm near Pawling. / ’o of the crew \ to abandon ship. dock (D „ U tahl ,aaid the legisla­ Raceipta, $244.832.349..08V expen­ fighting was contained- in the Rtia- rections. Ships Assist X receive Fresh $eo Food from Bos- Boiiib Japan “Among. ' salvoes of heaviest / « .1, • _ • tion atill faces the tHreat of A veto. ditures. $462,302,950.97; net bal­ Turn Tables on Captor /' le aubmeralbfc finally left, her Naval gims, incessant air attecka Murdock told a reporter he docs ance. $7,160,857,101.06. * . (CoatlBued-oa Pago jpgkt) Ann .4rborj 'DUc^'^ lad 15'■ Ipper thinking- the and with freshij’ brought up in tom Fish Pier: iwler would sink. Then the crew not believe .President Roosevelt W ar Vessels .Carry Sea __,.«»)__^Two fuptlve^onvicta tura- New PlanM in Cokttbat will sign the measure If it reaches fantry and tank . forces being ^ the table* on ;thelr pollceman- t the vessel »n ' shape •• and thidwn into action on both Sides YOUR 2.l|c LIVING ROOM him carrying gn'aincMment that ' ’ __ Borne Troops for (■.aptor In the jtork hour* today, ou^t her Into k)ort early today, the batlTe is approaching a Cli­ N A W MEN SEEM TO Fresh Mackerel, Cod, Pollack, For Firsi Time’; No In- would 'throw all OPA regulations left him bouad and gaggtd la a T hull and superatructure Ibok- open for legal testa inlthe Federal max,” the German high command Invasion o f France. g aimoat like a sieve. dication I of Target Appeal Made for Return de*erted7jiouse. aad made eff with District courts. declared. hi* car, uniform, badge and. aery- . APPRECIAtE" A WELL Porgies; Smelts. M V SUITE IN DENIM Details of the attackr were given Allied parachute droops which . That amendment, by Kepresen- Washington, Juneme 15 4-- (g'i — press conference by Capt. landed behind German hnes north­ Ice revolver. The poUce Waahington.^June, 15— (g*)—The Utive Dirkaen (R., HL), was To Fin^r Kind of Women More than 1,300 U. S. Waarships the two convlcle were reported to _ea L: .Abbott, 36, skipper of Arm y annohuced today that B-20 adopted by a 206-to 181’vote of the east of St. Lo were wiped out. the troops, |raina and aJlANED DRESS! • V.. carried sea-borne From Rhode Island: ' RebnUt—Re^overed q fishing vessel, the Lark, owned broadcast said, and several "stiff­ have ep**** through .Dearborn, Super-Fortreasea of the Army Air House late*yesterday. war Into Europe inn the inyai.asion of Mich., several hours later with oao F. J. O'Hara Brothera. Bpfton The administration earlier, had ly defended” .villages east of, Gau- \ ■I Forces ''ombed Japan today. - i^ n c e of the tugtlvoo .St the wheel woar- ■ Restyled;' “ " tert. The vessel ia 146-groaa succeeded in killing the even more Nashville, Tenh.,' June iS^/Pli— ^"abstaining from drinking amd mont were taken by, German Yes, men do appreciate a well-groomed Fresh C lam s. . . Steomera, Lit­ No further information was di­ And despite the mass o f vessels ing the kidnaped offlcert salfwis. vulged, and thero was no indica­ controversial Bankhead • Brown GlobaL 'Thinkers, Inc., hopei to •moWng^ forces, . ^ concentrated on the blasting of appearance, and while we can’t guaran­ With Springs and Fram< Mistaken for Fatrol Boat ^ u ^a. .a ^ 1 KrowinR up in modesty, and fen - S ^ e police said they were l « s ^ tle Necks and Qiiohogs. tion of which part of Japan was proposal to adjust cotton textile beam Ito the world its appeal for-, raising moral standards AdiMt Allies Gala Gfound Hitlerls forces into ..unconditional tee that you’ll make a hit with the Navy, • Rcbhm e sub first was sighted about struck nor where the new planes, ceilinga In a way the OPA called T o the west and north of St«. lag'toward Detroit, " o £ "$ *"^ “a return to finer femininity so from.the.mire where they've be- ■urrendei*. 'N avy Secretary Forres* wore doeerlbod a* Nehos **■$• ^ EASY TERMS a. m.. Captain Abbott said in combat for the first time, were inflationary and a move by Rep­ Mere JcgUae. however, it was ad­ we do proihise you the best cleaning re­ that oqr men won’t come home gun to sink.” tel asserts that the Pacific offen­ aad Marios Bueayaskl. tath Ample Selection of Fabrics' was mistaken at ftnit’for" a based. ' resentative Disney (D.. Okla.) te mitted the AUied forces gained sive ‘^Mza not been and. will not be sults possible. . ^-. Better fabites prioeti preportloef idly patrol boat. Then John force a SSrCenta-s-barrel boost in from tee batUeftents te a lot of,| Mra. Banister, national aupsr- eenlesoed frost Dettol* IMJ ^ CONNECTICUT SHAD .,^ e text of the brief commtaii- ground. . ■ ' • diminished.'* losg pri*oB terms' for ishbiary t h e SP.RINGS_CAN_ Prompt Delivery ately lew. Mlaeg chaagea at ne >ell. at the Wheel, got a good th price crude oH.— drunken. Immoral women.'*— . visor of the Delphian society, adult The communique asserted that que read: ■ The year-old organlzation’o-flght women'sHdticatlbhal club, contln- On the contrary, he said yester-' AU Won Guaranty jBXtm oeet caa be maAe to moSenH c In the moonlit night and Ab- "B-X9 Super-Fortreaaea o f the To Work Ont^Dtfforeacoo 14 Allied transports totalnig 101,- armed. They walked agalnst smoking .arid drinking ued; " I have lived in hotels since; day, "at- the, moment of Germany’s trusty Jobe In a souther* MIeWgas iae aad add oenif art to jroer m l immediately rouaed the crew Unitea Btatea Army Air Forqes The Senate last week piassed a 000 tons and two destroyers were greatest crisis, Japan ia being tidq WE CLO.se Salt Cod pound 39c We Carry Our Own Aecoonta among women whs outlined today, 11916. I watched the terrific In­ DIAL 7100 who were sleeping, 20th Bomber command bombed Ja­ separate 18-months extension bill, sunk or damaged, by German hard-pressed to lend any- diver- !*»*»»■ , , , enemy fired one shot acroM and a conference .committee will in an Interview, by. llllss Grace L. crease of smoking _Apd drinking pan today.” among women aim girls until 1 aerial bombs and torpedoes last slonal support.'.' Mon.' Through WE CALL FOR AND DEI.IVER. '^ i a k e i t ! iw'aiiid then opened up urtto' New Type'af Ofeemive now try to work 'out', differences Donaldson o f St. Petersburg, Fla., Turk Dtetemat Bmlgaa'^ ^ •) Pickled Tripe i pound 29c felt a social obligation to do some­ night. Three Battleships la Actios New Verk, lu s e 15 (^ -e Tbs lne-g«ma -ae - the fishermen Gen. Gporge. Gi MarahalL chief b'tween the.tvfo.- .. national director. A fresh Allied landing atteinpt. Taking part in the European in­ "We ere riot reformers, we do thing, about it. Global. Thinkers, Turkish radio Friday ^ e n MacDonald Ties Them MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO. mbled Into their dories. Cap- o f ataff, in a statement on the at- Although the cotton amendment off the mouth , of the ' Ome was vasion, n e' said. were the battle­ (it'V'f , Green SUmps Given With d Sh Sales! Abbott, hia '74-year-old cook had drawn the hottest administra­ not carry hatchets,, and we have Inc., was tee answer.’?,' ’ ’ , elga MtolBlier 983 Main St. HARTFORD; CONN. Phone 2-4127 timk made public by the W ar de- She added; “We exp^t U) girdle beaten off, the communique said, ships Nevada. Arkansas and Tex- At 5t30 P, M. Maloney and the Nhip’s doKi partmapL aald that the: Super- tion' fire, Murdock asBal(ed the no quarrel with anyone,” she said. aiPthe cruisers Augusta. Tusca- riogla the globe with, this idea ” by coaatol batteries which , di»- FortreM introduced a new t ]^ of DIrkaefr provision ag likely to "bog “Our aim la to educate women to remained aboard, Olobfll Thtnkeia, Inc., epened a poraed tfia landing formation #nd looea arid QuiaegAad “ipoM than subflred from about 100 gigBBBtvo agnlMt the enemy «i>$ floFa" •tsbtUiatlon machinery think Uieraaelvee into a new and 30 .doatroyers.** U. S. CIIANERS . - jw . LI' better way of life. It’e a new hp- seiplnar here, today, to continue danuMfiad a cruiser and destroyer* AishiK t. the captain saM, bul there "also oroatM u naw problem In through conflicting InUrprota-p "Tha .hardness of th * fighting N oting the lack o f hcavir oppoai- Saturdays tiona of the act by the 85 district proach to an .old problem.” , through Saturday. Miia Dohaldhon D . 8. gewavnaen > ■ ife no casualties. *nien tfc6 t t o appUcatlmi o f m ilitary force.* aaid there were .550 ■ njembera In and the exemplary bearing of our tion, Forrestal said that both in COU Because of the enonftous range courts. . Definee “ finer Femininity". tb e ja s t war and in World W ar that Pmslor 8sbn» flSfSMm At7P,M. and DYERS iderseaa c r a ff vanished aiid the Utah. Mii^htgan. Indiana, Ohio, troopa of all eervlces are shown In n, Advertise in The Herald-—If Pays puHed, about a mile from S lid heavy bmnb. load o f this new- "*The war would be over Mfore Mrs. MyrUe McLean Banister of nosM tofca over tho PeMdffl flP| 8.16 MAIN ST. NEAR WARD’S MM* Nashville, founder o f the organiza­ Kentucky, , Tennessee. Alabama, iCoaUnuod pa'P||liB9 Four) ' V ic w U iM d os Pago Fosry tion, defined “finer femininity’' as Georgia, Florida and Louisiana* (C o^fled on Page Four! (CoBtlanofl ou Paflo - .(Uoatlaw* OM PM gf Four). Ju^__ . ) X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THUKSUAY, JUNe "'ib , 1944 PAGE tHREB liANCHESTEK EVENING nCllAtiD, inANUnBamSR, CUNN^ THUltsdAT, JUNE 16, 1944 77?- PAGE TWO poMibla through the enorti xOf Diancing Pupils ^ Hospital Sup’L William P. .Slovor, t’a claaa of beginnera Includ­ onder Drug’ r.ho announced today that Me­ influence these days. It has sur­ quellne Marie M cK i^ht, Luther ing ^ r y Riisrell, Susan Doyle, 395 Garmerits^ Pabl Menge, Anna 'Tlieresa: Mlf- l o m ^ p i d y larnard, Nath An Hale morial hospital has-now-been made FIRST NATIONAL STORES vived Fascism as it survived RockvUle History Told BcrthaxGostz, MinnU Andrews,- Give'a Recital an official depot for penicillin and countless reforms before and fitt M a ^ EllMbeth Murray, Car­ Luclefi Pettlnglll, Marjorie P il- ol Eager Needham. Virginia A u ­ to BeShippM »X. Available Jlere vlli therefore have, It available for SUPER m a r 'k e t s many ItaUans are clinging to It In mer. Aftei*\Pte Lord’s Prayer and Heard local use from this time on. - their distress. gusta Nielson, William Anthony ' By Graduates the Pastoral v Prayer, ' the Junlot H6use/Razed Olekslnskl, Nellie Lorraina Petkis, G ra d u a te Miss Frances Vlolette’s ^ c i n g Dr. M oon was high in his praise Conflict A t present the Vatican seems class taught bi^Mis8 Alice Coombs pupils gava a recital lart evening Penicillin Is Used "for to be concentraUng on trying to Specirf Prizes Edith Caroljm Ridzen, Gladys Net- gaVe SelectionsIB from the rerip- I^roduction at Red Gross of local hoepltal authorittea for prevent moral- decay from setting tleton Rlsley, 'Norma Jane Rizy, Buc’klaml School Dis­ tures which IncIiJ the Beati- lucklantl Rililfling Re- Smyth. Lucille Sinyth, PresclUa at the Masonic TeroFle. Mias First Time; Hospital havhig made this arrangemenL A iiev Peace in among the disheartened Italian John Albert flnmeo, Anna Mary tiides and the 23rd elm. The ^ i;li S cII g ^ H a U I s Sprague, June Steveiiaon; Lorraine Center High; Quota PhylUs Karlin w ^ ^ e accompan­ pointing out that It wiU be of In­ At High School R u d h an s k y , B arbra Emily plays Originality in Its ^novedyby Town; Had 'TelUer, Franeja Thornhyon, Jean Here Now Depot for It. estimable future i^vantage- to people. Fartic.ipating were srold Bran fiUed by Pfmrats and Nearly Filled. • ist. The prqgpkm which was en- Yesterday the pope gave this Schneider, V ^ don. Ingrid Byquist, tty Bod- 'niompson, Marilou TtoralL Mari­ Manchtoter patieiita and physl- (Contianed i'rom Page One) ■ ” James 'Edward Shea, Chrystal Exercis^ Today. Been jeoudemned. ; dyed by; parmta and frlenda of dans. advice to Roman women In these reau, Harriet Colburn, Franklin |l«dative8 o f Boys and anne Tlemann, Suaan Todd.'^yllia .The new wonder drug, penicillin, John Anderson Is Reci|»; Ann Skinner, Shirley Helen Smith, Early this w e k ' lhe po^iettig tbs' y o u th s 'performera opened present Bonomi government Is » trying times: Natalie Faye Spellman, Francis Richardson, Lilliafl Richarijsbn, S h e rid a Tomlinson, Phyllis Townsqna was admlniatered at ManeheaUr The women of Rome should face The theme of the graduating yllta Beato’n, W re^ers are razing; the old viiis o f Eighth GrAtte. Mary Waterbury. Henrietta Wele- committee of the Red Crpoa Pro- Kerensky government which will ieni of Two Awards a|i Warren Stager, Eleanor May Barbara Rumph, PhylllB wlth” The Star Spangled ^ n n e r " Memorial hospital for the- flrat Who remembera tbe nice cold Invation by our boyi called lor great the invading Army with dignity clas.«i of the Eighth^-ade at the Lorraine Velk, Marv >ni Flint. housy^that has stood for over 109 ner, Eleanor Wlnzier, Marfl3m duption Corps packed and shipped and closed with the ’’-Stkrs and time yesterday, the doctor being days of last winter when we long­ lead to Commtmlsm. and modesty, behaving and dress­ Starke, Robert Carl Stevens. Vir­ courage and iKritiea. Let ut (how Ihaai Graduation Program. Buckland school/tnis afternoon Mra. Evelyn Synderiside class gave j(eare In the northwest part of the I Eighth Grade graduation of upperfel, Dorothy Zelonis. 39s, garmenta, made for th«| Army Dr. D.'C. Y. Moore and the patient ed for the nice hot days of thla The Communists certain^ kre ing properly at all Omea and win­ ginia Margaret Stiles, Oerbude Stripes Forever” by the Baton wm can al laaO Mcritidi lonia of our DoHarv Helen Stolarz, Mildred » Fiiincls was- tht‘ early^istory of Buck- a drametlaed selection from Doug­ Mrs, jWinlfred. Gagliardone pf summer?—which are making us the best organized and best dis­ ning the (respect of the soldiers by las' book "The Robe.” 'Taking part kland triahfle. Tlie old Mhool B a r Barnard and Nathan H ^e and Navy hospltala. It la”ekpecF class. lo buy iondi . . . that'i tho laail wo > can Rockville, June 16.—O f the spe­ Stuts, Susan Julia Sultan. Jpseph land.- Thirteempiupils were grad­ South Bolton. ' ■< long for the nice cold days of nex; ciplined of the country s polltkaj their virtue, uated and each had a*part in the were Marion Palmer, - Eugene use which was moved to the tools was held this ipPmlng « t ed that.lpme 200 more will be The list of solo and 'group Edward Sunega, Nettle Belle dances and thdse who participated, Local use of the drug was made winter. do . . . and after buying than,, hold, on pai^es ghd seem to have fine cial awards given st the gradua­ program. Starting with the early Stuelette. Carolihj! .Clark, Judit' south 6f this building when the WartiOaii Passes shipped byxthe end of next week, iwdership in Palmiro TogliattI Sweet, Alan .Beaumont Tayldr. High school. h ^ ^ wdien 212 followa: V to thorn. ' tion exercises of the class of Marjorie Aurel Thrall, Barbara history of Manejnester, of which Crickmore, Raymond Bates, iWn present sbliooi was built 26 years leaving onlY About 50 garmenu and his aides. A t l>>7 »ent they Churchill; Jr„ Francis Pettln ^l. wara 'preoentod by Mra. Vlct’ry Polka—Earlene Knofla, Raises Ante 1944, Rockville High school Wed­ Anne Trickett, Marion Alice Wel­ Buckl.and wa.s one of the oldest ago, has already been torn down; \- ' ■Holdenv a member of - the 8 Per^nt Mark to be flnlahed 'a ^ shipped out of M ai^rie McFarland; arS cooperating, whole-heartedly settlements, told the story of the ' The offering was receive^ by the entire large ^ o t a assigned to With the Allied command in the nesday ; evening, John Ander­ ti, Wllhclmlna .I.anet Wsrkhovcfi, 'The priiparty is ownej by the Tonight we have our fl| ol board- There were 120 girls Taking A Chance on Love—Beu­ Marv Anne Willis, Marjor.e Ann Buckland family, the old red Lillian Richardson- and ^h yllls town, having reen secured through this chapter, wbiclutB not actually war effort and wlth^^he Of Rewards son, (President of the Student Seaton. Juniors who asalned Mr, show, i ; -really is a peac 101 boys. lah Asplnwall. Wirtalla, Andrew Martin ■ Wnuk, stone quarry, the dlacovery of the failura to 'pay taxes and while It lie school hall was well fillid by 'Washington, June —The due Until next October 18. Yankee Squadron— Patty Don- government Unlike the Council, received the Charles Ells­ Gloria Helen Wocal. Everett footprints Of dinoaaura in the Loeser and Mrs. Rlchajrason. Aa had baen occupied by a family. It Fifth War Loan drive paka^ 8 With Buch a record of produc- Only ^Mmutes Ago enta and rklatlvea of the gradi^ lon, Joann Moriconi. ’" 4 JsU and Liberals they are not worth Nsttleton Memorial Award, quarry, the BUckland Inn, Its cem­ an offertory Anne and Dranc Rich­ per cent of the goal of Individual Uon,, and with' no expectSaon ot their energry for attacks on For Babies Fletcher Wright, Loula Alfred had been condemned by the boArd |B, admiriilon being by ticket, Fan Dance—Barba^-Jean Bkr- and also the Rensselaer Polytech­ Zwirigcisteln. etery." roads, railroads, the history ardson of the primary claes, twin of health some time ago,, The fami­ sales during its second day. any more sewing quotim ooimus In the Hotfse of Savoy. They have nic Medal. Th is last medal is pre^; .sister's, sang "Father We Thank girls Were dressed In white bero. Sup|M>r Tonight of the post office, the second In ly Was asked to • move and when Reported purchases through summer,'urdeas there la t o m In My Arms—Edith WilUama, acceptedvthe lieutenancy general (Continued From P i ^ One) rented to the beat student in the Theej; 1 There la one act, an ■ the boys wore dark clothaa. Tuesday night were 1484,000,000— emergency call. It is ptanr, Victory Assembly, Catholit Jj»- Manchester, its early manufactur­ the Connecticut Humane aoclety marched tlito the hall and Carolyn ScotL ' A House Burned Down! of C row n ^ln ce Umberto as a Following the Doxoiogy copies senior class In the subjects Of sci­ dles of Columbus, will hold a sal­ ing. the present tobacco Industiy took a hand, the family moved out. Waiian number, which toward the $6,000,000,000 goal for ned tosClose the ProdUcUon cen­ FOWL suitable expedient for the present; of the. short Bible were presented th.-iesta in the front section Anchors Awelgh—Thomas Don- ceive a J50 war bond, a third child ence and mathematics. ad supper this evening at 6:.70 and its scboola.. . ' The building will all be down by down the houAe. Have, individuals, the Treasury an ter on Jupe 23 for about two .UMP, MEAtY ' M ^ The Olrlt’ Club award was pre­ the promotei; pupils of the class ch had been reserved for them. . . . and in another 4 minutes, anotKer house’ will go up INCY MILK-FED LB - Help Slalnly f>«in a $100 bond, a fourth child wg200 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Rita Inoreare Naxt 'Vaar ' ^ the end of the week and naxt^waek hubby taka you d o ^ nounced last night. months.- _ l Aiharican Patrol—Priicilla Grif- and so on, , 7 — sented to Miss Harriet Ertel, Morin. by Rev. Chafles D. Brgjjidbent and The Brogram The Treasury said war bonds The ProdiibUpn woikera in smoke. LL SIZES " T i B H lUlian help, to With only 13 being, gra'duathd Miss Margaret JacobjK JacobjKnu After the the town plans to cover In the cel­ few hours. A i he following was the program: fln. X , ' in the batUe of Rome ^ The landlord has, paid off 04 baaed on fine character, reholar- Induction now buy more and better war tainly deserve ebqnatulaUons for Maybe it is your home — let us hop6 it is not — but shi|>„ leadership and general prom­ this year there will be an Increase singing„ of - the hyrfn "I Think lar and level off the place to do cbeatra ...... Selectlona Paper YipII—Barbara-Jean . Bar­ from the Partlglanl who times In 17 years and has prepared The members of the Rockville next year as It it the plan of the around tha floor will tnica \ equipment than they did a year a job well done. Thm bent every ise The class of 1943 award giv­ When I Read Sweet Story" away with the blind comer that lo ru a ...... Grade Bight agd.: For example: bara. the statistics show that with the passa^fe of each 4 min­ the battle outside the city. T)jey foj: the unusual by taking out in­ Guards will be Inducted Into the Board of Education to have pupils "kinka" ^ 'o f him. effort toward the g o H ^ having Proih Tondar, Young surance with Lloyds of London, en to a pupil posssasihg the quali­ the Rev. Doo-'O. Churchill deliv­ has exiatsd thera for a long tlma. . Thee O bountry” . ;-,Elchberg A heavy bomber, listed at $500, Scarf DkneSr-Joann MorlconS, utes of time, a house i^^destroyed by fire. \ are not necessaHIy Communist Connecticut State Guard thla eva- from the Oakland dlatrict attend 1 these. garments ready w4wn they Marjorie McFarland, Carolyn Native - 2 to 3 Lb Avg ■|)Ryable If any of his tenanU have ties of ieaderahip, scholarship, nlng at the Town Hall. Adjutant ered g sermon "What Tour Church Izenship in a Democracy and In 000 a year ago, now costs $250,000. might be needed at the u»qe of Too few homes^e inwired against fire. \ BROILERS party metftheri but they were or- the school iiex,i year. School la For." The receseional Scott, Earlene KnOfla, Patty Don- gantod and led by Communlst- oumiqumtiipleU. general promise and fine charac­ Oensral Reginald DeLacour will the World A fighter plane, which coat invasion, and they fulfllled “Ij^ t ter. Intended to fo to college, was be In charge aasisted by Chief of The program for the exerclrea hymh "1 Love To .Tell the Story” |e Meaning of Citizenship In a $160,000 last year, now la listed at Ion, /' ■ Too many arp-WADEQUATELY insured. .rif.J.ti.. f S men. Other groups , or­ Gable Worfcing purpose. .. Voices of SpUng—Mias Frances awarded to Robert Jordan. Staff Colonel Joseph' P. Nolan and followa; was -followed by the Benediction. Democracy .. .WilUam Blovlsh $60,000. A 4,000-pound blockbuster ■Jlf any of ' the —workers havah ganized behind. German, lines Proceisi-ipal The church ichool ataff eompriaes; Our one only Johij ilette. ' X ^ Too often^^e Are insurance was put off "till tonlor- I The annual E. Rtevens Henry 'Lieut. Gol. William J. Maxwell Imocracy and Totalitarianism used to cost $872, now Is $778. nearly flnlshed any knitted gar­ FRESH OR SMOKED SHOULDERS showed less zeal; one Rome busi­ PoliceHecover Chorua— Mloa M. E. Jacobson, diractor; Ann For Anny Yet C^fneo render a few Garand rifle was $80 a year ago, nn Solo^anet Wllton.X, row.” ness man said "the A.lUes ough prizes for excellence In scholar­ who la commander of the aecond Myfna' Richmond ments, it would be nice if they PICNICS Ndw Thank W e’AU Our Qod. Le Doyt, organlat; Catherine 681Ms. This lad has “ aoij M ares^ Doais—Earlene ^oilta,^ to atay here and govern «>e coun­ ship during the. current school battalion with which the Rockville Irasiles in a Democracy...... now $36. could be' turned in this week, so “ Too Mltle Insurance,” is often the answer that is ■ ■ /. ■■ year Wars as follows: Senior class, ~ German Choral Com, aecretary-treaouEer; Mrs. But the price of Army mules -has Acrobari^ Solo—Carolyn ScotL ^ ANY SIZE PIECE try for five years. How can a Crash Souvenirs Ouarda will be affiliated. The lo­ Hollywood, June 15.—(>P)— A l­ thlr on the haU.” ... Dudley- Bickford that they, too, may be shipped at found yp(en the loss occurs. Joan Hyde; Junior class, a tie be­ cal company is to be known as Graduation theme: Th e' History Evelyn Snyder, intermediate; Mies gone up. 'The average a year ago Steppln’ Gqt—Patty and Tom­ B ACO N P^pls with so IltUs training la, Alice Coombe, Junior; Virginia though Maj. Clark Gable was back I w ^ it'to hear him sing ‘ hat Amerl^n Democracy Pro- an early date. my Donlon. ■ Is'your property insured — ADEQUATELY? tween Ruth Schwarz and Gene­ Company C. The ceremonlre thla of Buckland; yX , in civilian clothes today after 22 1 vldes for^-'Cltlzens ...... was $190. Now it's $226. FANCY ■ govarnlng themselves take over •Norwalk, June lS .-r(^ ^ A ma­ vieve Karmazyn; sophomore class ..Early Mancheater. .Vivian West Lee, Primary: Ann Le Doyt, Be­ tahrmer n and the Malden." Irish Washer Wqman—Marjorie Oje most difficult reconstruction evening are open to the public. months in the uniform of the Donald Caldwell 1 'V\ •(Your answer is probably, “ I bglieve it is.” FRANKFURTS SKINLESS chine-gun, two radio# and other- -j^mes Burke; and freshman class. Scout Meeting . The Bi'ckland Family, ginners. Belated Message Delayed McFarland. X Army Air Forces, lie is,atlU work­ 6lems/ln Government Walt for Me M ar^s^ Muriel /' MY'TepIy K “ Let’s play it safe — Let’s be sure — lob In history?” equipment on a fighter plane that EiSle Loos. ) . There will be a meeting of Troop Betty Brown . Margaret Boyd And then he said: Im afraid ing for the Army-, . / Pipeline Plan Urbans, ni.— (P)—The message Clark. R ^ ^ p r . Bussell J. Clinch No. 14, Boy Scouta this evening at The Qiariy, . ■ • Olode An official-of the 43-year-old ac-l aenkhip and Leadership ,. .. T O D A Y .’^ v BOILED H A M SANDw[^*ES th a f as soon as the war is over crashed here last, Friday were No. Coventry Flyer Staff SergL aarence BowUn, fly­ taken by souvefffr hunters, but pastor of-vfhe Center -church In 7:30 o'clock at their hsadquartera Dln-isaurs ...Colleen A born tpr'a atu<|kt"said that an air train­ /,...... '.. Luclie Smith Today, it^jk as easy as telephoning me, to be safe America will go IsolaUonlst again Tlie Buckland wn, Our dance > floor la Ig Put H>n ice’ ing Fortress waist gunner, drop- and the British Will pull out, too- have now been recovered, the Nor­ Hartford, w ^ t h e reseaker having or. Vernon avenue. ing film would keep Gable busy I le United States and Isolation and to be sure that your fire insurance is adequate. BOLOGNA^ \ Nijeorge Ewing Wins Promotion untlL mid-summer. He added that big enough to dance on. .7 'Vincent Diana pi^ from a plane aa he flew over llieB .there’s almost aure to oe walk police have announced. for hls aubjtcV Creates Urbans In January, 1943, has been The plane, flown from the Action." He tol^-the graduates Buck’and Cemetery Gable had no immediate plans for it-Americanlsm and World Cltl- HARD-TO-REMOVl Cali ua, please.\ "SmGked civil war and Communism. , ' X Corrlne Jeski Washington, JUne 15*-tff0—^The delivered to l^s. mother. The note, VaMcaa High in laffnepM Grumman Aircraft company plant that in no other country in the kreturn to the screen. I sen'ship ______Elsie Anderson TONGUE ’ Roade . . .Thomas Morgan An Eighth A. A, F. Bomber Bta administration’s agreement to put escased in sin.empty shell, was There’s another powerful fac­ at Bkthpaga, N. Y., by Mlsa Eliza­ world today than America^ are .so Tolland tion, England — Promotion Of Leaving a $260,000 a yaar salary Eighth Grade Citizen of Man­ PAIRFUl CORilS to many young people allowed to RailrtACia ...... Carol Rose the controversial trans-Arabian found on the roof of a Champaign R s M tor in the ""Italian aetup: The beth Hooker, a test pilot, crashed James Edmondson, 34-year-^ fly to enlist. Gable spent more than a chester . . . . . Michael Vlgnone department store by J .Howard graduate from High schools.-jn Chor.ia— year in England. Ha saw sarvlca la te ly our muoio la i pipeline “on Ice" for the time be­ orMeasyBack church. The Vatican la high in In Peat swamp near the Boston Mlsa Helen Shirfell, of Schenec- pilot, of North Coven­ ionis ing, today paved the road for; con­ Leisser, who went to the roof to wMh lOB-iaz. o m r ^iMlU S ea ^ ood i Post road. Miss Hooker bailed speaking of war conditions hF Lulln* y from -“Joaelyn" Godsrd try, Conn., from Second to First on five raids, sa combat ' photo­ on the "warm aide," nce to Every Man nnd Na­ Cla^B^ ksu^ce/.Agency ta4y, N. Y „ la visiting Mias Ber­ gressional formulation of an over­ take pictures. It was given to muimg, I out and was uninjured. * stated that "Japan and Germany Water Boy ..N egro W oik Song Lieutenant, has been announced at grapher and gitnner, and la now on | aa though tha orowfl tion” ...... Welsh Turte 0 « I will be destroyed because, of what tha Bl^ce for a week. Also as Bun­ Thv«r. iTolIowlng are the names of the which Senator Maloney (D., Conrt) The Red Croes room! ar" open 'X, reported ^Tuesday, asserting that had e.ssays centering around Ja­ Ma.iufn'luring.. . Robert Culver Fon, lives at R F. D. No. 1, Norln ^duates: is chairman. pan. Robert Jordan in" dellverin.g Thursday for work on Surgical schools ...... Julia Zaremba Dial 8803, waH aava ; Qa%doH Piodue* the search took Investigators to all Coventry, has been tkscorr.ted with ojrs: Much Of the Commlttec’a discus­ \ parla of the city. • ^— hls essay on "Preparedness" made dresaings. The last work on dress­ Chorus— the'A ir M( cal with an Oak Leaf booth up front Majla u^ eph Accornero; Richard Al- sion in closed sessions during the O th ^ .equipment taken and re- a stirring i^ea to those present to ings, Thursday, June 8, an . un­ , Lift Vhine E yes.. .Mendoi*»ohn Cluster lot meritorious achieve- party. --Yoji can hnva Carl Anderson. Douglas An- past few months has been devoted usual number of workers were oovered included a nine-pound taks part In the Fifth War U)an Preeentat'on of Diplomas ment in, aerial combat. Formerly "lovanast." tson, Eric Anderson, Enwst to the controversy -over Interior POTATOES 28) water tank. AH the articles were drive for the hoys of the class of p'-eaent, showing special home In­ Receasl'ina] ' a carpenter for Martin Neilgon, of endt, Wendell Austin, Richard Secretary Ickes’ announcement turned over to the FBI. 1944 who within a month will be terest is manifested In this much- The GraduatM North Coventry, the veteran flyer U on s t m i a J Irry, Willard Bassette, Dudley early in the year of plans to have CARROTS 'cALIFtMNi? 2 1 ’The names at persons from in the armed forces. iieeded work. Folio .’ins are the graduates: 'has seen action in- many of the GKTAir'-T '-TAi,l '.HOWRfVlli ON tlMIk' >kford, William Blovlsh, Edwl the government pagticip*!* 1*’ c®"' whom the equipment was recover­ Prellmlnarv to conferring the Mrs. Harold Clough and son Eighth A. A. F.'s standout attacks Albert Bonlno, Peter BonI structing the line from tho Per­ Ronald CTough are guests of Mrs. Colleen Marjorie Aborn, Betty l E T T U C E native ICEIHG ^ 8 * ed were withheld. diplomas. Principal Philip M. Joyce Brown. Robert Frederick against Nazi targets on the conti­ Robert Bronke. Harry Brown, sian gulf area to the Medlterrai Howe Also spok^_for the Fifth Clough's mother, Mra. Livingston nent. lymond Brown, Marvin Brown- ean. .X X. in Boston, Mass. Culver, George Walter Ewing, © B IllY ROSES War Loan drive. mtntloned a Re -ent'.y First l.leutenant Ed Donald Caldwell. Robert Car­ '' FANCY NATIVE Many tndicatlona of rich gold Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courrler Mildred Elaine Fletcher, John I deposita have been discoverc t in letter received by the father of Charles GKide, Anna Corrine Jea- mondaon’s eroup, which has flown rie, Elbert Carlson, Ronald Carl- entertained a party of their out- against enemy targets in Germany The RED RIPI the Altai mountaina of Slnkinng Colonel John Middleton, a gradu­ kl^ Edna tshlrley Machle, Thomas Edward Churilla, Harry Con- ate of the Rockville High school of-town friends Monday, June 12, and in Occupied Eurr.pe for more Diamond Fatal Fire ORIGINAL I province of China,. Uy, Aldred Davis, William Da at their home Jn Tolland. John Morgan. Carol Mm Rose, than 100 TTilsslons. was ■'ited fo n ts JA TO ES now serving in China,- in-which he Alice iiav Virginia, Helena Vivian Francis DcSlmoho, Vincent mentioned the Chinese govern------Mrs. Mahloi.^ Chapman, - of El- leading role In the Tlghth A-A.F.’a Robert DlBaltlsto, Adler As Incendiaify I ^lent appropriated a sum ^ o f. l.npton. was a recent guest o. out West, Julis Ceclle Zaremba. epic bombing . of ballbearing fac S h e rid a NEARLY FRANTIC |bkin; William England, George GREEN PEAS money for the observance of Npur of-town friends. torieS at echweinfurt, OcL 14 avail,'Gilbert Flxvell, Richard - WITH M Y FEET Men.orlar Day in placing flowers Mrs. Maud P. Steele, of Elllng- 1943. lands, Lee Freedman, Richard BtOston, June 15.—(A’l-^The ex­ Sgys New London Uouoewlfe on the graves of American 80l^.j ton, was a guest Monday of Mr. Ites, Walter Fb*- plosion and fire which gutted the h 'i o ^ o o d l \ r r j and Mrs. John B. Steele, REVUE irere hot and' m urli diers in that country. Principal South Coventry | COl OWHIL • • • ^t’ TCTA( '111 AP John-.Fuller, Richard Gallagher, National Chair Company plant Per Oelidoin SiSY Ovt of I W«iR Otyt. ' hr, ImUy I. I s I a n o llr a . K% erj atep.vta* tartoro* I Howe announced four diplomas to ^ l i s s Hattie Jewett was a guest tomas Giovino, Earle Gqaiee, Them8U X, was described as incendiary Tues­ iMf. 1. Sir M Yw ■ Koc a |ar mt POIIOL from mw d r a e - Im O CoHm m Rsasofli be given to members of the class of Tolland friends Saturday. _ qrea. Q re^, Arnold - Ha'ndler, day night by Fire Ckief Sampel vUt aad eaod It twiea a days The Everett , Pearson of Hartford, • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allen (Bar­ IjaNUNV BURKR*JteHUBERTS| IRCLE I Wski^ New Cream hot, bartiiae oeaoatloa Is dll sonr now In the Vservice, Frederica bara Carpenter) are parents of a KEN WNITNVEIl • riARtr MEEHM I V .■ N L M I S 1 I n m m RiAiard Heady, Pope who estimated damage atj nad I dad 1 caa art to alrofi laaf'b BVadlcy, William R. Chapman, was a recent caller on Tolland re­ l U tt-OETM 34a eit'Henderson, Gporge Hewitt SP fiairkor at aloht.** POUOls In B«g;ond son, born on Sunday, June $ i;^ ,ooo. Richard '’Quinn and Joseph J, latives. 11. at the Windham Community Hodge, Rmph Howard, The blaze started shortly before | beodorant arrasrioos aad atalalosa. It oof loan Children's Day, was observed RHM-Ml 13-01 UN 32a nnd rooln tl * harntaa rallbasm and Gv.'orek. hospital. He has been named Rob­ ♦ F B IP A Y Hurlburt Robert Hutson, midnight, Monday and ebst .the life Safely helps Sunday. June 11, at the Tolland NOW PLAYING MU-Y WELLStSI 4 \ onses tirod foot, taol a 5tK> Jnr to* V The procession of the giadustes ert Arthur. Miss 'Viola Carpenter, PAYS Otad laieib. Robert Johnson, of one man, identified .- Tuesday O A F Hotlny Bran4 1 ^ TIN 3 2 « dar et Weldoa Urae I’Oe* Js Ifnir Federated church at 11 o’clock, SNOKTVAMERICAS MOmtHfQAlNE MOST JORDAN I PARTY was led by the Junior marshals, R. N., is caring for her sister a^ ert Kbminskl, William Keat- as Anthony Bevere, 32, a lormer f'orp.* Contor Pharmary, tliilnn*s the usual hour of - the regular Stop Pertpirafion Pharmacy• and all sood drue otorcs. Patricia Deptula and Margaret the hospital. MMajpeas BEAUTIFUL GIRLS Henry Kirch, Edmund KilH«> employe Who had bed'n discharged Cl BEEF H ASH L Docs not tot drcMcs or men't Zlnker. Those receiving diplomas morning worship Service. The A third daughter was bom on hard Klein, William Kloppen- last Janua'J'y aftei- a court cohvlc- j ______1—^-----V church auditorium was well filled 7S Pf V A12 Sf T/te i OiAi 6atts DEVI h a m «wirrt i-ozW|5a ' shirts. Does not irriute skin. were as follows: Saturday, June 10, at the Wind­ Ralph Kuatec, A lb ert. Lqa, tion. on a larceny chaige. 2. No wilting to JtT:Csn be used Carolyn Susan Aberle, Duane with the Interested youngsters ham hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C ILLY GILBERT lifial Lre, Vernon Lee, Alfred Another man, \Walter J. Ford, I PO M E A T stt-ORn.6e fH-Oiii.' right sfter shsving. Empion Abom, Helen Elizabeth with their parents and friends, Larry Little (Pauline Landeck). rxtV " ir 1st Her Ihintg, T. Gilbert Lewis, William 32, of South Boston, was burned 9. Prevents' und.er-stm odor. Aftanski, Gerald Alle.i. John Da­ -^citations, readings and special Mrs. T. F. Little, of New Britain, ^fo of a man tad oyl] John Linnell, George Long- severely while attempting to rea- TONEUE 8 Helps stop perspinciqn sifclr. vid Anderson. - Gloria Evelyn An­ usic was the program. The yoting Plus: "B E R M rD A MTHTERY" 0 Tony Margiotta, Norman. Mc- cub Bevere. Doctors reported his Is at the home of her son caring Y O N N A IS E h n a s t fT jAR 2l> 4. A pure, white, tntiseptjc, thony, Lorraine Jkne Badstue peoples' choir with Mrs. Helen Up­ for the family. ofaKIWyi CUfford 'McNamkra. Law- condition slightly Improved at | stsinless vsnishing creim.- ■ BUT MORE BONDS! • ner, Peter Joseph 'Baker, Jr., Mar­ son, leader and organist, added Miss Elolse Schmeyer has be- hes McNamgra, -Allen Miller, Boston City hospital. AUDDRESSIIN MmmA pt jar 2 k 5. Awstded ApprOTtl Scsl of garet Theresa Benkozy, W ^ ace much to the entertainment for the 3 AlOMn SHOW&eVFMMY = Miller. gun her new duties sis physical 'IT'S HEAVY BODIED Ametiesn Institute of leundet- Albert Blckley, Robert Artlurf- Boi^ adults. X therapeutist at the office of Dr, ford Miner, Martin Mooney, OMfiER AllM lW a^Cm ss. zvo.a.8. ing — huraless to fsbric. Use deaiix, Dorothy May Bor^a, Nat­ The teachers and officers of the IT'S VACUUM PACKED Artid tegulsrljr. ■Jo'nes, Orthopedic. In Hart.ord. CMorrisem, Richmond Morri- S A L M O N RED ALASKA “l-LB TIN 3 9 . alie Stephanie Borkov^i, James Federated church school met st Miss Eleanor Graham has com­ , .‘Ernest Moquin, George Mo-' . ^ . 3 9 ' Brady, Marlon M a e ^ w n , Milton the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur pleted her initial year at the Uni­ William Neiheroff, Fred CORN H A K E S WhHa Spray S-OZ PKG 5a Raymond Brown, Lois Elisabeth Bushnell for the moifthly business versity- of Connecticut and 18 now aan, Raymond O’Coin, Wll- ,.H T JAR Carpenter, P it r i* ^ Eileen Cedar, meeting, Mdnday.evening, June 12. employed as cashier at the Pratt -Ogren, Richard Peck, How- lEG MINS MAY TEA Hemalond ar fleldan Raa* H'ihCM34* Eleanor Mae Chapman, Doroth| Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family A Whitney Aircraft Cafeteria, SWING AND SWAY Fhaneuf. Dwight Phelps. Eu- tin UMVT muNO oioootANr Edith Crlpps, Barbara Teresa Dep­ who have been living In Emli Wllllmantlc. WITH Richardspn. Kendall Rich- tula. PrisclUa Jean Dowdlng. Wes­ pwald's apartment moved to Man- The. children of the Coventry ____ Bawl Rlaley, Joe Rivoak, BE DANGER SIGN ley PeteiyDowhan, Ralph Henry ehesler, Monday. Day school will present an orig­ riton Riazle, James Roach, Don- O f Tvod Kkfaiaya ■- GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Duell, H «en Valerie Durelke; Leo­ A R T MeKAY Miss Emily Hayden and- Mrs. inal o'peretta "The Colorful Earth" Badrozlnski, Roger Schubert If baokarba>• asdftsd Us pffipt BUlUag Ttm nora ^ n Dawonkuts, Peggy Kdg- Gloria Anthony left this week to on Friday evening, June 16, in the ■ S t George. Wesley Senna, nis«rabto,doijn'i just oompttin and do aothiog 18-OZ TIN AT a b o u tNatura______may, DO waraiag . yoQ ih ii e rt< ^ Celia Ann Ekert, Harriet be waitresses at ths Northfleld Church Community Houre In Jey Shamonea, William Sl- your kidneya Bead attention. Eijlren Ertel. . Conference; X North Coventry. The public Is in­ Joseph Stanislao, James Tba UdMya aia Natuta'a ohkf way of Ukinc JOSEPH Dorothy Mary Flaherty, Kath­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson vited. ipington, Staifley Talarskt Rua- arns^ aeida and poiaonooi waite out of tba WALTER'S blood. They balp moot boopto pait about 8 leen Mary Flaherty. Kenneth Mil- of Palmer. Mass., were Sunday Mrs. Helen Bamo, chairman of 1 Tomm, GwTgt Toyrance, Eric pinU a day. , ton' Fleischer, Raymond Walter the Membership commKfeS of the PHONE 3923 tter. Robert TUrek. . George If tba lb tnikB of UdjMiy tuboa and MHocB) I guests of Tolland relatives. is pools lil I ROSSETTO Fleischer, Veronica Elisabeth Mrs. Eva Pearson of Hartford Nathan Hale Community. Center libehaun, Michael VIgnone, Ken ooii*twofkw«ll«poit6aoaawwtamatUrtfi^ I Frank, Everett John Frey, Clare ;Sal0 ‘ ia tha blood.TbM m Ipom may atoH BaodM was a Sunday guest of Mf»- Jen­ reports the present ' membership Wilson, Russell Wilson. backaeb«a,rhaumaue paina» li« nainsg Iasi of IVORY CUANINC AIDS BUILDER AND Louise Glrardlhl,, Irving Glrachick, nie Leonard and daughter', Miss of the organiaatton as 680 of which Ilrls: pop and •Drrgy.aDorcy* tottinggUtUag up nignUgnighu, aRnriUiig,owoUingg Ruth Bernice GItlen, Mark Goldie, iiO are adult, 66 Junior, 97 youth' Jlllan Adamy, Elsie Anderson, pufllneoo undttondor thetho oyoR,oyoog boadaoboib«KU«M i andoad disdiiM- ^ CONTRACTOR Mary Leonard. Mm-___ Fronuoptornaotypamacoowithimaii* qucnterooutirpoMCOo' Chekerb^rd Phyllis Anna Gordon, Norma Dor­ Miss Florle Bishop Bowerlng Of and 17 non-resident xaeociate bria AapInwalL EleanorqBecken- iuguidbunuagooaoUiMRhatntliibowa there ii eoraa* Specializing iri*^ othy Hamel. Mary Hanke, Patricia Washington, D. C., has been s members. Cofitributlona are com­ Jn, Avia Beechler, Jean Bldwell, tUng wrong with-___., jrqnr______kadutyudneya or, bladd^. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 ctns 1S< Alterations Mabel Hastli^s, Shlrtey Elizabeth ing in, |439 having been already Idred Blnka, Betty Blrge, Bar­ Don't wutt.wtl AakAsk yonryour e Beckley at her Tolland sum received. Alterationa on the build- ra Blackatone, -Betty Blevins, yooio. HMy givn hoppy n IM nnd will bdp 1063 yp \ n Street mann,- Joan Patricia Hyde, A l­ ing'have' begun. its Bonnet Pearl Bowen, >Iar- th. 15 milnt« UdnMr tnbon fluob ont polnn- rrter, home "Cubby House." Special Anfiouncement ooo wutn from tbo'bload. Cm D ou ^ A M M O N IA Sunny Daip QUART BTL 9 * 236 High St. TeL 2-0308 Opp^Porest Street berta Lois Irmilscher, Eileen Phyl­ Mrs. Bruce Small and. Mias Contp^^tlonal chunJi vdll retBoyd, Maiy Ellen Chat Mfldium ; Triephoije '7711 lis Jendruetk, Robert Wavna Jor­ Haael UuglM of New York City anniversary.ly of( the tfy Clmpman, Joan Clark, Bar­ Caka.'^ BON A M I CAKS each JO* don. John Kalina, Olga Kay Kar- dedication of the church building ra Conlon. Arlyne Custer, Bar­ mazyn, Jeanette Evelyn , Klncman, were Sunday. guests of Mr. and BLEACH Sunny Day OUART BTL t0 « Mrs. G. Roy Bfowiii on Sunday, Juna 36, with a ape- ra Cuater, Elaine Demko, Dbria Helen Klee, Dorothy' Ann cipl program and a co-ogerat|qnal iriofi Dickkon, Anna Domick, CLOROX DIBINHCTB QUART BJL 19* Klee', Leah Marie Kloter, ' John Miss Helen Gottfi^ed of New York City was a recent guest of dinner in charge of the Social blores Donee.-Constance EUls, Lewis Kramer,' Carl Anthony Kule, committee Of ^ e Ladies’ Associs' lice Emerson. Norma Emerson, O AK ITE Cull CiMning Time 11*02 PKG 10c Ruth Marie Kuriqvich, Barbara Mias Miriam Underwood. , NO R ATIOi^CrCfRHm i^ Mrs. Lucy Usher la a ot Uon. L It’ -Enrico, Susan Ferguson, Irene Lang. Mrs. Roltert Richard and Infant ara Ferriz, Dorothy Field, DRANO i2ozhNl9c , Barbara Dianne Lavltt, Frances Mr. and Mrs. p>a14a •isa far ^ R O Y McOcmk^,.JWBabath Mc- i Vavnte hold refrigerators. Dimock Memorial Library. Ofiiw- A m Something.New in Rhythm Ruth McKenney,-Jem unaiy TOMATO SOUP . . Fire of unknown .origin destroy­ It M m Z , 3 SLUE POINTS "•®* ••• prop.rileRri.ly lee^ ed a vacant cottaga at WaUrfront ROGERS^ Betty McKinney^ Prls- Wa know yoii wiu\ undaratahd tha raaaon F ra m Tfele’ Park about 8 a. m. last Saturday MtUbury, Saien Miller, Ruth morning. , O ut SpeciMities iler, Jean Monast Itorralne tlma caUa gat through qulckar. Bwttar/ Mora Coroful Workmonahiii That Thera .was a racord attandanca A I4 0 Btia Marilyn Mdora, Penelopa LAVA OXYpOL , Olvoa ThouaancU o f Mltoa o f betro M lloaga - ~ - WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED last Sunday morning at the Cbll- PiiEEa — Spaghetti Ravioli Viola NcAson. dren’a Day program at the Con- .Olaoiu Anga Orlnlek, Fan ^ SOAP 1 9 . Our raeapi are gnaranW! Drive in tod»T. Let TO DO ALL KINDS OF gregaUonal church, preaented.by ‘ Steaks and Chops PaluzzL Jdmhlna Paaq u inspect vow tirw thorongUy. B« ready for children of the church a c h i^ a ^ Fayan, iShm ra PUlard, jo w part lira insp^on. ~ i BODY AND FENDER WORK slated by. 16 raamBara of Church- m itta, Leeoora Ha* THE HOUniRN NIW ENGUNP TtllFHONE COMPANY J CAW$ LGEj^PKa 2 3 < ■ 4 , . , ■ ■ - . ■ _ ■ - . - . .-I iU’s Coventry Day School choiv. \Mso 4I Fine Selection o f Wine, Uyrna lUehmood, Louise Mias Anno L. Doyt was organist gjapter atau, Elaine RUnde, Helma Telephones: __S AND PAINTING K r tha ^u rch ochooL snd the Once RobinMt .Baihara NO WAITIN61 Coventry Day Scdiocl chMr which ___1. Antoiagtta'Sartor; MO* RDCkrille 110 u m < hang thrae aalacMcft, was

FyAmjnHTi’CT K taTariFo ffirntALD, RAiTcrrwTei*, muiiBDXr, t o w b inr, v s w , " V^7 X: . IlIAKCOTSTUR EVKNINO HERALD, ItANCHESTEE, CONN, THUK5DAT, JTJWE 18,184« / i~ p A G S POUR X '1 / times, he said, but failed to start '( r : ' Do^ Troto Through T owb 4 meri<^ Bombers DoclQt^ Hit Allied troops any fires. Pearl Harbpr Praii^'Given ' Early This /Morning a De Gaulle Gels A fter 20 minutes the aub pulled —I Hit French Points; ~ Some Kenny away, leaving the ahip appaxantly A few man standing at the Make General helpless with a damaged engine. B&st Kills 21 Fighting Band comer of Cheatnut and Winter Big Welcome Tha U-boat then went among the stm ta shortly after 5 o'clock HaundveV Bombed ■ Cure Claims Boris* but did not fire. this raomlng waiting for a ear Gain in Itfily Ulto U-boat With Oar III Normandy So close did the U-boat come to 1 0 0 Missinpt atifil X’ Seirgeant Grecnough in to take them to work,- wem (Oontlnoed From Page Ona) surprised to see i a doe come (Oanttaaed from Page One) a dory that, one fisherman, Her­ Woundi^; Three' Vil (danttoasd from Paga'OM) (Coatinuefi teooi Pag« One) man Bichard, reached • out and Pacific* Send* ' Do across the lawn' on the north have beenl. prevented. Buch state­ aide o f the Emanuel Lutheran satilt on Hitler’s war machine go­ . ■■■ ■ t struck it with an oar, which broke. tims in Dump Mishj | ing around'the clock. ments are not founded on facts. northeast of prbetello, but eweipt 4 ment Home to Mother. rhiirch, jump the wall into the tion in Normandy, qualified sources "Spontaneous recovery in polio­ Five others were jn the same dory. The lAncasters, accompanied by in Ixmdon Said de Gaulle had with­ It aside and entered the’ tpwfi. coal pocket to the east of the fighter escort, were believed to myelitis occurs in many caaes. Ra- During the shelling, Dan Ma­ Washington, June 16 — UP> apartments on Cbaotnut street drawn all but A handful of fighting ■ The fall of Orbetello itself, a loney remembered he was the cook T«:h. » # r ft WlliOB C. Ortwi- have accomplished a successful ports in the medical lltoratvto In­ west coast town 71 miles beyond Twenty-seven men were killed,! mid than out Into chestnut mlssinn yesterday In their switch French liaison offieeni at tho very dicate that this varies in different and set out to prepare food to take tMifh.’ ha* amt to Mo inotli^ to atrsfd. Seeing the men. It turn­ moment Allied troops were moving Rome and tha center of German off If he had to abandon ebip. ITia are mlaStng and ISO 'wero Wound tTEMurCi copy of a cororooTidatlon to American bombing tactics, for epidemics from 60 to 80 per cent ed, left and went through the onto the assault beaches. A sim­ resistance to tha Fifth Army’a of­ men in toe dories bed. had no^time in top. explosion at Pearl Harb '\ the Navy reported no E-boats at We have seen many patients re­ fensive, was reported last night. Uoned by OcR< Robort 8. Boight* small park between Chestnut Work/in the channel last night. ilar report came from high au­ ceiving the Kenny treatment who to .. take either /food or/ extra May 81, meently annautiesd lor. o t tho 8TUi Infantry Dlrlolon, Garden and Bow atreets and thorities in IVashlngton. showed no muscle Involvement at French Continue Adv Clothe*., Admiral (Chaster W. Ntmttl, was last noUesd going down The R. A. E.'i heavlM have op­ It was said here that these offi­ 'The dories, eventualjy^toturned a Diesel motor, started and then toe dlacloeure of the number ^kUierlao Oroenough, of MS Wain The doe was not molested in prelidilnagy seSault.hut never in a'liaison capacity with the French 8tfS^lottT«anclrtotar with t3om- such a heavy attack. The tonnage tor of,spontaneous Tnecbvery." 11 miles west of/tne northern end manned the pump*7'rhe .Liark ahipr casualties/ akw aiinoonced its early mdrh|pg trot. people to help take oyer eivU ad­ -Statement Not Hupportod ped water en rmite'home but the last Sunday an ammunition dii pany K^iutd baa boon in tba battla dropped by the R. A. F. on tne ministration. ^ ■ of the lake, j M i sent reconneli- aone Ipr obay thrao y ^ n . 4 thick concreteyllnstallntlona at Le tn another place the retort said: aance elcmekis farther. pumps averted' further danger. at Oahu island sxplodsd Havre was vWtlmatfd as high as Acthm Attributed To 4hger Miss Kenny has repeatedly stated Allied tooopa in the Adriatic The Lark brought its catch In three men. Seven othsra ore Vlialr J^rwrary the augar mill canter of Charankae safely— 106,000 pounds' of ground as missing. Tba ooiiunaaiSaltkm ia a lotIbncthy 3,860 tnni/^more than moat of the His action was attributed to that under ‘orthodox' treatment sector Jiire across the Saline river. raiaet Oie bravery of the on Saipan. R. A. "eatoraHun" attacks on ger over the Alliea* non-recogivrtfon only 13 per cent of the patients re­ ilte the arrival of fresh Ger- lUh. 70,000 pounds short of capaci­ AifuniiidtIoB Delag U i ona andnd praiaet t No Danwgs To American Ships. The blast on May 21 occur bogra to battla: takM prld* in r^. Gernprn cities. ft his National Liberation coiihmlt- covered without paralysis, while man divielons In Italy Allied ty. "Our ships suffered no.dsmags," German broadcasts telling of tce as the provisional government under her treatment over 80 per Armies still are encountering only Claptaln Abbott previouely skip­ while aromuniUon was being noting that aa flghtera tboy aro loadeo from one of aeveral am| far auperior to tha .Japaaaao and the communique said. Ori progress d# the American da3^• of France and the refilsal ^ the cent recover. . . . Miaa KennyJs' formations made up of remnants pered toe famed racing Gloucester Also on Monday, planes from fight raiders today reported planes supreme -command to Ml him take statement of 80 per cent recovery fisherman, Gertrude Thebaud. He landing craft, aeveral of wh‘ concludea by haying auprem# con- of the 14th German Army. Appar­ were destroy^. Lost Sunday’a fldoaee'ln tha outoomo of the con­ the flat tops spread their a tta ^ ' over Brandenburg province, in over the issuing of-radio directions under IMtr. treatment has npt^been ently theae are being usM for the took toe ship to toe Chicago World 176 miles north of SalpMi to Pa­ to the French ^ p l e on D-day. supported by accurate statistics In' Fal# in 1933. plosion, was caused by toe r flict and ita apaody cohcliiaion. which Berlin is situated, as well present delaying action and the dental detonation of aeveral M n. draanotfh also diaclooad gan island where three aHCrhy as over Hannover. Referring to the Washington re-’ a aignificant number ceaee. new divislpha are being saved for pmhea were downed, brtngfhg the port that de Gaulle had eancelled "The flgiire on 'orthodox' treat­ pedo warheads - being tiansfer that gargaanVdwenough’a couain RoUrnad Omtore' Targets a stand on a line farther north. from a truck to a platfoiin. A ^ u V t i^ d w lr f . of « Wood­ four-day toll to at least, 144. The orders M several hundred French ment ia token - ftom an article Sees Tlireal sinking Of IS Japanese ships, in- In all, the R. A. F. had more CasaulUes caused by toe M aj^ land atTw^Tyrho-la In tha air force, than 1.100 bombers out last bight. ofiVercs to land with the fleet waves which dealt eijtffely with severely clfidlng four wij^rahlpd, and damag­ in the invasion, de OauUe's press Fuel Cars Left explosion, and a loaat^yw a ^hlea, is also Their targets included another paralysed patients. Mias Kanny were: Dead— A t a aatfeanfc iBoth of the boya earft- ing of Id Others prsvloualy was an- attache said; has been told-repeatedly that this Of Veto Yet nouncad. string of enemy railroad centers This la a most Incredible re­ Flaming in Raid ' rlne Corps, 10; missing—Army I 4^r protnotlons in battle aonea. ~jDoua1>^Cambral and St. Pol-e' is not a fair oonn pari eon to make Navy 21, Coast Guard 26; liriur More than 60 enemy survivors of port., We cancelled no such Agree­ and,that, If every case tn an epi­ Allied Air* Force Headquarters, and. Germbr) front troop conjjeh- (Centteoad FroSt.iteFe.Oiia) —Army 86, N a w 148, Coast Oua ona ahip hava been taken prisoner. ment for ■we ne'ver signed such ah demic ia Included in the statlatlcs, Italy, June l 5 .-4 (/p)— a -largo No losses of American warships trntlori^ at Eyreoy and Adnay- number at bilge alx-englned 3. Marin* Corpa 169, and elvllis agreemeht- Wa. negotiated sever­ ■fecovery of from 70 to 90 per cent anyone would know for sure just 19. Japs Say YanlLs have been reported but the loas ^of Sur-Odon, only ni,he and In miles al months wlto the Allies prior,to can be expected from 'orthodox' Meraeburg-323 transport planes IB attacking planes and IB airmen respectively, - from"' ,Cqen in the what toe law was,” Murdock said. the inva-sion,' but as the whole treatment. Miss Kenny made this uaed by tha tSermans to supply But Dirksen told toe House toe More than foul billion eana V'as acknowleidged. Normandy battle ar4»l7 wprid knows we reached no- kgr**' inaccurate comparison a* late .as the Russian front were knocked On Saipan Shores Night bomber weltx announced that on Monday on small ■ targets in the area-at Allied troops. Because of restric­ known methods of treatment of same number- of Allied planes puwhaaing power equal to that California Ixmg/White wna going on- Ohtnd PaeWe boinbera smashed the base of the Cherbourg penin- tions on communications from Bri this disease and to treat it more were lost. \ prevailing in 1909-14.) it for the sixth time in five daya Pace aatd hia plan would affect /^NEW POTATOES Toasro acknowledged only yeo- .sula, bounded by St. Lo, Cou- tain. Koqnig w'aa not in touch effectively*** ■v torday that the Marianas ware MacArthur’s communiques for tances, Granville and ;Tes.sy, and with de Gaulle when the arrange' ' The committee In Its study vis-; IT S l i ( s | t a cotton. Wheat, rye. eggs, and pea­ 5 pounds 82* under attack by a naval teak sight straight days have reported up the pehliwula. n;ents were made, it was explain­ Ited six cities and 16 cUnics. where ^ O liC A t B nuts and would "mean hundrede qT 0 pounds ...... 62l fores, and made extraVagant raids, several of sizeable propor- ed. , minions of dollars” to fan pire^/ The Americans Included a .auf- about 740 patients were examined, Canliflowsr conoeming the damage the tlbna, on T rub by bombora based prise "on deck" against the Ger­ Makes Little Difference Now of whom approximately 666 had Fishing Vessel in tha Admiralty islands. I Japan oati had Inttctod on tba At- man air base at I^Mans In their At present, lack of liaison offi­ been treated by the Kenny tneth* "Si^nach ./ In his own immedlatt theater, 1.300 Yanke^^ > tasking gaval unita and aircraft operations last night. About a cers Ru^e.s little dlfferenca 'he- od. w Broccol Tba teak ferep operations were MacArthur today reported six dozen planes were destroyed H ie committee members are (Oonttened fram Foge One) Japanese planes -'downed while caiise the beachhead area is ao Becker’s Native llilt anaounc^ by Nlmlts 24 hours the ground. Doctors ttolph K. Ghormley, Uni­ \ . Assist tr ^ g to interfere with Yank in small that it ia all in operational their.ship. One dory started back, BEETS.... .2 bunches 25|| oariiar. Hundreds Of sorties were flown territory and under military law versity of Stonesota Poatgraduato i i i/ f i i i i T ofU y ^ broadcast said that at- vaders of Btek in the Schouten from the mounting niitnher of Al­ Mhool, chairman; Edward L. Oom- bqwevar, and the U-boat returned. Summer Squash I#/ from commanders on the spot Stems Shells Into Lark/.^ (Contlnue^rom Page Onq) or teasptod landings wera made from lalanda where a captured air field lied air bases eet up with full fa­ Aa the liberated territory in ,^re. University of IlUnoto College Califorqis Carrots ‘‘...kdiiiie '... Aisk that kid the ttretdieri .. A$k those who bvry our a force of to transports which ap- already is in operation within The sub fired from about 300 JoM in frait'hMi " X cilities In cantured territorv. France becomes larger, howeve of Medicine; James ■ D. Dickson, the GcrmanThlgh commWd failed Green Beanl] ptmsKi off Saipan about 6:30 a. m. bomber range of tha Philippines. Crewe of R A F. Mitchells, re Cleveland clinic; Robert V. Fun- shells into toe Lark. the Allied .military leaders "There were _,600 holes In toe to build up a balanced Naval force, Telephone Peas * About TO landing barges and Tha Tanka, himever, vlr.tually porting the most extensive Gor­ ! ’nve to provid*! tens of thous^ds sten University of Virginia De­ were atelled, in the* face of enemy sails,” Abbott relstdd. Seven large depending upon.'such special wea­ Celery 20 or moro special craft waA cm- man trOon movements since P- of men to deal with civil problems partment of Medicine; J. Albert pons yM submarlhes and light ployad In the actual landing oper- six inch guns. In a push toward thr <'av, bombed and strafed railroad Key, Washington University holes were ripped in the hull. Ab­ Pepper] behind the lines Unless toy dead­ bott said a-third type of,weapon cijastidunlts. KN'er constant day and night bom­ ‘’orcee not to attoc 10c each. V of American raids—and the home bardment, were hit again. houso., A shell screamed throu„'.i Radishes ■ Southeast Asia Command Head­ Associated P r e ^ Correspondent It. He dropped to the deck ’ and *Sure^ we’re going to take ’em. But it’s going ito peace. W e G.I.’s w ill furnish the bodies. W ill you fur­ iriands of Japan. Late afternoon and evenjng Don Whitehead/ reported that Army Accepts Don’t Neglect Slipping Icebfrg LeHdce. Should Amertean forces succeed quarters, Kandy, Ceylon, June 16 targets Included the railroad ,and then sought safety near toe bow. —<>P)—The battle for the North when de Gaull/arrived in Islgny Bostffh Lettnc cost iM • • • thousands and thousands of lives nish t^e dough^’* in laading on Saipan they would hIghwaV junction at Amopleres. hepruned an y lll-dressed people Mickey Rooney But more shells and ma/^ne gun FALSE TEETH have a npthold naarsr Japan Burma, town of Mogavmg was highways at Vire, railtoad’ yards bullets sprayeiFall oroqna him. Do false teeth drop. eUp or wab joined today, with Chindita (Brit­ stumbled out of their wrecked And Comv To Pinehurst tl^in any te tho bases already at Domfront. bridges ait\8t. Hil­ homed tfnd busine.ss houses shout­ " I said a few prayers,” toe cap­ ble when you talk, eat, laugh or ' eonquarad in the Pacifle. ish alr-bdme troops) and a Jungle aire. Dnh’arcoiiet and Argenton, Los Angeles, June 15.—(g*)—The tain asserted. “J knew a lot of boys sneeeeT Dver his Eventually, he reached the stern and added eom fori>No *uimny. goo­ Fresh Apricots Capture the neighboring vil­ bear before final liberation." sources. bombed six Allied ships In toe - Arriving at the beachhead . In shoulder, toe 22-year-ol I tha attempt. Thrown Into wild eon- both sides, they said. es and Llberatora-/thc mightiest New York, Junt 18.—(an—Post­ tor a private’s pay. , -----1 fualon by the aeeurate .Japanese single air armada/6ver launched-^- war economic and political free­ He w*s mductod yesterday tol- We Feature: , DINE ANl) DANCE TONIGHTI ^ o b o d y fire, the enemy bargee, or what headed the a tta ^ yesterday on dom for to* "apbject and colonial” lowing ■ O' deferment granted to GrotfiR WcIffM’s needs to tell you that the fighting in this civilian, tb go kll-out. Buy double the extra'Bonds w ^ left of them, swiftly returned occupied EuroM. populations of Asia Is urged by complete-film work 'when he peaSed .•Pressed flam Am^ersoii Enters hit physical last March. In March, war is reaching a crisis. But we’ve got to realize you bought last time! t « their mother vessel’ at about Latest o ffl^ l reports listed 13 Vice President Hsnry A. waUac* Reym andar’g Rescanrant , Llvcrwnrst 8;i0 a. m.. IJ. S. heavy^bombera,'* three me­ in a pamphlet issued today by toe 1M8. H ^ney was rejected for mili­ X N ; , Polish Rings ("Later, at about 10 o’clotk, the Plea of (iiiilly diums and/16 fightora and fighter- American Council of' tha Institute tary. service because, hls/ mother fine .Wines, Liquors and Besr also that we face a similar crisis in financing the war. enemy attempted another landing of Pacific Relations. said/ Army doctors found he had a \ Frankfurts bombers /missing. Five enemy 85-37 Oak Street . / Telephone 8981 And bar* oite 5 Mora fteatansfor buying Ixfro Sond* In fh* Stbl on Marianas harbor west of Sai­ N ^ 'H aven , June —John nghters/'t^’ere destroyed. He said it Is Important that the ■ flutter and high blood prea- and Vsal Loir Make no mistake! The 5th War Loan is beyond pan, but Japanese forces are now Allied planes based in Britain United States have "a positive' inTicting henvjrpunishmcnt on the (MSud) Anderson. 4S, of Water- You win find many il 1. Wg* Soiwh ar* th* b*si, ths saf. 4. War iandt will h*lp win 4h* -bury.. pleaded guilty today to a^ flew about 10,000 aortiee during the progressive policy toward Ihi* questiop the biggest, most vitally important finan­ invaders,” ) •ti inv*ttm*iil In th* werldl Psom by Incrsasino purchatino charge of escape ^ m jail and day raining explosives and bidleta area” *nd added: Oeto Sa%’tags Back, Too In stocif v^hich w# do Judge William K. Comley of Su- p ^ th c enemy in France, Belgium, It is certainly not our miMion to adVsrtlas.'^ S. war Band* roturn you $4 far ^ . San Fiancieco-— (>F» —Seaman cial frffort of this whole war! Attention Focuted pertor-Coul^ ordered him held un- The NethiCrlancLs and Germany In write declarations of independenoe/ FRESH LONG ISLANl ■V avary $8 In 10 ysar*. 5 «du*oflon ter both tactical and strategic support Roudet O. Tunier, South Pacific ■.X’ dtf^ond of $1,000. Anderson's for/he colonies-oLipther powara W e can’t afford to fa il 3. War Sand* halp ka*p firic** ‘ your chlldran, tacurily ter you, . On Morianag Iglands of invasion ground, forces. About Nor is it our n t^ o n to under­ veUrao, toought ha was lucky to , DUCKUNGS. X sentence . was deferred - by the down. fund* ter roUromonl. U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquar* court. 2,000 sorties were flown from Italy write othe.r peopleia declarations of be teecued when Wa ship found­ WOMEN VBOND WAGON" ArnuHos Dunn Urs, Pearl Harbor, June 16-H(P)— Anderson .was described by,.ltlgh and Mediterranean baaca against a ered on the Farallon ,islands off Now is the tmie for every American, soldier a|t) — In­ acute personal hardships bacausa Juvanlia Court for tba gtite of Pleklea. Also T Oangtog Up On Truk Connaotteut Third Olatrlet. . Robertson’s French 3- Made clear that Central and mates of. the State prison in Weth­ of a severe, shortage of warm ersfield who 'are paid about 15 Battle Seen OBDRR o r NOTiCB Southweat P^aclfic bombers are ■''a- .... ' clothing reminlBcent of conditions Town of Manebeater^Conn,, June ing and Peter Pun PSuni j ganging up on Truk and Southwest cent* a day have purchased $242 in 1918. », 1944. ■ PstitloB for the comaaltment of GRILL Batter. Pacifie planea %ra hammering m war bonds .and ataihpa since toe Near'Climax Tba look of Wool will nisan avan FlR h War Loan opened 6n D-Day, the minor'Child of David Ruddell of SHE GOOD FELLOWS GBT TOGETHER* ateadUy at Palau in ordsr ta'pra= greater auff.eting from cold fo r barta unknown. PInehnnt Opens At Warden. Ralph H. .Walker "made p * o ^ In anamy-oecupied eouqtrlaa Upon the petition of Ceeil W, vant thoae two Carollnts Naval known'today. t.ConHnned from Page One) Friday . T . and Oferat and air bases from interferihg With whue Oerhian cIvUfana win run a Ragland, Balaotman of tha Town of "Wa Are doing averytoing we Mancheater in.* Bal'd District, stating D I M E A N D d a n c e Martenas operation. close eeconi^ wool men said yeater- that the minor'child of tfie above .--^ Fresh Fillet of Vfnsruiniygfvs. s 11 Aik||Bi efiq for the loan at toe prlion,” Mr. figure* indicating atiroeas so for daw — r * To ths LOUBE'fBwrBf Admiral Chester W. Nhnltx, la achieved,” toe h l^ command sol' named eereon Ja an uncared-for, Salmon Walker, said, “ and we expect much The. Ateerlcan Wool council neglected ehltd. WMeh peSttk hia third communique this week on higher results before th£_.and-of More than 400 enemy tanka and ,THB OAK GRILL SWINGSTERS PoUaefc, iFholo .w- the Martinaa. said that warahlpa, pointed out toe Germane had on b« Heard on toASto-4ny o f Jul ^ the drive in July.'! , more than 1,000 aircraft have at 9:00 (K. W.

’7- ^ ^ T-^ )i ■i ■// 1 n u n o u A X , aJUrVCf lO, ' ■ ■ ■ - : ' . . •. . . MANCHESTER EVENINC HERALD, BftANCmCBTBR, WPtri. M ANt’HPJRTEK EVE.MNt,; HEKAl-D. MANCHESTER. CO.VN.. THURSDAY, JUNE p a <;e s ix X IZL Beverly HUU homa ot Halax’ moth­ eatly er, Mze. Bora MboLaaw, tontUlad n l!lc, that is. if de Gaulle i : TeII^^erFelt,/ yeatardiv that tba ehUd ahotea no M anchenlpr n'll!^lic .1 'cliBi avU r .Ir.'piving of (lonneclicul Rationing News ^ e e tto n tor hla mother but x - Evening Herald bpi-o-tltjon he has; had from 1 ! The -Open Pdruhil B y Baby S oa acratchea and swears at her, and Aa it is; exlrc-ne js begetyn - The'he Second Congregational J caUa^her "Bad Mommy” during PUliMaHIkU bY IHIl. • By. A.nthojny F. Arpaia, Director I/- extreme. Not only do the Frei chur9h was filled. Sunday morning thaae toltetinga. / ; HKKALU PKINTINO CO. IN*- Communications for pubilcationa in the Qfkn Forum will ,no| Intended Permanent ll BiiMlI 8tr*a‘ pcb'ple themselves seem to ta Office of Price Administration witness the Children's Day ex- U«ocb*ai«f, „ be guaranteed publication If they contairrinore than 30U woids yorni^r Housekeeper in , N THOMAS rCKOUSON^ our opposition to de Gsulle as By k H O. ereVses which started with a' Pro­ The Herald reserves the right .to dechfie to publish any matteil O«o*r«j Manacar re-.w ill soombe apparent here in Con- that may be libeloim or which ta m-'Dad taste. Free eKpiestiton 1 0 Com m ittee Recently! H a ls c y t O P l a y hkirtfot^vHome Testi* PartisaniK reuDdad Oetobar 1, list tonic, for their ow‘n ioystty to him. Jm The recently iasue<^ eighth cessional by the children at 1 1 o f political vlawa ta deaired byxdontributiona o t ' this char'acteij but he 'himself, almost Inevitably, One or two people have shown I>ort of the Office of Price .^m in - necticut. o'clock with Mrs. Lawrence Rob­ Assigned M uch Influ' fies^n Heinz Case. Publlabad Caary KaaaiDg Baaapi iatrationtlon to our Congreaa contain.^ ertson playing "Onward Chrlatlan but letters which are defan)atory or abusive will be rejecte Subdaya and Holtdaya. Bntarad at begins to wear tbe attitude of me enthusiasm for our Casual a control held New Pacific Role Gernikti. Moves a lot of facta which were lntere.sjj/ Not only has pnci Soldiers.” Following the Proces-' ence for Defeat on ' ' tba Poal OWea at Manobaatar. Conn. martyr and consider himself fated auWgeation that Connecticut do tti Los’ Angeles, ■ ■ X— .^June 15— - A M d ^ b d Claaa Mall Mattar. Ing to me. and 1 think thay wUlTm the line for more than^ .year now. aional, Diana Motycke played a a.sslgned to work with the pwii part toward Improving the hut in many stratefclcNtectora it Blood Donor Certain Congressm en, j former houaekeejte^ in the Hart­ to endleaa bickering with us. tereat you, too. short prelude and this wka follow­ and will arrive early to *m| London, June 15.— (^j-^^Report- SOIm u j u f t j o m r a t e s , ganm o f politics by estahUshlng * has won price reductiona 'Stfme of To the Editor: Allied ' Headquarters In the - Mall ...... ! » •* The long-range bicker between ed by two welcome recitations by beda, tost bottles and tubes ford, Conn., home o fM r, and MU. Ing a German concentratidn of Qna Taar by a*’ a D^artment of Public Service folks tliesc aren’t visible to the lin a g e As Chairman o f^ e Manchester South PSaflc, June 15— — Ad­ Par Montb b^r Mall ...... ••■} Fo> instance, very few David Sims and William Ayer. The cut tapes before they start By Jamea Mmriow and Georgs (/Pi a iffo rd . Heins, Jr., has teaUfled forces about miles aouthW^t ut dc GauJle and Pi’esident Roosevelt Tralnita at the University of Con- far- citizen, yet they do reflect la>ge Red CroYS Chapter, I. have long 8 ' 110 MnsU Copy ...... 1,, (M realize the tre ...doua and — ... - . p.. scripture. ... Psalms 100 o.,uand 121 real day’s work o f asaisUng’ Ztolke ^ m iral William F. Halsey, Jr., re- of Belgrade in the Plexje and oiaUTarad Ona Taar ...... **• over tbe question of the currency hecUcil^. , reaching Job/tbn«* by-O PA ’a com- savings to the nation as a 'S 'h olo^ gre given by the Junior I class. been aware^tfiat it is entirely that their four-year-old sop con­ highly trained nursCs. and do linquisehd his position as Allied JepolJeti aectora. Marshal T ito an­ That ihbch rearltlon is usually paratlvelyx-Iimlted number of en- This means that, without price probable ttiat there are many JIVzahington, June 15.— ( ^ —Sid- sistently felt his mother’ s tehaper MBMMBH UP our troops are using in France ia wAjcli ia taught by Hubert qEd- who come from ‘ tfie Ha nounced today his' Yugoslav par­ Tba ASSOCIATBU PKWI8 topS;for'S positive, wistfully con- forc«!mem agents. In 1943, ac­ control, the tax bill might have am on g/ou r townspeople, even aay H i l l m a n aaya hla d o Politicals commander In chief In the South when he refused to eat his noon an example of the low level to mondaon. The anthem, "W e’ve a Blood Donor Center. - A nun tisans had repelled thus far all X Tha aaaoalatad Praaa la aaolualva* structlye\ augg^tlon in Connecti­ cording to this report, they in- been lots bigger than It ia. Story to Tell to the Nations'’ was hundreds of blood don- i ,1 Wa "ii Pacific today to Vice Admiral John meal. of First-Alders ere' selected I kption committee Intends to be a jjgjjjy Newton, 62, hla deputy ■Nezi "attempts to penetrate into iy^anUtiaS to tba which thia area ot atattamanahi|\ cut. Tea^xthe hld,e off soma poll- ___ tlgfi.te^ 800,000 cases, produc­ rendered'^by the Junior Choir'com­ ocaf who do not realize the extent Mrs. Sophia H. Kemp, 59, a w it­ tloa of all aawb give help in any o f the. numbea permanent force in American commander. liberated territory.. baa descendad. But, although it tictah o f make k^incemeat ing Svldenca indicating more than Aa an example, let's take lum­ posed of members of Mias the preparations necessary to ness' in Heinz' suit against his to It or aai Mwa ways they elwayis find to bel oUtiCB. ■ ■' ' Halsey is being aasigned' to a HUKbroadcast communique said* this pkD«r may be petty enough in Itaelf, it some pblicy, and many will/Jbln 380,000 Violations. ber . ^. . aircraft grade hemlock Loomis’ clast and a few from ensure a aucceasful, well-ordered, wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Bald Heinz Iqe I the pimtisana had destroyed six pubjiahad bora. ,,pmnoatlon ^ with you In the teaHpjr down The majority of these violations ioga. apeciflcally. Before O PA Arthur J. Vlntoit’e claae^Tne smoothly functioning day each It has besii asslxned and' as yet undisclosed role in for custody of the child, Clifford ia, unfortunately, aetting the tone Thuk ell plans arc caref inSnlnr? ntohxbW too ^e Paclfic. The formal change of trains, lolltng many officers and apMlai dlapaiebaa baralA ara alaa procese. Building, oiy-Ti-ying to were corrected promptly after stepped into the lumber picture, morning prayer wga glvfin by time the 'mobile unit of the Blood in , toltl the court: and mood for whole natfonal fu- markups for the above mentioned made ao tnat the visit o f the . fnr L de comiuanfi Of the South Pacific and men, and added that 330 Gefmana raaarvad. build. It eaaentlallyxa loneiyxproc- O PA and the merchants in ques­ Lawrence Robertson, ajMmber of Donor Service cornea here. “ Mrs. Heinz always prepared his commodity ranged all the ' .way bile unit will be a success; I such in some the Sbuth Pacific force of the and Chetniks haAbeen annlhllated- turca. esa. Any response at all to a con­ tion sat down'and talked^ things the C. O. D. claaa. AAdriea of reci­ Manchester ia fortunate to be (the,child’s) meal, and they were \ Poll aamaa aliaiai at It. from 10 to 30 per cent of the cost. that the day will run smooq iTest of certain congressmen thia ^niicd States Pacific fleet waa ac- in bfitUe. Capture 50 men and 60 Into this atmosphera of iohg- structive augifestibn is, then, like out. But in-instances b f apparent­ tations followed And they were: one o f the very few towns In the .of food food, too. Then she would of s^vica l a e . ______In eaubllabing a flat per cent and aatlsfactoilly tor workers . • . , J __i, compllahed in a simple ceremonyl horses also was announced. hitting Umt Jack pot. and sends a ly willful violations, the casea were 10 “Come to Sunday School,” Bar­ immediate vicinity of Hartford put him in hia higbehSir, none too ranga ’ bicker, Prealdent ttooaa- markup for wholeaalera, O PA ac­ donors alike. June 23Ythe c F A C it ^ lf has played ^ pretty headquarters building here. pVbliipiianara •tatMfS;»“ ‘ * f'* “ !i columnlft off on a wild trail of taken into the courts. The propor­ bara Sehwatni: ” A 'Verse for L it­ privileged to have the mobile unit BUm about claiming nfluence. Newton formerly was deputy gently,'and when he would not eat Juliub^u lii^^ IM afbawa,„tP^W ^ wa ipar**' *" valta Anal invitation to de Gaulle tually caused tka selling price of of the next vlelt, will be no . ^ e ld In Fraud Cb m Cbieasa. trying M doubia hla luck. W'a shall tion, of the deciaiona favorable to tle Folka” Lolly Becker; "A make regular frequent visits, and Bla deadpan alienee In iteeit Naval operations under she would slap him.” • Z ' t u v u r Naailaai Torb.r,< this type of lumber to drop. ceptlon; the workers will be re| Boaiou. \ to coma to Washington sCerns to irabably b f putting In our ten OPA was about 98 per -cent In Helper^/Barbafa Davis; “A For- It ia because our community UYhl be smart politics. AdmirSl Ernest King, commander- Mrs. Kemp testified-'''^hat she Here'S an intereating Itatlattc tor you— don’t disappoint then Hartford, June iV—(AI— Cor-1 have come too' late to bear the cenU worth for a Deparfment of civil proceedings and 04.4 per cent ^-Not Verse.’ARonald Whlt- proved to be one of the^ Hartford Hlllman la PA C chairman. In an (n.^hief of the United State fleet, finally, resigned because she could 'r b m h m h j j ^ w t EUHfAO OP to be found in the report: If ” Our Thanks?’ Ronald and Dr. Eugene M. Davis. nellua A, Meehan of\Waterbury, good fruit It rtiould. A d«slred Public Service Training at the in criminal proceedings. Center’s moat dependable sources Interview we asked him to say (igursq prominently in plari- not bear the "inhuman treatment" CIKl'UI-Al prices to consumers during a Chairman, Manchester Cba]| charged with sending a fraudulent | University of Connecticut for the Hera In Cbnnacticuti by the way, ,oy Koehler; ” Bouquet,” Ann of supply that It is posaible to s;hat the score is. ning and executing, grand Naval ahe said waa accorded the child by sUte of affairs. In which we would present war had duplicated Reynolds; “Glad ftp See You,’ Wil­ American Red.CroseK bill of lading through the malls, ~Tba HaralK/gJiai.. reat o f our life. So here goes tba our batting a^eraga ia 100 per hava the convenience of theae lo­ Other Groups .Active. Too strategy in the. Atlantic and Pa- iU mother. fully appreciate what de Gaulle first hopeful aeries of plays. upward trend which characti liam Warnock; *^ a Roses Greet­ waa held ih default of $1,000 bond I cent in both^clvih^nd criminal pro­ cal Blodd Bank days. Otherwise He said PA C haa not taken ex- clfic, work for which he received F A N C Y i I N C LI ceedings. them In the last war. It wmtld ing,” Sandra Hill. Songs were than it would be\neceaaary to aend all Face Blue From Slapping yesterday by U. 8 . Commiissloner means, to the spirit of France, and, W e respectfully recommend the Jack OwyeFs C6urm§» elusive credit for thqse congrea- the Legion, Of Merit, “ Hia little face waa blue from CHERRIES cost us as a people about $23, sung by tha Beginner and Prim ­ oUr donors to Hartford, aa wa did William J. Wholean, following a in which France and de Gaulle suggestion to the Legislative To the Editor: sional defeats, and can't. P A C gun­ her slappiqg him,” the witness Almost anyone w iir Admit that 000,000,000 mors to UVe In 1843. ary Department children, “ Jesus have to do so at one time. hearing in the Federal building. | Council, which baa itself. In the May I lay a'word in honor! ned for the whipped congressmen said "She .would pull the child Thursdsy, J09# 16 would naturally appreciate what price control and rationing have Loves Me” ' and “ Sleep, Sleep, L it­ ' However, there la more to the He'pleaded not guilty. last two years, given an impres­ the memory.. 6f a brave man-f but other grbupa were active, t6o. from the chair, throw it. to the wa are doing for France, aeema sive demonstration of cleanly ex­ kept the coet of living froiq soar­ An ImporUntxdhlng about this tle Seeds.” Althea Hill waa next vlalt of the mobile unit thahi Just Silk Becomes O'*.! knew Jack Dwyei^ It mus, h| W hat about these defeated ones; floor and aayr 'I hate you’.” '\^ A T IV E ICEBERG HEADS atmoat beyond reach. tnc LEM0N$' lAIGE SIZE 300. •''B fo t countar-atUcks. with ,thalr ^ocal required o f It, shown a heartening scarce commoditlas. But some Donor Sepdea committee who are had been given only two year nd Costello (D-Cal), both mem- NEW POTATOES that he try drastic meana of un- disposition to took for positive and folks will claim that this was ac­ wito nearly every W ar Price and followed by Donald Oehrtng who ■ucceaaaa at MonUbour*. Vlliai^ in charge' of appointments atari, live— that the doctors held outl tra of the Dies committee, whose Stafford Springs, June 15.—(g')— NATlVt ICH I sometimes novel things to do for complished at tha expanse o f ^ U q n ln g Board In the cotmtry. gave the recitation, ’The Lovell; CUCUMBERS FANCY 1. 13! RADISHES acrambllng It. even if it requires eat Verse,” and Joan Ayer, who re­ at least that far In advance ,tt> hope of any longer span. Quite [ chairman. Representative Dies (D- Bocage and T rb aw f'ou r comnWIr tbe future' welfare of Connecticut manufacturers and' produceiv. To give you an idea of the William F. Silk today assumed his ■oroe direct ytaldlng on.hia part.. cited ”Your Port” Theprbsram achedula and assign appointments vioualy he entertained m doub| Pax), baa decided not to run niquc this mornthg says that m goverhihent. The facts presented to Congress enormoda acoompllahment o f thesa In order that there will be af least duties . as chief of police of the s Panels, laV m t tell you that in a continued with ”The Cnlldien’s 1 netor heard him refer to lin? P4IW LOW FRICIS ganeral wa ddntlnua to earty tha It has, tor. Instance,, recently do not aubatantlate this Uhto In one donor a minute between 10:45 Yea, Hillman said, 'In.each . of bofoqgh of Stafford Springs, suc­ NO POINTS 1943, the Income of fprin opera­ three-monthxperiod they handled Flower Day.” by Shirlpy Bray and 1,1 bject a n in . I faal quite sure t| HO WOINTS orav raw A^lle W« Witch NormAndy shown sonoe' Interest In applying a. m. and 3:45'p. m., ko that we hose cases the local PA C woaked ceeding the late George Kealy. He stu ck to tha anamy. That aaaar- tors rose 33 per cenT^bove •th e 88.000 consumer complaints and “ A Lovely Day," by Harry Olsen. ha did not, thefi or later, allow f 16 02 sound prinetplea of government­ may reach our qfiota and main­ thoughts tu dwell on the prosp n defeat those men. But he htovl- was sworn into office by Borough »OM WOM PKQ WM T r o i t tion l » iortdmiad by tna Oarman After, some weeks during which al science to like procedures of preceding year.. vxffrom $10,180,- processed 84.000 of them. M isb Clara Smith continued the ,, defeat those men CbfpSMy tain the record that. Mancheater o. hia rapidly.approaching end. I ky emphasised this: Cfierk • and Treaaurer John W. 10 02 coptmunl4ua, which aaya that wa it seemed thst Congress was go­ the General Aeeembly. It Itaelf 000.000 to $13,^,000.000. Corpo­ In proceselng -a complaint, Service with the usual qhildran’s I r e M l i S M PK6 2 3 « P re M story o f tha morning service. More has made In tbfi peat. • waa very much alive, full of pl| T h e national PAC. aa such, does Kelrans. W nE IM M S E « i« dverywhara making powarful ing to be level-headed in tta reen­ repreaente a happy nucleus of ration profltp/aven after taxes, here'a what a PriceNFAnoI does. Other members M the commit­ One of its volunteara visits the recitations followed by Janet Rob­ ning and animation, the Jest tf not work tor an individual con-; The new police chief haa had T l R f ^ ■‘e**“h* l2 A .tho spirit o f. non-partisan ex* were up j/bllllon dollars' from I saw him. IriMtlSprMti Vk^'39' afforU to aapand our baachhaad. actment of OPA, our highest tag- merchant who alliegedl'y \ls over­ ertson reciting, ”My Friend” ; Rich­ tee arrattkd tor Olrl Scouta to Ereasman’a defeat. That la done by considerable police axperlence, ta pertneea which le the top public 1843. serve Dutt Juice and run errands, 02 2 7 c / S o tar, thdi Oarman countar*at* lalatlva body hat apparently coii- charging hla cuatomera for certain ard Hill. "The Pilot” : "The Roaea** I can even Imagine his havl be local branch of the PAC. having served as supernumerary V eittiblet MiXID PRO R e i l - M e i t ■dnioe denH It. wiiuld be. quite end fo r men to help In moving with the local police department /Frodiiuction was up, too. Our commodities. If the complaint ia Faith Hill ;”Future Workara," an inward chu!kle~iicklt at the docM Hillman said P A C looks at all ""u cka which hava occuirad hava sldfred public absorption with tha In keeping with Its preaeht the equipment In and out of the for years. Hr was appointed , -farmers’armers broke all prevloua rac- found to be well-grounded, the Vol­ Harold Gagne; ”In Hla Care," Ja­ for he must have more than Bongreaamen'S records two ways: 12 bMn provokad by advanca^oT our dramatic Invasion news an oppor­ mood, then, If It should give basement. This equipment in­ bled their limitation upon chief of police by the CTourt of Bur­ some consideration to a protect ords, turning out 31 per cent more unteer reports the facts back to net Reynolds; and then a vocal rhair stand on international co- o'wn. Thara U indication tha^ aa cludes ton iron beda and mattreaa- earthly days. gesses recently on recommenda­ tunity to do soma chpap pollUcal offering Improvement for J^n* food than they did in the year of the Panel. Then the Panel calls solo was given by Ruth Sima, en­ speration after the war and their ea, four $50 pound refrigerators It takes courage to face oq tion of a Board of Police Ebcam- BUY MORE WAR BONDS — Sill WAR LOAN time goes on and Oarman raln- grabbing which, if unchackad, will 1839. Industrial production hit a tbe merchant for a friendly hear­ titled ’’Ring the M ila o f Hea\An.” home front policies. neoticut public service well Into which contain dry Ice tor storing on-comIng finish thAt ^4-ay. inera, following.an examination for forcamenU from deep . tnsldo peak 30 per cent above the record- ing. Here he is told Just to what Recitations continued with Leater Taka the case of Holman. He SWEET CREAMERY-HI6N SCORE coat thia whole country daai\ , tho future. the blood untl^ It 1$ turned ever So I have always thought! the position, which was taken by Our special "gat-ocqualntad'’ gift to LARGE NATIVE d the/ii^ shattering yeair of 1843. extent hia prices life out of line Hill reciting ” Qur Friepdi” ; John defeated by •Wayne Morse, France Anally begin to eaach tho' The reenactment lefislation, In We commend the/Siiggestlon ai to the laboratory for converelon In­ Jack as one o f the moat dauntq four other candidates. ifltroduco this new granulated soap well to the reaohitlon.i committeea and w^at ha, must do to comply, Motycka. ”A Book For All” ; Ann kormer member or the War Labor battlefront. thaaa Oarman coun- Whitcomb. ’T h e RoaS and I.’* and to plaama, wooden boxes contain­ ot men. And dauntlesaness Stafford Springs has been with­ . . . works tost. . . kind to hands. 5 to 6 POUNDS ^ present form in Senate and of the approaching state conven­ One of our toughest problems, and ha ia asked to correct the vio­ sard. Hillman said; BUTTER.47* ’’Spring Song,” by Shirley Chria- ing botUee, linens and all IncidefiK to me to be one o f the very ajfil out a chief of police since the Soapina’s crOamy suds maqn shorter FRESH F6WL Ur-atUcka ara bacoming strong* “Holman was an- Isolationlat. A2 Houaa, includes special price tions. notlng^That it would be a Congreaa waa told, ia connected lation immediately. Then he la tensen^ ' • tal equipment did vtrtusA f death of Kealy lest September. ONLY 12 RED POINTS POUND ar. But ao, with' tha passing of forward advancement of the now with tbe production of low-cqM visited again. I f the’ Second vlalt be PAC supported Morse. When woshdoys;.. c/aoner clothasl AIJI A |/|P |||A FRESH NATIVE grabs for the oil industry and for Hubert Edihondaon then gave At least that far lA advance ell I am reminded of the final lij Silk is 37, married and has a son. generalnar^ cccommitment to the merit clothing. Many manufacturers discloses that everything is ^ waa on the Labor board, Morse time, are wa. the cotton Industry, a apecial new the notices of the week and the of­ the other plana are also In the c i Bryant’s Thanotopsia; s yItem f t ^ inIn Connecticut, since it have discontinued making low- Straightened out, tha case la clos­ banded down some decisions which IVIRY BUBBlf WASH15 DOUBLl b 4 7 .SUM NYBROOK-SRADE A A ll thia aUU adds up to tha fertory Was taken by Roger Sima, U n i U l V d l O 2!^ to 3H POUNDS * compulBOJ^ loan limit for farm- priced clothing in fav'r of higher ed. In short. It haa been thorough.^ making. Tha— Canteen 'COr^a juitogonized labor. But we pre­ >it>ukl train young people for en- James Keller. Robertson and Rob­ So live that whan thy .summl fact that, as aonM of our own of* ara, a special wage control exemj^*x ly processed. starts planning tor sandwiches, ferred him to Holman. We want a trance Into that system. priced, more profitable styles. ert Visney with music at the piano Ac Weather in Dover Acera claiaa, tho Oarmana are stUl dougbnuta, fruit Juice, coffee and Congress which will work for In tlon for certain apecial g r o u ^ in W e commend the suggestion by David Motycka, ending with Yo JoinNthaf Innumerable cara^ K FRESH EGGS WJSen you /onsider. that there milk fo r four hundred donors and Eeniatlonal cooperation.” AghUng our battle. For contraat, addition to general amepdinenta further to the Connecticut Leamiie A t present. O PA Is working the Doxology by the conifi'cgBtibn. where each Some political commenUtora Cured LB u . « ^ are more than 600,000 retail out^ lunch for tbe seventy workers. Strait Area Clear 4 5 theta have bean two oU ar am* of Women Voters, in all defei'* closely with WPB to restore the Shall toke'^^ia chamber in the I ave expreasNMl the tuapicion that SMiraED PICNICS " dealgnad at waakenlnjg'^PA en­ Oliver Hill and Adele Oehrtng That means careful calculation of Back the Attack DOZEN ence to its presently stream-lined volume of low-priced clothes . lets in the United States, you be­ lent halls of death phibious landings In this war each recited on ” M y Planting” and amounts of food needed and early PAC, which endoraaa a fourth forcement procedure, ' and limited election year pro­ particularly items important to gin to realize how Impossible a Job Thou go, not like the quarry ali My Gardening.” respectively, and application to the Ration Board term tor Prealdent Roosevelt, - where wa ware not s6 .wall oS. A t Congreaa haa, in. other words, gram, but In the thought that per­ children and workmen .. . . to Q PA would, have on its hands . at night ^entually might eeek to Uke over London. June ,16.—iPi— "rae MEOlUK were followed by the • Junlof II for rationed Items. weather in the Dover strait area FANCY SKINLESS LB Salerno, where the Germans were turned ltsel|.Tnto a grab-bag for haps It could still take on one spe­ near normal as possible. I think, without the help of ouf volunteer Scourged to hia dungeon. be DemocraUc party. workers. Class which is taught by Mrs. Publicity itenw in the paper waa bright and clear thia morning Buy War Bonds FRANKFORTS DOZtN cial, specific advocacy thoroughly the good results of these efforts But, sustained and 'koothed by | miiitian aaid: Yl .wouldn t U ke poised and waiting for us, they various special, interesta. Its reck­ Lawrence Robertson, giving the start, a group of seven staff assist­ in line with the dominant princi­ unfaltering tniet. he Democratic party as a g ift on and the sea. remained smooth un­ Serve Eqq.j Oiien! ware In tactical command of the less sjiirit has been only momen­ Ten C^ommandmenta. Other recita­ ants are selected and Instructed Approach thy grave aa one der a light northwesterly breeze.' FANCY ple qf its own endeavors, which is to be about agUin in the near fu­ ■livar platter. But PAC Is here situation, and all we could do was tions were ’’Come,” by George in the work of registration, and wraps The temperature was Just above tarily checked by such occasional to interest more people'In politics ture. * atey. It w ill not end after this GRADE "A" LB WIDf V A p n f-IY '. O f Ward; ’’Pinaiea," by Charlotte Da- arrangaments are made for cars The draperies of hia couch at 60 degrees at a. m.,and visibility hang on grimly until German ^ane thrusts as that of Congress­ and in public service. Hebrun Mrs. EJvSrett ?. Porter, who will St’s elections. It la. In perma- 8 SLICED BACON v li; ’’Datalea W ill Tell.” Judy and Motor Corps drivers to trans­ him was good. The. barometer indicated Strength had been worn down. > ;f We could go on commending tfie finish her year's . work at the Judy Whitman: ’’Spring, the Day,” Bt operation.” CANNING NEEDS man wyitam J. Miller, who sar­ port tha staff workers and the in­ And lies down to pleasant dreaf DM______Spadework Quietly . the outlook „ for continued fair Ansio, again, tbe Gaimans ^ad hs proposition to other people, but Hebron girls who exhibited coa- Mansfield Depot school, will return Dorothy Ward and the Junior II castically and effectively inquired our energy l.s running low and dustrial donors, who are being P A C waa aet up by the CIO la.st -weather waa good BUY N O W at their mercy, and we^able to lumea they had made themselves to 'her home here. Graduation ex­ Claaa sang ”I Would Be True,” fol­ paid for the time they loose from Malcolm Molls SLICED LB one day what be could get from it's about time for somebody to ercises at her school took place lowed by more recitations by Leon M y . r o r many months, whye it at the 4-H Club dress revue held in their work. Niantic River Road, Sid Its apadeworic quietly. It was Bullet Wound In Stoma.'h PORK LIVER mount a massive, conefrted coun- commend it to us again. the grab bag for the. members of last Thu'rsdaor evening, ' b u t. the Htckler, ’’The Robin’'^l Y’Our Fa­ A group of Nurses’ Aides are | Waterford, Conn^ June 13, *44. Ur*attack, on thsir^ own leisurely We might at well confeat. In Andover Saturday evening wefe school will not close until the 18th, ther’s Gift," Richard Sherman; Practically ignored by the political hts district. Jubllant/at receiving, each o f a liighddmea in Washington. Pomfret, June 15—(JP)—Leonard IDEAL JARS iwhcdule, and ^ r e again we could passing, that we thought our­ She waa pr^ented a aet of dishea Our Little Flowers,” Norma Da­ In behaving thu.sly, Congress is selves very original in tossing group of four, the flrgt avYstd o f a tlon of the Worthy-Grand Matron But they scrambled over one ah- Danielson, 8, son of Raymond and LB Q'JART 7 Q C pint. M A I by her graduation class. The school vis; “An Invitation,” Warren bther after the spring primaries to do nothing^but hang on until this behaving as it has continually out the prop4‘drk. which made hpr k g ito on this' long period of neg- s e lf./ ' Training at Storrs, and particu­ completed the children’s program spent the week-end with Mra. Mc­ ger list, with a bullet wound in JarRiRgt MalcTiltst 3 PKOft 12* tle against inAation.^ It is yield­ alone eligible for the first honors, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brehant have and then the sudden attenUon. hia stomach, sustained his parents ^ x ^ e general situatiori in Nor­ larly “on the ball” when we been called to Philadelphia to at­ by giving a short Missionary atory. Kinney’s parents, Mr. and Mra. ing to pressure groups in the fear auggested that the Public Ex­ and she was Chosen to represent Rev. Leon H.. Austin, pastor miman said: told police, when the boy, who had SMOKED LB Cent •so°f24‘ mandy is thua much better in tend the fuiieral of the former's Charles Smith. “ A lot of aUrtled-Dolltlciana un- LIVERWURST Tolland County at the • coming that, if it does not yield, these penditure Council already ex­ emeritus o f the Second, Congrega­ Mias Phyllis Gowdy h«» return­ taken a .32 caliber, rifle belonging state dress revue. Her dress was brother, who died while on the way .Btlmato the strength of the P B C L I R ■ -POV/DCRED 6 * comparison, and it will remain so pressure groups- will^exert inAu- isting in Coiineetlcut could pro­ to his work. tional church of Coventry gave a ed from Boston after spending a to his father, accidentally pulled of royal blue rayon/poplin, made Eiogreasive spirit in this country. * xunless the Oarman counter-at vide the staff, with Director few remarks, closing With the few days of her vacation there, the trigger while playing with the WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ence at the elections'next YJovem- princess style, with h »t and- bag Those who attended the tea giv­ It’s a mistake to read the 1842 ,Ucks now coming succeeds in eat­ Carter Atkins as head of the en at the home of Mrs. Ernest benediction. Following the Poat- where she and her brother Donald, uecUona, when onlji 38. million weapon. LEAN, CORNED LB SPICES FOR PICKLING ber. department. 8ueb ae;lf-preenlng to match. Three who had taken lude.'the Recession march “Stand J U N E J A Y E Rogers of New London, in honor of SPARE RIBS who accompanied her attended a toted Instead o f the SO mitlton who ing their* way algniAcantly into But Congress, acting ao, ia real­ two years work were the Missba Buy's Body Itooovered was very ahort-livedl 'rile next the newly-elected preaident-gen- Up, Stand Up fo r Jesus,” waa wedding. She will resume her new totod In 1840. aa a trend toward TREAT F O R DAD territory we already hold. The ly aelling the whole country down mall brought. Information that Mary Grey Betty Horton and Aral of the D. A. R., Mrs. Julia played and the children marched (nd Her Pupils WUl Present Clare Porter. position June I2th in Mancheater. nservatlam.” most the Germanp have yet been exactly the same thing-Am Just ’Young Talmadge of Athena, Ga„ out. There were about 65 children Worka With Local Groups Shelton. June, 15—'(A*)— Th e; the river for what it hopes will Miss Mary Grey wore a red Mlaa l^arbara Robertson has able to accomplish is to make a happened out la Michigan,' with included the regent of Colonel taking part in the exercises and , Hillman said the local P A C — the body of Walter Ptak, 8, son of | ALL SIZES LB be its own political advantage. We gabardine jumper with white seCqred a poalttem at the Universi­ the establishment ot ..a“ Train­ Henry Champion Chapter, Mrs. the church was beautifully decora­ < Bountxy has been divided Into 14 Mrs. Anna Ptak, who drowned in ] LIVE LOBSTERS temporary cancellation of some of ty of Connecticut., x have held the front against infla­ ing School for Public Service.,” hrlouse. Miss Betty Horton's dress Albert W. Hilding, Mias E. Anne ted by members of the C. O D. eglone-owfirldi Vlth local groups the Hoiiaatonic river June 3, wa.>i i Misa Muriel Chase and Edward :0llege knowledge our own forward offensive gains. tion unbelievably well up until headed by a gentleman who Is was of aialac, powder blue, shirt Clark, Mra.\G*rtrude M. Hough, class in white daisies and ayringa uch aa A F L unions, church or- recovered last night. Medical | Some military observers ' arc director of the Detroit Bureau waist style. Miss Clare Porter's and white iris. Reanault of Worcester, $ «“ '• ^HoW WELL Examiner BdwSrd Finn pr^ this tim e.' We have done it ^ l y of Hebron, and ' ^Miss Addle M. alzattone, and leagues of women VERSATILE DANCE REVUE ^ of Governmental Kcaearch. .\ll dress was of wh ite eyelet pique, The committee in charge of the were Sunday guests at the hbme of nouiiced death due to accidenjMl SLICED LB FATH£r"’S \ cautiously tiendlng toward a con- Wickwlre, , Miss) Fltwence Dawley poterz. because the worst that Congress j of which makes our suggestion -semi-princess style. They were and Mra. Robert Brown of Col­ program were: Miss Gertrude A Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Vlnton. The local FAC Ukea a stand for drowning. FRESH HALIBUT j , elusion that the German armies YOU LOOKI'I and f the pressure groups threat-' seem both more prosaic ' and not. however, eligible for the first chester. Anderson, Sunday School superin­ Lieut (Jg) Benton S. Oaskell r against a candidate.’ Hillman DACmo At are not, cither in , manpower or W EDNESDAY, jU NE 2 1, 8:15 P M . fRtSH RAIIOCK ocimCD 14* MACKEREL raiSH 4AUSHT t.12< aned has never been allowed to; more practical. prize, and not all of them had Father’s Day ia to be observed tendent .asaisted by the teachera and llrs. Gaskell whre visitors in Is H a casual compUinsnt| aid the naUonal PA C upon, re- DAY CAKE Miss Clara Smith. Mlaa Phyllis . morale, uniformly what they may passM their 14th birthday, an­ at the Hebron Congregational Coveniiy during the week. Ueut. uest-tor upon tta own initiative ■ ; x happen.. We have done It only ^ ' Gowdy, Hubert Eldmondson,. M ra er a radiant roain^ have been at previous' stages in other requirement. church .next Sunday. The acting Gaskell was form erly^^tor of the in supply the local P A C with Lawrence Robertson, Mra. Arthur ( because, despite imperfections, i IH 1 8 M U C l C D O W Miss Ethlly Hewitt, youngest of pastor, ‘Rev. Charles A. Downs, Second Oongregatitoisl church in Information -on the record of the M ANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL H ALL this war. Some of the German J. Vinton and Mlaa Jun^Loom ia some exceptions, and some special the group, who had taken only one stated that this would ba the first Coventry And resigned March first Y o u ton look well—and/eel I cal congreeaman seeking re-elec- n t soldiers and officers are still year's work, wore flowered pique, Sunday evening th« Christian Y te t Ntll CAMAY OXYDOL hardships, all the main sectors ot time-he had ever been called upon to enter the N a^. w ell, too—if you will give old Jon. ■ fanatics; others seem to know To Rising Sun semi-princess style. All the girls Endeavor met for ifieir service at A ll ovai the country PA C has Tickela 60c and .IQc, Tax Includ«4. tha Inflation front hava been held to preach on the subject. Saturday xSvening, members of Mother Nature a chance to { SWAN 7:30 p; m. In the Christian En­ that the war is lost. Some unlU made their owfl dresses. They were The gracious and welcome rain the C. O. D. class held a social get- vorked to get people registered to K£' on a relatively even baala. W H in FLOATING SOAP Somewhere in Australia, June all entered in the 3rd claaa or which fell during the past week deavor Room-'•-e'V- Austin to*gathsr and picnic a t. th'e home coddle you a bit- T ry some o f j , and to set up community or- LARGE Aght with all their old*Ums spirit: “ best dreaa” claaa. T h eir ne aU'rtad hie ^ first tha SOAP Thia. aucceaa of the past, this'! 16.— i>Pv—Japaneae captors of Ger­ 8 has already given a new lease of of l^lsa Margaret Weiahaar. A pic­ her priceless preparationa— „jliuitions. . others no longer have real sUylng man Catholic alaters made them standing, reflects credit on their church / memberahip instruction Tho impression wa got from Hill- PKG really remarkahia record o f dis- i life to parched crops. Strawberries nic auppar waa enjoyed by all at- vitamins in concentrated ‘ qualities. The future course ot bow each morning to the riaing instructor, Mrs. Veron lilUa. have received the moiSturc they alsoxSunday e’tnlng. This is a nan ’’ ia that politicians won’t 23 tonding and games- and danclnK LARGE aatrous inflation avoided in w ar-! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roasmann cUnie for anyone Interested in Jolil- pharmaceutical form. They're Ineeze at hia PAC anymore. the Agfating, as , betur German . sun. Sister Matilda said yesterday needed so much and it has/saved followed. 'The next meeting of the 1 c SMALL time for the flrat time In our his- on her arrival from Dutch New are having their house painted. the crop in part. tng the church In SepUmber ^ troops are brought in, may erase class will be held on July 14 and just what the Doctor will or-' CAKES 3 . C A K E S 2 0 ' PKOi Guinea. . ' They live in the small bouse fo r­ A bridal shower wa'a given re­ wlH meet every other Sundayriin- tory. Congress ia now willing to will be In the form o f a picnic at der, when you talk him. U »..^rn rlc'i^ Slic'd 26l;qZJna .this impression. And it m^y he merly owned by Emil German, and cently in Amston at the home of to I M S rV M ’'OettS” f redd i.o*r d* jjeatroy. Needlesa to aay, it will She an'd others w e « liberated til that data ^ , x ' the home of thei; leader Mlaa Ger­ iub Torpedoc 1 that Ave years o r war, tbS ; last by American' troops who invaded sometimes known as the Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John Kowalski, for This evening Coventiy Orange 'rhen, remember,'cbme here do ua small good to have held the trude Anderaon. ’ PSSOCS DOZ 15 two of them years qf losing war, the Hollandla area. Sister Matilda place. Mr. and Mr*. Sherwood Mias I^rothy Read, of Hartford, win hold its regular meeting and to Vitamin Headquarters. OftedOiRits *- tine so long if Congress now sur­ said they were forced to bow to miner are also having the interior whose engagement to Leo Kowal­ Neighbor’s N ight wW ,be observed Private ihmest Davie waa home Red Ci CLUB 87 lORARQE' h LB PLAIN Of 6 PLAIN, 6'SUGAR have left Germany ' less strong renders that line. ; Needless to Japane.se soldiers. When 67-year- of Jtheir houae redecorated. ski haa been announced. The party with Vernon, Bolton and Andover from Camp. Devena for the week­ ■ • than conservative estimates. We Mrs. Adam Kowalski and son end, and was able to attend church RlSTAURANT PEKOE PKG say, the natural forces,heading to­ old Sister Christopha failed td do waa attends^ by. a group of rels'' Granges Invited, Ankara, Jjshs 15—(Ah—A Swed- are, for instance, still waiting for .so. a Japanese sOUlier .struck her Tliomas. ere .visiting the former's tives and fylenda of Miss Read. Friday evening the'children of Sunday morning to hear his amsll Bh Red Crtsa ship Carrying relief FRONT AND KILBOURN STREETS — HARTFORD ward Inflation can atill wreck .and the Luftwaffe to make its flniil with a stick. husband; Sgt. Adam Komalaki aT| The Ko iki house waa [attrac­ The Coventry School will pre­ daughton toko part in the Chll- luppliea'Tor'the Greek population wliei yiiistip . ■ Next to Wachtel’s Dept. Stare. 46 O T i-uin this, country'if ■they, are glv- Sister Ghristopha added that LaCroaa Camp, Wisconsin. ' tively dficorated .with, streamers sent an 'origin al Operetta, “ The stand. Until that comes, tpe sus­ drep*# services. WELDON the Aegean. Islands was torpe- dexo ieh the proper openings. one day the Japanese called tor Leroy H. Getchell, chairman of and Ute table holding the gifts was colorful Eterth.” at the church _Itss Hilda Keller and Mrs.' G. . e ^ y an unidentified aubmarina NO, POINTS CAN picion will grow that the Lutt: volunteers among the German alsoxuecorated. Miss Read waa giy- at Tie C iiR iu iiri... • This whole war can ‘be divided the war finance committee, reports Community Houae. Remember the Keller were prtcent guests at to* 18 Just outside Turklsh-ter=^ ANNOUNCES PURE VEGETABLE waffe •■reserve” was - a _,Goering . ^ ^ X. ^ Catholic priests to spy on Amerl- that $1,300 on the 5th war bond epMaiany. very useful and attrac- date. ■ June 16. at S. o’clock. ’The horn# of Mrs. W alter Keller and Drug Compuii^ litorial waters, while, proceeding Yea .bagin to leal k Aa vary '7 SHORTENING into three great'battles. One is |,.can and Australian troops near iVe presents for her new home. -rJRICE “ 460ZI US bluff, and t ^ t our pre-invaalon air drive la already In hand, and was public is cordiaUy invited to at­ family, and they both attended the om the 'bland of ‘ Cba to Leroa, wowaa* yany in Hartford, Bather Katsung, tha following 't; iwUdtsh legation said the ihip was you finci dwt (ba lliia^ yaa battle of production, where . wa who presented her with a trave- liatod from the Mississippi ’Ta^ni-, to 2 P. M. and from 9 P. M. to 12:30 he will play for Ellington to bq In F and G bonds. It ta aug- committee was appointed to make cal Aviation Jhiglneerlng school, aibly tho S. 8 . Sjtna. vreitt »o saa ood lha ptoeoa yoa ' have won, gloriously. And imme­ gested ' that-mil thoM wOio,. . hava ing daift and, other gifts. Dancing with a Band; ___ ^ Refreshments of ' aandWichea, plans for tha com.Ing year’s pro­ and will receive further training R. 1 .1 . • PI Extreme Begets Extreme diately next in Importance cornea pltelged to the Hebrop-school fund YvaM to; ga, wba(bar baal aa R in CRACKERS A letter from Mason Steel to his grams and meetings: Mrs, Wilfred at Detroit. Mich. He expeqU to be purehaae an F or Gtmnd in the cakes and punch were served at DANfjlNG DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS - As is V likely tendency of all the battle against inflation. Loss mother, Mrs. Maude P. Steele of Hill. Mrs,.-Jtouben McCann and borne in July. tew Unemployed buiiaaii er plaaaara, ora al a name of the Hebron school fund. the Amatoii Lake gathering. Mias AMERICAR Maple street states he h.aa been Mrs. Donald Qabring. mofSar sdnuSaa ^soaa ^^aa ^ ^ ra m e policies,. President [Roose­ of this battle can imperil and de­ TTiis ivill have a double effect, Read la well knoii^ In that vicin­ piiOmo.ted and is now Seaman T-; A t the June meeting o f Climax ’The national victory garden In velt's determined oppoaitToh - 16. stroy what should be the results helping both the proposed new ity, 'as she haaJ>een a vtaitor at the PRESCRIPnONS Claims Decrease CosAreodara'i eaMrel lacodeiu 2 LB PKG LB class. ■ Igka for many aeaaofia, her parents Chapter No, ^ P g s t M a t r o n ’s and atituto will atage a con teat to find. LA PIZZA HEADQUARTERS CHEESE SPREAD school and our counti^r at jtlto . General de Gaulle haa had a" per­ of our other' two victories, losing Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson Past Patron’s night waa observed America’a champion victory gar­ You ora compta(aly odavinoad / same time. The F bonds caii be owning a cottage there. .The date sistently boomerang effect. The this battle, we can; lick Hitler and are the parents of a duaghter born for the wedding haa been set for and the Past Matrons and Patrons deners, with a $1000 W ar Bond as WHhIngton, June 15— (IP)— The o^haa yoa boaosaa ^soapioYahpd ^ Ala Napolitana purchased ip the smaller denom­ Saturday. Mr. Thompson is In the the first of July. filling the chairs were: Matron, first' prize Every gardener is sure eber m new claims tor unem- more we oppose the French lead- sMfi turn ourselve* into Just th« inations— -Ar-goal of $;^,000' has Read Herald Advs; wHh Tlw Commedera'a spadpat, service and'is stationed in Georgia Testa were riUcen at the ' Girl Mrs. Ethel DeMatUe; Patron, at prizes— out o f his own garden. lloyment Insurance benefits tor .Club 87 makes their own Ravioli, Macaroni and,S|iag* ANN PANE , er, the stronger he grows among kind of country; Germany was been act by the committee in le'flrat quarter a t 1944 dropped airy roopM, ili kieadly, oodao- SPA G H Eni Scout meeting held last Thursday James J. Karwln: Aaaociate M a­ at the present time. , charge.' ;__ _ ., , hetti on the prenHses. No canned Ravioli or Maesroni bis own. followers and among the when it “ welcomed Hitler^ Fasci­ afUrnoon, and a rahearsal tron, Mra. Slugena Winch and As- J.7 per cent bclop the figure tor Mrs. Kate Robinson haa return­ Mrs. Margarat Ciftlaton, aunt of used. people' of that France now being nating and vital as the Normandy hald for the girls who^ w ill take socleto Patron, Eugene Winch; Similar period of last year, the ed to her home on Mapla street, Mr. and Mra. Leroy H. Getchell, rools sarvtog iba dMH al (aada part in a Grange entertainment to SecraUury, Axel Norllng; Treasur­ VOLUNTEER BLANK - BldKlD DONOR SERVICE enl security sgtnqy' reported liberated.. __< battlefront may be, we need to from Rockvill.e where she haa bean waa called to her hon\a in Malden, La Piifi^ — Spaghetti — Rdvioll 'To'Take Out. ANNPAII visiting for some time since leav­ be held at the end o f tMa month in er, W alter Haven: Chaplain, Mto- Manchester Chapter. The American Red Cross The atriiggle ;he ,haa to wage keep one good eye on .Congress. Mass., where she att*nded the A gross totol of $11,777,510 was ing the hospital. conjunction with the - Colcheater W alter Colburn, Marahall, Mrs. Try One of Our Famous Antipastoa. v _ figainat those who could well be For it ia thb weakness of surren­ graduation ax'arciaes of. her fraud- 1 Want To Donate Blood for the Army and Navy ' * In benefits, or 44.4 per The LongvUw . Parent Teacher Girl Scouta It wj^ll be for the Col Chariotto Morae‘ Star PolnU, Mra. h K ) . l daughter and the funeral o f her C hester Grange. At loss than during t>w first . l o t t o s hla friends and supporters gives der, not'the Spirit of Normandy, Association have - elected and in­ ~ ~ - Raymond Burna Mrs. Amy| Pritoh- brother .who -died suddenly in ■ George Kuebler, of Hartford, la Name • # to • • • • I i.seeeeee’ee e i e e e 4 I mimtbs o f 1948. ; mratf'aaspiOiMk Italian -Airieriran C o o kin g SULTARA CAN drafts to hia leadership and to hla which ae'ems dominant in Corf’ stalled the following officers for Washington. She has returned to ard, Mlaa Gertrude A. Ande.rsoq, a visitor at the home of Mr. and cchi TOMATOES greas. , ‘ Mrs. Helen WII and Mrs. Lucy penonallty. The longer we keep the Coming ' year': Mrs. GerRrude the Getchell home here. - Mrte- WUHam Qwen in' Amston, at Oiviea Prison gentrnca FOR YOUR NOON LUNCHEON — Telephone your ’Ttaompaon; Warder. Ira Wilcox »et>eeeee«eeee*aeeee« the French from having Aim, the Nback, president; vice preffdent, Dr. Cyrus E. Pendletoh ia' re­ the Raymond farm. A d d i ^ N 0 .2 Mrs. -lenry Meyer; secretary, Mrs. and Sentinel, I-Fnederlck Anderson. food order and it will be served immediately upon more they aeem to want him. It Derailment Blocks Traffic ported as mucii Improved from a Howard O. Thompaon and Wal­ j ’Hsrtford, ■ June 15^HAh—- Con your arrival. . ' ^ No tax in grill room. Walter, Magdefrau; treasurer,'Mrs. recent illness which kept him con­ ter C.-HeWitt, both of whom are A very dellcioui, supper was serv­ Phone .. kge, 18-20...'. Age, 21 -6nl licted of the., rape of a l5-year- CAN la quite jwesible that, had nV ob- Carlton. Buckmister. Mrs. Maurice fined to.Bia -home for over a week. patlenta at the Veterans' hospital. ed before the meieting and was In *MMrVeik i l A&Pli^'CORN Gtrby; Jube I 5—qP)-l Derail­ PlalnvUla girl, Oaorge B- Hart 1 stoolea been thrown In. hla path, Miller, county president inatalled Peter Swarta of Colcheater charga of Mrs. Alton Porter and ^ Phone 7-6045 ment of lour empty , oil tank ~oan' Dr. .Newington, are reported as In a Check hour you prefn appointment:. that town waa aenteneafl to the now offlcara. looked after hia patlenta during Mrs. Philip linderaon was In the French people would already. blocked traffic on three tracks o f favorsBla oondttlpn and making from four to aaYen yaars la TRE iRlAT ATURTIC A PACIFIC TEA CO.i hia'IUneaa. „ satlafactory progress; Mra Hewitt charge of the dining room which 1 2 - 1 . . . . . 1 -2 , . . • • 2 -8 . . . . . 8^ . . . . . Itove had enough o f him by thia the Naugatuck valley dtvteton o f state’s prison by Superior CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS Fricds tubjdstt* markofalianass. W* MHfv* tha right ta limH euaaUtiao. The W P B haa issued an order Mrs. Charles C. SellerB,'whohas and M ra Thompaon, also Mr. and wgs very prettily decorated. Dur­ Fill In and mafI to the New York, New Haven ^ and art Judge Ramuel MelUts yes- tt|ne, and begun, .looking. ,for some permitting. manufacturer* te make been confined to her home by. ill­ Mrs. Harold L. Gray, Miss Mary ing July and August there will be Hartford railroair for over three American Red Ciitss, Utilise dt UaleBuildinj! Am elM. Such a thing ur poaat- 2,tK>0,000 electric irons for civilian ness for the past weea or more, la Gray and Sherwood Miner Were no'meetings and in Septem'ber.the hours late yesterday. Ufa. --Y".--— .reported aa improving and tao|^ caUera thara raeaatlg. MiU be the efttdal eialto-| V ■ ■■. *

X: J- f. P A G E N IN S I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONH, m URSUAnJUW fi la. I!J4« MAN^KSTER EVENING ALD, ^lANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAYr JtJNE 15,1944 ffjs X it w c r m A- of .Montebourg 14 miles aouth]aast ■y. of Cherbourg. MearPoiiits WTU>—lINtO CounttT C3ub ^irhe Bigger Giwnie Annual Cott 535 Carloads (irdup to Plan .\rtiller.v Hhelling Road Race Stand Breaks Staff Enjoys Weddings American artillery was shelling Obituary WUIMJ—1860 V R a d i d ^ ;^ the road • from Moritellourg to Again Urged Draws FinJ Fastam . War ItaM Golf ^iiiiiers Contest Listed PaikPicj Shipped Out Chicago Meet Valognes to the northwest, and the doughboyk controlled th e . road Deaths 7:45—WTHT — War Enterprise; Petig-Behrmann from QulnevUlt, on tke 'eoaat, to 4:00—WTIC Backstage Wifej-t Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Behrmann Holds Session State OPA Recommthids Judge Asserts Cure l of potatoes were shipped to .the cent.NeW" York speech In which he town. The cure for racial or color Int Brown; WDRC—5th War Loan nice 97 to win both the low gross Big Coast Gnai^sman hi Memorial hoapital,^ the tion has recommended to Wash­ He is survived by hia wife, erance dues not lie in crimin| —Women’s Division; Ad Liner. '8:30—W Aldrich Family: day, Jphe 17 and nms through governntient . through the Buck land ^predicted.'as a nimtter of personal Allied troops driving southward ington that rationing be restored Sarah -^Wilson Powers; three WDRC Death Valley Days; for the day and the special prize and membera of their station, starting in November and prosecution,. Judge Max Boyer 5:00—WTIC—When a Girl Mar- T u ^ a y , July 4. There will be Old Hamilton Prop opinion, that "the president will ac- along the central sector of the for the majority of meats which daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Step* riss; WDRC—News; Ad Liner; \ News THT — News; Castles offered by Mrs. Delphls St. John. fyfimiliea. enjoyed a picnic at Oen- ending late in Mky. There were 407 cept a fourth term nomination- front were engaged in heavy flghL the City court here declared to ' h groas and het prize* for ail wei-e made' pelint free six weeks hano of Hartford, Mrs. Gertrude in diapoalngofthe cAae of Bid WTHT—News: Music; WfTBC— 1 in Air; WNBC — Ameriem's Mrs. Bliah won this prize with a Uniform, Defeats the >^tap Sprinia park last evening. Would Repeal carloads of No. 1 potatoes for use Hannegan and the Arrange- ing around Caumpnt and Villers- ago. It. waa learned today. Everett of Eakt Hampton, and To: n Meeting. low net score of 97-23—74. Mrs. three flights, A-B-C classes. U: Sack races, supper, watermelon in the differanX hospitals and ments committeemen busied them- Bwa^e. with the Allies In Cau- Wood, charged with refusing aer Terry and the Pirates. League Leaders at An official of the organization Miss Dorothy Powers of Manches­ ice to four local Negroes at his e| 6:15—WTTC — We LoVe and | 9;oo—WTIC — Music H*ii; Jay Rand won the ’ Even Hole Four 18-hoIc rounds may be play- eating contests, needle threading camps and 128 carloads of second sclvca with, selection of a keynote mont but the Germans back in WDRC.#-Major Bowes Amateur '"ournament with 48-12—84, Mrs. grade that were shipped in open said that similar recommendatlona ter; two son*, Corporal William elusive Skipper’s Dmk' restaur Learn; WNBC—Dick TVficy. jCd .any time during this period but West Side Oval 4 to, Q; contests and various other types of Higliway Bill Speaker and recommendation of Villers-Bocage after a counter-at- have been submitted by numerous E. Powers and Private Raymond 6:30—WTIC — Just Plain BUlUf Hour; WTHT—Osbrtsl Heatter. Rand had a marvelou* score when The Pro-Shop must be noflfled be- contests were on the program, cars. a,con mention chairman. [tack. ■ „ The restaurant owner was are 9:15—WTHT—Screen Test. ‘c% i Of this number 12.5 cars" were other OPA districts and predicted Powers, both In the United States ed May 31 upon the complalnf ' WDRC—Newji: Baseball Sco ies:' everything is taken into consider­ foriMb® competitor starts out on Gets Great Support. goverly Massey w'aSjthe winner of Kerr Apparent Favorite j The main fighting was taking that forthcoming action may be Army;’four aiatera, Mrs. Annie WTHT — Tom Mix; WNBC — 9:30—WTIC — Joan Davis and ation for practlcaII}L„eiH the long each -rdund. Art Wilkie won this the Individual sack race , and she loaded, in Buckland and Were Daniel Brown. William Johnaol Jack Haley; WDRC — Dinah and hard holes are svan holes. Westport Scions Say Ex­ grown In Manchester and South Gov. Robert S. Kerr of O kla-1 place in front of Villers-Bocage. expected in the near future. Taggert, Mrs. Edith Ford, Mrs. Willis Franklin^nd., Paris Bartol Jack Armatrong. event last year aa well aa the Big Cy Blanchard strolled out to teamed up with Jacqueline Wins­ homa, a foUrth-term advocate, | Allied troops held ,high ground Markets 'Favor Proposal Florence Georgette of Manches­ ■ 6:45—WTIC — Front Page Far­ Shore; WTHT — Connecticut The comtSets.results: Match Play Championshlf). yeter- low to win the three-legged sack press RoafI Measure Windsor, all being No. 1 grade and who. according to Prosecuting AT Forum of the Air; WNBC ■— the mound last night decked ot^ In 272 No. 1 grade Was loaded in' El­ was the apparent pre-meeting f^ , facing the town a c^uartcr of a It was also learned that a num­ ter and Mrs. Johamia Angelone of torncy Jojm J. McOarry. made I rell: WDRC—American Wom­ Mrs. Jay E. Rand, 48-15 -84. an Del Bt. John wda runner-up. rice. Richmond Hogg and Arlene vortte for keynoter, while Hannc^ mile away. The Biver Supcllea ber of Hartford markets are com­ Bridgeport, one brother, Janies, an; WTHT—Superman; WNBC Spotlight Banda; Story Teller. Mrs. Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., 47-12— IMvots a Hamilton uniform and the. Coast - Hollister were winners of the Not Given Hearing. lington, with 10 cars loaded In telephone' reservation but we| 10:00—WTIC — Harry Savory: Vernon, all in the No. 1 grade. gan and others were talked of for divided the German and Allied pletely In favor of the proposal be­ Powers of Stamford ’ and onb denied^ervlce when, they arrlvs -—Captain Midnight. 35. Orchids to Henry RbckWejl for Guard veteran pitched th'e Props to watermelon eating contest in that the chairmanship. ’ forces. • grandchild. 0 WDRC—First Line; WTHT — Mrs. 8. Oswald Johnson, 47-10 the grand job he did aa chairman Harlforil. June 1.^ IVt-— An at­ The load to each car In, this cause of the serious shortages at the restaurant. « 1 •; O—News on all ataUons. Boxing—A1 Layia va. Henry a 4 to 0 shut .out victory againat order. Mrs, gmma Slmmler proved grade waa 45,225 pounds while In Other political developments: From this area noHhweatward which have developed since th^ The funeral will be held Satur­ 6:16—WTTC —' History In the of the American Tool Engineer^ -to be"th(r best at thraading a tempt to force the repeal of a to Montebourg the l4inth and Sec­ ^/Through hia cqunael. Attomei Arinstrqng; WNBC—Raymond Mrs. Edward B. Hutchinson, 68- the heretofore, undefeated Polisb- Oie 128 carloads" shipped in bulk Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio majority of meats were dropped day afternoon at 2:30 at the Mol rank L. McGuire and Henry Ha Headlines; WDRC — Trssaury banquet a abort while ago--he had needle and Bill Miller and Imogene new law adopted by the 1943 Leg­ dined in Washington at a private ond Tactical Air Forces carried out Gram Swing. 17—39. Gene Sarazen aa guest speaker— Araericans. Blanchard allowed the weight was between.35 and ,50 from the ration Ii||t. loran Funeral Home, 175 Cent' via, W’ood demurred to the char; Salute; WTHT—War Gardens; 10;15—WNBCJ—It’s Murder. only three'iK/attered hits, all sin­ Warfen won the peanut race. Bob­ islature authorising ^Jie Highway dinner with Republican hrat term­ what was officially described as "a street, and St. Mary’s EpiSeo'^al Conceit Hour; WNBC — Shell Mrs. Thomas D. Faulkner, 49-10 Incidentally Henry and Art Wilkie department to build a 50 million tons to the car. great number of sorties” in sup­ The view point of the local mer­ but the judge overruled the dl 10:30—W n C — March of Time; —89. gles in going>the route in hts first by Hildebrand proved to be the ers in the House, Those attending chants is generally shared church at three o’clock. The"^^rec' murrer, imposed the' mmimul Dlgeat; Race Results. are teaming in the Beat Ball team best at pie sating and Rosamond dollar, forty mile express highway said Bricker, aspirant for the Re­ port of the ground forces, many of tor. Rev. Alfred L. Williams will WDRC — Here’s to Romance; Mr*. Delphi* S t John, 59-19—40. championahipr .-'knother team that mound performance since enlisting them from a mounting number of throughout the state, according to fine of $25 and remitted $10 of iC 6:30—WTIC —Strictly Sports; WNBC—Stop or Go. Mrs, Arthur Smith/ 62-11—40. In the Coast Guard two years Wilson captured the story telling for trucks and pleasure cars publican presidential nomination, officiate and interment/(vill bp in The case was. the first to i will be hard to beat la Earl Ball- through lower Fairfield xounty Filins Suffer Allied'/Sir baaes set up with full one spokesmaq. Several consum­ WDRC — Jack Stevens; WNBC 11:00—News on all stations. •-' Mrs. John Chanda, 61-11—40. fSO- championship- . , j told, them that the United Stales ers Interviewed at random today the East cemetery. brought in this city under a stal —Roy H. Wilcox, American 11:16—w n C — Harknsss of sieper and Apt Smith—’’Pressure The commutes In charge includr waa made before the Legislat|lve' muBt play a strong role interna-- facilities in captured territory. Mrs. Earle Cliffoid, 59-18—41. Man” Bob Boyce led the Manches­ The victory placed the Props in' Allied fliers reported'more move- in downtown markets also declar­ The funeral home'will be open | atatu”te concerning' dlscrimUiaMi Field Service Director . Washington; WDRC — Joan Mrs. Georga Foatef. 54-18—41, a tie for the league leadership with ed Mrs. RuUr Robinson. John council at the Capitol today. lionally but first "we nfust be for friendi frov^^ven o’clock to- for race or color in public place 6:45—W n C —: tiowell Thomas; ter delegation at New 'Haven laat fV Blanchard Senator Herbert E. Baldwin and Heavy Losses irient on the roads behind the Ger­ ed themselves in favor of a return Brooks: WTHT — Radio News­ Mrs. C. LsFrancls, 52-11-—41. -t}ie losing PAs, each dub has won Donahue, Walter Giesecke, Mrs. strong at home." to rationing, pointing out that night until the/time of the funeral, and, white holding Wood to WDRC—N*w*: WNBC—Henry Sunday, nice work ^ b ! Other en­ May Weir, Miss Marjorie Burr. Rep. William C. Jansen, both of man lifies laat night than at any reel: WNBC — Music You Want Mrs. William tj. Kennedy, 58-16 tries in the team championship are fiVe-and tost onlv once. Idaho Race 44oa« time since D-Day.' they have been able to obtain "far palpably” guilty. Judge Boyer dl J. Taylor. 11:30^—WTiC — Music of the New —42. Mr*. Adriana Schubert, Mrs. Mary Westport, charged that the bill A politician's nightmare continu­ MftC Joseph Heard dared that penalizing him will nf Frank Oleksak and Ron Sloane, Has HI* R rst OefSat waa slipped through . the Legisla­ As Reds Gain Great Tank Battles Rage less satisfactory meat” alnce 7:00—WTIC — Music Shop; World, W’DRC — Viva America; Mr*. -Cblin DsTies, 87-14—48. Gray, Carl Jqhan^ison, Mra. Helen ed in the counting of returns in News’.^haa been received ih town aid the cause of the Negro. WDRC — I Love a Mystery; WTHT—Music. Mrs. Clarence H. Laklng, 55-11 Bill De Han and Hugh Hamilton, Slugfest Seen Blanchard'S, opponent on tlie/ ture under a mWeading label and East of Villers-Bocage to Tro- rationing was removed from 85 Ted' Brown amd Ed Hutchinson, mound. Buck 'Byoholskl w(« nick'^ xCarlaori, Mm. Teresti Nlchola. Idaho's close race fot" the Demo­ arn, beyond battered and besieged per cent of meat items. death of Mrs. Major Joseph Joseph G. Le Cc?unt, proniinei WTHT — Fulton Lewis, Jr.; 11:45—WNBC — Glen Gray’a Or- —44. X ii.i— ' without a public hearing. They (Continued from Page One) cratic nomination for the Senate former {ocal Salvation Providence, R. I., Negro law yj and Bill Kennedy and John Chan­ ed. for ten hits IncTdding three dbi Caen, great tank battles raged ‘Temporary Nature” Strqaaed. W’^BC — Musical Mysteries. chestta: News. Mrs.^V. Kane, 89-25—44. said Westport, Fairfield and other with a 14-vote margin separating ^fmy officer, now retired and liv­ entered the case as the represent! 7:15—W n C — News; WDRC — 12.00—WTIC — News; D681m for Low Grosa da. Bobby Barrett had a neat At the Garden blea and one triple ln ''^ n g chi towns in the county through Sian announcement, which said one with undim|niahed iritenaity into A spokesman for the State OPA round the other day and Ben the leaders. their fourth day. The Germans ing ill Pennsylvania. Mrs. Heard’s tive of the National Aasociatiem f| John Nesbit—Passing Parade; Listening; News; WDRC — Mrs. Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., 50-47— ed with hia firat defeat. Sujier-Forts which the road eventually would unit of the Red Army had in three When 713 of tlto-'State's 845 pre­ recalled that both Administrator death occurred Monday night, fol­ the Advancement of the Color WTHT—Musical Quiz. News; WTHT—News. Ftoman figure* him to be the Mickey Katkaveck and dayg Wiped out 3,000 of the enemy, were using elements of four arm­ Chester Bowles and State Director •7. cut didn't want it and they asked cincts had report^, an unofficial ored divisions. . \ ic, wing an operation. The family People, and asked for the convij T;J0_WTIC—Bob Burns; WDRC 1:00—W n C —Meditations. Mrs. TTiomaa 'D. ,Fsulkn*r, 52' brightest prospect he has seen In a Experts Say First to Get Jacoba the heavy hiitep^ in tl Bomb Japan the council to present a rcpqal destroyed 30 guns, 25 mortars and count'Showed: Senator D. Worth Anthony F. Arpala had stressed lived in Manchester from 1928 to tlon of Wood to the end that suJ 1:16—W TIO—Thomas Manclnl. long time. PA' offenaive cOtddn’t/Touch the 80 machine-guns, and captured 70 Tilly-sur-Seulles, a dozen miles the "temporary nature” of the re­ 1931, and while here niade many —Mr. Keen, ’Tracer of Lost Per­ 60—102. In Good Punch Will hill at the next session of the Clark 10,004 and Glen. Taylor, west of' Caen, changed' hands sev­ action might serve to prevent "tq sons; WTHT •— Arthur Hale; 1:30—WT7C — Strings for Medi­ Spring Toarnsmeat Major leaguers pitch In with 7th AAF In Central Pacific, Stand­ balls that Blanchard/4erved up and Legislature. > other, guns. The Soviet Air Force singing cowboy from Pocatello, laxed rationing when Jme original friends. Major Heard waa at that growHTof intolerance.”. tation; News. ~ Results of First Round Matches, ing, left to right, Sgt. Walter Judnich of Bro'vna, Cpl. Mike McCor­ Big Cy collared thr'Pollsh sluggers (CoaUaned from Oae) destroyed six artillery batteries, eral times. The Germana were re­ time an adjutant and was succeed­ WNBC — Summer Swing. Win Tonight's Rout Residents "Foolishly ExcHed” 10,018. James H.' Hawley, Boise ported in it laat and a Nazi coun­ announcement waa jntide. Judge Boyer sought to learn Spring Tournament: mick of Reds and 8-Sgt. Joe DiMaggio of Yankees. Bottom, Sgt. by striking', out/k-atkaveck three Highway Commissioner William blew up three ammunition dumps According to the announcements ed by Ensign and Mrs. George eat bombardnient plane, said Msr- attorney, was trailing. His latest ter-attack definitely had retaken tbb complainants had simply bea Mrs. Clarence Laklng defeated Dario Lodiglani, left, of ^ hlte Sox and Pfc. Jerry Priddy of Senators. New York. June 15.—(/P)—The times and whiffing Jacobs twice. J. Cox said that residents of West- and smaahed a motorized colum"n, count showed 9,046 votes with 705 of six weeks ago, consumers were Williams. Their son married a lo­ Mrs. John H. Spade, .5-3. The only/safetiea collected by ahall, they can strike "from fnany the communique claimed. Troam, battered into he%pa of cal young woman, the former Mlaa •’snubbed” at the restaurant or ? Jacobs Beach boys are looking for port and Fairfield in parUcular, precincts in. rubble by air, sea and land bom­ notified that meatji would be re­ they had gone there knowing th4 Mrs. George Foster won oif By*. the PAs Were in the scctind, fifth, and remote baaes at a single dh- ..were "foolishly excited” over, the German commentators persisted turned to rationing if and when Edith Leggett, also a Salvation Shifts Affect Tivo Nights* a quick knockout tonight when Lat«r returns pQ’t Clark back bardment. would he refused service and soli Mrs. Thomas D. Faulkner de­ “Hammerin’ Henry” Armstrong and slJten innings. Bycholski col«- jective.” ^pjeqt which originated with his In regarding the battle on the Fin­ such a move appeared justified. Army officer and graduate of the feated Mra. WUllam C. Kennedy, lectli)g two and Cliff Keeney one. Their power is so great, the nish front as a. prelude to action in the lead by 10 votes with 715 With the German counter-at-* Army. Training School in New ly for the purpose of making I and Brooklyn’s AI Davis clash in department, and which has the precincts . tabulated. The sec-, tacks mounting ia.fury, there were Opinion here today Indicated that 5-4. Eastern' ' e Props played errorlesa bait chief of staff cohUnued. .that ths backing of his advisory council Of on a /grand scale elsewhere oiT the York. ■ test case of the state statute, Summer Radio Schedule Walters 1st Hurler a scheduled 10-round*r In Madison fAmericanl joint chiefs of staff sw in g race indicated that the indications that Field Marshal the move" Is now wafranted and which, he said, there might be Mrs. V. Kane won on Bye. W. 'L P et eld with-Bill George, Mike Rol- which Senator Eugene W. Lati­ long erHem land front. A Berlin ■ Major .1. H Sweet could not be Mr*. S. Os'wald Johnson defeat­ 12 Square Garden. decided It would be uneconomical broadcast declared the Nazi hlgb official canvass June 24 will be Karl Rudolf Gerd von Runatedt will be welcomed. reached this afternoon for further element of entrapment. Hartford ...... 30 ' .714 The larrupera are expected to- ick and Red Germano all turning mer, chairman of the Committee Markets declared that the jiaat New York, June 15—(JT)— Re-.i>to sit at the answering board for ed Mrs. Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., by de­ Albany ...... 29 12 .707 In outstanding fielding plays. Clift to confine the Super-Fortress or­ on Roads. Bridges and Rivers, is a command expected the main blow" necessary to determine tlie win­ had decided to draw off some of his details. , ' Attorney Le • Count objected lure 17,000 fans and more than ganisation to a single theater, and of the "imminent Soviet offensive ner. reserves in other positions of four weeks have been character­ questions along this line, decla ■ alignment of network summer Information Plssss and Clifton fault. To Win 10 Games Williamaport ...... 21 ' 18' .525 $75,000 through the gates fq r the Keeney as usual was the standout member. ized by prolonged and serious schedules la taking place, almost Fadiman on NBC nhxt Monday Mrs. Earle Clifford won oh Bye. 21 ddfenslve star for the loses. “these bombers therefore will re Mr. Cox said that eventually the in the south'.” and predicted the Gov. C. A. Bottolfsen easily won France to meet the Allied thrusts. Mrs. Tillle Holzhelnirr ing there was nothing to she I Wilkes-Barre ...... 23 .477 clash of foe comeback k i(^ Arm- the Republican nominarton for the Appearance of the Second Ger­ shortages of good quality meats. Iconstantly.--' A couple of the latest night. Mrs. Johh CJhanda won on Bye...... 20 23 .465 The I winning Hamilton attack main under the centralised control road woiifd "go through these Russians .Would strike in the east Mrs. Tillie Holzheimer, of 385 that the Negroes, had not gone Mrs. Delphls St. John won on UUca ...... strorlg ia rated an 8 to Arholce if of ths joint chiefs of staff w1tft. a “only when fighting in Western Senate post.. The primary waa man panzer division—the beat Items which wera forirterly abun­ Center street, widow of Henry the restaurant in good faith. Ishlfts affect primarily Sunday and Bucky Finhhe. Eleven' Binghamton ...... 18 21 .462 It goes the limit, but none of tbs was paced by Bill George with two towns but that there was no need dant have become extremely Iwedneaday nights on CBS. -Talks tonight: BLU—7:45, Rep Bye. single commander, Gsnerifl Ar­ of excitement In Westport and Europe is in full awing.” held Tuesday. ■' armored unit in the German Army Holzheimer, died yesterday at her In imposUk sentence Jud Elmira ...... 16 25 .375 pickers expect It tq/Io that. Ask­ singles which ’ accounted for two —indicated the Germans were scarce , since the relaxed rationing. I Tr^sfer of ths Thin ■ Man 1 Emanuel Celler on “Abolish tha Second round matches must be O f Tvelve He Slaried; 12 31 .279 runs driven in and Ypsh Kinel with nold. acting as their agent in di­ Fairfield at this time because If M<«ccnv declared German recon­ AUowed to File Suit home. "Bom ' 71 years ago in Boyer said he has always sympj completed no later than June 21, Scranton ...... ed which battler/foey favor to naissance" units southeast of making a supreme effort to seal Pork and lamb were quoted as Idramas b*ck to NBC at 8:30 Frl-| Electoral College;” BLU—8:30, Aiperinui two for three, one a double. Coach recting their bombing operations the road is built as he hoped" it The Texas ,Supreme court grant--' Staten Island, N. Y.. she had lived thized with the Negro because Preiddent’a Cup Red Hurlers Turn in ^ League were postponed due to acore by ■ a ■kayo, foe selector* throughout ths world.”. w'ould be, it would be done in •Stanlslawow in old Poland had ed pro-Roosevelt Democrats per- off the Allied beachhead. outstanding examples. Neither of here for more than ten years. is oftentimes looked upon as Idsy nights left open their former America'* Towjr Meeting at Wa- W. L. Pet. agree: Art Pongratz chipped in with tww, The next two or three days are these are now rationed, and choice 110:30 time on CJBS Sunday nights, terloo. la., "Should We Give Full Resulte of semi-finals. Consola­ Major Task Forces stages over a period of years. The beefi repulsed, and said Soviet air­ misaion to file a suit intended to Mrs. Holzheimer leaves three "underdog” and that his frieni tion Plight, President’* Cup: Win Over Pirates. | ____ Louis ...... 30” 23 .566 "Why, th*r one that gets, a good bingles with Jack Wise poling out expected to show whether the cuts are difficult to find. I So. We “Ihe People la being moved! Recognition to the Provisional ,549 long triple far over the hero of "The planA will be treated as flMt stretch, he said, probably men bombed enemy airdromes at require the printings of the names sons, John A., with whom she made ship for the-riocal colored peop - Eskel ^ e k la n d defeated Paul ------[ Today’s Game* Boston ...... 28 23 punch In/flrst" major task forces in the same would go from Greenwich to the Brest-Litoesh, Biaiystok, Pinsk, of their presidential electors on the Gefman high command has been Steaks and roasts of beef have her home; August W. of West Is well known. I Into that spot from 7:80. Aftd in/French , Government?” CBS— Detroit ...... 27 25 .519 Armstrong, in 39 bouts since he Butch Becker in cehl'erflenTto pun been in tremendous demand ever la t 7:80 gqes an Eddie Gift" revue , H :l5,^ o n ato r Lee O’Daniel on Ballsieper, 1 up. 20 holes. By Joe Reichler . ; Eutern manner as Naval task forces are New York line where traffic is Breat-Utdvsk. Biaiystok, Pinsk. July 22 primary ballot. Their forced to throw reserves into the Hartford, and Tliomas R. of East "I feel in this case, howeveii William C. Kennedy defeated New York ...... 23 24 .489 dropped the last of three titles he up at third with the longest hit of . dir^ted against specific objec­ battle piece-meal—aa in the past since the other meats have been I that also Includsa the songs o f .’T e i ^ Democracy In Action." .Amioriated Press Sports Writer | Wilkes-Barre at Hartford; 22 twice as heayy as it is from Bridge­ hind German lines on the eastern quarrel is with the regular State Hartford; a daughter. Mrs. Mary the judge skid from the bene Clarence R. Peterson, 1 up. Elmira at Utica. Chicago ...... 24 .478 held at the same time, haa the game. tives,” Marshall said. port to Westport. front, destroying "many German nine days—or has been able to made point free It was said./de­ I Joan Brooks, Brad Reynolds and | NBC—7, Mercer Song Shop and Bucky Walters or the Cincinnati | ...... 25 28 .472 nocked out 21 opponents, out­ *rhe Props started the ball a convention which named a differ­ Klingel of East Hartford and six "that there is a principle involvfl 8 Finals between Buckland and 'VV^illianisport at Binghamton Cleveland “This type of flexible, central­ planes” and setting fuel and am-- keep them intact for a final, all- spite the fact that these two Item* grandchildren. • Iths Bobby Tucker chorus. In addi- Shirley Temple: , Fannie Brice; Reds became the firat M ajor; ■Wa-shington ...... 24 27 ■47j/ pointed 13. and dropped five decl' rolling in the first Inning on ent set of electors, who were left which goes beyond the violatii Itlon at 7 CBS Is inserting an In^O, Bing Crosby and Bob Hope; Kennedy at 18 holes. Scranton )at Albany. ised control recognises that very munition dumps afire. free to vote for any Democrat un­ out counter-attack. have remained on the poipt basis. The funeral will be .held tomor­ of a criminal statute and tf! President’s Cup semi-finals: League pitcher to^ win 10 games ; Philadelphia ...... 22 27 449 sions. Davis, with a lethal left George Mays two bsM error,. of Unable to Halt Surge Picture Thrown Off Balance Ivasion half-hour, with Londono'ndon ghd 9:30, Joan Davis' show; 10. Harry / National long-range bombardment is not s Hangs Hiniself less the National convention meets row afternoon at 2:30 at Loew’s question of good faith certain Bill Dehaii vs. Art Wllk.e (broke this season when he hurled the^ Brooklyn at New York—'(night) N ational hook, haa kayo^ 10 foes, out­ Mike ^Rpllck’s grounder. Bill weapon for the Air Forces alone. A front-line dispatch last night According to ,aontie market oper­ I New York pick ups: 'savoy comedy, new series;. 10:30, pointed two, fohght two draws, certain demands. Funeral home/ , 34 Connecticut enters into the situation. Til 8 even In two matches). . , W. George then singled sharply to left Undar the joint chiefs of staff, from Associated Press War Cor­ ators, the present system has The Wednesday nightt changes March of time. . . . CBS— , Bob Boyce vs. Leonard Weiman. over the Pittsburgh Pirates in i i p>,„nHpinhi« (nieht and lost five decisions in 25 tripa to score. Rollck eagily^^m second III These demands, having to do Boulevard, East Hartford. statute has clearly been vlolatj 8 Robert Young in "Friend to Als?c- Boston at Philadelphia (night) St. Louis ...... 34 theater commanders will have a Police Cell with state's rights and racial mat­ respondent Roger D. Greene Indi­ thrown the entlro lheat picture off Icafiae about as a resu lt^ " I ie de- Finals at 36 holes. innings. x-Pittflbiirgh since getting an Ai ray medical base. No further acorlilg took plsca Across Unnamed River cated that tw9 or more fresh Ger­ balance, making already scarce and it la not for me to decide anil Iparture of Frank Sin^4!ni for q. ander;” 9. .M ajor Bowes ama­ —C. Barrett (4-7) va. R. Barrett voice In Its employment, ensuring ters, are' southern In nature; Gov. thing other than such vlolatl6| Including last night's game, the x-Clncinnstl discharge. until Mike Rolick opened the third that maximum effectiveness will Moscow, June 15—(/P)— The Red man armored divlaiona, thrown in­ cuts scarcer than before and cre­ ■vacation from his n^-week series. teurs; 9:30, Dinah Shore, Phil Reds’ brilliant righthander has (3-8). Henry, after passing up a Tues­ Danbury. June 15.—IJP)—.Albert Army hurled the Finns across an Chauncey Sparks of Alabtuna call­ However, the enforcement o ftl) Harris; 10, First Line Drama; Pittsburgh at Cincinnati — New York .. canter by doubling along the left- be obtained through missions to the battle between .Caen and ating new m»rcltles among Items Fudera^Is ■Jack Carson mov^'up a half-hour started 12 games and completed 11 day workout, went through 10 field foul line- After George and Greenwood. 64, of Bethel, wh^ose important but unnamed river to­ ed on ten other southern governors statute raises the question whet I lto/«, while at 9:30 a new Mildred 10:30, Harry Cool aong. . . . BLU Butcher (3-4) vs. Carter (2-1). Brooklyn ... which WIU contribute directly to body was found hanging from a last night to unite in an effort to TlUy-sur-Saulles to the west, have formerly siDundant. er It Is a cure for intolerance. 'M Sports Roundup of them. Only Jim Tobin of the .American Boston ...... '23 3 rounds of floor work yesterday, DelOonto went out, Kinel cama Ilia overall strategy for the defeat day as It pressed on toward the been unable to halt.the AIU^ for­ Halving the value of rejl points Mrs- Mary B. Keeney ■ Bailey series la'^^to be Introduced. —7, Musieal Mysteries, new se­ Boston Braves has pitched more while Davis didn’t appear at the pipe In a cell at police headquar­ port of Vllpuri against an enemy keep the party platform free of my opinion a criminal proaecuth I Mean'jvh'flof the reported new ries; 8:18, Lum and Abner: 9:30, New York at Wa.shington Philadelphia ...... 19 2 through with a run producing sin­ af tka anamles." ters at 8:10 a. m. today was pro­ ward surge. • did nbt prevent a record'run of The funeral of Mrs. Mary B. complete games, 12. gym. Davlrf expects to weigh 142 gle to center to score Rollck, who is throwing up what Red Star expression of "a view of social and Keeney of 596 Keeney street, wid­ is not a cure, but on the contranl Ifsll ■ ahov/for Ozzle NeUon and Teddy Powell band; 10:30, Joe, E. By Hugh Fullertoa. Jr. (night) —Bonham (2-3) vs. Wolff Chicago ...... 16 2 I t was the second American raid nounced a suicide in a finding re­ political matters contfbiy to the Greene said that newly-arrived beef; It was aald, since consumers New York. June 15—I/Pi—An­ Walters haa hurled 114 innings X—Denotes night game. to 140 for Armstrong. described as "a multitude of ob­ Wve shown a noticeable tendency ow of Everette J. Keeney, was held it breeds dlscpntint, resentmei f I Harriet/-Hilliard has materialized, Brown, Stop'or Go. . . ■ MBS— 22 (3-4). Tally Another Marker tbs Japanese homeland. On turned by Dr. John D. Booth, med­ views arid necessities of the enemy troopa. Some brought up cient history lesson: Moved by the In which he has allowed runs ■ Philadelphia at Boston—Harris Six-roundera pair . feather­ The Hamilton's failed to let up stacles."- from points 200 miles away, were ’to bny up ateaka and * roasts as at' her home th is' afternoon. The and .ofttime*, hktred, and la apt i I to takh over the Sunday night 8:30,' Human Adventure; 9:80, and 74 hlt.«i, an average of leas ApiR 18, 1942, when American ical ej^qmlijer. south.” X do'mors harm than gopd.” Antonlnl concert; 10, boxing, A1 furore over Mel Harder’* 200th (5-3) va. Hugh.son (8-2). ~ Since Dunkirk, the Briti.sb Post weights Ham Wjlpby of Jamaica, In their run making In the next military fortunea were at their All dispatches stressed the diffi­ going directly Into battle—merqly fast as these •choice cuts have ap­ Rev. Philip M. Rose, pastor of the Itlm r now occupied by a guest than six hits and 1.65. runs per U 1.. an< Willie Roache of Wil­ , According* to Police Chief Wil­ cult fighting conditions faced by Buckingham Congregational ams series on CBS. Performing Davis \’8. Henry Armstrong. Major ticague victory this spring, Detroit at Cleveland—Trout (7- Office has dispatcheo 20,000,000 stanza, the fourth to tally another k>waat, the’ natioq was electrified liam J. Henry, Greenwood was ar­ to- check Allied moves. X- peared In markets. Ernie Lanigan looked over hir rec­ game. parcels to British prisoners of war mington, Delaware: UghtweigtiU Col. Gen. Leonid A. Govorov's Tha Slate OPA explained the church officiated. The bearers ^8 a husband su'd "wife team much In all three games chalked 5) va. Reynolds (5-5). marker on Wise’s triple and Art by word that Tokyo and other rested at 7 :60 p. m. Wednesday by "The Germans nowhere Iji this Friday programs; ords and found the near-misaes In­ (Only games scheduled). . in Europe. Fred Dawson of Chicago, and Ru­ PongTktr line single ever short.. Japanese cities had been attacked troops. In numerous places ' the sector have the Initiative,”, a Brit­ present scarcity of pork on recent­ were: Herbert and Raymond Bid- las they did so tong with Red Skel- against him aa loaaea, he pit(:hedh^3 dolph (Dusty) ■ Brbwn of I^Iadel Sergt. Austin F. Gould and Patrol­ Less Than 6 Miles Iton, they are expected to do bot%i N BC - 9 a. m.. Mirth and Mad cluded 198 victories by-BuIlet Joe Blanchard sparked the fourth, from the air. man Howard Brazee of the New Russians were employing special ish staff officer told Grqene. ly increased purchases for mili­ well, Elmer Thompaon, Clifford Wapping 24 innings in which the Reda fail­ phla; Welterweights Rudy Rich­ squads to cut through dense for­ Keeney, George Ruoff and Wilfred Ibein^y and songs. ness: 12 noon,--Words and Music Bush. 197 each by Larry French, and final run of the game in tha Haven railroad" police on charges “TTiey-'BUnply are reaptii^ to our tary use. Lamb Is arirlvlng in At Orth, Dazzy Vance and Rube ed to score a single run for him. ardson of Harlem and Ray Ro'velll ests and build highways. To Reach Coast; larger quantities this week, but is Lennon. The interment was in the 2:15 p. m., Today's Children. . . Every time they did manage to lynch Regained Bantam Title; sixth with one away, the husky of intoxication and indecent ex- n.oves and are continually being Harry J. Snow, son of Vx. CB,S—1!30, Bernardine Flynn; 5, Wadflell, 196 by B ab¥‘Adams and of West New York, N. J.; Georg? There were many indication.^ jabbed off balancq. ■ * mostly under top grade. No sub­ family lot in West cemetery. The Hie winning script in Jean score for him. he ceptured the (lorpedo) Reed of Los Angelea, serviceman doubled over the road po-sure; that Finnish re.slstance was stff- arrangements were in charge of Mr*. Harold Snow of /Buckla iHsrshold’s third annual award, Pun with Dunn;’ 6:15, Lyn Mur­ 195 by Adolfo Luque and Bob in rightfield' Germano- waa toten- ^Ten of Strikers .The man's body was discovered Nazis Attacking "The enemy la extremely sensi­ stantial Improvement In beef sup­ road, Wapplng, is lU at hia ohawkoy. . . .Ralph A. Reddick of game. Besides just missing a per­ sJBeserves Higher Rating Than and Tommy ColUns of Water- ening and that the Soviets had plies Is expected before late sum­ the Watkins Funeral Service. •The Mask of Buddha” by James ray music. . . . BLU—12:30, The fect game againat Boston, Walter.s tionally passed to get at Rolick. by Police Sergt. Favorina J. Mazzia tive to our actions on the left On Sunday, June YS, is |H. Boston, pewspaperman of CaiA- Homesteaders, replacement for Blancheaterf Ohio, who also finds bucy, Conn. and Patrolman Arnold Schulze as come up against the main Finnish bank of the Caen canal and ap­ mer. _ - ' interesting items in old baseball haa pitched three shiitmits. The- Pnapa third sacker forced Get Jobs Back defenses, but no indications that (Continued from Page One) date set by the,-church schi Ibridge, Mass., will be presented In Farm and Home Series; 1:45, A That of Lend-Lease Champion Blanchard at third, reaching first tney brought hi* breakfast into parently feels that our bridge­ board for the Children’s Day books, reports that Wilbert' Rob Came front Behind the Flnn.s had been able to stop Ih is’Dr. Christian drama on CBS Nation’s Monuments, bond fea­ The Reds had to corns, from be­ on a fielders, choice. Bill George him this moi"ning. head there threatens a line to Ice. The Wapplng Commi ture; 4:15, Don Norman show. . . . li toi caught for Baltimore In four Stamford, June 15— i/Pi —The the Red Army in any aector. in the Villers-Bocage area were About Town Inext Wednesday night . . . Sena- different leagues—The old Ameri­ hind to win yesterday’s game. Af­ By Billy Koohe Isles, at the time. Herman relin caught hold of one of Bycholakl’e turned back yesterday evening, whifib he may want to withdraw.” Church'achodi will begin at 9=80 Itor Alben "W. Barkley of Ken- MBS—10:30 a. m.. Shady Vailey management of the Davis Square Falling back towards ViiDuri, A supreme headquarter's com­ Infantry Day can Association (Major League) in ter the Pirates had gone ahead Famous Referee quijtocd the title to Johnny Buff, Local/Sport fast ones and drove out a single to Mattress Co., where 80 workers, the Finns chopped dqwn hwidreds headquarters said, and the, British m. as uattej, but the church serv Itiicky, Democratic majoritj' leader Folks; 2:15 p. m., Quaker City pita I [Notes munique last night said a tank An Important meeting of In­ will be a t 10:30 a. m. Instead 1890-91, Ned Hanlon’s National with a single tally in the 11th, Abnormally tall rfor...... his ^ 118 ho-tvever,. and Lynch stiffened left to tally Germano from eecoiid. walked off their jobs on June 14, of tall firs arcoss the highway and were still secure in their hold on struction for women who have volf lof the Senate, and Senator Harold Serenade: 4:30, Music for Remem­ The only scoring tiureat the PAa battle was continuing In the area -Being Noted i0:4fi"o’clock. League Orioles until .1900, John Steve Meaner tripled, Eddie, Miller pounds, pale to the point of ema­ the {orm(Sg sailor In 14 to re-scale took'back 10 of "them today and railroad line. Caumont, their other most advanc-. unteered to work on Bond Wagon* |h .. Burton of Ohio, Republican, are brance, McGrow’s American League team followed with a double to score were able to muster took place !• Admitted yesterday: Mrs, Aline from Caen to Tilly-Bur-9euUes, A t 10:30 a. m., Sunday. June the heights,' July 10, 1922. Chatter 'said the others would be returned ^ The Finns were using the for­ ed -point, 20 miles southwest of will be held tomorrow night'at 8 in 1901-02 and the Eastern League Mesner, and Wo(*dy Williams sin­ ciation,. brown-haired, blue-eyed Weight M ^ e Him Retire the laat half of the sixth. Keeney to their jobs as soon as Army, Foster,' 302 Main stre^tj." Clarence with the enemy counter-attacking Washington, June 15 — (/Pi ■ ^ Infant baptlsni service wiU [ ests ^ r ambushes, causing ex­ Caerv , ee,’ '‘‘constantly In a furloua attempt o’clock sharp at the American Le­ *held. Parents who wish to h'* Orioles in 1903. . . . But L. Earl gled In Miller with the winning Joe*S.ypch appeared an easy mark Lynch had to take a Turkish If llfe'^ln the 'service effects a beat out an lnflsJ)3i.,W.tv.®* Blanch­ Navy'and Marine contracts, lost Barber, 889 'Main street:' Judith treme caution on the- part of Seventeen German tanka, includ­ This is Infantry day, land even the gion Home, Leonard street / Moseley went him one better by run. to the dead-end kids in the. R"*c- bath to get down Iq 118 for Abe person like it did big Cy Blanchard ard’s glove. Haefa was safe on •, during the past two weeks, were Fenster, 17-D Garden Drive. to stem our advanoy. cavalry and the field artillery are their children baptized pleate _ Racing Notes Soviet troops anxious to save ing eight 60-ton Tigers, were "Wt- are holding firm and' vig­ in touch with the pastor I>ef( IWoods Victors pitching for Youngstown, 0 „ In The Boston Red .Sox a-on their Ing Forties of the west side of (joidsteln. March 2!. 1924. when wt Can expect to see bigger and fielders choice as an attempted reinstated. Admitted: Francis Lavinc, 64 every tank In the near wdldemeas knockei^ ofit in the fierce armored celebrating it. Hose * Ladder. Compsnyj^No. 4, thfee leagues In as many years — force play at second on Keeney Madison Sales, a partner in the Ganlner street; Margaret Plercy, orously searching out weak points Sunday. seventh and eighth straight by New York. Rueful experience soon | ^be title for the second better indivldunl player* in local of the Karelian isthmus. battlir^ yesterday, headquarters Plana for the nationwide tribute of the South Manchester fire de­ The $10,000 Sussex handicap Ohio and Pennsylvania, 1911; Cen­ capturing both gaines of a double taught them, however, that the! time. It waa time for him to re­ athletic fields after the present waa hot is time. Big Cy then.bora firm, said he had requested offi­ 92 Wells' street; David Barth, 40 In hia attacks,” the communique to the Infantry, “the queen of bat­ Gerard P. Richards, Mo. M. By 5-2 Score next Saturday at Delaware Pafk The Russians introduced heavy- -«aid. The other eight tanks were adfled. partment. 'Win drill, tomorrow, Ic. and Mrs. Richards of Oskla tral, 1912, and Inter-State,'1913. header from the Philadelphia, Ath. skinny kid from West 47th street tire, 'but he lK)xcd twp more world conflict 1* over. , down and fanned . Katkaveck, cials of the International Ladies' I Buckland street: Geraldine Sulli- bpmbers in efforts to blast through tles.” Included an Invitation from meeting; at their housb at 6:30. cpnilnuea to shape up aa a cork­ Garment Workers Union here to V, van, 101 Eldridge street: Jean Pa-nthers arnied with-75 mm. guns. American doughboys thrust road, left Wednesday night t letica 6-4 and 5-0. Francis (Red) wa.M no bargain in a fist fight. years,'^aml wa.a still able to lake Jacobs fouled' out to Rolick and the forests.' An Izve-sfla corres­ At'the western end of the line, the Cavalry school at'F o rt Riley, ing affair. A. C. Ernst’s Aletern Middle Agee Barrett won the opener In relief Personable Joe Lynch, chockful care . of himself when he hung Blanchard has been overseas for Dziadyk filed out to deep left to give him 24 hours’ notice in event Manfrcda, Glastonburj-; Donald pondent reported fliat sailors from further across the narrow neck of Kamsas, for an Infantry team f The Cfiiaminade club will have a PltUburg, N. H„ to attend t suffered a minor accident during of a return to work “in order to and Thomas Woods, 29 Pedrl the Americans’first moved forward the Cherbourg peninsula after graduation exercises of his brol ■Defeats Civil Air Patrol The two-game U. of Michigan- for his first Major League victory of character, was raised in an ’em up. many months in, ' the past two 'end the inninTfT the Baltic fleet had entered the n a nine-mile front to the Lea nearby .Camp Phillips for' a cele­ board meeting tomorrow, evening training and will be withdrawn, Western Michigan baseball series and Pinky-Woods hurled a six-hit Iri.sh neighborhood in which a boy Joe Lynch, now a landlord in years and was congratulated for Both teams went out in order in make work available.” ' s .street,; Lloyd Roberts, Wajjplng; campaign, . biif he did not specify throwing back a German counterr er, Earl B . Richards, who is grai] In Second Game in the but other prominent entrants con­ S. G. Jania, business agent of Carol Ann Hansen, 1.5. Forest Sablons-Baupte area, south of Ste. bration and a special demonatra- at eight o’clewk at the home of sting from High school. j this week-end recalls to tub- shutout In the nightcap. The dou­ had to light his way along from hia old neighborhood, a farmer his grand performance after last the seventh and last inning to end where. ' -' attack on Carentan, a key rail, tlon at' the field artillery replace­ Mrs. Elsie Gustafson, 31 Maple tinue to be named. Latest to aug­ thumper Homer Dunham the first the local union, declared that :35 street: William Kissman, 112 MOre Elgliee and only about seven highway and canal floodgate hub Following is the program < Softbsll-League. ble win moved them one game be­ the tlmb he got up In the morning and postmaster of New ' City, night's gam*. Big Cy waa decked one of the beat ball games a t tha employes, following receipt of a Highland street. miles from high ground overlook­ ment -center at F ort Brz^g, N C. stree t./ ment the bat of prospecUve start­ meeting between those schools in hind the league leading St. Louis until he went to b«d, N. L.. deal-rvrs a higher rating oOt in his blue Coast Guard uni­ Oval this year. six miles Inland. A Berlin broad­ At several camps, armored divi graduation exercises at WappL ers are Greentree stable’s famous 1915. . . . Two budding major War Labcfi* Board directive, re­ Discharged yesterday: Mrs. ing La Haye du Puits on the west cast aaid the Yankeet were, receiv­ grammar school: , j Browns. Rang;y.Joe Lynch—he stood five than that of a lend-lease cham- form, Ovlth a row of campaign rib­ Hamilton Projis sions hatte planned special Infan­ The V, F. W. dog roast and card The Manchester Softball LCagpie Victory, Havahdme stable's Eye league hurlers, George Slaler and bons, a tribute to bis perform­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ported back to work today and Florence Seelert;"'129 West Center coast road and rail line leading to^ ing reinforcements for a new for­ •Invocation—Rev. Edward',Pull Ling into action again laat night End Lsatag-8 ti«ak feet eight — had all the answers ^on. only 10 were given jobs, and claim­ street;’ ’Frances Neron, 355 Oak- Cherbourg. try programs; and the anti-air­ party-which was to have been held for Eye, and W. L. Ranch’s Paper­ Ernie Kob, pitched a 14-inning '/The New York 'Yanke.es ended a when he made hia first profes­ ances in the big league of the day. Germano, 2b 3 1 1 2 1 0 Ellington ward leap. ’ , Claas Welcome—Ann Moiilto at the Y. M. C. A. field. Aceto boy. A tjireaen f-th e field would Bcoreleaa Ue. . . Sister gave the ed It was a "lockout.” la-hd street:, William H. Felt, Wap- The Beriin' radio , commentator, craft 'training center, at Camp Saturday night at the home of Canada—Margaret Relchle. j aeven game losing streak, by whlp- sional start in a lO-ropnd no- Rolick. 3b . . . 4 2 1 2 0 0 Aasociated Press War Correa^ Davis, N. C„ win broadcast An In­ Mrs. -ITorence Streeter, 56. Stark­ pitched good ball for the All-Stara. appear" to number 10 or 12. - Proncoa one-hit. made by Jud Stop, Look apd Read—Two Ton 4 0 2 2 1 0 Sales, reporting the return of an ping; Robert Faron, East Hart­ . Mrs. NeUle Root Tuttle. 81. of Ludwig Sertorius, then reported . "0 ~ Canada!" Canadian SohF Manager Harold Oagood held his lng the Washington' Ssnatora 6-2 declal on match -wl th “ J ohnny E HI*; George, ss ; .. 1-2 P9»indent bori Whitehead said in a fantry program tonight. ‘ weather street, has ' heeii, ’ post Hyames, now Western's athletic Rudy Cormier, the popular' coach 4 6 .0 2 C f. 0 Army contract, said another group ford; Elwood Lechausae, 111 Birch Ellington avenue. Ellington, died that they had gained another 3 dispatch received last night that Ciasa of 1944. ace twlrler, Oleksak, on the bench ehlnd Walter Dubiel’a five hit 'Lynch took them on as they Del Conte. If of workers woulp be placed in the street: Baby Ronald Shute, Rock­ miles to the. ^:$st. reaching Pretot The most spectacular program poned until June 24. Such stars as Stir Up. By Jim- director, and made both of Michi gpitching. The victory hurdled thfe came, reigned In an era when of ■ the Rockville Hill ' Billies, Kinel. cf . . . , .3.0 21 0 0 Tuesday afternoon at the Rock­ the Americans bad won poBaession probably waa that scheduled for 0 ------Mexico—Ra>'mond Frink. ^dr next week’s contest with the gan’s aafe blowa off Kob. factory .tomorrow. ■' ville; Mrs. David West and daugh^ ville City hospital, after a long tU- which is less’ than alx miles from "Carmen, Carmela”—Class . mtny, Freezout, Who Goes There Yankees back into the first divi­ little men achieved their greatest phoned Jeff Koelsch that Krebs, rf ■ .... 3 0.0 0 0 0 of htgh.ground south of the town. New Orleans, where six blocks of i^apman Court, Order of Ama South Manchester Firemep. Love- he would be/-uriavallable for Sun­ ter. M rs. Antonio Scu.saell, Staf­ rie.ss. She was a mempift' of Bur­ La Haye du Puits itself. 1944. ' ^ |land carried the batting honors by and a half dozen othera probably sion m fourth place. ascendency. He competed In a Wise, lb’ .... ford Springs,' Hekyy fighting also waa said to Canal street were roped off • tot ranth, will mieet tomorrow eve- Pair|y‘'Modera Ths Detroit Tigers took both day’s clash with the West Side*. Pongratz. c .. pee 'Woman's Relief Corps and the Street Fighting In MontO^urg be developing west o t- Ponte Mexican, FolH Song. cting for three hits, a double will go to the post for the 18th IVhen Bobby DHU the Minneapo­ superlative field, boasts the most Discharged today: Ma^yanne The Americans also foughKtheir part of the 63rd division to stage ding In the Masonic Temple. A Central America—.Patricia Sti runninz of the ShevUn at. Aque­ ends of a twin bill'from the Cleve­ Impressive knockout iword com­ Rudy’s alibi wSs the removal of Blanchai'd, p Saiiders Is Held Rockville Methodist church. She L’Abbe. in the American sector be­ a sham battle, complete with flame “White Elephant" taje will take nd two sliigta*. The C. A, P. play- lis. MUlera* outfielder who plays big Beckwith. 12 Trotter itreet; .lames leaveA a'daughter, Mrs. Eula T. way back .'-into MontebourgX 14 • "The Lamplighter’’—Class ' nice bair -am! will prove good duct ^turday. The event, a mile land Indiana 5-0 and 11-3. Rufe piled by a bantam in - modern his tonafla this Saturday. Cormier. Tufferson, tif Phelps, 12 tTaurel atrect; Dav-id tween Caretikn and Montebourg. throwers, mock-up pill boxes, and place and a social time with re- league hockey^, on the side, waa In’ the opinion of the fai>s>' 1* •• Tryon ■ of Ellington. TTie funeral miles from’ Cherbourg and h^d-- 1944. - . competition in t|>e leaf^e. and a sixteenth te*t[ -for three- travelling with, an American Le­ Gentry/ who broke Into the majors times. He was s fins stsind up CriiiiiBallv Lialib* : Petke, 120 Cooper street. ~ ■ ■ qiiarters said street fighting ExpVesa, Satisfaetloa . other equipment. freshmenta In charge of Mr*. South America—Henry Pasqi. year-olds, carries a 810.000 added last year with a 1-0 victory over boxer who could knock th* other loud and likeable as they com*. Totaia ...... 32 4 10'21 .5 Births yesterday: Son to Sergt. -ivitl-'be'held, Friday at 2 o’clock at Allied' authorities expressed Laura Loomia and her committee. Following la the box-score: gion team a few yean ago, he the Ladd Fuheral Home with Rev. in progress. But the fighting'! iinl. ' j‘i purae. - / ' the Indiana, duplicated the shut­ fellow’s heed off with a right. .. AB. R. H. PO.A, nd Mrs. .lohir M, Connolly, 30 satisfaction with the over-all situa- L. T. Wood*a AU-8tar* strolled Into the dining car one Friday night’s Twilight League Pollab-.Vnserk* 45 Arnold Waring, pastor of the was fluid, and the Gern\ans in mid'^ •Buy My Tortillas”—Claas t AB R H PO A E niorning and saw ex-Presldent out to the opener, scattering alx l^nch got In more than 150 Bridgeport, Jiiiie 1,5. ( --^Fol­ \WUiams .street; daughter to Mr. tldh In France. > The local branch of the- British Mts; Hal Newnouaer -pron his engagements over an 11-year attraction pits the- WilUmantllr Keeney. 2b .... 2 0 1 3 3 lowing an Inquest at which , State Methodist church officiating. afternoon claimed Utey were again Parochial School 1944. good, lb .... 2 0 Q 7 1 1 Apache, who may be seen in the Herbert Hoover. . / . Dlil oqated ancr-Mrs. Earl Adamson, 64 School Burial will be ^ In the ' SUfford in posaeaalon of the town. "The enemy la doing all he can War Relief Society yesterday ChUean Folk Song. ninth gam* in ths night-cap, mors stretch, quit Wealthy and with all Flyers against the Plant J _Air- Green. If 2 0/ 0 1 0 Police Lieut. Harry T. Tucker was 8ti■eet^^ plug leaks whils ws are dally shipped 18 large cartons to New, ledge, aa...... , 4 0 1 2 2 .0 5 1-2 furlong Hermes handicap at himself, looked around and called 'Iv, -■ ______Springs cemetery.' ’ American troopa also were en­ Farewell Address—SherrlU Dveland, e . .4, 0 3 2 0 0 Aqueduct Satuijday, went seven cheerfuUy: T « , Herby." . . . than any other American hurler. his marbles, when It became In­ craft nine. Katkaveck, c .. 3 0 0 1 0 the only witness. Corpner Theo­ d< velopiilg pur bsachheafi and'At* Gr^iduating Class York, for re-ahlpment to EMgland. The League loading Browna creasingly difficult Xpr JMm to do Jacoba, If, rf .. .3 0 '() 0 0 dore B. Stelber today held. .Wil­ 'Uykea.Haa Dizzy Spell Mrs. Burton Rweet of Main gaged In heavy fighting in U)e Twelve of them contained, good, 11ns. - '• svey, af ...... 4 ' 0 1110 furlongs in 1:29 2-6 in a workout Hoover gasped, then replied: street and Mrs. Percy Lane of Pont L'Abbe are'a, four miles riorth taelringiking' him at svaiy opportunity. Presentation of Class Qlfl overwhelmed the Jimmy Dykes- 118 pounds. Ha wss ntreer knock­ The softball attractfon at the Dziadyk. 3b . . . liam B. Sanders. 17, of 36(^ Bain- botn\^to kill Germans.and to make uaed clothing and one carton waa Shi, Sb .... 3 1 1 4 2 1 yMterday while nis apeedy stable- Good morning son.” . . . ITistwas Springfield, tendered their niece. Of Pretot, and* along the iroad from The annual graduating, exercises Philip; Melnik, Sb, rg .. 3 1 I 0 0 0 mate, Boaauet, stepped five fur­ enough introduction for Bobby, leas (Chicago WMt* Sox 10-3. Nsl- ed ouL ■ North Etod will feature the Sui­ Hungerford. lb bridge ayeniie. Bronx.'N. Y , .rri.m criicago, Junf, 1,5—(flb'—Manager more\ro&m for ourselves.” It was filled wlth_new jhlldten'b clothing aon Potter hung up hia aevanth inally liable for the death of a -lim Dykes of thes^Chicago \yhite Miss Margaret Kelley, a miscel­ Montebourg tq Quineville on ths of St. James’s parochial school will Presentation of American rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 longs In 1:01 1-5. , 'V"^—- who barged right over and secured Member O f A EF Team cides opposing Hose Co,. No. 4 in Bycholski. p v laneous 'shower at Mrs. Sweets announced last night at the head* made by the women who sew for g;lon Medafs*.rLloyd Giant. victory of the season, sided by A1 a lekgue contest. May. ss % ...... former schoolmate whose body I Sox didn't show up 'at the Sox.-St. coast. , ' be held In SL James’s, church to­ the branch at the clubhbuse of the tU. of 3 0 0^,2 0 0 an autognpliu ’' Private Lynch wba a member of home .Tuesday evening. The quartete of Lieut Sir Bernard L Class Song—Class of 1944. | ligh. I f ..1 6 >. 0 0 0 ZariUa who banged out four hits, Becker, c f ...... was found May 31 in the five ruins Louiifgamc- last night hilt it-wasn’t The Americans- hammered out Montgoniery. Allied grbund com­ morrow evening at 7:30. There Brttish-Amerlcan club. During -the Count Fleet is.’scheduled to re­ the A BF team when he dropped was in honor of Miss Kelley’s ap­ gains both in the Pont L’Abbe area Will be 43 in the class. These ex-- Greetings—Merle B.’-Woodmi 1 1 1 1 1 Riskt Up To Date includhig a double and triple. k debataMe four-round decision ..Word received from Floren(», Haefs, r f ...... of 'a :cottage-at Lake Candlpwpod as some fans believed, because of mander. « laat month 34 cartoift-bf clothing Iceta P ..... 3 turn to action at Garden State/1 Tb*. .HaBonal League leaders, Danbury. an extension of his banishment proaching marriage' to Roy Mai and around Quineville,' which erclses’, will bring to an end the see. foKfc If .. 2. 1 1 1 “ 0 0 ' Vaughn Haaen, Rochester $0 Jimmy Wilde, Dec. 11, 1918. In South Carolina, reveals Joe Me- stromm of East • Longmeadnw. Seven German^ mine sweepers have been shipped out for war suf­ Presentation of Diploma^ egulUa, 2b . 2 1 1 1 0 0 park In the 850,000Trenton hanJl- rookie, hsid made only two hits In the St. Louis Cardinals, had to Evitt as the ace of the mound ToUU 25 0 3 21 10 5 The brief inquest was i.-ondiirt-j froni Tuesday's game fiy Umpire represents, the Allied - right flank, graduating c-.xerelaes in Manches­ ferers In Allied countries. cap, thp mile and a furlong fixture mufti again, he remained In Lon­ Cal IfiibbapU; ■—^ — The wedding will take place, 'the headquarters said. were intercepted’" off the coast of ter this year. AH schools will Charles G. Griffin. 17 times at bat when the Red come from behlpd twice to defeat don to. defeat Tommy Noble in 20 corps at the Florence "Air Base. Score by Innings: ed in the torofier’s private office France early yesterday by -two to be run'Aug. 26 aa the top a t­ In the county court hbiise, with The Vf-yeujr-otU raaiVager had latter part at the month.. The Anirrican advance waa on close tomorrow. •“Keep Our. Cwntry Free Totaia ..... 81 1$ 10 21 7 3 Wings went to play an exhibition the tail-end Chicago Cuba 10-9 and loae another controveralai The local youth’s last start teas ,a Hamilton ...... IW suffered severe dizzy spells Mon­ Pvt. Gayland R. Abrahamson of Allied destroyers^ which sank' The procession of the graduating Class of 1944. J X Batted for PaaeH to fourth traction of the 50-day meeting. at the SampsfHi, ,N. Y.. 'Naval Mort Cooper atarted but was verdict to Wilde, this time after ten-lnqlng thriller Mtalnst 'panw Polish-Auiericarta .. 000 000 0—0 only Lieutenant Ttuker, "com- a nine-mile front westward, from Don Cjameran has forwarded the iv Runs batted In, George E Kind inanding officer of the Ridgefield day arid yesterday apd his phyai^ tha Army paratroopers returned Carentan tba^saal-higlHPround con- three and seriously darngged the claas Is a colorful event each year- Are Given Surpri§e Benediction—Rev. H. Marsh tnUning center. . . . As be went to ksyoed In the second. Inning ah'd 16 rounds, FleWr Jom.waa oppoised on . the clan ordered him to bed pending Tuaqday to F ort .Beiiniag, Ga„ af­ others,. ] and they have alwaya . been largely, Budd. . • XX ^tted for Mugh In fourth nomination of Mrs. John Herts’* the plate the first time, a team­ Lynch is one of the few flghtsre moirnd ^ (Thuhby Dean, formerly 1, Pemgratz- 1; two-base' Wta- state police barracks, In attend- trolUqg. the last German roail* Rolick, Kinel, Blanchard: three- •noe.--...... a diagnosis.-He expbeted to fu:- ter, spending a. few days ^rlough leading to Cherbourg. German women snipers caught attended. v,,.4 •Thin aang was composed powerful four-year-old to racing mate remarkodt ^ o d dl|ght to hit who 'rsg(rined a world champion­ of th* Philadelphia -Athletica. harassing filled troops Jn Nor- > On Anniversary accretar; Charles McLennan. Yesterday’s Scores Dean won out when Toft Wright base hits. Wise: stolen baaaa. Tachnirially charged with man­ company the Sox to Cleveland to­ writh his-family here. ' . . Violent Reaction Expected ------...... 1 . Mrs. Harriet Forster, a local r< OtaU Air Fatrei the devil out of this soro-anhed ship. He struck hia Bwifteet stride night Mrs. Oliver H. Oool^ of Maple mapdy wUl bs.trsaled aib priloners dent.'* AB R H PO A simi-pro pitcher.” . . Raxeh >. A member and Mrs. Njrman a family blhle, aa ford Jamea Flareau, Raymc to Domingo, last year la meeting 6 Herman, a truly great fighter, Soeu St<^ Toward Sorisllsm Miss Barbara Lanz, Daughter of ivttich runa the laat remaining Madison, Juns 15.^—(F)---The pur­ PranclB Frink, Rita Ann Karve. 5flaU, 3b .... 1 0 0 0 0 leaguer's etyle I Just couldn’t keep Dotrcta , -11; aeveland 0. aesa ot tba Waat Bides in the fu- appointment of John R. 0*DqiUMU of the club, he has been In sendee a reminder of th* annivenaiy. with exceptional succega. A cro w E — dlspooed of Wilde M 17, and the Mr. and M n. John Lana of To- major north-aoutb highway on the chase of "Shorclands,” ths 38-«cre for nearly two y*ars. Ha w m Daniel M. fCohylanskl. Georga hxEuliert. Iff ... 1 f> O S 0 my eye on the ban.” he explslnea turo *WU taka a now teas* with­ .ighaad c8ach of wresthtM a t Tale Mr. and Mr*. Nyman have been ol 20,000 was in attendance last Laat BatuiMoy Proxy ' Shag New To(k S, Washington E f o llc n ^ July 25 turned . the Nav Turk. J«na_ was announced today by Ogden D« Washington, June 15.—(A>)—S mi- Btoka avenue, rendered a soprano' peninaula' atlU in German handa. estate of the lata William F< formerly employ^ by the RUi^ Lorsne, Philip Donald Melnik. An Sunday. , table* on-Lynch In a grueUng I E in foe next few day*- fioT George fD., Cte.) contended active vrorkers In the church for TotaU ...i. 30 ’ t *S 18 ? I Shaughtisaaysay of tha Intaniatlonai Nattonel Natleiml ebampte Miner, chairman, of t^^Straral> solo, with Miss Priadlla Dowdlng Tha advance placed tha Ameri­ Hoops, candy manufacturer, by. Chevrolet oompany. a period of 80 years. Mr. Mluis Moulton, Leslie H, Pare rovoMlar In Brodblyo. . . today that the Preaidenfa Fair as acepmpaniat, and W m Joan cana neariy half way acnaa the John Gunther, author and radio Henry Michael Paaquallnl, Ri X Batted ter BMnga la tba 4th. League 'fined Baltimore’s Bias B t Louis 10, Chicago f . Tbs coBactioa a^ laat n^lbt’ir paiw Hoekay Ctab ^ a Board of AtiileUe. Control. Jeanette ^ la^ wite _Obiiipany Q,‘ la at junsaient a member the XX for Cariaoa in the 6th JockMT Johnny QUbart haa boon MenaM 25 bodes for soma blight Boetan a t PMladMphla (poet- Soma ware critical enough to pieked alaviB i IQmpIoyn^t Practices commiaaton, Hyde, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. peninaula at Ita narrowest point. commentator, was anhqimcsd. to­ Second Battalion, Firat Marine mond: A. Paatula, Claire le t hint that Hannan hold manly left Twilight Laagua claab .waa tba O’Donnell. 84. succeeds hit brother, chief item of controversy In a bll- ” .. Boardof Triiatosa...... W* engaged tar ride,^Royal' Priboa 11 offense. Huit M|M Monaco aoek- beat ot fo* year. Buelntaa ta ptam- viM unit, ; ■“ Bd«u. who rasignsd to devote hit E. Foster Hyde of Romers road, Toward the tip of the Peninaula day by Abriham 9. Unnmah,' at- Corps, The machine' gun nWlI be The giiests brought with them Petersen. Margaret Mary Reid tba crown fo r^ safa-keeptag. lion-dollar war agencies appropria*. was valedictorian at the gradiiat- taand-tkhand fighting surged be- 8 Woodlots won’t produM fodd hia engagemknta. The bone la bo*|«d two homes and foe next dqy he J m Lyxek throw reeks wttb Ing iiB aa wMl aa tha caUbea of priaontnk


Held Wanted—Female 3.) they preferred their giFl friends to Office i^venue. They are making' h u l p ' e v e r y t h iNg their appearances again. We al­ DESIR^LE POSITION ayallabla FOR SALE—GENERAL Electric wear. WANTED, RIDERS TO and from Fo r s a l e —1939 Cadillac 4 door SEWING MAi.*HlNBS, vacuums, for a young lady, permanent. Ap­ - Classified The Marine, Boldier, a n d ,Coast ways have auggaated the best way sedan, radio and' heater, uphol­ irons, .toasters and all small elec- ply Sil^rV>, 881 Mafn atreet. Man- FOR SALE—SIDE WALL tent, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, Guardsman went into details. to halt toe nuisance Is to drop Qasnfied Hartfo:ra ‘ Inquire R. Hlghberg, 18x24, Capitol Grinding Co. ^ also set of goU clubs. Call aitcr Sense and Nonsense 116 Brookheld atreet stery" And motor perfect condi­ trlcai appliances. Genuine parts cheater. When It was the Sailor's turn be them In the nearest wastepaper tion, gdod tires, privately owned. used and expert workmanship. 4 p. m. ‘2-1443. Adverasements said It didn't make any difference basket. Parts for all makes. A. B. C F^xlt WANTED—\ HIGH SCHOOL girl Voice (on phone)—Hello! This A motor car that can trave. 100 what kind of clothes she wore qa Adver^ements Can be seen at Steve’s Service FOR SALE—KAYAK. Call 5646. FOR SALE—U Sro FURNITURE, - A Novd By KETTI FRINOS Man (summoned Into court for Automobiles for Sale 4 Station, 436 Oehter atreet Call Oo„ 21 Mapls street Phone to hell with houaework. ' OaU parlor, suite, mirror, table and For Sale For Rent s; ceding, to Judge)—I wasn’t go­ Is long distance. I have a call for miles on a gallon of gas is the lat­ long as' other boys turned and The Typographic*! Error 2-1675. 6567. VC \ Cevrrtoki; lase, k #mi OfairtSuMS. tee* kba serviee. le a ing forty .miles an hour, or thirty, you from Miami. est development. Now the inveft-. sighed when she passed, instead F o r S a l e For FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet two 3976. chalra,_ white gad stove, daybed, The typographical error Is s-slip­ FOR SALE—PAIR OF MEN’S or even twenty. Ben—Hello! Thla is Ben. Listen, tor would like to get in touch wlt}\ of whistling, -< door master deluxe, radio, heater, FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4 NEW CONVERTIBLB TOPS. Cel­ OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG pool table, camping optftt, baby To Buy To Sell Jack, I’m'stranded here and need a gallon of gas. pery thing and sly, ^ riding boots, six* 9. Inquire 561 or carriage, carpenter^-tools, mitre Judge—Steady now! If you’re You esn hunt till you are dizsy, T o B a y To Sell ^ p d tires, *295 down, trades ac­ door special delm^e sedan, radio,/ luloid replaced In curtaina, all woman or Hlg^ school graduate half the crowd got off not careful you’ll be backing Into $ 100. A worried parent called at the cepted-Open evenings. Brunner's, for general clerical work. Will 685 Parker atreet. box, pipe threader, tow rope, ex­ 60 that’s what you are when you ^ ck —Something must be but it somehow will get by., heater, good tires, down, kind! of leather work. Chaa. La ic­ evenly Beiul Junction »o Pinky get out there." somebody! Overheard on the 'Bus: store’s toy counter: OaklandI street « Call 5101. train. Good pay. Also have open­ tension ladder,^*hone 7480. wrong with the phone. TUI the forms, are off the presste 80 trades accepted. Open eVenings. ing. 90 Cambridge atreeL Tele­ I efl there, too. God met Pinky, < • * « Mildred—No. I'm not going to Mother—I want to exchange this Is strange how still It Brunner's, 80 Oakland street'Csll phone 4740. ing for aaleawomaii. Permanent had baaa killed to a foxhole. Ben—I want ^100. the midnight show. . . './I’ve got to unbreakable doll. FDR SALE—OHEVROLET 1940 postlona. : Apply Silbroa, 881 Boats and Accessories 46 Apartment*. Flats, Mr* 'Johnson laughed smugly. A Plaintiye Plea Jack — Something must be keeps; Lert and f oand I 6191. Machinery and.Tools 52 Emily, a war correspondent, "You aia behind the times. Not Utah. hurry home, shampoo and set my Clerk (examtiling the doll)—Is It shrinks down into t: corner snd • I two door master deluxe, heater, OVERHAUL AND REPAIRS on Main street. FOR SALE—13 FOOT flat-back ' Tenement* the train and / showe them (From the Park City, wrong with the connection. naturally curly hair. there something u.rong with good condition, .good tires, angels—messengers. The thought Record; weekly, classified adver- Operator—I can hear him OK. it never stirs or peeps. ro b D r a t io n in g washera, vacuums, motora. Irons, canoe with outboard motor to lit. FOR RENT—10 ROOM FLAT, tba towa a hit befoK tak- Woman—No, it isn't ^,*™ken. IM1 ^ mileage.I Call 2-0818 after 6 Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 f ^ , etc. loya and vehiclea, re­ „ ^ „ _ , , ... messengers '^at he sends to tiaing column): Jack—All right then, you give But baby haa brokeii-'everythlng That typographical error, too ^ h e r e along Main, Can be seen a t 50 Clinton street. FOR SALE—1-2 H. P. motor., CaU rooms up and 5 down, oil bum erj •hto* home. Ho npIM ns that | ^^rth. Except that he doesn’t do “Found—Lady’s purse left in • Its Visa Versa: • * -small for human eyes. ■ at 97 Lenox street P paired, painted. Pick up aervlce. Help Wanted—Hale 36 2-0961—236 School street. ry ram aad eraed to repio-1 .. him the $100. else in the hous^with it. FOR SALE—BjlCyCLE, ' balloon All work C. O. D. TeL 2-1439. all screened in, 3 car garage, near m ca'r while parked. Owner can You would be surprised If you Till the -ink Is on the paper, when FDR!DR Is a l e —1940 BUICK specW tires, In, good mechanical condi­ ELECTRICIAN WANTED, good F^R SALE -^14” BLAISDELL Main street. Call 2-0694. aiad and pototS'out too houses 1 < vvhv not^’’ have same by describing property could hear what the other fellow • • it grows to mduntiiii size, ____ K B L uaW 'S emblem 4 door deluxe sedan, radio, heater, Garden—Farm—Dairy Allah and De Land among oth-' and paying for this ad. If owner The man who paddles his ow,n on toe road Is cabling you. ’Just Mary.-'That girl frankly, ailinils The boss he stares with- horror, , B. engraved on back. Re- tion. Price $26.00. Can be seen ALL m a k e s OF RADIOS repair­ Job With future. Call Hartford lathe, motorized, good condition. "They ■ can't get through. All driven 11,000 miles, new car at'37 Waddell Road. 8- m i .' Products 50 FOR RBf^—4 ROOM furnlshe Em ily wonders about the the" le >n>oke amoke and can explain satisfactorily |to . my canoe and his own children hsi lit­ think what you perhaps have call­ sh^ is'looking for a husband. then he grabs his hair and d. OaU 4624. ed. Bring thein In. Pick up .and Phone 2-0262 or call at 311 Main tle trouble getting along with both .'-'Carrls— 80 am 1. . guarantee, terms and trade-ins _____ delivery on la r ^ floor modela. apartment, heated and hot waterj with toe swastika on the 1 everytoing. 1 declare, pdople are wife how purse got Into car. I will ed other drivers. Funny little ol$ groans; accepted. Open evenings. Brun­ S" MA^ w a n t e d TO WORK a half street. Call 7075. hot Ood tella her tt’a ooco- pay for ad myaelf.” of them. ' world, isn't It? Mary—I thought you had one? The copy-reader drops his head ____ _A BRACELET between Call 3636—Bpnson'a, 718 Main St. FOR SALE—BROAD Leaf tobac­ Carrie—So I have, and I spend Summit and Center, gold link* ner’s, 80 Oakland street CaU Business Benices Offered IS day Saturdays, cleaning up. New hy • - -by-night . _ Pfbple I neglected them. when upon his hands and moans— System Laundry, Harrison St. co plants. Call Rockville 586-3. f o r s a l e —g a r d e n tractor, 3 FOR RENT—37 Charter aren’t woito dorrylag. about, ^Neighbors are people who never most of my time looking for him. ■The remainder of the issue may be cpei' It** av tttitiQ • with cultured pearle. Call' 6334. 5191. 2 h. p., $175, electric milk street, first floor, 5 rooms, bat they’re- the ones who have diw Nothing much for automobiles The Cleveland ^esti' conducted ASHES AND R iJB B l^ removed. Private Instructiotts 28 avotors atoy at Heavenly Bend the whole thing lo do any more'except sit around notice until you do something you personal intervisws with one man clean at'dan be. Reward. . 1941 PLITMOUTH Deluxe sedan, WANTED—BOY for etock room. FOR SALE —LATE cabbage, chum, 6 gaUons, $25. Herbert N. Apply .qn premiaea or Hartfor until they stop longing would rather they wouldn’t notice. But that' typographical efror is "Suie. all the park benches ai-a T.i. 2-1688. W. Schulti^. ,. Celery, cauliflower, broccoli, brus- Bavier, 1085 East Middle Tura'- "Oh. 1 wouldn’t say that.” Em and get hardening of the arteries. from each branch of the armed The on?y good which can come busy now. Herschel-r-don'l you 1941 Dodge Deluxe sedan, 1939 CLEAR SPEECH—ELOCUTION. Must be 16 year* old. F. W. Wool- 3-6257. $40 per month. bo hack on Earth. Then they lly straightened, intensely Inter­ forces as to what kind of clothes out of chain letters is for Post the only thing you can see. Plymouth sedan, 1937 Ford sedan, WANTED — ELECTRIC iHtJng Chll^en’a drama claaa forming, worth, Manchester. sel sprouts, kohlrabi, tomatdes, plke, Manchester. Tel. 8291. . 1 oa to the Big Valley. know there's a war on’’’* Announcements peppers, lettuce,, aster, zinnias, ested. This was something she 1937 Ford Tudor, 1936 Ford and repairing. Phone 3976 b«f6rs.< 3 leeeona weekly, Mon., Tuea., knew about, "I did an article FUNNY BUSINESS FOR SALE — NIGHT Crawlera sedan, 1936 PonUac coach. Cole -3^ura., at eleven a. m. 12 leaeom, WANTED—MAN experienced In saliva at Odermann's, 504 Parker FOR SALE—FORD.SON tractor, Summer Homes for Rent 61 IX 7 p. m. garden work, needed one day a street. CaU 4928. 360 egg Jameaway electric in­ about it Just last fall. Why, sta­ RED RYDER Iron Penmannhip BY FRED UAKMAN ahlners, etc. Inquire 30 Franklin Motors, Telephone 4164. n^OO. The White Studio, 709 Main FOR RENT—4 ROOM OOTTAOB 1 Pinky teamed the full tistics, show that there's more steeet Rockville. Telephone 608 FLOOR SANDING a tr e ^ g*hone 2-1892. week. Call 6863. cubator, one Trumble electric of what the war bad done FDR SALE—1940 TWO DOOR FOR SALE—ZINNIAS and For­ brooder. Also 4 burner oil s^ve modern conveniences, at Oovent praying now than at any time In HOVJ'LL VIE 'IHATo \ Laying and Finishing Lake. Telephone 4095, Heavenly Bend Junction and. history. ’Religion’s Comeback,' deluxe sedan, radio, heater, $295 J. E Jensen get-me-not plants. 15c. dos. Call with oven. Cxll after 5 p. m. F. CHANGE RiDER » I afU r 6 p. m. 40 Kensington St. tteulafiy. the effect it had on I called It.” [ GIVE r\E down, trade accepted. Open eve­ Telephone Manchester 2-0811 Help W anted^Female 35 Help Wanted-i^ Fay, 256 Autumi. street governing group of City Fath- &RSND. ANO WHEN nings. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland St Male of Female 37 "Yes, 1 know,” Mrs. Johnson JOE.-* IRON.*! it H Eat* W ANTED-i^sib RIDING cultl- Wanted to fuent he had a iickness In his heart continued undisturtied-In fac^n V.S KiN FOR SALE Call 5191. ■ / HIGH SCHOOL O l^^w anted for oh no amottoL. of too usual Roofing 17 part or 'full time to kelp with WANTED MAN 1Y) HELP IN Household Goods 61 Vators,. hay carrying equipment FAMILY OF THltEE DESIRE Jojing It, "but the praying’* not 3 S .il' laundry, full time. Also girls or milk coolers, milking machines. solf-confldendck and toe old getting through. With toat lay­ LEoilL- LiisC housework. Telephone-ne- 6736. REPLACE YOUR WHOLE rent 4*5-6 room house. Will Inky determination "cpiild heal.' 5-Room House ROOFING A REP VIR of chim­ women to work on mahgle part Dublin Tractof-Company, antee care of property. Can su) er of misery that's al-ound the neys, valleys Oaablnga, and gut-' WAimSD-^RESPONSlBLE -glH' time. Apply Manchester Laundry, HOMfiIE WITHWIT NEW FURNITURE mantle. J1 that afternoon he sat in a earth now, nothiruf^ can get Four’ years old, with COMPLETE mcLUDma ply references. Write Bo* B, 'ITWl omer of the porch, silent.' apart. WANTED term. Dons expertly anc reason­ as nurse for girl 6 1-2 years old 72, Maple. Phone 8416. Herald. through. That’s W'hy he’s dis­ screened sunporch. Com­ ably by your locaU rooter. E V. during summer, np other duties. Three-piece Modem Bedroom, all bad atdted to be 'allowed .to banded the service for the dura­ pletely Insulated. ' Screens 7-Rooni Single with 4 bedrooms Coughlin. TeL 7707. 890 Wood­ Call 3374 from 10-12 a. m. HELI* WANTED —MALE OR steel ooU spring new 45 pound FOR SALE—POWER lawn rollet! ip aupper... .arud he was still on tion.” cptton Mattress, Bedroom Bench porch, in the twilight, when and storm windows. Flre-_ — 6-Room House with two or. land. female enumerators for City Di­ Call 3750 aftet 6 p. m. Farms and Land for "Oh, therS're plenty of messen­ WANTED—PART TIME sales­ rectory. Terilporary work for 3 or o i Chair. . boarders filed out, lingered a gers there, toe ones who got stuck place. Awninits and sarage.' more acres of land and chicken Sale J bile to chat and rock, then dran- Oil burner. Lot 80* 150*. lady for afternoons, experience 4 weeks. Salary guaranteed. Call Thr*e piece Living ’ Room ' lite. there.,--' Stranded. No contact x eoop. Repairing 23 preferred, not necessary. Davis before 9 or after 4. Inquire Price End T ^ le , ,Lamp, Coffee Table, Wanted—Yo Boy FOR SALE—8 AtfflES of off, their varioiw ways, 'to wito uphere anymore.' For Information: Bakery, 521 Main street. and Lee Co., Odd F eI)o^ Build Smoker, 9x12 Rug. . land, bar.n, large crops, at 'Man'4 entertainment for the eve /R n k y grroaned Inwardly. How Also other houses and farm ALL MAKES OF refrigerators Five piece-Kitchen Set, 32 piece SEWING BdAe-HINES. ^vacuum and washers repaired. Wringer W A N T E D — HOireEKEHa>ER, ing, 489 Main street, ' Chester Green. Price $2,600| 'dl.sappointlng it all was. On the TELEPHONE «214 property. . Dinner Set, Sifedlclne Cabinet, Pic­ cleaners, and any electrical ap­ Terms. In Bolton, > acres, higb ~Not quite all of them had left train, in the hack of hia mind, rolls. Call 3536. Benson's, 713 family of' adults, live. In or go ture, Linoleum Rug. pliances regardless of condition. Irs. Johnson, the one with the t-TeaemeSt House In vicinity of Main street. home. Apply Mre. James Ford, 94 Bring them In tor estimate. A. B. elevation, prlc^^ $250. 6 roc there had been one small oonoo- Situations Wanted— —$269^ house, all tinprovements, garagcl mltUng, who was an old-timer lation. “At least,” he had thought, Bool'S AND HER BUDDIES Everyone la Excited ^ BY EDGAR MAVTIN Hollister Street School. Spruce street or call 7340. After Down Payinent is made C. Fixit Co., 21 Maple street, Tel. I, and know-lt-all. stayed on . Fbmale 38 2-1575. price. $6,200. Terms, James Ren'l "no m atter What happens to me. $5 VJTEEKLY IS ALL YOU PAY. nle, 63 Hamlin street Tel. 7567. [ a while, because Btnily was I'll be In the right spot to put in WANTED — WOMAN or High YOUNG WOMAN desirea work for CCQA,NOO HtPiW W O ,D t9«- WANTED school girl, experienced in house Your bid furniture Is worth money. WANTED TO BUY—Sewing ma- ill sltUng on the s t^ s , and Mrs. a gtx>d word for Martha. I can JARVIS REALTY CO. Saddle Horses next tWO| weeks,’ office work or You can trade-in your present.fur­ ohnsOB recognised a good audl watch over her. And maybe, in VOO HtoJWG'T 9MD VM tvittavoKJt vuwb work, 9-12, 5 mornings a week, chine in good condition. Call 3244 ace. when she saW one. And Ada high wages. Call 2-0062. driving preferred. Call 8266. niture, and get a Uberal allowance Thursday from 7-9 p. m. Houm* for Sale a way. I’ll even be able to see and P u g WOQQS'eD M Alexander S t Manchester towards new furnishings. .onsion, the pretty young girl -Y lV GfX ‘WM M«» f TO BIJY EIGHT ROOM HOUSE! with topch the baby.” But now.... Phoneat 4112 or 7275 For Sole WANTED—WOMENrOMI and girls for A-LrB-E-R-T-S 1th the unfortunate brafce on her what could he hope for now? 'gACy Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 43 Allyn S t —Hartford electricity, bath, also one build^ was also there. Three females ^ USED CARS 19S2 bench work, itcac itcady work, good WANTEa>—GIRL’S OR BOY’S ing lot,' on bus line. Inquira (To Be Continued) pay. Tober Baseball < Co. bicycle. Call sifter 7 p. ra.. 2-14^.' _shlng it over,. Pinky wished des- THROUGH 1942 Ride and Drive, FOR SALE—RABBITS, all ages, FOR SALE—3 PIECE parlor set, Hartford Road. sratoly that they'd leave, too. be- and w a n t e d —WOMAN Helper for closing out. Stock cheap. F. A. odd davenports. Lawson love seat, WANTED TO BUY a hoy’s and st tusS earlier in the afternoon Let Spend Day With Son Any Make — Any Model — Rittatlg, Lake street. Tel. 2-1524. barrel chair, chairs with otto­ FOR SALE—5’ ROOM aingle, iKy Any Condition.. Price no Some Saddle and Bridle. full or parttime work, to.dook or girl’s used bicycle, must be in years old. Insulated, fire plac«| Inky had discovered on the clean or anything necewiary In a FOR SALE—HOUND, and Shep­ mans, glass what-not cabinet, good condition, Call 7379. iroh, an object of great Interest White Plains, N. Y.—(yFi- -Mrs. obji^ if car Is ctiMut home. Mrs. C. Elmore Watkins, dining room buffet, chairs and oU burner, all brass plumbli him. It was propped on the Marcelle M. Broeckx, a juror in a “It’s that man again who wants to prove he really Jiecds Inquire: herd cross pupa. Cajl after 5 p. m. tables, maple and walnut bed screen, a n ^ storm wjndo State Supreme court trial, told the a .set of tires!” FOR SALE 240 South Main street. ^ - 256 Autumn street througkbaV'^wlth screened anq ag, face earthward. A small CALL HARTFORD 8-1990 COVENTRY LAKE— 551 OR 685 PARKER ST. room suites, odd bureaus, chests Rooms Withont Board 56 ope. He had had only one court her soldier-son’s furlough WANTED—WOMAN for pressing of drawers and breakfast sets. A. glassed In porch, attached 1 had but one day to go And she AND ASK FOR JOE 5-Rdom Cottage with elec­ Manchester FOR SALE —SEVEN weeks old Lot 70x170. Call 3476. . __ a to look through It-—that work, steady work, good pay. -Ap­ p^greed cocker spaniel pup­ Chambers, open daily 8-5, Satur­ FOR RENT—ROOM FOR ONE or one chance when he was alone would like to spend It with him. SIDE GLANCES ^Y GALBRAH' tric-stove. Sheathed inside ply at once. Eolland Cleansers. day 8-12—open evenings 7:30-9, twoi continued hot water, on luting supper-time. But It had The Judge andiipposlng attorneys pies. Mrs. D. C. Lawton, Talcott- MANCHESTEJR — PR?l^WAl| fssjnfLSiaoaj witH knotty pine. Rooms all vllle. Telephone Manchester 3225 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Main street. CaU 6803. , home. Four rooms apd d in ett ■n him quite a while to adjust ounsented, Mrs. Broeckx and son . .ten minutes or so before he went to the beach—and the trial |A‘ . on one floor. CHOICE HOUSEHOW) Furniture FOR RENT— LARGE furnished Two unfinished roqnu upst went on with only 11 jurors. PRICE ...... $2,250 rooms with or without board, Au copper tubing. Shed dorms Kd finally found Martha. And WE PAY CASH FOR SALE—RABBITS, $2 each. for home or cottage. Be sure and In rear, dormers in front what he had seen had so ALLEY OOP What I* It? BY f . T. HAMLIN WANTED MALE HELP .Call 5340. Inspect our lisplay before buying heated, hot water, near bus line. FOR GOOD CaU 3227. lo t ,TTjU bopse can be seen _ bis sjres, that he’d lost Sea 5-Room Cott{aire,'3 down, elsewhere. Austin Chambers appointment Good buy for qulM of her again. He felt he was DETAIL fOn TODAY WERE MAV8E A HAIL f6$ H . TMATiEl Corp«nters and 2 up. Good locaocaticn. Hss MODERN FURNITURE Warehouse, Manchester Green. FOR RENT—ONE SINGLE room, sale. TeL Manchtoter 3429, “ aimer now. IS only they’d all wU a vY T D SO MIGHT HELP... VSH-.^ FUNNV - NO WANTED Open daily 8 to 5. Saturday 8 to I' THINK WE’RE GOOD WE BUY Live Stock—Vehicle* 42 one double room, at 8 Chestnut or 3802. BO he could look again. Chain* GADPffV. DOC, THERE IN THE ANSWER f electric lee box. \ ' For Full or Part Time 12. Evenings, Monday, Wednes • • • FIRST PLACE*' far EN0U6H IDEA?, : ENTIRE ESTATES FOR SALE— GUERNSEY cow, street Telephone 2-0759. WE WERE EURE Painters PRICE ...... $2,000 Work. day, Friday 7:30 to 9. Tel. 5187,. But Mrs. Johnson gave no indi- UUCICV TO GET Bu t WE’LL FROM TOWN If yoa are moving and have due to . freshen in week. CaU FOR RENT— ROOM, twin bedi Resort Property for Sale 7\ OUT OF JECOEALEM RNO OOP , TO RISK IT * Apply in Person. 8617. • FOR SALE— PRE-WAR living atlon of moving. "I tall you, SOON! Apply To the Foreman. 1 Acre Place, 6-room excess Items, call us. light housekeeping prlvUeges. oUy, you can’t imagine how At EAST ASWEPtW room'sofa. In excellent condition. Telephone 2-1561. FOR SALE-^hone BEAUITFUL ROOMS, kitchen I J) 2-FamiIy House, 5 rooms 8819. Opin eveiUngs. faculties, refrigeration, clothes “Now he hardly ever sits out E-igJ FOR SALE FOR SALE— 8 'YEAR old Western Unes etc. furtUshed. Privats i/a- ere. Up there In his room all the ar- on each side. AIL recently FOR SALE—BEDS, Bureaus, oil |me. And not only him, all ANYTHING . HOUSES TO RENT riding horse, brown and whUe trance, central Board arrangki Forewarned B t ' M E R R IL L B L 0 6 8 K B \ renovated. One side now COTTAGES spotted. Western saddle and heaters, two burner gas plate, If desired. Private suiibath. gar­ otoer people coming u^. I t ’s FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Located On Bus Line. chairs and tables. 243 Center WILL BUY ANY! 'By pleasant anymore. Every- Every Army vehicle is equipped vacant. At jCcventry Lake, Conn. bridle. Call 3441 or 6031 for ap­ den. ilall 3989. JONES BUYS - PRIC'E •. •. •.$5,500 pointment. 811 E* Middle Tpke. atreet. going around and muttering. with a lovely set of what the ^6osH. wcveOLLio } HEV/ DlONT M30 GUVS HB Agent On Premises \ GOOD I’m so young. . . .I never had my civilians call skid CHAINS. When That kid with the l We'o BetTER warn every household in ABOUT INS KID WITH Lake Front and Other BOTTLE OF explosives / TOWNj — WE'LL GO FROM HOUSE ~K> HOUSE , ' at FIFTEEN HOUSES 7 u iu c B B 1 to 6 P. M. Apartments, Flats, tice,.. .why, -why? Like that it gets extremely muddy, an ofll IS A HAZAteO/ 1HF OCCUPANTStoryi^ HIDEnibi'to WHERE , 'AND NOBODY IS ' WHCKB THAT BOTTLe r - EVERYTHING Prices Ranging From Poultry and Supplies - 43 Shiriwaister Tenements REAL ESTATE |>Idier who Just esnie up, the one eer, wh'o. tiappens to be riding u STUFFT Stuart J. Wasley tiose- wife—” .soma unfortunate vehicle which/is HOW COME ? fVERVfiOCm Vm ! We boy anythiBg and Realtor OAlv PARK $1,500 to $3,500. FOR SALE— YOUNG roasting TWO ROOM HEIATED apartintnt Fair Prices "She-b-b,” Ada interrupted having difflCulty nsvigstlng/the ove^ftlilng. Anttqnes — OM State Theater Bulldin chickens,' also 600 New Hamp­ $20.00 monthly. 10 Depot Square, 1;* glimpsing Pinky in the goo, will invariably order toe FanUta re — Batatea — Plumb- DEVELOPMENT Down Payments $500 to shire pullets. H. A. Frank, Wap- North Manchester. InqiUire Mrs. tier. driver to stop (in the mmdle of lag SappUee and Flxtorea . . . Telephone fi648 - 714 $700, pln,j. Call 7158. Irish, 2nd floor. ^ " yea..well." Mrs. Johnson some glue pot) and ^ u t to* aad tf yon’re going In the eerv- 257 Hiniard S^eet Wm. F. Johnson I Bitted mrioualy for a moment or CHAINS bn. Ia«spite-of tuental iee, goaea will boy yoar ear, fur- FOR RENT—4 ROOMS, $23.00— Builder — Real Estate then decided to tackle It. She resistance, the drlver/tlimbs 1 REALIY CO. you’ll get over It, probably, wheels, they siyik from Sight at . M»* sv St* m tiitt. me t. m »te. u «. wt. ow. Alkm A Hitchcock. Inc. SELL YOUR GOODS AT «er than you think. You’ll be least three or, tour times and the JONES FURNITURE FOR SALE 068 MAIN STREET ' AUCTION ...... before, you kno# 'it....a n d driver become* part of the scen­ ‘‘Most of the \var'%tuff you hear nowadays.'is idle gossip, S6-.38 Oak St. TeL 8254 . IVIeplione 8801 On your own premises. Furni­ Ba bies Summer Clothes B$y it’s very nice up at Big ery—MUD!/’'^ At times like these but d id 'l ever tell you what Joe Stalin really said to SINGLE HOUSE — Sevan BOLTON LAKE MANCHfeSTER ture, Live Stock, Complete Ee- ley.” men deexM they want to fly X RooaeveltT” rooma Bath. Hot air heat Nearly two miles of take - Oflice Honrs 8:80 to 5:80 - totee. Etc. Consult: i not going to Big 'Valley,” Frontage 1e offered -in Lots to About ^ acre of lahd. East except Sunday. O. Mi^GRATH, Auctioneer stated firmly. Struggling to WASH TUBBS Digging Out Rat* BY LESLIE I'URNEB ; Side. ' 'Two blocks from Main suit the needs of the buying Thursday Evenings 7-0. Phone 2-1580 or Write 1 his reeentteent of the ItNINERVlLLE POLKS BY FONTAINE FOX street Cash $1,000.- Full pnblle. Here yoa have some 89 WaddeU Road, Btoncbeeter Bmah. price $8.000,. * of the flneet Uke property In I Emily sensed his antagonism, ANY the. State, located flve (5) I to fill in toe breach.'“ I’d sure N e w © I T C M ------PLAN© ARE BEING MADE TP GET/ moutii WE miles East of Manchester, ON THE SINGLE '8-ROOM liOCfSE-r- to run out there, what it a u n t e p p i e o g in t o t h e l o c a l w o m a n s c l u b Near Center. Hot air heSt mostfy wooded, high nltitada— oka like anyway." H © WAvovia, Single car gamge. Cash $1,000. with many portioae having 3«ni can’t do that;” Mr* mnning whter, elec trie light Snaon. disillusioned her. "Onoe Full pHoe 200- ■' service, hard anrfaoe road*, TO BE SOLD and other Improvements. u’re thei’e, you’re there. Unless ...Sell t w o -f a m il y One block Five minutes from'the PoHce StaJUon, aa owuer-bullt two- ' he calls you back to/take north of Cast Center street Yon may* taild yoar_ house famUy, 12-ru6m dwelUng, Uving room, dining room^ kitchen with sage eomewhere." / . Hot adr heat. Fl\’e rooms to here either for Sanuher or ail ciabtnets and p an try -^ eluiihhers and bath on second floor hot gods, I knew It. Anflels! .. . Trade each apartment. Two-car ga­ ’round year-use. Lota may be water beat. Located about 500 fe ^ 'frons bga Hue. rage. Cash $1,500. "Pull pnrehaaed for Cash or oa Time A beauMfnl Single of 8 ropms, buUt Just before hulkllBg re* basis. price $8,000. strk:tioan were Imposed. Living roeto tS* x 20*, dining room, r ^ n j U G t Prices‘range from $2M to oeptlon hall with dbset and a gorgeeina Mtebeu. with aa evee- h a ® TWO-FAMILY — T w elve $1,000 aobording to location aapply of nice cabinets—open stairway with two ehambetu m rooms. Largo frontage, lo­ and Improvementa turalsbed. secood floor aad complete bathrooco. Hot. water heat with oil t h a t cated In business zone on Cen­ You will probably aever agala burner. There is a 1Ueplaoe,.a porch scieeas, storm windows ter street Good bay for fu­ have the opportunity to secure and awnJnge—insuiatloai copper water plptag—equipped for else- ture ' development. sueb'dealrable lake property a t trie or gas atovei. Shovtai appotaitaMat. such low pH*ba. JThat Have You to ^ Something for a home aad Inveetmeat a Two-FamllyDwell- MAJOR HOOPLi BUILDING LOTS in all Drive oalt and aea,fler your­ Ing of 8 rooms each, fl down. 2 np with bath. Heated. There to OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE lions of Toim; Improved and self. Bus aervloe passes a paiA garage space tor several eare. The lot to aboat 95 x 140 feet. Offer? ready for bnllding, from $100 of the property dally, or better NEH—NOW ALL THAfT'S ' np. These can be boaght on still, call j|| EBeanere, the centrally located. The fatcooM shqoM pay aboat 18% groea EGAD. LEANOER/ UM.'yiiHiui You'Re SAV.THiS NECESSARY IS THAT OieSiNG t'LL STEP IS SWELL ‘V Easy terms If desired. home of: . ■ r' the price asked.v' -■'I'J- - . . 'O U t a k e u p kAEtPi*' ' 6 CA0 6 OF TOPeOiL ALEXANDER P. S. Well lo c a ^ b o ilteg loto aboald be a good taveetoMBt CINE AST I'LL TAKE — FIVE OR INTO 30‘e’6LUMCHTO DiRT, UNCLE now for future butMtog. Wa hava immm fer eale easy tofme, too, \ ■ ... UP LAW--TO KEEP LOADS SHOULD SPEAK, TD HIM ABOUT BULGhV, JARVIS hDWARD J. HOLL , MIKA ALIVE AN' OUT FILL.JHAT H0 L6 THE IfeRta AhltJ'V&RSARV, Nice a n d Ro b e r t J. By Mrs. Anne Oabot ■a • ' ' OF JAIL TILL IN FR IE N D - OF TWE 6 ATTJ.E OF LOOSE, , Real Estate and Mortgages REALTOR SMITH, me Ooot and pretty and easy to. flntohlng f Instructions fpr t THEAi. VARO bu n k er HILI- \NHlC«... TDf5'-*~^ 26 Alexander Street • SOLE .SELUNO AGENT' launder—thoM ar« the - require-1■ Kour-Pim- Summer Set CPsttw OCCURS SATUROAV/ rr wRAOES- PHONE I4M TELEPHONE 811$ OB 6871 — MANCHESTEB 9fl$MAIN STREET mente for qolOsununer clothes for; No.. 5720) alzee^fl months, X aad” OPBAftV.AMO Phone 4H2 or 7275 -Th«i sort of summer clasrie the very little.; pnes! This attrao- years included, send 15 ceate t lUSRB'S NO krhlch to a Joy in town and coun- -five set of dress, easily made Blip, I coin, plus 1 cent postage, yoq V06EOS. , tiy-Mtov« two or three of them in panUee aad a cute sun suit can be | name, address and tlto_ potter .ec t h b r / j ...... r\THiNK YOU tel chsmbray! -.. I« TAKEN! I CANT*06) COULD* Psttem No. 882S.ls in sisto 84, (NELL. MR.FINN,) OH. NO» VOU'RE J , SLYER? r CONDUCTOR Sfl, 88. 49, 42, 44, 48 and 48. Slxe WE'VE SURE 'SSTAVIN* RIGHT HEREM WILL FIX ME UP} A-THIN6 FOR VOU! y — BO T M, short sleeves, requires 4 1-8 ENJOVEO TALKIN'jTHlS DR AWIN’ ROOM' O O N T L E T yards of 39-inch matmlaL To Pattern Subserfbers ] ^fTH YOO^ A ^CONIbAODATEJ THOSE KIDS For this attractive pattern, mad vtssim BUT w e d BETTER)t h REE-ANO IT'S, KNOW! IS cent#, plus 1 cent for pootege. Pacauaa of tba, tramaadous amount c$ mall Samg naMUc-u ay 60 BACK.NOW! X RAID FOR! In coins, with your nsms, addfaoa, tka poatal ayatem theae daya, and tba abo:rtogs a t labor, we aSb VICTOW pattern pqmber and tin to TIm that you ba pattont if your pattoni taat dfUvSrad aa promptly kandtaater Herald, ’Today's Pat> aa ta tba past , Tbs ssasoa of bsaSy pattora ordsra ia qom unoet Whan m tern Service; 1 1 5 0 Sixth avehii^ eray and will oonUnue tbirougb Easter Tbere are bouno u or buiitiiiff aiiki koicRHIai Bds, it’s one GAUBEN New T ork 19, N. Y. some delay* Patterns are ipaiied tbiitl-etoai aad ani frequeiuty ' our n«w Msrtoe AUlgatOT tank*, The smart new issue of the mid­ datoyaO bacauaa of postal oongaotkat : 8 s sata to n to to ftoewaMK a on* is rutaniag to tba b e s^ K summer style book — Fashion — bar af ii* pattara yoa ardtr. If you bavaat atoatoed tba paUera ■r dattvnte a a n ^ t® *ha has 82 ilhges of ooN-IooUng. crisp la a rsasooabto length of tliaa, pleasa advtoe as the amabei aad^ new sportweSr and Summer day siM ordered end we will check yodr order. JMwiUAfiSl frocks spd scc^ories. Order your au aver bef<^- ^>wtirai4, Itit. Th e RUNNINiO MATES copy now. Frios IS cents. rM osurjt J?.«j*9.*:<»‘»*!!* . 4*^
