Annual Report 2008 Content Credits 3 Editorial Publisher: 4 The year at a glance medica mondiale e.V. 6 Giving women a new start in life Hülchrather Straße 4 50670 Cologne Psychosocial Trauma Work Germany 8 Against silence and suppression Tel. + 49 2 21/93 18 98-0 Human Rights Work Fax + 49 2 21/93 18 98-1
[email protected] 10 medica mondiale’s International Projects Afghanistan – For women’s rights Legally responsible for contents: Liberia – Protection from sexualized violence Dr. Monika Hauser 14 Independent medica Women’s Centers Editing: Kosovo – When women break traditions Britta Amorin, Stefanie Keienburg Albania – A forgotten poorhouse 15 Project Cooperation Editorial assistants: Mandy Bauer, Anna Biermann, Selmin Democratic Republic of the Congo – The war against women Çalişkan, Sybille Fezer, Ute Fischer, Daniela 16 Rapid help for women around the world Gierschmann, Martina Grantz, Bele Grau, Karin Griese, Yvonne Günther, Sanne Project Fund Kaperlat, Beate Kriechel, Jessica Mosbahi, 18 Are we doing the right thing and are we doing it right? Maren Platzmann, Mandy Seidel, Claudia Soeder, Kirsten Wienberg Project Evaluation 20 Inform and educate Bank account for donations: medica mondiale e.V. medica mondiale in public Sparkasse KölnBonn 21 Soliciting donations Routing no.: 370 501 98 Account no.: 45 000 163 22 medica mondiale e.V. IBAN DE92 3705 0198 0045 0001 63 Association, administrative bodies and duties SWIFT-BIC COLSDE33 24 Financial report Cover photo: Participant in a literacy course in Income