An Integrated Approach of Sensing Tobacco-Oriented Activities In
IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL. 10, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2016 1193 An Integrated Approach of Sensing Tobacco-Oriented Activities in Online Participatory Media Yunji Liang, Xingshe Zhou, Daniel Dajun Zeng, Senior Member, IEEE, Bin Guo, Member, IEEE, Xiaolong Zheng, Member, IEEE, and Zhiwen Yu, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—With the embracing of mobile Internet of Things, I. INTRODUCTION participatory media is becoming a new battlefield for tobacco wars. However, how to automatically collect and analyze the ITH the development of Internet of Things (IoT), vari- large-scale user-generated data that are relevant to tobacco in W ous objects are being connected and a huge amount of participatory media is still unexplored. In this paper, we pro- data are generated each day, including the sensing data from pose an integrated approach of sensing collective activities in embedded sensors and the user-generated data in online partic- tobacco-related participatory media. Meanwhile, we compare the temporal patterns, topological patterns, and collective emotion ipatory media such as social networking sites and discussion patterns among protobacco, antitobacco, and quit-tobacco groups. forums. All these human-centered or human-contributed data Based on the proposed framework, a prototype was implemented can reflect the digital footprints/activities of citizens and are to collect large-scale tobacco-related data sets from Facebook. opening a new paradigm of intelligent IoT. Various studies have This demonstrates that the proposed framework is feasible and been done on extracting urban and social intelligence from the reasonable. Our preliminary findings reveal that, first, tobacco- related content grows exponentially. In particular, the growth of collected data from participatory media, such as social relation- the protobacco group follows the exponential law, whereas there ship mining, social recommendation, location recommendation, is linear growth for the tobacco control group.
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