IODE and Oceanportal Registration

Download date 29/09/2021 10:31:01






Erzeugt am 29/08/00 mit Hello Engines! Angemeldete URL: Titel der angemeldeten URL: IODE

Erfolgreiche Anmeldungen: 221 Fehlgeschlagene Anmeldungen: 26


Die HTTP-Status-Codes haben folgende Bedeutung:

·200-299 Erfolgreiche Anfrage ·300-399 Client-Anfrage nicht eindeutig ·400-499 Client-Anfrage fehlerhaft ·500-599 Server-Fehler

Grundsätzlich deuten nur die Codes zwischen 400 und 599 auf eine fehlgeschlagene Anmeldung hin (z.B. bedeutet der Code 302 in der Regel nur, dass der Suchdienst eine Weiterleitung vorgenommen hat. Das Programm folgt Weiterleitung aus verschiedenen Gründen jedoch nie. Deshalb ist auch die Antwortseite dieses Suchdiensts im Verzeichnis \HTML leer).

Erfolgreiche Uebertragung

Name Statusmeldung und -Code Linkcentre OK 200 EuroSeek OK 200 (AU) OK 200 Rex (USA) OK 200 Excite (SE) OK 200 AustroNaut OK 200 Excite (NL) OK 200 Galaxy Directory OK 200 Blue Window OK 200 The Yellow Page OK 200 Official Search OK 200 WebCrawler Found 302 5 STAR NETWAY CO UK DIRECTORY Object moved 302 Anzwers Search Centre OK 200 Matilda Found 302 BuildNet Directory Found 302 AdValvas Yellow Pages OK 200 Aladin OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 2

ADMCity OK 200 A2Z Solutions Search Engine OK 200 Axis-Online Moved Temporarily 302 AltaVista (US) OK 200 BizCardz Business Directory OK 200 Blitzsuche OK 200 Multisoft OK 200 OK 200 Columbus-Finder Object Moved 302 CDNET - CyberDirect Network Found 302 OK 200 Moved Temporarily 302 Cozy Cabin OK 200 Yellow Pages SuperHighway OK 200 Excite (UK) Found 302 Excite Found 302 Excite (CH) OK 200 Excite (FR) OK 200 OK 200 Excite (DE) OK 200 HotBot Object moved 302 Search Engine OK 200 IBC NET OK 200 Found 302 Hispavista OK 200 InfoHiway OK 200 (US) OK 200 InfoSpace OK 200 Lifestyle Internet OK 200 Business Link Booster OK 200 LinkEase OK 200 Jayde Online OK 200 Max Ban's Directory OK 200 Magellan Found 302 Link Monster OK 200 Nathan Redirection 302 Microstate OK 200 Netmall OK 200 Northernlight OK 200 Nomade Object moved 302 Inter-Fux Gesamtausgabe OK 200 Radar UOL Object moved 302 Peek A Boo OK 200 FindLink OK 200 sofcom Found 302 Scrub The Web OK 200 Starting Point OK 200 SearchKing OK 200 MIBI OK 200 Ugabula OK 200 SurfGopher Found 302 Voila OK 200 WEB TRAWLER OK 200 USA-ONLINE WEB DIRECTORY Moved Temporarily 302 World Shoping Mall Directory OK 200 Web-Archiv OK 200 Google (US) OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 3

Britannica Internet Guide OK 200 Nerdworld OK 200 (Honk Kong) OK 200 REX.DE OK 200 InfoTiger OK 200 Lokace OK 200 MOSHIx2 Object Moved 302 WebVenture's Hotlist OK 200 Web 100 OK 200 msn Web Search OK 200 SESNA -- Ukrainian Search Engine Found 302 duno OK 200 ZenSearch OK 200 123India OK 200 FeMiNa Moved 302 Intersearch (Österreich) OK 200 Globepage Asian Search Engine OK 200 EINET Galaxy OK 200 WebIndex Greece OK 200 Too Cool Awards OK 200 Austrian Webwizard OK 200 OK 200 Eurotip OK 200 Lotse Found 302 Fathead Searchengine OK 200 WWW Tip OK 200 GoGreece OK 200 WoYaa! Africa Search OK 200 Yahoo (DE) OK 200 Speedfind 0 Rambler Found 302 YANDEX RUSSIAN WEB INDEX Found 302 WhatSitetm Chinese Internet Catalog OK 200 searchUK Moved Temporarily 302 Super Snooper OK 200 USAOnline Web Search Engine Moved Temporarily 302 PolishWorld Found 302 SPLAT OK 200 Russian World Directory OK 200 InfoProbe Search OK 200 ONESEEK Moved Temporarily 302 Searchopolis OK 200 Indoseek OK 200 Bellnet OK 200 [SEARCH.CH] (Nur CH und LI) Found 302 Heureka OK 200 NetSeek OK 200 OK 200 WebTip Found 302 Schweizer Homepage Directory OK 200 NetSurprise OK 200 Hamburg Web OK 200 Hannover Web OK 200 Flix OK 200 PowerCrawler OK 200 CYBER-WORLD INTERNATIONAL Found 302 Canada Centre OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 4

National Directory OK 200 TopBon OK 200 OK 200 Timway OK 200 Origo Moved Temporarily 302 AltaVizsla 0 Yandex Found 302 Vindex Moved Temporarily 302 ArabSites OK 200 Tuk-Tuk OK 200 Britannia OK 200 Funky-Cat Object moved 302 Wow! OK 200 Qango OK 200 NetSearch OK 200 Grippo OK 200 Cyber Directory OK 200 OK 200 Ins Netz! Found 302 Infoseek (DE) OK 200 Russia on the Net OK 200 YUSearch OK 200 Wo Long OK 200 C est Trouve OK 200 Adminet OK 200 NetScan OK 200 AEIWI OK 200 Chaloop OK 200 Delphi-Kompendium OK 200 Witch OK 200 Ameta OK 200 JumpCity OK 200 Googol OK 200 SearchHound OK 200 March-Search Found 302 SearchEurope Found 302 e-Business-Forum OK 200 All The Web OK 200 OK 200 Fetch Dog Found 302 100Hot Moved 302 Direct Hit OK 200 SearchLynx OK 200 Excite (IT) OK 200 Excite (JP) OK 200 OK 200 InfoPoint OK 200 German Business Net OK 200 Francite OK 200 WebWizard OK 200 Infoseek (JP) OK 200 Acoon Object Moved 302 EXSA 200 AltaVista (DE) Object Moved 302 OK 200 Que Pasa OK 200 Abacho Object Moved 302 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 5

Schlaue Seiten OK 200 Found 302 TeleDeutschland OK 200 Asiannet 0 BonjourNet OK 200 Britindex OK 200 Djem OK 200 EVRESI OK 200 Canadaseek OK 200 GO OK 200 Netlizard OK 200 Finalsearch OK 200 SearchIt Found 302 Allesfinder OK 200 Webscout2000 OK 200 OK 200 Gildo OK 200 Alexana OK 200 Google (DE) OK 200 Onlinepilot OK 200 AltaVista (FR) OK 200 Coolibii OK 200 (US) OK 200 Google (FR) OK 200 Franco Moteuer OK 200 OK 200 Caloweb Found 302 OK 200 Aussuchen OK 200 Mister Jack OK 200 OK 200 HotSearch OK 200

Fehler bei der Uebertragung

Name Statusmeldung und -Code

Lycos (DE) Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Ariana No route to host (Error #10065) 404 Dewa can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 NorthFork Hot Links Not found 404 Business Information Zone Object Not Found 404 What's New Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 TurnPike Emporium Directory Not Found 404 Encontrei can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 FindLink Hellas Object Not Found 404 AltaBusca Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Manvit Unavailable 503 Perso-Search! Internal Server Error 500 OmniSearch Not Found 404 Searchport Not Found 404 WebSearch 2K Not Found 404 GOO Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 TotalSeek Gateway Error 502 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 6

Localizar Not Found 404 2Ants can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 Internal Server Error 500 2look4it Not Found 404 NiceOne Not Found 404 Searchpower Internal Server Error 500 Lycos (FR) Connection refused (Error #10061) 404

IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 7



Erzeugt am 29/08/00 mit Hello Engines! Angemeldete URL: Titel der angemeldeten URL: Ocean Portal

Erfolgreiche Anmeldungen: 221 Fehlgeschlagene Anmeldungen: 26

Die HTTP-Status-Codes haben folgende Bedeutung:

·200-299 Erfolgreiche Anfrage ·300-399 Client-Anfrage nicht eindeutig ·400-499 Client-Anfrage fehlerhaft ·500-599 Server-Fehler

Erfolgreiche Uebertragung

Name Statusmeldung und -Code Excite (AU) OK 200 Linkcentre OK 200 EuroSeek OK 200 Rex (USA) OK 200 Excite (NL) OK 200 Galaxy Directory OK 200 Official Search OK 200 AustroNaut OK 200 Excite (SE) OK 200 Blue Window OK 200 Anzwers Search Centre OK 200 Multisoft OK 200 WebCrawler Found 302 5 STAR NETWAY CO UK DIRECTORY Object moved 302 A2Z Solutions Search Engine OK 200 BuildNet Directory Found 302 AdValvas Yellow Pages OK 200 Aladin OK 200 ADMCity OK 200 Ariana Found 302 AltaVista (US) OK 200 Axis-Online Moved Temporarily 302 Blitzsuche OK 200 Lycos (DE) OK 200 Matilda Found 302 CDNET - CyberDirect Network Found 302 BizCardz Business Directory OK 200 Columbus-Finder Object Moved 302 OK 200 OK 200 Moved Temporarily 302 Cozy Cabin OK 200 Yellow Pages SuperHighway OK 200 Excite (UK) Found 302 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 8

Excite Found 302 Excite (CH) OK 200 Excite (DE) OK 200 Excite (FR) OK 200 duno OK 200 Fireball OK 200 Hispavista OK 200 HotBot Object moved 302 Search Engine OK 200 IBC NET OK 200 InfoHiway OK 200 Found 302 InfoSpace OK 200 Inter-Fux Gesamtausgabe OK 200 Infoseek (US) OK 200 Lifestyle Internet OK 200 Business Link Booster OK 200 Jayde Online OK 200 Link Monster OK 200 Max Ban's Directory OK 200 Magellan Found 302 Nathan Redirection 302 Microstate OK 200 LinkEase OK 200 Northernlight OK 200 Netmall OK 200 FindLink OK 200 Peek A Boo OK 200 Scrub The Web OK 200 sofcom Found 302 Starting Point OK 200 SearchKing OK 200 Ugabula OK 200 SurfGopher Found 302 MIBI OK 200 USA-ONLINE WEB DIRECTORY Moved Temporarily 302 Voila OK 200 Web-Archiv OK 200 (Honk Kong) OK 200 World Shoping Mall Directory OK 200 Google (US) OK 200 Britannica Internet Guide OK 200 WEB TRAWLER OK 200 Nerdworld OK 200 WebVenture's Hotlist OK 200 InfoTiger OK 200 Lokace OK 200 Globepage Asian Search Engine OK 200 MOSHIx2 Object Moved 302 msn Web Search OK 200 SESNA -- Ukrainian Search Engine Found 302 ZenSearch OK 200 REX.DE OK 200 123India OK 200 FeMiNa Moved 302 EINET Galaxy OK 200 Too Cool Awards OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 9

Yahoo (DE) OK 200 Austrian Webwizard OK 200 Intersearch (Österreich) OK 200 OK 200 Fathead Searchengine OK 200 Eurotip OK 200 Lotse Found 302 Speedfind 0 GoGreece OK 200 WebIndex Greece OK 200 WoYaa! Africa Search OK 200 Rambler Found 302 YANDEX RUSSIAN WEB INDEX Found 302 WhatSitetm Chinese Internet Catalog OK 200 USAOnline Web Search Engine Moved Temporarily 302 searchUK Moved Temporarily 302 Flix OK 200 Super Snooper OK 200 Russian World Directory OK 200 WWW Tip OK 200 SPLAT OK 200 PolishWorld Found 302 ONESEEK Moved Temporarily 302 Searchopolis OK 200 National Directory OK 200 Bellnet OK 200 InfoProbe Search OK 200 [SEARCH.CH] (Nur CH und LI) Found 302 NetSurprise OK 200 Heureka OK 200 NetSeek OK 200 OK 200 WebTip Found 302 Schweizer Homepage Directory OK 200 PowerCrawler OK 200 CYBER-WORLD INTERNATIONAL Found 302 Hamburg Web OK 200 Hannover Web OK 200 Indoseek OK 200 Canada Centre OK 200 Grippo OK 200 TopBon OK 200 AltaVizsla 0 Timway OK 200 Vindex Moved Temporarily 302 OK 200 Yandex Found 302 ArabSites OK 200 Perso-Search! Moved Temporarily 302 Wow! OK 200 Origo Moved Temporarily 302 Britannia OK 200 Tuk-Tuk OK 200 Funky-Cat Object moved 302 Qango OK 200 Cyber Directory Found 302 Russia on the Net OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 10

NetSearch OK 200 Infoseek (DE) OK 200 Ins Netz! Found 302 Wo Long OK 200 0 German Business Net OK 200 SearchLynx OK 200 AEIWI OK 200 C est Trouve OK 200 Adminet OK 200 NetScan OK 200 Delphi-Kompendium OK 200 Chaloop OK 200 Witch OK 200 Googol OK 200 JumpCity OK 200 YUSearch OK 200 Ameta OK 200 March-Search Found 302 SearchHound OK 200 SearchEurope Found 302 OK 200 Fetch Dog Found 302 e-Business-Forum OK 200 All The Web OK 200 Direct Hit OK 200 100Hot Moved 302 Excite (IT) OK 200 Excite (JP) OK 200 Francite OK 200 InfoPoint OK 200 OK 200 Que Pasa Object moved 302 Infoseek (JP) OK 200 Acoon Object Moved 302 EXSA 200 OK 200 AltaVista (DE) Object Moved 302 WebWizard OK 200 OK 200 Abacho Object Moved 302 Found 302 Schlaue Seiten OK 200 TeleDeutschland OK 200 Coolibii OK 200 Asiannet 0 BonjourNet OK 200 Djem OK 200 Canadaseek OK 200 Britindex OK 200 GO OK 200 Netlizard OK 200 EVRESI OK 200 SearchIt Found 302 Allesfinder OK 200 Webscout2000 OK 200 OK 200 IOC/IODE-XVI/24 Page 11

Finalsearch OK 200 Gildo OK 200 Google (DE) OK 200 AltaVista (FR) OK 200 Onlinepilot OK 200 Lycos (FR) OK 200 Google (FR) OK 200 Lycos (US) OK 200 Franco Moteuer OK 200 OK 200 Alexana OK 200 OK 200 Caloweb Found 302 Aussuchen OK 200 Mister Jack OK 200 HotSearch OK 200

Fehler bei der Uebertragung

Name Statusmeldung und -Code

The Yellow Page Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Dewa can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 Nomade Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 NorthFork Hot Links Not found 404 Radar UOL Object Not Found 404 Business Information Zone Object Not Found 404 What's New Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Web 100 Server Error 500 TurnPike Emporium Directory Not Found 404 AltaBusca Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Encontrei can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 FindLink Hellas Object Not Found 404 Manvit Unavailable 503 OmniSearch Not Found 404 Searchport Not Found 404 WebSearch 2K Not Found 404 GOO Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 TotalSeek Gateway Error 502 Localizar Not Found 404 2Ants can't resolve hostname to IP address 404 Internal Server Error 500 2look4it Not Found 404 NiceOne Not Found 404 Connection refused (Error #10061) 404 Searchpower Internal Server Error 500