Congressional Record-Senate. August 9
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5334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST 9, THB ADHINISTRATION INDORSED. Dakota Territory; andif it shall be made clearlytoappearthat John Mr. COX. Then you come within my category. Not. a man on A. Morrow, who was a contractor for furnishing supplies of beef-cat that side has failed to defend the Apninistration. Not one. That tle to the Indian agencies, bas delivered to Henry F. Livingston, agent was my remark. Yon all sta.nd by it. And thereby you stand by at Crow Creek, beef-cattle in lieu of 422,100 pounds, whicb.. be de the removal of Pratt; you stand by the removal of the collector at livered to William H. French, agent, on 9th November,1870;ft Crow Philadelpbia who bore the same l'elation as Bristow and Wilson, and Creek, and for which Morrow afterward got receipts from Living tlte appointment of another in his place who bore a different relation. ston, and collected from the Government on both, then the account You stand by the accepted resignation and acquitt:tl of Belknap. ing officer shall be authorized to give French credit in his settleme:1t You stand by the enforced resignation of Bristow. You stand by the accordingly. removal of JewelL Yon stand by the removal of Bluford Wilson; of Mr. SARGENT. Is there a report inAihis case f • Yaryan, [laughter;] of all t.bat class of men who were trying to pun The PRESIDENT pro tentp01·e. There is no report accompanying ish the guilty and npholrl the laws. 11'1 there any one to challenge the bill. this remarkf You have favored to-day the retention of General Bab Mr. OGLESBY. T}le facts are these: Fre~ch, the agent, was about cock in office, as well as in your platform, by the indorsement of the going out of his departm~nt. The man :Morrow delivered four hun Administration. You have to-day on the :floor showed yourselves in dred and twenty-one cattle, and French gave him a memorandum of favor of the retention of the Public Prlr!.ter, Mr. Clapp, who has been the fact merely. :Morrow collected from the Department tbe valne of recommended for indictment. All through this b~autifnl civil-serv the cattle on that memorandum. LivingRton came in immediately ice business, from one end of it to tbe.otber, you have manfully stood after French, and the cattle were deliTered to Livingston. Living np for the Cincinnati pl<~ . tform indorsing the Administration. I honor ston gave Morrow another receipt. Morrow collected on both receipts. you for it. Wbysbou"d.vou nott General Grant is your representa Afterward Morrow agreed with the Department to deliver a second tive man. Babcock a~elkuap are your representative men. Bris lot of 421,000 poun·ds of beef-cattle on the foot. The Department ac tow is not your representative man, or be would· not have been dis cepted the offer; the cattle were delivered awl, as the papers show, carded here and at Ciooinnati. received by Livingston and reported to the Burean. The second lot When you say it has cost a million dollars for investigation this was delivered as the first lot, but French in the mean time had been session you thereby give that amount of credit. to the democratic charged on his memorandum and is still charged in the Treasury De party and to this side of the Honse for undertaking with all the en partment. All his other accounts have been settled, as the eecond lot ort:ry of Hercules to clean out the Augean stables. had been delivered in fulfillment of the receipts, and the account Now, sir, why is it when we are closing up the session you filibuster, completed. This bill simply authorizes the Treasury Department to as on yesterday, again and a):{ain, to prevent a full and prompt re give French credit for the charge against him on the first receipt or port of these investiaat.ionsf Wby is it that, failing to stop these re memorandum. port , you try to make up to-day for your gross delinquencies ai .Mr. SARGENT. It involves no expenditure, I understand 1 public servants by trivial exciJBes and small assaults on the constitu 1\fr. ·OGLESBY. Not a dollar. tion and conduct of this borly J Why does the gentleman from Maine The bill was reportE:'cl to the Senate without amendment, ordered to make that sort of a speech w!Jicb Mirabean once designated when he a third rea-ding, read the third time, and passed. described hasty will-making-" Ab ir4to, ab imbecilli, a tef-rito, a deli WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS. nu,te." .Mr. HOLMAN. Give us the translation. On motion of Mr. CAMERON, of 'Visconsin, it WM Mr. COX. A speech angry, imbecile, fearful, and crazy. With Ordered, That John H. Russell have leave to withdraw thtt papers in the matter of his claim against the United States for tho destruction of the steamboat J. H. that classic remark I conclude. Russell while, a.9 alleged, in the military service of the United States. Mr. RANDALL. I move that the House adjoun. 1\ir. HOAR. Mr. Speaker- THE CALENDAR. Many mem,bers called for the regular order. Mr. CONKLING. I move that the _Senate proceed now under the The SPEAKER pro temp01·e. The regular ordir be4tg demanded,· Anthony rule to consider the unobjeoted cases on the Calendar. · the question is on the motion to adjourn. The motion was agreed ·to. The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at four o'clock and The PRESIDENT pro ternpore. The Calendar 'viU be resumed at five minutes p. m.) the House adjourned. the point. where its consideration was last snspende<i. The CHIEF CLERK. The first business on the Calendar is the reso lution instructing the Committee ou Commerce to inquire what leg PETITION. islation is 'necessary to regulate the immigration into the United The following petition was presented at the Clerk's desk under the States of persons from foreign conntrieM and to prevent intro rule, and referred as stated: duction of pauperism and immorality into the ports of the United By Mr. WIGGINTON: The petition of the several clerks of the States. committees of the House of Representatives, for an equalization of .Mr. INGALLS. As the Senator from Vermont [.Mr. EDMUNDS] 1a the pay of committee clerks, to the Committee of Accounts. not in his seat, I suggest that that go over. The.PRESIDEN1' pro tempore. The re!olution will go over. MOSES MARSHALL. The next bill on the Calendar was the bill (S. No. 795) to enable Moses 1\farsball to make application to the Commissioner of Patents IN SENATE. for the extension of letters-patent for improvement in knitting-ma chines; which vrasread the second time antl considered as in Commit ·WEDNESDAY, AU{}ust 9, 1876. tee of the Whole. It gives leave to Moses Marshall, of Lowell, Mas Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D . sachusetts, to make application to the Commissioner of Patents for The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. an extension of the letters-patent granted to him for an improvement in 185:~, PETITIONS AND ME.MORIALS. knitting-machines, dated the 15th day of March, for the term of seven years from and after the date of the extension by the Cgm The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented the petition of Alexander missiouer of Patents; the application to be made in the same manner Moffit., Theodore F. Wilson, Jame.~ M. Thompson, and 22 other citi and to have the same offect as if tho same had been filed not less than zens of the District of Columbia, prayin~ for the appointment of ninety days before the expiration of the original term of tbe patent; a joint committee of. three, one from the t'\enate and two fro~ the and upon such application so filed the Commissioner of Pat-ents is to House, to continue and finish the investigation of the charges made consider and determine the same in the same manner and with the against the management of the Governme.nt Hospital for the Insano, same effect aH if the application ·had been duly filed within the time the same having been ·partially considered and some proofs taken; prescribed by law and a.~ if the original term of the patent had not which was referred to the Committee on tbe District of Columbia. expired; but no person is to be held liable for the infringement of 'WILLIM! H. FRENCH, JR. the lettters-pat-ent, if extended, for making use of the invention since Mr. OGLESBY. The Committeo on Indian Affairs, to whom was the expiration of the odginal term of the letters-patent and prior to referred the bill (H. R. No. 3856) for the reliof of William H. French, the dat-e of the extension. jr., United States Army, late Indian agent at Crow Creok, Dakota, The bill was reported to the Sena:te without amendment, ordered have had the same under consideration and instruct me to report it to be engro sed for a third reading', and was read the third time. without amendment. There are several papers from the Department • The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore put the question upon the passage of upon the subject. The bill is not one appropriating any money, but the bill, and declared that the noes appeared to prevail. simply is to settle the accounts of this man; His accounts have been 1\fr. WADLEIGH. I ask that the vote be taken again. This is a waiting at the Treasury for a long time to be settled, and it would be very meritorious case, one that was agrMd upon unanimously by the very agreeable to me to have the Senate take up the bill and pass it committee.