THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, If Mexico BUSINESS CARDS. FURNITURE. EDUCATIONAL. New be admitted to the Union Our New York Letter. THE ’PRESS. the question. Nobody ventures to enter the Published the the number of states every day (Sundays excepted) by w'll be increased to an lists as opponent of the Senator, because PORTLAND E- thirty-nine. The territory embraces an area is PUBLISHING CO.f TI. RIPLEY, HALLO WELL TUESDAY MORSINU, MARCH 14, ’76 there scarcely a district in one of the The (Juiou League Club-President any Nexton of 121,201 square miles. It is divided iuto in At 109 Exchange St., Portland. Second Parish Church* Classical and fifty-nine counties which there are enough Scientific Academy. We do not read letters and communi- thirteen and has a Mftkiag-A Grindstone for a Political Terms: Dollars a Year in advance. To a'jonymouH counties, population of Republicans against him to make a Eight TJ ndertals.er. cations. The respectable mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- nam< and address of the writer are in of less than one Axe.-A Hove Against Mr. Con Spring T*rm ol Thirteen Weeks 91,874, inhabitant to a kilns ••scattering” vote. All this is perfectly well un- vance. respectfully inform the citizens of Port- OF all cases tndispcnsaole, not necessarily tor publication Opens march 29th. square mile. The capital is Santa a -The Voice of .Tew f ork.-*To Repub- derstood by Messrs Barnett and Wilson But WOULDland that he is prepared to luruish Coffins, but as a guaranty tf good faith. Fe, by PRESS Caskets and Grave-Clothes, of all styles, at town of inhabitants. In view of lican Who is an of the Adminis- way of a diversion which in some THE MAINE STATE Has a Seminary Course for Ladies. For We cannot undeitako or reserve commu- 4,765 the Enemy creating may the shortest possible notice. connected superior to roturn Everything circulars address REV. A. W. BURR, Princ’l. tration break the force of that solid Morning it a with the or will nications that are not used. character and smallness of the can be Elected President. degree Repablican Is published everv Thursday $2.50 management of funerals, day night, Hallo well, Me. leb26eod3wSM&W population year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. receive prompt attention. Residence No. 219 Federal, the to raise the to the sentiment of tbe Empire State, which insists corner of St. feblOdGm proposition territory Temple that Roscoe Conklutg is in of Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, the Eaton School rank of a slate is open to grave objections. point ability, Family For Boys, Every regular attache of the Press is New March 187G. length of column, constitutes a “square.” 3Dr. n. T. furnished Yokk, 11, integrity, experience and capacity for affairs Wilde, —AT— with a Tbe $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week Card certificate countersigned T. Uuion League Club coutaius niue huo- The Natural Magnetic Physician* 1 UiUMlV ERE by Stanley Banting is outdone. Some one has dis- without a superior in the country, and is emi- after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing NORRIDCEWOCK. TOAINE. Editor. All dred and He shall hands on them shall be healed. Pnllent railway, steamboat and hotel twenty-nine resident of every' other day after first week, 50 cents. lay and they covered that sea-weed is a cure for members, nently fit for the presidential they pre- -A-T Term will commence March ujalr -fan will confer a favor us obesity, seve office,— Half square, three insertions, or 75 one Rooms 11 and 12 Fluent Block SprinK 'JJjh. upon by demanding whom n-eighths at least are less, cents; and now we nominally Re- vail upon their friends iu the caucus to intro- week, $1.00: 50 cents week nov8 dtf For Circulars and Portland references credetu 6f to our may expect fat people to take to per after. address every person claiming represent publicans. Two-thirds of them Special one augliMf H. F. take the duce the which constitutes tbe Notices, third additional. EATON, Principal. journal. ■■_ blanc mange. Dr. Griffith of Delaware as- following, pith Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction trouble to vote at ordinary state and serts that the weed municipal and marrow of tbe entire pronunciamento: Sales,” $2.00 per three insertions JOH® C. has the effect to reduce a square per week; COSSB, DEANE Edw O. elections. When Governor is to be chosen or less, $1.50. BROS., Farnsworth, New Hampshire. the That the purpose which has been openly adipose tissue with remarkable rapidity, of them incur the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Teaclicr of & The contest in New three-quarters fatigue of avowed and threatened to be put in practical Press” COUNSELLOR -AT-LAW, Pianoforte,Organ Harmony, Hampshire, which and without (which has a large circulation in every part interference with health. Per- registration and attendance at the and in operation, of sending to the national conven- of the tor ]Vo. 55 St. RESIDENCE 337 SPRING ST. to a close polls, State) $1.00 per square tor first insertion, Exchange to-day, excites a tion at Cincinnati a from tbe state 311-2 Cor. of Milk. mart copies deeper haps the famous Russian at Old a Presidential canvass all of them delegation and 50 cents tier square for each subsequent insertion. Exchange St. d3m» Orchard, nearly nerve of interest than any battle in that state New Yurk made up at a state convention Address all communications to Our slock must be sold in political who lives on sea-weed the summer themselves to the of the STANTON thirty during performance quadren- and pledged or committed beforehand to the PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. BLOCK, for years. It is more than a affair days to make room lor new goods something months, has this theory iu mind. nial duty. support of particular candidates, is a grosa POETLAND, MIC. ot and Its issue is violation of the first aud will be a outposts, regarded, whether They are a well principles of republican ja29 jald3m sold at great sacri- The thoroughly houest, upright, or admission made by Senator Thurman institutions, and an outrage upon the rights ENTERTAINMENTS. VEGETINE justly not, as significant of the result of meaning body of men. They have no forbear- fice. and wishes of the great ol the iu the Democratic caucus was majority party. the presidential campaign of 1876. In no Saturday night ance towards wrongdoing of any sort. They We insist that the representation of the state J. H. a PORTLAND Walnut Chamber Suits at half the one. lie said that the of ut New York in that com- MUSEUM, FOGG, price. Purifies Blood, Renovates and Invig- state in the Union are parties so evenly significant report have been successful in life by honorable prac- convention shall be Cor. of aud Streets. the of mitted to a delegation wholly unpacked and Congress Exchange Parlor Suits at half in no state can majority the caucus committee tices, aod are exemplars of COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, price. orates the Whole System. divided, trivial circumstances yielded worthy integrity unpledged, who shall be untrammeled and free I. T. W¥ER & CO., Proprietors. to the advocates of soft and fair are and well to- to Has removed to Marble Top Tables ■ at half price. so easily incline the scales. If the Republi- money ninety-nine dealing. They thrifty choose from among all the candidates who Iu IHedieal are out of a hundred and do and themselves on may be before the couvention, and un- Properties cans succeed, as there is reason to be- paints, saved to the pride especially holding brought March and Sofas at half good less this can be conceded to us we refuse to be Monday, 13th, 42 1-2 , Lounges price. hard men themselves aloof from and Exchange lieve the will be more money only one point, that of the politics politicians. bound The they will, triumph than by its action. Popular Artist, Chairs and Tables • at half price. declaration that Their knowledge of public men atd PORTLAND, MAINE. ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLV- an ordinary one and will indicate that the simple the Democratic party public If Messrs. Burnett and Wilson had been janl3 d&wtf is in favor of affairs is derived almost wholly from the news- Hat Trees, Sharing Stands, ENT of the are with specie payment at some future adroit politicians would not have allowed AND DIURETIC. people country them,—for is they Min SOPHIE time. That is the papers. It not to bo wondered at therefore CHAS. W. DAVIS. GEO. M. CLARK « situation this MILES, &c., at ialf price. they succeed against enormous odds. They exactly. resolve to be so overdone. The talk about the Talented that it is a good deal muddled, for they are Supported by Young Actor, is made have to work in face of a thousand “a gross violation of the first of re- Vegetine exclusively from the juices of rumors of Rev. M. C. of the inveterate readers of those principles DAVIS & selected roots and Julian, pastor Unita- equivocal sources of CLARK, carefully narks, herbs, and so fraud and in official to pablican institutions” and “an outrage upon the Don’t Fail to this strongly concentrated that it will effectually eradi- corruption position rian Congregational church of New Bed- information. They peruse the fabrication of Improve Opportunity. and wishes of a F. Wheelock, cate from the system taint of the downfall of rights great majority of the Joseph every Mcorraiia, which Belknap inclines peo- ford, created of a sensation yesterdav and the contradiction of to-day with Scrofulous Ilnmor, Tumor*, Cancer, Can- something Sun- is not but it is Insurance Brokers l to lend credulous cars. party,” only very offensive, very DEAi\E haTC to in an and Monday and March 13th nod cerous Humor, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, ple They day by declaring address to a reform equal credulity interest. Both furnish uuuaDuoio.i TueNday, BROS., rp|,« rights and wishes of a Syphilitic almeases, Canker, faintness at themes of which are tamed great 14lh, nod WedncHriny Matinee, meet the cry, clamorous and ciub that he was not iu gossip to good LIFE AND the Stomach, and all diseases that arise from im- unreasonable, sympathy with the majority of the cannot be and FIRE, ACCIDENT, NO. 55 EXCHANGE STREET. account in the party ignored, pure blood. and Chon- that the malfeasance of a officer is a spicing evening conversation Office Fluent Block* (Room No. 14) Sciatica,Inflammatory public temperance movemeut he believed in that is tbe reason tbe will be Tli© W"ife 2 febl6 dtf ■c Rheumatism Clout and though why delegation a Neuralgia, crime shared in tbe which takes place among the groups assem- Spinal Complaints, can be by political party which temperance. He a le- unit. If the gentlemen who passed this Corner Congress & Exchange Sts., only effectually thought rum-selling bled iu the Wednesday and Thursday, 15th and I6tb, cured through the bloOd. he have to contend reading room aud picture gallery. OFFICIAL. represents. They against gitimate business, was opposed to either li- resolution are Republicans they have precisely PORTLAND, ME. For Ulcers aud Eruptive Diseases of the The men ol Athens, of whom mention is made GREEN BUSHES I the dissatisfaction which always obtains with cense or the same rights and immunities as other mem- Shin, Pustules, Pimples, Blotches. Roils, prohibitory legislation and could not in the 21st verse of the XVII We are also to receive orders for the In the Court of Commiwioners of Ala- chapter of Acts, prepared copy Tetter, Scaldhead and Rio gw arm, Vege- a party which has enjoyed a lease of advocate total bers of the party, and it is very easy for them of Bonds and all kinds ol bama Claims. long abstinence. were not more intent Friday and Saturday, ITth and ISth, aud ing Specifications, Deeds, tine has never failed to effect a permanent cure “either to hear or to tell to Papers, which will be done in a prompt and satisfac- power. have to encounter an try conclusions in respect to ths choice of Saturday Matinee, For Pains in the Back, Kidney Com- They enemy some new thing” than these well dressed and tory manner. Washington, D. C.,) One of the gushing the {organization in the matter of the March plaints, Dropsy Female Weakness, Leu- bold, unscrupulous, apt in fraud, eagerly Washington correspon- well presi- Secret! Cards a 7,1876. f conditioned gentlemen when they have Lady Audley’s Writing Visiting Specialty. of and their corrhoea, arising from internal ulceration, and dents in over Mrs. writes dency. Bnt the truth are And the of Faiut" Heart Never Won dtf attention Claimants Attorneys availing itself of all the weapons of moralizing Belknap is, they perfectly Comedy jan26 is the Act of and uterine diseases and Oeneral Debility,Vegetine misrepre- sauntered into their Club afler a luxurious Fair THE called to following Congress, “It never seemed to me that the soul of well aware that as an to its Eady. acts the causes of these a v that army cliDgs gen- Special Rule of this Court. directly upon complaints. DuuiiMbivu au s.uiuiuii dinner, on terms with tho Uadie*’ Matiuee and Satur- It and the whole acts extremely good eral so a adheres to overy Wednesday G. 4. CLARK, 111. I>. JOHN DAVIS, Clerk. invigorates strengthens system, proud lady had any message for my soul.” party its trusted leader and day at 2 p. m. upon the secretive organs, allays cures The Democracy realize that defeat to them world in general and themselves in inflammation, particular. chief—that our Senator has tbe coofi- Box office from 9 a. m„ to 9 m. 6e2dtf ulceration and regulates the bowels. Probably the same idea occured to Mrs. Bel- supreme open p. 74 FREE STREET AN ACT to extend the time for claimants, under sec- in New Hampshire to-day is well-nigh equiv' But ot course a society of this descriDtioo is tion eleven of chapter four hundred and fifty-nine n_« m<_ knap some time and that is what’s the m/'N Opposite head of Brown St. alent to destruction of their of since, singularly liable “to be and there of the laws of the Fortv-third Congress, to prove live ness, Palpitation o the Heart, Head- hopes carrying put upon,” file, and not mean to bis Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. matter with the they only present their claims. ache, Piles, Nervousness and (General the in November are correspondent. are occasional instances in which it is uncon- at 8 fel4eodtf country and they strain- name to the Cincinnati to and Prostration of the Herrons no convention, but ad- Be it enacted by the Senate House of Repre- Nystem, set to a medicine Las ever such nerve and sciously turniug grindstone for the pur- SOCIAL sentatives of the of America in Con- given perfect satifaction as ing every drawing upon every re- Three years ago Mr. Randall was here to him heartily and nnitedly, until it is RAYMOND’S ASSEUIILV, €. P. BABCOCK. the Vegetine. It purifies the cleanses all arguing of gress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the blood, source to avert the pose sharpening somebody’s axe, which is — — threatened disaster. In that some other standard-bearer AT Court of for the Alabama Claims to other organs, and possesses a controlling power over that he could not live on a proved clearly Commissioners decently salary kept neatly concealed while the is in MODEL MAKER & and all claims that the nervous system. of the State fair operation will better concentrate the JOBBER, receive, examine, pass upon may despair carrying by means less than $7,500. As he now a sal- forces of tbe Re- be admissible under the of four cures proposes progress. A case of the kind oornrred last LANCASTER HALL, MANUFACTURER OF provisions chapter The remarkable effected by Vegetine have have resorted to publican Tbe effect hundred and the the they the grossest frauds and 40 cent, less it is phalanx. only possible of — — fifty-nine of laws of Forty-third induced and whom we ary per either that ON Watch auil Chronometer Markers* Tools, many physicians apothecaries evident, Thursday evening which is amusing enough to which be and flied within know to and use it in own to overcome the this ill-timed and ill-natured murmur will be and Philo- Congress may presented prescribe their families. hope honest majority against he was in or that he Mathematical, Optical three months alter this act shall take effect: Pro- lying 1873, proposes to deserve belog chronicled. March Instruments, School In fact, Vegetine is the best remedy dis- them adroit use of the to intensify the purpose of tbe state conven* Wednesday evening, 15, ’76, sophical That it shall the claimant’s yet by shameful arts of now. some vided, appear by peti- covered for the above diseases, and is the relia live indecently For weeks past a movement has been in Apparatus. Arc., and be to the satisfaction of the only tion to prevent man from the connection with his tion, proved Court, bleBt^OOH PIJBIFIEK before Tammany in the cities which control. any getting upon reason of his absence from the United yet placed they on foot for pushing forward the of Second Term of his daws. 5fi Market Printers that, by States, the candidacy national delegation who is not reli- Dancing Street, Exchange, or his of the time limited for the a public. Whether will Bucceed in the thoroughly ignorance filing ot they defeating Rebel Prisons. Mr. Bristow. The New York agency for this Gents’ Tickets, 75 cents. Ladies free. such or reason of ac- Are not the many testimonials given for the differ- able in his of Senator Jul PORTLAND, R1K. dl, petition by claimant, by fraud, will of the heretofore branch of tbe advocacy Conkllng. mal4 d2t* or ent to reasonable people by expedients After an business of was cident, mistake, the claim of such claimant has complaints satisfactory any person early breakfast the white man President-making That is the will of the party and it must be B5P~Advertiser copy. not been to said Court within suffering from any disease mentioned above, that almost in to H. previously presented unknown New England remains to went away from the hut where be had assigned L. Burnett, formerly of Cincin- tbe time limited by said act; and such claim, in cases they can be cured? Read the different testimonials spent obeyed. JOHN P. now a CRAM, where the claimant shall be absent from and no one can doubt. In of these cases be seen. Dub victory gained by such means the and our was nati, but law partner of the United given, many night, fugitive taken into it Judge Emott, I don’t imagine that one in five of the men States at tbe time of the be the persons say that their pain and suffering cannot of this and Marblized Slate Mantles. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, presenting petition, may will be of no moral effect. from the out and his two comrades were city, to Geo. Jas. H. Wilson, a who voted for these resolutions presented and verified in such manner as the Court be expressed, as in case of Scorfula, where, appar- house, had any concep- the whole was one mass of Three weeks it is the in from the brother of Bluford Wilson, the solicitor of tbe shall by rule have provided. ently, body corruption. ago, conceded, state brought open fields and made com- tion of their origin or covert purpose. They 119 1-2 March If Vegetine will relieve pain, cleanse, purify and Mr. Exchange Street, Approved, 6,1876. was in the bands of the fortable and welcome the “son Treasury. Burnett was one of the origina- cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect Republicans. Since by poor of were accepted as a general denunciation of PORTLAND. SPECIAL BULE. after tors of the Cincinnati bolt of bat after health trying different physicians, many reme- then the Belknap exposure has occurred. Ham,” as pr« slavery Doctors of Divinity used 1872, tbe official misconduct and hurried through with- In case of any claimant who may desire to present dies, suffering for years, is it not conclusive proof, if nomination of of all kinds at- to call the negroes. A little and Greeley he retired from that or Legal business promptly a claim under the provisions of an act entitled “An you are a sufferer, you can be cured? is this Save that the situation is the negro boy out criticism analysis. The ease with which novlOdtf Why precisely same, tended to* act to extend the time for claimants, under section medicine such cures? It works in the children of the were circus and remained passive during tbe cam performing great and it is not to be believed that because an girl, family, sent out such things can be done in New York is pro- eleven of chapter four hundred* and filty-nine of the the blood, in the circulating fluid. It can truly be paigu. He has showu laws of the to their to keep watch and ward so as to occasionally symptoms verbial. I bold in hand at this moment a THOMAS RAINEY, M. A. M. D Forty-thiid Congress, prove called the Great Blood Purifier. The great source officer in has his trust give early my claims.” March and who be high position betrayed of but were approved 6th, 1876, may of disease originates in the blood; and no medicione notice if any oue should be seen Republicanism since, they invari which I cut from a Office 499 1-4 Congress Street, the of approaching paper daily print five years absent from the United States at the time of the mak- that does not act upon to and len- people New Hampshire will turn to directly it, purify The shrewdness of the was ably followed by relapses. These two occupied by Dr. Daveis. or of his petition, such petition may has claim negro seen in the gentle ago. It is headed a “Petition of Formerly ing presenting ovate, any just upon public attention. the a few Property be and verified the of Democracy whom but days ago men have been a Hours—10 to 14 A M., and 4 to 5 P. M. presented by attorney-in-fact When the blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either instructions given to these children as to how circulating subscription paper and the of the such or authorized Owners,” prays Legislature ma3 d&wtl claimant, by any agent specially from change of weather or of climate want of exer- they heartily distrusted. The Democrats are in tbe interest of tbeir chief. It occurred to as or to do it. enact a thereto, or by any person acting agent next cise, irregular diet, or from any other cause, the * state to law which vested tbe exclu- but in case of a filed without, no better to-day than when the month came (bem that it would be a to tnru the friend; every petition Vegetine will renew the blood, carry off the putrid They were stationed at opposite side! of the good thiug sive power of levying taxes and issuing bonds precedent authority specially given, the Court will re- humors, cleanse the regulate the than in their short WM. H. stomach, bowels, in, when lease of power hut so as to haVe a wide view—and “Now hin- Belkuap malfeasance to practical account, and MOTLEY^ quire subsequent ratification of such petition or claim and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. The in A. Oakey Hall. William M. Tweed, Richard WHOLESALE Aid) RETAIL the claimant. Such or ratification in New eviuced the most un- so a little caucus of by agency shall, conviction is, in the public mind as well as in the Hampshire they nies, said the negro, look yer here,, ef yon see they got together members B. and Peter B. It contains in case, be established to the sat- Connolly Sweeney! ATTORNEY AT every duly by proof medical profession, that the remedies supplied by of the Club and it to aod We have purchased of MESSRS SHEPARD & Co., LAW, of scrupulous partisanship and lent their coun- enny body cummin don’t yer done run inter de prevailed upon adopt 331 and them at least isfaction the Court. mhl3d2t the Kingdom are more safe, more success- signatures, among are a their entire stock of mantels anti have been Vegetable introduce in tbe appointed P. ful in tlie cure of disease, than mineral medicines. tenance to the most outrageous frauds. Be house; don’t yer run enny you standstill monthly meeting a series of hundred of the most by the Mayfield Slate Co soleagents for Portland OYER I. EARRINGTON’S, how, eminent merchants, bank- Vegetine is composed of roots, barks and herbs. It aud resolutions, in which the offense of is aud vicinity for all goods manufactured by them. cause William has his trust pick up chips or suthio, aud toller ont as Belknap ers, and men of the con- is to take, and is perfectly safe to give an Belknap betrayed high standing city pleasant not even alluded bat a infant. Do you need it? Do not hesitate to it. it does not that loud as yer can, dat de pig done ran and to, declamatory attack tained. Tbe were all We hare on hand the and best as- 180 Middle Street. try follow New Hampshire shall away, signatures obtained largest CENTENNIAL. You will never it. is made sortment jan5 dlf regret bof ob holler as loud as upon the administration without a ot an? house in the stale. BUI Li D- choose Daniel Marcy as her executive, a man yon yer can, der pig's through the personal solicitation of Nathaniel EBS AND CONTRACTORS wil find it to or distinct done rund away, do yer uunerstan?” “Yes single specification charge. Sands. Tbe were natured and their to call and examine our 1776. whose only recommendation is his signers good advantage EBRAOMffl 1876. WOULD HOT BE WITHOUT wealth, That I do no goods. we unnerstan” they with a may injustice to the authors of did’ct like to Mr. D. W. and whose utterance that has com- said, grin, showing disoblige Sands; they were FESSENDEN, Souvenirs of the Colonies, only this wild and NUTTEK SmO& «& CO. their teeth and the whites of their indi- incoherent arraignment, I quote and did’ nt take time to manded that eyes, thoughtless consider Birth Marks of the Republic, and remembrance is infamous one the first entire: 29 Tfarkwt Square Portland Me. at cating that they were to manifest no fear paragraph that the power were to confer Attorney Mementos of the Cradle-days ol in which he declares that the name Abra* at they proposing aul7 eodtf Law, Liberty of That in view of the recent and ex- VEGETINE the sight of a stranger. repeated on this was fac-simile in actual extraordinary Being reproductions, metal, ham Lincoln “will down to posures of and Iraud iu the admin- quartette greater OFFICE IN STANTON BLOCK, ot the OLD PINE TREE go posterity along Our were corruption from perfect specimens fugitives made comfortable at a istration of than a free people bad been willing theretofore SHILLING and the com of the different col- public affairs, the welfare of the copper FOR TEH TIMES ITS COST. with the deep execrations of all who revere fire of before onies. good pine wood, which some “hoe Republican party, as well as of the country,de- to resign to any human beings. Whenever I No, 31 1-2 Exchange Street. and love the Union.” The first cent coined by the U. S., Washington The benefit I have received from cakes” were “a doin’’ for their mands a searching aud thorough investigation see or bear of eccentric done dtf great the use of breakfasts, things by distin- janl8 cent, 1783. VEGETINE induces me to of the condition and conduct of branch give my testimony in its In order that our readers may which tl ey ate and with a keen every The first half cent coined the U. 1793. appreciate by liy appetite, guished citizens, I take their list and look it by S., favor. I believe it not only of great value for restor- of the public service, to the end that all cor- half coined the U. 1795 the closeness of New aud were the fire aud Silver dollar, by S., ing the haltb, but a preventive of diseases peculiar to Hampshire elections, eujnyiug the feeling of rupt practices may be brought to light and that over and I conclude after that not to be sur- dollar, 1795. the and summer seasons. J. '* spring the when heard ail who have JOmT «• we vote for Governor for the serenity, the little and abused aud tbeir at of that PEHRY, Oot.l LdlfSdglo, 1705 T uiaulil fhr *<»*» append past they boy betrayed public prised anything sort which may « not be without it. iim*s itfi cost. hap- • ---—-—.___ whatever be their be Eagle, 1795. EDWARD TILDE*N. fartr yootv girl cry ont—"Ds Dig’s done tund away Quick.” trusts, may statioo, may pen. a in relief of the cele- exposed end Also, reproduction very high Attorney and General Agent ot Massachusetts of the Hep. Dera etc. The was punished. at Temp “quick” extemporized by the little It he as Attorney Law, brated ECCLESINE WASHINGTON MEDA- Craftsmen’s Life Assurance No. 49 1868 .39.814 may well, perhaps, gently to remind Company, Sears 37,267 and Recent and repeated exposures! Fraud in LION, STRUCK IN SILVER in England, in 1790, Building, Boston, Mass. 1872 38,814 36,603 girl, within the hut it was understood to friends of parties supposed to be ambitions of a beautiful work of art, the most noted profile of 1873 49 1-3 EXCHANGE ST., .34,023 32,016 1,773 mean "be were the of the “Father of our 1874 quick.” Instantly they on Presidential honors, that their chances will net period, Country.” 34,143 35,608 2.097 tbis sounds like a from a of is Sold All their feet. There was a stump speech Tamma- PORT LAN O, MAINE. The originals in the archives the U. S. mint, Vegetine by Druggists. 1875 .39,280 39,163 754 little trap door over- be improved by attacks upon tbe administra- Philadelphia. Handsomely mounted on Bristol, Marl! Ulwt head ny Hall platform. What recent exposures af. dlw*ttf leading to the cock loft, but there was no tion of Gen. Grant. One be set Jan21 singly, carte de visite size, ready for framing. the thing may The Address. muutr. xne tecting administration can be cited? A Any of the copper coins, 25 cts each. Mayor’s Legroes lilted our fugi tives one down for a certainty. No who is an Cabiuet officer has Republican MUSIC ! It is not to call the attention of after the so that been shown to have com" C II LAn$ 0 4i necessary other, could clamber of the administration can $, gold 35 cts. they up enemy be elected f. js/£m and milled a flagrant traasgression. He atones for jfhJkrsr, Or the complete set, mounted on gilt embossed our readers to the admirable address of May- stow themselves away quietly under the. President. Whatever else the Cincinnati his sin Con- JEWELER, Bristol, 7x9, ready for framing: caves. This by the loss of official ami racial position* Collins & or Fessenden to the Council. It has was hatdly accomplished before vention do it be trusted not ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, The 9 all in $t.50 per set. City may may to present pieces, copper, Buxton, heard aud by a fall as pitiable as it is remediless. 201 MIDDLE 9 copper, silver and $2.00 been so that no they voices outside the hut. a candidate who has ever whined and ST., gold, carefully prepared important Does that isolated snivelled I per set. 522 CONGRESS ST., Two instance of turpitude palli- CORTLAND, ME., interest has been overlooked. The mounted scouts were there, oat on a about the corruption and frauds of bis Waltham* Elgin & Nwiiw Watches, Mpcctaa Maine. The Ecclesine in inches dia- debt of a party. Saccarappa, Medallion, silver, 3J hunt after ate sweeping and vituperative assault upon cles, Opera Olasses, Silver Ware, meter, Have jst received a the fugitive Yankees. “Hullo! A mao who has done his utmost to $1.00. j the city is analyzed and so set before the rea- you the rectify er- Clocks, Arc. the most beautiful and me- executive and his advisors? there Probate Business and Collections. Forming appropriate little ebony,” said one of the scouts, "have Certainly rors and eradicate abuses wherever mentos of our centennial conceivable. der that he can see how it has been incurred. were four members of found, Watches and Jewelry heft for jan20 (13m seen the Oabinent, when that Repair They will be sent, framed in any desired style, Collectionoitiie Latest Music. you any white men along here?” “Ise only whose hands are clean, and whose record Insured Fire. Large Poplar The address shows that Ge.i, Fessenden is resolution was written against from 15 each up for the singles, from 75 bend out here little while aud hasn't against whom no charge cts, cts, up Also constantly on hand nobody pure, who has talked little about reform and J. fl. HOOPER, for the sets and Medallion, which extra amounts not a novice in our municipal affairs. His done good by here; dad’s iu de house, he can of corruption or fraud had ever beeu made. 201, Nearly Opp. the Falmouth. must order. Violin*, tell accomplished much in furtherance of will accompany Guitars, Flutes, Accordions, for the yer.” One of them rode up to the hut and And as to the President if it, jam dtf mail free on of Usual discounts recommendations exercise of practi- any body in the light PHOL8TERER By receipt price. Banjos, Harmonicas, Clarionets, without dismounting, cried out—“Hullo command the suffrages of tbe convention, and U to the trade. Cornets and all Instruments there, of his civic life has the doubt cal economy in city expenditures evince an you black devil, come out here!” The slightest of his deserve Nos. 31 and 33 Free AGENTS WANTED. (Strings and Music negro the endorsement of the people. The St, earnest determination to same instantly threw the door wide open to show personal probity Ue must either be destitute of the United States and These carry the into will not select a GAS ! HANUFAOrUBEB OF throughout the world. — — there was Republicans leader, who has FOR nothing to conceal. “Have there or a believer in beautiful goods sell themselves at sight. Complete effect. His that current demands ordinary intelligence, the doc- I CONSUMERS Parlor Suite, -Lounges, suggestion any Yankee prisoners passed here last hovere between their camp and the enemy’s, Spring outfit of samples with full information will be sent by night trine that there is no such as BRASS AND STRING be met as or this thing human Bede, Mattresses, to agents on receipt of $5.00, P. O. Money Order. BAND. upon the Tteasury they accrue, if morning?” “No, massa, there hab not. sometimes inclining to the one and sometimes Hab virtue. THE ELLIS PATENT McDonough Patent Bed Loanges, En- Address C. J. SQUIRE. the Yankee prisoners done rund away” to the Sole for Portland and for not popular, is wise. Municipal governments other, leaving It al ways a matter of ameled Chairs, &c. 23 Park Row, New York City. Agents Vicinity Ise heard tell de Yankees is mean And then suppose we consider for a moment mighty doubt wbat his true color kinds of done. ma9 d3m will, like individuals, spend more freely when white folks, if comes dis dis was. 0T*A11 repairing neatly Furniture GEO. HOODS A CO.’S ORGANS. dey way nigger’ll the nature of the allegations made against the bDxed and matted. oct5-'69TT&Sti the evil day of paying can be put off to that fix ’em sure. Whar be you uns stayin? Ef Here is a cheerful extract from one of tho bias Burner, All mail comes two ministers who have not ribald abuse Reg- Goodyear’s Pocket Gymnasium. orders by promptly attended to. Please dey dis woy I’ll tell urn go by de road escaped that is worth a more convenient time which never comes. ‘independent” organs, copying: decl4 call or send for Catalogue. dly where you uns is, sure. Yah, yah. Let dis and cslumuious imputation. These are Secre- & ■■■■-■ —*3 The Mont Complete “The average Republican reads ulator and ^ There can bo no doubt but that the nigger lone for fix de mean Fish newspaper Shade =System City Yankees—yah, yab! taries andKobeson. The latter is charged now like a file of the Independent in the Come iD, won’t you? De ole woman’ll make press ! ! Council will cordially cooperate with Mayor with a variety of misconduct in the most summer and spring of 1872.” OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE COAL V you some hoe cake mighty quick.” vague Combined in the citizens of This was not a JDOAL Fessenden giving Portland The scouts would not dismount, and told tho and intangible fashion, but the most searching intended as rebuke to Repub- out the Stock and St rml of the Ever Devised for Having bought a prudent and judicious administration. negro point where the meanest picket “investigation'’has f riled to elicit a scintilla lican journalism, but it would be difficult to was stationed and made off the Home Practice, rapidly, negro of evidence bis character. Tbe as aseverer censure in so small a Gas ver RICH & impeaching embody space. edec ed to be tbe best Light produced— *j JUDKINS, watching closely the route they fallowed, uutil as as the which varies as the saults on Mr. Fish have beeu Recall for a moment what the anti quite steady Argand, STEPHEN BERRY, PRICE LIsT-No. 1. For Still Victorious. they disappeared in the distance. “Yah,” said excessively gross administra- varies, and need to be constantly watched, pressures Children 4 to 6 years $1.00. 118 Commercial the negro as if to “if and impudent, but who believes them tion newspapers were doing fire years ago— as all know, beside the great annoyance from the St., Yesterday, Bangor, Augusta and Belfast re' aloud, talking himself, anybody No. 2. For Children 6 to 8, ob dose mean heat caused the of the shade and Iam enny Yankees cums dis way, 1 must be m re different a wbat a avalanche of shameless by styles chimney. and bp aid ffirndeb, I $1.10 No. 3. For Chil- piepared to turnish all those in want of Coal to kinds of fool than are perfect false- our Shade the is and so ifjtorJcj sponded Portland, Lewiston, Rockland, sartin will tell em to de road to By light deflected, being Job --- to No.4 at the go Turner’s fo ^ dren,8 10,$1.20, to be concentrated in a He hoods of every and belched constructed as to allow the heat to Auburn and Saco in korners. for dat’s de apt single person. species variety they pass upwards, No. 37 Plum Street For Children, 10 to 14, $1.30. No 5. For Ladies and Bath, electing Republi- Yab, yab, place whar we after being adjusted is always LOWEST MARKET RATES. uns’U nab has been accused and in the most forth, until at last the recoil came, and properly regulated, 9 tl 14 years and upwards, $1.40. No. 6. For can um, yab, yah. Hullo up dere,” repeatedly they with an actual of from 15 to 40 in Children, city governments by most gratifying ma- saving per cent, Gentlemen of moderate strength, $1 50. No. 7, $2 00. speaking to ihe fugitives, “you dere direct terms with sold the honor of his were buried beneath the of the of over ether burner. All parties in want of Coal will do well to call be- stay up having toppling pyramids consumption gas any set of $9 00. No. 7 is fitted with a jorities. Even Biddeford came near more don’t kum down Complete seven, fore purchasing elsewhere. swing- yet, now. Sura more country to put fee3 into the pockets of his mud they had reared to fling at the dominant DIRECTOR Y screw-eye and hook to attach to the wall or floor. into the victorious of we uus may kum long dis way.” BUSINESS of this make a ing galasy Republican husband. Is this If arc emulous C. IL. MAESTON. Two size properly arranged complete Onr fugitives remained in the but until daughter’s one of tbe “re- party. any Republican prints Sent po6t-paid upon receipt of price. IE. H. saugent. cities. In all the cities the elections were Gymuasium. evening, being warm and comfortable and well peated exposures” which “demands a search- of the fate which befel the cabal that piloted PROPRIETOR FOR IttAINE. Address Booksellers and Stationers. P. S.-H I*. RICH, will remain at the Old contested and the vote on both sides supplied with hoe cake for the and some and tbe Cincinnati movement of have J28 Exchange Slreel. hotly day ing thorough investigation”? It is the 1872, they UOTT A No. 91 middle Street. Stand, where he will be pleased to geo all his old for future meeds. was octlldtf FOGG, but When it to Agent Wanted. customers and a host of new ones. was very heavy; despite the desperate ef- sufficiently mere rubbish and offal that floats in tbe sewers only justify the imputation cast upon them Rail's Rubber Store, jan3dtf dark their host took them out to direct them forts of the the on of that of the in the foregoing extract. are ad- THE FAVORITE FEEL. Book Binders. Democracy, Repulicans have their way. “Now look er here. You go dat portion press which sticks at Newspapers UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. PORTLAND RUBBER TIPE road: dat mirable WM. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Primers9 CO., attained majorities which have exceeded the goes to Turner’s fo korners, whar nothing in the way of libel of the existing ad- institutions so long as they are kept No. ill malO dtf find sum of our for to St. — — you’ll sogers ready take free from slander Exchange, Exchange MANUFACTURERS OF expectations of the most sanguine. ministration. and evil speaking, but when SMALL & No. 35 Plant good kare ob yer. I hab promise to tell you to SHACKFORR, For more than four the bu.-iness of in- they are run in tbe interests of cliques and in- Street. The tide has already set iu Maine toward go that way. What, you don’t like dat road? years LIFT ! den Ise tell ob abuses has beeu with dulge in indiscriminate, licentious and menda- HEALTH Rubber Hand an overwhelming Republican triumph in yab, yab, you aoudder road vestigating pursued unre- and Builders. stamps, whar yer wunt find any ob our sogers to cious they soon lose their influ- Carpenters if our friends are but gib mittirg pertinacity. Every braoch and da" calumniation, Name Tor September, watchful yer enny hoe WHITNEY A Pearl op- Stamp* Marking Cineii, Rubber cake, yah, yah!" of ence and become the organs of the MEANS, Street, so partment the public service has been sub- merely igno- the Park. A THOROUHGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM and Metal Dating Htamps,Ribbon Htamps, and discreet. Now is the time to And the negro gave them minute direc- posite organize rant and vicions. — Heal Door tions as to to a and — FOR Pres*e«, Plates, .House Num- the roads aud by-paths they were to jected vigorous usually unfriendly bers. Hieel Hiencils. victory! Furniture—Wholesale and Betail- Htamps, Rurning _ take, and told them of a dense wood where scrutiny. What has been the result? As a specimen of the kind cf literature LADIES AND GENTLE WIEN Brands, Baggage and Hotel Checks, Arc. they could the and A pass morrow, so on more nor liss than to establish which is now in favor among the WAJ.TER CORKY CO., Arcade, No. One of the Washington papers expresses to the lines. Our ing conclusively “independ- IS jtfree Street. loyal fugitives went away, IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. NO. 232 FEDERAL that the servants of the are ents”, I quote this “choice extract” from a ST., the situation in the Belknap affair very clear- refreshed aud strengthened and most grateful government for GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 56 Ex- to the that PORTLAND. ME. poor negro who had served them so the most part upright and faithful, that in" newspaper makes especial pretensions to change SI. UpholHleriug of all kiudn Doubles the strength in three months. Do^s not ly when it sees “one Democrat, taken into faithfully aud at so much risk to stances “tone”. The writer is of tbe done to order* fatigue nor exhaust. Refreshes and invigorates. SyAgents wanted. Send for circular. febl5tf lovingly of dereliction are rare and exceptional* speaking Presi- the confidence of the Republican be- himself, for the scouts would have shot Removes dyspepsia and indigestion. Tones the ner- party, that all the from dent of the United and describes him if had stealings the federal govern- States, him Horse Shoers. vous system. Improves the circulation. Warms the trays it by taking a bribe- The chairman of instantly they discovered the fugi- extremities. Increases the general vitality. tives concealed in his hut. Our friends had ment throughout its entire territory for the as: ROBINSON A VOENG, Experienced the committee that the case been Apples, Butter, Ac. investigated on their way a quarter of an hour when seven years since Gen. Grant became President “An ignorant soldier, coarse in his tastes, BIoriM Mhocrg at No. 70 Pearl St* Exercise and Salesroom, FOSS OPES ORATES. hurried an witness in order they heard their and blunt in bis fond of novSdtf important away footsteps rapidly approaching do not amount to as much as the citizens of perceptions, money 500 Kbit*. Prime Michigan rear; out of the to and material and of low 237 Middle Me “ Apples. lu aiTccu a meuu mat is they stepped path escape enjoyment company.” Street, Portland, 400 Eastern paiuaau implicated. xuitt. were ruuueu ui Baldwins. observation, aud recoguized their host as he annually during me f 'oa tlac ! Pattern and Model Maker. 50 Tubs Choice Butter. H. Pendleton It is charitable to suppose that the writer of by Cargo J. U. George is the partisan friend, uarne running along. to him decade which the downfall of Tweed. J. 1. 250 Fore Cor. G4UBERT, Proprietor. 4000 JLbs. Chte»c from best Maine Fac- They spoke preceded BARBOUR, Street, no25 tf when be said he was afraid this brutal sentence was of the At retail a choice tor oi B'orilaml. tories. and Heister Clymer is his protector. Anoth- they might miss And here it is well to remark utterly ignorant variety Cross, the parenthetically uso, warranted 400U Lbs. New Prum-w. wav, as it was entangled bp cross roads and subject of it. Otherwise he would be Family to give per- er member of the committee is that one of the members of the Union simply sup* proved guilty by and so he had como on leading — mauy paths, to go fect satisfaction FOR SALE BY •— plemeuting gross with wilfal false* Photographer. nf with as who aided and indecency bribery. /His name is Robbins, of North them far as it would be necessary, so as League Club, abetted the above A. 8. ©AVIS & CO., No SO Middle Street. to all hood. To impute ignorance to a man of Gen. SMITH & Carolina, who stands self-convicted of the pass by the doubtful places. The negro quoted diatribe agaiost President Grant, Secre- Randall & told them not to talk except in a low tone, bet- Grant’s education is a piece of gratuitous McAllister, THE STOCK BOOK PHILBROOK, The third member of taries Fish, Bristow, Bobeson and Chandler, Plnmhers. disgraceful act. the ter not to speak at all; to walk in file, but Other feature of the — — single every OF THE Postmaster General and Gen. stupidity, picture 60 COMMERCIAL ST. JAMFS MII.I.EK, No. fit Federal Street No. 12 Market Street. committee has a record that will soon be some little distance between them, as less like- Jewell, Attorney febl2 dtr aecl3 is inaccurate. Everybody who knows dtl ly to attract the of a and that he eral was not so equally made so odious to eye scout, Pierrepont awfully indignant PORTL AND public, loyal, upright men would lead and if ho should discover the President is aware that he is thoroughly Roofers. off, any against “corruption and fraud” in the summer Southern Pine that they will turn from its details amazed thing alarming, he would returu upon his steps self-respecting and circumspect in his behav- JT. N. McCOV &CO.,28«f» a Street. of 1871 but that he consented to become a broth' Flooring. to so that could MUTUAL FISHING INSURANCE CO. and nauseated. This man is Blackburn, a satisfy them, they secrete ior—a gentleman by nature, without having themselves in the bushes or behiud fences or er director with Tweed, Sweeny, Connolly and Is now and all for stock should be 300 M. Dry 1 & 11-4 Inch Seal Estate Agents. open, applications brother of Dr. Blackburn who to the of bad occasion to study the rules of etiquette. made attempted trunks trees. the rest of the thieves before JOHN C. No. during the present month. Bing forty days PROCTER, Fxehnr.Be FIRST make one the “Now look a be can uns Nobody ever saw him practice or permit a Wired. QUALITY FLOORING, vast cemetary of North, by in- here, said, you walk the which them to t fas? a explosion brought destruc- Ise mighty fas walker—can yer lioe ycr familiarity that had the savor of rude* GEO. W. For sale in lots or car loaas at the and He is a estimable slightest RICH, Secretary, Cargo Prces. troducing malignant small-pox yel- row?” They would do their best, but from tion. thoroughly gentleman Stair Builders. March 1,187G. ness, and his perceptions are altogether abova Portland, ma2d2w J. W. DECKING, low fever into the and into the long confinement, they were not very strong amiable of manner and exemplary in conduct B. K. Wo. 252 Pore Hired, cor. LIBBY, but they would try to And the comprehension of an editor whose spitq Cross HI., in llt'lano’s iflill. 410 Commercial Nt sea-coast cities.” keep up.” so this but you see bow much greater exasperation he | Street, Fool of Centre kind hearted, brave and him €5. L. F to R S A I- uel2 gentle negro led them could betray into such an outrage as £ ) HOOFER, Cor. York and JTlnple E eodtf all until feels in reference to imputed misdeeds at a dis- ! Hired*. night, just before dawn, he poiuted have cited above. — AT — them to the thick tance than to actual robberies I % Can be Prof. Sillimax in a letter addressed to wood, where could committed with they pass the American manifested the day. He said he knew a not in a stouc’s throw of his own Happily people Watches, and Silver W'are, 'SLJ SUCCIESSFU/AY the House committee on foreign relations, negro living couutiDg room. Jewelry J. A. & A. T. SMITH’S far away aud he would goto his hut aud in- their disgust at this sort of slang in and it M M TREATED The fact is, the Clnb, itself to ba 1872, J. A. MERRII.I, A published in the New Haven Palladium, de- form him of their by suffering CO., l:i» Middle 81. Coracr Niilk A iTlnrkct Nlrciiw, CA at the home of the patient with- situation, and if it could be is not at all certain that they may not stamp it & O MT done the of the electioneers for a L jA. 3VE , J. A. MERRILL. Kkith nies that safely, the mau would into the wood catsptw presi- A very choice lot of out the use of the his dispatch of April 6, 1872, con- go out with similar scorn and wrath next Novem* to find aud help them. As tor himself, if be dential aspirant, missed a great opportunity. r. KNIFE or CAUSTICS* cerning discoveries at the Emma mine bad should be discovered ber. Yabmouth. PHOTOGRAPHER. Watches, &c. BEEF! n upon the road, it would The crime of Belknap should have been dealt Jewelry, S* H And without pain. Address, be at A If. H. from Call and Examine, the effect to send the of Emma suspected once, that he had been J. W. McDCFFEF, Cor. Middle Direct Chicago. up price helping with by itself and with a severity of 244 Street. His. d2w* J JU 1| DR. A. H. BROWN, fugitives and he would be shot without opprobri- Middle A: Union mal (. shares. On the contrary he shows, from the scruple. The Fryeburg Assault. NEW HAVEN, CONN., N. D. um which would have left no doubt in the pub- The Ut-si Work at Moderate Prices. ___ from London Mining that from March 17 mind as to the views of March ae—UiYwtmdo22d&wGm Correspondence Physicians Journal, lic tha organization in Lovepp, 11, 1876. MDLLE. BOUTELLE, alg0 B0]lclt,ed. Election in the AIM T 0 of that to 13 the stock did not fall Mountains.—Yesterday PLEASE. Iff. C. PAT Seventh daughter ot the seventh Son, year April respect to the obligations of every incumbeBt To the Editor of the Press: TEW, the election of Representative to represent ___dtl below £23 nor rise above £24. He accuses of a public trust to discharge it with Sir:—I noticed an article in the Pbess of and fortune Hart’s in scrupu- OVVGEN and Clairvoyant Teller, F . Location, etc., the New Hampshire to a TREATMENT. Practical Expert Accountant, 0 R S A L E Lyon of the dispa'ch in his testimo- lous fidelity. March 7dtf SMALL, get up delegations away father’s at that of time and hundreds of ability investigated, Village. ployes ►ave months dollars. and settlements effected when desired mar7d&wtfYarmouth the CiDcinuati convention for their time would have taien him MRS. B. M, Bogy advocated in the Dem- especial then, but his fath. maOdlw JACKSON. Instruction in to a limited number. haid-uioney book-keeping NOTICE. While Michael Dorsey and family were at a favorite. Now, nine out of ten of the Bepub- er wished him to leave the there for a time, Business from this city and vicinity respectfully ocratic caucus, the telegraph says. So he boy Ff*R SALE. solicited. dance iu Greenfield, Mass., his licaos of this state Boscoe Conkling to which he did on these conditions: That he was in tbe Jail Work Shop for Cumber- BAUlTElMAVr claimed hard Saturday night prefer Ample references in this and other cities. that he was advocating money PRISONERSland County may be visited by theii friends on house and barn in Deerfi-ld ware burned, with aDy other named candidate for the presidency. to have him any time he asked for him or chosa TW&Pteodtf in the he declared for the re- fReum and Boiler lnar?_ WEDNESDAY of each week from 10 to 12 o’clock Senate when all the about Eoyiaae contents. Lass $1500; small in- So very decided and determined is this prefer to take him, without any charge. And he oau a. m., and from 2 to 4 o’clock p. m.; and other pris- filHE will for ENGINE an upright of about six horsi undersigned not bo responsible any peal of the resumption act, for the payment flpHE Vaults Cleaned. oners on THURSDAY of each week at the same A debts British surance. ence that no can go to the convention prove the same two as reliable witnesses as A and an Tubular Boiler of abou contracted by the crow of the delegate by powei. Upright A LL ORDERS hours. of customs in and for a in- iouble the ol the to WJL promptly attended tobycaliia Bark Emma V. greenbacks, large Another female inmate of the Taunton In- lrorn New Turk who is not a man ihere are in the power engine. Apply at or Per order of Commissioners. Conkling town. LIAM LOWELL, 36 Union street or W. H. PEN- addressing R. GIBSON County HUBERT BERNIER, crease of hard W. L. paper currency. Queer money sane Asylum attempted to drown herself yes- There will be no contest about the matter sim- This winter he asked for his son and his fath* NELL & CO., 38 Cnioa street. ne38dtf. jallj 588 Congress PENNELL, Sheriff. Captain and Agent for Owners of Bark Emma V. March 9,187G. mhl0d#w3wli ma!3d3t men these Democrats are. but was rescued. a Street^ Portland, Portland, March 11, 1870. terday, ply because of the unauimityof the party on | er refused to let him have him. He then got writ and went with a sheriff, and the elder WASHINGTON. Fort) -Fourth Congress—First Session. ! the Democrats aod a few Republican voted for 67J and cl< sed at 67}. The greatest change was in Union which sold down from to 63 on an MARINE NEWS- SPECIAL Smith oat with a loaded and cock- the resolution. Among the Republicans Pacific, 66} NOTICES. INSURANCE. stepped guD, vuting increased Central rose from aye was Leavenworth, McDill, business; Michigan 63} and told them if to enter Kelly, Phillips to but reacted to Northwestern sold at 44 (tt> ed, they attempted of of 65* 644» OF ol Ky„ Piatt, Townseod, Pa., Willard, B. at and 65} PORT PORTLAND tell the that you saw thei the bouse be would and stood with the Compensation Postmasters. 44}, closing 44}, preferred 63} @ 65}; Please people shoot, SENATE. Williams of Mich., and Wilson of Iowa. The Paul rose to at NEW EH’ GLAND March St from 44} 45}, closing 45}, preferred in the the circula- at his shoulder till left. save Washington, 13—Assistant Post- rest of the voted no. at 84 after an advance from 83 to The March advertisement PRESS, gun they Theu, to Mar. 13. Republicans 84}. transac- Monday, 13. master General Marshall has addressed a letter ■Washington, Mr. Buckner of Missouri from the confe- tions aggregated shares. exceeds farther trouble, went to the school house and Several bills and were 242,000 ARRIVED. tion of which, per month, 100,000. to the Postmaster General on the of petitions offeted and subject rence committee on the hill to provide for the The following were the closing quotations of Gov- called his boy out and took him home. to referred. Barque Emma F Herriman, (of Seargport) Whit- compensation Postmasters, his plan being to of interest on the 3.65 bonds of the ernment securities: By Mr. Boutwell a memorial of the New payment tier, Matanzas Feb 22, with 531 hliils sugar to Geo S Your informant states fix salaries oq the basis of per- a United States Gs.1881. THE that the boy cries most commissions, Association District of Columbia, made report and pro- coup 1231 Hunt & Co. on England asking for a general svs- States 5 20’s of the time. centages incomes an l box rent at the res- ceeded to it. He stated that tbe United 1865, old.118} Sch Moutictllo, Morton, Rockland—lime to C A B That is false. There isn’t a boy tem of weights and measures, lteterred to the explain United States I pective offices. amount of these bons issued to the 25th of Jan- 5-20’s,1865, new.119} Morse & Co. Mutual on Life in the county who is better better Committee Finance. United States 5-20’s, 1867. 121} contented, f*eul Ccucral AmaaMiy. ! Oftici, ritzBcmiu, yyimiiugtuu, iota, P. M., to nominate Town Receipts—000 bbls Hour 6,000 bush Wheat, 22,0C0 1 Bucksnort. officers for the An euthuaioetic was held ployes to attend the centennial celebration. ensuing year. meetiug tonight, On next Victor will move in busli Corn, 0,000 bush Oats. Hannah Keen. Mr. Pierce of Mass, for Saturday Hugo Cld lltb, sebs McLoon, Liverpool; TOWN COMMITTEE. District Wells’ By tbe relief of sick a bbls bush P“0Iter°f closing with enthusiastic cheers for Hon. J. G. Attorney Testimony. the Senate for general amnesty for offences Shipments—000 flour, 8,000 Wheat, 27,- Pilot’s Bride, Eldridge, Havana; Cherub, Fletcher, Cape Elizabeth, March 10,1876. C. K. aud disabled seamen in the district of COO bush Corn, 4000 hush Oats. malOdtd HAWES, Blaine for President of the Washington, March 13.—District Cape committed since 1870. M. Rashail will make a Boston. United States Attorney Cod, Mass. E for Wells to-day again appeared before the House similar movement in the Chamber of Deputies Milwaukee, March 13.—Flour is quiet and un- Sid lltli. barque Jose Moore, Sagua. North Yarmouth. 177 Middle Portland. D. By Mr. Blaine of Maine, regarding the regu- changed. Wheat quiet; No 1 Milwaukee hard Passed through Hell Gate lltb, barque H S Jack- Street, Committee on Judiciary, now investigating on the same day. 110; TLe of North [To the Associated Press.] lation of commerce aud and of do at 11C; No 2 Milwaukee at 1 teller for sou, Bacon, im New York for Wiscasset; seb Julia Republicans Yarmouth, are requested The larges! Slock in (he the causes why the safe navigation 024; April at the Town House, City. Harrington burglary steam also the at 1 03$; seller May at 1 07$; No 3 Milwaukee at 89c. Newell, Sheppard, Newcastle, Del, for Kockport. toj^t in said town, ou Augusta. have not been as also into vessels; by request, declaring WEDNESDAY, March at 3 conspirators tried, ENGEAND. Cornis8carce and No 2 at NEW LONDON—Ar 10th, sch Albert Na- liith, o’clock P. M. to — 14th of firm; ~ Oats—No 2 Dailey, A. L S O t.Ua nonanirn/io tanl F rv v, .1 _1 April, 1876, a legal holiday in 434c. nominate Augusta, March 13.— The Republicans elect Washing- cash at seller at 35c. son. Brunswick Ga., candidates for Town officers, for the ton for more 32c; May 344 @ Barley steady city; certain resumption of specie Severe Storm on the Coast nrwl in ioi,. XJ.. *» C,..in« year. Heed the here 350 All the confession made by Nettleship and Cunz, and PROVIDENCE—Cld lltb, sch Ulalume, Tbeail, ensuing I Pianos, Organs, cheap for cash or install- mayor by majority. payment. uu .January joju. order. TOWN the statement made by Harrington himself, rst, London, March 13.—The storm of Sunday for March 79c; No 3 do 47 @ 48c. Rye is easier with oruauu. x«r COMMITTEE. [ ments, Violins, Guitars, Music Boxes, Accordions, wards are Mr. Whitthoine of Tenuessee offered a North Yarmouth, March 7,1876. Flutes, Banjos. Republican. statement is not in the nature of reso- did much at Portsmouth, a better supply; No 1 at 69c. Provisions nominally Sl(l llth, scbs Pavilion, Leach, lor Philadelphia; ma8d&wtd Piccolos, Harmonicas, Clarinets, Harrington’s lution damjge Weymouth, Cornets, and all instruments for Brass and a directing the Committee ou at @ 14. Sweet Nicola, Randall, Machias. String confession but more a denial of the main Appropria- Dover and other seaports. Six hundred vessels unchanged. Lard—prime 13$ pickleil Bands, in tions to into the formation of the divis- hams at @ salted meats—shoulders BOSTON—Ar llth, sch Maggie Todd, Richardson, Yarmouth. great variety; extra > iolin Strings, Ketail March 13.—At the elec- facts set forth in connection with inquire took in the Downs. Tbe mail boat from 11$ I2$c. Dry 8$ and Belfast, municipal Nettleship. ion in refuge for midales at, for boxed.— Calais. Wholesale. the Treasury Department having charge @ 8$c loose; 11$ @ 121c The Republicans of Yarmouth are tion Nathan F. Several other witness were also examined. It Calais and Oatend was compelled to put back. Dressed 9 Ar sch Bucksport. requested to Particular attention given to orders. today, Houston, Bepublican. of the of Hogs nominally at 00. 13th, Ringleader, Snare, meet at lustitute Hall on is that the are proceeds captured and abandoned The French steamer FRIDAY the 17th inst., at anticipated developments creat- Labrador from Havre for Receipts—2000 bbls flour, bush wheat. Cld 13tb, brig Kremlin, Wyman. Kingston, J; sch o had a of eight over Israel Demo, property. Adopted. 12,000 7* clock, p. m. to nominate candidates for town Jan31_deodly* majortiy Cox, ing considerable anxiety in certain New remained at for some bbls bush wheat. Belle, (Br) ltiley, Portland; Alfred Brabrook, quarters Mr. Southard of York, Plymouth Shipments—10,000 flour, 33,000 Village officers, and to choose a town committee. crat The vote was Ohio offered a resolution Phillips, to load for New Orleans. unusually largo. Albert here. This investigation, Mr. Knott says, will hours. The storm extended to the continent. St Louis, March 13.—Flour is dull and Portland, Yarmouth, March 1876. Per calling on the Secretary of the for in- drooping. SALEM—Ar sch Silas Me Rock- 6, order. C. Geo. Woods and Daniel R be thorough. Treasury The telegraph wires in the north of France are Wheat inactive; No 2 Red Winter at 1 for llth, Loon, Spear, ! Burgess, Mad. formation as to the internal 47$ cash; land for New York. CENTE1PIAL 76 defaulting revenue prostrated, and communication between Paris 1 47$ bid seller for March ;No 3 do at 1 33$ bid. Com and Jacob Y. Cottrell and collectors. Also a GLOUCESTER -Ar llth, eebs J F Carver, Bray, Cape Elizabeth, docks, Republicans, Adopted. resolution calling and London is active; No 2 Mixed 40 @ 40$c for cash; 40$ (a} 41c for | POST interrupted. Boothbay for Baltimore; Florence Dean. The citizens of Elizabeth are CAL.I. were chosen TRADEBSMPS. on the Secretary of War for information as to seller 43$ seller Oats dull aud Westcott, Cape requested to IN AT Joseph Williamson, Democrats, April; May. lower; L Sturtevant, Adams, do for New York. meet at the Town House in whether in the army since No 2 Mixed bid rejected 31 Bar- Bath; said town on MONDAY, aldermen. have a in promotions Jnne 22, 33$c cash; @ 31$c. Match at 3 o’clock P. Republicans majority have been in and dull at bid 20tb, M., tor the purpose of 1874, accordance with section 1204 ley quiet unchanged. Rye 63$c FOREIGN PORTS. town officers the council. HUNGARY. bbls bush of nominating lor the eDsuing year. The of the Bevised and if not? Receipts—4000 flour,17,000 wheat, 107,- Per order FERNALD’S Camden. Souse Committee’s Investigation. Statutes, not, why 000 bush bush bush Sid fm Newcastle, NSW, Jan 18, barque CITIZENS COM. The Distress corn, 11,000 oats, 17,000 barley, Escort, March Adopted. Increasing. bush 000 00 cattle. Yokohama. Cape Elizabeth, 12th, 1876. mhlldlw March 1.3.—The election Washington, March 13.—Alfred F. Ferry, Mr. Baker of 1,000 rye, hogs, Carver, Camden, passed off Indiana offered the following London, March 13.—A from Pesth Ar at Auckland Feb 11, barque Marathon, Emery, formerly engaged in steamboating on the up- telegram Cincinnati, March 13.—Pork is auiet and firm at Tailoring Emporium a resolution: New York. quietly, large vote being polled. A testified that he carried to the Daily News says the waters show no Lard in fair demand and sales steam NOTICE. full per Missouri, goods for That the firm; country Arat Port Chalmers Jan brig Ned and seo the board of town Resolved, people of the United signs of and the distress is increas- refineu at 13$; city do held at kettle 14. 26th, White, Republican officers was elected, Casselberry to Standing Bock and to other par- States subsiding 13$; 13$ @ Thombs, New York. constitute one nation and not a mere A dam has burst and 50,000 addi- Bulk Meats steady and in moderate demand; shoul- the first selectman was ties at trading posts He knew of no transac- ing. large Sid tm Messina prev to 10th inst, barque Alaska, VICKERY&LEIGHTON. excepting who support- confederacy of states or that the con- ders at @ clear rib sides at 12 on for Centennial Goods tions between Orville Grant and Durfee A nations; tional acres, on which are several villages, are 8g 8|; spot; 12$ New York. ed both stitution was formed clear sides at Bacon is and Perry, MIDDLE STREET, by parties. by the people acting in inundated. buyer April; 12$. quiet Sid fm Cadiz 3d sch Sarah L FOR 1876. Peck, and never said or reported that Grant shoulders at clear rib sides at clear inst, Davis, Cottrell, Biddeford. their primary and individual capacity through steady; 9fc; 13c; New York. will open a fine assortment of was interested wiih the Secretary of War in sides at to New their delegates there to duly constitute; that 13$c. Freights York—grain barrelled, *Ar at Lisbon 2d inst, barque Kalalis, Brown, from Biddefobd, March 13.—The election to- the disposal of tradicg posts. He knew of no Foreign Notes. pork, beof and oil cake 33$ 100 lbs; same to Balti- city the government under the constitution is one New York. Also all tlie lor money been to of the traders more 25$. Hogs dull and quality poor; sales common NEW SPRING Nobby Styles Spring. day was the most hotly contested for years having paid any of the and for the and that in its The insurgent leaders Petro- Sid tm Rouen Oth lost, barque Arizona, Conant, GOODS, for tbe of their people people Lujbibraties, light at 7 40 @ 7 45; fair to good light at 7 90 @ 8 25; purchase posts, and said he Fuella awl Cesari were arrested the for United States. at BOSTON Last year Warren, was elected appropriate sphere the government of this na- wicb, by fair to medium heavy at 8 30 @8 50; a few choice PRICES, this day. A. S. Democrat, may- was subptenaed on the strength of newspaper Sid fm Liverpool 10th inst, ship Cuba, Theobald, tion is sovereign and supreme; that in its na- Austrian authorities Thursday at Vierguanie heavy at 8 75 @ 9 25; receipts of 740 shipments mhl3 FERNALD, or by 159 while the Democrats carried which were full of head; for United States. snlw majority, articles, falsehoods. tuie it is and iu the Dalmatian uear Imos- 590 head. permanent indissoluble except by village frontier, Ar at Dublin 10th Carrie Gil- 237 middle Street, Up Stairs. six wards. To-day on a large vote Burnham, chi. iDSt, barque Wyman, the action and consent of the whole Detroit, March 13.—Flour is dull and steady.— The largest and best as- d2w people; key, Philadelphia. _ Democrat, is elected by about 40 majority—a AN ALMS HOUSE BURNED. that no state has any right or authority to Robert Buchanan, the poet, suggests in the Wheat is quiet and held higher; extra White Mich- Sid fta Glasgaw Oth inst, barquo Isaac Hall, Ryder, sortment in the Slate. Republican gain of 119. The judge of the constitutionality of laws enacted London News that British friends subscribe for igan at 1 41 bid; No 1 White at 1 32$; No 2 White is for United States. Also SHOULDER Republicans gain at 1 No 1 Amber by Congress or to nullify the execution of the 500 copies of Walt Whitman’s book to relieve nominally 118 @ 20; Michigan 1 28. Ar at Queenstown Feb 25, ship Humboldt, Wiley, BRACES, SUPPOR. Ward 4. Ward 1 is a tie as to aldermen, Corn is dull and steady; No 1 Mixed held at 50. Oats ITERS, same, and that all overtacts state or his impecuniosity. Samarang. CRUTCHES. by any are and Mixed ottered at 'INDIAN CLUBS GRASS SEED ! while the Republicans elect two couucilmen. A the quiet steady; 35$c. Ar at Victoria March 4th, barque Antioch, Merrill, and people thereof, or seccession or of London despatch savs Marquis of DUMB Fourteen Inmates Pcrisli in therefrom, Receipts—718 bbls flour, 6,83J bush wheat, 691 Sau Francisco. BELLS. LORI NO, Apothe- In Ward 4 John a ilse rebellion for the dismemberment Blandford last week eloped with Lord mill Butland, Democratic fraud- of the Union Ayles- bush com, 2070 bush oats. Sid 1m Pernambuco Feb 7, brig Elizabeth, Stubbs, cary Practical Trnss Fitter, Cor Ex- was causeiess and indefensible on ford’s wife. bbls 5650 bush and Federal Sts. ulent voter, was arrested and committed to Flames. any theory of Shipments—700 flour, wheat, 4,000 (from Montevideo) lor New York; 13th, ship Sontag, change Jan26eodsntf right or of constitutional law. The financial crisis in Peru is getting worse. bush corn, 7.480 bush oats. McGilvery, (trom Palermo) for Queenstown. jail. Two others were frightened have now on hand an extensive Stock ot away by the He moved that the rules be The Presidents of Guatemala and Salvador March 13.—The Petroleum market At Port Antonio, J, Feb 25, sed Sunbeam, Bunker* suspended and Cleveland, is WEPrime Herein (»rn«t«. Red Clover* arrest of Butland. the resolution have made a bond of peace. firm: standard White at Ohio test tor soon. Top adopted, and called for the yeas 10$; ll$e; prime Philadelphia STROUT & Alaike Clover, Orchard Blue in White test at <»rnMM, Norwich, Conn., Much 13.—It is believed aud nays, which were ordered. Tbe excitement Bogota has subsided. legal 12$. GAGE, Grnnn, Hungarian GraNN and TO filet Meed, that [Latest by Europen stcaamers.] Reform meetings. fourteen persons were burned in tbe alms Mr. Stone ot Missouri, moved to adjourn. New Orleans, March 13. Cotton strong; Mid- which we otter at the CoweNt Canta Prices. Wc house, Most of them Ar at Liverpool Feb 24, Ralph M Hayward, Doane, also have a assortment of March Sunday. were old people Bejected. MINOR dling uplands 12gc. GOtJHSELLORS-AT-UW large Vegetable and Camden, 13.—The Auburn reformers irom GO to 70 of TELEGRAMS. Galveston; 25th, Camilla, Altata; WA Flower Meeds. years age. Seven bodies were Mr. Cox of New York asked whether it was Charleston, March 13.—CottoD is quiet and Humphrey. Campbell, Curling, Mobile; Tarifa. Brown, Norfolk. Have Removed to held three enthusiastic taken from the ruins burned to a in Henry Hart, formerly agent of the Pacific Office in Hon. W. W. meetings here, closing to-day cinder order to read|trom the Constitution these firm; Middling uplands 12$c. Cld 24tli, Bombay, Barter, Key West. and Five Mail Company in Japan and Chioa, has com- Thomas’ New Block, Saturday night with a packed house and three unrecognizable. inmates were in- wotds: “Done in convention the unani- Mobile, March 13.—Cotton active; Middling up- Ar at Gloucester 26th, Ariadne, Baltimore by menced a suit Hanson, jured from two mous consent against tbe company tor lands at Portland. hundred names on the by jumping windows, of them of the states—Seorge SVashing- $125,000 12$c. Sid 26th. Acorn, Piper, Kendall & pledge. which he claims is due him as commissioner on Whitney, iatally. The ehtire number of inmates was54. ton.” New York, March 13.—Cotton is dull; Ar at Barcelona Feb 16, Dirigo, Blair, Mobile. Fire in moscow. sales of steamers to the Middling 311-2 EICHAME ST. COR Of BLR The Speaker replied that it would be in thj Japau government, ef- uplands 12$c. March 13.—The fected by him. SPOKEN. S. C. STROUT. H. W. GAGE. ME. Skowhegan, dwelling house nature of debate and not in order. Savannah, March 13.—Cotton is quiet; Middling Jan 1 Ion 23 from dec30 snd&w3m ^PORTLAND, ^ and ell, owned and occupied by R. V. Ham of MISSISSIPPI. The motion to suspend the rules and adopt The passengers who were wrecked oa the uplands 12$c. 30, lat N, W, ship Titan, Berry, Cardiff lor Kong. the resolution was rejected, yeas steamer Galveston have arrived. They state Hong Moscow, were totally destroyed by fire 91, uays 72, March 6, lat 33 30, Ion 8110, brig Sarah V Nichols, “II works like a charm.” today two-thirds not having voted in the affirmative. that the tug sent from Nassau by the under- European markets. FRANK II. SKILLINGS with their contents. The fire iu Chase, from Matanzas for Portland. originated Conviction of Lieul Governor Davit, Very few Democrats voted for it. Among writers refused to take them from the island, London, March 13—12.30 P. M.—American securi- the chambers and is ties—United States Renne’s Oil withdrawn himselt and supposed to have caught March them were Durand of Michigan, Uardenbergof where they were obliged to stay with some two bonds. 1867, at 108; United States Magic ! having capital from the Jackson, Miss., 13.—The Senate by a Eric at Western Chosen firm of from the New Jenks of New dozen almost naked and to 10-40s, 106; 18|; do preferred 31. The Settler* Specific. This is a chimney. Loss about 81300; insured vote of 32 to 4 found Blent. Gov. Davis guilty Jersey, Peuusyluania, of negroes, obliged purely vegetable, general family remedy Indiana. of out of doors. Liverpool,March 13.—12.30 P. M.—Cotton market it in the house to use in case of for 8500. as charged io the articles of Phelps Connecticut. Potter of sleep With every advance of emigration into the far Keep emergency. impeachment. is Middling uplands at 6 7-16d; do Orleans TRY IT INTERNALLY, One colored and 5 five Michigan, Vance of Ohio and A. S. Williams The New York Commercial the demand buoyant; is for Postil. white Republicans voted says at 6$d; sales 20,000 4000 bales tor West, a new demand created Hostotter’s Stom- It cures Cholera in tbe of Michigan. All the Bepublicans voted for bales, including Colic, Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramp, Washington. affirmative and 4 colored in tbe it; for exchange in London has been increased speculation and export. ach Bitters. arc and Pains in the March 13.—Clement L. Mil- negative. all the southern Democrats it Newly peopled regions frequently Stomach, Indigestion, Sore Throat, The flndiDg will be formally announced Wed- against and most since Saturday to the extent of about £175,000, Coughs, Colds, &c. Paris dram has been at all of the nothern Democrats less salubrious than older settled Realities, on ac- Co., appointed postmaster Wells, nesday. refrained from or $8,75000 by the purchase of or UKK IT EXTERNALLY. Flouring 40,000 50,000 count of the miasma which rises from recently cleared York county, Me. voting, rserore mo vore was announced Mr. Erie common stock for the New York market. A Standard medicine lor curing Bright’s Disease, It cures Neuralgia. Catarrh, Rheumatism, Sprains, the hanks of rivers that are Old the business of said firm will be closed Rockland Crimes and Baker called the attention of the Chair to these Bladder and Glandular is land, particularly along Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Headache, Toothache, au COMMERCIAL. Back Loins, Gravel, Diabetes, Intemperance, SONS, Proprietors, Pittsfield, Mass Roswell F. lis veslerdav liv the PYnlnsinn nf n lnor,m„i; I compelled Bitters afford the sure Excesses and Prostration of the that the only protection Rotcn, was The Speaker overruled the point. Nervous System, are inaugurated mayor and delivered his in- boiler. malaria and those disorders of the JT. W. PERKINS A CO„ Mr. llandall of remarked that cured Hunt’s Remedy. Hunt’s against stomach, is oiHrnral aildraaa (’ A Tlmia v Pennsylvania by Remedy im- who alone authorized to sign in Ninety five rum-sellers were arrested there was a bowels to which climatic General liquidation. for good deal of truth in the resolution Portland Wholesale tone and vigor to the constitution when it liver and changes, exposure, Agents, Portland, Me. clerk. Rev. L. D. tbe excise law in market. parts bas aul7 city Wardwell was chosen violating Suuday New York. and also a good deal of false principle. and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject febl7eod«jfew3m Monday, March 13.—The markets are firm become debilitated. Hunt’s Remedy restores PARIS of the Common There was a rain storm The result of the vote was then announced. to-day tbe FLOURING CO. president Council, but as he heavy Sunday night and show but little invalid to health. him. Consequently, he places an estimate upon this Portland. March in New York, and The following is the negative vote: change. Sugars are firm at 10fc marlOeod&wlw 9,1870. mlil0eod3w had not been present to take the oath of exceedingly heavy showers great household specific and preventive commensur- office, about four for granulated and 9|c for Extra C. . o’clock Monday morning, which Messrs. Ashe, Atkins, Beebe, Blackburn, Potatoes are 11H T JtL A 1 Hi K , the election was declared dull and 40 45c ate with its intrinsic merits, and is careful to keep on subsequently illegal, were accompanied by lightning and thunder. Bland, Blunt, Boon. Bright, Brown, (Ky.) Coveil, bring @ by the car load. Flour is married. Caldwell hand a restorative and of health so and the board adjourned without farther ac" I (Ala.) Caldwell, (Tenn.) Cardiler, Cate, steady and shows do change. Pork and promoter implic- The mangled remains of Daniel Lyons, em- lard very PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SMUGGLER, JR., Clarke, (Ky.) Cook, Cowan, Culberson, Debait, Dib- to be relied in time of need. — — tion. ployed by Rice & Wright on the Rock Cut at firm. itly upon by rell, Douglass, Ellis, Faulkner, Fellou, Forney, In Gorham, March 12. L. L Ferris, Louis ■/ate of Philadelphia, West on the by Doug- Deerfield, Mass., Troy and Green- Franklin, Glover. Goode, Gunter. Hancock, Hart- lass and Miss Frances H. both of Gorham. Fogg, — field Forcisu Imports. CAN BE — NEW YORK. R,R.,were found yesterday forenoon beside ridge, Harris, (Ga.) Hewett, (Ala.) Hill, Hooker, Ju Bath, March 2, C. A. Pcaslce aud Miss A. M. SMUGGLER. MATANZAS. Bark Emma F NOTICES. the track, two miles west oi Greenfield. He House, Hunton, Hurd, Jones, (Ky.) Knott, Levy, Ilarriman—81 lilulqU(IS Hill, both of Bath. SPECIAL OF Hunt COmSlLTED FREE CHARGE COL. was intoxicated and killed the Lewie, Lord, Meade. Milllkcn, Mutcbler, Odell, sugar to Geo S & Co. In Alt. Vernon. Feb. 19, Towle of Mt. II. H. RUSSELL, owner of Smuggler, probably by Randolph at rooms in Parsons, Payne, Pbiilips, (Mo.) Pi|ier, Kea. and Miss ot bis Jr. has sent him to Failure of Daniel Drew, extra freights that were running Sunday Began, Vernon Alaria Spaulding Belgrade. ltice, Biddle, Bobbins, (N. C.) Bobbins, (Fa.) Boss, In Nobleboro, March 5. Jacob A. Johnson of New March night Domestic Jef- Mechanics’ Hall York, 13.—The failure of Dan- Scales, Sbeakley, Singleton, Smith, (Ga.) Stone, Daily Receipts. ferson and Aliss Laura A. Rice of Nobleboro. Building. Merrymeetieg Farm, Bowdoinliam iel Drew is announced. ! A Liabilities $300,000. mad dog, supposed to belong in Terry, Throckmorton, Tucker, Vane. (N. CJWaddell, water conveyance—1000 bush cornmeal to In Rockport. March 6, Geo. W. Crockett of Vinal- The Doctor is a Taunton, By G to serve his own marc9 kept their. He will be limited Stock speculation did it. with a collar marked F. a muck Walker, (N. V.) Ward, Williams, Williams, (Ind.) W. True & Co. haven and Josie Wentworth of Rockport. Fiyuu, 548,rau Yates Graduate of both the and to 30 good mares for outside parties. Ho has put the Bold in Wilbs, and Young. 75. Allopathic Bobbery. Mansfield, Mass., Sunday forenooD, biting price within reach of everybody. Only $,?•> per 17 3 of them so Mr. Cox then offered the Roston fetock Market Homoeopathic Schools, Five masked men entered the house of dogs, savagely that they died following resolu- DIED. Nca»on. If not in foal, to have the use of horse Jas tions: has been in extensive practice for twenty years. Dis- a farmer almost instantly. He was finally [Sales at the Brokers’ Board, Mch. any time he is in the stud. Smuggler, Jr., is one of Crosby, wealthy living on the i slaughtered 13.] eases of the Eye and Ear, Throat and Dally- after a chase. There Resolved. That the in the United Lungs, skill- the most remarkable colts of his age (5 years) iu New town road near Farmer’s on long is much excittement people 67 Boston & Maine treated. Also Chronic station, the North- States Railroad. fully Diseases in all forms. bauds 3 beautiful ern New in the constitute a nation in the seuse to the 25 Eastern Railroad In this city March 13th, Airs. Martha Tobey, aged England.15 inches, bay, perfect pic- Jersey railroad early yesterday morn- 1 neighborhood. Silks. The Doctor’s success in both acute and chronic dig- ! like ture of his sire, but finer gaited exactly and took off extent and for the purposes delined in the fed- 74 years. Silks, Silks, warrants the assertion that grained, ing $20,000 worth of a ex 25.do.||* eases, he never faiIn ami best of bonds and Josephus Sooy, defaulting S.ate Treas- Funeral services at p. m. Burial at him and very fast.. Grand good pasture worth of eral constitution. Second Call. Thursday 2J to cure where a cure is possible. ad- $10,000 silver ware and jewelry The urer ot New Jersey, wac sentenced yesterday convenience of the family. care of broed marcs. For further particulars robbers intimidated the Resolved. That the government of the United 31 Eastern Railroad.... F< A, F» A BA.llNi family with revolvers to three years in the penitentiary. He wept. . In Gorham, Alarch 12, Henry B. Files, aged 24 years Office SIourH 9 to Jii A. 1 to dress States is a lederal umno and was M., 5, and O ! eod2m«&w3ml0 and beat Crosby until he showed them formed by 40 Boston & Maine Railroad.. .' 8 months. deU to 8 F« Ms mch3 where Patrick Calahan. about 50 years of age, com- the of the .1002 EASTMAN BROS. lebl7sne Western 150, Union advanced from 67§ to 68, fell to Suu sets.6.06 I Aloou rises.11,15 PM |y executed at this office ja28 dtf the new cite council. the would have to for the inter- Whole number votes. city provide 6 S. B. Beckett. i t ^ donations THE PEESS. est on the of bonds issued for a choice. 4 by the people of Vassalboro to $1,100,000 to aid Necessary Stephen K. Dyer. 4 I the Henry Fox bad. 5 destitute family of Mr. Jerold, recently NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALES the Portland and Rochester railroad, the and no choice. burned Organization oi' Both Branches— Inaugu- Lorenzo Taylor bad*. 1 out, were so large in clothing and pro- TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, ’71 I sum of $09,000 would have to be The visions that Mr. added, Aud Alderman Fox was declared elected. fourth ballot resulted as follows: Jerold wag under the neces- ration of Hayor Fencndcn.-Election a total of annual tax. This of the F. O. BAILEY A CO, making $227,000 A Whole number of votes.. 28 sity stopping collections. Among the Please tell the that saw their W'ould be a message was received from the Council artic.es people you of City Officers. yearly tax of nearly $0,50 on Necessary to a choice. 15 contributed was 150 pairs of stockings, CITY AND of Advertisement in Auctioneer* and VICINITY every thousand dollars of valuation. It announcing the permanent organization by the Samuel Thurston had. 5 35 pairs sheets, and everything in that pro- the PRESS, the circula- Commission Merchant* S. B. Beckett. 13 must be remembered that the choice of W. T. Small as and B. portion. however, $81,- President, K. had. 9 tion of which, per exceed i Malcaroonu :J3 and 3T Ml. of both branches of the Stephen Dyer The Journal month, 100,000, Exchange THE PRENft The members city 000 of interest of the of Barnes, Jr. as Clerk. d. C. Procter. 1 says that an and very $1,250,000 city unique '• be obtained at is the entertainment in the burut-cork aud bailit. o. w. 1LLHI. May tbe Periodical Denote of PVs council met and organized yesterday morning. bonds, only part of this sum which A was sent to the Council announc- and no choice. enjoyable eendeH message white-faced line, in Bros., Marquis, Brunei & Co. Andrew! OF MAYOR AND will come as a new burden wag; given the new amuse- BOARD ALDERMEN. this year. ing the of the At the of ballot ment ball at Kegular gale of Furniture and General a"a permanent organization upper close this Alderman Fox the Iusane ou Merchan- K™arick> Dhisboli The constant increase of our Hospital Friday every at 10 SSg^onrilwJdnS’tb',B'l trains that run out of The Board was called to order by the debt beyond board. moved March the dise Saturday, commencing o’clock a. m. ur?f-b?V,a tbe city.3 City to drop the ballot for the time and pro- eveBing, 101b, by National Home Consignments solicited. At Biddeford, of Phillsbury. the increased expenditure due to the Minstrels, the minstrels oc3dt At Clerk and HeDry Fox was chosen temporary growth The bonds of James S. Gould aud Charles H. ceed with the of the other kindly volunteering TmvERSAT of L. election but Saco, Hodgdon, of the the wisdom of a officers, their services for the At chairman. city, suggests consti- benefit of the patients at Waterville, of J. S. Carter. tutional Hall were received and approved. the voting proceeded with the following result: the At ot J. restraint upon the power of the hospital. Bath, O. Shaw. Aldermen Cushman and were chosen city At Perry to contract and The nominated K. for Whole number of votes. 28 LIFE INSURANCE Lewiston, of French Bros., and Stevens & Co. debts, the imposition of a Mayor Cyrus Bridges Another glorious tueetiug of the committee on to a choice. 15 Augusta COMPANY, credentials, who repor;ed the fol- limit to the of Seth first Mar- Necessary Relorm Club was held percentage our tax for City Marshal, Sterling Deputy Samuel Thurston 3 Sunday afternoon, ~Mar. any had. IVarreu lowing as the elee'ed members of the Such a shal S. B. 12lb, at Granite Hall, which was filled to over- 17 A: 19 Slreit, N. V, r restraint and New Advertisement* To-Dny. legally purpose. has already been C. C. Chase second Deputy Marshal. Beckett 14 Board : Steohen K. 10 flowing, ever/seat oeiug filled and all the Ward 1, It. Greeley; Ward 2, John B. imposed in some of the larger States, and a The board confirmed the nominations. Dyer. BY J. C. Procter.". 1 standing room occupied. The iron clad pledge ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. Ward 3, Lorenzo Ward 4, petition from the city government to the and Littlefield; Taylor; leg- Ordered, That the rules orders of the pre and no cow numbers nearly 400 names. islature obtain choice. Statement January 1st, 1876. Rajmond’s Social Assembly. I. II. Cushman; Ward 5,Ezra Ward 6, might this wholesome safe- ceding Council be, and hereby are adopted by Perry; The sixth and as Benjamin Maxim of North Wayne, has kill- SPECIAL NOTICES. for our tins That the com- last ballot resulted follows: Henry Ward Samuel Waterhouse. guard people. City Council; appropriation ed besides some foxes aud Fox; 7, I mittees of members Whole number of votos. 28 ninety skunks, Eastman Bros.—2. would alse suggest that an application be composed of the City minks. He sold skunk fo- Accumulated Assets $5,492,635 A message was sent to the Commou Council Necessary to a choice. 15 the pelts $70; be Comiiiencinir on Tuesday, March 14th, at M1SCELLANEOUS NOTIC E3. made to the legislature to Council continue by a majority to approve in impose upon the S. B. Beckett, had. 11 sells the oil for $4 per gallou. 11 A. M., and at 11 A. M. the election of a chair- writing bills aud claims against the re Gross continuing* Tried and Proved—Reader’s German Snuff. announcing temporary county the care of the bridge at Pride’s cross- city Stephen K. Dyer. 15 Liabilities,includ- ferred to them for approval before the PENOBSCOT COUNTY. and it I'. M., each day, W. C. Sawyer & Co. man. ing, and the bridge at Stroudwater. The pay- Samuel Thurston. 2 ment that the A horse to C. Harlow was reserve — thereof; unfinished business of belonging Mr. S. ing 4,834,182 — AT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Board then went into convention burden of these At the conclusion of the election the conven- joint maintaining bridges was put the last City Council which was referred to this stolen trom the First Parish church, Just Received—Or in Hawkes & Co. llaogor, with the Common Council for the upon the city before the days of railroads and Council be referred at once to the tion dissolved. Sunday March while the owner aud his Jan. 1876 Dr. Kenison—U. S. Hotel. qualification City appro- 12tb, Surplus 1st, 657,453 Salesroom 35 and 37 Exchange St, when the of the travel committees when were City of Portland—To Owners. of the Mayor. greater part over them priate appointed; th.ttbe BOARD or MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. family attending services. Anuual Universal Life Insurance Co. was to and from the At rules and orders of the last Board of and Income we shall sell about COMMON COUNCIL city. the present Mayor The bond of John D. Smith was received and Charles Pearl, of has a volume 3,391,645 The Churn. Aldermen be Esq. Bangor, Sprague time they are enjoyed more by the other adopted by this Board until oth- containing “The Charter Granted bv Their The board was called to order the former peo- erwise a approved, after which the Board Policies issued Notice—Southgate Dyking Co. by ordered; that committee of two on the adjourned. K dur’g 1875 6,408 To Let—H. E. ple of the county than by us : and in view of Maje>ties ng William aud Queen Mary to Thompson. clerk, B. Jr. H. B. Brown was chosen part of this board be appointed with such as IN COMMON COUNCIL. th lOO To Let—W. W. Carr. Barnes, the share of the tax Inhabitants of the Province of MaiTachu- large county paid by the Commou Council to Ain’t of new insurance For may join revise aud The Board met to the fetts Bay in New It was in 14,575,219 Sale—Rollius, I^oring & Adams. temporary president. Portland, it is that the care of these previous convention, Eoglaud.” printed New only just prepare the Municipal Register, with 1726. Ho also Store, New Firm— D. & Co. Couucilmen Marsh from together but no business was transacted. At the close has in his possession a pair of in Fine Oil Harvey Ward 5, Cunning- bridges should be assumed the the rules and orders of each and Alder Am’t of Ins. force Paintings by country, Board, th it were 35,907,240 Dauchy’s Advertisements—4. the “pipe longs,” made in the times ham from Ward 2 and Little from Ward 6 were and the rest of the bear a man Fox from ward 6 and of convention the Board adiourned. county portion of Littlefield from when matches were not so as now ard a APPROPRIATELY FRAMED. ward 2 plenty OFFICERS. chosen committee on credentials. re- the expense. were appointed on the part of the coal was used to the There Superior Court. They The light pipe. are at- On Exhibition March I3lh Board; that a committee of two on the part of Museum.—The storm last evening in- tachments to ilietn President. Monday, MARCH the as the names of those STREETS AND BRIDGES. for clearing out the pipe, WILLIAM WALKER, CIVIL TERM, 1870, PRE ported following this Board with as SYMONDS, J., such the Coramou Council terfered with a full attendance at the pressing dawn the tobacco and HENRY J. FUUBER, Vice-President. SIDING. A amount of Museum, holding the coal F, 0. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. elected members of the board: large valuable work has may be to contract some ou .JOHN H. join, appointed with and a audience was not it for lighting the weed. BEWLEY, Secretary. malO dtf Monday.—In the case of vs. been done large present. The Merrill Merrill, re- Ward 1, Wm. E. Dennison, James Knowl- during the past year upon the suitable person to print the annual reports of GEORGE L. MONTAGUE, Actuary. selected was Sheridan Knowles’s Dtvelin. the anti-Ca holic has bceu EDWARD W. Medical ported yesterday, the defendant's counsel files ex- John E Ward Jann-s bridges, and it is to be that we the several departments of the Govern- play drama, lecturer, LAMBEhT, Examiner. ton, Noves; 2, Cunning- hoped may City disturbances in the tc Administrator's Male of Real ment for mun creating mperauce meet- ceptions to general rulings during the trial, and also ham, Wm. H. Sargent, John Gooding, receive such from it as to effect the past cipal year, aud Aider- “The Wife,” a nlay not well Jr.; advantage certainly adapted ings at Baugor, by AGENCY DEPARTMENT. Estate. Ward L. M. Cousens. John Wm. a men and Cushman were on introducing politics, talking to a portion of the charge to tbe jury. 3, Cammett, reduction this year in the Perry appointed to the Museum as it to use of W. D. expenditure the of the company, requires, insultingly President Grant and the entire Daniel R. Busli vs. Isabella and Boberts; Ward 4, D. Hannegan, J. S. ture of that part Board. CHARLES P. General March 2d, at 12 o’clock Murray Michael department. There is a the expression of one familiar with the Republican party. GRIFFIN, Manager. THURSDAY, M., Bussell, B P. Andrews; Ward 5, Charles until play, SAMUEL I. KNIGHT, Superintendent. ON pursuant to a license from the Probate Court Murray. This is an action to recover damages alleg- prevailing belief in the commun- Adjourned 71-2 o’clock. Walker, Stephen Marsh, N. E. Kedlon; Ward “four leading men.” The play dragged until mhl4 d3w of Cumberland County, I shall sell at public auction ed to have been sustained by reason of tbe defend- that a be made in IN COSIMON COUNCIL. if not of sooner at G. Cyrus L. Gallison, B. C. Albion ity large saving might the appearance of Mr. in disposed private sale, house and Somerby, Wbeelock the second Universal Life Insurance Company.—We No. 5 Oxford in the of ants furnishing the plaintiff’s wife with whiskey, Ward Wm. the appropriation for streets. This be The B iard proceeded at once to effect a per- lot, Street, city Portland; the Little; 7, T, Small, A, Q. Leach, may and excited THE same the real act, no deep interest until the before our readers a being all estate belonging to Hannah whereby she became intoxicated, broke crockery, Harry B. Brown. done, but riot to the extent that is manent Couccilmen Leach from lay today brief but com- imagined. organization. close of the fourth. T. Adams Jate of Portland, deceased. and a sum The of our prehensive annual statement of the Universal furniture, spent large of money. Dama- A message was sent to tbs upper hoard an- topography city, the increase of 7, Redlon from 5 and Andrews from 4 were PERCIVAL BONNEY, Adro’r. c. t. a. ap- Mr. F ges claimed $2000. The action was our and the wear and Wheelock’s first appearance Life Insurance of O. BAILKY Sc CO., Auctioneers brought undei the A mes- business, consequent a committee to provoked Company New York, to nouncing temporary organization. pointed receive, sort aud count Portland, Jan. 31,1876. section 32 of the laws of 1874. tear of the streets, demand a more hearty applause, which w*3 renewed every which we call attention. As will Churn! expensive be seen sage was received from the Aldermen vstes for President of the Council. re- by above sale was The defendants propos- of and They time he Sprague B^“*The postponed till THURS- denied that sold the system repairing, grading, stepped upon the His “Juiien reference to they plaintiff’s a convention. paving. as follows: stage. it, the company had nearly DAY, March 16th, at same time and place. ing joiot The number of for ported $6,000,- wife the whiskey at this time; and said never large horses the Fire De- St. Pierre” was a finished and effective 000 having seen the of ma3 deodtd they The Whole number of votes. 20 imper- accumulated assets January 1, 1876, an in- rpiIE undersigned operations Aldermen then came in and the two the a JL the now on exhibition at the let her have anything intoxicating but once, partment involves maintaining large to sonation, admirable and in Sprague Chum, except Necessary choice. 11 throughout, the crease during the of over one Hotel in hereby that boards went into number of teams a preceding year City Portland, certify a at the request of the husband. in testi- and large number of men W. T. small bad. 15 scene They put closing of the fourth act rising to great million notwithstanding it had return- prime quality ot Butter was produced from ordinary JOINT CONVENTION. to work the A W. W. Roberts had. 2 dollars, mony tending to show that the wife was in the teams. saving might be made cream int-ide of three miuutes ami a half, and that B. had. In that scene, where he “Fer- we are to its work those streets Barnes, Jr., 3 power. compels ed, reliably informed, policy hold- the same was washed and salted in first rate order habit of purchasing liquor at other places, and that The convention organized by the choice of by putting upon only S to with churn without the IRIS rado” (Mr. the ers or the assistance ot tbe bands. where and convenience of travel ren- aud W. T. Small was declared elected. On Waldron) sign confession,the their legal representatives over two mil- sometimes her husband, a colored man and a sea- Alderman Fox as chairman. safety We consider the Churn the best in use and most was made of a Sprague der work taking the chair Mr. Small thanked the Board very effective situation, lion dollars, and an annual increase of over to faring man, was in the habit of bringing her liquor The City Clerk read the official record of the necessary. Any expenditure upon $3,- cheerfully recommend it the public a street the sum of should for and the a XV. D. Ames, of Nutter Brothers & Co. when he returned from a Both beyond $200, have the honor conferred, and stated that he audience, wrought, up to high pitch 000,000. voyage. parties re- vote for Mayor, which showed that Francis S. II. & A. It. Mill and Lumber a This is of Doter, Planing side on Washington street. Verdict for the defend- specific appropriation. required by should ever endeavor to keep a watchful eye excitement, insisted on his appearance be After scltiDg aside an amount sufficient to Dealers. Fessenden had been legally elected Mayor for the ordinances. Made to ants. for the fore the curtain. Alfred Goods. Order! best interests of the His meet all actual and contingent and a Woodman, Dry the year. city. acting certainly justified liabilities, Cliffords for ensuing The report of the City Engineer recom- F. O. Sawyer, Fish Dealer. plaintiff. The same committee were to re- his reputation, and gave promise of many fine premium reserve sufficient at cent, in- Alderman and Councilmen Andrews mends the construction of some of the new appointed 4^ per J. W. Sawyer, Fish Dealer. H. B. Cleaves for defendants. Perry ceive votes for a clerk. They reported as fol- impersonations during his stay here. Did the terest to reinsure all of its risks iu in and Walker were a committee to streets, which have been laid out force, any MR CYRUS COLE of Cape Edgar S. Brown vs. Matthew Adams. This is an appointed by preced- Elizabeth, lows: even more than it it would re- wait the ing administrations. I would play drag does, good company, the Universal still has a sur- having purchased the right to said chum for the action against a deputy sheriff to recover damages upon Mayor elect and notify him of city suggest new Whole number of votes. 19 to sie the fourth of over State of Maine, except the counties ot Penobscot, No. each. his election and his that work of this kind be confined to pay sitting through merely plus $050,000. 3, $2.50 alleged to have been suffered by the plaintiff to his request attendance. The Necessary to choice. 10 Aroostouk, Washington, Hancock and Waldo, is now cases where it will the act. This financial exhibit demonstrates the safe- health and feelings by, as plaintiff says, the refusal committee retired and soon returned with the pay city immediately B. Barnes, Jr., had... 19 prepared to dispose of county rights at a fair rate, “ to construct the streets, or where the The “Marianp.fi” of Miss Miles was a verv of its low rate of aud in a few weeks will be ready to fill orders for the No. of the defendant to give plaintiff time to rights and was declared elected. He in a ty premiums charged, ahont 2, 3.50 procure Mayor elect, accompanied by ex-Mayor Bich- responded churn. The inventer has a churn on exhibi- of persons who have built upon the streets uneven At times it showed 20 cent, less than sample bail, after he had been arrested on an execution, be. ardson and Bev. Dr. few remarks. performance. great por usually charged by mu- tion at the City Hotel, where be is to explain Carrulhers of the Second entitle them to have the streets constructed. appropriate ready “ fore him at other times it was sheer rant. Taken tual a reduction its to who call, carrying to the jail. Damages claimed five A was received from power, companies, equivalent to an operation any may No. 1. 4.00 Parish church. message the Board of mail dtw&w2w thousand dollars. On trial. SEWERS. as a whole it was hardly a satisfactory aunual cash dividend of 25 per cent. Ex-Mayor Kicbardson introduced the Mayor Aldermen announcing the permanent organiz- per- Cliffords tor plaintiff. A moderate expenditure for sewers will be formance. The support was in uo more The cheaper the rates consistent with safetv TERMS. elect to the convention. The Clerk ad- ation. genera’, j u o i rtnjuihivihjj City the we Mattocks & Fox for defendant. required during year. When consider than fair. Mr. was a the more within ministftrPfl t.hp nnfh nf In fhn Mownr olcn ad oruer was that the Waldron, however, very unquestionably the reach of passed rules and or- — — now mucn ot the area of the is made AT CASH ON city up effective “Ferrado.” At times he too ranted, mass is life insurance. Surplus premiums with- DELIVERY. Brief Jolting*. to the Aldermen and Councilmen. Rev. Dr. of hard ledge and the necessity for increased ders of last year be the same for the present [ but in the main the impersonation was praise- out individual neces- It is said that the small pox has broken cut Carrutbers ottered pr.iyer, after which the sewerage caused by the introduction of water until otherwise ordered. accounting responsibility worthy. la the scene of the fourth act sarily tend to The low rates of in Mechanic Falls. Major delivered his.inaugural address as fol- we may congratulate ourselves upon the Papers Irom the upper Board were passed in closing extravagance. small his playing was and he the Universal would seem to be in the interest S. C. Edwards, a prominent citizen of Gray, lows: expense the city has been obliged to concurrence, and Councilmen BrowD, Sargent especially good fairly OrinHawkes&Co.’s, Charles Custis &Co., died incur for sewers. Yet the increase divided the honors with Mr. Wheelock. The of the people. suddenly Saturday night at the tea-table. The present year finds our city, in com- great and Dennison were appointed to join the com- in the use of water and sewers makes it es- other characters require little mention. It These features of the Universal with 493 St. Cause, heart disease. mon with the whole country, from mittee of the Atlermeu on the of special 482 & 484 CONGRESS ST., Congress suffering sential to the health of the preparation apr28 good community, might be objected to Mr. as “Father its sound and condition mast a deowlylp A eulogy on St. Patrick is to bo delivered in the depression which has fallen upon every the municipal register, and Gallison, Snyder prosperous be kind of that the sewers should be carefully construct- Hannigan Antonio” that his the Cathedral and at St. Dominic’s at business and labor. While we appearance savored too source of satisfaction to the company’s success- early may ed and carried to suitable and Walker to join the committee from the ourselves this outlets. A general of the church and SUITING*, and a concert at Hall in the congratulate that community strongly militant, that his ful Geneial Agent of this state, M. L. Stevens, mass, City even- system should be and sewer Aldermen on printing annual reports. has felt more than many others the followed, every moustache set with ill the eccles- of this ing of St. Patrick’s lightly constructed grace upon lip Esq., city, as also to the many policy Day. misfortunes to the with reference to the sewers it re- Adjourned to 71-2 o’clock. BEMOTAL. incident times, and that iastical. Mr. as “Looaardo” showed holders nnder his OVERCOATINGS, The finish of the bouse on St. ceives and the sewer it enters. The En- Shorey jurisdiction. With this fav- Libby Deering Providence haB the usual of Gity Evening Session. tempered rigors emotion in his usual hard and orable annual would is known as Eastlake, after a celebrated gineer has devised a for a section way by breathing exhibit, if seem to depend Eng- our winters with a merciful mildness, we general plan BOARD OP MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. TRIMMINGS ! lish architect. of the city, on Hill. This should be looking up at th9 chandelier. Mr. Caluer as upon Mr. Stevens to fix the magnitude of his shall find nevertheless that our condition de- Munjoy The Board was called to order followed out with to by Mayor Fes- “Bartolo” tried hard reference other to be and failed. new business — — Brothers It is now Fessenden and Marshal mands all our to ease the burdens portions fanny daring 1876. FOR Fairbank, Mayor energies senden. The bonds of of the The of off the Cyrns K. Bridges as The will be this which the administration of our affairs city. question carrying play repeated evening and Bridges. city of of city marshal, an! D. Hall as consta- our sewage large portions the city has al- Stepheu at the matinee tomorrow. The of Mr. MERCHANT A horse demolished a imposes upon fellow citizens. There has acting W. 0. Sawyer & No. 22 Market w oar. TAILORS, runaway portion of the been the were approved. Co., Square, Spring never been a time when the of ready confronting city authorities. ble, Wheelock is alone sufficient to call out iron around tbe Custom attention the big has received their stock of and Have Removed from tbe old railing House yester- The expense of preparing the plans for the The Major Lyman A. Batchelder pure Vegetable NOBBY STYLES! FINE TEXTURES! stand, country was so turned to the good govern- appointed houses. of different areas of the Flower Seeds. Our annual of Seeds NO 5 J day. ment of cities and drainage city would as inspector of flour for one The Board catalogue SCHOOL STREET, towns. The same con- year. Gentlemen in want of stylish garments will do well The police seized a barrel of beer at a dwell- be trifling, while it will save the from Openings.—Today Messrs. Bines Bros, will sent free to all. mh24eod3t. traction and economy now being practiced in city confirmed the appointment. to give us a call. TO CHAMBERS house on tbe end of Cumberland costly blunders in future. The total expen- their new store at No. 255 Middle street. done to order. ing upper private expenditure is demanded for the A petition from I. P. for a sewer I open ^‘Cutting pub- diture for sewers the Farrington Tried street last lic business. during year is $14,292,10 This is a and the and Proved.—The enormous demand NO. 125 TREMONT STREET, evening. on Chestnut street was leferred to the commit- very pleasant store, enterpris- OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE. of which has been received for as- for Header’s German Snuff The White will at We shall find examination of our $6,114,17 have i proves beyond a mhll family sing Saco to-night. upon tee on sewers when ing proprietors filled it with fina new d3w that in sessments. This a moderate expenditure and appointed. doubt that it is Park Street A number of persons at Cumberland Mills affairs, spite of the exertions of which are the attention of just what it is represented to Opposite pre- much less than the sum in former A message was sent to the Council goods, worthy those administrations to lessen the expended proposing be. are sick with the small Tbe was ceding expenses who wish in their line. of Portland. Church. pox. disease a convention for the anything City of the city, some heavy additional burdens years. joint election of subordi- brought in the rags which came to the mills SUPPORT OF D. Harvsy & Co., from have Our Stock will be complete March 20th, and is se- must be met and borne THE POOR. nate city officers. The Council returned a mes- Vermont, open- Attention is called to the by us, and it will fine lot of Pictures To Owners or of Build- lected from the finest qualities and newest styles to The amount ed a new produce store at No. 113 Ceutra Occupants What Children Can Do. therefore be in with the and expended for the support of sage signifying their readiness to assemble in street, i now on exhibition at rooms of F. O & be found. harmony feelings Bailey and Lots on Alder. neccessities of our the to March is for the sale of gilt edge Vermont butter and ings Brackett, Our Garments, in point of fit and finish, shall be In 1874, five about twelve fellow citizens for us to poor, 1, 1876, $25,736.78. joint convention. The two Boards then went 35 and 37 street, to be sold January, children, Co., Exchange by Treble and FIKSf-CLASS in every respect, and second to none curtail in which is not for This sum is less than the expenditure for the into nice cheese. Mr. Harvey has been engaged in EIui, India, Myrtle, years of age, desiring to be useful, formed every undertaking auction this day at 10 and 21 o’clock. in the city the immediate advantage of the same purpose ten years ago, and an examina- JOINT CONVENTION. the butter busiuess in Peacham, Vt., for twen- Smith Streets. Boston, March 1st, 1876. mb9eodtmhl8 themselves into a society, took tbe name of “St. city. tion of the items shows that while the poor On motion ot Alderman and is well in this City Clerk’s Office, Nicholas THE FINANCES. Greeley, the conven- ty-five years posted line of ‘Only a Sweet Little Letter,” is the title of Circle,” and have, Eince that time, have not increased in number the cost of ad- March 13 1876. f In attention to the tion at once began the election of subordinate goods. ; Ihe latest song. It can be obtained of i« that the above named met together nearly every week. From the ear- calling your different ministration is The new at popular hereby given greater. hospital streets have, order of the Board of subjects which will demand your care city officers. Two committees were appointed PersDual. the Collins & 522 Con- NOTICE by Mayor liest start they earned tbe money to buy all the during the Almshouse has proved to be of j publishers, Buxton, and Aldermen, been renumbered to plans the 1 invite great sort according Valuable year, first your examination of service to to receive, and count the votes. The first Gen. G. Thomas is ; street. tf in tbe Civil and all in- Property material for their work, and during the two the poor who require accommoda- Henry detailed for duly gress City Engineer’s Office, parties the statement of the City Treasurer, who has committee consisted of Councilmen Marsh and terested are hereby notified that tbe numbers so des- have received about three tions of that kind. During this hard year, in the United States Department of the Inter- TO BE years ouly dollars as the exhibit of finan- ignated must be affixed to the buildings on said LEASED prepared following the no one will a liberal to Roberts, the second of Councilm»n oppose Leach and national Exhibition at streets within from the first ot — — donations (in sums from five cents to one dol- cial condition of the appropriation Philadelphia. FANCY GOODS. sixty days day April ON city: help the poor, and we should furnish them Sargent. The next. Per order, In held a appointment of Cyrus K. Bridges to be lar.; April, 1874, they Drawing Boom Funded debt at close of year H. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk, ending with more frequent opportunities for The election resulted in the choice of the fol- Commercial St., from after March 31,1875, making City Marshal will meet with an as mal I dtd Fair, which, paying all expenses $2,906,300 their to the overseers. approval gen- Amount of bonds authorized to be is- applications lowing officers: as HEAD IQERBILI/8 WHARF. realized tbe sum of one eral he is knowD. High conscien- they hundred and sixty sued since March 31, 1875 : minded, PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Clerk—Hosea I. Robi nson. dollars, ODe hundred and of which For i terest due July 1, 1875, City tious, courteous and straight-forward, he is Woolen forty they that the Treasurer and W. New New Firm! 75 feet Front, 232 feet Deep, containing and January 1, 1876, on city I.learn public buildings of the Collector—Henry Hersey. well ca’.oaDied to | Hosiery. Store, to tbe Portland city discharge the responsible gave Fraternity. They then bonds in aid ol Portland have received liberal and City Messenger—John L. Shaw. 18,700 feet. and thorough repairs duties of the office to satisfaction. — THE — put into tbe Savings Bank $20 to start a fund Rochester railroad (to the City Auditor—Cyrus Nowell. general AT be refunded in six during year, rendered necessary by the ; Having decided to sacrifice on several lots of Win- Storage and Wharfage at Reasonable years), $60,000 City Solicitor—Thomas B. Reed. ter or to use at any time if needful in the future. For streets, sidcnulkn and wear and tear of several seasons in which Hosiery which we wish to close out, we shall RateM Deposits ot Rock, Earth, Ashes, City Engineer—William A. Goodwin. Young Men’s Christian Association —At offer them at which cannot work was | prices fail to induce our Ac Received. Apply at Tbe success which attended their efforts aud bridges, 14,000 little done upon them. We Street Commissioner—Theron H. customers to even if WMesals Proice Commission House, For ought Payson. the monthly meetiug last the thanks of buy. they do not need them be- street damages, 1 ,ooo to receive the evening tbe kind patronage of friends gave them new benefit of this, and save in this Harbor Master—Beniamin W. Jones. fore next fall. We offer For schools, 2,500 the Association were extended to Mbs Tink- OFFICE ON WHARF, For item of expense. Assessor—Stephen K. Dyer. 113 Center Street. courage. These little people were determined public buildings, 1,500 city ham and Mrs. F. H. For interest due March 1, Assistant Assessors—Ward 1. Ezekiel H. Carpenter for donation of One Lot for Children at 2 pairs for 25c- or between 10 and 12 A. M. at on FIRE DEPARTMENT. to go with their work. They asked the priv- on bonds in aid William We shall receive of Vermont 1876, city of Hausou; 2, Weeks; 3, William Huse; 25 bound volumes of Litteil’s Living Age. Sum- One Lot at 20c per pair. shipments Gilt-edged of a room in the Maine Gene-' Portland and Ogdensburg The Eire is to be in 4, John A. Brown; S. Wil Butter and Cheese over tbe P. & O. Railroad semi- OFFICE OF W. S. ilege furnishing Department reported 5,Henry Trickey; 6, ner C. March of Mechanic and T. A. Lot DANA. railroad, 40,500 condition. In in liam D. Mariner; 7, William H Plummer Falls, One at 25c per pair. weekly through the Spring months and weekly by ral Hospital. It was granted. For Almshouse and good discipline, equipment, Oakes cars tbe Summer months direct eodlmia heating — were elected active members. Messrs lefrgerator through nial_ and in it is believed to be Chief Engineer Fire Department Frank One Lot of Full Finished All Wool in held a Fair with numbers, prepared Large from some ot the besc dairies in Vermont, made Again April, 1875, they Parlor Greeley Hospital Merrill Weston and were for all which will oc- Stevens, Sbaylor appointed a in all sizes from pure imported Jersey stock, and shall offer the and. althnnali f.hp nrnppprls wppp Ipsa than l»o. steam, 7,500 136,000 emergencies probably Hosiery for Ladies, Misses COAL TAct Assistant Engineers— 1st, Nahum Littlefield; committee to nominate officers for the same lo the trade at fair market rates. Truth! a I GOODS, cur, or which can be controlled any ensuing and Children at were to them to by 2d, R Samuel Rand; 3d, John H. Russell; 4th, 37c per pair. Statement* aud Square Weights will be fore, they enough encourage $3,102,500 which the can afford to maintain. year to be presented at the aucuai in • sucli as shoo dealers Less bonds paid during year agency city Charles H. Shillings. meeting our Motto* advertise ns keep on with their work. As these children j.ne The above is a reduction of from 25 to 50 from sinkimr fund for reduc. urumury expenses curing me year \yere Engineer Steamer No. 1—Edward W. Porter. April. per cent, D. HARVEY & CO. RUBBER UOODN, I will sell at tion of from our regular prices, anil presents one of the best were the first to propose furnishing a room, city debt, $13,700 $22,400 and the salaries $12,000 more, mak- Steamer No 2—John Cousens. mhl4 dtf following prices: Less bonds cancelled and Engineer opportunities to Hosiery buyers we have ever offered. were allowed a choice. Their a total of com- Steamer No. 3-Alfred Base Ball —A number of amateur base they plan being off order of the ing $34,400. This amount Engineer Wiggio. men’s charged by Steamer H>p Boots *3.00 to make their at Christmas well with the of the Engineer No 4—T. H. Williams. offering time, their City Council, May G, 1875, 60,500 $ 80,200 pares expenditure pre- men’s Bools • Egineer Steamer No F. Heavy 3.34 ceding year, there some advance in 5—Georrge Hayes. on Peatl last and room was to be called the ‘'St. Nicholas Koom,” being ( Ain P/n/Mninvi —.Tl’ nrrnnn W Dv,,ol-o street, evening, organized an Boys’ Heavy Boots 3.34 $3 022 300 salaries only. The losses fire the OWEN .... for their Patron Saint, good old St. Nicholas, Less available assets of the city by during Consulting Physicians—John T. N, amateur base bail club called “The United & MOORE, men’s Overs 44 were Gilman, ordinance year but $15,200 which were ... whom the children all love. was applicable by only nearly A. Hersom, Horatio N. Small. States Centennials Mr. was chosen men’s Arctics 1.34 Everythiog for of funded covered insurance of Wright payment debt, by $13,907. The Chief Overseers of the Poor for Two Fears—Adam Congress St. Cor. Brown. misses’ Overs • 34 ready in December, but owing to some delay in viz: captain. s- mHE undersigned would announce offering Geueral H Notes receivable, secured by year was $21,005 and for salaries $61,650, L Wing. respectfully Office where all the wholesale dry goods and other Hall’s Weigher of Hay—Eli men, Daniel Torrey, Solomon Stuart, X that tbey have this day formed a Rubber from the St. mortgage, 13,500 : a total of The Benjamin copartnership classes of trade are located. The'finest store in the Store, pital Nicholas Circle. Ia order making $82,655. first item is Weigher of Hard Goal and Plaster—Richard under the firm name of 7113 shares Portland and Osr- S. Fogg; Clerk, Thomas J. School Com- citv, with light and airy basement, two entrances, that onr readers see wbat some less than the same item last Cole. Eiggs; UNDER UAl.moUTH HOTEL. may these zealous densburg railroad stock $8,000 two counting rooms, brick safe, and elegant show In the item for Sealer and Measures—William E. mittee, Andrew J. Mosher; Auditor, dtf children have we a list the (value undetermined), year. salaries there has been of Weights George windows, tables, counters and other fixtures. Will ocH_ done, append of ar- P. Cross. H. 648,094 95 an increase of some $3,000. The Crocker. be let very reasonably if applied for a*ion. Apply to ticles famished: Walnut chamber China expenditure Sett—William set, in same Ringer of City A Stilliugs. M. N. the department, for the year ending in & F. G. RICH, II. E. THOMPSON, chamber 1 calico 1 white mar $2,373,005 05 Superintendent Clocks—William H. H. set, comforter, was for schools of Duduct municipal bonds issued to At- 1865, $12,551.04 and for Maine Business Notes. For the of on the business H. M. eeiiles 1 6 12 Hatch. purpose carrying Printing No. 32£ Emery St., on the Spring St. Horse Car Route. CO., quilt, pair blankets, sheets, pillow lantic and St. Lawrence Railroad salaries a total of in all its branches at their former old Stand Payson& $29,046.63, $41,597.67. Truant A. Bowen. The Vassal biro’ Woolen Mills at North mh!4 dli 20 Turkish wash secured and Officer—Thomas Vas- cases, towels,.4 cloths, 1 rab- Company, by mortgage The school houses, under the zealous and Constables— Charles H. Geo. sinking fund, 787,000 City Williams, salboro’ will stop operations the first of Jane DEALERS IN bet sheet. 1 rubber water bag, cushion and mats intelligent supervision of Mr. Frederick Fox, W. Parker, Arthur M Sawyer, Edwin A. No. 1 Exchange, Cor. Fore Street. next, for repairs, ft is stated that it will WATERS’ PIANOS, for match Balance loan March 05 have been in excellent condition. It will Leighton, Joseph Decellp, John L. Shaw, Cyrus rPBIGHT ARE THE bureau, cornucopia, safe, cologne municipal 7,1876, $1,586,605 kept We would respectfully invite a share of public nnd BENT be It. Bridges, Joseph A James S. take two or three mouths to make the needed ihe Tone, Touch, Words for Liabilities. greatly regreted, if so valuable a public Perry, Gould, patronage and pledge our personal efforts and care MARE; Workmanship, stand, Loving Lonely Hours, vase, Summary of Municipal Adam W. Wm. H. Alonzo and officer finds it to continue to Barbour, Plummer, repairs. to exeente all orders in a manner entirely Durability lJn«urpa»wed. (j’oYernment The whole cost but as all of Balance of loan as 05 impossible dis- satisfactory Bonds, carpet. $218.53, municipal above, $1,580,605 H. Libby, John B. Smith, William B. Irish, to our customers. WATEKS’ ORGANS, the duties of that office. It seems to For the week March Concerto, the articles which were were Bonds issued to Atlantic and St. Law- charge William endiDg Saturday, lltb, M. N. RICH. NEW bought furnished be Hayes. ORCHESTRAL, VE«P*K, rence Railroad Company, 7S7.000 conceded that in some districts the school the Auburn «boe factories ItiOO F. G. RICH. CHAPEL. VIALE* and ClfflBKL- at cost, $300 is tear the value. Keeper of Powder Magazine—William H. shipped cases of i'E, State and Bonds issued Building Loan Commis- houses are crowded to a degree that is incon- Bigelow. shoes. Portland, March 1,187G. matlisdlw Id A, cannot be excelhd in ton cor beauty. City Securities, sioners, secured real estate mort- s*TOP is a by sistent with health and Measurers of Wood and Bark The CONCERTO fine IMITA- An Interesting Trial.—The suit of Edgar gages, being balance of loan uncan- good management, brought by the axe business at West Water- TION of the HITMAN VOICE. Warranted and the of an to Railroad and Water M. on S. a member of the Cumberland celled, 570,000 question appropriation pro- conveyance—Andrew $1250 Profit investment of /or NIX 1EAK8. BANK Brown, Esq., Bonds F. Albert J ville has leen very dull this year, so much so STOCK, &c., issued in aid of Portland and vide additional accomodations, of either a tem- Benson, Benj. Brock, Merrill, J. $206. PRICES EXTREMELY I «>W for canh Bar, against Deputy Sheriff Adams, to recover Rochester railroad, secured mort- W. Stevens, Wm. Lewis L. that the manufacturers this Month. Imtall- by porary or permanent character, will probably Huse, Thurston, largest have stopped daring; Monthly $5000 for alleged malicious is gage aud sinking fund. 1,150,000 Francis Tibbetts, Natbauiel Walker, Elias the of our customers purchased a spread on 100 mcn,i received imprisonment, Bonds in aid of require your consideration. business, yet the demand for scythes is so issued Portland and Chase, A. G Sterling, Samuel Libby, Wm. H. ONEshares of N. Y Central, the put @106 call @‘08, A Liberal Discount to Teachers, Ministers, nowon trial and is quite interesting. Mr secured great that all the 100 shares the etc. 32 Street. Ogdensburg railroad, by HEALTH. Walker, Paul Priuce, Simeon Shurlleff, Arthur scythe makers are driven buying against put @107, which were Churches, Schools, Lodges, AGENTS Exchange Brown was arrested Mr. Adams on an exe- mortgage, 1,350,600 sold @114. Selling at the same price the other ICO WANTED. myCT eodti by The of Libby, Geo. W. Burnham, Harris C. Barnes, with orders—probably more than they can fill. report the Superintendent of Burials shares called @108 Netting profit of $1250; this opera- Special inducements to the trade. Illus- cution for about $35 aod and committed Chas H Pjke. costs, $5,443,605,05 shows a decided decrease in the number of The D. E. T. Co. have already shipped 4000 tion e?n be repeated every month in the year. $10, trated Catalogue Nent. HORACE Measurers Wood and to The claims that the officer Included in the balance of the loan is of Bark brought by $20, $50, $100, $1000 will pay as well for amount in- WATERS SONS, IS I Broadway, Cement Brain jail. plaintiff municipal deaths during the past year, as dozen, aud still orders are comiug. Both Hub- Pipe, the $138,000 of bonds issued the two for compared Carts and Sects—Francis Tibbetts, Arthur vested. Gold Stocks, Cotton and Tobacco b >ught and New York. Box, 3397. mal4d4wt was actuated by malice aod consequently did past years with the before. An Blake and interest on bonds in aid of the Portland and Rocli year examina- Libby, Wm. Huse, Orriu Thoits, Roland A. bard, & Co., Emerson, Stevens & sold oncommission; advances on consignments; send HIGHLAND STONE not him an to bail. The ester rai road which the railroad ination our death rate for several for lists and circulars. P. O. Box 3774. YASES, give opportunity get company agree to years indi- Barbour, Co., are fully as busy as at any time for years. price NOTICE. at maturity; also $40,500 of bonds issued for case was opened for the C. E. Clif- pay cates that, although our population has rap- Cullers of Dried Fish—Wm. H. Chase, E G. ORNAMENTAL STONE EDGINGS plaintiff by March interest on bonds in aid of the Portland and CHARLES SMEDLEY & CO., the death Willard, Geo. Trefethen, Joshua W. in Washing.—A rTlHE Members of the Southgate Dyking Company, ford, Esq., and Brown was the railroad. idly increased, rate has diminished. Sawyer, Taking very exem plary Attorney only Ogden sburg Francis O. BANKERS & JL are hereby notified that their first meeting will undersigned, having purchased the entire This may be attributed to increased and Emery Gushing, Sawyer minister of Maine is for BROKERS, witness who testifiel. Gen. Mattocks appear" partly Pound Eli L. responsible the follow- beheld in tbe School House, at Dungton Corner. THEbusiness of ••The Portland Cement An examination of the exhibit of the better and Keepers—James Powell, Wing, 40 Broad Near (*old & City sewerage, partly to the introduction a season of marked Street, Stock Ex- Scarboro’, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, March If rain Pipe Company” will coutioue the busi- cd for the defendant and subjected the witness Isaac Libby. Josiah M. Haskell. ing: During religious in- New York. Treasurer justifies the remark that our heavi- of water. With our change, 22d. inst., at 1 o’clock, for the purpose of accepting ness of manufacturing and furnishing the above unrivalled situation, I Field Drivers and Fence Viewers—Samuel terest in said minister’s to a very searching aud at times est burdens did not arise from the town a melancholy janl2 d&w3m4 their CLarter, organizing under the same and acting named articles, which be is determined shall be the disagreeable necessities am confident that we could reduce the death James M. F. Cobb, Johnson, John Taylor, maiden came to him with upon any other busiuess that may legally come be- bent in their line. Works at Junction of Wes- cross-examination. He could recall one of the nor from the cost of downcast eyes re- only war, municipal rate to a still lower point. Every gain made Franklin H. Ricker, John Weeks, Isaac House to be fore them tern Promenade and Dan forth St. Libby, She wished Boarding: Let. pretext for malice on the part of the sheriff administration. They have been incurred in this is an addition to the wealth of the Lewis L Josiah M. Haskell. questing baptism. to know if he SETH SCAMMON, ) Three persons Orders received througb Post Office, or bv KEN- by way Thurston, Number 115 Centre Street, recently com- in we the SEWELL MILLIKEN, name 1 in the DALL & WHITNEY, 0. M. & H. T. PLUMMER, and that was a conversation some time engaging enterprises which might have For Surveyors of Wal- could perform ceremony, but allow her to clem and ^ew, and [ previ- community. Lumber,—Nathaniel NEWpleted, conveniently IRA MILLIKEN. ) act ot incorporation. and C. A. B. MORSE & CO. avoided. In our for we ker, Edward L Clark, Ca- of arranged, with modern conveniences; situated near ous. Mr. Brown was in anxiety progress, CONCLUSION. George Worcester, reserve the privilege receiving the right Ma roll 10, 1376. mal4d2t mh11eod2w J. %¥. (9TOCKIVELL. jail about aud has 18 rooms Price Scarboro*, have embarked in measures of doubtful suc- leb H. Philips, Nabutu Nathan Congress Street, $500. Libby, Dyer, hand of fellowship from a minister in another Also Brick Houses in Pine Street to the twenty hours, but in that time bis nervous sys- The official are on file with Isaac H. Edmund Row, right reports the Parsons, Lanuagan, James 1 cess, but which were undertaken in obedience City and of different persons, the rents will be made satistactory. Also THE AERATED tern received such a shock that be was unable and will soon be Lewis G. H P. town, perhaps denomination. Dr. to a for which the Clerk, published for your Carle, Jr., Thurstou, Larrabee, two Houses in Tnlman $250 each annum. Kcnison, passion enterprise infected Edward ieveietd Place, per for some weeks to information. Smart, William Mcltiguey, Harlan P. The gentleman hesitated a moment For further narticulars of B. No. 217 sleep without a light ia bis whole country. inquire SHAW, CHIROPODIST. Treatment. Smart, Thomas Beering, Joseph L. and I could do I Commercial Street, Agent for J. B. Brown. Oxygen room because as soon as his shut in The Much has been said of the Whitmore, replied, “Yes, it, but don’t eyes were increase of expenditures for purposes mismanagement William S. M. Ro- ma8 dlwis* Has rooms at the of Morgao, Joseph Gsrrisb, take in GENUINE cure for Rheuma- a dark room, be saw the bars of the win- has been but little municipal governments, and the present land A. wasbiog.” Catarrh, Asthma, jail purely municipal beyond Barbour, J. W. Taylor, Cyrus It. II. N. HOTEL. THIS tism, and all Chronic Dis- year is one in which the whole is ex- A Dyspepsia, Lung dows. The case will be continued It is the increase which was natural with the country Ladd, Ueury E. Bacon, James A. Leavitt, If want Coal Tar Rubbers can WEEK. eases is still ottered to all who arc at 385 to-day. its short March you you afflicted, of the The increase of amining comings, and seeking to re- Howard Winslow, Nathaniel S, Meetings. Streel, Portland. Room 3, interesting for the spectators. growth city. great Baseltine, get iheni where are advertised. All diseases and difficulties ot the feet treated iu Coagrem Me., quite turn to the and Harris C. The they a which mu9t be met this is simplicity economy which Barues, Henry Bullard, Josephs. following are the results ot March meet- We Gaboon Block, where large number of testi- expense year, keep ouly FIRST GOODS the most skillful manner without pain. seen. marked the our A. M. Fred E .Jerome QUALITY monials can be The School to the failure of the con- public administration of an- Roberts, Benson, Rowe, ings held the 13th inst: Committee.—The School Com- owing railroads, M. W and shall continue to sell Office Hour, from 9 A. EH. till S P. .11., M»l- Consultation and trial dose free. jal2tfls&wtfl0 cestors. An examination of our Rumery, Ripley, A S. Legrow, Charles met ai 4 o’clock structed to meet the matur- expenses Butler mhl4 urday till U P. H. dSt mittee yesterday afternoon for upon city credit, Dyer, George P. William H. Watekbobo.—Moderator, Libby; Clerk, MEN’S 50 CENTS for purposes the Jordan, Walk-w, .las. H. Downs; B F. C W. BCBBERS,nll aizrx, of interest of city bonds which those cor- purely municipal duriug Frank M. Selectmen, Bennett, WOMEN’S •• <• 55 « NICE-FITTING the purpose organization. The chairman ing Clement, Heurv C Jla»ley, H N. Smith, S. H K W. had to The earliest past twenty years, will prove that our Carl; Treasurer, Bicker; Agent, MISSES’ “ 50 •« this is porations agreed pay. iiaouiuj;iuu UlllUU, O iUIiej* 1101 lOO, Charles Mills; Supervitor of L. H. ex officio OU Schools, Hobbs; year Major Fessenden. Eph- uuutIO IV UUVU DUVVbOOtUll OU" failure to tuini tins undertaking occurred Charles E Merrill, John B. E. H. Auditor, John if. lord. All to and other Ruober Goods in proportion. was re-elected Thorndike, Bepublicaus by fifty BOOTS All I# SHOOS raim Hunt Superintendent of and that our advance in wealth John xxiujwi.nj. xue was about two ago with the Portland and ministered, VVidber, Crowley, William H Brough- lueeuug atrjourneu 10 next elldtf M. «. PAL.TIER. Centennial years at 10 — — Schools and will act as secretary of the meet- and has been and uniform. ton, Cassius D, K chardson, Edward C Saturday o’clock to finish tlie business, AT Rochester railroad. By an agreement made population steady Merrill, UNIVERSAL Mr. With our own State around us and the close A. D. Smith, Thomas Simon M. HISTORY ings of the Board. George C. Burgess is with this company, the city is to issue its Holyoke, 1 Elm Street. Sawyer, Edwin C. Libby. STATE NEWS. Boys’ Custom Clothing I to the close of the first 100 ot our National In- No. the member from Ward 1 this in bonds for six to the amount intercourse which is inevitable with the years year place of runniiig years, Timber and an account of the Canadian we have to conform Surveyors of Ship Knees—Joseph dependence, including coming Mr. Curtis. of each year for the of three provinces, only W. MBS. fTcT CHASE i,rarnl Centennial Exhibition, 700 pages, fine engrav- $69,000 period to the Dyer,Nathan Dyer,Charles Jordan, Joseph I the interest of sound principles of economy and con- ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. ings. low price, quick sales. Extra terms. Send for PREBLK^L>AV1S.T LEAVOT & DAVIS. The committee will make up nearly the same years; the company to pay K. Merrill, William W. Henry would inform her old customers and friends that she stitutional to make the Dyer, Trickey, The Y. Circular. P. W. ZIEULEK & CO.. 518 Arch Slreet, jan6jal5codtf these interest bonds and to take them at law, future advance Lorenzo William D. M. C. A. delegates for Lewiston and has the store Corner Cortland anil as last Mr. the of up Taylor, Curtis, W. Browo, reopened year, Burgess taking place of our us as it has been in Auburn are a at Mechanic where she is to Phila., Pa.__lnhllHw maturity. This arrangement has been suc- city rapid Nathaniel Walker, John B. Thorndike, Koiai.d holding meeting Livermore Mtreet*, prepared Mr. Curtis ou the committees. the hundred A. Falls. cm and make Boys* Clothing in the latest stylos. Paint. carried out for two and has past years. We have a Barbonr, ,J. W. Taylor, Cyrus K. Ladd, Fireproof Roofing cessfully years, Trimmings constantly on hand. Old Maxim—‘‘First a Low The Superintendent was appointed to have right to be of our onward William H. Simontou. The Medical Association reports that For Sale—At Figure. one year to run. Thus far the city proud County come first served.** mcbldtf The best and cheapest Hnnw 4k Daria Patrol longer march hitherto. One Cullers and Burn- diseases of the are at the charge of ringing the bell for long session of has not to hundred years of IIoops Staves—George luDgs prevalent pres- mate Roofing Paint for Shingle, Tin and Iron paid out any money, and it is be ent half of new frame, slated roof dwelling the sun looked down ham, Loriug Lombard, George Dow, Joshua time. Root#, ai#o for cheap outside work, sold by the gallon school in unpleasant weather. that this railroad will meet the ago, on co Jtaining eleven rooms, with all mod- heped expec- Hobbs, Emery Cusbing, Daniel Dacy, John The Hand Sewed Hoots. UPPERHouse, or applied by the unhappy town of Falmouth, desolated a members of Androscoggin Grange of eru improvements, and located on Congress near the tations of its friends, and the city escape Brooks, James Dyer, Thomas T. Sawyer, Ed- [ Photographs op Portland —The magnifi- few months earlier a Greene, bad an antiquarian sapper and enter- head of State Street. First-class in every respect J. N. MoCOY & further on its account. The other by savage bombardment, win Dow, MeLellan, Levi j. We hare just received a line of the co., liability George Jones, tainment at Grange on eveuiug ! Lot large. Terms favorable. Inquire of cent of Portland and viciuity furnish failure of this its buildings destroyed, its people scattered, John 1’. Abraham W. Ed- flail, Thursday Celebrated Newark Hand Mewed Work 'JN Spring St., Porilaua, scenery kind lias but been an- Hobbs, Whitmore, 9tb. It was a ROLLINS, LORING A ADAMS, recently the scene rendered more Maicli, very pleasant occasion for Beats’ H ear, New and work F. nounced an and dismal by the mund Albion Charles D. IMobby. mhl4dtf 22 Street, Me. the artists an endless fund to upon. by official communication from Phinney, Harmon, Mr. C. M. Washburn exhibited a wooden box, Exchange Portland, HOOPSB* AN It PAINTERS snows of winter. Three short streets and Thomas. dti F. Hale has a set of the Portland and Railroad Com- madeinlG83. The date with initials of the jy24 just published pocket pho- Ogdensburg lanes were all Plaster—Rchard LEAVITT-* which has nine small that exercised the Surveyors of Iv. Gately, origiual owner are wood. DAVIS, of the of this which are pany, notified the city that the in- carved in the tographs scenery city, care of the street in those Joseph Craig, George H, Hanson. boston Infirmary for rupture. terest on the of is- department days. l'he Journal that the net of IVo. 1 Elm Street. with a arc bo clear $1,250,000 city bonds, reports proceeds 2‘iO llurritton Are BOSTON. HO FOR A SLEIGH RIDE meeting ready sale. They In the that has the little The voting was generally although Lewiston’s febl9 deodtt l sued in aid of that railroad, cannot be century elapsed, straight, centennial jubilee were not far from Specially devoted to ihe permanent cure of Hernia and distinct no see them paid a glass is needed to town has into a than little was done. The com- 8500. or The and commodious Sleigh by the company and must be provided for by expanded city larger cutting trouble Rupture, Hydrocele, Varicocele and large in the United States at the time of menced on surgical diteases. clearly. the It is intimated that this any city Street hut Mr. Bay- The Journal a analogous city. inability to Commissioner, repoits frightful tragedy, Geo. Heaton, M. D. the of the constitution. Its son was enacted at Mechanic Falls Window meet the interest is temporary and is ncces- adoption popula- elected. The next trouble was on As- Friday afternoon, SSiades, mal4d4wt J. H. M. D. March lOib di- Davenport, Resolute Accidents—As a mau named Daniel to enable the to tion has multiplied twenty times. Between wheu six Mrs. Eila Clark was recently sary company proceed with sessor, ballots were taken before there vorced At that Nice terms Sprague was 1780 and it increased as from her husband, Frank Clark, ou ac- price* defy competition. To Lei. can be eugaged on reasonable by inquiring at huisting coai on one of the Eng- the construction of the road. As the interest 1870, relatively rap- was broad Hold Hand of NT any choice. The following shows the re„ count of domestic difficulties. They had two Shade* with fixtures, No. I4» Conimcrrinl turret JonN lish steamers to be for as Boston, whose we are accus- for 75 ceniK. E'aicitci If and* for 50 cent*. rooms without board, suitable for 23 yest-rday the tackle of these bonds is not paid, the pres- idly growth of the bo1 h as B It On. Will accommodate persons, for-noou, suit ballots: children, of whom the husband took, men, or a man aud one tomed to with amazement. It has All loud* of f«hadc« on band PLEASANTyoung young and his wife. In d2w broke eye of the tackle ent at the we have to consider regard Mrs Clark ta care for couHtaatiy mcbl knocked him I least, question Whole number of votes found herself unable and m tdc ;o order. of W. W. CARR, been into a of .. 28 quire over and inflicted a serious this interest be It is developed city unsurpassed to a them, she t do means of She mhlftf wound on 1 is leg j is, how shall provided. Necessary choice.. 15 aviug support. 197 Newbury Street. our wisest attractions, of natural Samuel Thurston toon regretted the and for B A man named Libby, at, the of citizens great advantages, bad. "13 separation pleaded PIKE, employed Slone’s general opinion which Stephen K. him to to the have been increased by the energy of Dyer. 7 marry her This ue refused to marGd2w* 53 Excliause fit., Cortland. amount interest again. — mill, West End, was ciugbt iu the that the necessary pay S. B. at — planing ma- its and a home to which its citi- Beckett.S do, whereupon she drew a pistol, pointed it to- the of the bonds should be iu- inhabitants, Portland Turnverein. chinery and suffered loss of two himets. $1,250,000 city in and there was no choice. wards her it, and tell upon tax. We not zens, search of pleasant lands, return heart, discharged MARBLEIZED IRON-WARE Davis’ eluded in the annual ought the floor. is to be Photograph Gallery, Dr. Tolfurd dressed the wounds. with The second ballot as The wound thought fatal. for pride and our labors con- resulted follows: — AT — to borrow. The amount required delight. May All that she was her f¥1HE Annual meeting of the Portland Turnverein I SO .Riddle titicct, Nrar the Pout Oder' tribute to its Whole number of uight delirous, beseeching the in- future growth and votes.1.27 husband to A for the choice of officers and the transaction ot Select Readings —Last evening Miss this purpose is $81,000, which with prosperity. to a take her ba k, although Mr. Clark T. JL MERRILL’S Hardware Store, you can Celia Necessary choice 14 the usual business will 1m) held at their llall, on get terest on the to the stock of that At the conclusion of the Samuel Thurston was not present. 575 Cor. of Green fit. 12 Card for E. Valentine gave a very pleasing select read- subscription address the conven- had...12 CougrcMH, FRIDAY March 17th, at 8 o’olock. A Photograph* SI .OO. 1!) Cord Stephen K. EVENING, size for road, and the five cent for a fund, tion dissolved. Dyer. KENNEBEC COUNTY. fel>21 dim lull atiendauce is Tin-type* SI.OO. Children onder at the hall of the Men’s Chiistian per sinking B requested. ing Young is S. Beckett. 8 Per order *crcn year, of age extra. uiaSdlw* $77,000 more. In other words the city The Journal says the Cushnoc Grange at Asrociation. The selections were varied and BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. and no choice. Wholesale aud Retail raal3d5t OSCAR U. WISH, Seo’y. I should raise to meet its Riverside, is in a condition, enlist- cheaper $158,000 obligations prosperous than cau at other in showed the of the reader. The eu for On motion of At the thud the of the SIjKIHHN.—Atbe bought any factory For Sale. iugennity this road for this This is an annual Alderman Cushman the hoard ballot the ing sympathies ami support farmers Maine. to can save | year. Parties wishing purchase money, old meas- was of in that are held on WILLIAM ARTHUR, 175 ions tertainmeut for the bereflt of the Reform ! about thousand at once to the Whole number of votes... 28 vicinity. Regular meetings if will come to my Factory in Gorham, To Let. $5 upon every proceeded election of chairman they opposite SCllR.urement, carries 13.i M. I ng and 220 s collars Necessary to a 15 the second anil fourth Wednesday of Wfcl ITM AN LF.S LIE. lumber, Club. of valuation. Should it that with choice.. evenings Depot4 rooms without hoard. Vpply at No tons coal. to DAV1I) KEAZKrt, happen the following result: Samuel Thurston each month. uov3 Apply had. 10 itf ASCII'of47 Danfoith Street. my24diitl fcb29d3w 117 C mmercial St. Wholesale Prices POETRY. Portland Current. WANTS. BEAL ESTATE. RAILROADS. for the Pbess to STEAMERS. STEAMERS Corrected March 8,1876. __ %___ Snow-Flakes, Apples. shoe Steel... 5@ 5} Wanted. GreeD. 3 00 @ 4 50 Spring Steel. 8 @ 11 Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada. & SITUATION as a man Norfolk, Baltimore Washington Dri’dWeel’n 9@ 12 Sheet Iron... filer, by young who SALE != thoroughly understands and FOR Eastern. 9 12 Common.... 41 A filing runniug alteration in steamboatT STEAMSHIP CINE do @ 44@ all kinds of circular saws and other trains. BY HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD. Ashes. H. C. 61 mill machinery «}@ Address J. p. V ft 11 @ Russia. MORRISON, WINTER ARRA N Poor times a week. Pearl, 111 151@ 16} mal3d2w* West Me. GEMKNT WINTER AND SPRING ARRANGEMENT Pot. 71@ 10 Galy. 9}@ 12 Cumberland, desirable 3 Story Wooden Dwelling, No. 88 State Street or withont the UNTIL FURTHER I Fall Beans. Lard. THE (with furniture), is On and after Monday, Nov. 1875 NOTICE. First Class Steamship thickly, dallying snow-flakes, tall, Pea. 1 75 2 14 141 offered tor sale at a and on reasonable teims 15th, @ 00 @ Wanted. bargain trains will ruu as follows: — Nor longer sport in dazzliDg Kegs^lb... FOR THE — JOHNS HOPKTNS. WM. CRANE. showers; Mediums.... 1 50 1 75 lb. 14 @ of Possession given May 1st. For The earth is for @ TierceslP' 11} SITUATION in a a payment. partic- Express train 7.00 a. m. for Auburn and Lewiplon. WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. waiting your kiss, Grocery Store, by young to JOHN C. Yellow Eyes. 175 @ 2 00 Pail.. 15® 15} man wlro has bad over ulars, apply PROCTER, Mail train or Gorham and inteimediate You phantoms of the flowers! A two y. are experience; 93 stations at From Boston direct TUESDAY Box Mhooks. Caddies. 16 ® 16} can furnish best of mlillulw Exchange St. a. m. PENOBSCOT, JIT. DESERT AND every reference. Address or apply to 7.10 and SATUKDAY. in Pine. 60 @ 75 Lead. ‘•CI.ERK,” Central Tea tram at 1.40 m for Auburn and orbed spicy dews, rolled 4S6 Street, Express p. Lew- — — When, you 9 91 Store, Congress mw Good Farm for Hale or AND From leaf to leaf Bread. Sheet & Pipe @ Portland, Me. maltdif 4 Ex- iston. MACH] AS. along those hours, 8 change for Cily —Located WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE Sweet with wild roses’ Pilot Sup.... 9 00 @11 00 Pig. @ 8J Properly Mail train for Island Pond, (stopping at all sta- breath, you learned Leather. three miles trom and McClellan. The secret of the do ex 1001b. 7 00 @ 8 00 KflHMffiQpn Deering. Portland; tions to Island Pond,)* connecting with night mail flowersl of wood and water; Good ONE TRIP PER WEEK. From Providence every WEDNESDAY Ship. 5 00 @ 5 50 New York, LOST AND BMassa»Plenty orchard train for Quebec, xVloutreal and the West at 1.50 27 @ 29 FOUNd7~ in nice order. Price and SATURDAY. Transfigured in Crackers Light. Buildings §3,500. Apply to p. m. your frosty bloom, 40 Mid. 28-@ 30 WM. H. JERR1S, Real Estate Agent. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to and Now like a 100. 35 @ Weight. Express train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5.10 The Steamer Washington wraith the pine-tree tower6, 28 30 March LEWJSTON, Alexandria steamer of the And Balter. Heavy. @ Lost. 7, 1876.ma7d3w* p. ni. I will leave by Lady Lake and Jane on his savage boughs you hang 35 40 Captain Jeering, Moselv. lb 30 35 Slaughter... @ Trains will arrive as follows: Garlands of Family, $1 @ or a small Railroad Wharf, Portland, every ghostly flowers. 25 Am. Calf.... 1 00 110 Congress Exchange Streets, Locket, For Sale. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to and Store. 20 @ @ The tinder will bo Mail train from Gorham and Intermediate Stations 'I burhdav evening, at lO o’clock. Petersburg Lime. ON containing one picture. Richmond, and Va. and Term. R. R. to ail places in Candles. Music house bv me, No. 327 at 8.30 a. in. For Rockland, Camden, Belfast. Searsport, Bucka- But sink into the sod, and wait 13 Rockland c'sk. 1 rewarded by leaving it at Stockbridge’s Store. occupied (formerly 15S) the W. M. C'ark, 240 10 lb. @ @ 30 from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. m. Deer Southwest Har- South, Agent, Washington St., The enchantments of this star of ours, Mould, THESpring Street, Portland. Express port, Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, Boston. CAMPAIGN Sperm. 35 @ 371 1.umber. fe4dtf_ feb24dtfNATHAN Mail from Montreal and West at 2.45 bor. Alt. and Machias- And back to sunshine shall you burst, Clear CLEAVES. Quebec, p.m. Desert, Millbridge, douesport To all of North and South Charcoal Pine, Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 2.50 and port. points Carolina by Sea- Branches of living flowers! 12 Nos. 1 & 2...45 Lost Dog. board and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Pine. @ 00 @55 00 5.45 p. m. Returning, will leave Mon- Line No. Machiasport every G. H. Keith, Agent, 222 Hard Wood, 3. 35 00 @40 00 SMALL KING CHARLES SPANIEL. The day ai 5 ftO at Washington street, Boston. morning o’clock, touching And to all in the Wost Oak. @ 15 No 4.25 00 @35 00 finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving above named in points by Baltimore & Ohio THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. A landings (except Lucksport) arriving R. C. A. Birch, Ma- Shipping.. 15 00 @20 00 information from him at THIS OFFICE. Portland same R., Chipley, Agent, 219 Wasnington street, any Passenger Offices night. Boston. ple. @ 17 Spruce.12 00 @15 00 jaul7 dtf AValuableProperty CYRUS STURDIVANT, bills ot Male-rial* for Bot-brd*. Pit Burned, Hemlock.... 10 00 @12 00 nov^tdtf Gen'l Through lading given by the above named 19 Agent, Agents. The best material for hot-beds is horse ma- Maple. @ ClapboardB, 74 EXCHANGE ST., Cheese. Spruce ex.30 00 @33 00 Passage 815.00. Excursion Tickets 825. nure well mixed with but tauners’ BOARD. — AHD — For freight or to leaves; Verm’t.^lb 13 @ 14 do No.l 15 to @20 00 We would invite the attention of the BOSTON passage Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash- flax and cottou are 14 enterprising ington, or other information to bark, waste often used, Factory. 13}@ Pine.35 00 @55 00 Capitalists ot the State to the following list of STEAMERS." apply N. Y. Dairy. 14 prop- DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST E. SAMPSON, Agent, and serve the purpose remarkably well. Any 121@ Shingles, Boarders Wanted. erty placed in our hands for sale, The OF Coal—(Retail). Cedar ex... 3 75 4 60 Superior Sea Going Steamers, 53 Central Wharf, Boston, of the kinds considerable @ wishing board in a private require preparation Cumberland 8 50 @ 9 00 Cedar No.l 2 25 @ 3 00 family E. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, Stable ma- town will Press Office, with Tickets sold at before being used in the liot-bed. Fictcu. 7 50 @ 8 00 Spruce.... 1 50 @ 1 75 GENTLEMENup please address, Situated on Cumberland Reduced Bates! no2dtf Providence, K. L. 1). mar6d2w* River, nure should be turned and mixed with about Chestnut.... 7 00 @ 7 50 @ 175 references, Laths,spruce Clinton To Canada. Detroit, Milwau- its bulk ol oak leaves Franklin.... 9 00 ffi 9 50 Pine. @ 2 25 County, Kentucky, Chicago, one-third leaves, being kee, Cincinnati. St, fjouis. Omaha, Lehigh &W. Matches. — — the best. Before being used, if the manure viz: Saginaw, Nt. Halt Lake HOTELS. Ash. 8 00 @ 8 50 Star, gros. 2 00 @ 210 TO LET. Paul, City, is very dry, it requires a good deal of water to Codec. Molasses. Denver, San Franciaco, so ACRES and wet it evenly, that fermentation will begin Java, ^ lb 31 @ 33 Porto Rico.. 45 ( 13,600 all points in the HOTEL DIRECTORY, Rio. 20 23 Cieniuegos... — the more rapidly. Manure alone ferments @ For Rent. — OF KonJiwest, West aiul 'Southwest. Muscovado.. Embracing the Hotels in the at which, and creates a Cooperage. CONVENIENT seven leading State, very rapidly strong heat, but Hhd. Shooks New Orleans HOUSE, containing J. C. the Press may be found. amlHeads, within five minutes walk ol Post FURNIVAL, Agt. Daily always does not last so long as when mixed with Mol. 45 Barbadoes... A rooms; Office; City.. @2 water and furnace. For address leaves. are not so 35 Sebago particulars THK GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in 1876. They quick to ferment, Sug. City.. @215 Sagua. @ ma9deodlw This Office. HEAVILY TIMBERED LID! splendid FOREST CITY AND JOHN BROOKS AUBURN 145 1 50 Nails. “RENT,** condition, is well equipped with lirst-class but a more Sug. C’try. @ — rolling keep lasting heat after being cn which may he found in paying and is the Elm Court. St. W. S. A A. Pine Sugar Cask. @ 3 50 quantities, stock, making best connections and quick- will, until further notice, run alternately as follows: House, Young, built into the bed. After the manure and box shooks 68 00 @70 00 Naval Htores. House to Let. est time of any route from Pori land to the West. Leaving Proprietors. dffrPULLMAN PALACE DRAWING leaves are thoroughly incorporated, allow Hhd. Headings, Tar, W bbl.. @3 75 CENTER STREET: suitable for two tenants, PIIffE, ROOM 00 OQ AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains FRANKLIN AUGUSTA. them to lie in a for a tew then Spruce, 35 Pitch (C.Tar) @4 OO boarding or lodging nouse, in WHARF, Portland, heap days, in. 00 Wil. Pitch.. 75 thorough repair; leaving Portland at 1.50 p. m. @24 @3 11 rooms, and additional rooms can be secured ir de- CEDAR, Daily, at 7 o’eloclt P. M„ and INDIA Angnsta House, Stalest. Harrison Rak turn again if fermentation has taken place; 00 Rosin. 50 to checked from Portland to Detroit and Soft Pine.. @24 3 @ 0 and E. C. ANDREWS, Baggage WI1ARF, BOSTON, dnily at 5 I*. M. er, Proprietor. and add more leaves If the beat is Pine 00 45 sired; gas Sebago. and not to Custom House examina- very strong, Hard @25 Turp’tine.gl. @ 50 mar8dlw 36 Center Street. Chicago, subject (Sundays excepted). Cony Dense, G. A. A n. Cony. AT At ■ VV tion. Propric and if it shows any appearance of burning yjjfcU Short do 8 ft.16 00 @17 00 Kerosene.... @ 20 POPLAR The Company are not for to give more water, as it is generally when the Let. responsible baggage 7 ft.12 00 @14 00 Port.Ref.P’tr @ 15 To —AND— any amount exceeding $50 in value (and that person- FARE $1.00. materials are that takes BANGOR. dry burning place. Pop’rstave8.16 00 @17 00 Devoe Brill’t @ 25 House on the Corner of and Danforth al) unless notice is given, and paid for at the rate of High this line are Franklin Flax or cotton ma- 00 2 00 one Passengers by reminded that they se- House,—Harlow St., waste, mixed with "the Spruce, r’gh. @14 Sperm. @ 2 10 Streets. House in good repair, has 9 rooms, and Dlacli. W alrmt. passenger for every $500 additional value. Im Ac Mcl.angh THE cure a comfortable right’s rest and avoid the ex- Darts, Proprietors. retains heat a time. It. 0. Staves. @45 00 Whale. 85 @ 90 and cemented cellar, furnace, JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. nure, long Waste, leaves pantry attic; good pense and inconvenience of in Boston Bank. 50 @ 60 and wood bouse and W. J. SPICER. arriving late and make the Copper. gas Sebago water; good large Superintendent, at night. manure, thoroughly mixed, Bolts.. 32 Shore. 40 @ 50 at No. 18 Street, Portland. June 21,1875. BATH. Cop. @ garden. Inquire High Jnel7dtf Tickets and State Kooms for sale 1>. H. best material I ever used. About Y.M. sheath- 50 55 A COAL by Young, Rath C. itf. fermenting Porgie. @ mabdtf PETER HANNA. MINE, No. 266 Middle street. Hotel, Plummer, Proprietor one-half and the other half waste @ 20 Linseed. 60 61 manure, ing. @ Extensive and ci superior quality now Through Tickets to New York via the Bronze do... @ 20 Boiled do.... 6 66 profitably PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG RR> various and leaves, answer very well. Having it in @ To Let. operated, with Sound Lines, for sale at low rates. BOSTON. Y.M. Bolts. @ 28 Lard. 93 @ 115 very condition for the a pit with Freight taken as usual. Parker House. School St. H. good forming bed, Cordagr. Olive. 1 25 1 75 and $20 month. > D. Parker * @ RENTS, $10, $15, per 7 2 IHiles of well-furnished Railroad, dec2I-75 J. R. close sides is tbe best for holding the fer- Amer’n lb 13 @ 13* Castor. 1 35 @ 1 50 SMALLApply to J. K. KING, changeTof time. COYLE, Jr., Gen’l Agt, Is., Proprietors. St. James Hotel—J. R. menting material. If built open, a day of Russia. 14 @ 14* Neatsfoot.. 112 @ 125 mar8tf Rear of 30 Danforth St. to Insure continued Crocker, Proprl. Manila. Elaine. 70 development. etor. wind with considerable frost, blows all 14J@ 15* @ There is also found in great abundance on this rich strong Manila Bolt Paints. Tremont Pleasant Rooms to Let tract ot land, SALT SPRINGS, and unmistakable House, Tremonl St.-Chapin, the heat out of it; but when built with close Port. Lead.. 50 ALLALINE. Guruey Ar Co. Rope. @ 16* @10 evidences of OIL, superioi IRON ORE, SLATE, Proprietors. sides this is when a is ex- and PureGr’ddo 10 25 50 board; also a few table boarders can be prevented; or, pit Drugs Dyes. @10 LIMESTONE and FIRE CLAY, lying convenient to nionircai Ocean Co. is Alcohol ^ gl 2 40 @ 2 50 Pure do.10 00 50 WITHaccommodated at Steamship cavated out of the ground it better still for Dry @10 the point of shipment. The moveable property con- BRUNSWICK, ME. Arrow Root. 25 50 Am. Zinc.. 10 12 MRS. ADAMS’. the A @ @ sists in part of UNDER **• * “• retaining heat. pit about 3 feet deep feb25dtf63 St. CONTRACT FOR CONVEYANCE OF TEE Dining Rooms, W. It. Field. Bi-carb Soda 6 @ 8 Rochelle Yel. 3 @ 3J Spring Proprietor. in front aDd about 8 inches deeper at the Borax. 18 3 34 1 Steam Tow Loco- @ Eug.Ven.red @ Boat, Barges, Canadian and United States Mails. and 6 feet wide makes a 30 35 Red 10 11 To Let. back, good sized Camphor.... @ Lead.... @ motives and Boiling Stock, CAPE ELIZABETH, Cream tartar @ 45 Plaster. NEW CONNECTIONS. booked to London- place for this purpose; of course it can be as nt O I S Dow Street. Inquire and the utensils to on this extensive Passengers Indigo.1 25 @ 1 50 White,fy ton 3 00 necessary carry and Mouse—J. P.Chamberlain, Proprl- as for what is of it. @ HOUSEon tbe premises. business. There is also a derry Liverpool, long necessary required Logwood ex. 14 @ 17 Blue. @ 2 75 On and after WEDNESDAY, 22d, inut. Pro turn Tickets A ..it A f ♦ V, cl Lind ID La! AH A Vl A cia aahqI .iia! decis dti and until further Madder. 12 @ 15 Grou’d.in bis 8 00 9 00 STEAM SAW AND GRIST Mil,I, AND notice. grouted at reduced rates. @ CALAIS. ed as to afford an opportunity for adding lin- Naptha ^ gl @20 Calcined,bis. 2 75 @ 3 00 j SHINGI.E MACHINE. OWEI.I.ING The Steamship 6 50 HOUSES. TRASIYS WILL RIJN AS FOLLOWS: International if it be deemed tbe heat in Opium. @ Produce. A W kj Be. A WAREHOITSES.WORK notel, W. D. Simpson, For several years the Portland Daily Press ings necessary by Rhubarb.... 75 1 00 Beef 12 I Arc. MORAVIAN, Capt. Graham, Proprietor. @ Side.... 9@ SHOES, SHEDS, GOING 'WEST. has been the largest anil fullest the bed decreasing. Sal Soda.... @ 3 Veal. 8 10 dally paper published @ This property is offered for less than the co.t Will leave this for on the 10 17 8.15 A. train Irom Portland fora pert Liverpool in Maine; and its Publishers announce their deter- When pnttiDg heated material into the Saltpetre... @ Mutton...... 12 @ 13 Room tn tha Second Story ot the of improvements. Titles perfect and terms lib- IH.—Passenger CORNISH. 5 Chickens.... 15 18 stations, rnnning through without change to St. mination to make their pit shake it in loosely and evenly. When Sulphur. @ 5* @ Printers’ with power it eral The owners invite investigation. SATURDAY, March ISth, 1870, Cornish House,M. B. paper beyond question the Yitiol. 11 12 Turkevs. 18 20 Exchange, Jolmsbury, Danville. Hardwick. MorrisviJle, Daria, Proprietor thrown in it never nor @ @ For further particulars call upon Hyde carelessly heats evenly, Duck. 20 required. Apply to PRESS OFFICE Park and Johnson, Vermont. Connects with B. Immediately after the arrival of the Train of the Eggs,$>doz. @ 22 pre- DANVILLE does it all sink at the same time. Tread it No. 1. @ 38 Potatoes.... 38 @ 45 or to B. THURSTON * CO., Ill UPHAM & C. & M. R. R. for Lancaster, Whitefield, Littleton, vious day from Montreal. To be followed by the JUNCTION. occasionally while putting it in, and if dry No. 3. @ 34 Onions,bbl.. 1 50 @ 1 70 Exchange Street. GARDINER, Well’s River. Montpelier, Burlington, St. Albaus, Steamship Circassian, Capt. Smith. Clark’s Dining Hall, Grand Trunk Rail- No. 10. 22 none &c. Passage to Londonderry and Cabin way 91. W. give water, but not so much as to cool it too @ Cranb’sP'bl. ocl2 dtf &c., Liverpool, (ac- Depot, Clark. Proprietor. 8oz. @ 23 Round hogs.. 8@ 9 At ino. 7 Jbxchange street. 2.40 P. NI.—Passenger train from Portland for cording to accommodations). 070 to $80 much. A calm is tbe most suitable for 1 Intermediate day 10 ozs. @ 18 Provisions. i'eb8 d3m Upper Bartlett and intermediate stations. passage. 40 ELLSWORTH. a hot-bed. To Ect. in Gold or making When done with a frosty Dye woods. Mess Beef. ..11 00 @1150 GOING EAST. Payable its equivalent. For or City Hotel.—N. H. A wind the heat is driven out of i t. The Barwood— @ 3 Ex Mess.. 12 00 @13 00 DESIRABLE house to let on Congress St., No. Freight Cabin Passage, apply to Higgins Sons, Props, blowing 8.00 A. M.—Passenger train from Uppor Bartlett H. Brazil wood. 5 @ 7 Plate.14 00 @15 00 A 643, in good repair. Sebago water, gas, fur- F. G, Patterson’s Real & A. ALLAN, No. 1 India St. material is best mixed under cover—in the Estate and intermediate stations, in Portland at Camwood... 6 @ 7 Ex Plate.. 16 50 50 nace. Inquire at No. 641 St. dec3tf arriving For Steerage Passage inward and outward, and lor VOXCROPT. cellar or similar @17 Congress 11.15 a. m. any place. Fustic. 22@ 3 Pork, Sight Drafts on England for small amounts, apply to Poxcroft P. 91. BULLETIN. 1.15 P. M.—Passenger train from Fabyan’s in Exchange, Jeffords, Pro- Fill the pit 'within about six inches of the Loswood, Backs ....26 00 @27 00 To JAMES L. FARMEll, prietor. Eet. connection with through train from Johnson, Vt., No. 3 India as be 2 @ Clear.25 00 00 _ Street. top, there will just about sufficient Campeachy.. 2* @26 in Portland at 5.45 m. St. Mess.23 50 00 BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth MONEY TO LOAN arriving p. Portland, Nov. 23, 1875. uov21dtf hirad. room for the or whatever is to Domingo. 1|@ 2* @24 Street, BEST NEWSPJPER IN plants, seeds, Peach Wood Hams. 14 THEcontaining all the modern improvements. In- STAGE COININJECTIONS. MB, @ 5* @ 14J first class Real Estate in Ml. Cutler be into it, after the manure has sunk quire at No. 10 Central Wharf. Security, Portland, House,—Hiram Baslon, Pro put Red Wood.. @ 2* Bice. or vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, on At White Rock for North Windham. INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. pr£etor» dtf ON etc., from fermentation and the necessary soil put Fish. Rice, lb... 7J@ 9 jnel6 Commission. Houses bought and sold. Apply to P. At Sebago Lake for Standish Comer. on the top. Cod. per qtl.. Saleratns. G. PATTERSON^dealer in Real Estate. Office 379j At Baldwin for Cornish, Porter, Kezar Falls and Ea.tport, Calais and St. John, Digby, LEWISTON. L’ge Shore 5 00 @ 5 25 Salerat’s$> ib 6 @ 7 williams* between Fieedom. I do not deem it advisable, in the northern Congress street, Block, Myrtle Windsor and Halifax. DeWili House, H. B. Wing, Proprietor L’ge Bank 5 00 @ 5 50 Salt, TO ! and Pearl streets. au2£ti At Brownfield for Denmark and Bridgton. states at least, to start a hot-bed before the Small. 4 00 4 50 Turks Is. At for @ _LET Fryeburg Lovell, Stowe and Chatham. WINTER middle of and then wheD the Pollock. 3 50 (aM 25 2 25 2 62 ARRANGEMENT. LITTLETON, N H. March, only hhd.(8 bu.) @ No. 55 on the side of Haddock.... 2 50 @ 2 75 Bonaire. 2 25 @ 2 62 easterly Exchange Thayers H. U. weather is mild.—Country Gentleman. five doors below Middle Street. Also HOTELS. BS^Frcight trains leave Portland at 9 2C Hotel, Tkayer, Proprietor. Hake.. 2 75 3 25 2 25 @ 2 62 STOREStreet, daily TWO TRIPS PER WEEK ! @ Cadiz,du.pd. front and rear offices in same to m. Cadiz in b’nd 150 2 00 building. Apply Herring, @ FRANCIS J. HAMILTON, Superintendent. 9IACHIAS. Shore, Liverpool, FESSENDEN, On and alter Monday, Pecem- 172 corner of Portland. Dec. 21, 1875. oct25dtf " Eastern Hotel.—E. E. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS bbl. 4 25 @ 5 00 Duty 2 25 @ 2 62 Middle, Exchange St., UNITED STATES her 20th, the Steamer New Bruns- Stoddard. Prop. making all its departments more complete and paid. or JIENRY DEERING, HOTEL, by 25 30 In bond... 1 50 2 00 wick, Capt. D. S. Hall, will leave no Scal’d^bx. @ @ uov2dtf 39 St. sparing effort or expense at their command to No. 1. 16 23 Gr’nd butter 1 50 2 00 Exchange Railroad Wharf, foot of State St., NAPLES' @ @ PHILADELPHIA, make the Press more valuable and desirable. of Mackerel,bbl. Liv.fine sack @ 2 25 'every Monday at 6.00 p. m., for Elm House, Nathan Church A Portland. Sons, Pro- The City Bay No. 1.18 00 @21 00 Seeds. prietors. Press has a larger editorial corps than any Pott O 1 1 Art f! HOTEL TO On 42d Street, Columbia Boston & Maine will leave St. Clover, !b.... 14}@ 15 LEASE. Avenue, Viola Returning John and Eastport every paper in Maine, and has unexcelled facilities for col- Ip Board op Mayor and Aldermen, I 3.. .11 00 50 Red 4 75 Thursday. Large @12 Top bag @ Avenne and Elm news in all March 6,1876, / Shore No.l 24 00 50 H. Grass.bu. 2 3 00 Avenue, Until further notice the Steamer Chase will nobridgewock. ecting parts ot the state. The business, @2G 87$@ THE MEW ENGLAND HOUSE, leave Dnuiorth That the City Clerk give notice by No. 2....16 00 @18 00 Canary Seed 8 25 @ 9 00 Main Exhibition for St. John direct every Thursday at 1 p. m. House, D.Danforth. Proprleio agricultural and manufacturing interest of Main* No. PORTLAND, MAIME. Directly opposite Building, Connections ORDERED.publication in the daily papers printed in this 3.... 8 50 @ 0 50 Noap. made at Eastport tor Robbinston, will receive the continued attention of the Press. City as required by law, to all parties interested in Medium... 8 50 @ 9 50 ExSt’m R’t’d @ 8 CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. RAILROAD. St. Andrews and Calais. north STRATFORD N. H. The growing Importance of Portland as a distribu- Sidewalks constructed during the past year, that Clam Bait... 4 00 @ 5 00 Family. @ 7 House contains 40 rooms and two Stores; is Connections made at St. John for Digby, Annap Wtllnrd House, C 8. Bailey A Co. P this board at some time and to be fixed in said Flour. Vn 1 Cl THEsituated opposite the station of the olis, Windsor, N. prictors. ting center for Maine, and its fast whole- place passenger This elegant fire-proof structure was Kentville, Halifax, S., Shediac, increasing will hear all interested in the assess- ... 4 25 4 75 Grand Trunk and in the immediate SPRING Amherst, Pictou, Charlottetown and notice, parties Super6ne @ Spicei. Railway, vicinity, built by Richard J. Dobbins expressly to ARRANGEMENT, Frederickton, sale trade, make a daily paper at this point of special ments made for their of ihe cost of 5 75 C25 Cassia, 38 42 and nearer than any other Hotel to the of ar- P. E. I. PEAK’S proporition same, Ex-Spring.,. @ pure. @ point accommodate Centennial visitors at reason- Summerside, ISLAND. to and will thereafterwards to xx 6 50 7 00 Cloves. 55 60 rival and departure of the New March received on of importance every merchant and business man In proceed establish the Spring... @ @ European, Halifax, able prices. It has 325 looms, all Commencing 6,1876. r_jp-Freight days sailing until 4 Colon House- W. T. Jones. Pat’t York and Boston and the complete- Proprietor. the state. assessments on said Sidewalks as follows, viz: Spring Ginger. @ 20 Steamers, terminus of the ly furnished. The cuisine will be first-class o’clock, p.m. On Thomas east to wheats— 8 00 00 Mace. 1 65 1 70 Horse to the western of R. Street, side, from Pine Spring @i0 @ Railway part the city and in rooms can Passenger Train* will leave Portland far A. STUBBS, Agent. suburbs. Address every respect. Large he en- PAKIS HI I, I.. Streets. Mich’n Win- Nutmegs.... 1 25 @ 1 30 for use of Boston at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3.10 .nai-21dtf gaged commissioners, etc. A fine store in p. m., arriving Hubbard Pine Street, south side, between Emery and ter best... 7 75 @ 8 00 Pepper. @ 25 AUG. P. FULLER. the to let. at Boston at 10.50 a. m., 1.45, 7.55 p. m. Hotel, H. Hubbard. Proprietor 1u24deodtf building Address, Thomas Streets. Low grade Starch. Portland. Me. P. S. Returning, leave Boston at 8.30 a. m., 12,30 FOR BOOTH BY, Manager. HARPSWELL, PITTSFIELD. May Street, east side, between Danforth and Michigan.. 7 00 @ 7 25 Pearl. 9 @ 10J Ieh26 eodtf 3.30 p. m., arriving ut Portland at 1.15, 5. Spring Street. St.Louis win- Sugar. To Let with Board 8.15 p. m. On and after October 8th, 1875, Uancy Home—Fletcher A Gale, Proprle- Cumberland Street, south aide, from Green to High ter fair.... 7 00 @ 7 50 Granulated.. @ For Lowell at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3,10, p. m. Steamer Henrietta, Cant. G. ton* lOf PLEASANT unfurnished front room for a Streets. Win’rgood 8 00 @ 8 25 Coffee A... @ 10| gen- WESTMINSTER For Manchester and Concord and Upper LOWELL, will leave Harps- A tleman and wife. Also rooms for gentlemen at HOTEL, Emery Street, east side, between Spruce and best. 8 50 @ 9 50 Extra C. @ 9$ Railroad (via New Market Junction) at 6.15 a. vrcll Mondays and Saturdays at PHILLIPS. MRS. ON THE Spring Streets. Fruit. (J.... 9 @ 9£ MERRILL’S, EUROPEAN PLAN, m., and 3.10 p. m.; (via Lawrence) at 9.00 a. m. 8 a. m., touching at Chebe&ene, Little Ctae- n®u*e’ Wa,nn*l fel)25dttNo. 62 Free St. For and Lons Farmer, Propri. Green Street, west side, between Cumberland and Almonds, I Syrups. 60 @ 70 Corner Irvine Place and 16h Street, New threat Falla at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3.10, p.m. beague Island. Returning, will leave **etoren As a Political Journal Portland Streets. Soft Shell. 21 @ 22 V For Rochester, Farmington and Alton Commercial Wharf, at 3 p. m. at the above Eagle Sugar Refinery, to orU. touching Smith Street, west side, between Cumbeiland and Shelled.... 40 @ 55 C. House Let. Bar at 6.15. 9.00 a. m.. 3.10 d. m. landings. Will touch at Cousens’ Island each One Block lrom Union Square and way. PORTLAND. Oxford Streets. Ppanuts. 2 00 @ 3 00 CC-. @ 91 25 Paris containing ten rooms. In- Broadway. ■' or Scarborough Beach, Blue Old For particulars inquire ot Captain on board or St., The most central, and location in the Point, Adams House, St. Plum Street, east side. C.Cron. 30 @ 33 Ex C. @ quire of W. H. yet quietest Orchard Beach, Saco, Biddeforri and STEPHEN RICKER, Agent, 131 Commercial St. Temple Charles Adam 9§ HOUSE NEAL, city. Convenient to the great stores, theatres and Proprietor. Adams Street, south side. Currants..,. 8$@ 9 Hav.Biown febl8dtf At Lord & 135 Middle St. Kennebnnk at 6.15, 9.00. a. m., 3.10 5.30 p. m. ray8 dtf Haskell’s, churches. Elevator and all nil Kiel 11 Albion House, 11T Pearl Street, east near Laurel Street. Dates. 7 @ 8 Nos.12,16 10 @ 101 improvements. morning Trains will leave Keuuebuuk FederalSt.J.G Perry7 side, Easy access to all of the street cars Lincoln, No. 22. Figs. 12 @ 17 parts city by and for Portland at 7.20 a. m. Proprietor. Refining... 7J@ 8J stages. House, India Cross Street, east side, near Middle Street. Prunes..,.... 8 @ 14 Teas, TELLER_Madame N. A. PORTLAND St. E. Gray, Pre- the celebrated Bep27d&wly40 C. H. VEBHIK. Prop. Franklin Street, west side, between Fore and Raisins, Souchong.... 25 @ 45 FORTUNEMaddox, Clairvoyant, Fortune Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all Teller and can be consulted •ASD- ®««t«ress and Green St. Middle Streets. Layer,new 2 90 @ 3 00 Oolong. 35 @ 50 Doctress, at No. 3 Quin- steamers running bpfween Portland and Baugor CyTJ.K. L. M. new. do cy at. Madame m. Das naa large experience m tell- Martin, Proprietor. Spring Street, south side, corner May Stroofc. 3 15 @ 3 3U choice 55 @ 80 MHIIMM—m—Ea^aqp Rockland, Mt. Desert, Machias, Eastport, Calais, St. ‘ north corner New Val. 45 70 ing fortunes, searching out lost, hidden or stolen KOSSMORE John and ®“*rr"‘ »«• Gibson Congress Street, side, Congress Place. Japan. @ HOTEL, Halifax. Also connect with Grand Trunk P AC*., the Press will be devoted as in the Portland 12 do 70 1 treasures, «&c.t and was never known to be at fault. “pr"tTm.’ past toa dcscrim- Street, corner Brattle Street. 11|@ choice @ 00 Junction of 7th and trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine Central PHILADELPHIA. Lemons ( Do not miss this of the Broadway, Aye. «or- Middle and Plnm minating support of the Brattle Street, east side. ^bx 4 50 @ 5 0 Tin. opportunity consulting great- 42d Street. trains at Transfer Station. lS?,elJ Republican Party. During est fortune teller of the Persons Ward, Proprietor. the Fore Street, Eastern Promenade, east side. Oranges |?l>x @ 3 50 Straits. 23 @ 24 age. entering intoany All trains stop at Exeter 10 minutes for refresh- Iron U. S. pending important campaign, the Press wl, Dew business or profession, the of which NEW YORK Clj Esq., Sec’y National Grange, Louisville, Ky., and FREE HOMESTEADS laud, Cape Breton and felt IV. F. MEDICAL ADVERTKMING AGENf% Ca and after Monday, Oct. Johns, the Danish and Swedish ministers at — 11th, Washington, AND THE — 1875, D. C. The new iron No. 10 State and 37 .Park FURTHER splendid steamship for our for Best and St., Boston, Row, New York, UNTIL NOTICE, BySend Stamp “Guide obtaining Cheapest Bailroad Laud “BERMUI)A,”Capt.Clcaver, will a book of 50 Patents,” pages. are on the Line of the Estimates furnished gratis for in al leave Grand Trunk Railway Address:—IjOUIH Advertising WILL LEAVE PORT BAGGER A CO,, SO- CORNS Newspapers in the Uniied States and British Prov- TRAINS LAND FOR Wharf, every SATURDAY at LICITORS OF PATENTS. Washington, 1). O UNION inces. 4.00 p. m. for C.,P. And nil PACIFIC RAILROAD. Boston 2.00 a. in. HALIFAX, direct, Box dec28dtf DifllcnltieM of the Peel skillfully (except Mondays),9.00 m.,3.10 p. making connections with the Intercolonial 441._ treated. — IN — at 6.15 a. 1.45, 7.55 p. m„ in Railway, arriving m., ample to* New and free. time to connect wilh New York and Western Windsor, Truro, Glasgow Picton, and 6 Bt“Specimcn copies sent Address, Price, Twenty-five Cents. S. R. NILES, trains, steamers for Prince Edward also at New MR1 & MRS. DR. Nalein, nnd Ports- Island; WELCH, Chiropodists, NEBRASKA. ILynu, Ncwburyport N. with for A mouth at 2.00 a. 3.10 Glasgow, S., Lindsey’s Stages Cape OVERTIMING AGENT. (except Mondays),9.00 m., p. and at Halifax with steamers for St. 504 1-4 CONGRESS STREET, SECURE A HOME m. Breton, Johns, MOW. N. F. Full information sent FREE Contracts for Gloucester and Kockport at 9 a. m., 3.10 p. ra Corner of Brown, St., Portland, Me. Dr. Welch’s to all parts of the Advertisements in all Newspapers ol (^RETURNING will leave Halifax on TUES- Cards, world. Address Line. papers which are feb25dlm* S. E. M. Sec. recommended to advertisers as SYLVESTER, D., Lynn at 8.50 a. m., 12.58, 8,27 p. m. giving greatest value in Notice. at proportion to prices charged. As it WAS and IS* treating of our history ana Hali-iii 9.12 a. m., 1 lo, s.40 p. m. Leave each port every & notice. n the United States and Cana- Fortsniouili at 11 a. TVed’s’y Sat’d’y. h-a r»Hr.H»f,TvRpa* CLAIR VO Y A N T government, varied soil and climate, vast mountains, requiring work done please apply to m„ 2.57,10.14 p. ui. 5£00c?P^ each issue. Also, all the lakes, rivers, great cities and manufactures, wealth PERSONS“Home” ot W. C. A., No. 16 Spring St., plain Dover at 10.40 a. in., 4.45 p. m. Jr,?ult“ral> Scientific and T. B. m internal free and dress-making, <4real Falls at 10.22 a. m., 4.19 ni. A© Medical, Mechanical, MBS. L. KING, minerals, improvements, schools, family sewing, copyiug, cmbrold- p. Wharfage. Masonic, Juvenile, Educational Commer- erng and fancy-work in wools. &c., &c. Kennebnnk at m. Iteal wonderful achievements, agriculture, commerce, <*c29t* 12.10, p. From cial, Insurance, Estate, Law, RELIABLE: can be found at the etc. A KiLI-fonl at 8.00 a. Long Wharf, Boston, 3 and other Sporting,Musical, Clairvoyant finances, curiosities, HPliKN f»l l> m., 12.30, 4.20,11.38 i». m. p.m Fashion, special class 30 Danforth a. From Pine Street iounials verv com- A rear of St., where she will exam- VIEW of ibiM MIGHTY YANKEE §10 Per Day Haco at 8.05 m., 12 36, 4.25, 11.42 p. m. Wharf, Phila- lists. Together with a at 10 a. plete coaipleto’ill?over ine the sick, and advise or prescribe as each case de- RICHLY delphia, m. 300 German papers printed iu NATION, ILLUHTKATEI), be made by energetic salesmen with our Insurance the United Slates mands. Term. *$I.0O. She will visit those who like it extant. low EASTERN one half the rate of all essay upon Nothing Large size, price. C~‘ANgoods. Call at 42$ Exchange Street, between RAILROAD TRAINS Also, advertising; many tables of are unable to come to her residence if desired. Mrs. wanted Terms 9 sailing vessels. the cost of Agents quickly. easy. Address and 10 A. or enclose $1.00 foi run rates, showing in various nee and M., sample, directions, directly through to points on the Maine Central advertising King, in addition to her clairvoy remedies, HUBBARD BROS Mass. ma2|4w «S'c., to Box Maine. West by the Peon. R. and South newspapers, and which u Springfield, 1932, Portland. i t 20deodtf Railroad without and make connec- ,f?r R„ everything beginuer iu ad a remarkable healing power which makes transfer, direct by lines forwarded would like to know. possesses tion in Portland with all connecting tree of Commission. rertising her successful. febl7dtf a case of Cold or Asthma that Steamboats and Railroads very Cough, Pasture therefrom. PASSAGE TBU DOLLARS. Address GEO, P, BOWEI.L A ADAMSON’S B. C. BALSAM will not cure. diverging Co., NEWLY fenced Pasture within one mile the Pullman Parlor For Sold at 35 cts. Circular free. of anil Sleeping Puri are Freight or Passage to 41 1‘ark Row, Sew York. by Druggists to let for a term of run on all apply JOB PRIINT5IVG ueally executed a Dr. F W Maine. A City years. through trains. Stops lor relreshmen se7 KINSMAN, Augusta, B. E. B. NAMPKON, Agent, dl3*m SFor _ J. made at the this Office. THORNTON, usual places. mar4 U4wt feb21eodtf„lo1 Oak Hill, eelMtf OEd. BACHELDER, Supt. Jn23-ly TO Long IVhnrf, Boston.