Personal Searcher / Concept [2/3] § App contributes to a more private search experience: § Requests are encoded without identifying the user nor the device § Clicking a search result won't inform the of the user's choice § History and all data structures are kept locally § Have you noticed? An app for personal searches § Search results don't link directly to their reported destination § For example the following result seems to link to more-private, non-volatile searches with stigmergic inspiration § § But instead it links to Poster presented on 2017-02-08 @ ESE/IPSantarém Colóquio Internacional sobre a "UIIPSantarém": Investigação & Desenvolvimento local, regional, nacional e internacional. § =rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjB0pmr1vzRAhXFXRoKHYufDMgQFghTMAw&url= Artur Marques CNHwRJXWd1DDeD8IHg4mp48-feJ9JQ&bvm=bv.146094739,d.d2s Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal § The paramssay much: they encode information about the user, the browser, [email protected] the linked content, etc. § "Personal Searcher" eliminates tracking data from all requests and results Abstract Personal Searcher / Concept [3/3] • Web searching has long become a ubiquitous behavior § Stereotypification? amongst Internet users. Much has been changing: odds are § Just because you are @Portugal, it doesn't mean you prioritize Portuguese content/results that the thousands of results of yesterday have become § Just because you've been watching some cooking videos, it doesn't mean they millions of results today, but did that significant jump in should dominate your video search results quantity translate to an increase in the perceived results' § How to customize the search experience without tracking and keeping the quality and their applications? user anonymous? • Some users might feel personalization efforts as § Via "topical search engines" § (large) collections of websites on "topics", searchable on demand stereotypification or even as inaccurate biases; they may § Pre-built and/or offered in-app (add-on purchases?) also beware that every click on every search result may § Built by the user reinforce and contribute to (in)accurate representation of • From one's private searches some facts will naturally emerge, namely: them -and would prefer searching withouttracking. – a certain distribution of searched expressions • "Personal Searcher" is a work-in-progress app that makes it – preferences regarding search providers – a "rank heat map", signaling if the user opts for the #1 ranked results, or for possible to search more anonymously. It also makes it others; i.e. a synchrony with, or deviation from, the default rankings possible to keep a private local-only history of one's searches • This data can used for a search experience that rearranges/reranksresults, and build personal ranking systems based on that history and automatically or manually: other data. The goal is to benefit from local offline – user can tune certain stigmergic inspired configurations personalization, but search online as anonymously as possible. Introduction Search Engines? Stigmergic inspiration [1/2] § Search Engine? § Archie, "archive without • Stigmergy? § search expression / the v", FTP, 1990 • Greek "stigma" (mark) + "ergon" (work) – keywords > black box? > § Altavista, , meaning "the mark of work" (Grassé 1959) search engine results – a form of indirect communication where the communicating WebCrawler, Yahoo, parties communicate via a shared medium § Search , 1994 • e.g. termites communicate via pheromones left on building materials § "classical" (mostly mud balls) § Hotbot, 1996 • assuming the availability of an history of his/her behavior, an § Google Internet searcher communicates at least with him/herself, by § Bing § Google, 1996 signaling some expressions (when typing/searching them), search engines (when using them), ranks (when selecting them), etc. § DuckDuckGo §, 1997 • When searching, users work: § "real-time" via social § AllTheWeb, 1999 – on the "search expressions" networks § , 2008-2010 – on the "search engines" § Twitter § Bing, 2009 – on the results, when selecting them

Personal Searcher / Concept [1/3] Stigmergic inspiration [2/2] § Deliver results from • The work multiple search engines, – on expressions combining them all, if – on search engines the user so selects – on search results § Users can select: • will cause a more vivid signal on those resources § which search engines to used use • to model pheromone evaporation, all resources' § how many results per signals will decay, at a configurable number of search engine uses/searches performed § force a "search location", instead of accepting the • results with more vivid expressions, and/or from device's detected more vivid search engines, and/or from more used location ranks will be somehow get promoted, to facilitate their future (re)use