Drifts Ait Pliarmagists Where We Remained Until Night
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AGRICULTURAL AND DOMESTIC. f A Midsummer Song. h, father's gone lo market town; he wasupbeforo PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINC the day, nd Jamie's after robins, and tho man is making a the third story of the brick block corner of Mai hay, and Huron streets, nd -whistling down the hollow goes the boy that ANN AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. minds the mill, "hile mother from the kitchen door is calling with •Entrance on Huron street, opposite the Gregor a will— HOURG. " Polly!—Polly ! -The cows are in the corn! O. POHTD Oh, Where's Polly?" EDITOK AND PUBLISHER. rom all the misly morning air there comes a sum- mer sound— Terms, IS2.OQ a year, or SI.50 in advance . murmur as of waters from skies, and trees, and ground. 1 The birds they sing upon tho wing, tho pigeons bill BATES OS ADVERTISING and coo, over hill and hollow rings again the loud S^AOE. 1 w. 2 w. I 3 w. 6 w. I 8 m. 6 m. 1 year halloo— " Polly!—Polly!—Tho cows are in the corn! 1 aquaro.. $ 75 $1 25 $1 SO $J I0K8 50 $5 00 $8 0' Oh, Where's Polly?" 2 squares.. 1 50 2 00 2 601 3 50 6 00 8 0012 01 3 squares.. 2 00 2 50 3 50 6 00 7 60 10 50 15 Of Vbove the trees the honey-bees swarm by with buzz 1-;) column 3 50 4 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 15 00 25 and boom, J^ column * 00 5 Of] (i 0(1 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 01 VOLUME XXXI. Vnd in the field and garden a hundred flowers ij column; S 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00(24 00 88 01 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1876. NUMBER 1594. bloom. ' olrtmu 7 00|10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 01 Within the farmer's meadow a brown-eyed daisy lVumin,.jlO 00,15 00|18 00(82 00|85 00 CO 00100 00 blows. \nd down at the edge of the hollow a red . and Twelve lines or l<>sa considered a square. TttE S?LOOi> OF YEARS. snakes. He took his child in his arm thorny rose. Cards in Directory, not to exceed four lines, $4.00 Reaching the foot of a rocky mound, A disabling.wound would have been the of cavalry after them, when wo reached AFJilCAN EXPLORATION. But Polly!—Polly!—The cows are in the corn! a yeais BY WILLIAM OULLEN BRYANT* Grouard told us to halt while he took same as death. I had often wondered camp. After crossing Big Goose we and hurried away from the spot. Procur- Oh, Where's Polly 1 Business or special notices 12 cents a line for tli Stanley and Mis JSxpertition Heard From— ng the assistance of a hired man, the two, Brst insertion, and 8 cents for each subsequent in- observations. By this time wo hadhow a man fait whon he saw inevitable, were nearly a dozen miies from our camp Five Intci'esting Letters from the In- sertion. A mighty Hand, from an exhauatless um, armed with flails, returned to thelow ntrange at such a time of day the mill shi uld Pours forth the never-ending Flood of Years moved about four miles from our late sudden doom before him. I know it on Little Goose creek, and you may trepid Explorer. stop its clatter! . Marriage and death notices free; obituary notices Among the nations. How the rushing waves] bivouac. We observed Grouard's move- now, for I had no idea of escape, and judge how badly we were used up, when den. They attacked the serpents, .nhe larmer's wife is listening now, rcnd wonders 5 rents a line. Bear all before them ! On their foremost edge, ments with some interest, as we knew we could not have suffered more if an Indian it took four hours to make six miles. The London Daily Telegraph, of .hreshing right and left. For five min- what's the matter. Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing And there alone, is Life ; the Present there July 26, announces the receipt of five Oh, wild the birds are pinging in the wood and on their advertisements quarterly. Additional chang- Tosses and foams and fills tue &ir wilh roar were in the enemy's country, and might knife or bullet had pierced my heart. The rocks had skinned our feet and utes tho contest waged, the noise made the hill, ing will be charged for. Of iningled noises. Tlrey are they who toil, letters from Henry M. Stanley, the Af- )y tho rattles of the snakes being almost While whistling up the hollow goes the boy that Advertisements unaccompanied by written or encounter Indiana at any moment. So it was with all of us. It is one thing starvation had weakened our frames. And they who strive, and they who feast, aud they Scarcely had the scout taken a first look to face death in the midst of excitement. Only a few were vigorous enough to rican explorer. Tho first letter bears leafening. Biley and his man killed minds the mill. •verbal directions will be published three months, Who hurry to and fro. The sturdy hind— date of July 29, 1875, and was written at But Polly!—Polly!—Tho cows are in the corn ! aud charged accordingly. Woodman"aud delver with tho spado—are there, from the crest of the ridge,when a peculiar It is quite another thing to meet him in push on. At 5 o'clock we saw a few wenty-one of the reptiles, and many es- Oh, where'B Polly ? Legal advertising, first Insertion, 70 cents per \nd busy artisan beside his bonch, motion of his hand summoned Baptiste almost cold blood, with the prospect of more Indians, but we took no pains to Mayhyga island, Lake Vietoria-Niyanaa, caped into the fissures in the rock. Bl- —li. W. Gilder, in ticriimer for Avgvst. folio; 35 cents per folio for each subsequent inser- And xiallld student with his written roll. and describes the voyage from King ti,n. When a postponement is added to an advortise- A moment on the mounting billow seen— to his side. Both left their ponies be- your dishonored carcass being first mu-conceal ourselves further. They evi- ey's little boy had wandered alone infli t, the whole will be. charged tlio same as the lirst Tho flood sweeps over them, and they are gone. low the bluff, and observed the country tilated and then left to feed the fox and dently mistook us for a camp outguard, Mtesa's territory, at the northern end of o this dangerous place, and had cap- Around the House. AfifiOTiOD There groups of revelers, whose brows are twined Lake Victoria-Niyanza. In the course With roses, ride tho topmost swell awhile, from between the rocks on the summit. the vulture. After a man once sees the and, being only a handful, kept away. ured the snake and taken it home. It ABUNDANT rain has made tho hay crop And, as they raise their flowing cups to touch A minute afterward they had mounted skull and cross-bones as our party saw it At 7 o'clock we met some cavalry out this voyage Stanley and party narrowly was two feet and a half long, and had n Eastern Vermont the best for many JOB The GliVking brim to brim, are whirled beneath escaped massacre by the savage and Pamphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, The waves, and disappear. I hear tlio jar their horses, and came galloping back on the afternoon of July 7, no subse- hunting, and we sent into camp for seven rattles.—Milford {Pa.) Cor. Neiu ears. SallTiekcis, 1-a.bels, Blanks, Bill-Heads and other to us. " Quick, for your lives," cried quent glimpse of grim mortality can horses, as most of the men could walk treacherous natives of Bumbirch, a large York Sun. Of beaten drums, and thunders that break forth island on the western side of the lake. IN the harvest-field exercise all the .irieties. ot Plain aud Fancy Job Printing executed From cannon, where the advancing billow sends Grouard. We mounted immediately possibly impress him in the same man- no further. Capts. De Wees and Eow- rudence you can in drinking large -with promptness, and in the best x>odBible style. Up to the sight long files of armed men, and followed him. He led us among ner. elle, of the Second Cavalry, came out to Tho natives were beaten off after a se- That hurry to the charge through flame and smoke. vere fight, and the party arrived safely Cremation in South Carolina. iraughts of cold water.—Dts Moines The torrent bears them under, whelmed and hid, hills of red sandstone, the footstool of us with led horses, and we reached camp A strange and solemn event has re- licffister. Slayer and slain, in heaps of Woody foam. the mountains, and we were obliged to Well, the eternal shadows were fast in camp, after encountering heavy BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Down go the steed and rider; the plumed chief closing around us; and the bullets were at 10 o'clock Monday morning amid con- cently occurred in this county, which THE seed of sunflowers is the most Sinks with his followers; the head that wears make our horses leap down on rocky gratulations from every side. The men storms, The second letter was written The imperial diadem goes down beoide hitting nearer every moment, and 4he from Dumo, in Uganda, dated Aug.