Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis D

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Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis D Postgrad. med.J. (August 1968) 44, 621-625. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.514.621 on 1 August 1968. Downloaded from Osteomalacia and osteoporosis D. B. MORGAN Department of Clinical Investigation, University ofLeeds OSTEOMALACIA and osteoporosis are still some- in osteomalacia is an increase in the alkaline times confused because both diseases lead to a phosphatase activity in the blood (SAP); there deficiency of calcium which can be detected on may also be a low serum phosphorus or a low radiographs of the skeleton. serum calcium. This lack of calcium is the only feature Our experience with the biopsy of bone is that common to the two diseases which are in all a large excess of uncalcified bone tissue (osteoid), other ways easily distinguishable. which is the classic histological feature of osteo- malacia, is only found in patients with the other Osteomalacia typical features of the disease, in particular the Osteomalacia will be discussed first, because it clinical ones (Morgan et al., 1967a). Whether or is a clearly defined disease which can be cured. not more subtle histological techniques will detect Osteomalacia is the result of an imbalance be- earlier stages of the disease remains to be seen. tween the supply of and the demand for vitamin Bone pains, muscle weakness, Looser's zones, D. The the following description of disease is raised SAP and low serum phosphate are the Protected by copyright. based on our experience of twenty-two patients most reliable aids to the diagnosis of osteomalacia, with osteomalacia after gastrectomy; there is no and approximately in that order. evidence that the features vary with the cause The interpretation of a raised SAP is difficult of the disease. because the 'normal values' for SAP are not The clinical features are nearly specific; the clearly defined. The particular problem is that common ones are bone pains and muscle weak- the SAP increases with age in the normal popula- ness. The bone pains are generalized, often worse tion (Hobson & Jordan 1959; Klaasen & Sier- at night, and sometimes associated with tender- stema, 1964); values of 16 or even 25 KA units/ ness of the bones. The bone pains have been 100 ml of serum are not uncommon in well mistakenly attributed to rheumatoid arthritis, persons over 60 years of age. Even if the SAP osteoarthritis or even neurosis, and the diagnosis of is above these values it may indicate some other osteomalacia may be delayed for years. disease of bone, for example Paget's disease, or The muscle weakness is most obvious in the even chronic liver disease, rather than osteo- muscle around the pelvis, and a common symp- malacia. http://pmj.bmj.com/ tom is difficulty in climbing stairs and in sitting A raised SAP together with generalized bone up in bed without the aid of the arms. pains, could be the result of Paget's disease of The muscles may be wasted as well as weak bone rather than osteomalacia and it may be but there is usually no evidence of neurological impossible to distinguish these two diseases even damage; the weakness is a symptom of a primary on biopsy of the bone (Paterson, Woods & muscle disorder. The radiological signs of the Morgan, 1968). That Paget's disease is radiolog- disease may be no more than a generalized ically detectable is no proof that it is the cause lack of calcium in the skeleton indistinguish- of the symptoms and the presence of Paget's on September 28, 2021 by guest. able from that in osteoporosis. In addition, disease which is common does not exclude osteo- Looser's nodes are a radiological finding which malacia which is rare. is almost specific for osteomalacia. However, For these reasons we have come to regard a the nodes are not always present, and similar response to vitamin D as the essential and final lesions arise in Paget's disease of bone, hyper- diagnostic criterion of osteomalacia. parathyroidism and thyrotoxicosis (Camp & Historically, osteomalacia was recognized as McCullogh, 1941). the adult counterpart of rickets in children, that Looser's nodes are also known as pseudofrac- is to say osteomalacia was the result of a simple tures because they look like fractures on the deficiency of vitamin D usually the result of a radiographs, but they are often painless. poor dietary intake of the vitamin. Osteomalacia The common and constant biochemical change thus defined still occurs (Gough, Lloyd & Wills, 622 D. B. Morgan Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.44.514.621 on 1 August 1968. Downloaded from 1964; Andersson et al., 1966; Chalmers et al., For the osteomalacia after gastrectomy we 1967). This condition can usually be cured with have given one dose of 10 mg of vitamin D2 by 3000 i.u. of vitamin D a day. The daily require- intramuscular injection. This dose will relieve ment for the vitamin in the diet is probably of the bone pains, heal the Looser's nodes, and the order of 100 i.u. (25,ug) in adults. Unfor- the SAP and serum phosphorus and calcium tunately, the term osteomalacia has been applied return to normal. The SAP may rise after the to those conditions which simulate nutritional vitamin D, before it begins to fall towards nor- osteomalacia in their clinical, biochemical, and mal values. The increase in the serum phos- histological signs, but which are not the result phorus may be the most dramatic and reliable of a simple deficiency of vitamin D. measure of a response to vitamin D but only if These 'osteomalacia-like' diseases fall into the measurements are made in the fasting patient. several groups according to the dose of vitamin The frequency at which further injections are D required to achieve some response and the required varies much from one patient to fundamental abnormality in the disease. another. We have controlled the frequency of At one extreme is the group of diseases which injection by the symptoms and the SAP. Some includes familial hypophosphataemia. These of our patients required the injections every 4 diseases are not cured by vitamin D however months, but one of our patients with severe much of the vitamin is given. osteomalacia, who had only one injection almost The osteomalacia of chronic glomerular failure 3 years ago, became symptom-free in a few heals with vitamin D but only in very large months and has remained well since. A safe doses (150,000i.u. a day or more). Stanbury & prescription and a liberal one would be an injec- Lumb (1966), therefore, suggested that this condi- tion of 1 mg of vitamin D2 every month. tion is the result of a resistance to the action Once the diagnosis is established it is essential of the vitamin and thus an increased demand to supplement the diet with calcium, otherwise Protected by copyright. for it. This demand is not met by the amount the bone may heal at the expense of the calci- of the vitamin in the diet. fied skeleton, and the osteomalacia may become The position within this spectrum of the osteoma- osteoporosis. lacia of intestinal disease depends on the form Treatment should be continued for at least 2 of the latter. Osteomalacia after resection of years, even if the symptoms have disappeared the distal intestine or in association with regional earlier and the biochemistry has returned to ileitis is usually the result of a simple deficiency normal. of vitamin D, perhaps due to a failure to absorb A recurrence of the disease can probably be the vitamin. On the other hand, the osteomalacia prevented by 1000 i.u. of vitamin D by mouth associated with malabsorption due to gluten sen- every day for life. Supplementation of the diet sitivity may be partly the result of a resistance with calcium is not necessary after the bones to the vitamin (Nassim et al., 1959). have healed. In order to establish the nature of the osteo- malacia after gastrectomy we gave patients with The cause of the vitamin deficiency http://pmj.bmj.com/ the clinical and biochemical features of the We get our vitamin D from the diet by mak- disease, small doses of the vitamin of the order ing the vitamin in the skin through a trapping of the physiological requirement for the vitamin; of the energy in the ultraviolet light from the in this case 1000 i.u. (25 ,ug) weekly by intra- sun. muscular injection (Morgan et al., 1965b). The Taking into account the many factors which patients responded clinically, biochemically, diminish the amount of ultraviolet light that radiologically and histologically to this treat- reaches us, the amount of the vitamin we make ment. Such a response not only established the in the skin is probably small and may be insigni- on September 28, 2021 by guest. presence of osteomalacia in these patients but ficant in relation to our need for the vitamin. also demonstrated that the osteomalacia was Tthe deficiency of vitamin D in patients with the result of a simple deficiency of vitamin D. osteomalacia after gastrectomy is, therefore, the These small doses were chosen to establish result of too small an intake of the vitamin or the presence of a deficiency of the vitamin; we a failure to absorb the vitamin or both. would not of course suggest that they represent There is no simple explanation of the defic- the most efficient treatment for the disease. iency which applies to all patients with osteo- malacia after gastrectomy, and it seems likely The treatment of osteomalacia that a deficiency only arises when all the factors The dose of vitamin D which is effective which can diminish the supply of the vitamin clearly depends on the cause of the osteomalacia.
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