AM a DIARY I}J the ,|, , Il, ICT SENSE of '|'Lie TERM by Bronislaw
AM A DIARY I}J THE ,|, , Il, ICT SENSE oF '|'lIE TERM by Bronislaw Nllrlinowski AAAAA lt l,|,lI Nt W INTRODUCTION |,lt.l,]l,,^cl! BY YAIJTTA }ÍAI,INow- K^ l N,I,ILODUCTIoN BY RÁYMoND T.IBTIÍ ,t,l(^N LA,_[ED By NoRBERT GUTEB}ÍAN l N l)l,)x oF NATIYE TEBM BY MARIo BICK lit;rlrford university press iillrrrford, california Facsimile page from Trobriands diarg, beginning zlsith entrg for April P2, 1918 coNTENTs pREFAcE : Valetta Malinowska, aii INTRoDUCTI)N: Raymond Firth, xi SEcoND INTRODUCTION 1988: Raymond Firth xxi NOTE, xxxitt Stanford Uniaersity Press Stanford, Califurnia DIÁ-RY IN TIID TaIcT EN E oF TIIE TERM ^ Part One: 1914-1"915,1 Text @ 1967 by Valetta Malinowsha Part Two: 1917-1918, 107 Introduction @ 1989 by Raymond Firth Oňginally Published by Routledge and Kegan Paul, AN INDEX or NATIvE TaRM : Maňo Bick, 299 I967 Reissued, ulith a neul Introd ction, by The Althone Press, I989 lLLIr TEATIoN Reissue first published in the United States of Facsimi,le page, ii, ,\tneňca by Stanford IJniaersity Press, ]989 Eastern New Gui,nea anil Ád,xacent Island,s, enil paper Pňnted in Great Bňtain Mai,tw Isl,anď, and, Áiljacent Coast of Papua, 26 LC 8842043 The Kul,a District, 138-139 Cloth ISBN 0-8047-17064 T robri,anil I slanils, 7 611 Paper 1^SBN 0-a04 7-I 707-9 INTRODUCTION,K This diary by Bronislaw Malinowski covers only a very brief period of his life, from early September 19lrt to the beginning of August 1915, and from the end of October 1917 to mid-July l9l8;-about nineteen months in all.
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