INVL ASSET MANAGEMENT Open-ended Harmonized investment fund INVL Umbrella Fund RULES Main information about the collective investment undertaking: Name INVL Umbrella Fund (in Lithuanian: “INVL sudėtinis fondas”), (hereinafter – the Fund) Legal form Harmonized Investment Fund with no rights of legal entity Type Open-ended Umbrella Investment Fund Fund currency Euro (EUR) Registered office Gynėjų str. 14, LT-01109 Vilnius Telephone +370 700 55 959 Fax +370 5 279 0602 E-mail
[email protected] Website Fund inception date 29 October, 2010 Duration Open-ended Management Company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – the Management Company) Registered Office Gynėjų str. 14, 01109 Vilnius Telephone +370 700 55959 Fax +370 5 2790602 Depository AB SEB bank Registered office Gedimino Ave. 12, 01103 Vilnius Telephone +370 5 268 2800 Fax +370 5 268 2333 Approved by Management Company: By minutes of the Board meeting No. 02-28/13 as of 22nd October, 2010; Rules become effective on 29 October, 2010. Changed: By minutes of the Board meeting No. 8 of 15 October 2012 of Finasta Asset Management UAB; Rules become effective on 1 January, 2013. Changed: By minutes of the Board meeting No. 8 of 27 February 2013 of Finasta Asset Management UAB; Rules become effective on 6 March, 2013. Changed: By minutes of the Board meeting No. 8 of 24 April 2014 of Finasta Asset Management UAB; Rules become effective on 14th of May, 2014. Changed: By minutes of the Board meeting No. 30 of 23 July 2014 of Finasta Asset Management UAB; Rules become effective on 24th of July, 2014.