CEU eTD Collection T T HE HE In partialIn fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree Masterof Arts of C W ASE EAK EAK Department ofInternational Relations and European E S TUDY OF OF TUDY NERGY NERGY B ALANCING IN THE Supervisor: Andreas Goldthau Central European University R G Word Count: 13,9 ELATIONSHIP TO TO ELATIONSHIP Budapest, Hungary Krisztina Kotka ERMANY AND ERMANY E Submitted to , NERGY NERGY

THE THE 2014 by









CEU eTD Collection anda is topic that puzzle is worthresearching. energymuch weaker to country, Thisstrikes EUas a strivestobalance provision? inrelation powerful tobandwagonmost theEuropean whilePoland,Union tend a countrywithRussia, in the researchare weisthefollowing:Whyanswer for trying question tofindan does easternwhile its Poland, strives tobalance neighbor, energy Russian hegemony.In words, other Germany, theEU's seems contradict to theoriessurvival. thebasic onnations’ 20 thrive tomaximi the state threat.” that posesthemajor “allythat is, theprincipal to inopposition of danger,” source meaning, orbandwagon, “ally with states survival. is Balance ofpowertheory for saysstat that them incaseaggression byTherefore of a dominant power. important themost goal ofindividual there protectionstates overarching isno thatwouldprovide toany above power theof supreme Abstract Security 1

Stephen M. Walt, “AllianceStephen M.Walt, FormationBalance and the th

century.In abovewitnessing been have ofthe we light inEurope a strangephenomenon that According to realist IRAccording the international torealist mea thereisanarchy theory, on scene,which

9, no. 4 (1985): 3 9, no.4(1985):

ze theirze national security, energy ofwhich a became cornerstone security by the strongest economy seems to bandwagon with Russia, when comes it strongest seemstoenergy, bandwagon economy withRussia, to

- 43.


For thissame reason, nations also lack ofprotection, the i

of World Power”,of World

es balance, tosurvive, theyeither must

International Germany, the ns CEU eTD Collection you. for is this Pali, entire family who selflesslyalong journey. helped this me appreciationIRES goes faculty totheentire de ofthe well as Bellershisprecious Robin for insights throughoutthe thesis Iwould like tothank Professorfor Andreaswrite as thesis, hisinvaluable Goldthau this help to A



partment, as my as well and my husband


5.2. Applying tothe Case theTheory 5.1 4.3. Comparison German of Industries andEnergy Polish 4.2. The Polish Energy4.1. Polish Statistics 3.2. The German 3.1. German Energy Statistics 2.2. Russia 2. 1.3. Balance Theory ofPower 1.2. Energy Secu IR1.1. Theories ofNational Security 1. The Energy European Unified Market . Applying tothe Case theTheory 1.3.1. BalancingBandwagoningandBehavior 4.1.5. Polish Renewable4.1.5. Polish Energy Sources 4.1.4. NuclearPoland Power in Coal4.1.3. TheSector Polish Natural4.1.2. The Polish Gas Sector Sector Oil 4.1.1. The Polish 3.2.2. Future Energy Prospects 3.2.1. German 3.1.5. German Energy Renewable Sources 3.1.4. The German Nuclear Energy Sector 3.1.3. The German Coal Sector 3.1.2. The G 3.1.1. The German OilSector Lack2.1.2. a u of 2.1.1. EU EnergyIndustry Regulations 1.3.2. BalancingBandwagoningand –

The EnergyProvider for the EU

...... - Russian EnergyRussian Relations

...... - rity erman Natural Gas Sector Russian EnergyRussian Relations - Russian Strategic Goals Strategic Russian

...... nified EU Energynified EU Market







...... – -

Germany Poland ......

- ...... –


...... –

Past andPresent or rather, it thelack of

...... Past andPresent iii














54 52 47 44 44 43 39 38 38 37 36 35 35 35 33 33 29 27 26 25 23 23 23 23 19 18 15 15 15 13 11

9 7 6 6 1

CEU eTD Collection WWII TPES MS Mt LNG kb/d IR CEFIC bcm Abbreviations ofList

World WarTwo World Total Primary Energy Supply Member States tons million Li thousand barrels per day IndustryEuropean Chemical Council cubic metersbillion quid NaturalGas


CEU eTD Collection regions. stabilityPolitical aside, poses regionsit oil of these a challenge for net the fundamentalof energy and time, inafew oil geographical gas, sources are concentrated inour describes ofenergy“the security avai as alsousedby widespreadthe most thewell definition, securi expanded toinclude non asof militarization theonly achieving means security, of national by the20 security,IR relevant which istheother provide by ofthem protection case in toany aggression a ofdominant power. scene,there overarching which thatisno means s poses themajor threat.” tothe principalopposition source ofdanger,” orbandwagon,“ally meaning,with the state that way:this case ofa in threat, either tosurvive must that potential balance, anation balanceIR powertheory.Aprominent describes Stephenbalance of Walt, powertheory scholar, of purposeutmost isexplaine I accessed Feb12,2014, 3 Security 2 NTRODUCTION

Daniel Yergin, “Ensuring Energy Security”, “AllianceStephen M.Walt, Balance Power”, and World Formation the of ty, andty, environmentalsecurity. even In important themost goalof individual statesissurvival.This theinternational scene Energywhich security,ways. concernshas paper, this definedinnumerous Perhaps been Forlack thissame reason, ofprotection,nations thealso thrive tomaximize their national

9, no. 4 (1985): 3 9, no.4(1985):

http://www.jstor.org/stable/20031912 2 -

The countries becauseontheinternational doso must thereisanarchy military aspects of securitization, such asmilitary economic aspectssecurity, ofsecuritization, energy - d, amongbyrelations numerousatheory: major others, the international 43.

labilitysufficient of atprices.” supplies affordable ory in terms of states’Fromory survival. theoldapproach interms

Foreign Affairs Foreign 1 upremestates thatwould above power the

- known energy Daniel expert, Yergin,

85, no.2( 2006): 69

th International

century theconcept


and gas

is, “ally in - 82, pg70 - importing 3

- Two of 71, CEU eTD Collection EU. pipeline, which, without adoubt,increased thedependence ofnotGermany onlyentire butalsothe bandwagoning Aprime position. exampleofthisbehavior constructi was the either increasedependencein someother energy its way or onRussia the country puts ina to bandwagon, and tendency this to their energy stronglyapplies poli Moscow, whilePoland, having a weight, resourcesmuchsmallerand political fewer more is likely goal.It is not seekenergy toreduce their dreadedits dependence largestand ontheEU’s neighbor hegemony toinfluencesupplies governmenta thequestiontochange in political matter. standingon its number ofnations have arbitraryKremlin’s subjected been tocutoff tothe oilorgas decision provider status Europeanas to useits tomost states, has been known fuels. fossil Russian Moscow,takingcrucial advantageits as of strategicrole theprimary energy state and therelatively EU new thelargestRussia, the energyEU;supplier economy Germany, of withthein strongest Union; seems contradict basicabove to theo the reasonable prices. accessnations to fuel sources, flowof fossil a these have these continuous sources, at stable, Geopolitical Diary 4

Name - 4 so

of its predecessor, the Soviet Union.Germanyof itspredecessor, Soviet are the and Poland bothenergy importers of Another sign ofGermany’salliance - long ago, whose political elite still activelyago,long elite still whose political applies Cold

Inhaveabovea witnessing been ofthestrange we light today inEurope that phenomenon Notwithstanding,decisions beena that ofGermany we series witnesses making have of havingRussia issa it reputation, this Author/Editor also alogical

(Oct2012): 1,accessedFeb(Oct2012): 2014, 12,

, “Nord Stream Europe's Feeds Pipeline Natural Gas, “Nord Dependence”, inference that - membera state,direct of Poland, and Russia neighbor satellite former

as a strategicpolitical decision, Germany balance to seeks ries on nations’ survival. The are inquestion onnations’ countries ries - seeking effortsseeking inthe energy withRussia have realm fe toassumethat Germany both actively and Poland 2

- War - tics. tactics to reachtacticsa political a foreign a policy tool;

on of theNord Stream

Stratfor Stratfor

CEU eTD Collection 6 draws 2014, Times 5 AN=87041183 f5bfe1f9d44c%40sessionmgr4002&hid=4208&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=bth& 2014, thatSecurity worth is researching. anda theory is puzzle bandwagon. confutesBalance Thisphenomenon the theoryand both ofPower theNational energy istheinfluence, one Poland politics, thatbalances Russian whileGerm to decrease stronghold. Moscow’s alliancesBalticStates, as well as withthe s euros peryear.Union approximatelybillion 30 that thelackmarketpurchase ofaabilitygassingle as single andthe toa entity naturalcosts the single Europeanmarket; recently energy most President reminded himself the theEuro building government aLNG new forPolish the“flag terminal, example.The also is effort trying todiversif energy Eastern atthesame the time. Varsaw and Europeana makes hegemon tobalance special Moscow, despit euros worthbillion of in2013,are German exports also closerBerlin making seek ties with Last German notleast, but intertwined been reluctance its toactively support th idUSBREA4K0RN20140521 2014, Euros/year”,

Name A lison Smale lison http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/18/business/international/german

- (March 1, 17,2014): http://eds.a.ebscoh http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/21/us fire.html

Incontrast, has actively Poland been toreduce ways seeking dependence onRussian its Based ofthe twogovernments actions theconclusion overall that interms of is onthe Author/Editor


and S e the disapproval of many member statese ofthe thedisapproval ofmanyEU. member

tanleyReed (wed May 1,access (wed 21,2014):

, “Poland's Tusk Says Eu Energy Divisions Cost 30 Billion 30 , “Poland's TuskSays Cost EuEnergy Divisions yaway resources Russian gas from shale byresearching its orby resources ost.com/eds/detail?vid=4&sid=c875858b

accessed 28, MARCH

, “German Firm’s Sale Draws toRussians Firm’s“German Fire”, ,

- Russian businessRussian relationships,which amounted to37 e EU’s efforts tocreateae European efforts single EU’s energy market. trengthening inorder States, both ties withtheUnited


Another balancingofPolandregional is approach 3

- ed May Wed 26, ukraine

- crisis

- - 9bf8 eu 5

- tusk - 46fc - firms - - a1e9 any to seems - sale

The New York The NewYork - - - bearer” of the ofthe bearer” to - pean Union pean russians


CEU eTD Collection Methodology applied t same shared information be Eventually, will thetheory regardinganalysis be Poland. will inthe energy map,itsenergy andenergy theEU’s policy vis framework energy Next, will bediscussed. security beEuropeanwill reviewed inthe framework, energy be couldan relations well interesting Nevertheless, researchingeffect bydestabilization the ofUkraine’s inRussian Russia effect onRussian was already actively theworld,Euromaidan theUkrainian when ongoing shook yearswith that, 25 of a era peaceful inpost security. nations’ seemingly actions, especially thathaveeffect irrational those a ontheir national direct literatureexisting way. investigating this can The isalsoworth study because shedon light it ThereforetestingI ontheirpracticabil it cases. thatthe hope actual studyofenergy comparison consuming while applying framework realist nations, toand the appl everything through the“energy policy suggests,applygoal was the ofpowertheory to cases thebalance tothe ication of certain IRicationtheories ofenergyeven certainona policy and particularsetting, an lessconduct While energyWhile populartoday, onthe a research is subject politics literature exists muchless After coming across the puzzle that GermanyAfterpuzzle coming thedon’t across behave Poland quite as and theory The bodyof the structured thesisis following: according tothe first theoretical While o thecases followedand question, shortconclusion. answerseeked by a tothe thesis

writing significant thesis, events this -

Polish and Russian Polish - related historical background and bilateralThe Russia. historicalits with background relations related - à - vis Russia. - German (energy) was relations thescope not ofthisthesis. - lens.” The hypothesis Thelens.” beinvestigated will through statistical - warEuropeanended. historypossibly Asthethesis

continuation ofpaper. this continuation This is followedThis is byan review overall Germany’s of 4

namely, Russia’s annexation ofnamely, Krimeaand Russia’s ity of this thesis will contribute will ofthisthesis tothe ity

while monitoring while

events andtheir - European

CEU eTD Collection question. studies, and of a reliable multitude articlesanalyzedan willbe answerforresearch tofindour examined, as well as business practices assessed. speeches,energy opinions, Presidential expert and energy theRussian policy framewor data intheenergy as sector, well as ofthe German, an analysis overall European, the thePolish,

k. Bilateral tradek. Bilateral agreements andbe will political 5

CEU eTD Collection conditional of their national security. nations, regardless level That their security ofpower, states’ is, of maximizers. survival beco conquest, which threatens again countries’existence. other The ofprotection makes lack all This anarchical als situation “governmentis no governments;” of as thewell which wouldprovide toany protection them case power. in aggressiona There of dominant of by overarching supreme above power wouldmake thestates which d scene.among thenations Anarchy doesn’tglobal meanchaos; simplythat there means it isno other a goals. not given is theinternational Survival preconditionon because thereisanarchy important goal statesissurvival,since states ofindividual need tobeable tosurvive p chapter.)of allIR The realistinternational tenet thatin the basic most theories relations is nations’ energyis consid industry IRrealist primarily which theories, nations’ security with deal and (The reason power. why consequential intheir polit behaviors behavior onthe other internationaland towards states dueexplain tothoserules, scene, intheirRussia energy usrecognize dealings.“rules” help universalinstates’ Theoriescan introduced andwhich analyzed can Germany explain potentially Security National of IR 1.1. Theories 1 CHAPTER no. 3(10/05/2009): 5 7

John Mearsheimer,John J. International “TheInstitutions”, False Promiseof Insome relevantInternationalfollowingchapter (IR) Relations be theorieswill the Forexplaining theanalyzecountries of must sake of we thetwoinquestion, theposition .


49, pg 10,accessed o gives statesgain theopportunity somepowerful by power to more

ered be power inthis explained a and questionalso security will ical oreconomic inter

03/05/2014, - known IR Mearsheimer John known once theorist, putit. 6


- state affairs. and Poland’s differingand Poland’s attitude to ecisions in interstate in disputesecisions or

International Security International ursue


19, 7

CEU eTD Collection Foreign1993), 79. RelationsPress, 8 alsousedby widespreadthe most thewell definition, E 1.2. the securitization process. which brought theUSeconomy entirea halt to Losmaneconomics was professorDonald out,it noneembargo it other1973oil points thanthe rather ofit thelack security innationalsecurity became became it embedded clear when that energy security part of security, energy and security, security.environmental even these The aspects reason became why century toinclude non theconcept expanded the oldapproach as the militarization of borders." preserve and nature, governance its from institution, disruption outside; from andtocontrol its territory; relations economic maintainits withthe rest to onreasona oftheworld definition: “National security preserve thenisthe ability integrityand thenation's to physical from foreign dictation. definition. VeryLasswell, Harold simply bysecurity political termed scientist national is“freedom analysis/economic 409 10 9

Harold Brown, Romm, Joseph J.

Donald Losman, Security:Donald Security “Economic Folly?”, ANational

(August 2001): 1, 1,accessed February 18,2014, nergy Security nergy

the securitization agendathe securitization ismulti National described security hasways, any been inmultiple agreed lacking universally Energywhich security,ways. concernshas paper, this definedinnumerous Perhaps been 9

This term rightfullyself aspects includes ofstates’ for multiple quest

U.s. National Security U.s. National -

Defining Security: Aspects National TheNonmilitary security –

can have ona disastrousimplications can nation’s

” 8

Haroldformer Brown,U.S.Secretary a Defense,a gave more of detailed 10 -


- security

( - only means ofachievingonly national means by the20 security, publication place publication faceted. However, interestingfaceted. itis tosee thateconomic - - military aspects of securitization, such asmilitary aspectseconomic ofsecuritization, folly –

7 that marked becoming economicsecurity of part


known energy Daniel expert, Yergin, http://www.cato.org/publications/policy : ABC - CLIO, Inc., 2008) Inc., CLIO,

dailyeconomic activities. As


(New York: Councilon - preservation; from ble terms; to , 1.

or or th

- –

CEU eTD Collection 12 Mar 1,2014, Daniel“Ensuring Yergin, Energy Security”, analysis/economic 409 11 can asubsequently, have security disastrouseffectonenergyand supply, the onthenational of unstable orhold the same simply democratic don’t import values as America; both factorsgain foreign topowers. energy independencefrom warming, and th emphasized theOPEC countries’ influence onUSforeignglobal effects policy, thedisastrous of “Energy Security Security,” isNational energy at an nationalIn security.Barack 2006 O energya variety sources andof these ofsuppliers time. sources at the same begovern able economy, toruna a stable move that contributed tothe defeatNavy ofthe Germanby Britain changer powerNavy its the source, for to convert fleetofthe decision fromoil Royal to coal lie invarietyand varietyalone.” sources prices. Churchillreasonable once “Safetyand at putit, stable, AsWinston certainty inoil and gas fewgeographical stability Political regions. regionsa ofthese challenge aside,itposesfor oil net of thecrudegas, fundamental ofenergy sources are and inourtime, oil natural ina concentrated describes ofenergy“the security availabilitysufficient as of Coalition 2014, Inauguration,Barack 2009 through Obama his Febr 13

“EnergyIs Security SecurityNational Losman,Donald “Eco Ibid, p69.

(August 2001): 1, 1,accessed February 18,2014,

http://obamaspeeches.com/054 It only not is militaryadvancement energy become thatmade an security part integral of - importin - Obama

http://www.jstor.org/stable/20031912 e creation of “new jobs and entire [sic] new industries,” ofe “newamong [sic] entire creation jobsand other motivating g access to flowof sourcesa fuel havethese nations fossil continuous and these - Speech.htm - security

nomic Security: Securitynomic Folly?”, ANational - national


Even thougharemark his wasreferenc bama, then a US senator,a made US thensubtly a bama, speech, dubbed - security - Energy - ment shall strivetohave bothavariety accessment shall of to

Remarks of Senator Barackof SenatorRemarks Obama,” Best Speeches of

Fore - - folly Security 8 ign Affairs

uary 28, 2006, accessed June 1, June uary 28,2006,accessed - coalition assembly. Incoalition hisaddress assembly. he

http://www.cato.org/publications/policy - is - National 13

Many are politically states ofthese

supplies atsupplies prices.” affordable 85, no.2(Mar - Security –

the message isuniversal; to


Apr 2006): 1, accessedApr 2006): 1, Governors ant aspects that - Ethanol 11

Two – - -

a - -

CEU eTD Collection explain significantexplain events. world andtwo famed bothintensively Stephen Walt neorealists, tobeable it to applied thebalancethesis is national security point effortsfrompossible Russia creating thatcan toprevent abe situation p foreign toextract policy tool and politicalconcessions; (4) make Russia bothGermany and all countries disastrous consequencesontheir economies security; national and (3) subsequently, both their lookuponRussia Poland as Europe’sfail primaryenergywhose todeliver provider, wouldhave and consider Poland energy a security par of bothbasic towards Berlinand are assumptions Warsaw (1) Moscow. bothGermany The that atsecurity,IR the realista let’sto findthe takelook one theories thatbest describesthebehavior Theory Power Balance of 1.3. in awell United States or country, any However,entire uphis other he matter. for speech best that summed 14


the Achilles heel of the most powerfulmost the Achilles Earth heelwe countryisthewithout.” oil live on cannot ofthe “It'sa realiz In fittingIRabovemost realist ofthe the light basis ofthis providewill the theory that Nowargued thatweenergy effectively why isafundamental security -

phrased sentence: phrased sentence: are does awarehesitate Russia not tousepowerful its supplier that role energy as a ation thatfor all ofourand military economic dominance, might - of

- - of power theory.Thefundamentallypower theory isabo - view byenergy manipulating supplies.

t of their national (2)t oftheir security bothGermanyand agenda; 9

ut alliance formation, andut allianceformation, otentially dangerousfrom a

element ofnationalelement


CEU eTD Collection 16 1979) 15 interactionsanother, dictated among by one theve like aIt market for economics. certain theplayerstohave of in kinds a platform provides Waltz. weWhat get of balancesformation ofpower. a is them from using methods serveofsurvival whatever goals orpredomi their supranationalwould servegive that specialtreatment or power any orwould to prevent ofthem, to operate among interstate for positioning. whichbecomesthese important Another assumption, condition states the internal efforts.” the way an tocompensatefor incipientexternal disequilibr notnecessary is states, this “in because atwo size building upand strengthening alliances alliances orweakening ordecreasing theopposition’s in coming efforts upwithviable strategieswould qualify asExternal methods. include internal internalIncreasing orexternal. ec order ultimate goal toachievemethods can andprosperity. the state’s ofsurvival be These either who act rational states, forare actors apply the at thatwill thelogical their disposal in methods drive for universalmaximum, domination. that thestates “are seek unitaryat aminimum, which,theiractors, ownpreservation, a and, at theorist, certa 19 18 17

ibid ibid ibid ibid Kenneth Waltz, . 16 , 118.

Applyingexternal method of“aligning” the asWaltz requiresbut, three at least participants, According founder anda of Waltz, toKenneth prominent neorealism balance

in assumptions must beestablished the must theory is about firstThe assumption in assumptions itself. 17

one another, is that these states coexist inaselfcoexist another,isthatthese statesone

Theory Politics ofInternational This is This is an as important thought we see, a will that, significance has inPoland’s

onomic capability, strengthening military “muscle”, and one’s 15

The second assumption is that theThe is assumption second - power systempower theofbalance politics continue, but 10

ry natureofthisplatform. (publication place: Addison


ium isprimarilyium by intensifying one’s This international system works just - help which system,in there isno nance,according to 19

- states, orthe ones Wesley Co., Pub. - of - power power CEU eTD Collection 21 1979), 118. 20 formation self is being dominatedpowerfulnations by via purposealliance more forming alliances. The of ultimate The entire balancing and Band1.3.1. Balancing alliance be will moregroup nations. powerful than theopposing of hegemon strivingpowercan attract more for toalign countries andthisway withhim, theentire However, if bandwagoning the international stand because taken community dominant thereisaunited power. against the balancingglobal ismoreonthe prevailing stagebandwagoning,securityresult than for the threat”source and“alignment bandwagoningwiththe as ofda neorealist, simply StephenWalt, “allying against theprevailing describeswith others as balancing to the dominant power an as external threat: balancingand bandwagoning.Our other brilliant destroy overpowertheir states, toe”. other keepsthem or “on increase the unknownwhether of power.However, have factis any that it to states intentions have feature tobea ofallenoughstr is states; predominant onlya it nations few if of power. ofthattheever is need A present precondition for self also This besubject danger. to bestates will leftnations haveandfor behindotherthey otherwise tofendwill themselves, they 22 10, 2014,http://www.ou.edu/uschina/texts/WaltAlliances.pdf Bandwagoning

ibid Stephen M.Walt, Kenneth Waltz,

Waltz also clarifiesWaltz the essence ofthe self Herecome powerrather inthetwoultimate waysrea in“check” a or tokeep dominant to

(publication place: CornellUnivers - protection againstprotection threat

Theory Politics ofInternational

- The Origins of Alliances of The Origins bandwagoning concept is built ontheassumptionthatconcept built is nations trybandwagoning tofend off

is the main tendency, it causesit is themaintendency, an unsecure structurebecause the wagoning Behavior wagoning

system players requirescreating its thus toform alliances, balances

posed by stronger, more resourceful statesposedresourceful more byorblocsstronger, of -

Alliances: Balancing and 11

- help system. He system. states ahelp thatin self

(Reading, MA:Addison

ity 1967),110 Press, 20


- preservation. Now,preservation. thatdoes not 22


He goes claim onto that if - 17, p110,accessed March17, - Wesley Co., Pub. ive for an - help system ct CEU eTD Collection 26 25 24 23 alsobeconsidered must intentions a when strengthgeographic theproximity, state,power, aggregate of and power, aggressive offensive with the greatGermany Nazi power; onewas suchaccording Besides power, inWWII toWalt. the weaker poweractually more ofa weakne poses ofits threat,regardless with oragainst theforeign powergreatest thatthreat.” posesthe Power is are factorsleaders takewhich thatstate side consideration other whentotake. into on deciding he says, thatstates decide is However, onbalancingcapabilities. orbandwagoning on there based latterthis isawiser decision. newlyhave its greater ainfluenceof alliance, in formed since support,therefore they more need can. The second ablewith nationsthatare instead todominate the ofjoining allies, not aeasily powerful statethat continued benevolence”. that out alsoWalt points “to ally po withthe dominant become toopowerful their threaten veryexistence. states. 27 10, 2014,http://www.ou.edu/uschina/texts/WaltAlliances.pdf Bandwagoning

ibid Stephen M.Walt, idem p111 ibid ibid 23

Walt makesWalt an important observation base

Therearereasons whybalance. dominant state two Onea states to decide isletting not the only aspect, heargues; exact “states amore statement tend wouldbethat toally

(publication place: CornellUnive reason is thatteamingreason gives is upwithweakerthestate nations theopportunity to

The Origins of Alliances of The Origins


Therefore isawiser it strategically speaking, choice toform analliance 25

state intends toform alliances.state intends -

Alliances: Balancing and 12 rsity 1967),110 Press, d on the theoreticald onthe general literature. The idea,

wer its meanstrust in one’s placing


This can be thecasea when ss, urging states toalign - 17, p112,accessed March17, 27

CEU eTD Collection 28 toeithermisjudgeor bandwagon, balance aptitude otheradjust their policies nations’ they because “theygains by fear theopponentsmake will a will appearing their powerful probablychooseagainst thestatus act nations balancewill it, quo notto the same way because quo powers, theyare valid for likelytouseis aggressive this more bothaggressors and and measures, status more, is What when observe politicians thatbandwagoningandcommon, isbecoming more bandwagoning can it situation cause further the decline theascendancy sideand ofone other.” ofthe strength. inmore intense because results internationalcompetition This single defeat “a may signal belligerencechoose countries, by theweaker latter toallywitht ifthe Walt. reflecting encourage will inreturn domination aggressive balancing,which discourages behavior. allied states todefect minuscule. is self integrity, stateswhen the because withstand hegemon, allied theysake dosofor own the oftheir aggressor an alliance provoking toform against theother Thishasan isthe one states it. effect on since has this a directeffectthatifbalancing Hed onpolitics. claims ismore and Bandwagoning1.3.2. Balancing 31 30 29

ibid ibid idem p113 ibid - interest, not as ainterest, responseby as not pressur 29

Walt thendealsWalt thequestion of with which balance Finally, shedsonthe fact light make mistake Waltz a when that statescan serious they Bandwagoning, ontheothercompetitive form end, of a is alliance, muchmore according to In case aggressive this practically themost nationsfor are beingtheir recognized says Walt.


While theaggressorWhile useforce therest would that ofthestates thinking


As a consequence, alsorealize thatacts political leaderswill -

Implications Implications e ofthe inthealliance. others chance Therefore the of

defections andan setbackinpowerdefections overall relations. 13


- The danger of that is that in aTheis thatin danger that of of - power method has more validity, method power has hem because their of nd resolute.” ominant, the

CEU eTD Collection get energy form a the EU market. unified involved inPoland’senergyWarsaw’slobbying and relations intensified inBrussels ownership to applying methods; the only multiple result increasing isPoland’s opposi yieldpressure owned selling energytoRussian to towards facilities energy Poland conglomerates, remaining resist make will the aggressor. an effort increased nations to applying ona threatsandpower wheninrealitytaking regular balancing basis) place, the is defenseless. Ho in order,good their andcause cautious faith allied todesert, countries actions leaving can the them way.Ifopposite a country’s policieswhen assuming leadership makes bandwagoning balancing is to the assumed can action,greatly which bei damaging 32


This latt wever, if awever, country’s ifpursues political bandwagoning (meaning, elite policies er can currently be Poland’s relationship. istrying observed and Russia inRussia to


f the states in question decidef the toact states inquestion the 32 tion tolet Moscow gettion

CEU eTD Collection 33 r “spirit ofsolidarity States.” between Member theinternal market […] need theenvironment,” andemphasizing and topreserve improve the The purpose chapter, according ofthe tothe Treaty,“the was establish first a in series treaties thatincluded a ofEU onenergyat regulation chapter the European level. Lisbon.suppliers, policies, and finally theTreaty of formgreen papers ofdocuments, among encouragingenergy and discussions policy makers have secure accessenergy affordable, for to all of the continent,energy suchdependence, as increasing change, import climatethe challenge or to renewable tonuclear energygeneration. sources energy The meet aim isto the energychallenges to createan energy overall fullscale policy thatincludes of the energy sources, from foss Energy2.1.1. EU Industry Regulations Energ Unified The 2.1. European 2 CHAPTER comments/part treaty.org/wcm/the 34 2014,http://europa.eu/legislatio ealm:

“Article Treaty,Lisbon MarchThe 194,” 2013,accessed 17,2014, “SummariesLegislation ofEu According Union’s summary, legislation tothe European goal has setthe theorganization (b) ensureenergy security of inthe Union; supply (a) ensure thefunctioningenergy ofthemarket; Article 194of set thedocument up following theenergy for objectives theUnion in Long ov energyMultiple wereyears initiatives throughout the address born goalsabove the in to the

- . 3 erdue, the Treaty of Lisbon, of erdue, and theTreaty entered force into signed in2009,was in2007 the


- policies - treaty/treaty

n_summaries/energy/index_en.htm - and -

Energy,” accessed March Europa, 15, y Market Market y - internal - on

- the - 34 actions/ti - functioning –



or rather, the lack of it of the lack rather, or


- xxi - 33 of

- - the energy/485 - european

http://www.lisbon ment and functioning the of -

article - union - 194.html -

and - - il fuels to to fuels il

CEU eTD Collection 36 35 region from ofthe EU supplyenergy iscutoff sources. of guaranteesmake assistance S ofmutual among Member difficultiesnotably arise intheofcertainenergy." supply inthe area products, of Member measuresthe economic States, uponthe appropriate tosituation “… theCouncil,onaproposalfrom the Commission,may ofsolidarity ina decide, spirit between An additional section includedofthe was inArticle Treaty, 122 which says: weakening their sol states’ rightenergy make in to decisions need strengthening for ofEU the oftheircomposition energy industryinany way. inselectingMemberand States’ jurisdiction extracting their energy ortodetermine resources, the The orintervenethat theabovegoals chapter emphasized intended tolimit not withthe are 1, 2014,http://www.infor INFORSE Europe 37

Dorthe Wolfsgruber and GunnarBoyeDortheLisbonand Wolfsgruber “The Olesen, and SustainableEnergy,” Treaty ibid ibid

(d) promotetheof ene interconnection renewable energy; forms and of (c)energy promoteefficiency energy thedevelopment andand and ofnew saving This clause was included for the special request of Poland, which Poland, for demandedThis clause thattheTreaty thespecial requestof was included - idarity.

International Network Sustainable 2010, Energy, for December, accessedJune


- wide cooperation inthe energywide the member maintained realm,

- related questions onthe nationalrelated level, questions severely thus rgy networks 16 36

Therefore emphasizing thetreaty, besides the tatescertain incase membersentire oran 37 35

, inparticular ifsevere

CEU eTD Collection and Business as Usual” (politics and Institutions,and and BusinessUsual” (politics asEPIN Papers, 40 and 2014,http://www.ceps. Institutions,and and BusinessUsual” (politics asEPIN Papers, 39 38 High Representative. towards non solidarity”. energy ifthemember challenges security states nolegal act have to obligation onthe “spirit of makesIn vain the“solidarity”aspect hardprov doesthe EU toimplement. adopt member tospecify states dolittle belongprovisions which the particular under EU umbrella, which proces ofinclusion theenergy havedid not competency aonthe inthepolicymaking Treaty largeimpact significantly His conclusionterms impacted ofownershipresponsibilities. thatthe inis of new policy era withthe hasTrea begun made inthe energy a other onthe significantshare in words,responsibilities impact afield; if of internal or the market,environment, the Nevertheless,has made efforts toaffect the Unionprevious energy by sector regulating the the sincecontext, thepreceding place energy ECTreatydidnot scopeauthority. issues intheEU’s of towardsArticle energy 194representscommitment apolicy harmoniza and BusinessUsual” ( as 41 and 2014,http://www.ceps.eu/book/eu

Jan FrederikJan Braun,Energy “Eu PolicyTreatyBetween theLisbon under of a Policy Rules: New FrederikJan Braun,Energy “Eu PolicyTreatyBetween theLisbon under of a Policy Rules: New FrederikJan Braun,Energy “Eu PolicyTreatyBetween theLisbon under of a Policy Rules: New ibid - - business business

s. AccordingInternational branch theNetwork Sustainable tothe European Energy, for of A workingpolicy by paper EU Frederik Jan researcher Braun analyzes whether theArticle 39

The mandatethe EU newthatmake and between measures common energy the a 40 -

- - EU countries bycountries addedEU newly instituti Nevertheless, thenewNevertheless, Treaty theMember enhances representation States’ unified usual usual



politics and Institutions, andpolitics EPIN Papers,

- - energy energy ty inthety energy orif realm theenergy hassector been not

competition policy areas. - - policy policy 17 - - under under onalEC President orthe actors, such as the

- - treaty treaty - - lisbon lisbon

City, City, City, 38

- -

Date), 8,accessedDate), March 19, Da 8,accessedDate), March 19, rules rules tion inthe Europeantion te), 2,accessedte), March 19, - - between between isions to face to isions - - new new - - policy policy - - CEU eTD Collection Prices,” 42 and 2014,http://www.ceps.eu/book/eu market of liberalization theEUcreation and of a the unifiedinter alternative have energygiven thegrids, been sources priorityto access which hinders theenergy IndustryaccordingChemicalEuropean (CEFIC) Council toa representative. As he explains, powergeneration. energy these are However, and sources both“largely unreliable”, uncompetitive weretaxes alternativereduce tosubsidize introduced carbon and (solaremission wind) toand whereenergyare prices subo had amatters role Tomake worse, init. been climate ambitious has policy, Europe pursuing an madeyears, theUnitedgasof anexporter country States a importerof ina out undoubtedly matter moretimes thanonthe otherAtlantic or sideof inRussia. the InUnited States. energy gas, exactly, Europe electricityand prices,more natural cost two incre meetingFebruary year, in this high Europe’s extremely energybeen priceshave making it the form of industrial competitiveness. a with more orless success, member states making havebeen the large with bilateral agreements suppliers, included, Russia not able togeta pricefor favorable raw fuels The fossil materials European orofany kind. ana without integrated fragmented EU market, market, e aunified of 2.1.2. Lack EnergyEU Market 44 43 news 2014,

ibid ibid Georgiand “Eu’s Frédéric Gotev Simon, Re - business asingly difficult for the continent’s largewith,for tocompeteasingly difficult example,the for manufacturers -


http://www.euractiv.com/specialreport The lacka problema unified energy for of serious one, twomainreasons. marketposesFor Euractiv -

usual -


, 26/02/2014, 1,accessed, 26/02/2014, March 20, s far as price is concerned. This shortcoming costs Europes farasconcerned. Thisshortcomingcosts heavily price in is rdinated surcharges, measures. toenvironmental Carbon costs, and - energy 42

As itwas highlighted at aCompetitiveness Council - policy


industrial - Industrialisation Dream ‘ho 18 - under

- - treaty renaiss/eu nergy demand, and bargainingand is nergy demand, power,

- 43 lisbon

Thegas shalerevolution, which nal market for market energy.nal -

industrialisation - rules - between stage’ of HighEnergy ofstage’ - - plan new 44

- - hostag

policy - to - three - -

CEU eTD Collection 48 27_imports).png&filetimestamp=20121012131852 mary_energy_imports,_EU 2014,http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php?title=File:Main_origin_of_pri European Commission 47 46 45 dependence energy theEU’s onRussian that is uncomfortably huge. (not considering No sources, these providingboth nextthreeexporter asmuch times oil over and gas the three as natural gas2010.its importsin provider of supplying 34.5 imported energy, Russia 2.2. towards section. the inthe next EUbe will discussed TheofRussia. this extent dependence, uses Moscow its and how that theUnion becomes botheconomically and subjected politically energy supplier, largest toits job curbingEU high unemploymentwhich people the rate, currentlyoutof countsmillion around 20 energy causewouldalso policy it help among making would dissatisfactionenvironmentalists, the rathergrowth inthe m thanhinder putting in placea andintroduce functioning energy single that market, climateencourage policies According “EU instead focus tothepolicies representative should ondiversifying energy supplies, _energy_imports,_EU 2014,http://epp.eurostat.ec. Yb14.png,” European Commission

“File: MainOriginImports, ofPrimary Energy Eu “Main EnergyImport Origin ofPrimary ibid ibid s. 46

Russia plays a major role in the European Russia playsamajorrole theEuropean in energy largest market. It theEU’s is The second consequence the serious EU for energy nothaving a unified single, marketis –

The Energy Provider for the EU for Provider Energy The rway, anon rway,

- 28,_2002%E2%80%9312_(%25_of_extra_EU -

Eurostat, October accessed March 12,2012, 21, europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/File:Main_origin_of_primary - 27,_2002

47 - anufacturing sector.” EU but but EU European Area Economic

Since Russia is the Russiais numberoneenergySince exporter in of theEU -

Eurostat, May May14, 2014,accessed 21, - 201 0_(%25_of_extra_EU s, Eu - % of all 19 27, 2002 27,


28, 2002 45 of Europe

- Even thechange though ofdirectionin 2010 (% ofExtraEu – 12 (% ofExtraEu - number energy role one supplier ’s crude oiland31.8 %of all - - member) 28_imports)_YB14.png

- 27 Imports).png,”27 48 , it is safe tosay issafe it , - 28 Imports) 28

CEU eTD Collection 50 March 22,2014, 49 supplyterms of suppliers, routes,or much thanthe energyeasier newly types madeneeds tobe between and “new” “old” Europe. The old candiversify memberstates in theshort term.” in andmedium have “doesofdiversification not realalternatives it ofnatural(natural resources gas or oi energy unforeseen two to changesRussia ismorethe parties’ in vulnerable because relations Arabia for makes oil)which or or LNG, renewables, Norway, (e.g. other suppliers or Saudi Libya, North gas; Africa for turn other can to thefactthat by EU assumption such the energy asnuclear, supplies, onRussia’ is Union energy market the than them, moreasymmetrical between asRussiais interdependence dependent EU’s onthe overallhave adversethe dynamicsof an effectthisenergy on affair. thereare andRussia, EU features threedistinctive ofthe 2002between from and 2010, %. %to34.5 29.2 As for theywere crude oil, gasmanaged onRussian from dependence toreduce31.8 2002 2010. %in 45 %in their countries made someeffort They diversify to thefirst in decade of millennium. thenew oil exportsand 70gasits e %of 52 51 2014, and North

ibid idem p4 TichýIssuesLukáš, “Controversial intheEu “Energy Abroad from

http://cenaa.org/analysis/controversial However, Russia equally relies on the EU forHowever, Russiaequally reliestheEU export on In markets. 2009, 80 %of Russia’s According to a CENAA analysis on the nature of the energy relationship between the the thenatureofenergyAccording on between CENAA relationship analysis toa -

Atlantic Affairs, 2012,p2,accessedAtlantic Affairs, March 23,

ht tp://ec.europa.eu/energy/international/russia/russia_en.htm


Eu not successful; the rate ofimportnot successful; actually from increased therate Russia - Russia EnergyRussia European Commission Relations,”

its vulnerability visits 52 xports European ended the upin Union

However, in regards to this statement some distinction However, regards in somedistinction tothisstatement - issues s fossil fuel supplies. - Russia EnergyEuropean Relations,”Russia for Centre 20 -

- à in

- vis Russia relatively low. At the same time, low. Atsametime, vis the Russiarelatively - the - eu two powers’ relations, allof which relations, two powers’ - russia 51 - energy

The study supportsthis 50

The first an feature is - 49 relations/ . The European The. European


Energy, accessed joined East joined

- l) CEU eTD Collection Gazprom) ontheEuropean theEU’s continent andmaintain energy dependence. European sales theKremlin’s isin it utmost interest increase influence to state its (via its influence. energycontrasting policy market hasfeatures:with increasing competitive elements paired state fulfill that goal. EasternMiddle crossingwithout territory regions, orsupplyinggas, Russian Russian aimed is to gasdeliver eithertheCentral Caspian, the the North from Black Asian orthe sea, African and pipelines. The “southerncorridor,” a is, new pipeline that internalgas electricityandmarket, as gasby aswell diversification developing supply alternate manifestationsmultiple maintain theEU’s heavydependence These import. onRussian objectives contrasting have ontheotherkind. Russia, hand, energyEurope strivesaims to tocement and supplier its statusin term; onlong the aim term,ultimate ist however, increase variety its energy ofenergy theshort and sources,transitandmedium routes suppliers, on are The different. first fundamentally important difference andmost goal isthatthe EU’s to is asymmetricalbecomes benefiting for bloc, theKremlin. theformer Eastern towardsadvantageous position terms of in dependency,theinterdependence Russia ofoilpercentage and gasoveral while importfromEU the So, Russia. towardsoverly position reliant overwhelming manyof since Moscow, themreceive an countries.Central European As of amatter have fact, huge a MS the new disadvantage andan 55 54 53

idem pg5 idem p7 ibid

The interests Russian dict The the interestsgoals the second andenergy twosuperpowers’ isthat feature ind of 55 - 8

For mainsource Russia the istheEU, theregas ofincome primarilyexports, from


from sides. The both EU energy policy’sa objective fully is liberalized

ate anset entirelyofpolicies, partly Russia’s opposing because 21 o reduceenergy of import any dependence on

or system pipeline of - l hasmore a owned gasgiant, owned 53 s

which would ustries fore CEU eTD Collection 56 objectives get for ofrelies supplies gas Russian toEurope on.” thatRussia andCentral theratification Asia […] jeopardized would[have] thesystem oflong signing have thedocument forced would “ Russia zero on Moscow. isreflected Thisattitude behavior, energyKremlin’s which inthesees as politics a politically, onanypolitical actor. other On thecontrary, aspires it tomake the frameworkinterdependence,refuses ofmutual either Russia tobe economically dependent, or distrust” Theambitions. CENAA study also theEU reaffirms and level “certain Russia’s ofmutual potentially political unreliable energyto contractual its that subject commitments provider will the “eastern toworry front,” much abo Kremlin’suse willingnessenergyasgives aespecially to whichEU foreignpolicy MS, arm, the on Ukraine’s non turnedRussia gas offwesternflow its thetoboth neigh former member Soviet states. Kremlin sovereignty the powerits influence,and to defend promote especially towards the stageIndia. same leagueUnitedStates, China, orEne strivestobeinthe as it the % of the GDP.and state Russian budget10% ofRussian revenues,makegasand company’s up60% the ofGazprom’s reven 59 58 57

idem pg10 idem pg9 ibid ibid - sum game. made The motives refuse same Russia ratifyingCharter theEnergy Treaty:

Russia doesRussia useenergy not its role economic thepolitical power only for On purposes. 58 , bes

- in the way of increasedin the wayin the energy cooperation sector. ides the interdependence. obvious while the However, EU andworks accepts within payment alleged gas,Russian and siphoning the off perfectly demonstrate


Thegas 2006 andduring 2009 which disputeswiththeUkraine, ut. These events, however, also established Russia as Russia however, events, also aut. These established 22 to open network upits cheapergas for to from

bor and many EU countries dueandcountries to manybor EU 56


In twopowers’essence, the different ues upa 20 make staggering

other nations dependent rgy givesrgy the - term contracts term CEU eTD Collection 61 2014,http://www.iea.org/publications/ 60 %usage between andabout dropped 2012 10 2006 German3.1.2. The Gas Natural Sector on theBaltic coast. Netherlands) Three Russia. and t from of four cross Libya,and Angola. European from andcountries, O 18.2% isimported OECD giveformer Union about Soviet half (5 was in2011 2,515kb/d the entirewhich come means must consumption from oil that almost imports. supply.country’s Theadds oilproductioninsignificant;about it isupto 2 % ofthe domestic use, steadily declin German3.1.1. The Sector Oil Statistics Energy German 3.1. 3 CHAPTER 64 63 62

idem p18 ibid ibid idem p6 “Oil andGas Security

Oil is the most significant themost energyOil is importancehas source inGermany, its though been Naturalgas similarlyconsumption, hasbeen consumption, tooil gas onthedecline as well; -

border pipelines deliver oil from Western EuropeItaly, deliver pipelines France, oilfromborder and Western (from the

ing for a few decades.foringfew a .


Oil comesmain Germany: intwo channels to and seaports. pipelines The

and thesource importisfairlyand wellThe diversified. of countries ofthe -

Germany,” InternationalGermany,” Energy accessed Agency, April 2012,p3, 1,

60 freepublications/publication/GermanyOSS.pdf

Currentlymakes primary up32%of energy thetotal it 0.8 %) 0.8 he are seaports Sea, onthe whileone located Northern is

of all oil imports, 25% imports, comesall oil fromof mostly 23 .


Interestingly,government officials expectthe PEC, morePEC, exactly Nigeria,Algeria,


G erman import oil

CEU eTD Collection 2014,http://www.energydelta.org/mainmenu/energy 67 66 65 regulation gave way initiative tohydraulic fracturing, that drilling withthe stipulation in drinking yearfracking reservesconventional 1960s, last inGermany has practiced onbeen the a since draft develop ofenergy,especially domestic sources a has been inGermany. issue TheMerkel a controversial government highly to hasbeenkeen under pricing creating thus mechanisms, a mo requirements, thenumber reduced ofandthe two,and marketsto improved bothcompetition deliveringentrygas system tootheran createdand markets.Berlin gas exit for with EU inline European h countrya transit Union,theisalsobecoming directlyfrom 55bcm. toGermany withacapacity Russia of border which Stream pipelines, deliversgas theNord including underneath pipeline, SeaBaltic the Wilhelmshafen, ontheNorth Sea. have new onthe Rostock, Sea, regasificationBaltic made three been in and terminals for with 3 gasthree mainnatural were providers delivering Russia, followedall import, % by ofNorway 39 has beenbe steadilyIn fulfilledresources. declining), from 86% the imported must other 2010the todecreaseconsumption on longenergy term dueto efficiency measures. sharegas toincrease TPES they ofnaturaltime, mediumrun;atthesame expect inthe gas onthe 2014,http://www.iea.org/publications/fr 69 68 profile

“Oil andGas Security “The Stream, Pipeline,” Nord Apr accessed 3,2014, “EnergyInstitute Delta idem p19 ibid

5 % and the Netherlands 22%. with - Gas issignificant;Germany import germany#t42794 The production of unconventionalgasby fracturing hydraulic


- Germany,” InternationalGermany,” Energy accessed Agency, April 2012,p19, 2,

EnergyBusiness School


Currentlygas allcomes German imported through re market. liquid eepublications/publication/GermanyOSS.pdf 66

produces about 14%of allabout necessarygas (whichproduces rate

GermanyLNGany terminals plans does own but not 24 fter it decided to phase out nuclear decided it fter power.While out tophase

- - knowledge/country

Germany,”, 3, accessedApril

http://www.nord 69 ub forand bothRussia Norway,


Due central location toits inthe –

that is, shalethat is, gas fracking - - stream.com/pipeline/ gas 65

- profile s/country

cross - -

CEU eTD Collection 2014, Revolution,” 73 02 Gas,” 72 in Nov 8,2013,1,accessedApr 14,2014, 71 02 Gas,” 70 produced usedinthemanufa is coal German at stood producingyear. firstplace production thatsame 185Mt worldwide, year. tons million that German3.1.3. The CoalSector ais not viable of option domestic gas inGermany future. production inthe foreseeable the re beshould considered wayas maintainmanufacturing a tobalance and Russia competitiveness importer intoa gas exporter. United States, where gas shale extract arisesfactenergy from pricesinGermanyare the times thatfor higher than, four example,inthe on theprocedure are of issues 2013“until environmental end at resolved.” the potential effect ondrinkingenvironment, water qualityandwa thethere partyopposition and members thepeople chemicals fracking regarding in of toxic theuse and their wate 75 2014,http://www.worldcoal.org/resources/coal 74 unleash

- ibid Christopher Helman, “China Stefan NicolaTino Andresen,“Germany and Fracking to Allow Agrees for OnRegulation Shale Stefan Nicola,Allow Fracking to “GermanyAgrees Gas,” for OnRegulation Shale Stefan NicolaTino Andresen,“Germany andFracking toAllow Agrees for OnRegulation Shale World Association Coal - - germany 26/germany 26/germany r protection areas would beprohibited.r protectionareas would Bloomberg Bloomberg public and governmentthatshale theopposition boththe gassistance might fracking of mean

http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2014/05/21/china Germany was one of the world’sGermany topten coal one was ofthe - a - eur - for

Forbes o - - - - fracking now agrees agrees , Feb 2013,1,accessed Apr, 26, 13, Feb 2013,1,accessed 2014, Apr, 26, 13, - , 5/21/2014, 1,accessed, 5/21/2014, 22, May backed 74

- - on on

- Inbrown coal whichpolluting isthemost production, fuel, type of revolution/ - - , Coal Statistics, August, Coal Statistics, 1,accessed 2013, Apr 16, regulation regula - 72 in

While bothindustryWhile andexperts state business lobbies thatfracking - - Russia GasRussia Unleash DealShould a Euro merkel tion

cturing andIn 2013 energy electricity producing sectors. - - to to ion slashed gasgas pricescountry aion slashed thefrom and turned -

- - coalition.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013 permit permit 70

However, after massive from resistance both - - - statistics/ frack fracking 25

2014, ing producers in2012,having produced 197

- -

for for

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013 - - shale shale - - gas.html gas.html s a temporarys a ban placed - - russia Fracking

71 - - gas

11 The challenge - - 08/no deal 75



- should - fracking 73 - , , - - - CEU eTD Collection 78 April 10,2014,http://www.thelocal.de/201309 77 00144feabdc0.html#axzz33Dq30oms 2014, 1,accessed 2014, April 18, 76 cancelled recognized by Merkel who thata tooearlyphase their influenceParliament. With law exit thenuclear was instituted. 1998 when theGreen Party, government, ofwas aselected the thenewlycoalition voted part into total ofseventeenreact German3.1.4. The Nuclear Energy Sector and Germans’ dissatisfaction. nuclearproduc powerwith coal challenge and imports replace toreducesoon tobalancedesire fuel fossil its the take isreadily advantagecoal, ofavailablehuge which Therefore in Berlin has quantities. a serious public. been “sacrificed” tolarge dependence on Germany ofenergy a balanced have more could mix reduce sources, which inturn country’s the Thevery dilemma is withcoal tothatgas; similar ofshale production availabilitycould its help percenta consideringworldgases Germany’s leadinggreenhouse effortsreduceand to toincrease the production reached fromcoal since highest brown1990;acontroversial its level statistical data, 2014,http://k1project.org/germany 79 2014,http://www.world

“Germany: To Phase Out or Not to Phase Out?,” “Germany: orNot Phase to K1 Criticality Out?,” Out ToPhase Project, access “Nuclear Power Nuclear April, 2014,accessed Organization, inGermany,”World 22, April Into“German Village MineTurns Town,” Ghost Coal Stefan Wagstyl, CoalLevel Use “German at Highest Since 1990,” 77 Inearlyenergy 2011nuclear ofelectricity, about Germany’s provided aquarter total from a gegeneration.greenenergy ofsources inpower

However, if Berlin wantsHowever, if thecountry Berlin tostaycompetitive at wor

fossil fuel imports. In imports. a fuel fossil number pollution, addition to ofsmall villages already have

ors. - nuclear.org/info/country - scalecoal also well production,withthe doessit general which not 78

After phase the1970snuclear

tion, and responsibilitytion, its environmental toaddressboth concerns

http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e6470600 - to -

phase - out

08/51811 - 26 or - profiles/countries -

not - to



phase - -

out would threaten the goalout wouldthreaten the reduce to out as a policy resurfacedout as again in -

The Local - out/ - 79 g

- Financial Times Financial n/germany/ In law this 2009 ld markets, needs it ld to , 08 Sep 2013,accessed , 08 - 77bf - to ed Apr 22, ed Apr -

11e3 - be phased out , January 7,

- was then 807e - CEU eTD Collection 82 (November 1. 2012): 81 80 wentapproximately it 25% upto by 2012. 3% in1990, renewable thepercentage While renewables energy was sources. of inelectricityproduction 3.1.5. German Energy Renewable Sources energy toEuropemakes provider nuclearphase Lastdependence conditions. notleast, increasing onweather but Russia’s “muscle yearstwo time renewableAt thesame ago. energy sources are not100%reliabledue to increasingthe highly of polluting production nowseemsattractive coal, more alittle than option policy possible. been wouldnothave becomeeconomic development theday, of motor carrying nuclear one through the phase out,without it FreieBerlinpoints the vibrantUniversitätenergy renewable sector thathoped is to directorEnvironmental of Policy the Research Centre complete theremaining the ofall by closure reactors 2022. plants Berlin tooverturn decided again decision once its and accelerate the phase and public tsunami, pressure rosenuclear the country significantly power. todivert away from catastrophegrave in2011,the damage nuclear powerplant inJap greenhouse targets,emission besidesother consequences. 84 (November 1. 2012): 83 2014,http://k1project.org/germany

ibid Miranda ofPhase A.Schreurs,“The Politics “Germany: orNot Phase to K1 Cri Out?,” Out ToPhase Miranda ofPhase A.Schreurs,“The Politics ibid 81

Germany hasa made huge Currentlychallen the . Eight ofthe out s

eventeen working reactors wereeventeenreactors with plans workingto downimmediately, shut ges are powerfollowing:ges light the isclean, nuclear which,ofthe in

- leap in the past couple of decadesleap inthetermsof past developing couple its to 83 - phase

- out

- - Out”, Out”, - - 27 out adecision torethink intheout Bundestag. or -


Bulletin ofthe AtomicBulletin Scientists ofthe AtomicBulletin Scientists

and ofat Professor Politics Comparative - to 84 - 80

phase ticality 22, Project, Apr accessed Also in 2012themakeupAlso in of renewable 82

After DaiichiFukushima the

However, as Dr. - out/ an caused byearthquake a strong

- out of its nuclearout ofits power

Miranda Schreurs, - flexing” asflexing” an

68, no.6 68, no.6 their - out

the CEU eTD Collection 87 2014,http://energytransition.de/ 86 _106644.html 2012,http://www.realclearenergy.org/charticles/2012/07/30/germany_26_of_electricity_renewable 85 government take consideration. must into pricesaverage Europe. thanthe in re longandMoreover, distances, energygenerationlargely conditions. is onthe weather dependent Nevertheless, challenges. power windandsolar hasmajor be still cannot stored They ordelivered does haveGerman it not sothat economy of the German economy. the past decade orso,making therenewable energy the growingindustry onefastest of segments many small technology,and riskof reduce asmaintargets. nuclear power” its the ini Energiewende, Transition, theflagship country’s orEnergy renewable energy program. The andrenewables. 4% other energygen 50 2014, accessed Apr 88 (November 1. 2012):

newable energymore costsGermany are which expensive, for causes 50% energy its topay “German50%Energy Higher February EuAverage: Than Prices EurActiv, 07, Mckinsey,” Miranda ofPhase A.Schreurs,“The Politics “Energy Transition “Germany: ofElectricity 26% - tiative has multiple purposes.tiative has multiple Itclimate “fightchange, plans to reduce energy stimulate imports, higher - eu eration waseration thefollowing:15 wind, 22% biomass,hydropower, 21%solar, 36% -

- and medium average

il 24, 2014, 24, il


- mckinsey

the Germanthe Energy Energiewende,” accessed Transition, April 2 87 - sized Germansized and have enterprises created 85

Clean energy reduce andemissions sources help help diversify CO2 the

Renewableenergy ofthe sources are so thebasis

http://www.euractiv.com/sections/energy/german -

269844 Renewable,” Real Clear Energy,Renewable,” Real accessed April 30,2012, July 30, 88

These important challengesthe German are still that

to rely on traditional imported energyto rely on sources as heavily.

- Out”, 28

Bulletin ofthe AtomicBulletin Scientists

86 about 380,000 new jobsin about

Renewables benefited - called - energy

68, no.6 2, - prices - CEU eTD Collection 91 crisis 90 interest.com/articles/2012/11/13/germany Novemberaccessed April 29,2014, 2012,1, 89 subsidy, each 51 % ofthe twoGermanenergy pipeline,and companies, thelatter E.ON BASF a and Wintershall, a strategic forThe state politicalRussian bothGermany and move Russia. gasdays off he pipeline left projectjust before level by and personal friends becoming launching withPutin multi the who suggested Pipelines” the heads “Gasdeal for ofstate that both enthus economic relations. slogan, as b economic undertone.“Wander “Change is, durch Handel,” that Trade,” throughwas thenew applied Unionas to the Soviet appeasement well. Bythis the1970shad approach a strong regimes change curse eventua East and WestGermany. ofpolitical attitude normalizethe engagement to than rather confrontation, relationship between Chancellor Willy adviser Brandt’s came upwiththe id foundation of Germany's(Eastern West Egon Ostpolitik Bahr, wasestablished. famous Policy) The 3.2. German University1. p157 2008), Press, 92 interest.com/articles/2012/11/13/germany Novemberaccessed April 29,2014, 2012,1,

Marshall I.Marshall Goldman, Kramer,David J. and “Germany Russia: http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21599410 Kramer,David ofOstpolitik?,” J. and “Germany The Russia: End - throwback German German to Russia Schröder Gerhardt with Chancellor a relationship tookthis whole new oth the Bundestag and the Kremlin saw advantagesBundestagand instrengthening saw oth theKremlin countries’ thetwo own 24.5 - Russian energyrelations goRussian all theway when tothe back 1960sand the ‘70s, - worse - Russian Energy Rel Energy Russian 90

Eventually it was the Soviet Minister ofForeignEventually wasAffairs, it AnatoliiGromyko, theSoviet


– times Petrostate: Putin, Power,andtheNew Ru Petrostate: 89

24.5 %.

This approach,make Bundestagwhich thecommunist the would hoped - lly andlly start heading democracy, towards downonthe path was soon



The pipeline did notonlyThe reduce pipelinedid Germany’s dependence on - war ations ations

- - and and The End ofOstpolitik?,” The End

http://www.the http://www. - - ice in2006.The project a lucrativeandice was business russia russia – 29

Past and Present Present Pastand

- - the the - ea of "Change through Rapprochement,"ea"Change through of a angela - - the end end - - american american - - of of - merkel - - ostpolitik/ ostpolitik/ ssia

The American Interest The American Interest

- - - -

and (NewYork: Oxford billion dollar Nord Stream iastically agreed on. - - owned Gazprom owns her - foreign - minister , 13 , 13 91 -

CEU eTD Collection May 01,2014, 93 acceptance of members,infear as NATO angering theKremlin. into Poland’s admission NATO thereof Berlin’sexpandingof economic web ties withMoscow.” Germany hesitant take more to tha orsupport actions out,“Germany’sReturn it ofdeepening Geopolitics” Moscow with points has relationship made from Russia. 300,000 jobsfor Germany. Germany’s 11 became sor Germany and Russia. Stream embodies thus theintertwinementgeopolitical interests and interests ofbusiness bothin suspected massive pre created acontroversy politicalgeneral elite hugeamongand boththe German the who public, pipeline project becomingof itsboard end a to chairman up mere10days the afterleaving office, mainland transit Nevertheless, countries. the circumstances, inwhich pushe Schroder EasternMiddle energy energy alsomade sources; it safelyaccessible Russian more by bypassing 95 Moscow Tango 94 foreign

ibid http://jia.sipa.columbia.edu/russia The Economist

- As Stephen Larrabee,As Stephen of Ukraine, the author article“Russia, Central and The Europe: years,Throughout tothe increasing the due energyeconomiccooperation, Germanyand – minister

proved this observation this example,proved tobecorrect.Berlin For highly was supportiveof t of a representative of inEurope.t ofainterests representative for Even isonly Russia Russia though



largest trading partner as of last year,largestas tradingoflastRussia partner - crisis , Germany’s 22 March toMention?, War Policy: Russia Which 2014,1,accessed

- - arrangements between Schröde throwback 93

And of course, over one

. However, it was much less the. However, Baltic enthusiastic itwas about states’ - worse - ukraine - times - and - which 30 - ce

ntral t wouldantagonize and Russia damage - - third ofgasthird and German oil i r and his confidantes andr and theKremlin. his Nord war - 94 europe

Several pastactions - bound German exports support exports bound German 95 - return

Germany also discouragedGermany the - angela - geopolitics/ - merkel –

or a them, lack of - mport comes mport comes

and The Berlin d through the - her - - CEU eTD Collection December 11, 2013, acc 96 Being gas countryRussian Warsaw a of transit had fea toGermany, a legitimate power. Africa; i increased of diversification sourcecountries,as region of theinclusion theCaspian such andNorth energy and use a provider willingnessto energy foreign its as German policymedia arm. suggested included.general Many and countries theEU in calle gasflow of consequently, and a toUkraine, for largechunk continent, of theEuropean Germany the preliminary foralready Nord stopping negotiations had inRussia Stream resulted the started, transit 2006and countries. 2009gas Thewhich disputeswithUkraine, Kremlin’s occu securestandpoint: energy floweven between of disputes and neighboring its incaseof Russia democratization of Russia.” human rights contributing is thatthis anddemocracy tothe advocatesgradual canbe told hasnotion made for “continue possible German while profits businessesinRussia tomake to large criticism towards the Kremlin. between for quitewhile some theWesttime and Russia trying theEU and totone down theUS’ policy createUS to inEastern hindered defense missile and Europe, an efforts toformulate EU 99 98 97 tough

http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2006/01/gazp ibid ibid “GermanySteve Szabo, Faces Russia,”Blog ToughGMF Choices On -

choices toward Russia. toward 99 Professor German from Szabo agrees: the FundBerlin has Marshall beennegotiator the Nord Streama particularly was“blow” Germany’s Poland. largefor eastern neighbor, Nord t also proposed an increased diversity of sources of energy, such as LNG increasedan energy, diversity ofsourcest alsoproposed or ofas nuclear such

Stream tobean proved excellent strategicanother for decision Germany from - on - russia/ 96

essed Mayessed 1,2014,



At thesame stresse time he

http://blog.gmfus.org/2013/12/11/germany 31 - j05.html

d into questionthereliabilityd into ofRussia as an

s that the “Change through Trade”s thatthe “Change through -

Expert Commentary,Expert r that its reducing rred afterrred - faces - wide wide - CEU eTD Collection 101 2014, 100 yields ratherthan Russia, to Mosc status quoandhaveto loseincase Germany aitis ofan conflict, lot irreversible that rightnow values. bothcountries While maintaining are investedtheRussian in heavily ever growing violationof before, Putin’s trackrecord of despite partially ofGermany’s toanger because partner. hesitation hislargest business Eastern further escalation ofthe of rhetoricthe Bundestag,cautiously criticizingand from a iscoming requesting t Putin stop unchanged: onthepolitical reprimand stage oral consequences.without using concessions, towards energyremained Moscow toextract the political attitude largely MerkelWhile more hastaken of region P Molotov backminister even in2006,Radosław Sikorski, asfaras went callingpipeline thenew projectthe transit statuswouldmake thecoun 102 interest.com/articles/2012/ Novemberaccessed April 29,2014, 2012,1, oland’s interests were completely ignored.

as ofearlyApril, 2014 Kramer,David ofOstpolitik?,” J. and “Germany The Russia: End “Nord'a of Waste StreamJanuary Money', Says Poland,” May 11,2010,accessed 1, http:// – When AngelaWhen votedintopower, Merkel got many All in all, GermanAll in The current crisi Ukraine

- hoped that“Schröderization,” pleasing thatis, atany Kremlin ofthe end. cost, would Ribbentrop Pact, indicating thatGermanyand made again once Russia awhich in deal www.euractiv.com/energy/nord

crisis. Nevertheless, crisis. sanctions have nosignificant place taken -

Russian energyRussian relations and than areclosely stronger more intertwined 11/13/germany

s is as is perfectGermany ofa example “toothless tiger”.Lots being a firm stand against Putin thanher predecessor standagainstPutin a firm of inquestions ow seeking Berlin’sow seeking approval. try more vulnerable to Russian influence. toRussian Thetry more country’s vulnerable defense - and - 100 stream

http://www.the -

russia 32 -

waste - the - - end – money

especially theEast - american - of

- human rights anddemocratic

ostpolitik/ - poland/article

The American Interest - 101


- Germaneconomic - Central EuropeanCentral - 188727 so far,


, 13 o the


CEU eTD Collection 103 known as German enacted back Parliament in2001 and Berlin tsunami, toaccelerate the decided phase catastrophegrave in2011,the damage nuclear powerplant caused by inJapan earthquake a strong 3.2.2. Future Ener difference. course, pocketing thesubstantial markets oilandgas global andsellingat ofCaspian themonEuropean market prices and, underdeveloped routesbuying upcheap of hasbeen and Caucasian CentralAsia, transit energycompeting for sources Therefore taking a Russia. Moscow, energy and eachother these dealstates rich between regions and tostrike athusbecome Kremlin its member goesevenfurther: doesin can power it theEU toprevent everything it sources ofsuch vicinity therelative reg asEurope, in theCaucasusor theCaspian EU’sAnother the indispensable in pursuitis Russiamakingitself one of energy traditional en maintain Germany Oneisto customerserve purposes. of multiple one asthenumber Russian primarily by reroutingsources Russian pipelines. viathetraditional those a contracting hub” relationship“building withGermany upits and (1) have asthepipeline been 3.2.1. German 6d102e6ebb91%40sessionmgr13&hid=16 p30 104 institutions_governm 14, 2006,accessed4, 2014, May

ergy in Europe and thus maintaining asteadyergy and Europe thusmaintaining in flow petro of http://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=f23ff3e4 Dieter Helm, “Russia, GermanyEnergy Policy,” andDemocracy,December Open European According Russia’sintentionsHelm, Oxford fellow concerning Dieter toeconomics As for thereally Germany future, hasplans. ambitious After Fukushima Daiichi the Energiewende - Russian StrategicGoalsRussian gy Prospectsgy nd (2) disabling energy alternative sea area, routes from theCaspian ent/energy_policy_4186.jsp

, is to replace isto , currently nuclear power,whichaccounts for about 23%of

http://www.opendemocracy.net/globalization 104

. One goal. One ofthe energy program, transformation better


- out ofits

nuclear plants, aplan the power - money back to Moscow. toMoscow. money back dvantage ofthe - cb0f 103 -

- These objectives These objectives 4973 ion. Butthe ion. - 94eb - CEU eTD Collection 106 105 source, that matter for ambi power finally plants planned is down. to shut quarter energy of anddouble that thelast mix thecountry by the ofthenuclear aims to 2022,when total energy withre production, SWxWXS&ContentCustomer=dGJyMOHb7H3z6O2IuePfgeyx43zx%20p37 3158550&S=R&D=f5h&EbscoContent=dGJyMNHX8kSep7Q4zOX0OLCmr0uep7NSs6%2B4SL http://content.ebscohost.com/pdf27_28/pdf/2012/BAS/01Nov12/83158550.pdf?T=P&P=AN&K=8 (November 1. 2012):

Miranda ofPhase A.Schreurs,“The Politics p32 ibid tion oftion theGermansmeans less energy dependenceRussian on

in the not so distant future. thenotsodistant in

newable energy sources. 106

- From astrategic point 34 Out”,

Bulletin ofthe AtomicBulletin Scientists 105

Renewables upapproximately make a –

- or anyor foreignenergy of - view this vaulting this view p37

68, no . 6 CEU eTD Collection 108 May 4,2014,http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Poland2011_web.pdf. 107 Europeancountries. OECD as refinedfrom concerned, are % theSoviet products former cameUnionand40% oil from 60 butalsothat thereimports another and theUK Norway. 1% from Druzhba pipeline.Another% from ofthe Algeria, minusculeamount,comes and total 2import supplysinglecountry. ofthe Asupplier, demand.oil to about5% ofthe total 2009. to 25%betweenand 1988 Polish4.1.1. The Sector Oil Statistics Polish 4.1. Energy country, therefore Warsaw’s Russia; priority one number isenergy security. differ thoseof from rely Germany. must Poland andsize geographical setting Poland’s are energy similar, energygreatly and composition policies has been a energy inEurope. producerconsumer though significant and countries’ Even thetwo 4 CHAPTER 110 109 May 4,2014,http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Poland2011_web.pdf page 10 page 115

ibid Name Name ibid

Germany’s andeastern neighbor aEuropean new relatively Unionmemb The share secondits with isoil, ha largest energysource inPoland

Author/Editor, “Poland”, Author/E .


is no diversificationis no interms ofsupplierortransit base its routes. Asfar


Energy Policies of Iea Countries Energy Policies of Iea Countries Energy Policies Poland’s own production levelsPoland’s ownproduction only are add insignificant; up 109 110

Unfortunatelythere isasignificant imbalanceinthe oil

Russia provides aboutdemand 94%of provides viaRussia the the

This not onlyThis not means relies heavily that Poland on

35 heavily mainlyenergy supplied on by one imports

(2013 May): (2013 May): 1 ving two increased 107

er state,er Poland

1 - - 190, accessed 190, accessed - fold

CEU eTD Collection 113 112 May 4,2014,http://www.iea.org 111 conservativeput the shale gas at reserves halfcould projections cubic a meters, which trillion (but notconfirmed)gas, ofshaleconsideredEven thelargest 4.1tcm themore Europe. in gashegemony inthe sector. LNGPoland’s firstone efforts is ofthe terminal multiple tocounter makes very Poland ofgas vulnerabletopotentialdisruptions current flow.The construction of imported by butcurrently thatamount Poland isnegligible. via Belarus. another Germany gas the provided Polish 11% thatyear. of import LNG isbeing in2009)comesimports thr produced; two the other replace old,coal gasand which efficient are also plants, muchlesssubj fired 16.4 bcmin 2000andincreased by to 2009. demand in2030than2009. will be52% higher yearyear;% byDemand butsteadily increasing isslowly by 2030. according toforecasts %According higher share than this slightly in 2000. predictions toindustry will to14.5 increase Polish4.1.2. The Natural Gas Sector 115 114 May 4,2014,http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Poland2011_w page 97 page 98

ibid ibid Name ibid Name

In share ofn 2009the AccordingInformatio tothe USEnergy

Author/Editor, “Poland”, Author/Editor, “Poland”, - fired plants. power

- third isimported. third ough Yamal the

atural gas was 13 % of the total primary%atural gaswasofthe2 energy total inPoland, supply 13


Energy Policies of Iea Countries Energy Policies of Iea Countries Energy Policies 113

About one 114 - 112 Europe pipeline and its branch, Yamal II Yamal pipelineand Russia branch, its from Europe

The vast majorityThegas vast ofimported(82%gas ofall

This increase thefact ispartially due to that modern n Administration Poland possesses Poland ann Administration estimated 36 - 111 third of the total gasis domestically ofthird thetotal supply

Inabsolute numbers, was demand 13.3 bcm 115 ect to popular opposition, increasinglyect popular to opposition,

This imbalanceinsources ofsupply -

balance Russia’s energy Russia’s balance (2013 May): 1 (2013 May): 1 - - 190, accessed 190, accessed

eb.pdf gas

CEU eTD Collection 119 118 117 europe/poland#inline0 Poland 116 power,renewables.going or a However, cautiouslygradual itis ener toneed inits shift planned, coal dollar increase1.5 billion incost Warsaw blocked agreed;increase it theproposal%, thattarget citing however, to 25 to a potential targets.goal reduce to byemissions the TheEUfrom set 20%1990levels CO2 2020,which to usedgeneration inelectricity presents with thechallenge Poland a pollutant priceheavy themost Coalair is fuel pollution. fossil thelarge of ofall, and percentage electricity coal be to exported. of coal country’s 2012,whilethe in was allowed consumption Thissurplus 144Mt. of 14.8Mt isthe secondPoland largestcoal produ Polish4.1.3. The CoalSector opportunitygas does be turnoutto and shale a sustainableenergy. viable source of use energyas understandable a it’s toharness foreignpolicy why arm, wants Warsaw the gaslargest from supply comes consumption Russian Russia’s of portion Poland’s and exploratorynot expected tostart is production phase; before 2015. make self Poland 121 Profile: Poland 120 5, 2014,http://www.eia.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/IEDIndex3.cfm?tid=1&pid=1&aid=2

http://www.bbc.com/news http://www.worldcoal.org/resources/ecoal International Energy Statistics http://www.eia.gov/countries/country ibid http://www.shalegas - fuelled industry to a moregas,energya diverse industryfuelled ofas makeup natural to sources,nuclear such

needs in thecountry. in needs

- suffi 119

cient for about 65 years. forcient about 65 Accordinggenerated coal to2011statistics, % the ofheat and92% 89 of - europe.eu/en/index.php/resources/shale /world

120 s as a reason. , UsEnergyInformatio

Nevertheless, thecheapabundant and sourceofenergy at comes - radio cer inEurope,followingGermany.cer - data.cfm?fips=pl - and - 121 archive/ecoal - 116 tv 37

Poland does plantransition from tomake a the -

Nevertheless, the industry is still onlyNevertheless, still theindustry is at the 17813431

n Administration, 2013, 1,accessedn Administration, May


current -

opportunities to reduce its CO2 emission CO2 its to reduce 117 - issue/coal

Considering thefact that the 118

It produced 158.4Mt - - in profile -


poland/ Coal notoriety to gy CEU eTD Collection 125 124 123 122 generating energy. costlyrenewable attitude has this Recently changed, toincreasing however, due producer,secured is electricity a been andnot significant production therefore therehas focus on 4.1.5. Polish Energy Renewable Sources by one couldrunning 2019,whiletheby beupand2035. second greenwith low emissiontarget.CO2 “diversifyhand, thecountry coal”sothatcan it obligation away to from holdits needs tomeet its Less Russia. and oil Russian gas reliance on requires a portfolio.” generating for important nucleargoal power decades.reason most ofa The the is “diverse energy decided power, toturnnuclear while other and tostart constructionexpected is collapse ofthe War establish a nuclear plant Żarnowiec, in never Poland, Northern butit came torealization due tothe planning ofbuildingIn phase firstone.backing construction its Soviet started the1980s with to Power4.1.4. Nuclear Poland in vetoedin 2012thatPoland suggested toachieve proposalsgoal. milestones that reach to composition EU the 127 Public 126 http://www.world http://oilprice.com/Alternative ibid ibid http://www.world ibid -

Wariness.html Unlike Germany,has had nonuclear power Poland Renewableenergy 124

On the one hand, Poland needs Poland less become On the to dependenteastern oneits hand, from “neighbor”, house gas emissions. gas house saw Pact. siteisthestrongestsaw Thecontender the new same plant power tobuild - - 125 n



Last notleast, but nuclear powerisconsidered thecheapestenergy source in Poland is still inits infancy.still is Since thecountin Poland - proposed 80

- Energy/Nuclear 126 in 2019.

The plansinclude the firsttobe reactor nuclear operational -

95 % reduction target by 2050, which target was95 % 2050, by thereason reduction 123 – - -


new andnew old Profiles/Countries There Warsaw are has reasonswhy now several 38 -

Power/Poland wider rangewider ofenergy sources. Onthe other plants in thepastplants in andisnowinthe –

EUstates member have 127 - - - O Plans O

- -

S/Poland/ S/Poland/ - Nuclear ry is a huge coalis ahuge

122 - Future

been been - Despite - CEU eTD Collection 131 130 129 projects /1.Renewable Poland energy in inPoland 128 goods,“ and Sovie the manufacturingpipes themselves. the of Belarus, anddeliver Germany. all continuedan thewaywas to active Poland toEast in participant from tothe entire the USSR Ea This unity Druzhbagave (“Friendship”) oilpipeline the birthto inthe 1960s,which delivered oil themselves andapply to todiscourage the theSoviet bloc nations West for including states, toenhance member inorder Poland, econom UnionestablishedSoviet COMECON and East made the when times, socialist Mutual COMECON,Economic theCouncilfor Assistance, created. was The Polish The 4.2. number to26%this by 2030. The share renewable energy inelectricitygeneration of was 8%in2011 include riversidewind farms, runby plantsand hydroelectric municipalities dependent energy.greenyears that onRussian energy The haveplace taken initiatives inrecent attributed tocoalpollution fuelled po Country Study 132 p3 Europe,

http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi Pecob's Energy Druzhba Policy Studies: http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Poland2011_web.pdf http://www.map.ren21.net/PDF/ProfilePDF.aspx?idcountry=138 http://www.paiz.gov.pl/polish_law/renewable_energy t Union provided Poland with oil in exchange in t UnionprovidedPoland withoil ofmachinery, industrialconsumer equipment, Poland’s energy withRussia relations

publication year), publication political withoutthe expenditure support convertibleforeign offreely currency.”

- Russian Energy Relations Relations Energy Russian

file:///Users/krisztikotka/Downloads/PEPS_EnIn_Dru - bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+su0396 130

stern Bloc. The pipeline transportedBloc. via today’sstern pipeline toPoland The oil

wer and electricity andgeneration,wer efforts tobecome and the less 131

(Italy:and Balkan PortalonCentral, Eastern

– – As part ofaAs part COMECON

Past and Present Past and more exactly, theSoviet Uni 39

- Legal frameworkrenewableenergy for Central European communist countries, communist Central European ic relations trade and among

- wide common venturecommon the wide 129 - . Plans are toincrease ) provided Marshall aid. 128

on Soviet Union:A Soviet

as well as biomass. – zhba%20(2).pdf

go back to

page 134 page 132

CEU eTD Collection 134 133 over toEstonia oil theLithuania displacementa 2007or Red in to ofArmy memorial inTallinn deliberately flo disruptedthe the gasalso must rememberWe flowcompletely.thedozens ofoccasionswhen Russia Ukraine’sallegedgasflow destined tappingof ofthefor Moscow resultedturning Europe in off between and Russia energy its transporterneighbor significantly shifted. Europeanenergy anaboutenergy Russia’s indication thatperceptions security, status provider has reliable alternative Eastern by toMiddle exporters, isconsidered oil the2000sit a embargo,are was considered inthe 1970s,duringa theSoviet Union OPEC plentiful.While the risks ofthe safe provisi more fuels.that dependentfossil today means onRussian This ishighly Poland tothe exposed beenEuropean discouragedfor by thepurposes, environmental Union use of coal consequence, dependenceenergy onRussian its andcooperated Warsaw also intheexp lay helped the increasegas inreturn. USSR pipelines, Moscow the while Poland’sproduction coal gasnatural region. totheentire The routeYamal ofthe 135 onal_energy_security_complex_dynamics Polish_en

ibid pgibid 28 http://www.academia.edu/1820416/Russian http://www.nytimes.com/1984/05/22/business/soviet Throughout the yearsThroughout energy has consumption the Poland’s risenas steadily, a and ergy_security_relations_A_case_of_threatening_dependency_supply_guarantee_or_regi –

of which Poland has amount whichsubstantial Poland of


- on and transport of Russian oil andon and oil gas. transport of Russian confirms Recenthistory thatrisks The loss oftrust loss wasThe triggeredmainly 2009gas by the2006and disputes Europe thesame countries, pipelineconnects p w of oil or gasw of or oil neighbors suchfor as toits thehalt political of reasons,

The two countries’ energy twocountries’ The collaboration Poland helping included to ansion ofnuclear power.

pg33 - 40

primarilygas and oil

, Ukraine. over conflict Their non s – -

forpowergeneration electricityand has and - poland 133

- in 134 - roviding muchneeded economic –

which makes even Poland increased parallelly. The - pact.html threat to threat to - payment and payment

CEU eTD Collection 139 138 137 136 LNG2015. However, 40 about pricesare estimated tobe WarsawLNG Qatar, signed abiggest theworld’s with deal to import gas producer, liquid from plans with asingle European gas”.its bodywithbuying charged proponentgas position European ofa to“confront order monopolistic unified in market Russia's only toth one from way, Russia from Germany theYamal through andoil gas Canada from import sources for source countries energy Fo andits the needs. to Germany’s cbm. 1000 $370per than the continental a an already renegotiated ofgas, was 1000 price 30%more of$525cbm which, for however, still inflatedIn price compared countries, with prices tothese charged paid tothe West. 2012Warsaw East,Middle Asa aswellconsequence,Mos as Russia. compared toWestern whichNorth Europe, energy rely can fromAfrica, Europe, the on Northern one. whensell one decided ofthe Vilnius refineries tocountry’s firminstead toaPolish 141 140 ukraine

http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2014/04/donald http: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/poland http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2014/04/donald http://www.naturalgaseurope.com/poland http://www.auctus.vcu.edu/PDF/SOSCI_1_HANSON.pdf pg 7 136

include construction of an LNG station, which is expected to be operational this year.LNGinclude ofan construction isexpectedtobe operational this station,which

- Poland andPoland theentire East Poland hasPoland been ontheforefront effortstodiversify its energy in the type ofits both //www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2014/04/poland standoff - escalates/article18182218/ verage.


139 e West. Accordingyear theprice tothe Economist, this is$500,compared - - , and since April this year, and sincegetgas ithasable April been this to Russian 138 Central isminimally European region energy diversified Europe pipeline, which wasgas pipeline, Europe originally designed topump


Polish presidentPolish Donald been Tuskhasalso a strong

- continuing 41

cow and sellsoil gas Russian at ahighly - r this goal Warsaw hasr thisgoal Warsawbeen considering - quest - presses 50 % the higher than 141

Warsaw’s ambitious diversificationWarsaw’s ambitious - fo - r for - - a 8 -

- better shift - - - tusks and tusks - from - natural - russia - - energy energy

- natural gasnatural Poland russian -

gas of a Russian - - union union - deal deal - gas - - wise,


- CEU eTD Collection 142 betweenEU andas Russia ofMoscow’s mistreatment thea result ofPol inthe nearPoland; pastwas happened it able tohaltimportant very thatWarsaw discussions Union member, and an increasingly influential one. onlyenergy an advantages infacilities. political influence by onPoland attempting tomodifycrucia purchased TheRussia. Kremlinfrom volume RosUkrEnergo withdrawntheregionalgas was from toincrease forcingPoland trade, its efforts concessions. Russo toextractFollowing political the fluctuations gas Russia’s in supply establishing gas make underground t would storagefacilities Nevertheless,are there interconnecting hopes high gaspipelines that and these natural neighbors’ liberaliz yet:obstacles torealize conflicting just agendas, domestic political ofmarket differing levels the AdriaticCzech Republic, Slovakia,crossing andproject SeaHungary. The hasnumerous would be ablegas todeliver between Polan years.coming currently Russia buys from 145 144 143

http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend http://www.pi http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/09/poland Poland hasPoland great from the establishment of expectations a North A veryin the Polish important feature Diversificationenergy sources of Warsaw wouldalsotoRussian make less susceptible ation inthe individual nations, orvaryinglevels building ofprogress in their infrastructure.

- hungry neighbor that also transports Russian oil and oil gas.hungry Russian alsotransports neighbor isalsothat aEuropean Poland sm.pl/files/?id_plik=15698 Reportsm.pl/files/?id_plik=15698 pg5


142 , therefore Polish LNG isexpected tobe, thereforeimport moderate Polish inthe

politically motivatedpolitically ornot. d’s newly built LNG Croatia’s newlyand terminal built d’s terminal on - - - - controlled Gazprom immediatelycontrolled toexert tried Russian energyRussian isnot Poland this: partnershipis lines/7204/global lines/7204/global 42

145 -

energy Putin needsPutin be to cautious about angering

- l terms of the dealgain of the and l terms ownership he region secure more against Ukrainian - lng - - insider insider - 143 idUSL6N0H22WR20130909 idUSL6N0H22WR20130909

gas disputein2009 - - - and. and. South LNG South corridor that russia russia

- - poland poland - - relations relations relations

CEU eTD Collection pr experimentingBerlin atsees level, withrenewables abasic energy thefuture inrenewable to ahead interms ofitseastern neighbor ofrenewable powergeneration. While has Poland been only power of energy part its makeup. future. hand, plant firstnuclear onthemake readyits Poland, to other is toconstruct nuclear power main sourceenergyGermany, of theforeseeable inmade effortsbeen have tophase outin it emission.cut CO2 able back tolimit usetobe onits Unfortunately consideredpolluting bothnationshadto themost is coal energy source, therefore wellof source, diversifiedwhile Poland fully reliesgas interms supplier. as onRussia and than Germany onimport WarsawNevertheless, isless% dependent vs.67%). Germany (86 is gasabout is imported. half Polish ofthe German consumption rate energy inthefull dependent comingsingle supplies through onRussian a pipeline. well diversified bothinterms of suppliers oth and routes. supply onthe Poland, important energymost beensupply,As for has ontherise. source, butconsumption Germany is source inthe country, regardWith Germany Though tooil, isthenumber a it position. one isin muchbetter energy Industries Polish Energy and German of Comparison 4.3.

oducecleanenergyand cheap, become lessenergy the foreseeable independent in future. Based ofeach energycountry made: map onthe thefollowing can observations be Renewableenergy bee has The twocountriesvery a have nuclear different has approach it power.While been to In and bothcountries consumption, of production coal terms InGermanyalmost aquarter offrom comes energygas,thevast useis ofwhich majority

the need thesecond for oilis hasPoland steadily oil been the declining, whilein

n on the rise in both nations, however, Germany is light years however, lightn ontherise nations, Germany inboth is 43

have reserves. vast er hand, fully is


a CEU eTD Collection Kre crashedU.S. duetotheirshalecompetitiveness, revolution, inthe German whichthe threatening plans weregreat,werea conceived bad theyatenergy Germany time; pricessoaredin whilethey yearseight two generate ago reactors yetenoughelectricity theyareand as for atnuclear unreliable energy, times; theshutdown of the reliableinexpensive, sourcegas.naturalenergy,resources of Renewable produce primarily donot namely, Energiewende and its nuclearphase its otheryearscombination hand, of the atheenergy several Bundestag policies of inthe last nations, ago,objections protestsfromthe and Baltic despite Poland, and from even States, Scandinavian theNordyears tobuild teamedStreampipelineBerlin a upwith whenMoscow few this it proved Russia. protect investments andeconomic relations companies the massivebusiness ofGerman with ways: intwo explained itwants ensurecontinuous to flowof (1) (2) energy the wantsand it to serious abusesrightsvalues. democratic ofhuman Berlin andof Moscow’s regular practices toextract politicalconcessions from neighborsvia its energy,and of Germanyto maintaineager good tothe Russia, point with has relations been ofoverlooking Case to the Theory the Applying 5.1. 5 CHAPTER European hasenergythat Poland been so enthusiastically market One backing. reasonthat is mlin took advantage took mlin of. Inwecasesigns ofGermany can the ofthe bandwagoning observepoli multiple It Germany alsoof areluctant tosupport can the beobservedbeen idea that single has oilandThe uninterruptedflow of

and despite thefactdeepen pipeline that anew would dependenceOnthe onRussia. its .


d a shortage in electricitygeneration. theambitious While d a in shortage - gas from Russia iscrucialgasGermany. from forOnthe Russia one hand,

Germany Germany - out out 44

createda o situation

’s passive canbe behavior f increasedf for need cy. –

CEU eTD Collection 148 view 147 146 the energy salegas subsidiaryrecent ofDea,exploration theoiland industrya of the German energy sector Moscow. domestic should politics not beintheway cooperation ofeconomic Berlin between and Hertha attitudea wassignal DemocraticChristian for hadpreviouslyRussia actions its against Union, criticized humanrights. the friendly election toneafter tochancellorship her in2005despitethe factthather party, the Stream, pipelinehe through. themanaged controversial topush His definitelyof Putin ofChairman when paidreceivedof off he theBoard the of position Nord media of orthe NGOs activities andinRussia. civil societies He famously suppression calledtheRussianpresident of democrat” th a despite “flawless Putin’s of Chechnya,for “moderate example,butencourageto Moscow’sview theWest itsactions.” of policy thefo moves,which made ofpromotion democraticvalues. manyits autocratic maneuvers, despite the cornerstone thefact the that foreign EU’s is of politics Moscowto make any bilateral with deals more. gas low lose bothits currently it price and special withRussia its pays position ifitwere notable gasGermany% lessfor i naturalabout 30 paysthan dialogue/174 149 demands

http://analize.lt/publikacijos/lithuanian http://www.spiegel.de/international/schroeder http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/26/world/nation http://www.ecfr.eu/content/e - moscow Germany’s reluct its in bandwagoning tendencies also manifest Business between and Russia relations Germany the are bothin very intertwined, much - 149 a - 444944.html 444944.html

- divide - industryIn alsoand makes inother which Berlin branches, bandwagon withRussia. role - chechnya.html - and


conquer.html t Germany’s way Russian of ofconducting view the foreignor

ntry/ecfr_fride_working_papers_democracy_promotion 146 rmer chancellornot onlyrmer stay neutralregarding invasion Russia’s

Schröder wasSchröder foreigncautious tobashPutin’s not particularly

- energy

45 - - on security

ts eastern neighbor. Germany wouldpossibly - russia - challenged - - in it 148 - - the would

Schröder’s overwhelming support - - light russians

successor Merkelsuccessor continued - be - ance in Russia tocriticize of - wrong - eu - schroder - russia - to - pla - - energy urges ce -

excessive - milder - 147 - e -

CEU eTD Collection 153 draws 152 sanctions 151 150 back inGermany. These about conductingprovide Russia andfirms work300,000people many to other business in threeRussia inthe times entertaining subsidiary Russian its planstotake Kaeser, The Joe new public. Siemensvisited CEO, materials Knaufalready manufacturer has 5,000country. people employs over been intheMetro Volkswagen toexpand billion toinvest isplanning €1.2 its such are asbenefits deal stakes Metro. as reapmade. The a as high, theto is business well once engineering car Siemens,to as companies,likeVolkswagen,wholesale firms, suchretailers, to conducting Russia. business in the twoindustrygiants. managedgas s topurchase example, theGerman company, gas inSiberia, chemical BASF,field has interests whileGazprom the deal Germany’s stepenergy. towards deepening another dependence onRussian of Economic vetow notto the deal, Affairs decided controversy.Global Marshall group Asthe Plan reported, theGerman andthe Parliament Ministry second close and richest oligarchties Rosneft, totheKremlin MikhailFridman, with caused tothe L1electric RWE company utilities group, latter Energy investment ow the sanctions 154 sanctions

ibid http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/germanyibid http://www.spie http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/18/business/international/german http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/germany http://www.globalmarshallplan.org/en/german - fire.html fire.html According Timesare York thereapproximately tothe New companies 6,000German - - - against against against

- - - 154 russia russia russia gel.de/international/europe/germany

151 - - -

a a a first three ofhistaking months officeinvestments. todiscussfuture - - -

959019.html 959019.html 959019.html torage inGermany,a facilities considered dealan “exchange” between


These range companies fromelectronic tech high

46 - dependence

hich surprisedanalysts thatconsidered many - - to to - -

play play plants in Russia this year. Russia plants in this Building - to - - russian - - play central central - central - - energy - - firms but but - - - expensive expensive but - sale - unlikely - expensive ned by Russia’s - to and 150 - russians - -

role role - As another decrease - - - role in in 153 - - - -


- CEU eTD Collection clearly domestic and its external politics. identifiable inboth of influence openly a energy is foreign as via by This communicated policy arm. and Warsaw is tryingtobalance utmost its t decisions, rhetoric,and inthe energy supportof indicate certain that EUlegislations Warsaw realm make isleading thatPoland theconclusion Allpolicies, political politics. a balancingtype of Case to the Theory the Applying 5.2. EU has been[the] advocating tangible concepta rather ismorea theoretical of than strategy”. politicalRussian leverage overcountry.G the The a bandwagoning ratherpolitics, of style thana balancingact toprevent order anexcessive in policies reflecting andrelations attitudes describedthatGermany all above indicate those practices countries, German attitudes ofthe an Russia and politicalactions, elite toward its occasionally commonEU undermines policies “strategic partner categorizebased statesontheir EU policy MS approaches Germanya toRussia, isin category of at the sameLeonard time. According and toaninteresting Nicu inwhichMark study, Popescu challengenot to themsharply, makes which therela “common urge politicalwill view” Germany anti Russia’s todefend allies. Deep expectations economicinterests,as from alliestoshare asPutin’s his much a 156 dialogue/174 155

ibid http:

Intensive bilateral andenergy make business Germany partnerships and R Basedby and actions thedirection a Warsaw taken onPoland’s //analize.lt/publikacijos/lithuanian - divide ship” with Russia, which Russia, isdefined which withRussia with as ‘special “a relationship’ ship” - and

- conquer.html

he Kremlin aggressiveexpandinghe andPutin’s sphere of its politics

– - energy Poland Poland .” 155 47 - security erman attitude right“ also proves that

The economic between relationships thetwo

tionship a uniquesortpoliticaltionship partnership of - in

- the - light - democraticat actions, least or - s described abovecans described we of - eu - russia d German ussia economicussia - energy Solidarity - 156

CEU eTD Collection 157 The decisionimportant isbecause, has Russia one been hand, onthe building in a plant memorable o inthe namemomentum of energy therecenta diversity, very despite and accident inJapan gasfirst inaS channel delivering earlier,ancorridor, entire intercepting onthe planning is thecontinent, which wouldbe table, the alternativeLNGgas from topipelineis Russia, and thebureaucracy simplifies aroundextraction process. the on theenvironment. towards fur labeled asenergy” ofthe “one indigenous sourcesof as gesture a and significant inEurope, officials,Ukrainesupported noweven formgasEU light events. in Thenew of ofthe by was evenin Poland, though earlyestimat the transforming gasandalso its is consumption gas noteworthy. extraction has import potential Shale cleangas addressingcoal, theenvironmental of challenges. out thus yearsprimary for source ofenergy tocome. of whichalso government the discourages, EU Polish indicated that wouldlikely the it a be coal co Warsaw Recently Russia. tosteerawayfrom country promise toreduce onits thebackpedalled – 160 159 158

some successful, others less some successful, others

ibid http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/14/europe http://www.bbc.com/news/world http://bankwatch.org/our

nsumption; while currentlynsumption; environmentally themost is coal fuel, fossil damaging the use On the domestic front balan this Last newly reawakenedfor notleast, but nuclear Russia’s energy plans also have gained ther researching potential,was its it skippedther as a destructiveenergy potentially source ne in the 1980s that occurred very close to Poland, inChernobyl, that occurredne toPoland, intheclose 1980s very today’s Ukraine. 159

Poland ownsupportonshale, didits introducing a that attracts bill investors - work/projects/coal

to diversifywould makefor possible energywhich it its makeup, outh - europe - North instead direction, ofthe traditional East cing effort mostly is recognizedby numerous attempts the es were a bit tooenthusiastic,es and bit potentialfully were this is a - 157 24997778 live 24997778

Warsaw also supports thelate - – fired 48

also theforefront on As Poland. mentioned in

- - power shale

- report - ukraine plants 160


- e othergas, source of poland - 158 idUSL6N0MB1WI20140314

The country’sefforts in

st technologyst tomake - West route. West

CEU eTD Collection 161 “oil sanctions, ‘gas and isolation’ WesternBaltic dissuasion of investing firms energy from in influence onlygaining not inthese by nations intheir energy ownership infrastructure butalso by in the domestic and foreigncountries ofthese politics sharecommon goal ofbalancinghas thecontrol time which aaccepting lost hard thatit Moscow, is crucial efforts balancing inits vis tobalancesame time, suitable for Poland Russia. level,alllarge withthe UnitedStates, abovewhich “adversary” isaand power Russia’s at the effortson theEUinits level,influence European andona to politics; reflected wid on three regional inits different levels: statesBaltic policymaking,and primarily Ukraine; withthe negotiate energy its ortothreaten theflow prices tostop altogether. definitelygivetoughera that theincreaseddiversity ofsources Moscow mean will time to fromoil Russia all theseWhile powerhouses efforts notmean will ceasegas thatPoland do inEurope. toimport or Franceon "solidarity," with concert and theUK,” in official suggested hand, Germany’sof nuclear power cancellation affects negatively theEU marketand though hassuspendedplantogo Kremlin as the“revision” of2013the through a Kaliningrad, thegenerated toexport with the intention Lithuania, toPoland, power a polish 162 nuclear

http://www.confrontations.org/en/publications http://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/analyses/2013 - society - Poland’s intention to build close energy relationships with Estonia, Latvia, tobuildPoland’s intention close Estonia, energy with Lithuania, relationships and Poland’s balancing intent power - - and plant –

especia – - nuclear “Poland could playa inb major role - kaliningrad

llygas becausecontracts and long oil are - power

ions can be international observed inits as energy well, politics

- at - - à ee - vis Russia. Asavis Russia. fact, matter StatesBaltic and of Poland the - in - warsaw warsaw 49 -


162 . Currently trying is theKremlin toregain

both ofwhich are considered nuclear ringing energy toan Europe policy based - 06 - 12/russia - and - interventions/2151 - term agreements

- freezes - construction 161 er international . Onthe other – nd Germany, - confronting , they –

as a EU - -

CEU eTD Collection 167 166 p78 165 p72 164 bp_grigas.pdf http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/Russia%20and%20Eurasia/0812 163 European thanapproach 27different rather approaches." Andrisadmitted Piebalgs that"Energy himself through security delivered common isbetter a costsRussia theUnion about30bi of a when singlecommonfailure energy tounite marketandthe negotiating gascontracts with countering withaunitedpolicy. it would be compelleddefense'energy in toact against weapons' then 2006, when all thefirst major, and regularly theEU Poland ofthat. Warsaw’s reminds theUnion effortstoconvince go back actively them. pursuing bothof diversifyenergy EU’s supplier the bas sources, its influencemaximum ontheUnion (1) to a create unified single, internalenergy market,and(2) to gasLithuania connectingof2.3 bc pipeline, capacity to interconnector Poland with a atplant (NPP) Visaginas projects.” blackouts 168 idUSBREA4K0RN20140521

http://www.industryweek.com/global ht http://www2.polskieradio.pl/eo/print.aspx?iid=43531 http://www.notre http://www.notre

- tp://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/21/us Lechpresident Stateswhich Kaczynski“toin Member situations Europe warnedavert the On the EU level Poland has two main objectives to maintain its balancingOn thehas maintainits EUexerting twomainpolitics: level objectives Poland to The creationcommon European ofenergy for a hasbeen a time, long market indispensable 163


pg1 nd and Lithuaniand and agreed onWarsaw’s participationnuclear thenew power in

- - europe.eu/media/balticstateseu europe.eu/media/balticstateseu


and are discussions also construction taking of a place regarding the


European gasyearEuropean At an occurred.later cutoffs energy thatsummit

166 llion euros a year. eurosllion a ”

Most recentlyMost President theEU Tuskreminded that the lack - economy/eu 50 - ukraine e,routes. and transportation Warsaw its is

- - 167 energypolicy energypolicy - calls

In for Commissioner Energy, 2006theEU 168

- crisis -

unified Though recognized, is theproblem … [which] could bestoppedby… [which] - eu - - - grigas grigas - tusk energy - - - ne ne - policy - - jdi jdi - - july13.pdf?pdf=ok july13.pdf?pdf=ok - following m per year.m per -

to 165

CEU eTD Collection 169 strong ofbalancing. will claimed. to please Moscow really the orbecauseit perceivedIran, meet didnot threat as House theWhite of course Obama,and therewasspeculationprogram in2009under the intense scrapped whether was defense inthe pastheavy decade. After rejecti Poland Russian systemin potential air supportNATO. to s Polish Inbilateral example. relations U.S.activated are aaviation prime 2012the an detachment team on influenced by energy Russia’s weapon strategies.The recent Polish recognizable. Warsaw t strives which balancing Poland poses inits anfor efforts. obstacle there issti Missile 170 us -

polish http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/475155/aviat - Poland’s balancingtheinternational on attempts level, Europe, outside are also oil asoil a base for training joint operations and also common exercises,as serves which a Defense 170 - training ll all lack willingness of unified Memberone from common voice, theStates toact in

While these are initiatives - in - running - Europe/ Europe/

- smoothly.aspx smoothly.aspx

o make strategicalliances that easily can’t with powers be 169

There a common project hasestablishinga alsomissile been of not energy

51 - related attempts,demonstrate they well Poland’s

- by

- the - President - American strengthened on theprogram changed ion - on - detachment - Strengthening - keeps - - CEU eTD Collection creation energya singleunified of market,the energy diversifi to reduce and oil on Russian gas dependency its muchas isable to.The it as emphasis onthe Rus influenceexert thetherefore Warsaw’s Socialist over former countries, for iscrucial it tofend off once Moscow again. once againall “soft” usesweapons Putin asstates. With fully satellite subdued is very balancingclose inthe of energy Russia toa strategy form towards sphere. createenergy a can market.Therefore the unifiedsinglewe form in the economic reason politicalinGermany’sFor sphere.not and is this it inthe best interest to the mas Germanhuge and Russia, tomaintain in businesses have and investments stakes that,along with largest whichcountrymaintainviabilateral supplier, the has managed to agreements. Also, their motivating factors topursue their primary national objectives, security. was ofshowsbalancing oncepredecessor, Russia’s theThe ambitions. answerlies under power in in the energy a Poland, weaker while realm, Germany, country EU with anextremely a strongbandwagon economy, to powerful tends Russia theory either inorder balance tosurvive, hegemon. thatstates, must orbandwagon dictates the donotactPoland, theirIR in international dealings as would theory CONCLUSION

sia’s energyas aFor foreign weapon arm. thisgoalfirst the policycountry andforemost strives This thesis searchedThis thesis Europeanfor answercountries,andas an towhytwo Germany Poland’s primary goalPoland’s primary tofight is used theentire againsttohold which Russia, bloc Eastern Germany’sgoalis primary sive profits they reap every year,sive profits keep they reap must every Germany friendly withMoscow, both relations

maintaining inexpensive its and oil gas its flow Russia, from ’s rise topower wecan hegemonic this notice attitude

nation and anation relatively membertothe EU, which new 52

and weapon primarilyenergy the of cation efforts, andcation making efforts, strategic conclusion thatBerlin’sattitudeconclusion dictate. Balancedictate. ofpower

to CEU eTD Collection circumstances ofpower balan hegemonic pursuit. alliances region thedirection in goal inandoutside the balance allpoint ofto Poland’s Russia’s

ce of power theory in this case, this powertheoryce are alwaysunique of in totheregional and subjected TheIR two countries’exampletherefore realist suchas showsthattraditional, theories, the

- struggle and national security concerns of the givenand countries. the nationalstruggle concerns security of 53

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