– And He Went Out

Genesis 28:10-32:3 (2)

This parashah is part of a chiastic structure that runs from Genesis 28:5-37:1; it covers ’s entire exile from the time he leaves his parents in for Paddan , and returns to the land of Canaan.

The central axis is when YHVH enables Jacob to leave and head for Canaan [Genesis 31:1-55 (31:1- 32:1)]. This is approximately the midpoint of our parashah.

Instead of comparing and contrasting both halves of this chiasm, we’ll compare with other texts.

VaYetze – And He Went Out Jacob Joseph Yeshua Comments Exile, salvation, and marriage Jacob left for Paddan Joseph was sent off by For God did not send ’s marriage to Aram; he was sent off his father to check on His Son into the world Mahalath was likely an by his father to find a his brothers. Through a to condemn the world, attempt to appease his wife among his wife’s series of events he but that the world parents for previously people. ended up in Egypt. through Him might be marrying outside the saved (John 3:17). extended family. His mother wanted to Years later, Pharaoh send him away to save gave Joseph Asenath, But He answered and Joseph married outside him from death at the the daughter of Poti- said, "I was not sent the family. At this stage hand of his brother Perah priest of On as a except to the lost in his life, it would not Esau. wife. sheep of the house of have been possible to (This is also a picture of Israel" (Matthew marry within his Esau married Mahalath, the Father giving 15:24). extended family. Ishmael’s daughter who Yeshua His bride.) was a distant relative. Yeshua was sent to His Joseph’s wife seems to After a series of events, own people. represent the Gentiles Joseph sent his brothers who eventually enter back to Canaan to bring His goal was to save the covenant. his extended family to these sheep by bringing Egypt to save them them back to the Any thoughts? from death by famine. marriage covenant. See also: John 10:16; All the persons of the Acts 14:27; Galatians house of Jacob who 3:8; Ephesians 3:6; went to Egypt were 70 Romans 15:10-13 (Gen 46:27; Ex. 1:5). Jacob Moses Yeshua Comments God appeared; covenant; wages/redemption; deliverance & blessing Jacob came to a certain So God heard the YHVH God of Israel To be delivered from place and lay down to groaning of the raised up Yeshua to be this present world, is to sleep. God appeared to Hebrews, and God a horn of salvation to be delivered from sin, Jacob in a dream; there remembered His save the Jews from cursing, and death. were angels of God covenant with their enemies; perform

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey ascending and , with , the mercy promised to This brings life and descending on a ladder and with Jacob (Exodus their fathers; and to blessing. that reached to the 2:24-4:17). remember the heavens. He was afraid; covenant sworn to the Hosea 3:1-3 he believed he was at The Angel of YHVH patriarchs; and deliver Then the Lord said to the gate of heaven. appeared to Moses in a them from their me, "Go again, love a flame of fire from the enemies so they could woman who is loved by He called the place Bet- midst of a bush. serve Him (Luke 1:68- a lover and is El. 79; prophecy of committing adultery (in God called to him from Zacharias). other words, YHVH stood above the bush (Exodus 3:7-8). remember the Jacob and said, “I am Yeshua told Nathanael covenant, and bring her YHVH Elohim of And God spoke to he would see heaven back to the terms of Abraham and Isaac;” Moses and said to him: open and the angels of the covenant), just like YHVH gave a covenant "I am the Lord (YHVH). God ascending and the love of the Lord for promise to Jacob—of 3 I appeared to descending on the Son the children of Israel, land, numerous Abraham, to Isaac, and of Man (John 1:51). who look to other gods descendants, and that to Jacob, as God and love the raisin through his seed all Almighty, but by My Yeshua is equating cakes of the pagans." families of the earth name Lord (YHVH) I was himself with the ladder So I bought her for myself for (וָׁאֶכ ְרֶ הָׁ) would be blessed. not known to them. 4 I Jacob saw ~ the gate of have also established heaven. fifteen shekels of silver, My covenant and one and one-half (הֲקִמֹתִי) YHVH Elohim promised Jacob to be with him with them, to give them Yeshua is the door of homers of barley. 3 And and keep him; to keep the land of Canaan, the the sheepfold (John I said to her, "You shall him wherever he went; land of their pilgrimage, 10:7). stay with me many to bring him back to in which they were days; you shall not play this land; and to be strangers. 5 And I have "I have manifested the harlot, nor shall you ,the Your name to the men have a man — so, too ש( ָׁמַעְת ִי) with Jacob until He did also heard what He promised. groaning of the children whom You have given will I be toward you." of Israel whom the Me out of the world. We are not told at this Egyptians keep in They were Yours, You point how God would bondage, and I have gave them to Me, and Hosea 6:1-2 they have kept Your Come, and let us return (וָׁאֶזְכ ֹר) bring Jacob back to the remembered land of his father. My covenant. 6 word (John 17:6). to the Lord; Therefore say to the For He has torn, but He children of Israel: 'I am …not just to His will heal us; the Lord (YHVH); I will disciples, but to all He He has stricken, but He .met. will bind us up (וְהֹצֵאתִי) bring you out from under the burdens 2 After two days He will of the Egyptians, I will …who gave Himself for revive us; our sins, that He might On the third day He will (וְהִצ ַלְת ִי) rescue you from their bondage, deliver us from this raise us up, and I will redeem you present evil age, That we may live in His .with an according to the will of sight (וְְגְָׁאַלְְת ִי) outstretched arm and our God and Father with great judgments. 7 (Galatians 1:4). The book of Hosea demonstrates the

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey Christ has redeemed us process that God had in (וְלָׁקַחְת ִי) I will take you as My people, and I from the curse of the mind for Israel. will be your God law, having become a ;curse for us (for it is (See also Hosea 10:12 וְהָׁיִיתִי לָׁכֶם ) (Then you written, "Cursed is 11:10-11 .(לֵאלֹהִיםְ shall know that I am the everyone who hangs on Lord (YHVH) your God a tree"), 14 that the who brings you out blessing of Abraham from under the burdens might come upon the of the Egyptians. 8 And Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive (וְהֵבֵאתִי) I will bring you into the land which the promise of the I swore to give to Spirit through faith Abraham, Isaac, and (Galatians 3:13-14). Jacob; and I will give it to you as a That promise is the ( ְִוְנָׁתַת י) heritage: I am the Lord covenant. (YHVH).'" 9 So Moses spoke thus to the But when the fullness of children of Israel; but the time had come, God they did not heed sent forth His Son, born Moses, because of of a woman, born under anguish of spirit and the law, 5 to redeem cruel bondage (Exodus those who were under 6:2-9). the law, that we might receive the adoption as We know God’s sons (Gal 4:4-5). intention but still don’t know exactly how it will who gave Himself for come to pass. us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works (Titus 2:14).

knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (1

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey Peter 1:18-19).

There is a cost for redemption.

(See also: Numbers 3:46-51; Psalm 49:8-9, 111:9; Revelation. 5:9; 14:3-4 - Yeshua is our Go’el) My people Jacob departed from All those who were For whoever does the Adam said of Eve: This Canaan and arrived at descendants of Jacob will of My Father in is now bone of my Paddan Aram. were seventy persons heaven is My brother bones (Gen 2:23). (for Joseph was in Egypt and sister and mother." Laban said to Jacob already). 6 And Joseph (Matthew 12:50) What does this mean? “you are my bone and died, all his brothers, How/Does it relate to my flesh.” and all that generation. God’s people are also what Laban said to 7 But the children of chosen. (See Ephesians Jacob? Jacob loved , and Israel were fruitful and 1:4-5; 2 Thess. 2:13) was willing to pay any increased abundantly, See Hosea: price to have her. multiplied and grew Again, a second time,  Divorced (“Not My exceedingly mighty; and He went away and people”) because of Laban deceived Jacob the land was filled with prayed, saying, "O My idolatry and gave him them (Exodus 1:5-7). Father, if this cup  You will be called instead of Rachel. cannot pass away from YHVH had repeatedly Me unless I drink it, “sons of the living Laban gave Leah and referred to the Hebrews Your will be done." God” Rachel as wives to as “My people.” He (Matthew 26:42)  “My Husband” Jacob. chose them. instead of “My Yeshua was willing to Master” Jacob’s family becomes Even though Joseph was submit to the Father’s  Betrothed to YHVH large: 12 sons + one separated from his will and pay the price of daughter. family, God had a plan death for His people. forever for them to be reunited.  This will be Even though Jacob had Therefore know that accomplished family where he was only those who are of through repentance/ living, God still planned faith are sons of returning to YHVH. a reunion in the future. Abraham. 8 And the Scripture, foreseeing Their/Our behavior that God would justify caused that familial the Gentiles by faith, relationship to be preached the gospel to severed but God had a Abraham beforehand, plan to correct this saying, "In you all the problem so they could nations shall be be reunited. blessed." 9 So then those who are of faith

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey are blessed with believing Abraham (Galatians 3:7-9).

Is the giving of Leah and Rachel to Jacob a picture of Jews and Gentiles being the Bride of Messiah?

Wages; redemption; plunder Thus I have been in He redeemed His For it pleased the And if you call on the your house twenty people with an Father that in Him all Father, who without years; I served you outstretched arm and the fullness should partiality judges fourteen years for your with great judgments. dwell, 20 and by Him to according to each one's two daughters, and six They left after reconcile all things to work, conduct years for your flock, plundering the Himself, by Him, yourselves throughout and you have changed Egyptians. whether things on earth the time of your stay my wages ten times. 42 or things in heaven, here in fear; 18 knowing Unless the God of my Moses led the mixed having made peace that you were not father, the God of multitude out of Egypt. through the blood of redeemed with Abraham and the Fear His cross (Col 1:19-20). corruptible things, like of Isaac, had been with silver or gold, from your me, surely now you Yeshua’s blood was the aimless conduct would have sent me bride price of the New received by tradition away empty-handed. Covenant. from your fathers, 19 God has seen my but with the precious affliction and the labor Then they crucified blood of Christ, as of a of my hands, and Him, and divided His lamb without blemish rebuked you last night." garments, casting lots, and without spot. (1 (Gen 31:41-42) that it might be fulfilled Peter 1:17-19). which was spoken by Without Jacob’s the prophet: When YHVH comes, the knowledge, Rachel had "They divided My wealth of the nations taken the household garments among them, will be gathered gods. And for My clothing together (Zech 14:1-14) they cast lots." Why would she have (Matthew 27:35) One day after the war done this? with Gog and his  As an inheritance? They sought to take armies, God’s people  Spiritual power? what was not originally will plunder and pillage  Idolatry? theirs. those who pillaged  Value of what they them (Ezek 39:10). were made from? The pattern of taking/pillaging will continue in the future. Position; speckles and spots; covenant; witnesses

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey Jacob chose the spotted Moses positioned the Yeshua’s arms were in Notice how Jacob chose and speckled sheep and mixed multitude at the the outstretched what was speckled and goats as his wages. Red Sea/Sea of Reeds position during the spotted as his wages. .crucifixion ;(יָׁם ס ו ף) Jacob positioned the In a way we are flocks to maximize the The pillar of fire and Yeshua showed himself speckled and spotted reproduction of spotted cloud came between to people during the 40 [like a leper with spots] and speckled sheep them to prevent days after His with sin yet God chose and goats. Pharaoh’s army from resurrection (Acts 1:3). us to be His own. doing harm to the YHVH enabled Jacob to mixed multitude. Over 500 people saw This is in contrast to escape and depart for Yeshua after His God’s son, Yeshua who home. On the way, YHVH enabled everyone resurrection (1 was without blemish or Laban stopped them to cross over safely to Corinthians 3-8) sin. and claimed “these the other side. All of daughters, children, and the mixed multitude He visited with people Offerings that were flock” were his. lived. after His resurrection; found to be blemished He also ate bread, (a parallel of sorts to Laban suggested they Moses brought them to honeycomb, and fish. speckled and spotted make a covenant and Mount Sinai. (Luke 24:40-43; John animals) could not be set up a stone pillar 21:9-14). slaughtered. that would remain They were required to between them as a consecrate themselves Yeshua is the Mediator Animals that were witness. and wash their clothes of the new covenant purchased for slaughter before they entered (Hebrews 9:15). were living sacrifices Laban called it Jegar into a suzerain-vassal until they were Sahadutha ( for treaty (which was also a The new covenant was slaughtered. In a similar Heap of Witness) and marriage covenant) inaugurated with way, we have been Jacob called it Galeed that contained blessings Yeshua’s blood during bought with a price; we (Hebrew for Heap of and curses (Exodus the Last Supper (Luke are living sacrifices and Witness). 19:12-15). 22:19-20; Hebrews we have been cleansed It was also called 9:18; 10:20). of our sins. Mizpah (Witness). God After they agreed to the would witness what terms of the covenant, The bread and wine Therefore, beloved, they did when they Moses, Aaron, Nadab, represented Yeshua’s looking forward to were away from each Abihu, and 70 elders of body and blood; it is to these things, be diligent other. They would not Israel went up on the be consumed in to be found by Him in pass beyond that point mountain, saw the God remembrance of peace, without spot to do harm to each of Israel, and ate and Yeshua to proclaim the and blameless (2 Peter other. drank (Exodus 24:3-11). Lord’s death until He 3:14). comes (1 Corinthians Jacob offered a sacrifice The people remained 11:23-26). Therefore, brethren, on the mountain and at the base of the having boldness to called his brethren to mountain for safety. For if sprinkling enter the Holiest by the eat bread. In the ceremonially unclean blood of Jesus, 20 by a morning they departed. Before Moses’ death, persons with the blood new and living way he spoke to the second of goats and bulls and which He consecrated Jacob sent word to Esau generation coming out the ashes of a heifer for us, through the veil,

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey that he was coming. of Egypt. He called restores their outward that is, His flesh, 21 and When he heard Esau heaven and earth to be purity; 14 then how having a High Priest was coming with 400 witnesses when he set much more the blood of over the house of God, men, he was afraid and life and death before the Messiah, who, 22 let us draw near with divided his people and them, blessing and through the eternal a true heart in full flocks, herds, and cursing. They were to Spirit, offered himself assurance of faith, camels into 2 choose life and to love to God as a sacrifice having our hearts companies (positioned YHVH and cling to Him without blemish sprinkled from an evil his people to maximize (Deut 30). (spots), will purify our conscience and our safety [life]). conscience from works bodies washed with Those of the 2nd (spots) that lead to pure water. (Hebrews generation that death, so that we can 10:19-23) remained faithful (those serve the living God! who chose life by (Hebrews 9:13-14 CJB) See also Deut 17:1; obeying God’s Malachi 1:14; Hebrews commandments) Once Yeshua had 9:14 crossed the Jordan to finished what He came possess the Promised to do, He returned to Land (Canaan); the heaven and sat down at exception was , the right hand of the Gad, and half tribe of Father (His current Manasseh (Numbers position). 32) We seem to have a chiasm of sorts here at this stage in the Scriptures. God has been revealing His plan all along.  Position  Outside the  Yeshua was  The Father and  Covenant Promised Land crucified on the Yeshua are in accompanied by a  Crossing the Reed cross/tree. heaven; they are meal and witnesses Sea  Yeshua’s death was separated from  The mixed witnessed by many. humans living on (God and a pillar of multitude lived  Covenant Meal with earth by a gap that stones)  Covenant; they saw bread and wine. people cannot  Position YHVH; they ate a  New Covenant physically cross. meal with God. inaugurated with  Two witnesses are

 Covenant renewal Yeshua’s blood. expected to come  Encouraged to  Yeshua was seen by in the future choose life over 500 people clothed in sackcloth  Crossing over the after His (a sign or mourning Jordan resurrection; the and/or  Inside the Promised disciples gave repentance). Land testimony to (were  They are the two witnesses of) this olive trees and the truth. two lampstands  Yeshua is at the standing before the right hand of the God of the earth. Father.  Perhaps they represent the Bride

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey [kingdom of priests/holy nation] and Groom [King of kings] of the Covenant.  The two witnesses will prophesy for 1260 days; following this, they will be killed and resurrected after 3 days. (Rev 11:1-13; Zech 4:11-14 [originally, the anointed ones were the king and high priest]).  At some point afterwards, Yeshua is expected to return to earth and make war with the Beast and his armies (Rev 19:11- 21).

VaYetze HODF 2/8/17 By Beth Mehaffey