35639_35639 9/6/12 1:07 PM Page 1 65 Years of Service THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨

A Nonprofit Organization FALL 2012 Since 1947 ... Helping Those Who Stutter

Is Language a Risk Factor in Stuttering? By Ehud Yairi, Ph.D., Emeritus Faculty, University of Illinois A person’s stuttering is not ran- dom. Linguistic factors have been considered relevant to stuttering es- pecially since early research (Brown, 1937, 1945) demonstrated their strong influence on the occur- rence of stuttering events, or “mo- ments of stutter- ing,” in specific locations of the speech stream (e.g., the begin- ning of sentences and phrases) and Ehud Yairi, Ph.D. in words of cer- tain grammatical classes (e.g., verbs and adjectives). The link be- New Website Unveiled tween stuttering and language is es- After months of research, user friendly while providing pecially intuitive in young children. designing, brainstorming, and accurate information. Several scholars have noted that hard work, the Stuttering Among the many changes stuttering onset, typically between Foundation’s new website, you will notice are the new tool ages 2 and 4, coincides with the crit- www.StutteringHelp.org, went bars. At the top of the home page ical period of accelerated expansion live Saturday July 28. you can choose from broad cate- in children’s expressive and recep- “We are excited to bring a new gories such as The Facts, tive language (Levina, 1963; Yairi, and improved re- Resources, go di- 1983, Ratner, 1997). Thirty-six source to the pub- Interesting Facts About rectly to the Store, years ago, Cheverkeva (1977) pro- lic,” said Jane or Contact Us. 4 StutteringHelp.org 3 million hits per month. posed that stuttering is basically a Fraser, president 4 If you already Over 900 web pages. disorder of language development, of the Stuttering 4 have a good idea an idea recently echoed by Foundation. After the , of what informa- With more most web traffic comes tion you need, the Bloodstein (2002). from India and Sweden. 4 The possible stuttering-lan- than 3 million Famous People brochure second tool bar guage link has become a focus of hits per month, is the most downloaded. right below tar- 4 scientific interest, reflected in the Stuttering New blog allows interac- gets Parents of tion with readers. several stuttering models with Foundation con- 4 P re s c h o o l e r s , psycholinguistic viewpoints. tinues to be the There are materials in Parents of School- Among these are the Demands- go-to site for the more than 31 languages. age Children, Capacity Model (Starkweather, most accurate and current infor- Teens, Adults, Teachers, Speech- 1987), the Covert-Repair mation on stuttering. Language Pathologists, Hypothesis (Postma & Kolk, More than a mere facelift, Physicians, and Employers. The 1993), the Trade-Off Hypothesis the site underwent a transfor- eye-catching ‘sliders’ offer a (Ratner, 1997) and the Cognitive mation from top to bottom. The quick way to get to some of our aim is to make the site more Continued on page 4 Continued on page 14 35639_35639 9/13/12 7:11 AM Page 2


The 7th World Congress of the International Fluency Association was heldVive in the heart of Lathe France! Loire Valley in Tours, France, July 2-5, 2012. It brought together more than 200 people, many of them experts in the field of stuttering. Participants came from 32 countries around the world, from China to Russia, from Croatia to Sweden, from India to Canada and the United States. Celia Gruss helps attendees at the Some 16 percent of partici- Stuttering Foundation booth. pants had attended Stuttering Isabella Reichel pre- Foundation workshops for spe- sents the International cialists, and you will see many Cluttering Association of them pictured below! Award to Ken St. The Stuttering Foundation was represented by Louis, accepting for Jane Fraser and Celia Gruss who Florence Myers. manned a display of Foundation materials. “Being bilingual at a conference held in Tours gave us a distinct ad- vantage,” commented Fraser. “Celia and I were able to clearly describe our books and DVDs to various attendees from the franco- phone countries of France, Switzerland and Belgium.” “It was a great conference in a From left to right: Willie Botterill - Award for Clinical beautiful setting. The presenta- Excellence; Jane Fraser accepting for Alan Rabinowitz - tions were stimulating and varied Consumer Award; Nan Ratner accepting for Anne and presented by researchers, Smith - Research Award; Carolyn Cheasman - clinicians and people who stam- Clinician of Distinction Award; Rosalee Shenker for mer, reflecting the ethos of the Colin Firth and David Seidler - Awareness Award. IFA. There was a wonderful at- mosphere that fostered and encouraged new and old collaborations across the world,” added Willie Botterill. IFA President Willie Botterill was honored with the Award for Clinical Excellence. Also honored was Foundation Board member Alan Standing ovation for awardees dur- Rabinowitz, who received the Consumer Award, ing the gala dinner. Colin Firth and David Seidler received the Contributor Award for Stuttering Awareness, Anne Smith received the Researcher Award, and Carolyn Cheasman received the Clinician of Distinction Award. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:08 PM Page 3


ThQe Stuutteraing lFiotunydat ioJn oThouse Wrhno Stuatterl.” iTshis mobjec - Hago oand nopeoned rup ean dextraordi - announced its 2012 Awards for tive article nary new audience to the Excellence in Journalism dur - addresses Foundation. ing May. the physi - “Journalists in a variety of set - cal, mental Category: Spanish Newspaper tings have done an outstanding and emotional components of First Place: Pedro F. job of focusing on stuttering dur - speech while at the same time of - Frisneda of El Diario for his ing the past year,” said Jane fering hope to parents. October 21, 2011 Fraser, president of the 65-year- article, “El tarta - Category: Daily Newspapers old nonprofit foundation. “We mudeo se puede First Place (tie): are seeing a significant shift in vencer.” This pow - Kathleen Mitchell of how we reach people - not only erful article intro - Business West for through newspapers and colum - duced accurate in - her May 10, 2011 nists but also through websites formation on stut - article, “In Manner Pedro F. and blogs. We are particularly tering to the of Speaking.” The Frisneda excited about increased outreach Spanish speaking article looks at the in Canada and within the community, while causes of stuttering, Spanish speaking community.” offering helpful tips to parents. what adults can do Category: Internet Blog to help children Kathleen Category: Syndicated First Place: Bob Greene of who stutter, and Mitchell Columnists CNN for his Feb. 20, why unrealistic ex - First Place: Dr. Paul 2012 article, “John pectations and a fast-paced Donohue for his national col - Glenn’s true hero,” lifestyle can make the situation umn on May 3, 2011, “Evaluate featuring former worse. child early for stut - tering.” This wide - National Stuttering Aldo Santin of Winnipeg Free Awareness Week ly read column en - Press for his August courages parents to spokesperson, Annie 6, 2011 article, Glenn. One judge Bob seek early inter - “Randy Bachman’s vention and to wrote, “Emotionally, Greene You Ain’t Seen my absolute favorite was the CNN gather accurate in - Nothing Yet singled formation and ob - Dr. Paul piece on John and Annie Glenn. It out by The Stuttering Donohue choked me up.” tain professional Foundation.” The ar - help for children ticle focuses on the Aldo Category: Website Santin who have begun to stutter. Dr. First Place: Dennis stuttering connection Donohue’s column is well- Thompson of HealthDay for his in the story behind the Bachman- known for its reliability; there - May 27, 2011 article, “Early Turner Overdrive classic that hit fore, it is particularly exciting Intervention Holds Hope for the top of the charts over 25 years that he focused on stuttering.

recently purchased your Adult Stuttering Therapy he Stuttering Foundation of America is a tax-exempt organization under section I 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a private operating foun - DVD and cannot Tdation as defined in section 4942(j)(3). Charitable contributions and bequests to the even begin to de - Foundation are tax-deductible, subject to limitations under the Code. scribe how helpful it has been for me. It transports me to a time long ago. Seeing Dr. Van The Stuttering Foundation is a proud Riper in action is participant of the Combined Federal a real inspiration. Campaign. Please note our number: Thank you for making it available. CFC #11047 -Dan Pappas 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:08 PM Page 4


Continued from front page Website Foundation Releases New DVDs most requested information, in - Evidence-Based Practice Autism Spectrum cluding how to find a specialist in and Practice-Based Evidence: Disorders and Stuttering stuttering therapy in your area. Closing the Gap There has been increased inter - Every category offers opportu - Discussions about evidence- est in understanding the variety nities to click on Related Pages for based practice often culminate in of speech disfluency patterns additional relevant information. At claims that there is one best ap - among those with autism spec - every turn you are offered the op - proach to treatment of a particu - trum disorders. portunity to “click here to request lar type of Case studies that describe FREE information.” client, or that types of disfluencies have added Many of our resources are avail - we lack appro - to our knowl - able free online, with just a click of priate evi - edge base. a mouse. There are eight streaming dence or that While both videos under the video link, offering clinicians lack stuttering help to parents, school-age children, access to what and “atypi - teens, adults, and teachers. There are evidence we cal” disflu - 10 book resources under the free e- have. encies (final book link, again offering direct help In this pre - part-word for parents, children, and adults. sentation, in repetition) Additionally, you can download and an effort to frame have been print all 32 of our brochures and fly - these claims more positively, Nan document - ers with numerous options to print Bernstein Ratner, Ed.D., argues ed, many the materials in other languages. that there is both research and questions remain unanswered. The latest news from the common-sense evidence that What treatment methods are ef - Foundation’s current newsletter these claims are wrong. She also fective? What are the priorities keeps you up-to-date on research, suggests that in the debate about for improved communication? inspirational stories, people on the best practices in fluency treat - What should we expect for posi - go, updates from past stories, ac - ment, there is indeed a need to tive functional outcomes? tivities and support from people search out and integrate many In this 2-hour presentation, around the world involved in stut - sources of evidence that either Vivian Sisskin, M.S., CCC-SLP, tering, professional opportunities, support our approach to a case or from the University of Maryland, and much more. suggest a need for reconsideration, summarizes the literature pertain - On the Just for Kids page, you adjustment or change. ing to disfluency in autism, and will find letter after letter – and Many options exist to find and provides basic principles to aid in some exceptional art work – from use this evidence, and many more differential diagnosis and treat - our young friends who stutter, await implementation either in ment planning. sharing their stories of success, the clinic or in our research un - A case study, demonstrating challenges, advice, and encourage - dertakings. effective treatment for final ment. These terrific kids teach us This 55-minute talk provides a part-word repetitions, highlights all a thing or two, and that’s a fact. range of options for both clinical a problem-solving approach to While there is so much more to researchers and practicing clini - clinical management, using both mention, it would be better to visit cians who want to find, use and learning style in autism and the website today and spend some integrate evidence of treatment strategies from traditional fluen - time looking around for yourself. effectiveness. cy therapies. www.StutteringHelp.org! “We think you’ll be amazed at the wealth of information available, and the ease with which you can access it all,” Fraser concluded. New WebsTihet Setut tefriong rFo uTndahtione hrasa laupnchiesd at ns ew Finally, your feedback is wel - Online CEU website – www.stutteringceus.org . come. If you have an idea for im - Speech-language pathologists will want to visit provement, or a specific need that and browse the catalog for the latest CEU oppor - you don’t see being met, e-mail tunities. One commented, “I am thrilled with the [email protected] . With your quality of this training on stuttering but also with help, this new website will be the the ease of taking the course online.” best ever. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 5


Camps With a Purpose Camp Shout Out Our Time Marks SByo Jaulrie Rda ytnoo r,N Me.Aw., CHCCe-iSgLhP ts By Ta5rot hAl exSanedear son Eighty-five participants from all In August 2012, 86 young over the world came together in people from around the nation Michigan this summer to participate and abroad attended the mo - in the 2nd annual Camp Shout Out mentous 5th season of Camp program. Whether orienteering, Our Time , a sleep-away sum - boating, swimming, dancing, craft - mer camp nestled in the majes - ing, rock wall climbing, making ice tic Blue Ridge Mountains of cream, hula hooping or flying down North Carolina. Camp Our the zip line, the goal was the same - Time welcomed kids who stut - “Building Great Communicators.” ter, as well as their young fam - Campers focused on attentive, as - ily members and friends, ages sertive, confident, effective and pro- 8-18. Campers gained price - active aspects of communication as less friendships, communica - they accomplished personal goals, tion skills, and self-confi - often assisted by teens ages 16-18 dence. They left camp in - enrolled in the first Leaders in formed and empowered to Training program. At the culmina - confidently enter their upcom - tion of this session themed ing school year. Many thanks “Treasure Hunt,” parents and family to the SFA for its partnership! members joined us for a day of fun Campers spent their fun- and education. filled days soaking up the sun This year’s camp was tremen - in the lake, mastering the rock- dous, in part because we had a year climbing wall, performing in a under our belts and did much plan - play, joining the basketball ning throughout the year. Dr. team, discovering nature, creat - Stephen Tasko and Ron Kelley from ing arts and crafts, receiving Western Michigan University joined speech therapy, and much us again as well as 10 undergrad more. No matter what the ac - volunteers from WMU and tivity was, campers had the op - Michigan State. We are working portunity to express themselves hard to get college students in the in their own time, without fear field of communication disorders of judgment and ridicule. excited about fluency. As one camper who stutters, It was fun to see the participants age 12, described the program’s surprise during introductions when impact, “My confidence before Kristin Chmela stated that she and Camp Our Time was really bad. Kevin Eldridge met more than 20 I was embarrassed to talk to years ago at a Stuttering Foundation anybody except my really good Workshop where June Campbell friends. Now my confidence is was one of the facilitators. much better. I feel like I can be We used the materials the someone and be a part of this Stuttering Foundation sent to make world.” parent education binders to send To learn more about Camp home with each family. The parents Our Time , or to enroll in next were very grateful. year’s two-week session (Aug. For more information on this 4-18, 2013), please visit camp, visit www.StutteringHelp.org . www.campourtime.org . 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 4


1S4incet h1985 , Bthe oStusttertinog neva ntW and eaosy tro bkegins imhplemoent -p Earns A+ Foundation has conducted in - ing in many small ways.” tensive summer workshops in Another said, “I gained knowl - order to increase the pool of edge and insight into counseling speech-language pathologists based therapy – new and revolu - trained in tionary approaches to treatment – the latest not just fluency!” techniques Another clinician wrote, “I for the treat - learned how to treat clients who ment of stuttering. This summer stutter by focusing on the posi - was no exception. tive and looking at the individual The five-day Eastern Workshop, as a whole.” Using Cognitive Approaches with Participants had ample oppor - People Who Stutter , was held in tunity to get to know each other in Boston from June 25-29. Co- class and in the dorms. As a re - sponsored by the Stuttering sult, the classroom experience Foundation and Boston was enriched by informal discus - University, the workshop was at - sions of therapy programs and tended by clinicians from nine work settings. states, Puerto Rico, and an amazing nine foreign countries. “Those who are selected to partici - pate already have professional expe - rience and are highly motivated,” added Diane Parris, M.S., of Boston University, coordinator of the Workshop. Expertly led by master clinicians Willie Botterill and Front row: Willie Botterill, Jane Fraser, Diane Parris, and Elaine Kelman of the Elaine Kelman. Second row: Daniel Valentine, Edna Carlo, Tina Michael Palin Centre Sleyster, Kate Isert, Susan Meyer, Katarina Matijevic, Ursula for Stammering Zsilavecz, Nelly Ching, and Eliana Rocha. Third row: Surleen Children, the partici - Singh, Marie Hallberg, Kai Long, Meg Shake, Laurene Mauduit, pants focused on Erika Soares, Ann Beste-Guldborg, Kay Wallis, and Alexa cognitive approaches Okrainec. Back row: Tatyana Elleseff, Lia Bloj, and Ewa Wojcik. in working with chil - dren who stutter and their families. Case study demonstrations and interactive exercises en - livened the learning process. Throughout the program partici - pants were asked to share what they would take away from the day's learning. One attendee commented, “The course content is immediately rel - 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 5


MIn idJu-lAy, tlthae nSttuitcteri nWg owarntk to smahke.o” p Builds Confidence Foundation of America, Children’s “This week has opened the door Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), to thinking differently, counseling This workshop and The Florida State University differently and treating differently.” was dedicated to co-sponsored the fourth Mid- “One of the major changes I the memory of Atlantic Workshop, Treating plan on making is taking much James Michael Children and Adolescents Who more care in the assessment pro - Campbell. Stutter , in Philadelphia. cess to gather information. I will Speech-language pathologists also get parents more involved. from eleven states, Canada, Further, I plan to seek out stu - Ireland, and Turkey met July 9- dents who stutter for therapy in - 13 on the CHOP campus to learn stead of avoiding them.” more about how to assess and “I don’t have to be a miracle treat school-age children and worker. 100% fluency is NOT the adolescents who stutter. goal! It’s making stuttering easier Videographer Workshop leaders included and learning to “stutter better.” Bob O’Brien Joe Donaher, Ph.D., of Check www.StutteringHelp.org filming presenter Children’s Hospital of for information on 2013 workshops. Vivian Sisskin. 4 Philadelphia, Vivian Sisskin, M.S., of the University of Maryland, and Lisa Scott, Ph.D., of The Florida State University. Throughout the workshop, a variety of learning opportu - nities were used in - cluding traditional lectures, guided case planning, small- group practice of the various clinical and Front Row (left to right): Vivian Sisskin, Lisa Scott, Jane Fraser, and relationship skills, Joe Donaher. Back Row: Seda Atilla-Sahin, Alexis Hill, Laura Johnson, and watching videos Julie Marzluf, Veronica LaBarr, Eric Jackson, Amanda Wells, Richard of therapy sessions. Zipoli, Gail Dunn, Natasha Vayner, Sheila Hosain, Brenda Ruppenstein, “We were so Jennifer Mitchell, Beth Brant, and Maeve Dunn. thrilled to have so many clinicians from a variety of work set - tings devote a week of their sum - mer to learning more about stut - tering,” said Lisa Scott. Feedback from participants in - cluded: “I feel more comfortable with cognitive and emotional factors and will spend more time on those issues. I will be more client-centered by putting them in charge of the changes they 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 6


Vertigo Named Best Movie

of All-TimStuttering Foundation, said, “This for Lifetime Achievement in Worldwide Stuttering is a great moment for people who 1985. His stuttering was one of stutter all over the world. That a his most well-known attributes. Community is Proud person who stuttered was the star In a 2011 opinion piece on The of Jimmy Stewart of what has been named the best King’s Speech , actor Michael On Aug. 1, 2012, the 1958 clas - movie of all-time is a wonderful Palin wrote of Stewart, “Jimmy sic Hitchcock thriller Vertigo was honor for Mr. Stewart and a proud Stewart dealt with his stutter named the best movie of all-time, achievement for the stuttering openly and elegantly – it became ending the 50 year run of Orson community. Hopefully this distinc - a charming part of his persona.” Welles’ debut movie tion will serve to inspire young Adam Ward, a person who stut - Citizen Kane . Sight & people who stutter. ters, said, “There are generations Sound , a magazine pub - Unfortunately, I am of people who stutter who were lished by the British Film not surprised that the told of Jimmy Stewart and recom - Institute, surveys top in - media has not men - mended to emulate him. Now, so ternational film critics tioned Stewart’s stut - many years later, I hope he is an every decade. This time tering in the frenzy of even bigger inspiration and role Vertigo edged out news reports over model to kids in light of the news Citizen Kane by 34 Vertigo. After all, for about Vertigo.” votes out of 846 cast. many decades James James Stewart is among the Famed film critic Roger Stewart was the most most notable names on The Ebert was quoted as well-known person who Stuttering Foundation’s list of saying that this survey stuttered in the U.S.” Famous People Who Stutter, is “the only one most In a brilliant ca - which also includes people like serious movie people reer in Hollywood, James Earl Jones, Emily Blunt, take seriously.” Stewart was nominated Marilyn Monroe, Bruce Willis and The fact that Oscar-winning for an Academy Award five Dominick Dunne. The purpose of actor James Stewart was the star of times, winning the Oscar for Best this extensive list is to convey to Vertigo has evoked a sense of pride Actor in 1940 for The all people who stutter that there are in the stuttering community. Philadelphia Story in addition to many famous people who did not Jane Fraser, president of the being awarded an honorary Oscar let their stuttering hold them back. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 7


MAlaen eRabtin oBwitzo, Pha.Dr., dhas Mon eIndmochibnese trige rAs, Alsaiatinc JRaguar abnd iwnas ofeatwuredi itn z the served on the Stuttering leopards, and leopard cats, in BBC special Lost Land of the Foundation Board of Directors what was to become the region's Tiger filmed in Bhutan in 2010. since 2003. As one of the first World Heritage Site; and his Dr. Rabinowitz has dedicated world’s leading big cat experts, work in Myanmar has led to the his life to surveying the world’s he has been called ‘The Indiana creation of five new protected last wild places with the goal of Jones of Wildlife Conservation’ areas. In northern Myanmar, Dr. preserving wild habitats and se - by TIME magazine. Rabinowitz also discovered a curing homes, on a large scale, Dr. Rabinowitz is currently the new large mammal species and for some of the world’s most en - CEO of Panthera, a nonprofit or - the world’s most primitive dangered mammals. His focus on ganization devoted to saving the cats is based on conserving top world’s wild cat species. predators, which affect entire Prior to co-founding ecosystems. Through the process Panthera, Rabinowitz of saving cats, vast landscapes served as the Executive upon which many species de - Director of the Science pend on are conserved. and Exploration Division One of Dr. Rabinowitz's for the Wildlife greatest achievements was the Conservation Society for conceptualization and imple - almost 30 years. mentation of the Jaguar Making the preservation Corridor - a series of biological of the big cats of the world and genetic corridors for jaguars his priority, he has received across their entire range from coverage from the top Mexico to Argentina. He also media outlets in the U.S. initiated Panthera’s Tiger and abroad. He has almost Corridor Initiative, an effort to never failed to bring atten - identify and protect the world's tion to stuttering in these last remaining large intercon - newspaper articles and news nected tiger landscapes, with a segments by explaining how primary focus on the remote his early stuttering shaped and rugged Indo-Himalayan his life. He explains that he region of Asia. was only able to speak flu - He is as passionate about ently in front of animals and helping people who stutter as promised some animals, both he is about protecting personal pets and big cats in wildlife. He is featured in two the Bronx Zoo, that if he were Stuttering Foundation DVDs: ever to achieve fluency he Stuttering and the Big Cats would fight for their rights. and Keynote Address to Traveling the world on behalf Therapists . Each film provides Photo of wildlife conservation, Dr. by Steve Winter an intimate look inside his life Rabinowitz has studied jaguars, as he discusses how struggling clouded leopards, Asiatic leop - deer, the leaf deer. with stuttering shaped his life ards, tigers, Sumatran rhinos, Dr. Rabinowitz has authored and his long-time relationship bears, leopard cats, raccoons, and over one hundred scientific and with the endangered species he civets. His work in Belize result - popular articles and six books, helps to save. ed in the world's first jaguar sanc - including Jaguar: One Man’s Dr. Rabinowitz continues to tuary; his work in Taiwan result - Struggle to Establish the First lend of himself on behalf of peo - ed in the establishment of this Jaguar Preserve and Chasing ple who stutter so that others may country’s largest protected area the Dragon’s Tail . He was also have the same opportunity for and the last piece of intact low - the subject of the acclaimed fluency; also, his work serves to land forest; his work in Thailand PBS/National Geographic tele - help shape a better public percep - generated the first field research vision special, In Search of the tion of stuttering. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:09 PM Page 8


B1y M0a0tthe wH Saondlere Hike foBre inTg ha setut teSrer tIu kntotwe thre ing Foundation anxiety and shame that comes Matt Sander’s My legs were aching and the from this confounding affliction. Hundred Hole Hike Played and walked 113 holes summer sun had taken its toll. At As an adult, I’ve developed ways on Monday, June 18, 2012 this point I had walked approxi - to cope and speaking to groups or mately 34 miles, amassed 487 individuals isn’t the fear inducing Contributions made strokes, worn three outfits and chore that it was when I was four pairs of in his honor: socks, sweated Elaina Ellis through 6 golf Brandon Urban gloves, and Mike Volmar made more bo - Angela DelVecchio geys than I Perry DelVecchio care to remem - Andrea Lyttle ber. I was on Chad Mooney (and family) the tee of my Joe Palonis 108th hole, Traver Powers and I was Mary Titmus thinking about Elizabeth Kielb my son, the David Ashby reason I was Brendan Mahoney about to take Bill Paschke my 488th shot Stanley Pritchard of the day. Donna Niehoff Tanya Anderson The idea for Matt Sander with his son Liam. this pursuit Lynne Wexler Sandi Darnell was developed by Jim Colton of young. Now I am a father and my Tamara Sander Wheaton, IL. Jim is member of 4-year-old son, Liam, has exhib - Heather Niehoff Ballyneal Golf Club in Holyoke, ited stuttering patterns for some John & Danielle Layug CO and wanted to raise some time. Thanks to the information William Seitz funds for a caddie at the club, Ben and guidance provided by The Timothy Gallagher Cox, who had become paralyzed Stuttering Foundation, we were Stephen Salmen from the waist down after suffer - able to make the decision to en - Eric Sander ing injuries in a skiing accident. roll him in early childhood Brian Huff Jim decided to accept pledges to - speech therapy. His progress over Ariel Steffens ward his goal of walking 100 the past year has been wonderful Jeff Sander holes in one day at his golf club. to witness and The Stuttering His effort began gaining steam Foundation has played a large and when all was said and done he part in that success. Hiking for After thinking of my son on the raised over $100,000 in pledges The Stuttering Foundation gave eleventh tee, my 488th swing was for Ben Cox and walked an as - me an opportunity to give back to one of my best, and I was able to tounding 155 holes in one day! this wonderful organization. birdie my 108th hole of the day. Jim’s success led him to estab - I am happy to report that I was That is six full rounds of lish the One Divot Foundation able to raise approximately golf…walking. With my wife by which sought to make the $2,100 in pledges for The my side as my caddie, I finished Hundred Hole Hike a worldwide Stuttering Foundation. As a 113 holes. I can’t wait for next network of golf marathons with group, the Hundred Hole Hikers year’s event, and I plan to walk the objective of benefitting nu - have raised nearly $265,000 for even farther for The Stuttering merous worthwhile charities. countless charities including not Foundation. After hearing of Jim’s ambitious only The Stuttering Foundation, If you are interested in donat - plan I knew that I wanted to hike but also Els For Autism, The ing or would like to learn more in the Chicago area at Flossmoor Evans Scholars Foundation, The about the Hundred Hole Hike and Country Club for The Stuttering Breast Cancer Research the causes that it supports, please Foundation. Foundation, and many others. visit HundredHoleHike.com 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:10 PM Page 9


HTheo faascingatingl acarener odf E:dw aWrd Hrarviatrd,i hne pegnned, “Mute because of a Hoagland, novelist and nature writer was bad stutter, I’d wandered Boston’s night featured in the April 9th, 2012, Wall neighborhoods with hungry yearning Street Journal article “Tracking the natu - throughout my college years.” ralist.” The article shed light on However, Hoagland also described Hoagland’s amazing exploits that fueled how his love for nature and animals gave his conservation writing for almost sixty him a much needed solitary world where years. The 79 year-old writer said, “Our he was not held back from expressing world is being destroyed in a quiet holo - himself. He wrote, “…spurred in partic - caust. It’s up to us to say what we have to ular with my fascination with animals. At say while we can still do so.” home in Connecticut I’d kept dogs, cats, Born in City in 1932, turtles, snakes, alligators, pigeons, pos - Hoagland’s family moved to rural sums, goats…” In addition, the Connecticut, which fostered his interest Dictionary of Literary Biography states in nature. “He also the following, suffered from a pro - “Hoagland’s love of found stutter that, solitude and silent while he wasn’t observation of without friends, wildlife rather than made nature, where social conversation quiet attentiveness may have resulted rather than chatter from a severe stam - is the coin of the mer that still per - realm, a natural fit.” sists. The stammer He is best known has, according to as a nature and trav - Hoagland himself, el writer, but has influenced how he also penned five writes: ‘Words are novels in addition spoken at consider - to his 10 books of able cost to me, so a essays and three great value is placed travel books. His on each one. That first novel Cat Man has had some effect was inspired by his experience tending on me as a writer. As a child, since I big cats with the Ringling Brothers and couldn’t talk to people, I became close to Barnum and Bailey Circus during vaca - animals. I became an observer, and in all tions while an undergraduate student at my books, even the novels, witnessing Harvard. Some of his books of essays in - things is what counts.’ His reluctance to clude The Courage of the Turtles, The speak may account for his desire to write Tugman’s Passage, and Tigers & Ice. – and be read – and for the sensitive visu - Two of his travel books are Notes from al, tactile, and olfactory images in his the Century Before: A Journal from writings.” and African Calliope: A Furthermore, he writes in his memoir Journey to the Sudan . that he made the switch from writing fic - His 2001 memoir Compass Points: How tion to essays because of “the painful fact I Lived reflects how stuttering affected that I stuttered so badly that writing es - him. He wrote he was always painfully says was my best chance to talk.” embarrassed when visiting relatives in The subject of his stuttering appears Pennsylvania as a child because an older in some of his essays. An obvious ex - cousin would use public occasions to try to ample is his essay On Stuttering he cure his stuttering through her own “know- states flaws like stuttering should be it-all” methods. Of his college years at Continued on page 12 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:10 PM Page 10


Student Overrides Disorder Through How I Talked Determination, Because My Way to Support I Stutter By Julie Kendall By Milton Horowitz Happiness By Lisa McManus Lange No one ever had to tell Julie Bill Leinweber’s essay in the Kendall to “keep quiet” when she Foundation's Summer 2012 issue I stutter. I stammer. I have a was growing up. As a moderate-to- inspired me to tell my story, in the speech impediment. Whatever you severe stutterer, she was all too will - hope that others, now dreading their want to call it, it’s part of me, and ing to remain silent. lives as stutterers, helped make me who I am today. “I rarely spoke will be comforted. And I had been when I was I’m a lifelong stut - challenged with it young,” said terer - now 81 years for what felt like Kendall, a junior old and recently re - forever. sociology major at tired. As a youth I I had spent years The College of was protected by hiding from peo - Julie Kendall Wooster and a resi - Milton Horowitz my parents, who ple and shying dent of the ensured that I got Lisa McManus away from speak - Cleveland suburb of Westlake. therapy in “speech class,” so called Lange ing, especially “I’m sure people just thought I at the time. Therapy helped build public speaking. Speaking and was quiet, but really I was embar - my confidence mostly while I was reading aloud in class as a kid, rassed about my speech disorder.” in class. Outside, my struggles for whether it was answering ques - Occasionally, the kids in ele - breath while speaking continued tions in front of the class, read - mentary school would tease her, pretty much unabated. ing aloud from a novel, or even and the pressure grew with age as As did Mr. Leinweber, I took to worse – oral presentations — she became increasingly aware of writing, in a sense unafraid to were all sheer torture. I sweat - the difficulty she had with oral speak to myself in private. I read a ed, quaked and cried myself communication. Every once in a lot; soon I had a vocabulary of syn - through school, the teasing while, the anxiety would build... onyms to help me avoid... from kids compounding it all... For the rest of these 3 articles, visit StutteringHelp.org and click on “More News.”

Continued from page 11 very risky, yet successful, opera - Hoagland tion to restore his sight. Being cherished and embraced despite deprived of his eyesight and the the many challenges and pains freedom to go on walks, he was they may cause. Hoagland be - robbed of his keen sense of ob - lieves that striving to accept servation which fueled his life as yourself adds to your character a writer. Unexpectedly during and sense of self, and not letting this time, the author inexplicably your flaws overcome you or de - stopped stuttering and was flu - fine you. He describes the most ent. He commented, “It just memorable times in his life when seemed that I had to talk since I it was frightening to use or not be could no longer see. So I just able to use his voice. A most started talking.” chilling example occurred when Edward Hoagland speaks recently People who stutter are proud he was in the woods and a hunter upon receiving an award. that this premiere nature writer not mistook him for a deer and was to save his own life. only identifies with their stutter prepared to shoot; Hoagland had Hoagland was also legally but also that stuttering fostered his to speak up and get the words out blind. In 1991 he underwent a career as a nature writer. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:10 PM Page 11


By uGolrldyoni nW.g Bl oaodn, Pdh. DS. LPs:d iEsplnayh gareant cdiiffnicuglt yo leuarrni nRg odliesasbil iaties a rAe mdorve ovuclnearatbele s to Penn State University and sometimes the most gifted bullying experiences (Rose, children in the school. Monda-Amaya, & Espelage, 2009 Every child has the right to ride Victims appear to be more sen - Rose & Monda-Amanya, 2011). a bus, use a restroom, participate sitive, weak, shy, and quiet. They Since 2004, Ingrid Blood, my - in classes, walk the hallways, eat may display poorer social self, and our students/colleagues their lunches, and walk home after skills/relations and uneasiness in at Penn State University have school in a “safe” environment. conversations. Victims may dis - been reporting on the psychoso - Speech-language play one or more of these charac - cial aspects and perceptions of pathologists (SLPs) teristics. Victims tend to be de - life orientation, anxiety, stigma, working in schools scribed as either passive (non-re - self-esteem and bullying in with children who sponsive to the aggression) or youth and adolescents who stut - stutter may have provocative (responsive to the ag - ter. The data is clear that children victims of bullying gression). Passive victims make- who stutter are at higher risk for on their caseloads. up about 80% of victims. bullying (Blood & Blood, 2004; These student-vic - Gordon W. Provocative victims are also re - 2007; Blood et al., 2011). tims may feel most Blood, Ph.D. ferred to as bully-victims. Bully- However, school personnel are comfortable turning victims strike back at the bully often not trained in how to deal to SLPs for help during one-on- with aggression and often begin to with bullying. In a recent 2010 one treatment sessions to discuss use coping responses which mimic study, we examined SLPs’ per - these types of experiences. bullying behaviors toward others. ceptions of the seriousness and Bullying is a form of aggression The final character in this violent likelihood of intervention in bul - with three primary features: a) in - cycle is the bystander. These stu - lying episodes with students who tent to do harm, b) repetition of the dents are needed by the bully to wit - stutter. We reported the majority bullying behavior, and c) a power ness the power struggle. Bystanders of SLPs think that physical, ver - imbalance between the bully and take on divergent roles of: a) cheer - bal and cyber bullying are very his or her victim (Olweus, 1993). leader/supporter for the bully, b) serious and in need of interven - Bullying is an epidemic in our protector/defender for the victim or tion. In contrast, SLPs stated re - schools, creating negative and c) silent on-lookers, lost, fearful and lational bullying was less seri - damaging effects on students’ aca - not knowing what to do. Bullying ous, should be handled different - demic achievement, self-esteem, impacts all the children in a school. ly and more independently by physical health, and social rela - Bullying commonly reported in students who stutter. We sug - tionships. The research clearly the literature includes four types: gested SLPs simply need more shows that it leads to increased physical (e.g. hitting, pushing, information about bullying to anxiety, depression, alienation, kicking, beating), verbal (e.g. put- enhance our roles as advocates long-term negative consequences downs, abusive language, name- and sponsors for the well-being and in severe cases suicidal calling), relational (e.g. spreading of students who stutter. thoughts and actions (Arseneault, rumors, exclusion from social So when a student who stutters Bowes, & Shakoor, 2010). groups, peer discrimination), and wants to talk about bullying with an There are four main characters cyber bullying (e.g. texting, tweet - SLP, we teach the STOP-IT slogan, in this cycle of aggression: 1) bul - ing, using technology to anony - which is something to hang on a lies, 2) victims, 3) bully-victims mously inflict aggression without wall in a therapy room as a show of and 4) bystanders. It would be personal contact). Children with advocacy and support. great if everyone wore la - (S)top the bullying imme - bels, but they don’t. diately, Bullies are not only the Trouble at Recess (T)ag and identify the be - “bigger kids” using foul havior at once, language with internaliz - (O)ffer assistance and so - ing and externalizing cial support to the victim,

THE (P)resent immediate/ap - STUTTERING FOUNDATION® problems who are aca - ANonprofitOrganization Since 1947—Helping Those Who Stutter 3100 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 603 P.O. Box 11749 • Memphis, TN 38111-0749 800-992-9392 901-452-7343 propriate consequences www.stutteringhelp.org demically challenged. www.tartamudez.org

THE for bullying behavior, STUTTERING FOUNDATION® They are the popular girls, PUBLICATION NO. 0034 ISBN 0-933388-60-1 (I)nstruct witnesses and the class leaders, the stu - No. 0034 No. 0035 No. 9505 bystanders dent-athletes, and the No. 0031 (T)each students, person - teacher’s favorites. They These three books and a DVD from the Stuttering nel, parents and friends in - include the students who Foundation deal with bullying, teasing, and friendships. tervention strategies. 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:10 PM Page 12


Continued from front page Language in stuttering tend to perform the stuttering children to a much above normative expectations at broader base of well-established Interference Model (Bosshardt, the early stage of stuttering and normative data. It is possible, 2002). Investigators have fo - maintain that level over time. however, that further research cused their studies on five dis - Children who eventually recover, with preschool children using tinct linguistic variables: (a) however, tend to perform above more sensitive tools will reveal phonological aspects, (b) loci of normal at the early stage of the discrete language differences be - stuttering, (c) language complex - disorder but approach the norm tween groups. Other examples of ity, (d) pragmatics (child’s use of as they recover (Watkins et al., disagreement are seen in studies language), and (e) language 1999, Yairi & Ambrose, 2005). with school aged children who skills. For example, research Strangely, then, high language stutter reporting between 9 and concerned with the first variable skills rather than low ones might 13% of the children to exhibit listed above has provided evi - be a risk factor for stuttering, concomitant language difficulties dence that stuttering is increased particularly for persistent, chron - (Blood, Ridenhour, Qualls, & as a function of language com - ic stuttering. It is intriguing to Hammer, 2003). Keep in mind plexity (Logan & Conture, 1995, theorize that the emergence of however, that by this age at least Zackheim & Conture, 2003). stuttering involves some type of 75% of the original stuttering Regarding language as risk trade-off in linguistic resources population had disappeared due factor, perhaps most interesting (e.g., advanced language at the to natural recovery. The remain - to clinicians and parents has been expense of motoric fluency) and ing (persistent) minority has been a relatively longstanding view that recovery from stuttering reported to possess some differ - that stuttering children are more would occur as these children re - ent genetic components. All in likely than normally speaking duce their early accelerated rate all, at the present, language alone peers to have language learning of language development. If our is insufficient for making strong difficulties or impairments (see findings are valid, they will have early predictions of eventual per - reviews by Andrews, et al., 1983, important clinical implications sistency or recovery. and Ratner, 1997). A few current for parent counseling and thera - In summary, although we be - articles continue to propagate py programs. lieve that associations between this view (Arndt & Healey, 2001; To be sure, there is no consen - stuttering and several linguistic Wingate, 2001). On the other sus at this juncture concerning variables do exist, so far no hand, over the past 21 years, ex - advanced language skills as a risk clear causal relations have been tensive longitudinal studies at the factor in early childhood stutter - established, and there is no University of Illinois Stuttering ing. Recently, a few studies re - consensus on their precise role Research Program have revealed ported some results that differ or contributions as risk factors no delayed language develop - from the Illinois findings. These for the onset of stuttering and ment in young children who stut - studies, however, raise questions its persistence, or their influ - ter. To the contrary, we have concerning their methods. For ex - ence on natural recovery. This found that near onset they fall ample, Anderson and Conture and several other aspects of the within normal range; in fact, (2000) noted that although all stuttering-language connection often well above normal their participants had language continue to be the subject of (Watkins, Yairi & Ambrose, abilities at or above normal lim - scientific discussions and con - 1999). Recent research in other its, the stuttering children still troversies (Nippold, 2004; laboratories in the U.S.A. and demonstrated somewhat lower Wingate, 2001). Fortunately, it Europe supports this finding skills in certain areas than nor - has attracted very rich and var - (Anderson & Conture, 2000; mally speaking peers. Watkins ied research activities, the Häge, 2001; Miles & Ratner, and Johnson (2004), however, fruits of which should signifi - 2001), which seems to agree with pointed out that in many past cantly enhance our understand - many parents’ reports that their studies reporting lower language ing and treatment of stuttering. child had a spurt of language de - skills in children who stutter, the For a complete list of refer - velopment just prior to the onset comparison groups of normally ences for this article, visit of stuttering, speaking in longer speaking subjects were selected www.StutteringHelp.org and sentences and using new words. in biased ways, often coming click on “More News.” (They often say that “his brain from appreciably higher social seemed to be working faster than groups known to have richer lan - Editor’s note: This is a clas - his mouth” could manage.) guage. In contrast, the Illinois sic summary of important re - Furthermore, we have found that studies addressed this problem by search on how stuttering inter - children who eventually persist comparing the performance of acts with language . 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:11 PM Page 13

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ 15 Dear SFA: Reader Response Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or e-mail [email protected]. achieving my goal of being LHei,a mrny innamge A isb Aorruotn .M I ae m on Student Council, even 13 years old and in the 7th though I did stutter a little grade. I have been stuttering bit when I was giving my since I was five years old speech to run for Student and was in preschool. I feel Council. I have stuttered that I do not stutter very ever since I can remember. much and am still improv - When I was in preschool, ing. I don’t like it when other kids would tease me be - kids at my school make fun cause I stuttered. But even of me or mock me when I though they teased me, I stutter. I usually just walk said, “You are just jealous away from the situation and because I am so good at it.” sometimes other students Even though some kids may stick up for me. I stutter tease me, I don’t really care mostly when I have to speak I’m Jack and I started stuttering in kindergarten. I because we are all different just finished the third grade last June and I am from each other, so I am in front of a group. I also home schooled. My speech therapist is Dr.’ B’ and don’t like it when people fin - special just the way I am. her helper is a dog, Dante. Dante is a long dog. I Things I do to control my ish my words/sentences think my words get smoother because Dante’s fur when I begin to stutter. I is soft. I went to a camp in New Mexico. Two kids stuttering when I want to have been taught techniques asked me, “Why do you stutter a lot?” And I said, are chewing gum, taking a in speech therapy to help me. “I can’t help it.” That kind of made me feel bad, deep breath and talking I take deep breaths, talk but they were my friends and I didn’t get angry at while I breathe out, and tap - slowly, and think positive them. What I do when I stutter is I try to slide ping my fingers in my pock - thoughts to help me not stut - them or restart the sentence. If someone talks too et so it is not noticeable. ter. My favorite football much, like my sister does, I say, “Hey, it’s my turn When kids tease you, just team is the Cincinnati to talk.” I try to bounce the word out instead of remember that we are all Bengals. I like to play on the getting stuck. I say just “b-ball” and that helps. I special in different ways. drew a picture for Dr. ‘B’ because she has been computer and play football Kiernan, 10 helping me with my stuttering. She put it in a Kenai, AK at recess. I hope to play bas - frame and put it up on a wall in her office. That ketball and football for the made me feel happy and good. school this year! Jack, 4th grade Maria’s Story Arron, 13 Pasadena, CA My name is Maria and I DeGraff, OH have stuttered since 1st therapist, Mrs. R. I hope that peo - grade. I just wanted to write ple will learn to be more sensitive to you to tell you how much I ap - Class Presentation and help instead of making a hard preciate your book Sometimes I My name isH Aemlpirs and I am nine situation worse. Just Stutter . I have owned the years old. When I was six I began Amir, 9 book since I was 7 and I still read to stutter. People just don’t pay at - Garnerville, NY it sometimes. I also just wanted to tention when I talk. Sometimes tell you a bit about my stuttering they might walk away. I stutter be - Editor’s note: It is so important and my story with it. cause I am nervous. I think I need to face our fears even when we are So I started stuttering when I was to slow down on my speech to a nervous. Keep talking! We are 6 years old and in 1st grade. I am level 2. My speech therapist gave proud of you! in 10th grade now and will be 15 in me a rating scale and 5 is too fast August. My stutter has always and 1 is too slow. A 2 or 3 level is been inquisitive to people, it seems just right! I wish people would just HSetlulod, emnyt n Camoeu isn Kciel rinsan F aundn I as though they have never heard pay attention to me. I am bringing am in fourth grade. I am 10 years someone stutter before. Except to awareness of stuttering to other old. Even though I stutter, I still my friends of course, they always classes in my school by doing a think that Student Council is fun. seem to not mind it very much. presentation workshop with my Stuttering did not keep me from Continued on page 16 35639_35639 9/6/12 1:11 PM Page 14


Continued from page 15 Letters A Make-Believe Story But my stutter has never There was once a 16 year been the same. It sometimes old girl named Kate, who stut - will almost completely stop tered a lot. She was always for a year or two and then teased by other kids at school come back with a vengeance. and her 12- year-old brother, That is what has happened re - Matt, made fun of her, too. cently. In my freshman year She grew up being called of high school my stutter was names that were nothing com - almost non-existent except for pared to what she went the last two months. It has through during college. Kate now been super noticeable was called names like Ms. and people have noticed it. Hi. My Name is Henry. I’m in first grade. Stutter Lady, Dumbo Kate, When I was little I used to Sometimes I stutter. I get angry at myself. and retarded. She was often block on complete words, pro - Sometimes I use my finger to help me asked to demonstrate her stut - log the sssss’s, and repeat words stretch my words out and slow down. I go tering, too, and when she said every now and then. But now I to speech now and it is fun. Remember to “no”, they did it for her. Matt repeat a sound, block on words, keep talking. even started a club called shut my eyes, prolong my Henry, 7 Stutter Girl. mmmmm’s, block on t’s, move Cincinnati, OH Kate only had one friend my head around, and try to find who wasn’t embarrassed to other words. It is really frustrat - be around her. His name was ing, especially since my last day of use easy onsets, which is slow starts. Tom. Kate’s parents often school was yesterday. I had trouble moving my body, but talked about her stuttering be - I feel like I have a unique stutter now I have a quiet body. When I am hind her back. Kate’s parents did though. I do speech team. I barely stuck I feel kind of left out, but I all they could for her to stop ever stutter when I’m in my “pre - know I can beat stuttering. stuttering, but it was no use, senting” zone. I also love to sing, Michael, 10 nothing worked. and I’m in the school’s choir. I Shoreham, NY When Kate was about 26 years never stutter when I sing. old, she married Tom, and wrote So that is basically my whole children’s books, while Tom Teaching Others served in the army. When Kate story. There is one more thing that I About Stuttering forgot to mention, I never took My name is Sarah and I am 13 was 35, she gave birth to a little speech therapy. My mom men - years old and will be in 8th grade in boy. They named him Paul. tioned me to my school’s speech the Fall. When I was younger I Although she stuttered the rest therapist in 2nd grade, and she said would talk fast so I would get done of her life, she was happy with that I would grow out of it…obvi - with what I was talking about so how God had made her. ously that didn’t happen. So, thank they wouldn’t hear me stutter. I The End. you for reading this – I hope maybe thought I was weird and different. I * I wrote this one day when I my story could help other kids deal started going to speech when I was was hurt, because kids were mak - with their stutter. Thank you. in fifth grade. When I was in sixth ing fun of me at school. Maria, 15 grade my brother teased me about Sarah, 11 Fairfax, MN stuttering. He would pretend to stut - Kennesaw, GA ter to make fun of me. I handled it by telling my speech teacher about Editor’s Note: We are glad Beating the Green Troll Sometimes I Just Stutter has been it, and she told my mom, who talked I’m Sarah, I’m 13 years old and helpful for Maria. You can find it with my brother. He still teased me live in Kansas. I am a person who at StutteringHelp.org under “re - for a while but then he stopped. My stutters but that doesn’t stop me sources” or on our online store. younger sister Emily is stuttering from talking. and my younger cousin Rachel is When I am required to read or talk too. I am helping them by teaching out loud in class I get very nervous. ‘HI eClloa! n I aBme Maitc hSaetlu. It’tme r1i0n ygea’ rs them what strategies I learn in I’m afraid it will be very tough and old. I’m working on speech and I’ve speech class. In the future I will keep I will get stuck and embarrassed. improved a lot. I started going to working on my strategies and help - I’m glad I have learned techniques speech when I was five years old. ing my sister and my cousin. to use so it’s not as tough. When I’m stuck, I take a deep breath Sarah, 13 When I stutter I feel all kinds of and start over. I’ve been taught to Hyrum, UT tension throughout myself. I get 35639_35639 9/11/12 7:47 AM Page 15


My name is Camille and what I know is that when I stutter people used to mock me. I felt really embarrassed. But now I know when people stutter that makes me special. And some kids that don’t stut- ter don’t know that. And now I don’t feel embarrassed any more. Camille, 9 Lincoln, NE

extremely embarrassed and scared. • Self-advertise – but I wanted to share my story. I always keep in mind that I’m on • Use eye contact My speech therapy happened in a good path ahead. I know in the fu- • Sometimes you can use humor the late 1960s, when I was in ele- ture I won’t be so nervous to speak in to deal with bullying mentary school. My stammer (as class. I’ve had help and I’m getting • Stutter on purpose it was called then) was quite se- better during moments of stuttering. • Pay attention to the other per- vere, and the therapy was suc- Sarah, 13 son and be a good listener cessful. In fact, I became recog- Wichita, KS • Use slow speech nized during high school and col- • Make sure you are breathing lege for having a clear, precise • Don’t stop talking speaking style. We areDay kids Camp who attended Fun the • Repeat the word you stuttered on Now I am a Mason, and have Fourth Annual University of Keith, R.J., Elliott, Fabian, been invited to give the speech Minnesota Kids Who Stutter and Matthew at our upcoming annual ban- (UMKWS) Day Camp in Minneapolis, MN quet. It seems strange to me Minneapolis last June 11 to 15, how my stutter led to my enjoy- 2012. Here is what we learned Editor’s Note: Please e-mail ing public speaking – but it did, about stuttering and being a [email protected] for informa- and I do. good communicator: tion on the 2013 UMKWS camp. Robert Walker-Smith, 50 • It’s okay to stutter Oakland, CA • You don’t need to rush Editor’s Note: Mr. Walker- • Don’t hide your stuttering I am quiteAll Growna bit older Up than most Smith’s letter is an inspiration • Use easy onsets of your letter writers – I’m fifty to kids of all ages! 35639_35639 9/11/12 7:59 AM Page 18

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ P.O. Box 11749 • Memphis, TN 38111- 0749 65 Years of Service

www.StutteringHelp.org • 800-992-9392 • www.tartamudez.org

4International 4For those interested in joining NEWSBRIEFS 4 The Stuttering Foundation S t u t t e r i n g Toastmasters Five Day Eastern Workshop, Awareness Day International as a Using Cognitive Approaches with C o n f e r e n c e , way to improve flu- People Who Stutter, will from Oct. 1-22, 2012. More infor- ency, communication be held in Boston, mation is available at www.stutter- or public speaking Massachusetts, June 24-28, inghomepage.com. skills: Toastmasters International, 2013. With Elaine Kelman, 4National Stuttering Association Inc., P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo, MSc, Cert CT, Cert MRC- Convention in CA 92690, (714) 858-8255, www.toastmasters.org SLT, and Alison Nicholas, MSc, Scottsdale, Ariz., . BA (Hons), Reg MRCSLT, both July 3-7, 2013. For 4Self-Therapy for the Stutterer is of the Michael Palin Centre more information, available in French online at for Stammering Children. visit www.nsastutter.org. www.StutteringHelp.org/sites/de- Conference coordinator is Diane fault/files/Self_therapy_French_Tr 4Friends Who Parris, M.S., of Boston anslation.pdf. The book is also Stutter Convention University. For more informa- available in Japanese by contact- in Nashville, Tenn., tion, call 800-992-9392 or visit ing Dr. Shokichi Nakajima by July 18-20, 2013. StutteringHelp.org and click on email at [email protected] or For more informa- “Speech-language pathologists.” by mail at 2-21-1 Ogawa Machida- tion, please visit shi, Tokyo 194-0003, Japan. 4The Stuttering Foundation www.friendswhostutter.org. Five Day Western Workshop, 4The Greatest Moment of My 4International Stuttering Diagnosis and Treatment of Life Association (ISA), is the story of one Children and Adolescents 10th World Congress, man’s struggle with stut- Who Stutter: Practical Lunteren, The tering and courage in Strategies, will be held at Netherlands, June 10- facing it successfully. Portland State University in 13, 2013. More infor- Contact the author Stephen Stewart Portland, Oregon, July 9-13, mation at www.isastut- Stephen Stewart at 2013. Workshop leaders are ter.org. [email protected]. Susan Hamilton, M.A., Jennifer 4Recovery International uses a Volume 20, Issue 3 Watson, Ph.D., and Ellen Reuler, Renee Shepherd ...... Editor M.A. For more information, call cognitive-behavioral, Scot Squires ...... Designer 800-992-9392 or visit peer-to-peer, self-help Special thanks to Joan Warner, Patty Reed, training system to help Susie Hall, Pat Hamm, Lisa Hinton, Julie StutteringHelp.org and click on Rumbaugh, and Terri Jones. “Speech-language pathologists.” individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful This newsletter is published quarterly. Please 4International Stuttering and productive lives. e-mail address changes and story ideas to Awareness Day, Oct. 22, 2012. Visit www.lowselfhelpsystems.org. [email protected].