
Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:327–331 327

MASTERCLASS Series editor: John Axford Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.58.6.327 on 1 June 1999. Downloaded from

An unusual cause of back in : lessons from a spinal lesion

S Venkatachalam, Elaine Dennison, Madeleine Sampson, Peter Hockey, MIDCawley, Cyrus Cooper

Case report A 77 year old was admitted with a three month history of worsening , malaise, and anorexia. On direct questioning, she reported that she had suVered from back pain for four years. The thoracolumbar radiograph four years earlier showed T6/7 vertebral collapse, mild , and degenerative change of the lumbar spine (fig 1); but other investigations at that time including the eryth- rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and electophoresis were normal. mineral density then was 0.914 g/cm2 (T score = −2.4) at the lumbar spine, 0.776 g/cm2 (T score = −1.8) at the right and 0.738 g/cm2 (T score = −1.7) at the left femoral neck. She was given cyclical etidronate after this vertebral collapse as she had suVered a previous fragility fracture of the left . On admission, she was afebrile, but general examination was remarkable for , dental http://ard.bmj.com/ caries, and of the left leg. A pansysto- lic murmur was heard at the cardiac apex on auscultation; there were no other signs of bac- terial . She had and there was diVuse tenderness of the thoraco- lumbar spine. Her neurological examination was unremarkable. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Laboratory investigations showed a marked normocytic anaemia (Hb, 6.6 g/dl, MCV, 80 fl), leucocytosis (TLC, 19.9 × 109/l, neu- trophils, 12.1), ESR of 45 mm 1st hour, and C reactive protein (CRP) of 89.9 mg/l (normal<6 mg/l). There was polyclonal increase of immu- noglobulin; biochemical profile and urine analysis were normal. Blood cultures grew mitis (alpha-haemolytic) and an echocardiogram showed a large vegetation on the posterior mitral leaflet, confirming the clinical suspicion of bacterial endocarditis. After microbiological review, she was given intravenous teicoplanin (because of penicillin allergy) and netilmycin. A blood transfusion Unit, was also arranged. Figure 1 Lateral radiograph of the thoracic spine showing Southampton General The back pain gave cause for concern as she T6/7 vertebral collapse. Hospital, Tremona Y Road, Southampton found it di cult to turn in bed. New SO16 6YD radiographs showed an increase in the scolio- She was treated with and sis, besides the previously recorded vertebral subcutaneous injections and sup- Correspondence to: deformities (T6/7) and degenerative change. ported with a corset. In the fourth week of her Dr S Venkatachalam. Technetium (99mTc) scintigraphy showed in- inpatient stay, she suddenly developed weak- Accepted for publication creased uptake in the thoracolumbar spine, ness of the legs, loss of sensation up to T8, and 12 February 1999. consistent with osteoporosis and . incontinence. Magnetic resonance imaging 328 Venkatachalam, Dennison, Sampson, et al

(MRI) of the spine showed abnormal signal in the T6/7 disc with collapse of the adjacent ver- tebral bodies and extension of abnormal mate- Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.58.6.327 on 1 June 1999. Downloaded from rial into the canal causing cord compression. This was highly suggestive of with and a paravertebral (fig 2 and fig 3). The intensity of the back pain diminished with the onset of the paraplegia. A neurosurgical opinion did not favour surgical decompression, as the neurological deficit did not progress. She received intensive physiotherapy and teicoplanin was continued for eight weeks. A gradual improvement became apparent with return of sensation and increase in the power in the lower limbs to grade 3/5. This was reflected by the decrease in the ESR to 30 mm 1st hour and CRP to 27 mg/l. Repeat MRI showed marked reduction in the abnormal signal and size of the paraspinal mass, as well as resolution of the cord oedema. The patient received intensive rehabilitation in another hospital and at review after six months walks with support.

Discussion We have reported on an elderly lady with verte- bral osteoporosis who initially presented with back pain. The presence of bacterial endocar- ditis complicated the clinical picture and the eventual diagnosis of was not apparent until she developed the para- plegia. This case illustrates several important points about back pain in vertebral osteoporo- sis that will be discussed: (a) diVerential diagnosis; (b) epidemiology of vertebral frac- tures and back pain; (c) management of verte- bral fractures; (d) osteoporosis and cord compression; (e) causes and presentation of http://ard.bmj.com/ vertebral osteomyelitis; (f) treatment and outcome of vertebral osteomyelitis; (g) oste- oporosis and osteomyelitis; (h) radiological Figure 2 MRI T2 weighted sagittal section showing destruction of vertebral body and intervening disc at T6/7 imaging of spinal . (closed white arrow) with posterior extension into the spinal canal (open black arrows). Spinal cord is shown (open DiVerential diagnosis white arrow) as a grey filling defect surrounded by white In an elderly person presenting with back pain CSF. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and one or more compression fractures the dif- ferential diagnosis includes vertebral oste- oporosis, malignancy, and . The back pain in vertebral metastases or osteomyelitis is unrelieved by rest and may be worse at night. It increases in intensity over time because of the increased intramedullary tension, which may be relieved after cord compression as seen in our patient. Systemic features like anorexia and weight loss usually signify a sinister cause. There may be clinical clues of a septic focus (for example, endocarditis) or a primary malignancy. An increase in phase reactants, leuco- cytosis, and positive blood cultures favour osteomyelitis, but were attributed to endocar- ditis in our patient. Hypercalcaemia without significant increase in may indicate either osteolytic metastases or myeloma. Serum or urine paraprotein will also be present in the latter. The plain radiograph shows destruction of the vertebral body in both infection and malig- Figure 3 MRI T1 weighted transverse section showing triangularly compressed spinal cord nancy but involvement of the disc space is (c) and loss of normal CSF space (v = vertebral body). characteristic of the former. The radiographic Back pain in osteoporosis 329

changes take time to appear, as greater than also be useful. Physical treatments like local 30% of bone must be destroyed before a lesion heat are not only useful to relieve the acute is evident on the radiograph.1 It also may be pain, but also serve to reassure the patient and Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.58.6.327 on 1 June 1999. Downloaded from diYcult to interpret radiographs in the pres- encourage mobilisation. There is some evi- ence of a spinal deformity, as in our patient. dence of a central eVect of Bone scintigraphy is sensitive but not specific, calcitonin11 administered subcutaneously (50– showing increased uptake in metastases, infec- 100 IU on alternate days). The patient should tion or compression fractures. It is often nega- be warned of the possible side eVects of flush- tive in myeloma as the osteolytic lesions may ing and irritation at the injection site. Intrave- not stimulate osteoblastic activity. Computed nous pamidronate is known to relieve bone tomography (CT) and MRI are more sensitive pain besides increasing the .12 Per- and specific, showing early changes and also cutaneous vertebroplasty is a new alternative, the extent of disease. It may sometimes be dif- where polymethylmethacrylate is injected into ficult to diVerentiate between metastatic dis- an aVected vertebral body under the guidance ease and compression fracture from signal of CT/fluoroscopy.10 It prevents vertebral body intensity changes on the MRI2 butitisthe compression and also provides pain relief as investigation of choice for vertebral shown in a small study.13 Prevention of further osteomyelitis.3 bone loss should be attempted and risk factors Bone is essential to identify the for falls in the elderly considered. organism in vertebral osteomyelitis; it also may confirm myeloma or give clues to a primary OSTEOPOROTIC COLLAPSE AND SPINAL CORD malignancy. Osteoporosis is quantified by bone COMPRESSION densitometry. Neurological deficit after an osteoporotic vertebral collapse although rare, has been Vertebral osteoporosis reported by a number of authors.14–17 But you EPIDEMIOLOGY should exclude disorders like myeloma, osteo- Recent cross sectional and longitudinal studies lytic secondaries and osteomyelitis that may have helped define the epidemiology of verte- also present with an osteoporotic spine and bral fracture. It has been estimated that one in myelopathy. The anterior wedging of the verte- four postmenopausal white women in the bra, characteristic of osteoporosis, usually United States4 and one in eight in Europe have spares the cord. But, unstable burst fractures of radiographic evidence of at least one vertebral the spine frequently to neurological deformity.5 These comparative figures are now deficit, as they involve the posterior vertebral available, following the replacement of subjec- body.15 They usually follow significant trauma, tive assessment of spinal radiographs by but sometimes may be spontaneous. The oste- morphometric measurement of vertebral oporotic collapse commonly occurs between deformity.6 It is estimated that a third of all T5 and T8. This corresponds to the critical vertebral fractures come to medical attention vascular zone of the spinal cord extending from http://ard.bmj.com/ and about 8% need hospitalisation.7 Although T5 to T9.14 A vascular factor may aggravate the the impact of a single fracture may be minimal, mechanical compression in this region. the eVects of multiple fractures are cumulative, In a retrospective series, all nine patients resulting in acute and chronic back pain, limi- gradually developed severe and tation of physical activity, progressive , leg weakness from 1–12 weeks after the and height loss. osteoporotic fracture.17 Early decompression In the European Vertebral Osteoporosis and stabilisation produces substantial neuro- Study (EVOS), subjects who had three or more logical improvement in the patients with severe on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. vertebral deformities, were twice as likely as deficit.17 18 subjects without deformity to have reported back pain in the last year.8 There was also a Vertebral osteomyelitis highly significant linear trend between the risk CAUSES AND PRESENTATION of reported back pain and the number of Vertebral osteomyelitis is uncommon in deformities. Similarly, in a study of 55–93 year healthy adults and its vague presentation may old Japanese-American women in Hawaii9 lead to a delay in diagnosis. Sapico and Mont- severe back pain was noted in women with gomerie reported that more than 50% of the multiple, severe vertebral deformities. The patients reviewed had a delay of over three back pain was associated only with vertebral months before diagnosis.19 The diagnosis of fractures that had occurred in the previous four tuberculous or brucellar vertebral osteomyelitis years and there was a sharp increase in its fre- takes longer.20 quency in women over 80 years of age. The vertebral infection is usually haemato- genous except in postoperative discitis. It is MANAGEMENT common in the sixth or seventh decade with a The treatment of a new osteoporotic fracture 2:1 male predominance.19 Back pain is the pre- has several elements. Immobilisation is advo- senting complaint in over 85% of the cases, but cated in the initial week followed by rapid only 30–50% have .19 21 Most of the functional rehabilitation. This involves lifestyle patients have an increase in ESR while modification, , and fitness leucocytosis is less frequent.19 21 Blood culture training.10 Adequate analgesia is essential for is positive in only 50% of the vertebral early mobilisation. Simple analgesics are pre- osteomyelitis cases; bone biopsy gives a higher ferred to narcotics, as they have fewer side yield even up to 86%.19 21 22 Staphylococcus eVects. Sedatives and muscle relaxants may aureus is the most common pathogen in 330 Venkatachalam, Dennison, Sampson, et al

Table 1 Bacterial aetiology of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis Key points

Total % of + Unrelenting back pain in osteoporosis Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.58.6.327 on 1 June 1999. Downloaded from Organism culture (+) Cases should prompt a search for another Gram positive cocci 68 cause, especially in the presence of a sep- 57 tic focus. 4.1 + Vertebral osteomyelitis in the elderly may Staphylococcus, coagulase negative 3.4 Other streptococci 2.0 present insidiously without fever but back Enterococci 0.7 pain is usually prominent. Gram negative bacilli 29 is rare in 10.5 + Proteus spp 6.7 osteoporotic vertebral collapse and is 5.7 usually attributable to alternative disor- 1.8 Enterobacter spp 1.8 der. spp 1.8 + MRI enables early diagnosis of vertebral 1.8 osteomyelitis. Anaerobic bacteria 3 Propionibacterium spp 2.0 Bacteroides fragilis 0.5 Peptostreptococcus spp 0.5 ceding vertebral osteomyelitis, as in our Data from Sapico FL, Montgomerie JZ. Pyogenic vertebral patient, has been described previously.27 osteomyelitis: Report of nine cases and review of literature. Rev Infect Dis 1979;1:754–76. COMPLICATIONS haematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis seen in Paraplegia is a well known , which over 55% of the reported cases.19 21–23 Table 1 signifies uncontrolled spread of the infection shows the distribution of the bacterial aetiology from the constraints of the vertebral body into the spinal canal. Neurological involvement has of vertebral osteomyelitis. There is only one 23 29 known case of a spinal with been reported in 4–40% of patients. Other Streptococcus mitis in the literature.24 Our complications include psoas or pharyngeal patient had vertebral osteomyelitis associated abscess depending on the location. with an epidural abscess caused by Streptococ- cus mitis. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME was seen in about 30% of The duration of treatment recommended for vertebral osteomyelitis cases, predominantly in pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis varies widely native Indians in a Canadian study.23 It is still in the medical literature, but parenteral antibi- common in developing countries and is also otics for at least four weeks followed by oral for three months is considered increasingly recognised in the West, especially 19 21 27 29 30 in regions with large immigrant populations. optimal. The choice depends on the This is supported by a recent review of local sensitivity pattern, but should cover http://ard.bmj.com/ vertebral osteomyelitis from France, which staphylococcus and Gram negative organisms found M tuberculosis in 39% of the 80 cases.25 if cultures are negative. The ESR is very useful The thoracic spine is a common site of in guiding the duration of treatment, but C extrapulmonary tuberculosis, probably be- reactive protein may be more sensitive as it cause of lymphatic spread from the mediastinal changes rapidly. Tuberculosis and nodes or the pleura.26 Lesions aVecting the need prolonged treatment with specific agents. posterior portion of the vertebral body and is indicated if there is progressive paravertebral are characteristic of neurological deficit or failure to respond to on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mycobacterial infection. In contrast with verte- medical treatment. It may also be necessary if a bral osteomyelitis, in tuberculous osteomyeli- needle biopsy is unsuccessful or if there is spi- tis, fever is less common, but spinal deformity nal instability. Anterior decompression and and neurological deficit are more frequent.20 stabilisation is preferred and significant neuro- logical recovery from incomplete paraplegia is Brucellosis produces spinal osteomyelitis in 19 27 6–12% cases and is commonly seen in the often noted. There are reports of successful Mediterranean region and parts of Latin non-surgical treatment of patients with spinal 20 epidural abscess associated with vertebral America. Blood culture or serology usually 31 confirms the diagnosis. A bone biopsy was osteomyelitis. needed in only 4% of the 105 cases in a recent Relapse of the spinal infection is seen in 20 3–40% of the cases, especially if antibiotics are study from Spain. 21 22 Vertebral osteomyelitis most commonly af- stopped earlier than four weeks. Spinal deformity is a common sequel. The mortality fected the lumbar spine (50%) followed by 19 thoracolumbar junction (25%), the thoracic rate of vertebral osteomyelitis is less than 5%. spine (23%), and cervical spine (5%).23 An underlying cause for infection was often not Osteomyelitis with osteoporosis found, but predisposing factors included in- It is often less well appreciated that vertebral fected intravenous cannulation sites, genitouri- osteomyelitis may present as a vertebral nary tract instrumentation, , immuno- collapse, contributing to significant delay in suppression, and .19 23 27 Intravenous diagnosis and treatment, besides increasing the drug users also had a higher risk of vertebral risk of long term morbidity. 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