ZANU PF -e Nw ZANU PF -e Nw PaOZimbabwe News Official Organ of ZANU PF Department oflnlormation andPublicit, 144 Union Avenue, Herar e Tel: 79014$ SPeac and ......... Volume 27, No. 1. !996, Regited 'tthe G T a Newspape NOVEMEI ;R 1996 $2.50 (incl. sales tax) People's Conference 96, Bread and butter issues Face to face with WhO AIDS Wines nd ines ith da Smnith? ZIMBABWE DISTANCE EDUCATION COLLEGE GROUP OF COLLEGES, COMPUTER INSTITUTE AND PUBLISHING HOUSE (ZDECO)) E cUN=,NsEmRUUTO FU Full-time Independent College ZIMBABWE EDUCATION COLLEGE ZIMBABWE COMPUTER INSTITUTE COLLEGE HOUSE, Livingstone Avenue/Second Street, P.O. Box 316 Harare Telephone: 738981/4 138 George Silundika Avenue, NDLOVU HOUSE, Bulawayo. Phone 67321 73 Fife Street Branch near City Hall, Bulawayo, Phone 67497 PUT YOUR BONUS INTO YOUR EDUCATION 1997 TUITION REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS High Pass Rate with Distinctions at '0 and 'A' Levels , Full-time tuition registration in progress for Forms 1 and 2, 3 and 4, Lower and Upper-Sixth Classes for June and November 1997 Exams. * Part-time and Distance Education tuition registration for Z.J.C., 'O' and 'A' Level and LC.C.I. in progress. * Z.J.C., '0' and 'A' Level Ndebele tuition registration in progress. * University of London degrees: LLB and B.Sc. Economics in progress. Evenings and Saturday mornings, tuition offered by ZDECO. * English course for foreign students (Zimbabwe Technical and Commercial College - ZTCCO). * Secretarial and Administration Diplomas, Receptionist course. * Typing, Shorthand Pitman 2000, Office Procedures, Business English, Book- keeping/Accounts all stages. * Professional courses Z.A.A.T., C.I.S., I.O.B., I.RS.
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