The Mineral Industry of Burma in 2009
2009 Minerals Yearbook BURMA U.S. Department of the Interior September 2011 U.S. Geological Survey THE MINERAL INDUSTRY OF BURMA By Yolanda Fong-Sam In 2009, Burma, also known as Myanmar, produced a variety boundary agreements with Thailand that were signed in October of mineral commodities, including cement, coal, copper, lead, 1980 and implemented in April 1982, and additional agreements natural gas, petroleum, petroleum products, precious and between Burma, India, and Thailand that that were signed in semiprecious stones, tin, tungsten, and zinc. October 1993 and implemented in May 1995 (Mizzima News, In 2009, Bangladesh, Burma, and India were involved in 2008; Choudhury, 2009). maritime boundary disputes over their respective sovereignty in the Bay of Bengal. In October, Bangladesh claimed its Government Policies and Programs maritime boundary before the United Nations courts, under the arbitration of the United Nations Convention on the Law The Burmese Government’s policy and legislation on of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982. The dispute amongst the three investment in minerals is designed to attract technical countries limits further exploration of resources in the disputed knowledge and investments from foreign and local investors. area. At the end of 2008, the situation intensified when Daewoo The Union of Myanmar’s Mineral Law went into effect International Corp. of the Republic of Korea, which has a gas in September 1994, and the rules related to the law were sale and purchase agreement with Burma, started oil and gas implemented in December 1996. The Ministry of Mines is exploration in the disputed maritime zone, and Bangladesh the Government entity responsible for implementing the and Burma each stationed naval warships and troops along Government’s mineral policy and for enforcing the laws, their coastal borders.
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